#Mr Dibiase
hart-on-my-sleeve · 7 months
Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Boys ... You make me feel so good~
Ft so many bad boy wrestlers :3
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machobusta · 6 months
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Money Inc. and Mr. Hughes make their way to the ring to face The Nasty Boys and Kamala. WWE Superstars May 8, 1993
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smbhax · 2 years
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WWF Superstars (GB, on Super Game Boy 2 (SFC))
Rare, Ltd’s third WWF game : P
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fromundertheapron · 2 years
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Episode 39 - Top 10 Top Non Champions of the 80s and 90s
We put out the question of the week, what are your top wrestlers either heel or face that were top guys in their era and in their company but never got the big belt. The World Championship in WCW or the WWE championship. Again, keep in mind growing up we only watched two companies, one in WWE and the other in WCW. This list is going to be controversial to some and its going to have a lot of people saying bullshit. But I think the list I did ended up being nothing but 80s and 90s guys so maybe there will be another list for the millennium guys. The new era guys.
Okay, so I gave myself some rules as to how I should pick these. Number 1, Vince loves loyalty so pick the guys that stayed there longer than a year. After that, there shouldn’t be a reason why they didn’t get a shot or a chance to become one.
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10. Ravishing Rick Rude in WCW and WWE
Okay lets start off with the ladies man, im putting him at number 10 because he really did cause a lot of ruckus to get where he’s at. He was the top heel every where he went, not one time did he turn face in WWE for three years and then he showed up in WCW for another three years and tried going after the belt. He was a 3 time WCW International Heavyweight Champion, which only lasted a short time and it was unified with the big World Heavyweight Championship belt. The sad thing here is that he took a bump from Sting which caused him to end his career so soon. In WWE he was a one time Intercontinental Champion feuding with Ultimate Warrior and then later on with Rowdy Roddy Piper. The guy was popular when he left, we all knew who he was. So when he made his way to WCW, you would think they would have given him that push. They gave him a United States Championship when he defeated Sting. Some matches with Ricky Steamboat. But they didn’t push the button on him when he faced WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ron Simmons on different occasions. On April 17, 1993 on the Spring Stampede ppv show he legit injured his back in a match against Sting. He retired shortly thereafter only making appearances in ECW as a color commentator and in WWE as a member of DX. Finishing his career in WCW as a member of the NWO and most notably known as the only person to show up on both broadcasts of WWE Monday Night Raw and WCW Monday Nitro at the same time.
Pro Wrestling Illustrated voted him Most hated wrestler of the year in 1992
PWI ranked him number 4 in the PWI 500 in 1992
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9. Curt Hennig in WWE (1988-1996). Mr. Perfect deserved that championship belt. He was top face and top heel and still yet they give the belt to people who would eventually leave for movies anyway. Another guy who feuded with the top face and should have gotten that opportunity. And I get they wanted to protect their company. But you give him a name like Mr. Perfect and he’s a heel, you should be able to give him that. He then held the Intercontinental Championship twice which was the work horse belt. The secondary belt but it still doesn’t count. He wrestled and faced people that would become top guys, Bret Hart, Razor Ramon, Randy Savage, Ric Flair, and Shawn Michaels.  Unfortunately, he started having back problems by 1991 when he suffered a broken tailbone and bulge disks and had to retire. You would see him sporadically as a manager to Ric Flair, wrestled a match teaming with Randy Savage, but later on would mostly be in losing situations against Shawn Michaels and our favorite Alexander Luger. Had it not been for his bad back we would have gotten to see a Perfect push for the top gold especially in the era where Hulk Hogan left for movies and WCW. Just imagine, him vs Bret Hart, Yokozuna, Shawn Michaels, Owen Hart, Razor Ramon, Tatanka, Bam Bam Bigelow and feuding with The Million Dollar Corporation.
PWI Most Improved Wrestler 1997
Number 9 of the PWI Top 500 in 1993
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8. Rowdy Roddy Piper (1984 – 1996) in WWE Are you telling me the Hot Rod never held the big belt but yet you give him the Intercontinental championship as a transition to give it to Bret Hart? I get that he’s more known to be a movie star but you had since Wrestlemania 1 to establish him as the top heel of the company and give him that chance. He faced Hulk Hogan. He smashed a coconut on Snuka’s head. Top Heel! And then when he became a top face you put him in the middle of the card or have him face younger talent.
Match of the Year in 1995 Wrestlemania 1 teaming up with Paul Orndorff vs Hulk Hogan and Mr. T.
Most Hated Wrestler of the Year 1984 and 1985
Most Popular Wrestler of the Year 1986
Number 45 in the Top PWI 500 1992
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7. Ricky The Dragon Steamboat (1985 – 1988) Initially after getting a DDT from Jake the Snake Roberts on the concrete which Jake didn’t want to particularly do because he was scared Ricky wasn’t going to stop himself from hitting the pavement which happened anyway. Vince should have owed Ricky a favor from here on out. That was the first strike. The next strike is being the top match of the night right next to the match that Vince thought was going to be the top match in the main event. Vince should have thanked Ricky Steamboat then after he won the IC title from Macho Man. But instead they punish him for it and have him lose in the tournament for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 4. He left WWE in 1988 for WCW.
