All parts of Little Pet 💋
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Little Pet Pt Ten. 💋
Warnings. Blood. Stabbing, guns.
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The hallucinations wore off after three hours. You could see clearly now and think again. No one was in the room with you besides the dead plants so Kai must have left with Nemoto at some point. You tried to loft your hands but your wrists were still strapped to the table. You could feel rough indents from the tight straps every time you tugged against them. You can endure a little more torture … for MrShigarakis sake.
Kai returned after a while, walking around the table watching your eyes follow him . He paid no mind though, even stopping to pick up each surgical tool to inspect them then place it back down. The clicking of the tools on the glass table made your fingertips flinch . Just pick one, get it over with…
“Pick something!” You couldn't take much more . The sound was like nails on a chalkboard . Every tick made your whole body flinch and the stitches in your stomach ache. Kai put his scalpel down to turn to you , brow twitching slightly.
“Are you yelling at me? Telling me what to do? You want your stupid quirk back right?”
“You're not going to actually give it back…”
Kai reached into his jacket pulling out a gun and pointing it to your neck, pressing the barrel against your cold skin. “I had actually planned to return it to you with this. Because i'm curious to see how it reacts to quirk enhancers.. but now.” He set the gun down with the tools, the loud click sent a wince throughout your body.“You can wait longer.”
The door opened and Mimic came in as his tiny self and climbed up the table to sit with the tools and gun, picking up each one to look at it . Again. And again. And again.
“Mimic will keep you company till you're ready to behave” he waved his hand taking his leave.
Sweat fell from your forehead , each click made your toes flinch. Your breathing got heavy and you shut your eyes tight . Enduring. As best you could.
At the hideout everyone was ready to go, Kurogiri had a warp gate open and Toga was swirling your blood around in a blood vial , her smile all the way up her face. Twice had a girly backpack over his shoulder and his hands on his hips, Dabi was about to step through the warp gate but Shigaraki grabbed his arm stopping him. Dabi groaned looking over his shoulder to see his Leader staring at Toga.
Toga jumped in place drinking the blood, she turned into you posing with her arms up. “How do i look!!!!”
Twice told her she looked like a slut and Dabi rolled his eyes. Shigaraki stared till Dabi shook his arm free.
“Boss. Lets go get the real one”
Shigaraki nodded slowly stepping through the warp gate with everyone, Twice waved before jumping through to Kurogiri.
Stop it…
Click click.
Knock it off….
Thud. It was the gun.
Tears fell from the corners of your eyes. It was constantly clicking , non stop for an hour and a half. He never let up , every now and then he would pick the gun up . It felt like every ten minutes he would pick it up and look it over granting you a couple seconds of silence. But everytime he put the gun down you screamed, yelling, crying , begging him to stop. He never did though, never even looked at you.
“Stab me”
Mimic was about to put the scalpel down but stopped to listen to you. You didn't even respond to the sweet silence anymore.
“Mimic stab me with that tool.”
“Kill me.”
“Please.” Twitch
“I'll do whatever you want”
Mimic left the doll appearing next to the glass table stretching . He joined you next to the surgical table scanning over your body. Your breathing was heavy under the white surgical sheet you had on. Your fingers finally stopped twitching to the noise and your eyes were very wide.
“Whatever I want?” He asked standing by your head running his fingers through your hair.
You nodded up at him then looking at the table then back to him. “But you need to stab me after, in the thigh. With that scalpel.”
He unzipped his jeans fishing his cock out and leaning over to grab the tool you wanted so bad. “But I thought you said to kill you?” He leaned over your forehead rubbing his cock in your hair.
“Kai will just bring me back, please, i just want to feel something. Anything. I want to feel you too”
“Oh?” He moved closer to your mouth, turning your head to the side. You licked him tugging at the restraints on your wrist . Mimic moaned reaching out to your restrained wrist, unhooking it for you. You reached up to grab his shaft and he let out another moan.
“Make sure you leave no trace..” he stabbed you in the thigh and your body jerked , you gagged around his cock coughing.
It's alright. It's alright. Just wait. Wait for the right time… you reached up to Mimic pulling him down till his head was near your chest impairing his vision. Your hand slid from his body to your thigh. You fought through your tears and burning pain in your thigh to keep him distracted, no matter what it took.
About 5 minutes earlier Toga and Twice had ran into the Chisaki house as you causing all sorts of chaos distracting the members . Dabi slipped in going the opposite way of Toga and Shigaraki followed him.
They both sneaked around the hideout eventually finding their way down to the underground . Cement walls and long hallways, they checked each door finding nothing. Just empty rooms. Shigaraki was getting impatient . Where were you ? You're in so much trouble when he finds you..
A scream alerted them and both men followed the noise.
Mimic was still leaning over you, nursing his cock down your throat . You couldn't breath but you were almost there. You had yanked the scalpel out of your thigh , your whine muffled enough for Mimic not to hear you. You slid the tool under your neck grabbing it with your restrained hand cutting the restraints off.
Mimic moaned pushing more of himself all the way down your throat. He's close, you've gotta hurry. You opened your left eye to see his chest hovering above you, his eyes were closed and he started to hump slightly. You flipped the scalpel around shoving it right into his balls then his chest.
Mimic screamed out falling back and onto the floor holding his side and his groin. You shot up fumbling with your ankle restraints.
“YOU GODDAMN BITCH” he tried to get up.
You fell off the table , your damaged leg giving out under you . You reached for the table and it fell with you. Blood fell from your hands as you searched the broken glass for the gun. You crawled looking everywhere cutting up your knees and legs . Mimic was dragging himself to you and your hand hit the gun. Quickly you turned it on yourself right when the door was burned down.
Dabi and Shigaraki ran in to see the situation. Mimic grabbed you and you pulled the trigger. The last thing you heard was Mr.Shigaraki’s voice and Dabi yelling.
You woke up in your bed all bandaged up and in a pair of grey sweatpants and a shirt . You felt foggy and your arms felt like they were being stabbed. No one was in the room with you but you could hear bickering and sarcasm. You reached down to touch your thigh feeling a bandage wrapped around it. Could you walk? Probably not but you needed to see him.
