#Museum curator Kakashi
Museum curator Taking Teacher Gai out to the fanciest restraunt that he can find, making sure that they have a nice quiet section so that they two of them can talk about whatever they want without having to worry about others talking around him.
Carfully setting up each new picture he gets frim Gai’s students in his office so they they’re all displayed perfectly covering one entire wall of his office.
Kakashi not caring that his coworkers like to tease him about his wall of art. He loves it and the kids put so much work into making their art as historiclly acurate as possible.
Sneaking Gai into the back section of the museum and showing him art that can’t be displayed because the light would destroy it, manuscripts, scrolls and books that would be destroyed if they tried to display them, so instead they’re kept in filing cabinets and can only be touched if you’re wearing gloves to prevent ruining them.
Gai gushing about the cute Museum curator that has put in so much effort to teach the kids everytime they visit.
Gai planning a visit to the museum after his and Kakashi’s second date and calling to make the date, only to be told that Kakashi likely won’t be in that day because it’s his birthday,
Deciding to take the kids anyways and get Kakashi a present to leave for him. Having all of the kids sign a beautiful birthday card and make Kakashi a poster of a historical figure (Shikamaru convinces them to choose someone from the Nara period because upon ginding out Shikamaru’s last name, Kakashi made endless comparisons and jokes just for fun)
and then arriving on the day to find Kakashi waiting for them because someone told him they were coming and there was no way he was letting the kids have a subpar experience without him. zhe’s committed now they HAVE to have a blast
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💌 Coffee Shop Au?
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Coffee Shop AU
Words: 2680
Note: Plot made with help from @kagami--uchiha who is amazing and helped me create this beautiful world.
Kakashi- Owns the coffee shop ‘Lightning Espresso’
Gai- Owns the Dojo Down the street -Springtime of Youth’
Kagami- Owns the Rival coffee shop ‘Uchiha Caffeine’
Danzo- Owns a chain of restaurants and is always trying to buy out Kagami and Kakashi’s shops
Ibiki- Police Officer who frequents Kakashi’s coffee shop
Rin- Morning Manager at Kakashi’s Coffeeshop
Obito- Morning Manager at Kagami’s coffee shop
Iruka- Works at the local elementary school.
Tenzo: Owns the Potted plants shop beside Kakashi’s coffee shop
Asuma: Co-Owns the Bar down the street with Kurenai
Kurenai: Co-owns the bar down the street with Asuma
In the city of Konoha, there are a few places that people can go to enjoy themselves. The Museum, Curated by Shibi Aburama, is a nice stop for those who want to experience some of the histories of the city and who want a nice break.
The restaurants owned by Danzo Shimura are a favourite for people to relax in and buy some good food (though there are often complaints about the wait staffs attitudes and treatment)
The local Dojo, owned by Maito Gai, is a favourite spot for parents to take their kids for some lessons or older kids and adults to learn something new and interesting from a very energetic teacher.
But for people from the city, who know the inside of the place better than anyone, there are three top spots to go. Kakashi’s coffee shop, Kagami’s cafe, and Asuma’s bar.
Kakashi’s coffee shop and Kagami’s cafe are known for being rivals in their business. Located just two blocks away from each other they have a huge influence on the other customer intake which results in a few clashes when Kakashi first opens his coffee shop.
Unlike Kagami, who received his coffee shop from his father, Kakashi started it from scratch. Finding a nice place for sale he planned all of the renovations, paid for all of the things to be put in, and carefully selected his staff before the grand opening.
At first, Kagami didn’t consider this much of a threat.’Uchiha Caffeine’ had been around for years at this point and had a loyal customer base that he didn’t fear leaving him for the pretty new place down the street. Unfortunately for Kagami, the one thing he has never been good at making or teaching his staff to make his coffee. Their baked goods are top tier. Everyone loves a good croissant or a nice cake from their selection, but people don’t often buy the drinks unless they’re rather desperate.
After about a week, he realized that his assumption was wrong when people slowly stop buying coffee at his establishment altogether. The few sales that he does make on drinks are from those who don’t have time to go all the way down the street to the other coffee shop or those who are too used to going to Kagami’s to dare and change their routine.
