#Motels in trinidad
woodbrookwotatt · 5 months
Stay in Budget at a Selected Hotel in Trinidad
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The first thing that tourists need most during their journey is finding a comfortable, luxurious and home like accommodation option in their budget. For those who are in Trinidad – mainly in Port of Spain for a day or two, or even for some more days, searching for a guest house with all home like facilities will be an ideal way to save more on their accommodation and stay comfortably. Choosing a budget hotel in Trinidad (in Port of Spain) will be an ideal way to fulfill your desire of staying comfortably and enjoy your holidays.
Whether you are looking to stay for a night to visit the airport or seaport, watching cricket match in the stadium and need a stay, visiting the Police Training centre, or on medical checkups, a budget hotel in Trinidad will keep you worry-free. You will get spacious rooms at a place that is far from the traffic, crowd, and noise. It is a place in the street in a gated compound where you will be relaxing without worrying about anything. Varied options are available and choosing the best one is a crucial point to consider. Search online and you will surely get the details of top hotels in Trinidad offering you world-class environment to stay comfortably.
When it comes to choose the best budget-friendly hotel in Trinidad, you will find name of Woodbrook on the Avenue on top. You can stay for more days without worrying about the budget. Depending on the occupancy, you can get last minute deals in the hotel too. Pre-booking will keep you worry-free.
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allovertheworldblog · 7 months
Gyeongju, South Korea
I’d been in Busan for about a week.
I stayed there so long as I wanted to get a handle on Korea. 
I wanted to move on though to see what else Korea had to offer. 
I left the hostel and caught a bus to Gyenongju, the former imperial capital of Korea.
My guidebook to Korea was at stage proving as reliable as a sundial at night.
The former imperial city is a hodge podge, a mix of some older buildings, all low rise and many ugly 1980’s shops thrown into the mix.
It’s quite low key.
But of course the architecture isn’t the reason to visit the place, it’s the tombs and historical sites.
Emperors were entombed in burial mounds which were covered hills. They make for a striking sight. 
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When you see a double mound that’s where an Emperor and his Empress have been entombed. 
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The first night I’m there I stay in a courtyard guesthouse that could be in the countryside it feels that relaxed.
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It was a great break from the hustle and bustle of Busan. 
I have to move the second night as they’re full, so I head to the only hostel in town.
It has a nice mix of guests.
At night they have a roof top Korean style barbecue accompanied with a mix of native drinks that we each contribute. 
There’s an Italian guy staying there who’s been to 130 countries in the world.
He stayed in the same guesthouse as me in Port Of Spain in Trinidad & Tobago, it is a small world we live in!
Not sure where to go the following morning I consult my guidebook.
Not wanting to go to Seoul just yet, which will probably be my ultimate destination in Korea, I head to Jinju.
The other option I had was the popular holiday island of Jeju.
Unable to find accommodation on Jeju I pick Jinju.
Jinju turns out to be a place that doesn’t have too much to attract backpackers.
Leaving the bus station I go to find somewhere to stay.
None of the staff in the hotels and motels I check out can speak English.
Some of them put the palms of their hands together and rest their head on their hands to signify sleep. I nod.
Some display prices, some don’t.
One younger woman holds up a 10,000 Won note and four fingers to say that a night’ll cost me 40,000 Won, no way, I move on.
One older lady in a decent looking motel tells me ‘30,000’. I thank her and walk away. '25,000’; she’s open to compromise.
I agree, pay up and she hands me the key, no names, no pack-drill. 
It’s the early evening and I go to find the famous fortress for which the town is known.
The sun is going down and the streets have a pleasant end of the day feel to them. 
A sign at the gate says that the fortress closes at 18.00.
By now it’s 19.00.
A man hanging around the gate who wasn’t working there told me to head on in.
As it turns out the place is busy with people enjoying the evening, families and older people exercising energetically. 
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The following morning I have to take a taxi from the InterCity bus station I got in on to the Express bus station, where there are more options.
Every city has both an InterCity and an Express bus station.
It’s a bit of guess work trying to figure out which one will have the bus going to the place you want to get to.
At the Express bus station I can’t figure out where I’m going to.
Initially I think of Gwangju but decide on Seoul on impulse. 
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talomacblog · 1 year
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Editorial Servilibro, Asunción, Paraguay, 2022.
Pretextando falsas entradas de un diccionario, los tres autores retoman palabras cotidianas para volver a definirlas, usando la ironía, la contradicción y otros recursos que nos hacen pensar de nuevo qué decimos cuando decimos tal o cual cosa.
El prologuista de la obra, JOSEPH L. ESTRADHA BRENNER-ZIEL (Director of Dep. Filological Studies, Roman and Lacanian Psychoanalysis) declara: <<Yo recomendaría leer con mirada atenta a gente tan lacaniana que escribe, creo, sin tener conciencia de serlo. Aunque uno de ellos, si no miente la biografía es médico psiquiatra, ya sabemos que los psiquiatras son profesionales más atentos a las variaciones de la farmacopea que a los intrincados laberintos de la mente humana, en general. Las otras dos autoras son periodistas y, aunque el psicoanálisis está ampliamente difundido en la cultura occidental, sospecho que los tres se adscribieron a la teoría lacaniana en forma más intuitiva que escolar. 
A diferencia de los dos anteriores que prologué para esta trinidad sudamericana el “Diccionario Nocturno” es un libro de frases que pretextan ser entradas de un diccionario. Nada mejor que el pretexto para el texto. Instigo, para empezar la supervisión analítica de este libro original, a la lectura crítica de las minuciosas definiciones que contiene la obra>>
Extractos de definiciones del Diccionario Nocturno:
MABEL PEDROZO (Autora paraguaya recientemente fallecida)
  Timón sobre agua quieta. Un giro empuja hacia todos los firmamentos, todos los abismos, todos los ahogos. 
