#Moon 1
lionpawsdiary · 2 months
Lions are real and I saw them eat cats. Watch your step, Lionpaw.
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splinterclan · 2 months
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Moon 1: Moorsnow cuts a guy.
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frogcroak · 3 months
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Rapidkit caught a cat from another Clan trespassing on their territory and his ear was torn in the ensuing scuffle. Shimmerstar suggests this might be a good chance to practice new fighting techniques with Rapidpaw.
moons since shimmerstar failed at babysitting: 0. it's hard being responsible for 4 kids at the same time.
also, bad first impression of the neighbors.
< moon 0
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boulderclangen · 8 days
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Fallowpaw receives some Important Exposition from Deerstar.
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dirt-clan · 2 months
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moon 1
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mammoth-clangen · 4 months
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Me: I'll cull the Kindred down to 3 so i don't have many characters to deal with!
RNG: *immediately throws 5 new characters at me*
Me: ....
I like the colours in this one uvu
Sorry everything is sad, im working on moon 3 rn (keeping 1 moon of buffer) and i promise there will be more than just sabercats being depressing on main c':
This moon is very self indulgent, almost every panel has some silly paleo detail that makes me happy cx
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castaway-clan · 10 months
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poppyclangen · 4 months
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justsimplyspace · 5 months
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Was consumed by illness yesterday and so…
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bearclangen · 23 days
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moon 1 part 2
in which Rosemary has a strangely vivid dream...
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lionpawsdiary · 2 months
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Lionpaw's First Hunt - Pages 7 & 8
Previous II END
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salt-clangen · 3 months
Moon 1 - Newleaf
(TW: brief descriptions of animal death/hunting)
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Lynxkit is cold, huddled close to the entrance of the den, waiting for Wolfpaw. The past few days have been so confusing for the kit. Even before her eyes opened, she could hear and feel the world around her, her mothers warmth, the other cats in the nursery moving about, the tense darkness that seemed to be present when warriors visited. When her eyes opened she saw Wolfpaw, standing above her with a fearful look. They left that night, she only got to glance at her mother’s back before she was whisked away.
She was barely weaned and not happy about eating mushed up fresh kill, but she was adjusting, her favorite thing to do was talk with Wolfpaw. They spent evenings sounding out words and answering any questions Lynxkit had, half the time Wolfpaw didn’t know either, but it was still fun.
But she hated nights like this, when Wolfpaw left her alone to try and find prey, hunting during early dawn or last dusk was more productive than the middle of the day. It was their best chance of survival, but she hated it nonetheless. The waves crashing on the shore sounded, heavy and scary in the dark. During the day it was tolerable, easy to ignore if she was doing something, but at night it sounded like giant steps of some sort of lumbering beast coming towards her.
Finally, Wolfpaw appeared, empty pawed and trudging towards the den. Another unsuccessful hunt, Lynxkit assumed, but at least she was back. The older cat didn’t say anything as she pushed past the lichen curtain, a minimal attempt to block the wind, Lynxkit sprung up to greet her. They touched noses briefly, Wolfpaw sighed as they laid down, curling around the kit.
As Lynxkit snuggled into her clan mates fur, head pressed to her chest, she listened to her heartbeat. Strong, steady and distantly it reminded her of the waves crashing she’d been so scared of.
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Wolfpaw felt tired, so so tired. It’s been a half moon since Saltclan’s creation and she had struggled with hunting, even for only two cats. The rocks held little prey and the wind battered plains that met the shore were similarly barren. The wind was blustery and changed direction quickly, often ruining her hunt by making her scent go upwind towards her prey. She had attempted to fish in the ocean, but the waves were strong and she had to preserve her strength. Today she was going further along the coast, she was vaguely aware of the clan borders, but she’d left Duskclan after only 1 moon of training, she’d learned few practical skills and felt desperate.
She stays well away from Duskclan’s border, instead going west towards Honeyclan, sticking close to the sand just in case. Wolfpaw felt foolish for thinking she could prosper here, there was a reason the other clans never bothered with the area. Her mother had told her that no clan’s border went all the way to the sea, the waters were choppy and the prey scarce, it simply wasn’t worth the extra effort to patrol and monitor. Still it was easy to avoid detection here.
As she went further up she took note of different land marks; tidal pools, where rivers met the sea, a water fall. In the distance she could see two-leg structures, her former clan mates had mentioned loners and kittypets congregated near there, she decided to keep her distance. The shallow water of the estuary was surprisingly fast moving, so she moved up the river for a better place to cross.
Going a few minutes north she could smell both Honeyclan and Duskclan’s border. She went back south a little and scented the air, she could smell hare and small rodents. She had little cover, but that meant so did the prey. Dropping into a crouch she waited for movement, praying to Starclan that the chilly winds didn’t change direction. Some dry grass shifted a few tail lengths ahead, her eyes and ears focused on the spot, the colors moved and she realized it was the hare’s pelt blending in with the vegetation.
Wolfpaw launched herself, knocking the hare over, it recovered quickly and darted but she brought her paw down on its back. With it stunned she sunk her teeth into its neck, its squirming stopped instantly. She stayed like that for a few moments, exhaustion and relief flooding her, she almost wanted to cry. Such a large catch would feed her and Lynxkit for a few days. Most of the prey she did catch she tried to give as much as she could to the kit, eating only the bare minimum.
Taking the catch back to camp, she was reenergized, ready to process the meat and make a fire to cook. Perhaps she could even figure out how to save the pelt for their nest. It felt like a good omen.
