moonfurthetemmie · 10 days
There’s fireworks going off outside for reasons beyond me and I suddenly remembered a thing I wrote ages ago for Dreamswap
I have no idea when anymore, though I think it was around when Fatal Flaws first became what it is now; with and Vick, Ellie, and Crystal being girls. So…a few years ago now, I think. I posted it on Quotev.
But I wanted to share it here
It sounds like a headcanon, but it’s less of a headcanon and more of a “hm. Hear me out; what if-“ type thing. I’d claim it as a headcanon, but honestly I haven’t thought about it since writing it JAJSHSH
Anyway here it is:
Nightmare Doesn’t Like Fireworks.
Nightmare doesn't like fireworks. He never liked them to begin with; they were too loud and sudden. He assumed it was something he'd get used to.
Nightmare still doesn't like fireworks. He's heard about so many horrible accidents with them, with people who were too stupid to follow the instructions correctly, thinking they could make their New Years or Independence Day better if they spiced it up a little. He likes to fuck around, but not at the expense of someone's life, or safety. And they're still too loud for him.
Nightmare never liked fireworks. But now he's found something that he likes even less. Something just as dangerous, and loud, and sudden, but even worse, because they're supposed to hurt people.
Nightmare can't handle fireworks. Their popping reminds him too much of gunshots now. He's been chased by cops so many times, cops who don't care that Dream wants him alive. A dead criminal is much better than an alive one, to them; and even if Dream gets mad, they can surely find a convincing lie to tell him.
Cross likes fireworks. They're so cool. In her original AU, they only ever came in white and purple. She was excited to see other kinds, when she got out. But Nightmare never wanted to go watch fireworks, and it was safer for them to stick together, so she didn't go that much.
Error likes fireworks. The first New Years' she spent with Cross and Nightmare, she asked if they were going to go watch a fireworks show. Cross and Nightmare knew she probably wouldn't go if they weren't going to. Cross said she'd like to go.
Nightmare is afraid of fireworks. But...it had been a long time since he'd been around any. And he wanted to hang out with his friends. So he said he'd go. They were both happy to have him along, until they realized how nervous he was. When the first one went off, Nightmare flinched. After a few more, he was shaking. Cross and Error took him home before he got any worse.
Nightmare doesn't like fireworks.
Cross and Error think they know why now.
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isame-allen · 8 months
When you get to know ur friends a lil too much
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tropicalfox · 4 months
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Well @cindertobglow was absolutely shocked to see that moonpaw striked a similarly to his new guy
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hehehe all my friends are awake
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coyotix · 2 months
list of names moonpaw should have instead of moonfur or moonheart:
moonpool 2 (the second part)
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22-b · 4 months
they’re just going to name her after the moonpol or like moonfur or smth and I’ll die inside.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE moongazer or moonwhisper
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wcamino-confessions · 5 months
uhhh here's some positivity: shoutout to blitszy, ghostless, seraphronos, moonfur, cozen, grandma pastel, lemnnshark, stormii, plumleap, sierra, salaciaurerek, wolfii, rockface, teapotato, starpuppi, americankilometers, lineless, juniper, louis, and timber
you all are very cool and i respect you all a lot 👍🏿
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tangledinink · 1 year
I don't think Bryniel was like invite only- it was free to join at any time I think. I had.. many characters on there when I first joined the world of rp. From the... Moonfur OCS to emo OCS to an oc that became one of my main warriors OCS, Littlefoot- {also helped me learn how to rp better n such-}
Yeah, I don't think so either, I think that was a different site. I had like a million different OC's throughout my time in the warrior cat roleplay world in general,,, some of my original guys included Sabletail (baby's first OC), Crowblaze, Fidgetwing (literally my art tag to this day,,,,), and Brownowl, and then also some edgy motherfuckers like 'Deadangel' and some ridiculous kids like 'Persimmonpucker' and 'Pawpawpatch.' Later on, (during, like, a hyperfixation resurgence) I had Whiterain, Shiverpelt, Oneflower, and Fintail, to name a few. (Though there's, like, dozens more in either category... I couldn't possibly cite them all...)
