solaradastra · 4 months
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Happy Hörk
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captainmera · 6 months
can u… yk, draw ur little character called brother😢
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Genuinely surprised you know who he is! :D
I love my boy, man! I'll draw him any time anyone asks lol. Precious, adorable boy, dead set on finding his little brother Mike.
There he is! :D Brother and Moah! My very first OC from the OCT I was in waaay way back in the days hahaha! Gosh, Escape of Nevara was not yesterday. Haha.. What an era that was!
I only lasted one round. Though tbf, I was up against Zeurel the animator, so I had no chance in hell to win, lol. But it was fun and I did my best! :)
Kinda sad I never got to show off his story I had planned though. Like, for example, he was going to get an actual name: Derek!
If I remember correctly, I'm fuzzy on my details because I kinda scrapped it all after I lost.
But basically, Brother is Mike's imaginary friend. Brother doesn't know that. He was supposed to find out he wasn't real and have a sort of Peter Pan vibe over him.
He was going to discover that Moah was a dream-eater, and throughout each round I would be making him weaker and her stronger. As she would be eating other's (opponents) dreams and be vampiring on him. So that was my idea plot-twist at the time. Or.. Something like that? It was long ago. I don't recall too well.
And in the end, after discovering he wasn't real. Wanted to have a name and chose Derek, after a comicbook character he liked.
His goofy shtick was that he was the ideal big brother for a tween boy that had a rough home and wanted a nice parental-esque older brother. So Brother's immature "EW COOTIES!" despite being a teenager, comes from that. And keeping to bed times and snack times, etc, is also due to that. Which I intended opponents/newfound friends to point out to him.
But it does come across as him sounding really immature for having the child-like vocabulary of a seven-year-old.
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snipersfucker · 11 months
sup bro (flirtatiously)
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rattschmooze · 6 months
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vioarry · 2 years
happy birthday!!!!!! :D
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tamilnadutest · 2 months
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MOSH (Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbons) and MOAH (Mineral Oil Aromatic Hydrocarbons) are contaminants found in food. Let’s delve into their significance:
MOSH: Derived from mineral oils used in printing inks, lubricants, and recycled materials. Not a complete protein and lacks meaningful amounts of certain amino acids. Accumulates in the liver and lymph nodes over time. Health implications include inflammation, liver damage, and potential cancer risk.
MOAH: Contains aromatic hydrocarbons, some of which can be carcinogenic.
Readily absorbed by fatty tissues in the body. Accumulates in organs like the liver and spleen. Long-term exposure can lead to health problems.
Tamilnadu Test House offers #MOSH and #MOAH testing and support you assessing the risk of these contaminants in your supply chain, as well as detecting and understanding the origin of possible MOSH and MOAH contamination.
For more information, Please call us at 7550053005 or email us at [email protected]
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foodlawlatest · 1 year
Top 10 articles in 2022
Top 10 articles in 2022
As usual, here we are with our yearly recap of the top posts, according to your preferences: Breaking news – MOAH levels in food in EU settled: this online multi-platform live streaming session went over the moon and was quoted in the main specialized press. The topic was hot, since the definition of provisional maximum levels for MOAH – even if technically not binding – was a bold move by the…
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sistemieconsulenze · 2 years
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MOSH e MOAH: che cosa sono? I Moh, Mineral Oil Hydrocarbons, sono oli minerali complessi costituiti da idrocarburi saturi, alchilati aromatici, provenienti dalla filiera petrolifera. I più importanti sono i MOAH (Mineral Oil Aromatic Hydrocarbon), ed i MOSH (Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbon). Queste sostanze chimiche sono considerate pericolose per la salute umana e possono contaminare gli alimenti. #moah #mosh #moca #packaging #sistemieconsulenze Leggi l'intero articolo su 👇 https://www.sistemieconsulenze.it/idrocarburi-di-origine-minerale-mosh-moah/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CjPq3abIhoZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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solaradastra · 4 months
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Schürk schaut (dem Hölzer hinterher und macht sich verfickte Sorgen)
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captainmera · 4 months
If it's not too much trouble, could you know if your OC called Brother has a presentation(?) where he shows what his clothes, his hair, name, age and etc. are like?
Here you go! :)
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
I attempted to write Sylar as a child/teenager. This is the result.
Peter & Sylar are brothers in this AU
I'm starting a whole new Heroes series (not that I'm ending my HS AU; that one's still going) that's branching into pre-canon, and it'll eventually go through canon with a whole different outlook on the relationships.
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tedlebred · 5 months
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Hello kkm fandom is anyone still here ‼️
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elle-p · 1 month
Clean/full versions of some of Sogabe's coloured art?????
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(This one goes over the spine and on to the next page)
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ショートコミックや4コマ、イラストなどで 『ペルソナ4』の魅力を詰め込んだアンソロジ一の表紙イラスト。主人公と陽介をメインに、デフォルメされた残りのメンバーが描かれている。もちろん、全員メガネ着用!
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 month
for my mooties not on twitter… Mianite RPG (my homies ❤️👀‼️) the Mianite Wiki and Mayhaven project are cookin up somethin for the 10 year anniversary idk what but I am theorizing MAD rn
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lukas1606 · 1 month
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Run for your life, Nat
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kainekron · 2 years
whenever I see overly complicated fan theories based on the origin of specific things or specific phrasing that pops up once or twice I think of Alex Hirsch talking about tad Strange
because Alex is wrong!! he did help Shape Tad he said in an AMA as Bill the "tad is a total square and that is an objectively stupid shape" you can see why I don't trust those Alex bless his heart completely forgot he said that so idk theories based on statements even those in the text always make me think that it might just be a coincidence so idk just don't take things super seriously
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