#Monkey/ape banter
girl-monkey-odalys · 11 months
Hello, everyone! Sorry, I've been swamped with work and life lately, so I've been a bit absent. So if I haven't been "liking" your content or getting your art requests done, it's just because I haven't been here! I'll catch up soon.
Here is the latest chapter from my fic; it only took me five months to get it done! 🙈
Featuring @picapicamagpie's OC, Cadence, and @thecraftedmacaque's OCs, Lilac and Connor, as background characters. ☺️
Odalys accidentally blows an opportunity to impress Klaus Kickenklober. In the meantime, Mortimer realizes that he has feelings for her. 
“I’m not worried about it,” the arrogant bird answered, “especially because your half of the class will be doing the monkey dance. The monkey dance is easy; all you do is bare your teeth, throw your fists in the air, and jump around.”
Odalys was indignant. “Whatever, Hector, the monkey dance isn’t ‘easy.’ The bird dance is just a bunch of outstretched arms and finger fluttering.”
“I could do the monkey dance with my eyes closed,” the bird said haughtily. 
“And I could out-bird you any day!” the monkey retorted.
“There’s no need to get defensive, Odalys,” Hector began, admiring himself in the mirror as he spoke. “Birds are naturally elegant and gifted dancers. They don’t have to try hard like monkeys do.” 
Mortimer thought of how many times he saw Klaus roast a dancer in front of the class for the tiniest mistakes, and here was Odalys, fully accepting someone exactly the way she was. He felt a surge of jealousy pulse through him and was angered to think that a girl like Odalys would love a pretentious snob like Klaus. 
“He’s nothing like her,” Mortimer seethed to himself.
Meanwhile, Breck was in the back of the class actively avoiding eye contact with everyone. He was in the middle of a revenge fantasy against Odalys when he suddenly had the uncanny feeling that someone was watching him from behind. He turned around to see Klaus Kickenklober standing near the studio door. He was staring at Breck’s skimpy outfit with a look of utter confusion and disdain.  Breck now lamented his choice to stay in the back of the class, as he was likely the first person Klaus saw. 
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silverfoxlou · 2 years
The Times article (sigh):
Seven years since One Direction split, only one ex-member can still claim superstar status. Yet it wasn’t Harry Styles who fans camped out for overnight in sub-zero temperatures this week. It was Louis Tomlinson, until recently the least successful of the former famous five.
Slow to settle on a solo sound, the Yorkshire-born 30-year-old aped his idols Oasis and Arctic Monkeys on his widely derided debut album Walls in 2020. He did much the same on last month’s follow-up, Faith in the Future, yet something had changed. That one went to No 1.
Live, Tomlinson could still be finding his feet. His Walls world tour was cancelled due to Covid and even this show arrived a month late after the singer broke his arm. Initially, he did little other than hang Liam Gallagher-like on the mike stand, a slight figure in what could have passed for workout gear, and sprinkle swear words among his basic banter.
His almost exclusively female fans, on the other hand, were up for a party and perhaps the loudest singalongs Shepherds Bush has heard all year. The surprise was how strong the songs sounded.
Backed by a five-piece rock band, Tomlinson more than held his own despite his not notably distinctive vocals. His opener The Greatest was clearly indebted to Oasis, but its bolshiness and catchy chorus meant it didn’t matter. Even the poppier Kill My Mind had swagger, while Written All Over Your Face had a sleazy funk undercurrent that brought to mind Black Grape.
By mid-show Tomlinson had taken to prowling the stage, handing huge chunks of songs over to chanting fans and, occasionally, looking as if he might crowd surf. He didn’t, but the more confident he grew, the more electric the atmosphere.
Copy of a Copy of a Copy, officially an unreleased song, was a rocky monster that could give Tomlinson his first solo hit single. Walls, performed as an acoustic ditty, was greeted like Wonderwall. The only One Direction song on the set list, Night Changes, sounded tame by comparison.
Tomlinson may lack the inventiveness and sex appeal of Styles, but for simple singalongs, he’s now 1D’s go-to guy.
sdjkflkjsdf HELP?? The person who wrote this wanted to hate Louis and the show so badly. This was a harrie who was forced to go to the show to write about it huh (only harries talk about Harry's sex appeal like??)? But they still gave it 4 stars? Guess no one can resist a truly amazing show.
The Greatest indebted to Oasis?? Simple singalongs?? I'm crying this is so funny
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digimonascending · 4 years
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I feel there has been a distinct lack of snarky banter and lasers of late. Luckily Owen and Simeamon are here to fix that. More information under the break:
Full Name: Owen Ashbourne
Age: 19
Hair: Brown, Blonde Highlights
Eyes: Grey-Blue
Height: 6'6"
Partner: Simeamon
No person in the history of mankind has ever emanated such raw "This Is Fine" energy than Owen Ashbourne, for better or for worse. He radiates chillness to an infuriating degree, is slow to anger and slower to panic, and maintains himself as the calming and mature presence within the tamers. That's the theory, anyway, although 'mature' may just be a shorthand for 'making a sarcastic remark and letting everybody else fight amongst themselves while you drink a smoothie'.
Despite his tendency to blindly ignore the problem at hand, Owen is far from lazy. He's efficient and independant, preferring to work through his problems himself rather than rely on others. In this way he frees himself up to be really quite a fun person to be around, when he's not deliberately trying to wind Mark up. Sarcasm aside, he does have a good head on his shoulders and works well with Simeamon; the two of them are probably the most in sync partners of the group. Although while he maintains a calm presence he does remain very closed off, and his need to work through his demons on his own can strain his relationships with even his closest friends. Ignoring the problem until it goes away will only get you so far.