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cloud-ya · 1 year
What would kiana's warrior cat name be
flamestar, moonfur, voidpaw, idk
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ask-horror-ds · 10 months
This is a blog run by Moonfur and Wheeze.
Want to ask one of our fucked up beloveds a question? Go ahead! You can ask anyone you want:
Hunter (& Orange)
Kevin the little shit demon chicken
Ani, though do keep in mind their personality is really flat because we've neglected them (sorry Ani)
And if you want to refresh on the Deep Lore(TM), or just read more about our little shits or whatever else, the H!DS master post is here!
Now, with all that said, we do have some guidelines/rules we'd like to set.
This blog is run by real-life people. We absolutely understand simping for deranged characters, but constantly simping and flirting with the characters through this blog makes us uncomfortable. Most of them wouldn't be receptive to it, anyways.
You can't mess with stuff in-universe too much. Nothing that would cause big changes or such: For example, you can't break the Horror Squad out of jail. We'll have to play it by ear somewhat, but just keep this in mind.
Do note that we will add more rules if we discover we need to set more boundaries, but we don't think that'll be necessary. Moon's just a little extra cautious.
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prplxpierrot · 2 years
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reposts of portraits i drew last year of my warriors OCs.
from left to right, top to bottom:
perchwing, russetfeather, moonfur, stormfrost, willowpaw
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moonfurthetemmie · 5 months
Previous | Next | First (with warnings)
Part 18
Zuli still hadn’t gotten used to the wet squishing sound his footsteps made through the mold. He wasn’t sure he ever would’ve, even if he wasn’t going to die in a few minutes. The manor was far too quiet, and the moldy squishing and squelching felt like the loudest thing in the world. But that didn’t matter now.
Zuli hadn’t visited Jade much since the others had dragged him outside for the last time, but he found that he remembered the way to him rather well. 
Against the wall, on the lowest landing in the stairwell from the ground floor to the second floor, a huge mass of mushrooms had grown so big that these stairs were almost unusable. In the center of it, though it was almost impossible to see him, was the blonde-haired guardian.
Jade’s eyes were covered by the mushrooms completely now. He didn’t seem to be alive, but the whole cluster trembled with his movement when Zuli called his name.
His voice sounded so hoarse, pained. Hopeful, uncertain, anxious. Zuli swallowed the lump in his throat.
“Hi. H…how are you feeling?”
Jade was quiet for a moment. It was impossible tell what he was feeling. “...Numb, now, mostly. The pins-and-needles kind, like when you’ve been sitting on your foot and cut off the circulation. All over. …It’s weird feeling it in my head. I don’t…like it.”
Zuli knelt next to him, and pulled a kitchen knife from the small basket he’d brought with him. Much to his relief, the mushrooms weren’t as bad as he’d thought. “I’m…I’m going to try to cut you out, okay? At least a little. I…don’t think I have enough time to get you all the way out.” He didn’t say why. He knew the Colony had full access to Jade’s mind, and what he heard, or saw. Mostly heard, now. He couldn’t risk the Colony trying to stop him and Mercury now.
The mushrooms on the upper part of Jade’s face shifted. Zuli could imagine the surprised look on his face.
“Th…the others aren’t nearby. But they might- they might start coming over, in a second.”
Zuli sighed. “I know. Just…hold still, okay? I don’t want to accidentally hurt you.”
Jade silently obeyed. The mushrooms were easier to cut through that Zuli had thought, for their size. Zuli did a little more ‘pruning,’ and soon Jade was able to sit up. He did so, his arms shaking from the effort. 
“Zuli, I-“
His voice cracked. He reached one hand out, and Zuli took it without hesitation. Jade’s grip felt so weak, especially through the thick glove of the suit. 
“It’s going to be okay.” Zuli set the knife aside. “We're all going to get out of here, okay?”
“…I don’t think we can get out anymore,” Jade said softly.
Zuli squeezed his hand. “We will. Soon. I promise.”
Jade was quiet for a moment. Then he started sniffling. Something wet rolled down his cheek.
Zuli reach forwards to try and comfort him, and then stopped. He stared at the rear for a second.
