#Mt Trashmore
tefindeno · 1 year
New Achievement!
What do two siblings, who only see each other once a year and when they do they do the scariest things they'll do all year, listen to while driving? If you guessed RPG/Lit you'd be correct! Specifically 'Dungeon Crawler Carl', books 1 & 2 during this trip.
I just got back from our yearly sibling hiking trip, this year to the Sawtooth Mountain Range of Idaho. As a person who has lived their whole life in Florida, where our landfills get names like 'Mt Trashmore' to denote their elevation, I am consistently stunned by mountains. I just can't even believe people carry on with their daily life and can just glance down the street and there is a mountain. I mean, get real.
We flew in to Boise, grabbed a car and headed east to Twin Falls. Quick stops to see Evel's Snake river jump site and to have dinner then over to Balanced Rock. The hope was to take astrophotography including the Rock but it was determined to be too dangerous to be able to scramble back down with our gear in the dark. We got a few sunset shots then came back down (we each did fall on the route back) and then drove around looking for other compositions. Nothing really stuck out but the light in the canyon was beautiful.
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Next day we checked in with Shoshone Falls, then Perrine Coulee falls, then took a boat up to Pillar Falls. While on the boat we passed under Perrine Coulee bridge and got a good look at multiple base jumpers. Turns out, you don't even need a permit to hop off that thing. There is a small grass landing strip beside the river, and then you have to scramble up the side of the gorge to get back out.
Afterwards we hopped back in the car and took off for Ketchum. On the way we passed a wildfire that was licking at the asphalt wanting to cross the road. Luckily their were firefolks out wrangling the fire back.
Next up for Craters of the Moon, which I thought would be interesting to see but nothing too spectacular. Well, I was wrong. Surprise. The landscape was so interesting, the patterns and textures were amazing. We climbed through a few caves, met an extremely friendly cave pigeon, saw sunset then hunkered down while a storm passed. We waited about 3.5 hours, hoping the sky would clear enough for some astrophotography. It never really cleared up the way I wanted but it's still one of the highlights from the trip.
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Over the next few days we hiked a bunch, including to a few alpine lakes. Most notable was the day hike up to Sawtooth Lake, passing Alpine Lake. Once we made it to Sawtooth lake a storm moved in and it got nasty quick. We hid under a stand of trees for it to pass, and when it let up was went to grab a few photos before heading back down. While grabbing the photos another hiker showed up with their dog Bea, who graciously posed for a quick photo before heading off again.
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We followed this up with a day of riding OHVs on routes that seemed far too advanced for me. It was 8 hours of white knuckling the wheel and trying to keep at least 2 tires touching the ground at all times.
Our nights were full of the most stupendous astrophotography conditions. The Dark sky preserve was one of the main reasons we went to Idaho this year, and it was truly stunning. Anytime you can see the milky way with your eyes it an incredible experience. I've got some image stacking to do to hopefully bring down some of the noise in the astro shots but, I still love them all so much.
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j-a-smiths-blog · 1 year
0843 10July23: gotta take a shower real quick and run to the clinic to pick up one of my medications. Depending on how long it takes to get through the line, I might hit up Mt trashmore for a morning walk.... even though it's late morning.
It's such an odd feeling, this transition period. Being at home alone right now and stressing certain things that are not in my hands.
1. Passport gotta keep checking status everyday
2. DD-214.. TSC still hasn't processed anything, so I can't even get my paperwork started or even get my retirement orders.
3. Appointments. Got MRI Friday, phone call appointment Monday.
4. Need to file for my vehicles title so I can sell the dang thing.
5. Need to finish the back porch.
There's plenty of other things on the list but I need to quit stalling and get to moving!
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selflovewitme · 1 year
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Mt. Trashmore events at the beach.
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bozefam · 2 years
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2023.  From Kitty Hawk, we went Virginia Beach.  We saw the USS Wisconsin, and saw a city park called Mt. Trashmore, which is a former landfill, but seems to be extremely populaar.
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skatejay · 5 years
new link :)
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briarpatch-kids · 3 years
I have some thoughts about how the house next door and gentrification.
Like, Shirtless Dog Neighbor and his elderly mother kept that yard SPOTLESS while they rented, Chewie was a nice dog, we talked across the fence and I brought the neighbor guy food from time to time. He may have been a certified alcoholic and slept outside on a cot during the winter and I was a bit worried about him, but they were nice and we got along. They got kicked out with 30 days notice so the landlord could sell the house.
Then came the Young Professionals of Color who we talked from time and I gave them some seeds, but ultimately we didn't talk. Their dog was nice but on a tether so I only got to pet him while working on the roses. They kept the yard okay, built a fire pit and had plans I think. They eventually got priced out when the market went wild.
Now Miss Live Laugh Love has moved in and paid 3x as much as the house was worth when Shirtless Dog Neighbor lived there. There's 4 foot high pile of trash behind her fence, I have never once seen her in the 4 months she lives there, she chops my plants if they dare to wave their branches within 6 inches of the property line, and she has at least two large unsocialized dogs behind her fence that slam their bodies furiously at the fence when I weed my garden and have attempted to dig a hole underneath the fence to get my pet birds. I'm not afraid of dogs and I love large dogs, I don't love 24/7 anxiety barking and extra danger for my beloved pets.
Gentrification does Not improve your neighborhood and I'm going to fist fight anyone who thinks it does.
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feralnumberfive · 4 years
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I'm just chillin' in Cedar Rapids
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hatefuckk · 8 years
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Took my boys to Mt. Trashmore for a walk around the lake, and to try to socialize Samhain. It was lovely and they enjoyed it immensely.
