#Miyagi yō
zair4-0 · 1 year
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Entonces, se casaron.
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jpopstreaming · 11 months
MUCC to release 'Timeless': A 25-Year Musical Legacy Compilation
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MUCC, a trailblazer in the Japanese music scene, is set to captivate fans with the release of their new album "Timeless" on December 28th. This eagerly anticipated album is a culmination of their profound musical journey, featuring an eclectic mix of 12 tracks. These include six songs from the exclusive singles of their album replication tour, "MUCC 25th Anniversary TOUR 'Timeless'", four re-recorded versions selected from the albums performed during the tour, a track from their split single with deadman, and their latest song "Timeless". Among these, one of the venue-limited singles has been remixed, adding a fresh dimension to the album.
To add to the excitement, MUCC has announced a series of in-store events titled "MUCC's Gift-Giving Party from Santa!" in six locations throughout December. In a delightful twist, band members will don Santa Claus costumes, engaging with fans through personalized signed goods, hand-written Christmas cards, handshake sessions, and photo opportunities. These interactions promise to create an intimate and memorable experience for their devoted followers.
The celebrations don’t stop there. Coinciding with the album release is the launch of the "25th Anniversary Special Edition MUCC FUKYU", an anniversary book commemorating MUCC's 25 years of musical legacy. The book, set to be released on December 28th, features content from the music magazine "Ongaku to Hito" and its special issue "PHY", along with recent interviews with the band members. Furthermore, a video collection titled "MUCC Live Chronicle 5 25TH ANNIVERSARY Upper Volume" will be released on February 14, 2024. This exclusive collection, available only to official fan club members through pre-order starting December 1st, includes six selected live performances from the first half of their 25th-anniversary year.
The "Timeless" album is a treasure trove for fans and music enthusiasts alike, featuring tracks that showcase MUCC's evolving sound and artistic depth. From the haunting melodies of "Siren" and "99" to the dynamic "G.G. -Timeless Ver.-" and the reflective "Libra -Timeless Ver.-", each song tells a story, woven into the fabric of MUCC's rich musical history. The album also includes the poignant "Shi no Ubugoe" and the contemplative "Yo -yo-", culminating in the introspective title track "Timeless" and the innovative "Sora -ku- (JaQwa Remix)".
Fans can also look forward to the unique in-store events, starting on December 2nd in Tokyo, with subsequent events in Miyagi, Aichi, and Osaka, where individual band members will participate. These events not only bring the music to life but also strengthen the bond between MUCC and their fans, celebrating the band's enduring presence in the music world.
In conclusion, "Timeless" is not just an album; it's a celebration of MUCC's artistic journey, a testament to their enduring appeal, and a gift to fans who have walked this path with them. It encapsulates the essence of MUCC - a band that continues to evolve, inspire, and connect with hearts across the globe.
G.G. -Timeless Ver.-
under the moonlight
Libra -Timeless Ver.-
Sō -so-
Gerbera -Timeless Ver.-
Shi no Ubugoe
Yō -yo-
Rojiura Boku to Kimi e -Timeless Ver.-
Sora -ku- (JaQwa Remix)
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doarofantoma · 4 years
Bună! O să încep cu subiectul meu preferat și anume anime-urile shounen-ai/yaoi. De ce? Pentru că pot și pentru că așa vreau eu heh.
Dacă nu știți ce înseamnă „shounen-ai” sau „yaoi” să știți că e vorba despre relațiile amoroase dintre bărbați. Așa că dacă aveţi probleme de înţelegere a anumitor anormalităţi din societate (nu sunteţi open-mind) atunci genul ăsta nu e de voi.
Nu vreau hate sau ceva așa că hai să ne ignorăm reciproc dacă credeți că o relație între doi bărbați este ceva mult prea „anormal” pentru voi.
Deciii... până una alta, hai să ne apucăm de treabă!
5. Gakuen Heaven
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Bănuiesc că toată lumea știe ce e aia „harem” nu? De obicei e vorba de un tip care are o turmă de fete după el. Și totuși, uite că există și o serie anime în care există un tip care are o turmă de băieți, care mai de care după el. Puțin ciudat, dar vă zic sigur că e o serie drăguță.
Itou Keita, un tip obișnuit, este șocat când este invitat să participe la cursurile instituției de elită, „Academia Bell Liberty”. Deranjat de mister, este distras și mai mult de dinamica socială a școlii. Într-o mare de tineri uimitori, Keita se străduiește să afle ce îl face unic și cum poate merita să fie tratat ca un egal de către băieții din BL. Lipsit de o anumită abilitate, începe să se întrebe de ce a fost ales să intre în lumea privilegiată a talentatului și a frumosului? Pe parcurs, el dezvoltă relații intense cu aproape toată lumea de la școală, dar este teribil de atras de prietenul, colegul său de clasă, prea îngrijitor, dar foarte misterios, Kazuki Endou.
4 . Super Lovers
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„Drăgălășenie” după mine acest cuvânt descrie cel mai bine această serie formată din două sezoane (s1 = 10 eps // s2 = 10 eps). Deci în acest anime avem parte de o dragoste frățească... poate puțin cam prea frățească pentru cele două persoanaje principale.
La aflarea veștii că mama sa era pe punctul de a muri, Haru Kaidou - fiul cel mare al familiei - zboară până în Canada. În momentul în care ajunge, află că nu numai că mama lui l-a păcălit, dar și că ar trebui să aibă grijă de fratele său adoptiv, Ren Kaidou, un copil antisocial care se simte mai confortabil în jurul câinilor decât al oamenilor.
Datorită naturii neîncrezătoare a noului său frate, Haru întâmpină cu greu un contact cu Ren, dar relația lor crește în cele din urmă. El îi face o promisiune lui Ren: vor locui împreună în Japonia după ce Haru va absolvi liceul. Cu toate acestea, din cauza unui accident nefericit, Haru pierde toate amintirile verii pe care au petrecut-o împreună, inclusiv promisiunea pe care a făcut-o. Cinci ani mai târziu, așteptându-se că Haru își va ține promisiunea, Ren ajunge la Tokyo; dar pentru Haru, Ren este doar un băiat întâmplător care pretinde că este fratele său.
