#Modern Building Technologies Technical Services
treethymes · 7 months
With the exceptions of North Korea and Cuba, the communist world has merged onto the capitalist highway in a couple different ways during the twenty-first century. As you’ve read, free-trade imperialism and its cheap agricultural imports pushed farmers into the cities and into factory work, lowering the global price of manufacturing labor and glutting the world market with stuff. Forward-thinking states such as China and Vietnam invested in high-value-added production capacity and managed labor organizing, luring links from the global electronics supply chain and jump-starting capital investment. Combined with capital’s hesitancy to invest in North Atlantic production facilities, as well as a disinclination toward state-led investment in the region, Asian top-down planning erased much of the West’s technological edge. If two workers can do a single job, and one worker costs less, both in wages and state support, why pick the expensive one? Foxconn’s 2017 plan to build a U.S. taxpayer–subsidized $10 billion flat-panel display factory in Wisconsin was trumpeted by the president, but it was a fiasco that produced zero screens. The future cost of labor looks to be capped somewhere below the wage levels many people have enjoyed, and not just in the West.
The left-wing economist Joan Robinson used to tell a joke about poverty and investment, something to the effect of: The only thing worse than being exploited by capitalists is not being exploited by capitalists. It’s a cruel truism about the unipolar world, but shouldn’t second place count for something? When the Soviet project came to an end, in the early 1990s, the country had completed world history’s biggest, fastest modernization project, and that didn’t just disappear. Recall that Cisco was hyped to announce its buyout of the Evil Empire’s supercomputer team. Why wasn’t capitalist Russia able to, well, capitalize? You’re already familiar with one of the reasons: The United States absorbed a lot of human capital originally financed by the Soviet people. American immigration policy was based on draining technical talent in particular from the Second World. Sergey Brin is the best-known person in the Moscow-to-Palo-Alto pipeline, but he’s not the only one.
Look at the economic composition of China and Russia in the wake of Soviet dissolution: Both were headed toward capitalist social relations, but they took two different routes. The Russian transition happened rapidly. The state sold off public assets right away, and the natural monopolies such as telecommunications and energy were divided among a small number of skilled and connected businessmen, a category of guys lacking in a country that frowned on such characters but that grew in Gorbachev’s liberalizing perestroika era. Within five years, the country sold off an incredible 35 percent of its national wealth. Russia’s richest ended the century with a full counterrevolutionary reversal of their fortunes, propelling their income share above what it was before the Bolsheviks took over. To accomplish this, the country’s new capitalists fleeced the most vulnerable half of their society. “Over the 1989–2016 period, the top 1 percent captured more than two-thirds of the total growth in Russia,” found an international group of scholars, “while the bottom 50 percent actually saw a decline in its income.” Increases in energy prices encouraged the growth of an extractionist petro-centered economy. Blood-covered, teary, and writhing, infant Russian capital crowded into the gas and oil sectors. The small circle of oligarchs privatized unemployed KGB-trained killers to run “security,” and gangsters dominated politics at the local and national levels. They installed a not particularly well-known functionary—a former head of the new intelligence service FSB who also worked on the privatization of government assets—as president in a surprise move on the first day of the year 2000. He became the gangster in chief.
Vladimir Putin’s first term coincided with the energy boom, and billionaires gobbled up a ludicrous share of growth. If any individual oligarch got too big for his britches, Putin was not beyond imposing serious consequences. He reinserted the state into the natural monopolies, this time in collaboration with loyal capitalists, and his stranglehold on power remains tight for now, despite the outstandingly uneven distribution of growth. Between 1980 and 2015, the Russian top 1 percent grew its income an impressive 6.2 percent per year, but the top .001 percent has maintained a growth rate of 17 percent over the same period. To invest these profits, the Russian billionaires parked their money in real estate, bidding up housing prices, and stashed a large amount of their wealth offshore. Reinvestment in Russian production was not a priority—why go through the hassle when there were easier ways to keep getting richer?
While Russia grew billionaires instead of output, China saw a path to have both. As in the case of Terry Gou, the Chinese Communist Party tempered its transition by incorporating steadily increasing amounts of foreign direct investment through Hong Kong and Taiwan, picking partners and expanding outward from the special economic zones. State support for education and infrastructure combined with low wages to make the mainland too attractive to resist. (Russia’s population is stagnant, while China’s has grown quickly.) China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, in 2001, gave investors more confidence. Meanwhile, strong capital controls kept the country out of the offshore trap, and state development priorities took precedence over extraction and get-rich-quick schemes. Chinese private wealth was rechanneled into domestic financial assets—equity and bonds or other loan instruments—at a much higher rate than it was in Russia. The result has been a sustained high level of annual output growth compared to the rest of the world, the type that involves putting up an iPhone City in a matter of months. As it has everywhere else, that growth has been skewed: only an average of 4.5 percent for the bottom half of earners in the 1978–2015 period compared to more than 10 percent for the top .001 percent. But this ratio of just over 2–1 is incomparable to Russia’s 17–.5 ration during the same period.
Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, certain trends have been more or less unavoidable. The rich have gotten richer relative to the poor and working class—in Russia, in China, in the United States, and pretty much anywhere else you want to look. Capital has piled into property markets, driving up the cost of housing everywhere people want to live, especially in higher-wage cities and especially in the world’s financial centers. Capitalist and communist countries alike have disgorged public assets into private pockets. But by maintaining a level of control over the process and slowing its tendencies, the People’s Republic of China has built a massive and expanding postindustrial manufacturing base.
It’s important to understand both of these patterns as part of the same global system rather than as two opposed regimes. One might imagine, based on what I’ve written so far, that the Chinese model is useful, albeit perhaps threatening, in the long term for American tech companies while the Russian model is irrelevant. Some commentators have phrased this as the dilemma of middle-wage countries on the global market: Wages in China are going to be higher than wages in Russia because wages in Russia used to be higher than wages in China. But Russia’s counterrevolutionary hyper-bifurcation has been useful for Silicon Valley as well; they are two sides of the same coin. Think about it this way: If you’re a Russian billionaire in the first decades of the twenty-first century looking to invest a bunch of money you pulled out of the ground, where’s the best place you could put it? The answer is Palo Alto.
Malcolm Harris, Palo Alto
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promodubiz · 3 months
The Evolution of Digital Marketing Solutions: Strategies for Success
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In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses must adopt effective digital marketing solutions to remain competitive and relevant. As consumer behavior shifts increasingly online, traditional marketing methods alone no longer suffice. Digital marketing offers a vast array of tools and strategies that enable businesses to reach their target audience more efficiently and effectively. This article explores the evolution of digital marketing solutions and outlines key strategies for success.
Understanding Digital Marketing Solutions
Digital marketing Solutions encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and websites to connect with current and prospective customers. Key components of digital marketing include:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): This involves optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), thereby increasing organic (non-paid) traffic. SEO strategies include keyword research, content creation, and technical website improvements.
Content Marketing: This focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a clearly defined audience. Blogs, videos, infographics, and ebooks are common content marketing tools.
Social Media Marketing: Utilizing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter to promote products and services, engage with customers, and build brand awareness. Social media marketing can be organic or paid (social media ads).
Email Marketing: Sending targeted emails to a group of subscribers to promote products, share news, or nurture relationships. Email marketing remains one of the most cost-effective digital marketing strategies.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: This is a model where advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Google Ads is a popular PPC platform that helps drive traffic to websites through paid search engine results.
Affiliate Marketing: Partnering with other businesses or influencers who promote your products in exchange for a commission on sales generated through their referral.
Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers who have a large following to promote your brand. This strategy leverages the influencer's credibility and reach to connect with potential customers.
The Evolution of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing has evolved significantly over the past two decades. Early internet marketing efforts were largely experimental, focusing on basic website creation and banner ads. As technology advanced and the internet became more accessible, digital marketing strategies grew more sophisticated.
The rise of search engines in the late 1990s and early 2000s led to the development of SEO, a cornerstone of modern digital marketing. Around the same time, email marketing began to gain traction as businesses realized the potential of direct communication with customers.
Social media platforms emerged in the mid-2000s, revolutionizing how businesses engage with their audience. Initially used primarily for personal connections, social media quickly became a powerful marketing tool. The introduction of social media advertising further expanded the possibilities for targeted marketing.
Content marketing gained prominence in the 2010s as businesses recognized the value of providing informative and engaging content to attract and retain customers. This era also saw the rise of influencer marketing, driven by the growing popularity of social media influencers.
Today, digital marketing Solutions continues to evolve with advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and data analytics. These technologies enable more personalized and data-driven marketing strategies, improving efficiency and effectiveness.
Key Strategies for Success
To succeed in digital marketing, businesses must adopt a strategic approach that combines various digital marketing solutions. Here are key strategies for success:
Define Clear Objectives: Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Clear objectives guide your digital marketing efforts and help measure success.
Understand Your Audience: Conduct thorough market research to understand your target audience's needs, preferences, and behaviors. Create detailed buyer personas to guide your marketing strategies.
Create High-Quality Content: Invest in creating valuable and engaging content that addresses your audience's pain points and interests. Quality content builds trust and authority in your industry.
Leverage Data Analytics: Use analytics tools to track and analyze your marketing performance. Data insights help refine strategies, optimize campaigns, and improve ROI.
Embrace Omnichannel Marketing: Ensure a consistent and seamless experience across all digital channels. An omnichannel approach enhances customer engagement and retention.
Stay Updated with Trends: Digital marketing is dynamic and constantly evolving. Stay informed about the latest trends, technologies, and best practices to stay ahead of the competition.
Test and Optimize: Continuously test different strategies and tactics to identify what works best. Optimization is an ongoing process that enhances the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts.
Digital marketing solutions have transformed how businesses connect with their audience, offering unparalleled opportunities for growth and success. By understanding the evolution of digital marketing and adopting key strategies, businesses can harness the power of digital channels to achieve their marketing goals. In an ever-changing digital landscape, staying adaptable, informed, and customer-focused is the key to thriving in the digital age.
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itcourses-stuff · 15 days
How to Become a Cloud Computing Engineer
Cloud computing has become a cornerstone of modern IT infrastructure, making the role of a Cloud Computing Engineer highly in demand. If you're looking to enter this field, here's a roadmap to help you get started:
Build a Strong Foundation in IT A solid understanding of computer networks, operating systems, and basic programming is essential. Consider getting a degree in Computer Science or Information Technology. Alternatively, Jetking offer you to make your career in Cloud computing Courses and gain the technical knowledge needed.
Learn Cloud Platforms Familiarize yourself with popular cloud service providers such as AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. Many platforms offer certification courses, like AWS Certified Solutions Architect, which will help validate your skills.
Gain Hands-On Experience Practical experience is critical. Set up your own cloud projects, manage databases, configure servers, and practice deploying applications. This will give you the real-world experience that employers seek.
Master Programming Languages Learn programming languages commonly used in cloud environments, such as Python, Java, or Ruby. Scripting helps automate tasks, making your work as a cloud engineer more efficient.
Understand Security in the Cloud Security is paramount in cloud computing. Gain knowledge of cloud security best practices, such as encryption, data protection, and compliance standards to ensure safe operations and become Master in cloud computing courses.
Get Certified Earning cloud certifications from AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud can enhance your credibility. Certifications like AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner or Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals can provide you a competitive edge.
Keep Learning Cloud technology evolves rapidly, so continuous learning is key. Stay updated by taking advanced courses and attending cloud tech conferences.
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By building your expertise in these areas, you’ll be well on your way to a successful career as a Cloud Computing Engineer!
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ukeartraininguk · 1 month
UKeartraining.com is a leading provider of specialised training for individuals aspiring to become certified ear wax removal specialists across the United Kingdom. Our comprehensive, two-day UK Ear Care Training Course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and certification required to practise ear wax removal professionally and confidently. Fully accredited by CPD, our course allows graduates to begin treating patients immediately, making it a recession-proof business opportunity suitable for those with or without prior medical training. Our course curriculum covers essential aspects of ear care, starting with an understanding of ear anatomy, common conditions and abnormalities, and the formation and function of ear wax. Participants are trained in modern ear wax removal methods, including the use of otoscopes for ear examinations, and specialised techniques such as water irrigation and microsuction, which are standard practices in leading ENT clinics. The training is hands-on, with practical sessions on the second day where participants practise these techniques under the expert guidance of our experienced trainers. Additionally, we emphasise the importance of patient care, teaching best practices for patient preparation, treatment, and aftercare, ensuring that participants can deliver exceptional service that fosters long-term patient relationships. Beyond the technical skills, UKeartraining.com also provides valuable insights into running a successful ear wax removal business. This includes training on software and technology to streamline operations, strategies for building and marketing a practice, and effective methods for finding and retaining patients. At UKeartraining.com, we are committed to providing an all-encompassing training experience that not only prepares participants to excel in ear wax removal but also equips them with the business acumen needed to thrive in the industry. Whether you're looking to start a new venture or expand your current practice, our training offers the tools and knowledge to succeed.
Website: https://ukeartraining.com
Address: 22 Milnpark St, Kinning Park, Glasgow, G41 1BB
Phone Number: 0330 043 4160
Contact Mail: [email protected]
Business Hours: 24/7
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mediabowmandigital · 3 months
The Power of Digital Marketing in the Modern Business Landscape
In the era of digital transformation, the way businesses market their products and services has evolved dramatically. Traditional marketing methods are no longer sufficient to reach and engage today’s tech-savvy consumers. Instead, digital marketing has emerged as the cornerstone of modern marketing strategies. This comprehensive article explores the various facets of digital marketing, its core components, and the profound impact it has on businesses.
Understanding Digital Marketing
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing refers to the use of digital channels, platforms, and technologies to promote and sell products or services. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and more. The primary goal of digital marketing is to connect with potential customers online, where they spend a significant portion of their time.
The Evolution of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing has its roots in the early days of the internet, but it has rapidly evolved with advancements in technology. The proliferation of smartphones, social media platforms, and high-speed internet has revolutionized how businesses reach and interact with their audiences. Today, digital marketing is data-driven, highly targeted, and capable of delivering personalized experiences to consumers.
Core Components of Digital Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is the practice of optimizing a website to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). By improving the visibility of a website on search engines like Google, businesses can attract organic traffic from users actively searching for relevant products or services. SEO involves keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and technical SEO.
Content Marketing
Content marketing focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. This can include blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, eBooks, and more. The goal is to provide valuable information that addresses the needs and interests of the target audience, thereby establishing the business as a trusted authority in its industry.
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Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing involves using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others to promote products and engage with customers. Businesses can create and share content, run paid advertising campaigns, and interact with their audience in real-time. Social media marketing helps build brand awareness, foster customer loyalty, and drive website traffic.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is the process of sending targeted emails to a list of subscribers. It is a powerful tool for nurturing leads, promoting products, and building relationships with customers. Effective email marketing campaigns include personalized messages, promotional offers, newsletters, and automated workflows to keep the audience engaged.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
PPC advertising is a model where businesses pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. Platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads allow businesses to create ads that appear on search engine results pages or partner websites. PPC campaigns are highly targeted, enabling businesses to reach potential customers based on keywords, demographics, and interests.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing involves partnering with third-party websites or influencers to promote products in exchange for a commission on sales generated through their referrals. This strategy leverages the reach and influence of affiliates to expand a business’s customer base.
Analytics and Data
Digital marketing relies heavily on data and analytics to measure the effectiveness of campaigns. Tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and email marketing analytics provide valuable information on user behavior, campaign performance, and return on investment (ROI). By analyzing this data, businesses can make informed decisions and optimize their marketing strategies.
The Impact of Digital Marketing on Businesses
Increased Reach and Visibility
One of the most significant advantages of digital marketing is its ability to reach a global audience. Unlike traditional marketing methods limited by geography, digital marketing allows businesses to connect with potential customers anywhere in the world. This increased reach translates to higher visibility and brand recognition.
Digital marketing is often more cost-effective than traditional marketing. Many digital marketing strategies, such as SEO and content marketing, require minimal financial investment compared to print ads, TV commercials, or billboards. Additionally, digital marketing campaigns can be scaled to fit any budget, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes.
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Enhanced Targeting and Personalization
Digital marketing enables businesses to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This level of precision allows for highly personalized marketing messages that resonate with individual consumers. Personalized marketing not only improves customer engagement but also increases conversion rates and customer loyalty.
Real-Time Engagement and Interaction
Social media platforms and other digital channels allow businesses to engage with their audience in real-time. This immediate interaction helps build stronger relationships with customers and fosters a sense of community around the brand. Real-time engagement also allows businesses to respond quickly to customer feedback and address any issues promptly.
Measurable Results
One of the key benefits of digital marketing is its measurability. Businesses can track the performance of their campaigns in real-time, using various metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, click-through rates, and more. This data-driven approach enables continuous improvement and ensures that marketing efforts are aligned with business goals.
Challenges and Future Trends in Digital Marketing
Keeping Up with Technological Advancements
The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies and platforms emerging regularly. Businesses must stay updated with the latest trends and tools to remain competitive. This requires ongoing learning and adaptation.
Data Privacy and Security
With the increasing reliance on data for personalized marketing, businesses must prioritize data privacy and security. Adhering to regulations like GDPR and ensuring transparent data practices are crucial to maintaining customer trust.
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI is transforming digital marketing by enabling more sophisticated data analysis, personalization, and automation. AI-powered tools can predict customer behavior, optimize ad targeting, and enhance customer experiences. As AI technology continues to advance, its role in digital marketing will likely expand.
Voice Search and Visual Search
Voice search and visual search are gaining popularity, driven by the widespread use of smart speakers and mobile devices. Businesses need to optimize their digital content for these new search methods to remain relevant and accessible to consumers.
Digital marketing is an indispensable component of modern business strategy. Its ability to reach a global audience, deliver personalized experiences, and provide measurable results makes it a powerful tool for driving growth and success. While the digital marketing landscape presents challenges, staying informed and adapting to new trends will ensure businesses continue to thrive in the digital age. Investing in digital marketing is not just about staying competitive; it's about seizing opportunities to connect with customers in meaningful ways and building a sustainable future.
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apcseo · 4 months
The Power of Ad Agencies in Delhi: Amplifying Brands, Fueling Growth
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Uncover how Delhi's ad agencies are shaping brand success stories. Explore their expertise in crafting targeted campaigns that resonate with consumers and propel businesses to new heights
Advertising is a strategic communication tool used by businesses to promote their products, services, or brand to target audiences. It aims to influence consumer behavior and increase sales or brand awareness. Advertising employs various channels such as television, radio, print media, outdoor billboards, online platforms, and social media.
The primary goal of advertising is to create a compelling message that resonates with the target audience, persuading them to take a desired action, such as making a purchase or visiting a website. Effective advertising often employs creativity, emotion, humor, or storytelling to capture attention and leave a lasting impression on consumers.
Advertisers utilize market research and consumer insights to tailor their messages to specific demographics, ensuring maximum impact and relevance. In addition to promoting products, advertising also plays a crucial role in shaping brand perception and building customer loyalty over time.
However, advertising can also face challenges such as ad fatigue, consumer skepticism, and ethical considerations regarding truthfulness and transparency. Despite these challenges, advertising remains a fundamental aspect of modern marketing strategies, constantly evolving to adapt to changing consumer behaviors and technological advancements.
Advertising agencies play an indispensable role in Delhi's bustling business landscape, serving as the creative engines behind successful brand campaigns. These agencies are pivotal in crafting and executing strategies that drive brand visibility, consumer engagement, and revenue growth.
At their core, ad agencies are hubs of creativity and strategic thinking. They are adept at understanding the nuances of consumer behavior, market trends, and the competitive landscape. By leveraging this understanding, agencies in Delhi craft tailored advertising campaigns that resonate deeply with the city's diverse and discerning audience.
Their importance lies in their ability to translate a brand's identity and message into compelling visuals, narratives, and strategies. Through a blend of market research, creative ideation, and technical expertise, these agencies develop multi-channel campaigns that cut through the noise and capture audience attention.
In a city like Delhi, known for its vibrant culture and thriving business environment, ad agencies serve as catalysts for brand success. They help businesses, from startups to established enterprises, to differentiate themselves and carve a niche in competitive markets. Their expertise extends across various mediums, including print, digital, television, radio, and emerging platforms, ensuring maximum reach and impact.
Moreover, ad agencies act as strategic partners, guiding brands through the ever-evolving landscape of advertising. They navigate the complexities of social media algorithms, SEO intricacies, and changing consumer preferences, ensuring that brands remain relevant and visible in an ever-evolving digital world.
Collaboration with ad agencies in Delhi offers businesses a competitive edge. These agencies bring fresh perspectives and innovative approaches, helping brands adapt and thrive amidst changing market dynamics. Their involvement often leads to enhanced brand recognition, increased sales, and a stronger connection with the target audience.