Match of the Year Wrestlemania 3 against Randy Savage
Ranked number 6 PWI Top 500 in 1992
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6. Razor Ramon (1992 – 1996) in WWE Wrestlemania 10 ladder match should have told you he can go. Him facing Bret Hart at Royal Rumble 93 for the title said that he can go. He defeated Diesel on the year that he was World Champion and was in a feud with Jeff Jarrett and that should have told you that he can go. He didn’t even complain when they had Goldust flirt with Chico. Its no wonder he was the first one to shoot that shot and go to WCW. Check out episode 16 titled Hey Yo of the All Things Wrestling podcast to learn more about him, yet… he still didn’t an opportunity to hold it and be near it after that Royal Rumble match against Bret Hart.
PWI Match of the Year Wrestlemania 10 vs Shawn Michaels in a ladder match 1994
Ranked number 7 in the PWI 500 in 1994
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5. Owen Hart in WWE (1991 – 1999) Not because of his death, Its more of a he should have gotten it when he was feuding with his brother. Summer Slam should have been it. But he didn’t receive that push. Instead it was given to Bob Backlund, crazy psychotic heel. Owen was a top heel from the start of that year. He won the King of the Ring, that should have put him in the front of the line. He got together with Yokozuna and then when that finished, they let Yoko try to go after it again instead of Owen. They had Owen and British Bulldog as a tag team, so they let Davey Boy go after it. Owen gives HBK a concussion, still not a championship opportunity. Montreal Screw job happens. Owen is the only one that stayed, that should have been a reason to give him the belt atleast for a few weeks before throwing it back to Shawn Michaels who left anyways because he had a bad back.
PWI Feud of the Year with Bret Hart 1994
Number 10 in the PWI Top 500 in 1994
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4. Arn Anderson in WCW (1990 – 2000) The number 1 man of the top heel and the top stable in the company and even when Ric Flair left, Arn should have picked up the slack. What did Triple H do when HBK left after Wrestlemania? Trip became a top guy. So instead of him becoming top guy in WCW when Ric Flair and Sid left, they make him go after the tag belts. Honestly this was his chance to prove he wasn’t just the master of the spinebuster but a good main eventer. He was WCW TV champion 4 different times. WCW Tag team Champion with 4 different people 5 times. Ranked number 9 in the PWI 500 Magazine in 1991. You talk about a company man, this man was it. Only they didn’t pull the trigger on him because they were too busy experimenting with others that didn’t deserve it.
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3. Jake the Snake in WWE (1986 – 1992) Why did this man not get a championship title after all the shit he pulled with that snake? He had a weapon. He literally almost killed Macho Man. He was in a blind man match. He almost gave Ricky Steamboat a concussion. He practically gave Andre a heart attack with that snake… and then you kill his snake? But wont give him a push.
Number 23 in the PWI 500 in 1991
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Tatanka in WWE (1991 – 1996) He had an undefeated streak from 91 to 93 before he lost to some douche who left because his ankle got hurt. He would go after the Intercontinental Championship and lose via count out or DQ. But didn’t get pinned during those 2 and half years. He would be pushed as a main eventer and have main event style matches. When Hogan was gone, he would eventually adopt the hulking up move and run around the ring to get that energy from the crowd and then point at his opponent. He was honored by Chief Jay Strongbow, Chief Wahoo McDaniel and Lumbee tribesman Ray Littleturtle with a full length Lumbee tribe headdress on an edition of RAW. He feuded with IRS because tax man wanted him to pay taxes for that headdress.
My favorite year for him was in 1994 when he turned heel against best friend Lex Luger and joined the Million Dollar Corporation. He would feud with Luger, Bam Bam Bigelow, and have matches against the champions like Diesel and Bret Hart but always fell short. If anything, 1994 and 1995 would have been the year to have him win the championship and then have another feud with Lex Luger.
Ranked number 40 in the PWI 500 in 1994
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1. Ted Dibiase in WWE (1987 – 1996) The man has a long resume!! He bought the wwe championship from Andre the Giant but they didn’t acknowledge it so its not in the history books. And since he thought he was cheated from that because he paid a price, he turned it into The Million Dollar Belt and always defended it. He got a bodyguard, paid off Dusty Rhodes stan friend Sapphire and turned and then kicked her out. After he defeated his opponent with the million dollar dream he would stuff a 100 dollar bill in his mouth so when he wakes up it be a way of saying thanks for doing the job. Sometimes Virgil would retrieve the 100 dollar bill and keep it for himself. The man was a free bodyguard. He made a young kid kiss his feet for money on live tv, years later we find out this little kid grew up to be Rob Van Dam.
He bought off Hercules contract and wanted Herc to work for him as a slave. Herc didn’t like that. He bought off the number 30 spot at the 1989 Royal Rumble from Akeem and tried to buy off Big John Stud who were the last two wrestlers in the ring before Big John eliminated Dibiase.
