#Monika Fagerholm
mmepastel · 9 months
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Bon j’arrive pas à mettre les photos correctement TANT PIS 🤬.
J’ai lu un bon livre, ça y est, c’est celui-ci, avec ce drôle de titre, écrit par Monika Fagerholm, une finlandaise qui écrit en suédois.
C’est un livre étonnant, qui est très original dans sa composition, un peu circulaire, un peu répétitive. Il est question d’étés successifs en Finlande, sur une côte, où se retrouvent plusieurs familles (aux niveaux sociaux différents d’ailleurs) ; l’une vient d’Amérique et voudrait que sa vie ressemble à celle d’une star américaine ; elle lui emprunte tous ses attributs, attitude, centre d’intérêt, et surtout argent (son mari est riche et séducteur). Voilà pourquoi la narratrice parle de la vie rêvée de la plage, de l’été, sans cesse, jusqu’à ce que ça devienne une rengaine, un tic de langage dépourvu de sens. Elle s’y lie d’amitié avec Isabella, tout aussi attirée par le luxe, le désir d’enchanter chaque instant, passionnée d’elle même et pourtant terriblement désœuvrée, presque le reflet d’une personne, comme celui qu’elle aime regarder dans son miroir. Isabella a un mari et un fils, le passionnant Thomas.
On les suit dans leur amitié croissante, dans la répétition des mêmes rituels. Au début on peut être un peu surpris, voire ennuyé. Mais au fond, la narration cyclique a un effet très concret, celui de donner l’impression d’être avec elles, au milieu de ces journées infinies, que l’on finit par confondre, de sentir cet ennui à la fois mortifère et confortable, le temps se perd même un peu, ajoutant à la confusion, on a des flashs backs et des analepses, peu importe, il n’y a pas vraiment d’avant et d’après mais des fantasmes et au milieu, un jeune garçon, Thomas, qui grandit… il passe de huit à quatorze ans, et après beaucoup de stagnation dans son existence, les choses s’accélèrent tandis que les années soixante se terminent. Le monde change. Les femmes ont sans doute moins envie d’être les potiches, peut-être envie de se prendre en main et de considérer les autres choses que celles qui constituaient leur horizon. Y aurait-il autre chose en dehors de ce cercle familial et amical, au-delà de cette baie et de cet archipel ? On rêve de voyage, on joue à s’en aller, mais c’est dur de passer à l’acte, on risque le vertige, voire la chute.
L’histoire est racontée à la hauteur des yeux d’enfant de Thomas, à qui il n’échappe pas grand chose, même s’il ne comprend pas tout. Il découvre les silences des adultes, devine leurs mensonges, la cruauté et la bonté, la forêt, les fonds marins, joue à être scientifique, architecte, puis archiviste d’une famille en décomposition.
J’ai trouvé que l’enfance et son extra lucidité était incroyablement bien rendue. Ce ne sont pas les femmes que j’ai trouvées merveilleuses, mais cet enfant, sa solitude et sa sensibilité, sa faculté d’absorption et d’adaptation, ses réflexes de survie. Un héros inhabituel, discret et profondément touchant.
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caixxa · 4 years
Teksti on horisontaalinen pelkästään paperilla. Heti kun sä rupeat lukemaan, se muuttuu moniulotteiseksi.
Monika Fagerholm
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mrsfaulkner · 3 years
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So I did eventually finish this!
A Swedish award-winning coming-of-age story blending two girls in the Finnish forests with a - or several? - murder/s and a globally unhealthy environment, it was certainly both intricate and interesting.
Somehow though I found myself falling asleep every time I opened it.
Pretty much worth the time after all 🌳
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textjagtyckerom · 8 years
Det finns ett hav. Ett hav som sträcker sig ut över jorden. Letar sig fram längs med kusterna. Längs med klipporna, runt sandreven, under isarna, trycker sig fram över kontinentalsocklarna. Strömmarna. En ständig rörelse. En gång fanns det också bara ett land. Det är för länge sen förlorat. Men, havet finns kvar.
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tristealven · 6 years
Jag läser programmet till Helsingfors Bokmässa och den här paneldiskussionen vill jag kanske se: “Från kulturmän till kulturprofilen – metoo och litteraturen
Astra bjuder in till ett samtal om litteraturens roll i metoo-rörelsen och mera allmänt i kampen för ett jämställt samhälle. Hur mycket ska verk dömas efter upphovsperson? Vad är förlagen och recensenternas ansvar? Hur ser vi på framtiden? I Panelen Sara Ehnholm Hielm, Monika Fagerholm och Eva Franz.”
