#Musi river
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Musi River in Palembang, Sumatra, Indonesia
Dutch vintage postcard
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achaotichuman · 5 months
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My Faery Lord
Forgive me for my lateness, but here is Day 1 for Feylin Week!!! I am very excited to share this!!
Prompt- Art & Music.
Read on Ao3 or below the cut!
“Fuck!” Feyre clamped her mouth shut as her cheek skidded across the dirt. Scraping a thin layer of skin away, fire spread over her limbs and exploded in her ankle which had twisted from the root her foot had caught onto too. 
A groan escaped her throat as she tried to push herself up onto her elbows. Failing as she fell back down into the rocky ground underneath her with another pained moan. Eventually she got to a semi-sitting position, twisted around to see her ankle in a sickeningly unnatural position. 
Mother damn her and Cauldron boil her. 
Leaning over, trying to ignore the flames in her muscles, she cut her foot free of the root with the dagger strapped to her thigh. Checking her surroundings, she knew the manor was at least a half hour walk from here. 
Two options, she figured out, biting down on her tongue. Wait until Lucien figured out she had strayed from the group of sentries he and herself had been walking with, or crawl on her hands and feet towards the manor. 
The sound of Lucien’s snickering laughter combined with the image of him throwing her over his shoulder as he made way too many remarks about her human klutziness made the idea of crawling towards Rosehall and hoping Alis found her first much more appealing. 
So dagger back in its sheath, hands grazed and ankle on fire, Feyre pulled herself into the general direction of the manor’s grounds. 
Even though it aggravated her injuries, her stubbornness and the hope of saving her pride burned much hotter than the twisted ankle. 
But after fifteen minutes of crawling, Feyre and her damning human body gave out. 
She slumped onto the floor, panting. Rolling onto her back and wincing as a rock pushed against her spine, she stared up at the blue sky through the tree branches. 
How stupid. She had asked Lucien to see what the sentries did when they patrolled the area, and he had let her come. After two hours of conversation, Feyre had a rude awakening that patrol was far less exciting than what she originally thought and had snuck off. 
Of course, she had heard what in her head at the time sounded like a monster but was in hindsight more likely a deer or bird in the tree. Broke out into a sprint and hurt herself. 
With a resigned sigh, Feyre started thinking that perhaps waiting for Lucien to find her was a better idea. 
She laid there, eyes closed and breathing in and out, trying to manage the pain pulsing through her. 
A note struck through the air.
Her eyes shot open. 
Her body went taut. 
It was followed by a symphony. A string of notes that poured out one after the other. Turning to a river of music that flowed through the forest like waves of the ocean. Shocking through her body, filling some strange empty place deep in her soul. 
A strange, full body sensation that had her sitting up, barely of her own awareness. Her head turned towards the source of the sound. Somewhere deeper into the forest. 
Like something else was guiding her. Feyre moved towards it, the pain of her injury somehow lessened, as something more akin to bliss called to her from the source of the sudden song. 
Somehow managing to make it past the next few trees. She saw a lake. A lake so quiet and blue. Without a ripple, still as glass. The shine of the sun and sky reflected in it, a mirror image cast out. 
Across the lake. There was a ledge that hung over the water below. Eyes widened to take in more of the image before her. Her jaw must have been open but she didn’t take in much of herself in that second. 
His foot, covered with a black boot, swung over the edge of the cliff. Blond hair unbound with vines and flowers weaved in through the waves. Green threaded jacket tossed across from him, white shirt only covering the expanse of his chest. Tamlin held onto his fiddle, eyes closed and face blissed out as he wove a series of music that called to her very soul. Something buried deep under years of cold winters was suddenly brought up to the edge of her person. Sucking in greedily the picture of the Faery Lord. 
He did not see her, too lost in his own art to notice. For which Feyre was glad, because it meant he kept playing. 
It was artistry in making. She could see it before her, a river of colors like a rainbow, the river that had sung her name, it had blues and greens and yellows and pinks and purples and reds. Wild and untamed, the music flowed with no bounds
Underneath her fingertips, where they touched the damp soil, she could feel the paints, the colors, what she would use. How she would weave them across the blank canvas. It etched in her mind before her, each stroke and how she would bend them to her wants. How she would turn that blank white into all she wanted. 
She would turn it into what she saw before her. The Faery Lord. With the gold in his hair and the spark of green in his eyes. 
The spark of green in his eyes. 
He stopped playing and Feyre went rigid as she stared at him. Splotchy red spreading over her face. Tamlin blinked as he put the fiddle down, in a second, his form flashed in and out of reality and in a second he was right in front of her. Causing Feyre to yelp and suddenly thrash back, aggravating her injury. 
“You’re hurt.” Was all he said as he immediately spotted the twisted ankle. 