Even Ibiki, an officer who makes daily (sometimes twice a day) visits to the cafe for some coffee and a treat ends up betraying Kagami to go for ‘better coffee’ at Kakashi’s place. It’s one of the worst moments of Kagami’s life when the guy he has spent the last year flirting with tells him straight up “your coffee isn’t that great, his is. So I will go to his place for coffee.” He wonders if Ibiki is also flirting with the owner of that shop, but convinces himself out of belief because while Ibiki may not be his boyfriend he is loyal.
Finally recognizing the other shop as legitimate competition, Kagami decides to check it out for himself.
When he first steps into the tiny coffee shop, he’s taken back by the decorations. With lightning patterns all over the walls, and tables made of wood that is decorated to look like they have been struck by lightning, he can see the theme that the owner is going for. Which shouldn’t be all that surprising since the place is called ‘Lightning Caffeine. The atmosphere is much different from Kagami’s little shop. A little bit calmer. The feeling of needing to rush out of the door was surprisingly absent. Although the place doesn’t have as much seating as Kagami’s, all of the seats are filled. People relaxing and chit-chatting with each other.
In his shop, Kagami can’t remember a time where all of his seating has been taken. Even though a lot of people order cakes and sweets at his little place, they often get them to go. Saying they’ll eat them at work or home.
He’s in the middle of the place, just looking at everything around him when a silver-haired man walks up to him and snaps his fingers in front of his face to catch his attention.
Of course, somehow his competition knows exactly who he is right away and wastes no time in teasing him. Not in a mean way, which Kagami finds a little surprising since he has had to deal with Danzo’s taunting a lot most other days. It’s a nice change of pace, and although he’s a little annoyed when the man calls his place ‘stuffy and old’ he finds it’s not nearly as upsetting as any of the backhanded comments Danzo has given him in the past.
In the middle of their chat, a familiar face walks into the coffee shop and stops right beside them. A face that Kagami loves seeing any other day of his life.
He’d be a lot more insulted seeing Ibiki here if he didn’t already know that the man was a bit of a traitor. Ibiki had always been honest about his distaste for the coffee at Kagami’s, and as soon as there was a place open with better coffee he had been more than happy to inform Kagami while still purchasing his morning pastry on his way to work.
Making an off-handed comment about the coffee not being ‘that good’, Kagami quickly finds himself being presented with a latte from Ibiki. One of his favourite drinks that he remembers telling Ibiki about, wishing he liked the ones that he made just a bit more.
Not one to turn down a free coffee, he takes a sip and is immediately smacked with the fact that Ibiki is correct. This coffee is a hundred times better than the stuff he sells and he’s mad about it.
When he asks about the pastries at this place he gains a little confidence back when Ibiki makes a face that he’s all too familiar with. The same face he would always make whenever drinking coffee from Kagami’s place.
It’s nice to know that he has at least one thing over this new place, even if he knows now that they are a real threat to his business.
For a few months, Kakashi and Kagami compete for customers. Having sales, making jabs at each other, visiting each other cafe to buy the product that their shop does not excel at while refusing to admit to anyone that they just prefer the way it is made at their competition's place.
Kagami is surprised to find that he actually likes Kakashi. Although the two of them compete for customers they’re very friendly with each other. Always poking fun at each other for their high differences (Kakashi calling Kagami ‘Hobbit’ Affectionately’ and Kagami referring to Kakashi as ‘His favourite mountain troll’)
They’re also very supportive of each other's love lives. Kakashi always telling Ibiki that if he ever wants to ask Kagami out properly he’ll provide the latte’s for free so that Kagami knows that his intentions are true. And when Kagami finds out about the cute Elementry school teacher who visits every week to get much-needed caffeine supplies for the teacher’s meetings, he’s all over making sure that the poor man knows that Kakashi is head over heels in love with him.
Kakashi would be a lot more embarrassed about it if Iruka didn’t have such a beautiful smile whenever Kagami informed him of this fact.