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badhockeymom · 4 years
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better/catch up with
tagged by: @lulucanwrite​ thank you!
last song: Rockin’ in the Free World by Neil Young (it is so good the guitars heal me deep inside)
last movie: The Zookeeper’s Wife (I adore Jessica Chastain)
last show: MacGyver (it’s so... terrible in many ways I love it. Soviet Union and Richard Dean Anderson’s mullet and checked shirts and lame ass jokes. Ah.)
currently reading: Kuka tappoi bambin by Monika Fagerholm (fucking finally)
currently craving: I’m okay thanks! curling on a couch and reading maybe. frozen blueberries would be nice but not really craving even them.
tagging @karu-selli @lellunen @18minutemajor @sepastian-ahoey and @i-like-hockey-a-latte if you want to!
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soliti · 4 years
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2020 has been the worst year, but thankfully there have been some bright spots, too:
Getting married: being married really is the best.
Hiking in Lapland: The upside of no festival gigs was that there was finally enough time for a long hike in Urho Kekkonen National park in the summer.
Winter swimming as a lockdown routine: instead of cycling to the office in the mornings, I’ve gone for swims at Pikkukoski.
Noodles, wakame seaweed and sesame oil: this year I’ve been obsessed especially with Soba noodles, with Udon noodles as a very close runner up.
I’ve loved these things I’ve watched: Parasite Tove Ilmeisen tuolla puolen (Hilma af Klint documentary) RuPaul’s Drag Race She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Noin Viikon Studio Honorary mention to the octopus in My Octopus Teacher (Netflix documentary)
I’ve loved these things I’ve read: Monika Fagerholm: Vem Dödade Bambi? Aura Nurmi: Leijonapatsailla Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Half of a Yellow Sun Zora Neale Hurston: Their Eyes Were Watching God Pajtim Statovci: Bolla Angie Thomas: The Hate U Give Stieg Larsson: Millennium trilogi (perfect for getting re-acquainted with the Swedish language!)
I’ve loved these things I’ve listened to: Iiris Viljanen: Den lilla havsfrun Soft Power: Brink of Extinction Martyn Heine: Shady & Light Kelpe: Boiling, Steaming and Poaching Cello Drones for Tuning and Improvisation
Let’s make 2021 better!
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dailywomanmystery · 7 years
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Finland : The American Girl, by Monika Fagerholm
Goodreads :
In 1969, a young girl makes a trip from Coney Island to the swampy coastland on the rural outskirts of Helsinki, Finland. There, her death will immediately become part of local mythology, furnishing boys and girls with fodder for endless romantic imaginings. Everyone who lives near the swamp dreams about Eddie de Wire, the lost American girl. . . . For both Sandra and Doris, two lonely, dreaming girls abandoned in different ways by their parents, this myth will propel them into their coming-of-age through mischievous role-playing games of love and death, in search of hidden secrets, the mysteries of the swamp, and the truth behind Eddie’s death. The girls construct their own world, their own language, and their own rules. But playing adult games has adult consequences, and what begins as two girls just striking matches leads to an inferno that threatens to consume them and tear their friendship apart. Crime mystery and gothic saga, social study and chronicle of the late sixties and early seventies, a portrait of the psyche of young girls on the cusp of sexual awakening, The American Girl is a bewitching glimpse of the human capacity for survival and for self-inflicted wounds. Fagerholm is a modern-day heir to the William Faulkner heritage of family tragedy, with a highly musical and literary prose style that is rich with wit and literary allusions. The American Girl will teach you the meaning of trust as you give yourself entirely to the original storytelling style of Monika Fagerholm.
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Om barndomstrauma
I söndags gjorde jag en välbehövlig kulturutflykt till Villa Skeppet i Ekenäs, ditlockad av Villa Kolkis vänner – föreningen för bl a Lerosskribenter och andra proselyter till Monika Fagerholm. Ja, egentligen är Villa Kolkis namnet på Christine och Göran Schildts hus på Leros. Villa Skeppet är numera museum, ritades av Alvar Aalto till Christine och Göran Schildt så att de skulle trivas i Finland…
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paradiseiswithinyou · 7 years
suosittele mulle jotain hyviä kirjoja! vähän lukujumimeininki atm :(((
hei fiilaan, oon lukenu taas yhtä kirjaa kuukauden mut nyt tulin pariks päiväks saareen ni ehkä saan täällä luettua ku ei oo muutakaan tekemistä XD mut siis! m. l. rio: if we were villains on se mitä oon lukenu nyt ikuisuuden mut sanon silti että siitä on tulossa yks mun lempikirjoista koska niin hyvä!! sit öö donna tartt: the secret history, john fowles: the magus, hanya yanagihara: a little life, madeline miller: the song of achilles, mika waltari: suuri illusioni, monika fagerholm: amerikkalainen tyttö esim!
