#let him stand in front of students and explain history to them
didi-writes · 11 months
♡ 𝆬   teacher! William Afton x reader
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characters : 2497
warnings : big age gap (reader is around 20 and William is in his 40s) , teacher x student relationship, mentions of rough home situations, use of darling nickname, non-consensual kiss
notes : not proofread, sorry for any grammar mistakes! hope you enjoy anyways ♡
fluff + gender neutral reader
He sighs, putting down the papers he was grading and turning around in the chair. He faces the classroom, everyone busy chatting or doing whatever. William coughs and stands up, the classroom falls silent and he smiles slightly "I'll be handing out everyone's test from last week now. Let's all overlook it together, hmm?" He says and starts to hand out the papers. Giving each student their test back, William walks over to Y/N, placing the paper down onto their desk. "Meet me after class, please?" He asks, in a low but calm tone. They nod at him and pick up the paper, Y/N's eyes scanning across the letter filled paper, a big red F marked at the top of it.
They sigh and look back up at William again, who has now returned to the front of the classroom. "If any of you have any questions while I explain all the questions that were given on the test save them until I'm done, yeah?". William Afton, was Y/N's history teacher, he was fairly older than themselves. Y/N wasn't necessarily bad at history but since things at home had been rough they didn't get the chance to revise all the topics that were discussed in class at home, and so failed the test this time.
As William stood there explaining the questions, Y/N stared at him. Noticing how his tone of voice was calm and low, the way he stood there awkwardly in his brown pants and light vest, the dark purple tie tied around his neck. Y/N started to blush slightly as she stared at the man. William put his hands into his pockets and let out a long sigh "Well then, any questions?" He all of a sudden says, causing Y/N to flinch a bit and return back from their daydreaming. Nobody in class says anything nor raises their hands. William nods and turns around to walk back to his desk, sitting down on the chair that stood by it. "Well then..." He says, looking up at the clock hanging on the wall behind him. "School's almost out, why don't u all do some studying until the bell rings" he says, the class all nod and do the exact opposite. Y/N sat there fidgeting with their fingers, turning to look outside of the window.
A few minutes pass until suddenly the bell rang, everyone quickly got up and left the classroom, leaving just Y/N and William behind. "Well then Y/N, care to explain this grade to me?" He speaks, getting up from the chair and closing the door to the classroom. He walks back and sits down, Y/N gets up from their desk and walks up to William's desk.
"Uhm...i guess I just didn't study, sorry" they awkwardly reply. William nods slowly and let's out a low hum "All of your other grades were rather good, what made u not study?" He asks, his facial expression serious as he stares into Y/N's eyes. "It's....really none of your business to be honest Mr.Afton" they blurt out, a bit louder than a whisper. William's eyes widen a bit and he chuckles "If you tell me I may be able to help. You don't want to redo the year now, do you darling?" He says, the 'darling' catching Y/N off guard. They look at him, cheeks blushing slightly as they shake their head no. "No....its just been rough at home, I haven't been able to study" Y/N replies rather quiet and looks away, letting out a soft sigh.
William understandingly nods and stands up, he places a hand onto their shoulder, his height towering over Y/N's. "I'm here for you, do u want to talk about it?" He says, calmly. They look up at him, tears prickling at their eyes. Y/N starts sobbing, William gets caught off guard but quickly wraps his arms around Y/N as reaction. They continue to sob, William gently strokes their back with his big hand "shh..its okay" he says and continues to comfort them. Y/N pulls away and wipes their tears away with the palm of their hand. William smiles softly at them and reaches his hand up to their cheek, helping Y/N wipe their tears away.
He looks down at them, not thinking and leaning in, kissing Y/N on the lips. They freeze, in shock of the sudden kiss until William pulls back. "....sorry, I didn't think straight, this is..this is wrong" he blurts out, backing up a bit. Y/N slowly shakes their head "..it's alright with me" they softly whisper. William looks at them, a soft blush coating his cheeks after having kissed them. He grins and nods "then, meet me here again tomorrow after your last period. You should be going now, darling" he says. Y/N nods and quickly makes their way out of William's classroom, looking back once more and smiling slightly at the man. They close the door and let out a soft sigh, releasing it was wrong to want him but not caring anyways.
thanks for reading,, have a good day or night ᰔᩚ
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aprilclementine · 2 years
history teacher steve and art teacher eddie au.
part 2 / part 3
Steve remembers it clear as day. It was the first day back to school, he had carpooled with his roommate Robin, and after clocking in at the office she walked him to his classroom. Robin ran ahead, her detailed eye catching something before Steve's tired eyes could process it. She was standing in front of the room right next to Steve’s that was vacant last year.
As Steve got closer, she was pointing at the sign on the wall next to the door. Steve squinted trying to read the wording, Steve quietly repeated the words as his finger moved across the sign. "Mr.Munson, Art."
Steve turned to Robin, as she wiggled her eyebrows at him, as they moved to the next door. Steve shook his head at her as he fumbled for his classroom keys. "Let's hope he's cuter than the Mr.Howard we had when we started." She snorted.
Steve smiled, playing it up. "Hey, Mr.Howard was a proper GILF."
"Steve, please tell me you did not just call Mr.Howard, a grandpa you'd like to f-"
"Language!" Steve hissed, as they made their way inside his classroom. Robin cackled, as she slid past Steve, throwing her lunch in his mini fridge.
"See you at lunch, dingus!"
Steve sighed to himself, but couldn't hold back the smile on his face.
Steve immediately got to work, placing down the syllabus they'll go over today in each of his classes.
"Alright, you can now put those papers in your backpack, please don't forget to get them signed and turn-" Steve was cut off by a crashing noise coming from his new "neighbor". Steve looked over to the shared door of the storage room curiously, now hearing the faint voice of this Mr.Munson.
Steve excused himself and grabbed his keys, opening up his side of the storage room door, crossing the small storage room, and putting his key in the knob to open up Mr.Munson’s side. Steve pushed the door open slowly, and peeked his head around the corner, eyes widening at the sight.
The man had dark, long, curly hair, black pants, black t-shirt, some white sneakers that had colorful paint splatters, and was wearing a cream colored apron, adorned with various pins and messy paint splatters, tied around his slim waist. He was standing on top of one of the tables, on a tangent about conformity, and how freeing art is.
Steve was captivated. He was stuck in the stupid storage room doorway, unable to take his eyes off the man. Steve was pulled from his trance as he heard his name.
"Mr.Harrington? What are you doing here?" the student seated closest to the storage room called out.
Steve stood up straighter, feeling the eyes of the class, and now Mr.Munson on him too.
Steve paused, unable to pull together the right words. He made eye contact with Mr.Munson as he dropped down from the table, making his way to Steve.
"Mr.Harrington! Nice to finally put a face to the resident golden boy.'' Mr.Munson smiled slyly, sticking out a ring clad hand for him to shake. He was so much better to look at up close, Steve thought.
Steve took Mr.Munson's hand, breath catching in his throat at how cold his hand was compared to Steve’s.
"Mr.Munson, nice to meet you. Sorry, I really didn't mean to interrupt, my students noticed the crashing noise, and wanted me to come make sure everything was okay over here." Steve explained.
"How sweet, isn't that sweet guys?" the class chorused behind Mr.Munson in agreement, Steve felt heat rising to his cheeks at Mr.Munson’s words. "Nothing to worry about over here Mr.H, I just accidently knocked over a chair when I was climbing on to the table to give my lecture."
Steve nodded slowly, lots of questions bouncing around in his head. "Well, alright then. I’ll let you get back to it, sorry to disrupt." Steve gave him a sheepish grin moving back into the storage room as he started to shut the door, Mr.Munson’s ringed finger grabbing on to the frame before it shut completely.
Mr.Munson half stepped into the storage room, catching Steve off guard. "Hey, is your prep period also sixth period?" he asked in a softer tone than he used in front of the students.
Steve nodded, not trusting his voice to give a verbal answer.
"Sweet! Do you mind if I join you in your classroom? I’d love a formal introduction to Hawkins High, from the golden boy himself." Mr.Munson smiled, watching Steve's face as he waited for an answer.
"Oh! Yeah, we can do that. I'll see you then."
"Can’t wait, Mr.H."
Steve finally shut Mr.Munson’s side of the storage room door, and ran a hand through his hair before returning back to his class.
Eddie remembers it clear as day. He was being walked in by the principal to his new classroom, on the first day of school. Eddie’s hands were full of a box with his own personal art supplies, and knick-knacks for his desk. Eddie paused in the doorway of his new room, to admire the sign next to his door that read ‘Mr.Munson, Art’. Eddie listened to the principal as he set his stuff down on his desk, eyes scanning the room, and ideas of how he already wants to rearrange the tables.
“And, this is the storage room you will be sharing with Mr.Harrington."
Eddie gave him a bemused look, so the principal continued. "He’s the history teacher, been with us for three years now. Staff favorite, student favorite, even parent favorite. The ladies up front call him our resident golden boy." the principal laughed.
Eddie gave a fake smile, rolling his eyes as the principal turned around to exit this room, eddie following. Pfft, Mr.Harrington, golden boy, probably just some washed-up jock that peaked in high school, trying to relive his glory days, eddie thought to himself. Eddie snorted thinking about their resident golden boy, probably overweight and balding.
The principal turned at the sound of it, making Eddie stop in his tracks. "What was that?"
Eddie shook his head, clearing his throat. "Nothing, Mr.Smith, just allergies acting up." The principal nodded in agreement, before continuing his explanation of how to fix the printer if it's jammed.
They entered the office just as two people were exiting. Eddie caught a glimpse of the first person, she bounded out too quickly, heading down the main hallway towards the classrooms. The man behind her really caught Eddie's eye, as he walked out. Back turned to Eddie, as he held a hand up waving a farewell to the receptionists up front. "Bye Steveee.'' They all chorused. Eddie watched from the windows of the office, as this man followed down the same hallway as the girl from before. He wore khaki slacks, a white collar peeking out under his dark brown knit sweater, rolled up neatly to his elbows, chestnut brown hair, shorter on the sides, pushed back, swooping upwards at his neck, small strands falling over his face in a perfect curve. His glasses slid down the bridge of his nose ever so slightly, as he looked down at his watch, continuing his stride down the hallway.
Eddie thinks he's in love. He needs to know who that was. Eddie turns to the principal, who was leaning on the counter as the receptionist spoke to him.
"Well, Eddie, it turns out we just missed Mr.Harrington." the principal tsked, as he grabbed a folder from the receptionist. "I don't know if you saw him as we walked in, I was too busy going on about that darn printer."
Eddie nodded slowly, registering the words he just heard. Mr.Harrington was not some washed up, balding, overweight ex-jock.
Mr.Harrington was breathtaking.
Mr.Harrington is golden.
"-that is what i love about art, art is so freeing. i can be anyone I want to be when I've got that brush in my hand. the canvas is a mirror of our emotions in this class." Eddie continued as he walked around the class, deciding he needed to play up the theatrics. He went to a vacant desk that would soon hold the students' supplies, and mounted the stool, kicking off of it to get him swiftly standing on the desk. The metal stool clanged and clashed as it hit the floor, making a few students flinch. Eddie chose not to acknowledge the fallen chair, he was on a roll.
He now stood over the students, and continued his speech, moving his hands more freely as he spoke. "-conformity tries to keep us caged in, an enemy of creativity, it's complete bul-"
"Mr.Harrington? What are you doing here?" Eddie whipped around at the students' question, eyes scanning for Mr.Harrington, finally landing on his head peeking out of the shared storage room. Eddie jumped off the table, moving on auto-pilot, as he crossed the room to reach Mr.Harrington.
"Mr.Harrington! Nice to finally put a face to the resident golden boy." Eddie smiled slyly, sticking out his hand for Mr.Harrington to shake. Mr.Harrington took Eddie's hand, Eddie basked in the warmth of the golden boy, not wanting to be the first to let go.
"Mr.Munson, nice to meet you. Sorry, I really didn't mean to interrupt, my students noticed the crashing noise, and wanted me to come make sure everything was okay over here." Mr.Harrington explained, Eddie watched the way the words formed around his mouth, captivated, hearing his voice for the first time.
Of course he was only in here to inspect the crash, Eddie would expect nothing less from the resident golden boy, there's no way he's real. Eddie holds Mr.Harrington’s gaze, as he speaks again. "How sweet, isn't that sweet guys?" the class chorused behind Eddie in agreement. Eddie thought he saw Mr.Harrington’s cheeks turn a faint shade of red, and all Eddie wanted to do was keep praising him. "Nothing to worry about over here Mr.H, I just accidently knocked over a chair when I was climbing on to the table to give my lecture."
Eddie saw a flash of confusion behind Mr.Harrington’s eyes at the explanation, before he spoke again. "Well, alright then. I’ll let you get back to it, sorry to disrupt." Mr.Harrington flashed him an apologetic smile, and Eddie almost melted. He watched as Mr.Harrington retreated back into the storage room, before his body caught up to his thoughts, and he was reaching out grabbing the door frame, before Mr.Harrington could close it.
Eddie half stepped into the storage room. "Hey, is your prep period also sixth period?" please be the same, please be the same, please be the sa-
Mr.Harrington nodded, and Eddie's smile grew, before he spoke. "Sweet! Do you mind if I join you in your classroom? I'd love a formal introduction to Hawkins High, from the golden boy himself."
"Oh! Yeah, we can do that. I'll see you then." Mr.Harrington finally spoke, using a softer tone.
"Can’t wait, Mr.H." Eddie smirked, before he turned away, ready to get back on the table and continue his lecture.
Steve paced around Robins room during their lunch, walking from wall to wall of her spacious music room. "Hey, dingus, come sit and eat, you're gonna get the chipotle ranch from the wrap on my carpet!"
Steve stopped in his tracks, glaring playfully at Robin, before he made his way back to her office, throwing himself down on one of the bean bags.
Robin's office was a real safespace for Steve. She didn't like the bright overhead lights schools normally have, and with the actual music room being so big, there was like three rows of lights, over the entire room, so she decked out her little office that was off to the side, in fairy lights, so there's a soft yellow glow always, she keeps her own music playing quietly over her speaker in the office, and she added two bean bags for the two to sit on while they eat lunch.
"I never want lunch to end." Steve groaned, curling up on the bean bag. Robin laughed as she plopped down next to him, peeling her orange.
"Only 179 more days left in the school year, stevie." Robin said sarcastically, "What’s got you so nervous anyways, these new freshmen intimidating you?"
Steve rolled his eyes, but let out a huff of a laugh. "It’s not the kids, it's Mr.Munson." Steve mumbled, picking at the lettuce inside his wrap.
Robin ooooh'ed melodically, sitting up to look at Steve. "Is your crush on Mr.Munson, worse than the crush you had on the GILF, Mr.Howard?"
Steve laughed, "I never said I did!"
"Steve, this morning you called him a GILF."
"Shut up, Robs." Steve stuck his tongue out at her, throwing the foil of his wrap at her playfully.
“Anyways, what’s so bad about the new guy?” Robin asked, as she picked the tomatoes out of her lunch Steve packed.
“He’s hot, that’s what the problem is.” Steve grumbled.
“So, just admire from afar, like I do with the English teacher.” Robin shrugged, finally taking a bite of her wrap.
“He’s hot, and he wants to spend our prep period together.” Steve repeated.
Robin winced, patting Steve’s shoulder. “Ah, I see the problem. Well, good luck with that, wish I could offer you some more sound advice, Stevie. But, every time Ms.Wheeler is even using the copy machine in the staff lounge when I’m in there, I short circuit, and start rambling in another language.”
Steve laughed harder than he should’ve at his best friend's misfortune. “Thanks for the pep talk, Robin, but I only speak one language. So, hopefully, Mr.Munson likes history facts.”
Robin rolled her eyes watching Steve get up from the bean bag, double checking his watch, and putting his glasses back on. “Before you ask, yes, your hair looks fine.” Robin assured, as Steve paused in front of the door.
“How many times do we need to go over this, fine is not great!” Steve exasperated, mumbling about needing to run to the restroom to fix it, as he left her office.
part 2 now up!!!
part 1, of a short wip i have going right now based on a tiktok i watched of a teacher talking about how her students started shipping her with the art teacher, and now they’re work wives.
sorry it’s just kind of like a world building type filler story rn :^/ part two should be better.
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thebluestbluewords · 9 days
hey what if this wasn’t the first time Jay’s run into potential academic trouble at Auradon Prep??
“Jay, can you stay back for a moment? I just want to ask you a question about your test.” 
Miss Lacey Harvey’s most troublesome student pulls up short, so quickly that he overcorrects and has to stick one booted foot out in an exaggerated motion to counterbalance himself. She hears him murmur something to one of his buddies, another boy from one of the sports teams, wearing a matching jacket. Lacey doesn’t often pay attention to what her students are wearing, but she’s only teaches one of the students from the Isle of the Lost this semester, and it was quite a change the first day that he showed up in a blue and gold school varsity jacket instead of his typical black and red leather. 
Lacey waits. It’s no trouble to let her students say goodbye to their friends before she pulls them aside for a little history come-to-god moment. 
Sure enough, Jay turns around a moment later.
“You wanted to see me, miss?” 
“Yes.” Lacey says firmly. “You’ll get the test back, don’t worry about that. I just need you to walk me through what I’m seeing here first.” 
Jay leans down to look at the test Lacey has laid out on the desk in front of her. He’s a good looking boy, and he knows it, so she wishes she could be surprised when he looks up at her through those dark lashes with a proud little smile. “I crushed it, yeah?”
