#Monotype Univers
garadinervi · 2 years
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Bruno Pfäffli, Univers 67, Monotype Corporation Limited, London, ca. 1963
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aykutilter · 8 months
Test 7 Çağdaş Yayıncılık Aykut ilter  Tipografi I 7. ÇAĞDAŞ YAYINCILIK YazdırTüm Cevapları GizleMateryal Listesine Dön ________________________________________ Soru 1: II. Dünya Savaşı sonrasında Batı dünyasının önemli kültür ve sanat merkezi hangi metropol olmuştur? (Çoktan Seçmeli) Londra, Paris, ✔ New York, Roma, Berlin Cevap : New York, ________________________________________ Soru 2: Savaş döneminde askeri amaçlarla çeşitli karmaşık hesaplamaları yapabilmek için geliştirilen cihaz, aygıt veya donanım hangisidir? (Çoktan Seçmeli) Radyo, Televizyon, Teleks, ✔ Bilgisayar, Cep telefonu Cevap : Bilgisayar, ________________________________________ Soru 3: 1948’de bilgisayarların geliştirilmesini ve daha sonraki yıllarda bilgisayar çağının başlamasını sağlayan buluş hangisidir? (Çoktan Seçmeli) Radyatör, ✔ Transistör, Jeneratör, Formatör, Gladyatör Cevap : Transistör, ________________________________________ Soru 4: 1961’de kuru aktarım (dry transfer) yöntemiyle instant lettering (anında veya hazır yazı) ürünü ilk olarak hangi kuruluş tarafından piyasaya sunulmuştur? (Çoktan Seçmeli) Trinitron, Chartpak, DecaDry, MecaNorma, ✔ Letraset Cevap : Letraset ________________________________________ Soru 5: Adrian Frutiger tarafından ‘Univers’ yazı karakteri hangi yıl tasarlanmıştır? (Çoktan Seçmeli) ✔ 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961 Cevap : 1957, ________________________________________ Soru 6: 1960’ların sonunda görüntülük (ekran) gösterimi üzerindeki işlemlerde bir imleme – ya da belirtme – aracı olarak Douglas Englebert tarafından geliştirilen cihaz hangisidir? (Çoktan Seçmeli) Tablet, Computer, Printer, Plotter, ✔ Mouse Cevap : Mouse ________________________________________ Soru 7: Hangi dizgi teknolojisi “soğuk dizgi” olarak adlandırılır? (Çoktan Seçmeli) Linotype, Monotype, ✔ Typewriter, Intertype, Ludlow Cevap : Typewriter, ________________________________________ Soru 8: II. Dünya Savaşı ve sonrasında Amerikan grafik tasarımında iz bırakan ancak göçmen olmayan sanatçı/tasarımcı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? (Çoktan Seçmeli) ✔ Joseph Binder, Herbert Bayer, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Herbert Matter, Ladislav Sutnar Cevap : Joseph Binder, ________________________________________ Soru 9: Aşağıdaki sanatçı/tasarımcılardan hangisi “İsviçre Okulu” tarzının temsilcisi değildir? (Çoktan Seçmeli) Josepf Müller-Brockmann, Max Huber, Anton Stankowski, ✔ Jean Carlu, Armin Hofmann Cevap : Jean Carlu, ________________________________________ Soru 10: ‘Palatino,’ ‘Melior’ ve ‘Optima’ gibi yaygın olarak kullanılan en önemli yazı karakterlerini 1950’lerde tasarlayan ünlü kaligrafi ve tipografi sanatçısı kimdir? (Çoktan Seçmeli) Rudolf Koch, ✔ Hermann Zapf, Edward Johnston, Max Miedinger, Adrian Frutiger Cevap : Hermann Zapf, Tipografi,ÇAĞDAŞ YAYINCILIK,kültür ve sanat merkezi,New York,Transistör,dry transfer,kuru aktarım,instant lettering,anında veya hazır yazı,Letraset,Adrian Frutiger,Univers,yazı karakteri,görüntülük (ekran),imleme – ya da belirtme,mouse,“soğuk dizgi”,Joseph Binder,“İsviçre Okulu”,palatino,melior,optima,Hermann Zapf,grafik tasarım,tipografi dersi,test çözümü,soru cevap,öğrenci soruları,final,bütünleme,vize,ders notları,final soruları,vize soruları,test
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Nadine Chahine
Dr Nadine Chahine is an award-winning Lebanese type designer working as the UK Type Director and Legibility Expert at Monotype. She has an MA in Typeface Design from the University of Reading, UK, and a PhD from Leiden University, The Netherlands. Nadine’s research focus is on eye movement and legibility studies for the Arabic, Latin, and Chinese scripts. She has numerous awards including two Awards for Excellence in Type Design from the Type Directors Club in New York in 2008 and 2011. Her typefaces include the best-selling Frutiger Arabic, Neue Helvetica Arabic, Univers Next Arabic, Palatino and Palatino Sans Arabic, and Koufiya.
