#Mr. Barken
kprciffdw · 1 year
Which of these do you think is more disturbing?
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Or this?
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flowery-laser-blasts · 5 months
Drakken: WATER IS WET!! That's why it's WATER.
Shego: Well technically speaking " to be wet" means that "water needs to cover it". Water wets things but cannot be wet itself, since it cannot cover itself.
Shego: Nope, that is ice not water.
Shego: And is ice wet?
Ron: Yeah, well actually also not true. You see, Mr. Barkens and our chemistry teacher had this heated debate that: "Humans cannot perceive wetness; only a change of temperature and texture." Now lizards on the other hand--.
Drakken: WHO LET YOU IN!?!
Kim: *actively dragging out a stolen device*
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fardell24b · 1 year
15th January 2023 Writings
Excerpt from: Legacy of Westchester
Attempts by the RMCP to hunt her down are for naught.
 The magical community in Frederickton decides to reveal itself after much discussion. They offer their assistance to the New Brunswick Provincial Government. The Provincial Government decides to accept that assistance by the end of the year.
  United States
More Mothmen are seen in West Virginia through the year. Attempts to discover their nests are unsuccessful.
The attempts by the FBI to catch her only serve to chase her into Canada.
 A Coven in Maine is raided in November.
 (The Magical Community in Salem, Massachusetts decides to remain in hiding…)
The Government searches for magical artefacts in Mayan ruins…
Increased sightings of Merfolk occur around most islands, but especially around Jamaica and Saint Martin.
There are more reports of Mermaids along the coast of Northumbria through the year.
Attempted exploration of the World Tree occurs through the year.
 Warsaw Pact
Through the year, the decay of the giant snake would cause pollution, especially in the Baltic Sea, where most of the fish die…
 Also through the year, various groups of werewolves would go back into hiding.
 In July, the Snake’s venom glands would burst, further poisoning a region of east Poland.
Various parts of the population continue to transform…
 This would lead to the establishment of the Antiquities Investigation Service by the Government.
The Algerian Civil War continues.
  Horn of Africa
The Eritrean Civil War continues.
Central Africa
The Congo Crisis continues.
  Southern Africa
The Angolan War continues.
 Asia Minor
The Soviets occupy more of Turkey.
The Chinese Civil War continues as warlords capture more territory from the CCP.
 The number of registered Mages in New Zealand passes 1000 in mid March.
 Words: 287
  Excerpt from: The Messed Up Magazine Girls
It was an ordinary day at Middleton High School. Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable were walking between classes when Mr. Barken came up to them. “Ms. Possible! You’ll never guess who’s waiting on the phone to hear from you!”
 “Um, a crazy fan?” Kim wondered.
 “I don’t think so, Possible. It’s…” He paused realising that Ron was there. “Sorry, Stoppable, this can’t be divulged in public. I’m sworn to secrecy,” he said in annoyance.
 “No problem,” Ron said. “I’ll see you later, KP!”
  Kim found herself in the teacher’s lounge. “It is Kel, as in The Kel!” Barkin said.
 Kim was suspicious. “The only Kel I know of is the editor of that stupid teen magazine.”
 Words: 116
  Excerpt from: An Aquatic Second Contact
She found an assistant and raft waiting.
 “Please step onto the raft,” assistant said.
 “Don’t worry. I can swim,” Mariner said as she took out a pair of goggles.
 “You don’t need to,” the assistant objected.
 “But I want to,” Mariner said as she put on the goggles. She then dived from the airlock into the water.
  As soon she had dived into the water, the HUD in the goggles activated, providing Mariner with the route information to the meeting room. Having memorised the information, she deactivated the HUD and started breaststroking through the water, taking breaths every twenty seconds.
 It didn’t take long, but it allowed Mariner to take a closer look, so to speak, at the people. She saw that they moved their tail flukes up and down as Matt and Kimolu would and she accidentally got an eyeful of obviously mammalian anatomy as she almost crashed into a short-haired lady as they tried to round the same corner. “Sorry,” she said as they both surfaced.
 “That’s OK,” the lady said. “To be expected with visitors. Besides I was preoccupied.”
 “None of your business!” the lady said before submerging and swimming off.
 “Of course,” Mariner said. She continued on her way.
  “Mariner!” Freeman exclaimed, exasperated at her daughter’s contrary nature, “you didn’t need to swim!”
 “I wanted to,” Mariner explained as she clambered onto the platform between the Captain and Ma’ah. “Besides, neither you nor Ransom ordered me not to.”
 “Obviously,” Freeman said with a sigh. “In any case I asked you to come here because of what Captain Ma’ah has informed us of.”
 “And what is that?” Mariner asked Ma’ah.
  Mariner watched the video of Martok’s information twice. That a rogue house would do such a thing didn’t surprise her.
 Words: 294
  Excerpt from: Sixteenth Doctor Adventures
“So, I’ve been informed by the Doctor,” the nondescript person responded. “Initiate the defence plans.”
 “Yes, sir.”
 “Now, where have you taken Xavier?” the Doctor demanded.
 “Somewhere, Doctor.”
 “You’re not going to use him as a human shield!”
 “Of course not, Doctor, but you’ll be busy looking for him as we fight UNIT!”
 “Don’t I know that!” the Doctor groused as she left the office.
