#My Nyoho
nikathesiren · 2 years
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🕯 Manifesting for this scene to appear officially in four years or less 🕯
I never fell in love with a Jojo's character so quickly until I started reading Steel Ball Run and met Gyro, so I'm excited waiting for the day when they announce the anime adaptation.
I have drawn Gyro's first appearance in anime style. I'm not good (yet) at imitating Jojo's style, so it's a hybrid between my own style and a generic anime coloring style.
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pinkie-pinkeroni · 2 years
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hoppy new year! enjoy some bunny boys!
may 2023 bring u happiness as bountiful as these thighs 🙏🐰
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lanawrx · 22 days
Johnny Joestar crushing on Reader at first sight
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a/n: Johnny is so sos o sos o soso soooo cuuuteeee <33 my cutiepatootie my lil gumdrop, my lil sad blue Kentuckian 🥺
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆
Johnny had been staring at you from a distance, like a moth drawn to a flame, since the very moment he laid eyes on you before the Steel Ball Run began. He couldn't quite explain it, but there was something about you that stirred something deep inside him, like the first taste of sweet tea on a hot summer's day.
The Steel Ball Run was about to kick off, and while Johnny's focus was on the race, he couldn't help but keep an eye on you. Your presence seemed to shine brighter than the desert sun. He saw you laughing with friends, your smile as warm as a southern sunrise. It was a sight he couldn’t shake from his mind.
As the race progressed, Johnny’s heart skipped a beat every time he spotted you by chance. He had a rough exterior and nerves of steel when it came to the competition, but when it came to you, he felt like a schoolboy with a crush, unsteady and unsure.
Despite the numerous women he had bedded in his prime, the feelings he had for you were new, pure, and most of all, terrifying.
You were beautiful, and even with your dusty riding gear and dirt-smudged face, he couldn't help but freeze at the thought of going up to you.
He didn't deserve you. He was so sure of that.
But he wanted to, though. So badly.
The day of the next stage, he found himself at a dusty tavern, nursing a drink and trying to calm the jitters that had taken up residence in his chest. Gyro, the charismatic person that he is, was chatting animatedly with some locals. Johnny, however, was distracted, his gaze frequently darting toward the door.
And then, as if the universe had heard his silent wish, you walked into the tavern. Johnny’s heart leapt. He watched you with wide eyes, his mouth slightly agape. Gyro noticed and nudged him with a knowing grin.
“Nyoho! Looks like you got yourself a little something on your mind, Johnny,” Gyro teased.
Johnny flushed and shoved Gyro, praying the bastard wouldn't do something to make him look a fool.
"Shut it, Gyro. And don't you dare do somethin' stupid!" Johnny hissed, balling up his fist and trying to look small in his wheelchair to avoid your potential gaze, no matter how much his heart was begging for your eyes to land on his own baby blues.
"Johnny-boy, you wound me! I'd never do such a thing." Gyro snickered, slumping in his chair to show that he was harmless.
The blue-eyed blonde rolled his eyes, feeling wary of Gyro's habit to cause trouble. But the Italian had a point, his mind had been stuck on you ever since he saw you. That bright smile of yours lifted his mood like no other whenever he thought about it, and the small glimpses he caught of you whenever you crossed paths on the trek of the past stage made his body tingle and his face warm.
If his legs still worked, he was sure he'd still end up in a wheelchair with the way you made him feel weak.
Johnny suddenly felt the weight of his insecurities. His legs—lame and useless—seemed heavier than ever. He was convinced that someone like you could never be interested in him. But he couldn’t deny the pull he felt.
He glanced over to you, spotting you just a few feet away waiting on some refreshments you ordered at the bar. The bar wasn't too tall, either. You were at the perfect height to talk face-to-face if he was sitting next to you.
Next to you...
Johnny entertained the thought, imagining the two of you laughing together, talking about how you both got halfway across the country for the chance to win a grand prize of $50 million dollars.
He'd gaze at your lips, wondering how even in the western heat can they look so glossy and kissable.
"Guh!" Johnny covered his face with one hand, feeling his cheeks burn.
He hated feeling like this, like some inexperienced teenage boy at the thought of just staring at your lips.
And with the impulse of a teenage boy, he figured that to remedy these pesky feelings, he should just get it over with.
Gathering his courage, Johnny puffed up his chest and approached you. He suddenly felt a little awkward, his hands trembling slightly as he wheeled himself over to you.
