miyiee · 4 years
“Red Strings --of Fate” 〆
“Red Strings --of Fate” 〆(The one-way red thread of fate)
{Warning! Emotional BB} Please do not copy any of my work, if you are planning to use, please remember to credit me! ^^
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Original by: star25623 & 倉橋一平 〴Watch〴 inspired by…..
Written by: Miyie〴                  
"You made flowers grow in my lungs.
Although they are beautiful.
I can't breathe anymore." 
Ichi, ni, san, yon(shi), go, roku, nana(shichi), hachi(jachi), kyu(kiu), juu(jiu)
“What are you doing?” someone once asked.
“There’s this one Old Folktale Story, that had stood out to me…”
“What was it about?” 
Well,   The story goes, that there was this once a young boy who read about his fate,... he was going to die in a few days. 
And so it went on and he asked the black raven bird “Why?” The raven then replied, “It cannot be helped boy, it is your fate.” To his dismay, he cried…. “Please, I would do anything.” He begged. “I am sorry but this my job, I cannot break it for I am the gate beholden of death.” “But… I will make an exception boy if you find me these three ingredients I will allow you to live. In a world where anything is possible, you are god.“A g-god?!?!” “Indeed, A fake world. “Ingredients:1.Red gemstone2. A feather from the golden-bird3.Black-hearted stone(from hell)“SURE!” He replied…. without any hesitation. And so, he went on to find the three ingredients. Traveling in a great distance. It took him weeks to complete his task. Until the final day had come….“Very well, boy!” Here is the key..  Go on… walk.  But the young boy only stayed still. Not walking any forward. He asked, “I do not know why.” “Oh, you must be scared right? Oh please, it is only normal for humans.” Then the boy realized the significance of his words and decided to live in this world, the real one… to where he is now today. 
Amongst the soldiers in the Great War, there lived a legend. At first, it was thought to be merely an absurd rumor, though with popular word and time fear spread more rapidly than wildfire and hovered in the atmosphere like a contagious fog.     
Friend and foe alike lived in terror of this illusive creature of nightmares, and as five long, wretched years wore on the innominate, faceless character plagued the morality of the battlefield. He was hailed as a battalion of ludicrous names, namely a vengeful ghost, then a murderous ghoul, and finally a phantasmagorical-robotic-apparitional thing conjured by hallucinations of the imagination.     
But no one truly knew who he was. No one knew where he had come from, or to whom this abhorrent monstrosity belonged. Those who had encountered him were never the same. Not that there were many who survived the ordeal if the aforementioned misfortune were to befall them. He was said to be no older than an adolescent boy of fifteen or sixteen years, always clothed in ethereal white. Rather than the traditional rifle or bayonet, he carried a peculiar weapon :a bilateral, double-ended kind of sword, twice as long as the average human being. Apparently, he could annihilate entire factions in a matter of minutes, and without so much as a single variation in his facile demeanor.     
But what evoked the greatest terror of all was his eyes. Allegedly, they were at all times concealed with wrapped layers of white bandages, obscuring the top half of his face. And on the occasion that those linen bindings were unwound.... None who saw them lived to tell what exactly they had seen behind his irises before their souls were torn from their bodies and a ghastly death greeted them at the gates of Hell.      
Perhaps the heavens condemned this war, and so they had sent such an appalling emissary to convey this disapprobation. As time went on, the grim reaper in white was at last given a name. The strikingly beautiful paragon of carnage and bloodshed that was lovely like a seraph, and yet heartless like the devil. The very personification of Death himself.
“A black-haired boy with large amber eyes closed the book, and then he spoke,
A black-haired girl laid on his lap.. whispering back- “Well looks like you’ve already fallen asleep.”
There’s nowhere my heart can embark….. “Please take me away.” she pleaded.
But the black-haired boy only stared at her. She already had a feeling, That this boy had only ‘pitied her, That’s why he had no special power, The only thing he only carried was a knife, That was his ‘true’ weapon. And that’s why he had helped.
“If you wish, 
You can draw a world,
Picture it, 
Engrave it, 
In your mind.
If it meant to save you from death, 
If it meant pure flaked happiness
Would you like to live, 
In that world, away from reality?”
One day, 4 months ago… she woke up, Sitting on her bed. She was bedridden. “It’s me.” She quietly spoke. “I-I wished…. To go back..” although she let those words slipped. “Your wish is my very command.”  he continued- the boy that looked so much- idenitcal to the other one... was he his twin perhaps? “Very well..but you have a time limit.”
“Wait- but I didn’t mean it… “ the girl now realizing her words.