  Meanwhile, Xavier struggled against his artificial captors.
 Words: 72
 Total: 669
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Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: The Polaris Epidemic-Part 6
As they were flying back to Igliak, Wade appeared on the monitor. Kim: "Oh, hey, Wade. What is it?" Wade: "Uh…"
He seemed a little uneasy. Clank: "Wade, are you alright? You do not seem like yourself." Wade: "Um…I'm just receiving a transmission…from Mr. Barken. He said that he wanted to speak to you guys…right now." Ratchet: "You can't be serious." Wade: "I wish I wasn't." Clank: "Oh, no, not that unruly man again." Kim: "Tell him that we're not interested in anything he has to say to us." Wade: "He insisted on speaking with you guys. Although…he seemed…much less abrupt this time, in fact, he seemed chastened, almost as though he's ashamed of something." Kim: "What?" Ratchet: "Uh, Wade, are you…are you sure about this? This is Mr. Barken we're talking about." Wade: "I know...and I'm positive." Clank: "Hm…well, this is awfully peculiar of him." Ratchet: "I know, right? Barken's always been too proud to feel any shame for anything he's ever done, regardless of how horrendous it is."
Kim let out a displeased sigh. Kim: "Put him on, Wade."
Wade switched transmission. Displayed on the screen was Mr. Barken. He was tapping his fingers together as he looked down, he seemed despondent. He then looked up at the group. Mr. Barken: "Um…heh…hello…Kim Possible…and…uh, Kim Possible's alien friend…uh…Ratchet, was it?" Ratchet: "Well, if it isn't the bad-mannered Earth Blarg, himself?" Kim: "What do you want with us this time, Mr. Barken!?" Mr. Barken: "Um…"
Mr. Barken cleared his throat a bit before continuing. Mr. Barken: "Well…I…I thought I would call you guys…so that I can…uh…I could…apologize…" Ratchet: "What? Did I hear that right? You're…apologizing?" Mr. Barken: "Yes…um…I know that I…said some…terrible things to you guys…the other night…" Ratchet: "Terrible!? Heh! Are you kidding me!? You insulted us that night! You came up to us and said some awful things to me and Kimberly! You called us all sorts of despicable names! And why!? Because you were disgusted with Kimberly being in love with me! A Lombax! A space alien! Even as she was running home crying, you still continued with your cruel and insensitive rants without any regards to how devastated she was! You ruined our night on the town and worst of all, you hurt her really bad! Yeah! We are way past terrible, Barken!" Mr. Barken: "OK, OK, I get it! I was a mean, horrible, awful man! I said some things that I shouldn't have! I'm…I'm sorry…I was insensitive…single-minded. I only saw you guys by what was on the surface and failed to see you both for who you really are, especially you, Ratchet. Plus…I'm…I'm just not use to space aliens or anyone being in love with them, that's all." Kim: "That's no excuse for everything that you said to us." Mr. Barken: "I know! I just…I will…I would like to change my outlook on the 2 of you. I'm willing to accept that you both really care about each other. I now understand that…it doesn't matter where you're from or what species you are, if you really care about one another, then there should be no reason to keep the 2 of you apart."
Kim and Ratchet exchanged displeased looks with each other. Ratchet: "I really hope you mean that, Mr. Barken, because I'm more than just a Lombax, some space alien and Kimberly is more than just a human. We're tired of caring about what people think of us. We will pursue our relationship and our feelings for each other and we will never go back on that." Mr. Barken: "Yes, of course, Ratchet and good on the both of you to do that. You have mentioned that to me the last time we met face to face, but this time, I will concede."
Everyone was in a bit of a state of belief over what they were hearing. Clank: "Um, I am curious about something. Why the sudden change in heart?" Ratchet: "Yeah, I'd like to know that, too. You were hardly this conceding, especially when Kimberly's parents confronted you." Mr. Barken: "Well, you see, Stoppable came up to me the other day." Ratchet: "Ron?" Mr. Barken: "Yes, he was furious with what I said to you guys that day. He said things to me that I didn't think I would have ever heard from him. He told me that he broke off his relationship with Possible because he felt that the 2 of you should be together. At first, I didn't want to hear anything that he had to say, but the way in which he had said all of it, well…it demonstrated how much he has grown and matured. He didn't seem like the same immature juvenile from when you guys were in high school. He's changed…a lot and he does care a lot about his friends, human or otherwise. Possible, you're lucky to have such great friends and a terrific family to always stick up for you and it's very brave of you to stand up to a world that is dissatisfied by you having feelings for an alien. If 2 people really love each other, then nothing should ever keep them apart. Be it distance or other people's opinions. Let nothing stand in you way."
There was another brief pause. Everyone seemed despondent but touched. Ratchet: "OK. Thanks…Mr. Barken…that…means a lot. I'm glad you finally understand."
The transmission was severed. The 3 of them sat by; spellbound. They seemed surprised by what they have just heard from him. Kim: "I…I can't believe it…" Ratchet: "I know…I…I never thought…that he…he would say anything like that…" Clank: "Hm…it seemed that Ron had finally gotten through to him." Ratchet: "Yeah…he did…that's never happened before. Ron…really has…been growing up and…it seems that Mr. Barken has also taken notice of that." Clank: "Yes, that and…he has demonstrated once more that he is a true friend to us as well as Miss Possible." Ratchet: "Hm, yes, he has…"
Kim clenched her hands together as a small, emotional smile appeared on her face. Kim: "Ron…thank you…"
They made their way back to Igliak and Meridian City. They landed within mission control, got out of the ship and met back with the others. Talwyn: "Hey, guys. Uh…are you…are you OK?"