“Uh, hey there. I, uh, noticed you around and thought you might like a drink. It’s on me,” he said softer than he had intended, his voice carrying the faintest hint of a Kentucky drawl.
You looked up at him with a curious smile, your eyes sparkling like stars in the night sky. Johnny felt like he might faint right then and there. His mind raced with self-doubt. Why would you want to talk to him? He felt so small and unworthy.
"How kind of you. Joestar, right?" You smiled.
And he melted.
"I- uh, yes! Joestar, my last name. You- you've kept an eye on me, or somethin'?" He fumbled, face warming at his bumbling demeanor.
This was not going the way he had planned.
"Mm, somethin' of the sorts," you mumbled with a shy look in your eyes.
You seemed so docile now that he was talking to you. But he could appreciate that. Made it easier to talk when he knew you were feeling just as nervous. Or at least, you seemed that way.
"Well, go ahead then. Whatever you want, it's on me," he gently urged, taking your responses as an invitation to sit next to you as he wheeled in closer to the bar.
"I'll let you know; real sweet, that's how I like my drinks." You ordered the sweetest damn thing on the menu, and he wasn't surprised. Your tastes matched your looks.
The two of you chatted in the bustling atmosphere of the tavern. Getting to know each other, hearing about how the last stage went for each of you. And he liked it, talking to you. It was easy, and it was as refreshing as the drink you were sipping on.
Johnny glanced over at Gyro, who was still engrossed in conversation with the locals, but occasionally shot Johnny a glance and a thumbs-up, clearly pleased with how things were going. Johnny shook his head slightly, amused by the gesture.
“So,” you said, your voice softening, “you’re really set on winning this race, huh?”
Johnny nodded, his expression growing a bit more serious. “Yeah. It’s not just about the money, though that sure would be nice. It’s... it’s about proving something. To myself, more than anything.”
You tilted your head slightly, your gaze searching his. “Proving what?”
He hesitated, then sighed. “That I’m still worth something. That even with everything that’s happened, I can still... I don’t know. Make something of myself.”
Your expression softened, and Johnny felt a pang of vulnerability as he looked into your eyes. He was afraid that you’d pity him, that you’d see him as just another broken man trying to piece together the remnants of a shattered life. But there was no pity in your gaze, only understanding.
“You’re worth more than you think, Johnny,” you said quietly, reaching out to place a gentle hand on his arm. “You’re out here, giving it everything you’ve got. That’s more than a lot of people can say.”
Johnny swallowed, his throat tight. He wanted to believe you, wanted to hold on to those words and let them seep into the cracks of his self-doubt. But it was hard. He’d spent so long feeling like a shadow of his former self, like he was less than what he used to be. But here you were, seeing something in him that he couldn’t quite see in himself.
Before he could respond, you leaned in closer, your lips brushing against his ear as you whispered, “And for the record, I think you’re cute. I’d love to see you again in the next stage.”
Johnny’s breath hitched, and his heart felt like it might burst out of his chest. He was stunned, his mind scrambling to process what you had just said. Cute. You thought he was cute. The words played over and over in his mind, each repetition making his heart swell a little more.
He turned to face you, his blue eyes wide with a mix of surprise and something that felt dangerously close to hope. “You... you really mean that?”
You pulled back slightly, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “I do. So, what do you say? Think we can catch up again after the next stage?”
Johnny nodded, a slow, genuine smile spreading across his face. “Yeah, I’d like that. A lot.”
As the two of you continued talking, the rest of the world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in that little corner of the tavern.
And when the time came to part ways, Johnny felt a warmth in his chest that hadn’t been there before. He watched you leave, his heart lighter than it had been in years. As he wheeled back over to Gyro, the older man gave him a knowing grin.
“Well, Johnny-boy, looks like you’ve got yourself a date for the next stage.”
Johnny couldn’t help but chuckle, his eyes still lingering on the door where you’d just exited. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
For once, the race didn’t seem so daunting. The road ahead might be long and grueling, but now, Johnny had something more to look forward to.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。 Thanks for Reading! ˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆
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Don’t get cocky
Gyro zeppeli x Male reader
It was a boring day, everything was slow and everything was especially exhausting.. you and you’re two friends (well really more partners) stopped at a near by bar. Gyro, of course, had his expectations high. Who knows maybe he’d get what he’s been searching for this whole race. Johnny was sitting at a stool and just ordered his drink. The waitress was obviously hitting on him but he didn’t care for it and just told her to bring him his drink.