She takes in a deep breath. Time to crush the academic dreams of a boy who’s never been to a prep school before, who by all accounts is probably doing his best given the circumstances, and who still, despite all the extenuating circumstances working against him, goes out of his way to be a pain in her ass every class period.  “Well, you could say that. Your answers on the multiple choice section were good, you did well there, but… I have to ask. It looks like you missed this section here, where you were supposed to answer some questions about the passage.” 
“What, no way. Miss, that’s bull–” he catches himself, audibly swallowing the second half of his words. “--crap. It’s bullcrap, miss. I answered the hell out of this test.” 
Lacey looks up into the honest, open face of her student. All of the boys in her late morning section are so tall this year, she’s constantly looking up at them when they stand by her desk. The thought strikes her that she really ought to get a stepstool, and save her neck the trouble. 
She files the idea away for later. Later, when she doesn’t have a student in front of her. And not just any student, but one that’s been giving her trouble since the start of the year. The trouble, you see, with teaching teenagers is that they’re quick to spin you a tale the moment they think they might be in trouble. Lacey’s heard a lot of teenagers put on the song and dance for her, and if this one is lying, then he’s doing a very good job of it. 
A little intimidation will usually break the weak ones. 
“You have to understand that we take academic integrity very seriously here at Auradon Prep,” Lacey explains, putting on her best stern, spectacle-wearing teacher expression. “I expect each and every one of my students to bring their best into my classroom. If you have anything to tell me about your test, I would prefer to settle this outside of the honor board. I’m sure you would prefer the same.” 
Lacey watches 
Jay furrows his face, squinting down at the test. “Miss, I just missed the page. It must have been stuck together or something. I’ll redo it for you.” 
“Jay, this is the problem with your tests. You are constantly skipping sections and missing questions. If I didn’t know better, I would think that you’re just skipping over all the questions that you don’t want to answer.” 
He snaps his mouth down into a hard line. “Miss, it was a mistake, I promise.” 
“I want to believe you,” Lacey says slowly, allowing her student a chance to stop digging the hole he’s created even deeper. “But—“
Jay’s face goes hard, and then evens out into a tremulous version of his usual cocky smile. “But you don’t trust villains. I get it.” 
“No, it’s not like that,” Lacey hurries to reassure him. “It’s just that I’ve seen a pattern on your tests, and I wanted to address it before the problem gets out of hand, that’s all.” 
“But I’m the only one here.” 
“I prefer not to humiliate students in front of their peers,” she snaps, before she can think better of herself. “If you would prefer that I do otherwise, please, tell me, and I would be happy to waste valuable class time that your peers could spend learning on disciplining you instead.” 
The boy in front of her drops his head. “Go for it. Discipline me.” 
This isn’t how it’s supposed to go. 
Villains, even the young ones, have a way of getting under your skin. 
“I will not.” Lacey says calmly, taking a moment to catch her breath. “Punish you for missing a question. I am here to teach you, not to dole out punishment for what you claim was an honest mistake. I’m giving you an extra study hall. Come to the study room after dinner tonight, and I’ll have one of my tutors there to help you go over the questions you’ve missed.” 
Jay straightens up, and it’s like the past few moments never happened, and he never dropped the cocky, confident face of the boy who roughhouses with his teammates in the back of her classroom. “I have a game.” 
“After that.” Lacey assures him. “The extra study hall isn’t a punishment. I am here to give you a learning opportunity. Sports games end at what, seven pm?” 
He grins. “Would you believe me if I said eight?” 
Lacey may be a history teacher, but she isn’t stupid. “I would not. Stay here while I write out your tutoring slip, and I’ll have a TA meet you in the western study room at seven thirty.” 
He shrugs, bright and easy. “Worth a shot. I’ll learn more with a cute girl as a tutor.” 
Lacey crosses Jane Fey off her list of potential TA students. “You will not.” 
“Will so.” 
“Absolutely not, and if you continue along this line, I’ll tutor you myself.” 
He flashes her a look that’s not exactly an assessment, but it does linger on her entirely too long for comfort. “You won’t find me complaining about that, Miss.” 
Lacey shrugs back a shiver. The little villains go out of their way to behave unnervingly, she knows this, and she won’t allow it to get under her skin this time. “Take this,” she commends, holding out the study slip. “And get out of my classroom before you’re late for next period.” 
He does.
Lacey lets out a breath she hasn’t consciously been holding once the door clicks shut. Villains, even little ones, aren’t a handful that she’s overjoyed to need to continue dealing with. 
With that thought in mind, she opens her school email account. 
“Dear Fairy Godmother,” Lacey whispers to herself as she types. “I am writing to inform you of an incident occurring today, which pertains to the trial run of the four children from the isle of the lost….” 
She’ll keep the higher-ups well informed of this incident.  It’s her duty as a teacher, nothing more, to keep her administration informed of how the new students are settling in. 
And if she recommends that some students in particular may not be suited for a preparatory environment, well, that’s just her opinion as an educated member of the educational staff. No more, no less. She’d like to see every student succeed in the classroom, but she’s made the same recommendation for a few royal children who couldn’t keep up with their academics, and those few were seen very tidily off to lower-ranked classrooms, and eventually their home kingdom’s local colleges, framed as a very humble move, of course, to support local educational institutions within their home kingdoms. An emphasis on their humility and loyalty to their kingdoms of birth.
She’d like to see each and every one of her students succeed. Naturally. 
She’s just setting up a few backup plans. 
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a-k-a-l-i · 16 days
They are NOT Hot!
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Luke and Leia refuse to believe that anyone would think their parents (and Uncle Obi-wan) are hot. Can the twins come up with a plan to succeed and convince their friends that they're not?
“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away…”
“...The Trade Federation was eventually blown up by none other than the Chosen One, Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker at nine years old, saving the Planet Naboo.” Terria Marayne explained to her class. Many eyes were focused on the Skywalker twins who held proud smiles, knowing how cool their dad was. 
The bell rang signifying that Prodigious Coruscanti High School was over. 
“Remember students,” the teacher called out as the kids stuffed their papers into their bags, “I want a detailed report of the Battle of Naboo, it’s due next week.”
“No doubt we’ll pass with flying colors,” Luke whispered to his twin, which Leia just snorted and shoved him out of the classroom. 
“Don’t cheat, Nerfherder.” 
“You wound me, Lei-Lei, how can I cheat on something so easy?”
The hallways were filled with students coming in and out of rooms, many stood in the hallways, talking with friends. Leia headed to her locker organizing her stuff when she heard her name being called.
Turning around, Leia waved her friends over. Three girls, a green Twi’lek with green eyes, a Pantoran, and a human with blue hair and brown eyes walked over. 
“It must be so cool to have your dad in history class, huh?” asked Hali, the Pantoran. Leia shrugged.
“I mean, it is, but we grew up with those stories, with way more details, this is hardly anything.”
 Gia pulled her blue hair lightly, “if you say so, but I doubt it though...nine years old? Please, that’s impossible.”
“That’s why he’s the Chosen One, Gia, not some regular old Jedi,” a new voice joined the conversation. The green Twi’lek, Jora, scoffed.
“I don’t remember you being allowed in this conversation, We’lin.” Said girl gave them an unimpressed look.
“Honestly, I thought you guys would be more knowledgeable when it came to Anakin Skywalker, considering you’re friends with his daughter.”
Leia sighed, “That’s enough We’lin, I get why they doubt it, no reason to be so snarky, let’s go guys.” The four girls left the angered Zebrak, who scoffed and walked away.
“What’s her problem?” Jora hissed slightly.
“She’s jealous that I’m friends with you and not her, she wants to be in close proximity with someone famous,” Leia led her friends to the front door of the building,
“Hm, no reason to be so-- hey, what’s going on?” Hali muttered. Gia saw Luke and called his name.
The boy turned his head and waved his hands to his sister and her friends. The small group walked to where Luke was standing. His friends gaping, their eyes unblinking. The girls were confused until they saw who captured everyone’s attention— students, teachers, and parents alike.
Anakin Skywalker.
He stood against the newest model of a LV-80 speeder, it is one of the fastest luxury speeders, only the wealthy could afford one. He wore his usual black Jedi robes, though, today, they were looking very fashionable. Anakin ran his fingers through his hair, biting his lips as his attention was drawn to the datapad in his hand.
“Oh my…” Hali’s words got caught in her throat. Luke and Leia groaned silently, rolling their eyes simultaneously. 
“The senator truly is lucky to have married him–”
“How can he look so flawlessly handsome?”
“He hardly aged, I dare say…”
“You’re right about that, Xeni.”
Luke facepalmed, he didn’t need to overhear the whispers about his father from the teachers no less.
“Bro, your dad looks so cool!” Derran commented.
“Imagine having a father as powerful as him–”
“Look at the speeder.”
“Imagine being this rich–”
“Why doesn’t he come over often, Luke?” A human girl wondered with a dazed look in her eyes.
“He’s busy…saving the galaxy and all,” Luke said, slightly put off at her facial expression.
Leia fared no better as her friends practically drooled at the sight. 
“Leiaaa, you’re so lucky, your dad looks so hot,” Gia gasped. Leia blanched. Seriously? How weird are her friends? Jora had a noticeable pink tint coloring her cheeks. Hali fanned herself, muttering words like “..amazing…lucky...wish I was older…not fair…”
“Guys, that’s my dad, stop calling him hot!” Leia told them, mortified. Her friends stared at her, breaking away from their stupor.
“And!?” They shrieked.
“He’s hot-”
“Only you would see him as mediocre–”
“We hardly get to see him in the flesh–”
“–he’s your dad and we’re your friends–”
“–let us worship him–”
“–and fantasize over him–”
“–in peace, Leia,” the girls finished off in unison.
Shaking her head Leia left her star-struck friends and made her way over to her brother.
“They are so creepy,” Luke mentioned, taking his sister’s bag for her. 
“At least your friends think Dad is cool, my friends find him hot.” Leia informed him, Luke gagged.
“You’re telling me.”
The Skywalker twins pushed their way to the front of the crowd.
“Dad!” Leia yelled out.
Anakin’s head snapped up, spotting his eldest son and daughter. He gave them a grin, stashing his datapad in the speeder.
The Force rang with such admiration, jealousy, and infatuation that Luke and Leia had to hurry away from the seemingly endless crowd.
“Hey, Troublemakers, how’s school?” Anakin smiled, girls once again swooned, he took their bags, and began placing them in the back seats.
“Uh, let’s tell you on the way,” Luke hurried. Their father’s eyes narrowed slightly, his eyebrow raised.
“What’s the hurry?”
“We just want to get home, see Mom, our siblings…y’know, we don’t want to be stuck here,” Leia came up with a cover quickly as Luke tried thinking of a lie. Anakin nodded and ushered them to his brand new speeder. 
Noticing the crowd, he gave them a roguish smirk and a semi salute. Chuckling once he felt emotions ringing through the force, he left the group of people standing there in surprise.
 Luke gawked as he studied the inside of the speeder.
“This speeder is so wizard, Dad!” Anakin laughed, he fired up the engine and set off towards their apartment.
“Glad you like it, son, recognize the model?”
Luke racked his brain, “is it the new LV-80? I thought it wasn’t out yet.”
Anakin nodded in approval, “True, but you know how I receive certain gifts for saving the galaxy, even though it’s been sixteen years. If I like a certain gift, then their ratings go up. It’s business,” he explained, “not to mention, I already modified it,”  Anakin handed him the manual, and Luke smiled like a little kid, reading all the latest features in the speeder.
Leia watched as towers, apartments, and other buildings zoomed by.
“What’s in your head princess?” Anakin looked back at her, before setting his attention back to the oncoming traffic.
“I was wondering, after I become a Jedi Knight, I should maybe start in politics, like Mom.”
Anakin chuckled softly, “I think that’s wonderful, you should tell your Mother about it.”
The 500 Republica came into view. Anakin smiled, thinking of his wife.
Landing the speeder with such speed and smoothness on the veranda, Luke complimented his dad over and over again, with Anakin promising his son that they can go flying over the weekend.
“Dad, Dad!”
“Papa’s home with Luke and Leia!”
Several footsteps could be heard stomping down the stairs as the trio exited the speeder.
“Woah, is that a new speeder!?” a fourteen year old boy with brown hair and brown eyes asked. Luke had a confused look on his face.
“What do you mean, Jinn? Dad, did you just buy this?”
Anakin grinned gleefully, “that’s right, I bought it months ago but I recently just finished the modifications and decided to surprise you guys.”
He noticed his youngest daughter’s blue eyes glowed with excitement, Shiraya was told she acted like her father when it came to droids and ships.
Leia rolled her eyes and shook her head, her hands on her hips as she watched the rest of her siblings fawn over the speeder. An arm was suddenly slung over her shoulder with slight force, she let out an ‘oof’ in surprise.
“I think this one needs her screws tightened, Angel, the rest of my kids love speeders, yet this one malfunctioned,” Anakin remarked in mock seriousness, Leia raised her head to see her dad giving her a mischievous smirk. Padme, along with 3P0 and R2, walked closer to the father-daughter duo and giggled melodically. 
3P0 overheard and exclaimed, “Master Ani, I highly doubt organic beings, such as Mistress Leia, possess the ability to hold screws, much less malfunction.” R2 gave a series of beeps then rolled away to the speeder. “How rude, R2, I will have you know I studied humans for as long as I can remember, after all I–” 3P0 followed his companion giving him another lecture. Anakin sighed exasperatedly. Padme shook her head.
“Ani, may I remind you, they’re my kids as well? I would like to have one normal kid who doesn’t blow up junk everytime I look in their direction,” she crossed her arms, sending her husband an unimpressed stare.
“We do not blow junk up!” The Skywalker-machine-loving members protested. Mother and daughter looked at each other before doubling over in fits of laughter. Anakin and the children sent Leia and Padme identical pouts. 
“Leia, it seems like you’re the only one who actually took after me,” Padme teased. Jinn ran over to his mother and gave her a hug.
“What about me? I look like you!” He tried reasoning with her. She had a thoughtful look on her face, pretending to think about it. Jinn looked at her and was scandalized at the notion.
“Mommm.” Padme laughed and kissed her look-like on the cheek.
“Of course, Jinn, I never doubted it for a second.” Feeling victorious, he ran back to his siblings and chatted about new turbo thrusters their dad could install with Luke.
Anakin crossed his arms with a small smile on his face, “I swear, he’s another mama’s boy.”
“Oh no, Ani, he’s all you, you should hear him talk about lightsaber battles when you’re at the Temple,” Padme said, “He acts like you a little more each day.”
Leia nodded, silently agreeing with her. “Oh, Mom, is it okay if you can pick Luke and I up from school next week?”
Her parents gave her a confused look, “Sure, I can rearrange my schedule, but I thought you were happy when your dad came over.”
“I am, I was happy, but the thing is…”
“Our friends, especially Leia’s, were fawning over Dad, the teachers were even caught in a whirlwind over his looks,” Luke added when he came over to hug his mom. Anakin coughed and blushed as Padme turned her gaze to him.
“Is that so? Did any of them flirt with him? Or vice versa?”
Anakin gaped, “Angel, you hurt me, how could you ever think of a thing like that?”
Padme ignored him and encouraged her eldest twins to finish explaining. Anakin groaned in the background.
“We don’t want to feel such revolting emotions–” Leia started
“–coming from our classmates and teachers.” Finished Luke. 
Anakin snorted, “Tough luck, kids, your mom is the most beautiful woman in the galaxy, they will probably find her just a little bit more enticing than I am.”
“Don’t listen to him, I won’t attract attention to myself, unlike your father, of course I will come.”
Luke and Leia grinned and high-fived each other. Anakin rolled his eyes and glared non-threateningly at Padme, “I feel so loved, Angel.”
Padme laughed and kissed her husband’s pouty lips, “I only want you to myself, my love.”
“You have me, but maybe I should go, in case some teachers get the wrong idea,” Anakin smirked in a way that Padme felt Nubian butterflies in her stomach.
“Sorry, Ani, I’m afraid you’ll have to stay home on this mission, and watch the rest of your kids.” He shook his head, leaning down to capture her lips once more.
“Mhm, sounds like fun.”
Mimi’s blonde hair bounced as she skipped past her parents, “Mom, Dad, I’m hungry, can we go to Dex’s Diner?”
“Ooh, yea, can we?” Jayden’s brown eyes lit up, already thinking of the yummy Zeltros sliders. The elder Skywalkers looked at each other with amusement dancing in their eyes.
“Why not.”
“Hurry up, Leia, you still need to eat breakfast,” Luke called out, buckling his boots on, while simultaneously drinking blue milk.
“Luke, put your stinky feet down,” cried Mimi.
Leia pulled her braided hair into a ponytail and buckled on her belt. Dashing from her room, she slid into the kitchen where her five siblings were eating breakfast. Grabbing a stack of pannacakes, and pouring herself a cup of blue milk, she sat next to Shiraya who was levitating a small Nubian star fruit.
“Shira, please eat, you need to be at the Temple soon,” Padme instructed, walking by the table plucking the star fruit from the air, popping it into her mouth.
“Yes, mama,” the fourteen year old sighed. Her blue eyes danced around the room, mischievousness sparkled to life, already planning on the fun pranks she would pull at the Temple. Giggling to herself, she poured sticky honey sauce on her pannacakes, and shoved them in her mouth.
A bus horn was heard outside and the eldest twins grabbed their bags running out on the veranda.
“Bye guys!” The two yelled out.
Anakin stretched and frowned, noticing that Leia forgot her comm.
“Leia! Catch!”
Said girl turned in time to use the Force to catch her comm that was thrown to her. “Thanks, Dad!”
Finding themselves a seat, many students were in awe, seeing the Chosen One use the Force in front of their very eyes.
