#Morado Ketchum
Ketchum Family Trivia
Ash’s Trivia
~Ash had spent a lot of his time with Pokemon more than people due to other kids bullying him.
~Ash hadn’t met his first human friend until he was six where he met Anabel.
~Ash and Anabel became very close since both of them could understand Pokemon and grew close to each other.
~Ash had met Serena a little after meeting Anabel, the three of them were close friends.
~When they met up again in Kalos, Ash became a wingman for Serena when he found out about her crush on Aria.
~Ash had gotten attacked by his main bullies and ended up being put in the hospital for a few weeks.
~Ash didn’t encounter Team Rocket due to the fact that Team Rocket was disbanded by his father Red and Red’s friends Blue, Green and Yellow and the revival of Team Rocket was stopped by Gold, Silver and Crystal.
~Ash was childhood friends with Gold and Crystal’s younger siblings Jimmy and Marina.
~Ash loved music ever since he was a baby as his parents would sing to him or play music for him when he was a newborn.
~It’s because of that, Ash is an incredible singer and his aura abilities are connected to his love of music.
~Ash didn’t meet or travel with Brock, Misty, May, Max, Dawn, Cilan, Iris, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie. He traveled with Gold, Silver and Crystal in Kanto, Orange Islands and Johto. Silver and Crystal in Hoenn. Silver, Anabel and Molly in Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos.
~Ash had befriended Jessie, James and Meowth due to them not being part of Team Rocket due to it disbanding before they could join. As such they’re all good friends.
~Ash was going to turn down the offer to be a Frontier Brain when Brandon offered, but when he realized that he could be closer to Anabel he agreed to be a Frontier Brain.
~When Ash met Anabel again and she offered to have him and his family come to her house, he happily agreed and when Silver asked about his battle Ash had simply said “Screw the battle!”
~Ash is a big fan of idols and Pokemon performers, a love that had passed to his older son Lazarus.
~When Ash was little, he could use his aura to read another person’s aura which helped him point out scammers, criminals and con artists who were pretending to be good people.
~Ash could also track someone’s aura so long as he’s seen and analyzed them before.
~Ash was known to befriend all kinds of wild Pokemon, he was so close to them that if he was in trouble wild Pokemon would help him even if they never met him before.
Anabel’s Trivia:
~Anabel used to live in Hoenn before she moved to Kanto.
~After moving to Kanto, Anabel would pretend to be a boy due to other kids from Hoenn saying she couldn’t be a Frontier Brain if she wasn’t an attractive girl.
~When she befriended Ash, she told him that she was a girl but Ash already knew and didn’t care that she was a girl.
~Anabel had befriended Serena around the same time they met.
~Anabel was slightly worried that Serena would try to be with Ash when they were older, but she was reassured by Serena that she wasn’t going to take Ash from her.
~After meeting Ash, she grew out her hair and stopped pretending to be a boy, saying that she’ll become a Frontier Brain because she has someone who believes in her and she wants to battle him one day.
~When she heard Ash was put in the hospital she visited him everyday, sadly he was either unconscious when she visited or so loopy from pain killers that he didn’t know who she was while she was there. She didn’t mind and stayed by his side for as long as she could.
~Anabel has psychic abilities that she’ll only use for emergencies or to help Ash when his aura isn’t enough.
~Anabel enjoys listening to Ash sing and enjoys singing with him.
Silver’s Trivia:
~Silver was childhood friends with Gold and Crystal, he teamed up with them to stop the revival of Team Rocket.
~Despite being Giovanni’s son, he completely rejects any notion of being related to Giovanni. To Silver, Red is the only father he has.
~Silver doesn’t have the same interest in singing as Ash does but he is a good singer when no one is looking.
~Silver was deeply upset when he got word that Ash was put in the hospital and wanted to beat up the bullies who did that to his little brother, but wild Pokemon beat him to it, which amused him.
~Silver always had a crush on Crystal and got annoyed when Gold or any other guy would flirt with her, even if they weren’t dating at the time.
~Before Ash was born, Silver made a promise to Red to always protect his younger brother or sister and keep an eye on them. He always feels horrible when something bad happens to Ash and he either couldn’t stop it from happening or wasn’t there to protect him.
