#Mizuki Fujisaki
Round 2
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
The Fujisaki Twins
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Hinata: “How dare you hide that! Marry Yuni and be my new sister to make up for it!”
Mizuki: “Hinata. Don’t feed his delusions.”
Hinata and Mizuki Fujisaki are two twins with eye conditions, giving them heart shaped pupils. Hinata, the blue one, had a further strange condition, causing her to become depressed the farther away from a sibling she is. This constant need for close proximity caused eventual grating and need for escape in Mizuki, the red one. Mizuki ran away from home, stealing Yuni’s ID and other cards after discovering their same eye conditions. Mizuki, always obsessed with gaining more siblings, seemed accepting of Yuni (when she finally figured out years later), but Mizuki comes back years later to take the spot back in disapproval.
Primary Inspiration: Rina and Yuna Kirumi from Pretty Face
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Mizuki, adjacent. Hinata, plural.
Art of the Fujisaki's by: @grydyne-ze
Achara A-wut
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“If I'm a pin who was lucky enough to dodge the bowling ball, what about the other pins? Why the alley? Why is everything designed to strike someone down no matter what?”
Achara grew up as a psychic with one specific goal: Be a SUPER superhero. Always with her missing sister’s old dual stripe bowler hat on, Achara is kind, gentle, and intelligently tries to solve problems… all qualities that seem to be at odds with the worldwide superhero organization. Horrified to find out how deeply corrupt and hierarchical it is, Achara realizes there’s only one way to be a real superhero: Tear down the bowling alley with your fellow pins. …And also gain a magical girl ghost living in your shadow. Sick. Achara is the main character of TYFE side story: Anarchy Alleys.
Primary Inspiration: Kingpin from Spiderman: Into the Spideyverse
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent
Art by: @impossiblevariable
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jubilantgamer27 · 2 years
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All that drama over a cockroach 😂
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jess-21990 · 2 years
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*not having read this in years forgotten the stories entierly yells randomly* CROSSDRESSING!
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O.O......Mizuki gets me!!!!
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sadisticsmiles · 3 years
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Mizuki Fujisaki Images from the Official My Sweet Bodyguard Fanbook.
These are digital scans of the CGs that are also in the physical fanbook, but without the Japanese text that the physical one has.
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voltage-vixen · 4 years
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Kaiji is still horrible at covering up his true feelings 
VIP Room Affection Story
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aqvarius · 4 years
on a completely unrelated note, one of my favourite running gags is how much ayumu’s mc loves mizuki fujisaki lmao
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drilovskyclan · 7 years
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God bless Mizuki
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TransPanda OC Tournament Round 1:
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
The Fujisaki Twins
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Hinata: “How dare you hide that! Marry Yuni and be my new sister to make up for it!”
Mizuki: “Hinata. Don’t feed his delusions.”
Hinata and Mizuki Fujisaki are two twins with eye conditions, giving them heart shaped pupils. Hinata, the blue one, had a further strange condition, causing her to become depressed the farther away from a sibling she is. This constant need for close proximity caused eventual grating and need for escape in Mizuki, the red one. Mizuki ran away from home, stealing Yuni’s ID and other cards after discovering their same eye conditions. Mizuki, always obsessed with gaining more siblings, seemed accepting of Yuni (when she finally figured out years later), but Mizuki comes back years later to take the spot back in disapproval.
Primary Inspiration: Rina and Yuna Kirumi from Pretty Face
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Mizuki, adjacent. Hinata, plural.
Art of the Fujisaki's by: @grydyne-ze
Gina Fofum
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“I’m Teena’s… biggest fan.” Menacingly bites into a lollipop shaped like Teena’s face.
Standing at a staggering 9 feet tall, Gina is a menacing looking wall of a woman. She’s notably obsessed with the wandering, narcissistic medic, the 4 feet Teena Meenie, claiming to be her “biggest fan” (literally and probably only fan.) Most are shocked when they figure out the true nature of Gina and Teena: that they are actually an unaware changeling, with some sort of dissociative disorder. Gina seems to genuinely believe the reason she exists is purely to protect Teena from any threat. Her most notable instance is refusing a deal from Tiamut, the god of dragons, purely on the basis that Teena wasn’t there to hear it.
Primary Inspiration: 10 feet tall Helen Lawetlat’la who happened to be standing next to tiny Princess Gumdrop one time
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art of Gina Fofum by: @impossiblevariable
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mizuki-yuta · 7 years
How did you two meet each other?
“How did we meet well I sorta met Mizuki’s bird first. Thought my hair was a nest.” Yuta said rubbing his head.
Mizuki laughed, “it was messy”
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autumnsweetheart · 7 years
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You sure have a way with women, Mizuki
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Mizuki MSB Sequel CG Lines (only found in stand alone apps at this time)
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laurifakristalina · 7 years
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Taken from Love Scramble official website
Translation by me
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otomesweetheart · 7 years
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Meet the family in Mizuki's Honeymoon story, now available in My Sweet Bodyguard!
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