#Introduction of OC / OC fluff and drama
girl-monkey-odalys · 8 months
Hello, everyone! Sorry, I've been swamped with work and life lately, so I've been a bit absent. So if I haven't been "liking" your content or getting your art requests done, it's just because I haven't been here! I'll catch up soon.
Here is the latest chapter from my fic; it only took me five months to get it done! 🙈
Featuring @picapicamagpie's OC, Cadence, and @thecraftedmacaque's OCs, Lilac and Connor, as background characters. ☺️
Odalys accidentally blows an opportunity to impress Klaus Kickenklober. In the meantime, Mortimer realizes that he has feelings for her. 
“I’m not worried about it,” the arrogant bird answered, “especially because your half of the class will be doing the monkey dance. The monkey dance is easy; all you do is bare your teeth, throw your fists in the air, and jump around.”
Odalys was indignant. “Whatever, Hector, the monkey dance isn’t ‘easy.’ The bird dance is just a bunch of outstretched arms and finger fluttering.”
“I could do the monkey dance with my eyes closed,” the bird said haughtily. 
“And I could out-bird you any day!” the monkey retorted.
“There’s no need to get defensive, Odalys,” Hector began, admiring himself in the mirror as he spoke. “Birds are naturally elegant and gifted dancers. They don’t have to try hard like monkeys do.” 
Mortimer thought of how many times he saw Klaus roast a dancer in front of the class for the tiniest mistakes, and here was Odalys, fully accepting someone exactly the way she was. He felt a surge of jealousy pulse through him and was angered to think that a girl like Odalys would love a pretentious snob like Klaus. 
“He’s nothing like her,” Mortimer seethed to himself.
Meanwhile, Breck was in the back of the class actively avoiding eye contact with everyone. He was in the middle of a revenge fantasy against Odalys when he suddenly had the uncanny feeling that someone was watching him from behind. He turned around to see Klaus Kickenklober standing near the studio door. He was staring at Breck’s skimpy outfit with a look of utter confusion and disdain.  Breck now lamented his choice to stay in the back of the class, as he was likely the first person Klaus saw. 
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starcrossedxwriter · 8 months
Wicked Fantasies Part 7 (MBJ x OC)
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Warnings: harassment, public sex, the usual BDSM warnings apply heavilyyyy lol
A/N: Umm this is a fun one! Mostly fluff with a little drama lol We're getting into the holiday spirit with a couple time jumps so enjoyyy!
“I have a surprise for you,” Michael whispered, chuckling as Raven tucked herself deeper into the covers. 
They had been out at a party until late and then Michael proceeded to have his way with her at his condo until the wee hours of the morning. Her body still ached from the suspension ropes he hung her from for over an hour. It was her first introduction into true restraints and bondage and she enjoyed it far more than she thought she would. And now, all she and her limbs wanted to do was burrow in her covers and sleep all day. 
“Is the surprise a hot bath?” she called, her words still muffled by the heavy duvet cover. 
“Ok well then I hate surprises,” she mumbled, causing Michael to laugh. 
“Come on, this is a fun one. I promise!” 
She groaned and dramatically flopped the covers from over her face and pouted. “I was a really good girl last night and this is my reward? Being woken up at ungodly hours?” 
Michael raised an eyebrow and glanced down at his Apple Watch. “It’s 10 am, baby.” 
Her heart fluttered at the word baby, her eyes casting downward as she tried to limit the smile that wanted to bloom on her lips. She still was not used to it yet. To the world and everyone around them, nothing had changed. But for them, everything had changed. They were a real couple, bonafide and no longer faking or pretending. There was a new intimacy to it that she had not expected. And freedom. It was so clear to her now how much both of them had been holding back, how muted what they felt for each other truly was before. Because now, they could both experience the full breadth of their love for each other, could express it and receive it. And it made both of them wonder if they had ever experienced true romantic love before each other. Because this was everything and so much more. 
Everything felt lighter and easier. And yet, Raven could not help but feel like there was a dark cloud looming over them, a deep-seeded fear that everything she felt would be taken away. Perhaps she was just worried that, even if they were telling the truth about their romance now, they had started off as a lie. It did not seem like the steadiest of foundations. However, she chose to brush those fears aside. They were just her doubts and insecurities talking. She had never felt for a man like she felt for Michael, never felt so loved by someone. It felt good and she realized she never knew true happiness until now. Sure, there had been times when she was happy. But pure uninhibited bliss? That was only a state Michael could bring out in her. 
“So what’s this big surprise?” She asked as she stretched her body long in the bed before sliding out. 
Her slippers shuffled against the floor as she made her way to his bathroom to get ready for the day. 
“Wouldn’t be a big surprise if I told you now, would it?” 
“I hate you,” she grumbled, though the smile on her face let him know that was a complete and utter lie. 
“You weren’t sayin’ that last night… in fact, I distinctly remember making you scream the exact opposite,” he mused as his fingers played with the delicate thin strap of her night gown as he moved it to the side to press delicate kisses against her warm skin. “Over and over and over again. Maybe I need to give you a refresher.” 
She smirked and decided to play the brat, excited for where the experience could take her. “Seems like the first lesson didn’t stick… not a very  effective teacher it seems, Mr. Jordan.” 
Michael chuckled. “You’re gon’ regret that shit. But lucky for you, we gotta get to the house soon so I ain’t got time to put you in your place. But tonight, that ass is mine.” 
Raven clenched her thighs together and grinned. Of course, he was not too foolish to not realize that was the exact outcome she wanted. 
The pair listened to music as they got dressed in comfortable clothes and drove over to Michael’s family’s house. Everyone was there, hot chocolate and breakfast waiting. The entire entry way was filled with bins and boxes of ornaments, decorations, and trees. 
“What’s all this?” 
Michael smiled. “Well ma don't let December 1 pass without ensuring the house is decorated so figured you could help us out this year. I remember you tellin’ me your grandma would let you decorate her tree and thought you might like it.” 
Raven felt everything inside her melt and her eyes well up with tears. He seemed to remember literally everything she told him. 
“Y-Yea I would like that,” she offered, her throat tight as she tried not to cry. 
“Don’t cry, Rae,” he laughed, pulling her into a hug. “It was supposed to make you happy.” 
“I am happy,” she whispered pitifully as her tears stained his sweater. 
“My cute crybaby,” he kissed her on the top of her head. “Ok, no tears on decorating day or moms’ll never let you live it down. Come on.” 
Raven laughed and wiped them away before following him into the kitchen. Everyone greeted her with hugs and smiles. All of them joked around and talked as they ate the delicious breakfast Michael’s mom prepared. Raven felt as if she had gained 10 pounds since spending more time at Michael’s house.
“Ok baby girl,” Michael gestured toward the many decorations in his foyer. “You get to be creative director. We got four trees.” 
Raven’s eyes bugged out of her head. “Four trees??” 
“One in here, one in the living room, one upstairs and then one in the basement.” 
Raven let out a breathy chuckle as she took in his matter of fact tone, as if to say everyone had enough space for four trees. 
She studied the available decorations before pulling all of them out and sectioning them off. And before she knew it, Christmas music blared on the speakers and the troops went to work, decorating all four trees. Michael and Raven were in charge of the second largest one in his family room, Raven needing a ladder to decorate the full thing. 
The pair had a ball decorating, Michael thoroughly amused at Raven’s strong opinions on how to fluff out a fake tree. She had a professional eye for detail that he had not expected as she worked. But there was a playfulness to all of it, a joy that made him thankful he went this route instead of his usual. She sang loudly with the music playing, knowing every word to every song that came on. And her entire body practically bounced around as they finished their tree and she went to go help with the others. 
By the time they finished dinner and stowed away all the extra decorations and cleaned up, they were exhausted. Everyone else had gone to bed, leaving Michael and Raven on his couch with cups of hot chocolate, spiked to Michael’s preference, and a movie playing in the background. 
Raven could barely look at the movie though as her eyes kept traveling to the two trees that were within eyesight and all the random Christmas decorations they had spread across his house. She felt as if she had stepped into a winter wonderland. 
“You did a great job as creative director,” he whispered as he watched her eyes study the tree Raven was in charge of. “Still mad at this surprise?” 
It was beautiful, decorated in soft colors of white, rose, and gold with small white lights. It was not the pristine and perfectly symmetrical tree he usually had in his living room, towering and professionally decorated to the point that it could have been in a magazine. No, every aspect of the 11 ft tree was done painstakingly, in Michael’s opinion, by hand. But something about it was more beautiful than any other Christmas tree he had ever had as an adult. It was crafted with love and attention and care, it was homey and perfect. 
She smiled. “No, you were right… It was a fun one. But I know you usually hire someone to do it.” 
“Who told you that?” 
“Your dad accidentally let it slip,” she chuckled. “It’s not as good as a real decorator could do. Not as… refined or perfect,” she scoffed, bowing her head, her own insecurities seeping in. That was her too… not refined enough or good enough to be on the arm of someone like him, to be in his life in this way. He could call her his girlfriend but her doubt about whether she deserved the designation still lingered like weeds.
His finger lifted her eyes back to his. “It’s perfect… exactly what the house needed but didn’t realize.” 
She raised an eyebrow. “Don’t think we’re talkin’ about trees anymore.” 
“Don’t think we ever were,” he winked at her. 
Silence fell over them as they cuddled on the couch. Michael stared down at her, wondering if this was finally his chance. There was so much he still wanted to know about her, so much she revealed but still kept from him. He understood it but he wanted to consume every little thing there was to know about her, even the things that were hard to share. He wanted to help her carry her baggage or help her unpack it and set it down where she could. 
And there was one thing, one story, that she kept from him as much as she could. The one major thing about her life he still did not have the answer to but desperately wanted it.
“You ever gon’ tell me?” He asked quietly as Raven shifted so she was leaning her back against his chest. 
“Tell you what?” She threw him a confused glance. He knew everything worth knowing about her. 
“Why you stopped writing? You said you’d tell me one day.” 
Her face fell. She was not sure where she thought the conversation was going to go but it was not there. She supposed she was not going to be able to keep it a secret forever, particularly not when she revealed it to the whole dinner table at Thanksgiving by accident.
“Not that interesting of a story, I’m afraid.” She tried to downplay it as she shifted uncomfortably. And it wasn’t, half the women she knew had a story like hers, varying degrees of awfulness but the story was unfortunately common.
“Then tell me.” At her silence, he amended. “You don’t have to tell me anything, Rae. I just… want to know everything about you and if you’re up for sharing, I wanna hear it.” 
She sat up and turned to face him, her nails tapping against the ceramic mug as she brought her legs beneath her. 
“Just your typical ‘men ain’t shit’ story.” At his confused glance, she elaborated. “The first editor I had at my publisher was a woman and she was amazing. Worked with her on my first book and it was great. By the time it came out, we were starting to edit and refine the second and I had signed my contract for it. And… she had a baby and decided to be a stay at home mom. My new editor, this guy… he was good, great at his job. Nice enough to be unsuspecting and unassuming. But I could tell… well, I could tell he was attracted to me? Or liked me, you know? But I ignored it, figured as long as he didn’t try anything, it wouldn’t be a problem. One night, we were working late on his edits for the book and he… made a pass at me.” 
Michael’s eyes immediately darkened as if he knew exactly where the story was headed. She could immediately feel a shift in his whole demeanor, his outrage wafted off of him. And something about it was incredibly sexy… that he was so angry for her. 
She smiled. “Relax… you can put Killmonger back in his cage,” she teased with a soft smile. “He didn’t do that. I said no a-and he pushed, but I held firm. I’m not above using my body to get what I want… that much is obvious but I like for it to be my choice, not some asshole taking it away from me. Anyway, finally, he accepted that no meant no so we called it a night and I went home. All he had done was make me uncomfortable, he hadn’t hurt me or anything, so I figured he would just apologize and we’d both move on. A week later, my agent called and said that they weren’t gonna move forward with my book. I was no longer a fit for their publishing house.” 
Michael could still hear the pain and frustration that had been caused in her voice, despite her best efforts to keep the tone light. 
“The contract I signed after I submitted the draft gave them distribution rights for three years so I got a year and some change to go. I tried to think of new ideas, you know, write other stuff in the meantime but he blacklisted me from damn near every publishing house worth anything. So my agent dropped me. And then I was… just too tired to write anything after that. Like he had just taken all of life for it out of me?” She paused for a moment before continuing. “I was hoping to use the time to save up to eventually self publish the second one when I can but my family’s made that difficult,” she chuckled. “So yea… doing my 3 year bid and then I’ll be free. It won’t make me the same amount of money, but there’s freedom in self-publishing I guess. Being your own boss.” 
“I’m sorry. No one deserves that.” He figured it was something along those lines but it did not make it any easier to hear. 
She shrugged. “No, they don’t. But what can I say? I’m a magnet for shitty people.” Her tone attempted to lighten the mood but it fell flat. “Or… I dunno… too trusting of people who haven’t earned it,” she mused. “But if I wasn’t so trusting, I wouldn’t be here… with you. And I would’ve hated to miss out on this.” 
