#Mouse will be okay don't worry I could never hurt them really badly
Cloudwalker Series Part 31
It is drama time! Whump inbound.
Warnings: Blood, attempted murder, animal whump (Enchanted object), missing people/kidnapping.
Masterlist: Here
Approx WC: 3200
Taglist: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @thegreathowdini
Saying that things calmed down as days passed didn’t feel right coming off Avizon’s tongue. Something was brewing, he knew that much, and between Erix wanting him killed and Borgurk haunting his dreams again… something was going to happen. He just had no idea what or when. All he was able to do was keep himself distracted, mostly by teaching Ihuka and Dyan things while they worked on cleaning the castle. Avizon helped where he was able, but he found helping more often than not made Dyan nervous. Besides, he still had to rest his leg, to make sure that he didn’t damage it.
Orrien’s attempts at getting Dyan to wield magic had gone about as well as Avizon’s if not worse. He was too afraid now, and until they were able to find a solution to his leaking magic, they were unable to teach him anything else. It was dangerous, and Avizon was constantly having to keep some attention on feeling for the magic in the castle increasing, feeling for a fluctuation. It was tiring and it pained him that he couldn’t help Dyan after giving him the problem in the first place.
Blue and Orrien visited more and more. It seemed to help Orrien just as much as it helped Blue, but Avizon also found himself to be more and more eager to see him, even if Orrien didn’t like to go inside unless he had to. Avizon understood that. There were a lot of memories, memories he’d forced himself to face and had been able to ignore when his dark magic had more control over him. He was a prisoner of the past in ways, he was used to it, accepted it. His time here was what everyone would know him for, his legacy. There was no point trying to run for it. At least he was safe here now. Every day, he felt more like himself, but at the same time… troubled. His eye had begun to hurt him more and more, so he trained as much as he could, keeping the darkness flowing, managing it all. Perhaps there was just too much light magic around him.
He knew just how much Orrien hated this castle, so he often took his birds to see them instead. But today, Orrien had wanted to come to him. Avizon had no problem with it. The weather was fine, so he had a table and chairs brought outside so that they could sit. Dyan sat on the stairs of the castle, so eager to see Blue again. Avizon sat waiting at the table, and Ihuka sat with him, learning more words and going over his letters. He was hoping to be able to teach them both to read and write soon, but he was patient, keeping his focus on Ihuka’s speaking for now.
And so they waited. Ihuka finished his lesson, and tried to go and play with Dyan, but Dyan wanted to wait for Blue. He wanted to be there when they arrived. Ihuka frowned, but he was brave enough now to find his own ways of amusing himself. His feathers had mostly grown back, so he’d been practicing his flying, getting the strength back in his wings. Avizon left him be, he trusted him not to fly off, and even if he did, he could catch him again.
And so they waited. And they waited. And waited…
Avizon sighed as the afternoon started to get colder. He gave up, putting the chairs back inside. “He must be busy, Dyan,” he said, seeing him still sitting on the step, waiting. “Let’s go inside. The circle must have contacted him, or a farm animal might have needed help. I’m sure he’ll explain soon.” Dyan shuffled on the stone step, wings wrapped tight around him, picking at his blunted nails. “I… may I wait a little longer, master?” Avizon put the chair down and crouched beside him. “If you like… are you alright, Dyan?” Dyan nodded sadly. “I just… I was excited but… now I’m just really worried. What if Erix...” Avizon rubbed his back, but his words cut deep into his soul. He hadn’t been too worried, he knew Orrien could take care of himself, but now… Erix was a good fighter, that’s why he had taken Avizon’s place in the circle. Orrien was a healer, and against Erix, Avizon doubted he’d win. “Try not to worry yourself. I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation,” he said, hoping to keep Dyan calm. “I will try to send a message. If Orrien does not answer, then I will go and make sure everything is well, alright? Please, go inside. I don’t want you out here on your own.”
He looked up, to see Ihuka flying through the air, chirping happily. Avizon couldn’t hide his beaming smile. “Ihuka! Inside now, it’s getting late.” Ihuka took notice at once and through he frowned at having to stop, he flew towards him and landed at the bottom of the stairs. “Well done. Good bird,” he said softly. “Come now, let’s get you both inside.”
Ihuka hurried up the stairs and pointed at the chair. “I help?” Avizon was pleasantly surprised. “Yes please. Thank you, Ihuka. Good bird.”
Ihuka lifted the chair and waddled inside with it, putting it back where it belonged. Avizon had to smile at him. He’d been doing well over the last few weeks, getting more comfortable with the fact he wasn’t going to be hurt. He was kind and was Avizon’s pride and joy, they both were. He hated seeing either of them looking down and gloomy. He was happier now than he had been for so long…
He hoped Orrien not showing up didn’t signal the end of that. He had to make sure he was alright to ease Dyan’s nerves- and his own.