  Chaotic in his chillness and troubling in his quietness, Owen nonetheless has a strong moral code and a sense of personal responsibility. No matter what, he will always do his best to put the wellbeing of others before himself. His approach may be flawed, but there's no arguing with the need to do right by a damaged world.
Trevor Ashbourne - Father
Pronunciation: SIH-me-ah-mon
Name origin: Simian, infraorder of primates including monkeys and apes
Family: Virus Busters, Metal Empire
Type: Cadet
Stage: Rookie
Attribute: Vaccine
Height: 5'2" Partner: Owen Personality
Live fast, cause problems and blow shit up. This is Simeamon's credo which she follows to the letter every moment of every day. Loud-mouthed, jokey and crude, Simeamon doesn't give two hoots about who she annoys during her next fast-paced tirade of insults and explosives; be it her best friend in the world, or the army of souped-up dragons currently charging in her direction. Screw the rules; she has a mouth and a laser gun and she will be using them both.
As impulsive as she can be, Simeamon certainly has the skills to back up her big words; an experienced combatant, an acrobat and an inability to keep still works to her advantage, and combined with Owen's intuition she is a marvellous warrior. Although where Owen keeps his feelings close, Simeamon is far more blunt and quicker to anger. She's not above poking fun at him to try and elicit a reaction, but on a deeper level she worries greatly about his closed-off tendencies, especially when it puts both of them in harm's way, whether intentionally or not. She trusts him with her life, but sometimes has her doubts as to whether he does the same.
What you see is what you get with Simeamon, and thus even as a good friend you are likely to get several insults to your face a day. That being said, she bears her soul in everything she does; never backing down, never hiding her thoughts and never regretting the decisions she's made, whether she feels they were right or wrong. She wields a courage and a pride in everything she says and does, remaining a true warrior through to the very end.
 Cyber Strike
Simeamon creates a ball of light in her glove and tosses it at her opponent, where it explodes.
Micro Laser
Simeamon fires green energy blasts from her pistol at pinpoint accuracy
Pronunciation: HAM-mon
Name origin: Ham the Astrochimp, first chimpanzee launched into space in 1961
Type: Slime
Stage: Fresh
Attribute: None
Height: 0'4" Attacks
    Space Bubbles
Hammon releases a flurry of bubbles that glow in the dark
Pronunciation: Ah-TEH-lih-mon
Name origin: Atelidae, family of New World Monkeys
Family: Metal Empire
Type: Lesser
Stage: In-Training
Attribute: None
Height: 1'3"
    Launch Sequence
 Atelimon's jetpack activates and she launches her whole body into her opponent
I know how hairstyles work I promise.
If there's one thing I sort of regret with Inferno is how kind of...generic the tamers designs were. I still love all those precious babies, don't get me wrong, but going forward I wanted to explore and have a bit more fun with the human designs. You can make your own judgement whether I have gone too far, but nonetheless Owen's here to stay.
Also you have no idea how much I love Simeamon and the fact that she will not behave ever.
Some designs take a little work to pin down. Some need the final details adjusting. Simeamon is neither of those; I have been hanging onto this space monkey's exact design since 2013 and finally I can release her unto the world. May she cause problems until the end of time.
And don't worry; the newcomers are just as welcome on the Trauma Train as the old guard. % D
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lokomotives · 5 years
I love the idea of Jesper fencing for sports now thanks to your last post. Now I am imagining him and Mogens just fencing,with like, long sticks, with each other, for fun. Jesper most likely having to nag him over and over for fighting dirty or breaking the rule, but it mainly being just a fun time for the two, especially when it turns into insult Swordfighting like the Monkey Island video games. "I fought ape better than you!" "Oh I am so glad to hear you attended your family reunion."
YES! Jesper has such a Guybrush Threepwood feel to him! XD
Alsl I just love the idea of Mogens and Jesper having that sort of banter.
Jesper: "You sword fight like a farmer!"
Mogens: "How appropriate! You fight like a cow!"
The two will just be walking along doing their own tasks, see a pair of big sticks on the ground and suddenly: WHAP! They both grab the sticks and start fencing like a pair of kids.
Mogens has no sense of honor. Mogens will throw the book out to get a rise out of Jesper.
Jesper (on the ground after Mogens threw a fish at him): "Thats against the rules!"
Mogens: "Theres no rules in international waters Postman!"
Fights always end with either one of them on the ground. And depending on how shippy you are; its all very romantic.
The town's kids have joined in before as "The Cavarly" and have fought on the sides of either adult. No Krum vs Ellingboe; just Sailor Vs Postman.
There have also been times when the kids wanted to play heroes and Jesper had to play the Damsel in Distress that the kids had to save from the dreaded "Captain Mogen-beard the pirate". Its all very delightful.
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introvertguide · 5 years
Sunset Boulevard (1950); AFI #16
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The next film on our AFI list is the film noir drama Sunset Blvd. (1950). This movie was directed and part written by Billie Wilder. It was nominated for all of the acting categories, best director, and best picture...but won none of them. The movie was up for 11 Oscars but only received technical awards because of the very stiff competition that year from the likes of All About Eve, The Third Man, and Harvey. This film is often called the best movie about Hollywood ever written because it bravely looks at the life of a star and how they can be chewed up and spit out of the system when they get too old. This is not an aspect of movie stardom that Hollywood generally likes to advertise, so it is not surprising that this film was not as recognized. I would like to go over the plot before further discussion, so...
