#Mudz is about 23
crazyartdad · 7 years
Wow just kissing
Hes surprised how his parents still slept as Stuart crept back to his room, stumbling drunkenly through a dark hallway in a great attempt to sneak. And while the last crack of the door was shut he was even more surprised how they didn't wake up from they yell that followed after.
Hell you scared him too.
“Shit from how much we see each other you'd think-fuck” He says ruffling a hand through his unwashed hair.
Stuart relaxed against his door, heaving a sigh of relief as he looked over to the punk that sat at his windowsill, calmly putting out a cigarette bud. “Sorry, im alittle drunk and, I didnt think- the light n stuff”.
“Get a little nasty did we?” Mudz asks vaguely with a chuckle as he goes to plop down on the end of your bed.
“Naw, heads a bit swimmin. Decided to dip out afta a few hours” He says discarding his shirt, staggering to his dresser to find his bottle of pills. Finding the bottle he looked to the label with half a mind and popped three to swallow them dry.
“I was looking through your music, and might I add that you have...a very nice taste added to the mix.” the Bassists purred in approval using the Bluenettes new Rolling Stones album to fan away the leftover smoke that settled in the room..
“Careful with how much I paid for it, it's worth more then ya life”
“Ah so it was stolen” He laughs gathering a new cigarette between his lips, offering one to Stuart has he goes to play the disc. 2D Grabs a match from his pockets as he strikes a flame against his leg, holding it steadily to his end before waving the light out.
“Pops let ya in or dija sneak?” he asks through a wave of smoke.
“You know I come when I please, Whos party?” Murdoc asks after setting the needle down gently.”
“Emma Crabunk” Stuart said with a nasty tone as he settled on the bed to slip off his shoes.
“Thought you said she was a bitch”
“Still is but she throws a damn good party, thought I was bringing drugs tho. Like id share any wit er” he says rolling his eyes with a mumble, Mudz leaned against the wall.
“Meet any cuties?”
Stuart takes a minute to think, “there was this nice dark girl, real great hair, cool ass glasses-” he thought aloud. “One of them Disco Hippie chicks, yanno? We danced a bit but I didn't really feel like jumpin her, Think she came with this other chick anyway” He says with another drag from his smoke.
“Nice” he says “How was ya concert tonight?” “Well you weren't there, so kinda boring really. Had a seat up front fer ya..” “You mad I didn't go?” Stuart asks sitting up to face him
He gives a shrug hoping to brush off the topic before taking another drag to blow to the cracked window. He opens his mouth to speak but decides against it shaking his head.
“What?” He asks looking concerned “Nothing, just there was a party... I wanted to take ya too after, good one I coulda got ya some drinks and stuff” he shrugs again nonchalantly as he made his way over “Oh...Sorry” Stuart muttered looking down, rubbing the back of his neck
Murdoc gruffs a bit to show he’s unconcerned at the problem before resting his hands behind his head, falling back to the sheets below.
“ No foul play, we can hang here. After all, i'm welcomed whenever~” “That you are~” Stuart plays back
They sit in silence for a few songs, listening to comfortable thoughts in a smoked filled room while the record player spun some classic rolling stones.
“I like Keith Richards” “Yeah, he's kinda hot” Stuart smirks “Ment music wise but yeah, pretty bangable. I mean ya don't have ta be bent ta know that” “What about Jagger?” “Something bout him seems off, good voice just…..maybe his hair?”
“Really? I thought he was some sort of Idol” Stuart asks oh so innocently hoping to rile the older male.
Murdoc sits up looking appalled
“Keiths a sex God, how could you look at Mick and think yeah I'd fuck that awkward mess” “You're just saying that because Keith looks like you!” “Exactly!, he's stealing my looks and moves” He laughs putting his cigarette out on his boot.
Stuart laughs and sits up to flick his cigarette out the window with Mudz, shifting closer to him. He props his head in his hand and stares down the teen-esque male, poking his tongue through his gap teeth.
“So who's really stealing, him or you?” “You wanna find out?~” He says with a cocky smile.