 Herida circular por donde sangra el patio. 
  En su sueño (una pesadilla) todo se veía el doble de su tamaño. Cuando despertó, lo entendió: se había dormido con los anteojos puestos. 
  Un bebé te mira en el supermercado y te reconoce: fuiste su padre y a veces él fue tu padre. En esta vida, sin embargo, el único momento que tendrán juntos acaba cuando tomas tu bolsa. 
 Barrilete echado al cielo. Hay una piola. Hay alguien abajo, sosteniéndola. Alguien que a veces ata la cuerda por un poste y se va a dormir bajo el aleteo de las margaritas. 
 Si prestase oídos a su siseo, me temo, sabría lo que dice, sabría que se dirige a mí y que conoce mi nombre original. Y yo el suyo. 
  * SEXO
El engendro desentumece el número original de sus patas, gira sobre su doble esqueleto, se humedece con su par de bocas que supuran en su rostro calcado. 
     Su respiración, desfalleciente, se acompasa hasta convertirse en un estertor de donde emanan viscosidades primigenias, signo inequívoco de su naturaleza líquida. 
     Su vida, efímera, se deshace en un temblor final, una última agonía antes de dividirse en su modo binario. Entonces, vuelve a ser el hombre y la mujer que se citaron en el motel a la hora del almuerzo. 
     El beso final, el de la despedida, deja la sensación de haber rozado una bestia. 
El príncipe Bakunin creía que el origen de los males sociales no se encontraba en la maldad humana sino en la ignorancia del bien, como Sócrates.  
El hecho de poder elegir en comicios a un amo bueno no mejora a un sistema de dominación, sigue siendo una división entre gobernantes y gobernados, entre amos y siervos. 
Solidaridad reducida a obligación religiosa de los días domingo.
Según el finado Max Weber, la codicia es la mayor virtud del capitalismo. Según el capitalismo, es el pecado venial del empresariado. Según el empresariado, es el reclamo salarial del obrero. Según el obrero, es el pecado capital del capitalismo.
Una provincia que pierde cien años en peleas sangrientas para imponer un color de trapo está viviendo la historia de un modo mitológico, ¿no te parece? ¿Qué fueron esas luchas sin fin entre colorados y liberales que pensaban lo mismo, pero vestían colores diferentes? 
Doctrina religiosa que viene sosteniendo hace veinte siglos que somos colectivamente responsables del ajusticiamiento de un pobre hombre que fue asesinado entre dos delincuentes de baja monta. Una coalición de judíos e italianos decretó la pena capital a un hombre que vino a enseñarnos a perdonar.
Exceso de fe en las estadísticas. Los números también saben mentir, a pesar de lo que juró el finado Pitágoras.
En política: lo que conviene apoyar si uno está irremediablemente enamorado de sí mismo. Hay que ser muy egoísta para creer en la derecha.
  Abel sabe que su destino es morir a manos de su hermano, Caín acepta el designio que le marcará como infame por los siglos de los siglos. Cuidado con los hijos favoritos, con el guiso de lentejas y los hermanos muy obedientes. 
         * CALENTURA 
  La calentura humana es como la de los perros. Guárdese a la perra y péguese con una toalla mojada a los machos que andan con el adminículo en ristre. O en todo caso, aplíquese hielo y cante a gritos O sole mío, hasta enfriarse del todo o casi, en fin, un estado intermedio que le permita al menos parecer presentable. 
         * CÁPSULA 
 En una cápsula están los soldaditos de la ciencia. Prestos a pelear contra el virus. Los soldados, de apariencia granulosa, echados a dormir esperan el momento en que el paciente tragará la cápsula, lo cual sucede. Pero los virus, apenas se abre la cápsula, intiman a los soldados a rendirse o morir. Estos se pasan al enemigo. 8 horas después, otra cápsula. Lucha desigual.   
         * CONJURO 
  Si miraba de reojo, allí estaba la sombra. Parada a mi costado. Si la miraba de frente, sentía el aullido de su huida hacia el túnel de espanto. Estremecimiento. Noches seguidas. Hasta que una vez descubrí que alguien en esa misma habitación procuraba no mirarme de frente hasta que lo hizo y tuve que escurrirme y sentí la humedad del túnel del otro lado, de donde no se vuelve.
  Cuando muera, no me pongan mortaja marrón. Como se sabe, los traumas se padecen de por vida. Y cuando al fin uno muere, se los lleva al otro mundo, ilesos, impertérritos. Dicen que -una vez fallecido- se dispone aún de un tiempo para verse a sí mismo en el ataúd, quietecito... y marrón. Gracias, papá Kafka. Tu querido Samsa sufre de espanto. 
  A algunos culos les va mejor decirles asentaderas porque se usan solo para acomodarse bien en la silla. A otros llámalos simplemente traseros, ya que marcan presencia solo cuando sus dueños se van. Anótese que también los hay pomposos, grandilocuentes y respondones, a esos deciles culos nomás. Con ese nombre, entran en palacios, congresos y donde sea, y les va re-bien. Medran
  * CUNA 
 A veces ella se defiende de mí con sus pequeñas uñas. Entonces lloro y la bestia en mí retrocede antes del zarpazo. A veces. 
  En un dedal, cabe el dedo índice de mamá. ¿Como el vino en la copa de papá?, pregunta el hermanito menor. En ese momento el dedal se desprende del dedo y la aguja perfora la piel. Sangre en el dedal. -Sí, como en la copa de papá -le digo al hermanito menor, que se ríe gozosamente mientras limpia con su lenguita el dedal.      