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geekybiologist · 7 years
100 facts
tagged by @memo-blogs, thanks!
1.) Real Name: Ella 2.) Nicknames: ...Ella 3.) Zodiac Sign: Leo 4.) Male or Female: Female 5.) Elementary School: Yes 6.) Middle School: That too 7.) High school: Yup and I even continued to study at uni although I see this is where you stop asking! 8.) Hair color: Blonde 9.) Long or Short: Long 10.) Loud or Quiet: Quiet unless I get really upset or emotional 11.) Sweats or Jeans: Jeans 12.) Phone or Camera: I... what? Depends, but probably phone since it’s more important in general? Whenever I need to take photos I do with with my camera tho 13.) Health Freak: Haha no. 14.) Drink or Smoke: Sometimes I drink, haven’t ever smoked. 15.) Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Uh, no. 16.) Sexual Preference: Girls! 17.) Piercings: Nope 18.) Tattoos: Another nope
19.) Airplane: Yes
20.) Car Accident: No
21.) Fist Fight: I don’t think so...?
22.) First Piercing: N/A
23.) First Best Friend: Anna from kindergarten
24.) First Instrument played: Guitar? Or some toyish thing more suitable for children? I don’t really know, I grew up with a lot of instruments, but never really played any
25.) First Award: I won a neighbourhood art competition sometime when I was in elementary school? It was pretty cool, I got signed up through my school and they announced my name at this big event, that I had already left but my dad and sister was still around to hear it. Actually I remember being annoyed since apparently I had to go back, although I was just handed my award and I had other stuff going on instead and I could’ve gotten it through my school instead (the event was for celebrating the neighborhood not a school thing). Although, I did get something nicer being there than what they gave to other winners at an separate event in my school later on. My piece was on display at the local library and I never got it back. I remember not really putting much effort into it.
26.) First Crush: Ahahaha no.
27.) First Language: Svenska
28.) First Big Vacation: What’s a big vacation? Like abroad; Turkey, before that within Finland uhh... let’s just say Turkey.
29.) Last Person you talked to: I replied to a message from my best friend when I woke up? Does that count as talking? Otherwise my sister yesterday
30.) Last Person You Texted: Oh okay, that would be my best friend!
31.) Last Person You Watched: Watched??
32.) Last Food You Ate: Knäckebröd
33.) Last Movie You Watched: Life. Went to see it yesterday with my sister!
34.) Last Song You Listened To: Ahaha do you have to ask? It’s Hitorigoto.
35.) Last Thing You Bought: Movie snacks! Chocolates, raspberry ice tea and chewing gum (this one was not a movie snack)
36.) Last Person You Hugged: I had an awkward sisterly hug yesterday
37.) Food: Vegetarian lasagna with lots and lots of celery. Yummy! Also minestrone soup! Those were the first two things my mum made me once I got back from Japan
38.) Drink: Ice tea
39.) Clothing: Flowy skirts and long cardigans
40.) Book: I usually go with Den amerikanska flickan by Monika Fagerholm for this, although it’s been ages since I read it and I’m not really passionate about it anymore. I haven’t read books in so long and I've never really had favorites when it comes to them. Just books I like a bit more and books I like a bit less.
41.) Color: Green
42.) Flower:  Allium oleraceum ;) :’D
44.) Movie: Doukyuusei
45.) Tv show: Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Kill la Kill, Mawaru Penguindrum and Monogatari series. If you’re asking for tv-shows in the traditional sense then Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Veronica Mars.
46.) Subject: Uhh... Biology, I guess. Was super into French and art too though and liked everything like the nerd I am. 
