#My Norton 360
learnaside · 2 years
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carajames8979 · 2 years
How To Easily Solve the Norton Installation Error On Your PC
Norton security antivirus application is the most used antivirus software at this time. This antivirus is also the most popular protection application that its users utilize to protect their devices from various types of viruses, malware, phishing sites, etc
Do you want to know how to easily solve the Norton installation error on your system in a few simple steps? Read this blog to get detailed information about it
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it-me-sannore · 8 months
I went to see A Little Life at the cinemas with absolutely zero context and I ended up liking it. I like plays and musicals in general so it wasn't totally unbelievable that I ended up there.
But I'm also not an objective critic with refined taste. As such, here's a collection of my biased and random thoughts about the play (with spoilers):
My favourite part of everything was Luke! Not a surprise. I went to see it specifically for him :P
Did not hate on Luke's American accent as much as I feared, phew!
Though there was one scene where I didn't like Luke's accent - it's the scene in the teaser trailer, that made me all "OMG I didn't realise". But it was limited to that so false alarm, everyone. We good.
I really appreciated how tight the cast was - I believed them in their roles and enjoyed how they portrayed their characters
James Norton - Jude. Man, he was on the stage the whole time. Kudos. I kept thinking, does he get a break?? He carried the lead role well. Also, sings well in German haha
Omari Douglas - As JB, what an irritating hipster bro! I liked the vibe he added to the group of friends.
Zach Wyatt - I was gutted when Malcolm died. So shocked.
I had to pause and reconcile in my brain when Luke (Willem) was raving to modern music and I realised it's cos I wasn't used to seeing him doing anything from the 21st century
Elliot Cowan - all the "bad guys", amazing performance. How he made each character feel distinctly different??? I was so impressed by him.
I was expecting to cry a lot and was pleased when I didn't tear up until the end. I was prepared with tissues. It turns out the torture-porn leans more towards trauma and emotional abuse versus heartbreaking sadness so those aren't tear jerking triggers for me.
I liked how people wandered and stayed on the stage when it wasn't their scene
I kept thinking about how the tap and sink must have some kind of reserve of water beneath it since it's probably not hooked up to pipes.
I also kept (judgmentally) thinking that surely Harold actor (Zubin Varla) does not clean as much at home as he must have to do at work right now, with all this blood on the stage.
I didn't understand Andy's role in Jude's life. I think I missed the set up. Or just didn't connect the dots. Was he... a doctor friend? Actual doctor? Guess I'll have to look it up.
I liked how Ana balanced what was happening on the stage, even though she was now only in his head.
I enjoyed seeing Luke take his shirt off, even though I'm slightly prudish. I totally internally grinned.
Jude and Willem's relationship was... good, bad, conflicting, seeing them "happy" and then not so typically happy. Was Jude really "happy" or was it a trauma response? It really was a rollercoaster ride and my emotions were everywhere.
I enjoyed the intermission in the cinema - how the screen ticked down. I stood up and cracked my back loud enough that the stranger next to me was like, "that sounded like a good one".
All the cool effects - like the blood patches, the screen that came down and took Jude into the sky, the use of light to transition when it was opaque or spotlight when he was being chased by the car, the 360 degree stage.
Yay Luke lol. - Which is jarring due to the subject matter but I really did enjoy seeing a new Luke performance.
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1eos · 2 years
omggg kendra I said something slightly disparaging about a certain kpop groups fans (you know who) and I think I got DOS'd. literally minutes after I posted the comment my network suddenly went offline for all my devices like UMMMM. it was a shady anonymous forum website tooooooo I should have just held my tongue. at least I put in a fake email 😭 kinda scary but it reminded me of your twitter infamy and I was wondering if you had any advice on how to protect ourselves online? is it really necessary to get a vpn cuz I dont really wanna pay a fee, but if it protects me then maybe... also thinking about changing my IP but thats a conversation I do not want to have with my parents sjhdfjdf if you have any suggestions I would love to hear!! thank you!
