#Jewel Ketchum
giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Okay, so I know I haven’t sent a request because I haven’t thought of any, BUT I finally thought of one. Bestie “I thought you said you could beat. Looks like I’m winning! You can’t beat the Pokémon Champion” ler!Leon and Lee!Ash
Ooo! I like this prompt quite a bit! :D So, fair warning- I haven't kept up with the anime side of Pokemon since I want to say late Hoenn? I have no idea if Hop and Ash meet or not, but for this dabble they do kajlerkjakrjk I've gotcha covered, friend!
Bestie: "I thought you said you could beat me! Looks like I'm winning! You can't beat the Pokemon Champion!"
“It’s soooooo funny,” Leon drew out his words playfully, grinning as he carried on gently flicking his fingers against Ash’s sides. “I thought you said you could beat me! And yet- it looks like I’m winning!” His teasy tone was nearly drowned out by the brunette’s squeals of mirth, smaller hands coming down on his wrists to-well he wasn’t pushing him off. He wasn’t even grabbing his wrists really- just kinda..holding them. “You can’t beat the Galarian Champion, Ketchum!”
“Aheahhahahahahahha! Oohohohohoh, you shuhuhuuhuuhuht yohohoohohur fahhahahahahhace!” Ash squealed, twisting this way and that beneath the bigger man. When Hop warned him of Leon’s antics, he didn’t believe it at first.
After the absolute tickle hell Raihan rained down on him- how bad could the Champion be?
Turns out- really bad.
“Shut my face? How rude!” Leon mock gasped, tsking as he shot a hand to Ash’s armpit, making the trainer spasm and scream. “And here I was about to have mercy! Some luck you have there, Ash!” When a hand came flying at his face, he easily grabbed it, pinning it over the kid’s head with barely any pressure whatsoever. “Is this a bad spot? Sounds like it.”
“LEEHEHHHEHEON! AHEHHAHAHAHHA, PLEHEHEHHAHAHHAHAHSE!” Ash cried, feet kicking against the grass sporadically, sending small tufts of dirt flying. His cheeks were bright red- rivaling Pikachu’s- and his eyes were squeezed shut so tightly that happy tears began to form. “AAHAHHAHANYWHAHAHHAHRE BUT THEHEHHEHEHERE!”
“Anywhere? Like here?” Leon dropped his hand to Ash’s waist, squeezing gently and making him jump. “Or here?” He danced his fingers across his belly, getting a fresh squeal. “Or maybe….here!” He reached back to give Ash’s thigh a squeeze, nearly getting kicked in the family jewels when the smaller boy levitated. “Whoa there! Definitely a strong spot to consider!”
By the end of it all- Ash learned a very important lesson. If Hop warns you about someone, listen.
Candy Heart Prompts Are Officially CLOSED!
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loisinherlane · 2 years
Okay, so what I can currently find without a ton of digging:
Wendy--Buffy stand-in. Played by Terri Jewel Jackson (obviously a reference to Sarah Michelle Gellar). Can’t currently find a last name for her. Werewolf Stalker a la Vampire Slayer.
Cherub--Angel stand-in. Ambiguous as to what species he is. Angel was a vampire, but certain moments in YJ suggest that Cherub isn’t a werewolf. (See notes about Jake Ketchum below.) He has a spin-off series.
Paulo--Xander stand-in. Played by Javier Sanchez. He does appear to differ significantly from Xander in personality and appearance.
(Unnamed/Name unknown)--Willow stand-in. Played by Melody (last name unknown). She apparently develops a romantic fascination with Luella.
Luella--Tara stand-in. Played by Cissie King-Jones. She seems to differ significantly from Tara due to the way she’s introduced and her more active role.
(Unnamed/Name unknown)--Spike stand-in, presumably. Potentially played by Jake Ketchum (reference to James Masters, as in @rainelinde‘s words, Ketchum sounds like ketchup and Marsters sounds like mustard). Has a Texan accent. (Spike was originally going to be from Texas.) He is a werewolf, and Wendy is supposed to fall for him before she finds out he’s a werewolf.
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Ketchum Family Trivia
Ash’s Trivia
~Ash had spent a lot of his time with Pokemon more than people due to other kids bullying him.
~Ash hadn’t met his first human friend until he was six where he met Anabel.
~Ash and Anabel became very close since both of them could understand Pokemon and grew close to each other.
~Ash had met Serena a little after meeting Anabel, the three of them were close friends.
~When they met up again in Kalos, Ash became a wingman for Serena when he found out about her crush on Aria.
~Ash had gotten attacked by his main bullies and ended up being put in the hospital for a few weeks.
~Ash didn’t encounter Team Rocket due to the fact that Team Rocket was disbanded by his father Red and Red’s friends Blue, Green and Yellow and the revival of Team Rocket was stopped by Gold, Silver and Crystal.
~Ash was childhood friends with Gold and Crystal’s younger siblings Jimmy and Marina.
~Ash loved music ever since he was a baby as his parents would sing to him or play music for him when he was a newborn.
~It’s because of that, Ash is an incredible singer and his aura abilities are connected to his love of music.
~Ash didn’t meet or travel with Brock, Misty, May, Max, Dawn, Cilan, Iris, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie. He traveled with Gold, Silver and Crystal in Kanto, Orange Islands and Johto. Silver and Crystal in Hoenn. Silver, Anabel and Molly in Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos.
~Ash had befriended Jessie, James and Meowth due to them not being part of Team Rocket due to it disbanding before they could join. As such they’re all good friends.
~Ash was going to turn down the offer to be a Frontier Brain when Brandon offered, but when he realized that he could be closer to Anabel he agreed to be a Frontier Brain.
~When Ash met Anabel again and she offered to have him and his family come to her house, he happily agreed and when Silver asked about his battle Ash had simply said “Screw the battle!”
~Ash is a big fan of idols and Pokemon performers, a love that had passed to his older son Lazarus.
~When Ash was little, he could use his aura to read another person’s aura which helped him point out scammers, criminals and con artists who were pretending to be good people.
~Ash could also track someone’s aura so long as he’s seen and analyzed them before.
~Ash was known to befriend all kinds of wild Pokemon, he was so close to them that if he was in trouble wild Pokemon would help him even if they never met him before.
Anabel’s Trivia:
~Anabel used to live in Hoenn before she moved to Kanto.
~After moving to Kanto, Anabel would pretend to be a boy due to other kids from Hoenn saying she couldn’t be a Frontier Brain if she wasn’t an attractive girl.
~When she befriended Ash, she told him that she was a girl but Ash already knew and didn’t care that she was a girl.
~Anabel had befriended Serena around the same time they met.
~Anabel was slightly worried that Serena would try to be with Ash when they were older, but she was reassured by Serena that she wasn’t going to take Ash from her.
~After meeting Ash, she grew out her hair and stopped pretending to be a boy, saying that she’ll become a Frontier Brain because she has someone who believes in her and she wants to battle him one day.
~When she heard Ash was put in the hospital she visited him everyday, sadly he was either unconscious when she visited or so loopy from pain killers that he didn’t know who she was while she was there. She didn’t mind and stayed by his side for as long as she could.
~Anabel has psychic abilities that she’ll only use for emergencies or to help Ash when his aura isn’t enough.
~Anabel enjoys listening to Ash sing and enjoys singing with him.
Silver’s Trivia:
~Silver was childhood friends with Gold and Crystal, he teamed up with them to stop the revival of Team Rocket.
~Despite being Giovanni’s son, he completely rejects any notion of being related to Giovanni. To Silver, Red is the only father he has.
~Silver doesn’t have the same interest in singing as Ash does but he is a good singer when no one is looking.
~Silver was deeply upset when he got word that Ash was put in the hospital and wanted to beat up the bullies who did that to his little brother, but wild Pokemon beat him to it, which amused him.
~Silver always had a crush on Crystal and got annoyed when Gold or any other guy would flirt with her, even if they weren’t dating at the time.
~Before Ash was born, Silver made a promise to Red to always protect his younger brother or sister and keep an eye on them. He always feels horrible when something bad happens to Ash and he either couldn’t stop it from happening or wasn’t there to protect him.
~Silver has a Kyoto accent that comes out when he’s really angry, he always hates it when it pops up.
Crystal’s Trivia:
~When Crystal’s arms were broken when she was little, Silver was there to help her heal even though he had no idea how to help. She appreciated the gesture which is what made her develop a crush on him.
~Even after that day, she felt weak and unworthy of being near him and vowed to never be in that situation again 
~Crystal still works with children when she isn’t being a professor’s assistant.
~Crystal finds Ash to be cute and often calls him ‘sweetie’ out of affection.
~Crystal is close to her younger sister Marina and always supported her relationship with Jimmy and Vincent.
~Crystal enjoys cooking and is very good at it, being the cook of the group (and kicking Gold when he would make a sexist comment about when she was cooking)
~Crystal would later teach Ash how to cook when he was older and she enjoyed teaching him how to cook.
Lazarus’ Trivia:
~Lazarus has a great singing voice like Ash, but he sucks at dancing.
~Lazarus has a huge love for anything dealing with stage performances, which is one reason why he really likes Ariel.
~Lazarus is aware of Ariel’s crush on him and does like her back, he just wants to wait for the right moment to confess his feelings to her.
~Lazarus does have a Pikachu as part of the Ketchum family tradition, his Pikachu is just more of a companion and acts as the Battle Frontier mascot.
~Lazarus’ dream is to create a new kind of Battle Frontier that matches that of the Pokemon gyms and the Elite Four.
~Lazarus is just as reckless as Ash was and Ash can’t even scold him for being reckless without sounding like a hypocrite.
~Lazarus’ battle style is similar to his father’s he plays to his Pokemon strengths and uses his quick thinking skills to create unique counters.
~Lazarus didn’t go to school or daycare when he was younger, preferring to just learn from experience than in school.
~Lazarus’ favorite color is white, he doesn’t know why.
~Lazarus’ favorite food is pancakes and his favorite drink is orange juice.
Chetari’s Trivia:
~The main reason why Chetari was adopted by Ash was because he heard her sing and he has a weakness for anyone who can sing.
~Chetari’s Jigglypuff is the son of the Jigglypuff that would draw on someone’s face if they fell asleep after she was done singing.
~The reason why Chetari has a rapping Swablu was simply because the idea sounded funny.
~Chetari studies human health as well as Pokemon health, someone has to make sure her adopted brother doesn’t hurt himself too badly.
~Chetari’s off color Gallade was based off of a idea me and unknownwolf1996 had where Chetari caught a Kirlia that was the same color as a character from Danganronpa, Kiibo the Kirlia then became a bit of a running gag.
~Chetari has a Zorua because that’s her signature Pokemon no matter what.
~Chetari has a Vaporeon both because I felt she needed an Eeveelution and because Vaporeon wasn’t taken by anyone yet.
~Wanted to replace Draco with Nuzleaf because it would be more fun that way.
~Chetari also has a Pikachu but like Lazarus’ Pikachu, she’s a companion.
~Chetari’s favorite food is pork buns and her favorite drink is tea.
Jewel’s Trivia:
~Jewel loves being with kids and is always happy to catch a Pokemon for them.
~Jewel often has to scold her cousin Lazarus for when he does something reckless.
~Jewel is a very good artist and photographer, she also enjoys scrap booking and is very good at it.
~Jewel is an amazing dancer, but she isn’t the best at singing.
~Jewel had went to school when she was younger before she applied as an assistant for Professor Cerise.
~Jewel knows her younger sister is afraid of Pokemon and often tries to get her used to Pokemon she catches, sometimes it works.
~Jewel is happy to provide Pokemon to help her cousin’s dream.
~Jewel always ties her hair in a bun or in a ponytail when she’s flying to avoid having her hair in her face and when she’s in the field so her hair doesn’t get in the way.
~Jewel also has an outfit for field work she wears as she doesn’t want to get her kimono dirty or ripped.
~Jewel’s team is built for capturing Pokemon similar to Crystal’s team with Meganium being her land transportation, Pidgeot being air transportation, Gothia using Mean Look to prevent Pokemon from escaping, Hitmonlee to be a battler for stronger Pokemon, Foongus to make Pokemon easier to catch with status effects and Pawniard to use False Swipe.
~Jewel was given Hitmonlee as a opposite to Crystal’s Hitmonchan. 
~Jewel’s favorite color is red, which is why she loves her hair.
~Jewel’s favorite food is ramen and her favorite drink is green tea.
Morado’s Trivia:
~Morado’s hair was a lot lighter when he was younger, it got darker when he got older due to him spending a lot of time in the sun.
~Morado doesn’t like interacting with kids his own age as he thinks other kids aren’t as interesting as Pokemon.
~Morado doesn’t openly trust other kids despite his optimism.
~Morado likes music like his father and brother, he enjoys playing with drums.
~Morado has an interest in sports and wants to take up some sports when he’s older.
~Despite wearing purple and his name meaning purple, Morado’s favorite color is actually blue.
~Morado’s favorite food is omelette rice and his favorite drink is milk.
Tamako’s Trivia:
~Tamako loves her long hair and refuses to have it cut, even if her bangs are in the way of her vision.
~The barrette she wears was given to her so she didn’t have to cut her bangs.
~Tamako enjoys being with other kids her age and has a lot of friends at school.
~While she is afraid of being near Pokemon she isn’t familiar with, she still will heal them if any of them are injured.
~Her slight fear of Pokemon came from an incident she doesn’t like talking about as it brings up too many bad memories.
~Tamako speaks with a Kyoto dialect, though she often hides it as she finds it embarrassing.
~Tamako’s favorite color is turquoise.
~Tamako’s favorite food are dangos and her favorite drink is lemonade.