3. Junjou Romantica
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O altă serie extrem de drăguță care mai e și preferata mea, dar totuși pe care nu am pus-o pe primul loc deoarece, chiar dacă eu ador seria asta cu toată ființa mea, are defectele ei.
Cuplul principal al seriei este format din Misaki Takahashi - Akihiko Usami (Junjou Romantica), însă avem și două cupluri secundare: Hiroki Kamijō - Nowaki Kusama (Junjou Egoist) și Yō Miyagi - Shinobu Takatsuki (Junjou Terrorist).
În Junjou Romantica tânărul Misaki Takahashi își dorește cu desăvârșire să își continuie studiile superioare la Universitatea Mitsuhashi din mai multe motive și de aceea acceptă ajutorul oferit de Akihiko Usami cu meditațiile. Usami este cel mai bun prieten al lui Takahiro, fratele lui Misaki și un tânăr romancier foarte popular. Relația celor doi se transformă treptat de la o relație profesională într-o relație mult mai romantică. Misaki este reticent să-și recunoască sentimentele pentru Usami, iar multele provocări la care este supus de-a lungul seriei îi îngreunează situația. În Junjou Egoist povestea urmează evoluția relației dintre Hiroki Kamijō și Nowaki Kusama. Foarte dezamăgit de faptul că prima lui dragoste, Akihiko Usami i-a refuzat sentimentele, Kamijō are șansa de a se întâlni cu un bărbat care nu lasă nimic să-l împiedice: Nowaki. Numele său înseamnă „taifun” și este pe cale să-l ia pe Kamijō într-o plimbare cu vârtej care va răsturna totul. În Junjou Terrorist povestea se învârte în jurul relației dintre Yō Miyagi și Shinobu Takatsuki. După ce l-a salvat de niște huligani, Shinobu este ferm convins că acolo a fost mâna destinului și se îndrăgostește de Miyagi, despre care află puțin mai târziu că o să îi fie cumnat. La ceva timp după ce Miyagi și soția lui divorțează, Shinobu ia legătura cu Miyagi, spunându-i tot ceea ce simte pentru el și cum că el nu are de gând să renunțe, ci o să îl facă să îl iubească într-un final.
2. Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
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O dragoste adolescentină. O despărțire puțin forțată și doi oameni care au rămas cu câteva sechele după. Cam despre asta este vorba aici în general.
Povestea anime-ului se desfășoară în centrul unei edituri și prezintă povestea a trei cupluri homosexuale; astfel că îi avem pe Takano și Onodera, Kisa și Yukina, Hatori și Chiaki ca personaje principale în aceasă serie de-a dreptul minunată (pentru ochii mei, desigur). Povestea nu prezintă tocmai ideea de iubire ideală, mai degrabă aș putea spune că e anormală, din mai multe punte de vedere, o iubire cu greutăți în urma ei, dar într-un fel o iubire frumoasă.
Ca și cuplu principal îi avem pe Takano și Onodera. Aceștia au împărtășit o conexiune destul de puternică cu mult timp în urmă, dar din cauza unor motive puerile, aș putea spune, totul se destramă între ei și astfel drumurile lor se despart. Totuși, karma ține mereu să intervină așa că cei doi se întâlnesc zece ani mai târziu.
Deși Onodera, în trecut un puști dulce, iar acum un rebel în toată firea, a fost odată îndrăgostit lulea de Takano, de data asta își promite că nu o să mai fie la fel, dar ce să vezi, Takano are șarmul și vorbele la el, iar micuțul nostru șaten nu-i poate rezista, oricât de mult ar vrea.
1. Given (shounen-ai)
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Și acum... să bată tobele Dum-ba-badump e timpul pentru primul loc din acest top. Fiind un anime din 2019 animația este superbă.
Este o serie de-a dreptul minunată care are de toate! Băieți drăguți, o trupă, muzică și multă, multă dramă, dar are și momente adorabile, amuzante precum și un sărut plin de dulceață care te va face să te topești pe podea ca înghețata lăsată în soare.
Țnându-și strâns chitara sa Gibson, Mafuyu Satou iese din apartamentul său întunecat pentru a începe o altă zi din viața sa de liceu. În timp ce trage un pui de somn pe scările școlii, face cunoștință cu elevul Ritsuka Uenoyama, care îi reproșează că a lăsat corzile chitarei să se ruginească și să se rupă. Observând cunoștințele lui Uenoyama despre instrument, Satou îl roagă să îl repare și să-l învețe să cânte. În cele din urmă, Uenoyama este de acord și îl invită să participe la o sesiune de repetiții cu cei doi colegi de trupă: basistul Haruki Nakayama și bateristul Akihiko Kaji. Vocea lui Satou este izbitor de frumoasă, umplându-l pe Uenoyama cu hotărârea de a-l face pe Satou solistul trupei. Deși la început reticent, Satou acceptă propunerea după o întâlnire emoționantă cu un vechi prieten. Cu sprijinul noilor săi prieteni, Satou nu trebuie doar să învețe cum să cânte la chitară, ci și să se împace cu circumstanțele misterioase care l-au determinat să îi fie proprietar.
Și asta a fost prima mea recomandare de aici! Sper că o să dați măcar o șansă seriilor anime shounen-ai pentru că sunt extrem de drăguțe și îți dau o stare de spirit minunată.
O să fac și partea a doua deoarece există mai multe serii anime pe care vreau să le recomand și desigur o să fac recomandari și altor genuri de anime, pe lângă multe alte chestii pe care o să le postez.
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madamxrose · 4 years
I’ll Protect You!
❥  News of Karasuno joining training camp in Tokyo left you ecstatic for their arrival; considering that you’ve had eyes for a certain player for quite some time. After being accepted as Nekoma’s manager, what intentions does fate have for you this time?
♡ Pairing: Nishinoya/Fem! Reader
♡ Word Count: 2.9K+
♡ Warnings: shy + bold Nishinoya; partial angst?; FLUFF; cheesy pick up lines
❥ A/N: This is my second ever finished reader insert and my first Haikyuu fanfic, hopefully it turned out well!