the timing of this is so uncanny bc just last night i remembered how much ppl hate me on twitter for the most made up reasons 😭😭😭 well a vpn is 100% the easiest way to avoid drama. you can bounce around with the free trials of vpns but i share norton 360 with my parents which has a built in vpn and it does cyber security. so you can always suggest that to your folks and cover multiple devices (iirc you can cover like 4 devices at once?) there are a few free vpns like proton vpn but theyll limit you to only a few places to change your location to....i found a kinda shady but effective free vpn but i lost it when i got a new computer. i'll check my old harddrive when i get home and see if its still available later
other than that def use a burner email so people can't input your email and figure out EVERYTHING youre a part of nor can they send u spam email attacks. never use your full name ofc. avoid sharing paypal info if you can ofc. have a myriad of screen names ofc. and what helped me the most was really understanding just ppl could do with any of the random info available online. with an ip address ppl can only get your general area and possibly your service provider. it takes additional effort to dig deeper than that. it can happen. but not just anyone has the tech know how. so with a vpn + not posting your full name or images that have identifying information you should be good!
oh and the most important thing is to NOT feed the trolls. if someone tries to get information from you do not post about it handle it quietly and keep records of anything if, god forbid, it gets serious enough to have to report. these people do these things for reactions and the less you react the less they'll go out of their way to bother you lol. theres a reason twtrmys don't really bother me anymore and its bc i just turn the anons into the closer lyric videos 😭😭😭😭😭
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carbonateddelusion · 2 years
yooo you got any hcs for the spam spam puppet?
oh yeah sure!! I haven't been super actively thinking of hcs but here
His clothing is absolutely torn to tatters. it's a patchwork mess of a bunch of vaguely matched fabrics and he hasn't changed since the day he got booted out of the castle
I really like the idea of him being this. partly machine/magic creature (inspo by @/gatorbeast)... with fiber optic cables for whiskers
The Acid Theory isn't a thing with my Spam- he underwent a transformation from an Addison to a literal puppet, slowly morphing into more and more of an "inanimate" object during the process of his glory days- it's something he tried VERY hard to hide, but gave up after everything tanked. also he was always a short king
He's still just a plastic/wooden puppet under all of that clothing (except for a squishy beanbag-like torso), tho I do like the idea of him returning to a. more alive? monster body like he was as an Addison if he could get his hands on a Lightner human soul
The bits and bobs of his puppet bits are animated by his own soul, sometimes he can manifest tendrils out of his magic but it takes a lot of focus
This man is chock-full of computer viruses. fuck McAfee, you need some Norton 360 Deluxe
If you were to actually purge his body of all of those viruses, he'd speak MUCH more coherently and the [[text]] bits would not be there
His speech and thought patterns WITH the virus are incredibly random and essentially like ADHD ×100,000%. it's hard to get him to focus on anything that isn't related to tech things or money and he seldom gives direct answers
He needs a BATH. definitely stinks. get the Febreeze
has a soft spot for cats after living in the castle with the tasques
Glass ego. one moment he's convinced he's a gift to Darkner kind and one day he'll prove it, the other he's sitting in the bin moaning about how fucked up his life has been
Agoraphobic. even taking him into your house takes a lot of time because he doesn't like how "empty" it is. would require his own little claustrophobic space to retreat to, something like a crawl space or a closet
Doesn't know how to talk to people outside of brownnoser or car salesman mode. it doesn't actually make him all that upset or anxious, just a little frustrated because he can't properly communicate ideas, wants, and needs
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doesavastvpnshareip · 2 months
why does my norton 360 vpn keep turning off
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why does my norton 360 vpn keep turning off
Norton 360 VPN disconnection causes
Experiencing disconnections with Norton 360 VPN can be frustrating, but understanding the potential causes can help troubleshoot and resolve these issues effectively. Several factors could contribute to VPN disconnections within the Norton 360 ecosystem.
One common reason for disconnections is internet connectivity issues. Since VPNs rely on stable internet connections, any interruptions or fluctuations in network stability can lead to disconnections. Users should ensure they have a strong and consistent internet connection to minimize the likelihood of VPN disruptions.