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cuisinecravings · 2 years
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kylesbikeadventure · 2 years
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Day 18 - Elk Prairie Campground to Eureka
Relatively easy ride today with no big climbs enroute. Was partially clears skies leaving camp, a welcome site after a few days of grey. The sun did pop out for a few minutes yesterday, but didn't last long.
Turns out the sun didn't stay out long today either. When I hit the coast I hit the fog again. I didn't mind so much, maybe getting a bit used to it.
Saw lots of elk as I made my way from camp to Orick. They are fairly common all over that stretch of road apparently.
A side road near Patrick's Point was a great break from the highway. A couple kms down that road I ran into Cory again, and we road together to Trinidad for some lunch. The road past Trinidad is called 'Scenic Drive' and it definitely was. Not the greatest pavement condition, but lots of riding right next to cliffs dipping into the ocean.
This road did lead back into the 101, but was only on that a short time before another side road and then the Hammond Trail leading into Arcata. The rest of the ride was on a wide shoulder of the busy 101 - the busiest I've seen it but likely as it connects Arcata and Eureka - two larger cities on the northern California coast.
Grabbed a motel tonight in downtown Eureka. Not a lot of great camping options nearby, and was able to handwash a couple pieces of clothes and recharge my batteries (literally).
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deadmotelsusa · 2 years
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The former Trinidad Motel (pictured in the 1960s and today) now operates as a Super 8. Located in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
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solidifaith · 3 years
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—create a playlist that encompasses your muse using only the letters of your url. ( multi-muse — specify which muse(s) each song makes you think of. ) repost, do not reblog.
Sunflower Feelings - Kuzu Mellow Old Soul - Saint Motel Lover is a Day - Cuco I Hear a Symphony - Cody Fry Dinero ( Childe's POV probably ) - Trinidad Cardona It's not the Same Anymore - Rex Orange County Fairytale - Alexander Rybak Afraid - The Neighbourhood I Can't Take It Back - SEA ( ft. yaeow ) This Side of Paradise - Coyote Theory House of Memories - Panic! At the Disco
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Everything Wrong With The Umbrella Academy. Episode 4, Man on the Moon.
We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals
Run Boy Run
Extra Ordinary
Disclaimer: This is all in good fun! I wanted to do a really nitpicky re-watch of the series and found some really cool and interesting things I didn’t notice before. This is meant to have a Cinema Sins-esque tone. However, I did take off a lot more sins than Cinema Sins would have because I do genuinely like the series and the people that made it possible. So all of the good things got one sin off and all the bad things got one sin added. This is a really long post, so grab some popcorn. If there’s anything that I missed, feel free to add it!
I would also like to add, that normally you wouldn’t watch a show this way. I am purposefully looking for mistakes, easter eggs, and other things that we’re not supposed to notice. To be honest, I am seeing a lot of the things I’m pointing out for the first time because I am watching not with the goal of entertainment, but for analysis. 
Man on the Moon
Tom Hopper’s workout routine. -1
What was Luther holding in his hand? A lighter? A toy? I can’t tell. It’s weird that they put something there at all. +1
Klaus knocked down the wall between his and Vanya’s rooms. That was the one thing in the house that said Vanya ever lived there and he destroyed it. +2
However, Klaus’s room looks really, really cool. Set designers, you win this one. -1
The bike. I have questions about that bike. When did Luther get it? Or did it belong to all the children? Sinning because no way Reggie would buy Luther a bike. Or give one to the children. +1
The shot following Luther directly gave me a bit of motion sickness. +1
Netflix subtitles have Reginald saying “Attention, Master Luther” when it is clearly Pogo. +1
“Mission alert” +1
Everyone else is gone! Luther has no backup. Reggie is a dick to Luther. +1
I know I should have mentioned this in the last episode, but Reggie put five young children in leather catsuits. Potentially six, but we never see Five in one. And he still makes Luther wear it as an adult! +6
Luther never leaves the house and keeps going on missions for Reggie because of a sense of responsibility. I can understand that. -1
However, Reggie was the one who fostered that in Luther. He made Luther think that he was responsible for saving the city, when in reality that’s up to law enforcement officers. +3
Why didn’t Luther go to a real hospital? Did Reggie take him home? How did Luther end up back in the Academy after that mission? +1
Was Luther dead? Reggie feels for his pulse and says “dammit”. Did the ape serum bring him back to life? +1
How long was Luther on that table? We see him with a beard in episode one, but it isn’t as crazy as this one. Also, does Luther bleach his hair now, or what? I am confused by Luther now being a brunette with impressive facial hair. +1
Tom Hopper nails ‘dawning horror and shock at now being an ape’. -1
Pop goes the weasel. +1
Who wound that box and placed it there? And why? The only other people there are Reggie, Grace, and Pogo. No way they did something so cruel and juvenile after permanently disfiguring him. +1
The umbrella the monkey-in-the-box suddenly has the title when it didn’t earlier. +1
“There’s something you have to see”. Yes Allison, continue to be vague. I’m sure Luther will appreciate it. Why not “I think the assassins killed Mom. Come take a look.” Is it because that would have been too logical? +1
Luther is still calling her “Grace”. +1
“Poor Diego. I mean this is gonna be so hard on him”. Choke on that irony, everyone. +1
 “I don’t wanna discuss it”. This family. Allison said the same thing about Claire moments before telling Luther everything. Parallels. +1
Vanya spent the night at Leonard’s house. Sigh. +1
“For one day I’ll think you’ll be fine”. What makes you think that, Leonard? +1