“I’d like to believe God would’ve helped us find our way to each other without you having to go through trauma and concussions,” he pushed her hair behind her ear. 
“Yea maybe. But without all that, I wouldn’t be the woman you love.” 
“How do you do that?” Michael asked quietly. 
“Find the silver lining in everything? One bad breakup had me showin’ my entire ass for years and you… you’ve seen the worst people have to offer. How do you even trust people after all this?” 
Raven smiled and shifted so she could straddle his hips and sit in his lap. “It’s not easy… and some days, it feels like it’s not worth it. But… you remember Monique, that dancer I told you about? Well, my first night at the club was a fuckin’ disaster. I was 18, hella green and hella naive. I made like nothing in tips cause I sucked.” Michael loved how she laughed with her whole body as she reminisced on her memories. “And this drunk asshole tried to  follow me out to my car and tried to get me to go home with him. Monique rolled up like a knight in shining armor and punched him square in the face. She gave me half her tips for the night and the next day, offered to teach me some moves and some fighting moves in case that ever happened again. The point is… For every terrible person I’ve come across that wanted to do me harm, I’ve run into someone who reminded that there’s more good out there than I know… as fuckin’ cliche as that sounds. So I just hold onto that. Just don’t… don’t ever want to be jaded? Let someone have the power to steal the inherent qualities that make me… me? No one should have that much power, you know?”
“One of the many things I love about you,” he whispered, tugging on her arm so she was in his lap. 
Hearing the word love on his lips made her heart flutter every single time. Deep down in her soul she felt it in every way. 
She rested her hands on his chest. “One of the ways? I’m that amazing??” She joked, causing him to shake his head. 
“Yea. You are that amazing. How about we take our drinks upstairs and I can tell you all the ways?” He leaned in and nipped at her earlobe with his teeth causing an ache between her legs to grow. 
“I’d rather you show me.” 
“That’s a given, baby.” 
Michael spied behind a bookshelf as Raven interacted with the young students filling the plush seating of the library’s gathering space. His heart wanted to burst as she talked to the students. He knew she only fell into this job as a result of a shitty situation but she was making the best of it. And he could not help but think that perhaps this was truly her calling in addition to writing. The kids seemed to love her and she seemed to love them back, all of their faces in bright smiles. 
And for the first time, he found himself wondering what she would be like as a mom. And what their kids would be like. Michael always wanted kids but he figured it would not be in the cards for him any time soon. However, Raven made him want to think about that, and want to think about a future. And now, he saw those additional grandkids his mom wanted so badly as clear as day.
He counted, the club had almost 50 kids in it. They all looked like they ranged in age from middle school aged to seniors in high school.
“I got something for y’all,” she reached behind her and pulled out a couple of boxes of neatly wrapped gift bags. “It isn’t much but… what’s our last book club meeting before the holidays without a gift??” 
The kids cheered as they all leapt out of their seats. Even he was curious as to what the gift could be. She had not even mentioned it to him. 
He could tell they were personalized in some way as she handed them out one by one, checking each gift tag to make sure each kid got the right gift. She instructed the kids to wait to rip into them. Though it was clear that was a chore for most of them. Once the last kid, who Michael recognized as Jamal who he had met once before, had his in hand, stuffing paper started to fly. 
Each kid pulled out a glittering sliver book embosser, a different book, and a handwritten card from Raven. 
“What is it?” One of the girls in the class asked as she pushed her wide framed glasses up higher on her nose. 
“You know those stickers that go on Oprah’s book club books?” All the kids nodded. “It’s like that but with your names and a bit more fun. It’s like a stamp you can put in the first page of your books. Y’all are all starting your own library collections, should have something that makes them a bit more unique. And the books are ones I think each of you would like. And the card is just a note from me ahead of the new year.” 
“It’s kinda old school but cool. Like something vintage,” another girl offered as she tested out the embosser. 
“Yea it’s like a typewriter or some shit. That’s dope, that’s dope,” Jamal remarked as he tested his out on the book in front of him. 
Michael had to stifle his own laughter so as not to give himself away as Raven facepalmed herself and laughed.
“Like a typewriter. Wow. How old do y’all think I am??” 
“You really want us to answer that?” 
She shook her head immediately. “You know what… Point taken. Well I hope y’all like them and they aren’t too too old-school,” she offered with a smile as the group started to mutter excitedly to themselves as they tested out their new gadgets on their books. 
“It isn’t much but just wanted to do something small to say Merry Christmas.” She glanced at the clock. “Oh I didn’t even see the time. Aight, we gotta wrap up, I’m sure some of your parents’ve been waiting outside for a while.” At their groans, she merely shook her head. “We are well past our hour and y’all aren’t gonna get me in trouble with your parents.” 
She ushered the younger kids and some siblings to the door, each of their parents greeting her and chatting for a few moments before they walked their kids out to their cards or toward the street.
At that point, only a small group of older kids remained. “Alright, you know the drill - text me when you get home and stay in your groups, please.” 
“We ain’t babies.” 
“Yea and we all live like 5 minutes from here,” the girl with glasses remarked.
“I know y’all are basically grown. But humor me please. If one of you got hurt or lost, it’d take literal years off my life. You’re really doing it for my sanity over anything else,” she reasoned.  
Raven got along with the kids so well because she was an adult they could relate to and trust but even she had to put on the hat of responsible adult occasionally, much to their collective chagrin. And that meant ensuring every kid made it the few blocks, bus ride, or into the car to get home. 
“Yes, Ms. T.” All of their disgruntled murmurs filled the library as they headed out the door in small groups depending on where they lived. Thankfully, they were all friends so she knew they’d look out for each other.
“You can come outta hiding now,” she called, seemingly to no one in particular. 
“Busted?” Michael asked as he emerged from the shelves to stare at her, an amused expression painted on her face. 
“Yep… caught a glimpse of you scurrying behind that bookshelf. Better be glad the kids didn’t see you. You’re more than one of their celebrity crushes. They would’ve been all over you for a picture or a story or a reel or whatever they do on social these days.” 
Michael let out a barking laugh. “You sound like an old lady.” 
“I am an old lady… proudly,” she laughed. “And they know it too.” 
“Those were sweet gifts you got them.” 
She smiled. “Thanks. Despite well… everything, Christmas is my favorite time of the year. Everyone’s so caught up in the spirit and giving. It wasn’t much but I hoped it would put a smile on one of two of their faces. Did you hear them call me old school?? Super offensive,” she chuckled. 
“Hella offensive.” 
She raised an eyebrow at him. “Language, Mr. Jordan,” she winked at him playfully. 
“You gonna discipline me, Ms. Turner?” He asked, closing the space between them, his breath tickling the skin on her neck as he leaned in to whisper in her ear.
Raven felt her whole body flush with heat. Fuck. For some foolish reason, she had worried the spark between them would fade once they settled into the normalcy and mundaneness of a real relationship. However, it had been the exact opposite. Somehow, everything he did only heightened her emotions and desire for him. She thought it was overwhelming before? Well, now it was all consuming and blinding. 
“Maybe you should take me home and find out?” She whispered. 
“What if I want to find out here?” 
“Then I’d have to remind you that this is a public library… with cameras everywhere.” 
He glanced around. “Come on, I bet you know one spot that ain’t got cameras, baby girl. I vaguely remember you saying you wanted to live out some fantasies. You gonna tell me sex in public ain’t one of them?” 
Her eyes darkened with lust. She knew he knew that he had her. It was most certainly one, one of the more sinful ones she would admit. But it lacked practicality. 
“This isn’t just in public, babe. This is my job,” she reminded him, her resolve growing weaker with every word. And he knew it. 
“That makes it even more fun. Come on, baby. You know you want me to fuck you senseless in one of these shelves, want me to make you beg to come right here.” 
Fucking hate him, she thought to herself. Her panties were soaked.
She grabbed his hand and led him up the stairs to the second floor, to a small far corner that she knew had no cameras in the vicinity. It also was ominously dark as some of the overhead lights had gone out earlier that week. She knew the library was utterly deserted and there was absolutely no chance of them getting caught, but still it made her nervous. But she supposed that was the entire point. 
“Can’t believe we’re doing this…” she mumbled, more to herself than Michael. Not that having sex at work or in public had not been on her list of things to one day do. She did not think it would be this particular job. 
“Relax and enjoy it,” he whispered in her ear before he pushed her forward, forcing her upper body against the cold wooden table in the corner. 
She hissed slightly as the cold material touched her bare arms. She could already tell what this was going to be: quick and dirty… and her favorite: rough. His touch always had a gentleness to it, which she appreciated. However, she loved it when he was rough, when he left a mark to remind her whose exactly she was.
“You gon’ be quiet for me?” 
She yelped as a hard smack fell across her ass as he pushed her skirt up to her waist. 
“Yes what?” 
“Yes sir.” 
“Good girl. But if that was any indication, don’t think you’re gonna keep quiet so…” 
Before Raven could even react, Michael ripped her panties clean from her body and stuffed them into her mouth as a makeshift gag. The quickness of it, the bite of the material against her skin, and the mere act of being forced to taste herself made her moan. But it worked, the sound was muffled. 
“That’s much better. And don’t let them fall out or I’ll light that ass up, understand?” 
She nodded fervently. Her body shuddered as he wiped a finger over her clit.
“So wet for me.” He sucked her juices off his finger and moaned lightly. “You taste so good, baby girl.”
She wanted to say thank you or beg but she couldn’t, not with her panties muffling her voice. 
She let out a guttural moan as he filled her in one stroke, the angle of the low table allowing him to get deep. One hand pushed her back deeper into the table as she squirmed. His strokes were deep and guttural, each one ending with jolt to her g spot. 
He was not making love to her, he was not gentle. This was pure fucking, fast and furious and uninhibited and she loved it. Everything in her wanted to scream but she could not. But her muffled low moans filled the small space as he settled into a rhythm. 
“You gon’ cum on this dick, you disgusting slut??” 
She could only force her head up enough to nod slightly before falling back against the table. She did not even feel the pain of her thighs banging into the table with every thrust because she was so focused on him. The power of his thighs slamming against hers, the pressure of one had at the base of her neck while the other bit into the meat of her hip. 
Where they were became irrelevant, the nervousness she felt about that fell away as every sense in her body focused on him and only him and the pleasure he so graciously provided her. 
Her eyes screwed shut as waves of pleasure hit her with the force of a train. Usually she had time to warm up and prepare herself but not today. Today, she was merely a vessel for him to get off and she loved every second of it. 
“Fuck… that’s it baby. Cum on this dick.” Michael was in heaven as her pussy clenched around him. He usually could last far longer than this but his body seemed to understand the point of a quickie. And so it did not take long for him to feel himself reaching the peak. 
He groaned and held onto her tightly as he filled her with his cum, part of him wanting to collapse next to her. He leaned over her for a few moments to catch his breath before staggering back from her as he pulled his briefs and pants back up and righted himself. 
Raven propped herself up on her elbows after letting her panties fall from her mouth. She glanced back at him with an incredulous look on her face as if she was still shocked that they just did that. Which made them both burst out into laughter. 
“Well that was… definitely one for the books,” she remarked as she sat up and turned around. She leaned against the table, her panties bunched up in her hand, she gestured toward them. “That was a nice addition, Mr. Jordan. Seems like you punished me more than I did you though.” 
“Eh you can punish me later, how about that?” He kissed her on the forehead before fishing her panties out of her hand and pushing them into his pocket with a wink. “Think I’ll keep those for the rest of the night. You can’t put ‘em back on.”
“Whose there??” An older man’s voice rang out causing both of them to scurry to fully right their clothing.
Raven cleared her throat as Michael helped her adjust her top and she emerged from the bookshelves. 
“I-It’s just me, Mr. Robinson!”
She waved at the elderly black man who was clearly maintenance staff.
“Ms. Turner! Figured it was you. Whatchu doin’ here so late? Book club ended a while ago?” 
Raven smiled and nodded. She grabbed Michael and pulled him out of the shelves. “My boyfriend came to pick me up and got distracted giving him a tour.  This is Michael,” she gestured at the star, the older man’s eyes growing big. “This is Mr. Robinson.” 
“How you doin’ man? I’m a big fan!” He offered, shaking Michael’s hand. “Cynthia called earlier and said some lights up here were out so I just came to fix ‘em before tomorrow.” 
“Thank you, we really appreciate that. Well, it’s all yours. We were just looking at books and joking around, we’ll get out of your way.” She jerked her head toward the door, gesturing for Michael to follow her. However, when she reached the steps, she turned back. “Oh and Mr. Robinson?” 
The man seemed to have a knowing look on his face. “Didn’t see anyone here when I came through, you were just finishin’ up as I was comin’ in.” He winked at her before waving them on their way. 
They made quick work of grabbing Raven’s bag and materials before scurrying out the door, the pair both busting out into laughter as they climbed into Michael’s SUV. 
“That was a close one,” she remarked. “Ok that was fun but definitely no more job sex.”
“Don’t pretend like you didn’t enjoy it,” he teased.
She gently shoved him back into his seat as she chuckled. “Shut upppppp. Whew I’m exhausted, can’t wait to knock out.” 