It’s pretty chill between the two of them for months, and when Ibiki does finally get up the courage to ask Kagami out on a date Kakashi makes sure to have a table reserved for the pair at his coffee shop in case they want something to drink. Kagami will never admit it out loud, but he finds the gesture touching.
Even if Kakashi does put a giant sign on the table that says ‘They finally got together.
The one thing that Kakashi and Kagami both notice is that both of their morning managers are constantly hanging out together outside of work. Obito and Rin have been friends since childhood, and both of them are friends with Kakashi as well (a fact that Kagami is surprised to find out one day when Kakashi comes for a visit in the morning and starts having a conversation with Obito as if they have known each other forever. When Kakashi calls Obito a ‘Baka’ at one point, Kagami is ready to throw hands for his morning manager. Before he can though Obito laughs out loud and responds by calling Kakashi ‘BaKakashi’.)
Kagami also notices that whenever he sees Kakashi outside of their little shops, he’s almost always with one Maito Gai. Either just relaxing in a park or getting some lunch together, or playing video games together at the local arcade where Gai’s friend Gemma works.
At first, Kagami is certain that the two of them are together, but then one day he sees Gai out with someone he doesn’t know and notices the way they’re holding hands and talking sweetly to each other. He realizes then that Kakashi and Gai are best friends, and wonders if Gai’s partner knows that his best friend is a weirdo.
Asuma and Kurenai always go to Kakashi’s coffee shop. From the day that he opened, they decided to support his business, always buying coffee and pastries from his place whenever they have a meeting for the staff at the bar. Though once Kakashi and Kagami start becoming friends, Kakashi orders treat for them from Kagami’s. Knowing that Pastries aren’t his strong suit and they would most likely enjoy those from Kagami’s cafe more.
One day, while the two of them are hanging out in Kakashi’s coffee shop chatting about business, Kakashi comes across an article in the newspaper that he’s reading about Danzo. An article talking about Danzo’s plans to open a new, better, coffee shop in Konoha.
While the two of them don’t mind having a little friendly competition with each other, they don’t much like the idea of having to face off against Danzo to keep business. Especially since he has a chain restaurant already and more money than either of them to back up a whole new business.
After a month of discussions, and a sudden week of closure on both of their places (of which they were kind enough to inform all of their regulars to avoid surprise) the two shops reopen again completely revamped.
Although Kakashi’s place still has the same style, the pastries are made by Kagami and his staff who are specifically trained to make them his way. Meanwhile, Kagami’s place is still very much the same in style except for a few comfier seating suggestions that Ibiki made, but now he has the same coffee beans that Kakashi uses and is being taught Kakashi’s specific way of making drinks.
Both of their workers switch between the places for shifts (if they are willing to) and help to improve the two places.
As for names, the only one that the pair could agree on was ‘Lightning caffeine’. Partially because Kakashi refused to name his business after a family he was not a part of, and partially because Kagami refused to be known as ‘Espresso’.
His boyfriend’s coffee addiction is bad enough. He doesn’t need to be called a place that he knows people will call said coffee addiction out on. It’s simply not a risk he is willing to take.
The first customer into Kagami’s new little shop is, of course, Ibiki. Desperate for some coffee after a week of living off of the terrible stuff at the station he’s more than willing to choke the coffee that Kagami makes just to have something better. Anything.
That first sip of coffee is a wake-up call for Ibiki. Not the standard ‘I live off of coffee and need it to function’ wake up call, but rather the ‘This tastes good and I can tell that there was love and care poured into it’
He knows immediately why Kagami and Kakashi closed their places, even though Kagami kept everything a secret (Wanting to surprise Ibiki when they reopened)
The two shops are an instant hit. Customers can now choose whichever they want and know that they are supporting both men while getting good coffee and pastries regardless of where they go.
Danzo’s place doesn’t even have the chance to open before the whole idea is scrapped. The land that Danzo had bought for his new coffee shop ends up being converted into a small tutor building that Iruka ends up taking over after Kakashi, Kagami, Gai, Asuma and Kurenai pool money in together to buy it. It’s a gift from all of them to Iruka, though Kakashi is the one who shows him the place after they buy it.