They had concerning looks on their faces as they were making their way back towards their friends. Ratchet: "We're fine, it's just…Mr. Barken contacted us just now." Talwyn: "That unruly, bone-headed human who insulted you guys a while back? Don't tell me, he left you guys with some more rude comments about the 2 of you being together?" Ratchet: "Actually…he…he called us to apologize." Talwyn: "Huh, really? Well that was…unexpected of him." Kim: "I know…we couldn't believe it, either."
Everyone remained silent for a bit. Just then, Kim noticed something. Kim: "Hey, has anyone seen Qwark?" Talwyn: "Oh, uh, he rushed out immediately after Wade just informed us about a golf course being set up on another planet."
Suddenly, Qwark busted into the room. Qwark: "Oh, good! You guys got back! There's this new golf course being set up on the planet Pratoma! Your computer genius friend just told us about it! I'm heading over there now!"
He then rushed back out. The others soon noticed Qwark leaving the planet on his ship. Wade: "Uh…yeah. Unfortunately…he didn't stay long enough to hear the whole briefing. I'm afraid to say that the golf course is hardly legit." Ratchet: "What do you mean, Wade?" Wade: "It's a major hazard to the planet. It contains plants and other stuff that is hazardous to the planet." Kim: "If that's true, then we need to put a stop to it immediately." Wade: "I agree with you, but that's not the main reason why it needs to be shut down. I just picked up on explosive devices in addition to another bio-reading that confirms a human life form. I don't think I need to tell you what that means, right?" Kim: "Right. Duff Killigan. Where there are illegal golf courses taking place, you can bet that he's involved." Ratchet: "Let's go." Clank: "Yeah, at once. Who knows what damages that maniacal human could be causing to that planet?"
They hurried back to their ship, took off and left the planet.
They flew through space as fast as they could. As they continued through, Talwyn contacted him immediately. Talwyn: "Hey, guys. So, Wade just briefed me on this…Duff Killigan guy. From what I've heard, he is…some sort of golf fanatic with a lot of serious issues?" Kim: "Oh, yeah, to say that would be a huge understatement, Tal. He has been banned from pro golf for his displays of throwing temper tantrums and from what I can tell, he is very unstable." Clank: "His continual bouts of uncontrollable fits of rage has even caused him to be barred from the sport on the land of his home, Scotland and that would go without saying." Kim: "Yeah, exactly." Ratchet: "So, basically, we're dealing with some Scottish golf fanatic with serious anger issues." Kim: "I'm afraid it's worse than that. The guy turned to a life of crime after he was banned from all of these golf tournaments. The first time that Ron and I faced off against him, he had kidnapped a researcher that was experimenting on an instant grass growing formula and from there, he planned on turning the entire Earth into a massive golf course." Talwyn: "Whoa, that sounds really tense." Kim: "Well, he does proudly call himself "The World's Deadliest Golfer"." Talwyn: "And by "world", you are referring to your home planet Earth." Kim: "Of course." Ratchet: "So, let me see if I got this straight: instead of taking anger management for his fits of rage, he decided to turn to villainy and commit a series of golf-related crimes? This guy has really gone off rocker. It's almost laughable just how much of a nutcase he is." Kim: "Yeah, I know. He is…well…we've already been over this enough times." Clank: "Yes."
Just then, Qwark appeared on the screen. Qwark: "Guys! I have just arrived on the planet of the new golf course! You've got to see this! It's amazing!" Ratchet: "Uh, yeah, Qwark. We're on our way now. There are…some things we need to talk to you about." Qwark: "Uh….what…kind of things?" Ratchet: "We'll fill you in once we get there."
They continued their way through space.
After another long flight, they made it to the planet Pratoma. Aphelion: "Now arriving at planet Pratoma."
They flew through the skies high above the planet's surface. Kim: "Aphelion, what's the status report on the planet's condition?" Aphelion: "I am picking up readings of hostile vegetation within one particular area. The readings indicate that the vegetation is foreign to the natural plant life of the planet." Ratchet: "Well, can't be good." Clank: "Have there been any threats to the planet's delicate balance and ecosystem?" Aphelion: "Threat levels minimum but that will rapidly change should we allow the unnatural flora to spread throughout." Ratchet: "We won't let that happen. Let's head over there now."
They flew off and made their way towards the source of the readings.
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watchmebackflip75 · 4 years
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okay but there was a gag in Kim Possible where Mr Barken taught every class but would always enter the room with an excuse for why he's covering the usual teacher
we absolutely need to implement this strategy for Mr Lancer
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lisbonsteresa · 3 years
mR bArKeN’s ThE sHeRiFf???
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〚 anonymous『 who’d you rather ! 』ft. @sitched​​ ! 〛
said: kim or bonnie [ choose wisely ] [ this totally isn't sitched btw ]
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          “Well that’s a no-brainer,” said the boy without a brain. “Obviously if I kissed Bonnie, the entirety of Middleton high and Mr. Barken’s mom would know as soon as Queen B hit send on a mass text, and that would totally blow my cover. Please, I’m a professional.”
