#Most of it is wallly-
summers-doodles · 1 year
A collection of random welcome home edits and doodles-
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longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
Arkham Files: Zoom
Hugo Strange: From the patient files of Dr. Hugo Strange, director of Arkham Asylum. Patient: Hunter Zolomon, also known as Zoom. The patient displays symptoms of depression and a number of behaviors that indicate some form of psychosis, but I have not yet had the time to give him a full psychological evaluation. Session One. So, Mr. Zolomon, how are you today? 
Zoom: It’s straaaange. 
Hugo Strange: What is strange, Mr. Zolomon? 
Zoom: Being on thisss side of a psychological evaluaaaation. 
Hugo Strange: Oh, of course. You were once a criminal profiler, weren’t you, Mr. Zolomon? 
Zoom: Yessss. I waaas. But that was befoooore. 
Hugo Strange: Before you were caught in the explosion that gave you your powers and unhinged your mind? 
Zoom: No. Before I reeeealized my true caaaalling. 
Hugo Strange: Which is? 
Zoom: Maaaking Wally better. 
Hugo Strange: Can you clarify that, Mr. Zolomon? Making him better how? 
Zoom: By making him a better heeero. I will make him pushhh himself haaarder, so that he will do anything to heeelp people. People like meeee. 
Hugo Strange: You’ve been through a great deal of tragedy, haven’t you, Mr. Zolomon? According to your files, your father was a serial killer who murdered your mother when she called the police on him, and he was in turn killed by the police when he refused to surrender. You became a criminal profiler in the hopes of understanding why your father had done what he did. You married the daughter of the professor who taught you the most about the minds of costumed criminals, and the three of you worked as profilers for the FBI. You were the best and the brightest the organization had to offer, but one day, you made a tragic mistake. You predicted that a criminal wouldn’t be carrying a gun, but you were wrong. Your father-in-law was murdered, and you were shot in the knee, leaving you with a permanent limp. Your wife divorced you, and you were fired from the FBI. Shortly thereafter, you were offered a position as the criminal profiler for the Keystone City Police Department, which you accepted. On your first day on the job, you met the youngest Flash, Wally West, and became close friends with him. But with all his powers, he still couldn’t save you from Gorilla Grodd breaking your back and paralyzing you. Desperate, you asked him to go back in time and fix the mistakes that had led to you being crippled, but he refused. In response, you tried to use his time machine yourself, but failed. It exploded in your face...and gave you the metahuman ability to control the rate at which you travel through the timestream. That is what happened, isn’t it, Mr. Zolomon? 
Zoom: A verrry succinct reeecap of my old liiife, Dr. Straaange. But thaat doesn’t maaater anymore. Hunter Zooooolomon is deaaad. 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Zolomon, you have studied psychology. You must be aware that it is unhealthy to ignore the traumas of your past. 
Zoom: I haaave no choice. If I am to heeelp my friend become betterrr, I cannot be Hunter Zolomon. I must be Zooooom.
Hugo Strange: Mr. Zolomon, your files indicate that you have attempted to murder Mr. West’s wife and children. How can you possibly believe that attacking his family is helping him? 
Zoom: Doctor Straaange, I am a maaaan who has experienced much traaagedy. If Wallly does not go through traaagedies of his own, he will never achieve his true potential as a heeeeroooo. He will never learn that he needs to be willing to do aaaanything to hellllp people. He will never become as stronnng as I know he caaan be. 
Hugo Strange: And how does Mr. West view your attempts to ‘help’ him, Mr. Zolomon? 
Zoom: He doesssss not appreciate themmmm yet, Dr. Strraaange. But one daaay, he will. One day, he will realize why I had to runnnn dowwwwn this paaath for him...and we will be friendsssss agaaaain. 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Zolomon...your beliefs are patently absurd. Forcing suffering onto another human being is not the way to go about making them stronger, and it certainly will not endear you to anyone. By Mr. West’s own testimony, your actions have damaged your friendship with him almost beyond repair. If you want to maintain any sort of relationship with him, you must give up this delusional pursuit! 
Zoom: You donnn’t understaaand, Dr. Straaange. I must complete my mission. I need the purpose it givvvves me. I don’t have aaaanything else to liiiive for.
Hugo Strange: (Alarmed) The purpose of becoming the worst enemy of your only friend? That is all you think you have to live for, Mr. Zolomon?
Zoom: Everything elllllse has been taaaaken from me, Dr. Straaange. 
Hugo Strange: Do you have no hope for anything better? 
Zoom: Hope? Aaaaany hope I haaad died yeaaars ago; long before I became Zoooom. 
Hugo Strange: (To himself) I see that I’ll need to put Mr. Zolomon on antidepressants as soon as possible. (Aloud) I see. (Pause) So, Mr. Zolomon, why ‘Zoom’? 