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0 notes
603chloetredgett · 1 year
Nadine Chahine
Researcher and Type Designer
Dr. Nadine Chahine is an award-winning Lebanese type designer working as the UK Type Director and Legibility Expert at Monotype. She has an MA in Typeface Design from the University of Reading, UK, and a PhD from Leiden University, The Netherlands. Nadine’s research focus is on eye movement and legibility studies for the Arabic, Latin, and Chinese scripts. She has numerous awards including two Awards for Excellence in Type Design from the Type Directors Club in New York in 2008 and 2011. Her typefaces include: the best-selling Frutiger Arabic, Neue Helvetica Arabic, Univers Next Arabic, Palatino and Palatino Sans Arabic, and Koufiya.
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oskarmcc603 · 1 year
Nadine Chahine
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Nadine is a Famous type designer who was born in 1978, Beirut Lebanon. She is currently 45 years of age.
Dr. Nadine Chahine is an award winning Lebanese type designer working as the UK Type Director and Legibility Expert at Monotype. She has an MA in Typeface Design from the University of Reading, UK and a PhD from Leiden University, The Netherlands. Nadine’s research focus is on eye movement and legibility studies for the Arabic, Latin and Chinese scripts. She has numerous awards including two Awards for Excellence in Type Design from the Type Directors Club in New York in 2008 and in 2011. Her typefaces include: the best-selling Frutiger Arabic, Neue Helvetica Arabic, Univers Next Arabic, Palatino and Palatino Sans Arabic, and Koufiya. 
Chahine’s graphic/type design work is a representation of her own politics reflecting her upbringing during the Lebanese civil war. She has stated her type research is focused around the ‘impact of complexity on legibility within Arabic typography.
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Brochure Content
Joseph Churchward: Artist and Type Designer
Joseph Churchward is a Samoan-born New Zealand graphic designer and typographer. He is known for having designed an estimated 690 original typefaces, many of which are in use around the world. His designs were also used in the masthead of The Evening Post newspaper. Churchward is born in Apia, Samoa, of Samoan, English, Scottish, Tongan and Chinese heritage. He founded Churchward International Typefaces in 1969. German company Berthold Fototypes subsequently distributed his fonts throughout the world. Over the span of his career, Churchward created more than 582 original typefaces. Joseph will be offering two different lectures as listed below on two different days.
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Tobias Frere Jones: Educator and Type Designer
Over 25 years, Tobias Frere-Jones has established himself as one of the world’s leading typeface designers, creating some of the most widely used typefaces, including Poynter Oldstyle, Whitney, Gotham, Surveyor, Tungsten and Retina.. He operates the company Frere-Jones Type in New York City, and teaches typeface design at the Yale School of Art MFA program. 
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Verena Gerlach: Type and graphic designer
Verena Gerlach was an instructor of photography at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin in 1991 and spent 1992 doing a first-year course at Glasgow School of Art. From 1993 to 1998 she studied communication design at Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee and spent one year (1996) as an exchange student at the London College of Printing.
FF Karbid, FF Sizmo, and Chambers Sans are some of the few typefaces she created, Verena has her own studio for corporate design in Berlin.
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Nadine Chahine: Researcher and Type Designer
Dr. Nadine Chahine is an award-winning Lebanese type designer working as the UK Type Director and Legibility Expert at Monotype. She has an MA in Typeface Design from the University of Reading, UK, and a PhD from Leiden University, The Netherlands. Nadine’s research focus is on eye movement and legibility studies for the Arabic, Latin, and Chinese scripts. She has numerous awards including two Awards for Excellence in Type Design from the Type Directors Club in New York in 2008 and 2011.
Her typefaces include: the best-selling Frutiger Arabic, Neue Helvetica Arabic, Univers Next Arabic, Palatino and Palatino Sans Arabic, and Koufiya.
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Carol Twombly
Carol Twombly (born 1959) is an American designer, best known for her type design. She worked as a type designer at Adobe Systems from 1988 through 1999, during which time she designed, or contributed to the design of, many typefaces, including Trajan, Myriad and Adobe Caslon.
Twombly retired from Adobe and from type design in early 1999, to focus on her other design interests, involving textiles and jewelry. American calligrapher and type designer, a graduate from Rhode Island School of Design where her professor was Charles Bigelow. Joined the digital typography program at Stanford University, also under Bigelow. Working from the Bigelow & Holmes studio she designed Mirarae, which won her the 1984 Morisawa gold prize. Since 1988 she has been a staff designer at Adobe.
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Veronika Burian: Type Designer
Veronika is born in Prague, originally studied industrial design in Munich and then worked as a product designer in Vienna and Milan. Discovering her true passion for type, she graduated with distinction from the MA in Typeface Design course in Reading, UK in 2003. Burian founded TypeTogether together with José Scaglione, today with twelve employees working around the world, one of the most important, independent type foundries. In addition to the development of tailored solutions for a variety of clients, the focus of TypeTogether’s font catalog is on expressive text typefaces for digital and analog media. Her typeface Maiola received, amongst others, the TDC Certificate of Excellence in Type Design 2004. Several other typefaces by TypeTogether have also been recognised by international competitions, including ED-Awards and ISTD.