          “I’ll have to be ready to catch Kim when she inevitably swoons, but, logically --” As if logic had ever played a factor in Ben’s decision-making process, “I’d have to pick her.”
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jessalynlearns · 5 years
More Kim Possible Thoughts
- Sean Giambrone was born to play Ron!  10/10 casting!
- Sadie did an amazing job with Kim’s attitude and style.  I could have done with less fake crying/almost-crying, but on the whole she was a great choice.
- Hearing Nancy Cartwright voicing Rufus again was a joy! Though I wish that he’d been able to actually speak a little like in the original.
- Original fans who are being babies about the updating need to get a life.  The outfits where great and a new generation is loving this franchise!  That’s a win-win!
- I loved the reference to Kim not wearing the “cartoony” belly shirt!
- ALSO, the updated references were wonderful.  Villainstagram?! Perfect!
- I wish Christy Carlson Romano had had more of a role, but it was great to see her none the less!
- Great to see Patton Oswald as Professor Dementor
- I would give my left arm for live-action Monique and I’m so sad she wasn’t included
- As I wrote in my other review, Taylor Ortega and Todd Stashwick made this movie! They’re wonderful and perfect and imbued Shego and Drakken with all of the charisma and wit of the original characters!  I never believed anyone would be able to capture Nicole Sullivan’s sardonic portrayal of Shego, but Taylor Ortega surpassed my expectations!
- I wish that they could have gotten Patrick Warburton to come back for Mr. Barken. I didn’t really get this new version of the character. (Also, thinking about the fact that Shego and Barken go on a date while watching this version made me laugh real hard!)
- A+ inclusion of funny Middleton High signs!
- The scene with Nana and Kim sparring was a shining light in this movie, and I loved the message that Nana gives to Kim about “Your grades/crimefighting are what you do, not who you are.”
- Athena’s whole character arc was cliche and predictable (and she was basically just the quintessential self-insert Mary Sue of any bad fanfic ever), but it’s a story that I think the young audience will enjoy.
- I was really, really hoping that she was going to be revealed as Drakken and Shego’s biological daughter, though I anticipated early on that she was a robot.
- Barring that, I wish that they’d just had Athena just go full villain.  I’m not a fan of sentient robots who can go from evil to good because of the power of friendship.
Is this movie cheesy and predictable? You bet! Would I be excited for a sequel! Absolutely!
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kprciffdw · 3 years
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: The Lombax Secret-Part 9
And so, Kim proceeded to tell Talwyn everything that happened to her and the group as well as everything that they knew. Kim: "And that's everything we know so far."
Talwyn stood by speechless for a bit. Talwyn: "Oh…um…I see…" Kim: "So, your dad really does own this whole place, huh?" Talwyn: "Yeah, he built it. Impressed?" Kim: "Very. So, Talwyn, I must ask you something, why did Tachyon think that you have a secret Lombax weapon?" Talwyn: "Well…since this is my dad's base…he…" Ron: "Uh, by the way, who is this Max Apogee guy?" Cronk: "Max Apogee was a famous…" Talwyn: "IS a famous…" Cronk: "Um…uh…yes…of course. IS a famous explorer and collector of rare interstellar antiquities, most notable of which was a Lombax artifact."
Cronk then handed a picture frame over to Kim. The frame contained a photo of Talwyn as a little girl with her father, marveling at an unusual object. Kim: "Oh, that answers a lot of questions. So, where is this artifact?" Talwyn: "It was taken by pirates when they raided this station years ago. My father went after them…but he…never came back."
Kim continued to stare at the picture with a melancholy look on her face. Kim: "Talwyn…I…I'm so sorry…"
Talwyn looked back at Kim. She was sad but then a small grin appeared on her face. Ron: "So…we risked our hides getting here for nothing? Well, that's just great!"
Kim whacked Ron on the side of his head. Ron: "Ow!" Kim: "Ron! Don't be insensitive!" Ron: "I'm just saying…!" Talwyn: "I take it he's not very bright." Kim: "That would be an understatement." Ratchet: "He's also childish; as Kim mentioned to me a while back."
Ron placed his hands on his hips as he looked at Ratchet in an annoyed manner. Just then, the Kimmunicator went off. Kim answered it. Wade: "Kim. Ratchet, I've just picked up on an unusual signal. It took me a while to decode it, but I've managed to find out what it is." Talwyn: "Uh…who's that you're talking to?" Kim: "Oh! Uh, I didn't even think about that. Talwyn, this is Wade, Wade, this is Talwyn, we ran into her and her 2 robots just now." Wade: "Nice to meet you." Talwyn: "Likewise." Kim: "So, Wade, about that unusual signal?" Wade: "Oh! Right! There seems to be a very small trace of Lombax technology on a far-off planet known as Ardolis. It might be that artifact that was stolen from the space station." Talwyn: "Ardolis…? Cronk! Zephyr! Get the ship ready. We're leaving!"
She stepped up on a transporter with Cronk and Zephyr. Kim: "Hey! Wait a minute!" Talwyn: "Lock up before you guys leave, OK?"
