#My Lad
meevling · 5 months
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“I’ll never be like him.”
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ythmir-writes · 6 months
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good thing i have two hands to hold both at the same time (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
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betbiem · 2 years
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Replaying breath of the wild and I forgot that when link wears the lynel mask he does a little🧍‍♂️
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frootertooter · 23 days
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I love Damian to bits and he's probably my general favourite, but TNBA Timbo has such a special place in my heart
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clownery-and-fuckery · 8 months
Coming out of my first exam of exam season absolutely battered only to discover WRECKER ARRIVED AT MY HOUSE I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY
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digo3d · 1 month
I don’t think you didn’t ‘like’ Brain so much as you weren’t really sure what to do with the character, especially since he wasn’t utilized very much. I think now that you’re writing one you’re liking him more!
Coulda sworn I responded to this earlier but ANYWAY
I think you make a great point actually, writing about him has definitely led me into a better perspective of him and a better understanding of his character as well
Also I think part of my initial hatred was because I got into Top Cat through the 2011 movie where he's very flanderized and just played for jokes and literally just 'the dumb one', once I actually got my hands on the series I realized my horrid mistake and now he's my liddol scrunkly precious little baby boy my little lad i wanna give him scritchies so BAD AAUUUUUGH
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brightlydust · 1 year
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fromsoft you cowards, where is the hug button??
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lore-pls · 1 year
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Just a quickie of Tarik fresh out of the shower and contemplating who he's going to annoy today. <3 When I tell you his death is the one that hurts the most. ;o;
A continued attempt to draw and post things quickly.
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rustic-space-fiddle · 2 years
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Just some cute faces from Laz :) he’s on an adventure (not pictured: freckles)
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ex-textura · 2 years
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Is he looking at a hot guy or a big library?
spoiler alert, it's both
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mythodot · 3 months
I haven't forgotten about him, I swear.
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treethatspellstree · 1 year
My lad told me to post this (I made it based on a real conversation we had)
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ythmir-writes · 2 months
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ooohh! he looks very gallant!
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lightofunova · 1 year
Oh your a Lugia fan huh?
Tell the lore of Lugia
(Jk jk-)
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Sit down dear dear Anon, you’ve opened a big can of worms :)c
Now, I love Lugia, like alot. But, he isnt my fav mon by FAR. Reshiram’s covered that base 5 times over LOL be glad ya’ll didnt ask about her-
BUT OH MY GOD Lugia makes me feel many things. I just,,, hes such a sweet lad 🥺🥺🥺🥺 hes gone thru alot. I cant tell EVERYTHING BUUUUUT
the idea that he used to be a raging beast who could cause storms and fight
The idea that the Brass Tower burning was in part his fault
The idea that the pokemon who died were revived by Ho-oh and Lugia partially was at dault for killing them
Now Lugia has no home so he lives in a deep cave surrounded by whirlpools and deep waterfalls that only strong trainers with certain items can access
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67001 · 2 years
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ninjigma · 2 years
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Part 5/6 - First / Previous / Next
Track: ‘Upside Down’ - Jack Johnson
2: Do you all know what a Chrysalis is?? 2: It is like, a developmental stage for certain butterflies and other insects 2: And ARC Trooper Petal called me it because he says I'm still developing my single brain cell
2: Which he definitely meant more to tease about how young I am but honestly? I loved it, and then he kept calling me it, and this kind of gives away where this is going but I actually feel like it is great and I still love it so...
2 has changed 2 name to Chrysalis
Chrysalis: Commander Gree also started saying it, though he shortens it to Chryssy a lot Chrysalis: Which I don't mind truthfully Chrysalis: But the whole thing being Chrysalis just feels really me Chrysalis: Really us? Chrysalis: Sorry, a bit excited. I didn't even let you guys try and guess
1: Chrys'ika we would much rather hear how excited you are then arguing over what name you may have chosen.
Corsair: And that would've been all that happened cause there is no way we would have guessed that
Treble: Soooooo you are a butterfly?
Stapes: No, he is a worm
Chrysalis: It would be a caterpillar, and no, it is the developmental stage to become a butterfly Chrysalis: The caterpillar forms a hard outer shell and then actually liquifies itself, then reforms!
Thunder: It what
Stapes: Liquifies as in, becomes a liquid?
Corsair: So, a squished worm
Treble: A squished worm with armor!
1: So yes, accurate to all of you fools.
Chrysalis: Haha, how funny of you all Chrysalis: There is no teaching any of you is there?
Thunder: Please, hold on, liquifies???
Chrysalis: Di'kut vod'ika
1: Extremely.
Chrysalis: I also have a pet frog now Chrysalis: I named him Dumpy
Corsair: Thank goodness someone else chose your name
Chrysalis: At least Dumpy appreciates me Chrysalis: He is my new favorite brother
1: Dethroned by a frog.
Chrysalis: I think you'd understand if you met him
Treble: A moment of silence for 1
Chrysalis: Wait, I'm not replacing him!
1: Woe is me. All alone. No little brothers to ever love me.
Chrysalis: NOOOOO
Corsair: 1 you better be joking
Treble: What?? How could you doubt me?
Stapes: I'll hand out badges for us all later. Worst vod'ika
Thunder: Listen here 1, I will hug you in front of your Marshall Commander until you scream for mercy. I do not care how embarrassed you get. You will suffer until you admit you know better.
1: Di'kut vod'ika. 1: I know you're all the leeches I will never be rid of.
Chrysalis: Because you love usssssss
1: Yes. Which is definitely a you problem.
Stapes: Naturally
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