#Must-visit places in Hong Kong
atlysvisaservice · 5 months
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Explore the captivating sights of Hong Kong with our comprehensive infographic. Discover top attractions, hidden gems, and essential e-visa information for a seamless travel experience.
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notbecauseofvictories · 7 months
Hi Sarah, I'm going to visit Chicago in a couple of weeks and when I think of Chicago I think of you. What would you recommend I visit/do?
Unfortunately, Chicago is not its best self for a couple months---while I maintain that the city is for all seasons, summer is undoubtedly when it's most alive. However, there are a couple things I will definitely recommend for the unseasonably warm spring traveler:
(1) Eat some food
A friendly word of warning: do not be tricked into eating Giordano's or Lou Malnotti's. Perhaps your companions might try to win you over with promises of Chicago-style hotdogs---do not be swayed! You must manfully resist! (Harold's Chicken is that good though, and if you're close to the one in Hyde Park, feel free to devour the three piece dinner of your choice. Cheap bottle of the too-sweet wine I preferred as an undergrad optional.)
A much better option is to find a place that serves whatever food you love, but does it really really well.
Do you like sophisticated twists on a brewpub menu? Try Moody Tongue in the South Loop
Or are you really more of a tapas person? Highly recommend mfk in Lincoln Park
Would you prefer something a little....meatier? My favorite steakhouse in Chicago is Tango Sur (though I would argue their empanadas are really the showstopper)
There's nowhere in the city that does Hong Kong-style barbecue like Sun Wah in Uptown---I just stopped by after the parade for the Lunar New Year, the duck is to die for.
Are you on the West Side? First of all, do not go to Big Star. I mean, it's fine, but....come on. I'd pick Forbidden Root instead, or head over to Pilsen for Rubi's if you can't survive without tacos.
There are so, so many different bars I would recommend. Chicago was the home of bootleggers for a reason, goddamn it. Still, if you can't get to Wang's (look, I like Violet Hour too, but sometimes you don't want to drink in near-darkness), Koval (the rare distillery in Chicago), or any of the many, many craft breweries we have in the city right now, you probably can stop by one of the many, many, many bars we have in Chicago, and get a drink anyway.
There are more---of course there are more!---but we don't have all day. So instead I will leave you with this bit of wisdom: don't eat at Navy Pier or anywhere too close to Lincoln Park Zoo. If you are at a bar, don't settle for a burger when sometimes, the chicken tenders are actually better. And if you absolutely must go somewhere for pizza, choose Pequod's.
(2) See a thing
Chicago has many things in it! So many things! A hundred thousand things! Unfortunately, I don't know what you're into, so I will just talk about them in general.
MUSEUMS: I am a devoted museum-goer, and Chicago has blessed me with an endless feast. There are the big ones, of course---the Field Museum of Natural History, the Adler Planetarium, the Shedd Aquarium, the Museum of Science and Industry, the Art Institute of Chicago. However, my favorites are smaller, more unique: the International Museum of Surgical Sciences, Intuit (though it's temporarily closed, more's the pity), the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures at UChicago, the Lincoln Park Conservatory. That's not even all the museums in Chicago! That's not even all the museums that I've been to. It's amazing.
EVENTS: I once joked that I was a person who needed to schedule her enrichment like a blue-haired senior, but the joke was on me---I am that person! Fortunately, Chicago supports me in this endeavor by publishing many, many different calendars of "what to do this week or weekend". Do you want to see something onstage? Well, here you go. How about some classical music? I have a trusty guide. What about non-classical music? Always go to the Chicago Reader for that. Are you thinking of catching a game? Well, we're still in spring training for the Cubs and Sox, but the Bulls are doing okay even if the Blackhawks aren't, and we've got soccer (male and female) now too!
(Unfortunately, the Chicago Sky aren't playing right now, they're my favorites.)
OTHER: Unless you are extremely efficient, coming here and eating good food, doing one other thing, is more than enough. I promise it is! However, if you have more time, I definitely recommend just---wandering around. The Loop in particular is great for this, because it's reasonably small and everyone there is busy doing things. Going places, talking on phones, getting into or out of ubers, protesting outside of the Daley center, etc. etc. It's amazing to watch, and the buildings are pretty neat too.
Or you could wait a couple months, and take the Chicago Architecture Boat Tour, which I think should be a requirement for all Chicagoans. Maybe even everyone alive in the world. Just saying.
(3) Walk along the lakeshore
Chicago offers many delights, but I really do believe that Lake Michigan and its vast expanse of water, sky and space, is a unique gift to the city. It is beautiful in winter, in spring, in storms, in sun. It is free. You can sit in the grass or the sand or amble along its broad paths for miles, looking at unexpected art installations and waving grasses and the way the beaches slope to the water; you can talk to a friend or watch bikers and joggers pass you by. In the summer, there are a dozen different stands offering warm elote or cold soda, and cheerful men on jingling bike carts that will sell you neon orange push pops. In the winter, there are still bikers and joggers but also Canada geese, and you can stare mournfully at the slate grey water and ponder existence.
It is the heart of Chicago. Nelson Algren called us an "October city, even in summer"; Carl Sandburg described us as a shirtless dude who gives great oral. Personally, I think of Montrose Beach in the setting sun of winter, the sand almost too cold to touch---and beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
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livuyang · 2 months
snowfall director has now closed his account because he is facing criticism from novel and drama fans. fans were dissatisfied with the ending so he released an alternative ending for characters but this made them more mad. they said if he didn't put in the drama, there was no need to read it. they are also saying why they changed a rapist character and gave him a redemption arc, the director also cut a lot of situ and milan scenes (not due to censorship), he was the one who turned the female lead into a vampire they changed it, he changed also the ending in the novel, from it seems he gave extra scenes to ryan ren and cut from others characters. you can check it on weibo just searching chinese name of the drama. i will keep watch the drama but it's so sad seeing this.
the alternative end:
a few years later
△mi lan sat at the table and wrote a letter. the handwriting is beautiful but free and easy, quite in the style of shen zhiheng.
mi lan: (vo) mr. shen, i have also traveled all over the country, met many friends, and read many stories. i thought i would no longer remember the name shen zhiheng. however, everything i saw seemed to have your name written on it. i think this is the world you taught me.
△mi lan's room is piled with a lot of groceries, and the whole small room is like a grocery store. almost all the items that used to be in shen's mansion are preserved and placed in various positions within reach. there is also a piano in the sun.
mi lan: (vo) you once told me that you wanted to see when the prosperous era would come. i especially want to tell you about my experiences over the years. i have seen wars, sufferings, and the difficulties when it was first built, but i have also seen that this country is getting better and better. you… should be very happy, right?
△mi lan was walking on the street and happened to be standing at the door of a concert hall. there is a poster hanging outside the concert hall, which reads: the most mysterious pianist lan tianjin-hong kong concert.