Your leg gave out once you got up causing you to fall to your knees. Very slowly you pushed yourself up limping till you got to the wall. You leaned on it to support yourself once you left the room. The bickering got louder the closer you got . Your arms were hurting bad by now and you didn't know why.
Could it…? Only one way to know.
You peered over the corner to see everyone except Mr. Shigaraki. Where was he? Was he okay?!? You didn't want to make yourself known yet so you limped to the door that led to your garden. The door was open a bit making it easy for you to nudge it open. You saw him standing by your garden staring down at it, the tabby cat that you made friends with sitting next to him.
Quietly the door closed behind you and the cat looked over meowing .
“Shut up.”
“I said -“
Shigaraki turned so fast you didn't even see it . He stared for a very long time as if you were a dream or his mind playing a trick on him. Your leg gave out again and Shigaraki rushed over touching your face with four fingers . His eyes wide and his free hand shaking .
“Yes.. Mr.Shigaraki.”
“What the hell .. were you thinking” his free hand cupped your cheek , his pinkie outreached.
You giggled, crying a tiny bit. “Protecting you. I … i love you MrShigaraki..”
the villain clicked his teeth looking away to hide his faint blush.
You wanted to hug him but your arms .. really hurt.
“Mr.Shigaraki. .. can i ask for something”
“Excuse me?” He looked back, folding his arms. “Ive got half a mind to lock you in that old room for a month.”
You giggled at his answer. “The sun. Please. I just want to see something. After that I will accept any punishment you have for me.”
He brought you out of the shade and over to the garden where the sun was . When those rays hit you your arms stopped hurting, thorns started to appear all over your arms in little stubs . You took in a deep breath standing up on your own . The bandages falling off you revealing healed skin. The garden grew tall and pretty and you had vines coming out of your hands wrapping around your arms. You looked over to see Shigaraki standing now. You had tears in your eyes.
“MR SHIGARAKI!!!! ITS BACK!!! My quirk is back.!!!”
He hugged you, not caring if your thorns stabbed him. You squeezed him tight crying .
he looked down at you , his face red. “What?”
“My name.. is Y/N..”
Shigaraki lightly gripped your cheek , rubbing his thumb on your lips. “I'm still going to call you Pet”
You nodded laughing saying that was fine too. You quickly gasped when his lips touched yours . The vines unwrapped from your arms and around Shigarakis instead. You cried hard kissing him back, leaning into him.
Shigaraki pulled away too look at the vines then at you. “Im still going to punish you, Pet. But i need to think of something else. I cant have you in that room now. “ You agreed hugging him.
“Yes Mr. Shigaraki?”
“Im glad.. your okay. I love you too”
A/N. AUGH I LOVE THIS SERIES ITS MY FAVORITE IVE EVER WRITTIN. Im so sad to have to end it . Thank you for reading and enjoying it with me .
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Little Pet Pt Nine. 💋
All parts can be found under the MrShigaraki tag
Warnings. Human experiment, drugs.
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“Ku....kur....kuro......KUROGIRI!!!!!!” Yelled the very upset, confused leader.
He threw one of the stools yelling and Kurogiri went around the bar to console his leader , all that could be heard was Shigaraki’s yelling and incoherent talking. Toga was hiding behind Twice and Dabi was looking at the dusted note on the bar. Well shit, they left . They really left.
The day before the League had left to kill Kai for what he had done to you only to be ambushed . While the League was immobilized Kai went to the hideout to pay you a visit. He gave you two options: come with him and subject yourself to experiments . Or kill Shigaraki in exchange for your quirk back. You couldn't kill the man who saved you from the very monster you were terrified of . So instead you left a note for MrShigaraki, explaining yourself and leaving for his home.
Kai subjected you to many experiments , he gave you quirk enhancer drugs when you had no quirk to see what would happen. You had passed out from the drugs the first time. When you woke up you had Kai over you putting on new, clean gloves giving you a disgusted look, as if it was your fault your blood got on him. The second time he cut open your stomach a tiny bit to slip drugs into you personally , there was no need for this.. he just did it because he could. You begged and begged but all Kai said was.: “want to lose your vocal chords?” You instantly got quiet, whimpering deep in your throat, he stitched you up of course , eventually. Third he injected a red liquid into you that made you see flowers , vines, you were heavily drugged and hallucinating . You saw your quirk before your eyes, growing beautiful white flowers with blue vines circling around them. When he asked you what you saw you told him
“Flowers… vines… my quirk… MrShigaraki.. the blue is.. him.” You tried to lift your arm but it was strapped to the table.
Nemoto was in the room with Kai , he walked over to the table to see you muttering about your quirk to Kai. Kai looked over at Nemoto waving the empty syringe around.
“So if someone gets injected with your blood they hallucinate and tell the truth about their quirk. They are mentioning that crusty fool too”
Nemoto shrugged it off tapping your forehead so you'd look at him . “Why the man?” He asked you.
“I… i… ov..e-“
“Forget it, it's not important,” Kai said, dropping the subject. “We have to wait and see how long this hallucination lasts,” he sounded annoyed, angry.
Nemoto was about to take his leave when he got an idea. When he pitched it to Kai a smirk creeped up his cheek, he agreed on the idea.
“Uhm.. Tomura..” Toga said quietly.
Shigaraki had his arms folded over his chest leaning on Kurogiri, he looked like a shaking mess. He said nothing when Toga said his name. Just leaned into Kurogiri more.
“Well we can't sit here and dick around. Lets go get kid” Dabi said, breaking the silence in the room.
“We need some kind of pl-“
Shigaraki turned away, tuning Dabi out, pressing his face on Kurogiri.
Pet. Are you ok-ay? Are they hhhhhurting you? Is that BASTARD hhhhhurting you?Why did you LEAVE? Why didn't you TELL me. I'm very … angry.. upset.. you said you wou-ld… nevER leavVE ME. I gave you so much, i let you go outside, i gave you a new room i… I SAVED YOU. Ive been so good to YOU. My Pet.. i tried to keep it a secret but.., but.. i.. i HATE THIS. ITS NOT FAIR TO ME.
Pe- “Tomura Shigaraki?” He was nudged slightly.
Shigaraki looked up, his face a mess, his eyes looked wet and he was biting the inside of his mouth.