Blindfolding Iruka, Kakashi drives him to the location and helps him out of the car. Leading him until they’re standing directly in front of the place and then taking off the blindfold. At first, Iruka is confused, but then Kakashi reminds him of that one night they spent together where Iruka talked about wanting to have a place where students could go for extra help outside of school when they’re struggling.
It’s the first time Kakashi and Iruka kiss. Right there in front of the place that will become Iruka’s new Tutor business. It’s soft and sweet, but also so full of passion that Kakashi’s a little dizzy when Iruka finally pulls away.
With a little help from Kakashi, Iruka sets the place up perfectly and finds some help from Anko and Shino to start his small business.
He’s surprised by how quickly it takes off. Students coming from all ages and classes are ready to get some help, and because Iruka, Shino and Anko are all good at explaining things in different ways and know when to pass a student to someone who can better understand and help them the business does well.
Iruka also makes sure to get pastries and coffee from Kagami and Kakashi’s business for parents who want to sit in the waiting room while their kids are being tutored. Supporting two of the people that helped him get his dream business up and running.
Fun Facts
Although Gai doesn’t like coffee, he will go to Kakashi’s coffee shop for some hot chocolate. Knowing that his best friend loves Hot chocolate most of all, Kakashi will only buy the best quality ingredients and make’s sure that all of his staff know how to make some of the best hot chocolate Gai has ever tasted.
Kagami will sometimes take coffee to the station when he knows Ibiki is too busy to go out for it. Wanting to make sure that he gets something better than the station’s coffee, he always makes sure to go to Kakashi specifically for top-tier coffee and also brings along a pastry that was hand-made by him. Only the best is allowed for his boyfriend.
A year after Iruka’s new Tutoring business is opened, Kakashi proposes to him in his little office. Where no one else can see them, but everyone knows immediately what has happened because of Iruka’s enthusiastic ‘Yes’ That rings through the entire building. Anko spends the next month teasing Iruka about it.
Although Kagami and Kakashi are certain that Rin and Obito are dating, they are mistaken. Obito is dating the cute doctor that likes to come in for a treat before every shift, Shizune. Meanwhile, Rin is dating Gai and is constantly getting teased by Kakashi during her shifts for dating his best friend.
Yamato provides potted plants for Kakashi, Kagami, Iruka and Gai. Most of his business comes from them, though he does get some extra business whenever customers ask them where they get their beautiful plants from. His place is never that big, but Yamato is perfectly fine with that. He likes the peace of having a small place where he works alone and enjoys visiting his ridiculous friend Kakashi at his coffee shop.
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Well, here goes nothing…. Tagged by: @biclexualwonders Thanks, bae! I never do these things lol I guess I should Rules: Answer the questions and tag any blogs you want to get to know better.
Nicknames: Rai is my hands down favorite. Only my family members and total strangers call me Rach which I don’t like but honestly you can’t tell your family anything....  
Star sign: Sagittarius 
Height: 5′ flat. A whole 60 inches
Time right now: 9:56am
Last thing you googled: how cartilage heals without blood flow
Favorite music artist: Oh poop.....this is moderately impossible due to music being so close to my current emotional state. At this moment.....I say Lily Allen 
Song stuck in my head: just reading this caused a flood of songs into my brain. So it’s a mash-up of RuPaul’s Drag Race theme song, Year 3000, I’ve got a pocketful of sunshine, and the riff-off from Pitch Perfect
Last movie I watched: Kronk’s New Groove 
Last show I watched:like....entirely? or just an episode of? Entirely would be Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (WHICH OMG BLESS IS SO GOOD). episode wise is Futurama because that’s my bed time show
What I’m wearing right now: my classy receptionist wear so jeggings, toms, and a button up blouse all hidden under a northface because this office is freezing
When I created this blog: My lovely Triforce helped me create this back in college sooooooo 2012ish? 
The kind of stuff I post: a hot mess of random anime, cute animals, relatable comics, and the passionate political LET’S BE A DECENT HUMAN BEING KIDS! post. 
Do I get asks regularly: Nope. Hardly ever.  