Without thinking, Stuart leans down to capture a sudden kiss. Surprised at his own boldness and earning a squeak from none other than Murdoc himself. He thought about pulling away, suddenly feeling all to aware at the awkward situation and the possibility of completely fucking up his friendship.
But with even more shock Murdoc claims the kiss just as eagerly as Stuart.
“I-Im sorry its jus that-” He starts, pulling away for a hitch of breath only to get yanked back by the locks of his hair. Stuart gave a moan of approval ignoring the sharp pain of the others teeth that clipped the edge of his lips.
The taste of whiskey and smoke filled his mouth, something oddly charming as it fit well with the others rough characteristics. It was the kind of drunken attention he'd been craving all night as Murdoc pulls slightly at the his bottom lip. Invading his mouth to run his tongue along the gap in front he caused several years back during a game of pool gone wrong. He maneuvers the man lightly, hoping to urge him to his lap and was all to giddy when he complied, pushing the kiss a little harder.
Settling his leg over Stuart detaches himself from his lips to leave a trail of kisses down Murdoc's neck, trembling with every little noise that slips near his ear. The Satanist grasps the his hips as he slips his eyes closed, relaxing against the grazing teeth against his jaw.
“Fuck” he half yelp as Stuart bravery took a bite at his neck, he could feel the bruise beginning to form as a tongue pressed against the vein stained in his neck along with the stiffness rising in his jeans. “Ok?” He asks looking over Mudz with an all too concerned look in his eyes, fuck this was too vulnerable he told himself tingeing red from the thought of being so affected by so little. This needs to change ASAP.
Pushing himself up from the bed he grabs his hips in a vice grip and decides to dominate by parting his slips once more. This is..a lot more complicated (and hotter) than what was initially thought, trying to settle both their dominance was hard especially when Stuart ran his hands through the greasy mess of hair that Murdoc all to much enjoyed
All was well, good music, a slight buzz. additive kissing with heavy petting had them both shaking for more but before Murdoc could get ahold of eithers belt a knock at the door caused them both to pale and cease their actions.
“Stewie-honey? Are you ok?” His mom ask through the door.
Scurrying up from Murdoc’s lap he makes a break to the door before his mom bursts onto the current situation. The Bassists gives a toothy grin at the familiar nickname as he looks to the mirror to fix his hair and shirt.
He opens the door without haste, startling the poor mother she stood worryingly in her bathrobe. He gives a small coughs, thankful of the darkness to hide his embarrassed face.
“Are you feeling alright?, I heard noises is- Stuart is that smoke I smell? What did I tell you about smoking inside!” She says starting out concerned only to have her face distort from the smell that wafted through.
“I- Mom sorry I-”
“Hello Mrs. Pot!” Murdoc calls from the room
Stuart jolts from the noise but is relieved when he sees his mom soften from the all too familiar sound. Stuart pushes open the door a tad more so Murdoc can wave from the bed, a sudden stack of records in his lap.
“Murdoc honey oh! Hello!, everything alright dear, you're here pretty late?” “Im fine Mrs.Pot n’ sorry for the noise, I stubbed my toe on the damn dresser” “Language please” She scolds and he holds up his hands in defeat “We're fine mom, just-” “Well you're always welcomed,” She interrupts “just please no smoking inside and don't forget you have classes tomorrow- has he been a good host Murdoc?” “Nothing but the best~” he says with his best snake smile, eyeing down Stuart and his all to apparent flustered state. Rachel smiles lovingly at her boys and kisses Stuarts cheek goodnight before heading back down the hall leaving both men to sit in silence.
“Past your bedtime Stewie?” He asks mockingly
Stuart gives him a look trying to think of something to say, but with nothing coming to mind due to his still current state of high he settles with a heartfelt middle finger to the crackling Musician.
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Model Au so far
(three of my tumblr icons reblogged this so you know I had to)
23 year old Essex guy that (somehow) moved to London to go to college.Close to getting his law degree and is looking for a job that fits better around his classes.As luck would have it,his best friend Noodle gets him a gig with a talent manager that thinks he can get famous!