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Jessica Hische: Letterer and Designer
Jessica Nicole Hische is an American letterer, illustrator, and type designer. She is best known for her personal projects, 'Daily Drop Cap' and the “Should I Work for Free” flowchart. She published In Progress: See Inside a Lettering Artist's Sketchbook and Process, from Pencil to Vector in September 2015, which gives insight to her creative process and work she has completed as a hand lettering artist. She has spoken at over 100 conferences worldwide, but splits her time between San Francisco, CA and Brooklyn, NY.
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Johnson Witehira: Educator and type designer
Johnson Witehira is an artist, designer and academic of Tamahaki and Ngāi Tū-te-auru descent. He is the co-founder of both Indigenous Design and Innovation Aotearoa (IDIA) and Waahi Wairua. Since completing his doctorate in Māori Visual Art (2013), Johnson has been on a mission to bring Māori culture into all aspects of New Zealand life. He has led the development of Māori design for some of New Zealand's most prominent organisations. Other significant design projects include developing the first set of Māori alphabet blocks, co-designing the PAKU gardening tools for children and developing the first functional Māori-specific typeface.
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I decided to make the photos of all designers black and white, because it this way it looks more professional - to have them all in the same colours and tones rather than in completely different styles. The black and white also match the theme of my Typografika’24.
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Nadine Chahine
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Dr Nadine Chahine is an award-winning Lebanese type designer. She focuses her research on eye movement and legibility studies for the Arabic, Latin, and Chinese scripts. Her typefaces include the best-selling Frutiger Arabic, Neue Helvetica Arabic, Univers Next Arabic, Palatino and Palatino Sans Arabic, and Koufiya.
Nadine joined Linotype in 2005, and by the time she left Monotype in 2018 she was its UK-type director and legibility expert. During her time there she designed Arabic versions of some of the most popular Latin typefaces, such as; Frutiger Arabic and Neue Frutiger Arabic, Neue Helvetica Arabic, DIN Next Arabic, Univers Next Arabic, Avenir Arabic, Palatino Arabic, Palatino Sans Arabic, and Zapfino Arabic.
Her website is: https://arabictype.com/
0 notes
grad603graciella · 2 years
Printed Publication Flat-Plan
Poster Side Content
The Annual Conference on Type and Typografika'24
25 January 2024 – 20 February 2024
Four weeks of events, including Designer talks and workshops featuring: Verena Gerlach, Johnson Witehira, Nadine Chahine, Carol Twombly, Joseph Churchward, Veronika Burian, Jessica Hische, and Tobias Frere-Jones
AUT City Campus, Auckland.
Brochure Structure and Content
The Annual Conference on Type and Typography
Typografika, is a highly anticipated international conference, bringing together more than 300 typographers, type and graphic designers, as well as printmakers and artists.  
As designers and artists, we want to create with expressive, engaging and readable typography that performs well across all devices. With so many factors to take into account from typeface choice and layout through to page speed, responsive design and variable fonts, it’s hard to know how to keep up.
Over the course of four weeks, Typografika’24 will give you the full picture of what typography can and should be on web and print. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned pro, you’ll find heaps to learn and take away. 
Please join us for the official launch of the conference at the Ngā Wai o Horotiu Marae (AUT Marae) 10am, 25 January 2024. 
Keynote Speakers
Lectures by the speakers provide insight into their research and work methods. These sessions will prove to be very informative and helpful. There will also be a Q&A session at the conclusion of each session.
Keynote Speakers
Verena Gerlach, Type and Graphic Designer.
Verena Gerlach was an instructor of photography at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin in 1991. In 1992, Gerlach started her first-year course at Glasgow School of Art. From 1993 to 1998, she studied communication design at Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee, and further spent one year (1996) as an exchange student at the London College of Printing. Gerlach runs her own studio for corporate design in Berlin. She is known for the typefaces FF Karbid, FF Sizmo, and Chambers Sans.
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Johnson Witehera, Educator and Type Designer.
Artist, designer and academic of Tamahaki and Ngāi Tū-te-auru descent, Johnson Witehira is the co-founder of both Indigenous Design and Innovation Aotearoa (IDIA) and Waahi Wairua. In 2013, Johnson completed his doctorate in Māori Visual Arts. Since then, he has worked to bring Māori culture into all aspects of New Zealand life. Witehira has led the development of Māori design for some of New Zealand's most prominent organisations. Other significant design projects include developing the first set of Māori alphabet blocks, co-designing the PAKU gardening tools for children and developing the first functional Māori-specific typeface.
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Nadine Chahine, Researcher and Type Designer.
Award-winning type designer Nadine Chahine, is a Lebanese researcher and type designer working as the UK Type Director and Legibility Expert at Monotype. Chahine has an MA in Typeface Design from the University of Reading, UK, and a PhD from Leiden University, The Netherlands. Her research focuses on eye movement and legibility studies for Arabic, Latin and Chinese scripts. Dr. Nadine Chain holds numerous awards including two awards for Excellence in Type Design from the Type Directors Club in New York (2008, 2011). Her typefaces include: the best-selling Frutiger Arabic, Neue Helvetica Arabic, Univers Next Arabic, Palatino and Palatino Sans Arabic, and Koufiya.
