#Mr Fuji
retrogamingblog2 · 6 months
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starryoak · 2 years
I wonder how much the rest of the Pokémon World knows about Mewtwo and Mew, because, holy shit. Like, I cannot stress enough how much of an ethics violation everything about Mewtwo is. I mean, I’m honestly not opposed to genetic experimentation in real life, but Mewtwo’s upbringing is consistently portrayed to have been a failure in every way to raise a sapient being who is literally a child.
Especially in the games universe, as while the anime had Mewtwo be born in a test tube, the games universe literally states that Mew gave birth to Mewtwo themselves. While later English translations leave this out to avoid exposing children to the concept of birth or whatever, it’s still canon.
Like, they literally kidnapped one of the rarest Pokémon on Earth and then artificially implanted it with their genetic experiment. Holy shit. Like, beyond even just the ethics of artificial insemination on a demonstrably sapient creature, Mewtwo, even as a baby, is consistently portrayed as a fair bit larger than Mew. I don’t think that would be a safe or easy process, is all I’m saying.
And then, after forcing this poor creature to give birth to their experiment, they then take the baby away from it and basically torture the poor child until it (rightly) destroys the lab and escapes, never to see its mother again.
How much do the rest of the world know about what happened in the Pokémon Mansion? The journals were there out in the open for as long as the Mansion has been burnt, so did people read it? The Pokédex knows about Mewtwo, so clearly they did, right? What happened to the company that ordered Mewtwo made?
We know Mr. Fuji has settled down to run a Pokémon sanctuary in Lavender Town, and Blaine runs the Cinnabar Island Gym. How does the world view them for what they did? Does the world know? Do they complain that the Kanto Pokémon League lets a man who was at least somewhat involved in such a cruel experiment run a Gym?
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guyincognitojr · 7 months
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calihunt · 2 years
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Since we’re leaning into the Lavender Town theme this year (motivated partially by the Trick or Trade card packs), I made this for our yard. My sister aged it up and I just got it put into the ground today. I might get some fake candles to put in front of it to light it up at night.
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cinnatwo · 1 year
Mother's Day
Content warning for discussion of death
Mr. Fuji walked up to the altar with three candles on it with shaking hands. This day was still very hard for him. Only a few years ago he had helped his dear daughter make a card for her mother, the child's sloppy craft skills showing so much love for her family. The three of them had been so close. It was both of their smiles that gave mr. Fuji's his own.
Amber was dead. Mr. Fuji had no idea where his ex-wife was, how she was doing. He was so focused on bringing their daughter back he didnt notice how it was making her feel. The last thing he heard from her was that he was a monster. Things would be so incredibly different if he had just grieved properly.
"Rough day for you too?" A voice echoed inside his head.
He looked down to see Maple curled around her flower pot she kept near his memorial. She had come to respect Lavender Town's traditions involving the dead and decided to make her own a little while ago. Two pale pink roses sat inside of it.
Maple let out a sigh that was so bitter it was almost a hiss. "I know Mother's Day is a pointless human tradition. But all of the reminders are getting to me. It was so brief but it was the best time of my life. I'd give anything to have that again."
"You can still be a mother."
Maple gave him one of her classic looks. "Sure, the flower that grows only every couple centuries is going to happen to cross paths with me again."
"I wasn't talking about that. You have chil-"
"Those things were NOT my children," Maple hissed. "They KILLED my babies! And I killed all of them. Nothing survived that explosion."
"I wasn't talking about that either." Mr. Fuji sighed. Although it would be nice for Maple to accept her children were still alive, he had given up on it a long time ago. "You're so unfair to Cheese. They were made using your genetics. Caring about them would mean the world to them."
"They also have that devil's genetics in them." Her voice dripped with the most poison it ever could. "And they have decided he is not their father. So why should I become their mother based on genetics alone?"
Mr. Fuji stared her down. "You care about Cubone and that eevee so much, just because they suffered a fate similar to you and your childrens'. In fact, I think Cubone has decided you are his mother. How is Cheese and what Team Rocket has put them through any different?"
Maple uncurled herself from around the flower pot and rose into the air. "Great idea! I will go celebrate this stinky human day with Cubone. I'm proud to be his mother. It's official."
Mr. Fuji smiled nervously. "But Cheese calls Cubone little bro. So that means-"
Maple hissed and flew off.
Mr. Fuji sighed and picked up a photo of Amber that sat behind the first candle. "I'm trying my best to fix my mistakes."