“…Are…are you crying? I thought…the mushrooms on your eyes..?”
“Huh?” Jade brought a hand up to his face. “…Huh. I…I think my eyes are the only things that aren’t hurting or numb right now.”
Zuli slowly picked the knife back up. “Can I…try to cut them off? You’ll have to be very still.”
Jade quickly let go of Zuli’s hands and propped himself up. “Please. I’ll be still, I promise.”
Very, very carefully, Zuli shifted into a kneeling position in front of Jade. Hopefully no one comes and startles him while he’s doing this, he thinks.
“Okay. I’ll be careful. If it hurts at all, tell me.”
He cupped Jade’s face in one hand, and began to carefully cut away the mushrooms.
Soon he realized that the mushrooms hadn’t grown out of his eyes; only over them. One bright green, slitted eye blinked and squinted at the sudden light.
Zuli bit his lip. “Hold on. Just a little bit more…”
Jade closed his eyes, but a smile crept onto his face. Zuli kept going, taking great care not to cut Jade’s skin. Some of the mushrooms were starting to turn the same color as his skin. …Or maybe he was getting paler and starting to match the color of the mushrooms’ stems.
Trunks? Stems? Zuli didn’t actually know what the right word was. Oh well.
There were still little stumps from the mushrooms along Jade’s brow, but Zuli couldn’t find it in him to care. Jade could see again. He couldn’t imagine how scared he had been, not being able to see or move around in such a dangerous situation. 
“There.” Zuli set the knife down again. “You can open your eyes now.”
Jade did. He met Zuli’s eyes and gave him a huge, happy grin, and pulled him into a hug. “Thank you! I thought they were in my eyes, too, but-”
He pulled back and gently held the sides of Zuli’s head. It felt strange through the suit. “I can see you again. I can see you!”
Zuli hadn’t seen him this happy since before all this happened. When it was just Obsidian to worry about. Zuli pulled him into another hug and held him tightly. 
They stayed there for a while. Zuli didn’t know how long.
His mind swirled with all sorts of thoughts.
He needed to set the final part of his plan in motion, and soon. If the others came and found the other thing in his basket, they’d fuck it all up.
He missed Jade so much, though. So much had happened, and Jade hadn’t always been the greatest, but they’d still been friends. Jade had still tried to protect Zuli from some things Obsidian did, even if he didn’t realize how bad the rest was.
How long until the Colony realized that Zuli and Mercury were infected? 
…Did it even know? Mercury said he’d take off the hazmat suit once he’d placed the bombs. But unless he’d run into the others, and told them Zuli was infected…
Huh. Maybe it didn’t know after all. 
Maybe…maybe Zuli needed to encourage it to come in.
“Jade, I have to tell you something.” Zuli pulled away, and reached to the zipper behind him.
Jade’s eyes widened. “Wait, what are you-“
Zuli unzipped the suit. A rush of damp, suffocating air filled it, and he nearly gagged. It smelled awful in here. The suit didn’t smell very great, but outside of it was even worse.
“Zuli!” Jade grabbed his arms, not that there was anything he could do now. He looked terrified. But Zuli just shook his head, pulling the suit off of his upper half.
“Mercury’s infected. I was in his office with him when we realized, so I probably am too. The suit was just delaying the inevitable.” 
Jade’s lip trembled. All the joy and delight had vanished, as if it was never there to begin with. Now all that was left was hopelessness and despair.
“...Oh, god, it’s coming,” Jade said suddenly, his head jerking to the side. His eyes seemed to see something beyond the wall next to him. “It’s coming.”
Zuli pulled a small plastic box from the basket before wrapping his arms around Jade again. His eyes stung.
He didn’t want to die. Not like this. 
But it was the only way…
“I’m-” he choked. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t give you what you asked for the last time I saw you. It probably would’ve been easier than this.”
Jade hugged him tight. “I’m…I’m sorry too,” he said softly. “I haven’t been a great friend, have I?”
Zuli laughed shakily. “That’s okay. I’m…I’m glad you were here. You still made it better, a little.” 
“It’s not going to kill us, you know,” Jade said, though it sounded more like a warning. “It’s just trying to merge with the manor.”