At the 1990 Royal Rumble, he was punished for buying off the number 30 spot the year before and was given number 1. He lasted 45 minutes
In 1992 he got the services of IRS which they became known as Money Inc and they won the tag team belts on three separate occasions. He would mock other heel wrestlers for losing to jobbers. He mocked Razor Ramon enough to turn him face. He retired and became a manager and even then he still was the most hated villainous heel. He started the Million Dollar Corporation and started buying contracts including Nikolai Volkoff’s who was doing poorly and needed the money. He would embarrass him and make him wear the cents logo on his trunks followed by property of the million dollar man. He followed that up with his other partner, IRS, and then Bam Bam Bigelow. He bought others and created the most hated stable in the WWE. Others in the stable were Kama who was Papa Shango and now goes by The Godfather. The walking Condom King Kong Bundy, Sycho Sid, 1-2-3 Kid, and the most famous one of all that I did not see coming. The Native American Tatanka… HE BOUGHT A NATIVE AMERICAN OFF!!!
And finally before he left to join the NWO, he introduced us all to the new Million Dollar Champion, The Ringmaster Steve Austin… Yea, that guy didn’t last long.
Most hated wrestler of the year 1982
Number 17 in the PWI 500 1991
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ringthedamnbell · 1 year
Top 5 Wrestlers who should have beaten Hulk Hogan
Ladies &gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to the newest contributor to Ring the Damn Bell...Rob Faint! Please make him feel welcome and enjoy his first piece on our blog... Top 5 Wrestlers who should have beaten Hulk Hogan
Rob Faint No wrestler was bigger than Hulk Hogan in the 80’s. He was everywhere, from movies to TV, magazines, and lunchboxes. He rarely lost a match. He defeated a virtual who’s who of wrestling: Terry Funk, Don Muraco, King Kong Bundy, Hercules Hernandez, Nikolai Volkoff and many others. He had some great feuds, but he always seemed to come out on top. I always have thought that one of these…
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theweaselandthekilt · 1 month
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So... @hart-on-my-sleeve and I were in the middle of an AH-MAY-ZING 🧠 ⛈️ and came up with an idea for an Old Timey PT Barnum and Bailey WWF Circus AU🎪🤡
They should be written like little mini drabbles or one shots about circus life under the big top🤡🎪
Typical 3 ring circus layout - pre everything so there's animal acts and freak shows etc.
Here are our cast of characters so far:
- 'The Colonel/Mouth of The South'Jimmy Hart - Ring Master
- Gorilla Monsoon - Ring Leader 2nd ring
- Mean Gene - Ring Leader 3rd ring
The Freaks/Sideshows- Andre The Giant, George 'The Animal' Steele, Zeus
The Clowns - The Ultimate Warrior, Brother Love, Bobby The Brain Heenan
Strongmen - Hulk Hogan, Big John Studd, King Kong Bundy
Animal Acts - The Funk Brothers and Cowboy Bob Orton Rodeo Round Up//The Macho Man and Elizabeth White Horse Equestrian show//Jake The Snake Roberts, The Undertaker and Paul Bearer - Spooky Reptile Act//Hacksaw Jim Duggan and his Pachyderms
The Stunts - Rowdy Roddy Piper - Fire Show (Fire eating, Motorcycle in the steel ball and BIG CATS (tiger taming and ring of fire with his kilt cape)
The Junkyard Dog - Cannon Launch
Mr. Perfect and Brutus The Barber Beefcake - Knife throwing act
Trapeze performance by - Sensational Sherri and The Genius.
Scott 'Razor Ramón' Hall - Prestidigitarian
Burlesque Act - Adorable Adrian Adonis (The Bubble Show) Cyndi Lauper - juggler
Carnival Barkers and Side Show Operators- The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase/ Irwin R Schyster and Virgil
@hart-on-my-sleeve - The Aerial Fiery Red-headed acrobat - aerial silks, ring dancer, tight rope walker
@84reedsy - contortionist, magician assistant, exotic belly dancer
@theempressar - Empresario - PT EMPI 🎩🎪
I'm EAGER to see what you come up with!! They can also be parts of roles already listed!!
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vintagelasvegas · 1 year
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Construction of Royal Vegas Motel, c. 1954
George Berkson built the motel at what would become 3755 Las Vegas Blvd S. J.A. Tiberti Construction Co. and M.J. Dibiase Contracting on the scene. Mrs. Ruth Berkson with a pick axe – the empty lot behind her, across the road, is the future site of City Center Las Vegas. Berkson sold the motel to Jack Ferguson two years later for $1M.
Photos courtesy of Richard Berkson.
“Royal Vegas Motel is Sold.” Review-Journal, 11/6/56
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thesupreme316 · 2 years
Hey, this is my first request ever. So i’ll get straight to it. Could you do a HOOK fic/drabble/headcanon(you can pick) of him finding out you are a 2nd gen wrestler kid of HBK, Ted DiBiase or anyone else
I am HONORED that you chose me for your first request, hopefully, I did your idea justice
Reunited (And It Feels So Good): Hook X Reader
Genre: Fluff Headcanon, I don’t wanna spoil it but strangers/childhood friends to lovers???
Summary: Hook finds out a not-so-very-secret secret about you.
Word Count: 719
Supreme Speaks: tbh, i might do a fic based on this later on next month. thank you to the anon who requested this and I hope they (and everyone else) like it. i also wish everyone is doing well and remember you are loved and appreciated. Happy New Year!!