47.) [ ] Acted crazy in school
48.) [x] Celebrated New Years
49.) [ ] I got majorly bullied
50.) [ ] I broke an arm/leg
51.) [ ] My dog(s) / My cat(s) / Other pet(s) died
52.) [ ] Got a crossbow for hunting
53.) [ ] Cried myself to sleep about bullies
54.) [ ] Saw the police
55.) [x] Done something you’ve Regretted
56.) [x] Broke a Promise
57.) [x] Kept a Secret
58.) [x] Pretended To Be Happy
59.) [x] Met Someone Who Changed Your Life
60.) [ ] Puked first day of school
61.) [x] Stayed locked in your room
62.) [x] Tried something you normally wouldn’t like, and liked it.
63.) [x] Cried Over The Silliest Things
64.) [ ] Ran the mile
65.) [x] Died inside
66.) [x] Fainted
67.) Eating: Nothing, although I still have the aftertaste of knäckebröd in my mouth?
68.) Drinking: Nothing
69.) Getting Ready To: Go out and enjoy the beautiful sunny day!
70.) Listening/watching: Nothing. 
71.) Plans For Tomorrow/Today: Today I’ll go out for a walk, get some stuff done from my to do list, maybe continue playing computer games in the evening, maybe continue translating some manga... Pretty much the same for tomorrow, except for less fun and more work.
72.) Waiting For: Update announcements for my favorite manga. Got one today though so I’m happy! 
73.) Want Kids: Yes, but that’s so sooo far away still. 
74.) Want To Get Married: Yes, I mean I’m allowed to have impossible dreams right? 
75.) Careers in mind: Researcher, specialist... I have no idea...
76.) Lips or Eyes: Ideally both?? 
77.) Shorter or Taller: I’m tall so I’ve accepted the fact most people(/girls) I meet will be shorter. That’s also why I get really happy when I meet people taller than me, although 5 minutes later that develops into an inferiority complex lol
78.) Romantic or Spontaneous: I appreciate both? Maybe romantic, idk
79.) Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: That’s not really something I take note of? 
80.) Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive. I hate loud people ...Wait, what exactly is this asking?
81.) Hook-up Or Relationship: Relationship
82.) Troublemaker or Hesitant: Hesitant, although since I’m also hesitant it doesn’t really work. I just really dislike troublemakers
83.) Lost Glasses/Contacts: No, it probably helps I don’t wear any. Also I don’t lose stuff 84.) Ran Away From Home: For some hours max 85.) Held A Weapon, For Self Defense: No 86.) Killed Somebody: No 87.) Broken Someone’s Heart: Ugh, yes 88.) Been Arrested: No
90.) Yourself: I believe in the me that believes in you 91.) Miracles:  Believe in miracles and they will know your feelings 92.) Love at First Sight: In the real world? No 93.) Heaven: No  94.) Santa Claus: No, except for when I tell people about him 96.) Magic: MAGIC ISNT REAL STUPID STOP BELIEVVIN IN IT
97.) Someone you wanna be with right now?: Uhhh not really? 98.) Are You Seriously Happy With Where You Are, In Life: No, stopped being happy 2,5 weeks ago. Now it’s just stress and angst and feelings of failure and unworthiness.  100.) Post as 100 Truths and Tag five people: @jyudais, @strawberryeclaire, @mirikins, @natsunes and you reading this now ;) If you want to, of course!
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caixxa · 3 years
14, 17 and 20 for the ask meme
14. What is your opinion on poetry?
I think that poetry is the original form of human literature, and I mean literature as art. Poetry can reach straight inside us, our emotions and intellect. Poems are word art.
17. Who is your favourite author?
I'm not sure. For years I've said Kari Hotakainen, a Finnish novelist/poet/columnist who also wrote the biography of F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen called Unknown Kimi Räikkönen, I love his language, the way he creates characters and his satirical touch. But I'm drawn to reading women authors more. Monika Fagerholm is great. She's a Finnish novelist who writes in Swedish and is translated to Finnish, both versions are usually published at the same time. She also teaches creative writing and gives very open interviews about her writing process which is great in demystifying the profession. Her language is unique and she's amazing at describing class and manners and writing love/hate dynamics in friendship and family. And her sense of place and scenery is so good, all her books are set in little South coast towns similar to the one where she lives.
I love that we get so much good literature in this small language.
20. If you were to cultivate a fruit orchard, what would you grow?
Realistically, I'll have to add some apple trees and learn to grow them better. A couple of different cherries to find ones who grow well here. When I have more time I could try plums and pears, i know people who have them here. And I need to expand our strawberry field and get a better place for raspberry bushes. And blackcurrant. And have time to pick all the blueberries in the back woods.