Michael patted his thigh, Raven laying down across the seat so she could sleep. It was a bit of a trek to his house from her neighborhood so Raven closed her eyes and enjoyed the soft music that played as Allen drove them home. 
“Do you miss it?” 
“Hm?” Raven asked, needing further clarification of what he was asking. 
“Do you miss writing? Or does this… the kids fill that void?” 
Raven thought about it for a moment, realizing she had never really let herself think too much about it or miss it that much. “Umm… yea, I try not to… try not to think about it. But I miss it a lot. It was my dream and I love these kids… don’t get me wrong. They are amazing and I have so much fun with them. But it doesn’t fill the void? Just makes the void a bit more bearable.” 
His hand ran through her blow out for a few moments before nodding and allowing silence to fall over them. Soon her gentle snores filled the car as Michael thought long and hard about what she said. He reached into his pocket, careful not to jolt the sleeping woman beneath him and opened his text thread with Alex. 
Michael: hey, need two favors
Alex: Don’t you always? 
Michael: ha ha. Need you to find me a contact at Hatchett & Perkins Publishing house? Like in legal or licensing or somethin
Alex: Let me guess… this favor is not so you can write a memoir? 
Michael: of course not. 
Alex: Give me till tomorrow and I’ll send you a name & email. Favor #2?
Michael: You got any friends that rep authors?
Alex: Yep. 
Michael: Find me one that reps fantasy. Preferably black women if you know them
Alex: Done. 
Michael let his phone fall onto his other thigh before he leaned back and smiled to himself. He was about to give her the Christmas of a lifetime. 
Christmas Day
Raven stretched lazily, the smell of cinnamon rolls wafting up to Michael’s bedroom through the cracked bedroom door. She lazily rolled over, surprised to find his spot empty. She groped in the bed for her phone, squinting to read the time. 8 am. 
Too early, she huffed as she threw the covers back over her head. They had been up past midnight partaking in the Jordans’ Christmas Eve traditions. They drank, watched a Christmas movie - this year was Michael’s turn to choose and he chose Jim Carey’s the Grinch much to Raven’s excitement - and opened one present each. 
There was a mountain of them under the tree. She had spent days helping Michael wrap them all. He had intended to have them sent out to be professionally wrapped but Raven put a stop to that nearly immediately. Similar to tree decorating, she thought there was something impersonal about having a professional do it. So she spent an entire Saturday wrapping all of his presents for his family, he hid hers from her much to her chagrin, and she had a ball doing it. His dining table looked like a disaster when she was done but each one looked perfect, his girl using different color wrapping paper for each member of the family. 
Raven had truly improved the whole Christmas holiday for the entire household, reminding him that just because money could buy some conveniences did not mean it should. He also just loved her childlike excitement and joy around the season that seemed endless. She was constantly humming a Christmas song under her breath, her singing voice was not half bad though she did not agree.
She never much cared for Christmas herself. She loved the spirit and energy it brought for others but there was nothing special about it for her. No traditions or joyous memories to hold on to. But Michael went out of his way to help her create some with his family and she loved him dearly for it. 
She had dozed off again when a familiar voice woke her up. 
“Come on sleepyhead. It’s present time,” she heard a singsongy voice call out that made her groan. “Five seconds or I’ll tackle you.” 
“You wouldn’t dare!” She called out, her voice muffled under the thick comforter. 
Raven let out a shriek as she felt Michael’s heavy body land on her. His fingers attempted to tickle her sides, forcing laughter and her face to emerge from the covers. 
“Fine, fine. I yield! I yield! I yield!” She cried out. 
At her words, he gripped her hips and flipped them over so she was straddling his waist. He grabbed a Santa hat he discarded on the bed and plopped into her head. “Merry Christmas.” 
“Merry Christmas,” she leaned down and kissed him on the lips. 
“Get dressed, we’re opening presents at 9.” 
She nodded. “Alrighty. I’ll just start breakfast while y’all do that.” 
“You’re opening presents too.” 
“You gave me mine last night?” And it was gorgeous, a set of diamond earrings that she was honestly afraid to ever wear.
“You thought I only got you one present??” 
She laughed, not understanding. “Well, I only got you one present!”
“That’s fine. Hell, you could just put a bow on yourself and I would be happy. I got everything I could ever need or want. But you have presents under the tree from everyone and everyone has a present from you and us. Get dressed.” 
At her shocked expression, Michael figured that she was not used to getting many, if any gifts. However, he decided to keep the mood light and playful. 
“You surprised? You been naughty this year or somethin’? Expectin’ a lump of coal?” 
She offered him a sly grin. “Oh I’ve been real naughty. But somethin’ tells me that being naughty got me more presents from Santa than being nice would’ve.” 
“You damn right, girl.” 
She let out a cackle and rolled her eyes before sliding out of bed to get dressed. Before she knew it, the entire family was surrounded by an explosion of wrapping paper and stacks of gifts. 
Raven loved all of her gifts from Michael’s family. They gave her a lot of books and gadgets for writers and readers but she loved all of them. She imagined that was all they really knew about her but she appreciated that they put effort and thought into it. 
“Ok, baby girl. Last one from me,” Michael handed her a box with a neat bow around it. The rest of the family had dispersed to get dressed for the day and for brunch, leaving the couple in the living room surrounded by everyone’s presents. 
“Baby…” she let out a playful whine. Most of her gifts had come for Michael and while they were all sweet and thoughtful, she knew they had cost him an arm and a leg. Another first edition book, a gorgeous Chloe tote bag for her to take to work, and more jewelry than she knew what to do with. It made her gift feel measly in comparison but she had done her best. “You already got me so much. Don’t need anything else.” 
He shook his head. “Well, this is the gift that matters.” 
She paused. “Well I have yours upstairs… I just wanted to give it to you when we were alone. Wanna go up there and exchange?” 
He nodded, both of them heading up to his room with bright grins on their faces. She sat her gift down on the bed while she went into her stuff and pulled out a small book. 
She held it close to her chest, taking a deep breath. “It’s not much… I d-didn’t know what to get a man who has well… everything a person could want. But I thought, well, maybe you’d like this. O-or at least you’d give me an A for effort,” she chuckled. “But if you hate it, I totally understand. You don’t gotta pretend if you don’t like it.” 
Michael raised an eyebrow and laughed, closing the space between them. “Why don’t you let me see it before you decide that I don’t like it? Whatever it is, I’m sure I’ll love it.” 
She nodded and held out the small book to him. It looked like a professionally printed book, with a beautiful but simple black and gold cover. 
The title read: The Fall by Raven Turner 
Michael opened the first page, which read: 
It’s not much but you were the first person in a long time to make me want to pick up my figurative pen again. And this was the result: a story dedicated to every moment of the greatest fall of my life. I love you. 
“You wrote me a book?” He asked quietly as he examined it in his hands. 
She nodded. “Y-You like it?” 
He rushed forward and pulled her into his arms, kissing her deeply.  “I more than like it. This is the best gift anyone’s ever gotten me!” 
He peppered her face with kisses that made her giggle. “You sure? My other option was like a watch or something…”
He laughed. “Total waste of money. This is more valuable to me than 100 Rolexes. Thank you. I’ll read it tonight.” 
Nothing would have taken the smile off her face. 
“Now it’s your turn,” he urged as he sat his gift on his bedside table. 
Raven sat on his bed as she gently ripped the bow off and opened the box to find an envelope inside. It was odd, Raven could not possibly understand what the gift could be. 
She ripped open the envelope to reveal a plane ticket and hotel reservation to a resort in Thailand. 
“Y-You’re serious?? Thailand??” 
“Wanted to ring in our first New Years together somewhere special.” 
“Babe… this is…” 
“Exactly what you deserve. I have a feeling next year is gonna be your best year yet and I think we should usher it in with some style.” He had more than just a feeling, as long as his real surprise was wrapped up by their trip, it would surely be her best year yet. 
She laughed, wiping her tears away. “This is most certainly style. Thank you. I love it.” 
“I’m glad you do cause we leave tomorrow night.” 
Her mouth dropped open. “W-what?? Babe I gotta get my hair done… a wax, my nails! These aren’t vacation nails…” she glanced down at her beautiful but very Christmas themed nail set.
“You think I’d book you a trip to Thailand and not take care of everything?” His face scrunched up in a faux annoyance that made her chuckle. “You’re in for a day of pampering tomorrow while Jason picks out pieces and has his team pack for you. I plan on having you naked for most of the next two weeks so you ain’t gonna need much clothes.” 
“And work?” 
“You’d be surprised what a handsome face and nice smile will get you,” he remarked with a shrug. 
She stood and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him. “What did I do to deserve you?” 
“You’re you. That’s all it takes.” 
She smiled and kissed him again. She glanced at the bed, lust curling in her belly. 
“How long before your family comes looking for us?” 
She shrieked and laughed as he gently pushed her down on his bed. 
“Long enough for me to make you cum at least twice.” 
Raven was thankful their bungalow at this resort was fairly distant from the others as Michael seemed committed to making her scream over and over and over again for the last five days. She had seen very little of the resort aside from when they emerged for dinner. They had a private pool and private access to the beach. 
Michael had not been lying when he said he planned to have her naked for most of the trip. All she could do was laugh when she realized the only panties packed for her had been part of very sexy and elaborate lingerie sets that would not count as clothes for anyone with eyes. When she was not in a bathing suit or an outfit for dinner, she was in lingerie that did not stay on her body for long. 
Michael quite literally ravished her from sun up to sun down on every surface in their suite, in and by the pool, underneath the waterfall shower in their giant bathroom, and in the sand on their private beach. Though, neither of them did that one again due to the uncontrollable and annoying nature of sand. 
But every moment of it was pure bliss. She loved how he switched, often at a moment’s notice, from treating her like a grand prize he won to a convenient hole for him to fuck. It was not uncommon for him, while they were mid conversation about something utterly random by the pool or over lunch, to bend her over the nearest surface and fuck her senseless simply because he felt like it. Their games did not diminish but seemed to amplify the more their relationship blossomed. 
Today, their game was orgasm denial. It was New Year’s Eve and Michael practically ignored her most of the day. After several days of being woken up with his head between her legs bringing her to orgasm, she was almost saddened to be woken up with a mere call for breakfast. 
The only time he touched her was during breakfast, as he - without a single word - slid his favorite vibrating toy into her pussy. She expected him to turn it on and bring her to orgasm right there, but he did no such thing. Instead, he told her of the tour of the nearby islands they were going to go on after breakfast. 
From that moment forward, all of his touches were chaste at best and decidedly frustrating to his girlfriend, much to his satisfaction. He could feel her eyes boring into the side of his face as if willing him to turn on the remote in his pocket as their tour guide jetted them around on a boat ride along the gorgeous blue water. 
It was difficult to ignore her for him too but he loved how eager she was, how the more he pretended he had not put the vibrator in her, the more aware she was of its presence. He watched her intently, how she tried to pay attention to the tour guide as she droned on and on about history, how her body squirmed in her seat with every platonic touch he offered, how her shoulders fell in disappointment every time those platonic touches did not turn into more. 
The boat ride was three hours of pure torture and he knew if he touched her, she would be dripping wet underneath her very revealing bathing suit and cover up. 
As they returned to their resort and stood up to get off the boat, Michael turned the vibrator on its full setting, Raven letting out a groan and her knees buckling beneath her. 
She almost fell completely to the floor of the boat but Michael skillfully caught her and feigned concern for her. 
“You ok, baby?” He glanced back at the tour guide before discreetly cutting the vibrator off. “Think the heat just got to her. Let me get you inside, love.” 
Raven was so consumed with the short-lived but amazing pleasure that all she could do was nod. She wanted to curse at him, scream at him. 
He held onto her tightly, keeping her flush to his side, as if he was helping a sick person until they made it back to their secluded bungalow. And by that time, Raven was fuming. 
“What the fuck, Bakari! In front of that lady as I was getting off the boat?? After you ignored me all morning??” She was not actually angry at him, she was just so fucking horny that she was angry. 
Michael grabbed her by the arm and put his hand around the base of her neck as he held her in a rough grip that made her thighs clench together. 
“If you want to cum at all again before 2023, I’d shut the fuck up. Understand?” he warned, his voice so strong and dominant that her mouth immediately shut.
Fuck. Admittedly, 2023 was only 12 more hours away, at least in Thailand. But she did not think she could wait 12 more hours. She was most certainly not God’s strongest soldier. 
“Y-Yes sir.” 
He grabbed her hand and led her outside to their private pool. “Sit,” he gestured toward one lounge chair that faced the pool. 
She sat down immediately, surprised when he disappeared back into their room, returning with several ropes. 
Fuck, she thought to herself again. Whatever he was about to do, she knew it would be extremely fun for him and a sort of delicious torturous fun for her. 
“Lay back.” 
She laid down against the warm fabric of the chair. He adjusted it so she was leaning back. He grabbed both of her hands and raised them above her head, tying them to the top of the lounge chair. Instinctively, she tried to move them but his knots were tight.
Then she watched as he did the same with each ankle, tying them to either side of the lounge chair so her legs were spread open. 