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After the return of Nekomata, Nekoma High School’s volleyball team increasingly grew stronger in contrast to the years he retired. Victory occurred regularly, meaning that extra time was usually spent on honing their skills, eventually blurring the time between tournaments and training camp. Summer training camp rolled in as per usual, but with a twist: Karasuno was invited to travel to Tokyo to practice along with the Fukurōdani Academy group. The addition of the skilled first-years renewed the rivalry between the two, proving to have greater potential than the past few years. After your first encounter with the no longer “clipped crows”, you were itching to come across their path again, hoping that they were continuously growing during the time you didn’t see them. 
When you were informed about Karasuno joining training camp, you were internally exploding with excitement, your sleep the night before the camp suffering from your overwhelming emotions. Of course, the rest of Nekoma was thrilled and anticipating their arrival, but there was another reason for your strong interest in Karasuno. One player in particular stood out from the rest, which surprisingly wasn’t one of the boys from the popular setter-spiker duo. It was instead their libero, Yū Nishinoya. He was quite temperamental and boisterous, but charming and skilled nonetheless. The energy and passion he invested into volleyball left you feeling refreshed and inspired to play a round of volleyball yourself. 
Your first year consisted of a strict schedule of rotating between studies and volleyball. Coming into your second year, standards for the team were ever increasing while you remained left in the dust. Unable to meet the standards of your now ex-coach, you weren’t admitted into the team, which unknowingly became the exigence for looking into managing for the boys’ team. The team functioned without a manager, but still accepted your request since it meant the members had less responsibilities to attend to — not to mention that you were still a good player despite not being on the girls’ team. You weren’t required to do much, mainly instructed to play with the boys if someone — usually Lev — was absent or needed to improve a certain skill independently. Although it was your first year managing for them, you were able to develop a deep bond with the team. Some of the boys were shy to converse with you at first, like Yamamoto and Kenma, whereas others almost instantly opened up to you, largely Yō and Lev. Luckily for them, you were fairly easygoing and agreeable, often making time to purchase them snacks and drinks after practice to show your gratitude for having a lenient role. This earned you the title of their “little sister”, meaning they grew protective of you as the year continued. 
To take your mind off of your growing impatience for the arrival of the newly invited team from Miyagi Sendai, you figured it would be best to greet the teams as they independently arrived. In the meantime, you assisted the boys with bringing out the poles, setting up the nets and rolling the crate filled with volleyballs out of the storage room. Setting up the gym took minimal time, which allowed the team to warm up early, you joined in since Kurroo recommended you to help Lev with blocking. It took quite some time for other teams to arrive, but eventually, shouting could be heard from outside the gym, which you presumed was Bokuto and the rest of Fukurodani trailing behind him. As soon as they passed the doors to the gym, the owl-like boy’s golden eyes found their way to you. “Hey hey hey!” was the only thing you heard before realizing he was rushing towards you, his hands slightly bent and palms facing towards your direction. You braced yourself for the incoming taller figure, your hands coming into contact with his, causing a satisfying, thunderous clap to fill the room. Since you weren’t able to see the energetic boy often, you were bombarded with numerous questions, followed by him proceeding to answer his own questions to update you on his life. You sent a pleading look to Akaashi, signaling him to save you from the other boy’s tangent. Thus, the stoic counterpart scolded Bokuto for annoying you at such an early time, advising him to go warm up before other schools arrived. No longer needed on the court since Kuroo and Bokuto challenged each other to a practice match, you made your way to Fukurodani’s managers. You greeted Yukie and Kaori with a wave and warm smile before checking up on how they were doing. The three of you agreed to linger in the gym since it would be more convenient for all of the managers to collectively travel to the staff lounge nearby. So you migrated away from the courts into a corner close to the double doors. 
Since there were only a few more teams to show up, you were attentively listening to any commotion that occurred out of the ordinary; wishing it to be Karasuno each time, but to only to be let down when Shinzen and Ubugawa walked through the doors instead. Despite your dismay, you still politely greeted the teams once they arrived. When the last round of commotion appeared, you were grinning from ear to ear, nervousness taking over your body. Once the group mainly made up of testosterone bustled in through the doors, your eyes began scanning each person, frantically searching for the boy’s two-toned hair. The moment you did find him, it was near impossible to not admire him from afar. You mentally thanked your past-self for this surreal moment of being able to personally meet him. You cut your starting session short, making your way to the team to welcome them into the gym and introduce yourself. They individually introduced themselves to you since you never had the chance to properly meet them. Upon meeting the short libero, you expected a loud, confident response, but instead earned a soft, hesitant one. The way he greeted you perplexed you to no end, since you would never picture him as shy. Nonetheless, you sent him a welcoming smile. After all, some of the boys - especially Yamamoto - were painfully avoidant of you until they grew used to your presence. After meeting all of the members, you invited Kiyoko and Yachi to join the other managers to settle in the faculty room for the day. 
As you began to make your way towards the faculty room with the other girls, you were unaware of Nishinoya’s staring from the moment after both of you exchanged greetings up until you exited the gym. Tanaka sent a playful smack on his back, teasing the shorter boy for checking out a girl that wasn’t Kiyoko. Almost on cue with you leaving, the impulsive boy dropped to the floor on his knees, dramatically sulking over his earlier shyness. He let out a yell in the midst of his anger, the Buddha doppelganger sending comforting words to him, instantly understanding where his frustration stemmed from.
 “Maybe you can impress her with rolling thunder,” Tsukishima said, a hand over his mouth to contain his laughter. Nishinoya shot his head up towards the tall blonde boy, shifting his anger towards the insult, an animalistic look taking over his face. 
You were sure you heard the sound of screaming coming from the gym, but you shrugged it off since you figured it was one the boys getting a little too into one of their warm up matches.
⋆ ˚。⋆❀♡˚ ˚❀♡⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆❀♡˚ ˚❀♡⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆❀♡˚ ˚❀♡⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆❀♡˚ ˚❀♡⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。
As each day passed during the week-long training camp, there were times where you would often catch Nishinoya stealing glances at you, which you would often dismiss because you were convinced it was another girl — probably Kiyoko. During the rare occasions where you would pass by him in the hallways, you would both exchange abrupt greetings and bashful looks before carrying on to your destinations. These instances further confused you since he comfortably conversed with others, whereas with you, he was hesitant and standoffish. Although it could be argued that the staring contests you often had with him indicated hidden feelings, you were usually with either of the Karasuno managers since you instantly clicked with them. It also didn’t help that Kuroo shared random tidbits that involved Nishinoya, all of them including his rambunctious, energetic side. Despite his intentions being to tease you about your profound crush, it left you increasingly insecure about Nishinoya’s opinion towards you. 