“Hands down, Luke,” Derran said, “your dad is the coolest.”
“Will Master Skywalker be picking you up today?” Hali asked with a slight grin. 
“Not today,” Leia shook her head.
“Pity, Anakin Skywalker is one of the finest creatures my eyes have ever seen,” We’lin commented as she strode by, not stopping for the group to retort.
“For once, I can agree with her,” Jora remarked. The female Skywalker shuddered.
“Let’s just go.”
Luke was hanging out with his friends at the front of the landing docks, eating snacks.
“–I swear, Killian Urden is the best character to play, hands down,” a human-twi’lek hybrid said.
“Orman’s right, he’s the best character that has been released,” Derran agreed.
A male togruta, Fel-qin, objected, “Please, Carlip Brush is the best.” The other boys groaned.
“He’s the worst! Luke, who do you like?” Orman turned his attention to the blonde boy. Luke chewed thoughtfully.
“While Carlip has the best combos, I have to agree with Derran and Orman, Killian’s swordplay can easily beat Carlip’s gun combos.”
Fel-qin looked betrayed, “How could you say that! Luke, you’re my best mate!” The male Skywalker shrugged and laughed as the togruta tried stealing his granos chips.
A stylish looking Nubian speed craft pulled into view, parking in front of the school.
Derran, Orman, and Fel-qin’s eyes practically bugged out of their heads. Seeing a LV-80 speeder was shocking enough, but witnessing a Nubian aircraft was just as rare.
“Holy, look at that speeder…she’s a beauty,” Fel-qin whispered, the other boys nodding.
A man dressed in the Naboo Royal Security uniform, stepped out, opening the back door. A woman dressed in purple and silver stepped out. Fixing wayward strands of hair, she scanned the premises until her eyes spotted one half of the target.
A crowd had already gathered when the aircraft arrived, their attention soon turned to the boy whose name was called out.
“Hi, Mom,” Luke waved and smiled. He turned his head to see his friends’ mouths open wide.
“That-that’s your mom!?”
“She’s so hot, Holy Sith…”
“Luke…you’ve been holding out on us.”
“If only I was older and a  Jedi, hell, if only I knew your mom, I would’ve banged her,” Derran muttered. He winced when a slap was directed toward his head and later three swift punches were delivered. 
Luke groaned and fumed silently, “guys…that’s my mother you’re talking about, stop looking at her like she’s meat,” he glared. His friends looked away abashedly for a hot second before their eyes were drawn towards the pretty Naboo senator again. 
“See you guys…” he waved uncaringly. 
“H-Hey, Luke, wait-!”
Luke made his way over to his mother, giving her a kiss on the cheek. The woman smiled, ruffling her eldest son’s hair.
“How was school?”
“It was okay, we passed on the Battle of Naboo,” he smirked, nearly identical to his father’s. Padme laughed, making the male students and teachers’ heart beat with such vigor, they knew they would do anything for her.
“That’s my son, you knew that story the minute you were born,” she gave him such a proud look, Luke felt his heart burst with love for his mom. “Where’s your sister?” Padme looked over his shoulder for any sign of the brunette teen.
He shrugged, “not sure, she’ll be out in a minute though, I can feel her Force presence coming closer.” the senator nodded and happily chatted with her son.
“What’s with the crowd?” Hali asked. Leia felt a feeling manifest in her stomach.
“Oh no.”
Making their way towards the front, what seems to be a woman, identical looking to Leia, and Luke were chatting in front of a Nubian aircraft.
“For someone nearing their fifties, she sure hasn’t aged…”
“No wonder Master Skywalker married her–”
“–I wonder if I could ever shoot my shot with–”
“Oh shut up, Bron, she married the Chosen One–”
“I’m jealous.”
“She doesn’t deserve Anakin Skywalker–”
“No wonder the Skywalker twins are so good-looking, with parents like that–!”
Gia shifted towards Leia, “I’m kinda jealous, your mom is so beautiful.” 
The brunette nodded, “she is, Dad calls her his light in the galaxy.” She would never dare say the sacred nickname her father calls her mother, only family members know it and she would like to keep it that way.
Jora, Gia, and Hali sighed in wistfulness.
“So romantic.” 
“Man, your dad is the Chosen One, a Jedi Master, an excellent pilot and is hot, your mom was a queen, she’s a senator, she’s super nice, and extremely beautiful, you guys are so lucky! You look so much like them, I’m jealous,” a human female student exclaimed, she turned to her boyfriend who raised his eyebrows at her.
Leia gaped, groaning out,“I gotta go, Luke is calling my name.”
Jora looked confused.
“How–” started Hali.
Leia tapped her temple, “Force powers remember?”
She turned around, not bothering to see them make the connection. 
“Hi, Mom, hi, Lukie.”
Padme smiled brightly and hugged her daughter, “I should find the time to do this again, I’ve missed you all terribly.”
Leia giggled. 
Padme, slightly shocked at the sight of the large crowd, she waved and gave them a demure smile.
She led her twins to the speeder where Captain Typho bowed and shut the door after they got situated. 
The eldest set of the Skywalker twins sat in Luke’s room, discussing plans.
“It’s impossible, how can they find both Dad and Mom hot?” Luke groaned and plopped himself on his bed.
“Unfortunately, Dad was right, that smug look of his when we came home too,” Leia crushed silently. Her face was scrunched as she started to think.
“You look like Mom, you know that, Lei?” 
She broke her concentration and smiled bashfully, “thanks, Lukie, hopefully I can be just as great as her one day.”
“You will, don’t worry.” Luke grinned, picking up a comic from the floor.
“Anyway, I still don’t have an idea…” Leia huffed out. 
Luke snapped his fingers and exclaimed, “ah-ha!”
Startled, Leia looked at him, “well? What is it?”
“Uncle Obi-wan, no one will think the old man is hot!” A grin broke out on Leia’s face.
“You’re a genius! That’s perfect, we’ll be at the temple tomorrow and we can ask him then.”
Identical smirks and heads nodding in unison was the only thing that worried Padme when she walked by her eldest son’s room.
“Oh dear, let’s hope nothing bad will happen.”
At the Temple, Anakin was strolling along the hallways with Obi-wan, chatting leisurely. 
“Master…what’s with everyone’s robes today? All the male species are wearing…pink,” he drawled out. Obi-wan sighed, stroking his beard.
“I have a hunch they aren’t following a fashion trend,” he said, looking pointedly at his former padawan.
A human female Jedi Knight walked by, her hair color different shades of yellow and green. She grumbled incoherently and gave a small bow to the two Jedi Masters, but she gave Master Skywalker a small glare and returned to her destination.
Anakin sputtered, “what was that about? I didn’t even color her hair!”
“Always two there are, a master and an apprentice, follow the rules, you do not, young Skywalker,” Yoda suddenly appeared, dressed in pink robes, his hair had blue and pink glitter. His glimmer stick softly hitting the ground as he walked by with Mace Windu dressed in the same pink robes, drinking tea.
“When has Master Skywalker ever followed the rules, Master Yoda?” Mace nodded at the duo and followed Yoda into another hallway.
“I’m nearing my forties, I’m a Jedi Master, and I have kids who take the title young Skywalker, and he still insists on calling me that!” Anakin slumped against the wall, running his hands through his hair.
His former master chuckled, “you are the youngest member on the council, even now, and besides, he is approaching his 900th birthday.”
Anakin snorted, “Right, Obi-wan, of course. Do you know who dyed the robes?”
Obi-wan glared at Anakin, “your offspring did this, why do you think Master Yoda said what he said?”
“Yeah, but what’s with the Rule of Two though?”
“You taught all six of your kids to terrorize the Jedi Temple,” he deadpanned, “we probably should’ve stopped you reproducing after Luke and Leia were born, now we don’t even know who has pranked us this time.”
Giggles floated down the hallway, the duo turned their heads to see Shiraya running away from a mob of Jedi Knights and Padawans. Voices were clashing and mixing together that not a thing could be heard, but they knew this time, Shiraya started the prank.
“One at a time, my fellow Jedi! I still have to continue my prank!” Shouts of objection rose louder, causing her to laugh. Shiraya jumped on a ledge, causing everyone to stop and stare. She turned around, noticing her father and uncle, giving everyone a semi-salute mimicking her dad, she fell backwards. The Jedi clamored to the ledge, but to their surprise, they couldn’t find her.
“She needs no DNA test to prove she’s Master Skywalker’s offspring.”
“This Temple will be terrorized by the Skywalkers, just you wait.”
Obi-wan raised his eyebrow at Anakin who looked proud. The crowd dispersed, leaving the two alone once again.
“That’s my daughter, I can only compliment and approve of her action,” Anakin nodded, Obi-wan groaned.
“Uncle Obi!”
Said man turned to see his padawan with his sister.
“Hello there,”
“General Kenobi,” the twins bowed. Anakin snickered silently behind Obi-wan who had an exasperated look on his face.
“Is there anything I can do for you?”
The twins nodded, Leia speaking first, “can you pick us up from school four days from now? Please.” Luke smiled brightly in agreement.
The auburn man gave Anakin an incredulous look to which he received a shrug in return.
“I would be happy to, but what brought this on?”
The twins shared a look, “we would like for you to pick us up, cause you’re family,Uncle Obi-wan,” they gave a very convincing smile causing Obi-wan to nod his head.
“Very well, if that’s alright with you of course, Anakin ?”
“Take the Troublemakers, you need more excitement, Master.”
“Anakin, you’ve given me more than enough gray hairs, I don’t need anymore from your offspring–”
Leia and Luke quietly drifted away from the famous Skywalker-Kenobi banter.
“Mission accomplished, sis,” Luke high-fived his sister.
“Finally, it’ll be impossible for anyone to find Uncle Obi hot,” Leia remarked.
Luke let out a laugh, “exactly, it’s impossible.”
“...I can’t wait to go on that mission to Hoth! It’ll be so cool,” Luke grabbed his books, shoving them into his bag.
“Literally,” Leia sipped on her Fresca Jamora smoothie, noticing her brother staring at her.
“Haha, funny.”
She gave him a grin, walking with him to the exit. Avoiding students can be a hassle, luckily for her, she was quite nimble on her feet.
“I overheard the masters talking about our Knighthood ascension, we might get knighted at eighteen like Dad.”
Luke’s face lit up, “haha yes! Finally, Jedi Knight here I come.”
“I’m going to start working on my speech towards my campaign for the Queen of Naboo. I believe I might win enough votes, but I can’t rely on my parents' fame to do it.”
“I know nothing about politics, but if you need help, just call my name.”
A look of gratitude made its way onto Leia’s face, the two embraced until Luke pinched her causing the girl to punch him.
“No good troublemaker.”
“Goody-two shoes.”
They chuckled and continued to walk out of the school where a large crowd formed.
“Oh kriffing hells,” they cursed in unison.
“First Master Skywalker, then Senator Skywalker, and now Master Kenobi!? This school will become extremely popular,” the principal exclaimed happily.
“I love his beard!”
“Can’t believe he snagged the Duchess of Mandalore–”
“I can’t believe the Duchess snagged him.”
“He’s so much hotter than his holopictures!” One girl could not contain her excitement.
“Masters Skywalker and Kenobi are the two hottest Jedi I’ve ever seen–”
“I can gladly die happily now.”
Many girls were in awe, they’ve witnessed two very good looking Jedi Masters these past few weeks. Meanwhile, the boys were chatting off making small bets about who would win.
“Anakin Skywalker no doubt.”
“–Obi-wan trained him though, surely that must mean he’s powerful enough in the force!”
“Master Skywalker is the literal Chosen One–”
“–I believe it’s Obi-wan–”
The man who caused the disturbances coughed lightly, and scanned quickly for his nephew and niece. 
This must be why the twins asked me to come pick them up, Obi-wan thought wryly, no doubt they experienced this scenario with their parents.
Holocameras were flashing quickly, girls swooned, and boys gawked. Though, there was no reaction quite priceless like the ones the Skywalker twins were sporting in this exact moment.
I thought for sure it would work…
Luke and Leia shared twin looks of defeat, they simultaneously put their heads in their hands. Chests were heaving as they couldn’t help but feel embarrassment and awkwardness as the school population were continuing their admiration.
“Let’s go, Luke.”
Making their way to their uncle, despite the strong feeling they felt, they couldn’t hide the happiness seeing their father’s closest friend here at their school.
“Hello young ones, I see there is a crowd that seems to be growing by the minute,” Obi-wan acknowledged the two. He bowed to the crowd and settled himself in the driver’s seat.
Wincing, the blonde and brunette gave him sympathetic glances as they strapped themselves in their seats. 
“We thought because you were old, we hoped to repel the crowd and stop their admiration,” Leia explained.
“Clearly that didn’t work, seems like Dad lied about you being extremely old, Master,” Luke tsked, already planning on scolding his father for telling them such a lie when the general public thought otherwise.
Obi-wan sighed under his breath, “Skywalkers and their insults…”
They chatted contently as the elder Kenobi carefully, much to the teens’ disappointment, drove the speeder to their home.
Feeling quite refreshed, Leia left her damp hair to dry before she styled it. Walking to the veranda, the first thing she noticed were her aunts Satine and Ahsoka and her Uncle Lux.
When did Aunt Satine and Uncle Lux arrive? She wondered.
Ahsoka looked up and smiled at Padme’s nearly identical replica. 
“Lei-Lei, how are you? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, your mother tells me that you’re planning to get into politics.”
Satine demurely sipped on her tea, “I would gladly help you, should you want my advice, though I believe you hardly need it, considering your mother is already an excellent politician.”
Padme smiled slightly under the praise and waved her eldest daughter to the couch, “come sit with me.”
Leia slowly made her way over there, watching her siblings getting into a friendly physical sparring match. Ahsoka and Lux’s children were also there laughing with Jayden and Mimi.
Jinn was sitting on Padme’s left side, causing her to sit on her mother’s right. 
“I was unaware you had arrived,” Leia commented to Satine and Lux.
“I arrived a few days ago,” Satine remarked, smiling softly at the young girl, as if she knew a secret.
Lux answered as well, chuckling quietly, “I came to Coruscant last night, when your aunt Soka invited me here.”
Nodding in understanding, the three adults including Leia engaged in a simple conversation about politics, Jinn tried to keep up as best as he could, but in the end he turned in favor of following his father out the veranda to help him bring in training sabers.
Leia entered the kitchen with Luke where they met Ashoka.
“What’s got your head in the clouds?”
Luke groaned, “These past two weeks–”
“–three weeks, actually,” Leia interrupted, biting a shurra fruit.
“–what she said, everyone at our school found Dad, Mom, and Uncle Obi-wan to be extremely attractive,” he finished off with a look of disgust, to which Ahoska just laughed out loud.
“Oh, really? Well, that’s not surprising, during the Clone Wars, they were on the HoloNet almost everyday, they were the reason why our galaxy is at peace,” she shrugged pushing away a bowl of Nubian star fruits away from her, since they were only tasteful to the people who had Naboo blood running through their veins.
“But they should be more considerate, like, we don’t want to hear everyone constantly talking about how attractive they are,” Leia whined like a young girl, “someone even said how Uncle Obi-wan’s beard was…hot,” at that word, the twins shuddered. The three exited the kitchen and reentered the veranda. 
Luke and Leia slumped in defeat, waving off their father’s concern. Claiming the problem to be out of anyone’s reach unless they knew how to make themselves less attractive, as to which Lux blinked in confusion with his wife promising him that she will explain later.
Satine laughed softly with her husband, patting his hand affectionately.
“Never lose the beard, my darling Obi, never lose it,”
Obi-wan just shook his head, he kissed her cheek and resumed his conversation with his former padawan who gagged along with his spawns he calls offspring. Padme pinched Anakin who rubbed his arm giving her a mock glare.
The two kissed lost in their own passion for a brief moment.
Luke and Leia shook their heads.
No matter what anyone in the galaxy says.
In fact. they refuse to believe it.
After all, who would believe that the Skywalker and Kenobi clans could ever be considered attractive?
Anakin Skywalker, Padme Skywalker, and Obi-wan Kenobi were not hot.
Jayden and Jinn talked with Ahsoka’s son, Corellan, and Obi-wan’s youngest son, Thelis.
Mimi talked with Ahoska’s middle child, Kerria.
Luke and Leia talked with Obi-wan’s eldest son, Zander.
The adults conversed with each other.
All the while, a brunette girl, an auburn haired girl, and a female togruta, decided that today they would become the bestest of friends. Each girl clasped on a necklace that had a single four pointed crystal star.
They would become a trio that the galaxy feared and respected. Just like the galaxy feared their parents during the Clone Wars.
Shiraya Skywalker. 
Saachi Kenobi. 
Scarlett Bonteri.
These names would then become known as the Azul Trio.
They would be known as some of the most powerful Jedi in history.
After all, how could they not be when their parents are Anakin Skywalker, Obi-wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano?
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stephsageek · 1 month
I have COVID. Enjoy my barely coherent Five x Lila writings I've been doing:
Excerpt from Chapter 3: Eight Months, Two Weeks, and 4 Days: December 17th, 2019 (Five's POV):
“Thank you so much, Mrs. Hargreeves for coming,” a matronly woman greeted as she stood up from her secretarial desk.
Lila smiled graciously, shaking the woman’s proffered hand.
“Not at all. Anything for my precious baby brother.”
Lila glanced over just in time to watch Five’s eye twitch from where he was slumped, seething, in a chair just outside the principal’s office. He’d already had his thorough ‘dressing down,’ and was more than ready to leave
His clothes were rumpled, and he hadn’t bothered to wipe the blood that dripped from his nose. His mouth twisted in barely restrained irritation as he scowled at nothing in particular.