“A wish is a wish, it is my job. That is not what your heart says. You must hurry.” he responsed back. Which has only caused such a slight fright to the girl. She took in a deep sigh. “Very well.” Yes, it was true, there was nothing more I wanted than to just go back, to fix all my mistakes….
“To go back...” she repeated. “I-I need to kill her, that girl….”
“But that girl is yourself… Is it not?” the voice spoke.
“Shut up!” 
“Why do you wish to kill yourself?”
“I should’ve died…...”
“It’s been 4 months since I was first checked in the hospital, right? I can’t get out of bed, so each day is unbelievably long, I wonder when I could check out….”
-“Well, …. I probably can’t, huh?”-You already knew from the first time I checked in right? The time I have left is slowly running out……” To put it bluntly, I am going to die soon. My body is still so weak, I had so many things I wanted…I wanted to go to college, earn tons of money, be successful, and become happy..
How could I wish upon such useless things? When I didn’t need any of those? The only thing I wanted most right now is,
I wished,                                        “ to change fate..”
“I just wanted to live.” instead.       
Standing above her, her weak fragile body lies. Standing over ‘me’,... with a knife.. Suddenly she pushed me over. “Why are you doing this? I am only trying to save you!”, I shouted.“You are future me, are you not?”, the girl laughed. “Isn’t it that girl, she hasn’t ever left her bed?”“It’s very rare to see her outside..” “Poor girl.” 
“Look, at all the tasty food, this place has! Isn’t it?” She shoved one in my mouth, it was delicious….She dragged me along with her.. Happily running around..the hospital...Then, I remembered...“Stop it, I don’t have time for this!” Time is slowly running out..  “But even so…” She turned away from me. “I’m sorry, but no.. I don’t want to die, no, not just yet.”
So if you could, please grant my wish… oh- spirit ?
“Well, I guess it can’t be helped, right?”, he smiled at me. The past me. 
“Wait- Wait! What about my wish’!?! There were a clear line between the two wishes.--”No..Stop it…. 
… I don’t need your pity,
.. I don’t need your kindness….
“How can you still smile at me, like that?”
The girl flinched, as the boy tried to hold her in his arms, trembling from the shock a red string appeared attached,   
“Everything’s going to be okay.” A finger over his lips...with a creepy smile. Was what he had told me. Wish upon a star. “Ah... looks like you’ve ran out of time.”
“I’ve. lost.. It. time.” Acid, tears ran over her delicate face. There was no possible way to turn back. correct?”
“Hey…...”   Like reading strings that hold our bonds, never touching, or he’ll fade away someday. “What is it that you what from me?” “Your heart.” he answered back.
“Why? I cannot allow you to.”
Wasn’t it the world that was breaking?
Wasn’t it the world that made a mistake?
You really are an idiot,
                               For forgetting the blueness of the sky.
                               You’re the one who had made a mistake, 
                                You’re the one that was breaking...
 And... you were the very one that was waiting.
About a month ago on April 23rd, just past 2 pm. Two hikers picking mountain vegetables..found a man’s body here at Tauka Swamp. Because he had been stabbed in the chest with a sharp knife, they ruled his death a murder. However, despite a few days passing since he was murdered, and him having no cellphone or ID, They were able to identify him immediately. Yoshihara Hiroo, 35- year old. Who worked for a large construction firm. Eventually, a 30-year-old woman was arrested as a suspect. Tinai Ao. 
“It was me.” In which they have gotten a confession from her. While many unanswered questions remained. They are still working mainly in gathering the evidence needed right now. An open and shut case. They assumed she threw the body into the swamp to hide it, or to perhaps delay its discovery. 
The girl asked, to prove her point…..
I must get a statement that I am satisfied with….
The incident was about a woman who had murdered her ex-boyfriend’s coworker and had dumped a body in a swamp up the mountains in the large pond. Apparently her coworker “Hashira '' had a dispute with her ex-boyfriend about the company. He planned out Kuji’s death by suicide with his current wife, where they could’ve died together, in love. Before, this though, his former wife, when he had asked to die together, left him. Kuji always had a problem with his job, he had hardships. He believed that this was caused by the incident 5 years ago and called
Kuji’s brother, but he didn't pick up. He knows where Kuji’s former wife lived and came into contact with her to apologize 5 years ago. But, instead of the first approach must’ve caused the women to be paralyzed. Killed him, because she felt that Kuji’s was correct…  The women were quick to confine in her murder. And told them she threw the body in there for a man-eating girl spirt to eat.  
