mammoth-clangen · 2 months
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So... Snakespots seems nice :)) This is fine :))
Sorry for the death fakeout! I usually hate them but this was too much fun to pass up! Burnet gets to live, and I'm sure there will be no cost to this >:3
I gave this a lot of thought but decided Lilac gets to cry on screen bc-
*checks notes*
-full realism is boring, characters who don't emote are not fun to read in a visual format cx
Oh yeah i binged House MD while doing this page and finally finished all of it and now i need to find another silly medical drama to watch XD
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mammoth-clangen · 2 months
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Next Previous First Telling Lie-lacs?
Meet Bat! He has an edgy af design which is immediately counteracted by him having 1 braincell he is now sharing with Dart
His mum seems... hmm... (u get a cookie if you can guess the gist of the conversation between her and Lilac- it's not nice) Also Bat is a little bit based off a kid I taught who was missing a leg. She wore a prosthetic in the pool and one time stood up mid-lap holding it over her head and said "my leg fell off!" and i was like "oh... what do you normally do when this happens?"
Kids can adapt to anything and I think that's cool.
Oh yeah u can read Kindred of the Mammoth on Comicfury btw!
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mammoth-clangen · 2 months
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In which Pounce's panic attack is interrupted by my FAVOURITE LITTLE GUY!!
U will learn more about him in part 2 uvu
Fun fact, I was gonna have Pounce stalking a giant pleistocene Pika but literally cannot find any reference to how big they were.
And then i realised pika are just,,, insanely tiny,,, so i used a marmot instead. I like marmots now, they're so chunky!
I drew Pounce with proper sabers by accident, big cats have milk teeth until they're 1yr old, whoops! Let's say it's uh... an effect... from baring them... being stressed out... yup
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mammoth-clangen · 4 days
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Sorry for the delay, on top of The Horrors I got concussed u-u
Not sure when the next page will be bc I only have 1 buffer left aaaaa
Me: Kindred will have a simplified style so i can be fast
Also me: *slowly drawing closer and closer to White Cat Gold Plains level of detail bc i can't control myself*
.... also this page Literally has two white cats in gold plains oh my god art imitates art
Oh yeah, Smilodon time!
I have been having fun working out ways to differentiate the Fleet Fangs and Ice Fangs, besides just "one has bigger teeth". So they get more bearlike shapes and lips + the hypothesized extended gumline down the sabers (they also use boar and sow like bears rather than tom and molly like cats)
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mammoth-clangen · 3 months
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LORE TIME LORE TIME!!! (Also my favourite art so far in that last panel yay) Someone ages ago asked about their afterlife and the answer is! Well! This isn't Starclan that's for sure! Also meet Snakespots, they seem nice and not suspicious c: Good job to that Anon who guessed that Ice Fangs were another sabercat! Smilodon is present at this time and I'd be lying if i said I wasn't super excited to finally draw them >:3 Who is that getting bodied by an Ice Fang, you ask? Well, that would be telling uvu *squints* did tumblr eat the quality or are we ok??
I'm sure everything said this page is totally valid information that should be taken at face value and nothing should be questioned bc Snake and Burnet are very reliable narrators who would never go into the story and tell lies uwu-b
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mammoth-clangen · 1 month
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Next Previous First Tyro Quiver and Flashback guys! The old tom is Thicketberry btw, he was the leader when Burnet was 2 seasons old c: (he's also a trans tom and comes from a different clangen playthrough I did for fun cx ) Lilac and Pine have a really fun dynamic tbh, I think they're cute uvu The last panel was added as an afterthought but i think it was a good one bc Important I like the colours on this page, pink good uvu-b
Omg hello all 7466435 new people!? ty Moons of Dewclan for reblogging me so i could steal your followers rjhbrhbrh
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mammoth-clangen · 4 months
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Next First (u are here) Howdy! I decided to download Clangen and now it's taken over my brain so here's the result. I went through a homotherium phase last year and wanted to use some of the Intense Worldbuilding™ i did, while modifying it a little for Clangen. So these guys are Homotherium serum, where my other headworld is H. latidens. Bc then i can say "yeah these guys are across the Bering land bridge and the lore is different dw about it uvu" if i ever continue with my Eurasian idea at a later date c':
Oh and I decided to kill most of the 'clan' for character development, yay >:3c (tried to fix the formatting so Hopefully nothing explodes)
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mammoth-clangen · 27 days
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Im so torn on how I feel about these colours. They're very bright and I can't decide if it's pretty or garish cx
Poppy and Lilac get to have a chill moment though, I think that's nice c:
I wish I had foreshadowed this better but yeah Poppy was always planning on leaving once she was well and the cubs were big enough. Now she's not, which is good bc I like drawing her uvu
Begging people to teach me how they draw characters interacting with each other. I feel like mine always look like they're clipping through each other's mesh and bouncing off, rather than being organically close >:/
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mammoth-clangen · 3 months
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..... uh oh... uh... rip my fav nervous fluffball
stay tuned for part 2 (it has my fav art so far) >:3
I finished 3 pages this off-swing, I'm so proud of me. So you get a weekly page instead of fortnightly for a change uvu-b
What else did i have to say here....