Several chairs over sat another boy much bigger than Five.
He looked decidedly sullen, what with his torn letterman jacket, two black eyes, a broken nose, a split lip, a patch of hair missing, and two wrists that sat in awkward angles while a paramedic fussed over him.
Five gave him a slow reptilian grin when their eyes met, and the boy hurriedly looked away, shifting his entire body as far away from Five as he could.
Five couldn’t quite recall the boy’s name—Skylar? Tyler? —he was sure it was something irritating.
Five had caught him bullying another student, taking the braces she needed for walking and holding them above his head. He remembered Diego once doing something similar to Viktor when they were eleven.
Five had been less than amused by his antics; much less how he’d suckered punched Five for trying to break it up.
At least it wasn’t a teacher that had crossed Five this time.
That History teacher at his last school had been way too handsy with her students and had been less than responsive to Five’s warnings against the wisdom of such improprieties. It had unpleasantly reminded Five of the Handler.
Shitty public school system letting in any yahoo off the streets.
“Just sign here and you can take him home,” the woman explained, picking up a clipboard from her desk.
Lila jotted down several signatures for Five’s withdrawal, occasionally glancing over at him, and putting on an exaggerated air of disappointment. Five rolled his eyes each time. He was unsure of who’s benefit it was for.
“All right. Everything looks to be in order,” the woman announced as she picked up the clipboard and flipped through a few pages. She gave Five a stern look of reprimand before saying, “You can both go,” her tone conveying that it was mostly Five to whom she was referring.
Five stood, gritting his teeth, and roughly grabbed a backpack. He headed out the front doors without so much as a look back.
“Thank you, Mrs. Capwell. I’ll be sure to contact his social worker,” Lila hurriedly thanked the other woman before hustling after him.
“You need to stay out of trouble young man! You’re running out of chances!” the older woman harshly called out to his retreating back, her voice growing distant as he sped away.
Lila found him already standing before Wanda, his posture impatient and angry.
Lila unlocked the driver’s door and disengaged the locks. She shifted uncomfortably, trying her best to make room for her distended belly.
“So, another bust then?” Lila remarked casually as she slid herself behind the wheel.
“I’ve had it!” Five burst out from the passenger’s seat. “I don’t care what deal I made with Viktor. This is it! I tried regular school—it is not working!” he bit out harshly. He looked over at the way Lila shifted uncomfortably, trying to make room for her distended belly while still being able to somehow reach the peddles. Five sighed, roughly opening his door and all but stomping over to her side and yanking the door open.
He was not doing this for her.
He just hated sitting there watching her shift around lollygagging. It pissed him off.
He took hold of Lila’s wrist pulling her from the driver’s seat and onto the asphalt.
“Oi! Wha—”
“I’m driving!” he snapped, taking the keys from her hand and pushing her by the small of her back over to the side he had just left. He made sure not to be too rough as he hustled her along impatiently.
Lila huffed in annoyance, but once she was settled, she looked undeniably more comfortable.
Five roughly swiped at the blood on his face as he checked his mirrors, preparing to leave.
Lila frowned as she took in his frustration.
“So,” she drew the word out, “Why me?” she questioned once the car was in motion.
“What do you mean?” Five bit out, to which Lila rolled her eyes at his attempt to be obtuse. He hated that it rarely worked with her. She was much more stubborn than the rest of his family.
“You know exactly what I mean, Five! Why me and no-not Viktor? O-or any of your other brothers? Hell, even Allison—?”
“You know why,” he muttered.
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kiwi2229 · 11 months
The universe
(Sirius Black / Remus Lupin | 1 264 words)
Written for Sirius’ birthday <3
Everyone in Hogwarts knew what the date today was. 3rd of November. That only means one thing- the birthday of one and only Sirius Orion Black. Every year the Marauders made sure to do something special on this day. This year they charmed every statue to bow when Sirius walked around them and wished him happy birthday. All thanks to Peter’s idea, Remus’ research and James’ spell work. What didn’t change every year was a party in the Gryffindor Tower. It became famous over the years and students from other houses wanted to attend. It was more work to accommodate all of the people, but fortunately, professors looked the other way for one night and let it slip, as long as their silencing charms worked and underaged students did not drink alcohol.
Remus was watching his friend shining in the middle of the crowd, laughing loudly and just being the centre of attention. Someone would call him a star as his name suggested. But not Remus. Because a star is not enough to capture Sirius. No, Sirius is not just bright and warm. He has his dark cold parts which no one bothers to look at. Meteors are parts of broken planets that others consider waste, but they couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s evidence of the history the universe went through. Things that are broken to make something new. To never stop evolving. He is all the chaos that you can’t believe can work together, but it all works in harmony. 
No, Sirius is not a star. For Remus, he is the universe. With all the darkness and light, the broken pieces and beautiful constellation patterns, all the noise of creation and silence of emptiness. He surrounds Remus with his infinity. Is it even possible to not love the universe in all its glory? Remus never tried. He never wanted to. It felt like he was destined to fall in love with him. But Remus is not stupid or naïve enough to expect the universe to love him back. No, but he is lucky enough to witness from his distant corner the life itself as Sirius dances and talks and shares little mischief glances with James and periodically looks in his direction to check Remus is still standing there.
It's hours later when Remus comes back from the restroom and can’t find the birthday boy anywhere in the middle of the crowd. He waits a little longer but when his friend doesn’t show up, he makes his way upstairs. He peeks in their dorm, but it’s empty. His gaze lands on the cracked open window at the very back at the end of the corridor.
The rooftop is drowned in the darkness of the night but a little bit to the left perched on the small spot is sitting Sirius, his head tilted to the sky his legs firmly tugged underneath him.
“Pads?” Remus asks tearing the boy from his thoughts. Sirius quickly turns to him and as soon as his eyes lie on Remus his startled expression changes to smile. “Is everything alright? Why are you not at the party?” Remus continues.
“I just wanted to be alone for a moment,” Sirius explains as he gestures to the empty space in front of him and Remus mentally kicks himself for intruding.
“Oh, sorry. I’m gonna leave you to it, then.” Remus is ready to close the window when Sirius calls for him again.
“No, join me?”
“But you wanted to be alone.”
“I can be alone and with you,” Sirius explains and adds when Remus doesn’t make the move to climb out of the window. “Please? I like having you around.”
Remus climbs to the small roof spot and sits beside his friend. The spot is not too big, so they are sitting pressed against each other. Remus is aware of every inch of his body that is touching Sirius. He takes out a pack of cigarettes and offers it to his friend. “I’m gonna share one with you, Moons.”
They smoke and Sirius has once again the distant look in his eyes. Remus is sure he is losing his mind because he is convinced that every time Sirius takes the cigarette from him, his gaze lingers on him a little longer, and the brush of their fingers is a little slower.
Sirius takes a long drag from the cigarette and tilts his head as he blows the smoke out. “Sometimes I think I don’t deserve any of this,” Sirius whispers suddenly. A secret shared under the cloak of the night. “All of the people who came here today, all of whom talked to me, don't really know me. If they did, they wouldn't bother with me.”
Remus thinks how utterly wrong Sirius is. They might not truly know Sirius. He hides parts of himself too well only offering the perfectly polished parts. But that’s their loss. Because as much as Remus loves the outgoing happy part of Sirius, he also loves all of the other parts. He doesn’t love Sirius despite them, but because of them.
“I know you,” Remus says and waits for Sirius to agree with that statement. “And I don’t see anything I don’t like.” Remus can’t make out what the look on Sirius’ face means. He caught a glimpse of surprise, a soft smile and sadness.
“You say you don’t deserve anything? I say you deserve everything you want. Name it and I will get it for you. It’s that easy.” The moment Remus says this he realises that he might be drunk. He wouldn’t say this sober. He is not bold enough to speak the truth.
Sirius’ gaze is searching Remus’ face and Remus could swear he stares at his lips longer than friends would. “That easy, Moons?” Sirius asks his voice deep as he wraps his lips around every syllable. Remus holds his breath and nods slowly burning under Sirius’ gaze.
“What if the thing I want is someone. Someone who is too good for me, who I’m sure deserves everything in the world and I’m not sure I can manage to give it to them.”
Remus lowers his gaze refusing to let the sadness show in his face. But that’s how it goes, the universe will fall in love with someone else and Remus will watch. “They would be lucky to have you. Anyone would be lucky to have you and that is everything.”
There is a long pause when everything stays still. The coldness of the air surrounding Remus is breached by a hot hand on his cheek urging him to look up. He sucks a sharp breath as he looks into Sirius’ face. “All I have to do is ask, you said. Okay. So, this is me. Asking. For the one person I want.”
For a moment Remus can’t comprehend that Sirius means him. It doesn’t feel real. It can’t be real. But Sirius is still looking at him, his hand still cupping Remus’ chin. He nods slowly afraid he would somehow ruin the moment if he moved too quickly. But Sirius is moving towards him, and Remus can feel his hot breath on his lips right before Sirius kisses him.
Remus is sure this is how the Big Bang felt like. Everything packed in a single shiny moment. Everything that ever was and ever will be captured at the touch of their lips. Because kissing Sirius is like touching the universe itself. Glorious and infinite. They are the centre of the world right there on the roof of Grifindoor Tower.
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justashthewriter · 7 months
Characters: Aizawa Shota (maybe a little OOC), reader – student
Gender of reader: (...) – add name/nickname/pronouns
Genre: comfort fic, dad – child type of relationship
Warnings/rating: none
Summary: You are a burnt out overachiever and dadzawa is there to help you.
Notes: This story is purely for a parent-like comfort, I’m not supporting any kind of teacher/student romantic relationship.
Words: 578
            Another D. It was third this week. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you ran out of the classroom. You could hear your teacher calling your name, yet you didn’t stop until you reached the dorms. Running up the stairs, you stumbled a few times until you reached your room. As the door shut, your body fell on the bed. Negative thoughts filled your head and made you cry even harder.
            Why am I never enough? Why is it so hard? Why can’t I do it anymore? Why can’t I be as good as-…
            Knocking on wood interrupted the train of your thoughts. The door slightly opened and you heard the deep voice of your teacher.
            “May I come in?”
            You wiped the tears away and stood up: “Yes.”
            Aizawa-sensei walked in and closed the door. For a while you were just standing there looking at each other, when suddenly he made a step closer and pulled you into a hug.
            “It’ll be fine.”
            Your body gave up and you started crying on his shoulder. He patted your back and let you cling onto him for support.
            “Why am I not good enough?”
            The question slipped from your lips and his body tensed, pulling away from you.
            “Why do you think that?” But before you could even answer, he continued: “I noticed you’ve been distancing yourself from everyone. I know you’re struggling with school, but it doesn’t mean you aren’t enough.”
            Your teacher helped you sit down on the bed and took some napkins from the table, offering them to you. He sat next to you.
            “I know it’s hard to not fulfill others’ expectations, but you should put yourself first. In the end, it’ll only hurt you.”
            “But my parents will be upset if I don’t excel and-…”
            “Your parents aren’t you. They are not here, you are the one who got into UA. And I don’t see you struggle with trainings, doesn’t thank mean anything?”
            He raised his brow and got up: “If you need help, you can ask your teachers for tutoring. Bakugou and Yaoyorozu are tutoring some of your classmates, you could ask them if that would make you feel less anxious.”
            You stayed quiet, thinking about your question. Aizawa reached for the doorknob, when he heard your voice.
“Would you, please, tutor me, Aizawa-sensei?”
            You didn’t want Bakugou to yell at you for not understanding, Yaoyorozu and you weren’t really close and you don’t really talk with other teachers. You aren’t like Midoriya who can easily talk to All Might. So your last resort is your homeroom teacher. You look up to him, he is kinda like your second dad.
            “Wash your face and try to calm down, I’ll see you in the class.”
            He didn’t know that you noticed the smile forming on his face.
            “Yes, sensei!”
            You were sitting at the first desk with Aizawa in front of you. He already helped you with history, explaining it in simple words. Now you were left with math.
            “Are you sure this is correct?” you asked when the answer didn’t look good.
            Aizawa huffed, taking the paper: “I think so, this is how I would do it.”
            There was a silence between you, a soft laughter escaped your lips.
            “Don’t laugh, you aren’t better,” he frowned, standing from his chair.
            You followed him, scared of what was going to happen.
            “I don’t like saying this, but we have to ask Ectoplasm.”
JustAsh, 1/3/24
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Aaron Hotchner x Young Son reader
Summary: There has been a murder at 7 year old Y/N Hotchners school, his Dad is worried about him going to school.
Third person pov...
When Hotch first arrived at work they got a new case, when he arrived at the round table he saw a horrified look of Penelopes face as he walked in, as well as the others, they were all engrossed in the case file infront of them.
Hotch raises an eyebrow as they all look up once he sits down. "What's going on, is it the case we have?" He asks them. Dave pats his arm making the man look at his long time friend.
The older man shakes his head. "Your not going to like it Aaron"he says before Hotch picks up the case in front of him.
He looks at them all again before looking down at the file. As he reads what it says his heart quickens in anxiety as he continues to read. "What" he whispers this can't be happening, this can't be happening.
Someone touches his arms, it brings him back to reality. "This happened in Y/Ns school, my 7 year old sons school" he says harshly, making Penelope jump.
"Yes boss man, as you've all read a student has been found dead at an elementary school here in Quantico" Explains Penelope going through the slides of her presentation.
Hotch doesn't hear her though, as soon as they arw done with the briefing Hotch makes his way to the door  "wheels up now!"He yells practically running out the door.
The others quickly follow him, leaving Penelope behind, all six get into the SUVs and drive to Y/Ns elementary school. Hotch drives fast he needs to get to Y/N. He has to make sure his Son is okay.
With Y/N Hotchner...
When Y/N Hotchner left the car to walk into school, the 7 year old didn't expect to be taken to the assembly hall with all the other students and teachers.
Y/N soon finds his friends. "Guys what's happening?" He asks them, to his annoyance they don't know either, from the expressions on the staffs faces the news wasn't good.
Suddenly everyone becomes quiet when the Headmaster (im British and we call out Principals Headmasters) stands infront off everyone.
He looks around at the students infront and begins. "Good morning children, I know you all all wondering why you are gathered here so early, well that is because something happend last night at this very school, kne of your classmates has been found dead, so until the killer has been caught you all have to stay home, your parents will be called to pick you up, that is all for now" he says and leaves the stand.
As he does everyone begins talking at once, Y/N is shocked someone is dead  "this means Daddy's team will be working the case" he mumbles as his class is taken back to their classroom.
As he follows everyone he notices something in the corner of his eye, it was his history teacher, she was acting strangely as he watches her they end up locking eyes.
Quickly the young boy runs after his class. "Creepy" he mumbles as he continues running, he has to tell his Daddy what he saw.
Once he was safely in his classroom, the teachers got to work on calling all the parents of 30 kids, Y/N distracted himself with thinking of his Daddy.
The 7 year old didn't have to wait long as the doors to his classroom burst open and in walks young Y/Ns Daddy. The teachers go to stop the man but arw cut of by Y/N Hotchner jumping into his arms.
The man sighs in relief as his so  jumps into his arms. "Daddy! Your here, did you hear what happened? Arw you working this case?-"
"-Y/N son let me speak, yes I did hear what happened, and yes my team and I am working this case" answered the man, After years of having two energetic kids he has mastered thr art of the quick answer to questions.
Y/N smiles as he Dad tickles his sides. Hotch looks at the shocked teachers "in taking Y/ N with me now" he said before turning around and leaving out the doors, he walked outside to where police cars and the rest of the team were.
Y/N screams with joy as he spots his many aunts and Uncle's talking to the officers and waiting for their boss tou join them. The 7 year old wiggles around in his dad's arms until he is released.
Happy with his freedom, the little boy sprints straight to his favourite person who is the one the only David Rossi, or to Y/N Uncle Dave. The boy ducks under the crime scene tape and jumps into the unsuspecting man's arms.
"Uncle Dave!" He screams surprising the man, his loud scream make everyone look towards them, a grin makes its way onto Rossis face as he sees the boy in his arms. "Hey Bambino!" He says back equally happy to see the boy.
Hotch smiles as he sees his son interacting with his team, the smile is soon gone when the officer in charge of the case makes his way over to Hotch and pulls him aside.
Derek grins and ruffles the little boys hair. "Hey baby Hotch, you doing alright?" He asks the child, said child turns around to the man. "Yep I'm okay Uncle Derek, arw you all here to find the unsub." He asks them all getting a nod from each person.
"Great with you all on the case that meanie will get caught!" Exclaimed the boy very confident that his Daddy's team will find the killer responsible.
Time Skip...
By the end of the day Hotches team had found a couple of suspects but none of them fit the profile, the team were at a loss of what to do, they had been pouring over old cases but nothing was come up, Rossi groans from his chair as he slams down a file onto the table.
He puts his heah into his hand, when suddenly someone small patted his shoulder, the man looked up and saw E/C eyes it was Y/N.
The little boy hadn't been out of his dad's sight all day, the man was to paranoid about his son being next so he kept the boy with the team.
"It's okay Uncle, you will get it soon"he says sympathetically, the boys looks at the files of his teachers before he gasps, his gasp makes the others I  the room look at him in concern.
"What! What's wrong N/N?" Asks JJ kneeling down infront of him, after everything that happened Y/N completely forgot about the thing he noticed. "Mrs East! I noticed how she was acting funny during the assembly, I'm sorry I forgot about her" said the young boy the team look at him ansnthen JJ called Penelope asking for a background check on Mrs East.
Rossi then pulls the boy in for a hug "well done Bambino you helped us woth that piece of information!" He exclaimed hugging the boy tightly.
