#Mountain View Egypt Company
marketinghup · 11 months
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conceptproperties · 1 year
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ayizan · 2 years
Translated from the tomb of the Pharoh Tuk Ur, part 3
Part 1, Part 2
As they ventured up the hills, Daa ni had the distinct feelings of walking into the dark unknown. Quickly the sounds of the city gave way to the eerie and vast silence of the desert. The kind of silence that made every step feel like a disturbance, every labored breath a shout. Nothing could be seen beyond Sa’ma’s lamp, and as the last bit of sun disappeared from the sky, the divide between earth and sky became uncertain. Were they walking up the mountain? Or were they journeying into the heavens? Daa ni couldn’t be so sure. He glanced behind him and marveled at the view of the city, the lamps and torches shining like golden stars against deep and endless black.
“How much further do we have to walk?” Tuk Ur panted. He was not used to the physical labor of climbing a mountain, even one as tame as this.
“Not too far,” Sa’ma said. She lifted her lamp up so that they could all see a little more of the path ahead. “There’s a tree where I left a few things, we should be seeing it soon.”
Sure enough the vague shadow of a tree came to sight, a tall acacia for them all to settle under. During the heat of the day, Daa ni could see this being a good spot for traveler to rest, to marvel the view of the Nile and the terraced roofs of Amm’Ti. Sa’ma had been right, it was the perfect place to view the many boats floating down the river. The brightest and biggest of them all came from the Pharaoh and his royal court, their decks veneered in gold and copper to reflect the torchlight and make them shine even brighter.
“What a view,” Tuk Ur said, taking a moment between labored breaths to grin.
Sa’ma handed the two boys two clay cups with a strong smelling liquid.
“Is this…grain wine?” Daa ni said, taking a sniff and then cringing at the familiar scent. He had smelled it many times before on his father’s breath.
“Twenty year old,” Sa’ma said lifting up the dusty jug she had poured the drink from. “I snuck it out from my mother secret stash while she wasn’t looking. Its quality stuff.”
She kicked back her drink and took it in with one swig before hacking and coughing.
“It burns!” she croaked.
Daa ni politely placed the cup in the dirt beside him. It wouldn’t bode well for him if he came home drunk. His father probably wouldn’t notice, but his sister and mother would definitely scold him.
Tuk Ur for his part took a small sip, puckering his lips as the taste hit. “Thats stronger than anything they give us at the banquets.”
“That’s because they water it down,” Sa’ma complained, already pouring herself a second. “I doubt even the Pharaoh drinks the good stuff.”
“Don’t say that,” Tuk Ur warned, “The head chef would lose his head.”
Sa’ma shrugged and took a sip of her grain wine, this time taking it in moderation rather than all at once.
The three settled against the acacia tree, taking in the view and their own company. Daa ni’s mind couldn’t help wandering to the future, how he might look back at this moment. Would he treasure it, like he did now? Would they still be friends?
“When I become Pharaoh I’m going to make Amm’Ti the brightest star in all of Egypt,” Tuk Ur sighed.
“When you become Pharaoh?” Daa ni said.
“What? You think I think I can’t?” Tuk Ur said, a little defensively.
“I mean, I’d want you to but do you really think…” Daa ni wasn’t sure what to say. He didn’t want to tell Tuk Ur he didn’t believe in him, but reality was reality.
Tuk Ur stood up and turned to look down at them both. “I’ll become the Pharaoh and when I do, you two will be my closest advisors.”
Sa’ma raised her hand. “Thanks Tuk Ur, but I want to be a priest of Osiris.”
“Wait seriously?” Tuk Ur slumped. “I thought you just said that cause you wanted the attention.”
Sa’ma crossed her arm, looking annoyed. “Yes, because that’s all women have going on in their brain, is it? We’re just doing it for the attention.”
Tuk Ur sighed and rolled his eyes. “Oh my ra, ok! I get it.”
Daa ni laughed as Tuk Ur slumped back down to his spot on the ground. He wrapped around Daa ni’s neck, pulling him close. “What about you Daa ni? Please tell me you’ll be my royal sorcerer.”
Daa ni tickled the Tuk Ur’s sides forcing him to squirm away. “Sorry, Tuk Ur but I want nothing to do with my parents. As soon as I’m old enough I’m going to travel and see what’s beyond this valley.”
There was distant look of sadness on Tuk Ur’s face. “I see,” he said looking down at the valley below. “I guess everyone has got their own plans.” For a moment there was a quiet silence between them in which Sa’ma and Daa ni shared worried glances.
“But we’ll still be friends,” Sa’ma said, putting an arm on Tuk Ur’s shoulder. He nodded and smiled.
“And hey,” Daa ni grinned, “if the the Pharaoh thing does work out, you are always welcome to join me in exile.”
Tuk Ur elbowed him in the ribs and two boys began to play tussle in dirt while Sa’ma looked on, rolling her eyes.
“Ugh boys,” she murmured taking another spicy sip of her grain wine.