Stuart's best friend!19 year old exchange student who does photography on the side,and is failing all her classes because she loves it so much. (somehow) Gets a job interview with a famous talent agent after his last photographer quit,and accidentally gives him some amazing photos of Stuart she took while drunk.
29 year old talent manager that has had some relatively successful clients,but most of which are flops.Recently decided to work with Murdoc Niccals and a girl called Paula Cracker,when their photographer decides to quit because he's sick of them (understandable).Russ finds the most naive young photographer he can and not only gets a new suckup employee,but after a slight mix up with her pictures,received some snaps of a very attractive young man that he believes could become pretty successful. (P.S Russel refuses to work with any designer other than his live-in boyfriend Del)
35 year old talent manager famous for all the wrong reasons.All of his clients have gone downhill since working with him,whether it be alcohol drugs or sex-related,but since collaborating with another well known manager,he believes he can get this girl,Paula,famous.Unfortunately,after continuous harassment,their photographer quits,and Russ goes on the search for a new one.Not only does he find one,but he gets some photos of a rather photogenic young man by the name of Stuart that Murdoc becomes very interested in.
24 year old from Essex that moved to London in hopes of becoming famous any way she can.Meets Murdoc (I'll let you decide how that happened) and gets taken on board,not really giving a shit about his terrible track record,and starts working with him and another manager names Russel.Eventually partners w/ Stuart for a lot of shoots and clothing lines.
the king Del-
32 year old fashion designer!Doesn't leave his apartment much as he's usually working,and is only seen outside if it's work related like a photo shoot or a fancy event.Luv luv LUVZ his bf Russel,who's tired and gay and just needs some cuddles after a long hard day of putting up w/ Mudz.
(Other characters include Jaime and Damon,Ace,Hannibal and more~)
((Also  @g-2doc ,@reject-false-iconz and @stevetheslink ,you guys are amazing and I don’t deserve attention from you 💖💖💖))
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garageradios-blog · 6 years
Stuart/2D Surfer AU Character Page
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Stuart Pot - Joined the band after it was formed by Murdoc and Russel, Vocalist
Basic information:
-2D is a generally happy young man, never really becomes too angry unless he feels like he has to
-He’s 23, lives with his parents or crashes at Murdoc’s or Russel’s place
-”2D” is more or of a stage name, his bandmates mostly call him Stu, but sometimes they’ll say 2D or Stu-D
-Murdoc and 2D don’t have a feud in this au. At least, not more than regular friends would have. They hang out and write and make music together, no abuse.
-He’s the closest with Noodle, in a sort of fatherly way. He’ll go shopping with her when she needs something and make sure she doesn’t go sketchy places alone
-Russel is the guy 2D goes to talk to if he’s upset or needs to get away from something, or share a beer with and talk about literally anything
-Stu works at a gas station
Backstory under cut
Backstory leading up to current:
Stuart was a pretty happy kid growing up, but he was also decently quiet and put most of his emotions into music. He grew up an only child with his parents, Rachel and David who were and are always supportive and loving to him.
When he was 5 years old, he went out on a boat with his father on a fishing trip and was swimming around until a shark came up and started chomping at him. The shark went away after a couple bites but Stu was still left with permanent scars, especially on his arms and legs but he’s got a few evident chunks taken out of him on his stomach and his thighs. He’s not ashamed of his scars and never has been.
During primary, kids at school would always assume he was a boy because he kept shorter hair and was given a boys uniform, despite the fact that he’s an assigned female at birth. Stu felt more comfortable in the uniform and never complained about the mess up, he loved it and it was one of the most life changing things he’s experienced in terms of being himself and loving himself.
Friends of David and Rachel would also assume that Stuart was their little boy and at first they’d correct them.
“Oh, actually she’s our little girl. But she really loves her comic shirts and short hair, she says skirts and long hair get in the way when she’s playing.” Rachel smiled politely, but received a rather nasty look in return.
“You let your girl wear boys clothes? I would never let my son wear a skirt no matter how much he begged.”
Rachel got the most grief out of Stu’s parents because “it’s a mother’s duty to raise her child the right way.” Rachel didn’t agree. Why would she raise her child in a way that made them unhappy?