And then much to her surprise, he shed his clothes and slid in the pool. Her eyes filled with pure lust as she took in the droplets of water cascading down his perfect chiseled chest. She’d never get used to him. 
“Seems like you keep forgettin’ whose runnin’ this shit. So maybe this’ll teach you.” 
She did not fully understand what he meant until she felt the vibrator turn on, this time at its lowest setting. Her hips rolled as much as she could with her body restrained. She bit her lip to stop the moans from escaping, part of her not wanting to give him the satisfaction as she knew he was going to drag this out as long as possible. 
“You can try to keep quiet if you want to, baby. Honestly that’ll just make the show more entertaining for me.” 
And a show it was. Raven could only imagine how she looked to him as he leaned against the opposite edge of the pool and controlled her pleasure from afar. He talked, telling her about his upcoming projects for 2023, how he was so excited for his directorial debut of Creed 3. At first, with the toy on its lowest setting, she found it easier to ignore and engage in a conversation with him. 
However, as he steadily increased the intensity, her questions and responses were more broken by moans and groans that she could not hide. 
“How many books are in that series of yours?”
“Supposed to b- SHIT!” She cried out as he increased it to the highest setting. “Fuckkkkk,” she moaned as her hips started humping the air to increase the pleasure as she came close to her first orgasm of the day. However, as soon as she got to the edge, he cut it off, robbing her of it. 
“Michael!” She called out in frustration. 
“10 what??”
“Spankings. 5 for not answering my question and 5 for not addressing me properly.” 
She desperately wanted to roll her eyes. This nigga. 
“Three… the series is three books.” 
“Good girl.” 
The cycle and their conversation continued. Michael asked her more random questions about writing and her writing process and expected full answers as he brought her to the edge of an orgasm but took them away five more times. He gave her ample time to calm down in between each one but each time made the climb more intense and made the lack of an orgasm more painful.
And all the while, he sat unmoving like a statue across from her, watching as she moaned, begged, pleaded, and writhed around against her restraints. 
“You wanna cum, don’t you, baby?” He asked, moving for the first time to wade over to her. 
She was in tears as she nodded. “P-Please, d-daddy. I n-need to cum. I c-can’t take… much more. Please.” 
He lifted himself out of the water, Raven’s eyes studying how his biceps flexed at the swift motion. 
He grabbed her chin to force her to look at him. “You’ll take as much as I tell you. Besides, do you deserve pleasure before you’ve been punished?” 
She groaned. She hated him so much but she loved him so much that she would indeed take as much as he told her to. 
“N-no, no I don’t.” 
“That’s right. Only good girls get to orgasm. Are you gonna take your punishment like a good girl?” 
She nodded desperately. “Y-yes, I promise.” 
With that, he untied her and helped her up. He made her crawl behind him to their bedroom. He helped her onto the bed. 
“You know what to do.” 
Indeed, she did. Raven quickly discarded her bathing suit and climbed onto the bed and assumed his favorite position for both pleasure and punishment. Her face pressed against their comforter as she placed the deepest arch she could in her back. 
“Good girl, you want my hand or the belt?” 
That was an easy choice in her mind but she appreciated him letting her choose. “Your hand, please,” she asked innocently.
She knew it was both of their preference. Something about feeling the extent of his strength with every lash, seeing the red marks on her ass in the shape of his palm, made every punishment well worth it. She also knew Michael preferred it too. 
“Count ‘em out or I start over.” 
She groaned. This was the hardest part, focusing on each one enough to remember the number. 
She shrieked as he hit her the first time. She was not gonna be able to sit comfortably for the rest of their vacation. 
By the time she hit 15, she was in tears but she would have begged him not to stop. 
“Ten more, baby. And you’re doing so good…” he grabbed the remote he had discarded next to them and turn it on to its highest setting. “You can cum whenever you want.” 
Raven felt like her whole body was in flames as he rained down the last ten blows while the vibrator did the work of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost against her g-spot. She tried to grab a pillow to bury her face in as her screams reached a fever pitch that she imagined could be heard across their resort but Michael grabbed a fist of her braids and forced her head up. 
“Nah I wanna hear you.” 
She could not even register the last two spankings as she blissfully felt every part of her body, down to the cellular level, become overwhelmed with mind-numbing, life altering pleasure. Her entire body collapsed forward onto the bed, her legs unable to hold her lower body up. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she mumbled as she felt the vibrator turn off and started to come down. 
Michael smiled as he took in her form, he had utterly depleted her as she laid there, her entire body covered in a thin layer of sweat. 
He climbed onto the bed and pulled her into his arms, rubbing her back soothingly as she laid there, her brain not fully functioning or cognizant of his presence. 
Raven used the little bit of energy she had to settle into his arms, burying her head into his neck. She appreciated his commitment to aftercare, particularly when their sessions were super intense. Oftentimes, they were just so intense, they rubbed Raven raw emotionally and left her feeling vulnerable. And when they were merely fake dating, she had to often ignore those needs because she was afraid to ask him for more. He always checked in and ran her a bath or gave her a massage, often brought her food to ensure she was ok before he went to his guest room to sleep.  
But now, she could snuggle up against him and feel close to him, feel his love and receive his praise while she recovered. And she had not realized just how much she was missing. 
“You ok?” He asked. “That was intense.” 
“I’m excellent. And still horny but I don’t think my legs work to move,” she moaned. 
“Well, rest. I’ll wake up when it’s time to get ready for dinner.” 
He watched her for a while before he set an alarm and dozed off himself. 
“Figured we could go watch the fireworks on the beach. They told me the good ones start around 11:30… so in a bit.” 
Raven smiled as she continued eating. They had slept most of the day away after their session and she was starving. Michael had a private dinner scheduled for them in their suite, which she appreciated. She still got dolled up in a flowery two piece crop top and skirt but it was nice to have dinner in their own space. 
“So my mom asks this every New Years Eve… what do you want out of 2023?”
Raven’s fork paused in mid air as she thought on the question. What did she want out of the new year? She had no idea. 
“Umm… whew, I dunno. I’ve just been counting down the last couple years truth be told. Kinda felt lost and all over the place without my career? Didn’t really think I had much to look forward to? But…” 
“But now I feel like I don’t want everything to just pass me by? Like even if I’m not free to do what I love just yet, I wanna feel… happy? I wanna feel good and enjoy life.” She shrugged. “It’s kinda stupid.” 
He held his hand out for her to take it and squeezed, his thumb rubbing her hand. “That’s far from stupid. I have a surprise for you.” 
He took a deep breath and reached under the table to grab a box. 
She smiled and shook her head. “This trip wasn’t a surprise enough??” 
“Nah. And this is really just a late Christmas gift. Legal shit delayed it a couple days… but it seems fitting. Here’s to a 2023 of happiness and freedom.” 
He held the box out to her, it exactly resembled the one he had given her with their surprise trip to Thailand inside only this one had a large stack of paperwork in it. 
“What’s this??” She pulled the heavy stack, her eyes growing wide as she thumbed through them, skimming them quickly. “I-Is this what I think it is?” 
“If you think it’s the rights to your book, which are now yours to do with whatever you want, then yes. If you were thinkin’ it was somethin’ else…” 
Her mouth dropped open. Her breath came out more as a strangled sob than anything else as she continued reading. 
“This is…” she laughed nervously. “This is a joke right? Y-you didn’t… I know this had to have cost like… someone’s yearly salary money.” She stood and shook her head. “Y-You have to let me pay you back for that. It’ll take me like a fuckin’ decade,” she admitted. “But you can’t…” 
Michael gestured for him to come to her. He kept her flush to his lap as her entire body trembled from the pure shock. He had expected this reaction and was prepared. But he had not done what he did and paid what he did lightly. It was worth every single frustrating conversation and dollar spent.
“Yes I can… and I did. Getting rid of the last piece of dead weight you were dragging around was worth every dime. You deserve to tell your stories and they took that from you. So I took it back and am giving it to you. One signature,” he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pen and held it to her. “And they are all yours.” 
A tear fell on the papers before Raven tossed them down to the ground and threw herself into Michael’s arms as she sobbed into his neck. He wrapped his arms around her tightly as he held her.
“I love you… so much.” She whispered through her sobs. “T-this is the greatest thing anyone’s ever done for m-me.” 
His palm wiped away the tears streaming down her face as he kissed her. 
“It’s nothing.” 
She shook her head. “No, it’s literally everything… I don’t deserve you,” she whispered, shaking her head. 
“Yea you do. And all the other good things in this world. I’ll spend every day making sure you know it.”
They finished their dessert with Raven still on his lap, the young woman too shocked to really speak or offer much to the conversation. She could not believe it, could not believe him. She knew it would still be a long road to self-publish and figure all of that out but now? Now she had options, she could figure it out without waiting for the timer to hit zero. 
And he had done that for her. 
“Come on, fireworks are about to start.” 
Raven nodded and smiled. “Give me 5 minutes? Gonna put these somewhere safe,” she grabbed the scattered papers off the floor. “And fix my makeup. Can’t have you kissing me at midnight with eyeliner running down my face. That’d be a tragic start to the year.” 
“I’ll be by the pool. Don’t take too long.”
He watched her walk away and smiled before walking outside to the balcony. The fireworks were already in full swing and he could hear music and laughter from the main beach of the resort. 
It was the perfect end to a perfect night. Well, almost. A buzzing in his pocket redirected his attention. Tasha’s name scrolled across his phone. 
“This girl,” he mumbled. He knew her well enough to know if he did not answer she would simply call back. 
Michael glanced over his shoulder and sighed as he swiped across his phone. 
“Hey,” he offered coldly. The truth was he had forgotten everything about Tasha, had not thought about her once since her name graced his screen on Raven’s birthday. 
He did not hate her or offer her ill will, he just had no interest in seeing or speaking to her again. 
“Hey baby. Happy New Year.” 
“Happy New Year.” Michael’s tone was short and clipped, praying he could get her off the phone before Raven came back from the bathroom to find him. 
“Wanted to see if the New Year was gonna bring my favorite customer back to me?” 
“Look Tash…”
“It’s been a few months, Mike. You promised.”
Michael rolled his eyes. He had let her get far too comfortable, so comfortable that she thought he’d always be there. Which seemed like a base level foolish assumption given her line of work. But either way, he had moved on. Raven was his present and his future. He had no interest in anyone else. But this was the weight he was dragging around behind him, he quickly realized. And every day that he did not tell Tasha that truth and let her believe there was something there for them, was a disservice to her, Raven, and himself. 
“I know what I said but shit changed. I love her, Tash.” 
A wave of anger hit him as he heard the woman scoff, which was filled with disbelief. 
“Her?? You love her??” 
“Yes, her. I love her and even though it started off as somethin’ not real, it’s real to us both now and she’s everything I want.” He sighed. “Look, you are a great girl, I enjoyed our time together but I can’t see you anymore. Ever.” 
“You serious right now??” He could feel her rage through the phone but that did not deter him. Raven was everything for him and nothing Tasha could say would change that. 
“Dead serious. I know this ain’t what you wanted to hear but it’s over between us. I’m sorry.” 
She was seething. “Fuck you, Michael! You can’t just drop me outta fuckin’ no where! What am I supposed to fuckin’ do??” 
He bowed his head. Her reaction was not out of the realm of possibility, he just had not considered it at all, had not considered that he would have to “break up” with her officially. But he did not regret nor was he phased by her anger. That part of his life - whoring and using any and every woman who would let him - was over and in the past. 
“Find another client to replace me. I can’t be the first client to move on.” 
There was a long pause. “Nah you ain’t the first. But you’re the first to fall in love with a fuckin’ hooker and try to pass it off as a real relationship. Imagine the money TMZ would give me for that story.” 
Michael’s mouth dropped open. “You’re kidding right?” 
“I ain’t’ fuckin’ laughin. You can leave me for that country ass fake bumpkin, you can put her in designer clothes and call her your girlfriend but unfortunately for you, I know what she really is. A whore. And while you might think you can wave a wand and make her a housewife, everyone else? They’ll fuckin’ tear her apart. You really want that?” 
Michael couldn’t believe this shit. In all his years of being famous and having money, he had never had someone try to blackmail him. Michael clenched his eyes shut. “How much?” 
“There we go. Glad we could come to an agreement. $10k for now. I expect it as soon as you get back to LA. And then we can figure out an arrangement that works for both of us. Happy New Year, baby.” 
And with that, the phone went dead. Michael clenched it in his hand in frustration as he turned and shook his head. He quickly deleted the call from his call log to ensure Raven did not accidentally see it and sent Alex a text. 
Mike: We have a BIG problem
“Wow, those are gorgeous!” 
Michael slid his phone in his pocket as Raven emerged and stood next to him, her make up pristine and her body now clad in a very sexy ocean blue lingerie set. Michael forced a smile onto his face as he grabbed her ass and squeezed. 
“Not as gorgeous as you.” 
“We got five minutes till midnight and then I figured we could create some fireworks of our own?” 
“I like the sound of that…” Michael mused. 