Part 4
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The Story Of Korah In The Bible
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I am thankful that the Bible included the story of Korah. He led a group of people to rebel against God’s chosen leaders. Nobody should want a similar outcome duplicated in their lives. One day Korah . . . incited a rebellion against Moses, along with 250 other leaders of the community, all prominent members of the assembly. Numbers 16:1-2 The theme of this story in the Bible point to the signs of jealousy and envy overtaking Korah. With those two character flaws spreading to others, he and his followers confronted Moses. They united against Moses and Aaron and said, “You have gone too far! The whole community of Israel has been set apart by the Lord, and he is with all of us.” Numbers 16:3 In other words, Korah was asking Moses and Aaron, “who do you think you are? What gives you the right to do what you are doing?” “What right do you have to act as though you are greater than the rest of the Lord’s people?” Numbers 16:3
How Moses Handled the Opposition in this Bible Story of Korah
At that moment, Moses had to decide how he would handle this situation. Korah had convinced this group of leaders to question Moses’ leadership and his authority. Moses on the other hand never wanted to be in this position in the first place. He made that point quite clear when God spoke to him out of the burning bush. But Moses protested to God, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?” Exodus 3:11 God, however, assured Moses that He would go with him as he carried out this mission. God answered, “I will be with you. And this is your sign that I am the one who has sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God at this very mountain.” Exodus 3:12 Therefore Moses knew without a shadow of a doubt that God had called him. He also knew the Lord gave him the authority to continue to fulfill His will. So without responding to them, he just fell face down to the ground. Maybe he whispered a prayer. Or maybe that was his way of not immediately reacting. He then came up with a solution. He said to Korah and his followers, “Tomorrow morning the Lord will show us who belongs to him and who is holy. The Lord will allow only those whom he selects to enter his own presence. Numbers 16:5
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Preparations to Enter God's Presence
The Bible continues this story with Moses telling Korah and company how to prepare to go before God. He also asked him why they weren’t satisfied with serving in the tabernacle. “Now listen, you Levites! Does it seem insignificant to you that the God of Israel has chosen you from among all the community of Israel to be near him so you can serve in the Lord’s Tabernacle and stand before the people to minister to them?  Numbers 16:8-9 Korah’s actions indicated a sure sign of discontentment. That comes when focusing on ourselves becomes more important than fulfilling God’s will.  It’s at that point, we tend to view our ministry as being less important than someone else’s. Which became the subject of the next question Moses asked him. Korah, he has already given this special ministry to you and your fellow Levites. Are you now demanding the priesthood as well? Numbers 16:10 After a few more accusations, Moses became angry. He told the Lord not to accept their grain offerings and he defended himself before God. So the next day Koran and the 250 leaders came to the entrance of the tabernacle. Aaron and Moses stood there too. While they were all there, Korah decided to make more trouble. Meanwhile, Korah had stirred up the entire community against Moses and Aaron, and they all gathered at the Tabernacle entrance. Numbers 16:19
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God's Warning
The Bible says in this part of the story of the rebellion of Korah, God’s presence appeared. The Lord then spoke to Moses and Aaron . . . “Get away from all these people so that I may instantly destroy them!” And the Lord said to Moses, “Then tell all the people to get away from the tents of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.” Numbers 16:21,23-24 The earth opened up. It swallowed Korah along with the other two and everyone else who was physically close to them. God also dealt with the 250 leaders as well. Then fire blazed forth from the Lord and burned up the 250 men who were offering incense. Numbers 16:35
How Does this Story in the Bible of Korah Relate to You?
People have gone to see movies with scenes like what we just read about and even worse. But I want you to know this story in the Bible of the death of Korah is real life. It can easily happen to any of us. Especially if we allow jealousy and envy to dominate our lives. They can also fuel us to question or undermine someone who God has called into the ministry. The earth probably won’t open up and swallow you, nor will fire fall from the sky. But anyone who rebels against the Lord will end up with an eternal rude awakening. “But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt, murderers, the immoral, those who practice witchcraft, idol worshipers, and all liars—their fate is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” Revelation21:8 Therefore live for the Lord daily. Seek to stay in the center of His will. Ask His forgiveness often and continually forgive others. Finally, pray for one another and always give thanks for everything. Lord, help us to see the severity of how discontentment can lead us away from you. We don’t want our story to end like what we read in the Bible about Korah. May we always be in the center of your will? Checkout out these related posts on warning. - An Important Warning About A Rebellious Heart Against God - Sound The Alarm Of Warning - Take Warnings From God Seriously - A Warning In The Bible From Peter Read the full article
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thejesusmaninred · 17 days
"The Gadon." From Mark 6: 26-29.
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We finalize how the search for God is found in the crusade for freedom of self-definition, and this is embodied in the instructions called the Seder, and also what is called Haggadah. Haggadah is "Glorious Comprehension" is a Mitz, "the Juice."
As a tenet of religious law, it falls under the Mitzvot, steps to Jewish Enlightenment and is a "tombstone" underwhich is buried all delusions as to how to attain to Ha Shem and His preferred state called Shabbos. Without Shabbos God cannot see us nor can we see Him. So the Haggadah juices the Seder and brings the sacrament of the Passover to a conclusion, also called a tomb.
In the Gospel the head of John the Baptist is placed in a tomb. His name is Ha Shem, He is the God of Israel and Glory belongs to Him. He is dear to us and it is Him whose divine company we seek through the Seder because we believe He will keep us interested in forsaking our oppressors and give us new life when we are able to do it.
So to put the Head on a Platter, is to seek God's blessings and wisdom when we know we are not free to be. To enshrine Him is to complete the divine part of the process called Shabbat. After that we are indeed fully free.
26 The king was greatly distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he did not want to refuse her. 
27 So he immediately sent an executioner with orders to bring John’s head. The man went, beheaded John in the prison, 
28 and brought back his head on a platter. He presented it to the girl, and she gave it to her mother. 
29 On hearing of this, John’s disciples came and took his body and laid it in a tomb.
The Gematria is laid out in a format that follows the Four Directions.
v. 26: North: what is hidden by God. The King was greatly distressed because he did not know what was going to happen if he were a freedman. The Number is 5892, "the glow."
"The masculine noun פארור (par'ur), the meaning of which is unknown. It occurs twice in the Bible (Joel 2:6, Nahum 2:10), but in the same construct, namely: frightened people's faces (פנים, panim) gather (קבץ, qabas) פארור (par'ur).
Some scholars figure these frightened faces gather beauty. Others say they gather a glow. The modern NAS and NIV versions, as well as the ASV, Darby and Young translations have the faces grow pale. In the King James they gather blackness. But all of these are guesses and extrapolations made by means of the context.
Here at Abarim Publications we guess that this odd facial gathering is a colloquial expression of the kind that occurs in Job 4:15, Psalm 119:120, Ezekiel 27:35 and 32:10, namely that of hair (שער, se'ar) standing up with fear."
Herod's decision to confront Ha Shem, unseen, non statuesque God of the Jews must have been terrifying. But this is the only thing that makes sense.
v. 27: East: What can be known by man. So he sent an executioner. An executioner has an ax. Axes sever the mind from delusion.
The Number is 6711, "And so." ="What is not relevant is removed."
The verb סור (sur) means to turn aside. It's used almost 200 times, with the following nuances:
To turn away from the route or course one was travelling (Genesis 19:2, 1 Samuel 6:12, Ruth 4:1).
To go away or depart from view or previous position (frogs from Egypt: Exodus 8:8; the Shekinah from the tabernacle: Numbers 12:10; the sword from the house of David: 2 Samuel 12:10).
To be removed (of lifeless things: staves from the Ark: Exodus 25:15; pagan high places from Israel: 1 Kings 15:14; Assyria's yoke from YHWH's mountains: Isaiah 14:25).
To come to an end, that is: to be removed from relevance (Amos 6:7, Isaiah 11:13)."
v. 28: South: what is understood: He brought back his head and presented it. The Number is 3466, גדוו‎ ‎ ‎, gadon, "A sun pillar of intuition."
v. 29: West: what enlightens man. On hearing this, John's disciples came. The Number is 2858, ב׳ף‎ןח, B.F, "finally, ultimately, in the end."