Zoom: If I was goinnnng to plaaaaaay the role of Waaaly’s greatest enemy, I had to become a Reverse-Flaaaash. To that end, I deliberately based my naaame and costume on that of Barry Allen’s greatessssst enemy: Eobaaard Thawnnnnne. You probably knowwww him as Professor Zoom the Reverrrrse-Flash. 
Hugo Strange: You mean to tell me that you deliberately based your name and costume on those of a psychopathic killer? 
Zoom: Yessss. Eobaaaard Thawnnne was a monsssster, but the suffering he causssed Barrrry Alllen made him a betterrrr hero. I have been chosen to fill the saaaame role for Waaaally Wessst. 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Zolomon, if he is a monster, why would you ever choose to emulate him? 
Zoom: I didn’t choooooose to becommmme what I aaaaam, Doctor. I was faaated for the role. I fiiiiit the profiiiile. 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Zolomon, you were a criminal profiler! You know how the mind works. Can’t you see how warped your thinking has become? Don’t you realize how sick you are? 
Zoom: I am not siiick, Dr. Straaange. I am a man who haaaas finally learned the trrrruth about liiife and his purpose in it. (Pause) One daaay, Dr. Straaange, you will learn the lessons that I haaave. I look forward to seeing the gooood you accomplish once you doooo. 
Hugo Strange: Don’t be ridiculous, Mr. Zolomon. I am a completely rational man; I am hardly likely to fall prey to a delusion such as yours. 
Zoom: Thaat’s what I thought once. (Pause) And, if I’m not missstaaaaken, what Dr. Jeremiaaah Arkhaaam thought once, too. But we both reaaaalize the truth now...and eventually, so will you.
Hugo Strange: (Clearly unnerved) I’m afraid I’m going to have to end our session for today, Mr. Zolomon. 
Zoom: I wish you luck, Doctor. You willlll need it. The transiiition into my worrrlld is not an easy one.
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kdenjinx · 5 years
YJ 3x19
To strat, good episode. I think what I liked most about this episode is that it has a specific plot. Lex Luthor tries to get outsiders out of the way through his parents but the plan turns against him.
Many good things in this episode
Troia and Tempest
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Bartduardo + I'LL BE FINE!!!!
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Cassandra and Lady Shiva teaming up
Little mission for outsiders (I hate monkeys)
Jay's beautiful (and sad) words WALLLY!!! :’( not to mention that he put Luthor in his place B)
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And love to see the frustration on Lex's face, you know "knowing and proving are different things"
for now I don't see much relevance to Halo's plot but I must admit that I liked the repercussions that his confession had on Tara. Speaking of Halo...
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Well, it was a good episode and I would like the rest of the episodes to try to focus on one plot at a time and not to mix them all.
In other news, season 4 of young justice was confirmed and the creators said they wanted to focus more on a smaller group of characters. Hopefully so.
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revisesociology · 6 years
World Affirming New Religious Movements
World Affirming New Religious Movements
According to Roy Walllis, World Affirming New Religious Movements aim to help individuals achieve success within mainstream society by unleashing their spiritual potential.
This is the third type of movement in Wallis three fold typology of New Religious Movement, and is most closely related to Bruce’s concept of ‘the cult’.
Examples of World Affirming NRMs…
Transcendental Meditation
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timdrakee · 7 years
I've been really enjoying the rebirth Titans series so far but the new solicit says Wally and Donna are going to have a blossoming romance.I was wondering is this based on a past romance or is it something new cause I'm worried it will take away my enjoyment of the title.Also based on the story so far I would have assumed Roy/Donna and Wally/Linda would be a couples
well, way back in teen titans wally had a crush on donna. however, donna liked roy, and asked wallly if they could just remain friends. they did, wally moved on, and that was that.
i actually find it hard to believe that dc would do that bc like,,, wally/linda and donna/roy are both super iconic couples and have been set up for rebirth so obviously. i know comics fucks over iconic ships a lot but setting those iconic ships up only to throw a random couple that most wouldn’t even consider sounds,,, odd. i really hope the information you have isn’t true, bc that would be kind of stupid. do you know for sure if it’s a fact? bc there have been a lot of strange rumors about rebirth floating around recently
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chriswood · 7 years
The flash
Favourite Female: fucking linda park man. let’s bring her back pls. also caitlinFavourite Male: bARRYYYYYYY ALLEN3 Other Favourite Characters:  wallly, harry, and ciSCO3 OTPs: cisco x gypsy, barry x patty, and iris x eddie :(((Funniest character: ciscooooPrettiest character: iris, like candice is hot as fuck lbrMost Annoying Character: also iris, i sry dont hate me plsMost badass character: def ciscoCharacter I’d like as my BFF: caitlin bc shes so cute and deserves some loveFemale Character I’d Marry: idk can i marry em all?Male Character I’d Marry: BARRRYCharacter I hate/dislike/least like: iris again sry dont hate me ok
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