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Carol Twombly, Calligrapher and Type Designer.
American calligrapher and type designer Carol Twombly was born 1959 and is best known for her type design. Twombly was a graduate from Rhode Island School of Design, where her professor was Charles Bigelow. She then entered the digital typography program at Stanford University, also under Bigelow. From 1988 through to 1999, Twombly worked as a type designer at Adobe Systems, during which time she designed, and contributed to the design of many typefaces. These include, Trajan, Myriad and Adobe Caslon. In early 1999, Twombly retired from Adobe and from type design to focus on her other design interests, involving textiles and jewelry. Working from the Bigelow & Holmes studio, Carol Twombly designed Mirarae, which won her the 1984 Morisawa gold prize. Since 1988 she has been a staff designer at Adobe.
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Joseph Churchward, Artist and Type Designer.
Samoan-born New Zealand graphic designer and typographer, Joseph Churchward is known to have designed an estimated 690 original typefaces used all over the world. Churchward's typographic designs have been more popularly used in the masthead of The Evening Post. In 1969, Churchward founded the Churchward International Typefaces. When looking at his work, I see traditional Maori patterns and designs that may have influenced Churchward's designs.
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Veronika Burian, Type Designer.
Born in Prague, Veronika Burian is a type designer and more commonly known as the co-founder of the type foundry TypeTogether alongside Jose Scaglione, publishing award-winning typefaces and developing tailored solutions for a variety of clients. The focus of TypeTogether's font catalog is on expressive text typefaces for digital and analogue media. Her typeface Maiola received, amongst others, the TDC Certificate of Excellence in Type Design 2004. Several other typefaces by TypeTogether have also been recognised by international competitions, including ED-Awards and ISTD. Veronika Burian originally studied industrial design in Munich, but later worked as a product designer in Vienna and Milan. Discovering her true passion for type, she graduated with distinction from the MA in Typeface Design course in Reading, UK in 2003.
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Jessica Hische, Letterer and Designer.
American letterer, illustrator and type designer Jessica Hische is well known for her personal projects 'Daily Drop Cap' and the “Should I Work for Free” flowchart. In September 2015, Hische published published, In Progress: See Inside a Lettering Artist's Sketchbook and Process, from Pencil to Vector. This publish gives us insight to her creative process as well as work she has completed as a hand lettering artist. Jessica Hische has spoken at over 100 conferences globally.
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Tobias Frere-Jones, Educator and Type Designer.
Educator and Type Designer Tobias Frere-Jones, has established himself as one of the world's leading typeface designers over 25 years. Jones has created some of the most widely used typefaces around the world, including Whitey, Gotham, Poynter, Oldstyle, and more. He operates the company Frere-Jones Type in New York City, teaching typeface design at the Yale School of Art MFA program.
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There will be 2 different workshops offered during the conference. These are repeated twice, to include as many participants as possible. Please register your interest at the registration kiosk when you arrive on the first day.
AUT City Campus
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The Annual Conference on Type and Typography
25 January 2024 – 20 February 2024
Events and Information
Back Cover
0 notes
grad603srf · 2 years
Week 1: Nadine Chahine
Researcher and Type Designer
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Dr. Nadine Chahine is an award-winning Lebanese type designer working as the UK Type Director and Legibility Expert at Monotype. She has an MA in Typeface Design from the University of Reading, UK, and a PhD from Leiden University, The Netherlands. Nadine’s research focus is on eye movement and legibility studies for the Arabic, Latin, and Chinese scripts. She has numerous awards including two Awards for Excellence in Type Design from the Type Directors Club in New York in 2008 and 2011.
Her typefaces include: the best-selling Frutiger Arabic, Neue Helvetica Arabic, Univers Next Arabic, Palatino and Palatino Sans Arabic, and Koufiya.
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knnnhen-grad603 · 2 years
Sorting Copy
The poster side needs: 
Typografika’24 (Big title)
The Annual Conference on Type and Typography (Sub heading)
25 January 2024 – 20 February 2024 (Date)
Four weeks of events, including Designer talks and workshops featuring: Verena Gerlach, Johnson Witehira, Nadine Chahine, Carol Twombly, Joseph Churchward, Veronika Burian, Jessica Hische, and Tobias Frere-Jones (Small info)
AUT City Campus, Auckland.(location probably somewhere in the corner)
www.typografika24.com (website also somewhere in the corner)
*Needs an IG and FB Logo somewhere*
Panel 1-2/14
The Annual Conference on Type and Typography: Typografika, is a highly anticipated international conference, bringing together more than 300 typographers, type and graphic designers, as well as printmakers and artists.  
As designers and artists, we want to create with expressive, engaging and readable typography that performs well across all devices.