Delhi's ad agencies also contribute significantly to the city's economy by fostering creativity, generating employment opportunities, and nurturing a thriving advertising industry.
In conclusion, ad agencies in Delhi are not just facilitators of brand promotion; they are architects of success. Their ability to blend creativity with market insight and technological prowess makes them indispensable partners for businesses seeking to elevate their brand presence. As Delhi continues to be a hub of innovation and commerce, these agencies remain at the forefront, shaping the narrative of brands and propelling them towards unprecedented growth and recognition.
This post was originally published on: Apppl Combine
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mefocusuae · 5 months
Elevating Your Vision: Dubai Photography and Videography Experts
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Dubai is well known for its abundance, creativity, and stunning scenery. In this colorful environment, the fields of photography and videography bloom with experts who combine cutting-edge technology with creative vision. These professionals from a leading Dubai photography company grab opportunities to create visually stunning works of art that enrich the story and significantly impact viewers.
Skilled experts improve your vision, turning momentary experiences into classic memories. They can handle the city's many scenes with a keen eye, technical skill, and local knowledge, resulting in images and movies that will stick with you for years.
The Art of Photography in Dubai
Dubai's photographers are known for their expertise in the field. Using cutting-edge tools and an acute sense of detail, they produce breathtaking photos beyond the ordinary. Every picture, from the soft desert views to the shimmering buildings of downtown Dubai, tells a different story about the city's blend of modernity and legacy. Whether covering events, taking portraits, or shooting architecture, Dubai's photographers are skilled at capturing moments that appeal to viewers worldwide.
Mastering the Craft of Videography
Dubai's videography experts are known for their ability to create visually captivating stories. These experts create cinematic experiences through editing, story structure, and cinematography. They are not only filmmakers but also storytellers. Dubai's videography talents bring ideas to life on screen, engaging viewers and making a lasting impression. From corporate movies demonstrating the city's business power to event footage capturing the thrill of cultural festivals, they truly make an impression.
Innovations in Aerial Photography and Videography
One of the most powerful aspects of Dubai's photography and filmmaking scene is using drones to take photos from above. Using drone technology, these experts can capture stunning photos above the city's well-known skyline, stunning buildings, and wide environment. Aerial photography and videography, including top-tier videography service Dubai, give the visual story a dynamic perspective, giving viewers an exclusive viewpoint and immersing them in Dubai's splendor from above.
Finding the Perfect Fit: Considerations for Choosing Your Expert
Your goals and vision will determine which of the many skilled photographers and videographers Dubai offers to help you choose the right partner. Here are some important things to consider about:
Portfolio Review: Spend time browsing potential candidates' online portfolios to understand their style and ensure it aligns with your vision. Look for a compatible aesthetic that resonates with your liking, whether a surprising, high-contrast design for architectural photography or a light and airy approach for portraits.
Knowledge and Skill: Seek out experts in your chosen field, such as architectural photography or documenting hectic events. Look beyond the number of years of experience to determine if the photographer or videographer has worked on projects or with clients similar to yours by looking through their client portfolio.
Collaboration and Communication: To provide a productive and satisfying encounter, look for somebody with whom you can share your ideas and choices. Please set up a consultation to assess their communication style and personality. Your ideal fit will be someone who actively listens to your vision, makes innovative suggestions, and creates a collaborative environment where you feel comfortable sharing your ideas.
Rates and Budget: Establish a budget in advance and ask the photographers or videographers you have narrowed down for quotations. Be open and honest about the expectations and scope of your project. Never be scared to haggle, but remember that sometimes the best deals are only those with the lowest price.
Customer Testimonials: Review previous customer reviews and testimonies to learn more about the work ethic, responsiveness, and quality of work the photographer or videographer can do.
Collaborations with Brands and Events
Dubai's photography and videography experts, particularly those from reputable Dubai photography company, are in high demand because of their prowess in working with companies, events, and brands. They adapt their talents to suit a variety of customer objectives and recognize the value of visual storytelling in marketing and promotion. From event coverage for esteemed events to product photography for high-end labels, these professionals infuse every assignment with innovation, professionalism, and a deep sense of brand identity. Their partnerships produce aesthetically spectacular content that engages viewers and increases engagement. 
The Impact of Technology and Innovation
Technology and innovation greatly affect Dubai's booming photography and videography industries. Urban experts are adopting inventions like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to frame immersive visual experiences. This technology gives viewers interesting new ways to interact with information by improving storytelling. Dubai's forward-thinking attitude to technology means that its experts in photography and videography are constantly at the forefront of invention and creativity, pushing the limits and setting new standards in visual communication.
The Value of Local Knowledge
A photographer or videographer in Dubai adds value beyond technical expertise with local understanding. They know the best spots for photos, the hidden treasures of the city, and the subtleties of navigating different areas. This knowledge results in more seamless shoot coordination, effective time management, and a stronger bond with the city's distinct character captured in your finished shots.
An architectural photographer at Me Focus, who is experienced in capturing Dubai's always-changing scenery, can suggest the ideal time of day to get golden light photos of the Burj Khalifa. For your sunset photos, a travel photographer may know of a remote location in the desert with stunning all-around vistas. Local knowledge also makes obtaining permits to visit particular areas easier, making the shooting process less stressful.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Vision with Dubai's Experts
The professionals at Me Focus, Dubai, specializing in photography and videography, including videography service Dubai, are more than just those with cameras. They are visionaries, inventors, and storytellers who enhance visual experiences and make a lasting impression on viewers worldwide. These professionals guarantee that every moment is turned into a remarkable visual masterpiece, whether taking breathtaking pictures that highlight the beauty of the city or creating captivating, motivational cinematic videos. In Dubai, creating art that uplifts, inspires, and unites people worldwide is the true essence of photography and videography.
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kennak · 10 months
No. 国名、地域名 Country or Region 企業名、組織名 Company or Organization 別名 Also Known As 懸念区分 Type of WMD 1 アフガニスタン Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Al Qa'ida/Islamic Army ・Al Qaeda ・Islamic Salvation Foundation ・The Base ・The Group for the Preservation of the Holy Sites ・The Islamic Army for the Liberation of Holy Places ・The World Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and Crusaders ・Usama Bin Laden Network ・Usama Bin Laden Organisation 化学 C 2 アフガニスタン Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ummah Tameer E-Nau (UTN) ・FOUNDATION FOR CONSTRUCTION ・NATION BUILDING ・RECONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION ・RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ISLAMIC COMMUNITY ・RECONSTRUCTION OF THE MUSLIM UMMAH ・UMMAH TAMEER I-NAU ・UMMAH TAMIR E-NAU ・UMMAH TAMIR I-NAU ・UMMAT TAMIR E-NAU ・UMMAT TAMIR-I-PAU 核 N 3 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Al-Bairaq for international land transport ミサイル M 4 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Candid General Trading LLC ・Candid Trading LLC ミサイル M 5 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Delta Engineering Concern FZE (DEC) 核 N 6 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates DES INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. ・D.E.S. INTERNATIONAL ・D.E.S. INTERNATIONAL CO. LTD ・DES INTERNATIONAL ・DES INTERNATIONAL CO. ・DES INTERNATIONAL COMPANY ・DES INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED ミサイル M 7 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates E and I Systems FZE 核 N 8 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Energy Global International FZE 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 9 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Emirates Alloys LLC ・Emirates Alloys ・Emirates Alloys General Trading LLC ・Emirates Aero 核 N 10 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Euromoto Middle East FZE ミサイル M 11 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Future Trends International, FZE LLC ・Future Trends ・Future Trends Intl FZE LLC 核 N 12 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates International General Resourcing FZE ミサイル M 13 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Mabrooka Trading Co L.L.C. ・Mabrooka Trading Company ミサイル M 14 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Mahrous Trading FZE ・Mahrus Trading FZE 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 15 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Modern Technologies FZC (MTFZC) 核 N 16 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Odyssey General Trading FZC 核 N 17 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Parts Deep Trading ミサイル M 18 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Pegasus General Trading FZE ミサイル、核 M,N 19 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Royal Pearl General T.R.D. ・Royal Pearl Chemical ・Royal Pearls ・Royal Pearls General Trading ミサイル M 20 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Rigsol Well Drilling Equipment Trading 核 N 21 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates S&D INDUSTRY LTD 核 N 22 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Safe Technical Supply ・Safe Technical Supply Co., LLC ・Safe Technical Equipment Services LLC ・Safe Technical ・SafeTech 核 N 23 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Sci Box Scientific and Laboratory Equipment Trading, LLC 核 N 24 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates SANCO MIDDLE EAST FZC ・SANCO ME FZC 核 N 1 25 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Techcare Services FZ LLC 核 N 26 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates TEM International FZC (TEM) 核 N 27 イエメン Republic of Yemen Al-Swari Trading and Import Co ・Alswari Trading & Import Co ・Al-Swari Group for Rubber Manufacturing ・Hashem Brothers for International Trading ミサイル M 28 イエメン Republic of Yemen Houthi ミサイル M 29 イスラエル State of Israel Nuclear Research Center Negev (NRCN) 核 N 30 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran 7th of Tir ・7th of Tir Complex ・7th of Tir Industrial Complex ・7th of Tir Industries ・7th of Tir Industries of Isfahan/Esfahan ・Mojtamae Sanate Haftome Tir ・Sanaye Haftome Tir ・Seventh of Tir 核 N 31 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran ABU REIHAN GROUP ミサイル M 32 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Abzar Boresh Kaveh Co. ・BK Co. 核 N 33 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Advanced Information and Communication Technology Center (AICTC) ミサイル、核 M,N 34 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY OF IRAN ・ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES ・ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY ・ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES HOLDING COMPANY ・GHANI SAZI ENRICHMENT ・GHANI SAZI URANIUM COMPANY ・IATC ・IRANIAN ENRICHMENT COMPANY ・IRAN ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY ・IRAN URANIUM ENRICHMENT COMPANY 核 N 35 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Aerospace Industries Organization(AIO) ・Sazemane Sanaye Hava Faza ミサイル M 36 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Aluminat ・Aluminat Production and Industrial Company 核 N 37 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Amin Industrial Complex ・Amin Industrial Company ・Amin Industrial Compound 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 38 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Amir Al Mo'menin Industries ・Amirolmomenin Factories ・Amirolmomenin Industries ・Amir-Al-Mo'menin Complex ミサイル M 39 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Amir Kabir University of Technology ・Amirkabir University of Technology 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 40 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (AMIG) ・Ammunition and Metallurgy Industry Group ・Ammunition Industries Group ・Sanaye Mohematsazi 核 N 41 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Andisheh Zolal Co. 生物、化学、核 B,C,N 42 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Aras Farayande 核 N 43 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Arfa Paint Company ミサイル、核 M,N 44 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Arfeh Company ミサイル、核 M,N 45 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Aria Nikan ・Aria Nikan Tehran ・Pergas Aria Movalled Ltd. 核 N 46 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Armament Industries Group (AIG) ・AIG-Armament Industries Group ・Armament Industries ミサイル、核 M,N 47 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces Geographical Organisation ミサイル M 48 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran ARTIN SANA'AT TABAAN COMPANY ・ARTIN SANAT TABAN ・ARTIN SANAT TABAN CO ・SOLMATE ミサイル M 49 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Arya Niroo Nik 核 N 50 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ashtian Tablo 核 N 2 51 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran ASRE SANAT ESHRAGH COMPANY ・ASR-E SANAT ESHRAGH ・ASRE SANAT ESHRAGH CO. ・ASRE SANATE ESHRAGH CO. ・ASR-E-SAN'AT ESHRAGH ENGINEERING COMPANY ・ASR-E-SAN'AT ESHRAGH ENGINEERING COMPANY LTD. ・ASE CO. ミサイル、核 M,N 52 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Baghyatollah Medical Sciences University (BMSU) ・Baghiatollah Medical Sciences University ・Bagiatollah Medical Sciences University ・Baqiatollah Medical Sciences University ・Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University ・Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences ・Baqyatollah Medical Sciences University ミサイル、核 M,N 53 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran BAKHTAR RAAD SEPAHAN COMPANY ・BAKHTAR RAAD ENGINEERING COMPANY ・BAKHTAR RAAD SEPAHAN CO. ・RADSEPAHAN 核 N 54 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Bargh Azaraksh ・Barghe Azerakhsh Sakht 核 N 55 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Barzagani Tejarat Tavanmad Saccal companies ・Bazargani Tejarat Tavanmad Saccal companies ミサイル、核 M,N 56 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Behineh Trading Co. ミサイル、核 M,N 57 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Behnam Sahriyari Trading Company ミサイル、核 M,N 58 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Carvana Company ・CARVANA Co. ミサイル M 59 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Center for Innovation and Technology Cooperation (CITC) ・Iranian Presidential Center for Innovation and Technology Cooperation (CITC) ・Office of Scientific and Technical Cooperation ・Office of Scientific and Industrial Studies (OSIS) ・Presidency Office of Scientific and Industrial Studies (POSIS) ・Technology Cooperation Office (TCO) ・Technology Cooperation Office of the Iranian President's Office ミサイル、核 M,N 60 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Chemical Industries & Development of Materials Group (CIDMG) 化学、ミサイル C,M 61 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Cruise Missile Industry Group ・8th Imam Industries Group ・Cruise Systems Industry Group ・Naval Defence Missile Industry Group ・Samen Al-A'emmeh Industries Group ミサイル M 62 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Deep Offshore Technology PJS ・Deep Offshore Technology Company PJS ミサイル M 63 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Defence Industrieal Organisation ・Defense Industries Organization ・SASADJA ・Saseman Sanaje Defa ・Sazemane Sanaye Defa 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 64 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Defense Technology and Science Research Center (DTSRC) ・Educational Research Institute (ERI) ・MAVT Co. ・Moassese Amozeh Va Tahgiaghati ミサイル、核 M,N 65 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING OF AERO-ENGINE COMPANY ・DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE OF AIRCRAFT ENGINES ・IRANIAN TURBINE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES ・T.E.M. Co. ・Turbine Engineering Manufacturing (TEM) ミサイル、核 M,N 66 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Digital Media Lab (DML) ミサイル、核 M,N 67 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Doostan International Company (DICO) ミサイル M 68 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran East Star Company ・Satereh Shargh Mobin Co. ・Satereh Shargh Samin Co., Ltd. ・Setareh Shargh Co. ミサイル M 69 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran EBTEKAR SANAT ILYA LLC ・EBTEKAR SANAT ELYA ・EBTEKAR SANAT ILIA ・EBTEKAR SANAT ILIYA ・EBTEKAR SANAT ILIYA COMPANY ・EBTEKAR SANAT ILYA CO. LTD ミサイル M 70 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Electronic Components Industries (ECI) ミサイル、核 M,N 71 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Electro Sanam Company ・E.S. Co. ・E.X. Co. ・ES Co. ・EX Co. ミサイル M 72 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ertebat Gostar Novin ・Eterbat Gostar Novin 生物、化学、核 B,C,N 73 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ervin Danesh Aryan Company ・Ervin Danesh ミサイル M 3 74 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran ESNICO (Equipment Supplier for Nuclear Industries Corporation) 核 N 75 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ettehad Technical Group ミサイル M 76 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Eyvaz Technic ・Eyvaz Technic Industrial Company Ltd. ・Eyvaz Technic Manufacturing Company ・Eyvaz Technik 核 N 77 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Fajr Aviation Composite Industries ミサイル、核 M,N 78 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Fajr Industrial Group ・Fadjr Industries Group (FIG) ・Industrial Factories of Precision-Machinery ・Instrumentation Factories of Precision Machinery ・Instrumentation Factories Plant (IFP) ・Mojtame Santy Ajzae Daghigh ・Nasr Industries Group ミサイル、核 M,N 79 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Fanamoj ・Fana Moj ・Fana Mowj ・Fanamoj Company ・Fanavari Modj Khavar ・Fanavari Moj Khavar Co. ・Fanavari Moudj Khavar Group ・Fanavari Mowj Khavar ミサイル M 80 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Fan Pardazan ・Fan Pardazan Co 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 81 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Farasakht Industries ミサイル、核 M,N 82 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Farasepehr Engineering Company ミサイル、核 M,N 83 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Faratech ・Faratech Company 生物、化学、核 B,C,N 84 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Farayand Technique ・Farayand Technic 核 N 85 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Fater Institute ・Faater Institute ・Fater Engineering Company ・Fater Engineering Institute ・Gharargah Ghaem Faater Institute 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 86 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Fulmen ・Fulmen Company ・Fulmen Group 核 N 87 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Gharagahe Sazandegi Ghaem ・Gharargah Ghaem ・Gharargahe Sazandegi Ghaem 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 88 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ghorb Karbala ・Gharargah Karbala ・Gharargah Sazandegi Karbala-Moasseseh Taha 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 89 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ghorb Nooh 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 90 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Hara Company ・Hara Institute 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 91 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Hirbod Co 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 92 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran HODA TRADING ・HODA TRADING CO. ・HODA TRADING COMPANY ・SUSTAINABLE ELECTRONIC DEVELOPMENT ・SUSTAINABLE ELECTRONICS DEVELOPMENT ・SUSTAINABLE ELECTRONICS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ミサイル M 93 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Hong Kong Electronics ・Hong Kong Electronics Kish Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 94 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Hosseini Nejad Trading Company ・Hosseini Nejad Trading Co. ミサイル、核 M,N 95 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Imam Hossein University (IHU) ・Emam Hoseyn Comprehensive University ・Imaam Hossein University ・Imam Hoseyn University ・Imam Hossein University Complex ・Imam Hussein University ・University of Imam Hoseyn 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 96 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Imensazan Consultant Engineers Institute (ICEI) ・Imen Sazan Consultant Engineers ・Imensazen Consultant Engineers Institute 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 97 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Information Systems Iran (ISIRAN) ミサイル、核 M,N 98 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Aircraft Industries (IACI) ・SAHA ミサイル、核 M,N 4 99 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Company (IAMCO) ・Hava Peyma Sazi-e Iran ・Havapeyma Sazi Iran ・Havapeyma Sazhran ・HESA ・HESA Trade Center ・Hevapeimasazi ・HTC ・IAMI ・Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industrial Company ・Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries ・Karkhanejate Sanaye Havapaymaie Iran ミサイル、核 M,N 100 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Centrifuge Technology Company ・TESA ・The Iran Centrifuge Technology Company ・TSA 核 N 101 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Communications Industries (ICI) ・I.C.I. ・Iran Communication Industries ・Iran Communications Industries Group ・Sanaye Mokhaberat Iran ミサイル M 102 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Composites Institute ・Composite Institute of Iran ・Iranian Composites Institute (ICI) 核 N 103 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Electronics Industries (IEI) ・Sanaye Electronic Iran ・Sasad Iran Electronics Industries ・Sherkat Sanayeh Electronics Iran ミサイル、核 M,N 104 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran IRAN HELICOPTER SUPPORT AND RENEWAL COMPANY ・IHSRC ・IRANIAN HELICOPTERS' MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS COMPANY ・IRAN'S HELICOPTER RENOVATION AND LOGISTICS COMPANY ・PANHA ミサイル、核 M,N 105 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Marine Industrial Company (SADRA) ・Iran Marine Industrial Company ・Iran Marine Industrial Company SSA ・Iran SADRA ・Iran Ship Building Co. ・Sherkate Sanati Daryai Iran 