After your last encounter with Nishinoya, you silently sulked for your uncontrollable anxiousness around the boy. Talking to the other guys was no sweat, but the sight of the libero left your heart racing a hundred miles, for more than one reason. Could it be that you were fixated on your first meeting and its potential impact? Perhaps you were in denial about him having any interest in you? Afterall, he portrayed himself to only be head over heels over their stunning black-haired manager. 
You mentally slapped yourself for focusing on bothersome thoughts the past few days, persuading yourself to attempt at least one conversation before the week ended. It wouldn’t hurt to make an effort instead of succumbing to your assumptions. After brainstorming a broad plan for when the said conversation may appear, you remembered your forgotten mission of reminding Lev to take a break for dinner before the cafeteria closed, imagining Lev’s complaints of being starved that the other boys would have to tolerate throughout the night. Some of the boys weren’t the most intimidating, but Yaku was less terrifying when he’s able to sleep. 
Making your way back to the gym, you carelessly stepped into the room, only focused on finding the silver-haired giant. “Lev, if you don’t eat right now, I’m going to let Yaku-” were the only words you mustered before you realized a ball coming at you with immense speed. Since the ball came unexpectedly, your body failed to react in time to dodge, all control over your legs were lost. You closed your eyes, using the minimal strength you had to lift your arms to your face, begging it wouldn’t hurt more than you were anticipating. Instead of feeling the impact of the ball on your skin, the sound of it making contact with something else resonated in the room. Slowly opening your eyes, you lowered your arms to stare at the mysterious object. 
Oh. Oh. You refused to believe the sight before you wasn’t a figment of your imagination.
That’s nearly impossible...him?
While your brain and heart were gradually dying, the boy proceeded to impulsively follow his consciousness. One hand on his hip, the other raised to point at himself with his thumb, he confidently declared something, a wink following after.
“I’ll protect you!”
The moment Nishinoya’s cheesy statement processed through your brain, laughter escaped your lips. Seeing the once-reserved boy shift into his well-known lively persona alleviated the exhausting amount of stress that mentally remained inside you; the sign of your relief shown in the form of giggling. 
Your reaction left him embarrassed, a hand rubbing the back of his neck as he awkwardly laughed with you. His negative reaction caused you to stop, desperately trying to explain yourself while you apologized, which he quickly dismissed, forgiving you instantly.
While the two of you were indulging in your skinny love, the Russian-Japanese boy profusely apologized from the other side of the net for almost injuring you, explaining how he was attempting to strike at the edge of the court. Your initial reaction was to scold him for his recklessness, but opted not to. Afterall, a simple mistake sprung forward an almost hopeless relationship.
⋆ ˚。⋆❀♡˚ ˚❀♡⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆❀♡˚ ˚❀♡⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆❀♡˚ ˚❀♡⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆❀♡˚ ˚❀♡⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。
After the fated incident, the both of you easily warmed up to one another, your once non-existent conversations now thriving. With each encounter — from the passings while traveling to your tables in the cafeteria to the late night practices — your feelings delved into deeper waters. 
When the time came for the infamous BBQ, you were practically drooling all over yourself; delicious food with amazing people was a match made in heaven. Since the week’s end was near, you intended on spending portions of your time with various people.
The next few hours were chaos: first spending time with the other managers; witnessing Kurro and Bokuto fighting over meat; persuading Kenma to halt his gaming addiction to eat something; laughing at Hinata’s and Kageyama’s unspoken eating contest; and eventually approaching the ominous aura around the “Kiyoko Protection trio”. The three energetically greeted you, a round of high fives exchanged. Although you were curious to ask the cause of the intimidating vibes, you assumed they were up to their usual shenanigans involving warding off any predatory boys on the prowl for Kiyoko.
Although you intended to hang around for a small portion of the time left — which was foolish considering that the boy you had eyes for was standing in close proximity — Tanaka and Yamamoto spotted some boys attempting to make advances towards their goddess, the pair scurrying off to “protect” her, leaving you and Nishinoya together. 
If the volleyball incident never occurred, awkward tension would have been in the air, but to your luck, a conversation with the boisterous boy flowed naturally. The two of you spoke about anything that came into mind: funny stories related to some of the other guys, your thoughts on the training camp, interests you shared, etc. With each word and laugh, your focus gradually zoned in on Nishinoya, your worries about the last few days dissipating.  
As the final days rolled in, both of you were frantic in finding ways to spend more time with one another. Whether you would find an excuse to leave the gym to help Karasuno with their endless hill runs or come after practice to help manage the boys with Kiyoko and Yachi, any feasible excuse sent you towards his direction. Likewise, Nishinoya would linger after practice to clean up the gym with you or accompany you when you went to buy drinks or snacks for Nekoma, insisting that it was never bad for extra protection, something which you were mercilessly teased for by Kuroo and Bokuto.
Now that the training camp expired, the schools began packing their belongings, returning back to where they originally arrived from. You along with Nekoma went with the other schools, bidding them farewell as they gradually parted their ways with you: Shinzen, Ubugawa, Fukurodani, and then Karasuno.
Waiting for the bus, Karasuno’s players collectively thanked you and the Nekoma boys for providing a crucial opportunity for them to grow both individually and as a team. The moment Takeda started the bus and opened the doors, an influx of boys began crowding the slim double doors, racing to the seat they desired. Not wanting to be trampled by them, Kiyoko and Yachi patiently stood a large distance from them, bidding you goodbye and exchanging their phone numbers with yours. Once the managers made their way towards the steps of the vehicle, Tanaka and Nishinoya were hurrying over, praying to not get scolded for not being punctual. Waiting for the girls to make their way up, Tanaka stopped in his tracks, causing Nishinoya to crash into the taller boy’s back. Tanaka turned around to face the shorter boy, leaning forwards to whisper something to him before forcefully rotating Nishinoya’s body by his shoulders and harshly slapping his back to propel him towards your direction. As Tanaka scurried into the bus, searching for the last pair of empty seats, the two-tone haired boy approached you, standing a few feet away from you.
