#Miyashita Yuya
kanasmusings · 11 months
[English Subs DL] Joker Game II
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Hello~! This is an unexpected project from me, I’m sure, but it was a really great stage to have worked on! Thank you to @thiswasmadeonawhim​ for requesting me to do them! I had a blast reliving the anime and catching up with the novel, even if they did make me go through a rollercoaster of emotions in the process ^^;
The first stage’s subs were wonderfully done by @/great-blaster and their team in this post HERE. Please check them out if you want to get into the world of Joker Game stage~! (Not sure if the actual video is provided or if it’s just softsubs though ^^;) It’s not completely necessary to watch the first one to get the gist of the second one, but it would be better ifjust to get a feel for the characters, setting, and overall vibe that Joker Game offers ^^
Translations for the “Valkyrie” light novel some of the stage was based on can be found HERE as well! The novel really helped me a lot when I got lost, so a big thank you to the translator who did them, too~! 
For those who are interested in getting the Blu-ray for themselves, I’ll provide links below~ BD Purchase Links: JOKER GAME STAGE 1 | JOKER GAME STAGE 2
Notes, disclaimers, trigger warnings, and link under the cut, enjoy~!
I am not a historian in any way, and while I had the novel to guide me, I am not 100% sure whether the historical references are accurate or true to life.  I did do some further reading regarding some of the names and events, but if something is off or not accurate, please feel free to DM me so I can edit the subs!
I only translated the play, so any problematic or controversial views/idealisms/philosophies mentioned in the story do not represent my own views. Please don’t come sliding into my DMs about them.
Parts of the play are set in Nazi Germany, so please be warned of the presence of characters based on their real life counterparts (i.e. Joseph Goebbels, Leni Riefenstahl, etc.), as well as a lot of Nazi Germany symbolisms and references.
It is not graphic, per se, but it is a stage play based on spies, so some scenes, word choices, and sequences contain violence.
Mentions of war, war propaganda, and conspiracies are also present, so please be warned.
[MOST IMPORTANT] Please DO NOT re-post the subs and the link outside of Tumblr! If you want to share outside, please, please DM me about it and link my blog to your post. That’s all I ask.
Please DO NOT remove my credits.
Please DO NOT re-translate without permission.
※ Please only DM me if there is a problem with the subtitles. I cannot help you if it’s related to the videos.
※ If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a coffee here, if you can. It’ll really help me out a lot.(o^▽^o) Thank you!!
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oshi-nakadapiroki · 10 months
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dinersaturn · 1 year
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I can’t wrap my head around the fact that this guy also voiced Yusei from Yugioh 5ds. I’m familiar with his music but he actually has good physical comedy. I would love to see him in other things.
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inkblackorchid · 1 month
I know the 4kids dub is terrible, but what do you think of each main cast English voices in general do you think they fit for who they are?
Just for you, I went back and got a quick refresher on the English voices, because it has actually been so long since I saw any significant portion of the dub that I genuinely forgot how some of them sounded. For reasons of the dub episode listing being a mess due to cut episodes, meaning that I have no idea where to reliably hear which character talk and thus had to pick a couple episodes at random, I'll just go over the signers if that's okay.
So, first off, Yusei. Honestly, purely from a voice acting standpoint, I think Greg Abbey is perfectly fine. The fact that his dub Yusei voice is one of the voices that stuck with me is a testament to that fact, I think. I'm not too hot on how they changed Yusei's personality in the dub, but that's on the writing, not on Greg's performance. And for what it's worth, I think he does a decent, more sarcastic Yusei. That said, in emotional scenes, I do think he lacks some of the oomph that I adore Yuya Miyashita for in the sub. That guy has a pair of lungs on him, whew. But Greg gets a solid 8/10 from me.
Then, we have Jack. Jack, to me, has arguably the best dub voice. Not only does the over-the-top accent Ted Lewis does make him sound suitably arrogant and haughty, there's also a really cool headcanon I've seen floating around again recently that I think goes perfectly with it—namely, that Jack has a Cockney accent (commonly regarded as a lower-class British accent) which he picked up because he wanted to sound posh, whilst not realising that what he's speaking still outs him as a former lower-class citizen. (If somebody could point me to the op of that headcanon again I'd be grateful, tumblr search is being as useless as ever.) The only criticism I could offer is that I do think Takanori Hoshino's even deeper voice in the sub fits Jack just a smidgen better than Ted's. But for these two, honestly both work for me. 10/10 for the posh accent, cheers.