Zuli took a shaky breath, and held out the remote in his hand. Jade hadn’t seen it. “I-”
The building shook. The fungal growths around them and along the walls shuddered, spores falling from the ceiling, the mushrooms around them.
“I know,” Zuli finished. He clenched his teeth. “I’m going to do it.”
He pushed the button.
Another, larger tremor spread through the manor, and Jade tensed.
Zuli heard a deep, distant moan. It sounded…unearthly. He shuddered.
“You…You’re going to burn the place down,” Jade said in a hushed voice. “...It’s spreading so fast…The others are already trying, but they aren’t going to be able to put it out.”
Zuli chucked the remote to the side, and held Jade tight. He was starting to shake.
“Mercury couldn’t- he couldn’t find a cure fast enough. It- It’s the only thing I could think of. To keep it from spreading.” His vision blurred. “Fuck, why am I afraid now?”
Jade pulled back slightly and pressed his forehead to Zuli’s. He looked so calm. “For what it’s worth, I think you did the right thing.” He offered Zuli a small smile. “It’s going to be okay. It’s going to hurt, but you can hold on to me. Or, if you’d rather, and you think you can make yourself do it, you can use the knife.”
Zuli looked over at the knife. The idea made his stomach churn. “I…I don’t think I can.”
Jade closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he said, “Then hold on to me. As tight as you want. I don’t think I’ll feel much of it.”
Zuli did. The fire hadn’t reached them yet, but he was so scared, now that it was actually happening.
It was so easy to think and talk about duty and sacrifice. It was much harder to actually commit to it. Even if he’d managed to push the button, every nerve and neuron in his body told him he should run. Run away, escape, get to safety. But he couldn’t. Even if he wanted to. 
“...Can we try again next time?” Jade asked. “Being friends?”
Zuli smiled. “That…that would be nice. Maybe we can make silly snowmen again.”
“Or bake cookies!”
“You burned every batch of cookies you made when you stayed with us.”
“Not the last one! I was getting better!”
A strange sound was approaching. 
“...Huh. I can hear Obsidian now.” Jade looked up. “He’s been silent for ages. …He says ‘thank you’.”
Zuli huffed. “Tell him I hope the fire follows him to the afterlife.”
“...He thinks that’s funny. And fitting.” Jade took a breath. “...It’s funny, you know. After something much worse happened, I finally realized how awful everything was here. For me. For you. He didn’t actually bring you out of the basement like he said he did, did he? He left you down there.”
Zuli nodded. “The whole time.”
Jade buried his face in the crook of Zuli’s neck. “...I kind of wish I’d gone back down there. He told me not to, and I know all it would’ve done is gotten me in trouble, but a part of me still thinks I could’ve done something.”
Zuli ran his fingers through Jade’s hair. It was dirty, oily, and the fungus had started growing in it. Zuli didn’t care.
It was getting hard to breathe.
“It’s too late for regrets,” Zuli muttered. It was getting hot, too. “For any of us.”
“I hope the others don’t come to their senses before they die,” Jade said. “I think it’d be better to die angry about foiled plans, then overwhelmed with guilt about what they did.”
“Yeah…I hope so too.”
The flames appeared around the corner, at the bottom of the stairs. 
“...I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I think we mean it in different ways,” Jade said with a sad laugh. “But I don’t really care. I’m…I’m glad you’re here.”
Zuli wasn’t sure what Jade meant. But he said, “I am too. I’d be too scared to face this alone.”
The fire took no time in rushing up the stairs.
Soon enough, it had engulfed them.
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isame-allen · 9 months
After years of studying I finally got the basics of jmv
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Oh and I made smt for lil zircon
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Jmv belongs to @/freyfall
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blorboclaw · 2 years
what do you think would‘ve happened if Bluestar had developed feelings for Thrushpelt upon seeing how good he was with her kits?
Alas, it changes nothing to the Thistleclaw situation. She has to give up the kits.
However we might think she would trust him enough to put him in on the plan and she gets him to help her carry them. Mosskit is saved.
For narrative parallels purposes, the Erins give Silverstream three kits who will be apprenticed to Mistyfoot (Featherpaw), Stonefur (Stormpaw) and Mosslight (Willowpaw).