“Tomura Shigaraki. Did you hear Togas' plan?”
“No, tell me, Kurogiri.” He said straightening himself out to face everyone. He had to get you back , he can't just sit here and cry about it.
Kurogiri explained the plan and Toga was looking very , very excited. She was also holding a vile full of blood now. She must've gotten it during Shigaraki’s black out. He agreed to the plan , it should work. I'm coming Pet. I’ll get you from that bastard.
Meanwhile you were crying and screaming, fighting the restraints burning your arms and legs against the rough fabric. Setsuno had been called in to hold your eyes open while Nemoto showed you dead plants. It was awful, you were scared, you felt like you were dying with the plants. The Hallucination made Nemoto look terrifying . All he was was a plague mask in a hood holding dead plants to you.
You struggled everytime Setsuno dug his nails into your skin to shut you up. Kai was by the examination table, watching with a happy grin on his face.
/ @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love ♥️
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Little Pet. Part Four. 💋
A/N. More learning about reader and Poison Ivy vibes.
Warnings: mentions of past traumas .
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You rolled away from Shigaraki holding youre head , it was all coming back. Youre memories of youre quirk and the happyness it brought you. Shigaraki looked over while scratching his chest. He tapped youre head with his free hand making you curl up.
“Pet, come here. Dont turn away from me.”
Youre fingers dug into youre hair and youre feet curled up on eachother. Why why why. You did not want to remember any of this. You could hear Shigaraki talking to you but you did not move, he was getting louder and more impatient.
Shigaraki clicked his teeth sitting up and grabbing youre shoulder rolling you over, he leaned over you looking very angry, his brows bunched up and his eyes half lidded. You were on the verge of tears, youre face was already flushed red and youre eyes were watering.
“What?” He asked with annoyance . “If you think you can just ignore me then-“
“My quirk was flowers.. plant growth...i could make plants healthy and help them grow... i could also produce small thorns on my arms and they often did more bad than good...”
Shigaraki placed his elbow next to youre head resting his head on his hand. Shigaraki let out a long sigh watching you , red face and about to burst into tears. He caressed youre cheek while he spoke. “Oh Pet. So you like flowers huh? What happened?”
You leaned into his hand enjoying his warmth . It helped calm you down but.. not by much. You were starting to get a head ache too, all you could think about was the pain you felt when youre quirk left youre body.
“I was a flourist for a small flower shop. A lot of people knew of my quirk but what could... i really do with it? Its not.. exactly a Hero quirk..”
Shigaraki’s gaze lingered down to youre chest to youre arms moving up a sleeve to see little indents all over youre arm. Little thorn pricks it looked like. He sat down ontop of you and picked up youre arm examining it closey. You rubbed youre face with youre free hand breathing a bit heavy.
“So the thorns do nothing?” He asked pinching the indents.
“They just prick me heh.. “ you exhaled and Shigaraki looked up from youre arm and down at you. “But i did not mind. .. i could make dying flowers healthy again ..”
“And the sun Pet?”
“The sun... i guess you could say it re charged me. Like waking up from a deep sleep. Feeling completely rephreshed. So in the summer i could heal a lot of plants but in the winter.. i felt like i was constantly tired.”
He had let go of youre arm at some point while he listened to you. What a interesting quirk, not one to fight with but more of a comfort quirk.
“And Chisaki took it away? He just plucked you off the street Pet?”
“I was outside the shop healing some flowers we had on display and he was walking the sidewalk towards me. He.... stopped. He.. asked me about my quirk , said it was very unique . Flattered me.. i had no idea who he was Mr.Shigaraki ... i joined him for dinner at his home and thats when his men held me down. I.... he... he pointed a gun at my chest and said: “ what a useless quirk. Youre lucky youre pretty” “then he shot me. .. Mr.Shigaraki... it hurt... like.. someone was peeling off my skin .. i..”
Shigaraki slumped on you hunching over now , he rested his fists next to your shoulders and leaned down watching youre eyes start to water. “What happened next Pet?” He asked you sounding almost eager .
“I fell to my knees and started to cry, i yelled up at him asking him why .. why would he do this. He told me because he can. Because useless quirks should be erased off this planet.”
“And he kept you Pet?”
“Yes Mr.Shigaraki. I would have went to the police if he let me go and he knew that. So he just kept me prisoner, taunting me.. he even had his men bring me dead plants to show me. The room he kept me in was dark and away from the sun too.. you saw it.”
Shigaraki gently wipped tears from youre eyes with his thumb . He was angry , his heart rate picked up and all he could think about was dusting this man.
“I repressed what happened as hard as i could.. i did not want to remember . But when you asked me .. it all came back like a switch, Mr.. Shigaraki. You dont need to worry about me trying to escape here. I like it here very much. All i want is.. a window i can reach..”
You rubbed youre eyes sniffling and looking away. Shigaraki got up and off the bed looking around the room. Yeah, the window was to high to let any decent light in, and you could not reach it anyway. He scratched his neck looking back at you. You were sitting up criss cross holding youreself .
“I will see about a different room for you. You still need to ask if you may go outside though. “
Youre face lit up and Shigaraki held his hand up
“But..?” You asked tilting youre head.
“Im not getting you any plants or .. flowers. Grow em youreself . I’ll tell Twice to get seeds .. or something.”
“You.. YOU WILL?!?” You got up wrapping youre arms around him squeezing his skinny body. Shigaraki quickly shoved his fists in his pockets clicking his teeth in annoyance.
“Yes, because it makes you happy. And i want ... my Pet happy”
You nodded very fast into his shirt thanking him over and over untill he pulled you off him.
“Go to bed and calm down. Tomorrow tell Twice what you want.”
“Yes Mr.Shigaraki!!!”
He waved his hand walking over to the door closing it behind him. He leaned on it scratching at his neck hard for a minute.”Bastard.. ill kill em.” Shigaraki went upstairs to see everyone still awake.
“Twice, tomorrow Y/N is going to tell you what plant seeds she wants, pick em up.”
“Sure!!! Why though!?”
“Where she gonna plant em boss..” Dabi asked looking up from his drink .