Another factor to consider is server congestion. VPN servers may become overloaded during peak usage times, causing performance issues and disconnections for users. Switching to a less crowded server or choosing a server closer to your physical location can help mitigate this problem.
Additionally, software conflicts or outdated VPN clients can lead to disconnections. It's essential to keep Norton 360 and its VPN component up to date to ensure compatibility with other software and optimal performance. Running regular software updates and troubleshooting any conflicts with antivirus or firewall settings can help prevent disconnections.
Firewall restrictions and network settings may also interfere with VPN connections. Users should check their firewall settings to ensure that Norton 360 VPN is allowed to establish connections and that network configurations are compatible with VPN usage.
Lastly, VPN disconnections can sometimes occur due to server-side issues or maintenance activities. In such cases, users may need to wait for the service to be restored or contact Norton support for assistance.
By addressing these potential causes of Norton 360 VPN disconnections, users can improve the reliability and stability of their VPN connections, ensuring a seamless and secure browsing experience.
Troubleshooting Norton 360 VPN auto-disconnect
If you're experiencing frequent auto-disconnections with Norton 360 VPN, it can be frustrating and concerning, especially when you're relying on secure internet access. However, several troubleshooting steps can help resolve this issue.
Update Norton 360 VPN: Ensure that your Norton 360 software is up to date. Developers frequently release updates to address bugs and improve performance, including VPN stability.
Check Internet Connection: Instability in your internet connection can cause VPN auto-disconnects. Verify that your internet connection is stable by testing it with other devices or running a speed test.
Switch Servers: Sometimes, the server you're connected to may be experiencing issues. Try switching to a different server location within Norton 360 VPN to see if the problem persists.
Disable Battery Saving Mode: If you're using Norton 360 VPN on a mobile device, battery-saving modes can interfere with VPN connections. Disable any power-saving settings that may be affecting VPN performance.
Firewall and Security Software: Conflicts with other security software or firewall settings can disrupt VPN connections. Temporarily disable any third-party firewall or security software and see if the auto-disconnect issue resolves.
Reinstall Norton 360: If all else fails, consider reinstalling Norton 360. This can help resolve any software corruption issues that may be causing VPN auto-disconnections.
Contact Support: If you've tried all troubleshooting steps and are still experiencing auto-disconnects, reach out to Norton 360 support for further assistance. They can provide personalized troubleshooting and guidance to resolve the issue.
By following these troubleshooting steps, you can address and hopefully resolve the auto-disconnection issues with Norton 360 VPN, ensuring a more stable and secure internet browsing experience.
Persistent Norton 360 VPN disconnecting
Title: Dealing with Persistent Norton 360 VPN Disconnecting: Troubleshooting Guide
Are you experiencing frequent disconnections with Norton 360 VPN? Persistent VPN disconnects can be frustrating, especially when you're trying to secure your online activities. However, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve this issue.
Check Your Internet Connection: Before blaming Norton 360 VPN, ensure that your internet connection is stable. A weak or fluctuating connection can lead to VPN disconnections. Try restarting your modem/router or connecting to a different network to rule out internet issues.
Update Norton 360: Make sure you're using the latest version of Norton 360. Software updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can address VPN connectivity issues. Check for updates and install them if available.
Change VPN Servers: Sometimes, the problem lies with the VPN server you're connected to. Norton 360 VPN offers multiple server locations. Try switching to a different server to see if that resolves the disconnection issue.
Disable Firewall/Antivirus: Occasionally, firewall or antivirus software may interfere with VPN connections. Temporarily disable any third-party security software you have installed and check if the VPN stays connected.
Adjust VPN Settings: Explore the settings within Norton 360 VPN. You may find options to adjust protocols or connection settings that could improve stability. Experiment with different settings to find what works best for your setup.
Contact Support: If you've tried the above steps and are still experiencing persistent VPN disconnects, reach out to Norton customer support for assistance. They can provide personalized troubleshooting and further guidance to resolve the issue.
