film-book · 1 year
Film Review: 10,000 BC https://film-book.com/review-10000-bc/?feed_id=70238&_unique_id=645b26307d664
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analligatorr · 1 year
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today is "valentine's day" here in Brasil (pre saint Antonio's day to be exact) so I felt free to draw these pathetic cowboys
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artschoolglasses · 1 year
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View of a Norman Village, Charles Mozin, 1830
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lesbiansforglados · 2 years
ITS OUT!! It’s finally out!! The Lego Batman Mo-Zine is here! Go to the link in this post to gaze upon a variety of incredible drawings by a group of amazingly talented artists!
This whole project has been a labor of love for the entire mo-zine team, and it’s completely non-profit, so please share it around! Share it with your friends, your family, your friend family, your nemesis, a Batman fan near you, or just someone who really likes movies! Share it on here, on Instagram, on Twitter, anywhere! Help get the word out. Thank you 🖤💛
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artemagistra · 1 year
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The French cavalry take the battle fleet caught in the ice in the waters of Texel, 21 January 1795 by Charles Louis Mozin
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female-rappers · 1 year
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qsycomplainsalot · 2 years
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Oil on canvas, Charles Louis Mozin
The Capture of the Dutch Fleet at Den Helder, 23rd of January 1795
  In which the French armed forces demonstrates that not having the best navy can in fact be okay.
  The French Revolution in 1789, followed by the imprisonment and then execution of Louis the XVIth in 1793, led to most major autocratic powers in Europe declaring war on France to restore the status quo. France was thus engaged on multiple fronts by many of its neighbors which, surprisingly, at the time included Austria through their ownership of the Southern Netherlands. Both Netherlandses had witnessed failed republican uprisings in the previous decades, and as such the new France Republic pushed through the Austrian Netherlands to declare war on the -nominally only- Republic of United Netherlands in the North.
The “Battle”
  After two years of campaign the combined efforts of the French revolutionary army and Dutch patriots had all but closed this front of the war, and the French commander of the Army of the North was garrisoned in Amsterdam when he caught wind of the Dutch fleet being anchored at the mouth of the Zuiderzee bay, just north of there. Due to temperatures averaging -10°C in the past weeks, the entire bay had frozen over, which he decided to use to his advantage.   He immediately sent Dutch patriot Gnl. Jan Willem de Winter at the head of about two hundred men from the French 8th Hussar and the 3rd Battalion of Belgian Skirmishers, also raised from sympathizers to the republican cause. Muffling the sound of their horses’ hooves with cloth and arriving during the night each with a Belgian infantryman riding with them, the hussars sneaked on the entire Dutch fleet frozen at anchor and captured it without a fight.
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  In a single cavalry charge the French Republic had captured five ships-of-the-line, three frigates, six corvettes and several merchantmen with crew, for a total of about 850 guns. This is one of only two recorded instances of a cavalry force charging and capturing ships in a battle and one of few instances where having light infantry ride as voltigeurs proved to be even remotely useful. There is debate whether the Dutch sailors and marines would have actually resisted capture however, as the Netherlands had essentially already been knocked out of the war by then and might have been ordered to surrender, which the French may have known as well. It is hard to discern the truth of the matter when what was two hundred men sent to secure a fleet that may have already been surrendered to them gets painted as a full army corps marching in tight formation on the ice.   In any case, a squadron of hussars captured a fleet of ships and that’s awesome.
  Following the capture of the fleet, the evacuation of the remaining Allied troops to other fronts or England and finally the surrender of the Austrian duchy of Luxembourg, the Dutch Patriot party were given the reins of the Netherlands renamed as the Batavian Republic - more or less a puppet state and the future Netherlands - while the Austrian Netherlands - future Belgium - and Luxembourg were incorporated in the French Republic as new departments.   The captured fleet was ransomed back to the Batavian Republic in exchange of a small loan of a hundred million guilders.