Why would she not have placed any weight on the dead body, if she had tried to hide it? 
She did it for you, for the spirit girl to find and eat it... 
That explanation is still unclear, many left unsaid….Why must she say “I really hope they find you.” 
Of course… 
5 years ago, there was a legend, a legend about the ‘goddess’ of rain…she is usually seen by the river, sitting alone, in a white yukata with black short straight hair, bangs, with no eyes, since they were gouged out. There are two ways you could ask for the ‘rain’. She, the goddess of rain, despite her name, she had no control over the waters. One was to pray. The other is an offering, to offer a body, a corpse for the spirit girl to eat, but this legend was disputed, as the girl no longer eats humans, they tasted terrible to her. But, there was a set back to this, to offer a dead corpse, it must be in good condition, a young girl rather than an old middle-aged man. Instead, the women dumped the corpse of an old middle-age man in the river. Her coworker came over to admitted he had killed Kuji and his wife, 
Why would there be rain?
Yes, indeed… 
My lady, you are quick to deny your claims…
There should’ve been something really precious left from her former husband but after he had moved on with another woman she had moved out of her house and job in the city into her family home alongside where the spirit lived. She had moved to destroy all her relations and items from Kuji. Yes, it is possible for some to have kept a few gifts. 
She called Kuji’s brother over, afraid of Hashirama's wrongfulness. Afraid of this, the middle-aged coworker came over. Where Kuji’s brother had met face to face with his brother’s killer. Out of anger, he had openly pulled out a knife and stabbed the co-worker. In realization of this, the woman could not bring herself to accused Kuji’s brother of his murder. She felt this was the only way she could repay him. And so, the brother flawed and she was left with the corpse, where she carried him into a halogen and carried him up the mountains at night. To throw his body down. 
There would be no way, young women would go through the hardships of carrying a dead corpse up to the mountains, why would she speak of to find it over wards? The women’s relations to him, no mere someone would?
She had to get rid of any traces of his dead body in her home, she cleaned everywhere, every inch of her house, but, what about the outside? She had realized there was no way to clean the outside, rain... She needed rain.  
The rain had caused people to not have discovered the corpse sooner for a few past 2 days. During those rainy days, the women must’ve come to check, only to find that the body has not been eaten, she figured that they wouldn’t have liked to eat metal or any accessible trash left behind beside the flesh so she removed his cellphone and ID, which she could’ve possibly buried back in her home.
This was where you were enraged...and it started to rain…
The woman, she spoke that she had thrown a murder weapon in the river. For the spirit to eat, there was no guarantee, by saying this, this made the police cover her sanity still more, leading in discovery in finding the weapon. That weapon was no mere weapon, instead, it was a fetus from her former husband. In realization of this in the past 4 years ago, that she was pregnant with his child, she made an attempt to dispose of the baby, she handled this all by herself, it was time when she had gone into labor, blood on her hands everywhere. All by herself, she threw the body down the river, that was until she had found out that her former husband was innocent… but it was already too late, she threw their child away. She tried to look for it, the sad corpse of her child. Although it has been 4 years already, her feelings are overweening. 
That is yet why she had said: “I really hoped they find you.” 
It was not the body that she wanted to find. 
A single fetus corpse is yet too small to be found, adding that it was 4 years ago…. One person wouldn’t have found this body all herself, so instead, she used the same idea, taking this chance, she disposes of his body into the river. For an investigation.  
Keeling down… I highly doubt that they would find the fetus underground... 
 “Very well, case closed. 
You are really a spirit of worthy…. Riyin”
They really are such undoubtedly foolish but pitiful creatures, aren’t they?”
Dressed in a white yukata, with black strings thrown around the dress of the sleeves. A white spirit's symbol on her head. White triangle. And, on her left cheek, a covered up bandage. Straight short black hair with bangs.
she smiled and let out a small chuckle…..
“Of course, We’ve used to be one too..”
I felt something soft intertwined in my hands, I looked down, and he did too. Our hands clasped together,…. “
Hey… let’s stay together… forever..”
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Looking up at the bright lights of the crownless night, we laughed.
Red string, red thread, will stay.
Surely,.... It will… ,right? 
It was one of those moments again. One where he didn't know if he were fantasizing or awake, nor if reality was real or imaginary. He couldn't tell if time flowed or not, because this innocuous world of imperishable oblivion seemed perpetual and ephemeral all at once.      
"I'll-I'll find it! The green string!?I promise!"