With so many factors to take into account from typeface choice and layout through to page speed, responsive design and variable fonts, it’s hard to know how to keep up.
Over the course of four weeks, Typografika’24 will give you the full picture of what typography can and should be on web and print. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned pro, you’ll find heaps to learn and take away.
Please join us for the official launch of the conference at the Ngā Wai o Horotiu Marae (AUT Marae) 10am, 25 January 2024.
Panel 3/14
Joseph Churchward: Artist and Type Designer.
Joseph Churchward is a Samoan-born New Zealand graphic designer and typographer. He is known for having designed an estimated 690 original typefaces, many of which are in use around the world. His designs were also used in the masthead of The Evening Post newspaper. Churchward is born in Apia, Samoa, of Samoan, English, Scottish, Tongan and Chinese heritage. He founded Churchward International Typefaces in 1969. German company Berthold Fototypes subsequently distributed his fonts throughout the world. Over the span of his career, Churchward created more than 582 original typefaces. Joseph will be offering two different lectures as listed below on two different days.
Panel 4/14
Tobias Frere Jones: Educator and Type Designer.
Over 25 years, Tobias Frere-Jones has established himself as one of the world’s leading typeface designers, creating some of the most widely used typefaces, including Poynter Oldstyle, Whitney, Gotham, Surveyor, Tungsten and Retina.. He operates the company Frere-Jones Type in New York City, and teaches typeface design at the Yale School of Art MFA program.
Panel 5/14
Verena Gerlach: Type and graphic designer
Verena Gerlach was an instructor of photography at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin in 1991 and spent 1992 doing a first-year course at Glasgow School of Art. From 1993 to 1998 she studied communication design at Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee and spent one year (1996) as an exchange student at the London College of Printing.
FF Karbid, FF Sizmo, and Chambers Sans are some of the few typefaces she created, Verena has her own studio for corporate design in Berlin.
Panel 6/14
Nadine Chahine: Researcher and Type Designer
Dr. Nadine Chahine is an award-winning Lebanese type designer working as the UK Type Director and Legibility Expert at Monotype. She has an MA in Typeface Design from the University of Reading, UK, and a PhD from Leiden University, The Netherlands. Nadine’s research focus is on eye movement and legibility studies for the Arabic, Latin, and Chinese scripts. She has numerous awards including two Awards for Excellence in Type Design from the Type Directors Club in New York in 2008 and 2011.
Her typefaces include: the best-selling Frutiger Arabic, Neue Helvetica Arabic, Univers Next Arabic, Palatino and Palatino Sans Arabic, and Koufiya.
 Panel 7/14
Carol Twombly
Carol Twombly (born 1959) is an American designer, best known for her type design. She worked as a type designer at Adobe Systems from 1988 through 1999, during which time she designed, or contributed to the design of, many typefaces, including Trajan, Myriad and Adobe Caslon.
Twombly retired from Adobe and from type design in early 1999, to focus on her other design interests, involving textiles and jewelry. American calligrapher and type designer, a graduate from Rhode Island School of Design where her professor was Charles Bigelow. Joined the digital typography program at Stanford University, also under Bigelow. Working from the Bigelow & Holmes studio she designed Mirarae, which won her the 1984 Morisawa gold prize. Since 1988 she has been a staff designer at Adobe.
Panel 8/14
Veronika Burian: Type Designer
Veronika is born in Prague, originally studied industrial design in Munich and then worked as a product designer in Vienna and Milan. Discovering her true passion for type, she graduated with distinction from the MA in Typeface Design course in Reading, UK in 2003. Burian founded TypeTogether together with José Scaglione, today with twelve employees working around the world, one of the most important, independent type foundries. In addition to the development of tailored solutions for a variety of clients, the focus of TypeTogether’s font catalog is on expressive text typefaces for digital and analog media. Her typeface Maiola received, amongst others, the TDC Certificate of Excellence in Type Design 2004. Several other typefaces by TypeTogether have also been recognised by international competitions, including ED-Awards and ISTD.
Panel 9/14
Jessica Hische: Letterer and Designer
Jessica Nicole Hische is an American letterer, illustrator, and type designer. She is best known for her personal projects, 'Daily Drop Cap' and the “Should I Work for Free” flowchart. She published In Progress: See Inside a Lettering Artist's Sketchbook and Process, from Pencil to Vector in September 2015, which gives insight to her creative process and work she has completed as a hand lettering artist. She has spoken at over 100 conferences worldwide, but splits her time between San Francisco, CA and Brooklyn, NY.
Johnson Witehira: Educator and type designer
Johnson Witehira is an artist, designer and academic of Tamahaki and Ngāi Tū-te-auru descent. He is the co-founder of both Indigenous Design and Innovation Aotearoa (IDIA) and Waahi Wairua. Since completing his doctorate in Māori Visual Art (2013), Johnson has been on a mission to bring Māori culture into all aspects of New Zealand life. He has led the development of Māori design for some of New Zealand's most prominent organisations. Other significant design projects include developing the first set of Māori alphabet blocks, co-designing the PAKU gardening tools for children and developing the first functional Māori-specific typeface.