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chaoticdazefire-new · 2 years
This is THE trilogy idc
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cmpink · 2 years
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comrade pikachu
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addictofanimation · 2 years
I'm Wondering (More Genshin x Pokémon AU Ideas)...
What would it be like to have a Pokémon x Genshin Impact Crossover that takes place during the Sinnoh movies? I've rewatched the Sinnoh movies relatively recently on DVD and just came up with a few ideas for Kaeya and Diluc being there during every one - or at least the ones involving Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, and Arceus.
It would probably be a running joke that Kaeya is a trouble magnet and the only reason all the world-breaking stuff keeps happening is just because he's there. I also have still not come up with their teams, but I have some general ideas in mind. Especially with the release of PLA.
The Rise of Darkrai: Maybe Diluc and Kaeya arrive in Alamos town around the same time that Ash and his group do. They don't really meet up with them until after the town is dragged into another dimension and Kaeya is introduced by Darkrai's side. Diluc instantly knows something is up since his brother is helping a supposedly "evil Pokémon." Of course, everything works out and Ash's gang and the brothers part on good terms.
Giratina & The Sky Warrior: They meet again completely by accident when Ash and the gang hear the rustling of the grass near their lunch site. They find the two of them taking a nap with their Pokémon partners before Shaymin appears. Funnily enough, Shaymin takes a liking to Dawn and Kaeya since Kaeya encourages its mischief and Dawn keeps defending them.
Arceus and the Jewel of Life: When they meet in Michina, it's safe to say that the brothers are expecting trouble. They weren't quite expecting just how crazy it could get.
I don't think Zoroark: Master of Illusions needs to be included. I already have a Zoroark!Kaeya AU but I'm wondering if I should include it anyway. I'm also curious if I should make them their normal adult selves or make them children like Ash and his gang. Or if they should have their Vision powers or some new AU-specific powers just to make it more interesting. Kind of like the Danny Phantom x Pokémon crossover where Danny being half-ghost let him talk to ghost Pokémon.
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pclkia · 3 years
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Who are you?
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kvroko · 5 years
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alolanrain · 5 years
What do you think of Arceus and the Jewel of Life?
It was a really good movie, I also like the screen shots of Ash’s ridiculously small size against those giant ass gods. But I don’t remember if it was Mewtwo or Arceus himself that erased Ash and his friends memories of the interaction.
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Alternate Next Gen (Main Cast): Jewel Ketchum
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Jewel is the daughter of Silver and Crystal. As a child, Jewel always admired her mother for being a well known Pokemon catcher, as such Jewel works as a professor aide for Professor Cerise and helps him with his research as well as help with catching multiple Pokemon from different regions or just helping him care for the lab while he’s busy. Jewel is very bright and cheerful when she isn’t working but when she’s out in the field, she’s very serious and won’t stop what she’s doing until she captures a Pokemon she had her eye on. Jewel is very calculating and precise in what she does, she knows all of the best spots to catch a Pokemon without fail and she can catch them with perfect accuracy when she kicks the Pokeball thanks to Silver telling her all of those spots when she was little. When she isn’t in the field or watching over the lab, Jewel will be seen researching Pokemon, training her Pokemon or just practicing her Pokeball kicking so she’s always ready to catch a Pokemon. Jewel admires her father as well and still trains her Pokemon to be battle ready in case she has to fight a Pokemon that’s a higher level than her Pokemon, she has specific training regimens for all of her Pokemon and knows all of their strengths and weaknesses, which lead her to her Pokemong catching team. Jewel is also confident in herself with how knowledgable she is with any kind of Pokemon she’s facing. Jewel will consider all of her options before she tries to catch a Pokemon, including picking which type of Pokeball will work best for the situation she’s in.
Jewel has a Key Stone fitted into a bracelet.
Her Pokemon:
Meganium- Jewel was with her twin cousins Aurelia and Aurelius to pick their starter Pokemon, Jewel, having arriving first and getting first pick had chosen Chikorita as she always enjoyed playing with Megaree when she was little. Jewel’s Chikorita had later evolved into a Bayleef and then reached her final form as a Meganium. Meganium is a docile Pokemon, she doesn’t like to battle, preferring to heal others but when she’s needed she will battle to help weaken a Pokemon or she’ll calm down aggressive Pokemon with the aroma that comes from her petals. Meganium really loves plants and will care for plants while she’s not training or getting ready for a trip with her trainer. Meganium often acts as the peacemaker while she’s at Professor Cerise’s lab, she’ll also help with healing Pokemon that have been badly injured at the lab or she’ll heal another trainer’s Pokemon, she doesn’t mind, she’ll heal anyone who’s injured. Meganium is very kind and caring, traits that she got from when she was a little Chikorita and only came up more as she evolved. She acts as a mother to Jewel and younger Pokemon, as such she will fiercely protect those who can’t protect themselves without hesitation. She’s always seen outside her Pokeball and is often used for land transportation.
Given in a Pokeball.
Ability is Overgrow.
Moves are Petal Dance, Petal Blizzard, Magical Leaf, Aromatherapy, Frenzy Plant, Solar Beam, Ancient Power, Vine Whip, Grassy Terrain and Heal Pulse. 
Pidgeot- Jewel caught her Pidgeot when she was a Pidgeotto, seeing as she needed a Flying-type Pokemon to fly her around she caught Pidgeotto. She then trained with Pidgeotto and after a while she had evolved into Pidgeot. Pidgeot had received a Pidgeotite after evolving and was able to Mega Evolve with Jewel’s help. Pidgeot is a proud Pokemon, she’s always glad to have a someone ride on her back and it’s because of that she’s okay with carrying Jewel when she needs to get somewhere fast. Pidgeot is very gentle and makes sure to make her flights as smooth as possible so she doesn’t cause Jewel to feel ill while they’re flying. Pidgeot takes pride in herself by also battling strong Pokemon, as such she will never back down from a fight unless she really feels like she can’t win. Pidgeot is also a good caretaker of young Pokemon along with Meganium, making Pidgeot the second most trusted Pokemon with young Pokemon. Pidgeot also acts as a scout if Jewel happens to lose her target, thanks to her great eyesight she’s able to find what her trainer needs and will carry her trainer where the runaway Pokemon was.
Caught in a Fast Ball.
Ability is Keen Eye, changes to No Guard when Mega Evolved.
Held Item is Pidgeotite.
Moves are Hurricane, Mirror Move, Air Slash, Double Team, Return, Sky Attack, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Fly and Brave Bird.
Gothita- Gothita was given to Jewel when she first started to work with Professor Cerise as he thought that Gothita would be helpful as she knew how to use Mean Look, agreeing to take Gothita with her, Jewel kept Gothita with her. Gothita is very young so she clings to Jewel as a child would cling to their mother, Gothita also doesn’t know much about battling as is terrified about the thought of battling so she’s happy just providing a Mean Look to a Pokemon that could escape. Gothita acts like a young child, often wishing to be carried or praised by Jewel whenever she succeeds at helping Jewel catching a Pokemon. Gothita also provides boosts in stats for her teammates as well as any kind of buff they need to make certain moves work, such as using Rain Dance to make Pidgeot’s Hurricane more accurate when she isn’t mega evolved. Despite her fear of battling, she’ll still try her best to battle on her own though she mostly just trains so she can make Jewel proud of her.
Given in a Dream Ball.
Ability is Competitive.
Moves are Mean Look, Hypnosis, Rain Dance, Light Screen, Reflect, Safeguard, Helping Hand, Dream Eater, Psychic and Mirror Coat.
Hitmonlee- Hitmonlee was caught by Jewel as a Tyrouge at the same time her cousin Lazarus caught another Tyrouge. The two of them had their Tyrouges train together and soon enough they both evolved, Lazarus’ Tyrouge becoming a Hitmonchan and Jewel’s Tyrouge becoming a Hitmonlee. Hitmonlee is a calm and calculating Pokemon much like his trainer, as such he always makes sure to give a good kick where it hurts the most at his opponent. Hitmonlee also admires his trainers skills in kicking and often gives her tips how to kick better and she in turns shows him her more complex kicks for him to use in battle. Hitmonlee often meditates before he trains to relax his mind and body, he acts as a mentor to Jewel’s other teammates do to how he’s wise and helps train with everyone. Hitmonlee has a brotherly bond with Lazarus’ Hitmonchan despite how different they are in personality, he enjoys his company and will always spar with him.
Caught in a Great Ball.
Ability is Reckless.
Moves are Mega Kick, Low Sweep, Blaze Kick, Mind Reader, High Jump Kick, Seismic Toss, Skull Bash, Jump Kick, Rolling Kick and Double-Edge.
Foongus- Jewel caught Foongus while she was on a trip to Unova to catch Pokemon there, she figured that with Foongus’ powder moves he could make catching Pokemon easier. Foongus let himself be caught by Jewel as he wanted be caught by a trainer one day and he was happy that he got to be with a trainer who didn’t battle as often as a normal trainer. Foongus is a fairly lazy and sluggish Pokemon, he prefers to spend his time sleeping more than training but it’s thanks to Jewel that he slowly came out of that habit and would start taking his training more serious. He mostly uses his powder moves to make Pokemon easier to catch, he was shown by Crystal’s Parasect, Parsee how to spread his spores within a two mile radius and how to combine his spores and poison together.
Caught in a Pokeball.
Ability is Effect Spore.
Moves are Spore, Stun Spore, Poison Powder, Sweet Scent, Sunny Day, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Seed Bomb, Pollen Puff and Nature Power.
Shiny Pawniard- While still in Unova, Jewel had found a lone shiny Pawniard and had quickly caught him. After seeing his potential, she decided to keep him so that he could help with catching Pokemon. Pawniard is a loner who had to dodge trainers and other pack of Bisharp and Pawniard so he wouldn’t have to join them by force. He didn’t mind getting caught by Jewel as she was more occupied with catching Pokemon than battling against other trainers so he didn’t care that he had to mostly use False Swipe to help weaken Pokemon without making them faint, he never cared much for battling anyway. Pawniard has no issue listening to Jewel seeing as she has been nice to him and she doesn’t mind having him just lay around the lab. Despite how he looks, he does secretly care about Jewel he just doesn’t want to admit it.
Caught in a Quick Ball.
Ability is Defiant.
Moves are Fury Cutter, False Swipe, Metal Sound, Night Slash, Guillotine, Swords Dance, Iron Head, Psycho Cut, Rock Polish and Double Team.
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duhpikachu · 8 years
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papermoonloveslucy · 5 years
“Here’s Lucy” ~ Season 2
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A handy dandy guide to helping you find your favorite episode blogs here at Papermoon Loves Lucy. Click on the hyperlinks to be taken directly to that episode’s trivia, background, and bloopers!
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“Lucy Goes to the Air Force Academy: Part 1” (S2;E1) ~ September 22, 1969
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“Lucy Goes to the Air Force Academy: Part 2” (S2;E2) ~ September 29, 1969
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“Lucy and the Indian Chief” (S2;E3) ~ October 6, 1969
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“Lucy Runs the Rapids” (S2;E4) ~ October 13, 1969
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“Lucy and Harry’s Tonsils” (S2;E5) ~ October 20, 1969
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“Lucy and the Andrews Sisters” (S2;E6) ~ October 27, 1969
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“Lucy’s Burglar Alarm” (S2;E7) ~ November 3, 1969
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“Lucy at the Drive-In Movie” (S2;E8) ~ November 10, 1969
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“Lucy and the Used Car Dealer” (S2;E9) ~ November 17, 1969
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“Lucy, the Cement Worker” (S2;E10) ~ November 24, 1969
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“Lucy and Johnny Carson” (S2;E11) ~ December 2, 1969
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“Lucy and the Generation Gap” (S2;E12) ~ December 8, 1969
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“Lucy and the Bogie Affair” (S2;E13) ~ December 15, 1969
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“Lucy Protects Her Job” (S2;E14) ~ December 22, 1969
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“Lucy the Helpful Mother” (S2;E15) ~ December 29, 1969
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“Lucy and Liberace” (S2;E16) ~ January 5, 1970
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“Lucy the Laundress” (S2;E17) ~ January 12, 1970
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“Lucy and Lawrence Welk” (S2;E18) ~ January 19, 1970
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“Lucy and Viv Visit Tijuana” (S2;E19) ~ January 26, 1970
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“Lucy and Ann-Margret” (S2;E20) ~ February 2, 1970
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“Lucy and Wally Cox” (S2;E21) ~ February 9, 1970
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“Lucy and Wayne Newton” (S2;E22) ~ February 16, 1970
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“Lucy Takes Over” (S2;E23) ~ February 23, 1970
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“Lucy Competes with Carol Burnett” (S2;E24) ~ March 2, 1970
Regular Cast: Lucille Ball (Lucy Carter), Gale Gordon (Harrison Otis Carter), Lucie Arnaz (Kim Carter), Desi Arnaz Jr. (Craig Carter)  
Recurring Characters: Mary Jane Croft (Mary Jane Lewis), Vivian Vance (Vivian Jones)
Celebrity Cast playing Characters: Milton Berle (Cheerful Charlie), Paul Winchell (Jeweler/Knife Thrower, Carlo), Wally Cox (Wally Manley), Alan Hale Jr. (Moose Manley), Carol Burnett (Carol Krausmeyer) 
Celebrity Cast playing Themselves: Patty Andrews, Johnny Carson, Ed McMahon, Jack LaLanne, Liberace, Lawrence Welk, Ann-Margret,  Wayne Newton, Jerry Newton, Robert Alda 
Guest Cast playing Characters: Roy Roberts, Iron Eyes Cody, Paula Stewart, Mary Wickes, Gary Morton, Sid Gould, James Hong, Lyle Talbot, Vanda Barra
Live Animal Cast: Lord Nelson (Bogie), Happy & Puppies in “The Bogie Affair”; Dog in “Lucy at the Drive-In Movie”; Myna Bird (Bruce), Chimp (Irving), Parrot (Radish), Leopard, Ring-Tailed Cat, Skunk (Breath of Spring), Hamsters, Canaries, Doves, & Bunnies in “Lucy, the Helpful Mother”; Miniature Horse (Tiny Tim), Cow & Horses in ”Lucy and Wayne Newton”; Sheep in ”Lucy and the Indian Chief” 
There were 24 new episodes 
The season opened with four episodes shot on location at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado, the Colorado River, and in Arizona. One episode was shot on location at Wayne Newton’s Casa Shenandoah outside Las Vegas (”Lucy Meets Wayne Newton”).