△mi lan looked at the full moon on the poster and was lost in thought.
mi lan: (os) mr. shen, study hard and write, and see the world for you… you used newspapers back then, and now i use music. i am learning the path you have taken, moving forward step by step. i am so lonely, so lonely, i seem to have finally become you, so where are you?
mi lan: (laughing and whispering) i have waited for you year after year. waiting for the first spring rain every year. so today, i miss you especially.
△as soon as the words fell, mi lan seemed to feel a familiar breath, but when she turned around, she saw nothing.
△situ weilian walked slowly through the cemetery, and then stood in front of one of the graves.
△situ weilian was holding a bunch of tuberose flowers. situ weilian slowly bent down and placed the bouquet in front of the tombstone.
△the tombstone reads: tomb of mother jin jingxue
△situ weilian stood in front of the tomb, looking at these three words.
△at this time, a descendant (female) of the jin family came to visit the tomb, and for the first time saw a young boy standing in front of jin jingxue's tomb. very curious.
descendant: hello, do you know grandma jingxue?
situ weilian: (chuckles) of course i know her. she is the most beautiful woman in tianjin.
descendant: (even more curious) i heard so too. my mother said that this grandma was the most fashionable person in tianjin. she never got married and lived a very chic life. it seems that your family has also received her kindness.
situ weilian: yes, you are right.
△situ weilian listened to this lively voice, and his expression gradually softened. the descendant placed the flowers.
△situ weilian slowly squatted down, looked at the name on the tombstone, and finally spoke in a low voice.
situ weilian: i'm sorry that i couldn't fulfill my promise to you. you must have left very disappointed.
△in front of the tombstone, only the flowers were shaking gently.
△ sister zhang came out of the concert hall and grabbed mi lan.
sister zhang: the concert is about to start, where are you going?
△ mi lan couldn't help but take a few steps back, stretched out her hand to feel the falling rain, and smiled.
mi lan: sister zhang, i won't play in the concert hall today. i want to go to another place.
△ mi lan suddenly turned around and trotted.
△ mi lan ran to a square, where there was an old piano, which was placed in the corner for tourists to use when the square was attracting customers.
△ mi lan suddenly walked over, sat down and started playing the piano.
△ the first song she played was the first song she learned when she was in the choir.
△ the spring rain gradually fell in the sound of the piano.
△ the crowd that had gathered to listen to the piano began to slowly disperse, until the whole square was filled with only the rustling sound of rain and the piano sound like a heaven and earth music.
△ in the rain, a man holding an umbrella slowly appeared on the square. the whole world seemed to have only one listener, but only this one listener.
△the sound of the piano gradually became softer.
△mi lan looked up at the man standing beside her, who stretched out his hand to shield her from the rain. it was shen zhiheng, whom she had not seen for a long, long time.
△mi lan stood up in disbelief, and slowly turned to look at shen zhiheng.
mi lan: you are… mr. shen.
△shen zhiheng held a pot of bright red camellia in his hand. he just looked at the much more mature mi lan tenderly. then he answered softly.
shen zhiheng: yes, i am. i'm back.
shen zhiheng: (os) mi lan, i crossed mountains and seas just to accompany you to listen to this spring rain.
△the rain hit the piano keys, as if it had become a melody again.
△the sky and the earth are getting farther away, just like the rising sun.
△the spring rain is falling down.
△the budding red camellia finally bloomed. the rain fell on the flowers, on the leaves, and in every corner of this world.
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pellaaearien · 1 year
Hey so here’s a really mean Sandman thought I had...
I just finished reading The Kindly Ones for the first time. (Yeah.) And I must say, it was a very interesting experience from the perspective of someone who both watched the show first and has also been hanging around deeply into fandom enough that I’ve absorbed spoilers/meta/whatever else surrounding the end of the comics before reading them to draw my own conclusions.
Now I have. And I think I’ve come to some interesting ones.
First off, naturally, Neil Gaiman has written the ultimate tragedy. Everything comes full circle, every decision made with the best possible intentions has the worst possible outcome, and it was always going to be this way. It’s a masterstroke, and as I read I was less sad than admiring at the completeness of it, the way everything slots into place so neatly.
Ever since I spoiled myself for the ending (which I’m glad I did,) I’ve read quite a bit of Kindly Ones meta. Many words have been spilled around the subject of “if someone had just SEEN what was wrong...” but MANY people did! Fiddler’s Green. Matthew. Nuala. And, of course, Hob, who Dream walks out on - again - because he’s being too perceptive. Again.
I was also reading the book with the foreknowledge that this is all an elaborate suicide plot on the part of Dream. After all, as Death says at the end, “the only reason you got yourself into this mess is because this is where you wanted to be.” And, later, when Dream says he has made all the preparations necessary, “You’ve been making them for ages. You just didn’t let yourself know that was what you were doing.” To which Dream replies, “if you say so.”
So we have lots of people saying lots of things about Dream, but what do Dream’s actions say for themselves? Because I must admit, reading the book knowing how it was going to end threw a lot of those assumptions into a new light.
Let’s go back to the conversation with Death. Dream says: “I did not plan this, my sister. I had imagined that I would be able to keep events here in check. I intended to play a waiting game, in which, ultimately, no harm was done.”
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This I believe. One of the things that never sat right with me was Dream sitting back and letting his creations suffer, if his intention all along was to destroy himself. I don’t believe that’s in character for Dream in any incarnation.
What was Dream’s motivation? Dream is tired. He says so himself. He’s been tired for a long time, probably even before his imprisonment and having to basically remake the Dreaming and since then he hasn’t had a moment’s peace, what with Season of Mists and Orpheus and everything else. I think meeting Daniel planted the seed in his mind, that there was an out. As Death says, “...the stuff you do. Where you do it, and you won’t even admit to yourself it’s what you’re doing.” 
Meeting Daniel was that moment for Dream. Someone who could take over his responsibilities in the Dreaming. He can’t just walk away, like Destruction and Lucifer. That’s not who he is. I think Dream’s plan was to wait for Daniel to grow up some, and then... something. ??? profit. Maybe he would’ve gone to the Fates himself and taken their punishment for Orpheus. (Because he does, as Nuala astutely points out, want to be punished for Orpheus).
BUT, Daniel gets stolen while he’s still a baby. So Dream sends Matthew and the newly-remade Corinthian after him. Lyta, meanwhile, instigates the Furies, so now they’re on a ticking clock.
(I don’t, personally, think that Dream freed Loki with the intention of setting all this in motion, but that’s up to reader interpretation.)
Dream makes preparations. It certainly seems like he’s making peace with the fact of his death. He visits Nada (a small boy in Hong Kong), does a census of the Dreaming, acknowledges his servants, feeds pigeons, examines his properties in the waking world, and reviews various treaties and agreements to which the Dreaming is subject. He is responsible. He’s getting his affairs in order in case things don’t fall the way he expects them to.