Vanya takes one sip of her coffee and never touches it again. Leonard doesn’t even drink his. What is the point of the damn coffee? +1
“When I was a kid I felt like I had to apologize for even breathing.” Reggie is a dick. +7
“I don’t think my Dad ever forgave me for being born” foreshadowing patricide. +1
Vanya and Leonard talk in front of the Icarus Theatre. Comics fans, you know why that’s significant. +1
Helen doesn’t acknowledge Vanya’s greeting like a normal human being. +1
People are already tuning, Vanya! Get your ass in the theatre so you can do the same! +1
Leonard is stupidly charming. I hate that he’s sort of likable, but it makes sense for what they’re using him for. +1
The kidnapping of Klaus Hargreeves. +4
Klaus is too kinky to tourture. -1
Where is that blood on his chest coming from? +1
Ten hours of tourture! Fuck you show for making Klaus go though that. +10
 “He’s a freak like his brother”. Which one? You met Luther and Diego. And they presumably know Five through the Commission. But which one is the freak into kinky shit? Diego? +1
“Remember Trinidad”. Noodle incident. (if you don’t know what that is google Noodle incident TV Tropes)+1
This motel has a surprising amount of towels in the bathroom. Some of the nicer places I’ve stayed don’t have that many. +1
Patch lives in house 204. “2” and “4”. Hmmm. +1
Does Diego show up on Patch’s doorstep being emo often? +1
Why is she still thinking about the 1938 fingerprint? We know that it’s plausible because of Five, but the police department should have thrown that out. It doesn’t make any sense and fingerprints can be alike. +1
She mentions the 30s cold case and Diego starts to look up in recognition. Even if he doesn’t know about the Commission or the Apocalypse, he does know about Five’s ability to time travel. He even mentions “The Boy”. Diego thinks that it was Five based on the fingerprint and his examination of the two crime scenes. -1
“For once, just try things my way”. Foreshadowing. +1
Diego hasn’t bothered to clean up the blood on his face from last night. Weirdo. +1
Allison is already forming a plan to kick Leonard’s ass the moment she sees his silhouette. Good. -1
Also, not the first time the audience has seen Leonard creeping around. Remember when he stole the journal? +1
Allison takes him down easy. Character moment showing that her superhero training hasn’t left her. Also, Allison is a badass. -1
Allison sees right through Leonard. This scene is excellent. -1
Lance has a really cute dog. -1
After seeing the shady deal while tailing Meritech, Five decides to tail Lance instead of just watching the building. Good job, Five. -1
How do you bill insurance companies for fake things? You need an insurance ID or SSN to have a patient. Where does Lance get these fake numbers from? +1
Why are eyeballs such a hot commodity? +1
“Names and numbers and I need it NOW” Five is scary. -1
Five jumped into the seatbelt. Did his powers secure it for him? +1
Five has a really organized desk. I wish I could read what he labeled the binders. +1
Luther decided to search Five’s room for clues. Pogo would be excellent at cinema sins. +1
For all we make fun of Diego’s stupid outfit, just remember, comics Diego has an even stupider one. This is the stupidity turned down. +1
The labels are now upside down on the binders when they were right side up in the last shot. +1
Either Five was a really good artist, or Reggie let Five have a poster above his bed that didn’t feature the academy. No explanation is given. +1
Five’s wallpaper depicts a boy pulling a mannequin in a wagon. -1
Luther punches a hole in Five’s wardrobe. This is never mentioned again. +1 
“When you watch those nature shows does it turn you on?” Diego is a dick. +1
If you look really closely, you can see something that looks suspiciously like the ending to Apocalypse suite in Five’s room as a piece of art taped to the wall. I checked with the comics. It looks very, very similar. -1
There are two cylindrical things on the wall. One on Five’s wall and one we can see through the doorway on the wall across from Five’s room. What is it? Nightlight? Loudspeaker? Alarm? +1
Ben Hargreeves enters the chat. -1
“Stay calm, Klaus” stay calm. +1
Hazel and Cha Cha spent over 10 hours beating the crap out of Klaus but they didn’t think of the training manual, something Cha Cha clearly has memorized, until now. +1
When did they grab his coat? Klaus was wearing nothing but a towel. Did Hazel decide to grab it on a whim? +1
“Asthma medication”. Klaus is still coherent enough to come up with an okay lie after 10 hours of tourture. +1
“Amputee hookers”. Nice call back to the comics. -1
Hazel and Cha Cha don’t hear Klaus say “not until they're high as kites” when responding to Ben. +1
“Klaus, be strong”. Ben’s facial expression was really weird with this line. +1
Klaus cracks after 10 hours of tourture while going through withdrawal. Impressive. -1
The multi-screen effects look really cool. -1
Watching Hazel and Cha Cha burn down Meritech while high as kites amuses me. -1
Watching this later while knowing that Meritech doesn’t really matter means that I don’t really care about this building. I wish there was something to make this more interesting instead of just making the eye a red herring. Leonard hasn’t lost an eye yet, so it doesn’t matter. +1
What were Hazel and Cha Cha dancing to in universe? Was this song playing on the radio or something?? +1
Luther goes through the door that’s too small for him because he’s Number One and Diego goes through the door that would actually accommodate Luther’s size. +1
Vanya’s book should be way more beat up than that if it survived the literal apocalypse with Five for 45 years. The ink looks too fresh, too. Unless this is another, newer copy of Extra Ordinary? Sin for confusion. +1
Five got way too close to that explosion. Five survives this without injury. +1
We see him lying amongst the shrapnel for crying out loud! +1
Gossip magazines. “We’re doing fine!” +1
Tween Hit is still a popular magazine seventeen years later. -1
“Vanya, she’s gone” is the vaguest wording ever. +1
However, Vanya understands this. Sin on the writers. +1
“It was those psychopaths last night” weird delivery. Allison’s tone is off. +1
Does Vanya not have any students other than Leonard? She’s perfectly free on some random afternoon so she can have a drink with Allison. +1
Hazel and Cha Cha coming down from their high. -1
Cha Cha hates doughnuts. +1