Nishinoya took a deep breath, calming his internal battle against his anxiety, dramatically closing his eyes before opening his mouth to confidently but bluntly request something.
“I like you. May I get your number?”
Your facial features raised upwards to express your initial shock, not expecting his boldness. After recovering from your initial shock, your lips curled upwards as much as it could, pulling out your phone from your jacket’s pocket, flipping up the top half before handing it over to him. His hands excitedly grasped the phone, inputting his number then handing both your phone and his phone to you, waiting for you to reciprocate his earlier action. Returning the other phone back to its owner, you smoothly gripped his extended hand with your free hand before he could grab his phone, tugging him forwards to plant a kiss on his cheek. He retracted, his face beginning to flare up while he planted his hand onto the smooth skin that was previously touched by your lips. You softly giggled, leaning towards him to take his face into your hands, murmuring a few words in his ear.
“Thanks for being my knight in shining armor.” 
Pulling away from his face, you shot him a flirty wink to send the final blow, his brain beginning to short circuit, in complete disbelief of what had just taken place. Your hands left his now dead-like face — blame your flirty antics for killing him — sending him a soft punch in the arm, suggesting he rush into the bus to not be left behind. He turned to look at Takeda, yelling an apology before heading up the steps, the sounds of whistles and shouting echoing from the bus. 
Kuroo gave your back a playful slap on your back, teasing you about making sure to use protection, a not-so-friendly punch and eye roll came from you in response.
Once the bus began its trek back to its hometown and you and Nekoma walked towards where you left your bags, you felt the sensation of vibrating in your pocket, causing you to pull out your phone while you continued moving. Flipping the top half to open your messages, you couldn’t conceal your huge grin and laughter after reading the new text message. 
“Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?”
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comments and reblogs are always appreciated! ♡
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takahasheesh · 7 years
Junjou Romantica & Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Asks
❤  Junjou Romantica  
Suzuki-San: How long have you had your favorite stuffed animal?
Takahashi Misaki: What’s the story of your first love?
Usami Akihiko: What are your talents/skills?
Kamijou Hiroki: Have you mended your first broken heart?
Kusama Nowaki: Have you ever confessed to the person you like?
Takatsuki Shinobu: What is your favorite dish to make?
Miyagi Yō: What is your favorite book?
Isaka Ryuichiro: How old are you?
Asahina Kaoru: Are you a timely person or a procrastinator?
Aikawa Eri: Single or in a relationship?
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi ❤
Twinkle: If you could wish for anything in your own life what would it be?
Onodera Ritsu: What is your biggest regret?
Takano Masamune: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Kisa Shouta: Are you satisfied with your current job or schooling?
Yukina Kou: Book shops or coffee shops?
Yoshino Chiaki: Talk about your best friend
Hatori Yoshiyuki: Ever been a part of a love triangle?
Yokozawa Takafumi: Have or would you ever date someone you work with?
Kirishima Zen:  Post a selfie? 
Kohinata An: Are you in love currently?
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chanoyu-to-wa · 7 years
Rikyū Chanoyu Sho, Book 6 (Part 18):  Rikyū’s Hyaku-kai Ki, (1590) Tenth Month, the Last Day of the Month; Morning.
18) The same [month], the Last Day of the Month; Morning [同晦日・朝]¹.
○ Guests:  Naizen [内膳]², Hizen [肥前]³, Tō-sa [藤左]⁴, Gorō-u [五郎右]⁵.
○ 4.5-mat [room]⁶.
○ Shi-hō-gama [四方釜]⁷; ◦ Seto mizusashi [瀬戸水指]⁸; ◦ chaire:  Shiri-bukura [茶入 ・ 尻ぶくら]⁹; ◦ Ko-mamori chawan [木守茶碗]¹⁰; ◦ Kankyo no tsubo [閑居のつほ]¹¹; ◦ [ori-tame [をりため]¹²;] ◦ hito-fushi no tsutsu [一ふしの筒]¹³.
○ Yaki-mono (sake) [焼物 (さけ)], kurome [くろめ], soup (daikon [大こん]), rice.
○ Hiki (soshite) [引(而)]:  sashimi (koi) [さしみ ・ こい].
○ Kashi:  fu-no-yaki [ふのやき], shiitake [しいたけ].
◎ The guests at this gathering were four men who held high government and military positions, and who were probably in Juraku-tei to consult with Hideyoshi.
    This chakai was probably a semi-official function, giving the men something to do while waiting for their audience with Hideyoshi.
¹Onaji misoka ・ asa [同晦日・朝].
    Onaji [同じ] refers to the same month -- that is, the Tenth Month.  Misoka [晦日] is the last day of the month.
²Naizen [内膳].
    This refers to the daimyō and nobleman Kasuya Takeyori [糟屋武則; 1562 ~ ?]*.  His court title was Naizen no kami [内膳正]† (he was the official in charge of the Naizen-shi [内膳司], the office that provided the Emperor's meals; which gave Takeyori the junior grade of the Fifth Rank), hence the form of Rikyū's entry in this kaiki.
    Kasuya Takeyori was also one of Hideyoshi's closer associates -- and had been nicknamed one of the Seven Spears of Shizugatake (Shizugatake no shichi-hon yari [賤ヶ岳の七本槍])‡. __________ *The name Kasuya [糟屋] is also written Kasuya [賀須屋] -- perhaps with hentai-gana.
†The nomenclature is confusing, since a different title (Buzen [奉膳]) was originally accorded to members of the two families (the Takahashi [高橋] and Azumi [安曇] families) who traditionally held the post in olden days.  Naizen-no-kami [内膳正] was subsequently used for officials who came from different families.
‡Kasuya Takeyori was the only one of these seven renowned retainers to side with Ishida Mitsunari [石田三成; 1559 ~ 1600] during the battle at Sekigahara; the other six sided with Tokugawa Ieyasu (and so betrayed Hideyoshi's confidence, since the Sei-gun [西軍], or Western Army, lead by Ishida Mitsunari, was the force defending Hideyoshi's son, Toyotomi Hideyori).