“Yeah, I… It got caught on a root.” Feyre explained, turning her eyes down to the ground. Refusing to look him in the eye. 
A soft displeased sound left his throat, and Feyre rolled her eyes. 
“It’s not broken,” she muttered, “It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing.” Tamlin said, reaching out a finger he gingerly touched the fiery injury and Feyre hissed lightly. 
“I can heal this,” He murmured, voice so quiet Feyre swore he was saying it to himself. Though he then turned his eyes to her and asked, “Let me?”
She shrugged as she adjusted to stick her foot out before him, “Be my guest.”
He hummed as his head nodded. He sat down on the grass beside her and took her foot gently in his lap. The slight jostling of movement caused pain to spark but Feyre just managed to keep the pain to herself. 
Putting both hands on the injury, a warm fuzz began to flood her body, before it turned to a deep kind of heat, bordering on slight pain, but nothing she could not handle. It spread up her leg and blocked the sharp twist of fire as Tamlin pushed her foot back into position. She hissed only at the sight as it was unexpected. 
“Let that rest for a moment.” Tamlin said, moving his hands away to press into the grass and support him from behind. He did not, however, move her foot from her lap. A small smile curved on her face as she took that as permission to move her other foot into his lap. Tamlin looked over and raised an eyebrow, a grin curving on his mouth too. She just shrugged and he moved a hand to lay on her leg, rubbing slow circles into the muscles. Her eyes closed as her head tipped back. 
“You were playing.” She hummed. 
“I was.” Tamlin said. Feyre lazily opened an eye to see him staring out at the lake. She glanced over at it. 
“What were you playing?” 
‘It was beautiful.’ She wanted to say, but worried it made her look like a snoop. Despite that being exactly what she was. 
Tamlin took a while to respond. Feyre was about to ask again, thinking he had not heard her, but as she looked over she caught him looking at her. Green eyes with a strange softness to them, watching her face as she tilted her head to the side. 
“I wrote it.” He eventually said, “Just recently.”
She blinked, but smiled softly, “Am I the first to hear it?”
He opened his mouth, but had to bite down on his lip as a sudden smile exploded on him. He huffed a little, before saying, “Yes you are, quite fitting.”
“How so?” Feyre asked, eyebrows knitting together. 
Tamlin turned his gaze back over at her, a strip of red across his pale face. He looked through his eyelashes as he said, “Well it just so happens that song is about a human.”
Now Feyre was thoroughly confused. Scrunching her nose, furrowing her brow, “A human?”
“Yes, a human girl.” He hummed. 
Something immediately rivaled with the confusion at those words, something vastly more bitter, one that caused her gut to ache as she stared at him. Thoughts running rapidly through her mind at who he was talking about. What other human girls he knew. 
“Who?” She asked, the word leaving her throat barely of her own accord. 
“How many human girls do you think I know, Feyre?” He asked. 
“I have no idea.” She remarked, voice snapping, “I just know you know me and…”
She slumped back as all traces of… jealousy. Yes, that was jealousy she felt. All traces of jealousy disappeared and she stared at Tamlin with a new emotion. One that felt all entirely different from any other she had felt before. 
Something like awe, and joy and relief all at once. Like some more euphoric form of happiness. 
“The song is about me?” She whispered. 
He ducked his head, as he released her leg, “It is.”
Feyre let out a slight laugh and when he turned his gaze back up to her, scrutinizing her reaction, she quickly reacted. A hand going out, and grazing his shoulder. She froze in place, but still the smile did not break from her rosy mouth. 
“It was beautiful, Tamlin.” And she meant it, meant it with every single brushstroke of her soul. Though the words themselves were as customary as one could get on commentary to their works, the sheer joy and… love, she realized, this was love. The sheer love in her words echoed through to Tamlin and clearly struck him as his whole face turned completely red and he immediately looked away. 
Lucien found them not long after that. Bursting through the woods with sticks and leaves in his hair. Pure panic etched on his face as he shouted at Feyre for nearly sending him into a heart attack. Feyre rolled her eyes a great many times on the walk back home, so many times she became almost concerned they would get stuck in the back of her head and she’d never paint again. 
But as luck would have it, they did not and she did paint again. For the next two weeks she painted from dawn to dusk on one sole image. By the end of each day her bathwater came out gray from the colors scrubbed away from her skin, but each redraw of the water and grumble from Alis was worth it as Feyre stared at her creation in the sunlight. 
She saw him, and she saw the colors alive again. 
“It’s beautiful, Feyre,” a breathless voice beside her murmured. Feyre looked up at Tamlin who echoed her words from that day beside the lake. Eyes wide and mouth open, in an expression of awestruck like she was sure hers had been. 
She had thought over the title of the painting many times. Always coming back to what she had thought that day. The Faery Lord. In his lands and at peace in his home. 
But as she took his head and tipped her head onto his shoulder. The title came to her like the pollen floating on the breeze. 