Written by: Milt Josefsberg, Ray Singer, Gene Thompson,  David Ketchum, Bruce Shelly, George Balzer, Sam Perrin, Fred S. Fox, Seaman Jacobs, Pat McCormick, Jim McGinn, Ralph Goodman, Al Schwartz, Larry Rhine, Lou Derman, Martin A. Ragaway, William Raynor,  Myles Wilder
Directed by George Marshall (E1-11), Jack Baker (E12 & 16), Herbert Kenwith (E13, 15, 17-20), Danny Dayton (E14 & 22), Jay Sandrich (E21, 23, 24)
Total Binge Hours: 12 hours (with commercials)
Papermoon’s Full Moon Pick: “Lucy and the Used Car Dealer” (E9)
Papermoon’s Half Moon Pick: “Lucy, the Cement Worker” (E10)
Season 2 was #6 (up from #9) in the ratings with a 23.9 share (up one tenth of a point)
Season 2 was released on DVD on November 3, 2009
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Rivals and Their Pokemon: Sheryl Kirika
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Sheryl is Grey’s rival, she wants to create a Fairy type Gym in Johto since she greatly admires Valerie and the furisode girls in the gym, there’s also the fact Valerie took care of her when she was a baby due to her father leaving her in front of the Laverre city gym. When she found her father again, he declared he hated her for taking his wife away from him and wished she was never born, since then she found men or boys in general to be selfish lying people that didn’t deserve her presence or even the time of day. When she requested to open a gym in Johto she found out she had to compete with Grey Ketchum, she greatly detested having to compete with a boy that likes Dark types. When interacting with Grey she belittles him, often seeing him as not worth her time since she has the type advantage over his Pokemon. Grey doesn’t really care what she says, unless she insults his father or his uncle. Sheryl is a sweet girl, but she gets very cold to any boy that talks to her. She’s confident in her skills in battling and makes sure she knows how to counter anyone who challenges her. Her hobbies include sewing, baking, modeling and dancing which makes her get along with Ashley and Salvia as she likes their company. 
Her main colors are pink and purple. Pink representing her femininity, how she’s still a little immature, her sweet and calming personality, how she’s affectionate to her family and her Pokemon, her nurturing side and her compassion. She’d wear fuschia which boosts her confidence and assurance and orchid which represents her doing her own thing. Purple represents her creative side, as she has a small interest in being a coordinator and wants to incorporate contest combinations in her gym battles, she’s selfless, slightly arrogant and a bit of a social climber. Purple also represents how she’s impractical, respected and distinguished, has control over her emotions and empathetic. She’d wear deep purple which represents her arrogance, lavender which represents her attraction to beautiful things, lilac which represents her expressing her vanity as she hates getting dirty and mauve which represents how she’s a social climber, wanting to go higher for her ideals.
She’d often wear furidoes that have the same designs as either Fairy type Pokemon or the Pokemon on her team.
She also nicknames her Pokemon.
Aurora (Alolan Ninetales)- Sheryl was given her Ninetales as an egg from Valerie as a present for her tenth birthday. When she hatched, Sheryl was confused as she looked like a Vulpix but she was white, fluffier and cold when she was held. Valerie explained to Sheryl that Vulpix was an Alolan Variant and she would evolve into a Ice/Fairy type with an Ice stone. Sheryl was excited and trained with her Vulpix and nicknamed her Aurora. She evolved when she told Sheryl she was ready. Aurora is a proud Pokemon that has high regards for herself and her strength in a battle or in the performances Sheryl has her do. She’s loyal to Sheryl and loves being groomed by her trainer. Her rival is Grey’s Sneasel and she finds him to be a brute that doesn’t take anything seriously, because of this she gets along with Ashley’s Kirlia.
Ability is Snow Cloak.
Moves are Hail, Aurora Veil, Dazzling Gleam, Blizzard, Extrasensory, Attract, Aqua Tail, Sheer Cold, Iron Tail and Dark Pulse.
Starbright (Clefable)- Sheryl found Starbright when she was a Cleffa and caught her, she bonded with her until she had evolved into a Clefairy and evolved again when Sheryl found a Moon stone. Starbright is a playful and happy Pokemon, but she’s also curious and loves to gather anything she sees. On nights when the moon is full she would dance and hop around, which Sheryl uses during battles to dodge attacks, thus making her movements unpredictable. 
Ability is Magic Guard.
Moves are Metronome, Moonblast, Psychic, Flamethrower, Moonlight, Copycat, Attract, Sweet Kiss, Healing Wish and Hyper Voice.
Lolita (Mega Audino)- Sheryl caught Lolita after she had healed her Pokemon due to them feeling a little fatigued. Since then she stayed by the side of Sheryl and her Pokemon to help them with healing and cooking. One day, she felt something call to her and she wandered into a cave, Sheryl followed her and they both found an Audinite. Once the two of them battled the guard Pokemon, they were rewarded with a Key stone and the Audinite, both of them were accessorized as bracelets. Lolita is a kind Pokemon that heals others if they’re low on health or if they just need some comfort. Her rival is Grey’s Sharpedo and she finds him interesting to battle since both of them can mega evolve.
Ability is Healer.
Moves are Heal Pulse, Secret Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Trick Room, Calm Mind, Hyper Voice, Ice Beam, Flamethrower and Thunderbolt.
Jewel (Carbink)- Sheryl had rescued Jewel from a group of Gabite that wanted to eat it, since then Jewel had stayed by Sheryl’s side and joined her team. Jewel is a shy but determined Pokemon that wants to do their best and be a strong part of the team. But they have a big fear of Gabite and Sableye due to both of them being big predators of all Carbink. Their rival is Grey’s Honchkrow, while finding him intimidating, they know they can beat Honchkrow due to their type advantage.
Ability is Clear Body.
Moves are Trick Room, Stealth Rock, Sharpen, Ancient Power, Moonblast, Smack Down, Gyro Ball, Nature Power, Stomping Tantrum and Magnet Rise.
Sirène (Primarina)- Sirène was found as a Popplio that was abandoned by her trainer, Sheryl took Sirène in and had her be part of her team. While training she had evolved into a Brionne and evolved again during a battle with her old trainer. As a Popplio, she was shy, timid and didn’t have a lot of confidence or self worth, as a result she didn’t think she could be a useful member for the team. As a Brionne, she gained some confidence and started enjoying herself during training and even became playful and affectionate, often making her water balloons and hugging her new trainer. After evolving into Primarina, she gained a bit of a regal side and stopped being affectionate but still respects and loves being in the company of her trainer. She takes time to come up with contest-like battle styles with her moves to counter Pokemon that may have an advantage over her.
Ability is Torrent.
Moves are Sparkling Aria, Moonblast, Attract, Sing, Ice Beam, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Psychic, Aqua Ring and Hyper Voice.
Amanita (Shiinotic)- Amanita was found as a Morelull, the youngest and least experience one and Sheryl took her into her team to raise her. It didn’t take long for her to evolve into a Shiinotic. As a Morelull, she was clumsy, ditsy and wouldn’t stop missing her moves from the targets. As a result Sheryl had to take her time with her and help her the most since her team can take care of themselves. After evolving she matured and ended up giving energy to her teammates and her trainer when they needed the energy boost.
Ability is Effect Spore.
Moves are Giga Drain, Sunny Day, Moonlight, Strength Sap, Spore, Dream Eater, Solar Beam, Moonblast, Nature Power and Charge Beam.
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frist-dumblr · 7 years
 0; 1; 1 Bar Phone Signal; 1 Bar Wi-Fi Signal; 1 Side Dice; 1-Star Dragonball; 1-Up; 1-Up Mushroom; 1-Up Text; 1/1 Domino; 1/2 Domino; 1/2 Heart Container; 1/3 Domino; 1/4 Domino; 1/4 Heart Container; 1/5 Domino; 1/6 Domino; 1/7 Domino; 1/8 Domino; 1/9 Domino; 100 Bonus Points; 100 Rupees; 104th Trainees Squad Crest; 11 Music Disc; 13 Music Disc; 2; 2 Bamboo; 2 Bar Phone Signal; 2 Bar Wi-Fi Signal; 2 Side Dice; 2-Leaf Clover; 2-Star Dragonball; 2/2 Domino; 2/3 Domino; 2/4 Domino; 2/5 Domino; 2/6 Domino; 2/7 Domino; 2/8 Domino; 2/9 Domino; 2014 FIFA World Cup Logo; 2nd Potion; 2snacks Icon; 3; 3 Bamboo; 3 Bar Phone Signal; 3 Bar Wi-Fi Signal; 3 Bombs; 3 Side Dice; 3-Star Dragonball; 3-Up Moon; 3/3 Domino; 3/4 Domino; 3/4 Heart Container; 3/5 Domino; 3/6 Domino; 3/7 Domino; 3/8 Domino; 3/9 Domino; 300 Rupees; 3D Glasses; 3rd Street Saints’ Logo; 4; 4 Bamboo; 4 Bar Phone Signal; 4 Bar Wi-Fi Signal; 4 Side Dice; 4-Star Dragonball; 4/4 Domino; 4/5 Domino; 4/6 Domino; 4/7 Domino; 4/8 Domino; 4/9 Domino; 420 Icon; 4chan Logo; 5; 5 Arrows; 5 Bar Phone Signal; 5 Bamboo; 5 Bar Wi-Fi Signal; 5 Bombs; 5 Rupees; 5 Seconds of Summer Logo; 5 Side Dice; 5 Silver Arrows; 5-Star Dragonball; 5/5 Domino; 5/6 Domino; 5/7 Domino; 5/8 Domino; 5/9 Domino; 6; 6 Bamboo; 6 Side Dice; 6-Star Dragonball; 6/6 Domino; 6/7 Domino; 6/8 Domino; 6/9 Domino; 7; 7 Bamboo; 7 Side Dice; 7-Star Dragonball; 7-Up Logo; 7/7 Domino; 7/8 Domino; 7/9 Domino; 8; 8 Ball; 8 Bamboo; 8 Side Dice; 8/8 Domino; 8/9 Domino; 9; 9 Bamboo; 9/9 Domino; 9 Side Dice; 9GAG Logo; ? Block; ??? Type Icon; ???/The Blue Baby 