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After the successful hunt, Wolfpaw cooked the hare on sticks over the fire, she would’ve preferred to make it into soup, especially for Lynxkit. But the clan didn’t have any pots or bowls so she had to make do without, she wondered if she could sneak away to Small creek and take some clay to make pottery, but she dismissed it.
Lynxkit was getting bigger by the day and more restless as well, constantly asking to accompany Wolfpaw on her hunt and explorations. Wolfpaw of course didn’t take her, the kit was well meaning but still a kit. And she remembers what it was like being apprenticed too soon, her mother had insisted she start at 5 moons instead of 6 as the code required. She wouldn’t make the same mistake.
“Wolfpaw come oooooonnn!” Lynxkit whined, clinging to her friend’s tail. “I can help! Let me come with you.”
She sighed, she’d wanted to try hunting again, now that she had more energy and confidence, but she couldn’t take Lynxkit with her. But it was unfair to keep the kit confined to the camp.
“Alright, you can help me gather materials.” She finally relented, the kit squealed in delight and released her tail.
Wolfpaw led them to the edge of the camp to one of lower rock walls, she had gotten used to leaping up the wall, paw pads now rough with wear. She could clear over the rocks in 3 leaps now, but with Lynxkit she takes her time, showing her where to place her paws. They slowly make their way up to the shrubby grass above, the kit quiet while she concentrates.
“What matter alls are we getting?” Lynxkit asks when they finally reach the top, her eyes scanning the area for the first time.
“Materials.” Wolfpaw pronounces the word slowly for her.
“Material.” The kit repeats back with a smile. “What is that?” They walk east, towards an area Wolfpaw had been to when she was in Duskclan, the abandoned two-leg nest.
“It’s stuff like grass, moss, sticks. We can use it to make other things we need, like baskets to hold stuff or twine to tie stuff up.” Wolfpaw explains, she’s trying to be mindful of her speed but the kit is so excited she runs ahead of her. “Normally in a clan an artisan would spend their time making these, but since it’s just us we’ll have to do it.”
“It’s just us for now.” Lynxkit says confidently, causing Wolfpaw to pause. The kit keeps going for a moment before noticing and stopping.
“What do you mean?”
“I have dreams and a big cat, bigger than you, tells me Saltclan is gonna grow.” The words make Wolfpaw shiver with nervous energy that she has to shake out of her fur before starting to catch up to Lynxkit.
“What else does the cat say?” She asks, she wasn’t a cleric but she’d heard often that kits were closer to Starclan and it was easier for them to see dead cats. The cleric of Duskclan told her that kits often grow out of this as they age and can’t always be credible, but always worth investigating.
“That you would get a bunch of lives, like 20, and we’d be strong and fight the other clans.”
“I don’t know about 20 lives,” She laughed, unsure how to take this news. “How often do you have these dreams?”
“I’ve had 5,” Lynxkit held up a paw, wiggling her toes. “She’s a big cat with gray fur full of stars!”
They continue walking, switching topics until they arrive to the nest. It wasn’t in Duskclan’s territory, but her older siblings had showed it to her one day after a particularly tough lesson, they’d stayed for most of the day together. The memory made her chest feel tight, she tried not to dwell and focus on their patrol. She wasn’t sure what she’s supposed to gather, she only vaguely knew what materials her former clan used.
She showed Lynxkit a mossy space and went over how to gather it, the kit’s claw was just sharp enough to slice through the growth. With her company occupied, Wolfpaw took some time to wander around the nest, ducking under debris and wood beams. Every few paces she’d stop and test out a vine or plant, tugging on it to test its strength and flexibility. Eventually she came across cordgrass, it felt about the same as the twine she’d seen before. She cut several strands, taking it over to set beside a very focused and careful Lynxkit.
She looked around for anything that could make baskets, a few broad leafed reeds clung to the edge of the dilapidated nest. She took a bundle of those back to Lynxkit, who despite her focus had only a small pile of moss. Wolfpaw walked around the edge of the nest, towards the north west part she could smell part of Duskclan’s border. She ducked around a wooden beam, the smell made her nervous and its thick scent covered up any prey nearby.
Veering to the east the air was clearer, she checked over her shoulder, the border was far and she could still see Lynxkit. She dropped to a crouch, testing the air again she slinked forward, she caught the scent of mouse. She crept forward half a tail length before she saw it, the undergrowth here was thin, just like the rest of Duskclan, so she could lunge forward for it without tripping. A swift bite to its back wrestles a squeak out of her prey, its over quickly.
She’s pleased with herself, with this mouse and the rest of the hare she’d cook back at camp, the pair would be set for several days. If she dried or smoked the meat then it’d last longer, but she’d need more sticks to set it up. Carrying the mouse back she chuckles at the look of awe on Lynxkit’s face. The pile of moss has gotten bigger, with a chuff of annoyance Wolfpaw realizes she’ll have to make at least two trips to bring all the materials home.
Oh well, the day was a success, things were finally looking up for them. They walk home together, tails laying over each others back.
Wolfpaw- a white tabby molly with short fur, heather blue eyes, and a notch in her right ear. 7 moons. Apprentice. Nervous, compassionate, oddly observant.
Lynxkit- a blue point molly with long fur, blue eyes. 2 moons. Quiet, sweet, quick to help out.
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jungleclan · 7 months
Moon 1 - Wisp
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Moon 1 | Part 2 | Wisp (I forgot to share this yesterday amidst birthday festivities whoops)
What is this? Whereabouts of lost clan member, perhaps?
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Welcome to Moon One! And say hello to the four founders of Buttercupclan 🌼Next🌼
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boulderclangen · 9 days
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The Beginning…
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howl-clan · 10 months
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moon 1
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