My Faery Lord. 
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themakeupbrush · 1 year
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Puteri Indonesia Sumatra Selatan 2023 Regional Costume: Perahu Naga Bidar
Celebrating Palembang' maritime heritage with grace and elegance, adorned in the traditional of "Perahu Naga Bidar." Honoring our city's history, where the majestic Musi River comes alive. Perahu Naga Bidar, a symbol of unity and pride. It is one of the traditions done in Sungai Musi which indicates that Palembang city is a maritime city. This bidar dragon boat race is held every celebration of Palembang city on June 17 and Independence Day ofthe Republic of Indonesia . The dragon boat is all made of wood and plank.
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readyforevolution · 1 year
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1. World's largest Mammal Migration(Kasanka)🇿🇲
2. World's largest Man made lake(Kariba)🇿🇲
3. World's Largest emerald Mine🇿🇲
4. World's Second Largest Wildebeest Migration(Liuwa) 🇿🇲
5. Africa's Second largest National Park(Kafue) 🇿🇲
6. Africa's Second Deepest River (Kabompo) 🇿🇲
7. World's largest Water Falls(Musi Oa Tunya)🇿🇲
8. World's Largest Concentration of Hippos🇿🇲
9. World's only point where 4 Countries meet(Kazungula)🇿🇲
10.One of the World's Natural 7 wonder(Victoria falls)🇿🇲
11. World's second Deepest fresh water lake by Volume (Tanganyika)🇿🇲
12. Largest Copper Producer in Africa🇿🇲
13. Largest Copper Mine in Africa
Tourist Capital of Southern Africa🇿🇲
And more
Visit Zambia
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black-arcana · 1 year
Maria Brink and Chris Howorth of In This Moment
by Greg Prato
On their 2023 album, GODMODE, their epic music videos, and their most misunderstood song.
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Since 2005, singer Maria Brink and guitarist Chris Howorth have been the leaders of In This Moment, a band that is hard to pin down to a single style (a most welcomed attribute in an era when seemingly most successful rock acts are one-dimensional). Are they industrial metal? Goth metal? Alternative metal? Maybe a little bit of all three – which is on display throughout their eighth studio offering, GODMODE.
And while they have certainly obtained an impressive amount of success and career highlights (a Grammy nomination, billed on some of the world's biggest festivals, a Gold-certified record...), there was a point in their career when, for a brief period, the band was over. Luckily, Brink "kicked the door in" and the band found a path forward with a new visual presentation in their concerts and videos.
Both bandmates spoke to Songfacts shortly before the October 27, 2023 release of GODMODE to discuss the album's mysterious title, the stories behind several of their best-known tunes, and how they conceive their videos.Greg Prato (Songfacts): How has the band's songwriting changed over the years?
Maria Brink: It definitely has. We've been together now 18 years. When we started off, we didn't know what we were doing. We were just trying to figure it out. We used to butt heads a lot and have a lot of confrontation. Now, it feels like we flow like a river together. I think we're just more mature and we've grown with each other, and we've really learned what each other likes and how we work. It's definitely become a lot smoother.
We approach songwriting on all different levels, whether or not Chris writes a song and sends it to me, or I write something on piano. Sometimes I'll even mimic a song on a voice message, with instruments and everything, and Chris will bring it to life for us. So, we really don't have a one-way approach, but we've gotten better at it, that's for sure.
Chris Howorth: In the beginning, it was like we just had a bunch of songs written, and I had a bunch of stuff. I was kind of forcing it on Maria at the very beginning. And then we started trying to figure out what we would do together, and it was a battle. Every album was its own challenge – up until this one, which feels like one of the smoothest experiences we've had together. I guess all that time, we learned how to do it.
I don't like to be told what to do or how to sing something.Songfacts: What is the meaning behind the album title GODMODE?
Brink: The album itself felt fierce. It felt really powerful. And we're always about empowering people and wanting people to listen to the music and feel empowered with themselves. Our last album [Mother, 2020] was a bit more on the somber side because we were really depressed when we went into that album. But on this album, we felt fire and we felt really all the things. I'm always speaking about certain spiritual aspects and tend to sway into that.
But this name, GODMODE, is powerful, epic, limitless. And then Chris when I told him, he's a huge gamer, and he was like, "Actually, in the gaming world, god mode is something you can turn on that your character can't die and all these cool things." So he loved the name right off the bat. It was a no-brainer for Chris and me. We loved the name. Once we both said we should name it this, we were like, "Let's do it." It fit the album as well. Right Chris?
Howorth: Yes, it did. It felt right. And it was like what we were saying about the songwriting: Everything flowed into place on this one. And that too happened during the making of the album. We didn't have a name, and that just popped in. Like, "Oh wow. That's cool."