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 106 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Pooya ・Iran Pouya ・Iran Puya 核 N 107 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Saffron Company ・Iransaffron Co. ミサイル、核 M,N 108 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) ・Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST) ・University of Elm-o-Sanat ミサイル、核 M,N 109 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iranian Aviation Industries Organization (IAIO) ・Iran Aviation Industries Organization ・Sazmane Sanaye Havai ミサイル、核 M,N 110 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran IRGC Air Force ・Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Air Force ・Sepah Pasdaran Air Force ミサイル M 111 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran IRGC-Air Force Al-Ghadir Missile Command ・IRGC Missile Command ・Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Missile Command ミサイル M 112 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran IRGC Qods Force ・IRGC QF ・Pasdaran-e Enghelab-e Islami ・Sepah-e Qods ミサイル M 113 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Isfahan Optics ・I.O.I. ミサイル、核 M,N 114 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Islamic Azad University (IAU) ミサイル M 115 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) ・AGIR ・Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps ・IRG ・Islamic Revolutionary Corps ・Pasdaran ・Pasdaran-e Enghelab-e Islami ・Pasdaran-e Inqilab ・Revolutionary Guard ・Revolutionary Guards ・Sepah ・Sepah Pasdaran ・Sepah-e Pasdaran-e Enqelab-e Eslami ・The Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution ・The Iranian Revolutionary Guards ミサイル、核 M,N 116 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS AEROSPACE FORCE SELF SUFFICIENCY JIHAD ORGANIZATION ・ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS AEROSPACE FORCE RESEARCH AND SELF SUFFICIENCY JEHAD ORGANIZATION ・ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS AEROSPACE FORCE SELF-SUFFICIENCY JEHAD ORGANIZATION ミサイル M 117 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS RESEARCH AND SELF-SUFFICIENCY JEHAD ORGANIZATION ・ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS RESEARCH AND SELF-SUFFICIENCY JIHAD ORGANIZATION ・ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS SELFSUFFICIENCY JEHAD ORGANIZATION ミサイル M 118 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Jahan Tech Rooyan Pars ・Jahan Tech ・Jahan Tech Rooyan Pars Company ミサイル、核 M,N 119 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Javedan Mehr Toos ミサイル、核 M,N 5 120 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Jelvesazan Company 核 N 121 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Joza Industrial Co. ・Joza Industries Company ミサイル M 122 ��ラン Islamic Republic of Iran Kalaye Electric Company ・Kala Electric Company ・Kala-Electric ・Kalaye Electric ・Kalaye Electric Co. ・Kalia ・Kola Electric Company 核 N 123 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Karanir ・Moaser ・Tajhiz Sanat 核 N 124 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Kaveh Cutting Tools Company ・Kaveh Cutting Tools ・Kaveh Cutting Tools Complex ・Kaveh Cutting Tools Factories 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 125 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Khajeh Nassir-Al-Deen Toosi (K. N. Toosi) University of Technology ・K N Toosi (Khaje Nassir-Al-Deen Toosi) University ・Khaje Nassir-Al-Deen Toosi (K N Toosi) University ・Khaje Nassir-Al-DeenToosi University 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 126 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Khala Afarin Pars 核 N 127 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA) ・Ghorb Khatam ・Khatam al-Anbya ・Khatam ol Anbia ・Khatam ol Anbia Gharargah Sazandegi Nooh ・Khatem-ol Anbiya Construction Organisation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 128 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Khorasan Metallurgy Industries ・Khorasan Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries ・Khorasan Metalogy Industries ・Samen Industries ・Sanaye Metologie Iran ・The Metallurgy Industries of Khorasan 核 N 129 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran KIMIA PART SIVAN COMPANY LLC (KIPAS) ・KIMIA PART SIVAN ・KIMIA PARTS SIBON ・KIMIYA PARS SEBON ミサイル M 130 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Kimiya Pakhsh Shargh Co Ltd ・KPS ・KIMIA PAKHSH SHARGH ・KIMIYA PAKHSH SHARGH CO. LTD ・KIMIYA PAKHSH SHARGH GROUP ・"KIMIA" ・"KIMIA CO., LTD." 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 131 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran M. Babaie Industries ・Shahid Babaie Industries ・Shahid Babaie Industries Complex ・Shahid Babaii Industries Co. ミサイル M 132 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Machine Pardazan Co. ・Machine Pardazan Co. Ltd. ・Machine Pardazan Ltd. ミサイル M 133 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Makin ・Makin Company ・Makin Institute 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 134 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Malek Ashtar University ・Daneshgah-E Sana'Ti-Ye Malek-E Ashtar ・Malek Ashtar Aviation Universtiy Complex ・Malek Ashtar Industrial University ・Malek Ashtar University of Defense Technology ・Malek ashtar University of Technology ・Malek-E Ashtar Technical University ・Malek-E Ashtar University ミサイル、核 M,N 135 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Mandegar Baspar Kimiya Company ・Bardiya Tejarat Javid ・Mandegar Baspar Fajr Asia ミサイル、核 M,N 136 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Marine Industries ・Marine Industries Organization (MIO) ミサイル、核 M,N 137 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Marou Sanat ・Maro Sanat Company ・Maro Sanat Development and Design Engineering Company ・Maro Sanat Engineering ・Marou Sanat Engineering Company ・Mohandesi Tarh Va Toseh Maro Sanat Company 核 N 138 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Matin Sanat Nik Andishan ・Iranian Novin Systems Management ・MASNA ・MSNA ミサイル M 139 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran MATSA (Mohandesi Toseh Sokht Atomi Company) 核 N 140 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Mechanic Industries Group ミサイル M 6 141 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) ・MINISTRY OF DEFENCE & ARMED FORCES LOGISTICS ・MINISTRY OF DEFENSE AND SUPPORT FOR ARMED FORCES LOGISTICS ・MINISTRY OF DEFENSE ARMED FORCES LOGISTICS ・MINISTRY OF DEFENSE FOR ARMED FORCES LOGISTICS ・MODAFL ・MODSAF ・VEZARATE DEFA ・VEZARAT-E DEFA VA POSHTYBANI-E NIRU-HAYE MOSALLAH ミサイル、核 M,N 142 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ministry of Defense Logistics Export (MODLEX) ・Ministry of Defense Legion Export ミサイル、核 M,N 143 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Mizan Machinery Manufacturing (3M) ・3MG ・Mizan Machine Manufacturing Group ミサイル、核 M,N 144 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran MKS International Co. Ltd. ・MKS International ・MKS International Group ミサイル M 145 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Mobarakeh Steel Company ・Mobarakeh Steel Complex ・Esfahan's Mobarakeh Steel Company ・Mobarakeh Steel ・Esfahan Mobarakeh Steel Complex ・MSC ・Mobarakeh Steel Mill ・Mobarakeh Esfahan Steel Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 146 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Mobin Sanjesh ・FITCO 核 N 147 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Multimat Ic Ve Dis Ticaret Pazarlama Limited Sirketi ・Multimat Domestic and Foreign Trade Marketing Ltd. ・Multimat Tehran ミサイル M 148 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Naserin Vahid ミサイル、核 M,N 149 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Navid Composite Material Company ・Navid Composite ミサイル、核 M,N 150 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Neda Industrial Group 核 N 151 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Negin Parto Khavar ・Ertebate Eghtessade Monir ・Negin Parto ・Negin Parto Khavar Co. Ltd. ・Payan Avaran Omran ミサイル、核 M,N 152 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Neka Novin 核 N 153 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Niru Battery Manufacturing Company ・Nirou Battery Manufacturing Saba Battery Company ・Niru Battery Mfg. Co. ・Niru Co. Ltd. ・Sherkat Battery Sazi Niru Sahami Khass ・The Niru Battery Company ミサイル M 154 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ofog Sabze Darya Company ミサイル M 155 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran OJE PARVAZ MADO NAFAR COMPANY ・OWJ PARVAZ MADO NAFAR COMPANY LLC ミサイル M 156 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Omran Sahel 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 157 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Organisation of Defensive Innovation and Research ・SPND 核 N 158 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Oriental Oil Kish 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 159 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Paradise Medical Pioneers Company ・PMP ミサイル、核 M,N 160 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran PARAVAR PARS COMPANY ミサイル M 161 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Parchin Chemical Industries (PCI) ・Para Chemical Industries ・Parchin Chemical Factories (PCF) ・Parchin Chemical Industries Group 化学、ミサイル C,M 162 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran PARDAZAN SYSTEM NAMAD ARMAN ・FARAZ TEGARAT ERTEBAT COMPANY ・PARDAZAN SYSTEM HOUSES ARMAN ・PASNA ・PASNA INDUSTRY CO. ・PASNA INTERNATION TRADING CO. ・POUYAN ELECTRONIC CO. ・SINO TRADER COMPANY ミサイル、核 M,N 163 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Pars Amayesh Sanaat Kish ・PASK ・Vacuum Karan ・Vacuum Karan Co. ・Vacuumkaran 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 164 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Pars Aviation Services Company ミサイル、核 M,N 7 165 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Parto Sanat Company ・Parto Sanat Co. 核 N 166 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Passive Defense Organization 核 N 167 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Paya Parto ・Paya Partov ・Paya Partov Co. 核 N 168 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Pejman Industrial Services Corporation ミサイル M 169 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Pentane Chemistry Industries (PCI) ・Pentane Chemistry ・Pentane Chemistry Industries Company ・Pentane Chemistry Industry Company 核 N 170 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Pishro Systems Research Company ・Advanced Systems Research Company ・ASRC ・Center for Advanced Systems Research ・CRAS ・Pishro Company 核 N 171 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran PISHTAZAN KAVOSH GOSTAR BOSHRA, LLC ・KAVOSH GOSTAR BOSHRA LLC ・PISHTAZAN KAVOSH GOSTAR BASHARA LLC ・PISHTAZAN KAVOSH GOSTAR BUSHRA COMPANY, LLC ・PISHTAZAN KAVOSH GOSTAR BUSHRA LLC ・PKGB ミサイル M 172 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Pouya Air ・Pouya Airlines ・Yas Air ・Yas Air Cargo Airline ・Yas Air Kish ミサイル、核 M,N 173 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Pouya Control ・Nam-Avaran-E Pouya Control ・Tejerat Gostar Nikan Iranian Company 核 N 174 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran PUYA ELECTRO SAMAN NIRU ・PULSE NIRU ・PULSE NIRU CO ・PULSE NIRU INDUSTRIES ・PULSENIRU INC. ミサイル、核 M,N 175 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Qeshm Madkandaloo Shipbuilding Cooperative Co ・Mad Kandalu Company ・Mad Kandalu Shipbuilding Cooperative ・Mad Kandalu Shipbuilding Cooperative qeshm ・Madkandalou Company ミサイル M 176 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Qods Aeronautics Industries ・Qods Aviation Industries ・Qods Research Center 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 177 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Raad Iran ・Raad Automation Company 核 N 178 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Rah Sahel ・Rah Sahel Institute 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 179 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Rahab Engineering Institute ・Rahab Institute ・Rahsaz Institute 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 180 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Raka 核 N 181 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Rastafann Ertebat Engineering Company ・Rasstafann Co ・Rastafan ・Rastafann ミサイル M 182 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Rayan Roshd Afzar Company ・Rayan Roshd Company ・Rayan Roshd ミサイル M 183 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Research Centre for Explosion and Impact ・METFAZ 核 N 184 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Rosmachin ミサイル、核 M,N 185 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sad Export Import Company ・SAD Import & Export Company ミサイル、核 M,N 186 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sadid Caran Saba Engineering Company ・S.C. SABA ENG CO. ・SABA CRANE ・Sadid Caran Saba Company ・Sadid Caran Saba Eng. Co. ミサイル M 187 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Safety Equipment Procurement (SEP) ・Safety Equipment Procurement Company ・SEP Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 188 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sahel Consultant Engineers 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 189 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Saman Nasb Zayendeh Rood ・Saman Nasbzainde Rood 核 N 190 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sanam Industrial Group ・Sanam Industries Group ミサイル、核 M,N 191 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sarmad Electronic Sepahan Company ・Sarmad Electronic Sepahan ・Sarmad Electronics Co. ミサイル M 8 192 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sazeh Morakab Co. Ltd ミサイル M 193 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Schiller Novin ミサイル、核 M,N 194 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sepanir ・Sepah Nir ・Sepanir Establishment ・Sepanir Oil and Gas Energy Engineering Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 195 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sepasad Engineering Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 196 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran SHAFAGH SENOBAR YAZD COMPANY LIMITED ・SHAFAGH SANUBAR YAZD COMPANY ・SHAFAGH SENOBAR COMPANY ・SHAFAGH SENOBAR YAZD CO. LTD ・SHAFAGH SENOWBAR YAZD CO. ミサイル M 197 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Ahmad Kazemi Industrial Group (SAKIG) ミサイル M 198 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Alamolhoda Industries ・SAI ・Shahid Alamolhoda ・Shahid Alamolhoda Industry ミサイル M 199 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran SHAHED AVIATION RESEARCH INDUSTRIES CENTER ・SAIRC ・Shahed Aviation ・Shahed Aviation Industries Research ・Shahed Aviation Industries Research Center ・Shahed Aviation Industries Research Centre ミサイル M 200 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group (SBIG) ・Mahtab Technical Engineering Co. ・Shahid Bagheri Industries Group ・Shahid Bakeri Industrial Group ・Shahid Hassan Bagheri Industrial Factories Group (SHBIFG) ミサイル M 201 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Beheshti University ミサイル、核 M,N 202 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Cheraghi Industries ミサイル M 203 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Eslami Research Center ミサイル M 204 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG) ・Ardalan Machineries Company (ARMACO) ・Sabalan Company ・Sahand Aluminum Parts Industrial Company (SAPICO) ・Tiz Pars ミサイル M 205 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Kalhor Industries ミサイル M 206 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran SHAHID KARIMI GROUP ミサイル M 207 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Karimi Industries ミサイル M 208 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Kharrazi Industries ・Shahid Karrazi Industries ミサイル M 209 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Meisami Group ・SHAHID MEISAMI RESEARCH COMPLEX ・SHAHID MOYASAMI COMPLEX ・S.M.G. 生物、化学、核 B,C,N 210 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Moghaddam Industries ミサイル M 211 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran SHAHID MOVAHHED DANESH GROUP ・SHAHID MOVAHED DANESH GROUP ミサイル、核 M,N 212 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Movahed Industries ・SHAHID HAJ ALI MOVAHED RESEARCH CENTER ・SHAHID MOVAHED INDUSTRY ・SHIG DEPARTMENT 7500 ミサイル M 213 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Nuri Industries ・Shahid Nuri Industry ミサイル M 214 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Rastegar Industries ミサイル M 215 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Sanikhani Industries ミサイル M 216 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Sattari Industries ・Shahid Sattari Group Equipment Industries ミサイル M 217 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Sayyade Shirazi Industries (SSSI) ・Shahid Sayyed Shirazi Ind. ・Shahid Sayyad Shirazi Industries 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 9 218 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Shustari Industries ・Shahid Shoshtari Industries ・Shahid Shoushtari ・Shahid Shushtari Industries ミサイル M 219 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Varamini Industries ミサイル M 220 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran SHAHID ZEINODDIN GROUP 生物、ミサイル、核 B,M,N 221 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shakhese Behbud Sanat 核 N 222 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sharif University of Technology (SHFT) ・Sharif Technical University ・SUT ミサイル、核 M,N 223 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shetab G. ミサイル、核 M,N 224 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shetab Gaman ミサイル、核 M,N 225 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shetab Trading ミサイル、核 M,N 226 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shiraz Electronics Industries (SEI) ・Shiraz Electronic Industries ミサイル M 227 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sho'a' Aviation ミサイル、核 M,N 228 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Simatic Development Co. ・Simatec Development Company 核 N 229 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Special Industries Group (SIG) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 230 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran State Purchasing Organisation (SPO) ミサイル、核 M,N 231 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran TOWLID ABZAR BORESHI IRAN ・IRAN CUTTING TOOLS COMPANY ・TABA ・TABA COMPANY 核 N 232 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Taghtiran Kashan Company ・Taghtiran Kashan Co ・Taghtiran P.J.S 核 N 233 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tajhiz Sanat Shayan (TSS) 核 N 234 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran TAMIN KALAYE SABZ ARAS COMPANY ・KALAYE SABZ ORZ COMPANY ・TAMIN KALAYE SABZ ・TAMIN KALAYE SABZ COMPANY ・KSO COMPANY ・TS CO. ・TS COMPANY 核 N 235 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tarbiat Modares University 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 236 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tarh O Palayesh 核 N 237 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tehran Gostaresh ・Tehran Gostaresh Co. PJS ミサイル、核 M,N 238 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Test Tafsir 核 N 239 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tidewater Middle East Co. ・Tide Water Company ・Tide water middle east marine service ・Tidewater ・Tidewater Co. (Middle east marine services) ミサイル、核 M,N 240 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tiva Darya ミサイル M 241 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tiva Kara Co. Ltd. ・Tiva Kara Group ミサイル M 242 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tiva Polymer Co. ミサイル M 243 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tiva Sanat Group ・Tiva Group ・Tiva Group Industries ・Tiva Sanat Shipbuilding Company ミサイル M 244 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran University of Tehran ・Tehran University 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 245 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Value-Added Services Laboratory (VASL) ・MOBILE Value-Added Services Laboratory ミサイル、核 M,N 10 246 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Y.A.S. Company Limited ・Y.A.S. Co. Ltd. ・YAS Co. Ltd. ミサイル、核 M,N 247 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Yarsanat ・Yar Sanat ・Yarestan Vacuumi ・Yarsanat Co. Ltd. 核 N 248 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ya Mahdi Industries Group ・Ya Mahdi Industrial Complex ・Ya Mahdi Industrial Research Complex ・YMA ミサイル M 249 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Yasa Part ミサイル、核 M,N 250 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Yazd Metallurgy Industries (YMI) ・Directorate of Yazd Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries ・Yazd Ammunition Manufacturing and Metallurgy Industries ・Yazd Metallurgical Ind's Co. ・Yazd Metallurgical Industries 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 251 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Zist Tajhiz Pooyesh Company ・Pooyesh Environmental Instruments ・Ziest Tajhiez Pooyesh ミサイル M 252 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Zolal Iran Company ・Zolal Iran Co. 生物、化学、核 B,C,N 253 インド India Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) 核 N 254 インド India Directorate of Purchase and Stores, DAE 核 N 255 インド India Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), DAE 核 N 256 エジプト Arab Republic of Egypt Abu Zaabal Company for Speciality Chemicals (AZC) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 257 エジプト Arab Republic of Egypt EKO Development and Investment Company ・EKO Development & Investment Food Company ・EKO Import and Export Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 258 エジプト Arab Republic of Egypt Sakr Factory for Developed Industries ミサイル M 259 北朝鮮 North Korea 4.27 Co. Pyongyang Branch (4.27貿易会社平壌支社) ・4.27 Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 260 北朝鮮 North Korea Academy of Health and Food Science (保健食品科学院) ・Institute of Health and Food 生物、化学 B,C 261 北朝鮮 North Korea Academy of National Defense Science (国防科学院) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 262 北朝鮮 North Korea Air Koryo (高麗航空) ・Airkoryo 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 263 北朝鮮 North Korea Amroggang Development Banking Corporation ・Amnokkang Development Bank ・Amroggang Development Bank (鴨緑江開発銀行) ・Amrokkang Development Bank 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 264 北朝鮮 North Korea Bank of East Land ・Dongbang Bank ・Tongbang Bank ・Tongbang U'Nhaeng 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 265 北朝鮮 North Korea Chong Unsan-5 Co., Ltd. (青雲山5会社) ・Chongunsan-5 Co., Ltd. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 266 北朝鮮 North Korea Chongbong Shipping Co Ltd 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 267 北朝鮮 North Korea Chongchongang Shipping Company (清川江号) ・Chong Chon Gang Shipping Co. Ltd. ・Chongchongang Shipping CO Ltd. ・Tonghungsan Shipping Company Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 268 北朝鮮 North Korea Choson Central Bank (朝鮮中央銀行) ・Central Bank of DPRK 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 269 北朝鮮 North Korea Construction Department, Samsu Power Plant, Ryanggangdo (両江道三水発電所建設部) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 270 北朝鮮 North Korea Daedong Credit Bank ・Dae-Dong Credit Bank ・DCB ・Taedong Credit Bank 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 271 北朝鮮 North Korea Daehung Oil & Vehicle Trading Co. (大興運輸貿易会社) ・Taehung Oil & Vehicle Trading Co. (太興運輸貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 272 北朝鮮 North Korea Daiheung Chengyen (大興青年鉱山) ・Daehung Chengyen Mine 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 273 北朝鮮 North Korea Dandong Co. (丹東会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 274 北朝鮮 North Korea EFCO Corporation ・EFCO Corp. Pyongyang Branch (EFCO平壌支社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 11 275 北朝鮮 North Korea EXTERNAL CONSTRUCTION BUREAU ・EXTERNAL CONSTRUCTION GENERAL COMPANY ・EXTERNAL CONSTRUCTION GUIDANCE BUREAU 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 276 北朝鮮 North Korea Fhangin Co. Ltd. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 277 北朝鮮 North Korea First Trust Finance Co. Ltd. (第一信託会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 278 北朝鮮 North Korea Foreign Trade Bank of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (貿易銀行) ・FTB ・Mooyukeunhaeng ・North Korea's Foreign Trade Bank 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 279 北朝鮮 North Korea ・Green Pine Associated Corporation (青松連合) ・Ch'o'ngsong Yo'nhap ・Cho'ngsong United Trading Company ・Chongsong Yonhap ・Chosun Chawo'n Kaebal T'uja Hoesa ・Jihyang Associated Corporation ・Jihyang Technology Trade Company ・Jihyang Trading Corporation ・Jindallae ・Ku'mhaeryong Company Ltd ・Natural Resources Development and Investment Corporation ・Paeksan Associated Corporation ・Saeng Pil Trading Corporation (SPTC) ・Saeingp'il Company ・Taedonggang Technical Associated Corporation ・総合貴金属連合体 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 280 北朝鮮 North Korea Haejin Ship Management Company Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 281 北朝鮮 North Korea Hapjanggang Trading Corporation ミサイル M 282 北朝鮮 North Korea Hesong Trading Corporation (彗星貿易会社) ・Hesong Trading Company ・Rason Hyesong Trade Company (羅先彗星貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 283 北朝鮮 North Korea Hoeryong Shipping Co Ltd 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 284 北朝鮮 North Korea Hwanghai Steel Union Co., Ltd. (黄海製鉄連合企業所) ・Hwanghai Iron Works 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 285 北朝鮮 North Korea Ilsim International Bank 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 286 北朝鮮 North Korea KANGBONG TRADING CORPORATION ミサイル M 287 北朝鮮 North Korea K.N. Technology Development Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 288 北朝鮮 North Korea Kim Chaek Iron Works (金策製鉄所) ・Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex ・Kim Chaek Steel Union Corp. (金策製鉄連合企業所) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 289 北朝鮮 North Korea Kim Chaek University of Technology (金策工業総合大学) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 290 北朝鮮 North Korea Kim Il Sung University (金日成総合大学) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 291 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea 56 Trading Corp. ・Korea 56 Trading (朝鮮56貿易) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 292 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Choei Syouji 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 293 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Complex Equipment Import Corporation (朝鮮総合設備輸出入会社) ・Korea Equipment & Plant Corporation (KEP) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 294 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Computer Center ・Choson Computer Center ・Chung Sun Computer Center ・Korea Computer Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 295 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Daesong Bank ・Choson Taesong Unhaeng ・Taesong Bank 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 12 296 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Daesong General Trading Corporation ・Daesong-K6 ・Daesong-T3 Trading Corporation ・Daesong Trading ・Daesong Trading Company ・Korea Daesong Jechil Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Jegu Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Jei Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Jeil Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Jeo Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Jepal Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Jeryuk Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Jesam Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Seil Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Trading Company ・Korea Daesong Trading Corporation (朝鮮大成貿易会社) ・Korea Daesong Transportation Company ・Korea Daesong-8 Trading Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 297 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Dongsong Technical Corporation (朝鮮東城技術貿易会社) ・Korea Dongsong Technology Corp. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 298 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Dongyang Trading Corp. (朝鮮東洋貿易会社) ・Korea Tongyang Trading Corp. ・朝鮮東陽貿易会社 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 299 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Economic Co-operation Committee (朝鮮経済協力委員会) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 300 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Foreign Technical Trade Center (対外技術貿易センター) ・朝鮮対外技術貿易会社 ・対外技術貿易会社 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 301 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea General Trading Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 302 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Heungjin Trading Company ・Hunjin Trading Co. (興進貿易会社) ・Korea Hengjin Trading Company ・Korea Henjin Trading Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 303 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Hyoksin Trading Corporation (朝鮮革新貿易会社) ・Korea Hyoksin Export and Import Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 304 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea International Chemical Joint Venture Company (朝鮮国際化学合営会社) ・Choson International Chemicals Joint Operation Company ・Chosun International Chemicals Joint Operation Company ・International Chemical Joint Venture Corporation ・Korea International Chemical Joint Venture Corp. ・Korea International Chemicals Joint Operation Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 305 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Jangsu Trading Corporation (長水貿易会社) ・Jangsu 100 (長水100) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 306 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Kangsong Trading Corp. (朝鮮強盛貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 307 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea KukSabong Joint Venture Company (朝鮮国師峰合営会社) ・Korea Kuksabong Joint Venture Corp. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 308 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Kumsan Trading Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 309 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Kuwolsan Trading Co. (朝鮮九月山貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 310 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Kwangson Banking Corporation (KKBC) (朝鮮光鮮金融会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 311 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Kwangsong Trading Corporation (朝鮮光星貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 312 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Mangyong Trading Corporation (朝鮮萬景貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 313 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation (KOMID) (朝鮮鉱業開発貿易会社) ・Changgwang Sinyong Corporation (蒼光信用会社) ・Changgwang Trading Corp. ・DPRKN Mining Development Trading Corporation ・External Technology General Corporation ・Korea Kumryong Trading Corporation ・North Korean Mining Development Trading Corporation ・221 General Bureau ・Mining Development Guidance Bureau 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 314 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ocean Shipping Agency 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 315 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Paekho 7 Trading (朝鮮白虎7貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 316 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Pugang Mining and Machinery Corporation Ltd. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 317 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Pugang Trading Corporation (朝鮮富強貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 13 318 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Puhung Trading Corporation (朝鮮富興貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 319 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Pyong-yang Roksan Trading Corporation (平壌緑山貿易会社) ・Korea Pyongyang Roksan Trading Corporation ・Roksan General Trading Corp (緑山貿易総会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 320 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Pyongwong Trading Co. ・朝鮮平原貿易会社 ・Korea Pyongwon Trading Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 321 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ragwon Department (朝鮮楽園百貨店) ・Korea Rakwon Department 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 322 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ragwon Trading Corp. (朝鮮楽園貿易会社) ・Korea Rakwon Trading Corp. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 323 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Rason Moran Company (朝鮮羅先牡丹会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 324 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Red Cross Hospital (朝鮮赤十字病院) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 325 北朝鮮 North Korea KOREA ROUNSAN TRADING CORPORATION ミサイル M 326 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Rungra-888 Trading Corporation (朝鮮綾羅888貿易会社) ・Korea Rungra 888 Trading Co. ・Korea Rungra-888 Muyeg Hisa ・Rungra 888 General Trading Corp (綾羅888貿易総会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 327 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Rungrado (General) Trading Co. (朝鮮綾羅島貿易(総)会社) ・Korea Rungrado Jonsong Trading Co. (朝鮮綾羅島全盛貿易会社) ・Rungrado Trade Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 328 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ryonbong General Corporation (KRGC) (朝鮮連峰総会社) ・Korea Yonbong General Corporation ・朝鮮嶺峰貿易会社 ・Lyongaksan General Trading Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 329 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ryongwang Trading Corporation (朝鮮連光貿易会社) ・Korea Ryengwang Trading Corporation ・Korean Ryengwang Trading Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 330 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ryonha Machinery Joint Venture Corporation (朝鮮蓮河機械合営会社) ・Chosun Yunha Machinery J.V. Corporation ・Chosun Yunha Machinery Joint Operation Company ・Huichon Machine Tool ・Huichon Ryonha Machinery General Plant ・Korea Ryenha Machinery J.V. Corporation ・Millim Technology Company ・Ryonha Machine Tool ・Ryonha Machine Tool Corporation ・Ryonha Machinery Corp ・Ryonha Machinery Corporation ・Ryonha Machinery Joint Venture Corporation ・Ryonhwa Machinery Joint Venture Corporation ・Ryonhwa Machinery JV ・Unsan ・Unsan Solid Tools 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 331 北朝鮮 North Korea KOREA RYONHAP TRADING CORPORATION (朝鮮連合貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 332 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ryonhap-2 Trading Corporation (朝鮮連合2貿易会社) ・Ryoehap-2 ・Ryoehap-2 Trading Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 333 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ryusong Co., Ltd. (朝鮮柳城商社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 334 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Samilpo Shipping Co 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 335 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Suho Trading Company (朝鮮守護貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 336 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Sungri Trading Corporation (朝鮮勝利貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 337 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Taesong Trading Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 338 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Tonghae Shipping Company (朝鮮東海海運会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 339 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Undok Trading Corporation (朝鮮恩徳貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 340 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea United Development Bank 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 341 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Wonbong Trading Corp. (朝鮮元峰貿易会社) ・Korea Wonbong Co., Ltd. (朝鮮元峰会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 14 342 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Zinc Industrial Group (朝鮮亜鉛工業総会社) ・Korea Zinc Industry General Corporation ・Korea Zinc Industry Group ・North Korean Zinc Industry Group ミサイル M 343 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Zuzagbong Maritime Ltd 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 344 北朝鮮 North Korea Korean Buyon Shipping Co. Ltd. ・Korea Buyon Shipping Co ・Korean Buyon Shipping Company Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 345 北朝鮮 North Korea Korean Committee for Space Technology (朝鮮宇宙空間技術委員会) ・Committee for Space Technology ・Department of Space Technology of the DPRK ・DPRK Committee for Space Technology ・KCST 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 346 北朝鮮 North Korea Korean Polish Shpg Co Ltd 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 347 北朝鮮 North Korea Korean Tangun Trading Corporation (朝鮮檀君貿易会社) ・Korea Dangun Trading Corporation ・Korea Kuryonggang Trading Corporation ・Korea Tangun Trading Corporation ・Ryung Seng Trading Corporation ・Ryungseng Trading Corporation ・Ryungsong Trading Corporation ・Tangun Trading 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 348 北朝鮮 North Korea Kumgang Engine J.V. Co. (金剛原動機合営会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 349 北朝鮮 North Korea Kumsan JVC Pty Ltd. (金山合営会社) ・Kumsan Joint Venture Pty Co. Ltd. 生物、化学 B,C 350 北朝鮮 North Korea Machinery Exp. and Imp. Corp. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 351 北朝鮮 North Korea Ministry of Atomic Energy Industry (MAEI) (原子力工業省) ・General Bureau of Atomic Energy (GBAE) (原子力総局) ・General Department of Atomic Energy (GDAE) 核 N 352 北朝鮮 North Korea MINISTRY OF ROCKET INDUSTRY (ロケット産業省) ・ROCKET INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT ミサイル M 353 北朝鮮 North Korea Mirim Shipping Co Ltd 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 354 北朝鮮 North Korea Munitions Industry Department (軍需工業部) ・Military Supplies Industry Department 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 355 北朝鮮 North Korea Namchongang Trading Corporation (南川江貿易会社) ・Korea Daeryonggang Trading Corporation (朝鮮大玲江貿会社) ・Korea Namhung Trading Company ・Korea Taeryonggang Trading Corporation ・Nam Chon Gang Corporation ・Nam Chong Gan Trading Corporation ・Namchongang Trading ・Namhung Trading Corporation ・NCG ・Nomchongang Trading Co. 核 N 356 北朝鮮 North Korea Namhung Chemical Plant (南興化学工場) ・Namhung Chemical Union Complex (南興化学連合企業所) ミサイル M 357 北朝鮮 North Korea Namhung Youth Chemical Complex ・Namheung Youth Chemical Fertilizer Factory ミサイル、核 M,N 358 北朝鮮 North Korea Namsan 2 Company (南山2会社) ・Namsan 2 Trading Corp. (南山2貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 359 北朝鮮 North Korea National Aerospace Development Administration (NADA) (国家宇宙開発局) ミサイル M 360 北朝鮮 North Korea National Defense College (国防大学) ・Kanggye Defense College (江界国防大学) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 361 北朝鮮 North Korea New East International Trading Ltd., Pyongyang Office (東新国際貿易有限公司平壌事務所) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 362 北朝鮮 North Korea Ocean Bunkering JV Co 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 363 北朝鮮 North Korea Ocean Maritime Management Company, Limited ・OMM 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 364 北朝鮮 North Korea Office 39 ・Bureau 39 ・Central Committee Bureau 39 ・Division 39 ・Office #39 ・Office No. 39 ・Third Floor 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 365 北朝鮮 North Korea Pan Systems Pte. Ltd. (Pyongyang branch) ・Wonbang Trading Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 15 366 北朝鮮 North Korea Peace Motors Corporation (平和自動車会社) ・Pyonghwa General Motor Company (平和自動車総会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 367 北朝鮮 North Korea Ponghwa General Trading Corporation ・Ponghwa General Corp (烽火総会社) 核 N 368 北朝鮮 North Korea Ponghwa Hospital (烽火診療所) ・Bonghwa Hospital (烽火病院) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 369 北朝鮮 North Korea Potonggang Cooperative of Optical Glass Production (普通江眼鏡生産共同組合) 核 N 370 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongjin Ship Management Company Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 371 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang City Construction Bureau (平壌市都市建設総局) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 372 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Gomu Gongjang (平壌ゴム工場) ・Pyongyang Rubber Factory 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 373 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Informatics Centre (平壌情報センター) ・Pyongyang Information Center 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 374 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Maternity Hospital (平壌産院) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 375 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Public Library (平壌市図書館) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 376 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Road Construction Office (平壌市道路建設事務所) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 377 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Technical University (平壌技術大学) 核 N 378 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Telephone Exchange (平壌電話交換局) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 379 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Trading Company (平壌貿易会社) ・Pyongyang Central Zoo 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 380 北朝鮮 North Korea RA-HAE Trading Co., Ltd. (羅海貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 381 北朝鮮 North Korea Rakwon 929 Import Corporation (楽園929輸入会社) ・Ragwon 929 Import Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 382 北朝鮮 North Korea Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB) (偵察総局) ・Chongch'al Ch'ongguk ・General Bureau of Reconnaissance ・General Bureau of Surveillance ・General Reconnaissance Bureau ・KPA Unit 586 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 383 北朝鮮 North Korea Rimyongsu Trading Corporation (鯉明水貿易会社) ・Haegu'mgang Trading Company ・Korea Haegumgang Trading Corporation ・Naegu'ngang Trading Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 384 北朝鮮 North Korea Samhung Corporation (三興会社) ・Korea Samhung Trading Corp. (朝鮮三興貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 385 北朝鮮 North Korea San Yong Co. Ltd. ・Sanyong Co. Ltd. ・Sanyong Joint Venture Co. ・山栄合営会社 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 386 北朝鮮 North Korea Second Academy of Natural Sciences (第二自然科学院) ・2nd Academy of Natural Sciences ・Academy of Natural Sciences ・Chayon Kwahak-Won ・Che 2 Chayon Kwahak-Won ・Kukpang Kwahak-Won ・National Defense Academy ・SANSRI ・Second Academy of Natural Sciences Research Institute 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 387 北朝鮮 North Korea Second Economic Committee (第二経済委員会) ミサイル、核 M,N 388 北朝鮮 North Korea Seibu Co. Ltd. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 389 北朝鮮 North Korea Shinhung Trading (新興貿易会社) ・Shinfung Trading ・Sinhung Trading General Co (新興貿易総会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 390 北朝鮮 North Korea Singwang Economics and Trading General Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 391 北朝鮮 North Korea Sobaeku United Corp. (小白水連合貿易会社) ・Sobaeksu United Corp. ・Korea Sobaeksu United Co. (朝鮮小白水貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 392 北朝鮮 North Korea Sosong Food Factory (西城食品工場) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 16 393 北朝鮮 North Korea State Academy of Science of the DPRK Institute of Automation ミサイル M 394 北朝鮮 North Korea Sun Hwa Gang Co. Ltd. (順和江会社) ・(Korea) Sunhwagang Trading Co. ((朝鮮)順和江貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 395 北朝鮮 North Korea Sunchon Cement Factory (順川セメント工場) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 396 北朝鮮 North Korea SUNGNISAN TRADING CORPORATION ・KOREA SUNGRISAN TRADING CORPORATION ミサイル M 397 北朝鮮 North Korea Taean Electric Factory (大安電機工場) ・Daean Electric Factory 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 398 北朝鮮 North Korea Taean Friendship Glass Factory, Pyongan Namdo (大安親善ガラス工場(平安南道)) ・Daean Friendship Glass Factory (大安親善琉璃工場) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 399 北朝鮮 North Korea Taean Heavy Machinery Complex (大安重機械連合企業所) ・Daean Heavy Machinery Complex (大安重機械工場) ・Daean Machinery Factory ・Taean Machinery Factory (大安機械工場) 核 N 400 北朝鮮 North Korea Tanchon Commercial Bank (端川商業銀行) ・Changgwang Credit Bank ・Danchon Commercial Bank ・Korea Changgwang Credit Bank 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 401 北朝鮮 North Korea Thaephyongsan Shipping Co Ltd 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 402 北朝鮮 North Korea Tosong Technology Trading Corporation (土星技術貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 403 北朝鮮 North Korea UNCHON TRADING CORPORATION ・UNCHEN TRADING CORP. ・UNCHON TRADING CORP. ミサイル M 404 北朝鮮 North Korea Undok Chemical Factory (恩徳化学工場) 化学 C 405 北朝鮮 North Korea University of Chemical Industry (化学工業大学) ・咸興化学工業大学 ・Hamhung University of Chemical Industry 化学、核 C,N 406 北朝鮮 North Korea Yongbyon Nuclear Research Centre 核 N 407 北朝鮮 North Korea Yongjin Ship Management Company Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 408 北朝鮮 North Korea セソン技術貿易 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 409 北朝鮮 North Korea 朝鮮綾羅科学技術交流社 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 410 北朝鮮 North Korea マンウォル貿易 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 411 北朝鮮 North Korea 民族経済協力連合会 ・朝鮮民族経済協力連合会 ・民経連 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 412 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Army Supply Bureau ミサイル M 413 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Business Lab 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 414 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Electronics Institute ミサイル M 415 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Expert Partners ・Experts Partners ミサイル、核 M,N 416 シリア Syrian Arab Republic GOLDEN STAR CO ・GOLDEN STAR INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT LIMITED ・GOLDEN STAR TRADING & INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT ・GOLDEN STAR TRADING AND INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT ・GOLDEN STAR TRADING INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT ・KASSOUMA FZC ・SHAREKAT GOLDEN STAR ・SMART LOGISTICS F.S.S.A.L ・SMART LOGISTICS OFFSHORE ・SMART LOGISTICS TRADING & INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT ・SMART LOGISTICS TRADING AND INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 417 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Handasieh ・General Organization for Engineering Industries ミサイル M 418 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology (HIAST) ・Institut des Sciences Appliquees et de Technologie (ISAT) ・Institut Superieur des Sciences Appliquees et de Technologie (ISSAT) 生物、ミサイル、核 B,M,N 17 419 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Industrial Establishment of Defense (IED) ・Industrial Establishment of Defence (IED) ・Etablissement Industrial de la Defence (ETINDE) ・Établissements Industriels de la Défense (EID) ミサイル M 420 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Industrial Solutions ミサイル M 421 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Mahrous Group ・Al Mahrus Group Trading Company ・Mahrous Trading Establishment ・Mahrous Trading Institute ・Mahrus Group ・Mahrus Trading Establishment 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 422 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Mechanical Construction Factory (MCF) ミサイル、核 M,N 423 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Megatrade ミサイル、核 M,N 424 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Metallic Manufacturing Factory 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 425 シリア Syrian Arab Republic National Standards and Calibration Laboratory (NSCL) ・Institut National Calibration Centre ・National Calibration Centre ・Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC)-NSCL ミサイル M 426 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Organisation