³Hizen [肥前].
    This seems to refer to Kawajiri Hidenaga [河尻秀長; ? ~ 1600], daimyō and Governor of Hizen (Hizen no kami [肥前守]), on the island of Kyūshū.  He was another faithful retainer of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who died fighting for the Western Army (Sei-gun [西軍]) at the Battle of Sekigahara. __________ *In some versions of the kaiki, this individual is incorrectly referred to as Oka-hizen dono [阿肥前殿].  This is a miscopying for Kawa-hizen dono [河肥前殿], Kawa being a contraction of his surname Kawajiri [河尻].  (This device was commonly used in informal records at this time, a combination of the first kanji of their family name with an abbreviation of their title -- Furuta Oribe [古田織部], for example, is usually referred to as Furu-ori [古織], or Ko-ori.)
⁴Tō-sa  [藤左].
    Miyagi Tōzaemon [宮木藤左衛門; dates unknown].  Given the form of his name, he seems to have been of the samurai caste, and considering the company, he must have been a man of importance.
    The commentary found in the Sadō Ko-ten Zen-shu [茶道古典全集] version of the Rikyū Hyakkai Ki, places the kanji jō [尉] (meaning "inspector," the third highest administrative rank) after his name*, but in which department he served is not mentioned in their notes.
    Elsewhere, other than rare references that appear to confirm the existence of a person of this name in the late sixteenth century, other biographical information seems to be entirely lacking. ___________ *Miyagi Tōzaemon jō [宮木藤左衛 尉].
⁵Gorō-u  [五郎右].
    This seems to refer to Funakoshi Kagenao [船越景直; 1540 ~ 1611], a general, daimyō, and personal retainer (kashin [家臣]) of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was commonly known as Gorōemon [五郎右衛門].  He had participated in Hideyoshi's siege of Odawara the previous summer.
    In chanoyu, he was closely associated with Furuta Oribe (who was his teacher) and Kobori Enshū (perhaps Kagenao’s fellow-student).
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    The meibutsu-gire known as Funakoshi kantō [舟越カントウ] (a piece of the original, approximately life-size*, is shown above) was originally owned by Funakoshi Kagenao. ___________ *The vast majority of meibutsu-gire reproductions have the patterns miniaturized (so that they look better when used to make shifuku for chaire) -- and usually they are woven in brighter colors as well (to appeal, it is said, to young girls).  In reality, most are much larger and bolder -- since they were made for clothing people.  Most of the cloths known generically as kantō [カントウ = 韓渡] were made in Korea.
⁶Yojō-han   [四疊半].
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⁷Shi-hō-gama  [四方釜].
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⁸Seto mizusashi  [瀬戸水指].
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⁹Chaire:  Shiri-bukura  [茶入 ・ 尻ぶくら].
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¹⁰Ko-mamori chawan [木守茶碗].
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¹¹Kankyo no tsubo [閑居のつほ].
    This cha-tsubo was destroyed in a fire during the time of Sen no Sōtan.
¹²Ori-tame [をりため].
    As always, this would have been a chashaku that Rikyū made to be used together with the Shiri-bukura chaire on its red karamono shi-hō-bon.
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    The chashaku is not mentioned in the kaiki as it was published in the Rikyū Chaonyu Sho.  Since it is included in the other versions of this entry, however, I have added it here.
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    Furthermore, neither the koboshi nor the futaoki are described in any of the surviving manuscript sources.  It is likely, then, that these were very ordinary things -- probably a take-wa and a mentsū.
¹³Hito-fushi no tsutsu [一ふしの筒].
    Probably this take-zutsu was used as an oki-zutsu [置き筒] -- that is, placed on an usu-ita on the floor of the toko.
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     Seasonal flowers available at this time of year that were suitable for arranging in an oki-zutsu* would include the suisen [水仙]† and the kan-giku [寒菊]‡ -- though the smaller varieties of the camellia (tsubaki [椿]) might also be arranged in a hanaire that is resting on the floor of the toko. ___________ *The first of Rikyū’s seven principals (Rikyū shichi soku [利休七則]) is hana ha no no hana no yō ni [花ハ野ノ花ノヤウニ] -- “with respect to the flowers, [they should be arranged] like the flowers in the wilds” -- which, according to the scholar Nishibori Ichizō [西堀一三; 1903 ~ 1970] (who was considered the top expert regarding the floral arrangements of Rikyū and his period), means that flowers that bloom on trees (i.e., the flowers are encountered above eye-level in nature) should be arranged in a hanging hanaire, while those that bloom below eye-level should be arranged in an oki-hanaire.
    Flowers suitable for being arranged in an oki-tsutsu, then, would be those that naturally bloom near to the ground.  Suisen and kan-giku are low herbaceous plants, while the shrubby camellias also bloom below eye-level.  However varieties of camellia that grow into large trees would be better arranged in a kake-hanaire suspended on the back wall, or at the side, of the tokonoma.
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†Suisen [水仙] (above), Narcissus tazetta, was originally a Mediterranean native narcissus that was introduced in antiquity to China (via the Silk Road), and thence to Korea and on to Japan, becoming more or less naturalized in each of these countries.
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‡Kan-giku [寒菊](above) is a single to semi-double nearly wild form of Chrysanthemum morifolium with rather small white flowers that blush pink starting in early winter.  The late-blooming varieties, which open around the time of the winter solstice, were especially prized in Rikyū’s day, both for their flowers and for their leaves, which also tend to color late in the year.
¹⁴Yaki-mono ・ sake,   kurome,  shiru ・ daikon,  meshi  [焼物 ・ さけ、 くろめ、 汁 ・ 大こん、 めし].
    The food served on the zen:
- charcoal-grilled salmon (as the yaki-mono);
- kurome [黒布] is a kind of edible seaweed, which is served raw (after reconstituting it by soaking in water in places far from the sea), dressed with a thin sauce made of rice vinegar, sesame oil, soy sauce, sugar, salt, and ginger juice;
- daikon-shiru [大根汁] is a homely sort of miso-shiru with sliced daikon and daikon leaves* cooked in the soup;
- and steamed rice. ___________ *While young leaves could be used fresh, older leaves were usually dried and then added to the boiling broth.  To dry the leaves, the upper end of the daikon room is cut off 5-bu or so below the crown, and the leaves are suspended from this piece upside down in a cool shady place to dry.  This is still done in Korea, but not so much in Japan nowadays.