Why did I choose my URL: I do actually have unicorns in all of my functional pockets 
Gender: Female
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Pokémon team: Instinct! 
Favorite color: Orange 
Average hours of sleep: about 7 
Lucky number: 3 and 9
Favorite characters: like.....really? jesus christ ok..... let’s break it down! Books: Ron Weasley, Khaleesi, Arya, and Winnie the Pooh TV Shows/movies: Dot, Hugh, Cosima, Furiosa, Han Solo, Leia, JEDISTORMPILOT, Wash, Zoe, and Aurora Anime: let’s be real I have so many anime babies... top 3 are Kakashi, Yona, and King
Dream job: I would love to be a museum curator with a traveling equality feminist collection and use all the proceeds to set up proper help for anyone struggling due to their own gender or how they are perceived by others. The job that I am currently going for is a fertility specialist who integrates therapy, adoption agencies, and SAFE abortions. 
Number of blankets I sleep with: at least two 
@itsybittle @latemerarita @thefeloniouspear @commanderoftheship @theamazingladygeek
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fawkesfire · 8 years
I was tagged by @zombie-qu33n!!
Rules: Tag blogs you would like to get to know better.
Nickname? I don’t really have a nickname. I go Rosemary some times. Does that count?
Star sign? Libra.
Height? 5 feet 1 whole inch.
Time right now? 5:19. I’m about to go to work.
Favorite music artist(s)? Ghost, Type O Negative, David Bowie, Florence + The Machine, Nine Inch Nails, Slipknot.
Song stuck in your head? Thy Will Be Done by Dead Soul.
Last movie you watched? Rogue One, in theaters.
Last TV show watched? Medici: Masters of Florence. It’s a really great historical fiction/drama!
what are you wearing right now? A long black dress with my black boots.
When did you create your blog? This blog? Oooh boy. 2 years ago?? I think? I’ve been on Tumblr since 2013, however.
What kind of stuff do you blog about? Politics, gaming, memes, funny videos. Lol
Do you have any other blogs? Yep! @stranger-ghoul is my Ghost/music side blog.
Do you get asks regularly? I do not.
Why did you choose your URL? I like foxes and I like Harry Potter. That’s really all it boils down to.
Gender? Female.
Hogwarts house? Ravenclaw.
Pokemon team? On Moon it’s Decidueye, Arcanine, Mimikyu, Ninetails, Umbreon, and Lycanroc.
Favorite colour? Green, Black, Purple.
Average hours of sleep? 4-8. 8 is pretty rare.
Lucky number? 23.
Favorite character? Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z, Kakashi from Naruto, Madoka from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Black Rock Shooter.
How many blankets do you sleep with? 2 - a fuzzy blanket and a quilt.
Dream job? Curator at a museum, or working to recover lost and stolen artworks.
Following? Like 300 to 400 I think? 500 at the most. I don’t really remember right now. It’s kind of a lot.
I tag @witchascending and @caligurl32
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@trekkie-in-space Hi yes can we talk about this XD
#KAKAGAI#I'm not one for au but this is cute !!#the museum is big and you cannot possibly cover it all in one day expect if you rush i every room which is not the point of this trip at all#Gai manage to convince the school to do more trip to the museum to cover everything and his insistence and argument is rewarded.#more trip mean more meeting with the curator#if at first he always has to ask for Kakashi after a few time Kakashi is waiting for them.#Kakashi even do research to have more to says for the kids.#Gai sometime come just by himself#especially when collection change to give himself inspiration and idea on how to motivate the kids for the expedition.#the next time they go#and also to flirt with the curator#the kids know what's going on of course !!#Gai decide to invite Kakashi for a coffee one day to thank him for his effort with the kids#Kakashi was about to refuse but he really wants coffee and at first he is a bit closed off#but then he see that Gai is genuinely interested by what he is talking about (some very specific subject)#he just unleash and start ranting with passion on those very specific subject#and he know he should shut up nobody care much about his ranting usualy but Gai is drinking his every words and asking questions...#and damn if he doesn't fall a bit in love with him right on the spot. (a bit or a lot actually)#it become an habit#and sometime it's gai who rant about the kids and education and all those stuff and Kakashi listen with attention too.#one day when the kids are in the museum for a visit with Gai#Kakashi just casually ask Gai if he's free for another coffee and talk time later that day and of course Gai agree#(he has copy to correct but hell he's not gonna miss passing more time with this hot curator)#Tenten hear that and run toward the other screaming 'The curator just asked Gai-sensei on a date !!'#the two men are a blushing mess and Kakashi mutter 'yes I guess it's a date' all shily#Gai is like 'then what about diner instead ?'#// idk man that's what your au inspired in me x)#also I probably made two hundred spelling mistake in those tag but whatever
Cuz i have THOUGHTS.
