#MmmM drawing myself as a spider is fun :)
sunnydayaoe · 1 year
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msdrproffangirlmd · 6 years
The Spider x Female Hunter (NSFW) (Part One)
*Behold! I come bearing Destiny 2 fiction of ill-repute! May you feed well on the bounty that I have provided! (Simplified version: Have fun reading my D2 porn!)
“Good shot, guardian. That’s the kind of shooting even I’d bet money on.”
“A fine kill. An equally fine guardian doing the deed, as well.”
It was everyday complements like that that kept the guardian coming back to the Spider. The arms dealer consistently kept her vocal company over his private comm as she patrolled the Tangled Shore, mostly finding more of his stolen goods that the enemy had swiped. As she completed her latest task, the guardian wondered: is he just keeping me buttered up, or is he truly sweet-talking me?
This question only arouse from that day’s comments she had noticed, among other things.
When she visited him at the heart of his ‘web’ to scope out his bounties and jobs to do today, she could absolutely feel his eyes on her, scanning up and down her body. ‘Perhaps he was imagining her wrapped even tighter in his metaphorical spiders’ silk? Or maybe he was wondering what she looked like in nothing but silk?’ This thought kept the guardian smiling as she walked back out into the battlefield that was the Tangled Shore. Honestly, both ideas were equal in making her excited.
Then came the comments. But, the only real one that made her start thinking, is when he made the simple remark of “Quite nice” right after bending over to pick up an engram off the ground. ‘He could’ve been looking at something and just accidentally hit the button to talk, right?’ Wrong. Something in the back of her mind was definitely screaming ‘bullshit’ at that assumption. Plus, there was a good reason why she wore only short cloaks. A damned good reason.
Last, but not least, came the nickname.
“I never thought my web would play host to such a deadly little black widow such as you, guardian.”
Little black widow. It was a name that invoked images of a venomous, yet highly graceful, hunter and trapper of insects and others of its kind. One that could weave magnificent webs above even the most treacherous terrain and survive. Thrive, even. And what was it he had said after all the Barons on the Shore were dispatched by her, and her alone?
“Death suits you.”
Whatever all of these happenings meant, she was enjoying each and every one of them. But, this brought on the inevitable question: is he treating this like an unspoken deal? Would he let her know that he had been doing this for a long period of time, then demand payment? She knew the spider could be sneaky if he wanted to, but she truly wasn’t sure.
More thoughts like this kept her mind occupied while she was on her latest retrieval mission for the Spider. The hunter was slinking around in one of the many bunkers on the Shore, deftly dispatching enemies left and right. They never saw her coming. She was a precise force of nature.
“Excellent, my little widow. Proceed further, find my shipments. And do empty the place of the opposition. They’re stinking up my place of business.” The Spider chimed in over his private comm.
My little widow, she repeated in her head. Why was the thought of being owned by an alien businessman so appealing? ‘Blame it on too many of Cayde’s cheesy romance novellas.’ She remembered her late vanguard’s affinity for the genre.
The guardian eventually came to a room chock full of generators, ones she assumed were used for producing ether. Her head snapped to the side of the room, where dregs and vandals, plus their captain, were pouring in. Her hand flew to her side, easily slipping her hand cannon out of its holster, and raised it to shoot. The first dreg’s head popped off from two well-placed shots. Two vandals came at her from the sides and she jumped straight up, making the charging enemies crash into each other. Her free hand caught hold of a low-hanging beam and she flipped up onto it, crouching in the shadows. She dropped a low-impact grenade directly below her and coated the area in blinding smoke. The fallen’s vision was obscured, but hers wasn’t. With one bullet to spare, the guardian, from her perch, took out the rest of the Eliksni pack, the second to last bullet cracking the glass of the mask and burying itself neatly in the captain’s third eye from the middle. Once she was back on the ground, she removed her hood and helmet, and allowed herself to smile at her good work.
“Grace and style in battle like that really should be documented for posterity’s sake, guardian. I do consider myself a lucky man to get a show like that all to myself.” The Spider commented, suggestively drawing out that last fact.
The guardian’s eyes widened. Her heart raced in her chest. She had an idea. ‘A show, huh?’
“Oh that? That wasn’t even half of the show.” The guardian piped up.
“Oh?” Was all the Spider could muster after a few seconds of stunned silence.
The guardian walked over to one of the bigger generators, searched around on its panel, and flipped the switch to turn it on. The machine revved to life and settled to a steady rhythm quickly, its engine quietly humming.
Before she could make her next move, he came back on the comm.
“Guardian, don’t even think about what I think you might be doing with that cargo.” The spider’s voice was threatening, deep and rumbling. It made the guardian shiver in delight. “It’s rightfully mine.”
She laughed lightly. “Don’t worry, big guy. This stuff is all yours.” The Guardian bit her lip, amused that he would even think she would steal from him. “What’s about to happen is all yours, as well.”
She completely stripped herself of her boots and pants, revealing her silky panties, and sat atop the vibrating machine, spreading her legs as far, and comfortably, as they would go. The cold, harsh metal felt heavenly against her scantily clad sex, a metal bolt pressing against her clit through the fabric of her panties just perfectly. Her moans began to fill the room, her body arching from the pleasure. This was it. This was how she would pay him back for all of his praise. He wouldn’t catch her in a debt. But, somehow, she felt like this wasn’t enough. So, she turned up the heat.
The Spider’s name began leaking out from between her swelling lips, mixed with lewd ‘yes’s and ‘more’s, as she ground against the pulsing surface beneath her.
The giant Eliksni was the only one in the room who could hear her lewd moans over the comm. His two guards were getting a little weary, however, of how much their boss had begun to growl into his comm receiver. Without him noticing, the two slipped out of the room, not going far, but far enough to avoid any possible impending wrath.
The spider gripped the side of his large chair, causing it to creak under the weight. He was rendered speechless, for once. Not angry, just very surprised.
The guardian was the next to speak. “You’re always complementing my fighting, and looks, ah...but it always feels like I’m not giving you enough bang-mmmm-for your buck!” She stopped to catch her breath, slumping over the machine, just on the precipice of her climax. “Consider this my fixing of that problem.”
The Spider chuckled darkly. “I do believe, little guardian, that I’d appreciate this a lot more if you were performing this act in my presence. I’m sure that it would be a well spent investment of my time.”
The guardian reached down and switched the machine off, denying herself release. She slipped down to the floor and replaced her pants and boots, wondering in the back of her mind if he had cameras watching her. She was shaky in the legs, her light dimming from the climax denial. But, if she was certain of what was going to happen next, it would be worth it.
“Beckoning me back to your web, are you?” She playfully asked as she walked out of the bunker.
His low laughter resounded in her ear. “More like reeling you in where you’ve already been entangled.”
*This will also be up on my AO3 account soon enough. Look me up at TheMadWriter121, and enjoy some Bloodborne smut as well. :) Also, please tell me how I did! Thank you!)
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