¹⁵Hiki soshite ・ sashimi  koi [引 而 ・ さしみ ・ こい].
     Koi sashimi was described in detail in the previous post.  The season for koi sashimi was early to mid-winter, when the fish are most fatty.
¹⁶Kashi ・ fu-no-yaki,  shiitake  [菓子 ・ ふのやき、 しいたけ].
    Both of these kinds of kashi -- fu-no-yaki [麩の焼] (red-bean-paste filled crêpes) and charcoal-grilled shiitake -- have been described before.
    It is unclear how Rikyū may have prepared the shiitake for service as kashi, but grilling them with a sweet miso-based sauce painted on the upward-facing underside of the caps (this way of cooking is called dengaku [田樂]) was a recent (and increasingly popular) addition to the genteel cooking methods of his day*, and so perhaps he prepared them in this way as well.  The method is discussed in the previous post. ___________ *Dengaku is said to be based on a style of cooking that originated in the deep countryside.
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jpf-sydney · 5 years
Besuto essei. 2017
New item:
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Shelf: 914.68 BES 2017 Besuto essei. 2017 = The best essay. edited by Nihon Bungeika Kyōkai. Tōkyō : Mitsumura Tosho Shuppan, 2017. 323 pages ; 20 cm. Editorial board members: Kakuta Mitsuyo, Hayashi Mariko, Fujisawa Shū, Machida Kō, Miura Shion. ISBN: 978-4-8138-0002-6
Table of contents:
Hanage ni seowasesugi / Takeda Satetsu.
Mazui mono no "ma" / Harada Hika.
Nuriwan no tamago bimyōni omoi / Kataoka Yoshio.
Hoshi to hoshi no tsunagari / Āsā Binādo.
Ikiru tame ni kabe o koeru / Takemiya Keiko.
Hatakechigai, 50-nenrai no tomo datta / Kaga Otohiko.
Gohan wa tabeta ka? / Hoshino Hiromi.
Maguro no shinjitsu / Watanabe Yūki.
"Yume chūdoku" kara tachinaoru / Kojima Keiko.
Tabei Atsuko-san no shi o itamu / Miura Gōta.
Bimyō na zure mo, mata myōmi / Hiramatsu Yōko.
Wakaki ganshū no hitotachi / Okano Hirohiko.
Agemono / Inoue Miyako.
Eichi / Fujisawa Shū.
S sensei no kurasu / Aman Kimiko.
Itō Keiichi-san o itamu / Katsumata Hiroshi.
Kamisama to tomodachi / Agawa Sawako.
Hametsugata kuraimā no dokuhaku / Miyagi Kimihiro.
Sanpo de katta yorokobi / Ebisu Yoshikazu.
Tabete sae ire ba / Yamada Eimi.
Nō demo umai jinbungakuteki chisei / Matsugi Takehiko.
Kurisumasu no rojō de / Aoyama Nanae.
Chūō furīwei no Fujisan / Kindaichi Hideho.
Shōsūha no hitorigoto / Takamura Kaoru.
Hanako, oyaji o yoroshiku / Yamakawa Kōji.
Gojira yo, nemure / Murata Kiyoko.
Obasan / Hayashi Mariko.
Shizen to shigoto / Okumoto Daizaburō.
Are ga Tsushima Yūko-san / Itō Hiromi.
Shōbushi no supaisu / Satō Kiwamu.
Utsukushii koe to wa / Sannomiya Mayuko.
10-nichikan no Pari / Nomiyama Gyōji.
Ishiki to dejitaru / Yōrō Takeshi.
Kurione jiken / Kuroki Nagisa.
Hon'yakuka to iu no wa / Kanehara Mizuhito.
Yoake no takushī / Sasa Ryōko.
Yaku ni shinshi ni mukiai / Yukisada Isao.
Fukanzen na kotoba / Ogawa Yōko.
Saru no shiawase / Shibata Motoyuki.
Warai bōron raibu-kan fugyā / Machida Kō.
Negoto ni henji wa irimasen / Kudō Miyoko.
Hirusagari no "nuki" / Hisama Jūgi.
Kabati-shō / Kishimoto Sachiko.
"Iya iya iya" no yokobai / Muramatsu Tomomi.
Meibun to wa / Setouchi Jakuchō.
Rōsei to enjuku, hanayagi / Kawamura Minato.
Kurage to hanabi / Shimojū Akiko.
Shijūkara ni mo gengo ga atta / Suzuki Toshitaka.
Kanjō ni yomu / Horie Toshiyuki.
Kyoryo / Wakakusa Sōhei.
"Taberu" ni nani ga okotta!? / Himeno Kaoruko.
"San" no kōyō / Yoshida Atsuhiro.
Bi no kigen seimei to musubitsuku ao / Fukuoka Shin'ichi.
Bokutachi ni wa yowasa ga hitsuyō na n da, to iu koto / Takahashi Gen'ichirō.
Joryū kara josei e / Nakazawa Kei.
Tabisaki no hon / Shiina Makoto.
Kensaku / Fujino Kaori.
Damatte shinenai semi / Tsukasa Osamu.
100-nin 100-iro no tsūkai na katarushisu / Hagiwara Kenta.
"Kotoba izen" no hitobito no yō ni / Terao Saho.
Kaku gihō futatsu no kana o umu / Baba Hajime.
Namae o oboerarenai hito no tame no shakōjutsu / Shinsan Nameko.
Sedai no genkai / Homura Hiroshi.
Tereru hito / Ei Mari.
Undō onchi no watashi wa marason ni muiteita / Kakuta Mitsuyo.
Basshi nehanzu / Miura Shion.
Senkyo ni ikō / Higashiyama Akira.
Ninagawa sensei o itamu / Shigemoto Etsuko.
Esukarētā mondai no kai / Hashimoto Kōji.
Saigo no geshukuya / Rībi Hideo.
Senmonka no doryoku atte koso / Ikezawa Natsuki.