Gai used to just rush through the museum because while his old friend would talk to the kids about the exabits, he wasn’t as in-depth as the new Curator and wouldn’t take a whole day trip in one exhibit. He was not expecting this when he asked for the curator but he loves it because as much as this guy seems to just not want to be there, he’s willing to ask any and all questions and has no desire to rush through things.
So naturally they have to make another trip. We only got to see the  prehistoric Japan room and we didn’t even finish there because there is so much to see and talk about.
It take’s a bit of convincing of course but Gai gets the clearance to go again, but now he wants to sort of plan out what rooms they’re going to see. So he starts going to the museum himself on the weekends to check everything out and make a lay out. Most of the time he doesn’t see the cute curator, but once in a while Kakashi comes out of hiding to do some other work and see’s Gai in the process of making out an attack plan of what rooms he wants to see on what days.
The second time the group comes, Kakashi is still annoyed to be called out to talk to the kids but he’s a little nicer from the get go because he really doesn’t want to scare off the cute teacher. 
The third time he’s a lot more laid back. He walks out with his hands in his pockets and very tired eyes, but as soon as the students start asking him about the Nara period (because why not) he gets excited. It’s the first time that week he’s not just looking at reports and artifacts and it’s just such a nice escape.
Of course, when Gai decides to say thank you with a cup of coffee he’s a little skeptical. The guy is cute and a lot of fun to watch with the kids, but he’s not sure if he’s going to be someone who wants to sit there and listen to Kakashi rant about all of the things he studies and organizes. The things that he loves so much. But it’s free coffee so why not.
And then not only is Gai letting him talk about his work without rolling his eyes and telling him that his interests are ‘boring’ but he’s actually asking him questions about it. Getting Kakashi to go into further detail and he’s soaking up every single word that he says. And when Gai talks about his passion for teaching, Kakashi is focused on every word that he says. He loves the energy that Gai has for his teaching and all of the effort he puts in to make sure that the kids are getting the best education that they can. 
After that Kakashi decides to ask Gai for his email address so that they can talk about any future trips that the school might want to make to the museum, and what room they would want to see that day. Gai thinks it’s a great Idea and happily gives Kakashi both his email and his phone number. Kakashi doesn’t use the phone number at first, but within a week Gai has an email from Kakashi talking about the next room they should visit and it has a detailed layout of all the things that they can talk about (with lots of time provided for the kids to ask questions). It’s a whole day plan that involves a lunch break, snack breaks, and some interactive play.
Gai is amazed. He has never had anyone take this job so passionately and he loves it. It take’s some convincing for the school to approve a whole day field trip to the museum, but he gets it after a lot of arguing and even some parents backing him up because the kids have talked about how much these trips have improved and all the fun things they’re learning on them. 
The first day trip is huge. Kakashi is there to greet Gai and the students at the front, a bored look on his face until he see’s them walking towards him. He doesn’t immediately change his body posture, but Gai can immediately see a shift in his eyes. The excitement that comes to life when he see’s them walking through the front door. 
The kids have a blast that day. They get to have a picnic lunch in the exhibit that they’re studying that day, the whole place is closed off for them to enjoy while other museum visitors enjoy the other sections. Kakashi has activities booklets for them to do themselves to learn about the Heian period, and it has all kinds of things. Questions for them to find answers to, pictures to colour in at home if they want to, and word searches and other puzzles for them to do. When Gai asks him where he got the booklets from, Kakashi gets very shy and admits that he got bored of all his paper work one day and decided to make them himself instead. 