for Technological Industries (OTI) ・Organization for Technical Industries ・Organization of Technological Industries 化学 C 427 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC) ・Center for Scientific Studies and Research (SSRC) ・Center for Study and Research (CERS) ・Centre de Recherche de Kaboun ・Centre d'Etude et de Recherche Scientifique (CERS) ・Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Scientifiques (CERS) ・Centre d'études et de recherches syrien (CERS) ・Scientific Research Council (SRC) ・Scientific Studies and Research Council ・Scientific Studies Research Centre (SSRC) ・Syrian Scientific Research Council 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 428 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Sigma Tech 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 429 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Company for Electronic Industries ・SYRONICS ミサイル M 430 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Company for Information Technology (SCIT) 化学 C 431 台湾 Taiwan Bentech Computer Corp. ミサイル M 432 台湾 Taiwan Royal Team Corporation International Trading Co., Ltd. ・Hua Yue International Trading Co., Ltd. ・Royal Team Corporation ・華悦國際企業股份有限公司 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 433 台湾 Taiwan Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturing Incorporated ・欣憶電子股份有限公司 ミサイル M 434 台湾 Taiwan NAZ TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. ミサイル M 435 中国 People's Republic of China 10th Research Institute of China Electronic Technology Group Corporation (CETC) (中国電子科技集団公司第十研究所) ・CETC 10th Research Institute ・Southwest Institute of Electronic Technology (SWIET) ・Southwest Research Institute of Electronic Technology (SWIET) ・Southwest Research Institute of Electronics Technology (中国西南電子技術研究所) ミサイル M 436 中国 People's Republic of China 13th Research Institute, 9th Academy, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) (中国航天科技集団公司第九研究院第十三研究所) ・13th Institute ・Beijing Institute of Aerospace Control Devices (BIACD) ・230 Factory ・Beijing Aerospace Times Optical-Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 437 中国 People's Republic of China 20th Research Institute of China Electronic Technology Group Corporation (CETC) (中国電子科技集団公司第二十研究所) ・CETC 20th Research Institute ・Xian Research Institute of Navigation Technology (西安導航技術研究所) ミサイル M 438 中国 People's Republic of China 23rd Research Institute ・Beijing Institute of Radio Measurement ・BIRM ミサイル M 439 中国 People's Republic of China Abascience Tech Co. Ltd ミサイル M 440 中国 People's Republic of China Academy of Aerospace Solid Propulsion Technology (航天动力技术研究院) ・AASPT ・中国航天科技集团有限公司第四研究院 ミサイル M 441 中国 People's Republic of China Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology (軍事医学研究院 微生物流行病研究所) ・Institute of Microbial Epidemiology 生物 B 442 中国 People's Republic of China AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials (中国航発北京航空材料研究院) ミサイル M 18 443 中国 People's Republic of China AECC South Industry Company Limited (中国航发南方工业有限公司) ミサイル M 444 中国 People's Republic of China AVIC Leihua Electronic Technology Research Institute (中国航空工业集团公司雷华电子技术研究所) ・LETRI ミサイル M 445 中国 People's Republic of China Baimtec Material Co., Ltd. (北京航空材料研究院有限公司) ミサイル、核 M,N 446 中国 People's Republic of China Baotou Guanghua Chemical Industrial Corporation ・202 Plant, Baotou Nuclear Energy Facility ・Baotou Guanghua Chemical Industry Company ・Baotou Nuclear Fuel Element Plant ・China Nuclear Baotou Guanghua Chemical Industry Company 核 N 447 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute (BAMTRI) (北京航空製造工程研究所) ・Aviation Industry Corporation of China's (AVIC) Institute 625 (中国航空工業集団公司第六二五研究所) ・AVIC Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute (中国航空工業集団公司北京航空製造工程研究所) ミサイル M 448 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute (BICD) (北京航天自動控制研究所) ・12th Research Institute China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) ・Beijing Institute of Space Automatic Control ・Beijing Spaceflight Autocontrol Research Institute ・China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation First Academy 12th Research Institute (中国航天科技集団公司第一研究院第十二研究所) ミサイル M 449 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Alite Technologies Co., Ltd. (ALCO) (北京海立連合科技有限公司) ・Beijing Haili Lianhe Keji Youxian Gongsi ミサイル M 450 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Automation Control Equipment Institute (BACEI) (北京自動化控制設備研究所) ・33 Institute ・Beijing Automation Control Equipment Institute (BACEI) ・Beijing Institute of Automatic Control Equipment, China Haiying Electromechanical Technology Academy ・No. 33 Research Institute of the Third Academy of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) (中国航天科工集団第三研究院三十三研究所) ミサイル M 451 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing China Tank Industry Co., Ltd. (北京科泰克科技有限責任公司) ミサイル M 452 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Chengxing Trading Co. Ltd. (北京成興貿易有限公司) ミサイル、核 M,N 453 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Institute of Structure and Environmental Engineering (BISE) (北京強度環境研究所) ・702nd Research Institute, China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) (中国航天科技集団公司第一研究院第七○ニ研究所) ・Beijing Institute of Strength and Environmental Engineering ミサイル M 454 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Institute of Technology (北京理工大学) ミサイル M 455 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Lion Heart International Trading Company ミサイル M 456 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Starneto Technology Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 457 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Tianhai Industry Co., Ltd. (北京天海工业有限公司) ・北京天海工業有限公司 ミサイル M 458 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Power Machinery Institute (北京動力機械研究所) ・31st Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) (中国航天科工集団第三研究院三十一研究所) ・Beijing Power Generating Machinery Institute ・Beijing Power Machinery Research Laboratory ・China Haiying Electromechanical Technology Academy ・China Haiying Science & Technology Corporation ミサイル M 459 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing UniStrong Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (北京合衆思壯科技股份有限公司) ミサイル M 460 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA) (北京航空航天大学) ・Beihang University ミサイル M 461 中国 People's Republic of China BVI Electronics 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 462 中国 People's Republic of China Chengdu Latest Electronics Technology Company ミサイル M 463 中国 People's Republic of China China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) (中国運載火箭技術研究院) ・China Carrier Rocket Technology Research Institute ・First Academy of the China Aerospace Science Technology Corporation (中国航天科技集団公司第一研究院) ・Wanyuan Company ミサイル M 464 中国 People's Republic of China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) (中国空間技術研究院) ・5th Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (中国航天科技集団公司第五研究院) ミサイル M 19 465 中国 People's Republic of China China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center (CARDC) (中国空気動力研究与発展中心) ミサイル M 466 中国 People's Republic of China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 9th Academy 771 Research Institute (中国航天科技集団有限公司第九研究院第771研究所) ・771 Research Institute ・China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)Ninth Academy 771 Institute ・Lishan Microelectronics Company ・Xi'an Institute of Microelectronics ・Xi'an Microelectronics Technology Institute ・XMTI ミサイル M 467 中国 People's Republic of China China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) 54th Research Institute (中国電子科技集団公司第五十四研究所) ・54th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC54) ・Communication, Telemetry and Telecontrol Research Institute (CTI) ・Shijiazhuang Communication Observation and Control Technology Institute (石家庄通信測控研究所) ミサイル M 468 中国 People's Republic of China China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGNPC) (中国広核集団) ・China Guangdong Nuclear Power Corporation ・China General Nuclear Power Group 核 N 469 中国 People's Republic of China China National Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CPMIEC) (中国精密機械進出口有限公司) ・China National Precision Machinery I/E Corp. ・China Precision Machinery Import/Export Corporation ミサイル M 470 中国 People's Republic of China China North Industries Group Corporation (中国兵器工業集団公司) ・China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) (中国北方工業公司) 化学、ミサイル C,M 471 中国 People's Republic of China Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics (中国工程物理研究院) ・Ninth Academy ・Southwest Computing Center ・Southwest Institute of Applied Electronics ・Southwest Institute of Chemical Materials ・Southwest Institute of Electronic Engineering ・Southwest Institute of Environmental Testing ・Southwest Institute of Explosives and Chemical Engineering ・Southwest Institute of Fluid Physics ・Southwest Institute of General Designing and Assembly ・Southwest Institute of Machining Technology ・Southwest Institute of Materials ・Southwest Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry (a.k.a., China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP)'s 902 Institute) ・Southwest Institute of Research and Applications of Special Materials Factory ・Southwest Institute of Structural Mechanics ・The High Power Laser Laboratory, Shanghai ・The Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing 核 N 472 中国 People's Republic of China Chongyi Hengyi Ceramic Composites Co., Ltd. (崇義恒毅陶瓷複合材料有限公司) ミサイル M 473 中国 People's Republic of China Cosailing Business Trading Company Limited (青島航帆貿易有限公司) ミサイル M 474 中国 People's Republic of China Dalian Ligong Safety Equipment Company Limited ミサイル M 475 中国 People's Republic of China Dalian Zhenghua Maoyi Youxian Gongsi ・Dalian Zenghua Trading Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 476 中国 People's Republic of China Dalian Zhongchuang Char-White Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 477 中国 People's Republic of China Dandong Dongyuan Industrial Co., Ltd. ・Dandong Dongyuan Industrial Co. ・Dandong Dongyuan Industry Co., Ltd. ミサイル、核 M,N 478 中国 People's Republic of China Dandong Haotong Commercial Trade Co. Ltd. (丹東浩通商貿有限公司) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 479 中国 People's Republic of China Dandong Hongxiang Industrial Development Co Ltd 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 480 中国 People's Republic of China Dandong Jinxiang Trade Co., Ltd. ・China Dandong Kumsang Trade Company, Limited ・Dandong Metal Company ・Jinxiang Trading Company ミサイル、核 M,N 481 中国 People's Republic of China DANDONG RICH EARTH TRADING CO., LTD. ミサイル、核 M,N 482 中国 People's Republic of China DANDONG ZHONGSHENG INDUSTRY & TRADE CO., LTD. (丹东中盛工贸有限公司) ・DANDONG ZHONGSENG INDUSTRY & TRADE ・DANDONG ZHONGSENG INDUSTRY AND TRADE ・DANDONG ZHONGSHENG INDUSTRY AND TRADE CO., LTD. ・DANDONG ZHONGSHONG INDUSTRY & TRADE ・DANDONG ZHONGSHONG INDUSTRY & TRADE CORPORATION LTD. ・DANDONG ZHONGSHONG INDUSTRY AND TRADE ・DANDONG ZHONGSHONG INDUSTRY AND TRADE CORPORATION LTD. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 483 中国 People's Republic of China DCB Finance Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 20 484 中国 People's Republic of China EKT SMART TECHNOLOGY (黎巴嫩卡氏有限公司广州代表处) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 485 中国 People's Republic of China Fushun Jinly Petrochemical Carbon Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 486 中国 People's Republic of China Guangzhou Ca.Ben Composites Company Limited (広州卡本複合材料有限公司) ミサイル、核 M,N 487 中国 People's Republic of China Guangzhou Tian-Hai-Xiang Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. (広州天海翔航空科技有限公司) ・Guangzhou Tianhaixiang Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. ・THX Aviation ミサイル M 488 中国 People's Republic of China Harbin Engineering University (哈爾浜工程大学) ミサイル、核 M,N 489 中国 People's Republic of China Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) (哈爾浜工業大学) ミサイル M 490 中国 People's Republic of China Hebei Sinopack Electronics (河北中瓷電子科技股份有限公司) ・Hebei Sinapack Elec ミサイル M 491 中国 People's Republic of China HENAN JIAYUAN ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY CO., LTD. (河南嘉源铝业有限公司) ・HENAN JIAYUAN ALUMINUM INDUSTRY COMPANY, LIMITED 核 N 492 中国 People's Republic of China Hubei Sanjiang Aerospace Wanshan Special Vehicle Co., Ltd. (湖北三江航天万山特种车辆有限公司) ・湖北三江航天万山特種車輛有限公司 ミサイル M 493 中国 People's Republic of China Karat Industry Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 494 中国 People's Republic of China Kinglead Electronics Co., Ltd. ・Kinglead International Trading ・Kinglead International Trading Limited ・Kinglead Trading ・Phonide Electronics Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 495 中国 People's Republic of China Landa Ariya Electronic Co ・Landa Ariya Electronic Co. Ltd. ・Landa Electronic ・Landa Electronics. ミサイル M 496 中国 People's Republic of China Liaoyang Carbon Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 497 中国 People's Republic of China LIMMT Economic and Trade Company (LIMMT経貿公司) ・Ansi Metallurgy Industry Co. Ltd. ・Blue Sky Industry Corporation ・Dalian Carbon Co. Ltd. ・Dalian Sunny Industries ・Dalian Sunny Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. ・Liaoning Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. ・LIMMT (Dalian) Economic and Trade Organization ・LIMMT (Dalian) Metallurgy and Minerals Co. ・LIMMT (Dalian) Metallurgy and Minerals Co., Ltd. ・LIMMT (Dalian FTZ) Metallurgy and Minerals Co., Ltd. ・LIMMT (Dalian FTZ) Minmetals and Metallurgy Co., Ltd. ・SC (Dalian) Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. ・Sino Metallurgy & Minmetals Industry Co., Ltd. ・Wealthy Ocean Enterprises Ltd. ミサイル M 498 中国 People's Republic of China MINGZHENG INTERNATIONAL TRADING LIMITED 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 499 中国 People's Republic of China MTTO Industry and Trade Limited ミサイル M 500 中国 People's Republic of China National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) (国防科学技術大学) ミサイル、核 M,N 501 中国 People's Republic of China Ningbo New Century Import and Export Company, Ltd. (寧波新世紀進出口有限公司) ・New Century Import and Export Co. Ltd ミサイル M 502 中国 People's Republic of China No. 35 Research Institute of the Third Academy of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) (中国航天科工集団公司第三研究院三十五研究所) ・35 Institute ・Beijing Hangxing Machine Building Corporation ・Beijing Huahang Radio Measurements Research Institute, China Haiying Electronic Mechanical Technical Research Academy ・Huahang Institute of Radio Measurement ミサイル M 503 中国 People's Republic of China Northwestern Polytechnical University (西北工業大学) ・Northwest Polytechnic University ・Northwest Polytechnical University ・Northwestern Polytechnic University ミサイル M 504 中国 People's Republic of China Nuclear Power Institute of China (NPIC) (中国核動力研究設計院) ・China Nuclear Power Research Institute 核 N 505 中国 People's Republic of China Oriental Logistics Group LTD ・Oriental Air Transport Service Ltd ミサイル M 506 中国 People's Republic of China Poly Asia Pacific Ltd.(PAPL) ・Beijing Oriental Vision Petroleum Technology Company Limited (OVTEK-P) 核 N 507 中国 People's Republic of China Raybeam Optronics Co. Ltd. ミサイル M 21 508 中国 People's Republic of China Raytronic Corporation, Limited ミサイル M 509 中国 People's Republic of China SANMING SINO-EURO IMPORT AND EXPORT CO., LTD (三明市中伊欧进出⼝有限公司) 核 N 510 中国 People's Republic of China Shaanxi Heavy Duty Automobile Co., Ltd (陝西重型汽車有限公司) ミサイル M 511 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) (上海航天技術研究院) ・8th Research Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (中国航天科技集団公司第八研究院) ・Shanghai Astronautics Industry Bureau ・Shanghai Bureau of Astronautics (SHBOA) ・Shanghai Bureau of Space ・上海新躍儀表厰 ミサイル M 512 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Company (上海飛機製造有限公司) ・SAMC ミサイル M 513 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai Gang Quan Trade Co. (上海港泉商貿有限公司) ミサイル M 514 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai Institute of Space Power Sources (上海空間電源研究所) ・811th Research Institute, 8th Academy, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) (中国航天科技集団公司第八研究院第八一一研究所) ・Shanghai Space Energy Research Institute ・Shanghai Space Power Supply Research Institute ミサイル M 515 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai North Begins International (上海丙至国際貿易有限公司) ・Shanghai Bingzhi Guoji Maoyi Youxian Gongsi ミサイル M 516 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai North Transway International Trading Co. ミサイル M 517 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai Tianhai Composite Cylinders Co., Ltd. (上海天海复合气瓶有限公司) ・上海天海複合気瓶有限公司 ミサイル M 518 中国 People's Republic of China SHANGHAI PEOPLE'S INNOVATION INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. (上海人创实业有限公司) ・上海人創実業有限公司 ミサイル M 519 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai Xinli Machine Factory Co., Ltd (上海新力機器廠有限公司) ・上海新力机器厂有限公司 ミサイル M 520 中国 People's Republic of China Shenzhen Iprogift Technology Co., Ltd ・Iprogift Shenzhen Technology Co., Ltd. ・Shenzhen Iprogift Technology ・Iprogift Shenzhen Technology ミサイル M 521 中国 People's Republic of China Shenzhen Shunjinxin Import & Export Co. Ltd ・Shenzhen Shunjinxin IMP & Export Co. Ltd ミサイル M 522 中国 People's Republic of China Shunji Electrinice Co. Ltd (深圳市顺吉电子科技有限公司) ミサイル M 523 中国 People's Republic of China Sinotech Dalian Carbon and Graphite Manufacturing Corporation ミサイル M 524 中国 People's Republic of China Sinotech Industry Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 525 中国 People's Republic of China Sky Rise Technology Ltd. ・Sky Rise Tech ミサイル M 526 中国 People's Republic of China Success Move Ltd. ミサイル M 527 中国 People's Republic of China Sunway Tech Co., Ltd ミサイル M 528 中国 People's Republic of China SUZHOU A-ONE SPECIAL ALLOY CO., LTD. (苏州埃⽂特种合⾦有限公司) ・SUZHOU AIWEN SPECIAL ALLOY CO., LTD. 核 N 529 中国 People's Republic of China SUZHOU ZHONGSHENG MAGNETIC INDUSTRY CO., LTD. (苏州中盛磁业有限公司) ・SUZHOU ZHONGSHENG MAGNETIC COMPANY LIMITED 核 N 530 中国 People's Republic of China Tereal Industry and Trade Limited ミサイル M 531 中国 People's Republic of China Tianniao High Technology Co., Ltd. (江蘇天鳥高新技術有限責任公司) ミサイル M 532 中国 People's Republic of China University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) (電子科技大学) 化学、ミサイル C,M 533 中国 People's Republic of China Weichai Power Co., Ltd. (濰柴動力股份有限公司) ミサイル M 534 中国 People's Republic of China Wuhan Sanjiang Import and Export Co. Ltd ・Wuhan Longhua Weiye Industry and Trade Co., Ltd ・Wuhan Sanjiang Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd. ・WSIEC ミサイル M 22 535 中国 People's Republic of China Xinghe Xingyong Carbon Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 536 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Advanced Engineering Research Organization (AERO) ・Advance Engineering Research Organization ・Advanced Engineering Research Organisation ミサイル M 537 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Advance Multicom 核 N 538 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Ahad International 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 539 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Air Weapons Complex (AWC) ミサイル M 540 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Akhtar & Munir 核 N 541 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Al Technique Corporation of Pakistan, Ltd. (ATCOP) ・Al-Technique Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. 核 N 542 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Allied Trading Co. ・Allied Engineering and Trading Company Ltd. ・UCB Arcade ミサイル、核 M,N 543 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Blue Chip International ミサイル、核 M,N 544 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Broad Engineering ミサイル M 545 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Busan International 核 N 546 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Business Empire International ・Drillage Trading FZE LLC. 核 N 547 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Chashma Nuclear Power Plant (CHASNUPP) ・Chasma Nuclear Power Plant ・Chashma Nuclear Complex 核 N 548 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Creative Dynamics Engineering ・Creative Dynamics ミサイル M 549 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Defense Science and Technology Organization (DESTO) ・Chaklala Defense Science and Technology Organization ・Defense Science and Technology Center 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 550 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Dynamic Engineering Corporation (DEC) ・Diagnostic Engineering Corporation ・Scientific Engineering Corporation 核 N 551 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan EnerQuip Private, Ltd. ミサイル、核 M,N 552 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Engineering and Commercial Services (ECS) 核 N 553 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd. ミサイル、核 M,N 554 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan ERDC Metal Paint Products (Pvt) Ltd. ミサイル、核 M,N 555 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan FabCon International 核 N 556 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan FACO Trading ミサイル、核 M,N 557 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Future Systems Pvt. Ltd. ミサイル M 558 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan H and A International ・H&A International 核 N 559 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Hassan Scientific Corporation ・Hasan Scientific Corporation 核 N 560 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Heavy Mechanical Complex ミサイル、核 M,N 561 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Heavy Mechanical Complex-3 ミサイル、核 M,N 562 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan High Landers Scientific Systems 核 N 563 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Iman Group ・Pana Communication Inc. ミサイル、核 M,N 564 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan IMCO Technology and Services ・IMCO 核 N 23 565 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Impex Trade & Services 核 N 566 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Industrial Galaxy ミサイル、核 M,N 567 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Insight Enterprises Inc. 核 N 568 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Inspectech 核 N 569 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Interscan 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 570 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Intralink Incorporated ミサイル、核 M,N 571 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Iqbal Enterprises 核 N 572 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Jim Corporation ミサイル、核 M,N 573 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Karachi Nuclear Power Complex (KANUPP) ・Karachi Nuclear Power Plant 核 N 574 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Kepler Corporation 核 N 575 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Khan Research Laboratories (KRL) ・Abdul Qader Khan Research Laboratories ・Engineering Research Laboratories (ERL) ・Institute of Industrial Control Systems (IICS) ・Kahuta Nuclear Facility ・Kahuta Research Facility 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 576 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan KK International Traders (KKIT) 核 N 577 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan KMA International Import and Export Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 578 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan KTK Engineering (Pvt) LTD 核 N 579 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan K-SOFT Enterprises 核 N 580 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan L.T. Engineering & Trade Services (Pvt) Ltd. ・LT Engineering and Trade Services (Pvt) Ltd.