Songfacts: What was the lyrical inspiration behind the song "The Purge"?
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There was this magical moment that happened that felt pretty liberating to Chris and me with writing. He actually wrote most of the musical-type stuff with this song – the verse and the chorus – and sent it to me randomly, and I loved it. I was like, "What is this that you just sent?" The music was so strong to me, and it gave me a really cool feeling. It made me laugh in a way - when I hear something that I love so much, it kind of makes me laugh. It's like this funny, "I can't believe how good this is feeling." So I just loved it.
The lyrics came from all the tension and all the build-up that happened. Why we had to be home and stuck in our houses. Every time I'd turn on the television or go on a social network, that's like what the lyrics are, how it all feels to me. I tried to bring it all into that song.
Songfacts: What are some memories of filming the song's video?
Howorth: The video was totally weird for us. The last few years, all of our videos have mainly been helmed by Maria and this guy named Robert Kley. That collaboration started when we did the "Blood" video, and it's been great. But this time, Maria had her eye on this guy Jensen [Noen], who had done some videos with Motionless In White and Falling In Reverse that were so amazing. You see those videos and you're like, "Oh my God. That is so good." And she was like, "I think we should get this guy for this song."
A lot of technical issues had to happen. She was on the East Coast, I'm on the West Coast. The band is all split up, so she recorded a bunch of her scenes on the East Coast in the church and all this crazy, cool stuff. And then the band got together here on the West Coast at Jensen's studio and did a bunch of stuff on green screen, and he seamlessly put it all together. It was one of our favorite videos. We're totally blown away by how good it came out.
Brink: And like you said, I've been doing the videos for almost 10 years now and it was a little scary to relinquish that power, but everything he was doing was just amazing. He was fine with letting us have our own artistic direction, and we wrote the storyboard and he worked with us on it back and forth. He is just amazing. I would definitely want to do our next video with him. He's badass.
And it was really cool with all of us filming in the church. We went for two days straight and it was pretty crazy. All of it felt pretty epic and awesome. The only thing that was strange was not being with the boys when they were filming. But I actually sat with them the entire time on FaceTime and FaceTimed with them while they were doing their little parts. I FaceTimed with them trying to encourage them while they were doing their make-up and stuff, too.
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Songfacts: Are there are any other interesting lyrical inspirations behind certain tracks on the new album?
Brink: Everything we write comes from our soul and my heart. I have to always be honest whenever I do any music. But it's definitely a visceral album. This album is the heaviest album we've had in a long time, and it has a lot of frustrations that built up in me over the last few years with society and things around me, and dealing with my own mental health. So there's definitely a whole journey of emotions in there.
Howorth: I think Maria said it best. The time we had off, it created this angst and this appreciation for what we do. Also, this kind of, "I want to unleash everything." This album was just a natural reaction for those feelings.
Songfacts: Going back a ways, what was the lyrical inspiration behind the track "Blood"?
Brink: "Blood" was a pretty significant moment for us in our careers. Our band had just quit on us, our manager dropped us. Our famous story is, we broke up for half an hour, and then I came back in, kicked the door in, and told Chris, "We're not done! We're not even close to done!"
We did feel like people didn't believe in us and maybe we shouldn't believe in ourselves. We really got down on ourselves for a little bit.
Then there was some sort of surge of energy that happened within us, with all these people not believing in us, that made us want to fight harder than we've ever fought in our whole lives. And [producer] Kevin Churko, who had been working with us, he still believed in us, and so did Century Media. They both wanted to still be on board. So we went and did some songs with Kevin Churko, and "Blood" was one of the songs.
Nobody was showing us any love, and everybody was treating us like the red-headed stepchild. Then we sent that demo out to everybody – just the song – and we were getting all these amazing reactions. We had people lining up to talk to us, and our whole career changed.
You can hear the struggle in that song. It's kind of self-doubt and self-love, and that kind of back-and-forth that we were feeling at that time. Kind of these voices that I think we hear in our own heads, the devil and the angel on your shoulder.
Howorth: That was a whole natural thing that came together. Like this album, it felt like we just followed the path and let all those emotions dictate what was happening.
Songfacts: And what about "Black Wedding," which features Rob Halford?
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And Rob Halford is a good friend of the band. He just popped into our lives asking to come see us. He's such a great guy – he and Maria became friends – and we thought, "Let's hit him up and see if he's interested," because she was doing this "mother priest" thing lyrically.
He instantaneously said yes. He jumped on board completely energized and ready to do whatever we wanted to do. He was down for the video and everything. He's one of the coolest people we ever worked with.
Brink: We love him. It was a huge honor to work with him. He's such an amazing guy. It was always emotional and weird for me to work with writers, because like Chris said, we didn't do it quite often. We did it on our new album with Tyler Bates, but we wanted to do that. We chose that. So, when other people are trying to have us work with writers, to me, it's an uncomfortable feeling. I don't like to be told what to do or how to sing something.