No truth, no lies.  No beginnings, no endings. The world was colorless, as always. He was standing upon a desolate sandhill beside the ocean, where the sea of nothingness melted seamlessly into the dreary sky and they were one and the other. Gray waters reflected pale clouds, mirroring the vapid gray fog that smothered the air. 
It took him a moment to realize that the miasma was a plume of smoke, an ominous pillar of darkness surging towards the ashen sky above. 
A single spark of color ignited the monotonous world, and the acrid aroma of scorching charcoal became nearly suffocating. Something was burning. 
The water had become fire. 
Somewhere in the near distance, someone —— no, many people, were screaming, crying, pleading. He couldn't tell exactly where, decipher exactly why.     He winced to make it stop.     
Instead, the hellish cacophony became louder, closer, deafening. Then, through the thick fog, he saw her. Standing atop an ebony rock with her back turned where fiery seas met calm, stagnant gray waters, oblivious to the morbid scene unfolding before him.
She spoke to herself, her voice soft as it gradually fallen, pouring down like hails from the sky,... “Hey….. promise me… that , you won’t leave me alone.. In this world? in a distance from him.
Could you do me this one favor??” She’d asked. Was she mad, angry perhaps?
Ah- but where are you going to find it? There is no such thing as the
Yellow, Blue, or Green string,
It was all a lie, 
. . .!    
There is only red, 
Red string."𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒕," 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚𝒔. "𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕?" "𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒈𝒐 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒈𝒐 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒏. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒅. 𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆, 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒕, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒅, 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒋𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆, 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆, 𝒊𝒇 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒏, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒍𝒊𝒎𝒃 𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒓. 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓."
“I am tired… Of running In a circle.”       
“The weather’s nice today as well, we gather around and stare up at the clouds.”
My soft vocals echoed through the silent park. I occupied the bench, swinging my legs back and forth. My eyes averted to many things; the tiny pile of snow, the green grass, the trees.  
"These lazy days it's hard to tell, we close our eyes and fall down to the ground."  The birds chirped along with the tune. The trees remind me of a certain person. Trees are natural. They stay still and strong against the cold. I let out a faint giggle. 
"A distant blurry memory, those days long gone seem so hard to recall,"  My eyes shifted back to the ground. I thoroughly scanned it. My eyes glistened. Spring has started a few days ago and this is the first flower I see. I got up from my seat and approached it.  
"'Cause time goes on relentlessly, we've grown too old to see it all."  I stopped walking. The scene in front of me was a blue morpho landing on the flower. I silently took a step back. If I get any closer, I will end up disturbing it.  
"We played with fake maturity, made secret plans just to burn out the day."  After a while, the butterfly flew away. I rushed to the flower and picked it up. I walked back to the bench and took a seat.  
"'We fight this war eternally,' and join our hands just to find our own way."  An idea sparked in my mind. I plucked each petal along with the beat: 
"He loves me... he loves me not... he loves me... he loves me not..." After a while of plucking, I ended with a; "He loves me not." My happiness level lowered. I let out a sigh.  
Suddenly,.... I heard someone
"Hey..." I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I flinched. I swiftly turned and slapped the hand off me. I met eyes with one of my few friends, Xeiv. 
"S-Sorry about that..." I apologized. 
"There's no need to apologize. I would probably do the same thing." He sat down beside me. 
"So what are you doing out here alone?"  
"It's early spring. I'd rather be one of the first people to see spring without the falling petals." I answered as I fiddled with the flower's stem. 
He gave me a small smile.  
"That's oddly specific." He commented. 
"W-Well, what brings you out...?" I felt myself tremble. 
"I needed to blow off some steam after what happened to... Satoru... and I heard singing. Normally I would ignore it, but it sounded an awful lot like you." I let out a nervous chuckle to his answer. 
My nails were piercing into the flower stem. He looked down at it. "What's that for?" My face transitioned into a light shade of red.  
"Oh, it's..." My voice began to trail off. "Well, do you know that game where you take off a petal one by one?" He nodded his head. 
"Well, I was doing that." I was trying to be honest with him. After all, he doesn't seem like a person who would care to dig deep.  
"Oh really? What are the results?"  
"The feelings haven't returned." My face saddened. 
"That sucks... but it is just a game. You can't just simply rely on it."  
"That's true..." My face changed to a darker shade of red. It appears that another idea popped up in my mind. 
"Hey... can I do something real quick?" 
He looked puzzled. "Umm... sure?" 
I scooted a little bit closer and pecked his cheek.  "I-I'm sorry..." I apologized as I covered my brick-red face. 
"I-It's perfectly fine..." Judging by his voice, he was losing his composure. I felt his hands hesitantly removing my palms that covered my face.  