(LTE) ・L.T. Engineering & Trade Services PVT (LTD) ミサイル、核 M,N 581 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Link Lines Pvt Ltd. ミサイル、核 M,N 582 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Makkays Hi-Tech Systems ・Zaib Electronics ミサイル M 583 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Maira Trade International ミサイル、核 M,N 584 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Marine Systems Pvt. Ltd. ミサイル M 585 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Maritime Technology Complex (MTC) ミサイル M 586 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mecatech (Private) Limited ・Mecatech 核 N 587 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Micado ・Micado (Pvt) Limited ・Micado (Pvt) Ltd. ミサイル、核 M,N 588 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Middle East Automation & Controls Services ・MACS ・MEACS 核 N 589 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mirza and Co ・Mirza 核 N 590 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan MSN International 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 591 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Muhandis Corporation 核 N 592 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan National Centre for Non Destructive Testing (NCNDT) ミサイル、核 M,N 593 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan National Development Complex (NDC) ・National Defense Complex ・National Development Centre ミサイル、核 M,N 24 594 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM) ミサイル、核 M,N 595 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan National Engineering Service Trading and Consultancy Company ・NESTACC 核N 596 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan National Institute of Lasers and Optronics (NILOP) ・National Institute of Lasers 核N 597 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Nazir and Sons International 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 598 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan New Auto Engineering (NAE) ミサイルM 599 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Oriental Engineers ・Advance Technologies ・Advanced Technologies ・Oriental Engineers Pvt. Ltd. ・Oriental Engineers Services ミサイル、核 M,N 600 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Orion Eleven Pvt. Ltd. ミサイルM 601 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) ミサイル、核 M,N 602 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) ・Power Plant Workshops ミサイル、核 M,N 603 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences (PIEAS) 核N 604 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH) 核N 605 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF) ・Explosive Factory ・Wah Munitions Plant 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 606 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Paktech Engineers 核N 607 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pentium Engineering Solutions 核N 608 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan People's Steel Mills Ltd. ・Peoples Steel Mills ・People's Steel Mills Ltd. ・People's Steel Mills 化学、ミサイル、核 C,M,N 609 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pervaiz Commercial Trading Co. (PCTC) 核N 610 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pie Trading House ミサイル、核 M,N 611 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Premier International ・Align Impex ミサイル、核 M,N 612 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Prime Tech 核N 613 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Proficient Engineers 核N 614 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Profile Engineering Works ミサイル、核 M,N 615 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan QTech ・Quality Technology 核N 616 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan RAINBOW SOLUTIONS 核N 617 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Rohtas Enterprises 核N 618 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan S.M.B Associates ・SMB Associates 核N 619 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Samina Pvt. Ltd. 核N 620 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Sayyed Brothers Engineering Co. (SBEC) 核N 621 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Sci-Tech Global 核N 622 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Sitara Chemical Industries Ltd. ・Sitara Chemicals Industries Ltd. 化学、核 C,N 25 623 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Solutions Engineering Pvt. Ltd. ・Solutronix Engineering Pvt. Ltd. ・Solutronix Pvt. Ltd. 核 N 624 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) ・Space and Upper Atmospheric Research Commission ミサイル M 625 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Sumico Technologies ミサイル、核 M,N 626 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Swan International Trading 核 N 627 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Techlink Communications ミサイル、核 M,N 628 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Techlinks ミサイル、核 M,N 629 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Techno-Commercial ・TCL ・Techserve 核 N 630 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Teko Global Vision Pvt Ltd ・Tianjin Hanex Technology Co., Ltd ミサイル、核 M,N 631 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan TELEC Electronics & Machinery (Pvt) Ltd. ・TELEC ミサイル、核 M,N 632 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Time & Tune ミサイル、核 M,N 633 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Triton Educational Equipment & Consultancy Co. 核 N 634 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan UEC (Pvt.) Ltd. 核 N 635 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Universal Tooling Services ・Forward Design and Manufacturing ・MSM Enterprises ・Technopak Engineering ミサイル、核 M,N 636 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Value Additions (Pvt) Limited. ミサイル、核 M,N 637 香港 Hong Kong Anhui Land Group Co., Limited (安徽藍徳集団股份有限公司) ミサイル M 638 香港 Hong Kong Avin Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. (AETC) (艾文电子科技有限公司) ・Avin Electronic Technology Company ミサイル M 639 香港 Hong Kong DULING TECHNOLOGY (HK) LIMITED. ミサイル M 640 香港 Hong Kong GREEN INDUSTRIES HONG KONG LIMITED ・GREEN INDUSTRIES, LTD ミサイル M 641 香港 Hong Kong K Logistics (China) Limited (快急送物流(中國)有限公司) ・K Logistics Hong Kong ミサイル M 642 香港 Hong Kong Leader (Hong Kong) International ・Leader (Hong Kong) International Trading Limited ・Leader International Trading Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 643 香港 Hong Kong PROMA INDUSTRY CO., LTD. (中易實業有限公司) ミサイル M 644 香港 Hong Kong Reekay Technology Limited ミサイル、核 M,N 645 レバノン Republic of Lebanon Best Electronics S.A.L 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 646 レバノン Republic of Lebanon Denise Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 647 レバノン Republic of Lebanon EFAB S.A.R.L 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 26 648 レバノン Republic of Lebanon EKT Electronics ・AL AMIR ELECTRONICS ・ALAMIR ELECTRONICS ・AL-AMIR ELECTRONICS ・AMIRCO ELECTRONICS ・E.K.T. (KATRANGI BROS.) ・EKT ・EKT (KATRANGI BROS) ・EKT ELECTRONICS ・EKT KATRANGI BROTHERS ・ELECTRONIC KATRANGI GROUP ・ELECTRONIC SYSTEM GROUP ・ESG ・KATRANGI ELECTRONICS ・KATRANGI FOR ELECTRONICS INDUSTRIES ・KATRANGI TRADING KATRANJI LABS ・LUMIERE ELYSEES (Latin: LUMIÈRE ELYSÉES) ・NKTRONICS ・SMART GREEN POWER ・SMART PEGASUS E.K.T. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 649 レバノン Republic of Lebanon POLO TRADING 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 650 レバノン Republic of Lebanon Shadi for Cars Trading 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 651 レバノン Republic of Lebanon Technolab ・Techno Lab 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 652 レバノン Republic of Lebanon TOP TECHNOLOGIES SARL 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 653 レバノン Republic of Lebanon Vibes International Inc Sarl 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 654 ロシア Russian Federation 27th Scientific Center of the Russian Ministry of Defense ・27th NTs ・FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY ESTABLISHMENT 27 SCIENTIFIC CENTER OF THE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 化学 C 655 ロシア Russian Federation 33rd Scientific Research and Testing Institute ・33rd TsNIII ・FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY ESTABLISHMENT 33 CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH TEST INSTITUTE OF THE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 化学 C 656 ロシア Russian Federation AO PKK Milandr ・JSC ICC MILANDR ・JSC PKK Milandr ・Milandr ・MPK Milandr, OOO ・PKK Milandr AO 核 N 657 ロシア Russian Federation "Avangard" JSC ・Tactical Missile Corporation, Joint Stock Company Avangard ミサイル M 658 ロシア Russian Federation "Central Design Bureau for Automatics Engineering" JSC ・Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo “Tsentralnoe Konstruktorskoe Byuro Avtomatiki” ・AO “TsKBA” ・JSC “TsKBA” ・Tactical Missile Corporation, “Central Design Bureau of Automation” ミサイル M 659 ロシア Russian Federation chimmed group ・Chimmed ・Khimmed ・OOO Khimmed ・SPK Khimmed ・TD Chimmed ・TD Khimmed 生物、化学 B,C 660 ロシア Russian Federation Engineering Center Ltd. ・Certified Engineering Center, Ltd. ・EC ・LCEC 化学 C 661 ロシア Russian Federation Federal Security Service(FSB) 化学 C 662 ロシア Russian Federation Federal State Unitary Enterprise Dukhov Automatics Research Institute(VNIIA) 核 N 663 ロシア Russian Federation Foreign Intelligence Service(SVR) ミサイル、核 M,N 664 ロシア Russian Federation FSUE "The Federal center for dual-use technologies "Soyuz" ・Federal Center for Dual-Use Technology (FTsDT) Soyuz ・FSUE FCDT Soyuz ミサイル M 665 ロシア Russian Federation Ilyushin Aviation Complex Branch: Myasishcheva Experimental Mechanical Engineering Plant ・Myasishcheva EMZ ミサイル M 666 ロシア Russian Federation International Center for Quantum Optics and Quantum Technologies LLS ・OOO MTSKT ・RQC ・Russian Quantum Center 核 N 667 ロシア Russian Federation Intertech Rus LLC ・Intertek Rus OOO 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 27 668 ロシア Russian Federation "Iskra" Engineering Design Bureau JSC named after I.I. Kartukov ・Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo “Mashinostroitelnoe Konstruktorskoe Byuro “Iskra” Imeni Ivana Ivanovicha Kartukova” ・AO MKB “ISKRA” ・Tactical Missile Corporation, PJSC “MBDB ISKRA” ミサイル M 669 ロシア Russian Federation Joint Stock Company Angstrem ・Angstrem JSC ミサイル M 670 ロシア Russian Federation Joint Stock Company Angstrem-T ・AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO ANGSTREM-T ミサイル M 671 ロシア Russian Federation Joint Stock Company "Federal Center of Science and High Technologies "SNPO "Eleron" ・Joint Stock Company Eleron ・JSC FCS & HT SNPO Eleron ・SNPO Eleron 核 N 672 ロシア Russian Federation Joint Stock Company NPO Elektromechaniki ・JSC Scientific and Production Association of Electro Mechanic ミサイル M 673 ロシア Russian Federation JOINT STOCK COMPANY RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION CORPORATION KONSTRUKTORSKOYE BYURO MASHYNOSTROYENIYA ・JSC NPK KBM ・JSC Research and Production Corporation Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering ・KB Mashinostroeniya 化学、ミサイル C,M 674 ロシア Russian Federation Joint Stock Company Scientific Research Institute of Computer Engineering NII SVT ・AO Nauchno Issledovatelskii Institut Sredstv Vychislitelnoi Tekhniki ・AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO NAUCHNO ISSLEDOVATELSKII INSTITUT SREDSTV VYCHISLITELNOI TEKHNIKI ・AO NII SVT ・NII SVT PAO 生物 B 675 ロシア Russian Federation Joint Stock Company Votkinsky Zavod ミサイル M 676 ロシア Russian Federation Laboratory Systems and Technologies LTD ・LST LTD 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 677 ロシア Russian Federation Main Intelligence Directorate ・GLAVNOE RAZVEDYVATEL'NOE UPRAVLENIE ・GRU ・Main Intelligence Department 化学 C 678 ロシア Russian Federation Mikron ・JOINT STOCK COMPANY MIKRON ・MIKRON JSC ・NII MOLEKULYARNOI ELEKTRONIKI I ZAVOD MIKRON PAO ・NIIME AND MIKRON ・OTKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO NII MOLEKULYARNOY ELECKTRONIKI I ZAVOD MIKRON ・PJSC MIKRON ・PUBLICHNOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSCHESTVO MIKRON ミサイル M 679 ロシア Russian Federation "Military Industrial Corporation NPO Mashinostroenia" JSC ・Joint Stock Company Military Industrial Consortium NPO Mashinostroyenia ・Joint Stock Company Military-Industrial Corporation NPO Mashinostroyenia ・JSC MIC NPO Mashinostroyenia ・MIC NPO Mashinostroyeniya JSC ・Military Industrial Corporation NPO Mashinostroenia OAO ・Open Joint Stock Company Military Industrial Corporation Scientific and Production Machine Building Association ・Voenno-Promyshlennaya Korporatsiya Nauchno Proizvodstvennoe Obedinenie Mashinostroeniya OAO ・VPK NPO Mashinostroeniya ミサイル M 680 ロシア Russian Federation Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation ミサイル、核 M,N 681 ロシア Russian Federation N.A. Dollezhal Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering ・JSC NIKIET ・JSC Order of Lenin Research and Design Institute of Energy Engineering named after N. A. Dollezhal ・N.A. Dollezhal Order of Lenin Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering 核 N 682 ロシア Russian Federation Nilco Group ・Nil Fam Khazar Company ・Nilfam Khazar Co ・Santers Holding ミサイル M 683 ロシア Russian Federation NPO High Precision Systems JSC ミサイル M 684 ロシア Russian Federation NPO of Electromechanics ・Tactical Missile Corporation, NPO Electromechanics ミサイル M 685 ロシア Russian Federation NPP Istok ・JSC PRC Istok n.a. Shokin ・OAO NPP Istok Shokina ミサイル M 686 ロシア Russian Federation OAO GosNIIkhimanalit ・State Research Chemical-Analytical Institute 化学 C 687 ロシア Russian Federation OOO Intertech Instruments ・Intertek Instruments 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 28 688 ロシア Russian Federation POLYUS Research Institute of M.F. Stelmakh Joint Stock Company ミサイル M 689 ロシア Russian Federation "Raduga" State Engineering Design Bureau JSC named after A.Y. Bereznyak ・AO “GosMKB “Raduga” IM. A.Ya.Bereznyaka” ・GosMKB "Rainbow" them. AND I. Bereznyak ・Joint Stock Company “State Machine-Building Design Bureau “Raduga” ・MKB Raduga ・State Machine Building Design Bureau Raduga ・Tactical Missile Corporation, Raduga Design Bureau ミサイル M 690 ロシア Russian Federation Rosoboronexport OJSC (ROE) ・ROSOBORONEXPORT JSC ・RUSSIAN DEFENSE EXPORT ROSOBORONEXPORT ミサイル M 691 ロシア Russian Federation Rostec(Russian Technologies State Corporation) ミサイル M 692 ロシア Russian Federation Scientific Research Institute of Applied Acoustics ・Applied Acoustics Research Institute ・NIIPA 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 693 ロシア Russian Federation "Scientific Research Institute for Mechanical Engineering" JSC ・GosNIImash ・JSC Scientific Research Institute for Mechanical Engineering ・Pervichnaya Profsoyuznaya Organizatsiya Rossiskogo Profsoyuza Rabotnikov Promyshlennosti V “GOSNIIMASH” ・PPO Rosprofprom V “GOSNIIMASH ・SKB DNIKhTI ・State Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering named after V.V. Bakhireva ・State Scientific Research Institute of Machine Building Bakhirev ・Tactical Missile Corporation, Joint Stock Company GosNIIMash ミサイル M 694 ロシア Russian Federation "Severniy press" JSC ・AO Severnyi Press ・Northern Press ・Tactical Missile Corporation, Joint Stock Company Severny Press ミサイル M 695 ロシア Russian Federation Special Technology Center ・Special Technology Centre Limited Liability Company ・STC, Ltd. ミサイル M 696 ロシア Russian Federation State Scientific Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology ・GosNIIOKhT 化学 C 697 ロシア Russian Federation "Strela" Production Association JSC ・Production Association Strela ・Tactical Missile Corporation, Joint Stock Company PA Strela ミサイル M 698 ロシア Russian Federation Systems of Biological Synthesis LLC ・OOO SBS ・SBS LLC ・Sistemy Biologicheskogo Sinteza 生物 B 699 ロシア Russian Federation Tactical Missiles Corporation JSC ミサイル M 700 ロシア Russian Federation "Temp-Avia" Arzamas Research and Production Association JSC ・ANPP TEMP AIR ・ANPP “Temp-Avia” ・Arzam Scientific Production Enterprise Temp Avia ・Joint Stock Company “Arzamas Research And Production Enterprise“TEMP-AVIA” ・OKB “Temp” ・Public Joint Stock Company “Arzamas Research and Production Enterprise” ・Publichnoe Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo “Arzamas NauchnoProizvodstvennoe Predpriyatie “TEMP-AVIA” ・Tactical Missile Corporation, PJSC ANPP Temp Avia ・TEMP-AVIA ミサイル M 701 ロシア Russian Federation Turayev Machine Building Design Bureau Soyuz ・TMBDB SoyuZ PJSC ミサイル M 702 ロシア Russian Federation UEC-Saturn ミサイル M 703 ロシア Russian Federation United Engine Corporation ミサイル M 704 ロシア Russian Federation Ural Research Institute of Composite Materials ・Ural Scientific Research Institute for Composite Materials ミサイル M 705 ロシア Russian Federation "Vympel" State Engineering Design Bureau JSC named after I.I. Toropov ・AO Gos MKB “Vympel” named for II Toropov ・Tactical Missile Corporation, Joint Stock Company “State Machine Building Design Bureau “Vympel” By Name I.I. Toropov” ・Vympel NPO ミサイル M 29 706 ロシア Russian Federation Zavod "Miass" ・AO Miasskiy mashinostroitelnyy zavod ・JSC MMZ ・Miass Machine-Building Factory ミサイル M 30
大量破壊兵器等の開発等の懸念が払拭されない外国・地域所在団体の情報を提供する「外国ユーザーリスト」を改正しました (METI/経済産業省)
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dmsohedul · 10 months
Digital Marketing Strategy
Digital Marketing:
Digital marketing is a comprehensive approach to promote products, services or brands using digital channels and technology Key elements of digital marketing include search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, mobile marketing, affiliate marketing and more. In an increasingly digital world, businesses take advantage of digital marketing to effectively reach and engage their target customers. This powerful tool allows for precise audience targeting, data-driven decision making and real-time interaction, making it an essential component of modern marketing strategies. In today's digital age, digital marketing is an important tool for businesses to stay competitive and effectively reach their audience online.
Digital Marketing Key element:
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
2. Content Marketing
3. Social Media Marketing
4. Email Marketing
5. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)
6. Mobile Marketing
7. Affiliate Marketing
Search Engine Optimization ( SEO) :
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Search Engine Optimization, commonly known as SEO, is a fundamental component of digital marketing. It refers to the practice of optimizing websites and online content to improve their visibility in search engine results. The primary objective of SEO is to increase organic (non-paid) traffic to a website by ensuring that it ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).
Key elements of SEO include:
Keyword Research: Identifying relevant keywords and phrases that potential visitors might use to find your content. This forms the foundation of your SEO strategy.
On-Page Optimization: Optimizing various on-page elements, including meta titles, meta descriptions, headers, and content, to align with chosen keywords and improve search engine rankings.
Off-Page Optimization: Building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites to enhance a site's authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines.
Technical SEO: Ensuring that a website is technically sound and adheres to search engine guidelines, including factors like site speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability.
Content Creation: Developing high-quality, informative, and engaging content that not only caters to the needs of the target audience but also incorporates relevant keywords.
User Experience (UX): Improving the overall user experience on a website, which can indirectly impact SEO by reducing bounce rates and increasing time spent on the site.
Local SEO: Optimizing online presence for local businesses, making them more visible in local searches and on platforms like Google Maps.
Monitoring and Analysis: Continuously tracking website performance through analytics tools, evaluating key metrics, and making data-driven adjustments to improve SEO strategies.
Content Marketing:
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Content marketing is a pivotal element of digital marketing and online communication. It involves the development of various types of content, such as articles, blog posts, videos, infographics, podcasts, and more, to engage, inform, entertain, and inspire a target audience. The primary objective of content creation is to provide value, solve problems, and establish connections with the intended audience, ultimately driving desired actions, whether it's purchasing a product, sharing information, or subscribing to a newsletter.
Key aspects of content Marketing include:
Audience-Centric Approach: Effective content creation starts with a deep understanding of the target audience's preferences, needs, and pain points. Content should be tailored to resonate with the audience.
Quality and Relevance: High-quality content is essential. It should be accurate, well-researched, and free from errors. Relevance to the audience's interests is crucial for engagement.
Keyword Integration: For content's discoverability, it often includes strategically chosen keywords to improve its visibility in search engine results (part of SEO).
Storytelling: Storytelling can make content more relatable and memorable, helping to establish an emotional connection with the audience.
Multimedia Elements: Incorporating visuals, videos, infographics, and other multimedia elements can enhance the engagement and shareability of content.
Consistency: Consistent content creation builds trust and reliability with the audience, keeping them engaged over time.
Distribution and Promotion: Creating content is only half the battle. Promoting and distributing it through various channels, such as social media, email, and SEO, is vital to reach the intended audience.
Measure and Optimize: Regularly evaluating content performance with analytics tools allows for data-driven decisions and continuous improvement.
Social Media Marketing:
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Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a powerful component of digital marketing that utilizes social media platforms to connect with an audience, build brand awareness, and achieve marketing objectives. It involves creating and sharing content on social media networks to engage and interact with users, with the ultimate goal of driving traffic, generating leads, and increasing sales.
Key aspects of social media marketing include:
Platform Selection: Choosing the right social media platforms that align with your target audience and business objectives. Popular platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and TikTok.
Content Creation: Developing engaging and shareable content in various formats, including text, images, videos, infographics, and stories.
Community Building: Building and nurturing a community of followers and engaging with them through comments, likes, shares, and direct messages.
Social Advertising: Running paid advertising campaigns on social media platforms to reach a broader or specific audience, often using tools like Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads.
Social Listening: Monitoring conversations and mentions related to your brand or industry to gain insights, address customer concerns, and participate in relevant discussions.
Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with social media influencers who have a strong following in your niche to promote your products or services.
Analytics and Reporting: Measuring the performance of social media campaigns, tracking key metrics, and using data to make informed decisions and refine strategies.
Email Marketing:
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Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending emails to a group of recipients with the goal of promoting products or services, building relationships with customers, and achieving various marketing objectives. This approach is widely used by businesses, organizations, and individuals to reach a targeted audience and deliver relevant content directly to their email inboxes. Here are some key aspects of email marketing:
Key aspects of Email marketing include:
Audience Segmentation: Email marketing allows you to segment your email list based on various criteria, such as demographics, behavior, and preferences. This enables you to send highly personalized and relevant content to different groups of recipients.
Campaign Creation: Email campaigns can take various forms, including newsletters, promotional offers, product updates, event invitations, and more. Creating compelling and visually appealing email content is crucial to engage recipients.