He knew he needed to tell Raven about Tasha but he did not have the heart to do it right then. She was so happy, so happy that her whole body seemed to radiate with it. He refused to let anything diminish or take that feeling away. And he refused to let another selfish person steal her joy and relaxation while they were on vacation. He had a week to figure out a plan and get Tasha out of his life once and for all. And he had every intention of doing so and telling Raven once it was all said and done. She was finally happy and she deserved to stay that way. This was exclusively his mess, he would get himself out of it. 
“Oh you never told me,” Raven said as they sat down and stuck their feet in the water while the fireworks continued to boom loudly around them, painting the sky in bright colors. 
“What you want out of 2023?” 
Michael glanced down at her and the bright smile on her face. “I think I got everything I want for 2023. I got you, about to finish the biggest run of my career. I guess I just… want to make sure I don’t lose it all?”
She gently shoved him with her shoulder and chuckled. “Well, you aren’t gonna lose me.” 
“That a promise?” 
“Yes it is.” 
Off in the distance, they could hear the faint countdown from the giant crowd at the beach. 
Five… four… three… two…
“Happy New Year, Rae.” 
“Happy New Year, baby.” 
They shared a deep kiss under the fireworks before Michael swooped her up into his arms and carried her to bed, their room becoming a fireworks show for two. 
Tag List: @readinghere2023 @blackerthings @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @physicxal @purplehairgawdess @miyuhpapayuh @rueruesclues @geemamii @certifiedlesbianbaddie @pipsqueak-98 @nyifly22 @destinio1 @twocentaur @gopaperless @musicisme333 @roguekiki @majesticbrownjawn @taurusqueen83 @mysteryuz @miamormilan @itsknor-thedeep @naj-ay444 @mads-grace4 @nayaesworld @kholdkill @msniaimani @nccu-rnc @apenasumlug4r
A/N: the babies are in relationship blisssssss. And how perfect is Michael? Getting her book back for her. Also I tried to do some research on how all that works and it is really confusing so any real authors reading - don't hate me if I got it wrong LOL it's fiction! Well, as we all knew it would, Tasha has come back to claim her man again... what do we think? Should he have told Raven? Or should he wait till they get home? Or should he just deal with Tasha on his own? Anndddd this is the last update for this story for like a month - so so sorry to leave it like that LOL love yall though! Hope you enjoyed it!
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writerquil · 8 months
Oneshots or Headcanon Requests
Hello! I'm Writer Quil! Basically I'll be willing to write oneshots and headcanons from varying fandoms! Typically I tend to do these for my OTP's, but I'm willing to do them for any kind of (legal) ship now and reader inserts too!
I had another post regarding this, but this one is my new and improved one, with basically the exact same setup and rules just with more fandoms, but I'm going to go over them anyway!
The Amazing Digital Circus
Total Drama (Island, Action and World Tour)
Demon Slayer
Life of Luxury
The Stanley Parable
Harry Potter
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
Detroit: Become Human
Doki Doki Literature Club
Death Note
Stranger Things
Oneshots (Typically vary from 300 to 2000 words)
AU's (But preferably just an AU baseplate (royalty, fantasy, modern day, zombies etc etc), instead of an extremely personal and complex AU you personally designed.
Reader x Character (Preferably specified if romantic and platonic. Reader can be requested as any gender, but if gone unspecified I will use they/them)
Fluff and Angst
Romantic Relationships
Platonic Relationships
Canon and Fanon Ships
Overly Suggestive Material (I can write kissing scenes and headcanons with bits and pieces of spice, but not like full on explicit scenes)
Proships (No underage or toxic ships or toxic requested relationships)
OC's (I don't want to butcher your guys OC's)
Don't be shy to send in requests because chances are it won't be rejected if it doesn't violate any of my rules! Thank you! <3
(Notice! If it says closed then I'll be finishing any requests if the request was sent before it closed!)
NOTICE! Whenever it says slow, you are still completely welcome to send requests it just may take me longer to get to yours!
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lolahauri · 5 months
✎ Introduction ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
5/9/24 Update: This is a strictly smut/nsfw fic blog only, my fluff and angst stuff are being deleted and reposted to @lolahaurisfw - I've also expanded my character list a LOT, so check that out before you request!
I do take requests. I don't have an anon list but I can start one if anyone wants to be labeled and become a regular anon.
DNI: Map, Zoo, Pro-Para, Pro-Ana, TERF, Zionist, Bigots, Minors, Discourse Blogs. Block me if you don't agree. ❤️🖤🤍💚
Things I Won't Write:
Sex crimes of any kind, super extreme kinks, violence/abuse used as a kink, anything most would consider "gross/weird" (ex: puke, shit, ddlg, pet play, age play). no exceptions, and no hate to dead dove writers, i'm just personally not willing to write these.
Things I Will Write:
Pretty much everything else i guess? Daddy/Mommy kink, Cheating, CNC/Dubcon, Sex Pollen, Legal Age Gap, Yandere, Power Dynamic (Prof/Student, Boss/Employee), Foot Fetish, Piss Kink, Breeding, Any regular/non-extreme kink (ex: Cock Warming, Dry Humping, Voyeur, Orgy, 3somes, Sex Toys, etc...) *if you aren't sure, just ask!*
Hc's, one shots, short multi-chapter fics, imagines/drabbles.
Canon-friendly, Au's, Canon Divergence, Out of Character.
Ch x Ch / Ch x Reader / Ch x OC / Poly Ships of any kind.
F/F, M/M, F/M, GN/F, GN/M, Poly Ships of any kind.
Fictional Other (F/O) Imagines: +18, no names.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the list of fandoms and characters i'm familiar with and will happily take requests on! (you can request others from these fandoms, but it will prob take me longer)
FNAF Movie: Vanessa, Mike, William/Steve. Turning Red: Ming Lee, Jin Lee. YOU: Joe, Love, Beck, Peach. Encanto: Isabela, Bruno, Dolores, Julieta. Regular Show: Mordecai, Margret, Eileen, CJ, Benson. (Human Ver) Attack on Titan: Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Levi, Hanji, Annie, Historia, Reiner, Erwin. BNA: Michiru, Shirou. Stardew Valley: All Adult Humans. (Including SDVE & RSV) Total Drama: All season 1 contestants, Chris, Chef, Blainley. SheRa: All Adults (Except Rogelio) King Of The Hill: Hank, Peggy, Luanne, Nancy, Dale, John Redcorn, Kahn, Min. Shameless: Lip, Fiona, Kev, V, Tony. Riverdale: FP Jones, Jughead, Veronica, Hiram, Betty. Creepypasta: Ben, Jeff, Jane, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Slenderman, Masky, Hoodie, Toby, X Virus, Nina, Clockwork, Splendorman, Kate. Gravity Falls: Stan, Ford, Soos, Giffany Steven Universe: Jasper, Amethyst, Blue Diamond, Peridot, Lapis, Garnet, Rose, Bismuth, Greg. Adventure Time/Fiona and Cake: Princess Bubblegum, Marceline, Marshall Lee, Winter King, Candy Queen, Simon, Ice King, Fiona. COD: Konig, Ghost, Mace, Keegan, Krueger, Valeria. Desperate Housewives: Bree, Gabby, Edie, Mike, Lynette. DC: Batman, Harley, Joker, Ivy, Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenburg). Slashers & DBD: Brahms, Ghostface (general), Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Pyramid Head, The Spirit, Wraith, Huntress, Trapper, The Trickster, Pearl, Carrie White, Jennifer Check, Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Tiffany Valentine, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Eric Draven. Nintendo: Link, Zelda, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Luigi, Waluigi, Bowser. Squid Games: Gi-Hun, Sae-Byeok, Ali, Sang Woo. Rick and Morty: Rick, Beth, Jerry. Stranger Things: Robin, Billy, Eddie, Chrissy, Hopper. Bee & Puppycat: Bee, Deckard, Cass, Toast. Princess & The Frog: Shadow Man, Tiana, Lottie, Naveen. Ratatouille: Collette, Linguini. The Nanny: CC, Fran, Maxwell. Full House: Danny, Jesse, Joey. BigBang Theory: Raj, Leonard, Amy, Penny. Spiderverse: Miguel, Jessica Drew. Black Dynamite: Honeybee, Black Dynamite. Breaking Bad: Skylar, Jesse, Walter. National Treasure: Benjamin Gates, Riley Poole. Superstore: Jonah, Amy, Dina. Spongebob: Man Ray, Dennis. Tangeled: Flynn, Rapunzel, Mother Gothell. Lisa Frankenstein: Lisa, Creature, Taffy. Jane the Virgin: Jane, Micheal, Rogelio, Petra, Xiomara, Rose, Luisa. Young Sheldon: Mary, Connie. Twilight: Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Charlie. Bistro Huddy: All Staff Members, Poppy. WWE: Rhea Ripley, Roman Reigns. American Animals: Evan Peters (Warren), Barry Keoghan (Spencer). The Batman (2022): Batman, Riddler. Little Mermaid (2023): Ariel, Eric. Bob's Burgers: Linda, Bob. Avatar: Jake, Neytiri. Frozen: Elsa, Anna, Kristoff. My Hero Academia: Dabi, Hawks, Aizawa. Futurama: Leela, Amy, Fry, Bender. Earth Girls Are Easy: Mac, Wiploc, Zeebo, Valerie. Supernatural: Dean, Sam, Castiel. Sherlock (2010): Sherlock Holmes, John Watson. Silverado: Slick, Rae, Mal, Paden.
Nani Palekai (Lilo & Stitch) Paul Cable (Last Stand at Saber River) Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim vs The World) Peter Mitchell (3 Men & A Baby) Randy Marsh (South Park) Charles Ingalls (Little House on the Prairie) Master Chief (Halo) Ian Hawke (Alvin & The Chipmunks) Poe Dameron (Star Wars: The Force Awakens) Linda Gunderson (Rio) Bruce (Beyond Therapy) Jack Harrison (Transylvania 6-5000) Peggy Bundy (Married… With Children) Kitten (Breakfast on Pluto) - M Reader Only Scarecrow (Batman Begins) John Wick (John Wick 4) David Levinson (Independence Day) Jackson Rippner (Red Eye) Stevo (SLC Punk!) Mike (5lbs of Pressure) Santa/Babbo Natale (Violent Night) Dan Conner (Roseanne) Tate Langdon (AHS: Murder House) Lt. Robert 'Bob' Floyd (Top Gun: Maverick 2022) Francine (American Dad) Beverly Goldberg (The Goldbergs) Fujimoto (Ponyo) Thomas Magnum (Magnum, P.I 1980) Doug Remer (Baseketball) Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park 1993) Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) Moe Doodle (Doodle Bops) Astarion (Baulders Gate 3) Trevor Phillips (GTA5) Shaun Murphy (The Good Doctor) Georgia Miller (Ginny & Georgia) John Doe (John Doe Game) Paul Blart (Paul Blart Mall Cop) Fezzik (Princess Bride)
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kels-orange-joe · 5 months
introduction ^_^ (regularly updates)
haii my name is stitch (not my real name obviously)
and yes as in the chaotic blue creature from lilo & stitch but that’s besides the point
this is my side blog!! an omori (mainly kel) themed one at that. my main blog is @stitchthelilo, and this is specifically for stimboards/sensory boards (well some other stuff too but that’s like the main thing) whatever you wanna call em, it’s also a kel fanblog cuz he is THE BEST OMORI CHARACTER!!! I WILL STAND BY THAT TIL THE DAY I DIE BECAUSE ITS TRUE
nonetheless.. i do take requests! and my status will update when they are open and stuff like that idk
i tend to use emoticons a lot and i’m a lil bit cringe so just a warning
my first time doing this so criticism is accepted with wide arms :)
the stuff you can request is what i have put in the tags section :3 (will further elaborate in rules/boundaries section)
ohh and even if you wanna request something really specific (like combining #sunny’s sketchbook and #character portraits for example) you can still request it as long as it’s something that is a combination of tags that i put
also if you want to request a prompt pls specify if you want it to be dialogue or scenarios
#waves of orange joe = stimboards/sensory boards
#sunny’s sketchbook = art
#character portraits = pfps
#mari’s picnic blanket = flags
#headspace shenanigans = fanfics
#basils’s photo album = headcanons
#white space vibes = mood boards
#space boyfriend’s tape = playlists
#sunny’s inner mind = prompts
#the headspace alter egos = names/pronouns
sfw interactions only!
any fandoms are accepted! some i just know more about better than others which i will get into in a bit, so please do understand.. as that is why the accuracy for some stimboards is off
i have the right to deny your request, ESPECIALLY if it’s something very icky
proshippers/comshippers, dubcon/noncon, nsfw blogs, ddlg blogs, anti-lgbtqia+, anti-religion (muslimphobic, islamophobic, etc. etc), anti-xenogender/neopronouns, anti-otherkin/therian/whateva idrk, racist, zionists, and just anyone who supports anything gross GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS BLOG DNI
please do understand i have a life and you will have to be patient, your requests will be done eventually just wait
just have common sense, if you KNOW something is bad but are still here then go away oml
feel free to just talk to me in the asks! anon or not, i’m willing to just talk, as it isn’t just for requests. you can vent or rant there too if you want, i’ll listen! you are loved remember that <3
any ships are fine as long as they aren’t illegal or anything, a personal favourite of mine is suntan :3
you may request: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, whump, slow burn, nsfw (just not smut, i’d rather not do that on a blog like this.. implied smut is ok though! and gore and heavy topics are fine too), panic attacks, all types of horror, comedy, drama, pining, mutual pining, all kinds of relationships (as long as the toxic ones are not romanticised), and basically just anything that isn’t in the you may not request part
you may not request: smut, proship/comship, dubcon/noncon, romanticisation of gross things (but if it isn’t meant to be romanticised then you can request), just anything gross really
ocs as long as you provide pics and/or info, info is optional though ofc! but if you don’t provide it i am just gonna go off of aesthetic
total drama
undertale/deltarune but moreso undertale
cookie run
the amazing digital circus
murder drones
any object show really lmao
adventure time. however……. i may not be that accurate when it comes to later seasons or fionna and cake, cuz i never actually finished it or watched the spin-off, lmao sorry
gravity falls! same as adventure time though, haven’t yet finished it (but ik bill cipher and allat)
warriors/warrior cats (i haven’t read the books though, might not be accurate sorry)
scp foundation
bbc ghosts
she-ra: and the princesses of power
the sims
among us (as cringe as that may sound, it’s a good game)
my singing monsters
the battle cats
starters movieunleashers
hazbin hotel/helluva boss (i do NOT support vivziepop or her team, i separate content from creator because the episodes can really be good, even if they miss most of the time.. and i love the concept of both shows. I PIRATE IT Y’ALL DW I AM NOT GIVING PRIME VIDEO NOR VIVZIEPOP MY MONEY 😭)
doctor who
good omens
and much more! but i can’t be bothered adding them.. if any more of my interests are in an ask i’ll just tell y’all and edit this
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sotwk · 1 year
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Status as of 6/1/24: OPEN FOR REQUESTS.