When his Griffin is killed, Dream tells Furies: “I can create another, who would not even know that it had ever died.” Cold, perhaps, but very in keeping with the type of backwards kindness we’ve seen from Dream throughout the series. He also says: “This is my world, ladies. I control it, I am responsible for it. You with neither destroy it nor will you destroy me.”
The last part, as we know, is simply true. The Dreaming can be restored endlessly, and even if the facet known as Morpheus is destroyed, Dream will continue. But it’s the first part that’s significant. I control it, I am responsible for it. That part says to me that he would not allow his creations to suffer. He is responsible for them. And yes, he could restore them with a thought, but why bother? If he’s trying to get himself killed, why doesn’t the story just end here and now? With the Furies and Dream alone in his throne room?
Clearly, he’s waiting for Daniel. He can’t allow himself to be removed without a successor in place. Once the Furies leave, he immediately calls Matthew for an update. Matthew comments on how cold Dream sounds - he’s feeling the pressure.
Fiddler’s Green is killed. Does Dream say “I can create another?” No. He immediately goes in search of Lyta, to hopefully negate the wrath of the Furies. A stopgap, as the Furies would find another avatar in time, but Dream is taking action. He is not passively letting his doom collapse around his ears.
He’s foiled by Thessaly (all my homies hate Thessaly). While they are estranged exes, Thessaly admits that protecting Lyta from Dream was “not entirely” to hurt him: she struck a deal with the Three for a bit more life. Hurting Dream was an added bonus. She knows Dream well enough that he won’t break the rules in order to kill Lyta.
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Dream is visibly upset by this. He won’t break the rules, but Thessaly’s actions (and his own, by extension) mean that more destruction will be wrought in the Dreaming. Lucien takes him to task for it:
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Lucien asks why he isn’t restoring the things the Furies destroyed, but it makes sense to halt the source of the destruction first, rather than needing to fix things over and over again. Dream is at a loss. His plan was foiled and now he has no way to hold off the Furies. And Daniel is still missing. He could summon his sister right now (as he says, “by his own hand or another’s”) but that would leave the Dreaming in disarray, and he won’t do that.
Now to add Nuala’s summons into the mix. While Death will later point out that yes, Dream could have rejected the summons, I think it’s important to remember that he does actually try, at first:
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“I must most earnestly beseech you...” That is begging. That is literal begging from Dream of the Endless, and it doesn’t stop there.  “You do me a disservice, Nuala,” Dream says, after Nuala quotes his promise back to him. He tries to get out of it! But Nuala won’t let him, throws his words in his face, and thereby seals his fate. Because Dream of the Endless, if nothing else, keeps his word, follows the rules. As he says later: “If we did otherwise, we would not be ourselves.” 
He can’t just leave his realm like Destruction. He can’t ignore the rules and kill Lyta anyway. He can’t go back on his word and reject Nuala’s summons. If he did that, he would no longer be Dream.
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So, he sets Daniel up in his new role as best as he can with the time he has left, and then he takes his sister’s hand to prevent any further damage to the Dreaming. Death accuses him of planning the whole thing, and perhaps that’s true. Perhaps he saw where the pieces were laid on the board and manipulated them to his advantage. I certainly don’t deny that ever since Orpheus he had intended to take himself out of the picture, one way or another. But I truly don’t think he meant for it to happen like this. I don’t see him as a cold-hearted chessmaster, forcing himself into a corner until he has no way out, with his creations’ existences hanging in the balance. I think he had a plan, and tried to stick to the plan as best he could, as the true tragedy spun into place around him: it was always going to happen like this.
Are y’all ready for the mean thought?
Because thinking about it this way, if truly all he wanted was a way out, he could have expedited the process at any point. As I hope I have shown here, to the contrary, his behaviour reads to me as someone who held out until the absolute bitter end, until he literally had no other choice. What are we to make of this? On the one hand, we have Death’s accusation about  “...the stuff you do. Where you do it, and you won’t even admit to yourself it’s what you’re doing.” Maybe that’s true. Death knows Dream, and knows what she’s talking about.
On the other hand, we have a scene, way back at the beginning, with Hob. (Hob who, incidentally, doesn’t seem all that surprised to see Dream outside the confines of their century meetings, given that he thought their toast during Season of Mists was a dream, but I digress.) (Dream also goes to see Hob the instant there’s any inkling of trouble, again, as he does in Season of Mists, but I digress a second time.) And Hob is, as in 1889, too perceptive by half. As Dream is walking away, Hob says:
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“You take care of yourself.”
What if Dream went to Hob, knowing his friend, being perceptive, would guess that something was up?
What if he just wanted to be reminded that someone cared whether or not something happened to him?
He gave Hob a promise that he would take care of himself. And so he did, in the face of overwhelming odds. (Odds that he may or may not have set in motion himself, true, but that just makes it more extraordinary.) Until he couldn’t any more. Until taking care of the Dreaming took precedence over taking care of the aspect, Morpheus.
Because Dream of the Endless always keeps his word.
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Autumn in Japan 🍁
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imponderabillia · 9 months
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David Sylvian - Perspectives (Polaroids 82-84)
”In the early part of 1982 I had, for numerous reasons, decided to take a rest from songwriting. This was to be the first break I had had since I’d started as a child at the age of 12. It was therefore not surprising that to relieve the subsequent frustration caused by this action, I turned to the only other creative outlet I’d known, and which had been my main preoccupation until my discovery of music, drawing.
The freshness brought on by this change, the naive pleasure of working and learning in a virtually unexplored area for me opened many doors.
Not least of which being my new found appreciation of the world of the arts. Drawings, paintings, sculpture, ceramics, a universe of creativity which had always been hidden from me, suddenly came to life. I had of course been aware of works by various famous artists before, but although I was able to appreciate a lot of what I had inadvertently seen, I had never felt anything emotionally from the work in the way that I could quite naturally feel from music.
Now all was changed. I first realised this whilst visiting a major exhibition by a painter living and working here in England, Frank Auerbach. The depth and intensity of emotion I experienced surpassed anything I had felt in music for a very long time, if at all. I explain this because through these and various other similar experiences my outlook on life and work changed (or maybe matured would be more appropriate) at quite a dramatic pace. In the midst of these changes came my first attempts at Polaroid montage.
It was during a visit to Hong Kong, one of the stops towards the end of a rather lengthy tour, that I first started working with Polaroid film. As was my routine throughout the tour, I would return to my hotel after the day’s performance and there I would stay for the remainder of the evening, reading and drawing sketches. On our arrival in Hong Kong we found ourselves with a day free. However, having been there fairly recently, and not having particularly enjoyed the place, I decided to spend the day at the hotel, and among other things write some letters and complete some rawings. By evening, having filled all the paper space available with notes and sketches and wishing to continue working on ideas formed while drawing, I turned to the only materials available to me at that time, the Polaroids. This is how it started and so it has continued since, constantly developing, trying to find different uses for the same materials, and when a new technique shows itself using it to the advantage of creating interesting photographs/pictures. I feel I must point out that although looking back I know there were other artists working with Polaroids in the same, or similar areas as myself (most notable of these being D. Hockney), at this time (the remaining months of ’82) I was working totally by means of self-discovery as I had no other possible guides. I gradually became more aware of the work of others towards the middle of ’83. Sometimes consciously (and I hope with humour) I place references in my work to that of others.