Hōchō no omoide / Shimao Maho.
Meiji no haidō ga suki / Hiranuma Yoshiyuki.
Sābisusuru gawa mo ningen / Shibasaki Tomoka.
Shuppan fukyō to iu no o yamemasen ka undō / Nakamura Fuminori.
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damedarcy · 5 years
親愛なる日本人家族:) から直接注文します。 繁栄マナ http://p-mana.com/ Dear Japanese Family :) FREE SHIPPING Thanks so much for your support for Mermaid Tarot and Queen Alice Tarot. We are happy to announce we have a Japanese based distributor in Sendai-Shi just for you!!! The previous problems with Customs is over! Now you can order Tarot directly from Prosperity Mana To cut costs on shipping and ship within Japan so no more problems! Order directly from: Prosperity Mana http://p-mana.com/ ALICE http://www.p-mana.com/card-queen-alice-tarot-silver.htm MERMAID http://www.p-mana.com/card-mermaid-tarot-gold.htm Sachiko Takeuchi Grand Trine Corporation (Japan) Zip code:989-3123 8-26-20, Nishikigaoka, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken, JAPAN Magic Mermaid Blessings! and Very Merry Unbirthday! Love Dame Darcy ATTN ALL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: Please translate your address into English when you fill out the order form. It helps simplify and expedite the shipping process, and helps insure your package will not be lost in transit. While we ship weekly, we have no control over a package after it has been shipped, but you will certainly receive a tracking number. Thank you so much for your support of my tarot decks and magic blessings! すべての国際注文を発注してください:注文書に記入したら、あなたの住所を英語に翻訳してください。これは、出荷プロセスを簡素化および迅速化し、輸送中にパッケージが失われないようにします。 私たちは毎週出荷していますが、出荷後はパッケージを管理することはできませんが、追跡番号を必ず受け取ることになります。私のタロットデッキと魔法の祝福をあなたのサポートのためにありがとう!ラブダミーダーシー Subete no kokusai chūmon o hatchū shite kudasai: Chūmonsho ni kinyū shitara, anata no jūsho o eigo ni hon'yaku shite kudasai. Kore wa, shukka purosesu o kanso-kaoyobi jinsoku-ka shi, yusō-chū ni pakkēji ga ushinawa renai yō ni shimasu. Watashitachi wa maishū shukka shite imasuga, shukka-go wa pakkēji o kanri suru koto wa dekimasenga, tsuiseki bangō o kanarazu uketoru koto ni narimasu. Watashi no tarottodekki to mahō no shukufuku o anata no sapōto no tame ni 親愛なる日本人家族:) マーメイドタロットとクイーンアリスタロットをご支援いただきありがとうございます。 私たちはあなたのためだけに仙台市に日本に拠点を置く代理店を持っていると発表させていただきます! 税関に関する以前の問題は終わりました! 今、あなたは繁栄マナから直接タロットを注文することができます 日本国内での発送や発送にかかる費用を削減するため、これ以上の問題はありません。 から直接注文します。 繁栄マナ http://p-mana.com/ アリス http://www.p-mana.com/card-queen-alice-tarot-silver.htm マーメイド http://www.p- https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz1GIc6F6gU/?igshid=ctzbt6qbo2kv
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liralees · 13 years
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queer0fhearts · 13 years
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damedarcy · 5 years
親愛なる日本人家族:) から直接注文します。 繁栄マナ http://p-mana.com/ Dear Japanese Family :) FREE SHIPPING Thanks so much for your support for Mermaid Tarot and Queen Alice Tarot. We are happy to announce we have a Japanese based distributor in Sendai-Shi just for you!!! The previous problems with Customs is over! Now you can order Tarot directly from Prosperity Mana To cut costs on shipping and ship within Japan so no more problems! Order directly from: Prosperity Mana http://p-mana.com/ ALICE http://www.p-mana.com/card-queen-alice-tarot-silver.htm MERMAID http://www.p-mana.com/card-mermaid-tarot-gold.htm Sachiko Takeuchi Grand Trine Corporation (Japan) Zip code:989-3123 8-26-20, Nishikigaoka, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken, JAPAN Magic Mermaid Blessings! and Very Merry Unbirthday! Love Dame Darcy ATTN ALL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: Please translate your address into English when you fill out the order form. It helps simplify and expedite the shipping process, and helps insure your package will not be lost in transit. While we ship weekly, we have no control over a package after it has been shipped, but you will certainly receive a tracking number. Thank you so much for your support of my tarot decks and magic blessings! すべての国際注文を発注してください:注文書に記入したら、あなたの住所を英語に翻訳してください。これは、出荷プロセスを簡素化および迅速化し、輸送中にパッケージが失われないようにします。 私たちは毎週出荷していますが、出荷後はパッケージを管理することはできませんが、追跡番号を必ず受け取ることになります。私のタロットデッキと魔法の祝福をあなたのサポートのためにありがとう!ラブダミーダーシー Subete no kokusai chūmon o hatchū shite kudasai: Chūmonsho ni kinyū shitara, anata no jūsho o eigo ni hon'yaku shite kudasai. Kore wa, shukka purosesu o kanso-kaoyobi jinsoku-ka shi, yusō-chū ni pakkēji ga ushinawa renai yō ni shimasu. Watashitachi wa maishū shukka shite imasuga, shukka-go wa pakkēji o kanri suru koto wa dekimasenga, tsuiseki bangō o kanarazu uketoru koto ni narimasu. Watashi no tarottodekki to mahō no shukufuku o anata no sapōto no tame ni 親愛なる日本人家族:) マーメイドタロットとクイーンアリスタロットをご支援いただきありがとうございます。 私たちはあなたのためだけに仙台市に日本に拠点を置く代理店を持っていると発表させていただきます! 税関に関する以前の問題は終わりました! 今、あなたは繁栄マナから直接タロットを注文することができます 日本国内での発送や発送にかかる費用を削減するため、これ以上の問題はありません。 から直接注文します。 繁栄マナ http://p-mana.com/ アリス http://www.p-mana.com/card-queen-alice-tarot-silver.htm マーメイド http://www.p- (at Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0tkkilie6/?igshid=1h3iytca6884v
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