“Im sure the back has a dirt pit under all that garbage , clean it up tomorrow”
“Ugn.. fine.” Dabi groaned
“Toga. How would you feel sharing a room with Twice.”
Toga and Twice looked at each other and instantly hugged . “Yes!!!” She squealed. “I mean YES. Sure why not.” Added Twice.
Kurogiri went over to Shigaraki seeing the agression in his eyes and the marks on his neck. “Tomura Shigaraki? Is something bothering you?”
He went over to the bar sitting down , he rested his head on his hand . “Listen up. This is what happened to Y/N, and this is what were going to do to that clean freak bastard..”
Everyone listened , and everyone was starting to understand Shigaraki’s anger. Dabi looked behind the bar picking up a trash bag heading outside into the dark and Twice and Toga ran off to move furniture. Spinner and Mr.Compress had returned to the hideout and Kurogiri filled them in so Shigaraki did not have to.
He would pay. In the worst way possible.
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Little Pet. Part Three 💋(NSFW)
Warnings: Sexy time with Shiggy, lots of Praise .
A/N. Learning more about Reader yay!!! This is my first sharing of something Nsfw so yeah. Enjoy! Thank you for reading! All parts can be found under the MrShigaraki tag
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Shigaraki had brought you back inside closing the door behind you. Everyone was happy to see you and Toga asked you to hang out with her for a bit. You looked at Shigaraki and he nodded in approval. You hugged him and went with Toga to her room to hang out. Shigaraki went to the couch digging in the cousins pulling his gameboy out abd sitting down turning it on.
Dabi joined Shigaraki on the couch streatching out and looking at the ceiling . Kurogiri was wiping down the bar and trying to get Twice to help him.
“So, boss, what she say?” Asked Dabi looking over curious.
“she said okay obviously.” He mashed the buttons on his gameboy while he talked. “ i did not think she would say no, its not like she causes problems for anyone.”
“She tell you what her quirk was yet?” He asked.
Kurogiri looked up and so did Twice . The button mashing stopped and Shigaraki looked over at the burned man for a minute.
“Im just curious is all Boss” he pursed his lips smiling.
“No, have not asked. “ he answered, annoyed
“But surely you are curious!!!! Maybe not” Twice added.
Shigaraki sunk into the couch groaning up at the ceiling . Sure, he wanted to know . Just never brought it up to you. Figured it was hard to talk about. Must of been pretty powerfull if clean freak took it away from you.
Toga was putting clips and what not in youre hair and making you try on clothes that were either hers or Dabi’s (that she took) and asked you a bunch of stuff about you.
“Oh my gosh Y/N! Im so happy we can hangout like this! “
“Heh me to Toga” you blushed looking all around her room then back at her happy face.
“So!!! Do you remember anything before Chisaki took you?”
You looked at youre hands, you had little scars in the shape of tiny thorns all over youre arms and fingers. You still remember the day like it was yesterday... the shot that took youre quirk away. It hurt... it felt like youre quirk gathered in one spot traveling to your hand and was ripped out with great force. But... befire Chisaki kidnapped you?
“No.. not really . I wish i did. I never heard anything on the news so i think i was just a regular person but with a quirk. Just another missing person heh.. but i know that i did not go to UA. So why would anyone look for me?” You forced a smile and pulled down youre sleeves , trying to push it from youre mind. “I... i remember i liked being outside a lot. The sun made me happy. Like it was giving me energy almost. “
Toga tapped her chin listening to you , she pouted hugging you very tight. “Y/N , dont think you are a nobody because you did not go to UA!!! The Heroes are nothing but a scam!!! They did not even look for you? Not once? No one reported you missing?”
You shrugged. “No. I dont know many people. At least i dont think so. I cant remember heh”
Toga grabbed both youre hands startling you. “Y/N! Everyone here loves you!!! We would so look for you okay?!?”
You smiled leaning into her feeling relieved. “I know Toga. You dont know how much i appreciate it.”
You hugged her thanking her again and decided it was maybe time to go to bed , Toga insisted that you keep the clothes even though the hoodie was Dabi’s.
“Uh.. i dont think Mr. Shigaraki will approve. Maybe you should give it back to Dabi.” You pulled it off folding it up and getting up. Toga frowned but waved goodbye.
You went back to the main room and waved as you passed going down to youre room. Shigaraki looked up from his game and got uo to follow you. He locked the door behind him . He observed you before saying anything , so careful , quiet.
You looked up at the window with a frown, you just wanted to open it and let the fresh air in. You wanted the sun to shine in here during the day so bad . Reaching up you were just under the window unable to open it
You jumped looking over seeing Shigaraki looking at you, he was slightly hunched over.
“What are you doing...?”
You put youre hands up. “Not what you think Mr.Shigaraki!!! It just gets stuffy in here ... i want some fresh air in the room... i miss the sun too so i thought if i got it open the sun could come in...”
He went to the bed resting his elbow on the bedframe laying his head on his hand. “Come here, Pet.”
You walked over holding yourself. You were telling the truth.. did you mess up youre chances of being outside?
“Sit,Pet” he pointed between his spread legs.
You did. You sat down on youre knees looking down. You felt him staring down at you, his gaze was always gentle but.. he could be really scary when he wanted to be . Slowly you felt a hand gently grip youre cheek . He slowly moved youre head up so you could see him . His hair was hanging over his eyes , slowly his hand traveled up youre cheek to youre head into your hair gripping lightly . He tugged a little gently and a little hard at the same time making you blink and gasp.
“Are you lying Pet?”
“No Mr.Shigaraki. Believe me i-“
He tugged again making you stop.
“Are you sure? Id hate for you to be lying to me Pet.”
Youre heart rate kicked up and you fought back tears. “Im not lying Mr.Shigaraki. I promise. Believe me i like it here i do. When the sun shines on me .. i feel like im re energized is all..”
Missed the fresh air? The sun ? .. energized? He lossened his grip on you moving his hand away. You pouted when he let go of you, he seemed far away now. Shigaraki moved his hand to youre chin gripping it . He had to ask now, but it could wait till after.
“Pet, i believe you, and for being so good im going to give you a little reward” he let go of youre chin and leaned in to the bedframe sighing.
“Thank you Mr.Shigaraki i-“
“Unzip me.” He ordered cutting you off mid sentence.