By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and resolve persistent Norton 360 VPN disconnecting issues, ensuring a more stable and secure online experience.
Norton 360 VPN instability reasons
Title: Unveiling the Reasons Behind Norton 360 VPN Instability
Norton 360 VPN, a popular choice for securing online activities, occasionally encounters instability issues that may frustrate users. Understanding the underlying reasons behind these instabilities can help users mitigate them effectively.
Network Congestion: One common cause of Norton 360 VPN instability is network congestion. When the VPN server experiences heavy traffic or is overloaded, it can lead to slow connection speeds or frequent disconnections.
Software Updates: Updates to the Norton 360 VPN software or changes in the operating system can sometimes introduce compatibility issues, resulting in instability. Ensuring that both the VPN software and the operating system are up-to-date can help alleviate this issue.
Server Overload: If the VPN server is overloaded due to a high volume of users or resource limitations, it can cause instability in the connection. Users may experience slower speeds or difficulties connecting to the VPN server altogether.
Network Interference: External factors such as network interference from other devices or software on the user's network can disrupt the VPN connection. This interference can manifest as intermittent connectivity issues or sudden drops in speed.
Configuration Errors: Incorrect configuration settings or mismanagement of the VPN client can also contribute to instability. Users should double-check their VPN settings and ensure they are configured correctly for optimal performance.
Security Software Conflict: In some cases, conflicts between Norton 360 VPN and other security software installed on the device can lead to instability. Disabling or adjusting the settings of conflicting software may resolve the issue.
By addressing these potential reasons for Norton 360 VPN instability, users can enhance their online security and enjoy a more reliable VPN experience. Regularly updating software, optimizing network settings, and troubleshooting configuration errors are essential steps in maintaining a stable VPN connection.
Resolving Norton 360 VPN auto-off issue
Are you facing the frustrating issue of Norton 360 VPN automatically turning off? Worry not, as there are several steps you can take to resolve this problem and enjoy uninterrupted VPN protection.
First and foremost, make sure that your Norton 360 software is up to date. Often, outdated software can cause glitches and malfunctions, including the VPN auto-off problem. Check for any pending updates and install them promptly to ensure the smooth functioning of your VPN.
Another common cause of the VPN auto-off issue is conflicting applications or settings on your device. To troubleshoot this, try disabling any other VPN services or security software running in the background. Additionally, review your device's settings to ensure that there are no conflicting configurations that may be causing the Norton 360 VPN to turn off unexpectedly.
If the problem persists, you may need to reconfigure your Norton 360 VPN settings. Access the VPN settings within the Norton 360 software and review the configuration options. Ensure that the VPN is set to remain active and that there are no specific triggers causing it to turn off automatically.
In some cases, performing a clean reinstall of the Norton 360 software can also help resolve persistent issues like the VPN auto-off problem. Uninstall the software completely, restart your device, and then reinstall Norton 360 from scratch to see if the problem is resolved.
By following these steps and troubleshooting methods, you can effectively address the Norton 360 VPN auto-off issue and enjoy seamless protection and privacy while browsing the internet.
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hackedintucson · 5 months
Norton 360
Internet security and privacy as you might expect was always very important to me. I always paid to have a current up to date version of anti-virus software to protect me. That is until I was became hacked. How the fuck are you supposed to get help after being hacked and stolen from at the extreme level I am? How exactly do you explain to Norton (Symantec) for example what a hacking crew from Tucson or Picture Rocks Arizona is? These fucks not only earn their livings hacking people they get off on it. How do you explain to them what a Jewish cross dresser with a history of credit card fraud and anti-terrorism income tax liens is capable of? I have never met this sick individual but because a large part of my misfortunes are due to this one individual and my girlfriend not feeling comfortable working for his company anymore. This person should be arrested and put in prison. Once I was told if I removed the RAiD and formatted my laptop hard drive that our lives would be inseparable. This guy has advanced programming skills in Windows based programs and is well versed on how to use Windows Management Insturmentation.
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stevedeschaines · 8 months
I use Norton 360 Anti-Virus System to Protect my Computer
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nothowtodoit · 9 months
Be Aware Virus Scan Subscription is it a Scam?