At a mansion on Sunset Boulevard, the body of Joe Gillis (William Holden) floats in the swimming pool. Long before it was done in American Beauty, the movie is narrated through a post mortem flashback of the main character.
Six months earlier, down-on-his-luck screenwriter Joe tries selling a story to Paramount Pictures.  Producer Sheldrake (Fred Clarke) is somewhat interested but looks to the advice of a script reader that walks in on the conversation. The woman who comes in is Betty Schaefer (Nancy Olson) and she harshly critiques the script, unaware that Joe is the writer. There is some awkward banter and Joe leaves in a huff. He is driving home and sees some repossession men seeking his car, so he flees only to barely escape by turning into the driveway of a seemingly deserted mansion. After concealing the car, he hears a woman inside call to him, mistaking him for someone else. Ushered in by Max the butler (Erich von Stroheim) , Joe recognizes the woman as long-forgotten silent film star Norma Desmond (Gloria Swanson). She seems to believe that Joe is bringing a coffin for her dead monkey (that is not a typo), but becomes interested when she learns that Joe is a writer. Norma asks his opinion of a script she has written for a film about Salome, which she plans to play the role herself in a return to the screen. Joe finds her script abysmal, but flatters her into hiring him as a script doctor for enough money to buy back his car.
Norma insists that Joe move in and she has Max secretly get all of Joe’s things and move him in. Joe resents this but gradually accepts his situation as her boy toy because Norma is psychologically fragile. He sees that Norma refuses to face the fact that her fame has evaporated and learns that the fan letters she still receives are secretly written by Max, who explains that he has had to hide all of the knives and remove all locks on the doors as Norma has attempted suicide. Norma lavishes attention on Joe and buys him expensive clothes. At her New Year's Eve party, he discovers that he is the only guest and realizes she has fallen in love with him. Joe tries to let her down gently, but Norma slaps him and retreats to her room. Joe visits his friend Artie Green to ask about staying at his place. At Artie's party he again meets Betty, whom he learns is Artie's girl. Betty thinks a scene in one of Joe's scripts has potential, but Joe is uninterested. When he phones Max to have him pack his things, Max tells him Norma cut her wrists with his razor.  
Norma has Max deliver the edited Salome script to her former director Cecil B. DeMille at Paramount. She starts getting calls from Paramount executive Gordon Cole, but petulantly refuses to speak to anyone except DeMille. Eventually, she has Max drive her and Joe to Paramount in her 1929 Isotta Fraschini. The older studio employees recognize her and warmly greet her. DeMille receives her affectionately and treats her with great respect, tactfully evading her questions about her script. Meanwhile, Max learns that Cole merely wants to rent her unusual car for a film.
Preparing for her imagined comeback, Norma undergoes rigorous beauty treatments. Joe secretly works nights at Betty's Paramount office, collaborating on an original screenplay. His moonlighting is found out by Max, who reveals that he was a respected film director, discovered Norma as a teenage girl, made her a star and was her first husband. After she divorced him, he found life without her unbearable and abandoned his career to become her servant. Meanwhile, despite Betty's engagement to Artie, she and Joe fall in love. After Norma discovers a manuscript with Joe's and Betty's names on it, she phones Betty and insinuates what sort of man Joe really is. Joe, overhearing, invites Betty to come see for herself. When she arrives, he pretends he is satisfied being a gigolo, but after she tearfully leaves he packs for a return to his old Ohio newspaper job. He bluntly informs Norma there will be no comeback, her fan mail comes from Max, and she has been forgotten. He disregards Norma's threat to kill herself and the gun she shows him to back it up. As Joe walks out of the house, Norma shoots him three times and he falls into the pool.
The flashback ends. The house is filled with police and reporters. Norma, having lost touch with reality, believes the newsreel cameras are there to film Salome. Max and the police play along. Max sets up a scene for her and calls, "Action!" As the cameras roll, Norma dramatically descends her grand staircase. She pauses and makes an impromptu speech about how happy she is to be making a film again, ending with, "All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up." as she makes a series of exaggerated swooping steps towards the camera, an equally exaggerated 'come-hither' expression upon her face. 
Gloria Swanson was in fact a silent film star that was having difficulty finding work. She was very well aware that the part was poking fun at people like herself and old Hollywood in general. She had worked with Cecil B. DeMille and he was happy to be part of the production for the right price. He was paid $20,000 for his cameo, which says that even he was glad to get work but still expected full price for his participation.
As mentioned in the recap, the idea of the post mortem narrator was taken full on by American Beauty. Arguably, so was the idea of somebody dealing with their growing irrelevance as they age. But it is fantastic that the movie can reveal the end result in the opening scene and yet there is still tension and it can act as a whodunnit. It becomes a question of who is going to kill Joe. The jealous butler/director/ex-husband? The crazy out of touch actress? The confused new girl? Artie the spurned fiancée? The repo men? Or maybe a distraught Joe takes his own life? As mentioned it was Norma, but I legitimately did not know the first time I watched the film and it was great.