A; A Button; A Elder Futhark Rune; A Logo; A State of Trance Logo; A Tile; A-Acute; A-Circumflex; A-Macron; A-Umlaut; Aang; ABBA Logo; ABDL Flag; Abimegender Flag; Abnegation Faction Symbol; Aborosexual Flag; Abra; Abraham Lincoln; Absol; Abstergo Entertainment Logo; Abstergo Industries Logo; AC/DC Logo; Ace; Aceflux Flag; Acespike Flag; Achievement Hunter Logo; Acorn; Adagio Dazzle’s Cutie Mark; Adeisexual Flag; Adidas Logo; Adipose; Admiral Ackbar; Adventure Time Logo; Aegislash; Aerodactyl; Aesc; African Grey Parrot; Agahnim; Agate Ring; Age Play Flag; Agender Flag; Agender Symbol; Agility Skill Symbol; Ahirukutchi; Ahsoka Tano; Air Element Symbol; Air Man; Air Rune; Airbender Symbol; Airou; Airplane; Airship; Aka Shatsu no Rozerutchi; Akachantchi; Akamaru; Akatsuki Logo; Akiyamalidatchi; Akoiromantic Flag; Aku Aku; Akuma; Akuma's Logo; Alabama; Alabaster; Aladdin Sane Logo; Alakazam; Alaska; Albino Cat Eye; Albino Llama; Alex; Alexandrite; Alexigender Flag; Algeria Flag; Alice; Alien; All-Night Mask; Alliance Insignia; Alliance to Restore the Republic/Rebel Alliance Logo; Alomomola; AMAB Trans Flag; Amaterasu; Amaura; Amazonite; Amber; Amber Potion; Ambonec Flag; American Football; American Football Conference Logo; American Horror Story: Asylum Logo; American Horror Story: Coven Logo; American Horror Story: Freak Show Logo; American Horror Story: Hotel Logo; American Horror Story Logo; Amethyst; Amethyst Ring; Amicussexual Flag; Amity Faction Symbol; Ampersand; Amulet of Glory; Amy Rose Icon; AmyLee33; An Dango; Anahata Symbol; Anais Watterson; Anakin Skywalker; Anchor; Ancient Wood; Andre of Astora; Androfluid Flag; Androgyne Flag; Androgyne Symbol; Android Logo; Androphile Flag; Androsexual Flag; Androtchi; Andy Bogard; Anesantchi; Anesigender Flag; Angel Moroni; Angel Slime/HaloSlime; Angelic Rune; Angelica Charlotte Pickles; Angeligender Flag; Angenital Flag; Anger; Angler Fish; Angler Key; Angry Bones; Angry Sun; Animaru Kajikuchitchi; Ankh; Annoyed Emoticon; Annoying Dog; Anoboy Flag; Anogender Flag; Anogirl Flag; Anononbinary Flag; Anonymous Mask; Anti-Possession Symbol; Antiboy Flag; Antidote; Antidote Herb/Snow Herb; Antigirl Flag; Antigua & Barbuda Flag; Antilon; Antoinetchi; Aoba Seragaki; Aokumotchi; AOL Instant Messenger Logo; Aperture Science Logo; Aplatonic Flag; Apogender Flag; Aporagender Flag; Apothisexual Flag; App Store Icon; Appa; Apple; Apple Bloom; Apple Juice; Apple Kid; Apple Logo; Applejack; Applejach Head; Applejack's Cutie Mark; Apresalterous Flag; Apresplatonic Flag; Apresromantic Flag; Apressexual Flag; Apricorn Box; Apricot; Apricot Luma; Aprocreationist Flag; Aqua’s Wayfinder; Aquamarine; Aquariagender Flag; Aquarius; Aquila; Aradia Megido’s Logo; Arceus; Arctic Monkeys Logo; Arekkusu Garushiatchi; Ariel; Ariel Symbol; Aries; Arigender Flag; Arizona; Arizona Cardinals Logo; Arizona Diamondbacks Logo; Arkansas; Arm Mimic; Armacham Technology Corporation Logo; Armadyl Symbol; Armenia Flag; Armin van Buuren Logo; Aromorskin/Mega Armorskin/Psychoserum; Aroflux Flag; Aromantic Flag; Aromatisse; Arospike Flag; Arrghus; Arrow; Arrow Icon; Arthur Read; Articuno; Arty Logo; AsaDoratchi; Asajj Ventress; Asexual Flag; Ash Ketchum's Cap; AshDubh; Ashigyotchi; Ashitchi; Asobutchi; Assassin's Creed Logo; Assemblage 23 Logo; Astrologian Class Icon; At Sign; AT-AT; Atari Logo; ATB Logo; Atlanta Braves Logo; Attack Skill Symbol; Audino; Aum/Om; Aurora; Aurora Symbol; Auroros; AURYN; Australian Dollar Symbol; Austria Flag; Autistic Symbol; Autobot Logo; Autosexual Flag; Autumn Leaf; Autunite; Avalugg; Avengers Logo; Aventurine; Aviator Sunglasses; Avocado; Awesome/Epic Face; Aww Emoticon; Axigender Flag; Azelf; Azerbaijan Flag; Azorius Guild Logo; Azure Potion; B; B Button; B Elder Futhark Rune; B Tile; Babatchi; Baby Luigi; Baby Mario; Baby Peach; Babymotchi; Babytchi; Back to the Future Logo; Bacon; Bad Apple; Bad Religion Logo; Badminton Racket; Bag of Bells; Bagubagutchi; Bahamas Flag; Bahrain Flag; Bakutchi; Bakyura Call Icon; Balance Badge; Balloon; Balrog; Bamboo; Banana; Banana Bunch; Banana Peel; Banana Split; Bananas; Bandos Symbol; Bangladesh Flag; Baradorutchi; Barbaracle; Barbecue Sauce; Barbie Logo; Bard Class Icon; Baron von Blubba; Barta; Bartholomew JoJo “Bart” Simpson; Baseball; Baseball Bat; Basic Badge; Basketball; Bass Clef; Bass Guitar Icon; Bassnectar Logo; Bat; Batman Beyond Logo; Batman Logo; Batman Sign; Battleship; Bauxite; Bawnd; Baymax; BB-8; BDSM Flag; Beach Ball; Beacon Badge; Beaker; Beamed Quavers; Beamos; Beanstalk; Bear Flag; Beartchi; Beast Boy; Beautiful Condition Icon; Bedtime Bear; Bee; Bee Mushroom; Beer; Beer Bottle; Beer Mug; Beet; Beetle; Belarus Flag; Belgium Flag; Bell; Belle; Belle Symbol; Bellossom; Bellsprout; Belltchi; Bellusromantic Flag; Belson Noles; Beluga; Ben 10 Logo; Bender Bending Rodriguez; Benin Flag; Benson; Benzatchi; Bera Symbol; Bereft Peak; Bergmite; Berry; Berry Game Boy Color; Berry Tree; Beryl; Best Friends Symbol; Betamon; Betty Boop; Bhat Symbol; Bi-Han/Noob Saibot/Sub-Zero; Bialterous Flag; Biamory Flag; Biathlon Logo; Bib Fortuna; Bicycle; Bidoof; Biflux Flag; Big Blue Rupee; Big Boss Gotchi; Big Gold Rupee; Big Green Rupee; Big Grin Emoticon; Big Heart; Big Key; Big McIntosh; Big McIntosh’s Cutie Mark; Big Red Rupee; Bigender Flag; Biker Helmet; Bikertchi; Bikkuritchi; Bill Cipher; Bill/Gajintchi/Sam; Billkotchi; Billotchi; Binacle; Biohazard Symbol; Bird Deviltchi; Bird Key; Birdo; BirthdAy ’15 Badge; Birthday Bear; Bisexual Flag; Bisexual Symbol; Bistre Potion; Bit; Biyomon; Black Apricorn; Black Ball; Black Bird; Black Bishop; Black Bomberman; Black Chocobo; Black Green Clash Poogie; Black Honey Poogie; Black Iron Greatshield; Black King; Black Knight; Black Light of Death; Black Mage; Black Mage Class Icon; Black Mana; Black Pikmin Head; Black Queen; Black Ranger/Zachary “Zack” Taylor; Black Ranger’s Helmet; Black Rook; Black Tiger Sex Machine Logo; Black Veil Brides Logo; Black Widow Symbol; Black Yoshi; Black/Polari Luma; Bladder; Blair’s Soul; Blake Belladonna’s Symbol; Blanche Deveraux; Blank Stare Emoticon; Blank Tile; Blank/1 Domino; Blank/2 Domino; Blank/3 Domino; Blank/4 Domino; Blank/5 Domino; Blank/6 Domino; Blank/7 Domino; Blank/8 Domino; Blank/9 Domino; Blank/Blank Domino; Blast Mask; Blastoise; Blaziken; Bleach Logo; Bleeding Buff; Blinded Buff; Blinky; Blitzcrank; Block B Logo; blocks Music Disc; Bloo; Bloober; Blood Aspect Symbol; Bloodrayne Symbol; Bloodshield; Blooper; Blossom; Blowing Wind; BLU Demoman Symbol; BLU Medic Symbol; Blue; Blue Apricorn; Blue Armos Knight; Blue Baby Bottle; Blue Baby Yoshi; Blue Ball; Blue Bird; Blue Bottle; Blue Candle; Blue Candy; Blue Cane; Blue Chaos Emerald; Blue Chocobo; Blue Christmas Light; Blue Coronet; Blue Cross; Blue Crown; Blue Crystal; Blue Crystal Switch; Blue Darknut; Blue Diamond; Blue Dummy/Pacifier/Binky; Blue Excitebike; Blue Falcon; Blue Goriya; Blue Jewel; Blue Keycard; Blue Kinstone; Blue Kirby; Blue Lamp; Blue Lantern; Blue Leever; Blue Light of Hope; Blue Luma; Blue Lynel; Blue M&M; Blue Mail; Blue Mana; Blue Masked Lovebird; Blue Octorok; Blue P-Switch; Blue Pendant Necklace; Blue Pikmin; Blue Pikmin Head; Blue Potion; Blue Puyo; Blue Ranger/Billy Cranston; Blue Ranger’s Helmet; Blue Raspberry Gummy Bear; Blue Raspberry Jolly Rancher; Blue Rhapsody; Blue Ring; Blue Rope; Blue Rubik’s Cube; Blue Rupee; Blue Sceptre; Blue Sidestepper; Blue Skull Key; Blue Snake; Blue Squid; Blue Staff; Blue Star; Blue Stray Fairy; Blue Switch Block; Blue Tektite; Blue Tiara; Blue Toad House; Blue Wizzrobe; Blue Yoshi; Blue Yoshi Egg; Blue-Gold Macaw; Blueberry Pop Tart; BMO; BMW Logo; Bo; Bob; Bob-omb; Boba Fett; Bobsleigh Logo; Boi Flag; Bokuhoshitchi; Bolin; Bolt Badge; Bomb; Bomb Flower; Bomb Icon; Bomb Sign; Bomb Soldier; Bombchu; Bomberman; Bombos Medallion; Bon Bon; Bone; Bonfire; Bonnie; Bonnie’s Eye; Boo; Boo Mushroom; Book; Book of Mudora; Book of Seals; Bookworm Green/Jade; Boomerang; Boomerang Bro.; Bordergender Flag; Borderlands Logo/Vault Symbol; Boreasexual Flag; Boss Bass; Boss Key; Boston Red Sox Logo; Bot; Botamon; Botswana Flag; Bottle; Bottle of Blood; Bottle of Pixie Dust; Bottle of Scotch; Boulder; Boulder Badge; Bow; Bow & Arrow; Bow Tie; Bowl of Ramen; Bowling Ball; Bowser; Bowser in Koopa Clown Car; Bowser Symbol; Box of Crayons; Box Slime; Boxertchi; Boxing Gloves; Bracelet; Braixen; Brammy; Brand of the Exalt; Brazil Flag; Brazil Strip; Bread; Breath Aspect Symbol; Bremen Mask; Brendan; Brick Block; Bridge; Briefcase; Brigham Young University Cougars Logo; Bright Sun; Brimstone; Broa Symbol; Broccoli; Brofist; Broken Tuni Nut; Bronzor; Brooklyn Nets Logo; Brown Ball; Brown Chocobo; Brown Kirby; Brown M&M; Brown Mushroom; Brown Ranger’s Helmet; Brown Robot; Brown Sauce; Brown Staff; Brown Yoshi; Brownish Yellow Plumbob; Bub; Bubble Buster; Bubble Man; Bubble Pulse; Bubbles; Bucket; Buckler; Bucktooth Emoticon; Buffy: The Vampire Slayer Logo; Bug Badge; Bug Type Icon; Bug-Catching Net; Bulbasaur; Bulgaria Flag; Bullet Bill; Bullet Bill Launcher; Bully’s Friend; Bumpty; Bunbuntchi; Bunkotchi; Bunnelby; Bunny; Bunny Hood; Bunny Link; Burglar/Robber/Thief; Burger King Logo; Burgertchi; Burgundy; Burkina Faso Flag; Burning Buff; Burning Flame; Burnt Meat; Bush; Busstoptchi; Butcher; Buttercup; Butterfly; Butterflytchi; Buzz Lightyear; Buzzblob; Buzzy Beetle C; C Tile; C-3PO; C-Acute; Cactus Angel; Cactus Flower/Hypnotic Pollen; Cadoboy Flag; Cadogirl Flag; Caduceus; Caduceus Round Shield; Caelgender Flag; Cain; Cake; Calcifer; Calculator; Calculator Icon; Calendar Icon; Calgary Flames Logo; California; Call of Duty Logo; Call of Duty: Black Ops II Logo; Call of Duty: Black Ops III Logo; Call of Duty: Ghosts Logo; Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Logo; Calumon; Camera Icon; Cameroon Flag; Can of Pepsi; Can of Slurm; Canada Flag; Canadian Dollar Symbol; Cancegender Flag; Cancer; Candor Faction Symbol; Candy; Candy Cane; Candy Corn; Candy Crush Saga Icon; Candy Floss/Cotton Candy; Cane of Byrna; Cane of Somaria; Canisgender Flag; Canon Logo; Capcom Logo; Cape; Cape Feather; Capricorn; Capsuletchi; Captain America Logo; Captain America Symbol; Captain America's Shield; Captain Dexter Grif; Captain Hammer Logo; Captain Lavernius Tucker; Captain Michael J. Caboose; Captain Phasma; Captain Richard “Dick” Simmons; Captain Viridian; Captain’s Hat; CaptainSparklez; Captcha Card; Car; Carbink; Carbuncle; Carl the Cupcake; Carrie Krueger; Carrot; Cartoon Network Logo; Cascade Badge; Cassette; Cassgender