= The dreams of the Princes of Israel end, and the reality begins.
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case558 · 25 days
Azha Ain Sokhna
Azha Ain Sokhna
Azha Ain Sokhna, developed by Madaar Properties, represents a remarkable addition to Egypt’s real estate landscape, This exclusive development is strategically positioned along the Red Sea coast, offering an exceptional blend of luxury, comfort, and natural beauty.
Azha Ain Sokhna
Madar Real Estate Development is a renowned real estate developer with a proven track record of delivering high-quality residential projects, The company is committed to creating sustainable communities that enhance the lives of its residents.
Azha Ain Sokhna is a luxurious coastal development designed to offer residents a serene and tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Located in the picturesque Ain Sokhna region of Egypt, Azha offers stunning views of the Red Sea and a wide range of amenities designed to enhance your lifestyle.   
Features of Azha Ain Sokhna
One of the most important features of Azha Ain Sokhna is its picturesque location, Set against the stunning backdrop of the Red Sea and surrounding mountains, it offers residents stunning views and a tranquil environment, The project covers a large area, and beautifully integrates with its natural surroundings to offer a seamless blend of modern living and natural splendor.
Azha features a variety of residential units designed to meet different preferences, These include modern apartments, spacious chalets and luxury villas, Each unit has been carefully designed with contemporary aesthetics and high-quality finishes, providing a sophisticated living experience, Open-plan designs and expansive windows maximize natural light and provide stunning views of the surrounding landscape, Learn more about the benefits on the ain-sokhna website.
Types and prices of Azha Ain Sokhna units
Azha offers a diverse range of residential options to suit the needs of every buyer, including Villas Luxurious villas with private pools and gardens, offering unparalleled privacy and comfort, Apartments Stylish apartments with breathtaking views of the sea or mountains, 
Townhouses Spacious townhouses perfect for families, offering a perfect balance of privacy and community living.
Prices at Azha Ain Sokhna vary depending on the unit type, size, and location, To get the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, it is recommended to contact the developer directly.
Azha Ain Sokhna offers a truly unique and unforgettable living experience, With its stunning location, world-class amenities, and commitment to sustainable living, Azha is the perfect place to create lasting memories, Whether you are seeking a permanent residence or a vacation home, Azha has something to offer everyone.
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khaliiid456 · 25 days
Azha Ain Sokhna
Azha Ain Sokhna
Azha Ain Sokhna, developed by Madaar Properties, represents a remarkable addition to Egypt’s real estate landscape, This exclusive development is strategically positioned along the Red Sea coast, offering an exceptional blend of luxury, comfort, and natural beauty.
Azha Ain Sokhna
Madar Real Estate Development is a renowned real estate developer with a proven track record of delivering high-quality residential projects, The company is committed to creating sustainable communities that enhance the lives of its residents.
Azha Ain Sokhna is a luxurious coastal development designed to offer residents a serene and tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Located in the picturesque Ain Sokhna region of Egypt, Azha offers stunning views of the Red Sea and a wide range of amenities designed to enhance your lifestyle.   
Features of Azha Ain Sokhna
One of the most important features of Azha Ain Sokhna is its picturesque location, Set against the stunning backdrop of the Red Sea and surrounding mountains, it offers residents stunning views and a tranquil environment, The project covers a large area, and beautifully integrates with its natural surroundings to offer a seamless blend of modern living and natural splendor.
Azha features a variety of residential units designed to meet different preferences, These include modern apartments, spacious chalets and luxury villas, Each unit has been carefully designed with contemporary aesthetics and high-quality finishes, providing a sophisticated living experience, Open-plan designs and expansive windows maximize natural light and provide stunning views of the surrounding landscape, Learn more about the benefits on the ain-sokhna website.
Types and prices of Azha Ain Sokhna units
Azha offers a diverse range of residential options to suit the needs of every buyer, including Villas Luxurious villas with private pools and gardens, offering unparalleled privacy and comfort, Apartments Stylish apartments with breathtaking views of the sea or mountains, 
Townhouses Spacious townhouses perfect for families, offering a perfect balance of privacy and community living.
Prices at Azha Ain Sokhna vary depending on the unit type, size, and location, To get the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, it is recommended to contact the developer directly.
Azha Ain Sokhna offers a truly unique and unforgettable living experience, With its stunning location, world-class amenities, and commitment to sustainable living, Azha is the perfect place to create lasting memories, Whether you are seeking a permanent residence or a vacation home, Azha has something to offer everyone.
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badrkenan · 25 days
Azha Ain Sokhna
Azha Ain Sokhna
Azha Ain Sokhna, developed by Madaar Properties, represents a remarkable addition to Egypt’s real estate landscape, This exclusive development is strategically positioned along the Red Sea coast, offering an exceptional blend of luxury, comfort, and natural beauty.
Azha Ain Sokhna
Madar Real Estate Development is a renowned real estate developer with a proven track record of delivering high-quality residential projects, The company is committed to creating sustainable communities that enhance the lives of its residents.
Azha Ain Sokhna is a luxurious coastal development designed to offer residents a serene and tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Located in the picturesque Ain Sokhna region of Egypt, Azha offers stunning views of the Red Sea and a wide range of amenities designed to enhance your lifestyle.   
Features of Azha Ain Sokhna
One of the most important features of Azha Ain Sokhna is its picturesque location, Set against the stunning backdrop of the Red Sea and surrounding mountains, it offers residents stunning views and a tranquil environment, The project covers a large area, and beautifully integrates with its natural surroundings to offer a seamless blend of modern living and natural splendor.
Azha features a variety of residential units designed to meet different preferences, These include modern apartments, spacious chalets and luxury villas, Each unit has been carefully designed with contemporary aesthetics and high-quality finishes, providing a sophisticated living experience, Open-plan designs and expansive windows maximize natural light and provide stunning views of the surrounding landscape, Learn more about the benefits on the ain-sokhna website.
Types and prices of Azha Ain Sokhna units
Azha offers a diverse range of residential options to suit the needs of every buyer, including Villas Luxurious villas with private pools and gardens, offering unparalleled privacy and comfort, Apartments Stylish apartments with breathtaking views of the sea or mountains, 
Townhouses Spacious townhouses perfect for families, offering a perfect balance of privacy and community living.