“Can i get one scotch on the rocks please?” Your voice tore through the loud noises. The waitress nodded and started making your drink. After this day, you needed one.
“Seems like you’ve had a stressful day. Nyoho~” gyro said as he took the seat next to you
“Just been tired thats all. Plus aren’t you supposed to be trying to get some tail from a slut here? That’s all you do anyways” you rolled your eyes
“Woah! Someone’s snappy today” He remarked
The waitress handed you your drink and left to tend to the other customers.
“Thank you” You said. Gyro slammed down a 20 and looked at you.
“On me, alright?”
“And what? I have to pay you back.” You scoffed “no thanks I’ll get it myself!”
You reached for your money but he pushed your hand back down
“I said it was on me, Y/n. I’m a man of my word. It you want to pay me back, that’s you.”
You chuckled “I guess I could take it.” you sipped your drink “I mean who am I to pass up a free drink”
Later that night you stumbled back to your room. You payed for yours and gyros and Johnny got his own because he hates sharing with you two. It’s like a circus in there.
“Woah Y/n! Be careful you’ll fall” he laughed with a little hic in between them
“Shhh gyro, gyro, gyro” You stumbled on your words
“Yea?” He laughed, he himself also drunk beyond belief
“Gyro give me a kiss” you tapped your cheek and laughed
He moved your face in one swift motion and kissed your lips. Your eyes lit up and as much as you were embarrassed. Your erection started to grow. You usually were snappy to gyro but god did you find him irresistible. Every time he brought some girl back you wanted to punch him.
His hands started to roam and grab at your ass, you leaned more into the kiss. Doing the same.
“Y/n~ nyoho”
“Mhm?” You lifted your head to meet his eyes
“Meet me in the shower. 5 minutes. Not a moment later!” Oh god- you two were definitely about to get it on.
5 minutes passed and you walked into the shower. It was steaming in there. The mood felt different though that’s for sure.
“Gyro?” You called
“Come in y/n. Im just freshening up. Why don’t you come join me?” He did his signature laugh
You stripped of your clothing and hopped in the shower. Still embarrassed by your erection.
“Someone’s happy~” he reached down to grab ahold of your hard cock. He started stroking from base to head. He knows how a man likes it because of course, he’s a man.
You let out a lovely little sigh, encouraging him to go faster.
“Like that? Want me to fuck you y/n…?”
“F-fuck me gyro.”
“Hmmm. I don’t know. You’ve been rude today” he said slowly stroking your cock more and more
“Fuck! Im sorry gyro just please fuck me! I won’t ever be m- rude to you again! AUGH!” You pleaded
“Oh alright. I guess I could<3” he said in a cocky tone
His hand left your cock and left you feeling cold.. but soon was filled with the head of his cock pushing against your hole. He nudged you and pushed himself in. You yelped his name as he went deeper. His hand coming back to your cock.
“This is fun! Why don’t we do this all the time, caro~?” He exclaimed
“F-fuck” you let out a moan against your arm.
He started thrusting harder and faster into you, hand still jerking you off until you came with a loud sigh. His orgasm slowly followed. He kissed your head and you two fell down in the tub letting the water go your skin<3
Buy me a Kofi! ☕️
Definitely not required but they do help:)
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advestager · 9 months
(nyoho its the avdol fucker once again) Speaking of height… I think Avdol likes to occasionally sit atop Jotaro’s lap and place his head on his tiddies. Because he deserves a sense of comfort and safety too!!