Flag; Castform; Castle; Cat; Cat Bowl; Cat Mario; cat Music Disc; Catbug; Catbus/Nekobasu; CatDog; Caterpie; Cauldron; Caustic Ooze Buff; Caution Symbol; Cave Bat; Cave Spider; Cavity Tooth; Cavusgender Flag; Ceasesexual Flag; Cecil; Celebi; Celebtchi; Celestia “Celeste” Ludenberg; Celtic Knot; Censor Bar; Central African Republic Flag; Cerberus; Cerberus Logo; Ceterosexual Flag; CH; Chack; Chaco; Chad Flag; Chain Boots; Chain Chestplate; Chain Chomp; Chain Helmet; Chain Leggings; Chaka Heart; Chalcedony; Chamametchi; Champagne Bottle; Chandelitchi; Chanel Logo; Changing Season; Channeler; Chansey; Chantotchi; Chao; Chaos Rune; Chaosgender Flag; Charcoal Potion; Charitable Badge; Charitchi; Charizard; Charles; Charles Crandall Norbert “Chuckie” Finster Jr.; Charlie Brown; Charlie Scene; Charmander; Charmeleon; Checkpoint; Cheer Bear; Cheese; Cheiragender Flag; Cheri Berry; Cherish Ball; Cheritchi; Cherries; Cherrim; Cherry; Cherry Cola Gummy Bear; Cherry Gummy Bear; Cherry Jolly Rancher; Cherry Pop Tart; Chesnaught; Chespin; Chest; Chestnut; Chestnut Angel; Chevrolet Logo; Chewbacca; Chiaki Nanami’s Hairpin; Chibi Moon Symbol; Chibipatchi; Chibomon; Chica; Chicago Bulls Logo; Chick; Chicken; Chicken Kabob; Chicken Leg; Chief Verdigris; Chieri Sono’s Kirara; Chile Flag; Chill; Chilli Pepper; Chilly Pepper; Chimchar; ChimneySwift11; China Flag; Chip; chirp Music Disc; Chitchi; Chobitamatchi; Chocolate; Chocolate Bar; Chocolate Chip Pop Tart; Chocolate Fudge Pop Tart; ChoHimetchi; Choice & Accountabilty Ribbon; ChoMametchi; Chomper; ChooChoosGaming; Choose the Right/CTR Logo; Choribotchi; Chousakutchi; Choushutchi; Chowder; Christopher Cross “Chris” Griffin; Chrysoprase; Chubby Angel; Chubby Deviltchi; Chuchutchi; Chukatchi; Ciaotchi; Cigarette; Cincinnati Museum Center; Cinderella; Cinderella Symbol; CinnamonToastKen Logo; Circle; Circle Button; Circle Cookie; Citrine; City Crest; Clarence Wendell; Classic Santaclautchi; Classictchi; Clauncher; Claus; Clawitzer; Clear;; Clear/Moon; Clefairy; Clever Condition Icon; Cliff Badge; Clione Deviltchi; Clock; Clock Icon; Cloud; Clover; Club; Clyde; Coal Badge; Coal Ore; Cobalt Drill; Cobble Badge; Cobra Starship Logo; Cobrat; Coca-Cola Logo; Cockatiel; Cocktail; Coco; Coconut; Coconut Cannon; Cody Hida’s Digivice; Coffee; Coffretchi; Coigender Flag; Coin; Coke; Cola Gummy Bear; Cole; Colombia Flag; Colombo; Colon; Colonel Sarge; Colorado; Colourless Energy; Combee; Combusken; Comet; Comma; Commander Badge; Commoboy Flag; Commodore 64 Logo; Commogirl Flag; Companion Cube; Compass; Compass Icon; Computer; Conch Horn; Confederate Flag; Connecticut; Connie Maheswaran; Constitution Skill Symbol; Converse Shoe; Cooked Chicken; Cooked Fish; Cookie; Cookie Monster; Cooking Mama; Cool Condition Icon; Cool Drink; Coral; Coral Triangle; Coral-Eye Badge; Core Cannon; Corn; Corndog; Corrupt Bunny; Cosmic Moon Brooch; Cosmic Rune; Côte d’Ivoire Flag; Cottonee; Count Dooku; Couple’s Mask; Courage the Cowardly Dog; Cow; Cowboy Hat; Crab Claw; Crabby; Cracker; Crackertchi; Cranberry & Cherry Sorbet; Creep; Creeper; Cresselia; Crimson Potion; Crippled Buff; Crisis Moon Compact; Crobat; Crona’s Soul; Crono; Crop Icon; Cross; Cross of St. Peter; Crotchet; Cryaotic; Crying Emoticon; Cryptogender Flag; Crystagender Flag; Crystal; Crystal Ball; Crystaltchi; CTR Shield; Cuba Flag; Cube; Cubone; Cucco; Cuccodex; Cucumber; Cue Ball; Cup of Coffee; Cupcake; Cupiosexual Flag;; Currypantchi; Customer Service Expert Badge; Cut Man; Cute Condition Icon; Cyan Squid; Cyberman; Cyberman Helmet; Cyndaquil; Cynthia; Czech Republic Flag D; D Logo; D Elder Futhark Rune; D Tile; Da Kurlzz; Daffy Duck; Daisy; Daisy Duck; Daiyatchi; Dale; Dalecarlian Horse; Dalek; Damage Dealer Icon; Dan; Dandelion Game Boy Color; Dango Obatchi; Danish Krone Symbol; Danny; Danny Phantom Logo; Daredevil Logo; Dark Blue Cat Eye; Dark Chao; Dark Chocolate; Dark Element; Dark Knight Class Icon; Dark Magician Girl; Dark Side of the Moon Logo; Dark Type Icon; Dark Type Symbol; Darkness Energy; Darth Maul; Darth Maul’s Lightsaber; Darth Vader; Darts; Darumatchi; Darwin Raglan Caspian Ahab Poseidon Nicodemius Watterson III; Dash Berlin Logo; Dauntless Faction Symbol; Dave Strider's Logo; Davesprite; Davis Motoyima’s Digivice; Dawg; Dawn Stone; Dazzlitchi; DC Universe Logo; Dead Child; Dead Kennedys Logo; Deadlox; Deadman Wonderland Prison Logo; deadmau5 Mask; Deadpool Logo; Deadshot Daiquiri Perk; Death Machine Power-up; Death Star; Death the Kid’s Soul; Deathly Hallows Symbol; Debatchi; Debian Logo; Debutchi; Decepticon Symbol; Decotchi; Dedenne; Defense of the Ancients Icon; Defqon.1 Logo; Dekatama Protagonist; Deku Mask; Deku Nut; Deku Shield; Deku Stick; Delaware; DeLorean Logo; Delphigender Flag; Delphox; Demialterous Flag; Demibisexual Flag; Demiboy Flag; Demifluid Flag; Demiflux Flag; Demigenderqueer Flag; Demigirl Flag; Demihomosexual Flag; DemiMeramon; Deminonbinary Flag; Demipansexual Flag; Demipolysexual Flag; Demiromantic Flag; Demisemihemidemisemiquaver; Demisemiquaver; Demisexual Flag; Demon Eye; Demondrug/Mega Demondrug/Hot Drink; Denmark Flag; Denver Broncos Logo; Depagatchi; Derpy Hooves; Derpy Hooves’ Cutie Mark; Desinoromantic Flag; Destiny Logo; Destiny’s Embrace; DeviantArt Logo; Devil Mametchi; Devil Oyajitchi; Devil Zuccitchi; Deviltchi; Dexter; Dialga; Diamond; Diamond Axe; Diamond Boots; Diamond Chestplate; Diamond Helmet; Diamond Leggings; Diamond Ore; Diamond Pickaxe; Diamond Ring; Diamond Shovel; Diamond Steve; Diamond Sword; Diavlo; Dig Dug; Digg Logo; Diggersby; Digivice; Diglett; Din; Diopside; Dipp; Dipsy; Dirk Strider’s Logo; Disabled Symbol; Disguise Pen; Disgust; Disney Cruise Line Logo; Disney Logo; Ditto; Dive Ball; Divination Skill Symbol; Divine Nature Ribbon; Divine Rose; Division Sign; DJ PON3/Vinyl Scratch; DJ PON3/Vinyl Scratch’s Cutie Mark; Djibouti Flag; DNAtchi; Doctor Albert W. Wily; Doctor Thomas Light; Doctor Violet; Doctor Who Logo; Doctor Whooves’ Cutie Mark; Dodge Ram Logo; Doe; Dog; Dog Bowl; Doge; Dogutchi; Dollar Sign; DOLLARS Logo; Dolphin; Dome Fossil; Domgender Feminine Flag; Domgender Masculine Flag; Domgender Nonbinary Flag; Dominican Republic Flag; Domino’s Pizza Logo; Domo; Don Gero’s Mask; Donald Duck; Donatello; Donut; Doom Aspect Symbol; Doopliss; Dora Winifred “D.W.” Read; Dorotchi; Dorothy Zbornak; Dory; Dotetchi; Doublade; Double Cherry; Double Chest; Double Points Power-up; Double Scoop Cone; Double Tap II Root Beer Perk; Double Tap Root Beer Perk; Doug; Down Arrow; Downloaded Icon; DP Snamis; Dr. Mario; Dracky; Draenei Class Symbol; Dragalge; Dragon Coin; Dragon Energy; Dragon Radar; Dragon Type Icon; DragonBall Z Logo; Dragonite; Dragoon Class Icon; Drake; Drakefluid Flag; DrakSlime; Draw Something Logo; Dreamitchi; Drifloon; Drink Me Potion; Drippy; Drone Dalek; Drugged Meat/Cold Meat; Drum; Drums Icon; Dry Bones; Dryad; Duck; Ducklett; Ducky; Dumbbell; Dumbo; Dummy; Duosion; Duraboy Flag; Duragirl Flag; Duranonbinary Flag; Dusk Ball; Dustbin Beaver the Moptop Tweenybop; Dynamo Badge E; E Elder Futhark Rune; E Logo; E Tile; E4 Logo; E-Acute; E-Circumflex; E-Macron; E-Tank; E-Umlaut; Earl of Lemongrab; Earth; Earth Badge; Earth Element; Earth Element Symbol; Earth Rune; Earth Symbol; Earthbender Symbol; Eat Me Cake; Echo Screen; Echoing Howl; Éclair; Ecto the Fancy Banshee; Ectogender Flag; Ed; Edd/Double D; Eddy; Edible Ghost; Eduardo; Eek Emoticon; Eevee; Eeyore; Eevee Head; Egg; Egg (Tamago) Sushi; Eggplant; Eggplant Wizard; Egoboy Flag; Egogender Flag; Egogirl Flag; Egononbinary Flag; Egypt Flag; Eiyuutchi; Electric Cherry Perk; Electric Type Icon; Electric Type Symbol; Electronic Arts Logo; Elements of Harmony; Elixir; Elmo; Elsa the Snow Queen of Arendelle; Ember Seed; Emerald; Emerald Ring; Emolga; Empoleon; Empty Heart; Ender Pearl; Enderman; Endoboy Flag; Endogirl Flag; Energy Sword; England Flag; Enlightened Logo; Envy; Equius Zahhak’s Logo; Eraser; Eridan Ampora’s Logo; Erinite; Ermac; Err; Erudite Faction Symbol; Espeon; Espeon Head; Espigender Flag; Estonia Flag; Eternal Dalek; Eternal Moon Article; Eternal Spirit; Ethan; Ether; Ether Medallion; Etsy Logo; Euro Sign; Evanescence Logo; Eve; EVE Hypo; Evenstar; Exclamation Mark; Existiboy Flag; Existigirl Flag; Existinonbinary Flag; Exit Mouse; Exit Sign; Expecgender Flag; Eye Drops; Eye of Horus; Eye of Providence; Eye of Sauron; Eyegore; Ezio Auditore da Firenze F; F Elder Futhark Rune; F Tile; F-Zero Logo; f(x) Logo; Face Key; Face With Surgical Mask; Face With Tears Of Joy; Facebook Icon; Fairy; Fairy Badge; Fairy Energy; Fairy Harp; Fairy Ocarina; Fairy Slingshot; Fairy Tail Guild Mark; Fairy Type Icon; Faith Ribbon; Falling In Reverse Logo; Falling Star; Fancy Llama; Fang Slime/Wild Slime; Fantastic Dizzy; Fantastic Four Logo; far Music Disc; Faroe Islands Flag; Farore; Fast Ball; Fast Forward Button; Fat Fairy; Fat Flag; Fawn; Fear; Feather; Feather Badge; Feed Icon; Feferi Peixes’ Logo; Feldspar; Felisgender Flag; Felvine; Female Eclectus Parrot; Female Symbol; Female Toilet Sign; Femgender Flag; Fen Badge; Fennekin; Ferrari Logo; Fertile Soil; Fever; Fiat Logo; Fictosexual Flag; Fierce Deity’s Mask; FIFA World Cup Trophy; Fighter; Fighter’s Sword; Fighting Energy; Fighting Type Icon; Figure Skating Logo; File Not Found Icon; Fill With Color Icon; Finland Flag; Finn; Finn the Human; Finsexual Flag; Fire Arrow; Fire Bro.; Fire Element; Fire Element Symbol; Fire Energy; Fire Flower; Fire Herb/Hot Pepper; Fire Medallion; Fire Rod; Fire Rune; Fire Sale Power-up; Fire Shield; Fire Stone; Fire Stingray; Fire Type Icon; Fireball; Firebender Symbol; Firecracker Burst’s Cutie Mark; Fireflies Logo; Firegender Flag; Firemaking Skill Symbol; Firework; First Aid Kit; Fish; Fishbone; Fisting Flag; Fix-it Felix Jr.; Fixed Tuni Nut; Fizzy Pop’s Cutie Mark; Flabebe; Flame; Flame Princess; Flamingo; Flan; Flandre Scarlet; Flappy Bird; Flareon Head; Flask; FLCL Logo; Fletchling; Fleur-de-lis; Flip Flop; Flippers; Floppy Disk; Florette; Florges; Florida; Flosstradamus Logo; Flounder; Flower; Flower Cookie; Flowertchi; Flowey; Fluidflux Flag; Fluorite; Flurry; Flute; Flute