You held youreself for a minute feeling youre cheeks flush a nice red color. You reached out to his black pants slowly unzipping him . He reached in pulling his member out for you . You gently gripped it with both hands starting a slow stroke up and down.
Shigaraki shuffled around relaxing against the bed frame watching you, youre hands felt so nice on him, he groaned lightly at the sensations as he watched you.
“Such a good Pet making me feel good” he cooed down at you
You felt youre cheeks flush again as he talked, you loved hearing him say things like that. Hearing you were a good pet , it made you happy.
You moved youre left hand to the tip of him rubbing in circles with youre thumb and worked his shaft with youre other hand in a quicker pace now.
“What a .. umf.. good Pet. “ his breathing was getting a little staggered as his arousal grew more and more. “Do you like making me feel good Pet?”
“Yes Mr . Shigaraki!” You smiled blushing as you ran youre thumb in opposite circles, the pre coating the tip now with each circle.
“Umf.. Pet.” He gripped youre hair petting you, lightly thrusting up into youre hands. “Good Pet... what a good little Pet you are.”
You whimpered happily as you jerked him properlly now. Shigaraki’s breaths were heavy now and he was gripping youre hair in a tight fist with his pinkie up.
Shigaraki sucked in a breath feeling his release build up inside him . Sweating lightly as he watched you.
“Open.” He ordered
You looked up letting youre bottom jaw fall open, Shigaraki waved youre hands away and placed the tip on youre tongue finally releasing. He let out a gasp for air as the feeling washed over him. You swallowed his seed and licked the tip till it was clean. Shigaraki took his member out putting it back in his pants . He rubbed his face then looked down at you, you were wiping youre mouth .
“Up... umf..”
You got up and laid down with Shigaraki, he lightly pet youre head
“Good Pet. “
“Thank you Mr.Shigaraki.”
You were quiet while Shigaraki came down from his high. Waiting for him to relax before you said anything else.
“You uhm.. mentioned something about the sun and energy or whatever”
“Huh? Yes i did why ?”
“What was youre quirk pet?”
With that one question all youre happy memories about youre quirk came back. You felt youreself close up mentally, sinking into a pool of memories with no ladder in sight. It was dark. And you felt like you were suffocating .
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Little Pet Part Five. 💋
A/N. Three updates in one day woof. Enjoy some League and Reader! Thank you for reading! ( all parts under MrShigaraki tag!)
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You did not go to sleep right away. Instead you held youreself breathing slowly trying to calm down. You were still a little upset over youre quirk and wanted to forget youre conversation with Mr.Shigaraki . But you were able to open up to him .. when he first took you in you kind of refused to talk about personal things. You pulled the blanket over youre head closing youre eyes hoping tomorrow was better.
The next day you were still asleep under the blanket when Shigaraki came down with Dabi. He clicked his teeth going over lifting the blanket to see you still asleep.
“Now what.” He groaned
“We could put them on the couch while we move the bed”Dabi suggested going over scooping you up in his arms. He turned and Shigaraki pulled the blanket off the bed following the him up the stairs. You shuffled around in his arms making little noises and Shigaraki tried to look past Dabi.
“Whats wrong? .” He asked annoyed
“Probably a dream” he walked through the doorway sideways and went to the main room setting you on the couch. You curled up and Shigaraki threw the blanket on you.
“Okay. Spinner help Dabi” Shigaraki ordered and the two went downstairs to move the bed and gather what little things you had. He heard Twice moving things into Toga’s room and he spotted Kurogiri at the bar chuckling.
“What” snarked Shigaraki
“Oh nothing Tomura Shigaraki”
“Mhm. Kurogiri.”
“Yes Tomura Shigaraki?”
“Im going to kill Overhaul, or at least make him suffer. Ill be taking Mr.Compress along with Spinner and Dabi.”
Kurogiri nodded and felt some tension in his shoulders. “Alright Tomura Shigaraki”
Spinner and Dabi somehow made it up the stairs with the bed without arguing and moved through the room going down the hall to the bedrooms . Toga and Twice came out too. “We did it!!!!! I did most of it” Twice said. “No you didint!!!” Argued Toga.
“Be quiet. ...” Shigaraki turned to look at you and saw you sitting uo rubbing youre eye.
“Mr.Shigaraki..?” You yawned pulling the blanket around youreself leaning on the couch. Shigaraki had to stop himself from going over to comfort you. Not in front of the League...
“Everything is in youre new room, down the hall last room on the left.” He said . “Go set it up how you want. And tell Twice what you want.”
You got up pulling the blanket on youre head walking towards Shigaraki. You gave him a sleepy smile walking past him and said ‘hello’ to Kurogiri. Shigaraki scratched at his neck watching you walk around .
“So what do you want!!! We can pick it up.” Twice said
“Anything pretty? Ohh! A bloody rose?” Toga added eagerlly.
You laughed a bit rubbing youre eye. “Tulips.. roses are nice too , violets., orange seeds.. please..”
The two villains agreed rushing out of the hideout and you went down the hall . You were a little nervous, it would just be the bed but .. being on the same floor as everyone else was a little nervewracking. The only doors that were open were Toga’s and Yours. You looked at each door trying to figure out which one belong to Mr.Shigaraki. Finally you arrived at the last door peeking in to see Dabi and Spinner walking towards you. Dabi pat youre head and Spinner said hello following him out.
You skipped in and the blanket fell to the floor. It was a medium sized room. The bed was in the far left corner along with youre blanket. On the wall next to it was a opened window with the sun shining on the bed. You felt a chill on your right side making you glance over to see another opened window. Youre heart felt like it was going to burst with happyness.
“Dont make a mess already pick this up Pet.” Shigaraki said clicking his teeth. He must of come in at some point but you did not hear him. You turned to him holding youreself on the verge of crying.
“No crying. Just say ‘thankyou’” he said with his hand on his hip
“Thank you Mr Shigaraki. !!!” You grabbed the blanket folding it over in a messy fashion and put it on youre bed. You ran back to Shigaraki and hugged him thanking him again. He placed his other hand on youre head with his pinkie up petting slowly.