Prior to my work with the SX-70, my interest in photography was to be found in areas of concept and design. I never intended or expected to become personally involved in photography, indeed even now my knowledge of the practical side of the art is extremely limited. For this reason and also because of the nature of the work I do, I would not begin to think of myself as a photographer. I have far too much respect for the people who spend a large part of their lives working with the camera (Brassai, Kertesz, Riboud, Benton, McBean and Ray) and who give true meaning to the word.
I do not see the work in this book as an end in itself. Essentially I believe that there are only a handful of pictures I have produced which transcend the techniques used and show a possibility of standing up to time. The remainder are either very personal pictures and ‘or show and explore germs of ideas which may be followed up in the future by work in other mediums.
My experimenting with Polaroids is about at an end. Although I’m still working with the techniques I’ve developed in an attempt to produce pictures of a more lasting quality. I’ll soon be turning my interests to new areas, using, along with new ideas, the more valuable I have learnt from working with Polaroids."
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richincolor · 3 months
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We've got four titles on our radar for today! Which ones do you want to get your hands on?
Age 16 by Rosena Fung Annick Press
A powerful coming-of-age graphic novel about three generations of mothers and daughters passing down and rebelling against standards of gender, race, beauty, size, and worth, for fans of Mariko Tamaki. Sixteen-year-old Roz is preoccupied with normal teenage navigating high school friendships, worrying about college, and figuring out what to wear to prom. When her estranged Por Por abruptly arrives for a seemingly indefinite visit, the already delicate relationship between Roz and her mother is upended. With three generations under one roof, conflicts inevitably arise and long suppressed family secrets rise to the surface. Told in alternating perspectives, Age 16 shifts seamlessly between time and place, exploring how this pivotal year in adolescence affects three women in the same family, from Guangdong in 1954 to Hong Kong in 1972, and Toronto in 2000. Award-winning creator of Living with Viola Rosena Fung pulls from her own family history in her YA debut to give us an emotional and poignant story about how every generation is affected by those that came before and affect those that come after.
Not About a Boy by Myah Hollis Harper Teen
Euphoria meets Girl in Pieces in this coming-of-age story of a girl trying to put a grief-stricken past behind her, only to be startled by the discovery of a long-lost sister who puts into question everything she thought she knew. Amélie Cœur has never known what it truly means to be happy. She thought she’d found happiness once, in a love that ended in tragedy and nearly sent her over the edge. Now, at seventeen, Mel is beginning to piece her life back together. Under the supervision of Laurelle Child Services, the exclusive foster care agency that raised her, Mel is sober and living with a new family among Manhattan’s elite. It’s her last chance at adoption before she ages out of the system and she promised, this time, she’ll try. But a casual relationship with a boy is turning into something she never intended for it to be, causing small cracks in her carefully constructed walls. Then the sister she has no memory of contacts Mel, unearthing complicated feelings about the past and what could have been. As the anniversary of the worst day of her life approaches, Mel must weather the rising tides of grief and depression before she loses herself, and those close to her, all over again.
The Second Chance of Darius Logan by David F. Walker Scholastic Press
Darius Logan is far from a hero. Since his parents were killed, he has spent most of his life navigating foster homes and shelters, abandoned neighborhoods and decaying buildings. All Darius knows is survival. Life was hard enough, but now he finds himself being hunted by the police after a drug deal he never should have been involved in goes bad. And when they catch him, Darius is positive he will spend the rest of his life behind bars. But in place of a long prison sentence, Darius is handed an opportunity almost too good to be true: the chance to get away from his circumstances by joining the Second Chance program of the Super Justice Force, a league of people with special powers who strive to do good and protect the world from harm. Darius soon discovers a strength he never knew he possessed, but evil forces manifest and threaten to destroy everything he holds dear. Will Darius be able to save the world when he faces a deadly--and all too familiar--enemy? This incredibly powerful YA debut by Eisner award-winning author David F. Walker, dives into matters of social justice and identity, courage and second chances, in a world where heroes loom large and what seems ordinary is anything but.
We Don't Have Time for This by Brianna Craft Disney Hyperion
Lemonade Mouth meets climate change activism in this enemies-to-lovers YA romance. A tied election throws two rival teen activists together to lead their school’s environmental justice club, and they are taken by surprise when their clashes reveal deeper feelings hidden beneath their antagonism. What's more romantic than saving the earth? Two presidents. One club. A sizzling connection. Isa Brown wishes her life would slow down. She doesn’t want to leave for college. Not now that her dad finally gets to spend some time at home. Not now that she’s finally been in one place for longer than a year. But nothing lasts forever. With wildfires ravaging her community and a new natural gas pipeline threatening her dad’s job, the last thing Isa can do is relax. The school’s environmental justice club seems like a promising way to make real change. If only her annoying co-president Darius would stop being such a control freak. Darius Freeman can’t stop hustling. If he does, how will he beat the other honors kids to be valedictorian? How will he get into the top schools in the country? How will he launch his political career? No. Darius can’t stop, and the next step in his plan is leading the environmental justice club this year—putting on a policy summit and rounding out his college applications with a leadership role. But then Isa joins the club and becomes co-president. Is she the stumbling block on his road to success? As Isa and Darius clash over the best way to lead the environmental justice club, deeper feelings emerge. About what’s at stake for their communities if they can’t figure out how to work together. And about the sparks they feel between them. Will Darius and Isa figure out how to burn brightly together? Or will their flames leave nothing but ashes behind?
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meraki-yao · 10 months
God, he must be so overwhelmed being in that huge city far from home and alone. I know he's a grown man and he is working but it's always better to have someone close on these long and tiring journeys 🥹
See, I kind of have a little more complicated perspective on his trip to China
Taylor travels a lot (I think in September we saw him in Australia, New York, London and Spain?) and I think he mentioned he loves doing so, so to some degree I think travelling comes easier to him
But China is different from all the other places we've recently seen him travel to. I have some authority to say this as 1, I am Chinese (ethnicity-wise, I am living in Hong Kong), and used to visit family in the mainland (geopolitics are weird) at least once a year 2, I check on the RWRB Chinese fandom from time to time (still mostly here, I consider myself to be a western RWRB fan, being a Hong Konger is weird and fun in that regard) 3, racial micro-aggressions and colourism is a common issue in China that everyone just goes with (I am mad about that) 4, I know Chinese celebrity culture and how different it is from Western celebrity culture. I was so anxious for him the moment he landed at Shanghai airport because I was worried the different perception of both his race and him as a celebrity/him as Alex would hurt him in some way. I kid you not, I was worried the whole time, even if I know he's a grown man and there's functionally nothing I can do.