"Was that supposed to be a confession?" He interrogated. I slowly nodded my head. I felt his arm wrap around my waist. It pulled me closer to him. I heard him softly spoke, "Then I accept."
We watch together as beautiful flowers began to wither.
--Author’s note: “when red string gets entangled” is a novel mainly based on the term ‘love’ interest] Also if you are unable to understand what has happened over these text, yes, it is delierberatly meant to make no sense at all, but that is- the beauty within words. These were cases that were solved by my two characters 'Riyin’ and Xiev who were pulling these strings. As always, Thanks for reading!
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miyiee · 4 years
**            **(Job a cafe’)   Prologue: (Wholesome-story, this story took place in youth.)
      Written by Miyie 〴☕
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** **(1/4)   <Also I would like to say, before I began, this was actually a real dream I had. Written in behalf of this sweet dream AHH!~>
Welcome,   Welcome  To our cafe’   ! “What would you like?” ** ** A cup of tea, Made with the finest  Honey and herbs You could ever imagine Dear reader,  I am very sorry,  but my hands are very tired :/ Please if you could do me a favor,  Add a pinch of brown sugar in my cup of tea And help me with my next request,  the next after that one too. Request for brown sugar Yes              /             No “HEY! I SAID BROWN SUGAR, WHY’D YOU GIVE ME WHITE SUGAR? ARE YOU BLIND?” Sorry about that- But- Thank you for helping though…  Now, may you now add three tree leaves in? Request: Three Leaves Yes              /             No Thank you…  wait- did you just say no?  “Do you wanna die?” “Try to be nicer to your customers, Misami.” “Alright, finee!” Now, I have one more final request  Please, add the ingredient ‘DNA’ into the drink before I go... Request: DNA  Yes              /             No Thank you for donating to our cafe.  Have a nice day..  A ring of bells follows as you walk out the door.
She was dreaming again. Standing in the middle of absolute darkness, not even a hint of light or colors to be seen in sight. It was a world without substance. A world of nothingness. No value. Then, she would awoke, realizing she was in a dream. A dream where time was stagnating and moving slowly, where the reality was blurred, vivid perhaps. Where everything seems endless and hopeful. There was nothing to do.. And so.. She waited…. And waited. And waited. And waited. And then…. The girl finally heard it.   It was the sound of someone laughing in the corner, along with a girl, fainted at first, but then it had started to become gradually louder and louder, approaching the box. Then, both the boy and the girl had already disappeared.  Please… make it stop….she pleaded. The rest of the day, continued in silence, this wasn’t anything new. During the restless and chatter-filled classroom, “Hey?! Did you hear?!”a student spoke. “IKR!”, another one answered. “HA! Gay!”, another one followed. “Boomer.”, then another. “Tch…”,she ignored all the commotion around her. And… during lectures, did as she was told, all she did was jot down notes she was able to hear. She didn’t speak with anyone. She didn’t speak a single word. She was completely quiet. No one approached her, thus helped her in need, therefore she felt she didn’t need to care for anyone else. This was nothing new.  “What a lonesome experience.” After class, she quietly heads outside. Then, she started to walk, again, picking up pace…. Hey, Hey!? Did you know? 10 minutes down from this street. With a single turn to your left, passed the 4th lamppost. She, her feet lead her down this familiar path that awaits her everyday, dragging her body, but- the place that she was heading to was a place most people would never necessarily notice at first glance. It was… what was.. A place that had calmed me.. A place where I was supposed to be able to breathe, It was.. A place where I could forget everything. No, it was just a cafe, a small cafe, nested in between a flower shop and apparently what was now an abandoned building, far up, above, in the mountains.  The quiet chime of the bell echoed faintly as I stepped inside. A gentle sounding piano piece that played from the speakers. The familiar aroma of cocoa that awaited walted throughout the warm atmosphere of the room.  Aside from him, there were only a few customers in the cafe, all of them, immersed in their own little bubble of silence. One was reading a book. The last one, calmingly taking sips of his tea. This cafe was always encased in a comforting stillness and young peace. This was what I’ve always loved about this place. It’s warm here, you know?  At the front desk, she asked for the same, usual. A tall glass of herbal tea, please!, she said. The cashier would always smile at her, the same caring smile that was her offerings everyday as she just took her order, walking away. Then, she would always take the same seat, by the window, alone, staring at the clock just above the wall, watching its arms move in a steady rhyme. Afterwards, she would take a book out from her bag, the same old one from the library, opening to where she has left off from. Little by little as the time passed by, with a quick glance back at the wall again what had told her that “2 hours had already passed”. Outside, the sky has now dimmed. The bells that started to distance as another customer entered and left. But- with the soft melody of the music still hummed quietly and faintly. Uneaten bits of the cake, left untouched. The remains of the warm tea had already turned cold. After a few more minutes of stalling around there, she turned to look at the window, yet again. “It was time to go,” the clock spoke to her.