“ i expect this room to stay clean. Ill have Dabi get you a dresser or something too.” He leaned into you pulling you closer to him. You peaked up at him looking a little nervous and he flicked youre fore head.
“Can i... have one of youre shirts?” You said pressing youre face in his chest.
“..for what reason.”
“To hold.. while i sleep. “
He thought on this odd request, rubbing his chin. “Asking for a lot lately Pet.”
You flinched . “I.. i know Mr.Shigaraki. I know its not my place to ask for so much”
He was about to answer but he heard Toga and Twice return. He peeled you off of him and gestured to the door. “Go get youre.. seeds.. i need to talk to Kurogiri”
“You can go plant them just hurry up”
You thanked him and left the room to find Twice and Toga outside. You were a little paranoid though and sad.. it was not to much to ask for was it? Toga held up a Bonsai plant and Twice handed you some packets of seeds.
“We got you a plant to! We stole it” he said
“You can keep it in youre room Y/N!” Toga said giving you the plant and seeds.
You got teary eyed hugging the items . “Thank you i... i dont know what to say...”
“No need to thank us! We are happy to do it” Toga said hugging you before leaving with Twice.
You sat down by the little pile of dirt that Dabi cleared out for you . It was a pile of dirt with some roacks around it . Turns out there was a small yard in the corner of this dead end back yard. You made little holes and started opening the packets.
Shigaraki was with everyone in the main room , except he was at the bar with Kurogiri, who was chuckling.
“Its normal Tomura Shigaraki”
“They are asking for a lot though.” He said rolling his eyes . “A shirt? I dont have a endless supply of shirts Kurogiri. “
“Can you really bring yourself to say no to them though Tomura Shigaraki?”
He groaned turning away folding his arms. “Tch.. everyone.”
The League turned their attention to their leader.
“Listen up... were gonna kill that bastard Overhaul” Shigaraki got off his chair standing straight. “Hes going to pay for what he did to Y/N”
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Little Pet Part Six 💋
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A/N. Been awhile since i updated this. If you are new to this series then welcome. Its about Shigaraki saving the reader from Overhaul who took their quirk. This is a comfort fic for me. I usually update it when im down or whatever. Enjoy. All parts can be found under the MrShigaraki tag
Shigaraki could not face you for the rest of the day. He was too paranoid about what you asked him for. It was just a shirt, why was that so hard for him to understand? He sat at the bar asking Kurogiri questions that had easy answers . Why? Why would they want this? Its just a shirt. My shirt at that. I dont have unlimited shirts . He could not wrap his head around it.
Kurogiri only laughed at all of this. His Leader was all flustered and confused and refusing reason. But now was not the time for it. They were going after Overhaul.
You were still outside. You had finished planting everything and it all looked very nice. You were sitting criss cross enjoying the sun beaming down on you when Shigaraki came out.
You looked over youre shoulder to see him standing behind you .
“We are leaving soon, im .. trusting.. you to stay here by yourself. You can still tend to the garden i dont care. But you are to Stay.Here.”
You got up to face him. “Yes Mr.Shigaraki”
“Good.” He turned to leave and you gently grabbed his shirt with youre thumb and index finger. He clicked his teeth looking back to see you looking a little sad.
“I’ll.. ill miss you, be safe okay? Tell everyone to be safe.”
“Sure, let go Pet”
You let go and saw the League waiting for their Leader at the door. Toga and Twice waved and you waved back slowly watching everyone leave.
You went inside closing the door behind you and glanced around the empty hideout . You made youre way down to the rooms and peaked through a door seeing a desk and a console. You opened the door more to see a bed and clothes on the floor, it looked like they were thrown everywhere.
“Mr.Shigaraki’s room...”
You walked in stepping over all the clothes making youre way to the bed to sit down. You slowly pulled the pillow over to youre lap hugging it . You fell to youre side cuddling the pillow enjoying the clean scent that lingered from the sheets. You stayed there for awhile .
The League had infiltrated Overhauls home to not find anyone. It was empty.
“Where is that bastard..” Shigaraki clicked his teeth kicking the floor.
“I cant find him!” Toga said returning to the group
“What now..” Dabi said with a yawn
Something was not right about this.
Everyone was close together when Sakaki appeared behind Shigaraki, he used his quirk on everyone before jumping back . Shigaraki fell to his knees holding his pounding head . He heard foot steps and saw Overhaul walking towards him. He stopped by Sakaki.
“Good work. Lets go get that girl back. I have experiments i want to test” Overhaul said walking away with Sakaki.
“Pe..t..” he fell to the floor .
At some point you got up realizing you should not be in here. You slumped out to the hallway closing the door and went to youre room. You paused in the door way to see a shirt on youre bed. It looked like it had been thrown into youre room. You ran over snatching it up crying into it. You fell imto the bed snuggling it tight.
A thud interupted youre happy state and you sat up still holding the shirt.
“What a filthy place.”
“I agree.”
Youre heart skipped a beat. No. No no no. How?!? Hide. You needed to hide. You dashed to the closet only to find it had no lock. The footsteps were getting farther away. They must be down on the other side. The bar should have a knife or something...
You creeped out peaking over the cornor to not see anyone . Very quietly you made youre way to the bar opening up the cabinets looking for anything sharp.
“Well hello.”
You looked up clinging to the shirt to see Overhaul looking at you.
“If youre going to be sneaky you should learn how to open things quietly... are you going to come back willingly or ...”
Sakaki came over around the corner tilting his head at you.
The basement...the basement had a lock... if you could just get to it.. wait. His quirk that wont work. If you can get outside you could run for help..
“I dont have all night. Decide”
You flinched at his words . You opened one last cabinet grabbing a knife and dashed for the backyard. Overhaul rolled his eyes waving his hand and Sakaki ran after you tackling you to the ground. Overhaul walked over looking down at you.
“So difficult.” He groaned
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Little Pet Pt 8 💋
All parts can be found under the MrShigaraki tag.
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It was midnight when you finally calmed down. Shigaraki was already asleep next to you with his arms folded and his hands in tight fists. Youre eyes hurt from crying so much and youre stomache ached still from the punch Sakaki gave you .