Half an hour later thanks to Y/Ns help they had caught the Unsub who was surprise surprise Y/Ns history teacher, when the team arrive back at Headquarters Hotch heads straight to his son, once hebfind him he pulls him into a hug. "Thanks to you Son you helped us catch our killer, you're our hero" he whispers into his sons ear.
"Of course Daddy, I'm like you a hero!" Exclaimed the little ball of sunshine making Hotch laugh.
The end!
Wooo!third one shot done tonight can't believe it! Anyway as usual sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes!
Request are open!
Word count: 1385
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croginski · 3 months
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Day 2- Blackstaff Student AU
Fanfic only
Rating: teen
Gale/ named tav (Holly Mac)
Alternative universe where Holly meets Gale before the events of Balder’s gate 3
Warnings: mentions of Mystra
Gale felt the feeling of something small and soft patting at his face. “Mr. Dekarios! You are late once again! You are going to miss the student exchange!” His beloved tressym shouts at him as Tara tried her best to wake up the senior apprentice. Gale grumbles something incoherent before rolling over in a futile attempt to avoid Tara’s yowls.
A low rumbling growl comes from tressym as she released the claws of her paw, hesitantly she puts a few into the eighteen-year-old’s flesh. Gale jumps up with a jolt, “Tara! The hells! Fine, I’ll go to the student exchange! Now, please, allow me to dress!” He screams as Tara jumps off the bed. “Thank you Mr. Dekarios please make sure to hurry!” She comments as she makes for the small balcony to allow the young wizard some privacy.
Gale flings the covers off of him and hunches over at the edge of the bed. He runs his hands through his short brown hair before rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He had spent much of the night with “her” in the astral plane. His body may have remained here but his mind did not sleep much. With a loud sigh he pushed himself off the bed and over to the wardrobe. Carefully he opened it and started to put on his student robes. He moved with very little sense of urgency as he started to wash his face at the washbasin. He took far too much time adjusting his appearance.
Tara returned from the balcony and swatted at the young man’s legs. “Gale you are late! As one of the school’s top scholars it is important for you to greet the students of New Olamn!” She hisses. Gale stops his preening and lets out of string of ‘okay’s and ‘I’m going’s, as he rushed out of his dorm room. He briskly walked through the dark colored halls to the great hall. Several professors met the prodigy’s gaze and tsk’d disapprovingly. Eventually the young wizard finally reached the great hall and tried his best to slink in unnoticed into the nearest seat. He knew the boy he sat next to, he knew him more than he would as an acquaintance but not well enough to consider him a friend. Gale nodded to him in acknowledgment, the boy chuckled at his peer. Gale finally turned his attention to the front of the room as the professors explained what was happening today. “New Olamn students will be joining us for their lessons today. This exchange had a long standing history to network amongst scholars as well as, hopefully, harbor an appreciation for a different way of spellcasting.” Explained the professor up at the front as both the budding bards and young wizards looked extremely bored. The professor continued to lecture on the history of the partnerships amongst bards and wizards. Gale’s attention drifted from the professor to the bard students sitting on the opposite side of the hall. Most of them were attractive individuals, some of those who presented more masculine were dressed bright costumes, while others were more debonair. Those who presented more feminine leaned into femininity. While all the blackstaff students had a set uniform, these students of the bard college had no such conformity.
Gale’s eyes landed on a few of the students he found particularly attractive. He pondered if the rumors of bardic behaviors of promiscuity was true. Finally his eyes landed on a girl with long copper colored locks and tanned freckled skin. While nothing could compare to the beautiful projection of his “lady”, this girl perhaps held at least a close second.
Suddenly a voice interrupted his musings, “…Master Dekarios! Please tell me what you find so fascinating at the other side of the room.” Suddenly all eyes turn to him, including the girl he was just looking at. She knew in that instant that the young wizard’s attention had been on her. She smirked and let out a small giggle as she made this realization. Gale’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he quickly turned his attention to the voice that had called him out. “Apologies professor, my attention will be on you for now on, can you repeat the question?” He asks in a panic. The older wizard shook their head, “please enlighten us on who is Elminster and what connections he had to a particularly famous bard…” Gale nodded and started to explain what he knew about Elminster and his connections to Volothamp Geddarm as he tried to appear unabashed.
The rest of the day went about pretty uneventful. There were lectures and demonstrations by both the Blackstaff students and New Olanm students. Lectures were given by professors from both schools.
Soon it was time for lunch lead to networking, where the pretty girl with the copper colored hair introduced herself to her admirer. Gale looked up from his food and noticed her standing in front of him and the peers he had chosen to sit with. She was flanked by two of her own peers. “Mind if we sit? I’m Holly Mac by the way.” She said with a sweetness in her voice as she looked directly at Gale. The young man froze for a few moments, normally he was a bit suave when he was talking to people that caught his fancy. However, this girl matched his confidence and that made him pause.
The boy he had sat next to greeted the group of bards and invited them to sit. Holly sat opposite to Gale and nodded to him, “and your name?” She asked as she piled on some grapes and cheese onto her plate. Gale cleared his throat and bowed his head to her, “apologies, my name is Gale Dekarios” he replies as he extends his hand to her. Holly takes it gently and gives is a slight shake. “Pleasure, I must admit I was hesitant to come today, but I do find Blackstaff Tower to be quite welcoming despite its intimidating exterior” she replies with a bright smile. Gale smiles back and nods at her comment, “well I am glad you have felt welcome, I hope you found the demonstrations useful. I hope to be able to join the group attending the visit to New Olanm.”
Gale and Holly exchanged pleasantries for much of the lunch hour as their respective peers got to know each other. The boy who had sat down with Holly turned the groups attention to him, “spread the word, the bards of New Olanm will be going to the Yawning Portal tonight, hopefully you all can join!” He announced, before the bells chimed for the students to return to classes.
Later that day, Gale returned to his dorm. When he entered the room a familiar smell met his nose. Rosewater… and the air pulsed with arcanic energy. His goddess was calling, Gale smiled to himself as he reached out his hand to the wisps of energy and soon he was whisked away to the ethereal realm.
Mystra placed a hand on the young wizard’s shoulder. “Good evening Gale of Waterdeep… I presume you had a productive day…” she said in a low amused voice. Gale smirked as his eye-line met the goddess’s “Yes, my lady… though I must ask that we cut our lesson short tonight, I’ve actually been invited to a social event tonight. And I must be a good Blackstaff representative” he commented with a chuckle. Mystra joined him in his laughter, “ahh yes, the exchange of Blackstaff Academy and New Olanm. Yes, yes, of course. I shall drop you at the Yawning portal after our lesson…” the goddess said with a nod.
Gale walked into the tavern later than he had expected. However, the Blackstaff students and bard students were still engaged in their reveries. As he entered the Yawning portal, he noticed a few of his peers that he enjoyed the company of. He greeted them and engaged in hellos. The entire tavern was filled with noise, chatter and music. He finally noticed that there were two bards up on a table playing lewd shanties on their lutes. The flamboyant boy that had sat down with Holly and Holly herself both enjoying themselves. Both had dawned more colorful garb, Holly’s shirts were hiked up to reveal slivers of calves and thigh in between to colored frills. She wore a tight set of leather corset stays and a flowy peasant blouse underneath, artfully revealing and concealing her décolletage in an appealing way. Gale noticed this and smirked, she was beautiful… and only here for one night. Perhaps, he could indulge his more carnal instincts. He stole a few of his peers drinks and downed them, promising to buy them another before making his way through the crowd towards the bards’ makeshift stage.
Holly noticed the handsome young wizard approaching her through the crowd. She smiled as she continued to sing and dance for the crowd that she and her friend had accumulated. However, she had hoped Gale would show up tonight. She met his gaze and boldly decided to preform directly to him, a good opportunity to use her bardic charms. Over the next couple minutes the two flirted with each other without words. Looks and glances filled the space between them. Once the song was over Holly passed the lute to one of the other bard students and jumped down off the table. She approached Gale with a particularly seductive sway in her hips. She smiled at him before speaking, “I’m glad you made it!”
Gale tilted his head and smirked back “wouldn’t miss the opportunity to network with the next generation of bards” he replies before offering his hand to her. Holly looked down at his hand back to his face, deftly she takes his hand. Gale nodded and pulled her through the tavern to a more secluded corner. Several other couples were already there engaging in kisses and necking. Similar ‘networking’ was being conducted among the students of Blackstaff and New Olanm.
Gale pushed Holly up against the wall gently as his hands explored her waist. “May I kiss you” he asks almost in a hushed tone. Holly nodded before taking the lead and engaging in the kiss first. Gale let out a huff through his nose as if like a laugh before leaning in and joining her in their exchange. Moments seemed to stand still as they explored each other’s tastes. However, eventually, Holly broke away having run out of air. She clung to this handsome boy as Gale took the opportunity to kiss down her jaw and on to her neck, making sure to enjoy the taste of her sensitive skin on her neck. Holly let out a quiet moan before whispering “so… my room or yours?”
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lokiforever · 1 year
New teachers at school!!!
Chapter 8
Some information about Tessa Grace :
~Maths professor
~Dramatic asshole
~Seems to be holding a personal grudge against the reader and her best friend
~Does yoga and stuff...
( Sorry guys, here's a little change, the reader and her best friend are in college ; about to graduate in a few months. And JK teaches them history. Tom teaches English. Sorry again for the late change)
Tom : Mr. Will you will be doing the lines of Juliet's father and Miss Y/L/N, you will be doing the role of Juliet.
Wait what?! You looked at your best friend who was smirking, looking at you. You stood up. Mouthing 'me' in professor Hiddleston's direction to which he nodded.
He assigned a few more roles and called all the students playing the roles in front where he was standing.
All of you delivered your dialogues which he kept explaining time to time.
*Towards the end of the class *
Professor H. : Thank you very much for your cooperation, dear students. You all may go to your seats now .
You give him a smile and nod and return to your seat.
Y/B/F/N : Oh dear! You did so well! You should take part in the plays.
Y/N : Ehehehe! Thanks!
Professor H. : That's all for today. Class dismiss.
All of the students head towards the door. You and your best friend were waiting for them to go first as there were too many students at the door.
Professor H. : Uhhh..... Miss Y/L/N?
Y/N : Yes, professor...
Professor H. : A word, please.
Y/N : Sure
Y/N *to y/b/f/n; whispering * : I'll meet you in the library.
Y/B/F/N : Of course, take your time.
You go toward professor Hiddleston's table.
Professor H. : How are you feeling now?
Y/N : Perfectly fine, thanks!
Professor H. : That's great to hear. So, if I remember correctly, you don't have a class till before the break..
Y/N : That's right.
Professor H. : Good! Do you have to complete any work or something?
Y/N : No...but I was going to meet professor Downey.
Professor H. : Oh, that's fine. I'll be waiting for you in my office.
Y/N : Sure. See you in 15 minutes. Byee!!
Professor H. : Cya. Bye!!
You head towards the library first to tell Y/B/F/N that you will be with professor Hiddleston.
You found her sitting on one of the tables and went to her.
Y/N : Hey!
Y/B/F/N : Hii!!
Y/N : Y/B/F/N, I'll be with Professor Hiddleston till the lunch break...
Y/B/F/N : Sure, why n-
Professor Jk : Finally! Miss Carter here you are!
Y/B/F/N : Morning, professor!
Y/N : Good morning, professor!
Professor Jk : Good morning! Umm... Miss Carter since you don't have any class before the lunch break I would like to request your presence in my office.
Y/B/F/N : Sure!
Professor Jk : I'll be waiting, byee
Y/B/F/N : Bye, professor.
He turns around and goes towards his office.
Y/N : I think you were saying something about professor Hiddleston calling me..
You say with a playful smirk.
Y/B/F/N : Ugh! You really like teasing me don't you?!
Y/N : Oh, I looove it!!!! It's my favorite hobby, you know?!!
You both laugh
Y/N : Let's go! Our professors would be waiting. And I can assure you it's not just grading and school stuff for why Mr. Jungkook called you.
Y/B/F/N : Shut upppppp !
You both start laughing.
Y/N : * laughing* Let's go
Y/B/F/N was still laughing so she just nodded.
Y/N : Byee 👋🏻See you in the break
Y/B/F/N : Cya ! byeee 👋🏻
You were going to professor Downey's office first
Knock Knock
You knocked on professor Downey's office door.
Professor Downey : Come in!
Y/N : Mornin', professor!!
Professor Downey : Ahh, Y/N! Morning, please have a seat.
Y/N : Thank you.
Professor Downey : So, how was your first lesson with Mrs Grace?
Y/N : It was....awful, tbh!
Professor Downey : Aww, why ?
Y/N : She talked to me and Y/B/F/N as if we were her arch nemesis. She did a wrong solution so I told her that it is not correct. Then she said, "Why don't you come and solve it if you're so smart?"
Professor Downey : Please tell me you solved it!
Y/N : I did!
Professor Downey : Amazing! That's why you're my favourite!
He said enthusiastically.
Y/N : Ehehehe, thanks!
Professor Downey : What did she say when you solved it?
Y/N : She said, " It is.......correct. Nice. Now go back to your seat." like she was forced to say that.
Professor Downey : That's unfair! She should praise my smart student!!!
Y/N :Thank you very much, professor.
Professor Downey :Before I go I have to tell you something.
He told you.
Y/N : Really?! Thank you so much, Professor Downey. I am highly obliged. I'll be forever grateful to you.
Professor Downey : You don't need to thank me. It's my responsibility.
Your eyes were teary.
Professor Downey : Hey, hey...It's okay, kid! Don't cry............. Here have some water.
He got up and passed you a water bottle from the mini fridge in his office. You took a sip.
Y/N : You and professor Grace are two completely different poles.
Professor Downey : *chuckles * I'm honored.
You check the time.
Y/N : OMG! I'm so sorry, professor but I really have to go. Professor Hiddleston called me in his office earlier. I told him that I will be there after meeting you.
Professor Downey : Ok.
Y/N : Bye Bye and always remember that we all will miss you. A lot.
Professor Downey : I will miss you all too. Byee.
You headed towards Tom's office and knocked on his office door.
Tom : Come in.
Y/N : Heyy
Tom : Hiii *smiles*
Y/N : I'm sorry for being late....
Tom : Oh, no.. it's fine.
You smile.
Tom : Come, have a seat.
Y/N : Thanks
You sit on the chair on the opposite side of his table.
Tom : So.......what happened?
Y/N : Nothing....why?
Tom : You were a little upset after the announcement and in the beginning of the class...
Of course. The lack of sparkle in your eyes didn't go unnoticed by him.
Y/N : Umm....that....... I and professor Downey are like really close.....almost like friends ..... I'll miss him...
Tom : Awww.....it's okay, dear. I hope you like your new substitute teacher.
Y/N : Trust me, she's awful.
Tom : And why is that?
You tell him the whole thing.
Tom : That's rude. But it will be fine soon, I promise. She will also start liking you.
'Also?....... Shut up, Y/N! He's talking about liking as a student! ' You mentally scolded yourself.
Y/N : Thanks, lets hope for the best. Should we start the work?
Tom : Only if you're okay.
Y/N *chuckles* : I'm fine, Tom.
You both started the work and it was almost done when someone knocked on the door.
Tom : Come in
He sighed when he saw Charlotte Brown and he didn't bother to put on a smile. Your back was facing the door so you looked back seeing Tom's irritated reaction. Your reaction was quite similar, you rolled your eyes and focused on completing the work.
Tom : What brings you here, miss Brown?
Charlotte : I had to ask something related to the assignment.
It was not just a query. It was a query found after a dumb reason just for the sake of meeting Tom." Such a whore." you thought while you finished the last paper. Ten minutes before the break.
Y/N : Umm...professor?
Tom : Yes, miss Y/L/N..
Y/N : The grading is done so if you may allow, can I go?
Tom : Sure!
Y/N : Thanks, byee!
Tom : Byee, cya.
He smiles at you which immediately vanishes as soon as he sees Charlotte again . You smile back and go towards the cafeteria to wait for Y/B/F/N and sit on a couch.
*Meanwhile in Tom's office *
She asked her question. And Tom answered it.
Tom : It was extremely easy and I'm pretty sure you already knew the answer to it.
He said. Annoyed. To which she huffed.
Charlotte : Perhaps you could tell me someway to earn 'extra credit'?
She said leaning on his table a little.
Tom : You can talk to miss Y/L/N, my teaching assistant for it. I guess helping the janitor would do.
He said plainly, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.
Tom : If your 'questions' are over, please leave.
She huffed, turning on her heels and leaving the office.
An hour before, Mr Jungkook's office....
Y/B/F/N and Jungkook were doing some work.
Jungkook : Ummm........Y/B/F/N?
She looked up at him and hummed.
Jk : Ummm.... I know it's... forbidden but.....I wanted to ....uhh...ask you if you......wanted to be my......ummmm... girlfriend ?.....
She smiled brightly looking at her extremely nervous professor.
Y/B/F/N : YES!!!
She said excitedly.
Jk : Really?!!.... I mean, that's great!
They kissed.
Jk : Would you like to come to my place for dinner?
Y/B/F/N : I would love to!
Present - Y/N is in the cafeteria.
You were sitting on one of the couches in the cafeteria waiting for your best friend.
There she comes. She was grinning ear to ear.
Y/B/F/N : Hey!
Y/N : Hi!! Sit, and tell me what so great happened!
She blushed then told you everything.
Y/B/F/N :...........and I said yes!
You gasped audibly.
Y/N : Whoa! That is.........amazing!!! So, now you are his girlfriend who will have dinner with her boyfriend at his place?