Warnings: None really, I TRIED MY BEST, I used gender-neutral terms to appeal to everyone
Taglist (DM if you want to be added): @hooks-martin @triscillal @diabloguapos @wwenhlimagines @sheinthatfandom
AEW has many second-generation wrestlers such as Brian Pillman Jr., Brock Anderson, The Gunn Boys, and Hook
Hook didn’t really “get along” with the others 
He just wasn’t that interested in talking with them
Or with anyone outside his friend group
That was until you arrived on AEW’s scene
Many people, fans and wrestlers alike, were excited to see you in AEW
You have made a name for yourself all around the world for your wrestling skills, storytelling abilities, charisma, and attractiveness
And slightly because you are Shawn Michaels’ child
Yeah, that’s right. Mr. Wrestlemania, The Heartbreak Kid is your dad
Even though it was a blessing to have him as your dad and mentor, you wanted to become a wrestling legend by yourself 
So your ring name was completely different from his and you barely mentioned him in promos/interviews (essentially keeping your personal life very private)
But everyone can see the resemblance when you step in the ring, especially when you went against Natalya or Charlotte Flair
Anyways back to Hook
He was completely “hooked” when he saw you for the first time, to the extent that he actually started to talk to you first
It surprised many people backstage as they know Hook to be cold to others
And as you were seen as an untouchable person (being the child of one of the most prominent figures of professional wrestling)
As he started to talk to you more, he couldn’t help but admire you, your accomplishments, and your personality, and vice versa
However, he felt more familiar with you. Like he already met you before or something. But he just passed it off as the butterflies in his stomach growing
After being in AEW for about a month, you and Hook started to date
Many people started to notice Hook being happier and slightly more friendly (not too much) to others, including his dad, Taz
While his son was telling him about his significant other, Taz couldn’t help but smile and laugh
“It’s so nice to see you two reconnecting after all these years.”
“Reconnecting? What do you mean?”
Taz then opened a little book of memories of his career and flipped to a random page before showing it to his son
“The number of times Shawn and I had to meet up at the park or backstage for your little playdates-“
Hook blocked out his dad as he analyzed the picture of a younger him and what seemed like a younger you smiling at each other, while Taz and Shawn were in the background
"You two were very close until they went to live with their mom full-time while Shawn was on the road. Y'all just went separate ways and sort of forgot about each other."
Everything started to click in his head as he picked up his phone and dialed your number
It made sense why you two got along so easily, how you had the same opinions on different topics, how it felt like you two went through the same experiences
He vaguely remembered you, but he didn’t know it was you
As soon as you picked up he said, “You’re Shawn Michaels’ kid?”
“Yeah…I thought you knew.”
Now he felt like an idiot…
“It's like I knew, but I didn't know it was you. It's complicated-”
“I thought it was a fact that everyone chooses not to discuss like how you’re Taz’s son.”
After explaining why you didn't bring up your dad (mainly because everyone talks about him or associates you with him), Hook said he wasn't mad but just surprised and completely understood your reasoning
"But this also explains why I felt so vulnerable with you. I'm happy we were able to find each other again"
After getting off the phone, Hook sent you the picture
A couple of moments, he was notified that you posted on Instagram
It was the picture of you two and then a more recent picture with the caption "day 1 🤍"
He found himself smiling at the post, also happy that he found you again
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Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament: Round 2 Statistics Dump
Followers: 251
Total Votes: 22,087 + 13,398 = 35,485
Times I realized I was not in-depth enough with my checking of wrestlers and forgot at least one which I only found out because I heard an old wrestler was being accused of murder and the name didn't sound familiar so I checked and it turns out he isn't included but have to remind myself that if no one mentioned him being missing from round 1, he probably isn't the most beloved anyway: once, thank god
Beloved By Gender:
We started with a split of 81.7% men to 18.3% women, which moved to 75% men to 25% women after the first round. After the second round of voting, our percentages are:
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Voting Trends:
During round 2, the voting totals ranged from a low of 360 votes per day to 554, with the average rising from 387 votes per day to 462 votes per day (Also I figured out how to add a date marking line how cool is that??)