Boy; Fluttershy; Fluttershy's Cutie Mark; Fly; Fly Guy; Flying ? Block; Flying Rooster; Flying Type Icon; Fog Badge; Foie; Foongus; Football Boot; Football/Soccer Ball; Ford Logo; Foreman Pig; Forest Badge; Forest Medallion; Fork; Fortress; Fortune Teller; Fossil; Four Leaf Clover; Four Sword; Foxy; France Flag; Frankenstein’s Monster/The Creation; Frappuccino; Fraysexual Flag; Freddy Fazbear; Freelancer Agent New York/Foxtrot 12/York; Freelancer Agent North Dakota; Freelancer Agent South Dakota; Freelancer Agent Texas/Artificial Intelligence Program Beta/Allison/Tex; Freelancer Agent Utah; Freelancer Agent Washington/Recovery One/Prisoner 619-B/David/Wash; Freelancer Agent Wyoming/Reginald; Freeze Badge; French Fries; Fried Egg; Fried Rice; Friend Ball; Friend Bear; Fries; Frisk; Froakie; Frog; Frog Mario; Frog Suit; Frogadier; Frogger; Frozen Buff; Frozen Logo; Fruit Drink; Fruity Bubblegum Gummy Bear; Fryguy; Fudgesical; Fujio; Full Heart; Full Heart Container; Full Magic Container; Full Moon Cello; Full Stop/Period; Fullmetal Alchemist Logo; Fume-shroom; Fun Ghoul Gun; Funhaus Logo; Funny Man; Funshine Bear; Furi; Furikotchi; Futabatchi; Fuzzy; Fygar G; G Elder Futhark Rune; G Tile; G0y Flag; Gabon Flag; Gabumon; Gaikotchi; Galactic Empire Logo; Gale Seed; Gambia Flag; Game Boy; Game Center Icon; GameCube Controller; GameCube Logo; Gamzee Makara’s Logo; Gandalf the Grey; Gandalf the Grey’s Hat; Gankotchi; Ganon; Gardevoir; Garnet; Garnet Ring; Garo’s Mask; Garrison/Stationary Guard Crest; Gasha Berry; Gasha Seed; Gastly; Gatomon; Gatten Abukotchi; Gay Flag; Gears of War Logo; Gel; Gem Slime/Gold Slime/MinerSlime; Gemigender Flag; Gemini; Gender Binary Flag; Gender Neutral Flag; Gender Non-Binary Flag; Genderblank Flag; Genderdormant Flag; Gendereaux Flag; Genderfluid Flag; Genderflux Flag; Genderfuck Pride Flag; Genderfuzz Flag; Gendermaverick Flag; Gendernegative Flag; Genderpositive Flag; Genderpunk Flag; Genderqueer Flag; Genderqueer Symbol; Genderstrange Flag; Gendervague Flag; Gendervoid Flag; Gendfleur Flag; General Grievous; Genesect; Gengar; Genie’s Lamp; Genjin Galtchi; Genjintchi; Geno; George; Georgia; Georgia Flag; Germany; Germany Flag; Getatchi; Ghana Flag; Ghast; Ghast Tear; Ghastly Doll; Ghost; Ghost Deviltchi; Ghost House; Ghost Jr; Ghost Shroom; Ghost Type Icon; Ghost's Eyes; Ghostbusters Logo; Giant Bat; Giant’s Mask; Gibdo; Gibdo’s Mask; Gift of Time; Giggles; Ginger; Gingerbread House; Ginjirotchi; Ginjirotchi Angel; Giorgio Armani Logo; Giraffey; Girl Deviltchi; Glaceon Head; Glacier Badge; Glass Dagger; Glass of Apple Juice; Glass of Orange Juice; Glass of Red Wine; Glass of White Wine; Glasstchi; Gloom; Glowstone Dust; Gmail Icon; Gnarled Key; Gnome; Goby; Godzilla; Goggles; Goku; Golbat; Gold; Gold Axe; Gold Ball & Chain Trooper; Gold Coronet; Gold Crown; Gold Ingot; Gold Kinstone; Gold Medal; Gold Nugget; Gold Ore; Gold Pickaxe; Gold Rupee; Gold Shovel; Gold Sword; Golden Apple; Golden Bonnie; Golden Boots; Golden Carp; Golden Chestplate; Golden Chocobo; Golden Delicious Apple; Golden Fox; Golden Freddy; Golden Harvest/Carrot Top; Golden Helmet; Golden Leggings; Golden Llama; Golden Mushroom; Golden Potion; Golden Scarab; Golden Snitch; Golden Steve; Golden Sword; Golden Tooth; Golem; Golf Ball; Golgari Swarm Logo; Goma Dango; Gomamon; Gomez; Good Luck Bear; Good Works Ribbon; Goodra; Google Chrome Logo; Google Hangouts Icon; Google Logo; Google+ Icon; Goomba; Goomba in Goomba’s Shoe; Goomba’s Shoe; Goomy; Goonie; Goro; Gorogorotchi; Goron Elder; Goron Mask; Goron Vase; Goron's Ruby; Goronade; Gosutchi; Gotchi King; Gotchi Queen; Gothita; Gourmetchi; Gozarutchi; Graceful Dahlia; Gracidea Flower; Graduation Cap; Grand Theft Auto V Logo; Granny Smith Apple; Grape Gummy Bear; Grape Jolly Rancher; Grapefruit; Grapes; Grass; Grass Crest Shield; Grass Energy; Grass TM; Grass Type Icon; Gravestone; Graveyard Key; Great Ball; Great Fairy; Great Fairy’s Mask; Greed; Greedo; Green Apricorn; Green Baby Yoshi; Green Ball; Green Berry; Green Bird; Green Bottle; Green Cane; Green Cat Eye; Green Chaos Emerald; Green Cheep Cheep; Green Chocobo; Green Christmas Light; Green Cockatiel; Green Diamond; Green Egg Block; Green Grapes; Green Kinstone; Green Kirby; Green Lantern Logo; Green Light of Willpower; Green Luma; Green M&M; Green Mail; Green Mana; Green Panther; Green Pepper; Green Plumbob; Green Potion; Green Puyo; Green Ranger/Tommy Oliver; Green Ranger’s Helmet; Green Requiem; Green Robot; Green Rubik’s Cube; Green Rupee; Green Stray Fairy; Green Switch Block; Green Tea Sherbet; Green Tiara; Green Yoshi Egg; Green-Winged Macaw; Greenland Flag; Greninja; Grey Cloud; Grey P-Switch; Grey Robot; Grey-Aromantic Flag; Grey-Asexual Flag; Greyalterous Flag; Greygender Flag; Greymon; Greyplatonic Flag; Greyromantic Flag; Grief Seed; Grinder; Grippatchi; Groot; Grotle; Ground Type Icon; Grovyle; Grumpy Bear; Grumpy Cat; Grundle; Grunt/Unggoy; Gryffindor Banner; Gryffindor Shield; Guardian Icon; Guinea Bissau Flag; Guinea Flag; Guinness Symbol; Guitar; Guitar Icon; Gulasantchi; Gumball Machine; Gumball Tristopher Watterson; Guriguritchi; Gusty; Guthix Symbol; Guy Fawkes Mask; Guy-Manuel’s Mask; Gyaraboy Flag; Gyarados; Gyaragender Flag; Gyaragirl Flag; Gynefluid Flag; Gynephile Flag; Gynesexual Flag; Gypsytchi; Gyroid H; H Tile; Haban Berry; Hail Hydra Logo; Haiti Flag; Half Heart; Half-Life Logo; Hallowed Breastplate; Hallowed Greaves; Hallowed Helmet; Halo Logo; Hamburger; Hammer; Hammer Bro.; Hammer Bro.'s Hammer; Hammer Suit; Hamsa; Han Solo; Hanagatatchi; Hanami Dango; Hanatarezoutchi; Hanatchi; Hand Cursor; Hanekotchi; Haneotchi; Hanger; Hanitchi; Hanyu Furude; Hanzo Hasahi/Scorpion; Happy; Happy Berry Logo; Happy Emoticon; Happy Face; Happy Meal; Hardhat Beetle; Hariutchi; Harlequin Rune; Harry Potter Logo; Harumichitchi; Harutchi; Hashitamatchi; Hashizoutchi; Hat Santaclautchi; Hatenatchi; Hatokamitchi; Hatsune Miku; Hatsune Miku Logo; Hatugatchi; Haunter; Hawaii; Hawaikotchi; Hawainotchi; Hawkeye Symbol; Hawlucha; Head; Headdress; Headphones; Heal Ball; Healer Icon; Healslime; Heart; Heart Aspect Symbol; Heart Cookie; Heart of the Ocean; Heart Wand; Heartchi; Hearthstone; Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Logo; Heartless Logo; Heat Badge; Heats Flamesman; Heavy D!; Heimerdinger; Heliotrope/Bloodstone; Helix Fossil; Hello Kitty Logo; Helmetchi; Hemiboy Flag; Hemigirl Flag; Hemidemisemiquaver; Heminonbinary Flag; Henry’s Book; Herb/Ivy; Herbal Armor Buff; Herbal Healing Buff; Herblore Skill Symbol; Hermaphrodite Flag; Hero Chao; Herobrine; Hetalia Logo; Heteroflexible Flag; Hexagon; Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi Logo; Hi-Potion; Hibiscus; Hidatchi; High Battery Level; Hikotchi; High-Five Ghost; Hill; Himespetchi; Hinatchi; Hinotamatchi; Hiratchi; Hitodetchi; Hitomi Shizuki; Hive Badge; Hodenge; Hogwarts Crest; Hohotchi; Hollow Mask; Holy Water; Homer Jay Simpson; HomeStuck Logo; Homoalterous Flag; Homoflexible Flag; Homosexual (But Not Homoromantic) Flag; Homura Akemi; Homura Akemi’s Soul Gem; Honda Logo; Honey; Honeydew; Honeydew’s Logo; Honeytchi; Hong Kong Dollar Symbol; Hoodz; Hookshot; Hoopster; Hope Aspect Symbol; Hoppetchi; Horde Insignia; Horn of Gabriel; Horoboy Flag; Horogirl Flag; Horononbinary Flag; Horoyotchi; Horrified Debuff; Hoshitchi; Hot Dog; Hot Dog with Barbecue Sauce; Hot Dog with Brown Sauce; Hot Dog with Mustard; Hot Dog with Tomato Sauce; Hotdog; HotTeatchi; Hourglass Cursor; House Arryn of the Eyrie Sigil; House Barathron of Storm’s End Sigil; House Dimir Logo; House Frey of the Crossing Sigil; House Greyjoy of Pyke Sigil; House Lannister of Casterly Rock Sigil; House Nymerous Martell of Sunspear Sigil; House Stark of Winterfell Sigil; House Targaryen Sigil; House Tully of Riverrun Sigil; House Tyrell of Highgarden Sigil; Howie; Hufflepuff Banner; Hufflepuff Shield; Hullaballoon; Humba the Banana; Hungary Flag; Hungry Buff; Hunter of Hunter’s Covenant Symbol; Hunter Skill Symbol; Hunter Symbol; HuskyMUDKIPZ; Hyacinth; Hyacinth Macaw; Hylian Shield; Hyottokotchi; Hyurutchi I; I Elder Futhark Rune; Ï Elder Futhark Rune; I Tetrimino; I Tile; I.G.G.Y. the Pixel-Munching Snaffler; I’ve Seen It Badge; I-Acute; I-Circumflex; I-Macron; I-Umlaut; Ibatchi; Ice; Ice Arrow; Ice Blue Game Boy Color; Ice Cream; Ice Cream Cone; Ice Flower; Ice Hockey Logo; Ice Rod; Ice Skate; Ice Type Icon; Ice Type Symbol; Iceberg Badge; Iceland Flag; Ichigo; Ichigotchi; Icicle Badge; Idaho; Idemoromantic Flag; Igglybuff; Ignignokt; iHasCupquake; IKEA Logo; Illinois; Illuminated Buff; Imgur Icon; Immune to Gases Buff; Immunizer Power/Juice/Mega Juice; Imotchi; Impediogender Flag; Impossible Triangle; India Flag; Indian Red; Indiana; Indicolite; Indigo Bottle; Indigo Cane; Indigo Diamond; Indigo Light of Compassion; Indigo Potion; Individual Worth Ribbon; Indonesia Flag; Infected Mushroom; Infernape; Infinite Logo; Infinite Symbol; IngenDer Flag; Ingward; Inky; Insect Badge; Insomniac Logo; Insta-Kill Power-up; Instagram Logo; Integrity Ribbon; Intergender Flag; Intersex Flag; Intersex Flag; Intersex Symbol; InuYasha Logo; Inverted Question Mark; Invisible Buff; Iolite; Iowa; iPhone; iPod Touch; Irken Logo; Iron Axe; Iron Boots; Iron Chestplate; Iron Helmet; Iron Ingot; Iron Leggings; Iron Man Symbol; Iron Ore; Iron Pickaxe; Iron Pot; Iron Shovel; Iron Sword; Isaac; Israel Flag; Italy Flag; Itatchi; iTunes Icon; Ivory; Ivory Potion; Ivysaur; Iwatchi; Izzet League Logo J; J Tile; J.R.R. Tolkien Logo; J-Dog; Jack; Jack O’Lantern; Jack Skellington; Jack Ü Logo; Jackass Logo; jacksepticeye Logo; Jade; Jade Harley's Logo; Jade Potion; Jade Star Badge; Jake English’s Logo; Jake the Dog; Jamaica Flag; James; James Bond Logo; James Pond; Jane Crocker’s Logo; Jango Fett; Japan Flag; Jar Jar Binks; Jar of Nutella; Jar/Pot; Jasmine; Jasmine Symbol; Jason Voorhees’ Mask; Jasper; Jaspersprite; Jaune Arc’s Symbol; Jay; Jayne Cobb’s Hat; Jeff; Jeff Randell; Jellyfish; Jerry; Jess; Jessie; Jet; Jet Badge; Jet Star Gun; Jewelboxtchi; Jeweltchi; Jidoutchi; Jigglypuff; Jigsaw Piece; Jiji; Jimmy; Jinn/Sylphid; Jinx; Jirachi; JLS