One luminary clock against the sky, proclaimed that time was neither wrong nor right. I have looked down the saddest city lane. Out and back in rain.  I have outwalked the furthest city light. But- I have been one acquainted with the night.
Of course, she didn’t want to.  But- it can’t be helped.  From that cafe, she began to walk home, strolls tooks more time, this time, it took up to 20 minutes. That’s when she finally arrived at the foot of her apartment, from walking all those steps up, quietly opening her door, then she slipped inside. Not even bothering saying the words, “I’m home,”it was pointless, she didn’t need to... because after all, who would answer back? At, that night, she had slept, she had the same dream again. Whenever she woke up,  her head started to throb painfully. In the mornings, she went to class. In the afternoons, she stopped by the library. After classes, she goes to that cafe again. And, when night appeared, she walked home. Slepted. She woke up by the mornings, its universe she hated. It was the universe she once loved. Sighing, the only thing that greeted her was silence. The house was empty, just like how it had always been. She quickly made toast and took a milk carton from the fridge before changing into her uniform. It took her a few minutes before she found herself at the doorstep of her house. And with that, she left. Then, the cycle repeats all again. Months passed, just like this. It was a never ending loop, tiring. Then, she thought to herself, time will only tell. That, these people will never change. Nothing changed. Nothing will. 
“Well, would you like it too?”
“I..-I… I don’t know.” 
Then, one day… .it happened. On monday. Classes were over, done for the day. She headed to the cafe. She ordered the usual, she noticed a new face behind the cashier. 
She offered a mandatory smile, “Welcome to the cafe!”  
“Ah, How--Annoying.”, she thought.
Chapter 1:Crush ?
The next day….  And it’s still as busy as ever… 
You begin to sigh again…
Ding-Ding Ding! 
You heard the bell say….
When does this job ever pay more? You thought. 
Why do I have to keep up with such nosy customers?
Why can’t Misami just fill out for me instead?
“Oh well… I guess it can’t be helped.”
But… something seems a bit off today. Nobody was around, not even customers, usually it’s pretty busy here. well that’s what I thought..
I turned around… and there was suddenly someone standing there…
Smirking at me….
It only took me a quick second to analyze the person... 
There was a boy wearing a hat, a gakuran with gold buttons with a long white sleeved western shirt underneath the red hems, black shoes, red socks.  2 white hakujoudai, one with pink and another with blue markings. His left cheek had a white seal with the word ``seal”. A very short boy with choppy black hair with giant amber eyes glaring back at mines. 
“What-, wait- you’re real?” 
“OW, what was that for Miyie, you know we’ve been working here for years already together..is something wrong?”
“Uh- no nothing at all. Please, do me a favor and slap me.”
The boy’s smile grew wider… into a smirk …
“Oh, of course, I will...and I can...do more than that..”
It took me a while to process this.. By what he meant until I realized..
“Oh wait, I forgot you’re that one perverted spirit that lurks around in the girl’s bathroom!”
I hadn’t realized I said that out loud….until he started to sulk. 
“Goodbye.”, he said. 
“Pfffft, haha!” 
“AH- ITS MIYIE!”, another person, identical to the first came charging at me like a bull. 
Confused, I asked, “Which world is this one?” 
 “She asked us to slap her :/ Miyie’s acting weird today.” 
I resumed reading my book, 
Until, I realized something, something oddly wrong 
‘Wait, where did they both go?’ 
Outside the cafe’ it was rainy. 
But I didn’t care, I ran, 
Far until my legs could not stop.
It was growing late, 
I was tired…. Too tired to stand even. 
That I didn’t even realize they were right in front of me 
“It’s alright.” , they both spoke.
As you were embraced into warm arms…
“Ah- how warm.”
“Shhh,  let’s just wait.”, he smiled at Amane.
pat* pat* pat* 
“Dere, dere, little black cat.”. 
‘Sleep… for as long as you like, as long as it’s 
In our arms :)”
5 seconds later-
“What the hell, Miyie?!?!  Were you dozing off again?” 
I heard my manager called me..
“Oh, it was just a dream after all,” I sighed.
Then you
 looked down, 
And saw Ichigo-mochi sitting on the table in front of you...