Prices at Azha Ain Sokhna vary depending on the unit type, size, and location, To get the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, it is recommended to contact the developer directly.
Azha Ain Sokhna offers a truly unique and unforgettable living experience, With its stunning location, world-class amenities, and commitment to sustainable living, Azha is the perfect place to create lasting memories, Whether you are seeking a permanent residence or a vacation home, Azha has something to offer everyone.
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muuhgtt6359 · 25 days
Azha Ain Sokhna
Azha Ain Sokhna
Azha Ain Sokhna, developed by Madaar Properties, represents a remarkable addition to Egypt’s real estate landscape, This exclusive development is strategically positioned along the Red Sea coast, offering an exceptional blend of luxury, comfort, and natural beauty.
Azha Ain Sokhna
Madar Real Estate Development is a renowned real estate developer with a proven track record of delivering high-quality residential projects, The company is committed to creating sustainable communities that enhance the lives of its residents.
Azha Ain Sokhna is a luxurious coastal development designed to offer residents a serene and tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Located in the picturesque Ain Sokhna region of Egypt, Azha offers stunning views of the Red Sea and a wide range of amenities designed to enhance your lifestyle.   
Features of Azha Ain Sokhna
One of the most important features of Azha Ain Sokhna is its picturesque location, Set against the stunning backdrop of the Red Sea and surrounding mountains, it offers residents stunning views and a tranquil environment, The project covers a large area, and beautifully integrates with its natural surroundings to offer a seamless blend of modern living and natural splendor.
Azha features a variety of residential units designed to meet different preferences, These include modern apartments, spacious chalets and luxury villas, Each unit has been carefully designed with contemporary aesthetics and high-quality finishes, providing a sophisticated living experience, Open-plan designs and expansive windows maximize natural light and provide stunning views of the surrounding landscape, Learn more about the benefits on the ain-sokhna website.
Types and prices of Azha Ain Sokhna units
Azha offers a diverse range of residential options to suit the needs of every buyer, including Villas Luxurious villas with private pools and gardens, offering unparalleled privacy and comfort, Apartments Stylish apartments with breathtaking views of the sea or mountains, 
Townhouses Spacious townhouses perfect for families, offering a perfect balance of privacy and community living.
Prices at Azha Ain Sokhna vary depending on the unit type, size, and location, To get the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, it is recommended to contact the developer directly.
Azha Ain Sokhna offers a truly unique and unforgettable living experience, With its stunning location, world-class amenities, and commitment to sustainable living, Azha is the perfect place to create lasting memories, Whether you are seeking a permanent residence or a vacation home, Azha has something to offer everyone.
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bassantllleeem · 25 days
Azha Ain Sokhna
Azha Ain Sokhna
Azha Ain Sokhna, developed by Madaar Properties, represents a remarkable addition to Egypt’s real estate landscape, This exclusive development is strategically positioned along the Red Sea coast, offering an exceptional blend of luxury, comfort, and natural beauty.
Azha Ain Sokhna
Madar Real Estate Development is a renowned real estate developer with a proven track record of delivering high-quality residential projects, The company is committed to creating sustainable communities that enhance the lives of its residents.
Azha Ain Sokhna is a luxurious coastal development designed to offer residents a serene and tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Located in the picturesque Ain Sokhna region of Egypt, Azha offers stunning views of the Red Sea and a wide range of amenities designed to enhance your lifestyle.   
Features of Azha Ain Sokhna
One of the most important features of Azha Ain Sokhna is its picturesque location, Set against the stunning backdrop of the Red Sea and surrounding mountains, it offers residents stunning views and a tranquil environment, The project covers a large area, and beautifully integrates with its natural surroundings to offer a seamless blend of modern living and natural splendor.
Azha features a variety of residential units designed to meet different preferences, These include modern apartments, spacious chalets and luxury villas, Each unit has been carefully designed with contemporary aesthetics and high-quality finishes, providing a sophisticated living experience, Open-plan designs and expansive windows maximize natural light and provide stunning views of the surrounding landscape, Learn more about the benefits on the ain-sokhna website.
Types and prices of Azha Ain Sokhna units
Azha offers a diverse range of residential options to suit the needs of every buyer, including Villas Luxurious villas with private pools and gardens, offering unparalleled privacy and comfort, Apartments Stylish apartments with breathtaking views of the sea or mountains, 
Townhouses Spacious townhouses perfect for families, offering a perfect balance of privacy and community living.
Prices at Azha Ain Sokhna vary depending on the unit type, size, and location, To get the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, it is recommended to contact the developer directly.
Azha Ain Sokhna offers a truly unique and unforgettable living experience, With its stunning location, world-class amenities, and commitment to sustainable living, Azha is the perfect place to create lasting memories, Whether you are seeking a permanent residence or a vacation home, Azha has something to offer everyone.
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mountain1view · 4 months
Experience Excellence with Mountain View
Mountain View is a name that stands for excellence in the real estate market. Known for its high-quality developments and customer-centric approach, Mountain View has created some of the most sought-after communities in Egypt. This article highlights three of its premier projects: Mountain View Cali, Mountain View iCity iVilla, and Mountain View iCity. Each project showcases the company's dedication to providing exceptional living experiences.
 Mountain View Cali
Mountain View Cali offers a unique living experience inspired by the relaxed and sunny lifestyle of California. This community is designed to provide residents with a serene and vibrant environment, combining modern living with natural beauty.
- Strategic Location: Mountain View Cali is ideally located, offering easy access to major roads and urban centers. This strategic positioning ensures that residents are close to commercial areas, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and other essential services.
- Modern Design: The design of Mountain View Cali is influenced by California's contemporary style, featuring sleek architecture, open spaces, and an emphasis on natural light. The homes are designed to be both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional.
- Comprehensive Amenities: The community is equipped with a wide range of amenities that cater to the needs of all residents. These include swimming pools, fitness centers, parks, playgrounds, and social hubs. There are also spaces dedicated to recreational activities and community events.
- Community Spirit: Mountain View Cali fosters a strong sense of community among its residents. The design encourages social interaction and participation in community activities, promoting a lifestyle that is both active and connected.
- Sustainable Living: Environmental sustainability is a key focus at Mountain View Cali. The project incorporates eco-friendly materials and practices, ensuring that the community is sustainable and harmonious with nature.
 Mountain View iCity iVilla
Mountain View iCity iVilla is a groundbreaking project that redefines modern living. These villas offer a unique combination of luxury, privacy, and community, making them an ideal choice for discerning homeowners.