Logo; John Deere Logo; John Egbert’s Logo; Johnny 3 Tears; Johnny Bravo; Johnny Cage; Jolteon Head; Joltik; Jon; Jonny 2X4; Jonquil; Jordan Flag; Journal 3 Logo; Joy; Judas; Juggernog Perk; Juice; Jumping Piranha Plant; Jumping Pumpkin Plant; June; Jungle; Jungle King; Junior Clown Car; Junko Enoshima’s Phone; Jupiter; Jurassic Park Logo; jw.org Logo; Jynx K; K Elder Futhark Rune; K Tile; K.K. Slider; K-9; Kabotchi; Kadabra; Kafei’s Mask; Kagamine Rin; Kai; Kaitchi; Kajiguchi Abukotchi; Kakuna; Kakutchi; Kaleidomoon Scope; Kaleidoscope; Kamaro’s Mask; Kamek; Kanata Shinonome’s Kirara; Kanaya Maryam’s Logo; Kandi Patterns Logo; Kano; Kanra Call Icon; Kansas; Karatchi; Kari Kamiya’s Digivice; Karkas Vantas’ Logo; Katamari; Katara; Katsuma; Kazuichi Soda; Keaton’s Mask; Kebia Berry; Kee Berry; Keese; Keiichi Maebara; Keldeo; Kentucky; Kerbal Space Program Logo; Kermit the Frog; Kettle; Kettledrum; Kevin; Key; Key Icon; Keyboard Icon; Keyhole; Khaki; Khorne Symbol; Kid Blue; Kidney; Kikwi; Kilalatchi; Kinakomotchi; Kinbo Koi; Kindred; King; King Boo; King Dedede; King Llama; King of All Cosmos; King Slime; King Worm; Kingdom Hearts Logo; Kingdom Key; Kingender Flag; Kingyotchi; Kinky People In Vanilla Relationships Flag; Kinotchi; Kip Symbol; Kirby; Kirby on Warp Star; Kirin Tor Logo; Kirk, Knight of Thorns; Kirlia; KISS Logo; Kiwi Cupcake; Kiwi Fruit; Kiwi Game Boy Color; Kiyotaka “Taka” Ishimaru; Klefki; Klingon Logo; Knife; Knife Party Logo; Knight Lautrec of Carim; Knight Shield; Knowledge Ribbon; Knuckle Badge; Knuckleduster; Knuckles the Echidna; Knuckles the Echidna Icon; Kobra Kid Gun; Kodak Logo; Kodama; Kokiri Sword; Kokiri's Emerald; Kolechia Seal; Konami Logo; Konohagakure Symbol; Koopa Clown Car; Koopa Shell; Koopa Troopa; Korean Won Symbol; Korilakkuma; Korra; Kracko; Kracko's Eye; Krieg; Kuai Liang/Sub-Zero; Kuchikotchi; Kuchiotchi; Kunai; Kunoitchi; Kuriboh; Kuribotchi; Kuritchi; Kuro; Kurokotchi; KuroMametchi; KuroTsubutchi; Kushipatchi; Kutchitamatchi; Kuwait Flag; Kylo Ren; Kylo Ren’s Lightsaber; Kyoko Sakura; Kyoko Sakura’s Soul Gem L; L for Lee; L Lawliet’s Logo; L Tetrimino; L Tile; La; Laa-Laa; Labradorite; Lady GooGoo the Glitzy BooHoo; Lady Luck; Lady Rainicorn; Ladybird/Ladybug; Lakitu; Lala; Lamp; Lance “Scorpion” Bean; Lando Calrissian; Lapis Lazuli; Large Invader; Large Planchette; Large Totoro; Larry Koopa; Latin Cross; Latvia Flag; Lava Bucket; Lava Juice; Lava Soup; Lavender; Law Rune; LDShadowLady; Leaf; Leaf Stone; Leafeon Head; Leafmon; Leaftchi; League of Legends Icon; League of Nations Logo; Leather Boots; Leather Cap; Leather Flag; Leather Girl Flag; Leather Pants; Leather Tunic; Lebanon Flag; Lee Kanker; Leek; Left Arrow; Left Parenthesis; Left Shark; Legend Badge; Lego Logo; Lemon; Lemon Gummy Bear; Lemon Hearts’ Cutie Mark; Lemon Lime Sorbet; Lemon Sherbet; Lemon Slice; Lens of Truth; Leo; Leogender Flag; Leon Kuwata; Leonardo; Lepidolite; Leprechaun; Leprechaun Hat; Lesbian Flag; Lethargender Flag; Letter; Level Ball; Levitating Buff; LGBT Flag; Libra; Libragender Flag; Libya Flag; Lickitung; Lie Ren’s Symbol; Life Aspect Symbol; Life Energy; Life Mushroom; Life Shroom; Light Arrow; Light Aspect Symbol; Light Blue Cat Eye; Light Blue Yoshi; Light Element; Light Medallion; Lightbulb; Lightning Bolt; Lightning Cross; Lightning Energy; Lightning Potion; Like Icon; Like Like; Lilac; Lime; Lime Cake; Lime Green Squid; Lime Gummy Bear; Lime Slice; Limnosexual Flag; Linda; Link; Lionheart; Lips; Lipstick; Lipstick Lesbian Flag; Lithuania Flag; Little C.H.A.D.; Little Miss Tiny; Litwick; Liu Kang; Lizard; Llama; Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon; Location Marker; Lock; Loki’s Helmet; Lollipop; Lollipop Chainsaw Logo; Lolo; Lopez the Heavy; Lopmon; LordMinion777 Logo; Los Angeles Dodgers Logo; Los Angeles Lakers Logo; Lotad; Louisiana; Louisville Cardinals Logo; Love; Love Ball; Love-a-Lot Bear; Lovebird; Lovegender Flag; Lovelitchi; Low Battery Level; Lucario; Lucas; Lucca; Ludoboy Flag; Ludogirl Flag; Ludononbinary Flag; Ludwig von Koopa; Luge Logo; Luigi; Luigi’s Hat; Luke Skywalker; Luke Triton; Lumina/Wisp; Lumpy Space Princess; Luna; Lunar: The Silver Star Logo; Lunar Eclipse; Lure Ball; Lust; Luvli; Luxembourg Flag; Luxury Ball; Lyra Heartstrings; Lysandre M; M Elder Futhark Rune; M Logo; M Tile; M. Bison; Macaroon; Macaw; Mace Windu; Machinist Class Icon; Mad Pride Flag; Madagascar Flag; Madeon Logo; Madoka Kaname; Madoka Kaname’s Soul Gem; Magdalene; Mage Class Symbol; Mage’s Staff; Magenta Potion; Magenta Yoshi; Magiboy Flag; Magic: The Gathering Card; Magic Ball; Magic Bean; Magic Boomerang; Magic Cape; Magic Element Symbol; Magic Hammer; Magic Mirror; Magic Potion; Magic Powder; Magic Rod; Magic Skill Symbol; Magical Boomerang; Magical Shield; Magicite; Magifluid Flag; Magigirl Flag; Magikarp; Maginonbinary Flag; Maiden’s Kiss; Maidtchi; Mail Icon; Maine; Major League Baseball Logo; Majora's Mask; Majorika; Makiko/Madeleine Kirie Dotchine; Mako; Makoto Yokomizo’s Kirara; Maku Tree Leaf; Malachite; Maldives Flag; Male Eclectus Parrot; Male Symbol; Male Toilet Sign; Mali Flag; mall Music Disc; Malloty Knox Logo; Mamegoma; Mamekotchi; Mameotchi; Mameshiba; Mametchi; Mami Tomoe; Mami Tomoe’s Soul Gem; Manalterous Flag; Manaphy; Mangle; Mango Sorbet; Manipura Symbol; Map; Maple; Maps Icon; Marcy; Mareep; Marie Kanker; Marie Mjolnir’s Eye Patch; MarineAngemon; Maringender Flag; Mario; Mario in Goomba’s Shoe; Mario’s Hat; Mark of Cain; Marked for Sacrifice Buff; Markiplier Logo; Marle; Marny; Maroon Ball; Marotchi; Marowak; Mars; Marsh Badge; Marshtomp; Martini Glass; Marvin the Martian; Maryland; Masexual Flag; Mask of Scents; Mask of Truth; Masked Lovebird; Masktchi; Massachusetts; Master Ball; Master Belch; Master Chief; Master Higgins; Master Shake; Master Sword; Mattaritchi; Mauritania Flag; Mauritius Flag; Maverique Flag; Max Revive; Maxwell; May; May Kanker; McDonald’s Logo; Me Gusta Face; Meat; Meat Boy; Medical Officer Super Private First Class Frank DuFresne/Doc; Medicine of Life; Medicine of Life & Magic; Medicine of Magic; Medium Battery Level; Medium Totoro; Mega Aerodactyl; Mega Alakazam; Mega Blastoise; Mega Charizard X; Mega Charizard Y; Mega Gengar; Mega Gyarados; Mega Haunter; Mega Lucario; Mega Man; Mega Mewtwo X; Mega Mewtwo Y; Mega Mushroom; Mega Scizor; Mega Stone; Mega Venusaur; Megatchi; mellohi Music Disc; Meloetta; Melon; Memeotchi; Memeputchi; Memetchi; Memorial Stripes Poogie; Meow; Mercury; Mesprit; Messages Icon; Metal Chocobo; Metal Energy; Metal King Slime; Metal Slime; MetalGreymon; Metapod; Metaromantic Flag; Metool; Metroid; Mew; Mew Berry; Mew Ichigo; Mew Lettuce; Mew Pudding; Mew Ringo; Mewtwo; MGMT Logo; Miami Heat Logo; Miami Hurricanes Logo; Michael “Mike” Wazowski; Michelangelo; Michigan; Micro-Goomba; Microphone; Midnight Blue Game Boy Color; Mikazukitchi; Miles “Tails” Prower; Miles “Tails” Prower Icon; Military Police Brigade Crest; Military/Uniform Flag; Milk Bucket; Milk Chocolate; Millennium Eye; Millennium Falcon; Millennium Necklace; Millennium Puzzle; Millennium Ring; Millennium Rod; Mima; MimeSlime; Mimifuwatchi; Mimitchi; Mimiyoritchi; Mimori Kishida’s Kirara; Mind Aspect Symbol; Mind Badge; Mind Vision Buff; Mine Badge; Minecraft Logo; Mineral Badge; Mini Mushroom; Mini-Moldorm; Mining Skill Symbol; Mink; Minnesota; Minotchi; Minsexual Flag; Mion Sonozaki; Mirror Shield; Miso; Mississippi; Missouri; Mitarashi Dango; Mitsubishi Logo; Mitt; Mizutamatchi; Mjölnir; Mobile Sprout; Mobile/Cellular Phone; Moblin; Mocha; Mockingjay Pin; Mohitamatchi; Mojo Jojo; Moltres; Monapatchi; Mondo Owada; Money Bag; Monferno; Monk; Monk Class Icon; Monoeye; Monofluid; Monokuma; Monomate; Monomi/Usami; Monster Assault Logo; Monster Heavy Metal Logo; Monster High Logo; Monster Khaos Logo; Monster Lo-Carb Logo; Monster Logo; Monster MIXXD Logo; Monster Ripper Logo; Monsters, Inc. Logo; Montana; Monty Mole; Moogle; Moon Ball; Moon Crystal Compact; Moon Pearl; Moon Sceptre; Moon Stone; Moon Wand; Moonstone; Mooshroom; Mordecai; Morganite; Mortal Kombat Logo; Mother of Pearl; Motimon; Mottle Slime; Mouse; Moustache; Movie Reel; Mozilla Firefox Logo; Mr. Bump; Mr. Canvas; Mr. Game & Watch; Mr. Game & Watch Stock Icon; Mr. Pringles; Mr. Rush; Mr. Saturn; Mr. Snoodle the Silly Snuffler; Mr. Turtlepedia; Ms. Flower; Ms. Frill; Ms. Pac-Man; MTV Logo; Mudkip; Mug of Hot Chocolate; Muladhara Symbol; Mule Kick Perk; Multiplication Sign; Multisexual Flag; Munna; Muse Logo; Musharna; Mushroom; Mushroom Stew; Music Box; Music Icon; Mustard; Mutogender Flag; My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Logo; Myanmar Flag; Mystery Mushroom; Mythosaur Symbol N; N Tile; N7 Logo; N-Acute; Naga; Nagisa Momoe; Nagisa Motoyima’s Kirara; Nall; Namibia Flag; Nana; Napstablook; Naruto Logo; Naruto Uzumaki; National Basketball Association Logo; National Football Conference Logo; National Football League Logo; National Hockey League Logo; Nature Element Symbol; Navi; Nayru; Nazotchi; Nazz Van Bartonschmeer; Nebraska; Nebularomantic Flag; Needle of Blood; Needle of Fairy Dust; Needle of Magic; Needle of Medicine; Needle of Poison; Needle of Water; Nekomaru Nidai; Nemo; Nepeta Leijon’s Logo; Neptune; NERV Logo; Ness; Ness' Mum; Nest Ball; Net Ball; NettyPlays; Neuroaromantic Flag; Neurogender Flag; Neusexual Flag; Neutrois Flag; Neutrois Symbol; Nevada; New Document Icon; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; New York Jets Name Plate; New York Knicks Logo; New York Mets Logo; New York Yankees Logo; Newgrounds Logo; Newsstand Icon; Next Track Button; NG; Nickel; Nien Nunb; Niger Flag; Nigeria Flag; Nightmare Dream Eater Symbol; Nightmare’s Key; Nik; Nikatchi; Nike Logo; Nine Inch Nails Logo; Ninja; Ninja Class Icon; Ninja Llama; Ninji; Ninsexual Flag; Nintendo 64 Controller; Nintendo 64 Logo; Nintendo Entertainment System Controller; Nintendo Logo; Nintendo Wii Logo; Nipper Plant; Nipper the Titchy TrundleBot; Nirvana Logo; Nitro Crate; No Battery; No Data Received Icon; No Phone Signal; No Smoking Sign; No Volume; No Wi-Fi Signal; No-Face/Kaonashi