Feathertail and Stormfur are not each other's whole kin since they've got another sibling (let's say Willow is female and warrior name is Willowbark). Stormfur doesn't go with Feathertail in Midnight. There's no Chosen One to get back to Riverclan after Feathertail's death. Willowbark and Stormfur are now each other's whole kin, which means Stormfur will not stay with the tribe.
Mosslight's survival also means Hawkfrost is not the first in line to be temporary deputy. She becomes temporary deputy and leads search patrols. When Mistyfoot is freed, she resigns from deputyship and lets Mistyfoot get her role back.
Everything else happens, except Stormfur is not kicked out of Riverclan. Mosslight becomes Mistystar’s deputy, but is killed in the Great Battle. Mistystar then choses Reedwhisker and the rest is history.
Now what would be interesting is if, after she became a leader, Bluestar had a second litter, this time with Thrushpelt. I don’t think she would, because of the guilt of having abandonned the first. But let’s say she does. Three kits. Named Moonkit, Rainkit and Eaglekit because of family links and whatnot. They’ll be refered to as Moonfur, Rainfall and Eaglefeather later on.
Three more warriors in Into the Wild. Maybe more if they have kits. No need for Rusty. Bluestar decides she won’t take the risk to take in one more mouth to feed, particularly a kittypet kitten, and will seek Fire somewhere else.
Then we have two possibilities stemming from here.
- Rainfall discovers Tigerclaw’s treachery and basically takes Fireheart’s role in the plot with a few deviations. They also discover that they have half-siblings in Riverclan.
- No one is the wiser and Tigerclaw takes controle of Thunderclan.
The first one is basically an AU where Fireheart is Bluestar’s son so I won’t take it. The second I don’t like either because it feels like just too much to explain in all the possible ways.
So let’s think up a third.
Moonfur and Redtail get together. Moonfur becomes Sandstorm’s mother.
Seeing a red kit be born from her blood (particularly with the fact it makes no sense dna-wise but... erins amirite), Bluestar suggests that they call her firekit and is now convinced Sandstorm (or, rather, Firestorm) is the One.
And so she treats Firestorm like she treated Fireheart.
Dustpelt and Firestorm are made warriors early. They are given apprentices early. Ravenpaw is slaughtered by Tigerclaw and Graypaw, sloppy as he is, becomes a warrior at the same time as Swiftpaw, around Forest of Secrets (the only reason Swiftpaw didn’t get his warrior name before Brackenfur, who was younger than him, was because he wasn’t there during I don’t know what battle, but his absence was due to FIreheart’s decisions, which Firestorm doesn’t take the same way). Swiftpaw becomes Swiftheart.
No Gray x Silver because of the timing of their first meeting. Let’s say Cinderpaw still gets hurt. But no Cloudkit/paw/tail.
Firestorm is none the wiser until she goes to check on her grandmother during the rogues attack and prevents Tigerclaw from killing her. Bluestar exiles him and starts spiraling down. She names Firestorm her new deputy. Gives her Fernpaw as her apprentice (and, on Firestorm’s suggestion, Ashpaw to Dustpelt).
As for the new couples here’s a brief summary:
Swiftheart x Brightheart (will have Whitewing)
Thornclaw x Ferncloud (will have all of DustFern’s canon kids)
Firestorm x Dustpelt (will have the FireSand canon kids)
(yes I tend to consider that the mother gets the kids when I change the pairings)
It goes basically like in canon. Sandstorm was not any less smart than Fireheart, and was actually more socially/emotionally intelligent, so there’s no reason she doesn’t figure out the whole dog pack and windclan thing etc. Actually that emotional/social intelligence gives her the advantage here: when she stands in for Bluestar after the fire, and Tigerclaw arrives all “i’m head of shadowclan now”-y, she actually tells everyone that the storm is here to support here not to silent her, since she’s is named -storm. She tells everyone what’s going on. Shadowclan probably still supports Tigerstar because... Starclan approved of him, and they’re still too weak to be left alone without leadership.
