#Mon coeur
goonytoons · 5 days
missionary in the sex position
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alwaysabandoned · 5 months
oh yeah by the way @sad-boi-shit is officially my wife now!! she legally cannot escape me <333
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stadtkindffm · 6 months
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Hannah Bon - MON CŒUR
Source: www.instagram.com/hannah_bonn
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How do you live a sepia life when you've experienced the full color spectrum?
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fuckandfable · 6 months
i aways hate going to bed with pretty hair.
please run your fingers
through it
for good luck.
it smells just like.
fantasy. &. flowers.
i’d snuggle
deep inside you. &. probably then. &.
only then.
i’d sleep eight straight hours.
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goonytoons · 27 days
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when u make ocs w/ pookie
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niemernuet · 7 months
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leonoraalc · 10 months
My love is restless as the wind She moves like a shadow across my skin She left with my conscience, and I don't want it back It just gets in the way
Wanna go slow dancing Slow dancing Slow
Slow dancing Slow dancing Slow
Slow dancing Slow dancing Slow... 🌬️🍃🍃🍃
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doktibio · 10 months
Vivre bien malgré les caprices de votre cœur.
Si le cœur est bien et en bonne santé, il nous garantit une belle et longue vie. Saviez-vous qu’il se repose plus qu’il ne travaille ? Pourtant, il …Vivre bien malgré les caprices de votre cœur.
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murphy-s-grout · 10 months
Les battants
Je sais que tu n'aimes pas ce terme papa
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goonytoons · 28 days
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i need this to be a hit tweet it’s important
i lied actually only use (uwu ) with mon coeur
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yeesiine · 1 year
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kevjrr · 1 year
hi kevah <3
i was listening to this wonderful brazilian singer called cazuza. unfortunately, he is not in this world anymore, but his songs and quotes remain a huge inspiration to all of us. he had a beautiful insight on love, any kind of it, and that's why we call him "o poeta", our poet.
"e as estrelas ainda vão nos mostrar que o amor não é inviável num mundo inacreditável"
from all his quotes this one made me think about you. it says "and the stars will show us that love is not impracticable in an unbelievable world". it made me think, that's ok if we don't like ourselves that much some days, that's ok we can tolerate ourselves for some time because we are always full of different stuff, so much going on, and our lives are in a constant mess. but i believe that being here and trying for one more day is an act of self-love. even when we don't feel like it. to be here, breathing, trying, fighting... i can't think of something that defines love for ourselves more than it.
so i just wanted to say that, it's ok if you don't love yourself today, i can love for us both until you find that love that, I'M SURE, is somewhere inside your beautiful, beautiful, beautiful heart! ♡
Coucou nikka💕
That’s a very very reassuring quote, gives me hope really:) I’ll check his works out, he sounds amazingly talented
You’re very right, giving up would be so easy but we don’t do it and that definitely is an act of self love. Fighting is so so much harder than just letting go so making that extra effort to stay even if it means that we’re going to keep experiencing this pain should absolutely mean something.
You’re seriously wayyy too sweet, kind and amazing, thank you a million times for this❤️ I’ll repeat that quote in my head whenever the thoughts start to get too loud I’m sure it’ll help me a lot, it already is<3 I love you so much🫂🫶🏽 Thank you again, you have no idea how much this means to me💕
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Mon crush
Salut tout le monde ! Je ne vais pas vous mentir mais ces derniers temps j'ai eu un gros crush mais il à deux ans de plus que moi donc comment pourrai-t-il s’intéresser a moi ?
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swordhearte · 1 year
do you have your heart set on someone?
I may be falling for someone. I am tentative when it comes to matters of the heart but I have found myself opening to the realm of possibilities. The two of us. The chance that together, in whatever form, we may be something even greater.
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