In a way it did and it didn't, I guess? There were a couple of issues that I personally had with the GQ event, but those are more my subjective opinions. And there was an incident two days ago that I cannot for the life of me find a reliable retelling, so take it with a pinch of salt, but what happened was there was an... art event? That Taylor attended at a restaurant? I think he co-designed something, either a plaque or a shirt. It was a private event, but one of the guests leaked the invite online, so people knew he was going there at what time, and then a crowd gathered at the restaurant and even though it was relatively peaceful and police were there to keep them in order, it's still a crowd in front of a restaurant. They didn't get to meet him, he had to leave through a back door, and later on Little Red Book said he had a change of plans. Again there are like, two contradicting narratives I could find and I pieced this together to the best of my ability, so please take it with a pinch of salt. However, I will say the whole gathering at a place where a celebrity would potentially show up is the norm in China. It's not good, it will cause inconvenience, but it is how it is.
But on the other hand, on the day of the GQ event when we saw him on the boat and everything, people were showing him so much love. People were shouting "Welcome to China" from the bridges, some people took the day off just to travel to the venue to see him, and a lot of them prepared gifts and cards for him. I heard some really fucking awful Twitter drama was happening to him at the same time (and no I don't want to hear about it) so it was relieving in a way to see him get so much love in real life. And Taylor was incredibly sweet, signing books and photos and phone cases. This would never happen with Chinese celebrities (because everything is monetized), especially with firstprince or TayNick photos. (because even shipping and RPS shipping is monetized! It's so fucked and I'm mad about it!)
I am still concerned with just how much work he had and how tight his schedule was (on the 7th he changed into 5 outfits, did a photoshoot in the morning in the black blazer, photoshoot and meeting with fans in the afternoon in the casual set, early dinner party and blue carpet in the white suit, water carpet and red carpet in the brown suit, then dinner party in the lilac suit, what the fuck, especially when apparently no other guest had this tight a schedule) and I was extra concerned when he said in the live stream that he came alone (I already suspected that when he arrived at the airport and the police were keeping order instead of private security) and I kind of think the whole trip could have been better organized or done in a way less demanding for him
But with that being said, I am incredibly proud of him and grateful for him for coming to China and doing all these events. It feels like a step. And I completely admire him for going through all of this in such a different, foreign environment on his own. As much as seeing the boys and RWRB content makes me happy (and frankly, helping my shitty mental health), I do hope he has a good rest when he gets back. I think this trip took a toll on him even if he (hopefully) enjoyed it.
Chinese RWRB fans are joking that as much as they want Nick to visit as well, with how intense Taylor's schedule turned out and how introverted and tired Nick is, he'd be "swimming back in England" after a day 🤣
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pr1ncemax · 2 years
things to do when ur stuck in bed, but u have a phone! pt2!
NASA @ Home!
Virtual visits
-Faces of Frida Kahlo 
-National Art Gallery 
-New York
-Armchair Travel
-Paris Catacombs 
-Winchester House ($)
-Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Foundation
-British Museum 
-Musée d’Orsay, Paris
-barnes foundation
-The Broad 
-National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea
-MASP - Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand
-National Gallery of Victoria 
-Museo Frida Kahlo
-Broken Relationships
Live Cams of fun stuff! ( Kinda makes u feel like a spy) 
-Northern Lights 
-Shedd Aquarium
-Fred Hotel
-Resort Cams 
-Las Vegas
-San Diego Zoo
-Melbourne Zoo
-Smithsonian Zoo
VR/360 views of cool stuff! 
Harry potter ride! (Without supporting JKR)
Cherry blossoms! 
Google Map Cities!  (Recommended cities below)
-Paris from Sacré-Coeur
-London from The Shard
-Barcelona from Turó de la Rovira
-Hong Kong from Lion Rock
-Jaipur from Nahargarh Fort
-Florence from Piazzale Michelangelo
-New York City from Top of the Rock
-Chicago from 875 North Michigan Avenue
-Singapore from OCBC Skyway
-Cape Town from Table Mountain
-Lisbon from Cristo Rei
-Los Angeles from Griffith Observatory
-Naples from Castel Sant’Elmo
-Rio de Janeiro from Sugarloaf Mountain
Learn Japanese! X / X / X / X / X
AIRBnB Experiences! X / X / X / X 
Learn about hawai’i! 
Art is where the home is! 
The Show Must go onLINE - watch Shakespeare plays thru zoom! 
Watch a concert from 2019! 
No? How about from 1986? 
7 day free trial to see Met opera , or to broadwayhd
Murakami’s 'personal record collection' ( 280+ hours) 
Word Ladders! Anagrams! Hidden Objects!  
Daily spot the difference! 
Pick a book that takes place in every country! 
Learn Korean With BTS or Find a new artist to listen too
Funny Wildlife photos 
The Pano Awards
Learn about drones
Online escape rooms! 
-Hogwarts Digital Escape Room
-365 Escape Games
-Crazy Games
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paikothecateater · 10 days
i dont knwo how to describe this but after skimming through your headcanons with the nordics, i really like how you characterise finland even though he isnt described with too much or too little detail :D in comparison to how he is canon, in a good way ^^!!!; this version of finland feels like a dull end of a knife, sure he still retains most of his traits like in canon but theres something about his actions and what he does when the rest of the nordics are there for comparison to what they would do in a scenario; if i could describe it properly, it would be something similar to sharp and blunt, sure hes good natured and considerate but at the same time he can also be intense. i apologise for going on a tangent and none of this probably makes sense but anyways live laugh finland and the rest of the nordics and everything that is good on illuminas green earth, also i really like your headcanons for everyone ( especially hong kong and the whale brothers ) in this cursed series i hope they all explode in the most kindest way of saying this, hope you have a good day ^__^
Okay, wow! Now while I'd like to pride myself on having pretty good English, but I must have overestimated myself because I'm finding it hard to understand a few of these metaphors, though I think I get the idea.
2)Now, based on your commentary on Finland's character I can tell he may probably be your favourite character and seeing that I've been looking for headcanon ideas and that I've been wanting to write more about Finland, I feel like I can make something work. Maybe a dissection of his character the way I see it.
Here goes:
In order to properly describe Finland according to my AU we first have to take a look at Finland according to Mr. Himaruya.
Canon Finland is a very dainty happy go lucky fellow. He's shown to be a bit cowardly, but very friendly. He's easy to please and generally good natured. He is however described as being a completely different way on the inside, loving more intense things like death metal and whatnot.
He's an interesting character as is, but I feel there ought to be a bit more to him.
Let's move on to my Finland.