Y/B/F/N :Mmhmm! That's right!
Y/N : Awesome! By the way, have you noticed that Tom looks so good in long hairs.
She chuckled.
Y/B/F/N : Sure, why not?
Y/N : Come onnnn !!! Don't you think professor hiddleston looks damn attractive and amazingly handsome?!!!!
Tom : Really?!
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“Lux Fortier, please report to the office. Lux Fortier, please report to the office.”
Amidst folded up arms in a weather-worn hoodie, a jumble of black curls shifts. A wad of paper hits his back between the shoulder blades and the student lifts his head, blinking blearily at the clock up on the library wall.
“Lux Fortier. Office.”
The voice sounds annoyed through the announcement speakers. Rubbing his palm into his eye and stumbling to his feet, Lux lets a book fall from his lap and leaves it behind in favor of heading straight to the library desk.
“Office?” He grumbles.
“You shouldn’t be skipping in here, Mr. Fortier,” Scolds the woman behind the desk. He’s pretty sure she’s not even a librarian, just a random person hired to sit there and make sure no one gets in fights or eats over the new carpet. “Please go to the main office.”
She’s eyeing that book that he left on the floor. It’s gratifying to annoy her. “Why? For skipping?”
“No.” The pen behind her ear falls, hitting hte desk and arm of her chair and her purse before settling at her feet. She closes her eyes for a full five seconds before sighing and looking up at him again. “Doctor's appointment.”
The clock gets a more urgent glance from him, and then he scans her face for lies. “What?”
“Go to the office, please. They already called your teacher, you should’ve been in there. It’s been ten minutes. Soon enough they’re gonna send security to look for-”
“Okay, okay,” He bites out, searching his pockets. “Um. Who’s here for me?”
The librarian wears a quizzical expression. She knows there’s only one parent at home. “Your dad. Are you still asleep?”
The walk down the ramp, then the stairs, then the hall to get to the office feels like trudging through mud. Lux eyes every exit along the way. It’s an hour before dismissal, there’s no real reason to get taken out early. And besides, he doesn’t remember ever going to see a doctor. You don’t take a magic kid to see a doctor. Especially if you barely want them alive in the first place.
There’s his dad, tall and severe, visible through the office windows that see into the windowless hall. Tall, dark-haired, arms crossed. Sometimes he wears his fatigues out in public to get some respect, but not here. Not when he’s trying to keep his distance, protect his name from being associated with his kid.
“Lux Fortier,” Says the front desk lady. She goes on to explain that he should have been in the right classroom and he’s getting dangerously close to breaking the rules, but he can’t hear her over the buzzing in his ears. He won’t look at the man glowering at him as his faults are laid out for the office workers to hear.
Behind the desk, in the back corner of the room, stands Mr. Carter fishing some papers out of the printer. His movements have slowed to a stop, and he’s looking right at his student. Lux looks back at him. He’s going to miss debate club after school today. Probably going to miss school tomorrow, too. There’s a history test tomorrow that Mr. Carter personally helped him study for. That brings a pit of guilt to weigh down his stomach, worsening the upset already there.
The history teacher’s eyes scan Mr. Fortier, then the student who isn’t hearing a word of the secretary’s lecture. Lux pulled a face once when Mr. Carter mentioned a student going to a doctor’s office for a sick note. He didn’t comment on the expression, but seemed to be reading him. He’s looking just as aware of subtext now.
“Let’s go,” His father says in a deep, no-nonsense tone, and Lux startles. He got distracted, and now there’s a hand at his back guiding him to the door. The secretary says something. Mr. Carter does not. Lux’s eyes are on the floor, his shoulders bunched up with anger.
“Ames D’Angelo.”
“Kristy Fallon.”
“Lux Fortier.”
Silence. Jordon’s feet are propped up on the seat where the quiet, moody teenager usually naps. Mr. Carter frowns.
“Lux? Are you here?”
No answer. Two days in a row where he hasn’t come in. As per usual, all the rules, training, and personal research cycle through his mind, and he decides that in this case, as in too many, a report and the following check-in could result in never seeing him again.
That mess of curls and the oversized hoodie drift into the corner of his vision later that day, and Mr. Carter whips his head around to see Lux Fortier slip sullenly into the back of his class. The school day is over, and the club meeting has already begun. He wants to hurry over and check on the boy, but that’ll send him slinking back out to go hide in some other room. So he leads the club, sets the students bickering and rewinding their arguments to word them better. Only when he’s sure that it won’t attract any attention from the others does Mr. Carter go to the corner of the classroom and sit in the desk beside Lux.
There are no bruises on his face. There might be something by the collar of his shirt, but it’s hard to tell with the way he stays hunched forward. And Mr. Carter knows that it’s no coincidence how his hoodie seems to slide off his back instead of staying pressed against skin. Bandages and seran wrap, an awful homemade solution to blood sticking to his shirt.
This child needs help, but trying to offer it can go so wrong. No one knows how to survive Lux’s situation better than Lux does. Mr. Carter has had this internal argument so many times since he started working with kids. Since the war - really, since he can remember - magic kids are the last people to ever get help. Especially when they have a military parent who fought in that war.
This morning on the news, the segment that numbered warlock deaths in the past month was delivered over subtly hopeful music. He had to shut the television off.
“Lux. It’s good to see you in school again.”
The sleeves of his hoodie are pulled down and bunched around his hands. Lux folds his arms on the desk and buries his head in them.
“Do you want to talk about anything? Anything going on with your friend?”
He’s almost made it to sophomore year. Just a few more after that, and he’ll be an adult. Safer. He must feel like he’s a century away from that day.
“No,” Grumbles the teen, his voice muffled but soft with that hint of willingness to talk, if he’s just encouraged into it.
“Are you sure? Did your friend ever make it to that doctor’s appointment?”
A beat of silence. Across the room, two girls bicker in a form that really isn’t conducive to a good debate. Mr. Carter feels no draw to go correct them right now.
“No.” Lux buries his head deeper, grinds his forehead against the desk where his face can’t be seen. “No. He didn’t.”
The teacher hums and adjusts his tie. He gets a little claustrophobic thinking about how these kids feel. They’re so trapped by whatever’s hard for them - struggling to get grades up, too-strict parents, neglectful parents, harsh friends, finding themselves. It’s not very comforting to be an adult who isn’t trapped himself, when he has to see how they feel every day. Even if it is a privilege to be an influence on their lives.
“How has he been? He seemed stressed the last time I saw him.”
“Mmh.” Lux wants to sleep, the teacher can see that. But checking in is more important. “Mr. C, d’you have an extra water bottle?”
Mr. Carter stands, then sits again, rethinking his instant plan to go get one from his desk. Why can’t Lux go out to the water fountain? “Look up for a second.”
With a miserable groan, Lux lifts his head. A sheen of sweat glints at the bride of his nose, and his eyes are full of fuzzy exhaustion.
A gentle hand comes to press against the boy’s forehead - first his palm, then the back of his hand for a better reading. “Lux. You have a fever. Have you been feeling sick? There’s something going around, I noticed…”
The teen shakes his head, but doesn’t pull away when Mr. Carter lays a hand on his shoulder. “Not that.”
The teacher looks across his face, then at his shoulder as he thinks about that probably bandaged back. An infection? Suddenly, this feels much more serious than the already heavy issue of a child being hurt at home. Lux could die and clearly his father wouldn’t care.
“Stay until the end of the meeting,” Mr. Carter instructs seriously. “I’ll drive you to a clinic at four.”
Urgency finds its way into his eyes. “No. I don’t need - no.” His voice is jumping up with fear, and it makes the teacher’s heart ache.
“They don’t ask questions. Won’t even need your name. I’ll stay with you. Lux, I know you know that this could kill you, and you don’t have a lot of options.” He wouldn’t normally speak to a student like they’re an adult and bluntly discuss death, but Lux needs to accept his help.
Nervous blue eyes flick to watch the other students, to make sure none of them are getting too fiery in their debating, to check that none of them notice that he’s not okay. “You can’t take me. Teachers get fired for that stuff.”
“Well, Lux, I’m just going to have to accept the risk. This salary is not worth not getting to have you in this class anymore. We have a competition in two months and I need you alive to win it for us.”
That earns a strained, surprised smile. Lux is always hesitant to believe praise, but so hungry for it. Mr. Carter pats his shoulder once and then stands to go get that water for him.
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sunnyie-eve · 2 years
8 | Making Enemies
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1657
Warnings: playful friendship
7. Returned the Favor | 9. Boys...
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For Wednesday's session with Dr. Kinbott I go into town with her and Weems. "Dr. Kinbott's office is in the second floor. Other Nevermore students and your sister swear by her." Weems tells her as we pull up. 
"You'll be here until I'm done?" Wednesday asks. 
"Perhaps afterwards we can visit the Weathervane for hot chocolate." Weems suggests to her. 
"Principle Weems, this feeble attempt at binding is beneath you. And chauffeuring your students around is below your pay grade." Wednesday gets out of the car. 
"Given your history, I'm sure you're intent on running away. I'm here to prevent that from happening." Weems lets her know. 
"I wish you luck." Wednesday shuts the door. 
"Can I go to the Weathervane?" I ask Weems. 
"Yes, you may." She says so I get out.
When I enter the café I see Tyler working on the espresso machine so I walk up to him. "Since it's the espresso machine that means I still can have my hot chocolate right?" I say with a smile then watch him stare at me, "Can I talk to you?" I get serious. 
"The machine is broke. I have to fix it." He waves the manual. 
"Tyler, please." I give him a sad look. He walks over to the side so it can be slightly private. "I'm going to keep being just yours and Xavier's friend until l know things and my own feelings." I explain leaning against the wall as he leans on the wall across from me with his arms crossed. "I'm not good at understanding myself when it comes to feelings. Others it's easier because it's like reading a book but I'm unreadable. I'm not used to them. Especially these kinds so I would appreciate it if we can keep being friends." I mess with my fingers again nervously.
He sighs uncrossing his arms, "I don't wanna lose you as a friend, you're the first person to understand me. So I want you to know I'm completely okay with with us just being friends till you understand your feelings. But I do want you to know if you end up not feeling the same way, I still don't want to lose you as a friend. My shitty life got a little better when you showed up." He steps closer to me. 
"I don't wanna lose you as a friend either because you seem to be the only person who has gotten me to open up to without a court order." I chuckle some getting off the wall, "And you're also the only one who really wants to get to know all of me." I give him a smile.
"I gotta get back to work, now." He gives me a smile. 
"Go try to tame that beast." I play shove him back to the front. 
"I can't read Italian though." He looks back at me. 
"I can."
"Do you want to help a friend out?" He motions for me to follow him. 
"Free drinks for two weeks." I eye him. 
"I already give you free drinks." He laughs going to mess with the machine while I make myself a hot chocolate. "Excuse me, you don't work here." He looks back at me for a second. 
"Well, you're busy and the only other person working is busy as well." I give him a smile.
"Holy crap! Do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of people?" I hear Tyler so I turn around to see Wednesday. 
"It's more of a hobby." She tells him. 
"New to Nevermore, I see." He eyes her. 
"I need a quad over ice. It's an emergency. It's four shots is espresso." She tells him. 
"Somebody snuck out the bathroom window." I walk over to stand by Tyler.
"Of course." She looks over at me so Tyler looks between us. 
"Yeah, I...I know what a quad is, but spoiler alert, the espresso machine's having a seizure, so all we have I drip." He tells her. 
"But drip is for people who hate themselves and know their lives have no real purpose or meaning." She says so we watch the man put it down and walk away. "What's wrong with your machine?" She asks Tyler. 
"It's a temperamental beats with a mind I'd it's own, and it doesn't help that the instructions are in Italian...And you won't help me." Tyler tells her then turns to face me annoyed. 
"You never agreed to my request so that's your fault." I tell him as Wednesday comes around to fix it. 
"I need a Tri-wing screwdriver and a four millimeter Allen wrench." She reads the manual shocking him. "Here's the deal. I'm going to fix your coffee machine, then you are going to make my coffee and call a taxi." She tells him. 
"Uh, no taxis in Jericho. Try Uber?" He suggests to her. 
"I don't have a phone. I refuse to be a salve to technology." She tells him as he works in the machine.
"Then you're out of luck. Where are you going anyways?" He watches her. 
"That's on a need to know basis. What about trains?" She asks. "Nearest station is Burlington. It's half an hour away." He tells her. 
"You have a valve issue. I've seen it before." She tells him as I get myself a snack. 
"Where? You have one of these monsters at home?"
"Steam powered guillotine. Built it when she was ten. We wanted to decapitate our dolls more efficiently." I speak up covering my mouth as I ate. 
"Wait, this is your sister. I should've known that... it's quite obvious now that I look at you both." Tyler turns to look at me. 
"She's the older twin." Wednesday says as she fixes it. 
"Wow. Thanks. I'm Tyler, by the way. I didn't catch your name, or is that on a need to know basis too?" Tyler asks her so she eyes him. 
"I tell you what, Wednesday. To show my appreciation, and help a friends family out, how about I drive you to Burlington?" He suggests to her. 
"Perfect. Put that quad in a to go cup." She tells him so he says he can't until another hour. She ends up trying to bribe him with $40 dollars but he says he can't be bought so she just had to wait. She huffs walking to a booth while he makes her drink and I go around to wait to give it to her. 
"You two are similar yet very different." He chuckles. 
"Yep, especially with me being here. She knew I've changed. She hates it. Called me weak for falling into the trap. I promised to keep an eye on her but I know my sister so I'm not going to stop her from leaving." I lean on the counter.
I take her drink and my stuff over to the booth she was sitting in. "You really have changed. You have friends and not just one." She eyes me as I sit down. 
"Yeah, six to be exact then four acquaintances." I eye her as well. 
"What are you going to tell Principal Weems for when I leave?" She changes the topic. 
"Well of she doesn't see me with you; say I don't know anything. If she sees me; I tried to stopped you but failed. If you don't get away today and get caught; say you told me the session ended early to day." I tell her so she nods her head.
After some time Tyler's ex friends show up talking about how we're in their booth. "Why as you three dressed like religious fanatics?" Wednesday asks them. 
"We're pilgrims." The taller one says. 
"Potato, po-tah-to but they work at Pilgrim World." I show her the flyer. 
"It takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide." She tells them. 
"My dad owns Pilgrim World. Who you calling stupid?" Lucas gets pissed. 
"If the buckled shoe fits." She tells him. 
"Guys, back off." Tyler comes over to us. 
"Stay out of this, Galpin." Lucas tells him. 
"Yes, stay out of this." Wednesday stand up to stand in front of Lucas. 
"So tell me, freak... you ever been with a normie?" He asks her. 
"I've never found one that could handle me. Boo!" She scares him making the other two jump in. While Wednesday handles the bigger one I jump in to handle the taller one.
We look at the three laying on the floor in pain, "You still got it." She smiles at me. 
"So where'd you learn those kung fu moves?" Tyler asks us. 
"Our uncle taught us. He spent five years in Tibetan Monastery." I look at Tyler, who stood next to me. 
"Was he a monk?" He asks confused. 
"Prisoner." Wednesday adds. 
"Dad." Tyler sees him come in so we all turn to look at him. 
"Tyler, what the hell's going on in here?" He asks him. 
"They were harassing customers, and they put them in their place." Tyler explains so his dad eyes Wednesday and I, 
"These little things took down tree boys? Did you help them?" He asks making us eye him. 
"Dad, I swear, I wasn't involved." Tyler tells him. 
"We told him to stay out of it." I add with a smile.
"Apologizes, sheriff. This one slipped away from me but I see her sister found her. Come on, Miss Addams, both of you, time to go." Weems comes in so we go over to her. 
"Wait a minute, hang on." The sheriff stops us, "You're both a Addams? Don't tell me Gomez Addams is your father?" He asks so we nod our head, "That man belongs behind bars for murder. Guessing the apples don't fall far from the tree. I'm gonna keep my eye on you both." He points his finger at us and stares me down. 
"Okay." Weems grabs Wednesday as she smiles and I follow out waving bye to Tyler.
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hualianff · 2 years
Mi Amor(tentia) IV 《III》
It’s nearing the end of the first semester when some whispers around the halls questioning Xie Lao Shi’s position start. Students whose parents remember a certain Xianle heir blatantly using magic in front of nearly one hundred muggles during his last year at Hogwarts, and expelled as a result of such foolishness. 
Though it’s only a few students and parents who circulate such ghosts of the past - particularly those of higher class and pure blood - the gossip is enough to the point it affects XL’s reputation. 
“Jun Wu clearly has a soft spot for him.”
“He was given a teaching position out of pity, not merit. How shameful.”
“An outcast like him has no place teaching at Hogwarts, that’s for sure.”
When such nasty remarks reach HC ears, the potions professor silently secludes himself in his office for the afternoon, barely able to calm himself down. He will never forgive the ministry for treating XL like a criminal, especially after XL fought against prisoners the aurors should have had control over in the first place. 
HC had been so tempted to follow XL after he was forced to leave. But who was HC to XL besides a young junior he shared a potions class with; who was somehow on the receiving end of the older Hufflepuff’s smiles and kind gestures of help; and who was the only other witness who happened to be caught in the midst of the infamous battle that got XL expelled. 
HC remembers it like it was yesterday. It happened right as HC prepared to enter the barrier to platform 9 ¾. The sound of an explosion caught his attention, and the deafening screams of the scattering muggles made fifteen-year-old HC freeze in place.
A hand on his shoulder made HC flinch. Suddenly, that hand pushed him forwards toward the barrier, and a quick glance revealed XL’s concerned face looking down at HC.
“What’s going on!?”