But his close guard, Blackfoot and others, don’t trust him as much as they did before. Actually it could be the start of self reflection for Blackfoot. Realizing he betrayed his clan without realizing it by bringing Tigerclaw in. Realizing some things are true while not being perceptible by him and so on. Boulder might think it best not to mention Blood Clan. Also... maybe Leopardfur/star is not going to trust him so easily, now.
Bluestar dies.
Firestorm becomes leader under the name Firestar.
She choses her mate Dustpelt as her deputy. He doesn’t die and neither do Whitestorm (who only died so that Graystripe could become deputy).
They get SquirrelLeaf. Skyclan is never revived since Firestorm would listen to Starclan and not go. I know Sandstorm did go but she was going with her mate and leader, she didn’t have to take, herself, the decision to tell Starclan to go eff themselves and to leave her clan for who knows how long.
She does the same deeds as Fireheart did basically. No Darktail because no Skyclan means no Alderheart going and all.
That alas means Alderpaw keeps being fascinated by Needlepaw and even when a full medicine cat, they keep meeting. Needletail ends up giving birth to Alderheart’s kits and refuses to give the name of the father, which is not as accepted as it was for, say, Silverstream or Bluestar, because Needletail is known to be lackadaisical with the warrior code’s application. Everybody suspects a father from out of the clan, but no one has any proof.
Alderheart’s kids end up being called Violetkit and Twigkit and might become the heroines of their own prophecy or something, with the same complicated relationship to kin they have in canon. But here they’re together and have less damage as they had when both split and one of them in the Kin and the other changing clans all the time.
TL;DR: If Bluestar had developped feelings for Thrushpelt along the way, Sandstorm would have been the Fire to Save the Clan, and Needletail would have been Twig and Violet’s mother.
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darthhope999 · 1 year
The Iceclanians play Minecraft
Blizzard: Dies constantly and somehow falls of the face of the planet while mining (shadow totally didn’t have anything to do with it.)
Shadow: Screams and rages in Spanish but somehow manages to curse in English just so everyone can understand his string of insults.
Rusty: Trying to calm everyone down and just ends up being targeted by every living soul.
Firefur: Constantly running from zombies. Even when he gets all diamond.
Moonfur: Surprisingly good, but sucks at fighting. Shadow keeps killing her.
Jade: Logs in. Slaughters everyone. Logs out.
Falcon: Trying to get everyone to work together to beat the game. Shadow thought he’d be an easy target. He was wrong.
Clover: She has not stopped exploring. It’s been like a year.
Ivy: She mines constantly, but she never shares anything. What she finds belongs to her.
Ghost: He never gets to play, Scorch keeps calling him to save him and Arctic.
Everest: He left the moment Shadow started screaming.
Cyclone: Killing all the sheep just for fun. Says he likes the look of fear in their eyes.
Lightningstrike: Chasing his boyfriend around trying to get him to stop killing all of the sheep.
Scorch & Arctic: Desperately trying to build a house, but it seems like the game is targeting them. They found a mushroom biome and somehow saw their first zombie apocalypse.
Glacier: Finding elaborate ways to destroy everyone’s houses. And laughing maniacally.
Max: Trying to hide from Glacier’s TNT launcher. Failing miserably.
Atomic: Working with Glacier but he’s trapping everyone instead.
Dawn: Mortal enemies with Rushwind. The two will not stop killing each other. Oh. My. God.
Rushwind: Literally doing nothing but trying to beat Dawn. It’s getting exhausting for everyone.
Shard: Going on a rant about how “That’s not how medicine works!” And destroying everyones’ supply of potions.
Leafblizzard: Yep, she’s still the healer.
Conan: Raiding villages. Raiding houses. Raiding everything known to man.
Koda: Trying to get Conan to stop. Eventually caves and joins in.
Adderstrike: Literally nothing. He just stands there. But HE NEVER DIES!
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Random Warriors AU: Good! ScourgeTigerBroken
This is an AU I’ve been brainrotting over for a while now and I wanted to write it down.