As your face grew into a wide smile.
“How did you know?”
you mumbled.
(NOTE: Ichigo-mochi is Miyie’s favorite food)
(Just the other day)
“Miyie-chan!”, Misami yelled across the room. 
Misami ran over and hugged you as if she were still a child instead of being older than you.. 
“Ah- what has gotten you so happy all of a sudden?” :/
 “Hmmm?!, she smirked. 
“Oh- my, MeiMei you really don’t know?”
“Know what?!?!”
You were about to ask but Misami’s smirk really made you uncomfortable. 
“Well, who was that one anime crush you had?” 
“Pffft!, No one, of course, you know I’m not into aliens.” 
“Lies! I know you like Hanako-kun! You’ve been fantasizing about it all day long!”
“NO, I do not!” 
“You do!” 
“But he isn’t even real! I wish.”, I cried. 
“You better buy me strawberry, daifuku mochi after this!”
Chapter 2: Good Morning!
place it on a plate
and put it in your mouth
I don't know why,
but somehow that sign 
has made it there.
Hello, good morning!-
How are you today?⑇
“Hmm… you’re tired you say? Well, I donut care! Get to work right this instant!”
….Okay fin.”
Today, apparently, one of the machines broke and I was to fix them…
well, … I was assigned to…. :C
And that boy, Amane
There was one part to him though...as my assistant and as a person...
For the past few days, I've spent in class with him,
  I realize that Amane is incredibly intelligent.   At least, that's what I thought at first.
   In class, he could answer any question,  despite not paying attention.  
He's always in a daze.   
His strongest points are math and chemistry, and his weakest, apparently, 
is cleaning.  
 One afternoon,  I noticed him staring at the closet, at the back of the room for ten minutes straight, not moving. 
When I concluded he wouldn't move,  I asked him what was wrong. With a confused look on his face, 
 he responded with.
“..Which one of these is a broom?"   
He's...  He's an idiot.  
And not only that,  
he's a pain in the ass.  
 He is insensitive, as he always points out the flaws in others.
but… I owe him.
“Hey, Miyie! Look at my fish?!?”
“Where did you get that from?”
“I picked it from the trash can right outside!”, he exclaimed,
Even….. smiling, Like a dumb child, still.
“HA! Pfft.”
“What?”, he asked, confused and innocent.
Then.. it had struck me, that he had once said,
 he really wanted a fish, 
A real one.
:(, was what he responded.
“Hey, look... I’m sorry, we could always get another one for you.” I said, with a faint smile. 
This really brings me back…
I remembered that one day
The week went by quick 
It was Friday and classes were over
By the time I was finished cleaning up,  
Amane had already disappeared.
It was surprising but, I only knew his first name
My gaze, still glued to his empty seat 
“Maybe I should ask?” 
“No, I shouldn’t.”
“Wait, should I?” 
NO!,It doesn’t matter, I shook my head..
With a sigh, I began to leave the classroom and headed the journey home.
People called on me in class, 
And I was often picked on before…
But now.. Nobody really bothers me anymore 
And although I hate to admit it, 
It’s because of Amane
 Almost as if he’s my aegis 
But, what can I say?,
One would be considered 
Idiotic if they weren’t afraid of him
I just finished clearing up 
11:55 pm , the clock read.
Well, it’s getting late, it’s about closing time now.. 
‘Goodbye, have a goodnight.”, my manager waved at me. 
I watched as she walked away…
Not even a few seconds later...
“Oh… great it’s raining outside :( “
I reached for my umbrella but I grabbed nothing, 
“.., wait, I forgot to bring my umbrella today!”
Once more, I sighed… 
Taking a seat at a near bench under the building, 
And waited, 
And waited. 
And waited, 
For time to pass until the rain cleared up...
Without realizing,  I drifted into sleep, Under the rain.
Only a few minutes have passed...
Suddenly I woke up. 
I didn’t understand why, 
But the boy just hugged me…
“Let’s just stay like this…..for now...”
I could feel my face starting to redden …. “Umm… uh-, I supposed it-’ll be fi-fine, 
fine then.”  I managed to speak those last few words...
“What do you want to do, wait?”
“Right, now….I don’t feel like doing anything.” 
“It sure is raining, huh?” 
“Yes, just like that time, many, many years ago, 
“Yeah, little cat.”
“Tch, Stop with that nickname, already.”
“But why, does this feel as if I had heard 
those words somewhere before?”