If I lived somewhere south, though - oranges, lemons, cherry and apricot.
Thank you for the ask dear!
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mrsfaulkner · 3 years
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This is a good book.
So why is it I fall asleep every time I open it?
Not giving up, though ⌛️
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tristealven · 5 years
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soliti · 5 years
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Astrid Swan
Astrid Swan’s Favourite Books read in 2019 in English and Finnish Mother Winter by Sophia Shalmiyev (2019) If the author Monika Fagerholm posts a book recommendation on social media, you can be certain that I am going straight to my online book delivery service and ordering that book, no questions asked. This was the route by which I found Mother Winter, just like a couple yours ago I discovered the books of Lidia Yuknavitch. Shalmiyev is a similar writer to Yuknavitch in that her prose is poetic and creative, while she approaches her subject matter with piercing directness. Mother Winter is a memoir about losing a mother to alcoholism in the Soviet Union and then becoming a teenager and an adult in the USA. It is a literary document of the marks that generational trauma leaves, about resilience, becoming a mother after not having had one and most importantly, language as a construction that offers the tools to save oneself. “Russian sentences begin backwards. When I learned English well enough to love it, I realised my inner tongue was running in the wrong direction. As does the Old Testament, the one we don’t call the good book. The one that became the bad, forbidden book, and is read back to front. The period blood came right after I began practicing my American accent in eight grade: all smudged red clot to brown waste. I have been teaching my daughter to wipe herself front to back to avoid the chronic infections her body is prone to. She squats and glares at me, then follows her instinct to revolt no matter the aftermath.” (Mother Winter, Sophia Shalmiyev)
With the End in Mind: Dying, Death and Wisdom in an Age of Denial by Kathryn Mannix (2017) Since becoming a metastatic cancer thriver, I have been collecting a Library of Sorrow in my home. It is a collection of books that I want to read and imagine helpful for my family at some point in life. This book is definitely a brilliant addition to my collection. Mannix tells narratives from her career as a palliative care doctor focusing on the different patient stories and making the point that death is a natural part of the living process and does not have to be treated as a medical emergency. She argues for less medical intervention (in hospitals) and for more (hospice) care as end of life is near. The different stories Mannix tells of cases she has come across over the decades illustrate how in dying people wish to be treated and seen as they have lived. The book also works well in narrating the usual stages of death; the increased sleeping, deep unconscious moments and changes in breathing thus demystifying the process and preparing us all to what we all will both witness and experience.
Woman of Color by Latoya Yvette (2019) I have read Latonya Yvette’s blog for years for pleasure and as part of my PhD research. This year she published her first book, which is kind of like her blog: a collection of great personal essays and amazing photography about being a young black woman and a single mother of two in New York City. In addition to essays the book also includes advice and a few interviews of other black and brown moms in NYC. Reading Latonya’s writing always makes me feel like I am peeking into a life and friends I could have had if my journey had taken me to NYC as I dreamed. Importantly, Woman of Color is a celebration of being a Black Woman in the USA at this moment. It is a deeply political book as much as it is fiercely personal.
Surun istukka by Katriina Huttunen (2019) Tämä kirja on arvokas dokumentti surun kohdalta. Teos osoittaa olemassaolollaan sen, miten kirjoittaminen voi muuttua melkein ainoaksi koossapitäväksi toimeksi muuten täysin hajonneessa arjessa. Samalla se saa miettimään, miten absurdia, että samalla syntyy teos, vaikka muuten mitään ei synny vaan on kuollut. Kirja kuvaa upealla suoruudella niitä tunteiden ristiriitaisuuksia, joita lapsen menettänyt äiti tuntee. Se kertoo myös kehosta ja arjesta, johon kuolleen omainen uppoaa. Sellainen ei ole kaunista eikä tyylikästä. Menetyksessä ja surussa ei ole mitään varsinaisen elokuvallista silloin kun ne tapahtuvat itselle ja on harvinaista, että jokin taideteos onnistuu välittämään sellaisen kohdan, eikä esimerkiksi Kieslowskin Sinisen siloteltua tyylisurua. Olen ollut tosi ärtynyt niistä kommenteista, joissa kirjaani taivastellaan niin rankaksi että toivoisi ettei sitä ole olemassa, koska sitten ei olisi minun kärsimystänikään. Olen ihmetellyt miksi jotkut eivät uskalla lukea toisten sairastamisesta tai menetyksistä. Eikö niistä ole turvallista lukea juuri silloin kun ne eivät kosketa suoraan itseä? Ainakin niitä on turvallista kirjoittaa silloin kun on sinisen liekin keskellä.