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razor-ramons-thighs · 2 years
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Personality Profile of Duke "The Dumpster" Droese from August, 1994
Transcript below
Rookies to Legends. Heroes of yesterday and tomorrow
Duke "The Dumpster” Droese -who calls
Mt. Trashmore, Florida, his home, is one of the newest superstars in the World Wrestling Federation. The Duke says his mission is to clean up the Federation and deposit its trash, in the forms of such unruly wrestlers as Shawn Michaels, Jerry "The King” Lawler and Double J Jeff Jarrett, at the nearest municipal dump.
"There's a lot of trash talkers here in the World Wrestling Federation,” the Duke said prior to his wrestling debut at the Civic Center in Springfield, Massachusetts, this past April.
"The Duke will clean the Federation of its trash and eventually capture a major Federation title.”
The Duke can do it. He is a massive athlete who stands 6'5" and tips the scales—or the weigh station, if you look at it from his perspective--at a mindboggling 305 pounds. As a result, the Duke, who was trained by the Jamaica Jammer Bobby Wales of southern Florida, can handle himself quite effectively in the squared circle. In his initial wrestling appearance, the Duke proved his mettle. He plowed over his adversary with an arrangement of awesome moves, such as big knee-lifts and thunderous forearms that nearly drove his foe through the canvas. Unlike other wrestlers who favor one move to finish off the competition, the Duke relies on several devastating tactics that he says will be household words in the near future.
Droese uses a tilt-a-whirl suplex that he calls the Trash Compactor. This move-because of the Duke's gothic size and natural strength (despite the fact he never touched a weight in his life)-is murder on the back and lower lumbar region when perfectly executed. The Duke is also partial to a version of the corkscrew elbow smash that he calls the Dispose-all. It too has helped the Duke romp over his opponents.
In addition to his wrestling skills, this magazine discovered other interesting facts about Duke "The Dumpster" Droese. "It's important to note that this garbage man has earned a college education,” he said of himself. “I graduated from college with a degree in Solid Waste Management, and I will use those skills to clean house in the rings of the World Wrestling Federation.
"I also represent hardworking blue-collar America at its best.” he added. "I take pride in getting dirt underneath my fingernails and callouses on my hands. And every hardworking American should be proud of that. I get up before the sun rises and return home after it has set, and then I get ready for my battles against World Wrestling Federation superstars.” The Duke said, regarding the potential opponents that he will face in the Federation, "My competition may be rough, but they'll all end up in the same place: Wham, bam and in the trash can, baby!”
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jurakan · 2 years
Reverse fun fact friday where I tell you a fact: there is a landfill in Virginia called mt. Trashmore that 'blew up' on April fools day 1992
See, this sounds made up, like something you'd say for an April Fool's Day joke, but I looked this up and either it really is true, or someone's playing an April Fool's Day joke at a local news station and does it every year.
Quick Fun Fact for you too: the founder of Match.com, Gary Kremen, decided that he knew the site worked when his girlfriend left him for a man she met on the website.
[He had encouraged people in his life to make profiles on the site to see how it works and show if off.]
So there ya go.
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jgrantbrittain · 3 years
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@nblender Mt. Trashmore 1986, Virginia Beach, VA. jgrantbrittainphotos.com #neilblender #mttrashmore #gordonandsmithskateboards #skatelegends #skatephotography #jgrantbrittain #beenseenbefore https://www.instagram.com/p/COiQrMVFuNe/?igshid=1cpal4cpo18bw
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jennhoney · 3 years
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I had planned to take Erin to one of the many good breakfast spots in town on the morning of her departure but I’m still fighting with my body to not spew whenever I walk around. So instead it was meager rations that we had in the house. Murble kindly made a bunch of bacon. And instead instead here is a picture of us having bomb pops and Mt Trashmore popcorn on the first night. Erin is on the road again.
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j-a-smiths-blog · 1 year
2114 1July23: enough dwelling on "oh this is my first day of" bull crap... I got things to do. #laid around in bed until 2pm hahaha then got the idea to go to the wildlife refuge and take a walk out to the beach so I could enjoy a little Atlantic Ocean time. It was rather nice and peaceful. After that I headed to target and then home. Debating on finding a nice area to go for the forth of July and set up cameras to record fireworks. Not sure yet. Mostly because I don't want to deal with the traffic afterwards. But maybe I'll check to see if anything is going on at Mt Trashmore this year.
Anyways. I was writing in my head how I am seeing my episodes coming out. And either episode 11 or 12 I am going to leave a massive cliff hanger that could potentially bring on a season 2. So we will see. The big thing is I need to actually start writing episode 2 hahahaha. I got a lot of writing to go but I am brain storming ahead so I k ow the direction each episode should push for. I also want to add in little details, like little eggs, that if you spot could have helped tell the direction the story is going... maybe like episode 11 I'll have an "ah ha" moment where Sean will finally figure out the puzzle pieces and we will do flashbacks that show the clues were there all along... I think doing this in episode 11 is best thing to do so then episode 12 the finally i really throw the audience through the loop by giving this battle that opens a can of worms.
I need to shower... I'm a bit sweaty...
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wobblebees · 7 years
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sweetasteriaa · 7 years
Hahaha this is happening at Mt. Trashmore I'm so going to watch this!
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gooeychewy · 7 years
flying kites is super hard imo
Yeah, I’ve heard that before! When I was little we watched a video at school that explained what you have to do to get it into the air, and then what to do to keep it up there, and I was just like…..bruh what…… lmao it’s so weird to think that it can be so hard when in cartoons and movies and stuff they just kinda run for a second and then BAM it’s airborne ^^;;
On a side note, there’s this park around a huge hill near where I live, and when the weather’s nice people like to go to the top of the hill and fly kites, and there’s this one guy who has a huge lobster kite (at least, I think it’s a lobster? lol) and as it blows in the wind it looks like it’s crawling lol
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