He fed them both, and while they were eating at the kitchen table, Avizon went to see if he could get in contact with Orrien. He hoped with all his might that he could, that this was something easily explained, but… his instincts told him something was wrong. He patiently tried to get in contact with him. Orrien would be able to feel the attempt, but despite several attempts, there was no answer. Avizon grimaced. “Please, Orrien...”
He sighed deeply, and went back to the two cloudwalkers. Dyan looked up at him quickly, eyes wide, hopeful, but pleading. He was hoping just as much as Avizon had. “There was no reply, but keep cool. I’ll go and see. I know you’re worried, and I won’t lie and say that I’m not, but there could be other reasons other than something’s happened. You two stay here, just in case. Try to finish your dinner. I won’t be long-”
“W.what if something bad has happened? W.what if Erix is still there or you get hurt. Can I come with you, master, please?” Dyan pleaded.
Avizon gently shook his head. “Stay. I should only be a few minutes, but if- if something has happened, and I’m not back within… let’s say three days, you are both free to leave the castle, assume I’m not coming back. You can live here, or fly away, I wouldn’t mind. But I promise you, I will come back. As I said, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
Dyan rose from the table and hugged Avizon tight around the waist. Avizon was surprised. Dyan hadn’t shown such affections towards him for a while, but the worry was so clear in Dyan’s expression. He’d had too much unhindered time to overthink all the possibilities, and clearly few of his ideas had been nice ones. Avizon softly stroked his hair as he held him back. “It’s going to be alright, I’m sure. Good bird… go and eat please. You don’t need to worry, I’ll deal with everything.”
Avizon eased Dyan away from him and stepped back. “Be good, I’ll be right back.”
Avizon teleported to the farm where Orrien lived, deciding to not appear in the farmhouse in case something really had happened. He wanted to be prepared. Clearly something had gone on. The livestock were uneasy. Fox the horse was distressed, stomping and making plenty of noise. Avizon approached carefully and made the attempt to calm the horse before he got himself hurt. “Shhh, easy boy. Easy...”
He didn’t want to spend too long calming him down, but he helped enough, managing to get him to relax a little more in his stall. Avizon stroked his neck softly. This was odd. They should have been able to hear Fox kicking up such a fuss. Avizon kept stroking his neck while he stared at the farmhouse, trying to make out if there was any sign of movement, dangerous or otherwise. It all seemed perfectly still, but the shroud of dread was becoming more and more obvious as the sun faded away behind the trees.
“What happened here, old friend?” he mumbled to Fox. He could not speak to animals like Zena could, he could not listen, but he could feel, even if the dark magic had chewed away at that ability. He could still feel more than Fox’s fear, there was worry, confusion, a need to protect… Something was terribly wrong. He battled with his urge to rush in, his need to protect was battling with his instincts of taking care and proceeding with caution.
Once Avizon was more sure that Fox was going to be alright, he headed towards the farmhouse. He felt his magic in the palm of his hands, keeping it hidden from sight, but oh so ready to fire out at an enemy. Only as he drew nearer to the house, he felt energy. Magic- and no small amount of it. He felt Orrien’s, and for a healer, it was a concerning amount. But there was another, and though he didn’t know the owner’s magic well, he recognised it.
Erix had been here, and Orrien had used a lot of magic because of his presence. That was enough to make him shudder like a rodent had run up his spine.
Avizon tensed his jaw and carefully crept closer, trying to force himself not to rush blindly into danger. However, his worry for his master was too great. He picked up the pace until he was able to silently open the door which would lead straight into the kitchen. Power tingled in his fingertips. He pushed the door open wide and stood for a brief second in shock. It was an absolute mess. Broken plates, cupboards blasted open and the contents all over the floor. The smell of singed hair and cloth filled his nose and he scowled. The sheer amount of energy he could feel was enough to make his cursed eye hurt. He grimaced and stepped inside, trying to ignore the digging pain.
A door suddenly slammed shut. A ball of dark fire came to his hands before he could even register it. He was met with no enemy and hesitated. Had that been the breeze from opening the door or a person? Avizon walked slowly, wincing whenever the wood would creak beneath his light footfalls. He was ready to fight- to the death if need be to protect those he cared about. He needed to find Orrien and Blue, quickly. 
The kitchen was unoccupied, but the magic was so heavy on his mind. He tried to understand it, picking it apart. It was clear Orrien and Erix had exchanged blows here, that they’d fought, but it only seemed to be the beginning of it. He saw a big dent in one of the cupboards. He wondered if someone had been thrown back against it. He kept looking around, only to freeze as he approached the door frame.