Fandoms I write for: Exclusively Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit (book and PJ movies). The Silmarillion is just too far above my writing level, and Rings of Power conflicts too frequently with my headcanons.
Characters I write for: I’m generally open to most LOTR/Hobbit canons, but I have greatest interest in the following:
Elves: Thranduil, Legolas, Elrond, Haldir, Lindir Dwarves: Thorin, Fili Men: Boromir, Eomer OCs: Princes Mirion, Turhir, Arvellas, and Gelir Thranduilion
Romantic Pairings I accept requests for:
LOTR/Hobbit Male Canon x Female OC / OC Insert
Thranduil x OC Elvenqueen Maereth
OC Thranduilion Prince x Female OC / OC Insert
Elrond x Celebrian (my favorite canon pair)
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For Romance: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining.
For Gen Fics: Brotherhood Action and Fluff are my absolute favorite. I love Adventures and Drama involving Family and Friends.
Ratings I write: Ranges from General Audience to Teen; may go up to borderline Mature, but I do not write Explicit/Smut.
How to Submit a Request: 
Use my Ask box to make your request. State your chosen character and/or pairing, and include any details and preferences, such as a specific story, event, time period/age you would like me to tackle, or additional characters you would like me to include.
If you are submitting your Ask in relation to a writing event / prompt list I posted, please say so.
Only one request per message/ask, please! However, hit that Ask button as many times as you’d like.  
Anonymous requests are always welcome!
Please also be reminded that:
My Fic/HC Requests are always open. However, it will likely take a long time for me to write your story. I cannot guarantee a delivery time.
There is no "first come, first served" line. I work on whatever I'm inspired to write for the day. I jump around a lot--that's how my brain works.
Please only make a request if you can understand that I am a slow writer, and you are willing wait indefinitely for me to complete your fic.
If, for whatever reason, I know that I cannot fulfill your request, I will let you know immediately. I will never just ignore or delete a request.
You can always send me follow up Asks or Messages regarding your requests; I don't mind this at all!
Every fic I write is a special, custom gift from me to you. I do this for free, using whatever spare time and energy I can scrounge up. The only thing I ask for is your patience--and hopefully a Like or Reblog when the time comes!
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Other useful links:
Introduction to SotWK
Fanfiction Masterlist
Headcanon Masterlist
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lino-jagiyaa · 1 year
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Behind the mask | Lee Minho - introduction
| masterlist | prologue | next >> |
GENRE: mutual friends to lovers, non idol!au, high school & college theme, angst, fluff if you squint
PAIRING: lee know x oc
WARNINGS: nsfw, minors dni!!, 18+, mention of depression, mentions of divorcing parents, everyone starts high school/uni age and goes to their current ages in the end!!
Disclaimer: These types do not represent the real SKZ in any way, and should be accepted as being part of an alternate reality - read responsibly
*credit to the owners of the pictures used*
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Lee Minho had already been the reserved and quiet type. Yes, he has a few friends and even some he felt he could call his best friends or even as far as family. They had been there for him when everything started to get bad...
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characters & personalities
𖤐 Lee Minho 𖤐
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Age 19
Nicknames: lino, lee know, min
only child
often wears glasses outside of school
best friends: Christopher Bahng & Seo Changbin
close friends with Choi Yeonjun (18) & Kim Jungwoo (18)
personality: quiet, reserved, more of an observer, smart
parents are divorced & lives alone
hobbies: dance, working out, cooking, studying, video games with his friends
𖤐 Choi Sohee “Chae So-hee” 𖤐
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Age 19
nicknames: Chae or ↓ mi mi
American name: Mia Choi
visuals: light brown eyes, long brown hair with bangs (sometimes dyed), fit, 5'7, has a few small tattoos
has a younger half-brother, Choi Beomgyu (17)
Classmate/love interest to Lee know
besties: Han Jisung (17) & Hwang Hyunjin (19)
close friends: Christopher Bang (20), Lee Felix (17), Kim Seungmin (17), Yang Jeongin (17), Choi Soobin (17)
personality: Loud when with friends, smart, funny, essentially the mom of the group
hobbies: Dance, reading, dramas, hanging out with friends
𖤐 Christopher Bahng 𖤐
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Age 20
known to his friends as Chan or Chris
the dad of the friend group
the oldest
uni student
Sweet and supportive
makes music in his free time with Changbin
𖤐 Hwang Hyunjin 𖤐
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Age 18
the most dramatic friend
like Sohee’s big brother (in his opinion)
life of the party
very social - makes new friends easily
𖤐 Han Jisung 𖤐
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Age 17
Sohee’s #1 bestie (don't let Mr. drama llama know that)
caring & protective (especially of So)
like Chohee's second little brother
low key has a crush on Sohee
𖤐 Choi Beomgyu 𖤐
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Age 17
Sohee's younger brother
best friends with Jeongin
chill but loud personality
gets along with pretty much everyone
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note: other characters will be mentioned, just not much as the ones shown above!
@dadonbabysworld @whatudowhennooneseesyou @monstaxdirtywonk
lmk if you want to be taken off or added to my taglist! the form is here
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kablehell779 · 4 months
Introduction Blog
Hey! I'm KableHell779 (but you can call me Kable); an avid RPer who's been RPing for many years now. I'm interested to see if anyone would like to join me!
What I mainly do within an RP:
Ships between two or more OCs (including M/F, M/M, F/F and more; I’m also allowing Polyamorous Ships)
Storylines/Plots (both short and long)
Angst/Drama (with breaks in-between)
Blood/Gore (to a certain extent; I’m fine with things like mutilation, but nothing overly graphic)
What I DON’T do within an RP:
Any Canon/Fictional/IRL Characters/People
Anything illegal, immortal and/or outright disgusting (such as P*dos and/or R*pists)
Extreme levels of NSFW/Smut/Etc (I’m fine with teasing, flirting and even swearing (so long as it’s nothing offensive or slurs), but otherwise, it’ll have to be Timeskipped)
Toxic and/or Abusive Ships
Well, that’s about it! You can also find me on OC Fancy and the Superpower/Powerlisting Wiki. Have a great day!
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shessowavvy · 11 months
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You may call me Navy, im not new to writing nor tumblr but this is my first time posting on tumblr so please bear with me while I get use to everything.
Before I do get into my rules and what I write about, let me tell you about myself so you know what kind of person you’re dealing with.
I am a 16 year old African American/Jamaican American (if that makes any sense). I’m a self proclaimed artist, I love food, I’m inconsistent but I do love writing and reading, I’m a grammar freak unless I’m texting or doing stuff like this, I love reading complex storylines that have you immersed consistently which is what I’m going to try to do for y’all, I’ve been writing for about 4-5 years maybe, I’m really only hyper fixated in Spider-Man right now but I’ve been in many many fandoms, and I love animals.
Anyway, onto the actual important stuff.
My writing is mainly for the black kings and queens of my community but I do not mind writing about other races if asked. Overall everybody is welcome but writing about something I can relate to more is just more comfortable for me, hope you can understand.
Rules are quite important to me and it’s only fair if the reader and the writer both have rules they have to follow, just hear me out.
My expectations/rules:
• Do not just drop a series without a heads up (I have problems with inconsistency or getting bored)
• Take everybody’s request to mind
• Stick to one story at a time
• Most if not all my writings are written with quality and love
• Don’t rush anything
• Do not disrespect any cultures or communities
• Do research before entering unknown territory (if I’m writing about a culture I’m not familiar with)
• Treat everybody as if they are friends and family
Readers expectations/rules:
• Don’t be weird
• Don’t ask for anything I’m not comfortable with
• Don’t ask anything too personal (address🤨)
• criticism is welcomed just don’t be mean about it
• Be patient with me (please)
• Absolutely don’t be shy to send request
See what I mean? Cool, now onto what I do write about
Demon slayer
Tokyo Revengers
Jujutsu Kaisen
Video games
Fnaf (yes ik 🙄)
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Last Guardian
Across/Into the spiderverse
All Dogs Go To Heaven
If you have more topics you’d be interested in me writing let me know, these were just off the dome.
Other than topics I feel like character x reader is very important to discuss. All of my x reader characters are going to be female, male, or gender neutral pronouns. Female and Male pronouns are only for specific asks, gender neutral is gonna be the most common in my stories.
I will not be writing smut but I don’t mind heated/spicy moments. ABSOLUTELY THERE WILL BE AGNST AND DRAMA. GUARANTEED. Fluff every now and then ig😒
For religious purposes I will NOT write about anything demonic (Witches, Witchcraft, voodoo, etc), use of God’s name in vain (like “on God” or “ oh my God”), cussing a lot (keeping it to a minimum), drug use, or drinking.
The only somewhat demonic I’ll write about is x demon reader ONLY if the topic is about demon slayer.
I’m sorry if you can’t agree to those terms, I’m not making exceptions.
Last two things, firstly, like I said, I’m an artist, I’ll post my drawings occasionally but you’ll never find my oc(original character) in any of my writing works cuz those are strictly separate. Secondly, im not the type to jazz up my writings with pictures or anything like that, I care more about the quality of the writing not the presentation.
I think that’s about it
Again, if you have any requests for me I’ll definitely take them. My mind is completely blank right now.
Have any questions? Ask
See ya babes
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findroleplay · 7 months
Hello! You can call me Storm and I’m looking for some new writing partners. I only want fellow women writers as I’ve had bad experiences with men. 
I’m 25+ so be 21+ at least 
Please match my energy when it comes to plotting and interacting. I love gushing about our ships and plot, making pinterest boards, sharing songs and memes, etc. I want to be friends ooc as well! 
I only roleplay on discord 
M x F romance (with myself in the female role) 
I’m a literate/novella writer though I’m flexible when it comes to heavy dialogue or action scenes, and would like someone who can match that. I’d like a good mix of fluff, drama, and angst 
I normally do a 60/40 plot to smut ratio and my girls tend to be subs/switches depending on the circumstances 
large (legal) age gaps, cheating/affair, modern fantasy, omegaverse, monsters, crime/mafia, sci-fi, soulmates, southern gothic/midwest gothic (i’m a sucker for that southern/texas drawl), horror, grumpy dark men x fiery sweet women, height/size difference, enemies to lovers, slow burn romance, spooky small towns, master x apprentice/unbalanced power dynamics, mysteries
I have lots of original plot ideas in mind as well!