Reginald Hargreeves put his eight year old son in what amounted to a tourture chamber so he would stop being afraid. Reggie is a dick. +8
Why is Ben stuck in the closet with Klaus? +1
The cleaning lady (her name is Claudia, according to a card she leaves) has one of her ears uncovered. She totally would have been able to hear him. +1
Callback to the screw Hazel threw away to remind the audience that it’s important. -1
Ben’s whiny bullshit. Now is not the time, asshole. +2
We know why the dog ear is important, but why would Patch? At this point it’s a random piece of fabric that might look like something she saw on surveillance footage (Cha Cha’s mask). Point is, that could be something from Meritech and not necessarily urgent. +1
Patch gets the message intended for Five about Klaus. When Diego thinks that the missing brother is Five and that’s who he meant when he was talking to her. Choke on that irony and miscommunication. +1
This show is shot like a comic book and I love it. -1
“That’s what you do when you’re 17” in this specific circumstance, yes. In others, not so much. You don’t have to leave when you’re 17. +1
Luther calls out Diego for not being a real grown up while also not being a real grown up himself. +1
Diego asks “You ever even been with a girl”. Diego is a dick. +1
“We’re orphans again, dude”. When were you ever orphans? Sin for the writers for writing this or to Reggie for making them believe that they were regular orphans he adopted legitimately instead of buying. +1
“Do you ever stop talking. Wow that was easy.” I wheezed.-1
Five is drunk in the library with Dolores with equations scribbled all over the place. No one stopped him when he started writing on the walls in sharpie. +1
Five has two bottles of hard liquor with him. +2
 “Drunk as a skunk” +1
The comedic timing of Five’s hand letting go of the bottle. -1
“Jerk off on your Mr. Snuggles teddy bear”. First of all, eww. Second of all, yeah, Vanya these are all valid points she’s making. You just met this dude! +1
“But sometimes men are unredeemable shits” yeah. Sin for men and for the fact that Vanya doesn’t know this. +1
“Yay sisters” -1
What are Allison and Vanya drinking? Seriously, what are their drinks of choice? It looks like Vanya has something like a gin and tonic or a vodka soda and Allison has a rum and coke, but I can’t really tell. This is a sin until I know for sure. +1
That is a lot of extra blood on Klaus with no explanation. +1
Draw Ben like one of your French girls, Klaus. -1
“Is your brother here now.” “You’re gonna have to be a little more specific on that” -1
Ben’s wink. -1
Reggie is a dick to his adopted children. +7
Torturing a literal child and calling it training. +4
Reggie, you dramatic bitch. +1
Warrants exist for a reason, Patch. +1
Also, Patch decides to follow Diego’s shitty advice without any backup. +1
Drunk Five being carried bridal style by Luther. Aidan Gallagher being carried bridal style by Tom Hopper. -1
“I’m going through puberty. Twice.” Sucks to be you. +2
You had two bottles, Five. And you somehow didn’t die of alcohol poisoning. +2
Diego’s face. -1
Aidan Gallagher doesn’t play drunk very well. To be fair, he’s never been drunk (or at least I hope he hasn’t), but it’s still a sin. +1
“You know I hate code names”, okay Spaceboy. +1
“I’m the four frickin horsemen” or Gabriel’s horn. -1
“You haven’t been this sober since you were a teenager, since you decided to keep the ghosts at bay”. I hate the delivery on this last line, but to be fair to Justin Min, it was a shitty line in the first place. Sin for delivery and for the writers. Also, gee Ben, I thought he was just doing drugs to be contrary. +2
Zoya Popova is so underrated. I love her. -1
Ben’s lil smile. -1
Vanya’s apartment is so warm and nice with all the lights on, but this is the only time we get to see it that way. When she is on good terms with Allison. Lighting cues. -1
Allison, you’re too tall to fit in Vanya’s sweatpants. They’d be sweat capris. +1
Have I mentioned how much I love Allison’s jacket in this episode yet? Because I really like it. -1
Creepy flowers are creepy. +1
“She knows it was a misunderstanding”  Allison’s face all but says. “Do I?”. Emmy Raver-Lampman rules. -1
Also, Vanya speaks for Allison. +1
This is where they decide to show just how much of a creep Leonard is. Well done, show. -1
Leonard is a creepy, manipulative little bastard. +1
Sin off for the gory sfx makeup in this episode. The ghosts look brutal! -1
Syd the tow truck driver is back. Too bad he’s dead. +1
The dead cheerleader is disturbing. +1
This episode sort of confirms the headcanon that Klaus can speak/understand many languages. -1
The gore on Klaus keeps changing. +1
The switch in camera angles shows the shift in point of views, hence why the ghosts disappear. Clever. -1
Ben voice: Nicely done. -1
Patch waited a pretty long time. How long was the walk from the library to thy gym? +1
Chair scoot. Klaus is smart. -1
Klaus gives himself a concussion. Sinning because he had to give himself more trauma to escape from touture. +1
Claudia gives Patch the key to the room without question and then runs.+1
Klaus is coherent enough to think to hide in the vent. Klaus is a smart cookie. -1
The death of Detective Eudora Patch. +1
The Klaus theme -1
Kenny’s mom appearance! Her hat and jacket have matching flowers that also match her pants. Cute. -1
Klaus’s wink. -1
Kenny’s mom definitely saw a lot more of Klaus than what was already on display. +1
Time traveling briefcase! -1
Kenny’s mom looks for Klaus under the seat. What??? +1
Diego gives Dolores a chair. How nice of him. -1
Diego’s Prime 8s poster. If you know, you know. -1
Aidan Gallager sucks at pretending to sleep. +1
“You throw another one of those goddamn knives at me, I’m pressing charges”. I love Al. -1
It was a half hour walk from the library to the gym. Patch waited a really long time. +1
Now you remember Klaus after you found Five, who wasn’t really in any danger. +1
The little pat Luther gives Dolores. -1
Diego takes his gloves off. It’s like he wants to get framed. +1
This scene is really emotional and made me cry the first time I saw it. +1
David Castaneda is a really good actor. -1
The fridging of Detective Eudora Patch. +100
Overall Review:
This episode starts off on a really high note. I follow Tom Hopper on Instagram. He’s really fit. There is no denying that. I also appreciated the way he played Luther this episode. The scene where Luther realizes what his body looks like was heartbreaking to watch and really well acted. 