He crouched in front of it carefully, seeing a dark handprint. When he touched it with his other hand, he found it to still be wet. It was blood, of that he was certain even with the feeble lighting in the building that the sun gave him. He saw a trail on the floor inching towards the very bedroom Avizon had stayed in only weeks earlier. There were footprints too, someone had followed after them. Avizon went inside, but found only more magic- teleportation magic this time, he could tell by the way it flickered and jumped around. It didn’t soothe like healing magic would, it didn’t feel heavy like fighting magic. The spell's jittery nature made it harder to be able to tell if this was the source of someone appearing or leaving, but he felt sure enough. Someone had crawled this way, someone, he guessed Erix, had followed, and he’d whisked them away. It didn’t bode well. He bit back a groan of pain as his eye spiked with pain.
“Orrien! Blue!” he finally dared to call out. He had to find them!
He looked back at the handprint, and decided to see the room where the person had been. There was so much magic here he wasn’t sure if anyone was still here. It was rapidly giving him a headache. He went into the living area, finding just as terrible a mess, and this time, there was a small pool of blood by the chaise. Some had soaked into the material, but most of it was on the floor and had been smeared across the wooden planks. Avizon crouched by it, trying to feel for who it belonged to, who’s magic ran through it, but then he heard a soft scratching noise. He turned quickly, a ball of bright red fire ready to bite, but there was no one. But the light did allow him to see a glint of metal under the chaise. It moved, and with the movements, came the scratching noises. His heart sank.
“Mouse,” he murmured, reaching behind the wooden leg to scoop him up, from where he lay curled up, his back leg was kicking out, as if in pain or discomfort. He hadn’t even thought of him, he’d just fully expected for him to be with Orrien. He needed to be with him! “Come here, little one.” At first Mouse shot around and bit him, before they’d even seen who it was, without even thinking. Avizon battled back the urge to pull away, even when they broke the skin on the side of his palm as they shook their head. He didn’t want to hurt or scare them by yanking his hand away. “Agh, Mouse, it’s me. It’s Avizon. Shhh, don’t bite. Don’t bite.”
Mouse stopped and let go, once they recognised him, they backed away lowering their ears. “It’s okay,” he promised them softly. “Come on.” Mouse carefully climbed onto his hand and Avizon brought them close to his chest. His best guess was that they’d been hit with some magic, but with some patience and care, Avizon was hopeful that they’d recover. Azeera’s enchantment magic was strong, so he had to hope for the best. “You’re safe now,” he promised. But his worry only doubled for the others. He was sure that this blood was Orrien’s now, that Mouse had been there to cling onto the magic that remained. It was probably the only reason the enchantment hadn’t broken. The only reason the one part of Ro left in this world hadn’t gone forever.
Avizon lifted them up and put them on his shoulder, between his neck and the collar of his shirt. “Keep warm, and don’t worry. We’ll find them.”
But now it was back to looking, and desperately at that.
There was no one else downstairs, he was sure of that much. Mouse had been the only one. He hadn’t seen signs of anyone going upstairs, but he had to be sure. Orrien had been here, but there was nothing indicating Blue was around.
The stairs creaked and groaned as he hurried up them. “Blue? Blue, are you here?”
He’d only just gotten onto the landing when he heard a feeble groan. Mouse sat bolt upright, and Avizon saw they were staring straight at Blue’s bedroom. Avizon gulped and made his way towards it, opening the door with the smallest of trembles in his hand. The door opened with a creak, and Avizon’s gaze quickly found the source of the noise.
“Blue!” he cried. He dropped down on his knees in front of the cloudwalker, taking only the briefest second to understand how he’d been tied. Pinned on his front, hands behind his back, and a rope connected from his ankles to a rope around his neck. He raced to get him free from the ropes that bound him, that slowly strangled him as he lost his strength to keep his head up.
Avizon burned through the rope that was digging into his throat. Blue dropped down, almost lifelessly, had it not been for the massive coughing fit that overtook him. Avizon rubbed his back vigorously. “Breathe, Blue, breathe!” He heaved him up into a sitting position and untied his hands while keeping him upright. Blue’s head fell down against his chest, but he groaned again. He was still alive- thank the realms, he was alive!
He kept coughing, but now his hands were free he was able to hold onto his throat as he coughed and mewled. “O.Orrien,” he rasped. “M.master...” “Shhh, deep breaths. Deep breaths. You can tell me what happened later.” Avizon already had a fair guess. Erix had tied him up and left him to die a slow and terrifying death on his own. Avizon held him close, trying to reassure him. Mouse climbed onto his shoulder and slid down into his lap, rubbing his head against him in a bid to comfort him.
“Only nod or shake your head. Did Erix take Orrien?” Avizon asked him.
Blue choked on a sob but nodded, trembling in Avizon’s arms. Avizon swallowed back his anger. “I will find him, Blue. I promise. But first I have to get you two back to the castle where it’s safe.”
Blue whined as Avizon propped him up against the bed. “Breathe. I need to check the other two rooms, just to be absolutely sure no one else is here. I’ll be right back, Blue, I promise you’re safe.”