They were transported out. The group stood by for a bit. Kim: "Well…I guess…we should leave, too. I mean, who knows? That artifact may provide a clue as to where or what this Lombax Secret could be." Ratchet: "Yeah, I agree, let's go." Wade: "There's…just one problem with that: that planet is…inhabited by space pirates." Ron: "Did…did you just say…space pirates? As in the blood-thirsty pillaging kind?" Wade: "Yep and they're robotic, so they're tougher, more lethal and more ruthless. And probably a lot more dangerous than the kind we had here at home." Ron: "Oh, man…I…I didn't think we would be getting ourselves involved in this…!"
Rufus popped out and groaned. Kim: "Ron, we've handled pirates before. It's no big, really." Ratchet: "Yeah and besides, we really don't have a choice in the matter, so quit you bellyaching and let's go already."
Kim, Ratchet and Clank walked off. Ron stood by for a bit, trembling in fear. Ron: "And I had the chance to just stay home. Why do I get myself involved in this, Rufus?"
He walked off after his friends. They returned to their ship, got back in and flew off.
They eventually arrived at the Planet Ardolis. There, they landed and got out of the ship. Soon afterwards, Ron quivered with fear. Ron: "So…this is the…pirate planet, huh? Sure looks…gloomy…and very…pirate-y…" Kim: "Gloomy is right. This backwater planet does look a lot like some place where lowly scum like those pirates would want to occupy." Ratchet: "Come on, Talwyn and her pals can't be too far off."
Kim nodded once; they rushed out as fast as they could.
As they scurried through the place, they ran into a lot of the pirates that had been occupying the entire area. They were subjected to fighting through the pirates as those cutthroats were ruthless and showing no mercy towards the group.
The fight through did indeed take a while. Ratchet: "By the way,  the last time you both faced off against pirates was when you were doing that school trip to ye olde Middleton, right?" Kim: "Yeah, that old colonial town that was being run by Mr. Barken's father, no less." Ratchet: "Ugh…Barken senior, huh? That doesn't sound like much fun." Ron: "It was terrible!" Ratchet: "I hear ya, Ron, I mean 1 Barken was bad enough, but 2? That's like twice the irrational annoyance." Clank: "Indeed. That Barken fellow is truly most unpleasant." Ratchet: "Not to mention having to put up with him is probably the only thing worse than being forced to give up all forms technology for an entire week." Ron: "Including television!" Kim: "At least it's all over and we don't have to put up with him ever again." Ratchet: "Hah! Since you both were able to graduate from high school? Oh, yeah, no more Barken and his…annoying…barking?" Ron: "Uh…you know what? The whole "no more putting up with Barken" thing has made me too happy, so I'll overlook that bad pun of yours, Ratchet. Booyah!" Rufus: "Booyah!" Clank: "But wait, do you not work with him at your jo-?" Ron: "I said no more HAVING to put up with Mr. Barken!!!" Kim: "At least on a regular basis as adolescent high school students." Clank: "Um...right, as adolescence at the very least (giggle)."
They continued on, fighting off more and more space pirates. As they progressed further in, the number of space pirates that they had to fight gradually increased. The entire place was indeed crawling with those cutthroat robotic scoundrels.
As they arrived within another area, they received a transmission from Talwyn. Talwyn: "Ratchet. Kim. Can you hear me?" Kim: "Talwyn?" Talwyn: "I've keyed into your nav-unit. You guys are close to the treasure room but you'll need to find a way inside. Slag's crew is already on to us." Kim: "Then we need to get moving. Thankfully, we are resourceful. Right, Ratchet?" Ratchet: "Yeah. So not the drama."
They were eventually able to find the treasure room, from there, they made their way inside and shortly afterwards, located the artifact. Kim: "There it is!"
They walked up to it. Ron: "Uh…what is it, exactly?" Ratchet: "We'll figure that out later. Let's grab it and get out of here."
Before they had the chance to snag it, they could hear the muffled sounds of Cap'n Slag and his first mate, Rusty Pete, singing. There was no doubt that they would arrive at that moment. Ron: "What? Oh, man! Come on! Not now!" Ratchet: "Quick! Hide!"
They darted over towards one of the treasure chests and hid behind it. Cap'n Slag and Rusty Pete came in, still singing. Kim: "I should have known better than to think that we wouldn't see those idiots again." Cap'n Slag: "Arrrr…what be that foul smell?" Kim: "What bad smell? I don't smell anything other than the usual bad odors that involve pirates." Rusty Pete: "Aye, that oyster chili be disagreein' with me somethin' fierce." Kim: "Oyster chili?" Ron: "Ew! I've never heard of a far worse disgrace to chili since someone put chocolate sauce into it!" Cap'n Slag: "No…there be a yet fouler smell…one I now be smellin' for nigh 600 moons." Rusty Pete: "Oh…fresh trousers?"
Ron snickered a little. Cap'n Slag went sniffing around a bit more. Cap'n Slag: "Lombax!"
The group became greatly startled. Kim: "Oh, no!" Cap'n Slag: "Roust the lads, Rusty Pete. Tonight, the foes taste the cat's tail!"
Ratchet was terrified; Kim's face became tense as she was preparing to strike. Ron took notice of that. Just then, they heard a loud whistle from somewhere. The 2 pirates turned around and spotted Talwyn. She was holding a smoke bomb in her hand. Talwyn: "Hey, Rust Bucket! Catch!"