“No time to explain,” XL grits out. “Hurry, we have to get through the barrier.”
Except instead of passing through the barrier, both boys collide into the pillar with a loud crash! HC’s luggage goes flying. HC himself almost ricochets back, but XL’s front keeps him from stumbling to the ground. 
“Fuck. What the hell is going on?” XL murmurs. His hands steady HC by the shoulders. When HC turns around to thank his senior, his eyes bulge as he spots multiple figures dressed in striped, prison robes approach. 
“Gege, there’s strange people coming. They have their wands out…” HC whispers. XL whips his head around, expression turning grim when he realizes these are the prisoners who had reportedly escaped azkaban the day before.
Now, they’re rounding up all the muggles on the train platform, the crowd forming around XL and HC. One of the dark sorcerers demands entry through the barrier or else they will massacre everyone currently standing on the platform. 
HC remembers XL’s gaze hardening. XL who pushes HC behind him, brandishing his own wand in defense. HC raises his own as well, but XL reaches behind to grab his wrist. Slowly, XL looks over his shoulder, locking eyes with a terrified HC. XL offers a comforting smile, shaking his head.
“Let gege handle this.”
When XL faces the front again, HC is met with his broad back that shields him. XL doesn’t hesitate in pointing his wand at the nearest attacker. 
“Oh? The student wants to play with the adults?” They sneer, causing the rest to chuckle in amusement. The five of them get into position, clearly feeling no remorse for killing a couple of vulnerable students. “So be it.”
And then XL lunges.
The rest is history.
While only one prisoner had been recaptured back then, all five of them have now been found and sentenced accordingly. Yet, XL was never properly given credit in defending those muggles with no fatalities. 
HC wasn’t even afforded the opportunity to recount the events from his perspective as XL at the time had already insisted HC had done nothing wrong and thus, shouldn’t have to endure the grueling interrogation process. 
XL shouldered all the responsibility, and consequently, received all the blame. 
Additionally, HC found out Hogwarts had sealed the barrier early that day, aware of the dark sorcerers within the vicinity of the school - completely disregarding students whose safety could be compromised in the process. It was a complete and utter shit show, and HC just wishes he could have been of use in any way.
Though he has the money, reputation, and influence now, HC would not be where he is if XL hadn’t been there that day - no, all that time - to protect him. It’s now HC’s turn to protect XL, and he will be damned if XL slips through his fingers once again.
When HC next catches even some professors discussing the possibility of removing XL from his reaching position, he puts an immediate stop to it by chewing them out at the front of the dining hall.
He makes a huge scene talking about how XL did the right thing and saved countless lives; HC also emphasized how fucking unfair the punishment was, for the ministry to ruin the life of a student for simply doing what was right; He even mentions the obvious bias from the traditionalists on the ministry court as well as those just waiting for XL of the Xianle legacy to slip up. 
“And if I hear anymore of this absolute bullshit about your own colleague-“ HC glares at the other professors. “-also your own professor“ he glares at the students who have indiscreetly gathered around to eavesdrop. “-then I’m whisking you back to my office and we can further DISCUSS the matter there. Understood?”
Everyone’s gut drops in their stomachs. Most of them would rather complain to Headmaster JW then be holed up in Hua Lao Shi’s office and ripped to shreds. A collective mutter of “understood” and nodding heads effectively ends the conversation.
HC briskly sweeps his robes to the side as he whirls around to stalk away. 
He rubs a hand over his mouth to will his snarl away. After all, he has a picnic date with XL on the grassy area by the lake. He mustn’t keep his beloved waiting any longer.
Plus, he’s eager to ask XL the question he was robbed of all those years ago. 
“Gege, will you go to the Yule Ball with me?”
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Classroom Date- Charlie Swan x OC
Charlie Swan x Eleanor Martin
Description: When Eleanor can’t go on a date with Charlie because of work, he decides to just bring the date to her. 
Word Count: 1.9k
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Charlie and Eleanor hadn't been dating for that long. They’d only met five months ago at a parent-teacher night, then he asked her out the very next month. The rest was history after that, but in total they’d only been dating for four months. In fact, if they were younger they would still be considered in the honeymoon phase. Though, that may have something to do with the whole mate thing. But he didn’t need to know about all of that yet. Instead Eleanor chose to let him remain blissfully unaware so they could be happy without complication. 
One thing that had come with dating Charlie was just how many mundane things felt like dates. No matter what they did it felt like a romantic occasion. Going out to breakfast, lunch and/or dinner, going fishing, staying in and watching football games, going to high school football games, literally everything. And Eleanor loved it. 
She hadn’t felt this way in years, probably since she was still human. She felt so giddy all the time, excited for the next time she’d get to see him. It was obvious to everyone that came into contact with her that she really was falling in love with the sheriff. And the fact that she knew he felt the same only added to her joy. 
Today had been a normal day. Eleanor had been teaching her last class of the day and week in general. She never allowed herself to boast or be too proud, but she will say that she was proud that she had the capability to make her classes interested in history even when she was saying the most boring things. 
“In France, in the 12th and 13th centuries and beyond, many towns and villages were run at a local level as a commune, and there were often annuals for ‘consuls’ and ‘councilors’, where most of the male inhabitants could vote,” she explained, walking around the classroom. As her gaze scanned over her students, she was internally happy to see them all either enthusiastically taking notes or watching her. 
“A more complex form of election and government was used in the city states of north Italy, with more tiers of elected officials. Women could not usually stand as officials, nor vote, but some of them were noted in the agreed charters of ‘liberties’ that French towns proudly possessed-” she was suddenly cut off by the final bell ringing. Weird, she hadn’t even realized that the hour was already up. Nevertheless, she moved to the front as the students hurriedly packed up their things. 
“Alright guys, remember your projects on the different medieval Europe classes are due next Wednesday, then your quiz is that Friday,” she called over the excited chatter as the kids filed out of the door.
Once the door closed behind the last student, Eleanor sighed softly. It had been a busy week indeed, for both the students and her. But, the end of the semester was coming up so they had to go over everything. She took a seat back at her desk and pulled out her junior class’ essays, which they’d turned in a few days ago. 
Just as she grabbed a red pen from her desk drawer and prepared to start grading, someone knocked on the door. She looked up, then a smile appeared on her face at the sight of her boyfriend in the window. She waved to him as a gesture for him to come inside. Charlie did as he was told and walked in, closing the door behind him. 
“Hi, Charlie,” she greeted happily. 
“Hey, sorry if I’m interrupting,” he started, but she merely brushed it off. 
“Oh, you’re not. I was just about to start this,” she answered as she gestured to the stack of papers in front of her. “What can I help you with?” 
“Well, I was hoping that maybe you’d want to go to The Carver Cafe for some dinner,” he spoke. Eleanor had to stop herself from cooing about how nervous he sounded. He was in his early forties and he was acting like a schoolboy. 
“Aw Char, usually I would love to. But I’ve been putting off grading these papers for like three days. I wanted to get all of it done so I didn’t have to worry about it over the weekend, I’m sorry,” she responded apologetically. The man looked disappointed for a split second before snapping out of it and offering her a reassuring smile. 
“That’s okay Ellie, I understand. It was worth a shot,” he shrugged. He then stepped forward and pressed a quick kiss to the top of her head. 
“I’ll leave you to it, then. Don’t stay here too long,” he said with a lighthearted smile before beginning to head out. Eleanor wished him a goodbye just before the door closed behind him, and she fell back into her seat with a heavy sigh. The thought of going out with Charlie sounded much more tempting than work. Plus she felt bad about disappointing him. But, if she was quick, she could probably get out of there before dark. Maybe they could have time to do something before the night was over and it wouldn’t be a total loss. So, she picked up her pen once again and got to work. 
She was about halfway through the papers after half an hour. Usually she’d breeze through grading, but there was supposed to be a lot of information presented in this essay so she had to be thorough about it. There was nothing worse than a student receiving the wrong grade for something they did or didn’t do. 
She’d been concentrating on reading one student’s rather messy handwriting when her ears perked up after hearing approaching footsteps. That was odd, most (if not all) students and staff should be gone by this point. After a second she realized that she also smelled food. She looked up as the person stopped in front of her door. If she wasn’t surprised the first time by Charlie visiting her, she definitely was now. Nevertheless, she waved him inside yet again when he wordlessly asked to come in from the window. He walked in with a plastic bag in his hand and the smell of food grew stronger. 
“Hey,” he greeted with a small smile, earning a small laugh from the girl. “How’s it going in here?” 
“Uh, I’m halfway done,” she answered slowly. Charlie nodded. 
“That’s good.” 
“Charlie, dear, of course I’ll never complain about seeing you, but what are you doing here?” She asked curiously. “I still have work to do.” 
“Well, I figured that since you couldn’t go out with me because of work, then maybe I could just come to you. You can’t work on an empty stomach.” The gesture was incredibly sweet and endearing, and it almost made Eleanor feel bad. Obviously by this point she still hadn’t told him about her…special diet. Because how would one go about doing that? Now wasn’t the time to tell him, so instead she grinned. 
“That’s so sweet Charlie,” she cooed, gesturing to another desk chair. Charlie set the bag of food down and pulled the chair up. While he did that, she opened the bag and began pulling out the containers. Once they were divided between them, Eleanor opened one of them and ate a fry so she didn’t seem ungrateful. She internally groaned at the fact that she would have to throw it all up later, but it was worth it to see him smile. With that she got back to work. 
“Is there anything I can help you with?” He asked. 
“Hmm… Not with this, thank you though,” she answered kindly, quickly offering him a small smile before looking back down. 
“I’m not bothering you, am I?” The man asked, suddenly becoming worried. 
“Of course not,” Eleanor answered without hesitation, taking a moment to reach out and take his hand with her free one. “You could never. I don’t mind you being here, but it probably feels weird because it’s silent. We can still talk. That way you’re not just watching me work like a creep,” she joked in the last part, which eased his tension. 
“Okay,” he muttered simply. He squeezed her hand before letting go to pick up his burger and take a bite as she continued to read over the essay. 
It took her almost an hour in total to grade and sort the essays then enter them in grades into the grade book. All the while she and Charlie talked about anything and everything that came to mind. Once she was done he helped her slip on her jacket and waited for her to lock up her room before heading out the front door to her car. Eleanor was happy that she was right about getting done just before dark. 
“You didn’t have to walk me to my car, you know,” she pointed out softly once they reached her truck. The man simply scoffed. 
“Yeah, right. What kind of man would I be if I let you do that while it got dark?” He retorted, crossing his arms. 
“You men and your honor,” she jokingly rolled her eyes. Charlie’s face contorted into a soft smile, one that only she was allowed to see. 
“Seriously though. It just makes me feel better to know for a fact that you got to your car safely,” he explained gently, which made the woman grin. She reached up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. 
“You’re sweet, Charlie. I’m lucky to have you,” Eleanor muttered sincerely as her hands came up to rest on his shoulders. 
“I’m pretty sure I’m the lucky one,” the man responded simply, wrapping his arms around her waist for a moment. 
“You should probably be heading home soon, I’m sure Bella is cooking something delicious for you,” she mentioned. 
“Do you want to come over?” He asked softly. 
“Usually I’d say yes, but I was hoping to get some gardening done. How about you  record the baseball game tonight and we can watch it tomorrow?” She suggested, earning a nod from him. 
“I can do that,” he leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “Drive safe, and be careful.” 
“I will.” They shared one more kiss before Charlie pulled away and opened the door of the truck for her. She started the car then rolled down the window. 
“You stay safe too. I love you Charlie,” she said with a small smile. Charlie, despite having heard it several times by this point, lit up. 
“I love you too,” he responded enthusiastically. Eleanor blew him a kiss then rolled up her window and finally pulled out of the parking lot. 
It only took her a minute to notice a police car behind her, specifically a sheriff’s car. A small smile appeared on her face and she couldn’t help but giggle. Her boyfriend had a habit of following her home just to make sure she was safe when he was nearby or she was leaving after hanging out with him, which both warmed her heart and made her laugh. 
She lived pretty close to the school so it only took her a few minutes to get home. After hopping out of her truck she waved to Charlie, who honked in return before continuing on down the road. She shook her head amusedly as she headed inside. It had been a wonderful day with him, even if it was only for an hour and a half. She loved spending time with him no matter what they did, and she knew he felt the same. Which made her feel even better about it.
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circlique · 2 years
Avatar DND Session 19!
Summary: Having successfully infiltrated Xinli’s school, the party starts looking for clues about Laminar’s Northern Water Tribe invasion plans. The only problem is that Xinli, obviously suspicious of us, keeps us glued to his hip the entire time.
I felt like I was on my role playing A-game this session. Some really good character/RP moments that led right into a cliffhanger for next session.
Previous sessions/Avatar DND Masterpost
We open on Flamer, who rushes into the room that Kelsang and Ong have been sleeping in. The noise wakes them up, and they see Flamer looking pretty beat up in the doorway. Kelsang tries to patch him up (rolls a nat 20 on medicine check, so he gets to heal a little hp) while Flamer tells them why he’s here and what happened.
Flamer explains how he infiltrated the temple pretending to be an old student named Corporal Flow. Kelsang is very careful to ask if he and Flamer are supposed to know each other, to which Flamer says no. Flamer tells him about the prisoners he let out and Panggu, and that Xinli is kinda pissed and looking for the prisoners.
Kelsang asks VERY SPECIFICALLY if Flamer is being looked for and he says no. Kelsang has no reason to doubt him and agrees to follow him downstairs to “help” look for the prisoners. Neither Flamer nor Kelsang know where the rest of the party is at this point.
They come out into the courtyard and see a bunch of people milling about. Kelsang notices Cirrus and Pan and suggests he will go ask them what’s up, but Flamer quickly redirects him to a nearby meditating airbender, saying his cover is shaky with those two. Kelsang approaches the airbender and explains that he’s new here and asks what’s going on. The airbender explains that he was astral projecting to look for the escaped prisoners. Kelsang asks why a school would need to take prisoners. The airbender shrugs and says he doesn’t really know, they just sometimes bring people back when they go on “expeditions.” Not super helpful. Kelsang asks if he knows where Xinli is, and the airbender points them towards the prison.
Meanwhile, Xinli, Klo, and Syntagma are in the prison dropping off the escaped airbender and looking for clues to how the prisoners escaped in the first place. Syntagma has noticed a pile of bricks on the floor in one of the cells that were moved and then put back slightly out of place, so he tries to stand in front of the pile to hide it. Xinli doesn’t notice, continuing to roll low on perception down here for some reason. Zhong is still in his cell faking unconsciousness. Xinli does notice this “new” prisoner and asks some of the guards about it. They explain that an “old” student brought him back, but these guards roll low enough on history that they can’t quite remember all the details about Flamer, only that he was named “General Water” or something.
This is also the perfect time for Kelsang, Ong, and Flamer to come into the prison. In retrospect, Kelsang really should have taken the lead on this one, but he’s really kind of in absorb mode here and trusts Flamer as the “ideas guy”. Anyway, Flamer doesn’t waste any time going right up to Xinli and announcing that he has finally returned from his assignment in the Fire Nation. Xinli asks him to “please do remind me of your name?” to which Flamer “reminds him” that he’s “Corporal Flow.”
Obviously Xinli knows something’s up, but apparently does not want to do anything with Ong there, so he suggests they all go out and sweep the area for signs of escapees. Mostly, he is just watching us to see how we interact with each other, all being new arrivals who got here suspiciously around the same time. The group follows him out to the courtyard, then to the gate where the party originally entered from. Nothing. We wisely keep our mouths shut during this time and just let Xinli lead us around.
They go back to the room with the Lion Turtle statues and mosaic. There seem to be quite a lot of students “escorting us.” We continue to look for clues.
While Xinli looks around, Klo turns to Kelsang and tries to clue him into the fact that he is “supposed” to know her from the training ground by saying something like “oh, didn’t I see you at the training grounds recently?” and winking at him. Syntagma also coughs or something really loud to try and cover up the fact that they’re talking. Kelsang catches on and “introduces” himself to try and keep up the act.
Xinli, meanwhile is investigating the entrance to the cuttlecobra tunnel, and points out that it is quite muddy in there, so if anyone had come out, they would have left tracks. Additionally, there are only two sets of tracks, left by Juno and Chai Li, so the two of them must still be down there.
Kelsang takes a moment to ask Xinli for more clarification on these prisoners. Who are they, why are they here? Xinli explains they are afflicted with a “demonic possession” and that they are merely trying to help them. Kelsang shuts up after that.
We’re quickly running into a dead end on these escaped prisoners, with Xinli’s search turning up nothing. The rest of us roll investigation and Kelsang rolls high enough to notice a section of wall that doesn’t quite fit in, and comments on the “interesting architecture” suspecting it’s some kind of secret door and trying to draw the party’s attention so someone can come back and investigate later. Syntagma uses his seismic sense to see what’s behind the door, and can clearly see a small room with a desk, but obviously can’t see anything that’s on the desk. Given the fact that Xinli and half a dozen students are with us, he wisely keeps this to himself.
Anyway, Xinli did hear Kelsang’s comment and just comes out and says, “Ah very perceptive. I’m impressed. That is my secret sanctum. I assure you it is very secure, and there is no way they could be hiding in there.”
Well, the stage is certainly set for this room to be important later.
Xinli by now has grown suspicious of us, and turns to Klo and Syntagma, asking if they saw anyone else “on their way in” earlier this evening. They both say no, but Syntagma rolled low on the deception check, so of course XinLi’s suspicion only builds.