Speaking of heartbreaking to watch, the fridging of Detective Patch pisses me off. For those who don’t know, “Fridging” is when a female character is hurt or killed in some way in order to move a man’s story/emotional development forward. Considering that Patch’s death is what starts Diego’s character development, I would say that this applies. I am genuinely disappointed in the writers for doing this to Patch. I think it’s been established that I respect Patch. She doesn’t take any shit and she follows her moral compass. That is her real character. She only screws up when it comes to Diego and this is no different. She decided to be reckless like him and paid the ultimate price. However, this is completely out of character. Based on what we’re shown, Patch should have brought up her suspicions to Beeman (the other detective) and went from there. But instead, she had to die. That injustice done to her character is what deserves 100 sins. The show really dropped the ball with this one. 
Moving on, Vanya and Allison have some really good interaction in this episode. I think it’s a little weird how quickly Vanya forgave Allison after the shit she said last episode. Diego and Allison treated Vanya like a fragile object, which is what led her to Leonard. To be fair, Vanya was pretty stupid that last episode when she didn’t run away, but that doesn’t excuse what Diego said and Allison agreed with. Overall, the yay sisters thing was a good, but sus moment. 
Next, Klaus and Ben. Almost everything Ben said in this episode pissed me off. The “that’s the real tourture” speech was awful. For all the fandom loves him, Ben is a prick. However, Ben was also able to keep Klaus calm and encouraged him to control his power over the many, many ghosts in the room. So it’s kind of a wash for me this episode. I hope season 2 explores more of his character and why he would choose to say something so awful while his brother is being literally tortured. 
As for the main plot, Five’s only lead, not that it really matters yet, has been destroyed. Hazel and Cha Cha realize that they’re going to end the world if they complete their mission. And Leonard has finally been revealed to be a creep who wants something to do with Vanya’s pills. On a rewatch, we know why that’s significant, but a first time viewer would be confused in a good way. The show wants the audience to ask: Why? Vanya’s pills have been there for important moments up until this point. And now there are being forcibly taken out of the equation. Why?
Total: 193
Sentence: Getting drunk in the library with your mannequin wife while trying to do math. 
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smlmby · 3 years
BAGUIO | La Trinidad, Benguet Strawberry Farm
- 📸 Julia Barraza
Noong Disyembre ng taong 2015, pumunta kami ng aking tito, nanay, ate at kuya ko sa Baguio. Nagdesisyon kami nang bigla dahil noong panahon na iyon, wala kaming masyadong magawa habang kami ay nasa Christmas Break. Sa aking alaala, ang biyahe papuntang Baguio sa pamamagitan ng kotse ay naabot ng apat hanggang anim na oras. Nang nakarating na kami sa lungsod, naghanap muna kami ng murang motel at doon kami tumira hanggang tapos na ang aming lakbay. 
Sa unang araw, dahil biglaan ang desisyon namin na pumunta sa Baguio, hindi namin alam kung anong lugar ang bibisitahin namin. Ngunit, naalala ng aking nanay at tito ko na mayroong sikat na Strawberry Farm sa Benguet dahil sa popular na teleseryeng “Forevermore”. Kaya naman, pumunta kami doon. 
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Nang pumunta na kami sa  Strawberry Farm, naaalala ko kung gaanong maganda at malamig ang lugar na iyon. Naalala ko na bumili kami at ng aking ate ko ng sorbetes na may lasang strawberry, at ang strawberry na iyon ay galing mismo sa bukid. Maliban sa ice cream, bumili ng aking nanay at tito ko ng strawberry jam, at ito rin ay galing sa bukid. Dahil pumunta kami sa Baguio noong Disyembre, hindi kami nakapagkuha ng mga strawberry dahil hindi pa sila nabubunga. Subalit, masaya pa rin kami dahil nakapagbili kami ng mga souvenirs at nakapagkuha rin kami ng mga pictures sa lugar. Pagkatapos nang araw na iyon, umuwi na kami.
Masasabi ko na magandang bisitahin ang Strawberry Farm dahil masasarap talaga ang mga strawberry doon, at mababait din ang mga lokal. Gayunpaman, kung pupunta kayo sa Strawberry Farm, iminumungkahi ko na pumunta kayo doon sa panahon ng bunga, para maranasan niyo magkuha ng mga strawberry. 