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The 100%ers:
While all the 100%ers from Round 1 have since gotten a vote against them, there were a couple of wrestlers in Round 2 who got through unscathed
Billy Gunn (138 + 50)
Taz (53 + 51)
Asuka (58 + 60)
R-Truth (57 + 71)
Public Opinion:
A great many more publicly adored favs have been voted out, so here are the updated lists
Sports Illustrated’s 101 Best Wrestlers Of All Time (2016)
Ric Flair (18, lose)
Shawn Michaels (53 + 57, win)
Steve Austin (29 + 18, lose)
The Rock (23, lose)
The Undertaker (53 + 55, win)
Dusty Rhodes (46 + 42, win)
John Cena (47 + 51, win)
Hulk Hogan (10, lose)
Sting (51 + 53, win)
Andre The Giant (56 + 38, win)
Randy Savage (37 + 32, win)
Roddy Piper (54 + 33, win)
Chris Jericho (27 + 31, win)
Harley Race (17 + 18, win)
Mick Foley (58 + 47, win)
Bret Hart (52 + 59, win)
Randy Orton (58 + 48, win)
Kurt Angle (45 + 36, win)
Antonio Inoki (28 + 38, win)
Ricky Steamboat (28 + 47, win)
Daniel Bryan (61 + 51, win)
Triple H (31 + 12, lose)
Buddy Rogers (21 + 17, win)
Edge (41 + 49, win)
Bob Backlund (26 + 22, win)
Brock Lesnar (23, lose)
Stan Hansen (22, lose)
Bruno Sammartino (30 + 6, lose)
CM Punk (57 + 40, lose)
Ted DiBiase (27 + 26, win)
Bruiser Brody (33 + 31, win)
Hideo Itami (34 + 35, win)
Rey Mysterio (48 + 40, win)
Vader (32 + 17, lose)
Dory Funk Jr (17 + 17, lose)
Mr Perfect (37 + 25, win)
Eddie Guerrero (53 + 43, win)
Jake Roberts (32 + 29, win)
Arn Anderson (25 + 30, win)
The Sheik (31 + 30, win)
AJ Styles (40 + 46, win)
Goldust (70 + 34, win)
Samoa Joe (61 + 84, win)
Terry Funk (27 + 37, win)
Verne Gagne (14, lose)
Mil Mascaras (10, lose)
Rob Van Dam (43 + 45, win)
Tatsumi Fujinami (25, lose)
Rick Rude (35 + 29, win)
Owen Hart (56 + 41, win)
Jeff Hardy (52 + 32, lose)
Goldberg (23 + 22, lose)
Ivan Koloff (15, lose)
Chris Benoit (17, lose)
Larry Zbyszko (4, lose)
Ultimo Dragon (9, lose)
Scott Hall (44 + 40, win)
Trish Stratus (38 + 42, win)
Dean Malenko (37 + 29, win)
Ultimate Warrior (28 + 20, lose)
Fabulous Moolah (18, lose)
William Regal (62 + 45, win)
Gene Kiniski (14, lose)
Scott Steiner (44, lose)
Rick Steiner (26 + 9, lose)
Chyna (68 + 49, win)
Seth Rollins (55 + 54, win)
Kane (40 + 29, win)
Jimmy Snuka (9, lose)
Davey Boy Smith (22 + 24, win)
The Iron Sheik (49 + 40, win)
Pedro Morales (20 + 9, lose)
Michael Hayes (10, lose)
Johnny Valentine (14 + 4, lose)
Shinsuke Nakamura (58 + 60, win)
Diesel (39 + 35, win)
Batista (53 + 54, win)
Lita (46 + 65, win)
Christian (56 + 47, win)
Ron Simmons (25 + 33, win)
Big Show (41 + 60, win)
JBL (10, lose)
Christopher Daniels (26 + 10, lose)
The Miz (34 + 30, win)
PWI Wrestler Of The Year
Pedro Morales (20 + 9, lose)
Jack Brisco (17 + 13, lose)
Bruno Sammartino (30 + 6, lose)
Terry Funk (27 + 37, win)
Dusty Rhodes (46 + 42, win)
Harley Race (17 + 18, win)
Bob Backlund (26 + 22, win)
Ric Flair (18, lose)
Hulk Hogan (10, lose)
Randy Savage (37 + 32, win)
Sting (51 + 53, win)
Vader (32 + 17, lose)
Diesel (39 + 35, win)
Big Show (41 + 39, win)
Lex Luger (25 + 4, lose)
Steve Austin (29 + 18, lose)
The Rock (23, lose)
Brock Lesnar (23, lose)
Kurt Angle (45 + 36, win)
Chris Benoit (17, lose)
Batista (52 + 54, win)
John Cena (47 + 51, win)
Triple H (31 + 12, lose)
Randy Orton (58 + 48, win)
CM Punk (57 + 40, lose)
Daniel Bryan (61 + 51, win)
Seth Rollins (55 + 54, win)
AJ Styles (40 + 46, win)
Adam Cole (47 + 40, win)
Dean Ambrose (58 + 54, win)
Roman Reigns (51 + 64, win)
PWI Woman Of The Year
Joyce Grable (30 + 24, win)
Susan Green (21 + 27, win)
Stephanie McMahon (26 + 4, lose)
Lita (46 + 65, win)
Trish Stratus (38 + 42, win)
Victoria (27 + 23, win)
Candice Michelle (24 + 39, win)
Mickie James (47 + 46, win)
Michelle McCool (29 + 10, lose)
AJ Lee (48 + 46, win)
Sasha Banks (44 + 47, win)
Charlotte Flair (45 + 42, win)
Asuka (58 + 60, win)
Becky Lynch (58 + 53, win)
Bianca Belair (34 + 66, win)
Top 10 Voted In Round 2:
Samoa Joe (84)
Damian Priest (81)
Big E (78)
Sami Zayn/Rhea Ripley (77)
Jey Uso (74)
R-Truth (71)
Bianca Belair (66)
Lita (65)
Roman Reigns (64)
Iyo Sky (63)
Top 10 Voted Overall:
Naomi (223)
Billy Gunn (188)
Damian Priest (150)
Samoa Joe (145)
Rhea Ripley (134)
Sami Zayn (130)
R-Truth (128)
Big E (125)
Jey Uso (123)
Asuka/Shinsuke Nakamura (118)
Thank you so much to everyone who's been voting thus far. We've got less than 300 wrestlers left to sift through and the competition is starting to seriously heat up. Keep an eye out for Round 3, starting tomorrow!