Some more recent critics have not been kind to the acting of Gloria Swanson because she overacts to the point of camp. Yet that is exactly what you would expect from an emotionally fragile, silent film era actress that was once the biggest star and had lost her fame. She is a total drama queen and that is appropriately so. The reason that it works is that people point it out and she seems weird next to the other actors. She is like the character of Ms. Havisham in Great Expectations, but instead of tempting Pip with the love of Estella, she tries to do it herself. One part hilarious, but three parts absolutely fascinating. 
There is quite a bit of dark humor in this movie and much of it is through the campy acting of Swanson. I am glad to say that she owns it and doesn’t back away at all. There is a scene where she puts on a Charlie Chaplin outfit and attempts to entertain Joe. Also, the entertainment of the evening was watching her old silent movies and she reacts emotionally to her own portrayals. It is fantastic. I think my favorite part is that she thinks that Cecil B. DeMille is trying to get her back for a part and it turns out that an AP simply wants to use her car. 
So should this movie be on the AFI list? Without a doubt. It is brilliant mystery that takes a deep look at the downside of stardom. It was so accurate and appealing that the Academy had to take note despite likely not wanting to. It was one of the first movies to examine the fragility of an actor’s ego. It also has some of the very best single lines in cinema history. Would I recommend it? Absolutely. It might not interest younger viewers and the strange gigolo implications might not be appreciated by all, but it is a pretty fun (and funny) movie that find enjoyable every time. Well worth a watch. 
Side Note: There is a monkey burial scene when Joe first arrives and it might one of the strangest and funniest scenes in cinema. I just wonder...why did she have a monkey and how long did she keep the dead body before the burial? Yet another reason to check out the movie.
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rubbertplant · 5 years
hyyteli - this is bogus (2020) commentary
good evening tumblr users, @hyyteli​ has released a new album today called this is bogus. you can listen to it here. 
funny intro: as promised by the title, the opening track of the album is a funny intro. the banter between the talking characters makes them very lively in a way! feels like they are fun little creatures. the element of the circus music invites the listener in with a familiar tune given a fresh treatment.
god I wish I had a cat: the little cat noises are good. I find myself most drawn to the bass(?). there’s a sense of drama in the song, will the narrator of the title find a cat? could have picked the speed back up slower after the slowing and meow to heighten the drama and gone wilder with the meows! but it’s absolutely better than its inspiration
dancing queen!: mellow and fun! not much else on my mind at the moment. the few bass notes at the end are fun
hostile apeover: getting wild! the apes are mobilizing and yelling orders. good ape scratches. the noises make me think more of cute little cartoon monkeys than apes though. like this:
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the yellings make a great and enjoyable rhythm the complements the whatever instrument it is that feels like a yellow cartoon blast happening bubble
industrial revolution: definitely has that feeling of machinery! I imagine the story to be of very widespread robotization resulting in some person possibly hurting themselves in the process of impractical masturbation and yelling in pain. I can imagine some sort of animated music video for this in my head. the bass drum/kicker/whatever is very enticing
dreams: the lyrics in this one draw me in a lot! and the riff/hook that starts soon into the song is very pleasing. its expansion after that with the distortion of the lyrics sounds great very good to listen to. chill club hit absolutely! I imagine a small pink robot as the narrator envying organic beings for having the ability to dream when sleeping. very catchy! the introduction of more instruments towards the end works and the reverb makes it dreamy indeed
let’s eat spiders: my absolute favourite of the album!!!! the increasing kicker beats hint at a great musical blast about to happen and it definitely didn’t disappoint it was all that I wanted!!!! so much power and action great pumping beat!!! for this song I can also imagine a music video in my head most clearly out of all the songs. spiders are being eaten by the thousands and I might want to animate it sometime if I am not lazy. the simplicity of the repeated lyrics is great at the pace at which it happens and sometimes it sounds like “lesbian spiders” which I think has good remix potential. two thirds into the song the kicking beat pauses for a bit and heightens the drama, no spider is safe. spiders are just practically getting vacuumed into people’s mouths at this point as illustrated in my mind. epic 11/10
good for you: good melody! the lyrics are cute at parts and made me feel good but when not so great habits in particular “neglect your friends” were introduced it made me a little sad so it lessens my enjoyment :( I am also not sure if it says monkey cheese or something else but I would not be surprised at monkey cheese. the mashing of the lyrics at the end works and brings to mind a person doing all of these things at once *edit: I just noticed there are lyrics on bandcamp so yes monkey cheese confirmeds
tiny dog: nipa theme. starts with a little dog just going out on a nice day and having fun :) then as the heavier bass gets thrown into the mix the dog emBARKS on an action adventure and might be wearing sunglasses. at the halfway point the dog encounters some tough adversary and is in some sort of side-scrolling beat them up game or fighting game. that’s the story and visuals in my mind but it’s another good song!
summer techno 2007 (feat. god): it’s simple and benefits from the featured verse by god, that’s a very funny and fun part, otherwise it may have been too simple for my tastes but god elevates it towards heavenly heights and it’s better after god’s part too, more beaty. a music video for this would probably be just summer scenery without people until the song gets closer to god’s part, before that it shows people in hell being sad. god speaks and bestows a rain of monkey cheese upon the lands and places transform I think. people stop being sad
new techo: the “yo!” line is pleasing! somehow and upward curve in the voice that’s nice to hear. during my first listening I was walking and my phone’s audio hole is a bit shitty so it would cut off the sound from my right ear on every other step adding some more choppiness to the song. the snippet of some latin style music (I think) was fun, could have had more of that! hyyteli trademark jitters in this song.