Panel 11-12/14
Lectures by the speakers provide insight into their research and work methods. These sessions will prove to be very informative and helpful. There will also be a Q&A session at the conclusion of each session.
There will be 2 different workshops offered during the conference. These are repeated twice, to include as many participants as possible. Please register your interest at the registration kiosk when you arrive on the first day
(Considering whether we put the “keynote speakers” timetable and the “Workshops” timetable together or separately)
(Two of the designers’ info has to be a double page spread)
(Events have to be in chronological order in the timetable)
The Annual Conference on Type and Typography
25 January 2024 – 20 February 2024
Events and Information
0 notes
Nadine Chahine :  Researcher and Type Designer
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Dr. Nadine Chahine is an award-winning Lebanese type designer working as the UK Type Director and Legibility Expert at Monotype. She has an MA in Typeface Design from the University of Reading, UK, and a PhD from Leiden University, The Netherlands. Nadine’s research focus is on eye movement and legibility studies for the Arabic, Latin, and Chinese scripts. She has numerous awards including two Awards for Excellence in Type Design from the Type Directors Club in New York in 2008 and 2011.
Her typefaces include: the best-selling Frutiger Arabic, Neue Helvetica Arabic, Univers Next Arabic, Palatino and Palatino Sans Arabic, and Koufiya.
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0 notes
grad603jaden · 2 years
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Verena Gerlach
Verena Gerlach is a graphic designer and instructor of photography who created several typefaces, including FF Karbid, FF Sizmo, and Chambers Sans. She studied communication design in Berlin and spent one year as an exchange student at the London College of Printing. She has her own studio for corporate design in Berlin.
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Johnson Witehira
Johnson Witehira is an artist, designer, and academic who is passionate about bringing Māori culture into all aspects of New Zealand life. He co-founded Indigenous Design and Innovation Aotearoa (IDIA) and Waahi Wairua. He has worked on developing Māori design for many important organizations in New Zealand, and has also designed Māori alphabet blocks, gardening tools, and a typeface.
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Nadine Chahine
Dr. Nadine Chahine is a Lebanese type designer who works as the UK Type Director and Legibility Expert at Monotype. She has conducted research on eye movement and legibility studies for the Arabic, Latin, and Chinese scripts. She has designed numerous typefaces, including Frutiger Arabic, Neue Helvetica Arabic, Univers Next Arabic, Palatino and Palatino Sans Arabic, and Koufiya.
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Carol Twombly
Carol Twombly is an American designer who worked as a type designer at Adobe Systems, where she designed or contributed to the design of many typefaces, including Trajan, Myriad, and Adobe Caslon. She retired from type design in 1999 to focus on other design interests, including textiles and jewelry. She was a calligrapher and type designer who graduated from Rhode Island School of Design and joined the digital typography program at Stanford University.
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Joseph Churchward
Joseph Churchward was a New Zealand graphic designer and typographer who created more than 690 original typefaces during his career. His designs were used around the world, including in the masthead of The Evening Post newspaper. He founded Churchward International Typefaces in 1969, and his fonts were distributed by German company Berthold Fototypes.
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Veronika Burian
Veronika Burian is a Prague born type designer who co-founded TypeTogether, an independent type foundry with twelve employees working around the world. The focus of TypeTogether's font catalog is on expressive text typefaces for digital and analog media. Her typeface Maiola received the TDC Certificate of Excellence in Type Design 2004, and several other typefaces by TypeTogether have been recognized by international competitions, including ED-Awards and ISTD.
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Jessica Hische
Jessica Nicole Hische is an American letterer, illustrator, and type designer who is best known for her personal projects, Daily Drop Cap and the “Should I Work for Free” flowchart. She published In Progress: See Inside a Lettering Artist’s Sketchbook and Process, from Pencil to Vector in 2015, which gives insight into her creative process and work as a hand lettering artist. She has spoken at over 100 conferences worldwide and splits her time between San Francisco, CA, and Brooklyn, NY.
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Tobias Frere-Jones
Tobias Frere-Jones is a typeface designer who has created some of the most widely used typefaces in the world, including Poynter Oldstyle, Whitney, Gotham, Surveyor, Tungsten, and Retina. He operates his own company, Frere-Jones Type, in New York City, and teaches typeface design at the Yale School of Art MFA program.
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mnm3stephensales · 2 years
***note to self compile everythin interesting about said designers on their respective sections, do research. also do not use the images uploaded here its jsut for reference***
*note look into the things i bolded*
Joseph Churchward: Artist and Type Designer.
Joseph Churchward is a Samoan-born New Zealand graphic designer and typographer. He is known for having designed an estimated 690 original typefaces, many of which are in use around the world. His designs were also used in the masthead of The Evening Post newspaper. Churchward is born in Apia, Samoa, of Samoan, English, Scottish, Tongan and Chinese heritage. He founded Churchward International Typefaces in 1969. German company Berthold Fototypes subsequently distributed his fonts throughout the world. Over the span of his career, Churchward created more than 582 original typefaces.