Next up, Aki. I don't necessarily think Erica Schroeder does a terrible Aki voice, but tbh, between her and Ayumi Kinoshita, I prefer the latter by far. It's mostly because of the vocal range, though, which in fact recently came up with a tumblr mutual of mine. Ayumi simply manages to reach deeper registers, which works especially well towards the first half of the show, when Aki's still occasionally making threats as the Black Rose Witch. Erica's performance by comparison isn't terrible, but it's on the whole a little more higher-pitched and soft, almost, whereas I feel like Ayumi gives Aki more depth with her performance, because especially during the Fortune Cup and Dark Signers arc, Aki isn't just the girly female lead, so it fits that she wouldn't sound like it, either. Also, I feel like it was a bit of a missed opportunity that they didn't give her a slightly more posh accent in the dub, too, given that she comes from a very well-off family. So 4/10 for Erica.
As for Crow. With him, I have the opposite problem. The performances Clay Adams and Tom Wayland give are fine character-wise, but their voices honestly sound a little too deep to fit the character well for me. Shintaro Asanuma, by comparison, sometimes breaks out into these higher-pitched squawks in moments of outrage, which I think fit Crow perfectly. It also contrasts his voice better with those of Yusei and Jack. That said, I find it funny how all three of them seemed to share the idea that Crow would have a slightly scratchy voice, as befits his namesake. Also somewhere around 4, maybe 5/10.
Then we've got Ruka/Luna. She's probably the one I have the weakest opinion about. Cassandra Morris and Eileen Stevens both do a decent job with her, though I have to admit I have a bit of a weakness for the specific softness Yuka Terasaki gives her in the sub. But both (or rather, all three) work decently here, I think. 7/10, not bad, not stand-out.
And finally, Rua/Leo. I'll admit, I don't like the performances Morris and Stevens give here (again) nearly as much as Ai Horanai's Rua. I think it's because Horanai's Rua sounds like a much more believable, excited young boy to me. She captures his exuberance and occasional embarrassment in a way that feels less performative than the two English VAs do to me. That said, Leo's personality still tracks perfectly, so 6/10 for the English VAs.
(Let me tell you one thing, though: It was weird hearing the dub voices again after I've stuck to sub watching for so long now. Both in a good way (they're so funny) and a bad way (Crow, are you hoarse?).)
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shifuto · 6 months
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guess he has my favorite voice out of all the other YGO protagonists and it's so cool that his seiyuu, Yuya Miyashita, has had less than 3 acting roles in anime and 5Ds is like.. his breakthrough of sorts (much like how it was with Tasuku Hatanaka), and he LOVES Yusei. Look what he said 🥰
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from his Wikipedia article: he got attached to Yusei Fudo and would not let anyone else play that role (he did all the voices for some commercial also). What a cutie <33
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aoihono96 · 10 months
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2023/08/25 - Hirano Ryo's Twitter post
I had a great time today.
Yesterday, my soulmate Miyashita Yuya* came, and I ate my favorite food,
And today, I went with Shogo** at the sauna in the morning, ate some delicious curry, and experience Osaka.
There are 2 performances per day, today and tomorrow.
I'll do my best.
A photo with the leading figures of the dressing room.
*Miyashita Yuuya is one of Hirano's best friends
**Suzuki Shogo is the one playing William James Moriarty
Source: twitter
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Let’s rev it up! Synchro Summon!
Yusei Fudo from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds has been added as a Secondary Muse!
Original Japanese anime and headcanon based, with some influences from the video games (Tag Force, The World Championship DS Games, Duel Links) and the English version of the anime (Mainly on the fact my voice claim for Yusei is Greg Abbey as opposed to Yuya Miyashita/Yusei’s catch phrases or summoning chants/The English card names, and may use the English terms/character names depending on partner’s preferences, which will be sure to be checked prior to any interactions. Essentially, he’s a little mix of everything!