this is bogus!: first here is an image of the things different elements in this song remind me of. they have probably? not been intentional on hyyteli’s part:
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hyyteli has really utilized their skills in different passes/filters/idk what to call them! good usage of them to make the song live and breathe. overall a celebratory and positive feeling in this song :) lots of creatures coming together and having fun by the end
next level bogus: I think in this one bogus-chan is taking centre stage and really going wild shaking and flipping all over the place. good manic energy and a little break in the middle that picks back up by building excitement with a fast beat and more bogusing. after that the spacey lasery riff starts and bogus-chan is like absolutely launching to space. fun song
in total this absolutely is hyyteli’s best work so far! contrary to the statement in funny intro, this album has plenty of bangers. as a fan of fast and danceable tunes this album caters to me very well! good job hyyteli!!!! lots of these songs inspire me to make fanart for them and I hope I can find the time and energy to do that
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Hello! I had a few black clover asks, I hope you don't mind >=< Vanessa, Magna, Gordon, Julius, Klaus, Nebra, Kirsch, Kahono, Kiato, and Sister Lily. It's a handful so feel free to answer whichever!
Vanessa: Do you have a favorite drink and what is it?
Hmm, okay, so I really like peach white grape juice, a little weird I know. That or raspberry lemonade, I really like sweet drinks. One I also drink a lot despite me not liking it is probably coffee (I have like 3-8 cups depending on the day) I really like strong black coffee even tho it tastes AWFUL but it works for me.
Magna: What is your proudest possession?
My proudest possession is probably the birthday cards I got from my friends from my first real birthday party when I was 14. My family hadn't celebrated birthdays beforehand (besides when i turned 1 and 2)so I never had one that I remembered before then and they all got cards saying "happy third birthday" and it was probably the best part of that day.
Gordon: What's your favorite thing to do with friends?
Probably when we watch something together, that's what we've done for a lot of quarantine so far (mostly the Harry Potter musicals by starkid), but there's this one particular memory where me and my friend watched Buzzfeed Unsolved with another friend who'd never heard of it before. It was an absolute riot and we all had a lot of fun.
Julius: What's something your super passionate about?
Probably TV Shows/anime I really like, and then politics. I mean, I get way too fired up when it comes to both of these things, and then I end up almost yelling without realizing it. I mean both have had huge parts in my life since both my parents work in public law and I also just really like anime.
Klaus: What's something you changed your opinion about recently?
This has already been answered in another ask.
Nebra: What's your biggest pet peeve?
If I had to name one, it's when someone overstep their boundaries in banter and makes fun of something I'm uncomfortable with. I usually let them know it's not okay, and that it's not something that's acceptable for me. There are just some things I don't want people to joke about in regards to my life.
Kirsch: Describe the clothing style you want to have.
Hmm, I really like Victorian clothes for some reason. Don't get me wrong, I despise the era for many different reasons (mostly Jane Eyre, I really hate that book) but the clothes absolutely entrance me. If I could just wear something like that all the time without regards to monetary limits or social acceptability, I absolutely would. That or the "soft girl" style, it seems cute. Or suits. I really like suits. My fashion decisions are really inconsistent.
Kahono: What's your favorite song to sing in the shower?
Probably "I wanna hold your hand" by the Beatles, I really like it and I listened to a lot of it growing up.
Kiato: What music always get you dancing?
Alternative pop/rock. Call me basic, but Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco, and Arctic Monkeys always gets me moving. Also Vickeblanka, along with the songs he's done for Black Clover, he's done some phenomenal music that I adore. Natural Woman is a bop and I love it so much.
Sister Lily: What's something you really don't want to do?
Schoolwork. It's horrible, I hate it, and it feels optional but it ISN'T! Also my teachers just assign hours of it, and it takes so long to get through. Not to mention AP Exams are coming up and that's a special kind of hell I don't want to think about. Yuck.
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What I Wish I Knew A Year Ago About Where Are Chimpanzees Found
Comparing Human Cultures to That of the Great Apes and also Chimpanzees
Several of my dear buddies actually flinch when I compare human cultures, social media networks, as well as the US Congress to primate societies and primate troops. As well as, you being a human analysis this could have some vouch words for me when you are done reading this, however, you understand you need to maintain checking out to please your curiosity, which undoubtedly, just verifies my point that you are a whole lot like your local cousins. Okay so let's talk.
When we take a look at all the turmoil, mayhem as well as debate, as well as all the sound and also fury the media, as well as social networks can summon, as well as toss in a little Jerry Springer, Snooki, Kardashian, Jeff Foxworthy, and the most up to date fact TV series, it sure resemble you human beings typically aren't a lot different. Just a different type of upright strolling carbon-based bi-peds and also primates, you have actually taken us full-circle back that of the Chimpanzee, as well as Orangutan troops, defending supremacy, alpha male ventures, and eventual knight-hood if you enjoyed the "Increase of the Earth of the Apes" - think of it.
Currently look at the United States Congress, and all the groups that get together as well as act to be something essential, in their attempts to affect the larger team and afterwards require all of us to obey their regulation? Well, isn't that always the essence of Primate National politics in large companies, where little groups create a pattern till their numbers can move the sand dune?
Why do you expect this occurs among human populations in the very same way, albeit, currently with cell-phones, email, tweeting, as well as on-line exchange? You see, a natural society requires to get on the very same page, with its ideals in order to keep itself. Exists any kind of method, we can combine all these fanatics, and misdirected, illinformed, and also possibly missing something people as well as teams without denying them their free-speech to banter about call each other names as well as continue similar to this?