She tossed the smoke bomb at them and gassed the entire place. Cap'n Slag: "Arrrr…skewer the saucy wench!" Rusty Pete: "Aye, Cap'n! Skewerin'!"
There was a lot of noises being heard within. Thankfully, the group was able to take advantage of the confusion as they managed to jump out and make their escape.
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Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: The Lombax Secret-Part 11
They eventually arrived at the Planet Ardolis. There, they landed and got out of the ship. Soon afterwards, Ron quivered with fear. Ron: "So…this is the…pirate planet, huh? Sure looks…gloomy…and very…pirate-y…" Kim: "Gloomy is right. This backwater planet does look a lot like some place where lowly scum like those pirates would want to occupy." Ratchet: "Come on, Talwyn and her pals can't be too far off."
Kim nodded once; they rushed out as fast as they could.
As they scurried through the place, they ran into a lot of the pirates that had been occupying the entire area. They were subjected to fighting through the pirates as those cutthroats were ruthless and showing no mercy towards the group.
The fight through did indeed take a while. Ratchet: "By the way,  the last time you both faced off against pirates was when you were doing that school trip to ye olde Middleton, right?" Kim: "Yeah, that old colonial town that was being run by Mr. Barken's father, no less." Ratchet: "Ugh…Barken senior, huh? That doesn't sound like much fun." Ron: "It was terrible!" Ratchet: "I hear ya, Ron, I mean 1 Barken was bad enough, but 2? That's like twice the irrational annoyance." Clank: "Indeed. That Barken fellow is truly most unpleasant." Ratchet: "Not to mention having to put up with him is probably the only thing worse than being forced to give up all forms technology for an entire week." Ron: "Including television!" Kim: "At least it's all over and we don't have to put up with him ever again." Ratchet: "Hah! Since you both were able to graduate from high school? Oh, yeah, no more Barken and his…annoying…barking?" Ron: "Uh…you know what? The whole "no more putting up with Barken" thing has made me too happy, so I'll overlook that bad pun of yours, Ratchet. Booyah!" Rufus: "Booyah!" Clank: "But wait, do you not work with him at your jo-?" Ron: "I said no more HAVING to put up with Mr. Barken!!!" Kim: "At least not on a regular basis as adolescent high school students." Clank: "Um...right, as adolescence at the very least (giggle)."
They continued on, fighting off more and more space pirates. As they progressed further in, the number of space pirates that they had to fight gradually increased. The entire place was indeed crawling with those cutthroat robotic scoundrels.
As they arrived within another area, they received a transmission from Talwyn. Talwyn: "Ratchet. Kim. Can you here me?" Kim: "Talwyn?" Talwyn: "I've keyed into your nav-unit. You guys are close to the treasure room but you'll need to find a way inside. Slag's crew is already on to us." Kim: "Then we need to get moving. Thankfully, we are resourceful. Right, Ratchet?" Ratchet: "Yeah. So not the drama."
They were eventually able to find the treasure room, from there, they made their way inside and shortly afterwards, located the artifact. Kim: "There it is!"
They walked up to it. Ron: "Uh…what is it, exactly?" Ratchet: "We'll figure that out later. Let's grab it and get out of here."
Before they had the chance to snag it, they could hear the muffled sounds of Cap'n Slag and his first mate, Rusty Pete, singing. There was no doubt that they would arrive at that moment. Ron: "What? Oh, man! Come on! Not now!" Ratchet: "Quick! Hide!"
They darted over towards one of the treasure chests and hid behind it. Cap'n Slag and Rusty Pete came in, still singing. Kim: "I should have known better than to think that we wouldn't see those idiots again." Cap'n Slag: "Arrrr…what be that foul smell?" Kim: "What bad smell? I don't smell anything other than the usual bad odors that involve pirates." Rusty Pete: "Aye, that oyster chili be disagreein' with me somethin' fierce." Kim: "Oyster chili?" Ron: "Ew! I've never heard of a far worse disgrace to chili since someone put chocolate sauce into it!" Cap'n Slag: "No…there be a yet fouler smell…one I now be smellin' for nigh 600 moons." Rusty Pete: "Oh…fresh trousers?"
Ron snickered a little. Cap'n Slag went sniffing around a bit more. Cap'n Slag: "Lombax!"
The group became greatly startled. Kim: "Oh, no!" Cap'n Slag: "Roust the lads, Rusty Pete. Tonight, the foes taste the cat's tail!"
Ratchet was terrified; Kim's face became tense as she was preparing to strike. Ron took notice of that. Just then, they heard a loud whistle from somewhere. The 2 pirates turned around and spotted Talwyn. She was holding a smoke bomb in her hand. Talwyn: "Hey, Rust Bucket! Catch!"
She tossed the smoke bomb at them and gassed the entire place. Cap'n Slag: "Arrrr…skewer the saucy wench!" Rusty Pete: "Aye, Cap'n! Skewerin'!"
There was a lot of noises being heard within. Thankfully, the group was able to take advantage of the confusion as they managed to jump out and make their escape.
They ran from that place as fast as they could. Ratchet: "That was a close one!" Ron: "Tell me about it! We barely made it out of there without getting caught!" Kim: "Good thing Talwyn showed up when she did otherwise that would have ended badly." Ratchet: "You can say that again!"