Mask; Nobody Symbol; Noiz; Nokotchi; Nomasexual Flag; Nonbinary Flag; Nonbinary Boy Flag; Nonbinary Girl Flag; Nonbinary Symbol; Nonbiritchi; Nora Valkyrie’s Symbol; Normal Type Icon; North Carolina; North Dakota; Northern Ireland Flag; Norway Flag; Note; Note Block; Note Icon; Notes; Notes Icon; Novigender Flag;; Novosexual Flag; Nullgender Flag; Nunchaku; Nurse Symbol; Nutrients/Mega Nutrients; Nurturing Warmth; Nutty; Nuu Emoticon; Nyan Cat; Nyan Cat Head; Nyaromon; Nyatchi; Nyctogender Flag; Nyokimon; Ŋ Elder Futhark Rune; O; O Elder Futhark Rune; O Tetrimino; O Tile; O-Acute; O-Circumflex; O-Macron; O-Umlaut; Oathkeeper; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Oblivion; Obotchi; Obsidian; Ocarina; Ocarina of Wind; Ocelot; Ocho; Octagon; Octavia; Octopus; Octorok; Oddish; Odeko; Odesza Logo; OE Ligature; Of Mice & Men Logo; Officer Vermilion; Ohio; Ojitchi; Ojyotchi; Okay? Okay. Logo; Oklahoma; Olaf; Old Man; Olivenite; Olivine; Olympia; Olympics Logo; Om Nom; Omanyte; Omegle Logo; Omnigender Flag; Omnisexual Flag; Omnitrix; Omututchi; One Direction Logo; One Ring; One-Eyed Minion; Onigiri; Onion; Oniontchi; Onyx; Onyx Ring; Opa-Opa; Opal; Opal Ring; Opeo; Orange; Orange Ball; Orange Bottle; Orange Cane; Orange Cat Eye; Orange Diamond; Orange Flower; Orange Gummy Bear; Orange Kid; Orange Light of Avarice; Orange M&M; Orange Plumbob; Orange Potion; Orange Rubik’s Cube; Orange Rupee; Orange Sceptre; Orange Slice; Orange Squid; Orange Staff; Orange Stray Fairy; Orange Umbrella; Orange Yoshi; Orange/Co-Star Luma; Ore Chunk; Oregon; Oreo; Organ of Evening Calm; Original 1978 LGBT Flag; Orina Aida’s Kirara; Orko; Oscar, Knight of Astora; Oscar the Grouch; Oshawott; Ostro; Ototchi; Ouran High School Crest; Oval; OWSLA Logo; Oyajitchi P; P Bag; P Elder Futhark Rune; P Tile; P-Switch; P-Wing; Pabumon; Pac-Man; Pachikutchi; Pachirisu; Paddle; Padparadscha; Paintball; Pakistan Flag; Paladin Class Icon; Palico; Palm Tree; Palmon; Panalterous Flag; Panama Flag; Pancakes; Panflux Flag; Pangender Flag; Panplatonic Flag; Panromantic Flag; Pansexual Flag; Pansexual Symbol; Paopu Fruit; Paparatchi; Paper; Papyrus; Para-Beetle; Paraboy Flag; Paragirl Flag; Paragon Logo; Parallelogram; Paralyzed Buff; Paranonbinary Flag; PaRappa the Rapper; Parasect; Park Ball; Parrot; Parsnip; Partial Heart Container; Partly Cloudy; Party Poison Gun; Passbook Icon; Passion Fruit Sorbet; Patamon; Patapatatchi; Patrick Star; Paula; Pause Button; Paw Print; Peace Sign; Peace Symbol; Peach; Peach Lovebird; Pear; Pearl; PearlGel; Peashooter; Pecha Berry; Pegasus Boots; Pegasus Seed; Pelipper; Pencil; Pendant of Courage; Pendant of Power; Pendant of Wisdom; Pennsylvania; Pentagon; Pentagram; Penultisexual Flag; Pepe the Frog; Peppa Pig; Pepperdance’s Cutie Mark; Peppermint Butler; Pepsi Logo; Percentage Sign; Periboy Flag; Peridot; Perifluid Flag; Perigirl Flag; Periodic Table of Elements; Perry the Platypus; Peru Flag; Peso; Peter Löwenbräu Griffin; Peter Pepper; Petittchi; Petrus of Thorlund; PewDiePie Logo; Phanto; PhD Flopper Perk; Phineas; Phione; Phoenix Down; Phone Icon; Photo Finish; Photos Icon; Pi Symbol; Pichikutchi; Pichimon; Pichu; Pick Color Icon; Pidgit; Pig; Pig Snout; Piglet; Pikachu; Pills; Pin; Pineapple; Pineapple Gummy Bear; Ping Pong Ball; Pink Apricorn; Pink Baby Bottle; Pink Ball; Pink Beads; Pink Berry; Pink Candy; Pink Chaos Emerald; Pink Diamond; Pink Dummy/Pacifier/Binky; Pink Lantern; Pink Marshmallow; Pink Panther; Pink Potion; Pink Ranger/Kimberly Hart; Pink Ranger’s Helmet; Pink Ring; Pink Squid; Pink Stray Fairy; Pink Umbrella; Pink Yoshi; Pink/Hungry Luma; Pinkie Pie; Pinkie Pie Head; Pinkie Pie's Cutie Mark; Pinky; Pinterest Icon; Pinterest Logo; Pipotchi; Piplup; Piranha Plant; Pirate’s Bell; Pirorirotchi; Pisces; Pit; Pixelboy Flag; Pixelgirl Flag; Pixelnonbinary Flag; Pizza; Pizza Dude; Placiosexual Flag; Plain Badge; Planeswalker Symbol; Plank; Plankton; Planktontchi; Plant Badge; Platoniromantic Flag; Play Button; Playboy Logo; PlayStation Logo; PlayStation 2 Logo; PlayStation 3 Logo; PlayStation 4 Controller; Plue; Plus Sign; Pluto; Po; Pochitchi; Podobos Tower; Poe; Poe Clock; Poe Dameron; Poe Dameron’s X-Wing; Poe Soul in Bottle; Pointer Cursor; Points Icon; Poison Apple; Poison Mushroom; Poison Symbol; Poison TM; Poison Type Icon; Poisoned Buff; Poisoned Meat; Poké Ball; Pokémon Dollar; Pokémon Flute; Pokémon Logo; Pokémon X Logo; Pokémon Y Logo; Pokey; Poland Flag; Politoed; Poliwag; Pols Voice; Polyalterous Flag; Polyamorous Flag;; Polygender Flag; Polyplatonic Flag; Polyromantic Flag; Polysexual (But Not Romantic) Flag; Polysexual Flag; Pontiac Logo; Pony Flag; Ponyo; Ponytchi; Poo; Pooka; Poop; Pooter; Pop Tart; Popcorn; Popo; Poppet; Popsical; Popsicle; Poro; Poromon; Porygon; Possessed Nayru; Postman’s Hat; Pot of Gold; Potato Mine; Potion; Potion/Mega Potion; Potion of Fire Resistance; Potion of Harming; Potion of Healing; Potion of Invisibility; Potion of Leaping; Potion of Night Vision; Potion of Poison; Potion of Regeneration; Potion of Slowness; Potion of Strength; Potion of Swiftness; Potion of Water Breathing; Potion of Weakness; Pound Cake; Pound Symbol; POW Block; Power Balloon/P-Balloon; Power Bracelet; Power Button; Power Glove; Poyomon; Praegender Flag; Prayer Skill Symbol; Premier Ball; Pressure Pad; Preterboy Flag; Pretergirl Flag; Pretty Lights Logo; Pretzel; Pride; Priest Class Symbol; Previous Track Button; Prince; Prince Zuko; Princess Anna of Arendelle; Princess Cadence; Princess Celestia; Princess Celestia’s Cutie Mark; Princess Daisy’s Crown; Princess Leia Organa; Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon’s Cutie Mark; Princess Peach’s Crown; Princess Rosalina; Princess Toadstool; Princess Zelda; Pringles Logo; Prinplup; Private Franklin Delano Donut; Private Kaikaina Grif/Sister; Private Leonard L. Church; Priz; Professor Elm; Professor Hershel Layton; Professor Oak; Professor Vitellary; Proquasexual Flag; Proquusexual Flag; Psi; Psychic Badge; Psychic Energy; Psychic TM; Psychic Type Icon; Psyko Punkz Mask; PuchiChocotchi; Puchioyatchi; Puchiputchi; Puchitchi; PuchiTeletchi; Pudsey Bear; Puerto Rico Flag; Puff-shroom; Pukatchi; Puma Logo; Pumpkin; Pumpkin Cake; Pumpkin Pie; Pumpkinhead; Punimon; Punisher Logo; Pup; Puppy Play Flag; PuppyCat; Purple Ball; Purple Chaos Emerald; Purple Chocobo; Purple Crystal; Purple Excitebike; Purple Grapes; Purple Jewel; Purple Kirby; Purple Pendant Necklace; Purple Pikmin; Purple Puyo; Purple Ring; Purple Rupee; Purple Squid; Purple Yoshi; Pusheen; Pyonchitchi; Pyonkotchi; Pyramid; Pyramid Jewel; Pyrite; Pyrope; Pyrrha Nikos’ Symbol Q; Q Dance Logo; Q Tile; Q-Bert; Qatar Flag; QU; Quake Badge; Quake Medallion; Quartz; Quartz Ring; Quaver; Queen Amidala; Queer Flag; Queerplatonic Flag; Question Mark; Quick Ball; Quick Revive Perk; Quilladin; Quoiromantic Flag; Quote R; R Elder Futhark Rune; R Tile; R-Acute; R2-D2; Raava; Rabite; Radish; Raft; Rage Aspect Symbol; Raichu; Raiden; Rain; Rain Badge; Rainbow; Rainbow Badge; Rainbow Cross; Rainbow Dash; Rainbow Dash Head; Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark; Rainbow Llama; Rainbow Necklace; Rainbow Potion; Rainbow Special; Rainbow Star; Raindrop; Ralf Jones; Ralph; Ralts; Rammy; Rana; Ranged Skill Symbol; Rank A; Rank B; Rank C; Rank D; Rank E; Raphael; Rapunzel; Rare Candy; Rare Steak/Well-Done Steak; Rarity; Rarity Head; Rarity's Cutie Mark; Raspberry Pi Logo; Rat; Ravenclaw Banner; Ravenclaw Shield; Raw Meat/Hot Meat; Rayman; Razer Logo; Reaper; Reblog Symbol; Recipsexual Flag; Recorder; Rectangle; Red; Red & White Round Shield; Red Apple; Red Apricorn; Red Armos Knight; Red Baby Yoshi; Red Ball; Red Beads; Red Bean Tea Sherbet; Red Berry; Red Bird; Red Bottle; Red Candle; Red Cane; Red Chaos Emerald; Red Cheep Cheep; Red Chocobo; Red Christmas Light; Red Coin; Red Coronet; Red Cross; Red Cross Logo; Red Crown; Red Crystal; Red Crystal Switch; Red Darknut; RED Demoman Symbol; Red Diamond; Red Dragon; Red Egg Block; Red Excitebike; Red Flower; Red Gala Apple; Red Goriya; Red Hot Chili Peppers Logo; Red Jewel; Red Keycard; Red Kinstone; Red Kirby; Red Lamp; Red Lantern; Red Leever; Red Light of Rage; Red Luma; Red Lynel; Red M&M; Red Mage; Red Mail; Red Mana; RED Medic Symbol; Red Mushroom; Red Nail Polish; Red Nocturne; Red Octorok; Red Pendant Necklace; Red Pepper; Red Pikmin; Red Pikmin Head; Red Plumbob; Red Potion; Red Puyo; Red Ranger/Jason Lee Scott; Red Ranger’s Helmet; Red Ring; Red Robot; Red Rope; Red Rubik’s Cube; Red Rupee; Red Sidestepper; Red Skull Key; Red Snake; Red Staff; Red Star; Red Stray Fairy; Red Switch Block; Red Tektite; Red Tiara; Red Toad House; Red Umbrella; Red Windmill; Red Wizzrobe; Red Yoshi; Red Yoshi Egg; redb15; Redstone Dust; Redstone Ore; Redstone Torch; Ref; Regeneration Buff; Relationship Anarchy Flag; Relic Badge; Reminders Icon; Ren; Rena Ryugu; Renamon; Renault Logo; Renegade Symbol; Repeat Ball; Repeater; Reptar; Reptile; Republic of Ireland Flag; Republic of the Congo Flag; Requeissexual Flag; Resistance Logo; Reuniclus; Reverse Mushroom; Revive; Revive Icon; Rewind Button; Rex; Rey; Rhett & Link Logo; Rhindle; Rhode Island; Rhodochrosite; Rhodolite; Rhombus; Ribotchi; Rice Bowl; Riddler Logo; Rigby; Right Arrow; Right Parenthesis; Rilakkuma; Ring; Ringotchi; Rinnegan Eye; Riolu; Rip Van Fish; Rising Badge; Rob; Robin; Robin Logo; Roc’s Cape; Roc’s Feather; Rock; Rock Slime/Rubble Slime; Rock Type Icon; Rocker Symbol; Rocket Launcher; Rocket Raccoon; Rockstar Logo; Roggenrola; Rogue Class Symbol; Roll Eyes Emoticon; Rolling Sea; Rolling Stones Logo; Roloduck; Romani’s Mask; Romania Flag; Ropa; Rope; Rosa; Rosaniline; Rosario Cross; Rose; Rose Lalonde’s Logo; Rose Nylund; Rose Quartz; Rosie833; Rotating Block; Rotten Tooth; Round Jewel; Route 66 Logo; Roxas; Roxy Lalonde’s Logo; Royal Crest of Hyrule; Rubber Duck; Ruby; Ruby Ring; Ruby Rose’s Symbol; Ruby’s Gem; Rumble Badge; Runaway Llamas; Runecrafting Skill Symbol; Rupee; Rupee Icon; Rupoor; Russia Flag; Rusty Bell; Rwanda Flag; Rydia; Ryu; Ryuk’s Eye
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