Well, as long as all human concur to one highlighting principle it might be feasible to proceed to act like primates, while still running a cohesive culture. You see, if one of its suitables is to allow freedom and freedom to all, after that it can still work, although it normally wouldn't when there is excessive diversion of numerous viewpoints entering all instructions.
Second of all, the time-table of adding various societies, ideas, ideas, to the overall dynamic is completely pertinent. The United Nations now has an unbelievable quantity of social differences, as well as it would certainly be doing a lot better if it had included its brand-new members or new members to different committees of value at a slower price to enable the group to gel prior to including more, those things take time.
Also much distinction ahead of time, going a lot of different instructions is a problem, nevertheless, if one promotes the perfects of brand-new idea, innovation, and also culture as a favorable, after that it can take place as long as the underscoring commonalities is held in strict adherence. Easier claimed than done, however it does work in companies (including monkey troops) which have a common core set of concepts, problem is when they are socialized with human national politics https://angelaguide322.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/05/30/065433 aimed at interrupting and also then benefiting from the ensuing turmoil developed.
Sometimes its momentary, various other times, it has a cascading result, like the Arab Spring. I 'd state human beings ought to be mindful what they want for when they enter big mass mobs of humanity and also start imitating adolescent primates. Please think about all this.
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Don't Buy Into These "Trends" About Volunteer In Africa
Comparing Human Societies to That of the Great Apes as well as Chimpanzees
Several of my bosom friends actually cringe when I contrast human cultures, social networks, as well as the United States Congress to primate cultures and monkey soldiers. And, you being a human reading this may have some vouch words for me when you are done reading this, nonetheless, you know you need to keep reading to satisfy your inquisitiveness, which without a doubt, just proves my point that you are a lot like your closest cousins. Okay so allow's talk.
When we check out all the commotion, chaos as well as dispute, as well as all the sound and also fury the media, and social media networks could invoke, and include a little Jerry Springer, Snooki, Kardashian, Jeff Foxworthy, as well as the latest reality TV series, it certain appearances like you humans typically aren't a lot different. Simply a different breed of upright walking carbon-based bi-peds and primates, you have actually taken us full-circle back that of the Chimpanzee, and Orangutan troops, defending supremacy, alpha male exploits, as well as ultimate knight-hood if you viewed the "Increase of the World of the Apes" - think of it.
Currently look at the US Congress, as well as all the groups that gathering as well as pretend to be something essential, in their efforts to influence the larger group as well as then force us all to live by their directive? Well, isn't that always the significance of Primate Politics in large organizations, where small teams create a pattern until their numbers can shift the dune?
Why do you intend this happens among human populations similarly, albeit, currently with cell-phones, email, tweeting, as well as on-line exchange? You see, a natural culture needs to be on the same page, with its suitables in order to keep itself. Exists any type of way, we can unite all these fanatics, and also misdirected, misguided, and also maybe missing out on something individuals as well as teams without rejecting them their free-speech to banter about phone call each other names as well as continue like this?
Well, as long as all human agree to one highlighting principle it might be feasible to continue to imitate primates, while still running a cohesive society. You see, if one of its ideals is to enable flexibility and freedom to all, after that it can still work, despite the fact that it typically wouldn't when there is way too much diversion of http://szjyhy.com/morvin13gd/post-best-mobile-apps-180213.html numerous opinions entering all directions.
The time-table of including various cultures, thoughts, ideas, to the overall dynamic is totally appropriate. The United Nations currently has an incredible quantity of social differences, and it would be doing far better if it had included its brand-new participants or new participants to different boards of relevance at a slower price to enable the team to gel before adding a lot more, those points take some time.
Way too much difference also quickly, going a lot of various directions is a trouble, nonetheless, if one promotes the perfects of new idea, innovation, and society as a positive, then it can happen as long as the highlighting commonalities is held in rigorous adherence. Easier stated than done, but it does operate in organizations (including chimpanzee soldiers) which have a typical core collection of concepts, issue is when they are joined human politics intended at disrupting and afterwards benefiting from the ensuing mayhem produced.
In some cases its temporary, other times, it has a cascading impact, like the Arab Springtime. I 'd say humans need to be cautious what they yearn for when they enter large mass crowds of humanity as well as begin imitating adolescent primates. Please take into consideration all this.
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9 Things Your Parents Taught You About Volunteer Abroad Cheap
Comparing Human Societies to That of the Great Apes and Chimpanzees
A few of my bosom friends actually flinch when I compare human cultures, socials media, as well as the United States Congress to primate societies and also chimpanzee soldiers. And also, you being a human reading this could have some swear words for me when you are done reading this, however, you know you have to maintain reading to please your inquisitiveness, which certainly, only shows my point that you are a whole lot like your local cousins. Okay so let's talk.
When we consider all the commotion, turmoil as well as dispute, as well as all the noise and fierceness the media, and also social networks can create, and toss in a little Jerry Springer, Snooki, Kardashian, Jeff Foxworthy, and the most recent reality TELEVISION collection, it sure resemble you people aren't much various. Simply a various type of upright strolling carbon-based bi-peds and also primates, you've taken us full-circle back that of the Monkey, and Orangutan soldiers, defending prominence, alpha male ventures, and ultimate knight-hood if you watched the "Increase of the World of the Apes" - think of it.