Chapter 3: Stranger A  student, my senior walked me home today-that very day… But no he did not take me home, He invited me, tricked me by excusing me into prepping for our project He really insisted, I couldn’t help it. Dropping me off at a local cafe’ shop. Instead, by the time, we have gotten there, He left there, with the words...instructing me   “Don’t ask any questions, wait, and sit in the seat nearest to the far end.” Without any questions, And I obey. A very wrong thing to say to an inpatient and curious person, My patience is starting to wear thin. I heard a single string of bell chime vibrated, When a short, matted blacked hair and big amber eyes in his first appearance, he wore an identical gakuran uniform and hat to Amane, purposefully matching his clothes. After this, his outfit changes to a Shosei-styled uniform. Wearing a white Western shirt with a black kimono, a grey hakama, black shoes, and red ankle-height socks. He wears a hat, similar but void of any emblem. No words, No hello, No sorry, Absolutely Nothing. Then, his lips curl into a wide smile. “Ah- I see, that student must have been your assistant, you knew you could never reach me, so you went this way of approach, interesting.?” My lips curved into a wide smile. A creepy one, returning it. But, he doesn’t seem like the type to mind. Instead, he kept grinning at me. “Good Evening, Mistress Mei.” “How did you know my name?”, I asked. He doesn’t reply to my questions, He simply just smiles. “Who are you and what do you want?” I paused…:.”.....is  it about Amane?” “Correct, you catch on quick, Miyie.” “I want to know why you had decided to talk to him.” “Because I happen to sit next to him?” “Why?” “Why would you care?” “Because you’re Miyie. I quiet girl, Dealing with everything alone, An unstable mind You’re someone who Prefers to be alone and not bothering And a person like Amane is certainly a person you’ll avoid, But you didn’t.” Uncomfortable... “Awe- how cute.”. He remarked. “Tch! This is really embarrassing ._.  So what do you want from me?” “Well, it is true, Amane is certainly strange. And, you’re right, I don’t like people. But it's not like I can ignore him. I try to but he just pops out of nowhere.” “I only ask you this because I care for him.” As he said those words, his eyes became so dull all of a sudden. 7:30 pm “Do be careful, little cat.” He spoked, in a serious tone. Again with that same nickname! “That boy can lead you to bad things.” I leave, And I don’t look back, to this day.
Chapter 4: Latte “You’re not as bad as they state you are.” Miyie sat there, staring down her cup of latte Watching it smoothly swirl as she stirred it. The two marshmallows refused to go with the flow, And eventually got dunked into the latte “Ah, Isn’t that how life is?” Once you’re not like the others, You cease to exist in their sight. “Ah- I remembered now, There was once a boy, Who changed his future, And said, “I’m not going anywhere.” I took a sip of the latte. While waiting... The bell chime rang “MOrning!”, I blamed. “Hello! Welcome!” “What would you like to order?” “....Latte PLEASE!” Finishing up, my last resort... Break Time! “Why, Why are you doing this to me?” She spoke to herself… “Ah- MIYIE!” “Oh-.”,  he gestured for me to be quiet... Jumped on me like a child .just as always I knew, I saw, from a distance, My manager, and she did not seem happy About us. “Ah--Aman- “ “NO, not Amane, look a bit closer.” Aware of this, he pulled me into a closet Both shut inside. Embarrassed, my head in the crook of his neck. Not willing to look up.. “I am just concerned why you would be hiding with me in a closet that’s all.” “Wow, Miyie, you’re so cruel, ah- how cold,” he pouted. “What are you-,” my words were muffled by his hands. “Aww, why are you with Amane and not me?” as he playfully hugs you, pouting. “That is because you are always with Sak-” “ Miyie, are you avoiding me?” he interupts, his gaze shifting over to you creepily. “Wh-What- N-No,” you hastily declined, but before you could prove your point,   “Well-” suddenly, you hear the door creak, revealing Amane outside of the closet. The person I tried to avoid.. “I finally found you, Miyie.” “Why are you stuck inside the closet with Tsukasa?”, as he gave you a menacing look. This time, both of them spoke at the same time, a huge grin coming from the both of them. “I can treat you much better ᔖ❤” …: As they dragged me out of the shop. “Where are we going?”, I asked. “Anywhere, come, I am going to take you to a place of a lifetime.." ... “Oh…, you ask for my name? Do you really want to know me that badly?”, he laughed. I paused, I nodded. “Amane, Amane ..Yugi.” This time, this time, we both spoke at the same time. “Nice to meet you! :3” “Hey…. let’s go somewhere, somewhere.. Far away.. From this place, alright?”
[Thanks for reading, n’ dropping by haha!] ^^ --Miyie
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