Fandoms (OCs ONLY) 
Star Wars, Stranger Things, Mercy Thompson Series, True Blood, The Last of Us, Alan Wake 
Like if you’re interested and I’ll reach out! Or add me on discord (magicofrain) with an introduction/what caught your attention regarding my post ❤️
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zombifiedheartg · 7 months
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things i will write:
things i won't write:
hardcore kinks, (ex: blood, watersports, wax, and anything that features bodily liquids. besides cum, of course.)
oc x canon
canon x canon, this is strictly an x reader blog, soz! >﹏<
( i'm not too good at writing for male readers, but i'll still make an attempt! and i can easily do gender neutral readers :D . )
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fandoms i write for :
total drama island (main)
breaking bad
rick and morty
inside job
life is strange (all games)
( i have a very big fandom list , just ask me what you want me to write for and i'll respond ! :3 )
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BYF ! ☆⌒(*^-゜)v
i'm still kind of new to writing, i apologize if theres any spelling mistakes! i mainly write when i'm tired, lolz
i'm sensitive, i can take criticism, but don't be a bitch! ヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝ
i like using emoticons as you can clearly see, i'm sorry if u see this as cringey :P , but i swear i never use them in my fanfics ! thats a hugeee ick for me..
i'm a lesbian! and a demigirl, i go by she / they :D
DNI . o(一︿一+)o
dsmp fans (sorry..)
request status: very slow
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Butterfly Dating
Summery: Glorfindel takes Lindir to a first date in Imladris' butterfly garden Lindir didn't even know existed and one came and landed on his noise, and Elrond is spying on there first date worrying if it's good for Lindir that the golden warrior loves him so much
Oc Introduction: Eirian of Gondolin (I'll make a page about him later and link it)
Pairing: Lindir x Glorfindel
Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings thought some fluff would cheer you up | @elablackcat my partner in crime coming up with ideas for this fic
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Soft golden light of late afternoon made way through the archways of the last homely house, it was awfully quite, everyone was still tired after last nights festivities in the hall of fire, few elves roamed the grounds most of them were tired guards who miss the festivities who just got back from there patrol and were changing shifts, Erestor was wide awake in the library given he did not go, even Lord Elrond was having a slow day today, dealing with elves from the greenwood is much harder work than you would of thought, most of the elves from the greenwood were passed out drunk somewhere or another.
Lindir sighed shaking his head as he cleared the empty bottles of wine and glasses from the hall of fire, Glorfindel bounded through the door as energetic as ever.
"Lindir just the ellon I was looking for" The rather cranky elf this day glanced to Glorfindel
"I am clearly very busy at the moment my lord Glorfindel" Lindir said Glorfindel hmmed in displeasure.
"I am sure the staff can clear this up" Glorfindel said looking around wine bottles and empty glass were laying on the floor and tables some even had spilled, the tapestry's and banners that once hang grand in place were now not aligned some even had passed out elves at the bottom of them.
"I am the staff, or well the only one awake the rest are passed out with there mirkwood friends" Lindir said
"You need a break, this is supposed to be your day off take it, leave this mess for them to wake up to and deal with I doubt you want to be moving passed out elves all day to set stuff back in place" Glorfindel said Lindir hmmed that did sound nice, would Lord Elrond punish him probably not, would Erestor maybe.
"If Erestor gives you crap I'll say it was my suggestion, come spend what we have left of the day with me little songbird" Glorfindel said Lindir's ears turned pink at the new nickname the lord gave him.
"What did you have in mind" Lindir questioned.
"Well first I wanna play a prank on Aran Thranduil, Eirian played it on me once in Gondolin, it hurt a lot but it only seems right for what he did" Glorfindel said looking around
"I don't think we sh-" Lindir stopped as Glorfindel grabbed his wrist and started walking explaining the prank, the pink dusting on his ears slowly turned red and spread, soon Glorfindel had situated a small table which he stole from the library a few months back for his office and sat a plant on it.
"Are you sure we should use master Erestor's most prized plant to do this" Lindir said as Glorfindel set some books on the table.
"Just watch he doesn't wake up, I do not want to start a war due to this, you know how overdramatic this drama queen is" Glorfindel said
"I don't think this is the best idea, you should leave Elrond's twins to the pranks" Lindir said Glorfindel let out a laugh
"Never now come on, I want to get to the butterfly house before sunset, don't want them to go to sleep before we arrive" Glorfindel said Lindir followed the lord given the passed out king one more glance
"This Eirian was Evil" Lindir said in concern Glorfindel laughed
"Eirian had a good heart, he was a good man and an even better marksman and warrior" Glorfindel said
"What happened to him" Lindir questioned Glorfindel
"He went to buy us time he faced down both Morgoth and that snake Salgant the stupid traitor, the battle was great i could see it as I was falling, Darkness and Light clashing against each other but he was weakened from the Balrogs and fire drakes he had already fought, I could see the light grow dim and the darkness over take" Glorfindel said
"I'm sorry for asking" Lindir said
"It's my fault for turning it dark I am sorry" Glorfindel said his light and cheerfulness coming back to him Lindir had to admit Glorfindel was scary when he was angry or sad.
"Where is this butterfly house and how did I not know about it" Lindir said
"It's just a bit further, and Erestor made it no one knows I only know because I followed him here once, he got annoyed when he found out though" Glorfindel said as he moved a branch out the way, Lindir could see a round glass house, it had plants hiding it but there was a clean path to it, Glorfindel followed him to it and opened the door and closed it after him.
Glorfindel smiled as he saw the awe on Lindir's face maybe it was due to the butterflies or the fact Erestor kept them, or because of him Glorfindel did not know but he enjoyed seeing the look of pure happiness on Lindir's face, A Blue spotted Charaxes landed on his nose he gently placed his finger behind it to pick it up, he smiled at the butterfly it looked like his friend Ecthelion it flew away turning his attention back to Lindir who was looking at his nose standing very still, a swallowtail had landed on his noise it was one of Glorfindel's favourite butterflies that Erestor kept.
Lindir's eyes widened and though he tried to stay collected, his expression was clearly very, very uncomfortable, not that he was scared of it, he was nervous he might hurt it or do something wrong, Glorfindel chuckled as he watched Lindir neither had noticed the Lord which had followed them, Glorfindel held his finger out and the butterfly came onto it which made it fly off as Glorfindel kissed Lindir's nose.
"You are the most beautiful butterfly in this house" Glorfindel said Lindir had turned red yet again, He's cute when he blushes Glorfindel thought
"are you okay do you have a fever" Glorfindel said placing his hand to Lindir's forehead
"I though I was a songbird" Lindir said making Glorfindel laugh
"you mean everything in this world to me, so you'll get all the nicknames I sees fit, if you turn anymore red the butterflies will think you are the most beautiful rose in the gardens and come and land on you my little swallowtail" Glorfindel said with a laugh, Lindir really was like a cat to a sunray with Glorfindel.
"Your staring are you okay" Glorfindel asked the flustered elf who whacked his chest
"Why do you have to have everything, your adorable, your hot, Gi Melin Hîr nin Glorfindel" Lindir said frustrated and looking away, it had been a long time coming with lots of encouragement from Elrond and Elladan, Lindir scrunched his eyes shut expecting to hear Glorfindel walk away, the blond lord ducked down and to were Lindir's face was and cupped his face and placed a kiss on Lindir's lips, making his eyes shoot open in shock.
"Gi Melin ana Songbird, I thought you were taking my hints to show you that I wanted to court you" Glorfindel said
"I thought it was some cruel prank" Lindir said Glorfindel laughed
"No why would it be, I may prank people, but I don't play with feelings, so we are courting now" Glorfindel said not taking a no for an answer after Lindir just confessed to him
"That means I can hug you whenever and wherever i want" Glorfindel said Lindir sighed Glorfindel would scare him with hugs from now on instead of jumping him with complements
"I suppose it does" Lindir said rubbing his arm in awkwardness
"Same goes with kisses, I can kiss all your freckles now and tell you how the reflected the stars and varda painted them carefully onto you" Glorfindel said Lindir started stuttering at the blond who picked him up with ease and span him around before setting the poor minstrel down and kissing him again.
Elrond sighed in worry is it really good for Lindir that the golden warrior loves him so much the poor elf was overwhelmed by even knowing the legendary warrior and now he was courting the warrior, Elrond was happy for them but he really could not help but worry for Lindir, besides Lindir flustered easily he would be so flustered every time Glorfindel did something and that can't be good for you can it.
"Oh the sun is setting, come on we can reach it before the sun sets fully I have to show you Erestor's favourite place, it's amazing" Glorfindel said grabbing Lindir's hand.
Lindir and Glorfindel ended there day at the waterfall with bioluminescent algae, the blond decided against asking Lindir for a swim it was to early in there courtship for that to even be appropriate to ask and Lindir would be to flustered he would break so they settled for putting there legs in the pool and watching the algae look like thousands of stars after the sunset.
"I enjoyed today, thank you for talking me out of my job my lord" Lindir said
"Still with the rank even if we are courting, you can call me Glorfindel or Glorf if you want songbird" Glorfindel said as he put his arm around Lindir the ellon leaned into Glorfindel.
"I'll try and get used to calling you just Glorfindel" Lindir said saying Glorfindel slowly without the lord testing the waters.
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Thranduil groaned as he arouse from his slumber he sat up hitting his head against the table above him he glared up at it and slide himself out from underneath it, Meludir and Elros who were passing started giggling at there king
"Was this your doing" Thranduil asked the two shrugged
"We do not know who placed that there Aran-nin" Elros said, Elladan came racing around the corner dragging Legolas
"Awwww we missed it, I told you we would" Elladan said looking to Legolas
"It's not my fault Galion wanted me for something, you could of stayed here alone but no you just had to come with me" Legolas said
"Come on it would of been funny" Elladan said
"It was indeed" Meludir said getting a glare from Thranduil and Elros elbowed him in the side
"Did you do this" Thranduil asked
"No but I wish I did" Elladan said
"I guess whoever did this will remain a mystery" Feren said making the group jump
"How long have you been there" Elladan asked
"For quite a while actually" Feren said
"You two will be cleaning the stables for 100 years when we get back for laughing" Thranduil said the twos jaws dropped
"That's not far we didn't do it" Meludir said Elros however knew better than to fight it, he watched as Meludir followed the king and his sentence got upped to 1000 years until he gave up.
Feren chuckled "Do you know who did it please say you do" Elladan said Feren shook his head
"Glorfindel did it" Erestor said coming out of the conjoining hallway
"How did you know that" Feren questioned
"He stole that table and that plant from me a few months ago, I left the plant in the hallway were he left it but the table is from his office, besides it has his name written all over it metaphorically at least" Erestor said setting the plant back and taking the table
Elvish Translation:
Gi Melin Hîr nin - I love you my lord
Gi Melin ana - i love you to
Aran nin - my king
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bangtansmauyeondan · 2 years
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I posted 778 times in 2022
That's 688 more posts than 2021!
360 posts created (46%)
418 posts reblogged (54%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 487 of my posts in 2022
Only 37% of my posts had no tags
#bangtansmauyeondan - 218 posts
#ask bangtansmauyeondan - 179 posts
#jin moonstruck - 153 posts
#moonstruck au - 147 posts
#bts imagines - 129 posts
#midnight’s minuet - 110 posts
#yoongi midnight’s minuet - 101 posts
#bts smau - 97 posts
#bts ff - 90 posts
#bts fics - 81 posts
Longest Tag: 98 characters
#i really am halfway done but i have so many scenarios in mind that i cant decide which one to keep
My Top Posts in 2022:
THIRTY-FIVE | S01 E01 - Wake Up, World!
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Pairing: In-Studio Director!Jungkook x Stage Director!Fem Reader
Genre: rivals au, social media au, frenemies to lovers, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, crack.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: explicit language, mentions of abandonment, alcohol consumption, harmless scheming, dare, bet, smut
Summary: It has always been the battle of the best between you and your college rival, Jungkook. What happens when years later, you cross paths again working for the same network broadcasting company, and the competitive flame is rekindled? Well, a whole new drunken bet that determines your futures wasn’t in your line of vision but here you are… and you have until 35.
SERIES TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @babyboo22 @bnagtanx1306 @dionysusenthusiast @luaspersona @timelessruins @royallyjjk @sandraviolante-blog
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @astronaut-jin-moon @persphonesorchid @thatbangtanjagiya @taestefully-in-luv @btsstan12 @bts-reveries @blog-name-idk @madbutgloriouspond @pamzn @wrmnssoul @ygbubs @halesandy @jayhope88 @bnagtanx1306 @pinkseokchim @busanbby-jjk @babycandy111
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129 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
Midnight’s Minuet 🎹 Masterlist
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Pairing: Yoongi x Fem Reader
Genre: Strangers to Enemies to Friends to ???, social media au, chef au, musician au, slow burn, fluff, implied smut, angst, slight crack, and drama.
Summary: While gallivanting around the world pursuing his love for music and architecture, Yoongi was forced to come back home when Seokjin, his older brother, asked him for help to run the family business. Having been born with a silver spoon, Yoongi longed for a bit of normalcy and independence; hence, agreeing with Seokjin’s request didn’t come without any of his own conditions— first, he’s going to oversee the hotel’s kitchen; second, he’s gonna let him live a normal life— no luxury cars, no high-rise building apartment, no special treatment. Yoongi was pleased that everything seemed to be going well with his return… until he met you, the roadblock to everything his brother has agreed to.
Legend: ✏️ Written Chapter ⏭ Time Skip
🎹 INTRO - Get to know the characters here!
🎹 Part 1 - Expect the Unexpected
🎹 Part 2 - Housewarming Present
🎹 Part 3 - Not Creepy
🎹 Part 4 - Favorite Girl
🎹 Part 5 - Back for Good
🎹 Part 6 - Of Cookies and Music Sheets
🎹 Part 7 - What Macarons?