Currently take a look at the United States Congress, as well as all the groups that gathering and also make believe to be something vital, in their attempts to affect the larger team and also after that compel us all to live by their instruction? Well, isn't really that constantly the essence of Primate National politics in big companies, where little teams develop a pattern up until their numbers can change the sand dune?
Why do you suppose this occurs amongst human populaces similarly, albeit, now with cell-phones, e-mail, tweeting, and also on-line banter? You see, a cohesive society requires to be on the very same page, with its perfects in order to keep itself. Exists any method, we can combine all these freaks, and misdirected, illinformed, and maybe missing something people as well as teams without rejecting them their free-speech to exchange about telephone call each other names and also carry on like this?
Well, as long as all human consent to one highlighting principle it could be feasible to continuously imitate primates, while still running a cohesive culture. You see, if among its ideals is to permit flexibility and also freedom to all, after that it could still work, although it normally would not when there is as well much diversion of different opinions entering all directions.
Secondly, the time-table of adding various societies, thoughts, concepts, to the overall dynamic is entirely relevant. The United Nations now has an extraordinary amount of cultural distinctions, and it would be doing far better if it had actually included its new participants or brand-new members to various committees of significance at a slower rate to allow the group to gel before including a lot more, those points take some time.
Too much difference ahead of time, going as well lots of various instructions is a trouble, nevertheless, if one advertises the ideals of new thought, innovation, as well as culture as a positive, then it can take place as long as the underscoring typical ground is kept in strict adherence. Easier said compared to done, however it does operate in companies (including chimpanzee soldiers) which have a common core set of principles, problem is when they are joined human politics targeted at disrupting and after that taking benefit of the ensuing mayhem created.
Occasionally its short-term, other times, it has a cascading impact, like the Arab Springtime. I 'd claim human beings should be mindful what they desire for when they enter into huge mass mobs of humanity as well as begin acting like adolescent primates. Please consider all this.
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wherespaulo · 8 years
Caving and Wildlife in East Malaysia
Feb 10-19, 2017
East Malaysia, with it's extensive limestone cave systems, had been on my radar ever since as an eleven year old, I'd begun to discover those many dark and dangerous places that were calling to me to be explored. First it was the small space under the kitchen floorboards of my childhood home in Sheffield, UK, where I would surprise my mum by suddenly emerging through the removable floor panel under the door mat. From there it was onto the River Rother sewage pipes with their pervasive stink, identifiable and unidentifiable floaters, and the echoing squeaks of fleeing rats. Then, as a sixteen year old, I'd advanced to exploring the limestone caves of the Peak District with my geology teacher Joe Raynor. When I think about it I'd always been drawn to those dark, quiet places, which seemed to exude some kind of deep peace, in a strange way just as powerful for me as that felt on the wide open mountain tops. Some psychologists might say this is the feeling of  having finally returned home, to that safe and secure place that is like no other, the womb.
I checked into the Kuching Hilton, with it's panoramic views over the wide, meandering Sarawak River, and with a plan to spend five nights in Kuching and three nights in the Gunung Mulu National Park. I connected with James of Kuching Caving, a very well spoken British guy who'd initially moved to East Malaysia years before in a corporate role, subsequently lost his job but decided to stay and start an adventure caving business – every tour company I questioned about caving in Kuching referred me back to James. I signed up for a trip to explore the caves around Lobang Batu near the Indonesian border, and during the 90km drive from Kuching was to hear about the importance he places in supporting and developing strong relationships with the locals, as well as how exceptionally knowledgeable he is about the local history, fauna, flora and geology. We picked up the local guide Edward and hiked out to Rock Hole where we explored an enormous cavern, waded waste deep through an underground stream, and explored two smaller caves, replete with bats, swift-lets, cave crickets, cave racer snakes and many poisonous huntsman spiders as big as your hand. We finished the day off with some well deserved Tiger beers, food and banter at one of James's favorite Chinese restaurants, a small family run place full of locals.
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While in Kuching I also took a boat trip to the Bako National Park, hiked in the Kubah National Park, and visited the Orangutans at the Semenggoh Rehabilitation Center. The Bako National Park proved to be a haven for long tailed macaque, silver leaf and proboscis monkeys, pit vipers, bearded pigs and many different species of fiddler crabs, while the Kubah National Park and hikes with my knowledgeable guide Alex (Waterfall, Main and Belian Trails), turned out to be a veritable oasis of wildlife from giant forest scorpions, enormous golden orb web spiders, leeches and soft-shell turtles to strangler figs, pitcher plants and many more.
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And in the Semenggoh Rehabilitation Center I managed to see six of the twenty eight rescued orangutans, apes that are completely free to roam the 740 hectares of forest reserve but rely on food from trainers and are used to the presence of man to varying extents. There are also nine completely wild, self reliant, rescued orangutans in the area that are much more difficult to see an do not mix with the semi-reliant apes. I have to say that Semenggoh left me with an overriding impression of the happiest and most contented apes I have ever had the good fortune to observe!