But then one day I thought, You know what? I didn't write "Hurt" by Trent Reznor. And if I could meet with Trent Reznor and he could help me write a song like that, dear God, maybe I should be open a little bit to this. So, I am grateful that we did wind up doing that and writing that song because that is one of my favorites. And honestly, out of everyone we worked with, Rob is really one of our special favorites.
Songfacts: Which of your earlier songs seems most relevant today?
Brink: "The Gun Show." Because [the Sirius station] Octane plays "The Gun Show" and people love "The Gun Show."
Howorth: And I would say "Beautiful Tragedy."
Songfacts: What's an In This Moment song that doesn't get a lot of attention but means a lot to you?
Brink: "Legacy."
Howorth: Yeah, I'll back her up on that one. She had lost her grandpa, my dad had passed away, and our other guitarist Randy [Weitzel]'s father had passed away all within a few months of each other. We all came into the whole album bummed and depressed, just feeling that loss. That song literally was just born of thinking about our passed relatives.
Brink: It was in honor of them. My grandfather was my father, so it was a really emotional album for us in general. But that song was special. Chris does a solo for his dad, Randy does one for his, and the lyrics are for my grandpa. The whole thing was really emotional to us. We'll probably do that live again someday because it's special.
Songfacts: What's the most misunderstood song in the In This Moment catalog?
Brink: Definitely "Whore." When I met my partner's mother for the first time, she asked me, "What's your song 'Whore' about?" [Laughs]
It definitely can be perceived as something more on a sleazy side, or a more not-understanding-where-we're-coming-from side, but it's actually this super-empowering, sarcastic nature. It's all about women and empowerment. It's about taking something dirty and degrading and twisting it into something that empowers yourself.
Songfacts: Lastly, how did the idea come up to cover the Björk song "Army Of Me"?
Brink: I love Björk. I'm a huge Björk person. I grew up in the '90s just loving her, and I was always so inspired by her. We wanted to do a cover, and I always get tracks - they call it my "art tracks" - where I can just do this and that. And this was one of those songs that I picked where I wanted to do a cover and showed Chris three different Björk songs. This was the one that he loved the most. He liked it right off the bat.
Howorth: The main riff, when I was listening to that I was like, "That's really cool." And then once we put heavy guitar on it, it was like, "That is outside of metal, rock, techno, whatever her music is called. That is just a cool riff not matter how you slice it – on keyboard, acoustic-whatever, saxophone... it would just be a cool riff."
Brink: She's a brave icon. I love Björk. She follows no rules.
October 10, 2023
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percyforever1022 · 8 months
Okay Percy Jackson show rants bc I’m really trying to love stuff and like I’m enjoying watching it and I’ll keep watching it but also I have thoughts I need to get out (this started out as tv show complaints and also became about my love the lightening thief musical)
I feel like my biggest complaint is they messed with the stakes and they keep telling instead of showing like why change it to the solstice has passed that makes literally no sense and like yes Percy is smarter than he realizes but that comes through in how he makes instinctive decisions and pieces things together why does he just know things like the crusty one annoyed me the most it’s so frustrating and disappointing like I’m still enjoying watching it but I’m like I gotta be critical this is rough and I feel like they also just don’t know how to write tv like I think the best episode was 5 so far but even then like some great writing some bad writing shoutout to the lightening thief musical for being the best adaptation
Like I hope it gets another season and that they get more people in who know tv writing and pacing but like I’d still be nervous watching it and I think part of the issue too was like obviously they were modernizing stuff to fit now and like okay some stuff sure but then other stuff I feel like most changes really don’t make sense and haven’t been effective
Also they’re emphasizing stuff with the gods too much in my opinion and same for storylines that are a thing and covered in different novels like part of the amazingness of the first series is how well stuff builds!!! Show it to us slowly let us form our own conclusions and we learn more and more like yeah not all monsters are monsters you know who teaches us that? Tyson! not all heroes are heroes that’s the main point of titans curse
Another thing especially with the last episode I feel like we’re emphasizing too much just that the gods are bad with the kids and not just bad all around like Charon would’ve been such a great example with them bribing him and him being like yeah I don’t really get paid enough bring that up with hades like yeah what a bad system that would get reinforced when we later see calypso
Also I get changing stuff but some changes I’m like guys cmon like why change them going over the river Styx that would’ve been a perfect time to establish stuff naturally about it considering it’s really important later like annabeth being like Percy don’t touch that you’ll lose your soul like that’s relevant
And like one of the things I’m most nervous about is like Percy is different bc of sally like that’s a fact it’s the main reason him and Luke are foils and part of what’s so effective of the last book but I like in the books it being less intentional like it’s not oh I want him to be his own before you guys mess him up it’s just oh this is my son and I love him and I want him to live and be happy and in that Percy gets strength him choosing to not stay year round to be connected to humanity and be with his mom is so important but like sally just loves him and that love and connection to humanity is what makes Percy different from Luke and I think it’s more effective when it’s less intentional like obviously she makes choices to keep her son safe but idk it’s different