They received another transmission from Talwyn. Talwyn: "Ratchet. Kim. Can you guys still hear me?" Ratchet: "We read you loud and clear." Kim: "Thanks for helping us out of there, Talwyn." Talwyn: "It was my pleasure. I just want to let you know that I managed to snag the artifact during all of that confusion. Cronk and Zephyr will be landing their ship at that Skull Radio Tower." Kim: "Got it! We'll see you there." Ratchet: "Let's go."
They darted off immediately. They did not go far before hearing Cap'n Slag on the loudspeakers. Cap'n Slag: "Attention, ye worthless swine! A Lombax and his friends just stole our treasure! Snap to it and bring me their heads!" Kim: "Geez, he sounds really angry!" Ratchet: "Well, we did steal from the pirates." Ron: "But they stole from Talwyn and her dad!" Ratchet: "That's…also true."
As they rushed through, the pirates were a lot more fierce and vicious than they were earlier. They really had it in for the group. Regardless, they fought through onslaught after onslaught. It was a long and perilous run through, which really does go without saying, but they were able to make it out of all of it unscathed.
Eventually, they were able to reach the radio tower. They kept on going until they found Talwyn, Cronk and Zephyr waiting for them. There, she and her 2 robots were struggling to get the artifact to work. Ratchet: "Hey. Having trouble?"
It didn't take long for Talwyn to notice them. Ron: "Um…perhaps you should let Ratchet have a crack at that thing since, you know, he's a Lombax?" Ratchet: "Uh, yeah, why don't I give it a try?"
Talwyn hesitated for a bit. Talwyn: "OK, genius, you figure it out."
She tossed the artifact directly towards Ratchet. Immediately after he caught it, it began to react. Ratchet: "Uh…how do you…"
He touched one side of the artifact and at that moment, it displayed a holographic image of a planet directly from its top. Ratchet: "Whoa!" Ron: "Whoa…what is that?" Kim: "It looks like a holographic image of a planet. But…what planet is that?" Talwyn: "Wait a second…that's Rikon V; that must be where the secret might be hidden." Kim: "Then that's where we need to go next." Talwyn: "I agree with you on that, Kim. I'll send the coordinates to your ship. Meet us there as soon as you can."
She departed from the planet with Cronk and Zephyr on their cruiser. The group stood by for a bit. Ron: "Huh, I wonder why that doodad reacted when Ratchet touched it." Kim: "Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that he's a Lombax." Clank: "Hm…it would make sense, considering that the device consists of Lombax technology. I would surmise that they have built much of their technology to respond to their kind only." Kim: "Yes, that would make sense." Ratchet: "Come on, guys. Let's go."
They returned to their ship, got back in and left the planet.
They made the long flight to Rikon V. Along the way, they flew through the Rakar Star Cluster, where they were ambushed by the space pirates. Kim: "What!?! They followed us!?!" Cap'n Slag: "Avast, you mangy bilge rats!!! This be Cap'n Slag, scourge of the galaxy and runner-up of the Suzy Sweet's Homemade Butterscotch competition. Return our artifact at once or face the gallows." Ron: "Uh…he seems really angry, you guys." Ratchet: "Don't worry, Ron, we can handle this."
They flew through the system of stars as they fought many of the pirates and dodged their attacks. They also made strides to dodge solar flares of some of the stars that they flew really close to. Ron: "Whoa! Must you fly so close to these stars!?!" Ratchet: "Oh! Sorry, Ron."
They kept fighting until they managed to defeat a lot of them, chasing them away. Kim: "Finally! Thought we would never ditch those heaps of salty rust buckets." Ratchet: "Come on, let's get to Rikon V."
They then managed to fly away from the star cluster and continued on towards Rikon V.
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Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: The Polaris Epidemic-Part 19
They were able to finally exit the temple. As soon as they were out, they continued walking alongside each other. Ron was still carrying the monkey statuette and continued to stare at it for a bit. Ron: "I really want to thank you guys for helping me out back there; I never would have made it through all of this without you." Kim: "Oh, it was no problem, really. We're always happy to help you out whenever possible." Clank: "Oh, but of course, you are our friend, after all, Ron, just as much to me and Ratchet as you are to Miss Possible." Ratchet: "Oh, for sure. You really have shown how much of a true friend you've been, to Kimberly and to me. You helped us to reestablish our feelings towards each other and gave us the courage to pursue our relationship, regardless of what others say about us; especially the humans." Kim: "Um, speaking of which, Mr. Barken had spoken to us a while back. He told us what you just said to him."
Ron was a little startled to hear this. Ron: "He…he did?" Ratchet: "Yeah, he did. He…also apologized for all of the horrible things that he said to me and Kimberly, then told us that it was because of what you said to him." Ron: "Huh, he actually took what I said about you guys to consideration. Did I really get through to him?" Clank: "Apparently. We were just as surprised as you are, though, he did mention that from your words, he had noticed how much you have grown and matured." Kim: "I'll say, even we were impressed by that." Ratchet: "Without a doubt."
Ron smiled at his friends.
As they were making their way back to Aphelion, Ron continued to stare at the statuette, he seemed puzzled though. Ron: "Hm, I still can't believe that this monkey relic picked me. I never thought that I would be good enough for this thing." Kim: "Well, I think that you are." Ratchet: "So do I." Clank: "As do I." Yori: "I also believe this to be true." Ron: "Wow, really? You guys are serious?" Voice: "I would believe so, for I feel that they are not wrong."