avnon i wanna thank you personally for the fact that i've spent the last couple of days thinking NYOHO then giggling to myself like a five year old
(my mother probably wants to Not thank you for exactly the same reasons also)
anyway graphic representation of how i'm imagining
star platinum
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jotaro but internally
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and magician's red
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the first time that avdol tried it lmfao
ALSO behind the scenes lore: star platinum is always bunting (ie touching foreheads like a kitty) people he likes in my fic bc i headcanon that magician's red shows affection by touching his beak to people's faces, except star not having a beak means this translates as just gently head-bonking and nuzzling and being an overall menace
but this also means i'm 1000000% convinced that jotaro making his I'm Too Cool To Make A Real Joke So I Just Deadpan Weird Shit comments would have gotten his hair affectionately pecked by magician's red at least once
cue storming off seemingly in a huff but really just finding the nearest dark alley to just
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babeyloser · 2 years
Want Papa Gyro to bottle feed and burp me :3
Selfship stuff. Cg/l kink. Eructophilia
Gyro cradles me on his lap. The milk is so yummy and warm; it makes me feel good inside
I drink in fat, needy glups. They chuckle and tell me to slow down, petting my cheek
Gyro coos at me. I’m doing such a good job. I’m the cutest—most sweetest baby boy ever. They’ve got me. Papa’s got me
The milk is gone now; I absentmindedly nibble on the rubber nipple while my Papa throws a towel over their shoulder
They sit me up. I melt into his lap with my face squished against the terry-cloth
Gyro rubs my back in small circles. My breath matches his. I’m so sleepy and relaxed. Papa says I can’t sleep without my tummy settled first
I sigh and prepare for what’s next
He begins patting my back, trying to coerce the bubbles out. Their hand is firm. I drool onto the towel; something shifts in my belly
I feel him breathe faster; his gut pushes out against mine
Milky bubbles roll up my throat. Several series of adorable burps erupt from my mouth. Gyro hums and pats me through it
“That’s it, baby. So good—like music to my ears. Nyoho~ Let it all out, piccolino,” Papa praises me. I can hear the smile in his voice
Some stubborn gas gets stuck midway. Gyro notices me go stiff from discomfort. I sit back up, and they dab my face with the rag
Papa kneads my tummy. His face is flushed; his green eyes are filled to the brim with affection
My brows knit in concentration—mouth agape
“Just a bit more, sweetheart. C’mon. I know my baby has more to give to his Papa. You’ve got this.”
I want to be good. I press my smaller hand on top of his to really dig into my tummy
A string of rumbling burps ring out. Ah, sweet relief. They sound pretty funny to me. I try not to laugh since I know Papa like-likes them
We share a sigh. I smile and hug my Papa tight. He hugs me back
“Perfect, baby. You did great. Papa is so proud! I bet you feel so much better—don’t you, baby?”
I’m too small to talk so I nod. Papa flashes me their signature gold smile. Beautiful
Gyro holds up my sleepy head and kisses me all over my face. I grimace from the feeling of their saliva on my skin; he laughs
“Alright, alright. It’s naptime now, piccolino. You’ve more than earned it,” Papa wraps his arms under my butt, “Hold on tight, honey-bunny,” he grunts as he carries me to my crib
Papa Gyro tucks me in. I’m halfway to dreamland as he places a stuffed cat in my arms. It’s a gift from my Daddy Johnny
Papa sings a lullaby that I recognize but can’t understand. I sink deeper towards sweet unconsciousness. I feel a kiss on my forehead and then nothing
Gyro watches his baby rest for a bit. My lips make a sucking motion in my sleep. He takes a short video to gush over with Johnny later
“Sleep well, my sweet baby boy.”
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Hey!!! How are you?
I've been thinking a bit about Faceless! Ayato.......
Hmmmmmmm.... Here are some thoughts (remembering that I saw about this creepypasta in some videos and some theories)
And it's all merely platonic, because well....... I honestly don't know how to write him romantically, and this would be more about you finding him and helping him with that creepypasta thing (that he was killed by Itto and everyone thought he killed himself)
I'm just sorry if I got something wrong (both with connecting with the lore and some spelling mistakes), it's 4 am here ;------;
Sleep is hitting hard and there's already a certain person in my family begging me to sleep (on top of that they threatened me)
If you are someone within the game (i.e. he is just a ghost within the game universe and you are someone who is in the game universe), you may have met him a few times, you could just be someone who LIKES horror and the supernatural and/or you were just doing that thing where you go into abandoned places and you found him, there is also the possibility that you are a medium or a necromancer who went to summon him
After a while you make friends with him
That might even be of help to him, since well... You can prove it was murder by communicating with his spirit.
Everything can change A LOT if it's those self-aware things, since well....... There's no way you can help him
At first you might feel VERY scared and after a while try to talk to him about what happened, since there's no end to this creepypasta and there are still a lot of things open, you don't have much to do to help him, most likely you will only become his friend after you find a way to help him and actually help him
Maybe you just forget about his existence, uninstall that cursed game through the computer's source code or resetting the computer completely and probably looking for a new one, or you just ignore this game and forget about its existence
Maybe a yandere will come out of it, who knows?