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https://collections.tepapa.govt.nz/topic/973 ------------------------
Tobias Frere Jones: Educator and Type Designer.
Over 25 years, Tobias Frere-Jones has established himself as one of the world’s leading typeface designers, creating some of the most widely used typefaces, including Poynter Oldstyle, Whitney, Gotham, Surveyor, Tungsten and Retina.. He operates the company Frere-Jones Type in New York City, and teaches typeface design at the Yale School of Art MFA program.
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https://frerejones.com/ more aboiyr him herer
Verena Gerlach: Type and graphic designer Verena Gerlach was an instructor of photography at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin in 1991 and spent 1992 doing a first-year course at Glasgow School of Art. From 1993 to 1998 she studied communication design at Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee and spent one year (1996) as an exchange student at the London College of Printing.FF Karbid, FF Sizmo, and Chambers Sans are some of the few typefaces she created, Verena has her own studio for corporate design in Berlin.
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Nadine Chahine: Researcher and Type Designer
Dr. Nadine Chahine is an award-winning Lebanese type designer working as the UK Type Director and Legibility Expert at Monotype. She has an MA in Typeface Design from the University of Reading, UK, and a PhD from Leiden University, The Netherlands. Nadine’s research focus is on eye movement and legibility studies for the Arabic, Latin, and Chinese scripts. She has numerous awards including two Awards for Excellence in Type Design from the Type Directors Club in New York in 2008 and 2011. Her typefaces include: the best-selling Frutiger Arabic, Neue Helvetica Arabic, Univers Next Arabic, Palatino and Palatino Sans Arabic, and Koufiya.
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Carol Twombly Carol Twombly (born 1959) is an American designer, best known for her type design. She worked as a type designer at Adobe Systems from 1988 through 1999, during which time she designed, or contributed to the design of, many typefaces, including Trajan, Myriad and Adobe Caslon.Twombly retired from Adobe and from type design in early 1999, to focus on her other design interests, involving textiles and jewelry. American calligrapher and type designer, a graduate from Rhode Island School of Design where her professor was Charles Bigelow. Joined the digital typography program at Stanford University, also under Bigelow. Working from the Bigelow & Holmes studio she designed Mirarae, which won her the 1984 Morisawa gold prize. Since 1988 she has been a staff designer at Adobe.
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Veronika Burian: Type Designer
Veronika is born in Prague, originally studied industrial design in Munich and then worked as a product designer in Vienna and Milan. Discovering her true passion for type, she graduated with distinction from the MA in Typeface Design course in Reading, UK in 2003. Burian founded TypeTogether together with José Scaglione, today with twelve employees working around the world, one of the most important, independent type foundries. In addition to the development of tailored solutions for a variety of clients, the focus of TypeTogether’s font catalog is on expressive text typefaces for digital and analog media. Her typeface Maiola received, amongst others, the TDC Certificate of Excellence in Type Design 2004. Several other typefaces by TypeTogether have also been recognised by international competitions, including ED-Awards and ISTD.
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Jessica Hische: Letterer and Designer
Jessica Nicole Hische is an American letterer, illustrator, and type designer. She is best known for her personal projects, 'Daily Drop Cap' and the “Should I Work for Free” flowchart. She published In Progress: See Inside a Lettering Artist's Sketchbook and Process, from Pencil to Vector in September 2015, which gives insight to her creative process and work she has completed as a hand lettering artist. She has spoken at over 100 conferences worldwide, but splits her time between San Francisco, CA and Brooklyn, NY.
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Johnson Witehira: Educator and type designer
Johnson Witehira is an artist, designer and academic of Tamahaki and Ngāi Tū-te-auru descent. He is the co-founder of both Indigenous Design and Innovation Aotearoa (IDIA) and Waahi Wairua. Since completing his doctorate in Māori Visual Art (2013), Johnson has been on a mission to bring Māori culture into all aspects of New Zealand life. He has led the development of Māori design for some of New Zealand's most prominent organisations. Other significant design projects include developing the first set of Māori alphabet blocks, co-designing the PAKU gardening tools for children and developing the first functional Māori-specific typeface.
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Nadine Chahine
Dr Nadine Chahine is an award-winning Lebanese type designer working as the UK Type Director and Legibility Expert at Monotype. She has an MA in Typeface Design from the University of Reading, UK, and a PhD from Leiden University, The Netherlands. Nadine’s research focus is on eye movement and legibility studies for the Arabic, Latin, and Chinese scripts. She has numerous awards including two Awards for Excellence in Type Design from the Type Directors Club in New York in 2008 and 2011. Her typefaces include the best-selling Frutiger Arabic, Neue Helvetica Arabic, Univers Next Arabic, Palatino and Palatino Sans Arabic, and Koufiya.