Also literally why make the solstice pass like the gods going to war is crazy stakes and now like technically they’re “prepping” but like they should be at war and that should have consequences why do that now it looks like nothing has consequences like the one day left thing worked let it be the solstice change has def annoyed me the most I literally wanna scream anytime I think about it
And then I feel like people get mad that people are criticizing the show and trying to be like well Rick is modernizing it and like there’s a way to do that that isn’t this and also if you’re going to do that than don’t market it as the faithful book adaption that we’ve been crazing like once again the lightening thief musical is great at adapting stuff and cutting what does work and making changes while still keeping the tone and all the stuff that makes Percy Jackson what it is and the show could’ve done that too and like everything up until the solstice change I was like okay I have thoughts but I’ll let it go the solstice tho that has larger implications
Also this is specifically about annabeth and no critique to Leah but I feel like the writers don’t know how to write a 12 year old girl like she’s supposed to be serious but in the way you’re serious when you’re 12 where you think you know everything and you can do it all bc duh but then everyone else is just like wow that child is doing a lot like where’s the energy where’s the passionate rants about architecture and the stuff she loves like this 12 year old should be bouncy off the walls she wants to do so much and make things permanent and be remembered and she’s going to do it just you all watch like literally my grand plan gets her this show complaint is also just another love letter to the musical oops like let her be desperate to prove herself not just to her mom but to everyone show us more of that
Also I love percabeth and I’m living for all the percabeth moments but I’m nervous we’re moving too quickly into romance territory like they seem too aware of it if that makes sense like I really like the moment where Percy imitates Athena in the arch bc like that’s so giving 12 year old trying to impress their crush when they don’t know they have a crush like give me more of that but also let them be friends let the trip goof around more and like this goes back to the show don’t tell them but let me see how they work together let Percy piece together information let annabeth make more plans let’s see her myth knowledge and then how they respond when stuff doesn’t go to plan that’s part of how they work so well together and same with Grover
Also like the musical just such a good job and like pairing Percy and annabeths issues and balancing their friendship and how they get closer with the potential of what could be in the future and like Percy singing I’m good enough for someone and annabeth singing I don’t know how or when but I promise you I’ll never be invisible again someone will notice me with the staging of Percy looking at her literally makes me insane
Also the musical did such a good job in the first song at setting up like yeah you wanna hear our story? Okay here’s our representative Percy Jackson and Chris McCarrell slid on to that stage like look I didn’t want to be a halfblood and then showed us why Percy is literally Mr accountability to the gods
Like this story can be adapted well it has all the potential literally everything is there but if you’re gonna do something in the medium it helps to have people who are passionate and understand that medium and know how to work with it
Also Luke’s good in the last day of summer lives in my head always truly iconic
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morfey · 1 year
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Arrived in Osijek. It has a lovely beach along the river and loads of people use it. Fun bars, cool musi and even a lido pool ! This is all on the opposite bank from the town
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indianencyclopedia · 6 months
Salar Jung Museum stands as an emblem of cultural richness and historical grandeur. Established in 1951, this distinguished museum was once the private collection of the illustrious Salar Jung family, renowned for their deep appreciation and relentless pursuit of art from across the globe.
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zarya-zaryanitsa · 2 years
Rozpoznawanie uroku. W pierwszym typie obrzędu wykorzystywane są rekwizyty, czyli naczynie (zazwyczaj krążel od kądzieli) wypełnione wodą. Wodę brano z rzeki (w czasie czerpania naczynie trzymano zwrócone otwo­ rem w kierunku biegu rzeki) lub ze studni (wtedy woda musi być nienapoczęta, czyli nikt w tym dniu nie powinien nabierać jej wcześniej), czasami wodę przynoszono do domu w ustach i dopiero tu przelewano ją do naczynia wy­ korzystywanego w rytuale. Do tego właśnie naczynia (czasami za pośredni­ ctwem noża) wrzuca się węgielki (zwykle trzy lub wielokrotność trzech, czyli dziewięć; jeśli pacjent jest urzeczony, węgle pływają po powierzchni), licząc w porządku rosnącym lub - znacznie częściej - malejącym. W drugim typie - oprócz węgla występuje też chleb: skórka lub ośródka (także w liczbie trzech lub wielokrotności; jeśli tonie sypany na wodę chleb - urok rzuciła kobieta, jeśli węgiel - mężczyzna; jeśli obydwa - uroki są śmiertelne) lub sól (trzy szczypty); kamyczki; czasami wykorzystywane są też pręciki z miotły brzozowej (węgielki mogą pochodzić z jej spalania). Wodą wykorzystywaną do zatapiania (węgla, chleba, soli, kamyków itd.) ob­mywa się urzeczonego: zwłaszcza głowę, twarz, oczy, skronie, czoło, piersi, puls przy dłoniach i stopach (istotny jest też sposób obmywania: palcami, wierz­ chem dłoni, od lewej ku prawej; stosuje się też opryskiwanie chorego wodą, którą odczyniający bierze w usta).