- Innovative Design: The iVillas are designed with a focus on innovation and modernity. They feature smart home technologies, flexible living spaces, and contemporary architecture. The design ensures privacy while fostering a sense of community.
- Luxurious Living Spaces: iVillas offer spacious and luxurious living environments. The interiors are designed with high-quality finishes and fixtures, providing comfort and elegance. Large windows and open-plan areas create a bright and inviting atmosphere.
- Exclusive Amenities: Residents of iVillas have access to a range of exclusive amenities, including private gardens, swimming pools, sports courts, and fitness facilities. The community also features landscaped parks and recreational areas.
- Community and Security: Mountain View iCity iVilla promotes a strong sense of community with shared social and recreational spaces. The development is equipped with advanced security systems to ensure the safety and peace of mind of all residents.
- Sustainable Design: Sustainability is integral to the iVilla concept. The development includes energy-efficient systems and green building practices, promoting a sustainable and environmentally responsible lifestyle.
 Mountain View iCity
Mountain View iCity is an ambitious project that aims to create a self-sustained urban community. This development integrates residential, commercial, and recreational spaces, offering a comprehensive living experience.
- Master Plan: The master plan of Mountain View iCity includes diverse housing options, commercial zones, and recreational facilities. The design ensures a balanced and integrated living environment, catering to all aspects of daily life.
- Self-Contained Community: iCity is designed to be a self-contained community where residents can live, work, and play. The development includes shopping centers, office spaces, schools, hospitals, and entertainment venues, reducing the need for commuting.
- Lifestyle and Recreation: Mountain View iCity emphasizes lifestyle and recreation. The community features numerous parks, sports facilities, and recreational areas, encouraging an active and healthy lifestyle. Social events and community gatherings are a regular feature of life in iCity.
- Connectivity: The development is well-connected with efficient transportation networks, including well-planned roadways and public transport options. Pedestrian-friendly pathways ensure easy and safe mobility within the community.
- Environmental Sustainability: Sustainability is a core principle of Mountain View iCity. The project incorporates green building techniques, renewable energy sources, and eco-friendly materials, making it a model for sustainable urban living.
Mountain View's projects, including Mountain View Cali, Mountain View iCity iVilla, and Mountain View iCity, exemplify the company's commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. These developments offer unique living experiences that cater to different lifestyles and preferences, ensuring that residents enjoy a high-quality, comfortable, and sustainable living environment. Choosing Mountain View means embracing a lifestyle of luxury, convenience, and community.
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worldtourstravelsusa · 8 months
Experiencing the World with Sita World Tours: Unforgettable Adventures for Every Family
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In the fast-paced world we live in, creating lasting memories with loved ones has become a precious commodity. Families are increasingly seeking unique and enriching experiences that cater to all members, from the youngest to the oldest. Sita World Tours, a renowned travel company, understands the importance of crafting unforgettable adventures, offering a diverse range of experiences that cater to various interests. In this article, we delve into some of Sita World Tours' exceptional offerings, with a focus on Nile Cruise with Kids from USA, Peru Luxury Tours, Qatar Adventure Desert Safari from the USA, South Africa Luxury Tours, and Spain Family Tours from USA.
Nile Cruise With Kids from the USA:
Embarking on a Nile Cruise with Sita World Tours is an adventure that promises to be both educational and entertaining for the entire family. Imagine gliding along the historic Nile River, witnessing ancient wonders like the Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza. Sita World Tours curates experiences suitable for families, ensuring that children not only enjoy the journey but also learn about the rich history of Egypt.
Kids from the USA can engage in specially designed activities that make history come alive. From interactive storytelling sessions to age-appropriate historical games, Sita World Tours aims to create an immersive experience that captivates young minds. This family-friendly adventure along the Nile is a perfect blend of relaxation, education, and exploration.
Peru Luxury Tours:
For those seeking a touch of opulence combined with cultural immersion, Sita World Tours' Peru Luxury Tours are a perfect fit. Peru, with its breathtaking landscapes and ancient ruins, provides a captivating backdrop for an indulgent vacation. Sita World Tours ensures that every moment of your luxury tour is curated to perfection, allowing you to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Peruvian history and culture.
From the awe-inspiring Machu Picchu to the vibrant markets of Cusco, every destination on the itinerary is chosen with care. The luxury element extends beyond accommodation to personalized guided tours, private transportation, and gourmet dining experiences. Sita World Tours aims to elevate your journey through Peru, creating memories that resonate with luxury and cultural discovery.
Qatar Adventure Desert Safari from USA:
For families with a sense of adventure, Sita World Tours introduces the exhilarating Qatar Adventure Desert Safari. Departing from the USA, this tour invites families to explore the stunning deserts of Qatar in a way that is both thrilling and safe. Picture sand dunes stretching as far as the eye can see, the golden hues of the desert sun, and the excitement of a desert safari tailored to cater to families.
Sita World Tours ensures that even the youngest adventurers can partake in the excitement with age-appropriate activities and accommodations. From camel rides to dune bashing, every moment is an opportunity for families to bond over shared experiences amidst the beauty of Qatar's desert landscapes.
South Africa Luxury Tours:
South Africa, with its diverse landscapes and rich wildlife, is a dream destination for many. Sita World Tours elevates the South African experience with their meticulously crafted Luxury Tours. Whether it's the cosmopolitan allure of Cape Town, the majestic beauty of Table Mountain, or the thrill of a safari in Kruger National Park, Sita World Tours ensures that every aspect of your journey is infused with luxury.
From luxurious lodges offering breathtaking views to personalized game drives with expert guides, South Africa Luxury Tours by Sita World Tours promise an unforgettable experience. Families can connect with nature and each other in a setting that seamlessly blends opulence with adventure.
Spain Family Tours from the USA:
Sita World Tours recognizes the importance of family bonding and exploration. The Spain Family Tours from the USA are designed to cater to families seeking a mix of cultural enrichment and recreational activities. From the vibrant streets of Barcelona to the historic charm of Madrid, Spain offers a diverse range of experiences for every member of the family.
Sita World Tours takes the hassle out of planning, ensuring that families can focus on creating lasting memories. Kid-friendly activities, interactive tours, and comfortable accommodations make Spain an ideal destination for families looking to embark on a European adventure.