Eventually they stopped correcting people and just said that Stu is their happy child and if someone says that they have a beautiful boy, they say their thanks and let it be. Stu never minded being called a boy.
Next on the timeline, Stu started learning guitar when he was 8 and then keyboard at 13. Guitar is more something he’ll play when he’s sad or depressed, but keyboard is the instrument he’s always spending time on learning cover after cover until eventually getting into songwriting, but it was all just hobbies.
Stu but has never been, for lack of better word, a female. He never felt comfortable being treated like one or ever considered himself a female, it was just natural to him to “act like a boy.” When he was 14, he came out to his parents as trans and that he wanted to be thought of as their son. Rachel and David were supportive and they hugged him, told them that they were proud of their beautiful child, and that they will do whatever he needs to be himself.
Deep down his parents knew Stu wasn’t a girly child and it wasn’t their place to decide who he can and can’t be. They started him on the T immediately.
Along those lines, Stu has a pretty open sexuality. He doesn’t label himself but if he were forced to, he’d probably have to go with pan simply because he doesn’t have a preference who he dates, more so how he’s treated. But being a transitioning female to male, it was hard getting finding a fully stable relationship when he was in school. He was in one relationship in high school with a boy but they separated after a little over a year because they graduated and the boy had plans to move away. After that, Stu’s only relationships were one night stands or dates that would only last a month, but that didn’t start until he was nineteen.
When Stuart was 16, he got in a car crash when he was out with two of his friends. Everyone came out okay, except Stu who came out with a fracture in one of his eyes from his face hitting on the door that sent him into a 2 week long coma. When he woke up from his coma, he was nursed back to health in a couple days but he was left with chronic headaches that would affect him the rest of his life.
Four months later he damaged his other eye while working with his dad at the fairgrounds while repairing a broken bumper cart. He got too close to a power drill and it kicked back into his eye and gave him a second fracture. His left eye is mostly black and red, but his right eye has a couple visible white spots. It took him a while to get used to the change in depth perception, but like his scars, he’s not ashamed of his trauma marks
Stu graduated high school with pretty good grades, but didn’t enroll in college and remained at his parents house and got a job to save up some money while considering what he might want to do for a living, but it wasn’t long before one night changed his life.
He was driving home after a long day at work and found a stranger passed out on the side of a very blank and empty road. Stu pulled over and found a man with a beer in his hands, laying unconscious yet still alive in the gravel beside the road. Here he had to contemplate: was this a man that needed help or was this a man that put himself in this situation? Either way, Stu didn’t believe that he should leave the man there so he quickly hurled the man into his car and took him back to his parents house to let him rest until morning.
The man didn’t wake up until the afternoon the next day. Stu found that the man’s name was Murdoc and that he went through a hell of a night but that he had his own place and a job and that he didn’t need help, but thanked Stu for his generosity. Before Murdoc left, Stu gave him a plate of leftover grilled chicken from the dinner he made, warm tea to soothe him, and a couple aspirin to make his head feel better. They talked a little about themselves and shared a couple likes and dislikes and then Stu drove Murdoc back home and Stu gave him his number and said to call or text if he needed a last resort. Murdoc gave him a last thanks and went back to his apartment. Murdoc contacted Stu a week later, but not because he needed to, but because he was bored and wanted to see if Stu wanted to hang out.
(see Murdoc’s page for their character progression and how Mudz got better)
Murdoc gave Stu the nickname of 2D after they started hanging out. Soon after Murdoc and Russel started to hang out, Stu was introduced to him, then a couple weeks later to Noodle when Murdoc mentioned that he was starting a band. He was fascinated with the idea of a band and when Murdoc asked if 2D knew of a vocalist, Stu said he wanted to give it a shot. He had some experience singing but never anything serious, now was his chance to do something with his talent.
They met up one day to try working something together, Stu very nervous to sing a song that he didn’t write himself but he was determined to do his best. He was a bit shocked after he sang when everyone was staring at him. Fear filled him but when he was instantly given praise for his singing, he smiled and thanked them with tears in his eyes. This was the beginning of Gorillaz.
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