Is computer virus scan software subscriptions just a big scam? No, but the way they are priced that is a complete scam. You need the software, but does the virus scan do you any good?
As it is Back to School, most of the virus-checking software in my house is about to expire (maybe in your house, too? Better check). The entire virus scan/Internet safety/firewall industry seems to be at times, running their own “shell game” on their customers. In our house, we have been using Norton Anti-Virus ( the 360 product), and it seems to work fine to protect us from viruses and such…
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carajames8979 · 2 years
Norton Security Premium Review: A Powerful Antivirus
Read about the Norton Security Premium and the major features of this powerful security software for your devices like Windows, Android, iOS, and Mac
Norton has earned an excellent reputation for being a reliable antivirus program. It can detect threats on a real-time basis and can eliminate them quickly. The powerful security features of Norton boost your digital security and block the threats that may damage your device and negatively affect your data. To secure your device with the features of Norton, you can reach the site
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secretshipgirl · 1 year
I have phone guardian but my phone keeps saying it's infected and stuff, but it always recommends the same app, Norton 360, and it's kind of creepy bc I've had this phone for months and it's just now popping up. Am I overreacting, or is this a scam?
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rockinjohnny · 1 year
Norton 360 deluxe AVOID buying this. Just bought this off Amazon without realising you need a credit card to install it. Now I've just paid with a credit card so why do I need to give them my  credit card details? Simple this company is trying it on with customers with the so called "Auto renewal" policy. Its alright saying you can cancel it afterwards but they should not be doing this in the first place. I paid amazon only £14 and Norton want 80 off me when it renews, why should anyone be ripped off like that? Its simply a payment trap to trap unsuspected customers. Also they say its unreturnable and refundable so what more evidence do you need?
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new-austin · 1 year
Norton 360 blocks the wickedwhims site but my dad owns the Norton account and I can't ask him to allow the wicked whims site because I don't want to admit that I want to see little fake people in my computer suck and fuck so I can't have wicked whims. I am going to scratch up the carpet and throw things and jump out a window
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Norton 360 ultimate plus #techteacherdebashree #shorts
Norton combines one of the world’s best anti-malware engines with a huge variety of internet security tools — it’s my absolute favorite internet security suite on the market today. Norton has excellent web protections, dark web monitoring, and parental controls, it provides really good security apps for both Android and iOS, and US users can also get access to LifeLock’s powerful identity theft protections, which include up to $1M in legal aid and financial reimbursement.
To know more click here
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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kerlontraining · 2 years
Uninstall avast mac
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💻 How to Cancel Your Avast Subscription on Your Windows or Mac Computer.RISK-FREE FOR 60 DAYS - TRY NORTON NOW How to Cancel Your Avast Subscription (Step-by-Step Guide) Note: If you just want to disable Avast without uninstalling it from your Windows or Mac computer, click here. Of course, antivirus software is a necessary protection in 2022, so I’ve also broken down my top 3 Avast alternatives to help you pick a new antivirus program that suits your needs ( Norton is my favorite). I also made sure that Avast’s 30-day money-back guarantee is legitimate, and I included tips to help you get your money back. I downloaded Avast to my Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS devices so that I could give clear instructions to users looking for a step-by-step tutorial on how to cancel Avast, get a refund, and uninstall it. You may not know this, but Avast was implicated in a data theft scandal fairly recently, so I definitely encourage you to uninstall it from your device and get a more trustworthy antivirus ASAP. I think Norton 360 is the best Avast alternative in 2022.Ĭanceling your Avast subscription and getting a refund is pretty easy in 2022. Try an alternative antivirus program - I’ve included 3 alternatives that all provide excellent malware protection and a full suite of web security tools.Uninstall Avast - Find the Avast app in your device’s settings and click on Uninstall to remove it.Then go to your order history to request a refund. Cancel your Avast subscription - Go to id., log in, and choose the options to unsubscribe.Short on time? Here’s how to cancel your Avast subscription and get a refund in 2022:
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