🍃┊˗ˏˋSigned: 🇧🇷 𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷
Nyoho, love how we have variations of faceless ayato, first was player and ayato, second was modern genshin!reader who learned about ayato in history books, and here's our third and sounds like a mix of those two hehehe~
I wanna go back to this ask once this patch's Test of Courage event is out because this seems like a good plot for that one!!! I'll probably come back to this huehuehue–
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asks-n-trolls · 2 years
Pantra is my fave, but I love all of your kids <3
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"Nyoho? Nyittle ol mew? "
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ryuryuryuyurboat · 11 months
nyoho!! thought you could escape my paw-some radar, huh? guess what!! surprise!! 🎁 gift for n-ya! it's a bit heavy... i guess i'll check what's inside...
👑 meow!! a crown!! hehe, you can have it!! ur a queen after all!!
- 🐈‍⬛🐾
omg... HELLO dear <3 how are you feline on this fine day (or night)? this is such a pawsitively clawsome surprise, thank you!! fur real though, i'm so honoured that you think i'm the cat's meow— i hope you know i want to print this ask out and frame it furever!! love you<33 sending loads of.. er... fish(???) and headpats your way <3
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codehunter · 1 year
Making an HTML string from a React component in background, how to use the string by dangerouslySetInnerHTML in another React component
I'm trying to render LaTeX strings in a React project.Although I use the react-mathjax React components, I want to get an HTML string made from the LaTeX strings in order to concatenate it and the other strings and set it by dangerouslySetInnerHTML.
My current code I tried
Sample code is here: https://github.com/Nyoho/test-react-project/blob/component2string/src/components/tex.jsx
LaTeX strings are given as strings
Make an empty DOM aDom by document.createElement('span') (in background. not in the document DOM tree.)
Render a LaTeX string by ReactDOM.render into aDom
After rendering, get a string by aDom.innerHTML or .outerHTML
The value of aDom.innerHTML (or .outerHTML) is "<span><span data-reactroot=\"\"></span></span>" (almost empty)although aDom has a perfect tree that MathJax generated.
aDom: 🙆
aDom.outerHTML: 🙅
A screenshot console.log of aDom and aDom.outerHTML
How can I get the 'correct' HTML string from aDom above?
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babeyisbaby · 2 years
“Sweet baby, come here. Mmhm up on Papa’s lap. I’ve got you sweetie. Everything’s going to be okay. Papa will help you handle things once you’re settled down
“Does my hand feel good rubbing your back, honey? Yes, of course I can rub your shoulders too. Just remember to breathe for me. Focus on the feeling of Papa’s cool hand rubbing circles into your back
“You’re doing so good, piccolino. Stay here with me. Good boy. Nyoho, yes you’re still my good boy. Feeling bad doesn’t make you bad
“Mmhm. Take as much time as you need and then you can tell papa all about it over some hot tea
“Oh, sweetie. You don’t have to thank me for being nice. You’re so easy to be nice to
“I love you, little one”
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slasherkisss · 5 years
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Emry doesn’t understand Valentine’s Day but, you know what, he’s trying and that’s what counts
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aibouart · 5 years
Yoo you got a ton of hours on Splatoon 2, got a Splatsona? Also what rank are you in the game modes?
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Yup this is me!!! I’m lvl idk, *28 or something, but I like Turf way more than ranked! I’m rank x in zones, and everything else is at least S+0 
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i kno this blog is for edits and im so off track with them but im somewhat happy with how this sketch turned out hello
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synchronmurmurs · 5 years
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Courtesy of @helltooth
This is 100% Pact!reader and Vergil.
Vergil is even already labelled as V. That's how perfect this is.
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jojolymes · 2 years
next: ࿔*:・゚ xii. |  table of contents
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"HE'S ON OUR ASSES!" You squeezed your thighs around Thunder for a moment as the monstrosity followed close behind you all, pushing you to go faster than you already were. "Dammit! Speedwagon, this is all your fault!" screeched Gyro as you tried to get away from the monster that was the man's cart. "Wha-" "Oh, shut it, Gyro! You broke all the figures!" Johnny had come to your defense, leaving Gyro to scoff and chuck his ball over at the grotesquely shaped wood behind you all.
You grimaced and leaned forward, shifting your hips how Johnny had told you to - minutes earlier, you three had come across a man and a wooden cart, filled to the brim with religious wooden carvings. You had been observing one that reminded you of home when Gyro had appeared from nowhere and tried grabbing your hat like he had been trying to all of that morning. Sadly, as you had tried to get away from him, the figure had fallen from your hands and broken apart.