Avizon stood and feverishly checked the remaining rooms. He was confident that Orrien was certainly gone. He returned to Blue’s side and crouched down beside him. “I’m going to pick you up, alright? We’re getting you out of here-” “E.Erix took Orrien t.to get you. I. I think it’s a trap.” Avizon’s heart sank, seeing how he was forcing himself to speak past the pain.
Avizon scooped him up and waited for Mouse to climb into his hand to make sure he didn’t leave without them. He kissed Blue on the top of the head. “You may be right, but please rest. I will find Orrien once I know you’re safe. I swear on my blood I will find him.”
Avizon closed his eyes and focused on his home, the tower where he could look after both of them. Dyan was going to take this terribly, but there was nothing he could do to avoid it. With home in mind, he teleported away. At least he’d been able to save some. Erix was going to pay when he got his hands on him, that much was sure. The only question was... where was he?
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giuliafc · 3 years
Caught in the Loop - chapter 2
Read the whole story:
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Chat Noir bets to Ladybug that he loves the girl behind the spots, no matter who she is. Ladybug bets to Chat Noir that he's only her partner and best friend, she doesn't love him 'that' way. What happens when they accept to get caught into a spiritual 'loop' , living through many alternate realities to prove that they're right and win their bet? They end up losing it, of course. They lose ROYALLY. Lovesquare identity reveal with a twist!
Cover art credit: Rosehealer02
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Chapter 2 — Jealousy
Marinette woke with a start. She sat up in a mad haste and then blinked and looked around. And then blinked again. What was she doing in her room? Last thing she remembered, she was in a closet with Chat Noir and Chaoss had triggered the loop. Why was she in her—she looked at her legs and winced—bed? She had been in school. What was going on?
"Oh, good morning, Marinette," came a voice from her back and Marinette turned around to see Tikki rub her little eyes sleepily. "It's unusual for you to wake up so early."
Marinette looked at her watch and saw that it was 5.30 AM. She collapsed back on her bed, landing on her back, and put a hand on her forehead, moving her hair from it with the gesture.
"Are you okay, Marinette?" The little red kwami moved from her place on the side of Marinette's pillow and started floating over her face.
"I… I must have had a dream, Tikki. Nothing—"
She wanted to say 'nothing to worry about', but as she was starting to say that, she turned around on her left to look at the pictures of Adrien and Luka on the side of her bed. The second her gaze landed on the little showcase on display on her wall, she felt herself sucking her breath in and her heart stopped. She found herself unable to continue her sentence as all blood drained from her face.
In full display on her showcase weren't the pictures of Adrien and Luka, nor the other pictures of her friends she remembered having there. No. At the centre of the showcase was a blown up version of… what looked like… a kiss between Ladybug and Chat Noir? There were cuts from magazines and newspapers showing the two heroes together, in poses that Marinette didn't remember having ever struck and doing things that she didn't remember having done. Couple things? She bolted in a sitting position so fast that her head banged on the ceiling of her bed's mezzanine.
"Ouch," she muttered as her hands ran to the tender spot on the top of her head where her skull had met the wall. "That hurts!" She opened her eyes again, hoping that the pain she had just felt would wake her up from whatever daydream she had fallen in, but the pictures of her alter ego in a romantic engagement with her partner didn't go away. They kept glaring at her, almost loudly.
"Marinette, you're more clumsy than usual this morning," mused Tikki. The frown on her face was one of concern. "Maybe you should tell your mother that you're not feeling well? Stay at home?"
Marinette's heart was playing overdrive. Her hand moved to the picture of Ladybug kissing Chat Noir and stroked her partner's face. She moved her hand to every picture and newspaper article.
Hang on, a newspaper article?
Marinette removed the pin on one of the articles attached to her showcase and picked it up, starting to read it, but it was only an account of the fight against Dark Owl, exactly like she remembered it. She was nearly putting it back to its place, but when she reached the end, her eyes widened as she read, 'after Ladybug captured the akuma, our beloved couple of superheroes celebrated the victory again with their trademark kiss on the lips.'
"Their WHAT?" she whispered. Her heart was in her throat. She stood up in a haste from her bed and nearly somersaulted down the stairs of her mezzanine. When she reached the floor of her bedroom and looked around, the pictures that greeted her were none that she could remember. Her whole room was plastered with pictures of Ladybug and Chat Noir's achievements. She moved the mouse of her computer and even her lockscreen was different! Instead of the collage she had made with modelling pictures of Adrien, her eyes were met with a similar collage—of Chat Noir? What. The. Proverbial. Heck—? The more her eyes darted from one side of her room to the next, the more her face felt drained of blood and her heart felt like freezing in her chest.