Finland is very sweet. He's kind, very friendly and social, and super fun to be around. He's optimistic and can come across as being a happy go lucky guy. He likes to be perceived as a very soft, delicate person. He actually doesn't stick to one aesthetic for very long. He had many phases and still doesn't want to stick to anything in particular. As for the whole being a coward thing? Well, he does have a few fears, but he's more the type of guy to scream bloody murder upon seeing a spider, but would casually punch a polar bear in the throat. He sometimes feels out of place around the other Nordics, so he can relate to Iceland a lot of the time. Speaking of Iceland, Finland happens to visit him a lot for no apparent reason. He has a love of salty liquorice and sweet Danish pastries. He is also the strongest of the group, though you wouldn't be able to guess that just based on his appearance. He has just genuinely one of the cutest little white dogs and he absolutely treats her like a little princess. He happens to be a little gullible and especially tends to believe whatever Norway says.
Overall, he's sweet, strong, friendly and very trusting of the others.
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tem60 · 2 years
may i request a kakyoin x gender neutral reader where they're in a big crowd, which makes reader feel overwhelmed and break down?? would really appreciate :]
such a sweet request.. I hope what I've written meets your expectations, it was truly fun to write so I did extend it a bit! Sorry it took me a while to reply tho:')
also sorry if it's confusing anyhow! English isn't my first language
Kakyoin Noriaki x gender neutral reader - "eyes are the mirror of one's soul"
contains: mentions of panic attack and two idiots in love
word count: ~2,3k
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Travelling from Hong Kong to Singapore was pretty amazing considering the views. Although the Crusaders didn't have much time to enjoy themselves, thankfully it was enough to notice different beautiful landscapes. Many stand users has been fought, including Jean-Pierre who joined you on your adventure to defeat that Dio guy, wherever he might be. Somehow this trip didn't feel as deadly as it should be with all those men fighting for the same goal (mostly) in their own goofy ways.
Departure from Singapore to India was supposed to be no different, similar even. Just as Avdol said - we're going to love this country. It was indeed lovely, all those interesting people, change of cultures, truly everything! Some could've find it inconvenient. Some will say it's an amazing country, full of a lifetime story, a must to visit. But to you it felt like a torture. You didn't have much time to think about anything else since the time you guys have been noticed by civilians - they swarmed you like moths to light.
It was even suffocating, being squished between all those people who were constantly shouting at you about purchasing some of the items they wished to sell or if you had any money on you. You did hear however, that someone has stolen Noriaki's wallet and Polnareff's cursing about them touching his belongings. People around the crusade guided you away from the crew - at least you felt that way. You were almost lost, all those people pulling you further and further away from everyone with no chance of running and saving yourself. Feeling small and vulnerable your breath started to speed up, same goes to your heartbeat. Fighting stand users wasn't as terrifying as being left in such an enormous crowd of people with no time to take a breath nor a place to move around freely. It was overwhelming, you were almost frozen in place. Tears started to spill from your eyes without even you noticing it, it was so chaotic, clearly too much for you to handle.
You heard a noise, was it someone screaming your name? You couldn't tell because of the panic you felt at this moment, you did recognise that voice, yet your brain couldn't register what was truly going on. Everything seemed to be more overwhelming with each passing second, all those noises mixing into one huge sound that hurt your head like never before. Only then a hand has been put on your shoulder, it wasn't as greedy as other people's surrounding you. You did flinch at that sudden touch though, but once you saw the face of the person this hand belonged to - everything seemed to somehow quiet down.
Kakyoin. It was Kakyoin who screamed your name seconds before. You saw sincere concern in his eyes, even if his hand was squished by people gathered around - he still somehow reached to you and tried to bring you back on Earth. You haven't noticed how you started shaking and when exactly did it start, but seeing his face brought some sort of comfort to your heart even if you still felt overwhelmed. Words started to finally make sense in your head.
"Y/N's here! I've found them!" Noriaki informed probably other fellow crusaders to let them know your location. He started jostling between people to be by your side, he even increased his tone of voice to let them know what he's up to and that it's an emergency. When he had the chance he grabbed your arm and began to pull you away from the crowd following the path that Hierophant Green made to once again meet other crusaders. It was clear that he didn't say much to you in this moment, his first reaction was to get you away from that crowd as fast as possible.
Once you've reached the end of this chaos, you sat somewhere - doesn't matter where nor did you care to acknowledge it - trying to calm yourself down. Taking deep breaths that unfortunetly left a burning sensation in your lungs, you tried to take your time but it was still not enough. Noriaki sat right next to you giving you some wellneeded space, but his hand found it's way behind your back and was simply left there to let you know that he's here. You appreciated this gesture feeling content with having him so close. Even between having a panic attack you felt grateful for it, you knew he cared and tried to help.
"How are you feeling, Y/N? What happened?" he started to rub your back and looked at you straight in the eyes to know what has made you react like this. Of course he wasn't stupid, he did assume that you had a panic attack but probably he had never dealt with it himself, or so ypu thought, that might be the reason why he's being so patient - waiting for your answer even if it took you ages to reply. Caring enough to run back into the crowd of people who previously has stolen his wallet. Having it so clearly highlighted you started to blush a bit and tried to shoo your tears away, feeling anxious about being so scared of crowds, it was rather embarrassing.
"..I'm.. not sure but uh,.. no, I don't know, I'm sorry-"
"There's no need to say sorry, it's fine. You got me really worried.. US, I meant us.. everyone was afraid that someone could've attacked you" his words only made butterflies in your stomach fly around and make you blush even harder. You felt vulnerable with him and yet felt as if you shouldn't be because of the panic attack you just had. But the feeling of being overwhelmed seemed to have only one cure for it. That was to relax, and you felt truly relaxed right next to him. You caught feelings for the red-head teenager. Who wouldn't? He was really sweet and polite but wasn't afraid of showing his real side with those he trusts most. He's the type to joke around a bit, make ironic comments, bully Polnareff just for the fun of it in a friendly manner, there's much more to him than he thinks.
Being lost in thoughts you forgot to answer him, so after some time you simply nodded at his words and made a shaky sigh fly out of your lips.
"I hate crowds, especially if they expect something from me.. it's so frustrating, my head pulsates from all that ruckus" while having this sentence escape your mouth you hugged yourself and scooting closer to him which he noticed immediately.
He simply chuckled at your admission and sat even closer to you feeling somehow consent with having you so close to him. "yeah, I've noticed, but you're safe now, just breathe and it'll be fine than ever. I'm sure some water could help, should I get some for you?."
"I'm not sure.. I'll just.. I..-" another sigh has left your lips, you felt bad for causing the crusaders trouble with such behaviour but you couldn't help it. What was one supposed to do in this situation? Being in such a suffocating place was a pain in the ass, it was unbearable and it caused you to have those negative thoughts that just never left your head. It's normal, right? Why can't anyone make this stop.