~Silver has a Kyoto accent that comes out when he’s really angry, he always hates it when it pops up.
Crystal’s Trivia:
~When Crystal’s arms were broken when she was little, Silver was there to help her heal even though he had no idea how to help. She appreciated the gesture which is what made her develop a crush on him.
~Even after that day, she felt weak and unworthy of being near him and vowed to never be in that situation again 
~Crystal still works with children when she isn’t being a professor’s assistant.
~Crystal finds Ash to be cute and often calls him ‘sweetie’ out of affection.
~Crystal is close to her younger sister Marina and always supported her relationship with Jimmy and Vincent.
~Crystal enjoys cooking and is very good at it, being the cook of the group (and kicking Gold when he would make a sexist comment about when she was cooking)
~Crystal would later teach Ash how to cook when he was older and she enjoyed teaching him how to cook.
Lazarus’ Trivia:
~Lazarus has a great singing voice like Ash, but he sucks at dancing.
~Lazarus has a huge love for anything dealing with stage performances, which is one reason why he really likes Ariel.
~Lazarus is aware of Ariel’s crush on him and does like her back, he just wants to wait for the right moment to confess his feelings to her.
~Lazarus does have a Pikachu as part of the Ketchum family tradition, his Pikachu is just more of a companion and acts as the Battle Frontier mascot.
~Lazarus’ dream is to create a new kind of Battle Frontier that matches that of the Pokemon gyms and the Elite Four.
~Lazarus is just as reckless as Ash was and Ash can’t even scold him for being reckless without sounding like a hypocrite.
~Lazarus’ battle style is similar to his father’s he plays to his Pokemon strengths and uses his quick thinking skills to create unique counters.
~Lazarus didn’t go to school or daycare when he was younger, preferring to just learn from experience than in school.
~Lazarus’ favorite color is white, he doesn’t know why.
~Lazarus’ favorite food is pancakes and his favorite drink is orange juice.
Chetari’s Trivia:
~The main reason why Chetari was adopted by Ash was because he heard her sing and he has a weakness for anyone who can sing.
~Chetari’s Jigglypuff is the son of the Jigglypuff that would draw on someone’s face if they fell asleep after she was done singing.
~The reason why Chetari has a rapping Swablu was simply because the idea sounded funny.
~Chetari studies human health as well as Pokemon health, someone has to make sure her adopted brother doesn’t hurt himself too badly.
~Chetari’s off color Gallade was based off of a idea me and unknownwolf1996 had where Chetari caught a Kirlia that was the same color as a character from Danganronpa, Kiibo the Kirlia then became a bit of a running gag.
~Chetari has a Zorua because that’s her signature Pokemon no matter what.
~Chetari has a Vaporeon both because I felt she needed an Eeveelution and because Vaporeon wasn’t taken by anyone yet.
~Wanted to replace Draco with Nuzleaf because it would be more fun that way.
~Chetari also has a Pikachu but like Lazarus’ Pikachu, she’s a companion.
~Chetari’s favorite food is pork buns and her favorite drink is tea.
Jewel’s Trivia:
~Jewel loves being with kids and is always happy to catch a Pokemon for them.
~Jewel often has to scold her cousin Lazarus for when he does something reckless.
~Jewel is a very good artist and photographer, she also enjoys scrap booking and is very good at it.
~Jewel is an amazing dancer, but she isn’t the best at singing.
~Jewel had went to school when she was younger before she applied as an assistant for Professor Cerise.
~Jewel knows her younger sister is afraid of Pokemon and often tries to get her used to Pokemon she catches, sometimes it works.
~Jewel is happy to provide Pokemon to help her cousin’s dream.
~Jewel always ties her hair in a bun or in a ponytail when she’s flying to avoid having her hair in her face and when she’s in the field so her hair doesn’t get in the way.
~Jewel also has an outfit for field work she wears as she doesn’t want to get her kimono dirty or ripped.
~Jewel’s team is built for capturing Pokemon similar to Crystal’s team with Meganium being her land transportation, Pidgeot being air transportation, Gothia using Mean Look to prevent Pokemon from escaping, Hitmonlee to be a battler for stronger Pokemon, Foongus to make Pokemon easier to catch with status effects and Pawniard to use False Swipe.