"Marinette? Can you tell me what's going on? Why are you looking at the pictures of your boyfriend as if you've seen a three headed monster?" When Tikki said that, Marinette's panic doubled. No, who was she kidding. It tripled. Quadrupled. CENTUPLED.
"My what?" She turned towards the kwami and stared into her concerned blue eyes with her terrified ones.
"Your—boyfriend. That nightmare must have been really bad, Marinette." Tikki moved a paw to her forehead. "Or maybe you've come down with something. Maybe you should transform and tell Chat Noir you're not feeling well and ask if he can be Mr. Bug for the day. I can bring him the earrings."
Marinette brought her hands to her temples. "This… doesn't make sense, Tikki. I was in a closet with Chat Noir. He was saying, as always, that he would love me no matter who I was, and I told him, as always, that for me he was only my best friend, and then you and Plagg started talking about this loop, and then Chaoss app—" She was interrupted by Tikki's paws on her lips.
"Chaoss you said? The loop?" Her eyes were now wide. "Okay, so now everything makes sense."
Marinette groaned. "What do you mean it all makes sense? What's going on and what happened to my pictures of Adrien?" Her voice rose a whole octave as she said the last couple of words.
Tikki sighed. "Adrien, you say? Oh yes, that makes perfect sense." She must have noticed the look of pure confusion Marinette had shot at her, because the little kwami gave her a pat on the cheek and smiled softly. "I can't be more precise with you, Marinette. You're not my Marinette, I can't give you too much information. From what I heard, in your reality you and Chat Noir are only friends."
Marinette didn't know why, but the way Tikki had said those words and the gleam in her eyes as she said them took her aback. The words of the kwami resounded in her head a few times and she widened her eyes in shock.
"So this is part of the loop?" she asked.
Tikki nodded. "Yes. This is not your reality, it's one of the realities you will be put through as part of the loop." Marinette breathed better.
"So I haven't gone completely mad or something, this isn't real. It's only part of the loop process," she mused under her breath.
Tikki's eyes hardened. "No, Marinette. This reality is as real as the reality you live in. It's an alternate reality that hasn't happened in your timeline, but it doesn't mean that it's less real or that doing something here won't have consequences for the world as it is in this reality, and for my Marinette when she will be back."
"I-I don't understand," said Marinette.
"You have been sent here for a reason, Marinette. Did you say that your part of the loop was betting that he was only a friend for you?"
Marinette nodded. "Yes, he's my partner and my best friend. I mean—" She lowered her gaze. "—he did tell me that he loved me, when we faced Glaciator. He had prepared a beautiful rooftop lit with candles and gave me a gorgeous red rose. But I rejected him because I love Adrien." Tikki seemed to be trying to say something but Marinette continued quickly, "I know it's only a dream to be with Adrien, but I can't help it."
"So you're not Adrien's girlfriend either?" asked Tikki.
Marinette shook her head. "I wish. No, I'm not. And he has a girlfriend now, but I still can't forget him. I have even tried to go out with another boy, Luka. And he's great and all but… I can't be truthful with him and we recently broke up. I can't have a relationship with someone and have to run away from him every five minutes because of an akuma. Luka was great, I really liked him, but I hurt him because I couldn't tell him the truth and that's when I realised that while I'm Ladybug there's no space for romance in my life." She couldn't help it, she felt her eyes filling with tears and covered her face hastily with her hands, as deep sobs shook her frame. She felt Tikki's paw patting her head softly.
"What about your Chat Noir? You said he went in the loop because he wanted to prove to you that he would love you whoever you are, so he still loves you, and deeply."
"He does," said Marinette in between sobs. "That's what he kept telling me from the start. I told you I had to reject him after André was turned into Glaciator because I couldn't reciprocate his feelings."
"But if you're trying to move on from your feelings about Adrien, if Adrien has become unattainable because he has a girlfriend, why turn to someone like Luka and not give Chat Noir a chance? He's not doing that badly as your boyfriend here."
Marinette took her face off her hands and gave a very watery look to her red spotted friend. Her heart hurt at Tikki's words and she wasn't entirely certain why. Was it because Tikki had just pointed out that Marinette had treated Chat Noir not even as a second choice, but a third? Was it because she had said that he was a good boyfriend? She had never doubted he would be; in fact, there was a time when she had thought that, had Adrien not been in the picture, she may have fallen in love with Chat Noir. So… why did she turn to Luka when she needed someone to be with? Why not Chat Noir who had been patiently waiting for her for such a long time? The pang of guilt attacked her heart so suddenly that it caught her by surprise.
"I…" she started to say, but Tikki smiled and put her paws on her mouth.
"You don't need to tell me anything, Marinette. You don't need to justify yourself. But you know what?" she said as her paws left her lips and she met Marinette's gaze with hers. "You're here now to learn a lesson, and I have an idea what that lesson may be." She gave Marinette a smug look and that shocked her a bit. She wasn't used to seeing such a look on her kwami's face—it was more common to see it on Alya's.