Additional links that might be helpful
Luxury Namibia Safari
Luxury Private Tours Peru From USA
Maldives Group Travel
Mpumalanga 3 Day Itinerary From USA
Nile Cruise Family Tour
Sita World Tours, with its commitment to excellence and a diverse range of curated experiences, emerges as the ideal partner for families seeking unforgettable adventures. Whether you're cruising along the Nile with kids from the USA, indulging in luxury in Peru, embarking on an adventurous desert safari in Qatar, exploring the wonders of South Africa, or discovering the vibrant culture of Spain, Sita World Tours ensures that every moment of your journey is crafted with care. As families increasingly prioritize meaningful travel experiences, Sita World Tours stands out as a reliable guide, facilitating journeys that are as unique as the families they serve.
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conceptproperties · 2 years
IL Monte Galala Ain ElSokhna
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sitaworldtour · 1 year
Best And Affordable United Arab Emirates Tours from USA
Affordable United Arab Emirates Tours
Are you dreaming of a captivating journey to the United Arab Emirates? Look no further! We have compiled a list of the best United Arab Emirates tours from the USA, ensuring an unforgettable experience that won't break the bank. From the dazzling cityscape of Dubai to the cultural wonders of Abu Dhabi, the UAE offers a plethora of attractions that will leave you in awe. So, let's dive into the world of United Arab Emirates tours and discover the beauty of this enchanting destination.
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Dubai, the crown jewel of the UAE, is a city that never fails to impress. With its towering skyscrapers, luxurious hotels, and man-made islands, Dubai is a testament to human ingenuity. A must-visit attraction is the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, where you can enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of the city. Explore the vibrant Dubai Mall, home to numerous high-end shops and entertainment options, or immerse yourself in the traditional charm of the Gold and Spice Souks. For an adrenaline rush, embark on a desert safari and experience the thrill of dune bashing, camel riding, and mesmerizing belly dancing performances.
You Need To Read Also : Egypt Family Tour
Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, offers a different yet equally captivating experience. Begin your journey by visiting the iconic Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, an architectural masterpiece that showcases the country's Islamic heritage. Marvel at the opulent Emirates Palace, a luxurious hotel that epitomizes Arabian hospitality. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the UAE at the Louvre Abu Dhabi, a stunning museum that houses an impressive collection of art and artifacts. To cool off from the desert heat, head to Yas Island and enjoy thrilling rides at Ferrari World or splash around at Yas Waterworld.
If you're looking for a more authentic experience, venture beyond the glitz and glamour of the cities and explore the UAE's natural wonders. Take a trip to the Hajar Mountains, where you can hike through picturesque landscapes and discover hidden oases. Explore the stunning Musandam Peninsula, known as the "Norway of Arabia," with its fjord-like inlets and crystal-clear waters. For wildlife enthusiasts, a visit to the Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary is a must, where you can observe flamingos and other migratory birds in their natural habitat.
You Need To Read Also : Luxury Namibia Safari
Now that you're enticed by the wonders of the UAE, let's discuss how to make these tours affordable. Many travel agencies offer all-inclusive packages that cater to various budgets. These packages often include flights, accommodation, transportation, and guided tours, ensuring a hassle-free experience. By booking in advance and taking advantage of seasonal promotions, you can secure great deals and save significantly on your United Arab Emirates tour.
Additionally, consider visiting during the shoulder seasons (spring and autumn) when the weather is pleasant, and the tourist crowds are thinner. This not only allows you to enjoy the attractions at a more relaxed pace but also ensures better prices for flights and accommodations.
Furthermore, be sure to compare prices and read reviews from different tour operators to find the best value for your money. Look for reputable companies that offer a good balance between affordability and quality. Some tour packages even include unique experiences such as hot air balloon rides, traditional Emirati meals, or visits to local markets, providing you with an authentic taste of the UAE's culture and traditions.
You Need To Read Also : Colombia Coffee Triangle Tour
In conclusion, the United Arab Emirates is a destination that offers a perfect blend of modernity and tradition. With its awe-inspiring architecture, cultural heritage, and natural wonders, the UAE has something to offer every traveler. By choosing one of the best United Arab Emirates tours from the USA, you can embark on a journey of a lifetime without breaking the bank. So, pack your bags, get ready to explore the United Arab Emirates, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Luxury Private Tours Peru
South Africa Luxury Tours
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munimuni-muna · 4 years
So I've been thinking, maybe I should write. I had this dream of an older Giorno for some reason and thought, hey I could make this a reader's insert type of story! But I'm no writer, so I hope this isn't too bad.
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Title: His Best Friend
Premise: It's almost 10 years after Giorno became Don and for some reason, his best friend from way back keeps popping in his mind.
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His emerald eyes searched about the room, examining the furniture that has been here for almost 10 years now. Having been a Don for the same amount of time, he decided to continue his education in his mansion. Never did he come back to school. Cleaning up after Diavolo's mess is just a mountain of work to ever set aside.
But once in a while, he would escape; In the dormitories of his previous school, was his quaint room. It was a place of solace where he imagined being where he is now, a place of quiet where he could be vulnerable, a place he was often with you. He never got the guts to give the room away, so he bought it instead, keeping the locks the same as it always have been. Because he knew you had the key.
And he wondered why he missed your company so. Thoughts of you never came across his mind when he was younger nor when he's at work. It was always when he visited this place or when he's more tired than usual. There was always something about you that felt relaxing.
Giorno sat himself down on the floor, leaning on his bed frame. You always did this with him back then and let him rest his head on your sholder when he's stressed out. He loved listening to your talks of goals and dreams. And rarely, you even got him to talk about his. Then you'd quietly listen with no judgement. He watched as your proud and hopeful eyes brighten.
"You'll get there one day because you're Giorno Giovanna." You'd say, unknowing how those words impacted him greatly, how it encouraged him so. And then you'd lean your head on his as you both drift to an afternoon nap.
Giorno stood up. He couldn't resist the allure of the soft bed no longer, so he sat himself on it, bouncing slightly at contact. His palm carressed the linen bed cover and paused.
He then untied his golden braided locks that flowed in a happy mess down his back. This long maine was shorter still when you were around. And sometimes you'd ask his permission to braid it. He'd always say he'd think about it just to tease you. But in truth, he wanted you to touch his hair. You were always allowed, yet you always asked. But he never seeked your touch despite his craving for it. He'd always wait for you to ask first.