🎹 Part 8 - Min MEAN Yoongi
🎹 Part 9 - Soothing Music
🎹 Part 10 - Stay the Night
🎹 Part 11 - Piano Duet
🎹 Part 12 - Not Tony Montana
💃🏼 Bonus - Yeleena with a J
🎹 Part 13 - Reinventing Barbie
🎹 Part 14 - Proper Introduction
🎹 Part 15 - Make It Right
🎹 Part 16 - Secret’s Out
🎹 Part 17 - Turning Point
🎹 Part 18 - Strawberry Shortcake
🎹 Part 19 - More Than Enough ✏️
🎹 Part 20 - The View
🎹 Part 21 - Sneaky Yoongi
🐰 Bonus - Jungkook
See the full post
211 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Out of Sight (a KTH one-shot)
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→ Pairing: Taehyung x Fem. Reader
→ Genre: fwb, angst, smut, drama, taehyung is hopeless romantic, oc is not good with commitment
→ Rating: 18+, M, R
→ Word Count: 2.5K
⚠︎ warnings: unprotected sex, multiple positions, fingering, creampie, emotionally-charged
A/N: While in line at a gas station, the song If I Keep My Heart Out of Sight by James Taylor came on the radio and I thought it’s something that Taehyung would really enjoy listening to. Then the inspiration hit. Who knows? He probably knows the song. This one-shot is inspired by the lyrics of that song. ALSOOOO 220409 PTD Vegas D2 Taehyung?? YAS PLEASE. I hope you enjoy!
Sequel: Beautiful Mistakes
If I keep on talking now, I'll only start repeating myself and all I can say is
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.
If I slip and tip my hand, I'm certain to scare you away, then what would I say?
I'd be hurting, I'm certain, I'd be uncool to let you know that you're the one, the fool who jumped the gun.
The club is loud tonight. Music is blaring, strobe lights are flashing, and drinks are limitlessly pouring– but it’s unsurprisingly not crowded given that BigHit Music booked it for the night to celebrate the recently concluded BTS world tour. This celebration is by-invitation and strictly for the artists, dancers, musicians, and staff only.
Taehyung leaned back in his booth, clad casually in jeans, white tee and a brown leather jacket, one elbow propped up against the backrest of his seat as his hand toyed with the lollipop stick between his lips. He’s staring at you from across the room. You’re at the bar sipping on a martini, talking with Jungkook and Jin. No doubt listening to his members’ silly banter and their outrageous style concept suggestions– contradicting ones at that since Jungkook is a fan of all black and Jin is a pink enthusiast. As if feeling his eyes on you, you turned to his direction and met his gaze. Taehyung’s breath hitched and his mind went haywire when you smiled at him but he’s quick to collect himself by raising his pint to you, a nod that you immediately returned by raising your martini glass back to him.
Yoongi has observed the exchange that transpired between his younger member and one of their stylists across the room. They all know you. You’re their team’s chief stylist and always has the last say when it comes to their concept shoots. You’re the one who gives the green light and tells the other junior stylists and make up artists what to do. You’re the reason why they all look jaw-dropping and ridiculously good when it comes to their television stages and concerts. You’re also the reason why Taehyung has permanent twinkly heart eyes and has written more than enough songs to fit into three mixtapes all in one go.
You used to freelance as a style consultant, having clients left and right in the Korean music industry until Hybe offered you a permanent position at BigHit Music as BTS’s Chief Stylist. The full-time job requires you to travel around the world with them, wherever their career takes them. It’s been more than a year since you started working and embarking on a world tour with them and it works both for Hybe and for you since you devote all your time to work. How could you not? You’re single, you have no kids nor pets, you live on your own since you fled from the countryside to pursue your dream in the city, so you’re basically your own person, doing anything and everything you please.
It wasn’t hard to get along with the members of the band that you work with. They’re down to earth- with no air of arrogance despite their success, they’re polite, and they treat everyone around them equally and with respect. They are generous with their compliments and apologies as appropriate. Overtime, you’ve grown more and more comfortable being around them and them with you. It has been a few months, on a specific stop in Japan, since you also started getting entangled into a hot, sexy, and enticing situation with one of them. You’re not dense, you’ve noticed the looks that he’s been giving you. Known as one of the visuals of the group, it’s easy for you to fall into Taehyung’s charms as well. Deep-set eyes, thick brows, chiseled jaws, pink cupid lips, and golden sun-kissed skin– and when he flashes his boxy smile, the world seems to fall perfectly into place. It’s easy to get lost in him. And you did… so you’ll never forget how it started. The simple request of changing his footwear from a pair of sneakers to a pair of comfortable slides led to both of you tearing each other’s clothes off, quietly suppressing your moans inside one of the trailer truck-turned-closet on location.
You are nothing but friends. That much you have established. That much you have talked about. As a member of the biggest band in the world, all eyes are on Taehyung- what he does between schedules, who he’s with, who he’s dating. Oftentimes, delusional people who call themselves as ‘fans,’ pair him up romantically with his members. But you know the truth. Behind the scenes, you all know the truth. You, him and his other members know the truth– that Taehyung relies and turns to you when things get a little bit too much.
Cause I've been advised by other guys you've left behind, your goodbyes are somewhat unrefined.
But if I play my role just right, tonight could be my lucky night and you could be mine.
If I present it to you with a flower in the moonlight, shiny and new.
Well, you couldn't say no tonight, if I keep my heart out of sight.
Unbeknownst to Yoongi, Namjoon also noticed the exchange between you and Taehyung across the room.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Namjoon asked him while reaching for a curly fry from the bowl in front of them. Taehyung nodded and smirked at his older member. “Well…”
“Hyung, I’m sure,” Taehyung sighed. “I’ve never been more sure,” he chewed on his lower lip before a smile grew from his lips.
“I’m just saying, Taehyung, she’s dated Jackson before,” he caught Taehyung’s gaze before he continued. “It didn’t end well.”
See the full post
219 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
AUTUMN LEAVES MASTERLIST - Fall 2022 Collaboration
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Main Banner: Justine • bangtansmauyeondan. Fic Banners: Dani • persphonesorchid
Contributors: @hamsterclaw @taestefully-in-luv @madbutgloriouspond @persphonesorchid @blog-name-idk @btsstan12 and myself! 🥰
We are ready to warm you up through this sweater weather, when the smell of roasted marshmallows and pumpkin spice waft through the air, with heartwarming stories to carry you through the season!
Warnings are more specified on each writer's blog posts.
CRIMSON by @btsstan12 - September 17, 2022
See the full post
240 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
THIRTY-FIVE (JJK) 🎬 Masterlist
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Pairing: In-Studio Director!Jungkook x Stage Director!Fem Reader
Genre: rivals au, social media au, frenemies to lovers, mutual pining, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, crack.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: explicit language, mentions of abandonment, alcohol consumption, harmless scheming, dare, bet, smut
Summary: It has always been the battle of the best between you and your college rival, Jungkook. What happens when years later, you cross paths again working for the same broadcasting network company, and the competitive flame is rekindled? Well, a whole new drunken bet that determines your futures wasn’t in your line of vision, but here you are… and you have until 35.
Status: Ongoing
A/N: Loosely based on this post by @ahundredtimesover . Main characters include Jungkook’s 97 Liner friends, Mingyu and DK, and cameos from selected Seventeen members. Please give this some love like you have given Moonstruck and Midnight’s Minuet. 🙏🏻
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @astronaut-jin-moon @persphonesorchid @thatbangtanjagiya @taestefully-in-luv @btsstan12 @bts-reveries @blog-name-idk @madbutgloriouspond @pamzn @wrmnssoul @ygbubs @halesandy @jayhope88
True to the theme, the chapter breakdown will be a little bit different. ☺️
📸 The Red Carpet - Characters Intro
🎬 S01 E01 - Wake Up, World
🎬 S01 E02 - I Can Do Better
🎬 S01 E03 - See You in Two Years
🎬 S01 E04 - Other Plans
🎬 S01 E05 - Third Wheel
🎬 S02 E01 - Rumor Has It
🎬 S02 E02 - Seriously?
🎞️ Bonus Clip - 12 Years Ago
🎬 S02 E03 - The It Boy
🎬 S02 E04 - Make a Move
🎬 S02 E05 - It Wasn’t Me
🎬 S03 E01 - Oh Shit…
🎞️ Bonus Clip - The Night Before Graduation
🎬 S03 E02 - Not on My Watch
See the full post
513 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fishermanshook · 1 month
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hello one and all !! the name is cupiid , and I have been writing fan fiction for 8 months now (09/06). I’ve been on tumblr for about 3-4 ish years though , so I’m not new. although , I am still learning more about this app ! `(^ ▼^)´↑
I’m a bisexual minor who is currently going through the trenches (high school) who barely gets to see her darling wife ( alice ) due to the war (finals).
This blog started as a passion project of mine and was inspired by others in the community.
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ʚɞ → [c badge] doctor , memory & enchantress main !!
ʚɞ → I ♡︎ : enchan. , coord. , priestess , journalist & batter .
ʚɞ → “fav trope[s]?” — [childhood] friends to lovers
ʚɞ → “main blog” @octopaii | oc @idv-the-fashion-designer
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Feel free to chat anytime !! Just send me an ask and I’ll always be down.
I may be slow to follow back, as I always try and follow others who post similar content to me. [IDV x reader , as long as I’m not in their DNI]
I might not get to asks straight away due to legit just not knowing what to say sometimes, sorry about that in advance !!
I’m DEFINITELY a little slow when getting to asks, please don’t think I’m ignoring you! Most of the time I see it but I just don’t have the time [ at the moment ] to answer it.
I like to joke around a lot, including sometimes calling my friends swear words to joke around 😭 If you need tone tags or don’t like it, don’t be afraid to tell me! I’d rather drop the joking than be dropped as a friend.
DO NOT involve me or pull me into YOUR drama. That’s not something I want to have to deal with.
any notifications you get come from my “main” account, octopaii !!
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basic dni criteria.
supports Israel (🇮🇱)
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🎥 ✮⋆˙NOW PLAYING — regular posting
‧₊˚🌿✩ ₊˚ GREEN WITH ENVY. — yan!character (or reader)
⋆˚ 💗˖° HEAD OVER HEELS! - fluff
⋆౨🎞️ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ PLAYBOY NOW PRESENTS... - smut
🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・CRY ME A RIVER. - angst
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updated: 06/11/24
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roleplay-searcher · 3 months
Hello! You can call me Storm and I’m looking for some new writing partners. I only want fellow women writers as I’ve had bad experiences with men. 
I’m 25+ so be 21+ at least 
Please match my energy when it comes to plotting and interacting. I love gushing about our ships and plot, making pinterest boards, sharing songs and memes, etc. I want to be friends ooc as well! 
I only roleplay on discord 
M x F romance (with myself in the female role) 
I’m a literate/novella writer though I’m flexible when it comes to heavy dialogue or action scenes, and would like someone who can match that. I’d like a good mix of fluff, drama, and angst 
I normally do a 60/40 plot to smut ratio and my girls tend to be subs/switches depending on the circumstances 
large (legal) age gaps, cheating/affair, modern fantasy, omegaverse, monsters, crime/mafia, sci-fi, soulmates, southern gothic/midwest gothic (i’m a sucker for that southern/texas drawl), horror, grumpy dark men x fiery sweet women, height/size difference, enemies to lovers, slow burn romance, spooky small towns, master x apprentice/unbalanced power dynamics, mysteries
I have lots of original plot ideas in mind as well!
Fandoms (OCs ONLY) 
Star Wars, Stranger Things, Mercy Thompson Series, True Blood, The Last of Us, Alan Wake 
Like if you’re interested and I’ll reach out! Or add me on discord (magicofrain) with an introduction/what caught your attention regarding my post ❤️
0 notes
darkdoverpseeker · 5 months
Hello! You can call me Storm and I’m looking for some new writing partners. I only want fellow women writers as I’ve had bad experiences with men. 
I’m 25+ so be 21+ at least 
Please match my energy when it comes to plotting and interacting. I love gushing about our ships and plot, making pinterest boards, sharing songs and memes, etc. I want to be friends ooc as well! 
I only roleplay on discord 
M x F romance (with myself in the female role) 
I’m a literate/novella writer though I’m flexible when it comes to heavy dialogue or action scenes, and would like someone who can match that. I’d like a good mix of fluff, drama, and angst 
I normally do a 60/40 plot to smut ratio and my girls tend to be subs/switches depending on the circumstances 
large (legal) age gaps, cheating/affair, modern fantasy, omegaverse, monsters, crime/mafia, sci-fi, soulmates, southern gothic/midwest gothic (i’m a sucker for that southern/texas drawl), horror, grumpy dark men x fiery sweet women, height/size difference, enemies to lovers, slow burn romance, spooky small towns, master x apprentice/unbalanced power dynamics, mysteries
I have lots of original plot ideas in mind as well!
Fandoms (OCs ONLY) 
Star Wars, Stranger Things, Mercy Thompson Series, True Blood, The Last of Us, Alan Wake 
Like if you’re interested and I’ll reach out! Or add me on discord (magicofrain) with an introduction/what caught your attention regarding my post ❤️
dm, add or like if interested !
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