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blowflyfag · 1 year
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Presented By The World Wrestling Federation
Transcript Below!!!!
Money Inc., The Million Dollar ManTed DiBiase and IRS, are off the hook for the allegations that they engaged in dubious financial activities outside of the ring. A special federation panel that was convened by federation president Jack Tunney failed to come up with a unanimous verdict that Money Inc. did indeed commit acts that could merit their prohibition from the squared circle. 
Establishments of the panel stemmed from an investigation by this magazine. We put a team of investigative reporters onto DiBase and IRS. Our cameras caught Money Inc. during what looked like a shady financial transaction. The photos, which were published in the July issue, showed DiBiase and IRS in the act of receiving money from an unidentified man in a parking garage in Phoenix, Arizona. 
||Money Inc. was recently summoned to a hearing by Federation officials and President Jack Tunney. Apparently, this magazine’s probe into Money Inc.’s financial matters made sense to the president and his colleagues. These exclusive photos show you what occurred during Money Inc.’s hearing.||
After the man drove off, we recorded DiBase and IRS making light of the victim’s bankrupt business and how they (Money Inc.) planned to use the money to increase their overall capital gain. When the issue came to the attention of Federation President Jack Tunney, he sent out a special panel of World Wrestling Federation officials. 
Money Inc. was livid, “Listen, little man,” the Million Dollar Man said to one of our reporters, “you’re liars. Look at what it says here in this summons: If said parties are found conclusively and unanimously guilty of unethical financial practices, their participation in the Federation will be terminated!” 
“Terminated!” DiBiase exclaimed, and IRS’ face turned beet-red. “In other words, that means we might get kicked out of the World Wrestling Federation for good. Well, tell Jack Tunney that it isn’t gonna happen. We were set up by your magazine, and we’re gonna use all our resources to beat this case!”
Just days before this issue went on newspaper stands, Money Inc. appeared before the panel in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Tunnel and his staff allowed this magazine–and only this magazine–to record the event, since it broke the story in the first place. 
The panel consisted of Jack Tunney, official Rene Goulet and two Federation accountants. When IRS learned that accountants would be present, he claimed he had the flu, leaving DiBiase to appear alone. Tunney opened the proceedings with a statement. “Mr DiBiase, Mr. Schyster,” Tunney said, “we, the members of this panel, have reviewed the photographs and audiocassettes provided to us by World Wrestling Federation Magazine and have probable cause to believe that you have elicited or currently elicit, some of your financials revenue in manners that many would find unethical.
“We, the members of this panel,” Tunney went on, “believe that athletes in the World Wrestling Federation should set the standard of excellence when compared with other athletes from other sports organizations.
“Therefore, if you gentlemen are found to be conclusively and unanimously guilty of any questionable acquisition of revenue–be it currency, gifts or favors–by this panel, your tenure in the Federation will be promptly terminated. Do you gentlemen fully understand the consequences to which you may be subjected?”
DiBiase simply smirked. But as he was questioned by the panel, he boiled over, especially with Goulet. “What I do outside the Federation is none of your business.”
After questioning, the members of the investigative panel retired to render a verdict. Nearly an hour passed. Then Tunnety and his associates emerged. 
Before Jack Tunney announced the verdict, DiBiase looked at the panel and laughed. “Gentlemen,” sighed the president. “Although most members of this panel believe Money Inc. did engage in undesirable practices, one did not. The verdict was not unanimous, so Money Inc. can’t be penalized or found guilty as charged.”
When Tunney finished, DiBiase turned to our reporters. “I guess you can say this is the end of the story, huh, peons? Ha-ha-ha,” laughed DiBiase. Then he winked at one of the accountants on the panel. The panelist exited via the side door. DiBiase, laughing up a storm, sauntered out the same door. 
Our reporter followed. Outside, the reporter continued to follow DiBiase. In a corner of the parking lot, DiBiase conferred briefly with the accountant from the panel. As they shook hands, it appeared that an envelope passed between them. But in the dim light of the parking lot, we couldn’t be sure. Whatever really went on, Money Inc. had beaten the rap.
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smbhax · 2 years
Playing WWF Superstars for Game Boy in Super Game Boy 2!