"I have no doubts that Chat Noir would be a great boyfriend, Tikki, but I can't be with him because of Chat Blanc," she eventually said.
Tikki looked surprised. "Chat Blanc?"
"It hasn't happened here?" Marinette asked. At Tikki's surprised 'no', her heart beat a bit faster. "One day in my timeline, Bunnyx appeared and brought me to the future. Everything had been destroyed, the moon had been Cataclysmed, and Chat Noir was all white and sitting atop Montparnasse Tower, heart broken. He said that our love had done that to the world. I thought it was a sign that I couldn't be with Chat Noir! Does he know my identity here?" she asked hastily, suddenly fearing that she had been thrown into the reality where Chat Noir had turned into Chat Blanc.
Tikki shook her head. "No, he doesn't. You're only together as superheroes."
"Am I the Guardian even here?" she asked after breathing a sigh of relief.
"Yes, you are. Something happened a few weeks ago when Hawkmoth akumatised your classmate Chloé."
So that hadn't changed. She nodded absent-mindedly and took another look at one of the pictures in her room. That one wasn't cut from a newspaper but had probably been taken either with her yoyo or with Chat's baton and printed with her printer; it showed them snuggled together on a rooftop, both smiling.
He had a nice smile there and looked really happy, but it wasn't what surprised her. SHE looked happy too. She ran a finger over the picture, contouring Chat's face and smile, and then sighed.
"That picture was taken a couple of nights ago, after an akuma," revealed Tikki.
So… she wasn't heartbroken here? She wasn't drowning under the heaviness of the responsibility of being a Guardian? She looked genuinely happy. Her gaze darted around and she examined all the pictures she could get close to, looking at her face. Looking at her eyes.
She was happy. Her heart sank. Was she the cause of her own heartache? Had she been rejecting the only boy she could possibly date and be happy with? A boy whose sex-appeal she had never been totally unaware of, nor unaffected by. By the time she thought all of that, her heart was pounding madly in her chest. Had she been a fool in rejecting Chat Noir?
"I… look so… happy," she muttered under her breath.
Tikki flew next to her. "Are you not happy in your reality?" She didn't need to say anything for Tikki to understand. She only needed to look at the kwami. "Oh. You're not."
She shook her head and grabbed the picture that Tikki had said had been taken only a couple of nights before. She gave a very long look full of longing at both their faces, their smiles, their closeness, how his arm wrapped around her shoulder, how she leaned into his chest, how softly they were both looking at each other, the warmth in their eyes and in their smiles. She wanted that. She craved that. She wanted someone to hug her like that. To look at her like that. Someone to lean on like that.
Was she feeling jealous of… herself? Envious of what her self had in this reality? When the realisation hit, she could hardly breathe.
"I need to see him, Tikki," she said as she put her clothes on and then put the picture in the pocket of her jeans.
"If you do—" started Tikki, but Marinette cut her off.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt his feelings."
Tikki put her paws on Marinette's mouth. "I'm not worried about that at all, Marinette. You look as if you need a hug and I can't do that for you." Marinette nodded, her eyes filling with tears again as Tikki continued, "Just transform, call him and meet him at the Eiffel Tower. He's used to you waking up in a mood where you need a hug; especially recently, with all the responsibilities of being a Guardian. But can you do me a favour?" Marinette nodded. "Don't pretend to be her. Just… go with the flow and try to enjoy it. Give him a good shot. Tell him you're not the Ladybug he knows, because he may feel the difference and ask you about it. He can take it, don't underestimate him."
Marinette smiled. "I will, Tikki, thank you."
"You know the words," chirped the red kwami.
"Tikki, spots on!" said Marinette and as the pink energy wrapped on her body, she landed on the mezzanine with one jump, and then flew out of the skylight door.
When she landed on the usual spot at the top of the Eiffel Tower, she hastily picked up the Bugphone and dialled Chat's number. As expected, the phone went into voicemail.
"Has the cat got your tongue? Leave a message! (1)" She smiled softly at hearing the exact same voicemail message that she was used to. Her Chaton was always the same, no matter which reality she was in. But when she heard the beep and knew that it was her moment to speak, her heart started going overdrive. She had told Tikki that she wouldn't pretend and that she was going to be honest with this Chat Noir. But he was used to a different Ladybug, a Ladybug whom she did not know enough about to mimic. What if he didn't like her? What if she ruined the happy life of her self in this reality by hurting involuntarily his feelings? Why had she decided to call him? What did she want to prove? Her eyes filled with tears and she just hung up the phone. She didn't have the heart to ask him to come; and in some way, she felt as if she was stealing someone else's boyfriend for a cuddle. No, it was much better if she didn't call him. She would live this reality and see him today if an akuma appeared—yes, that was the best idea.