So the events go as follows:
In ShadowClan, as in canon, Brokenkit is raised by Lizardstripe alongside her own kits. He is picked on constantly and has no friends besides the clan’s Medicine Cat, Yellowfang. He wants more than anything to become a Medicine Cat Apprentice when he comes of age. That way, he can spend all day with the only cat besides his father who likes him and maybe his clanmates will like him then too. Except Raggedstar disagrees. He wants his son to be a Warrior and believes that Yellowfang is trying to steal their son back from him. He threatens to banish her if she makes Brokenpaw her Apprentice, and she reluctantly chooses Cloudypaw (Runningpaw) instead. Brokenpaw and his father get into a fight over it and Raggedstar slashes his son across the face in a fit of anger, partially blinding him.
The injured Brokenpaw runs away from ShadowClan and finds himself in ThunderClan territory, where he begs Sunstar to let him stay. Brokenpaw is quickly drawn to the Medicine Den and impresses Featherwhisker with his knowledge of herbs and he is allowed to become his apprentice. He also befriends Tigerkit, with them both bonding over their not-great dads. Sunstar makes Tigerpaw’s mentor Thrushpelt instead of Thistleclaw, having his suspicions that something is wrong with Thistleclaw. One day, a small kittypet is found wandering the border. Thistleclaw viciously mauls the poor kit, almost killing him if Tigerpaw hadn’t stepped in.
Tigerpaw gets his nose scar (and several others) as a result of trying to fight a grown cat. Bluefrost shows up along with Sunstar, who is pissed. Thistleclaw is banished on the spot and Tigerpaw and the kit are rushed to the Medicine Den. Thankfully the kit, who is named Tiny, survives the ordeal. He decides to stay in ThunderClan because he still thinks that he’s going to be drowned by his Twolegs (thanks Ruby and Socks). He is renamed to Icekit and is fostered by the ThunderClan monarchs. Since Thistleclaw is gone, Spottedpaw debates whether or not she still wants to be a Warrior now that her “love” (*cough* abuser) is gone. She decides to become a Medicine Cat and joins Brokenpaw and Featherwhisker in the Medicine Den.
Snowflower still gets hit by the car but survives and eventually becomes mates with Thrushpelt. They have one litter together, both toms: Starlingclaw and Stormeyes. Whitestorm is the best big brother to his little sibs.
Since Thistleclaw is gone and there's no competition for Deputy or threat to her kits, Bluefrost keeps their three kits in ThunderClan and all three grow up to be great Warriors. Flurrykit (Mosskit) becomes Flurryfeather, Moonkit (Stonekit) becomes Moonfur, and Sunnykit (Mistykit) becomes Sunnybranch. They suspect that their father is from another Clan but don’t know who exactly he is.
Also down the line, Brokenpaw and Spottedpaw get their Medicine Cat names: Brokenheart and Spottedleaf. Tigerpaw becomes Tigerfoot (after his mama Leopardfoot). Icekit becomes Icepaw and is mentored by Bluefrost. He soon passes his Warrior Exam and becomes Icefang. Tigerfoot and Goldenflower fall in love and have their first kit together- a tomkit named Leopardkit (Longtail). Icefang becomes part of the relationship later, with the three being a triad. Goldenflower’s next litter is Icefang’s: Swiftkit and Quincekit (Lynxkit). The third litter is still Tiger’s and their names are the same as canon.
When Firepaw joins the Clan, he and Icefang talk because they’re both former kittypets and it’s like “Hey how’re my old housefolk? What’s changed over there?” And Firepaw casually mentions his dad and Icefang is like “wait your dad is who” and that’s how they find out they’re related.
As for plot, I don’t really know the finer details. Thistleclaw pulls a canon!Tigerstar and just steals ShadowClan after Raggedstar finally dies. Ruby and Socks (now Ruckus and Shatter) become BloodClan’s leaders after being abandoned by their housefolk and partner with Thistlestar to try to take over the forest. Yellowfang is still exiled because Raggedstar is a bitter asshole and joins ThunderClan after meeting Firepaw. She and Brokenheart are overjoyed to see each other again. She eventually tells him that she’s his bio mom and there’s a Thing there for a little bit. Bluestar’s kits also probably learn who their father is after one kills him in a battle because the angst potential on that is amazing.
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