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Our Anniversary Adventure
Firewives are cursed. 99% of the time, things go wrong when our firefighter is at the station. Pipes freeze up? At the station. Illnesses or injuries? Yep, they're at the station. House flooding during a hurricane? Trapped by high water at the station. Dog gets bit by a rattlesnake? You guessed it...at the station.
So THIS time was actually the 1% when the shit hit the fan and my wife was right next to me instead of at the station. I won't lie, it was kind of nice. We're on a five week road trip from Texas to Seattle, then down the west coast, before heading home.
We had barely made it into Colorado before our truck broke down on an interstate exit ramp. Tina was able to pull the truck and trailer over enough that traffic could still get by. It took about an hour for the wrecker to get there (mostly because of an unbelievably slow woman from our insurance company).
The tow truck is here and things are looking up. Not so fast! As we stood on the side of the road watching our truck get loaded up, something went horribly wrong. The truck went careening off the flatbed and slammed into our trailer. Now, keep in mind our four fur babies were still IN THE TRUCK. Here's a key difference between a firefighter and his/her wife. Tina's instinct was to run down the exit ramp to wave off oncoming traffic. My instinct was to cuss out the tow truck driver...something to the effect of "Son of a b@#$%! Mother%$#@&#@, those are our babies in there!
The best news is no one was hurt. The trailer's tires were chocked so it stopped the truck. Our fur babies were shaken up, but okay. Somehow, minimal damage happened to the truck or trailer (and the tow truck company is fixing it).
But that does not conclude our adventures here in Trinidad Colorado. However, this is a good stopping point and you'll have to check back tomorrow for the rest of it...like how we came to be living in a bikers motel.
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woodbrookwotatt · 8 months
Find Rooms in One of the Budget Hotels in Trinidad at Cheap Prices
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Staying in comfortable way at any place during holiday celebration is the first requirement of every tourist. They look for some of the best options that can make their time full of fun and provide them with a home like environment. If you are one of them looking for the same and wishing to make your time wonderful, here is a better opportunity to fulfill your requirement by searching for the hotels in Trinidad cheap priced that are known for providing you with a luxurious accommodation option.
Hotels in Trinidad cheap prices are centrally located and close to all nightlife sports, the natural beauty, tourist places and shopping complexes. Choose the right one, know about the availability of the rooms and then book the room according to your needs.
Woodbrook on the Avenue - One of the Best Hotels in Trinidad Cheap Priced Among some of the top hotels in Trinidad cheap priced, you will find name of Woodbrook on the Avenue on top. The beautiful guest house or a budget hotel has multiple units that are self contained. The property is fully secured with parking, internet access and cable TV – located just off Ariapita Avenue in a gated compound. All units are fully AC and monitored 24x7 by CCTV cameras; while the premium units have ceiling fans. It is located close to Ariapita Avenue that is a great location for dining and entertainment. The property is perfect for small functions and groups, carnival accommodation, hosting for medical patients, transit stop for air and sea port, short stay and long-term hosting and for air and seaport shuttle services. Pre-book the rooms in one of the cheap hotels in Trinidad and enjoy your accommodation. You will also get car rentals and special accommodation packages – mainly ideal for people who are attending training at the Police Training Academy.
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ac-pc · 6 years
Klamath, CA to Trinidad, CA
February 1
We knew it was forecast to rain from about noon today so we tried to set out a little earlier. The receptionist told us that just up the road was a large redwood that you could drive through, and that on one of the byroads we would be taking there is a 3/4 mile hiking trail where you can see 12 massive redwoods. Hearing that, I think we both knew we’d be in the rain longer than expected, cos both of those sounded too good to miss.
A crazy steep but short hill brought us to the Tour Thru Tree, and we were lucky to be the only ones there. The inside of the tree was wider than the length of our bikes, just massive!
Hitting the road we crossed the Klamath River with four big golden bears at the corners of the bridge keeping guard. Next up was the first big hill for the day on the 101. It wasn’t difficult in grade, just in length. At 5 mile mark, the Newton B. Drury Scenic Parkway gave us 8 wonderful miles away from the 101, winding through Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park. Lots more hills but the redwoods made it all worth it and were a good distraction. Rounding one long uphill bend, someone had spray painted on the road’s shoulder “it doesn’t get easier...” but a few feet later the optimistic vandal had added “you just get better”. Might be right!
We walked a little down the trail that the receptionist had told us about and were rewarded with seeing a truly giant redwood. The trail was once a road build by loggers but was grown over to restore it to nature.
Further down the road we came to Prairie Creek Visitors Center. We planned to just stop to fill our water bottles but a woman working there popped out to say hi. We went inside to warm up (it was cold and starting to rain) and the other woman working there enthusiastically offered to make us tea. They were both excited to see cyclists and were keen to tell us about the place (built from redwood in 1930 by workers earning $5 a month). They also told us about a French couple who cycled through on the Pacific Coast Route last year with their one and three year olds in tow! The tea process turned out to take too long since she had to go outside to fill the kettle and then back out to wash cups plus she had a lot to tell us, so sadly in the end we had to get back on the bikes without the tea, but she insisted we take a teabag with us!
Four miles further up the road brought us to Orick, a small village with a cafe/motel. We fueled up, changed into our rain gear and faced the last 19 miles to Trinidad. The rain did not let up the whole way, and we had some tough hills to deal with, but truly the view over the ocean and through the trees was so beautiful we didn’t care. We finally pulled up to our home for the night Emerald Forest Cabins in Trinidad. It turned out to be a magical little place with really pretty cabins in the middle of redwoods. The plus of doing this trip at the wrong time of year is that we get to stay at such lovely places at off-season rates! Our snug wooden cabin had its own bathroom and mini kitchenette. We bought the best food on offer in the RV park shop (baked beans, pot noodles, and beer) and had a mismatched feast while catching up on TopChef on their Roku TV, while basking in the glory of making it through a 40 mile day in the rain.
