#Muse: Tsunade
historias-multorum · 2 months
This is extra late
But thank @super-kame-love for reminding me that today is Tsunade's Birthday
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fat-hedonistic-hogs · 9 months
Who would win
A sword made out of alcohol
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One thirsty kunoichi
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gainprincess · 2 years
29. Go to the gym? For any strong fats here.
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"I try to when I can, usually twice a week." Even if she barely gets anything done, due to her infatuation with that heaving belly. She ends up being handsy with IT more than the weights or machines.
Tsunade also heads to the gym from time to time, but mostly to sample all the 'healthy' food in the vending machines. She has no need to work out, because of how her strength is generated. (Also because she gets off on this.)
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somorrow · 4 months
Can I request a Naruto character (your pick ofc) meeting reader’s parents for the first time!
“It could be worse. She could be dating an Uchiha.” As you opened your own door to exit the vehicle that had just parked in front of the house, Jiraiya’s narrowed optics bored into the dark, piercing eyes of his wife. Tsunade’s arms were crossed over her chest as they stood before the front window. Jiraiya shook his head, a heavy feeling in his gut. "This is worse. I've seen that kid at signings before."
He could never forget that sideways, spiky silver hair. He’d never seen any other man with locks that defied gravity the way his had — not other than himself at least, and maybe his godson.
Tsunade’s brows narrowed, her pink lips scowling. “What?! You know him?!”
“Yeah, Kakashi was his name. Kakashi Hatake. I remember it from the signing.”
“Sakumo’s boy?”
“Wasn’t he always in trouble for fighting?”
“Damn it,” Tsunade cursed, clenching her fists. "A pervert and a delinquent. What the hell are you thinking, (Name)?!"
"It's a new relationship. We could ruin it."
Tsunade gave it a genuine thought before clicking her tongue. "We shouldn't. She seems happy." "It's only been two months. It won't kill her to start again." He let out a scoff of disbelief when the two of you began to walk over his freshly cut grass, hand-in-hand. "Oooh, it's so over." "Cut it out! Get away from the window before they see us!" "Let him see me." Tsunade groaned and wrapped her arms around her husbands toned bicep and pulled. "Let's go, big boy. Time to pretend you've never met him."
The doorbell echoed throughout the house, and Jiraya propelled himself forward to reach it before her. He swung the door open in a flash, face already flushing in a swirl of anger and humiliation. As he opened the door, your happy greeting took all thoughts of assault from his mind. You immediately disregarded your boyfriend's hand for a hug from your father, latching onto your mother next. "Hi, dad! Sorry we're late! My cat got out, and Kakashi had to help me chase her." Kakashi had a face of stone, though it was pressed into a smile. He lowered himself into a substantially low bow. Unusually so, for Kakashi, but you knew he had to really lay it on in order to get out of this alive. Especially after you'd just botched it all to hell. What the hell had you been thinking?! Your cat got out?! She was terrified of the outdoors! "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Senju. My name is Kakashi Hatake." You gave your mom a second hug - almost an apologetic one - before pulling back. An awkward pause settled between the four of you. If looks could kill, your boyfriend would be 12 feet deep twice over. Your father especially appeared to be seconds away from lashing out - either in a vicious, verbal way or, you were afraid he'd really punch him. A mix of emotions filled him as he eyed Kakashi. He was composed and respectful thus far - it would be unfair to keep the pressure mounting much further. Trying to keep his tone neutral, Jiraiya invited you in. "Well, let's not just stand in the doorway. Come on in." Kakashi bowed again before smiling. "Thank you. It's an honor to meet you, truly. (Name) is incredible in every way." Kakashi continued to lay on the charm throughout the next hour and a half, through a meal your mother had cooked (one of his least favorites, although he didn't particularly mind it this time), and both of you managed to stumble through conversations without any accidental innuendos. The time came, though, to where the dinner had ended, the conversations had died, and you needed to leave to prepare for work the next morning. It was evident they were still wary, though they had eased with time. You figured this would have to be something they got used to - you had been single for a long time, after all. During your goodbyes, though, it felt far much more lighthearted than before. You turned to your mother for one last hug, with Kakashi bowing to them both and shaking your fathers hand. "Take care of my daughter, Hatake." Your heart fluttered at the sound. Kakashi's eyes widened a bit as Jiraiya pulled him in. "And throw out every copy you own," he whispered threateningly. "Every. Last. One." He'd burn them. "Yes, sir. Of course," Kakashi agreed, fighting through a stutter. With that, Jiraiya's crushing grip eased, and your mother finally let go of her hug. You crossed the grass once more, hand-in-hand. "That went well!" You chimed. Kakashi winced a bit as you squeezed it reassuringly, an energetic lift to your step. "I hope so..." He said, rubbing the back of his neck, looking up at the tail end of the sunset, stars beginning to glitter above. "Next time, we won't be late." Edit: I moved this to ao3! Thanks for the inspiration. Here's the link: xxx.