- Ja cię zamawiam, ja cię wypędzam… Choroba. Studium językowo-kulturowe, Marzena Marczewska
Recognizing urok (a charm/evil eye). In the first type of ritual props are used, i.e. a vessel (usually a circle from a distaff) filled with water. Water was drawn from the river (during the drawing, vessel would be held with the opening facing the river) or from the well (then the water had to be untapped, i.e. no one should take it earlier on that day), sometimes water was brought home in the mouth and only there it was poured into the vessel used in the ritual. Into this vessel (sometimes with a knife) coals were thrown (usually three or a multiple of three, i.e. nine; if the patient is under the influence of a charm, the coals float on the surface), counting in ascending or, more often, descending order.
In the second type of ritual in addition to coal, there is also bread: crust or center (also in the number of three or multiples; if the bread sprinkled on the water sinks - the charm was cast by a woman, if the coal sinks - by a man; if both - the charm is lethal) or salt (three pinches); pebbles; sometimes birch broom sticks are also used (the charcoals may come from their burning). Water that was used for immersion (of coal, bread, salt, pebbles, etc.) is now utilized to wash the charmed person: especially the head, face, eyes, temples, forehead, breasts, pulse at the hands and feet (the method of washing is also important: with the fingers, the back of the hand, from left to right; spraying the patient with water that the healer holds in their mouth is also used).
- I speak you off, I expell you… Sickness. A linguistic and cultural study by Marzena Marczewska, translated by Zarya-Zaryanitsa
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Good Charlotte - The River ft. M. Shadows, Synyster Gates (Official Musi...
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capesch-arts · 2 years
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My OC if he was an angry jinn. He's a giant snake/dragon who chases humans away from the Musi river due to overfishing.
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Musi river in Palembang, Sumatra, Indonesia
Dutch vintage postcard
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tfgadgets · 15 days
Hyderabad | Gates of Himayatsagar and Osmansagar to be lifted this evening, water to be released into Musi
File photo of surplus water being discharged from Himayatsagar in reservoir into Musi River in Hyderabad on July 22, 2023. | Photo Credit: NAGARA GOPAL The Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) has decided to operate the gates of Osmansagar and Himayatsagar, both of which are near their full tank level (FTL) capacities, on Saturday (September 7, 2024). At Osmansagar, two…
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hyderabaddeccannews · 20 days
Nagarjuna Sagar dam releasing 5,00,000 Cusecs into Pulichintala dam
With Musi river flood Pulichintala dam now discharging massive 6,00,000 Cusecs to Prakasam barrage
Fllood likely to increase further, Prakasam barrage already releasing 5,82,610 Cusecs to Bay of Bengal
Andhra aur Telangana meh Horahi hai Chaar Din se Khoob Teez Barish aur Barish se hua hai Bahoot Burra Haal aur Awaam ko hui hai Khoob Pareshani
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thebingetown · 1 month
Hyderabad is rich with cultural and scenic spots perfect for celebrating special occasions. Here are some top venues that promise unforgettable experiences:
Hussain Sagar Lake A top choice for a memorable celebration is Hussain Sagar Lake. This expansive heart-shaped lake offers a serene atmosphere, especially enchanting at night when illuminated by street lights. The lake features the world’s largest monolithic statue of Gautam Buddha, standing 70 meters tall, which can be reached by boat. The area is ideal for a romantic evening, complete with nightly light shows and water displays that enhance its magical appeal.
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Necklace Road Necklace Road is perfect for leisurely strolls or vibrant outings with loved ones. This scenic promenade offers lush gardens and beautiful views, making it a great spot for relaxing or enjoying various activities. With landmarks like NTR Park and views of Hussain Sagar Lake, it provides a picturesque setting for evening walks or family outings. The promenade also features food stalls for a delightful culinary experience.
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Charminar Charminar, an iconic Hyderabad landmark, offers a dynamic setting for celebrations. Known for its historical significance and architectural beauty, Charminar’s four grand arches and panoramic city views make it a striking backdrop. The bustling surroundings and vibrant market area enhance the festive atmosphere, making it an exciting choice for celebrations. A sunset cruise on the Musi River nearby adds an extra touch of elegance.