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Policía investiga muerte pareja en motel de Nagua
Policía investiga muerte pareja en motel de Nagua
La Policía Nacional investiga la muerte de una pareja encontrada en la mañana de este miércoles en la cabaña turística Benidorm del distrito municipal de San José de Matanzas, del municipio Nagua, provincia María Trinidad Sánchez. Las victimas las identificaron como Santos Alcequiez, de 65 años, y Miriam Altagracia Grullón, de 53 años. La Policía informó que en el lugar del hecho…
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July 24, 2021 (52)
Top 30
1. Olivia Rodrigo- good 4 u
2. Majid Jordan- Waves of Blue
3. Lorde- Solar Power
4. Dua Lipa- Love Again
5. Holly Humberstone- The Walls Are Way Too Thin
6. Regard, Troye Sivan, Tate McRae- You
7. Milky Chance- Colorado
9. CHVRCHES & Robert Smith- How Not To Drown
10. Bad Bunny- Yonaguni
11. WILLOW- t r a n s p a r a n t s o u l
12. J. Balvin- Tu Veneno
13. Sir Sly- Welcomes the Pressure
14. A7S- Nirvana
15. Kungs- Never Going Home
16. Marshmello & Jonas Brothers- Leave Before You Love Me
17. DJ Khaled, Lil Baby, Lil Durk- EVERY CHANCE I GET
18. Kali Uchis- telepatía
19. SAINT MOTEL- It’s All Happening
20. Tai Verdes- A-O-K
21. Justin Wellington- Iko Iko
23. Lil Durk & King Von- Still Trappin’
24. City Girls- Twerkulator
25. Kane Brown & blackbear- Memory
26. half-alive- What’s Wrong
27. The Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber- Stay
28. Ed Sheeran- Bad Habits
29. BTS- Permission to Dance
30. Lil Nas X & Jack Harlow- INDUSTRY BABY
Close Calls
1. Trinidad Cardona- Dinero
2. Normani & Cardi B- Wild Side
3. AURORA- Cure For Me
4. SEB- seaside_demo
5. Saweetie & Drakeo The Ruler- Risky
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sohannabarberaesque · 7 years
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Postcards from Snagglepuss: So it's back on the road, but cautiously
Anyhow, that storm which forced me and Huckleberry Hound--and, as luck would have it, Scooby-Doo's crew--into an "old-school" motel of Walensburg, Colorado blew itself out. But not before word came around that travel delays on I-25 might remain likely up to, and through, Raton Pass and into New Mexico as road crews from The Centennial State and The Land of Enchantment worked constantly to clear the path, apply sand and road salt even, considering I-25's importance as the key route connecting El Paso, Albuquerque, Colorado Springs, Denver and towards Yellowstone Park, joining I-90 near Sheridan, Wyoming, and getting traffic to and from the Pacific Northwest besides.
Soon after lunch, at the innkeeper's expense--hot tomato soup and grilled-cheese sandwiches essentially--the manager got some news from the Colorado State Patrol: I-25 will be reopening up to near Raton in a couple hours, what with breakthrough of drifts through Raton Pass expected. But low speeds were advised, considering the slickness of the roads, the sharp temperatures and the likelihood of long traffic queues throughout towards Raton ("So don't try to rush it out to the Interstate," he added).
Such news was enough to quicken the hearts of as much myself and Huckleberry Hound as Scooby-Doo's crew ... so, as precaution against possible prolonged delays in the traffic through Raton Pass and into New Mexico, we stopped at a decent little convenience store and stocked ourselves up on a vacuum bottle of hot coffee (and rather strong such, at that) and some cheese danishes. And considering Shaggy's legendary fondness for "the munchies" (which, mind you, has no drugs-related associations, contrary to what you may be thinking), several boxes of donuts and snack cakes were picked up as well. Not to mention plenty of gas.
... and so, under Colorado State Patrol escort, we were out of Walensburg and back onto I-25 southbound not long after. And considering the treacherous conditions still likely going into Trinidad and Raton Pass, the speed limit was advised as being only about 50 miles per hour. With several over-the-road trucks as well, the speed was essentially only 35 mph tops. Which was essentially the distance between Walensburg and Trinidad on I-25, for the most part. And you could still sense highway crews here and there making sure the highway was clear; you dodn't want to get caught dead with a jack-knifed semi trailer in the median, or otherwise caught on the railroad tracks close to the freeway as Raton Pass approached.
Hot convenience-store coffee couldn't have tasted better in such conditions wrought by a Major Winter Storm, come to think of it, even going through Raton Pass and into New Mexico. Understandably, the downgrade is rather steep, and in the wake of salt and sand being applied, making the going a bit slick, caution has to come into the equation somehow. Especially in a Mini Cooper like that of yours truly.
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tower64rvpark-blog · 5 years
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Tower64 is one of the best pet friendly hotel and motels in Trinidad, Colorado. Book on www.tower64.com or Call us 719-846-3307 or email us at [email protected] for best lodging in Trinidad Colorado. #travel #traveling #vacation #visiting #instatravel #instago #instagood #trip #holiday #photooftheday #fun #travelling #tourism #tourist #instapassport #instatraveling #mytravelgram #travelgram #travelingram #igtravel #tower64motel #instatraveling #instatravels #instatrinidad #instahotel #instaroom https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv66zn4JR0q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p4uc8p4lnxoa
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