smgdantheman · 10 years
43 - I knew it would come down to this (Closed)
Turns out that hitting a $150 limit when it comes to drinking wasn't very difficult. However, when it came to matching shots with Michael Jones, Dan wasn't exactly sure how easily his system could continue register straight vodka in such a short span of time. And after a few changes of venue and now way past their original budget, it seemed that Michael was posing the same issue as his words slurred and his brain to mouth function left friendly conversation and yet again vouched for a "good, old-fashioned one-on-one." 
Over the span of fifteen minutes, they'd managed to empty the dance floor of residents in favor of them moving to seats on the sidelines. Wagers were made in favor of who they believed would win and loud cat-calls set the scene alive. Dan wasn't entirely sure he could hear his own thoughts, let alone concentrate on which power would surge beneath his finger tops next, but thankfully the numb of alcohol didn't exactly let him linger on it long enough to really worry. 
"I knew it'd come down to this," Dan called over the cheer of the crowd, fixing his footing over the colorful glow of neon lights below them. After a couple seconds of leniency, Dan finally found a spark of control. In a splash of color, mini fireworks spewed from a row of now broken lights under Michael's end of the floor. "Just gonna stand there all day, love?"
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gavindifuoco-blog · 10 years
Last Saturday (closed)
Gavin sprawled out on the mat after being knocked down a final time, thoroughly exhausted.
"Michael, enough, I'm not getting up again."
They'd been sparring for an hour or so after going over the basics of Shaolin, and Michael predictably swept the floor with him (almost literally - there were a few char marks on the mats someone would have a hell of a time getting out later). He'd kept his use of fire minimal, as what they were focusing on were the moves, but he eventually got frustrated and began trying to scorch (a fireproof-suit-wearing) Michael. Michael, of course, was having none of it, and dodged about 95% of the blows. Both men were breathing heavily, however (Gavin in slightly worse shape than the other). 
Gavin looked up at the redhead, grinning slightly. "So... did I make any progress at all, do you think? Or was I just your practice dummy?"
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jjcastillorp · 11 years
mogarrjones replied to your post: Not sure what I can namely train with ...
Or you could be my moving target. That would be a lot of fun.
Michael, I'm aware you'd love to touch my body, but please, hands off the merchandise.
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gavindifuoco-blog · 11 years
who votes I start my "firebending" training tonight after some bevs
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gavindifuoco-blog · 11 years
[[do you think gav ever recorded a video of his hands on fire for the slowmoguys youtube but never posted it this is really important
[[i think he has a few videos stored on his computer that will never see the light of day like one with his hands on fire and one of him holding a glass of water that slowly boils in his grasp and (then he has to throw the glass before it melts) and sometimes he thinks about posting them but he knows he can't]]
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gavindifuoco-blog · 11 years
i've been out for a bit and i come back and you two are bloody arguing over me or something? there's room for the both of you in this little love fest, i promise.
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gavindifuoco-blog · 11 years
[[thank you love
if we’re talking long term happiness gavin is only going to be happy if he moves past his terrible fear of commitment and finds someone he can be with 100% (and that also means not having to hide aspects of who he is)
short term though he’s honestly happy just laughing with his friends, playing video games, and actually getting some sleep for once]]
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gavindifuoco-blog · 11 years
michael jj told me to tell you that crows are bloody smart or something
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jjcastillorp · 11 years
aahhh; ray and michael, you guys are really somethin' else. the day the two of you stop bickering like the gay babies you are, we'll talk. <3
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