"Hey." Noriaki caught your attention by touching your shoulder again, he gave you a side hug probably because of your now shaking body from all that overthinking. Wiping away tears that highlighted your face, you started to fully focus on what he was about to do next.
You turned your head towards him and looked at his thighs, you couldn't look him in the eyes being afraid that he'll see your face in such a vulnerable moment. Although you did wish that you could show him those feelings - it was much easier said than done.
"Take it easy, don't want you to feel stressed again. I'll bring you some water, hold on."
He squeezed you tighter to himself before standing up and heading to a bar for your drink. He acted as if he knew what to do perfectly in this situation which was somehow comforting, but also concerning. Did he happen to have panic attacks before? Or maybe he had helped someone else in his past? Either way you were grateful for his time and kind gestures towards you. Your eyes followed him with when he started to get further and further away, that was when your head started spinning but not with guilt of your sudden breakdown, but the thoughts of him lingering in your mind. You felt so.. warm, thanks to him. His gestures lead you to somehow feel loved, if only he could reciprocate your feeling.. Perhaps he was just being nice? It's Kakyoin we're talking about, he's generous about what he does even if he's sometimes painfully honest with what he has in mind.
"Here. They didn't have more ice but I hope it's good enough." his voice made you realise that you've missed him making his way back to you. You took the glass he had in his hand and drank a few sips from it. "Feeling any better, pumpkin?"
You only nodded your head at his question, still feeling flustered about thoughts that were mostly about him, especially once he called you such a nickname. He gave it to you when you were teasing each other with petnames wanting to prove to Jean-Pierre and Mr. Joestar that it's not that hard to give a nickname to someone and simply stick to it. Since then it was the nickname Nori has given you himself.
He sat next to you and stared at your hands shyly. What you didn't know about was the way his heart started to pound in his chest rather fastly. His own head raced with thoughts about your well-being and how he needed to comfort you. He was good with his words with other people, but with you? He didn't know what to say, which was truly frustrating because he felt the urge to tell you much more than he already did. He found your eyes so mesmerising, even noticed how he doesn't like to see tears falling from them. Your smile? Probably his favourite thing about you, your face is so vibrant with colors and the fascination you hold towards a certain topic that you're interested in. He loved to listen to your voice, was it shy and quiet at times or if it was louder than usual - it didn't matter to him. What mattered the most was how he adored you.
"Can I do something for you? To help you calm down a bit?"
"I'm not sure.." was your hesistang reply to his questions.
"Let me at least. I want to try something." you didn't know what he had in mind, honestly Noriaki didn't know himself what he was doing but he let his instinct to kick in and took your hands in his slowly pulling them closer so they could lay on his thighs. "Pulling your head out of such thoughts might.. might be the best option, so I.. hope this will help.." he added and started to feel much more nervous than he had ever felt before. How did his voice not crack that much? He was quite impressed by this, however it was still a mystery to him.
He didn't say much after that, he just held your hands and gently rubbed them with his thumbs to feel how smooth your hands are compared to his, they felt truly godly to him. As if it lit a flame in his heart and made him automatically feel warmer inside. But it wasn't about him and his feelings, what mattered to him the most was your comfort and safety.
Your heart was pounding really hard, a thought crossed your head that maybe he could hear it loud and clear. Of course it was a silly thought, but being in love with him made this statement more exciting and a bit scary. He held you so gently you felt as if you were close to melting in his hands, even if the only direct you got from him was your knees touching and holding hands. Pink dusted both of your cheeks, same goes to Kakyoin. He felt shy like never before, he got some urges to leave your hands and forget about what just happened but he couldn't bring himself to let you go - not after you lightly squizzed his hands and smiled widely having your eyes focused down and not on his face.
"So.. did it help?" he asked shyly literally covering his face with hair noodle that was freely flying around his face when he moved. He wanted to hide his blushing cheeks yet to no avail. You nodded without hesistation this time and smiled warmly for him. Your eyes met his gorgeous lavender one's and immediately got lost in this shade of purple that made you feel inner peace and vice versa.
It felt like a true confession to him - a shy way of hinting you his feelings. Yet to you it felt like a magical moment that only happened in books. Maybe there's much more to your relationship with Nori that you had already noticed being afraid of giving yourself unreasonable hope for something more.
'I wanted to tell you something..' both of you had in mind. Both of you had intentions to finally confess to one another, yet you didn't. You wished to wait for a better opportunity to do so even if you guys were already much more than just friends judging from this somehow intimate moment you have just shared with each other. Especially while still being lost in your eyes.
Yes, it certainly felt like home. He felt like home.
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bizarrelittlemew · 1 year
tagged by @darkinerry 💖
relationship status: married babyyy (together 7-ish years)
favorite colors: GREEN (and purple)
song stuck in my head: This Must Be the Place by Talking Heads
last song i listened to: Lookin' Out My Back Door by Creedence Clearwater Revival
three favorite foods: oh this is so difficult. maybe lasagna, strawberries, and the pork stew my husband makes (it's made with love)
last thing googled: "word headings in table navigation pane" - trying to figure out how to make headings inside tables show up in the navigation pane in word but it's impossible apparently 🤷
dream trip: visiting friends and family in hong kong then maybe swinging by taiwan
anything i want rn: ofmd s2 ofmd s2 ofmds2 ofdms2 ofmds2 odmfs2 ofm sd2 ofmds2 ofmd s2 ofdm2s ofdms 2 (and for my phd to be over)
no-pressure tagging @as-a-creww, @stedebonnets, @aha-my-villainous-thoughts, @dickfuckk, and whoever else wants to ✌️
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dropintomanga · 8 months
Get That Bit of Chunibyo Inside You
"We must have a bit of 'chūnibyō' inside us. The fact is we like manga because of the moral within that could touch us emotionally, and we have to behave as we are taught from these media." -Chloe Lisa Kung, Organizer of Rainbow Gala 30, Source: Rainbow Gala 30 and the End of an Era: Hong Kong's Biggest Doujinshi Convention Set to Shutter
I stumbled across an Anime News Network article about a Hong Kong doujinshi event, Rainbow Gala, possibly not existing anymore after a long run in a convention center set to be demolished in the near future.
The organizer, Chloe Lisa Kung, was asked about the future and what led to the impending doom of her event. She spoke about how Hong Kong youth aren't allowed to thrive or chase creative pursuits. Kung lamented on how there's no breeding grounds for young artists to shine or inspiration for art in Hong Kong compared to almost 30 years ago when she started to draw at the age of 12 after seeing doujinshi art.
It does make me think about Hong Kong's anime culture today. I remember visiting Mong Kok Shopping Center back in 2009 and it felt like going to Akihabara in some ways. Every floor was filled with anime, manga, video games, artbooks, toys, etc. When I hear about Hong Kong now, I hear that it's "dead." And reading what Kung said now makes me hesitant to go back there in some way. I do feel that Hong Kong is a bit too commercialized at times. I never liked Canto-pop much and listened to counter-cultural Cantonese music. While anime has always been popular in Asia, it does feel like there's a very genuine communal vibe in that part of the world when it comes to anime/manga fandom and outside forces are slowly stripping that away as everyone wants to jump in on the fan convention train.