Ratchet and Clank looked around as the unseen voice spoke. Ratchet: "Huh? Who said that?" Ron: "Sensei? Is that you?" Voice: "Indeed, it is."
Soon enough, an image of Sensei appeared before them in a bright light. Ron: "Whoa! Sensei! It is you!"
They stood before the image, Yori bowed before him. Yori: "It is good to see you again, Sensei." Sensei: "As am I, young one."
He then looked towards Kim. Sensei: "Ah, Kim Possible. It has been an age since I last saw you." Kim: "I know, it has been a while, hasn't it?" Sensei: "Indeed it has."
He turned his attention towards Ratchet and Clank. Sensei: "So, you 2 must be the alien friends of Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. It is a pleasure to meet you both." Clank: "The pleasure is all ours, good sir." Sensei: "And you, young man. You must be Ratchet, correct?" Ratchet: "Yeah, that's right." Sensei: "So, you are the one that Kim Possible is enamored with. I have heard so much about you both from Ron Stoppable, as well as what he has done so that you and Kim Possible can be together. His deeds are truly noble as well as selfless and kind." Ratchet: "Hm, yeah, they are…"
Ratchet looked towards Ron as he looked back towards him. Ratchet: "He is indeed a genuine person."
Sensei seemed pleased, he then turned his attention back to Ron. Sensei: "Young Stoppable, I can see that you are able to retrieve the mystical monkey artifact contained on that planet." Ron: "Well…actually…it…sort of…came to me. I don't know why considering how much of a goofball I am who isn't good at anything." Yori: "That is not true, Stoppable-san. There is much that you can do." Sensei: "Yes, she is right about that. Young Stoppable, I can understand that you are confused as to why the artifact has chosen you and not Monkey Fist. Allow me to shed some light on this seemingly contradictable conundrum. The mystical monkey artifacts have the capability to read the hearts of all those who have been touched by the mystical monkey power. Monkey Fist was deemed unworthy by the artifact due to his lack of honor and resorting to trickery and deceitful tactics to win against his enemies. You, Stoppable, have been deemed truly worthy in the eyes of the statuette from your pure heart as well as you and your friends' undying loyalty towards one another. You truly are deserving of the mystical monkey power."
Ron smiled and looked at his friends as they smiled back at him. Sensei: "Now then, the time has come for you to depart for your next destination." Ron: "Where to, Sensei?" Sensei: "We were able to sense out mystical energy very similar to the mystical monkey power on a planet very far from here known as Florana." Ron: "Florana!? But…but…that's all the way out in the Solana Galaxy! I have no way of getting there and I know that Ratchet isn't going to fly us there, especially with what he, KP and Clank are doing right now!" Yori: "Not to worry, Stoppable-san, you know that our graduates of the Yamanouchi Ninja School are always willing to assist us." Ron: "Yeah, I know that, but there's no way they could…"
Just then, a large shadow was looming over them. They looked up and spotted a massive spacecraft high above them. Ron seemed greatly surprised by this. Ron: "Oh…my…" Sensei: "Ah, they have arrived at last." Ratchet: "Hold on, since when do Earth ninjas know how to fly highly advanced alien spacecrafts?" Sensei: "Hm, hm, it is one of our training courses of the secret Yamanouchi Ninja School, my young alien friend." Ratchet: "Uh…you train your students to be able to do these kinds of things? But do you even…you know what? Forget it! It's probably better for your school to remain a secret since the things you do there are most likely more mysterious than the school itself." Sensei: "Hm, hm, as you wish, young Lombax."
The spacecraft dropped a rope ladder near Ron and Yori. Sensei: "Come, Ron, Yori. It is time to leave." Ron: "Got it, Sensei."
He and Yori looked towards Kim, Ratchet and Clank. He looked at them and smiled. They smiled back at him. Ratchet: "Good luck out there, Ron."
Ron gave out a thumbs up. Ron: "Thanks, see you guys soon." Yori: "It was truly an honor to have met you and Clank, Ratchet-san." Clank: "Yes, it was indeed a pleasure."
Ratchet and Clank smiled at her as she smiled back at them. Ron: "Let's go, Yori." Yori: "Yes, at once."
Ron and Yori grabbed on to the rope ladder and were pulled up. Ratchet, Kim and Clank watched as they were pulled up. The spacecraft then flew up into the sky, departing from the planet. Kim: "We…should get going, too." Ratchet: "Yeah, of course, let's head back to Meridian City."
They headed back towards Aphelion. Kim had the infobot transported back to Wade. They then got into the ship, took off and left the planet. Ron watched as his friends left the planet. He seemed happy but then spotted something that greatly startled him. Yori: "Stoppable-san! What is it!?"
She then spotted what Ron was seeing, she also became startled by it. Yori: "Wh-what is that!?"
From directly outside them, they could see another one of the mysterious towers that Ratchet, Kim and Clank have encountered several times. Ron: "That…that doesn't go there…" Yori: "I…I do not…believe it…" Ron: "Yori? When we get done on Florana, we should return…here…to this galaxy." Yori: "I…agree…Stoppable-san."
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