Automation: Many email marketing platforms offer automation features, allowing you to send pre-scheduled emails or triggered messages based on specific user actions, such as subscribing, making a purchase, or abandoning a cart.
Tracking and Analytics: Email marketing tools provide insights into email open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and other valuable data. This data helps you measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven improvements.
Compliance with Regulations: Adhering to email marketing regulations and obtaining recipients' consent is essential. This includes compliance with laws like the CAN-SPAM Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
A/B Testing: Email marketers often perform A/B testing to experiment with different email subject lines, content, and designs to identify what resonates best with their audience.
Personalization: Personalizing email content with recipients' names and tailored recommendations can significantly improve engagement and conversions.
Call to Action (CTA): Emails typically include a clear CTA, guiding recipients to take a specific action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a webinar, or downloading a resource.
Mobile Optimization: Given the prevalence of mobile email usage, ensuring that emails are mobile-responsive is crucial for reaching a wide audience effectively.
Nurturing Customer Relationships: Email marketing can be used to nurture relationships with customers, provide ongoing value, and turn one-time buyers into loyal, repeat customers.
Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC):
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Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC) is a digital marketing model in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. It is a highly targeted and cost-effective way to drive traffic to websites, boost brand visibility, and generate leads or sales. PPC campaigns are commonly associated with search engines like Google and Bing, as well as various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Here are key aspects of PPC advertising:
Key aspects of Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC) include:
Keyword Targeting: Advertisers select specific keywords or phrases related to their products or services. When users search for these keywords, the advertiser's ads may appear in search engine results.
Ad Auctions: Search engines and social media platforms hold ad auctions to determine which ads are displayed when a user searches for specific keywords. Factors like bid amount and ad quality influence ad placement.
Ad Formats: PPC ads can take various formats, including text ads, display ads, shopping ads (for e-commerce), and video ads. The choice of ad format depends on the platform and advertising goals.
Budget Control: Advertisers set daily or monthly budgets to control their ad spending. Once the budget is exhausted, the ads typically stop running until the budget is replenished.
Ad Copy: Creating compelling ad copy with attention-grabbing headlines and relevant content is essential for attracting clicks and conversions.
Landing Pages: PPC ads are linked to specific landing pages on the advertiser's website. These pages are designed to provide a seamless user experience and encourage desired actions, such as making a purchase or signing up.
Conversion Tracking: PPC platforms often offer conversion tracking tools to measure the success of campaigns. Advertisers can track specific actions, such as form submissions or purchases, to evaluate the return on investment (ROI).
Ad Extensions: Advertisers can enhance their ads with extensions like site link, callout, and location extensions, providing additional information to users and improving ad performance.
Geographic Targeting: Advertisers can target specific geographic locations, ensuring that their ads are displayed to users in their target markets.
Negative Keywords: Identifying and excluding negative keywords prevents ads from showing for irrelevant searches, optimizing ad spend.
Mobile Marketing:
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Mobile marketing is a digital marketing strategy that focuses on reaching and engaging target audiences through mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. With the widespread use of mobile devices, this approach has become a vital component of modern marketing strategies. Mobile marketing encompasses various techniques and channels designed to connect with users on the go. Here are key aspects of mobile marketing.
Key aspects of mobile marketing include:
Mobile-Friendly Websites: Ensuring that websites are mobile-responsive and optimized for smaller screens, touch navigation, and faster loading times is crucial for a positive user experience.
SMS Marketing: Sending text messages to customers or subscribers to deliver promotional content, alerts, or reminders. SMS marketing is highly effective for time-sensitive campaigns.
Mobile Apps: Developing and promoting mobile applications to enhance user engagement, brand loyalty, and convenience. Mobile apps are a valuable platform for offering personalized experiences and services.
Location-Based Marketing: Utilizing a user's location to send geographically relevant content, such as local offers, store directions, or proximity-based notifications.
In-App Advertising: Displaying ads within mobile applications, including banner ads, interstitial ads, and rewarded video ads. In-app advertising allows businesses to reach users while they engage with their favorite apps.
Push Notifications: Sending timely and relevant notifications to app users to inform them of updates, promotions, or other valuable information. Push notifications are a direct way to re-engage with app users.
Mobile Social Media Marketing: Leveraging social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat to engage mobile users through tailored ad campaigns, posts, and stories.
Mobile Payment and Wallet Marketing: Integrating with mobile payment solutions and digital wallets to offer convenient payment options and deliver promotional offers and loyalty rewards.
QR Codes: Using QR codes in print materials or physical locations to direct users to specific mobile web pages, promotions, or additional information.
Mobile Video Marketing: Creating and sharing video content optimized for mobile viewing. Video is a highly engaging format for mobile users.
Affiliate Marketing:
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Affiliate marketing is a performance-based digital marketing strategy where businesses reward individuals or other businesses (affiliates) for driving traffic or generating sales or leads to their products or services through the affiliate's marketing efforts. It's a win-win arrangement where affiliates earn a commission for the sales or actions they influence, while businesses benefit from increased exposure and sales. Here are key aspects of affiliate marketing:
Key aspects of affiliate marketing include:
Affiliate Partners: Affiliates can be bloggers, influencers, website owners, social media marketers, or anyone with an online presence willing to promote products or services in exchange for a commission.
Affiliate Networks: Many businesses use affiliate networks or platforms (such as Amazon Associates or ShareASale) to manage their affiliate programs. These platforms provide tracking, reporting, and payment tools.
Commission Models: Affiliates can earn commissions through various models, including pay-per-sale, pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, or pay-per-action, depending on the agreement with the business.
Promotional Methods: Affiliates use a variety of marketing methods, including content marketing, email marketing, social media promotion, product reviews, and paid advertising, to drive traffic and conversions.
Tracking and Analytics: Businesses provide affiliates with unique tracking links or codes to monitor the performance of each affiliate's efforts. These links ensure proper attribution of sales or leads.
Affiliate Marketing Tools: Both businesses and affiliates can use specialized tools to optimize and manage their affiliate marketing campaigns, track performance, and assess ROI.
Compliance and Regulations: Adherence to ethical marketing practices, as well as disclosure and compliance with regulations, is essential to maintain transparency and trust among customers.
Payment Structure: Commissions can be one-time payments, recurring payments for subscription-based products or services, or tiered structures where affiliates earn higher percentages as they generate more sales or leads.
Affiliate Marketing for E-commerce: E-commerce businesses often leverage affiliate marketing to expand their reach and sales, as affiliates can showcase a wide range of products to their audience.
Relationship Building: Building strong relationships with affiliates can lead to long-term partnerships and collaboration on multiple marketing campaigns.
In the digital age, digital marketing is a linchpin for businesses. It empowers precise audience targeting, real-time data insights, and diverse strategies like SEO, content marketing, and social media engagement. A dynamic and evolving landscape, digital marketing is an indispensable tool for building brand presence, driving growth, and staying competitive in the ever-connected online world.
Sure, here are three frequently asked questions about digital marketing along with short answers:
1. What is digital marketing? 
Answer: Digital marketing is the practice of promoting products or services using digital channels such as websites, social media, email, search engines, and online advertising to reach and engage with a target audience.
2. What are some key digital marketing strategies?
 Answer: Key digital marketing strategies include SEO (Search Engine Optimization), content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, and influencer marketing, among others.
3. How can I measure the success of my digital marketing campaigns?
 Answer: You can measure the success of digital marketing campaigns by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) like website traffic, conversion rates, click-through rates, social media engagement, and return on investment (ROI). Analyzing these metrics helps you assess the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven improvements.
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hoisolutions · 2 years
Raleigh C-Suite Leaders: Step-by-Step Guide for Custom Software Development in 2023
Do you prefer custom software development or an off-the-shelf application?
This decision is often difficult for business leaders.
Software developers in Raleigh can vouch for bespoke software's benefits in meeting local businesses' needs. Businesses will have many options for custom software development by 2023; it would not be too bold to assert.
Why do Raleigh businesses need "custom" software?
What exactly is "custom" software? And why should businesses choose it? Off-the-shelf software can be a pre-made solution readily available on the market. Custom software, also known as bespoke software, is a customized version created to address specific business problems.
The bottom line is that customized solutions can be tailored to meet your business's needs. This prism can be used to examine how custom software is changing mindsets in emerging tech hubs like Raleigh.
North Carolina companies have seen a remarkable increase in the use of technology to address their users' needs. With its strong connections to the Research Triangle, Raleigh is becoming a significant city for startups in tech. Therefore, increasing and modernizing the process and embracing digital change in North Carolina and the Triangle is imperative.
Making the right decision
It is crucial to make the right decision regarding business software. It is crucial to make the right decision about whether you want to buy or build software. A correct choice could result in saving time, money, and productivity.
There has been a significant increase in requests for custom software development services. Raleigh is seeing a rise in homegrown businesses looking for skilled software developers. Many companies choose bespoke software development.
This is a guaranteed way to choose between building and buying apps. Ask:
Are my business doing things differently than others?
Are you interested in digitizing products and processes?
Are the digital solutions that are available today scalable?
These questions will help you select the best solutions. As we have said, bespoke solutions are preferred by businesses.
Raleigh is growing, and so will the need for custom software developers. As C-suite executives, you can help your business with innovative and unique custom solutions.
This is an excellent opportunity to gain a competitive edge. Using bespoke software can also increase ROI, improve your business performance, and provide excellent customer service.
The C-Suite Executive's Guide To Developing Custom Software
Why is it that people like to customize sports cars? You can update the dashboard leather and seat covers. It sounds fantastic, right? People customize their cars for a personal touch and a feeling of belonging.
What is driving the shift towards custom application development? Because you want your brand to be unique and authentic to your business vision and values, this is why custom application development is a growing trend. Although many ready-made solutions exist, personalization can increase customer loyalty and employee satisfaction.
As a C-suite leader, you should be able to develop custom software. This awareness can drive a shift in the mindset of the entire organization. It can also help you to see the positive effects on the bottom line if it is rooted in your business strategy.
These insights will help you stand out from the rest regarding custom software development.
Set clear business goals. Clarity can be a key to getting everyone on the same page regarding the business opportunity.
Why is it worth the investment?
Why is the software necessary? What can technology do to increase profits? As this will help you achieve actual business goals, it is crucial to set clear objectives.
Define and establish the requirements specifications for software (SRS strong>
When the technical, functional, and functional requirements are complete, it is simple to determine what the software must accomplish to achieve the business objectives.
Other operational requirements should be identified.
Create a list of all operational requirements necessary to achieve the business goals. This list could include organizational changes, training needs, process improvements, marketing strategies and more.
Choose an expert Chief Technology Officer (CTO strong>
It's great to have a technical leader who can help you understand the pros and cons of each aspect. Having an expert leader who can guide you through the technical aspects is also helpful.
Choose standard products and tools
It can help you find developers and support groups for your unique digital solutions. It can also help you stick with existing products and methods.
Consider outsourcing.
This is a great way to reduce costs and risk, and you can also benefit from offshore rates. Consider weighing your in-house talent against the offshore developer's capabilities.
Look at past work, client reviews, sample works, and other information to help you decide if the resource would be a good fit for your organization's values. Make wise choices.
All legal formalities must be completed.
You should review the legal aspects of licensing and fixed-price payments. You can also learn who has data and other knowledge by licensing tools and frameworks.
Be agile
Agile development is a faster way to create software. It also minimizes risks before you even start. To ensure that everyone can contribute fully, ensure they are all on the same page about the management approach.
Concentrate on the minimum viable product (MVP strong>
You can use the MVP to assess whether your digital solution works quickly. You can also consider alternative solutions and upgrades.
Test, test and more tests.
It is essential to conduct thorough and systematic testing on your product/application before you make it live.
Testing is crucial, as it can avoid technical problems and provide seamless user experiences.
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Well it & consultancy ltd Web Development Company - Building Your Digital Success
Well it & consultancy ltd In the rapidly evolving digital world, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business. A professional website acts as the gateway to your brand, serving as a platform to engage with potential customers and showcase your products or services. To ensure your online success, partnering with a reputable web development company is essential. In this article, we will explore the benefits of working with a web development company and how they can help your business thrive in the digital landscape.
Expertise and Experience:
Well it & consultancy ltd a reputable web development company brings a team of skilled professionals with diverse expertise in web design, development, and digital marketing. Their collective experience allows them to create custom-tailored websites that align with your business objectives. From user interface (UI) design to back-end development, they cover all aspects of website creation, ensuring a seamless user experience and optimum functionality.
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Well it & consultancy ltd Web Development Company
Cutting-Edge Technologies:
The digital realm is constantly evolving, with new technologies emerging regularly. A reliable web development company stays updated with the latest trends and adopts cutting-edge technologies to build modern and responsive websites. By leveraging these technologies, they can provide your business with a competitive edge, enhancing user engagement and conversion rates.
Customized Solutions:
Every business has unique requirements and goals. Well it & consultancy ltd understands this diversity and offers customized solutions to meet your specific needs. They take the time to understand your business model, target audience, and objectives to create a website that reflects your brand identity and values.
Mobile Responsiveness:
With the majority of internet users accessing websites through mobile devices, having a mobile-responsive website is no longer an option but a necessity. A professional web development company ensures that your website is optimized for various devices and screen sizes, guaranteeing a consistent and user-friendly experience across all platforms.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
A beautiful website is only useful if your target audience can find it. Web development companies with SEO expertise incorporate best practices into the website's structure and content, enhancing its visibility on search engines. A higher ranking in search results translates into increased organic traffic and potential leads.
Maintenance and Support:
The journey with a web development company doesn't end with the website launch. They offer continuous upkeep and assistance, making sure that your website is safe, secure, and operating at its best. Regular updates and fixes keep your website running smoothly, giving your visitors a positive experience.
Focus on Core Competencies:
By entrusting your website development to professionals, you free up your time and resources to focus on your core competencies. Delegating this crucial aspect to experts enables you to concentrate on growing your business and serving your customers better.
In today's Well it & consultancy ltd, a well-designed and functional website is indispensable for business success. A web development company offers the expertise, technical prowess, and customized solutions needed to create a powerful online presence that resonates with your target audience. From building user-friendly interfaces to implementing SEO strategies, their comprehensive services pave the way for your digital triumph. So, invest in a reputable web development company and embark on a journey to elevate your brand's online journey.
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clexa--warrior · 2 years
Elon Musk’s deal to buy Twitter has been met with surprise, derision, and gnashing of teeth — and an overwhelming amount of well-intentioned but poorly-informed commentary and analysis.
As someone who has followed the company closely since its inception and has had a chance to talk in depth about technical topics with Jack Dorsey and the company’s other founders over the years, I have a different view.
Here’s a series of common questions regarding the deal and the relationship between Dorsey and Musk about which I see the most errors and misconceptions.
Q: Jack Dorsey is launching “Bluesky,” a new social network to compete with Twitter. I’ll just join that instead!
A: Sorry to disappoint, but Dorsey played a key role in Musk’s deal to take Twitter private. The two are good friends. And Bluesky is an initiative launched by Twitter. In April, Dorsey wrote, “In principle, I don’t believe anyone should own or run Twitter. It wants to be a public good at a protocol level, not a company. Solving for the problem of it being a company however, Elon is the singular solution I trust. I trust his mission to extend the light of consciousness.”
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Q: Uh, if “no one should own or run Twitter,” why did Dorsey advocate selling it to Musk… I’m confused?
A: To get it out of the hands of Wall Street investors, and turn it into a “public good at a protocol level, not a company.” Dorsey and Musk believe it can do more good for humanity if it’s an open technology than if it’s a company owned by any one person or by Wall Street investors trying to maximize profits for shareholders.
Q: What do you mean, a “public good at a protocol level?” What even is that?
A: The foundation of the Internet is built on protocols that we mostly take for granted now. TCP/IP and HTTPS enable the web. Modern e-mail is built on top of SMTP and IMAP protocols. Usenet newsgroups are built on top of NNTP. Dorsey envisions a foundational “Twitter” protocol that anyone can implement and run. This would need to become a formal Internet standard, which requires going through the Internet Engineering Task Force’s “Request for Comment” (RFC) process. This can take a long time. This is what Bluesky has been working on starting to map out.
Q: But the Bluesky website says its Beta is “launching soon.” Doesn’t that mean it’s close to ready?
A: It means they’re ready for you to start experimenting with some ideas. It doesn’t mean it’s close to being a “product” or “useful,” or some sort of viable competitor with any other product or service. And as of yet it’s difficult to know exactly what a service might look like. Eventually, it might form the basis for a new implementation of Twitter that would replace the current product, and it could be open for others to interoperate with — if they can build a functional and useful protocol, which may take years.
Q: This all sounds crazy. Doesn’t Musk want to make money by owning Twitter?
A: The goals are more ideological in nature. Musk and his backers believe that the global geopolitical arena was being warped by too much “woke” ideology and censorship, and wanted to fix that by first restoring voices that had previously been silenced —and then implementing technical and algorithmic solutions that allow each user to get the experience they want. They think this can “solve” the problems that people cite about social media content. Making money, they figure, will come from the secondary effects of enabling “free speech” and the possibility of building other services like payments and replacing government on top of such an app. Plus the company’s social graph data is a goldmine for other businesses that may wish to benefit from detailed knowledge of the makeup of society.
Q: Uh, isn’t it naive to think that there’s a technical solution to harmful content? Isn’t that likely to lead to more radicalization and cultish behavior?
A: Yes, it’s completely naive and they are being willfully ignorant of the harmful side effects of content. It is a kind of tech fundamentalist solutionism that posits that for any difficult problem, there must be a technical solution. Many sociologists and cultural scholars would argue differently.
Q: What does Dorsey mean, “I trust [Musk’s] mission to extend the light of consciousness?”
A: This is a reference to “longtermism,” the heavily marketed philosophy being promoted by Musk and his friend William MacAskill that asserts the only thing that matters is humanity’s future in space, and that the only goal of the living is to maximize the number of future humans alive, as well as the number of artificial intelligence instances that could possibly exist in the future. This mandate is most often used to brush aside calls for improving conditions and alleviating suffering among the living here on Earth now. Because, the theory goes, giving a poor person a blanket isn’t likely to be as useful for the future of humanity as building a rocket to Mars. Longtermism is heavily influenced by “Russian Cosmism” and is also directly adjacent to “Effective Altruism.” Musk’s stated mission, which he intends to fulfill in his lifetime, is to “make humanity a multiplanetary species.” The anti-democratic urge in longtermism is rooted in the belief that “mob rule” will lead to nuclear annihilation; we should, Musk thinks, be guided by “wiser” minds — like his and Putin’s apparently.
Q: Okay, so Musk and Dorsey are collaborators in some weird Mars cult, and don’t actually care about making money from Twitter?
A: Yeah, you’re getting it. Musk also seems pretty interested in helping advance Putin’s “multipolar world order,” which is why he plays footsie with QAnon and MAGA accounts, and pals around with Putin and Dmitry Medvedev. “How are things going in Bakhmut?,” Musk asked Medvedev.
Q: So this is why Musk has been so supportive of the Russians lately? I thought he was on Ukraine’s side, since he helped them out with Starlink?
A: It’s best to look at Musk as a kind of power broker between multiple parties, including Ukraine and Russia. SpaceX was made possible by laws passed by Dana Rohrabacher, Putin’s favorite Congressman. He really doesn’t like the US government, the SEC, and our politicians, and all things considered, he’d probably prefer to replace all of it with an app — call it “X,” the everything app. Elon might say: “Do we really need a government, or could everyone just vote with an app? Be honest.”
Q: So Musk wants to overthrow governments, and Dorsey is helping?
A: Don’t be so dramatic. Everyone knows that the only way to advance society is through technocracy. Musk’s grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, was involved in the technocracy movement in Canada in the 1930’s and was arrested — because it was seen as a threat to the government. The philosopher James Burnham wrote in his 1941 book, “The Managerial Revolution” that society should be run by technical managers, not elected politicians. Russian “methodologists” and “political technologists” concluded the same thing in the 1990’s when they realized that “democracy” would just lead to mob-rule by populists. Democracy, they concluded, must be managed. This is what Putin has concluded, also.
Q: So Putin, Musk, and Dorsey share the same vision?
A: It’s complicated. All seem to think a “multipolar world” is a good thing, because after all, shouldn’t Russia get to do its thing and not be bothered by anyone else? That’s “free speech” and opposes “cancel culture,” right? So yeah, that’s aligned with Putin. But Putin himself doesn’t support free speech; his government censors wildly, but it does support speech that breaks the hegemony of the Western elites. As do Musk and friends. This is internally inconsistent.
Q: Back to the money thing… won’t advertisers balk at all this potential chaos, and won’t Twitter’s business model suffer?