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shiftwux · 5 months
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mozine issue #2 is out early. its like 8 pages you can read it faster than you can say 'pinky in the stinky'
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orvalhodamanha · 2 months
Nossa amor como vc tá linda aq
Eu amo quando usa ela 🥰🥰
Fica tão perfeita em vc
Assim teu papy pira mozin 😍😍
Sou louco pela minha morena
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Gostou moo?
Todinha tuaaaaaa
Tudo q kero eh te fazer feliz, eh tirar um sorriso do teu rosto. Vc eh a minha vida. O meu amoor
Te amooo tantooo pretinho meu ❤️
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colisou · 7 months
Tu reblogando imagens 🧎🏻‍♀️♥️ é a minha nova paixão.
tá gostando mozin? kkkkk 🤍
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escriturias · 9 months
Voce torna minha vida mais feliz, mozin 🤍
Você torna tudo mais suportável e calmo, amor 🩵
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bia-dd · 9 months
Oiê, é muito estranho eu vim te mandar mensagem msm sabendo que você seguiu em frente e já se acostumou com minha ausência... É estranho eu ainda tá sentindo um imenso sentimento por você msm sabendo que vc já fez de tudo pra eliminar esse sentimento da sua vida.
Estranho pq eu achava q com um tempo todo esse sentimento iria embora de vez e entender que essa foi a melhor decisão e tudo com o tempo iria passar, só que cá estou eu... Lágrimas rolando ao te escrever isso , coração acelerado sem saber que vc vai ou não olhar isso....
Vim te mandar mensagem pq li algo e me fez lembrar de vc imensamente!!
*Hoje 13/12/2023 as 14:53*
vou está te enviando isso dia 20, se eu enviar é pq tá sendo verdadeiro ainda oq sinto por você.
-- O Bob Marley tinha muita razão quando disse:
"Pode não ser o seu primeiro, seu último ou seu único amor. Ela amou antes e pode amar de novo. Mas se ela te ama agr, o que mais importa?
Ela não é perfeita, você tbm não é, e vocês dois nunca serão perfeitos. Mas se ela pode te fazer rir pelo menos uma vez, te faz pensar duas vezes, admite ser humana e cometer erros, não a deixe ir e dê o melhor de você.
Ela não vai recitar poesia, não está pensando em você em todos os momentos, mas vai te dar uma parte dela que sabe que você poderia quebrar, seu coração....
Não a machuque, não a troque , e não espere dela mais do que pode te dar. Ela sorri quando te faz feliz, grita quando se irrita e tem saudades quando você não está por perto. Porque não existem garotas perfeitas, mas sempre haverá uma garota que é perfeita para você...."
Isso me deixou pensativa e me trouxe muitos momentos que passei com você.
Por mais que eu queria e sua resposta ainda seja não ... Te deixo ir Sandy , te deixo ir pq eu te amo e além de tudo acho que já tomei muito seu tempo.
Espero que até dia 20 você ainda esteja me amando pq eu sei que eu vou tá te amando como nunca pode amar alguém.
Eu e você hoje , amanhã e sempre mozin>>>
🧷📎🧷📎. Fútil (0:38 -1:58)
📎 L&S 🧷
📎 🧷
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danilcc · 1 year
APELIDOS: que tipo de apelidos seu muse tem e que dá ao parceiro?
OOC: o mais comum é Dani, é mais fácil de ser pronunciado e é fofo, Daniel gosta. E ele chama o Naseon de mozin porque ele é baixinho e o Jihan de mozão por ser quase da mesma altura que ele, em português mesmo.
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wieqo · 1 year
oie! você faria users do mingi (ateez)? por favor
não só faria como fiz mozin espero q goste
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Are you new to the world of fitness and looking to embark on a journey towards a healthier lifestyle? Congratulations! Taking the first step is often the hardest, but with the right guidance and mindset, you can achieve your fitness goals. In this beginner’s fitness guide, we will provide you with essential tips and information to help you start strong on your fitness journey. So let’s dive in and discover how you can kickstart your path to a fitter and stronger you!
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reliquiou · 1 month
Kael, Dakh, Rast, Zhor, Vaan .. e contando 🐉🩵
Esqueceu do atalim mozin 🩷🩷
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