You couldint kill Mr Shigaraki, you just couldint .. what else did he say? You sat up looking at the little indents on youre arms , rubbing them with youre thumbs . “Kill.. MrShigaraki or .. come with him..” you looked at the sleeping Leader . Even asleep he looked upset . You cant hurt him , or anyone here..
You got up searching youre room for a pen and paper, once you found the items you went to the bar turning on a small light. No one was awake so no one should see you. You cried onto the paper while you wrote it. Youre handwriting getting sloppy. Gently you placed the note on the bar and got up going to the door, took one look back . And left.
You made youre way outside holding youreself , it was chilly out and you did not like it too much, you knew the way there .. so it did not take long , just down a couple blocks. A few villains stopped you though, asking what a pretty little thing like you was doing out so late at night. When you told them they backed off and you passed them making youre way to the Yakuza.
It was still as haunting as ever, the home , the fence , it was like a fortress... and here you were. Back again. Setsuno spotted you first , you saw the smirk crawl up his face . “I knew you would make the right choice. Come, Kai is waiting.” You nodded following him inside. Kai was close by looking very pleased with himself .
“So youve decided?” He asked taking you down the hall.
“I.. im here so... please dont hurt MrShigaraki.. and my quirk..”
He opened a door and youre heart sank.
“The ‘Leader’ will be untouched. As for youre quirk.” He pulled on some new surgical gloves and Rappa grabbed you. “We’ll get to that”
Shigaraki awoke to see the bed with out you in it. He sat up assuming you were in the garden or whatever and went to the bar to see everyone and the note on the table.
“What” he said scratching his chest coming over.
Toga handed him the note and his eyes got wide.
Remember when i said nothing else happened ? I lied. Something else did happen. Im sorry for lying , Chisaki told me if i wanted my quirk back i would have to kill you. I cant do that, youve shown me nothing but kindness. Second, i know i said i would never leave and ive done just that. Im sorry for that too. You know where i am, i wouldint put it past you to come dust me youreself but. Dont come okay? Youve protected me for so long, all of you. Let me protect you guys now.
-Pet. ‘
The note turned to dust, his fingers shaking badly. He tried to talk, but all that came out was Pet.
You were strapped to a examination table , a bright light hanging above you, nothing on but a white sheet. Kai was standing by you loading up a syringe.
“First, i want to see what happens when i give you Quirk Enchancing drugs, if you have no quirk. Should be interesting yes?” He slipped the needle into youre arm letting the liquid release.
You cried silently, youre vision got fuzzy and the last thing you saw before passing out was Kai’s smile print behind his surgical mask.
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Little Pet. Part 2 💋
A/N. This is most likely going to be a series. All parts can be found under the MrShigaraki tag! Part 3 will be NSFW wew. THANK YOU FOR READING
(Reader is 19!)
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You were still ontop of Shigaraki, his heart beat had returned to normal and his grip on you was relaxing into a gentle squeeze . He let out a long groan while running his fingers through youre hair . No one needed to say anything , just laying here with the man who saved you was enough. At some point Shigaraki hand moved his arms off of you and forced his fists into his pockets . He had fallen asleep and didint want to dust you on accident and you knew better than to move while he was sleeping. Instead you laid youre hands on his chest getting comfortable .
You had fallen asleep at some point too , you held on to Shigaraki’s hair while you slept soundly . It was quiet for maybe an hour an a half before a quiet knock hit the door. It opened and Dabi walked in stretching his arms above his head. He walked over to you two rolling his eyes and sighing loudly.
“Boss, boss, hey boss.”
Shigaraki’s eyes shot open seeing you asleep and Dabi staring down at him.
“What.” He snarked rubing his head
“You said you wanted to hold a meeting to discuss the loss.”
Shigaraki groaned waking you up, youre eyes fluttered open and you lifted youre head , youre collar clicking from the movement. You yawned laying youre head back down and Shigaraki groaned moving you off him. “Fine ill be there in a minute” he waved his hand sitting up and Dabi bunched his shoulders leaving the room.
You rubbed youre eyes sitting up next to him.
“Yes Mr. Shigaraki?”
“You can go outside while im holding this stupid meeting. You are to stay in the back and only the back.”
You hugged his arm thanking him over and over. Shigaraki grabbed youre chin with his thumb and index fingure bringing youre face to his. “I mean it Pet.”
You smiled at his face leaning into it. “Yes Mr.Shigaraki. No leaving the back of the hideout.”
“Good.” He got up putting his sneakers back on cursing under his breath and shoving his fists in his pockets heading for the door.
You jumped off the bed running to the corner of the room for youre shoes. Shigaraki looked back andcould really see how empty the room was. Just a bed and a rest room, he looked at the empty walls before heading upstairs. A couple minutes later you were right behind him greeting everyone.
“Hey!! Hi.” Waved Twice.
“Shes back!!!” Yelled Himiko
“Welcome” said Kurogiri and Mr.Compress
Spinner waved and you said hello to everyone while Dabi was opening the back door. “Here ya go kid” he motioned to the outside with his chin. You thanked Dabi and went outside .
It was wonderful. The sun, the air, the wind, the chirping of the birds. It may have been just a dead end backyard with a car and some garbage but it was wonderful to you. You sunk down against the cold building sitting criss cross just taking in the moment.
Shigaraki was sitting at the bar with his leg on his knee and rested his head on his hand. The League needed a better plan if they wanted to kill All Might..Kurogiri mentioned some ideas and everyone conversed over the topic.
You were still outside, the fresh air was nice.. it was a much needed change from that room. You wanted to ask for a room with a window you could see out of but you were unsure on how that conversation would go... He let you go outside alone so maybe it would be okay? He did get hurt though in his recent fight , maybe it would be better to ask when hes in better spirits.
You turned youre head to the left seeing a grey cat walking over to you and brushing against you purring. You held a hand out and the cat rubbed his face against it purring. It had been a very long time since you had seen a cat...
“So i think thats a good plan this time. What do you think Tomura Shigaraki?” Asked Kurogiri
Shigaraki sighed “its fine, it works” he waved his hand in approval and also dismissing the topic. “So Y/N has been here about a month now.” He said , starting a new topic.
“You still wont let her walk the hideout freely! “ Himiko said with a pout.