Onnenkissa by Aino Vähäpesola (2019) Kun luin tämän kirjan keväällä, olin juuri julkaissut oman kirjallisen esikoisteokseni ja tunsin riemua, että se ja Onnenkissa olivat ilmestyneet samoihin aikoihin. Ajattelin, että jokin liikahtelee suomalaisessa kirjallisuudessa uudella tavalla. Olin myös hengästynyt siitä, miten Vähäpesola kuvaa omaa seksuaalisuuttaan ja kehollisuuttaan. Koin sellaisen ärsyttävän vanhuustunteen, että jaahas, minua noin kymmenen vuotta nuoremmat ihmiset osaavat kirjoittaa paljon paremmin näistä jutuista – sekä myös yliopistosta ja sinne kuulumattomuuden tunteesta. Siis ihan kaikesta. Minusta Onnenkissa on siinä mielessä oman teokseni sisar, että siinä myös tyttöys ja naiseus näyttäytyvät erilaisten kontekstien kautta ja saavat osakseen kriittisen tarkastelun kokemukseen sidottuna. Yleensä en nauti ollenkaan jooga-aiheisista teksteistä vaan ne helposti vain ärsyttävät, mutta Vähäpesolan oivallukset kuolleesta miehestä olivat valaisevia eivätkä tuntuneet päälle liimatulta self-help -kamalta. En malta odottaa, mitä tämä upea kirjailija kirjoittaa seuraavaksi.
Kuka tappoi Bambin? by Monika Fagerholm (2019) Syksyllä minua ei melkein mikään ilostuttanut, mutta onneksi ihailemani M Fagerholm julkaisi pitkästä aikaa kirjan. Tietysti minun täytyi ahmia se heti. Kuka tappoi Bambin? On saanut paljon huomiota sen aiheen takia ja saihan se myös ansaitusti Finlandia-palkinto ehdokkuuden (harmi, ettei voittoa). On tulkittu, että Fagerholm olisi tällä kertaa poliittisempi ja ajankohtaisempi kuin mitä hänen tapansa kirjoittaa on ollut. Ehkä näin on, mutta minulle kirja on ennen kaikkea jatkoa kaikelle mitä tähän asti on tullut. Se sai minut etenkin ajattelemaan Ihanat naiset rannalla -kirjaa, johon rakastuin joskus teininä 1990-luvun lopussa. Ehkä suurin ero Fagerholmin aiemman tuotannon ja tämän uuden välillä on se, että tiiliskiven sijaan uutukainen on melko lyhyt ja tiivistetty. Kielellisesti onneksi edelleen aivan upea, kiertyneellä toistolla ja palasista koostuvalla kokonaisuudella leikkivä. Minusta Fagerholm on itselleen hyvin tuttujen motiivien äärellä: tutuissa maisemissa, etuoikeuden, väkivaltaisten tapahtumien ja vähemmän etuoikeutettujen ihmisten kohtaamisien ja kohtaamattomuuksien väliköissä. Tuttuus ei haittaa yhtään, on lahja saada lempikirjailijaltaan tarina kerrottuna parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla!
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caixxa · 4 years
@i-like-hockey-a-latte and @thosedaysthatwill have tagged me in this and @itsokaytopretend for my sideblog @badhockeymom, thank you!
Rules: tag people you want to know better.
Top 3 ships: please don’t do this to me! I try to keep this shit locked to my ao3. buutt... teuvo/sepe, sepe/daddy williams, mulder/scully
Last song you listened to: The River by Bruce Springsteen
Last movie you watched: Hevi reissu (a super funny Finnish road movie/comedy about a metal band going to a festival in Norway)
Book you’re reading: I’m between books. On a long pause between books. Sigh. I know what I’d like to start reading (Aikuisia ihmisiä by Jan Forsström, Kuka tappoi Bambin? by Monika Fagerholm) but I don’t want to buy them and the libraries are closed. Maybe I’ll dig into my own library and try The Kite Runner that I have been putting off... for years now. Rereading Oneiron by Laura Lindstedt is calling to me too.
Food you’re craving: Fresh pineapple, tom yum
I tag: @hastybooks @jakeydebrusk and @lemonicelolly if you want to!
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