A: Musk and the people backing all this are more interested in reshaping the global order than in earning fake “fiat currency.” Their real goal is to usher in “hard currency” and re-base global currencies around scarcity and physical assets. So no it really doesn’t matter much what happens to Twitter’s ad model in the meantime. It will probably do alright, and they can probably find other ways to make money, like adding in payments and weird Dogecoin schemes.
Q: How is Twitter going to help them kill off fiat currency? You mean like replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency?
A: As the Russian “methodologists” will tell you, it’s incredibly important to control the information space if you want to alter the real world. As the world plunges deeper into war and economic chaos in 2023–2024, there are real (perceived) opportunities to advance cryptocurrencies and asset-backed tokens to replace the dollar. Whether any of this is realistic or not remains to be seen, but this is what they’d like to pursue — Musk and his deal backers in particular.
Q: So this is why Musk seemingly “overpaid” for Twitter? He and his backers want to use it as a tool of information warfare, to kill off the dollar and help usher in Putin’s “multipolar world?”
A: Yes, that’s why they “overpaid” for Twitter. Because the end goals have nothing to do with Twitter or its ad model by itself. It’s merely a means to an end. Musk is likely to join forces with Trump’s Truth Social and Kanye West’s Parler to try to control much of the information space. And they’ve got the threat of Putin’s nukes to force the issue.
Q: So isn’t Musk’s ownership of Twitter a national security risk? Shouldn’t the deal have been stopped on national security grounds?
A: Yes, this is all a national security risk and the deal should probably have been stopped. The fact that it wasn’t is reflective of either fecklessness or capture of the US government.
Q: Can Musk and his friends really do all this? Should we really be worried? It seems so far-fetched.
A: That remains to be seen, and it’s unlikely they can achieve all they’d like to on the timeline they’d prefer. It will likely take years to make Bluesky into a viable product. However, just because it’s hard doesn’t mean they aren’t going to try. As for the broader anti-government agenda, as we’ve seen with January 6th and other attempts to challenge government, even unsuccessful efforts can be incredibly damaging. It’s worth monitoring the direction this takes and, the effects that it has on society and democracy.
A few other minor corrections to popular commentary on the deal:
Musk will just manipulate the stock price to make money. There is no more public-facing “stock price,” it’s a private company now. $TWTR is no longer a thing.
Boy, Jack really screwed Elon by making him overpay. No, Jack basically asked Elon to buy the company and Elon set the price. Jack owned around 2.4% of Twitter. It’s not clear if he even transacted his shares, or kept them.
Parag is smarter than Elon, he forced him to overpay. Eh, I’m sure Parag did his job, but as CEO he was really responsible for operational concerns. It was the company’s Board and legal team that brought it to a successful close. Parag got his agreed-upon severance package.
Elon never really wanted to do the deal… but they forced him. No, he wanted to do the deal all along, for the reasons I outlined. He might have liked to force some disclosures or lower the price. At some point, the delay and expense of potential litigation wasn’t worth it.
For the record I think Elon is a sociopath, and that this all is going to end in disaster — I just couldn’t stand seeing so much shallow, poorly informed analysis proliferate. So I’ve done my best here to set the record straight.
Ultimately what we are dealing with is the fact that social engineering through control of the information environment is an inevitable reality—the only question is who has the means and moral authority to do it. (I’ve written a whitepaper about this set of concerns here.)
If democracy-minded people don’t seize control of the information environment, powerful sociopathic autocrats will do so instead. We leave a power vacuum open at our peril, and at the moment, Musk and Putin are the ones with the most will to fill it.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Shortly before U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was slated to depart for Beijing on the Biden administration’s first cabinet-level visit, the trip was postponed. The last-minute schedule change came after a Chinese surveillance balloon was confirmed to be floating above sensitive U.S. military sites, including potentially an active nuclear missile silo field in Montana. Over the weekend, the balloon was shot down by a U.S. F-22 fighter jet once the expected debris no longer posed a threat to civilians.
The incident is reminiscent of those that occurred during the Cold War involving the United States and the Soviet Union—and it comes at a time when many are debating whether Washington and Beijing are now headed toward a similar relationship. Blinken’s now-postponed visit was an attempt to follow up on the Biden-Xi meeting at the G-20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, last year. Encouragingly, the summit provided the best recent opportunity for diplomacy between the United States and China—one that could provide some answers on how the two countries can best avoid a “new Cold War” and reduce the risks of unnecessary conflict and inadvertent escalation.
As was true during the Cold War, spy balloons are not the only things looming over the fraught relationship between the United States and China—nuclear weapons are, too. In addition to ever-increasing tensions over Taiwan, it is no secret that China’s ambition for a diversified nuclear arsenal and wider military modernization is accelerating, with Beijing expanding strategic and conventional forces to back up its “wolf warrior” diplomacy.
Since university researchers made it public two years ago that China is developing extensive missile silo fields and Beijing shocked U.S. intelligence services by testing a hypersonic fractional orbital bombardment system just weeks later, there has been a growing conversation on how Washington can adequately deter Beijing. However, there is another side that cannot be ignored: The United States and China must return to talks at the earliest available opportunity to discuss their shared responsibility to reduce the risk of nuclear war through crisis management and arms control.
While the prevailing assumption is that ​​China intends to move away from its traditionally minimal nuclear deterrent and build a larger and more diverse arsenal to ensure a second-strike capability, Washington has a limited understanding of both the technical and political motivations behind China’s shifted strategy. Is this a long-term strategy that has reached the next step? Have the Chinese simply become bolder because they got stronger? Or is it all because the domestic power structure has changed, and President Xi Jinping is doing whatever he wants?
Regardless of the reasoning, what the U.S. government has done so far has not been enough to get China to consider an alternative path. Policymakers in Washington have barely discussed how U.S. policies factor into Beijing’s calculations and, most importantly, how Chinese actions could be positively influenced away from their current arms-race trajectory.
China’s calculation of escalation risk is adapting to today’s geopolitical and technological realities, which have both increased the chance of conventional wars crossing the nuclear threshold.
Such developments should prompt Chinese leaders to speak with their U.S. counterparts directly about practical ways to manage potential crises and conflicts. However, a lack of political willpower seems to stand in the way of a sustained, structured bilateral dialogue on these issues.
The avoidance of nuclear weapons use during the Cold War resulted from a substantial amount of knowledge that could only be accrued through meaningful diplomatic, military, and scientific cooperation. However, any similar cooperation in the nuclear sphere between the United States and China at the moment will depend on whether China feels that such initiatives will disadvantage it or leave it vulnerable to manipulation. Those fears are why China has historically avoided crisis management and arms control measures.
However, times are changing, and such avoidance is increasingly untenable. Crisis management conversations should aim to result in formalized risk reduction measures, which are also inherently arms control measures. For example, the United States and China could revive the Crisis Communications Working Group that was only convened once in 2020 before China canceled the subsequent meeting in 2021. The group could work to address how the decades-old and seemingly moribund leader-level hotline and largely suspended military communication channels can be revived, expanded, and protected from technical threats. In particular, technical projects to make such hotlines more resilient in the face of emerging technologies such as AI-generated deepfakes would also be useful.
Blinken must make it clear to the Chinese that while the Biden administration is seriously interested in diplomacy, it will need proactive and positive Chinese engagement to sustain it. After all, many skeptics feel that they have seen this movie before. Direct conversations between the United States and China on strategic stability—namely, creating a stable security situation in which both sides are discouraged from initiating a first nuclear strike—have remained in a stage of infancy for too long. Across the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations, high-level political commitments to pursue more robust bilateral talks resulted in only a handful of engagements.
The Trump administration subsequently burned already-fragile bilateral bridges, including on the nuclear front as Beijing became even more uncomfortable with the concept of arms control because of the coercive nature of U.S. tactics to get China to come to the table. Given that China only has a fraction of either the U.S. or Russian arsenals—currently estimated at around 350 warheads and growing, compared to approximately 5,500 U.S. and Russian warheads each—Beijing opposed calls to join quantitative limits unless the United States and Russia came down to its level.
As a result, in recent years conversations on nuclear issues between the United States and China have primarily taken place in a multilateral setting. However, the P5 Process—the multilateral forum for the five nuclear weapons states under the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)—has been substantially slowed down due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. While P5 officials have met in Dubai in recent days to continue discussions on their positions on risk reduction, identifying common ground and practical measures to take forward as a collective will be difficult.
While the war in Ukraine has complicated such efforts, it has also highlighted to the Chinese—who have reportedly lobbied Russian President Vladimir Putin to step away from the nuclear brink—that cooperating in this area can improve China’s image as a responsible nuclear power, especially in the eyes of non-nuclear weapons states.
Strong communication on nuclear issues should therefore be seen as a central element of President Joe Biden’s bilateral agenda with China. While it may be too heavy a lift to obtain Chinese agreement on a full-fledged strategic stability dialogue immediately, the Biden administration should prioritize crisis management in the wake of the spy balloon incident. Nuclear risk reduction measures should be seen as a win-win proposition, just as they were during the Cold War.
Learning about each country’s risk perceptions would help sharpen the focus of future talks on the specific issues Washington and Beijing can work together on to lower tensions and reduce the likelihood of blundering into war because of misperception or miscommunication. As was true following the Cuban missile crisis, the pursuit of crisis management tools can pave the way for deeper arms control while protecting diplomatic space on various other key issues.
Chinese leaders must understand that engaging in direct discussions on managing risk with adversaries such as the United States is not an aspect of great-power competition but the very foundation of it. In order to improve chances for crisis and arms-racing stability, China’s unwillingness to discuss obligations that could provide guardrails around nuclear weapons use needs to change. If such efforts to reduce risks prove successful at building trust, qualitative (rather than quantitative) limits that focus on restraint from deploying certain types of weapons systems might also be of mutual interest in the long term. In the meantime, both sides lack a sober understanding of the other side’s nuclear intentions and have to start somewhere.
While luck often favors the bold, it also has a habit of running out. Crisis management would be a mutually beneficial and positive first step in the arms control process. As deterrence structures are made more complex and unstable, there is no sane option but for nuclear nations such as the United States and China to renew their diplomatic efforts. If they don’t, there will never be any hope of reducing the dangers that nuclear weapons pose. In the words of Stanford nuclear physicist Siegfried Hecker, Washington and Beijing are simply “doomed to cooperate.”
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chunkybrains · 2 years
Which is an active  technique to increase brand awareness and encourage consumer commitment . Nowadays we do not leave our homes without our, mobile phones. The new modernization and advancements have raised the importance of mobile apps in the present day. Mobile applications have gained popularity. 
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ultrasoundtrainers · 3 hours
How to Find a Reputable Elective Ultrasound Studio for Your Keepsake Baby Ultrasound
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Finding a reputable elective ultrasound studio can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience for expectant parents who want to capture those magical first images of their baby. With so many studios popping up, it can be hard to differentiate the best from the rest. Whether you are looking for a 3D/4D ultrasound experience or seeking out a studio to partner with for an ultrasound franchise, this guide will help you navigate your choices. We’ll cover everything from what to look for in a studio, to understanding the cost of starting an ultrasound business if you're interested in the industry itself. What Makes a Reputable Elective Ultrasound Studio? When searching for the perfect elective ultrasound studio, there are several factors that separate the reputable businesses from the subpar. As this is an elective procedure, studios aren’t necessarily regulated by the same strict guidelines as medical ultrasound facilities. Therefore, knowing what to look for is essential for ensuring you get the best, most reliable experience. Licensed and Qualified Technicians First and foremost, a reputable elective ultrasound business will employ trained and certified ultrasound technicians. While these ultrasounds are often non-diagnostic and purely for keepsake purposes, having a technician with formal training in elective ultrasound training programs ensures the safety and comfort of both the mother and baby. Qualified technicians know how to operate ultrasound equipment effectively and, more importantly, how to recognize if something is off during your session. Look for studios that openly share their staff's qualifications, perhaps listing certifications like RDMS (Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer) or evidence of additional elective ultrasound training. Don’t be afraid to ask about their experience and background—your peace of mind matters. High-Quality Equipment for 3D/4D Ultrasound The excitement of an elective ultrasound often lies in getting a crystal-clear view of your baby in utero. This is especially true for 3D/4D ultrasounds, where advanced imaging allows you to see detailed visuals of your baby’s face, hands, and even expressions! Reputable studios invest in top-tier ultrasound equipment that produces high-quality images and videos. Make sure to inquire about the technology the studio uses. Are they utilizing modern, high-definition machines? 3D and 4D ultrasound technology is constantly evolving, so studios that keep up-to-date with the latest advancements signal their commitment to offering the best services. Clean, Comfortable, and Welcoming Environment While the technical aspects of an ultrasound studio are vital, the environment itself plays a huge role in your overall experience. Look for a studio that feels welcoming, clean, and comfortable. Whether you’re visiting for a keepsake baby ultrasound or a more involved 3D/4D ultrasound session, you should feel relaxed and at ease. The studio should also be family-friendly. Many parents bring along loved ones to share in the special moment. Reputable studios often provide comfortable seating for guests, a private viewing area, and options for live streaming or video recordings so family members who can’t attend can still participate. The Business Side: Starting and Running a Successful Ultrasound Studio If you’re on the other side of the equation and are interested in starting an ultrasound business, understanding what makes a reputable studio is essential for your own success. Building a reputable elective ultrasound studio requires thoughtful planning and significant investment. How to Open a 3D Ultrasound Studio The first step in starting an ultrasound business is obtaining the proper training. Even if you’re not personally conducting the ultrasounds, understanding the process is crucial. Many ultrasound business training programs are available to help aspiring studio owners learn the ins and outs of the industry, from the technical aspects of using ultrasound equipment to elective ultrasound marketing tips. Once you’re trained and certified, the next major hurdle is deciding on your business structure. Will you start your own independent studio, or is an ultrasound franchise a better option? Franchises offer brand recognition and built-in support systems, while independent studios offer more flexibility in decision-making. Each comes with its own unique set of challenges and opportunities. Understanding the Cost of Starting an Ultrasound Business Like any business, opening an ultrasound studio requires an investment. The cost of starting an ultrasound business varies based on several factors, including location, equipment, and staffing. You’ll need to invest in high-quality ultrasound machines, which can be a significant expense. Depending on the scale of your business, you might also need to budget for leasing space, hiring staff, marketing your services, and acquiring liability insurance. Another expense often overlooked is the cost of elective ultrasound training and certifications, especially if you or your staff are new to the industry. Many entrepreneurs find it helpful to attend ultrasound business training programs that not only teach the technical skills needed but also offer insights on business management, marketing, and customer service. Marketing Your Elective Ultrasound Studio Once your studio is up and running, it’s time to attract clients. Like any business, marketing is key. A strong online presence, including social media profiles, a user-friendly website, and a well-curated blog, can go a long way in attracting expectant parents. Many studios also find success by partnering with local OB/GYN offices or maternity-related businesses to increase referrals. Ultrasound Business Marketing Tips One of the best ways to market your ultrasound studio is through visual content. Expectant parents love sharing images and videos of their ultrasounds on social media. Offer packages that include downloadable, high-resolution images, or live streaming options. Encouraging clients to tag your business when sharing their ultrasounds can increase your online visibility and attract new clients. Another great marketing tip is to provide educational content on your website. Write blog posts about what to expect during a 3D/4D ultrasound session, the benefits of a keepsake baby ultrasound, and how elective ultrasound differs from diagnostic procedures. This helps establish your authority in the industry while boosting your website’s SEO. Building Trust Through Reviews and Testimonials Positive word-of-mouth is invaluable in the elective ultrasound industry. Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews on platforms like Google and Yelp. Consider offering a small discount or promotional deal in exchange for a review. Happy clients are often more than willing to share their positive experiences, and this helps build trust with potential customers who may be on the fence. Additionally, testimonials and before-and-after photos are powerful tools. Seeing examples of other parents' ultrasound images, paired with glowing reviews, can create an emotional connection with prospective clients, making them more likely to book a session with you. Final Thoughts Finding a reputable elective ultrasound studio or starting one yourself doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By focusing on quality, training, and customer service, you can ensure a positive experience for everyone involved. Whether you’re seeking a keepsake baby ultrasound or learning how to open a 3D ultrasound studio, the key is to prioritize safety, comfort, and reliability. Have you started your journey in the ultrasound business? Share your experiences in the comments below and let us know your thoughts! Don’t forget to share this post with your network if you found it helpful. Read the full article
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shereen1 · 8 hours
Smart Intercom Products in Egypt: Revolutionizing Security and Convenience with Hardware Egypt
In today’s fast-paced, tech-driven world, the integration of smart technology into daily life has become a necessity rather than a luxury. One area where technology has made significant inroads is home and office security. Among the innovations, smart intercom systems stand out as a key development, offering users enhanced security, convenience, and control over their property. In Egypt, the demand for smart intercom products is growing rapidly, as more people recognize their importance. Leading the charge in this arena is Hardware Egypt, a trusted provider of high-quality smart intercom systems in the region.
What is a Smart Intercom System?
A smart intercom system is a modern communication device that allows users to interact with visitors, both inside and outside their home or office, using advanced technology. Unlike traditional intercoms, smart intercoms are equipped with features such as video calling, mobile app integration, remote access, and more. These systems allow users to communicate with visitors, verify their identity, and even grant access remotely. Whether you're in your office, out of town, or even overseas, smart intercoms enable seamless communication and control at the push of a button.
The Growing Popularity of Smart Intercoms in Egypt
Egypt, like many other nations, is seeing a surge in demand for smart home technologies. This growing trend is driven by an increasing awareness of security concerns, especially in urban areas. Whether for residential buildings, office complexes, or gated communities, smart intercoms provide a robust security layer that keeps unauthorized individuals at bay.
One of the main reasons smart intercoms are becoming popular in Egypt is their versatility and adaptability. They are designed to suit various needs, from small apartments to large office buildings. Additionally, with Egypt's growing tech-savvy population, the ability to manage intercom systems via smartphones has made smart intercoms an attractive solution for both residential and commercial users.
Why Choose Smart Intercoms from Hardware Egypt?
As the demand for smart intercoms rises, it is essential to choose a reliable supplier that provides cutting-edge products and excellent customer service. Hardware Egypt has emerged as a premier provider of smart intercom systems in the Egyptian market. Here’s why you should consider them for your security needs:
Extensive Range of Products Hardware Egypt offers an impressive variety of smart intercom solutions that cater to different needs and budgets. Whether you're looking for a basic system for your home or a more sophisticated setup for a commercial building, you can find a product that suits your requirements. Hardware Egypt partners with leading global brands to provide state-of-the-art devices with the latest technological features.
Unmatched Quality and Durability One of the primary concerns for any security product is durability and reliability. Hardware Egypt ensures that all its smart intercom products are built to last and withstand Egypt’s diverse climate conditions. Their products are not only weather-resistant but also designed to function optimally, even in high-traffic areas like large apartment complexes and office buildings.
User-Friendly Features The smart intercom systems offered by Hardware Egypt are designed with user convenience in mind. Features like mobile app integration, HD video quality, and remote access make these systems easy to use, even for those who are not tech-savvy. The systems can be connected to your smartphone, enabling you to answer intercom calls and manage security remotely.
Comprehensive Customer Support Hardware Egypt prides itself on its excellent customer service. They provide end-to-end support, from helping you select the right product to ensuring proper installation and after-sales service. Their technical team is available to address any issues, ensuring that your system works seamlessly at all times.
Affordable Prices While smart technology may seem like an expensive investment, Hardware Egypt makes it accessible to everyone by offering competitive pricing on all their smart intercom systems. They believe in delivering value without compromising on quality, ensuring that customers get the best technology at affordable rates.
Enhancing Security with Smart Technology
Smart intercoms are not just about convenience—they significantly enhance the security of your home or office. With features like two-way communication, video monitoring, and access control, you can ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed on your premises. This is particularly important in residential buildings, where residents can verify the identity of visitors before granting access. In office buildings, smart intercoms help manage and monitor visitor traffic, adding an extra layer of protection for employees and sensitive business areas.
Moreover, the ability to integrate smart intercoms with other smart home devices such as cameras, alarms, and door locks creates a comprehensive security system. Hardware Egypt offers solutions that allow you to integrate your smart intercom with existing security infrastructure, ensuring a unified and robust protection network.
In an increasingly interconnected world, smart intercom systems represent the future of home and office security. Egypt is no exception to this trend, and as more people embrace the advantages of smart technology, the demand for reliable and high-quality products is rising. Hardware Egypt stands out as a leading supplier of smart intercom systems in the country, offering a wide range of products that are durable, user-friendly, and affordable.
Whether you are looking to enhance the security of your home or office, Hardware Egypt is your go-to source for all things related to smart intercoms. With their exceptional customer service, top-tier products, and commitment to quality, you can trust them to provide the best solutions for your needs. Visit Hardware Egypt today and take the first step towards a smarter, safer, and more convenient future.
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