“I really dont think she will go anywhere, i mean you let her go outside unsupervised” Spinner added
Shigaraki exhaled looking up at the ceiling then back at the League. “I know that. I was going to ask how you all felt if i gave her more freedom. If she wanted to leave someone would need to go with her”
“I dont mind! I mean sure” added Twice
Himiko agreed and so did Mr.Compress. Dabi shrugged his shoulders and Kurogiri nodded in approval. “I believe it will be good for her Tomura Shigaraki.” He added.
“Fine, fine.” He said getting up shoving his fists in his pockets and making his way to the backyard looking around for you.
He looked down to his left to see you sitting criss cross with a cat on youre lap.
“A cat came to visit me! I know i cant keep her but is it okay if i leave food out for her?”
He thought on it. You never left, here you were petting a cat, waiting for him to return.
“You can leave food out Pet. Im impressed you are still here” he kneeled down petting youre head making you smile, in the same moment the cat rubbed against you running off and you frowned.
“Thank you Mr.Shigaraki!” Youre face lit up excited at the thought of having a cat friend.
“ im going to be more lenient with you as well since you are being so good. You do not have to stay in that room for days on end anymore. You can walk the hideout, hangout or whatever. If you want to come out here you must ask.”
You hugged him thanking him over and over . The hug startled him but he let you do it for a minute before pulling you off him and pulling you up bringing you back inside.
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Little Pet Part 7 💋
All parts can be found under the MrShigaraki tag
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Sakaki still had you pinned to the ground . He was heavy and pressing his elbows into youre back. Overhaul was standing next to you both looking inpatient, he rubbed his eyes groaning.
“Decide. This place is filthy”
“Why.. would i go back with you.. you took my quirk away”
“But if you come back with me Y/N.. i can give it back..”
You looked up at him struggling under Sakaki . He what? He said what ?!?
“You.. you can give it back?!? I can get my quirk back?!!”
“Oh now you want to come with me . Sorry but that deal has expired. If you want youre quirk back.. youll kill the leader of this stupid League.”
You struggled under Sakaki. “Let me up!!! Please.. ill.. ill listen..”
Chisaki raised an eyebrow and waved his hand. Sakai got up and you got up holding youself.
“You heard me. Kill him and you get youre quirk back . My newest experiment.. reverse quirk loss”
“I.. but hes been so kind to me. Please. Anything else!!!”
“No. Decide.” He walked out of the room and Sakaki punched you in the stomach making you heave leaning forward. Sakaki whispered in youre ear.
“Just think of how niceeee It will be to have back what you miss and love so much . How easy it would be.. to kill him. We’ll be waiting.”
You dropped to youre knees homding youre stomach , they both left and you fell to youre side crying. You cant.. you just.. cant... just..
Awhile later the League returned and you heard Shigaraki running to youre room. You were still curled up on the floor , only now you had his shirt locked in a vice grip.
You didint move. He ran in kneeling down trying to figure out what was wrong with you.
“My.. stomach hurts.. he punched me. “ you choked out.
Shigaraki called Dabi in to put you on youre bed, he carefully picked you up placing you on it. He left soon after closing the door. Shigaraki was sitting on youre bed looking a little angry and a little annoyed.
“What have i said” he asked you
“No..-sniff- crying”
Shigaraki groaned laying down next to you . “Are you alright. What happened.”
“Sakaki punched me.. Overhaul wanted me to come back with him.. .”
“Thats it?”
“Yes Mr.Shigaraki”
He clicked his teeth wrapping an arm around you pulling you to his chest. “Just for tonight you can cry. Its my fault for leaving you with no protection”
You dug youre nails into his shirt crying hard, you had no idea what you were going to do... it was either youre quirk.. or Mr.Shigaraki.
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What would you guys like to see next?
Little Pet. Part Four
Bittersweet Events. Part Three
Ice Box Yandere Shoto. Part Three (Ending!)
Let me know!!!
Im also open for one request! Please include
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Bitterweet Events part Seven tonight or Little Pet Part Six?
What would you like to read next?
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Welcome to my blog! You can call me Raven. I mainly do MyHeroAcademia related content. Such as Headcanons, Writing Requests And Prompts! And Song Fics! I also enjoy talking about how much i love Shinso and how hes a very good boy💜 This is a 18+blog!!! Im also up for RP too .
Who i will write for. 👇🏻
Pretty much everyone except Endeavour. I will write for Mineta as -comedy relief- no smut
Will write 👇🏻
Non con
Up to three or four chacters in one fic
Single dad (♥️♥️🥺) im a huge slut for this 👉🏻👈🏻
Fantasy AU ( 💋)
Pet play (♥️)
Student x teacher. Student will be 18
Wont write 👇🏻
Any scat related content
I also have my own series i write for .
Little Pet.💋
Shigaraki saved reader from Overhaul and lives with him now. This series is a comfort fic for me whenever im down or want snuggles or hugs. Currently has 6 parts and no official ending. Tags: MrShigaraki
Bittersweet Events🗡
Hero Killer Stain is a single father after losing his girlfriend Suki after the birth. The series is about Stain raising their daughter on his own and adjusting to fatherhood . Currently has 9 parts and no official ending. Tags : papachizome
On The Prowl...
Reader is a researcher in the jungle and comes across four beastmen looking for one thing and one thing only. To breed. Currently has 6 parts. Currently no official ending. Tags : Ontheprowl
Reader is baught by Dabi and he is mot what she expected . Tags currently has 2 parts , no official ending .Tags Master Dabi
A Fine Wine.
Reader is chosen to be a food source for a loney Vampire .currently has three parts. No official ending Tags. AFineWine
•••••••••••Completed Series.
Ice Box❄️Yandere! Shoto!
Reader is taken by Pro Hero Shoto and tortured inside an “ice box” to improve her ice cubes quirk.
Parts : Three. Tags: icebox
Inferno🔥 Chapter Two Yandere! Dabi
The next chapter of Ice Box Yandere! Shoto. This time Dabi has his hands on the Reader and has mentally brainwashed her into thinking he is the only one who cares. Tags: Inferno parts: i cant remember i think 6 or 7.
Feel free to ask any questions ! Ask box is always open and id love to talk about My Hero or my series with you guys, or anything else!
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