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The Gunung Mulu National Park, a World Heritage Site located in east Sarawak and close to the Brunei border, was to be the 'piece de resistance' of my trip to East Malaysia, the place where I looked forward to exploring some of the deepest limestone cave systems in the world – the Clearwater cave system is believed to be the largest interconnected cave system in the world by volume and the eighth longest at 215 km (explored so far). Following an extremely stormy flight in a MASwings prop job over the Borneo jungle, and just when it looked like we might be forced to turn back to Kuching, the pilot managed to spot an unlikely sliver of clear sky between black clouds, and the engines suddenly droned louder as the nose was turned downward toward a tiny landing strip. I checked into the only hotel in Mulu, the Marriott, which you might think sounds like an unlikely spot for a high end hotel – but don't be fooled. This was no concrete block but rather a low level wooden structure, sensitive to its wild surroundings, blending well into the jungle yet containing the opulence, cleanliness and service one would expect from a Marriott
After strolling around the enormous and spectacular Lagang, Clearwater and Wind show caves, along with many other visitors who were happy to do just that, I was feeling frustrated and seriously itching to get some mud on my trousers, so signed up for the Racer Adventure Caving trip. With our local guide Soku, a young English guy Chris, an older Austrian guy Clause, and an Asian couple, we entered the cave with climbing harnesses, hard hats and head lamps. As we switched our headlamps off at the half-way point and considered the absolute darkness, a deep feeling of peace and timelessness percolated through me – indeed, time and space does not exist without light. This turned out to be a serious adventure caving trip involving lots of rope climbing – you need to be fit, agile, sure footed, easily able to quickly pull your own weight up a rope, and be fearless of heights, enclosed spaces, large snakes and an array of enormous poisonous spiders. To say I was completely and utterly in my element would be a total understatement! Needless to say I ended the day wanting more, vowing to return as soon as I could to sign up for the more advanced Clearwater Connection trip.
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realestate63141 · 8 years
Donald Trump And King Kong Have An Odd History Together
In the poster for the upcoming film “Kong: Skull Island,” a large, terrifying figure looms over the horizon. A glowing orange sun with a yellow top surrounds the monster as though a halo might, casting an ominous figure.
The film, another installment of the many “King Kong” films out there, is coming to theaters this weekend, a bit more than a decade after the last major reboot in 2005.
“King Kong: Skull Island” has an estimated budget of around $190 million, and is expected to gross around $50 million in the U.S. and Canada alone during this opening weekend. It stands to become a blockbuster.
The legendary story of the oversized, mythical gorilla will play out on screen for viewers as the public contends with an ongoing spectacle in the White House. Interestingly, President Donald Trump, has a long history with the story of the famous primate.
Tomorrow's cover: King Don! Trump and Hillary score #NYPrimary victories https://t.co/M6U4ng4wRw http://pic.twitter.com/a5qDVPRN6R
— New York Post (@nypost) April 20, 2016
At the 2002 Academy Awards, Trump appeared in a short video segment created by filmmaker Errol Morris that focused on the favorite movie moments of the featured individuals. Speaking alongside notable faces such as Iggy Pop and Mikhail Gorbachev, Trump had a particularly telling answer for his cherished movie memory.
“Seeing King Kong try and conquer New York,” he said, with a small grin.
Back when he was better known as a bloviating figure of New York real estate, Trump gained an ownership stake of the Empire State Building, the same one associated with King Kong in the 1990s. He attempted to win control of the entire building, but was ultimately thwarted as his stake was bought out.
In 2005, he publicly attended Universal Studios’ premiere of the Peter Jackson–directed reboot with wife Melania.
Yet the 2016 presidential campaign led artists and political commentators alike to align Trump and the Empire State–dominating film icon even further.
In a segment about Trump’s infamous “locker-room banter” with Billy Bush, “Daily Show” host Trevor Noah compared Trump to Kong. 
“Trump is like King Kong in that they both broke free of their shackles and like grabbing white women without asking,” he said.
Around the time that scandal erupted, Trump himself tweeted a message containing imagery reminiscent of King Kong.
It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2016
As a method of protest to Trump’s misogynistic and xenophobic rhetoric during his campaign and beyond, artists have frequently aligned the man with the city-conquering Kong. 
In January, Madonna shared a depiction of Trump as King Kong atop the Statue of Liberty.
#MichaelForbes ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ Superman to the rescue!! http://pic.twitter.com/ax9gIHdwXn
— Madonna (@Madonna) January 17, 2017
Other visuals aligning Trump with Kong have ended up as covers on editions of The Weekly Standard and The New York Post.
Just last week during Mardi Gras, a float imagined Trump as the ape clinging to the Washington Monument.
A political cartoon by Michael de Adder depicted Trump as a shackled Kong — the moment in the original film just before Kong violently reacts to the jarring flashes of photographers and breaks free of his restraints.
Cartoon for January 20, 2017. #Trump #TrumpInauguration #Inauguration #cdnpoli http://pic.twitter.com/1MYmNXuZBc
— Michael de Adder (@deAdder) January 20, 2017
The star of “Skull Island,” Brie Larson, has even suggested that her new film contains a message that directly advocates against Trump’s aggressive tendencies — especially toward the media. 
“I make movies as a form of activism,” she wrote in an Instagram caption. “I believe we learn from what we see in our leaders. I’m proud to play Mason Weaver in @kongskullislandmovie because she represents the many journalists who risk their lives everyday to share with us the truth. Weaver leads with compassion and believes that unity cannot be obtained through aggression.”
Whether you take your entertainment in the form of a gorilla blockbuster or The New York Times, it’s hard not to notice the fascinating timing of it all.
"@GovtsTheProblem: The appeal of Donald Trump to people is that he's a fighter, not a Republican surrender monkey."
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2015
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