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Nadine Chahine
Researcher and Type Designer
Dr. Nadine Chahine is an award-winning Lebanese type designer working as the UK Type Director and Legibility Expert at Monotype. She has an MA in Typeface Design from the University of Reading, UK, and a PhD from Leiden University, The Netherlands. Nadine’s research focus is on eye movement and legibility studies for the Arabic, Latin, and Chinese scripts. She has numerous awards including two Awards for Excellence in Type Design from the Type Directors Club in New York in 2008 and 2011. Her typefaces include: the best-selling Frutiger Arabic, Neue Helvetica Arabic, Univers Next Arabic, Palatino and Palatino Sans Arabic, and Koufiya.
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Speaker Research
Joseph Churchward: Artist and Type Designer.
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Joseph Churchward is a Samoan-born New Zealand graphic designer and typographer. He is known for having designed an estimated 690 original typefaces, many of which are in use around the world. His designs were also used in the masthead of The Evening Post newspaper. Churchward is born in Apia, Samoa, of Samoan, English, Scottish, Tongan and Chinese heritage. He founded Churchward International Typefaces in 1969. German company Berthold Fototypes subsequently distributed his fonts throughout the world. Over the span of his career, Churchward created more than 582 original typefaces. Joseph will be offering two different lectures as listed below on two different days.
Tobias Frere Jones: Educator and Type Designer.
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Over 25 years, Tobias Frere-Jones has established himself as one of the world’s leading typeface designers, creating some of the most widely used typefaces, including Poynter Oldstyle, Whitney, Gotham, Surveyor, Tungsten and Retina.. He operates the company Frere-Jones Type in New York City, and teaches typeface design at the Yale School of Art MFA program.
Verena Gerlach: Type and graphic designer
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Verena Gerlach was an instructor of photography at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin in 1991 and spent 1992 doing a first-year course at Glasgow School of Art. From 1993 to 1998 she studied communication design at Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee and spent one year (1996) as an exchange student at the London College of Printing.
FF Karbid, FF Sizmo, and Chambers Sans are some of the few typefaces she created, Verena has her own studio for corporate design in Berlin.
Nadine Chahine: Researcher and Type Designer
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Dr. Nadine Chahine is an award-winning Lebanese type designer working as the UK Type Director and Legibility Expert at Monotype. She has an MA in Typeface Design from the University of Reading, UK, and a PhD from Leiden University, The Netherlands. Nadine’s research focus is on eye movement and legibility studies for the Arabic, Latin, and Chinese scripts. She has numerous awards including two Awards for Excellence in Type Design from the Type Directors Club in New York in 2008 and 2011.
Her typefaces include: the best-selling Frutiger Arabic, Neue Helvetica Arabic, Univers Next Arabic, Palatino and Palatino Sans Arabic, and Koufiya.
Carol Twombly
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Carol Twombly (born 1959) is an American designer, best known for her type design. She worked as a type designer at Adobe Systems from 1988 through 1999, during which time she designed, or contributed to the design of, many typefaces, including Trajan, Myriad and Adobe Caslon.
Twombly retired from Adobe and from type design in early 1999, to focus on her other design interests, involving textiles and jewelry. American calligrapher and type designer, a graduate from Rhode Island School of Design where her professor was Charles Bigelow. Joined the digital typography program at Stanford University, also under Bigelow. Working from the Bigelow & Holmes studio she designed Mirarae, which won her the 1984 Morisawa gold prize. Since 1988 she has been a staff designer at Adobe.
Veronika Burian: Type Designer
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Veronika is born in Prague, originally studied industrial design in Munich and then worked as a product designer in Vienna and Milan. Discovering her true passion for type, she graduated with distinction from the MA in Typeface Design course in Reading, UK in 2003. Burian founded TypeTogether together with José Scaglione, today with twelve employees working around the world, one of the most important, independent type foundries. In addition to the development of tailored solutions for a variety of clients, the focus of TypeTogether’s font catalog is on expressive text typefaces for digital and analog media. Her typeface Maiola received, amongst others, the TDC Certificate of Excellence in Type Design 2004. Several other typefaces by TypeTogether have also been recognised by international competitions, including ED-Awards and ISTD.
Jessica Hische: Letterer and Designer
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Jessica Nicole Hische is an American letterer, illustrator, and type designer. She is best known for her personal projects, 'Daily Drop Cap' and the “Should I Work for Free” flowchart. She published In Progress: See Inside a Lettering Artist's Sketchbook and Process, from Pencil to Vector in September 2015, which gives insight to her creative process and work she has completed as a hand lettering artist. She has spoken at over 100 conferences worldwide, but splits her time between San Francisco, CA and Brooklyn, NY.
Johnson Witehira: Educator and type designer
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Johnson Witehira is an artist, designer and academic of Tamahaki and Ngāi Tū-te-auru descent. He is the co-founder of both Indigenous Design and Innovation Aotearoa (IDIA) and Waahi Wairua. Since completing his doctorate in Māori Visual Art (2013), Johnson has been on a mission to bring Māori culture into all aspects of New Zealand life. He has led the development of Māori design for some of New Zealand's most prominent organisations. Other significant design projects include developing the first set of Māori alphabet blocks, co-designing the PAKU gardening tools for children and developing the first functional Māori-specific typeface.
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