She wiped away the tears that had already streamed from her eyes and looked for a while at the dimness of the early morning hours turning into daylight, as the sun lazily started its journey across the sky and darkness faded into shades of red and gold. A cool breeze was gently blowing in her face and hair and the sound of the sparrows and swallows chirping was slowly filling the silence of the night. She was so lost in her thoughts and so busy contemplating the view that she completely missed the light thump behind her, until she felt two arms wrapping around her waist; she gasped loudly.
"Did I scare you, Buginette?" said Chat Noir after placing a kiss on the top of her head. Marinette's heart went into overdrive. Oh no. She was so not ready to face him! Why was he there, she hadn't left a message or anything.
"A little," she confessed, looking down to the ground. She barely noticed that he had moved and had sat down next to her. "Why are you here, Chat?"
He tilted his head on the left slightly and gave her a doubtful look. "Are you okay, mon amour? I got a missed call from you on my communicator and you had hung up without saying good morning. If you allow me to say so, M'lady, that was purr-etty out of character for you. Even now you seem… strange. Have you been up again all night trying to figure out how to increase your powers? Do you need a boyfriend hug?" He opened his arms wide and Marinette, who had already felt all blood rush to her face the moment he had called her 'mon amour', felt somehow her face getting even warmer. Her heart was beating so hard in her throat that she felt it even in her ears. Her throat felt dry all of a sudden and her hands felt like ice as her eyes filled with tears.
She looked with longing at the arms open in invitation. She needed this. All her being needed this. Would it be really such a bad thing to take advantage of someone else's boyfriend like this? Was he really someone else's boyfriend in the first place? A part of her was screaming that yes, he was, because she wasn't the Ladybug he was in love with. But another part of herself was debating the point and arguing that she was still Ladybug. What harm could there be in getting a little comfort?
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to disturb you, minou. Really, it's nothing. I feel silly I even called y—" As Marinette was saying that, Chat Noir started rubbing a hand down her back, and eventually began giving her a light massage on the neck. This made Marinette go quiet, as she didn't know how to react. Her chaton didn't give her back rubs!
"What’s wrong, Buginette? You usually don't tense like this when I give you a little rub on the back." Marinette's heart skipped a beat. He seemed to be looking at her with a frown as his hands carried on what felt like expert work on her neck. Slowly, Marinette felt her tension fading and when he moved a finger down her spine, she couldn't avoid moaning and shivering. She tensed slightly, as she felt somehow ashamed at how that moan had sounded a little… lecherous? But she couldn't help it; he was too good at it. As his hand reached a spot she didn't know was causing her tension and eased it, making her feel, for the first time in a very long while, calm and relaxed, she instinctively leaned into him, a satisfied little smile curling her lips.
"God you're good at this," she muttered under her breath. Then she felt his arms wrapping tightly around her and she decided that she didn't care if this felt like taking someone else's boyfriend. Technically, she was still her self. Tikki's words also came back to her mind and she finally let herself go.
"Try to enjoy it," Tikki had said. She shouldn't feel guilty about it, should she? For a fraction of a second, as she felt his arms wrap around her she thought of Adrien. But a fraction of a second later, she mentally slapped her own head in shame. Why was she thinking of another boy when she was in Chat Noir's arms trying to enjoy the fact he was her boyfriend? What kind of person was she? She felt ashamed of herself. Then she realised why. Chat Noir smelled like Adrien. That mixture of 'Adrien — the fragrance' and… the smell of… dirty socks? No. She hugged him more tightly and inhaled deeply on the side of his neck, taking in his scent for the very first time. It was smelly cheese. Oh yes, Plagg ate Camembert right? That's what the smell was, Camembert cheese. So it was understandable that Chat Noir would smell of that. And maybe try to camouflage it by wearing a little too much cologne. Somehow the mix felt almost irresistible, especially coming from him.
She had to admit that Chat Noir had some taste in his choice of cologne… She sniffed him again. Mhhhh 'Adrien — the fragrance'... heavenly smell. As she did that for the second time, she felt him chuckling.
"You're tickling me, Buginette. What was that for?" He broke the hug and looked her in the eye. His gaze was soft, a little cheeky as she always remembered it to be, but possibly, even more full of love than the looks her Chat Noir would give her. A pang of electricity struck her in the most intimate depths of her soul as she reciprocated the look. "That's the wonderful girl I love," he said, a soft smile tugging the corners of his mouth. Then he put a hand on her chin and, with no hesitation, kissed her right on the lips.
Marinette forgot how to breathe. Her eyes slammed open at what she considered a daring move, coming from her chaton. She had to remind herself, using the last brain cell that she had left, that this wasn't her chaton, or rather, that she wasn't his Ladybug. And his Ladybug was his girlfriend, he had every right to kiss her, she thought, just before deciding to let herself go completely. Her arms reached his nape and her hands sank into his golden mane. His little moan at the gesture and the purr that started rumbling in his chest when her fingers scratched behind his ears gave her confidence.