Near the end of the day, Kakashi finally gets up the courage to ask Gai out to another coffee date, and to his relief Kakashi says Yes with the biggest smile. He’s excited for another chance to talk to Kakashi about all of the things that they both enjoy. But of course, Tenten overhears them and make’s a whole deal out of making sure everyone knows that their Teacher is going on a date with the Museum curator, which is just embaressing. So Kakashi ends up muttering under his breath about how this is obviously now a date, and Gai just smiles and says “in that case how about i pick you up when the museum closes and we can go to dinner?”
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Museum curator Kakashi making sure to give Gai’s students all of his attention. Never talking down to them or dumbing things down even if he uses simpler lanquage to explain himself.
Sending Gai random long texts/emails after their first date gushing about whatever he is studying today, and melting when Gai replied with a picture of himself giving Kakashi a thumbs up, or tells him that he’s doing amazing work and the kids are going to love hearing about all of the things he’s studying
Coming into work one day to find Gai waiting for him, and being unable to stop himself from blushing when Gai says he got the day off of work so that Kakashi could show him some of the work he does (if he wants to of course). And Kakashi spending all day showing Gai everything he’s working on right now, explaining all of the things they have in storage that he’s studying, and taking Gai out to dinner afterwards as a thank you for tuning a day he thought was going to be boring, into one of the best work days he has ever had
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Museum Curator Kakashi sending Gai text messages while he’s researching old manuscripts. Having to keep taking his gloves and put them back on because Gai keeps talking to him and he can’t not reply.
Sending Gai pictures of himself when he’s back in his office and long speels about what he’s studying today.
Smiling everytime Gai sends him a picture of the kids doing something in his class, wondering how Gai keeps his sanity with students like Naruto and Kiba in his class.
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Museum curator Kakashi sitting in his office all day making word searches, finding old historical pictures to turn into colouring pages, and making questions for the exibit that Gai’s class will be walking through.
forgetting all about the research and paperwork that he’s supposed to be doing and just diving into making the best experience he can for Gai’s students.
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Museum curator Kakashi my beloved 🥰🥰🥰
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Museum Currator Kakashi and Public School teacher Maito Gai.
Gai isn’t particularly fond of history himself, but whenever the school wants the kids to go to the local museum he offers to help out on the field trip to make sure the kids are behaving and having fun.
He likes to tell them wild ridiculouse stories about all of the exhibits to get then engaged in what they’re learning about
and then one day he goes to the Museum for the first time in the new achool year, Neji, Lee and Tenten hot on his tail because he’s their favorite teacher
and as he’s walking around he asks for the Museum Curator because he was friends with the old one and could always convince him to give the kids a bit more of a detailed explanation about everything. But the. he’s told that the old Museum currator actually moved cities (he’s going to be giving him shit for not telling him) and the new one is a bit more of a shut in.
But Gai’s not having it. His students deserve to learn as much as possible so he insists, which is how he finds himself stabding there with his students when the most handsome man with silver hair and beautiful eyes come’s walking around the corner
He’s in love. He can’t even deny it. This man is gorgouse and wonderful and...
and then he opens his mouth and Gai understands the problem. Gorgouse the man is, but friendly is something he needs to work on. he’s snippy and short tempered and really does not like the idea of being dragged away from his work.
Gai explains what the old currator used to do for him and the guy just huffs at him. He’s certain the kids are not going to get their learning moment, when Tenten speaks up and tells him the ‘old grump’ probably doesn’t know anythig anyways.
The sudden fire in the guys eyes is beautiful. Where a second ago he was arguing against talking to the kids, he has now taken Tenten’s words as a challenge and sat them down for lesson time.
Gai finds himself enamoured by the man. How he speaks so passionatly about history. How he answers any and every question given to him because he’s using scientific words the kids don’t really understand.
And just how his whole body language changes from ‘closed off abd abgry’ to ‘open and excited’ as he gets deeper into the explanations
Gai is definitly going to make this a regular thing. He loves seeing this excited man so much already
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