There's something that Kung says about the future of Rainbow Gala that makes me think about fans in general and the growing appeal of anime to doujin artists.
"Indeed, there are more consumers now than ever, but the most important lead still lies in the people inside drawing."
I think about the kids who draw manga after watching an episode of anime. I think about the various drawings I've seen over the years of their favorite characters. Sure, some adults will find it "cute" and suggest that it's just a "phase." But to me, the magic starts to happen there.
There's so many consumers, but not enough people to create stuff that can touch lives. It's hard to be creative. Creativity is often devalued due to a general obsession over measurable outcomes.
Kung's words about learning from manga also make me think about how much manga has meant to me. While I did write that I needed mahjong to save me, manga is still what I care about the most. A lot of my mannerisms and attitudes still come from manga. I try to incorporate my manga reading experiences into how I behave. Sometimes, I make blunders, but I still try.
I think about how most fans aren't like me and countless others who use their love to talk about manga on the internet (shout-outs to the bloggers, YouTubers, and podcasters that promote manga in their way). What drove us to start talking about our love to manga to people who don't know us in person? What drove us to become more than just consumers? How do we cultivate that mindset? Those are questions that I'm still trying to get the answers for.
I can only speak for myself in that my own personal mental health experiences combined with the environment I grew up in made me want to blog in the first place. I continue to do so because of how much manga has grown in the past few years. I know it's not just a phase for some youth.
Until then, I'm proud to say that I still got a bit of 8th grade syndrome in me. I'm proud to say that stuff that's mostly read by teens still gets me pumped to seize the day. I'm proud to be a fan that wishes for future creators and their youthful enthusiasm to be treasured as much as the mainstream works that inspired them.
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Small river in Kyoto 🍁🩷
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Hong Kong a Bustling and Vibrant City
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Hong Kong is a bustling and vibrant city that offers something for everyone. It is well-known for its stunning skyline, delicious food, shopping options, and cultural attractions. Whether travelers are seeking an adventure or a laid-back vacation, Hong Kong is the perfect destination. In this article, we will explore some of the best things to do in Hong Kong, how to get there, and where to stay.
Getting to Hong Kong Hong Kong International Airport is easily accessible from around the world. The airport has over 100 airlines operating flights to more than 220 destinations. It is a major hub for Cathay Pacific and many other airlines, which makes it an ideal place to connect to other destinations in Asia Pacific region.
From the airport, travelers can take the Airport Express train that connects with the MTR subway network to reach their hotel or destination. Alternatively, a taxi or shuttle bus can also be taken from the airport to the city.
Where to Stay Hong Kong has a vast array of accommodation options ranging from luxury hotels to budget hostels. The city is divided into four main areas- Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, New Territories, and Outlying Islands. Each area has its own distinct character and vibe.
Hong Kong Island is the heart of the city with towering skyscrapers and the most popular tourist attractions. It is considered the most expensive area to stay in, but there are plenty of options from boutique hotels to five-star luxury resorts.
Kowloon is located across the water from Hong Kong Island and offers a more traditional Chinese experience. It has a plethora of hotels at more affordable prices than Hong Kong Island.
New Territories and Outlying Islands offer a more peaceful and serene experience. There are numerous spa resorts, boutique hotels and vacation rentals for travelers seeking a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Things to Do in Hong Kong Hong Kong is a city that never sleeps. There are plenty of things to do and see, no matter what time of day it is. Here are some of the top things to do in Hong Kong:
Victoria Peak- This is Hong Kong's most popular tourist attraction. It offers spectacular panoramic views of the city skyline and Victoria Harbour. The views at sunset are particularly breathtaking.
Visit the Big Buddha- Located on Lantau Island, the Big Buddha is a 34-meter-high statue that is a major tourist attraction. It is surrounded by stunning mountain views and is considered a sacred site by Buddhists.
Shop at Causeway Bay- Causeway Bay is the ultimate shopping destination in Hong Kong. It has a plethora of designer shops, boutiques, and malls. The street markets offer some of the best deals for souvenir shopping.
Take a ferry ride- The Star Ferry takes people across Victoria Harbour and offers breathtaking views of the city's skyline. The ferry is cheap and one of the most popular modes of transport in the city.
Visit Disneyland- Hong Kong Disneyland is a must-visit for families. It offers thrilling rides, live shows, and parade performances.
Go hiking- Hong Kong has many hiking trails surrounded by greenery and stunning views. The Dragon's Back is a particularly popular hike amongst tourists.
Eat Dim Sum- Hong Kong is famous for its Dim Sum restaurants. They offer delicious traditional Chinese dishes that are usually served with Chinese tea.
Visit the Temple Street Night Market- The Temple Street Night Market is one of the largest night markets in Hong Kong. It offers a wide range of souvenirs, knock-off designer products, and street food.
Explore the heritage sites- Hong Kong is a melting pot of cultures, and it has many heritage sites that are worth exploring. The Man Mo Temple, St. John's Cathedral, and the Tai Fu Tai Mansion are some of the most popular ones.
Visit the Ocean Park- The Ocean Park is a Hong Kong-based marine-themed park. It offers thrilling rides, magnificent animal exhibits, and an amusement park.
Conclusion Hong Kong is a vibrant and bustling city that offers something for everyone. It is a melting pot of cultures, and it is an ideal destination for those who want to experience the East-meets-West culture. From shopping to hiking, from eating to sightseeing, Hong Kong is a city that never sleeps. With its excellent air connectivity and world-class accommodation options, every traveler must visit Hong Kong to experience the energy and beauty of this city.
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what-yadoking-likes · 2 years
Yesterday, I saw my mother for the first time in months.
When I lived in Hong Kong, she would often post on social media of her woes about her ‘youngest’ living abroad. Typically she did this when drunk, or during specific important times of year, such as birthdays, Christmases and other significant occasions. This often led to me experiencing enormous amounts of guilt and at times contributed to my ongoing depression and anxiety.
So, how did she choose to interact with me?
She stared at her phone when we had one-on-one time together, scolded me when in front of others, and tried to shoot down or otherwise diminish every opinion I put forth on whatever topic was being discussed.
My father stopped seeing me when I was around 10 years old. He never bothered with us after that because we were unhappy when we visited him (we were kids, and he had very little in the way of entertainment at his place. He barely interacted with us and sat in his chair, smoking). Because of this I’ve often felt I must craft some relationship with my mother because if I don’t, then maybe it is me that’s the problem and not my parents being dysfunctional adults.
But the reality is... I am only responsible for my own actions. I am not obligated to ‘fix’ my parents. And regardless of social norms, I don’t have to cultivate relationships with people if I don’t want to.
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