Wilry is so funny to me cus like what if there was these two guys and they feel like the other is the only person on earth who really understands them and also they fucking hate each other so much.
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adminkidd · 1 month
Bro I'm going fucking crazy rn im resorting to my old ways.
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ch1-kasak0 · 1 month
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Hey look a shitpost🔥🔥🔥🔮🔮
-I've fallen inlove with long hair chalice HELP- also how do you do the weird like diagnol thing w the line in it 🔥🔥please
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raewritesfiction · 7 months
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allofuswantgwinam · 5 months
fucking god. i keep forgetting there’s a bill trying to get passed to arm teachers… that is absolutely a horrible and terrifying idea. I cna think of over a handful of teachers from my past that definitely did not need to have a mother ducking GUN. if the police are too ducking pussy to handle shit themselves than what is the mfing point? They can only assurt there power over innocent, unarmed poc?? Cause I very much remember at the Texas school shooting last year *i think was last years, doesn’t even matter because there’s been SO MANY EVEN BEFORE AND AFTER THAT ONE ITS SICK* the cops were so fuckin big and bad that they wouldn’t go inside the school and kill the mfer that wants to come murder innocent kids and teachers. im so paused off rn. Idek if it’s in all states or just one state, but I just saw a Tik tok and had to come on here to go off bc our government literally just makes every fucking decision in this world EXCEPT FOR GOOD ONES
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kiralamouse · 9 months
Question to fellow labor solidarity folk: what is the correct percentage of the bill to slip under the table in cash to a cleaner when you discover that the company proudly pays cleaners for each cleaning in part directly based on customer reviews? Am almost ready to try to tip 100% on the DL. Grr.
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untoterxhund · 1 year
rubs hands let's see how over-drafted I can get this year-
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inoankin · 2 months
wow that book really blew the floodgates wide open huh?
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scandalous-dirtcup · 1 month
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I did not expect to hyperfixate on Gravity Falls again in 2024. Holy moly! Anyway, enjoy my inability to choose a colour palette.
Side note : I ordered the Book of Bill, still waiting for it deliver here down under! I’m tweaking! Practically frothing at the mouth! ((Also I’m aware the line “I’m still on your mind” isn’t referring to ford but he’s my favourite and I wanted to draw him yayyy + it’s a banger quote.))
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wonderlandstop · 7 months
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GUYS. THE bill kaulitz REFERENCED, THE bill kaulitz HOLY MOLY
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starzwave · 20 days
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Holy moly! I drew Post-portal! Ford with Bill!!!! :OO
(ngl Ford is hard to draw, but he's cute as hell!!!—I should put down my own watermark...somewhere? :/)
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sunchipss · 5 months
non cannon (some cannon) ship incorrect quotes
Icarus: We should be partners. Ven: You mean like, partners in crime? Icarus: Yeah… that’s precisely what I meant.
Ven: I feel like doing something stupid.  Icarus: I’m stupid, do me.
*ariving to a meeting*
Icarus: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things. Ven: Hi, I’m ‘things’.
Icarus: Bro, I had a dream we fucked. Ven: Bro, relax it was just a dream. Icarus: Huh, gay, I wouldn’t fuck you. Ven: You wouldn’t? Icarus: I mean, unless you want to-
Ari : Stop doing that. Momboo: Stop doing what? Ari : Saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you.
Ari : I think I just figured something out. I got to go. Momboo: Aren't you forgetting something? Ari : Uuh…hesitantly kisses Momboo's forehead before running out. Momboo: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Ari : When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this… Momboo: pulls out card from deck Now, was this your card? Ari : Holy moly-
Ari : I am so cool. I am an absolute Chad. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness— Momboo: Hi. Ari : melts down in a flustered heap of softness
Momboo: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers? Ari : Peonies, why? Momboo: Ari : Were you going to get me flowers? Momboo: Ari : Momboo: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
Ari : Stay foxy. Momboo: Die lonely.
Momboo: Ari , I… Momboo: I love you! Ari : Not my problem.
Ulysses: Just a minute. I need to go take out the trash. Ven : Oh. We're going out? Ulysses: Wh…
Ven : Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out? Ulysses: …Have you never taken a shower before?
Ven : Know why I called you in here? Ulysses: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic. Ven : Stops pouring two glasses of wine. Accidentally?
Ulysses: You know my motto: carpe diem, carpe noctem, carpe coles. Ven : Seize the day, seize the night, what’s the last one? Ulysses: Seize the dick.
Aax: Caspian, I have a great idea. Caspian: Let’s hear it. Aax: We trick Fenris and Rae to go out on a date together. Caspian: YES! Caspian: And hey, if that doesn’t work out, maybe you and me could go out, get some drinks— Aax, hitting them with a book: THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU.
Aax: You got a date yet Centross? Centross: No… Aax: Well you do now! Get your ass up and hold my hand!
Rae: Did it hurt when you fell- Centross: From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt- Rae: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs. Centross: … Rae: You just laid there for 15 minutes.
Centross: Fenris , you'll be working with Aax and Rae. Caspian: Alright! My fantasy threesome! Everyone else: blank stares
Caspian: …Of people on a team.