~Jewel was given Hitmonlee as a opposite to Crystal’s Hitmonchan. 
~Jewel’s favorite color is red, which is why she loves her hair.
~Jewel’s favorite food is ramen and her favorite drink is green tea.
Morado’s Trivia:
~Morado’s hair was a lot lighter when he was younger, it got darker when he got older due to him spending a lot of time in the sun.
~Morado doesn’t like interacting with kids his own age as he thinks other kids aren’t as interesting as Pokemon.
~Morado doesn’t openly trust other kids despite his optimism.
~Morado likes music like his father and brother, he enjoys playing with drums.
~Morado has an interest in sports and wants to take up some sports when he’s older.
~Despite wearing purple and his name meaning purple, Morado’s favorite color is actually blue.
~Morado’s favorite food is omelette rice and his favorite drink is milk.
Tamako’s Trivia:
~Tamako loves her long hair and refuses to have it cut, even if her bangs are in the way of her vision.
~The barrette she wears was given to her so she didn’t have to cut her bangs.
~Tamako enjoys being with other kids her age and has a lot of friends at school.
~While she is afraid of being near Pokemon she isn’t familiar with, she still will heal them if any of them are injured.
~Her slight fear of Pokemon came from an incident she doesn’t like talking about as it brings up too many bad memories.
~Tamako speaks with a Kyoto dialect, though she often hides it as she finds it embarrassing.
~Tamako’s favorite color is turquoise.
~Tamako’s favorite food are dangos and her favorite drink is lemonade.
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Alternate Next Gen (Children): Morado Ketchum
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Morado is the second son of Ash and Anabel. As Morado is the younger son of Ash and Anabel, he’s often the one Ash and Anabel has to pay more attention to, as such, Morado spends a lot of time watching both of his parents battling and he’s always excited to watch them battle and cheers when he sees them win. Morado greatly admires his mom and his dad and he wants to be a Pokemon trainer rather than a Frontier Brain like his older brother. He doesn’t go to school like the other kids, he spends his time playing in the forest with wild Pokemon or just hanging around the Battle Facilities his parents own, for that reason Morado doesn’t have a lot of human friends but he doesn’t mind as he feels Pokemon are the greatest friends he has, the only other kid his age he plays with is his cousin Tamako. Morado is a lot like his father, he’s energetic and loves to be with Pokemon but he’s also reckless and often gets into trouble, thankfully he can also get out of trouble. He’s been known to have impressive battle skills despite only being seven years old, being able to win against other kids who happen to have Pokemon and he’s always happy when he wins. Much like Ash, he can think on his feet and is able to imitate Ash’s strange battle style. Morado also has a lot of stamina like his father and older brother, he’s also highly optimistic and he has a bright outlook on the world and while he is reckless, he still knows that he can’t do much against anyone older than him because he’s just a child and while he believes in his Pokemon he knows they can’t do much against Pokemon stronger than his so he opts to tell his brother or his parents about something that he can’t handle.
Like his father and brother, Morado does possess Aura but as he’s a child all he can do with it is understand what a Pokemon is saying.
His Pokemon:
Aipom- Aipom was caught by Ash and given to Morado for his birthday. Aipom is a very friendly but mischievous Pokemon, his mischief comes out when he sees someone mess with his trainer and he will often just prank them when no one is looking and will happily grin at Morado as if he didn’t do anything wrong. Aipom loves to play with Morado and is always happy to just be around him by happily riding on his back or on his head. Aipom will always think of different games for him and Morado to play together, whether they’re playing a simple game of tag or just climbing trees together, Aipom is happy and will always be willing to play whatever he wants or whatever Morado wants. Aipom really loves sweet things like honey and fruit, he’ll always share what he gets with Morado and his family and gets happy when they like what he gets for them. Aipom also loves playing with different kinds of balls like soccer balls, basketballs, ping-pong balls and various others simply because he can use his tail to play with them and he can play with his trainer with them. He’s very good at catching objects and throwing them at enemies, something he uses to his advantage.
Caught in a Fast Ball.
Ability is Pickup.
Moves are Fling, Agility, Double Team, Return, Aerial Ace, Double Slap, Seed Bomb, Mega Punch, Dynamic Punch and Slam.
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