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lazywolfwiccan · 2 years
The official WWE 2k23 roster!!!! @atiny-angel @swifteforeverandalways @sargentbarxes @imswitchbabemox @the-iridescent-phoenix @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @askauradonprep @retro-rezz-the-est @nonbinarylovaticesposito @ava-valerie @mrragersrevenge96
AJ Styles
Akira Tozawa
Alba Fyre
Alexa Bliss
André the Giant
Angel Garza
Angelo Dawkins
Apollo Crews
Austin Theory
Becky Lynch
Beth Phoenix
Bianca Belair
Big Boss Man
Big E
Bobby Lashley
Booker T
Braun Strowman
Bret "The Hit Man" Hart
Brie Bella
British Bulldog
Brock Lesnar
Bron Breakker
Bruno Sammartino
Brutus Creed
Cactus Jack
Cameron Grimes
Carmelo Hayes
Cedric Alexander
Chad Gable
Charlotte Flair
Cody Rhodes
Commander Azeez
Cora Jade
Cruz Del Toro
Dakota Kai
Damian Priest
Dana Brooke
Dexter Lumis
Dolph Ziggler
Dominik Mysterio
Drew Gulak
Drew McIntyre
Eddie Guerrero
Eric Bischoff
Giovanni Vinci
Finn Bálor
Gigi Dolin
Grayson Waller
Happy Corbin
Hollywood Hogan
Hulk Hogan
Humberto Carillo
The Hurricane
Ilja Dragunov
Indi Hartwell
Jacy Jayne
Jake “The Snake” Roberts
JD McDonagh
Jerry "The King" Lawler
Jey Uso
Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart
Jimmy Uso
Jinder Mahal
Joaquin Wilde
John Cena
Julius Creed
Karrion Kross
Katana Chance
Kayden Carter
Kevin Nash
Kevin Owens
Kofi Kingston
Kurt Angle
LA Knight
Lacey Evans
Liv Morgan
Logan Paul
Ludwig Kaiser
“Macho Man” Randy Savage
Madcap Moss
Matt Riddle
Molly Holly
Montez Ford
Mr. McMahon
Mustafa Ali
Nikki A.S.H.
Nikki Bella
Nikkita Lyons
Noam Dar
Queen Zelina
Randy Orton
Raquel Rodriguez
Razor Ramon
Rey Mysterio
Rhea Ripley
Rick Boogs
Ridge Holland
Rob Van Dam
Robert Roode
Roman Reigns
Ronda Rousey
Rowdy Roddy Piper
Roxanne Perez
Sami Zayn
Santos Escobar
Scott Hall
Seth Rollins
Shane McMahon
Shawn Michaels
Shayna Bazler
Shelton Benjamin
Shinsuke Nakamura
Solo Sikoa
Sonya Deville
Stacy Keibler
“Stone Cold” Steve Austin
Stephanie McMahon
Ted DiBiase
The Miz
The Rock
Titus O’Neil
Tommaso Ciampa
Triple H
Trish Stratus
Tyler Bate
Ultimate Warrior
Veer Mahaan
Wes Lee
Xavier Woods
Xia Li
Zoey Stark
Johnny Gargano has been confirmed but was not on the roster reveal for some reason
Bad Bunny will be the pre order bonus and later his pack will be available for DLC for those who did not pre order
Bray Wyatt, Tegan Nox, Candice LeRae, Hit Row and many other are rumored for future DLC
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 7 months
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Michael Jones (June 13, 1962 – February 28, 2024), better known by his ring name Virgil, was an American professional wrestler and actor. He is best known for his eight-year tenure in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE), primarily as Ted DiBiase's personal assistant.
Birth name
Michael Jones
June 13, 1962
Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.
February 28, 2024 (aged 61)
In his four-year tenure in World Championship Wrestling (WCW), he wrestled with the ring names Vincent, Curly Bill, Shane and Mr. Jones, primarily as a member of the nWo. After retiring, he became relevant on social media as the subject of viral memes.
Jones retired from active competition in 2000. He began making appearances again in 2006.
In April 2006, Jones toured Asia for the Armed Forces Entertainment. He wrestled as Vincent of the nWo for U.S. troops in Korea, Tokyo, Guam and Honolulu, Hawaii.
Jones had a degree in mathematics from the University of Virginia and became a high school math teacher in Pittsburgh after retiring from full time in ring competition in 2000.
Post-fame, Jones has been attending fan conventions and has been seen at subway stations selling autographs. As a result, since 2012, there have been "Lonely Virgil" memes created where fans posted pictures of him at conventions with nobody lining up. Lonely Virgil was originally created by Sam Roberts of the Opie and Anthony radio show.
In 2015, a documentary featuring Jones was released entitled The Legend of Virgil & His Traveling Merchandise Table, which discusses his wrestling career and the recent upsurge of social media discussions surrounding him.
In 2016, he appeared on the "Old School" and the "Addicted to the Shindig" episodes of The Edge and Christian Show on the WWE Network.
From 2018, Jones resided in Marianna, Pennsylvania. On April 16, 2022, he revealed that he had previously suffered two strokes and had been diagnosed with dementia. A month later, he said he was diagnosed with stage-two colon cancer.
Jones died on February 28, 2024, at the age of 61. The cause of death is currently unknown.
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solarsonicsoda · 6 months
Wrestlemania Main Event Reviews - Final Rankings!
And with that yesterday, all 43 matches have been watched, rated, and reviewed! I hope you all enjoyed this series and be sure to check out the tag if you missed any!
But there's one thing left to do before Wrestlemania XL tonight, and that's to rank all of these matches from worst to best! Here's my rankings! Let me know where your favourite finished.