He then begins to divide up the party. He turns to Flamer and asks him to take some of the other students for a more thorough sweep of the temple grounds. Flamer confidently points to four of the other students and exits. After he leaves, Xinli turns to a remaining student, whispers something, and the student hurries out after them. None of us are able to hear the exact words, but it’s pretty clear by their tone and body language that Flamer is about to be up against five of XinLi’s students alone.
Klo asks if they should go along with Flamer, to which Xinli calmly says no. After all, he gave Juno his assurances he would protect them until she returned. :) Kelsang quickly suggests maybe he and Ong could help out somehow, wanting to go after Flamer.
“Ah yes, actually, I’m quite worried for Ong. You’re strong Kelsang. Since we know this room is safe, would you mind keeping an eye on him for me?” Kelsang really has no choice but to agree.
Meanwhile, Flamer and the four students are walking down the hallway back towards the courtyard. The fifth student arrives, plants himself in front of Flamer, and nervously declares that he’s under arrest. Flamer, ever confident, laughs at him, and assures him he must have misheard. After all, why would Xinli want to arrest one of his most experienced students at a time like this? The student nervously suggests maybe he did mishear…and says he will “double check” and return with XinLi’s seal of approval before scurrying off.
The other four students surround Flamer and won’t let him move. He starts spouting some nonsense about Laminar actually being the one in control and suggests she and Xinli actually have some marriage issues going on. This might even be an attempt by her to undermine XinLi’s authority! He’s actually fairly persuasive, but the students aren’t quite convinced.
The fifth student arrives back in the Lion Turtle room to ask for XinLi’s seal of approval. Xinli is quickly losing his patience here and says he’ll deal with it himself (bringing along Klo and Syntagma of course). He confronts Flamer in the hallway, who starts trying to tell Xinli that Laminar is turning against him. When he has trouble convincing Xinli, Flamer pulls out the “she’s a mindbender!” card.
Xinli tells him coolly that there’s no need for this nonsense; it’s quite obvious that Flamer is not a student here. So, he has two options: he can either go to the prison himself, or Xinli can take him there.
Flamer humorously suggests he doesn’t know where the prison is, to which Xinli replies “But of course you do! You let the prisoners out of it!” Flamer’s got one more chance.
Flamer puts his hands up, but keeps talking because that’s what he does best. He starts talking about Ong, who he says is a really good fighter and also friends with Flamer! Ong will surely vouch for him! But if Xinli beats Flamer up and throws him in prison, he won’t be Ong’s favorite parent anymore.
XinLi’s player then says “okay, I wanna punch him.” This ended up being quite funny because airbenders in this game are not built as melee fighters at all, so Xinli rolled quite low on his melee attack and actually missed, which the DM explained as the normally collected Xinli being so pissed at Flamer that he actually lost his airbender cool for a second. Xinli still has two more attacks though, so he recovers and uses the second to blast Flamer back with a blast of air, and the third to start separating the oxygen out of the air around Flamer while he’s on the ground.
Flamer only has a few gasps of oxygen left at this point and uses them to proudly declare… “I’ve been to the spirit world!”
The table loses it laughing at this point. In character, Xinli tells Flamer he doesn’t quite understand how that’s relevant. Old Reliable finally failed.
At this point, Klo and Syntagma see the magnitude of danger that they’re in and start running, knowing they don’t have a chance against Xinli and five students, especially with Flamer down. OOC we all agreed Flamer letting himself get captured was really our only course of action, and we’d just have to save him later.
Back in the Lion Turtle room, Kelsang wastes no time asking Ong if he’s ever been in his dad’s “secret sanctum.” Ong says no but he’s always wanted to! Very good, Kelsang says. Since Xinli wants to keep him safe, how about they hole up in the super secure secret room?
He examines the mechanism on the door, which, like the door to the cuttlecobra tunnel, requires all four elements to open. Looking around, Kelsang is able to figure that he can get a waterbending student to help, and can probably fake the fire bending with Meow’s (his lion hawk, who is currently trying to catch a rat behind a statue) fire breath, but he’s stuck on what to do for earth. He turns to one of the students and explains that he wants to keep Ong safe in the sanctum and asks for help getting in, and if there are any earthbending students here? The student explains that there are earthbending students and fire bending students, but they’re all conveniently off on an “expedition.”
At this point I had hit a wall, and was thinking I’d have to somehow find Zhongchung and get his help, but the DM threw me a bone, had me roll a history check, and said all XinLi’s musings about “creativity” and “using all your resources” as a bender reminded Kelsang about dust bending. So Kelsang finds some dust around the statues and asks the students to help him open the door. His reasoning for why he wants in is good enough that they don’t really question him, especially because they were in the room when Xinli told Kelsang to protect his son.
Anyway, Kelsang bends some dust into the earth tube and rolls high enough on animal handling to get Meow to breathe fire into the fire tube. With the help of a nearby waterbender and another airbender, the door opens. Kelsang asks if they will be able to get out without all four elements if they shut the door. The students assure him he only needs to pull a lever to open the door from the inside. Kelsang goes in with Ong and shuts the door.
Inside, there’s a desk strewn with papers and a strange device. Not knowing how much time he has, Kelsang immediately starts looking through the papers and memorizing as much as he can. He rolls a HUGE 24 on investigation so the DM basically tells me everything. I don’t remember all the details, but basically the North Water Tribe invasion plan consists of a small initial force and a larger secondary force. The invasion will be in three days.
Ong is also looking around and picks up the device on the desk. It is an elongated tube with a flared end, sort of like a horn, with a compartment for a projectile. There’s a black powder on the desk too. They don’t KNOW that it’s a crude gun, but it’s a gun. Ong starts looking down the barrel and Kelsang quickly snatches it from him, saying this thing has an age limit and it’s 12+. Ong whines because he’s 11.
Anyway, Kelsang has read those fucking forbidden airbending pages inside and out over the past two weeks, and the section about shooting projectiles through a tube at high speeds is not lost on him here. He examines the device and the papers a little more and realizes the device actually uses earth and fire bending to function…which explains where all the earth and fire bending students have gone. The papers indicate that Laminar’s force has 20 of these devices.
Ong starts asking again what exactly the device is. Kelsang kneels down and takes Ong by the shoulders, and gently asks if he knows what Laminar has against the Northern Water Tribe. Ong says something about Laminar once being a pirate and clashing with the NWT, but doesn’t seem to know too much. He catches on to Kelsang’s sudden seriousness and asks what’s going on.
Kelsang finally drops the act and says all this stuff is an invasion plan. Laminar is trying to start a war. Ong says no no, that can’t be right! His parents run a school, there’s no way they’re starting a war. They just like to train people to get stronger. Kelsang holds up the device and explains to Ong that it’s a weapon. Why would they need weapons if they weren’t going to war? Ong tries to say that sometimes the students go on expeditions to take down bad guys and stuff, so obviously that’s what this is.
Kelsang gently asks Ong if he thinks Klo is a bad person…
Heartbreakingly, Ong pauses, and in his silence, it is clear that things are starting to click for him. He doesn’t really say anything and seems conflicted.
Kelsang grips his shoulders and tries to assure him that everything will be okay, but they do need to warn Klo so that she can protect her people. He says they need to get out of here, and suggests they “go to the bathroom”.
Kelsang opens the door and explains to the students outside that Ong needs to use the bathroom and asks where it is. Apparently it is back by the sleeping quarters, and Kelsang gets into a brief argument with one of the students about why they haven’t put in another one. Basic quality of life improvements and all. Anyway, it is an excuse to leave, but will still require them to go down the same hallway that Xinli and the others went down, so the chances of being spotted are high.
Back to the rest of the group, Xinli knocks out Flamer and instructs a couple of his students to take Flamer to the prison. He notices Klo and Syntagma running and pursues them. Terrifyingly, he can do the same sonic speed thing as Maika, and blasts down the hallway to quickly catch up to them. They stop running since it’s clear they won’t get away. Xinli smiles and says he assured Juno he would keep them safe, so please don’t go running off. There are still dangerous people about, after all. :)
Anyway, Xinli says he would like to investigate the prison just one more time. So, Klo and Syntagma accompany him. Flamer gets locked up in one of the cells. Interestingly though, we now seem to be a prisoner short. Zhongchung is missing. Syntagma uses his seismic sense and discovers that Zhongchung has tunneled his way down about 50ft below them. Syntagma once again keeps what he sees to himself, but Xinli has already noticed they are missing a prisoner, and starts looking around again. Eventually he is able to sense a faint air current coming from that mound of bricks and figures out what must be happening. He asks two of the guards to keep an eye on Klo and Syntagma, says he’s going to astral project to “look around some more”, and sits down to meditate. At the time I suspected he was spying on Kelsang, but the DM later said he had actually projected to Laminar to tell her to come back early.
Since Xinli should have pretty low awareness right now, Syntagma uses his family’s “special move” to try and Morse code a message to Zhongchung with earthbending. The DM gives him five words. I think he chose something along the lines of “Flamer captured, come back now.”
Just then, all hell starts breaking loose outside. The swamp benders have made good on their promise to help if the party successfully infiltrated the temple, and have begun attacking in the courtyard. A student runs in from outside, wakes up Xinli, and everyone runs back to the courtyard to see what’s going on.
Xinli, Klo and Syntagma arrive in the courtyard about the same time as Kelsang and Ong. Klo and Syntagma immediately ditch Xinli (who is getting an update from a student) and run over to Kelsang. Kelsang does a quick check to make sure no one is within earshot and tells Klo everything he can in the short time they have. Ong is still really quiet. Klo addresses him kindly and tells him she’s sorry, but he’s going to have to make a choice. He ponders it for a moment and says he’ll be waiting on the east side of the temple, where the bison are. He then shoots off with a blast of air.
Xinli has noticed them now, and probably has seen how urgently all of them were talking.
Kelsang bravely takes the reins and approaches Xinli, reporting that he didn’t think the lion turtle room would remain safe with such a large scale attack and that he had Ong fly off somewhere safe, and that he’s probably circling above or something. I don’t remember what he rolled for deception, but it was low-ish.
Xinli thanks him, but regards him with suspicion. And now, a very fun character interaction:
“I must ask, Kelsang,” Xinli says slowly, like he already knows the answer. “Did you go in my secret sanctum?”
Kelsang, thinking Xinli surely must have known he would with how he so blatantly pointed it out earlier, doesn’t even try to hide it.
“I did,” he admits. “I thought it would be a safe place for your son. But I don’t think he liked what he saw in there.”
Xinli nods knowingly. “Again, I’m impressed. May I ask, how did you manage to open the door?”
Kelsang smirks and simply says, “Creativity.”
Xinli laughs at this. Clearly Kelsang has been paying attention after all. “Ah, see, I knew you were smart. Very good.” Xinli regards the rest of them. “But I do think there is quite a bit more going on here than you’re letting on. So—“
Xinli takes two steps back from Kelsang, conveniently into the sparring ring in the middle of the courtyard. He smiles.
“—Consider this a lesson.”
DM makes us roll initiative. I have apparently used up my good dice rolls and am last in the order, so I get to watch as Xinli messes around with my friends. He uses his first attack to separate oxygen out of the air around Syntagma, who thankfully rolls high enough on the save that he realizes what’s going on and steps out of the bubble. Xinli uses his second attack to fake firebend at Klo, focusing a stream of oxygen/methane at her before tossing a match into it. She reacts fast enough to only take half damage, but it just cements how dangerous this guy is.
Syntagma tries bending dust into XinLi’s face, but misses. He decides not to use his second attack. Klo uses her turn to just grab Syntagma by the arm and start running. All the other students are reasonably distracted by the swamp bender attack, so they actually have a decent chance of escaping if Kelsang can keep Xinli busy.
Xinli turns back to Kelsang and smiles knowingly. “Go on, Kelsang. We both know you can do it.”
Kelsang knows he’s being baited, but needs to keep Xinli focused on him. So he relents and gives Xinli what he wants. He can sort of feel the different elements in the air, but it’s fuzzy. He manages to weakly create a bubble of carbon dioxide around Xinli, but can’t control its movement. Xinli just steps out of it and tells him to try again. Kelsang rolls a bit higher on the second attempt, and the difference between the elements feels clearer, but Xinli, being several levels higher, dispels it with ease. It’s now XinLi’s turn.
We had to call this session here for time reasons. I’m pretty sure Kelsang’s gonna take a “lesson” to the face at the start of next session.
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irishhills · 9 months
your art matters
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St. Elizabeth Seton High School isn’t what one would call a big school. It’s bigger than some of the other Catholic schools around, but it’s not big enough to have more than your traditional electives (painting, drama, choir). It really doesn’t seem big enough for students to audition for the school paper’s cartoonist, but here’s Jane Egan, turning in her sketches to the yearbook committee.
Her big brother, Luke, was editor-in-chief of the yearbook last year. Since then, he’s graduated and moved on, but he warned her that the remaining committee members probably wouldn’t be too fond of her style.
“The darkest they go for is a Charles Schulz,” Luke said as he watched Jane assemble her portfolio. “You know you’re a Charles Addams.”
“So what if I am?” Jane said then. “I think my art is good.”
As she waits to hear the end-of-day announcements over the PA, Jane still thinks her art is good. She turned in some of her best work to the yearbook committee earlier this week. A snarky comic about the benefits of being the unpopular kids at the football game – getting to blend into the crowd while you eat hot dogs in the cool fall weather. A diagram of the average student’s backpack, filled with useless math problems and a sliver of things that actually matter, like literature and history. A portrait of herself, the overworked freshman. Her drawings make use of thick black ink, and her characters have big eyes like a Margaret Keane painting. But Jane knows they’re good. In junior high, she won the “Class Artist” award for a reason.
It does not hurt that her big sister, Amy, took over for Luke as editor-in-chief.
Jane tries to keep her cool as Principal Mathers reads the announcements. Something about auditions for The Crucible, something about a boys’ soccer game against St. Catherine’s later that night, something else about lunch tomorrow. And then it’s time.
“News from the yearbook committee,” Principal Mathers says, and Jane doesn’t even care that she’s standing too close to the microphone. “Your cartoonist for the 1990-1991 school year will be …”
Jane taps her pencil against her French textbook, waiting for her name to be called.
“Richard Palmer!”
The air feels strange in the room now. Jane can’t even think of who this Richard Palmer person is, but he doesn’t sound real. And of course they went with a guy. Guys are the best at everything. At least, that’s how you feel if you’re Amy Egan, who likes every boy she feasts her eyes on. Jane knows she shouldn’t think that way. It just feels different when it’s your sister, the ultimate traitor.
After Madame Rousseau has them all say the Notre Père, Jane raises her hand and asks, with all the remaining breath in her burning lungs, “Puis-je aller aux WC?”
She’s out the door before Madame Rousseau can finish saying yes.
And she’s down the hallway, crying like an idiot, making noise when she knows she should be cool, play it cool, cool it, baby, cool it.
People are noticing. There’s a moral philosophy class going on next door to French class, and Chris comes out of that room with a furrowed brow.
“Jane?” he asks. “That you?”
But Jane blows him off. She doesn’t need Chris’s jokes and reassurance right now. She probably never needs jokes and reassurance again. This is about revenge.
Somehow, she knew Amy would be in the downstairs bathroom.
She’s standing in front of the mirror, reapplying her Strawberry Vanilla lipstick. Clearly, she knew Jane would be there, too. When they lock eyes – Amy, with all the calmness in the world, and Jane, with the wettest tears she’s ever cried – it’s like they know each other better than they ever have.
“Jane,” Amy says, annoyingly placid. “Let me explain.”
“Explain what?” Jane yells, not caring if she’s embarrassing herself or Amy anymore. “You probably told everyone not to vote for me!”
“No, I didn’t. I talked you up. I spent the whole class period talking about how you offered an edgy perspective that our yearbook has never had before.”
“And what?”
“And I think the way you draw your characters … all skinny and ghostly … I think it made the other girls on the committee freak out a little.”
Jane rolls her eyes. Great. Not only did her own sister reject her, but now, she has to admit that Luke was right. Her art is too creepy to be seen. Great.
“Please don’t be so dramatic about it,” Amy says. “You get so dramatic about everything.”
“I wouldn’t have to get dramatic if things went my way once in a while!”
“Jane, I tried. I liked your work the best, and that’s not even because you’re my sister.”
“What did you like about it?”
Amy sighs.
“Do we have to do this here?” she asks.
“A little bit, yeah.”
“I like that you’re really saying something. You have what I think all artists want. A point of view. Richard Palmer … he can draw animals really well, and I think the other girls like that he can draw the mascot. But he doesn’t have a point of view. I don’t even think he wants one.”
Jane rolls her eyes again. She reaches for the paper towel and dabs at her eyes. The towel is tan and rough, like you’d find in a fast food restaurant. She doesn’t care. Not now.
“That’s what I wanted to share with people,” Jane says. “A point of view. I mean … all cartoonists are propagandists, I guess. I just figured I was rallying for the right side.”
Amy smiles. Dammit, Jane does, too. Sometimes, she forgets that Amy is smart.
“Jane, I’m really sorry about this,” she says, and Jane knows she means it. “But you have to believe me about this, OK?”
“I believe you tried to convince everyone else to pick me.”
“No, not that. Not just that. You have to believe me that your art matters.”
Jane nods. It’s probably the nicest thing Amy has ever said to her.
“I should probably get back to class,” she says.
“What for?” Amy asks. “Don’t you already speak French?”
“Sure, but if I’m not there, people will talk.”
“I know what you mean.”
For a second, Jane thinks about hugging Amy, right there in the downstairs school bathroom. But she doesn’t. She and Amy … they’re more than this conversation, more than hugs, more than even family. Maybe there’s a word for it. As Jane walks back upstairs to her French class, the best she can find is sisters.
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