(This is once again @masterofaster​​ ‘s fault. Thanks Crix for being an enabler and Yusei looks forward to kicking Jack’s butt again LMFAO.)
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gonagaiworld · 11 months
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Il musical teatrale di A Silent Voice (La forma della voce) svela il cast completo Yuya Miyashita, Momoko Ōnishi, Haruka Ōkawa, Akari Tokuoka, Misato Kawauchi, Kanako Irie entrano nel cast. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/il-musical-di-a-silent-voice-la-forma-della-voce-svela-il-cast-dei-protagonisti/?feed_id=384648&_unique_id=64b657465368a #ASilentVoice #ASilentVoiceTheMusical #Laformadellavoce #Teatro
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kinhikari · 1 year
This may be of interest because Yusei's Japanese VA, Yuya Miyashita, will be in it: https://otakuusamagazine.com/that-time-i-got-reincarnated-as-a-slime-stage-play-character-visuals-revealed/
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ratiocchi · 6 years
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Gamou Jiro’s actor: Kimisawa Yuuki
Let. Col. Kazato’s actor: Goda Masashi
Itsumi Gorou’s actor: Miyashita Yuya
Miyoshi’s actor: Suzuki Shogo
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save-the-data · 6 years
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39/? Japanese Butai/Musical actors
Miyashita Yuya  (Yuya Miyashita,  宮下雄也 )
Part One
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chromsai · 5 years
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did he fucking stutter?! 🥛
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inkblackorchid · 1 year
God, the utter anguish in Yusei's voice when first Martha, then Rally vanish in his first duel against Rudger/Roman. That duel is rough for him in terms of trauma. (Also, since I'm watching sub r/n, I can only speak for that, but Yuya Miyashita does an absolutely stellar job voicing Yusei in general and in particular in highly emotional scenes like that. Like, mad props.)
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nightfurylover31 · 2 years
You guys ever wonder how Yusei would look if he went completely insane? Like Dark Signer insane? Well...
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You can thank the manga for that! Imagine if we got Yuya Miyashita or Greg Abbey voicing this!
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xamaxenta · 3 years
It’s a damn shame Yusei Fudo’s voice actor Miyashita Yuya only voiced him and a couple other roles because man his voice was high quality af
“But I’m rare, my fee will be expensive.”
OOOGHG. *takes critical damage*
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waazuchan · 4 years
(Being very greedy but these are so good!!) For the YGO ask thingie: 4, 5 and 32 :D
You can never be greedy with asks, especially since no one ever sends any in! XD;; Thank you for these!! 💙
4. Favorite season/story arc
Is cheating to say seasons 3-5 of 5D’s, but with the original staff? I really loved the idea and the potential of the storyline, but it felt like a completely different anime. Still very good, but not the 5D’s I came to love from seasons 1 and 2.
For a real answer though, probably Battle City. I’m not sure if it holds up but as a kid I was so, so emotionally invested in this arc. It was prettier, edgier, had better duels, more focus on side characters, god cards, and more. Also by this point I was playing the game so I had an even greater personal attachment to YGO. I still have immense fondness for Battle City. 💗
5. Favorite opening/ending
I know that this is meant to mean “pick one” but I love any excuse to talk about YGO so...
Favorite opening: OVERLAP by KIMERU
I just love everything about it! The song itself, the scenes they chose, the animation quality, this arc, the combination of it all - everything! Every time I watch it I’m brought back to my childhood of watching this in low af quality on Real Player, and I’m reminded of just how in love with this arc I was and how I had so many intense feelings at seeing it look this beautiful when the episodes themselves looked not so great.
Favorite ending: glory by BAND-MAID
This song is such a banger, though I wish more was happening. I don’t like how it’s mostly stills but at least the animation is very nice, and I do like the actual images they chose.
32. Favorite voice actor
While I have endless love for Miyashita Yuya as Yusei, I know he doesn’t normally sound like that and it’s mostly this role that I’m drawn to. So I would say KENN. He brought such personality to Judai and his voice is so distinctive. I often immediately recognize him in other media, and I adore his singing. Plus, I recently watched him on I’m Sora Project and he seems like a pretty good dude!
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