Crave. He craved you? Has he been feeling that way all this time? Is it alright to crave a friend? Perhaps. He thought. But what does he crave for in specific? He's never put an effort to finding you, never gave in to this 'craving'. Your mind was always a traveler. It was filled with so much stories about the world to explore out there, from picture books and magazines you've read and seen; How beautiful it must be to visit the great pyramids in Egypt, to see the cherry blossoms bloom in Japan, how eerie and lovely the Taj Mahal might be, or how crystalline the Philippine virgin beaches could be. There's a world in your eyes that he could see, a bright one compared to the gloom of reality. Yet you had no desire to travel on foot. You've always travelled by pen, and you were just full of passion when your thoughts bled on paper.
Where are you now?
Giorno plopped himself onto the bed, scattering his golden locks behind him like crooked rays of light. A growing pain sat on his chest, encouraging a deep sigh of frustration out of his mouth. He closed his eyes, trying to pin the feeling down. But no matter how much he wrestled, there was nothing, no answer, just the image of your face.
The clicks on the door snapped him back from the pool of his thoughts. That couldn't be Mista. The guy always knocks. Those clicks were the sound of unlocking the door, and he didn't have any key.
Giorno sat himself down, his calm demeanor contrasting the boiling pot of assumptions in his mind; Does his opposition know about this place? How did they know he came here? He made sure to keep his visits here random enough not to call attention. Whoever this was, if they're aggressors, they're making the biggest mistake of their lives by opening that door.
He sat on the bed, unsheathing Golden Experience, ready for anything. His emerald eyes focused on the opening door as it slowly revealed the person on the other side.
Being a Don for years now, hardly anything surprised him anymore. But the sight of you standing on that doorway was almost surreal to him! Never did he expect that he'd see you in the flesh right here right now. For a second there, he even thought his stand somehow has a hand with it, but no. This couldn't be a dream. Like a gush of wind rudely hitting his face, it all started to make sense to Giorno: the moemories of you, the craving, the growing pain.
"La mia amore." He let slip the words that should've been said long ago. How stupid can he be for only seeing it now?!
"Giorno!" You called him, your visage mirroring his surprised one.
Seeing tears starting to flow down your cheeks, he let his heart lead the way; Without another word, he expeditiously made his way to wrap his arms tightly around you, making up for those years that he was a fool for not seeing through the veil of his own emotions. And you generously return the gesture.
Ah, this is it. This is the feeling. He thought.
"I missed you." You say, pressing your cheek on his chest, (which was stil very much exposed despite this winter, you noted). "Let me see." You pull away from his embrace which he thought was a pity.
Examining Giorno from head to toe, you see that he has significantly have you beat in height now. He wore a black leather coat, furred round the neck for more heat. Then you finally gaze at his emerald eyes, the body might have changed greatly, but you knew those eyes were still the ones you knew, only now they looked sharper as if it had seen things it didn't like. And you understand that Giorno Giovanna has achieved his dream.
You cupped his cheek as you searched his eyes. He immediately leans to your touch. There was an enigmatic glow dancing about those green orbs you can't quite comprehend at the moment.
"Welcome back." You say, flashing him a thoughtful smile.
Giorno's heart felt full as he pulled you in his arms one more time, a kiddish spark dancing in his eyes. "I missed you too, amore." He said, pressing a lingering kiss against your cheek.
And you had to pull away slightly, surprised by his sudden intimacy. "A-amore?" You stuttered, studying his eyes. If only the answers were there. Giorno has always been hard to read, but by observation, you learned that he conveyed his emotions through subtle mannerisms and reactions. But this forwardness was vastly different from his usual quiet demeanor!
Giorno enjoyed your coy reaction too much to let go of you now. So he pressed his forehead onto yours. He felt you tensing at his sudden closeness while you made fists of your hands on his chest, crumpling his neat clothes. But he paid no mind. In fact you're reaction only encouraged him. "And why would I call the love of my life anything else?" He teased. "Have you been coming here all the time, amore? Were you waiting for me?"
He waited for a response from you, a banter perhaps. But there was a long pause which made him worry. Maybe he was being too forward? You have been away from each other a long time. And the last you've seen each other, you were just friends. Friends. He almost hated the word at the moment. That was not how he wanted your relationship to be, not anymore.
"Yes." You say, pulling him out of his thoughts. "I go here from time to time…hoping…you would…come home." You faded out, averting your eyes from him. The last thing you thought of doing today was to reveal your pining for your best friend, but apparently here you are doing just that.
Giorno heaved a sigh, resting his forehead on your shoulder. "Oh amore, we've only met again." He said, interlacing his hand with yours. "I really want to keep things wholesome. But your reactions are making it difficult."
You were speechless at how shockingly honest he was being. But the happiness you felt from his words were sublime! The puzzle that is Giorno Giovanna is communicating his emotions with you clearly. And that's enough for you for now.
Giorno leaning on you gave you the perfect view of his unbraided locks just sitting on his back in a happy flowy mess. And you couldn't help but ask;
"May I brush your hair, Giorno?"
He chuckles as he always does. "You may." He answered.
Your free hand was quick to find its way to his golden locks, brushing the mess gently. You always loved his maine. The relaxation it provided you while you braided or brushed it was nostalgic. "Your hair has grown, il mio amore." You say.
He giggles at your comment, pulling your hips closer. "Do you like it?"
"I love it." You say. To you, his maine has always been like the man himself: intense like its sudden shifts from a jet black to a golden blonde, and evergrowing, the longer it got, the more magnificent it became.
A relaxing quiet enveloped between you two. You continued to brush his locks while he leaned on you, closing his eyes. Everything just felt peaceful for once especially for Giorno.
"I want to take you home." He broke the silnce, squeezing your hand.
"That's a very forward offer, Giorno, but I have to decline. I'm still trying to get my book published, you know." You say.
"Do you still live by that bakery?" Giorno inquired.
"Visit me there when you have time?"
"It's a promise."