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Hard Rock Cafe
For a lively celebration, Hard Rock Cafe in Hyderabad is a top pick. This globally recognized venue serves up American classics in a vibrant atmosphere filled with live music. The cafe’s energetic vibe and personalized service make it an excellent choice for birthdays and special occasions, ensuring a memorable dining experience with delectable food and drinks.
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Wonderla Wonderla is the ultimate destination for thrill-seekers celebrating birthdays. This amusement park is packed with exciting rides, from roller coasters to water slides, offering a fun-filled day. For a more relaxed experience, the wave pool and lazy river provide a refreshing break. Wonderla’s range of games and dining options ensure a complete celebration experience.
The Binge Town The Binge Town is ideal for personalized celebrations. With unique event planning services and a private mini-theater for movie watching, it caters to customized needs. The friendly staff and cozy cafe add a personal touch to any celebration, making it a versatile venue for birthdays, anniversaries, or other milestones.
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Golkonda Resorts and Spa For a tranquil and luxurious celebration, Golkonda Resorts and Spa is an excellent choice. Set in a lush 13-acre space near Osman Sagar, this resort offers a royal ambiance with its elegant surroundings and exquisite cuisine. The spa provides rejuvenating therapies, and the extensive banquet space makes it perfect
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nimi05 · 4 months
Explore Hyderabad on a budget: Must visit attractions and hourly hotels
Hyderabad, a city rich in history and culture, offers many attractions that are both beautiful and significant. If you're planning a trip, here are some must-visit places along with convenient hourly hotels in Hyderabad for your stay.
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Charminar, a symbol of Hyderabad, has stood in the city's heart since 1591. Built by Mohammed Quli Qutub Shah in Cazia style, this monument features four towering minarets, each 48.7 meters high. These minarets once warned the king’s men. Charminar is a lively place where you can see history and do some shopping. It's surrounded by Mecca Masjid, Bhagyalakshmi Temple, Laad Bazaar, and Meena Bazaar. If you love history and shopping, this is a must-visit.
Location: Pathergatti Road, Hyderabad
Timings: 8 am – 5:30 pm
Golconda Fort
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Golconda Fort, which was constructed before Charminar, was built by the Kakatiya Dynasty in the 13th century. Over time, it saw many rulers, from the Bahmani Sultanate to the Qutb Shahi dynasty and even the Mughal Empire. This fort, built on a granite hill, showcases ancient architecture and engineering. One of its most fascinating features is its acoustics: sounds made at the entrance, Fateh Darwaza, can be heard clearly at the highest point, Bala Hissar. This historical site is a popular spot for visitors.
Location: Ibrahim Bagh, Hyderabad
Timings: 9 am – 5:30 pm
Ramoji Film City
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Ramoji Film City, built by Telugu film producer Ramoji Rao in 1996, is one of the world's largest film studio complexes. It’s a huge film city with numerous gardens and sets. It's a great place to learn about how films are made. If you want to get a closer look at the film industry, this is the perfect place.
Location: Hayathnagar Mandal
Timings: 9 am – 5:30 pm
Hussain Sagar Lake
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Hussain Sagar Lake is the largest human-made heart-shaped lake in the world. Built in 1563 by Ibrahim Quli Qutb Shah, it’s fed by the River Musi and spans 5.7 sq km. The lake features a large statue of Gautam Buddha in its center and has been a major attraction for years.
Location: Tank Bund Road
Timings: 8 am – 10 pm
Qutub Shahi Tombs
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The Qutub Shahi Tombs are rich in both architectural design and historical significance. Constructed during the 16th and 17th centuries, these tombs are where seven Qutub Shahi rulers are buried. The structures blend Persian and Indian designs, with domed roofs on square bases and surrounded by pointed arches.
Location: Fort Road
Timings: 9:30 am – 6:30 pm
Makkah Masjid
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Makkah Masjid, one of India's oldest and largest mosques, is near Charminar, Laad Bazaar, and Chowmahalla Palace. It has a 400-year-old history and was built with soil from Mecca, ordered by Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah. The mosque features three arched facades carved from a single piece of granite and took over 8,000 workers to construct.
Location: Ghansi Bazaar, Hyderabad
Timings: 4 am – 9:30 pm
Hourly Hotels in Hyderabad
Finding a place to stay can be one of the biggest costs when traveling. Fortunately, Hyderabad offers many affordable options, including hourly hotels. These Hourly hotels in Hyderabad are great for short stays or if you just need a place to rest and refresh.
Hyderabad is a city that beautifully mixes history, culture, and modern life. From the famous Charminar and amazing Golconda Fort to the calm Hussain Sagar Lake and fun Ramoji Film City, there's lots to enjoy. You can stay comfortably and save money by using the cheap hourly hotels in Hyderabad. Whether you love history, movies, or just want to see the local life, Hyderabad has something for everyone without costing too much. So, get ready, make your plans, and explore the amazing sights of this lively city!
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