43. Wrestlemania VIII: Hulk Hogan vs. Sid Justice
42. Wrestlemania IX: Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji vs. Bret Hart (c) for the WWF World Championship/Hulk Hogan vs. Yokozuna (c) w/ Mr. Fuji for the WWF World Championship
41. Wrestlemania VII: Hulk Hogan vs. Sgt. Slaughter (c) w/ General Adnan for the WWF World Championship
40. Wrestlemania X: Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna (c) w/ Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette for the WWF World Championship with special guest referee “Rowdy” Roddy Piper
39. Wrestlemania II: King Kong Bundy w/ Bobby Heenan vs. Hulk Hogan (c) in a steel cage match for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship
38. Wrestlemania XXVII: John Cena vs. The Miz (c) w/ Alex Riley for the WWE Championship
37. Wrestlemania XXXII: Roman Reigns vs. Triple H (c) w/ Stephanie McMahon for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
36. Wrestlemania I: “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff w/ “Cowboy” Bob Orton vs. Hulk Hogan and Mr. T w/ Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka
35. Wrestlemania XI: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Lawrence Taylor with special guest referee Pat Patterson
34. Wrestlemania XXXVIII, Sunday: Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns w/ Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, & Paul Heyman for the WWE Championship & the WWE Universal Championship
33. Wrestlemania 25: Randy Orton vs. Triple H (c) for the WWE Championship
32. Wrestlemania XXXIV: Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar (c) w/ Paul Heyman for the WWE Universal Championship
31. Wrestlemania 13: The Undertaker vs. Sycho Sid (c) in a No Disqualification Match for the WWF World Championship
30. Wrestlemania X8: Triple H vs. Chris Jericho (c) w/ Stephanie McMahon for the WWF Undisputed Championship
29. Wrestlemania XXXIII: Roman Reigns vs. The Undertaker in a No Holds Barred Match
28. Wrestlemania III: Andre the Giant w/ Bobby Heenan vs. Hulk Hogan (c) for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship
27. Wrestlemania IV: “Macho Man” Randy Savage w/ Miss Elizabeth vs. “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase w/ Andre the Giant in a tournament final for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship
26. Wrestlemania XXXVIII, Saturday: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Kevin Owens in a No Holds Barred Match
25. Wrestlemania V: Hulk Hogan vs. “Macho Man” Randy Savage (c) for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship
24. Wrestlemania 21: Batista vs. Triple H (c) w/ Ric Flair for the World Heavyweight Championship
23. Wrestlemania XXXVI, Sunday: Drew McIntyre vs. Brock Lesnar (c) for the WWE World Championship
22. Wrestlemania XXXVII, Sunday: Edge vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns (c) w/ Jey Uso & Paul Heyman for the WWE Universal Championship
21. Wrestlemania XXXI: Roman Reigns (vs. Seth Rollins) vs. Brock Lesnar (c) w/ Paul Heyman for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
20. Wrestlemania 22: Triple H vs. John Cena (c) for the WWE Championship
19. Wrestlemania 2000: The Rock w/ Vince McMahon vs. Big Show w/ Shane McMahon vs. Mick Foley w/ Linda McMahon vs. Triple H (c) w/ Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley in an elimination match for the WWF World Championship
18. Wrestlemania XXXIX, Sunday: Cody Rhodes vs. Roman Reigns (c) w/ Solo Sikoa & Paul Heyman for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship
17. Wrestlemania XXVIII: John Cena vs. The Rock
16. Wrestlemania VI: Ultimate Warrior vs. Hulk Hogan for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship and WWF Intercontinental Championship
15. Wrestlemania XXXV: Becky Lynch vs. Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Charlotte Flair (c) for the WWE Raw Women’s Championship and WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship
14. Wrestlemania XXIX: John Cena vs. The Rock (c) for the WWE Championship
13. Wrestlemania XV: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs. The Rock (c) in a No Disqualifications match for the WWF World Championship
12. Wrestlemania XII: Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart (c) in a 60-Minute Iron Man Match for the WWF World Championship
11. Wrestlemania XIV: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels (c) for the WWF World Championship with special guest enforcer Mike Tyson 
10. Wrestlemania XXXIX, Saturday: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn vs. The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) (c) for the WWE Undisputed Tag Team Championships
9. Wrestlemania XXIII: Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena (c) for the WWE Championship
8. Wrestlemania XXX: Daniel Bryan vs. Batista vs. Randy Orton (c) for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
7. Wrestlemania XXXVI, Saturday: AJ Styles w/ Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. The Undertaker in a Boneyard Match
6. Wrestlemania XIX: Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle (c) for the WWE Championship
5. Wrestlemania XXIV: The Undertaker vs. Edge (c) for the World Heavyweight Championship
4. Wrestlemania XX: Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H (c) for the World Heavyweight Championship
3. Wrestlemania X-Seven: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs. The Rock (c) in a No Disqualifications Match for the WWF World Championship
2. Wrestlemania XXXVII, Saturday: Bianca Belair vs. Sasha Banks (c) for the WWE Smackdown Women's Championship
1. Wrestlemania XXVI: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker in a No Disqualifications, Streak vs. Career Match
So there's my rankings. I think about 31 out of the 43 are at least decent, which is not a terrible track record! Now, let's see how #44 and #45 are this weekend!
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