She suddenly felt a huge injection of strength within herself and leaned into him, attempting to deepen the kiss; her shock when he opened his lips and let her in made her heart triple the pace of its beats. It was happening, her brain realised all of sudden. This was her very first kiss of such an intensity. Yes, she'd kissed him before when they faced Dark Cupid (and against Oblivio, but that didn't count because none of them could remember it), but this was different. This was mutual. He was very much aware of the kiss and was responding with such ardor that she felt her knees like jelly and a pang of electricity shake her insides. He sucked on her bottom lip and then started peppering her jaw with kisses until he reached the neck of her suit, and used his hand to pull it down a little bit and start sucking on the base of her neck, right on her pulse. The moan of pleasure that escaped her lips made her blush to the roots of her hair.
Oh God, please. She needed more. She wanted more. Let this moment never end! She attacked his lips with hers and deepened the kiss again almost immediately. She felt a physical need to taste him, to be close to him, to become one thing with him. It was almost a primal instinct and deciding to go with the flow, she let her hair completely loose. This was where she really wanted to be, where she really should have been from the very start.
As she thought that, she was making her timid imitation of what he had done that had lit a burning fire in her soul, by leaving his kiss-swollen lips and starting to lick his jaw and his neck down until she reached his suit. She copied what he had done and moved his suit on the neck and tried to suck on the skin like he did, but the second she did that, images of Adrien filled her mind, and she froze on the spot, panting hard.
Why on Earth was she thinking of Adrien while she was making out with Chat Noir? Yes, he smelled exactly like Adrien and this was driving her insane. But it wasn't fair to him. Bad, bad Marinette. He may smell like Adrien but was that enough for triggering her body's response? Was she going to want to make out with any boy who wore the 'Adrien — the fragrance' perfume? No, she was sure of that. The smell wasn't what was triggering it. It was something else. Was it… guilt? Her feeling guilty because she was making out with Chat Noir? Or was it maybe that he really reminded her of him?
He was also panting hard as she kept sucking, but when she stopped, she noticed that he went a little rigid and now seemed uncomfortable. He purposely put his hands on her shoulders and moved her a little bit, to look into her eyes. Marinette's heart was pounding so madly in her chest that she thought it would soon come out as she panted deep and hard.
He put a hand under her chin and forced her to look at him, a gleam of confusion in his electric green eyes. "Who are you?" he asked and Marinette's eyes widened in shock.
Shoot. Of course she wasn't at all comparable to his girlfriend who had been used to doing those things with him for a very long time. Now she was in trouble. She lowered her gaze, unable to look at him in the eye and felt all blood rush to her face.
"I…" she started to say, but Chat Noir stopped her and started looking around her as if he was trying to find something.
"Are you a… sentimonster?" he asked himself, but then corrected himself immediately, "No, that's impossible. A sentimonster would have tried to grab my ring after distracting me." He must have seen that she had reached a shade of red deeper than her Ladybug suit because a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he again grabbed her chin and forced her to make eye contact.
"I… I'm Ladybug. Really, Chaton. I swear, I'm not a sentimonster, you don't need to be worried about me. Just… Oh, I don't know how to explain it to you!"
Chat Noir picked his baton up and had a look at the time. "It's only 6.30 in the morning. There's plenty of time," he mused. Then he leaned with his back against the metal structure of the tower and crossed his legs, and his arms on his chest. "Maybe you could start from the beginning. I won't leave until I know what happened to my Buginette."
Marinette wished the ground would swallow her whole, but she knew that Chat Noir was right. Not only had she technically taken advantage of another girl's boyfriend, but she had deceived him, not telling him the truth. Telling more lies would have just made her hole wider. And deeper.
She sighed, looked down and started to talk.
(1) thank you to the Miraculous Wiki for the transcript of "The Collector" where I've taken Chat Noir's Canon voicemail.
Author's note
Hi there! That's chapter 2… hope you liked it! Sorry it took me so long to update. I went through a little block and couldn't write anything for a while, so I started translating one of my long stories in Italian to get some inspiration back.
Now the inspiration is back though, so keep following! I decided to update the Loop because it was the story that got the most reviews while I was having a block. So if you're curious to know how Marinette's first loop will end and about Chat Noir's first loop too… you know the drill. Reblog with tags and comments, let me know what you think! I love reading your comments, and your reviews have been what has brought me out of the block I was having. So carry on commenting!
Also, if you read this and you’re not part of our wonderful Discord server already, but you enjoy reading, writing and talking about Miraculous, please join our Discord server, Miraculous Fanworks (for people on FFN, discord dot gg slash mlfanworks). See you there soon.
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