Oh!! I designed a little season icon, so those will be included from now on (may go back and add a Winter one to Moons 0-2)
If u can tell what species Poppy has hunted in the first panel u get a cookie c:
Also Quiver is growing a face now, im so proud of her, good job bby!
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mammoth-clangen · 4 months
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Me: I'll cull the Kindred down to 3 so i don't have many characters to deal with!
RNG: *immediately throws 5 new characters at me*
Me: ....
I like the colours in this one uvu
Sorry everything is sad, im working on moon 3 rn (keeping 1 moon of buffer) and i promise there will be more than just sabercats being depressing on main c':
This moon is very self indulgent, almost every panel has some silly paleo detail that makes me happy cx
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mammoth-clangen · 3 months
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Burnet, honey, that kind of sick isn't contagious...
Did you know "graveyard/ grave" specifically refers to like, specific organised human religions? Hence "burial site" not "graveyard", there's a fun fact cx
Yay for babies! Also yay for streamlining designs. Lilac and Quiver have been tweaked a bit (and Quiver will continue to get tweaked as she grows) to make their markings easier to remember.
In game, Lilac is a med cat, but RNG says he's bad at it. Works for me, bc in cannon he is not a healer officially yet. Also, herbalist and wounder are two different specialties a healer may have. Herbalist is more medicinal and gathering, where Wounder is "removing dirt from injury/resetting bone/cleaning etc"
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mammoth-clangen · 4 months
Do you like Clangen and Sabertoothed cats? Great, me too!
My name is Pav and this is my clangen blog! <Start reading here>
Important Things
🧓 Im a '99 bby so please don't DM if you're a minor (actually would prefer no unexpected DMs period tbh, im anxious)
⛏️ I work 12hrs 7 days, week on/week off, meaning I will completely vanish 50% of the time and there's nothing I can do about it
🦘 I'm also an Aussie, so my time zone is weird even when I'm not at work (So if I don't reply, im not ignoring u! ;v;-b )
❔️Asks and Anons are turned on! Please read the FAQ below before asking to avoid repeats c:
😻 I read all the tags and replies even if I don't reply. Tysm everyone saying nice things, it makes my day ;v;
😵‍💫 My focus changes like the weather lately, so while I'm Hoping I'll be able to keep this up, please don't get Life Or Death Invested c':
#mammothmoon -all chapters are tagged with this
#moon (1/2/3/etc) -each moon is tagged by number, and in-character asks from given moons
#mammothask -asks sent to me (will also tag who asks them)
#paleo stuff -anything where I'm nerding about paleo biology etc
#ooc -Pav updates about Pav!
This will be added to as I get more asks and replies to go off!
How often do you post pages?
I try for at least once every 2 weeks, as I spend 50% of my life in the outback with no ability to draw!
Where/ when is Mammothclan set?
In late pleistocene North America, around 12ka ago, during the Younger Dryas!
What species are the cats?
They're Homotherium serum, a scimitar toothed cat.
How paleo accurate is this setting?
Relatively accurate? There's not going to be any species out of their time and place, but I'm not super bothered by, say, exact plant species and how realistic certain story aspects are.
Can I ask the characters' questions?
You can, but I can't promise to answer all of them!
Are we allowed to include characters as cameos/ draw fanart?
Yes definitely absolutely!!!!
You are also welcome to change them to regular cats if that fits better cx (please don't humanise them though, I find that specifically very uncanny)
What mode are you playing on Clangen/ what toggles?
Expanded mode, mass extinctions on, cheating on, "pregnancy ignores biology" off, unknown second parent pregnancies off (bc in my trial run every queen was constantly spawning kittens at lightspeed, no ty)
How far ahead are you from the pages you've drawn?
Currently 40moons ahead, cause I like playing the long game with foreshadowing >:3c
Where do you download Clangen?
Could you elaborate on/ explain content of (page/panel/speech bubble) that confused me?
Sure! If something is unclear, but it seems like it should be explained, please ask and I'll make sure to clarify c:
Can you tell me about (character backstory/spoilers/ aspect of lore not touched on in comic yet)?
No! I don't want to spoil those kinds of things, I'd rather they come up naturally in the comic than dump them under an ask.
I'm a firm believer that if it doesn't happen in text, it's not cannon.
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