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sorry y'all I'm fixated over gravity falls instead of the triplets currently😞 it always comes and goes. sO much love for the triplets, but holy shit have you seen gravity falls?????? HAVE YOU SEEN STAN AND FORD???????? I'm geeking out currently over 60 year old men! don't call me out for my issues for that one💔💔
anyways, I know I haven't posted much of the triplets on this acc but I wanted to let y'all know WHY cuz holy moly my brain is only fixated on this show. dipper is so me, I'm so him; Stan and Ford are so me. take these pictures
may baby bill corrupt your feed too💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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red dead redemption 2 characters as barbie vs oppenheimer
Arthur and John: planned to only go to Oppenheimer
Karen, Mary-Beth, Tilly: went to see Barbie and dragged Arthur with them
Sadie and Charles: watching back to back together, Sadie wants to overthrow the world after Barbie
Abigail: After Oppenheimer dragged John with her to see Barbie
Grimshaw: Neither (she will watch it late on TV)
Hosea: Seeing both several times (and Indiana Jones in between)
Moly: wants to see Barbie, goes with Dutch to see Oppenheimer
Kieran, Sean, and Lenny: Oppenheimer first, then Barbie (Sean and Lenny will call themselves Ken and Kieran Allan)
Javier: Oppenheimer, Barbie a week later after he sees some scenes
Bill: Oppenheimer, goes later with Javier to see Barbie (says he hated it (lies))
Strauss: just Oppenheimer
Swanson: just Barbie
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kmesons · 2 months
a toki pona translation of the "kick my head" scene from 'the guy who didn't like musicals'
(i.e., something nobody needs or asked for but I did it anyway)
please provide feedback on my toki pona if you spot a mistake! I am certainly not an expert and this was just something fun I did for practice.
the characters
(names have been tokiponized for completeness)
jan Pili = Bill Woodward
jan Tete = Ted Spankoffski
jan Pa = Paul Matthews
the translated scene
jan Pili: ona li toki e tomo pi telo nasa ni li jo ali. mi jo ala e kili loje lili. mi pali e telo pi jan Sali Tanpo tan seme?
jan Tete: a jan Pili, ali li tawa pini. taso sina tawa telo la sina tawa alasa pali e telo pi jan Suli Tanpo?
jan Pili: a, ali li ike mute la mi toki e ni: mi ken wile e jan pona tawa!
jan Tete: pona. mi pilin e ni: jan lawa li lukin e sina la sina ken pona e ilo kon ona. ni la ona li jaki e sina kepeken ijo jaki laso ona. o lon!
jan Pili: sina awen toki ike e mi la mi tawa... pali ijo e sina!
jan Tete: a, jan Pili? sina tawa pali e seme?
jan Pili: mi tawa... noka e... lawa sina!
jan Tete: a. lawa mi.
jan Pili: lon!
jan Tete: sina tawa noka ala e monsi mi?
[tenpo lili la jan Pili li awen.]
jan Pili: lon!
jan Tete: a, mi tawa lukin e ni! a? o noka e lawa mi! jan utala Kalate suli o tawa! mi wile lukin e ni: sina noka e ijo pi sewi sijelo sina. o pana lukin e noka sike ni tawa mi! o pana lukin e noka sewi tawa mi, jan utala sewi li pana sona e ni tawa sina!
jan Pa: a, sina tu o pona! jan Tete o sona e ni: jan Pili li noka ala e lawa sina.
jan Tete: ona li noka ala tan seme? lawa li ijo sijelo wawa lili! jan sewi Pili li pana sona e ni tawa mi.
jan Pa: ona li toki ike pakala, o awen toki ala e ona. mi sona a ni: ona li ken toki sin la ona li toki e "monsi".
jan Tete: ala, ala, sina wile moli e akesi linja la sina pali e seme? a? sina kipisi e lawa ona. sijelo kala li kama jaki lon seme? lawa ona. sina weka e lawa la sijelo ali li moli! tan ni la jan alasa pi kala li alasa... e lawa!
[jan Pili li utala e luka jan Tete.]
jan Tete: a! o tawa ala, jan Pili o tawa ala!
jan Pa: o pana e ni tawa mi...
[jan Pa li jo e telo nasa tan jan Tete.]
jan Pa: ni li wile pona e mi, ni li kama ala e pilin ike insa mi.
jan Tete: suli ala!
the original scene (starting at 52:47 and ending at 54:33)
just in case you're seeing this post and have not seen the guy who didn't like musicals (which could be likely, seeing as I'm posting this under the toki pona tag), the scene I've translated above is in the video linked below for reference.
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distant-velleity · 4 months
Ruixing, barely seven years old and still skinny as a twig, sat in the corner of his small room and hugged himself.
It was dark in there, and only light from the crack under the door shone on the dirty, funeral white of his clothes.
Cold voices drifted in from just beyond the door.
“This is the last straw. We can’t keep him anymore,” hissed his uncle. He sounded both angry and about to cry. “As it is, we can barely afford the bills for A-Li’s hospital stay—and he put her in there, for heaven’s sake!”
“Then do we just dump him on the streets?” his aunt asked, exasperated. “You know we can’t do that.”
“Let’s drop him off at an orphanage. They’ll surely know how to handle a problem child.”
“You just don’t want to accept responsibility for him.”
“Well, don’t act like you don’t want it, too!”
Their voices faded away, and Ruixing let out a weak sigh.
‘Monster,’ ‘curse,’ ‘problem child.’
He’d been called all of these before.
Mother, Father, cousin Moli.
It had all happened before, because of him. And it had happened once again, because of him.
Ruixing closed his eyes, out of tears to cry.
Nothing ever changed.
twst oc taglist (ig? lol): @thehollowwriter @elenauaurs @theleechyskrunkly @nahelenia @casp1an-sea
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