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razor-ramons-thighs · 2 years
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Crush article from January 1994
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castlingvanias · 1 month
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cinnabarshipping artstyle experiment thingy (+ them during mewtwo experiment
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Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament
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ringthedamnbell · 7 months
Tag Team History: Mr. Fuji and Professor Toru Tanaka
Tag Team History: Mr. Fuji and Professor Toru Tanaka
Robert Segedy Talk about two tough hombres; the duo of Fuji and Tanaka were one of the top tag teams in the 70’s and they took on all comers. Both men were born in Honolulu, but because of Kayfabe they were billed as being from Japan. The two men entered the WWWF in 1966 and immediately began racking up victories over many other teams. I had the pleasure of seeing the duo in action at the…
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demmyfuji · 1 year
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guyincognitojr · 1 year
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loupy-mongoose · 7 months
Randy sat outside, leaning against the wall of Fuji's house. Pens of small Pokemon were dotted around the area, with people bustling among them, feeding, playing with, and talking sweetly to the Pokemon. He found himself wondering if this was Fuji's work.
A breeze kicked up, and Randy lifted the collar of his sweater around his neck. Boy, glad I grabbed a turtleneck before coming here...
As he huddled against the cold of the changing seasons, he could already feel his mind starting to calm down. Still, he sighed for the hundredth time that day.
Why does it always have to come back to this?
Why can't I just... be me?
What do I have to do to be free of it?
Short of...
He didn't finish that thought.
He curled in on himself, tucking his head in his arms.
He sat like that until he heard the door open and approaching footsteps. Looking up, he craned his neck to see Mr. Fuji's face.
Here you are.
As Randy stood up, Fuji held out a hot mug of steaming tea. He gave Fuji a grateful smile as he took them. Thank you, Mr. Fuji.
The old man's face lit in a wide smile. Not a problem, my boy!
Randy looked down into the mug, smelling the inviting aroma, eager for it to cool.
Do you mind if I join you on your walk?
He looked up, startled by the request.
You struck me as having more you wanted to say. But if I'm wrong, feel free to tell me off.
Randy looked down at his drink, watching ripples shimmer on its surface.
He wasn't wrong... but...
If... If you want to, I guess... I don't feel like I'll be good company right now, though.
Maybe not. Fuji shrugged, and Randy noticed for the first time that he already had a jacket on. But what will be, will be. Nothing wrong with just taking a quiet walk around town, eh? And if you want me to leave at any time, just say the word!
They perused the streets of Lavender Town, Randy taking in the sights of the unfamiliar location. He tried to ignore the Ghastlys and Haunters he saw hovering around, but shivered nonetheless.
I know this town doesn't have the friendliest atmosphere. Fuji gazed around, his face warm. It's home to me, but I know others can be turned off by it.
I'm just not fond of Ghost types...
The older man nodded, a solemn, knowing glint lighting his eyes. That's understandable.
They walked on in silence for a while, Randy now sipping on his drink occasionally. He closed his eyes and took in the scent of the lavender flowers planted throughout the town. Despite their sweetness, he still found them soothing.
In time, the walk came to be quite relaxing. Randy and Fuji started chatting about little things here and there.
They made their way to the dock-laden route south of the town. There they stopped to lean on a rail, watching waves bob leisurely on the ocean surface.
After a while in silence, Randy turned to his companion. I'm sorry you got wrapped up in my mess, Mr. Fuji. That's not fair to you. I hate dragging Akoya and Lav into it, let alone a stranger like you.
I'm sorry it's something you're going through. I never would've expected a Mew to have that kind of power, nor would I have thought of the effect it would have on one's psyche.
Yeah... It... It's been a journey...
He let out a deep breath.
Most of the time these days, I'm fine. I can ignore the doubts, if they pop up, and be the husband and father that they need... That I want to be.
I love them, with all my heart, and want nothing more than to be there for them...
But sometimes... sometimes I can't figure who I actually should be... Sometimes I feel like it's wrong for Randall to be here. Like it... should be Mo...
Mo was the one who should've made it out... Not Randall...
He looked down into the water, watching his shadowy reflection waver beneath his feet. Mr. Fuji's image, beside his own, appeared thoughtful.
We here in Lavender Town have saying for people like you, Randy.
Randy looked at the older man.
You were touched by the White Hand.
He raised an eyebrow. Uhhhh, what by the what now?
It's something we say about people who are, by all means, supposed to be dead, but somehow are not. Be it by a stroke of mad luck, fate, intervention by a higher being, a random miracle, what have you... Kind of like the personification of a second chance.
People here call that miracle force "The White Hand".
Okay... But why a hand?
I don't know why it's called that. As far as I know, it's an ancient legend that has devolved into a mere phrase for understanding the unknown. I have no idea if this "hand" is something to be taken literally or just as a metaphor.
Unfortunately, it has also been twisted into a joke that townsfolk will play on unsuspecting visitors. Claiming to see a white hand on their shoulders. Lav told me this morning that someone played it on her before I stumbled into her.
I prefer to see it as a force for good.
And I think anyone touched by it is meant to be here.
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Happy Thanksgiving, to those who celebrate today! ^w^
It was actually a coincidence that I ended up posting a "thankfulness" leaning part today of all days. Happy little accident~
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retrogamingblog2 · 2 years
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