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perpetuallylocked · 4 years
Tag Yourself: Nancy Drew Game Aesthetics Edition
SCK: opening a new book for the first time, the nostalgia of VHS tapes, coca cola in a glass, remembering your locker combo, letterman jackets, watching true crime documentaries, empty high school hallways, 1950s diners, cramming before an exam
STFD: boxes of chocolates, tape recorders, the click-clack of typewriter keys, catching a taxi, shadows on the wall, stained coffee cups, sitting down to rewatch a tv show, perfume bottles, 1990s fashions
MHM: the sight of dust mixing with light, sightreading old sheet music, crystal chandeliers, old floral teacups, crystal balls, old rotary phones, grand staircases, intricate wooden floors, never-ending house projects
TRT: the glitter of diamonds, worn chessboards, snow-covered gardens, ink-covered hands, butterfly collections, cold tile floors, dull suits of armor, dusty history tomes, footsteps muffled by carpets
FIN: plush red velvet, the scent of popcorn, drawing art deco designs in the margins, worn carpets, old playing cards, the feeling there is still magic everywhere, meeting a childhood idol, movie posters on the wall, catching up with a childhood friend
SSH: jade carvings, steep stone steps, chocolate bars, being the only person in a museum gallery, clean lab coats, amazing sights through a microscope, visiting the hospital, remembering facts you've only heard once, checking the mail for your package
DOG: log cabins, the flapping of bird wings, the distant howling of dogs, the odd sensation when you can see the moon during the day, the scent of pine trees, old glass bottles, strolls along the lake shore, admiring 1920s fashion, long walks in the woods
CAR: antique roller coasters, old postcards, the golden light at dusk, loud band organ music, sounds of a carnival at night, ice cream sundaes for dessert, the delight of riding the carousel for the first time, paint-stained clothes, winning a prize from a carnival game
DDI: a steaming mug of tea on a foggy day, sea caves, light from a lighthouse piercing the fog, messages in bottles, approaching deep water, the sound of seagulls, vintage blue bicycles, spotting a whale on the horizon, crumb-topped blueberry muffins
SHA: worn plaid shirts, sunsets on the horizon, the clip-clopping of hooves, antique blanket chests, forbidden romance, mason jars of flowers, brown and blue eggs, playing piano by ear, faded rugs
CUR: leather-bound books, small potted succulents, curving staircases, old portraits, family secrets, four-poster beds, hearing strange sounds at night, food cravings, spending all day on your laptop
CLK: the ticking of an old clock, pearl and cameo jewelry, the scent of a pie baking, the whir of a sewing machine, reading in a window seat, flouncy dresses, bridges over creeks, driving around a small town, reading Shakespeare for your own enjoyment
TRN: ballet slippers, snow mixed with smoke, faded pastel embroidery, the far-off sound of train whistles, old parchment and wax seals, unwrapping a piece of salt water taffy, quirky local museums, organizing your collections and belongings, light shining through tiffany lamps
DAN: light streaming through stained glass windows, bold red lipstick, freshly baked cookies, tales from your grandparents' youth, long-lost love, twirling in a tulle skirt, the overwhelming desire to visit paris, planning out your outfit for the next day, park benches
CRE: wind in the palm trees, footprints in the sand, rustling in the jungle, small seashells, rope bridges, fruity shave ice, waves tickling your toes, the tangy taste of pineapple, watching surfers from the beach
ICE: frozen lakes, sitting by a crackling fire, snow-covered piles of logs, worn leather ice skates, paw prints, staying in bed after you've woken up, seeing your breath in the cold air, unexpected snowball fights, leather-bound journals
CRY: shadows emphasized by candlelight, dirt-caked fingernails, exploring a cemetery at night, wrought iron fences, the smell after it rains, shelves lined with tchotchkes, going back for second helpings at dinner, moonlight streaming through the window, a grandfather clock at the end of the hall
VEN: gelato cones, orange and brown buildings, soft italian songs, gold lockets, buying flowers for yourself, cobblestone courtyards, leaning over the balcony rail, the overwhelming desire to reinvent yourself, dancing like no one is watching
HAU: ocean waves hitting cliffs, hanging herb bundles, old stone fortresses, white lace and promises, wilting flower bouquets, whistling to keep yourself company, distant celtic music, simple diamond rings, sitting in a peaceful garden
RAN: old gold coins, wading in the cold ocean, a slow-moving hourglass, seeing where the sky meets the sea, old pirate legends, sand between your toes, looking down through clear water, buying yourself new clothes for vacation, eating fruit salad for breakfast
WAC: exploring a college campus, old trophies, distant cello music, milk and cookies, cardigan sweaters, texting your friends, bare tree branches, anthologies of stories, school supply shopping
TOT: wind rustling through wheat fields, creaking wooden staircases, white curtains on the window, golden hay bales, old fences lining the road, watching a storm from the porch, buying a new camera, hanging out in your favorite professor's office, sitting on a tire swing
SAW: the faint scent of cherry blossoms, origami cranes, taking a bath, hearing a new language for the first time, shards of glass, seeing your reflection in the water, buying a new stuffed animal, trying a new food on vacation, listening to your grandmother's stories
CAP: rereading favorite fairy tales, blood-red garnets, red hair in braids, mist in the forest, local legends, playing board games on rainy days, remembering your make-believe games of childhood, puffy-sleeved blouses, watching glassblowers make magic
ASH: blue roadsters, rapidly melting ice cream cones, white picket fences, pastel shop awnings, hand-lettered signs in front of shops, the act of simply being with your friends, revisiting your childhood bedroom, spending all day in an antique shop, visiting your friend's house for the first time
TMB: wind-blown sand, straw sun hats, the warmth of the afternoon, chipped statues, well-used research books, having an egypt phase as a kid, planning your next adventure, drinking cold water on a hot day, pushing your hair out of your face
DED: pencil-covered hands, well-oiled gears, the crackling of electricity, eating your favorite flavor of gummy bears, group projects, keeping to yourself at work, unironically wearing ugly sweaters, publishing your research, organizing your messy desk
GTH: peeling paint on a once-grand house, angel statues, sheet-covered furniture, porch swings, lit matches, lace masquerade masks, grand ball gowns, drinking a hot cup of tea and lemon, looking for treasures in the basement
SPY: old leather suitcases, distant memories, the lingering touch of your true love, piano keys, adrenaline rushes, popped trench coat collars, hugging your mom after not seeing her for ages, looking out the window on a train ride, hearing movie soundtracks in your head
MED: the view from the top of a mountain, the rushing sound of waterfalls, freshly dyed hair, shooting stars, wandering off the trail, vintage comic books, philosophical thoughts, binge-watching reality tv, feeling the sense of deja vu
LIE: hands coated with clay and paint, laurel wreaths, pomegranate juice, books of Greek myths, gold sandals, memorizing a monologue, flowing white gowns, spending all day in a museum gallery, exploring ancient ruins
SEA: the twinkling sound of old music boxes, a night shining with stars, cozy knit sweaters, curling up with your dog, model ships, old barrels, learning your town's history, watching gently falling snow, the beauty of the aurora borealis
MID: the dark colors of herbs, edison bulbs, copper kettles, slowly changing leaves, road trips with friends, carving a jack-o'-lantern, exploring cemeteries at night, small shops surrounding a courtyard, thinking you saw a ghost out of the corner of your eye
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