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Tsunade’s hammerspace space pocket seems to be a splendid hiding spot should you need somewhere to lay low.
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Of course, you have to get Tsunade's permission to fully enjoy yourself in that warm cavern, but for a day or two, you can go without permission by 'accidentally' or accidentally falling in there. This happens so often that Tsunade has stopped paying attention to what or who is drowning in her cleavage.)
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eighthmelody · 1 year
I appreciate the reality that when you’re a Sannin’s apprentice/student/assistance, you’re also doubling as their babysitter.
So shout-out to Shizune, Kabuto, and Naruto for putting-up with these three gremlins.
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redlineoffate · 8 months
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@firelegsandfriendsreborn liked for starter
“I think you are ready to take genin for training. It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You will have something to teach them.”
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historias-multorum · 8 months
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"You're all going to give yourselves stomach aches from all this cake your eating goodness!"
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She got a little silly *she blew half the villages budget on booze*
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Tsunade Senju: Headcannons
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Art by: gantzu on Deviant Art
Headcannon: Tsunade is a hopeless gambler all but incapable of winning a bet, it is a cruel twist of fate that the only time she finds herself winning bets, is when she's about to lose in a far greater manner. Despite this Tsunade doesn't know when to quit, commonly putting herself in well over her head as a result, normally Shizune would have the money on hand to bail her out, or she could offer healing as payment, but every now and then someone wants a bit more. She is keenly aware of her aged despite her appearance and does what she must to give herself a sense of youthfulness again. As a result she is quite open about her sexuality, having a preference for younger men and boys, and quite easily wooed by anyone that genuinely finds her beautiful. She's unlikely to actually act on these desires though unless the person can convince her of their sincerity or she's just drunk enough. Being a doctor she's seen it all, men and women, and even futa, and she's been with them all. She prefers men over women, but finds that futa usually are just a bit more passionate. She's learned to be extra careful when having sex with futas though, as their cum is usually extra potent, and so she has to remember to use some form of contraception whenever active with them.
Shameful Kinks: Shota, non-con, exhibition, enslaved, mind break, gambling, drugged/drunk, role reversal
Regular Kinks: Futa, impregnation, bondage, rough sex
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lemusegallery · 1 year
tsundae's birthday is National Boob Day happens each year on August 2nd.
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{OOC: OMFG, you made my day with this XP.}
Tsunade just groans over such unpleasant fact. Still, she will pretend like she never heard it.
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What’s one of the biggest meals Tsunade’s ever had?
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"Hmm...Well, if count by people, I've devoured entire armies single-handedly a few times. It was very tasty and filling. - Tsunade licked her plump lips. - 'But the biggest object I ever devoured was one mountain range in the Land of Fire. I was sick to my stomach for a couple of weeks afterwards, and in the place of that ridge are now stony plains. But the sensation of devouring and digesting an entire geographical object..... was unimaginable~"
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eighthmelody · 1 year
The best thing about Tsunade is how real she is. Orochimaru rolls-up after ten years, and she doesn’t bother trifling with him. Like, her first words to him are “what do you want?”
We also learn that Orochimaru is terrible at bargaining with people. Dude’s in absolute agony from his rotting arms, and he still can’t stop antagonizing people.
All that genius gone to waste in favor of gratifying his sadism. Made that beat-down Tsunade gave him all the more satisfying.
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helluvaslut · 2 years
Open Starter : Melonjuice Flavor [ Male/Female/Futa ]
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‘“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you. But we don’t have Melonjuice flavor, so pick  a different one.” The blonde replied towards the other as she let out a sigh. As she kneeled down to reach for a soda can in the bottom drawer of the fridge.
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-when Dan and Tsunde are walking down the street(s of Konoha)-
(cc) Jiraiya; -on a chair with a guitar-
Pretty woman, walking down the street!
-gets a look from Tsunade-
Pretty woman, please don’t kick me off my seat!
// inspired by this - with @historias-multorum
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redlineoffate · 1 year
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@blackprivatedetective liked for starter
"I have to give you credit. Not every shinobi is able to find me so easily. You're a civilian as far as I can tell, right?"
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