Brother Love, as he introduced himself, had gone from giving you a kind smile to cursing you for "being born" despite your offers to pay for it. Gyro had made matters worse by making fun of the carvings in his cart and then smashing them to bits. Of course, this made things go from bad to worse. In an instant, the cart had grown into a large wooden person with seven faces. You all were back onto their horses and off through the canyon within seconds.
"Get back here! You must pay for your sins, scum!"
"Nyoho~ No way in hell, baldie!" yelled Gyro as he chucked another steel ball at the monster's leg once more. For a moment, the monster had fallen to one knee, the wood it was made up of splintering where it had been hit. The two balls had returned to Gyro shortly after, who had been grinning at his masterpiece. His smile had fallen when the monster had gotten back on its feet and changed its face from a bright red one to one that was light blue.
"That can't be good!" you cried, shoulders growing tense as you leaned into Thunder's mane, forgetting any and everything Johnny had taught you earlier. A sudden beam of light blue hit Gyro, but instead of doing any damage, his expression changed. "This is too much work." Both you and Johnny's eyes widened as Gyro let Valkyrie start to slow down, inciting a curse to leave Johnny's lips.
"Speedwagon! Grab Gyro!" Despite your bubbling hatred for Gyro, you followed Johnny's orders and brought Thunderstruck right up next to Valkyrie before forcefully pulling Gyro to sit behind you. "Ugh, Speedwagon. You had to interrupt my break?" grumbled Gyro, not even attempting to help you out and keep himself steady on the saddle. "Complain later, Zeppeli," you spat back as he groaned and slumped against your back.
You held back the urge to push Gyro off and instead pulled away from Valkyrie's side who had started galloping at a fast pace once more. A sharp whistle brought the horse over by Johnny, where it remained near Slow Dancer's side. "Johnny, what now?" You called out as Gyro placed a limp hand on your shoulder. "The monster's face is different." You shot a glance over your shoulder to see the monster's face was now green.
Once more, a beam had shot out of its face before you and Johnny could react, hitting Johnny and covering his body in a green mist. "Johnny!" Your heart pounded in your ears as the green mist disappeared, allowing you to see Johnny again, this time with a twisted expression on his face. "Hey, why the hell does Gyro get to do jack shit while I take care of his horse?!" Slow Dancer was soon slowing down and by your side followed by Valkyrie on your other side.
"It ain't fair! I wanna ride with Speedy! You don't even like him, Gyro!" Johnny caterwauled as he grabbed Gyro by the shoulders and started pushing him over to Valkyrie. "What the hell are you two doing?!" You cried, tears coming to your eyes as the two bickered behind you. "Yeah, but I don't wanna move. I'm really comfortable right now." You bit back sobs and looked frantically up ahead, searching for something to stop the madness behind you.
The thundering stomps of the monster, the yells of Brother Love, and Gyro and Johnny's bickering did nothing but make you panic as your eyes glossed over with more and more tears. Your fingernails were digging into your palms the tighter your grip got on the reins to the point where you weren't even holding them properly. The sounds of Johnny and Gyro's contrasting voices made your heart pound louder and louder in your ears until you couldn't take it any longer.
"Dammit! You motherfuckers better shut up right now!" you screamed, looking over your shoulder with tears of anger. Your chest heaved up and down and you turned back around with adrenaline coursing through you, making your hands and jaw shake. In their moment of silence, you finally found that you all were growing closer to an arch of rock that had visibly large cracks in it. You could feel your heart swell at the sight of it.
"Gyro! Shoot a ball at that rock once we pass it!" Silence. Your brow furrowed and you peered over at Gyro, watching as he yawned. "I'm good." A twinge of annoyance shot through you while he stared at the monster lazily. "O...kay. Johnny, could you—" you stopped to think about your words briefly, still confused as to how his powers even worked, "— shoot your nails at the rock? It might take a few of them but it might work."
"No way," cringed Johnny, attempting to push Gyro onto Valkyrie again as your face fell, "Gyro shouldn't get to sit with you and do nothing! It should be me! 'Till then, I'm not doing shit!" You were sure a part of your soul had left your body with Johnny's words. You were all still a good distance away from the rock but soon enough, it'd be too late. Tears of frustration fell from your eyes— if only you could do something.
"Hey, its face changed again."
A puff of purple and red suddenly hit Gyro and Johnny, making your stomach sink. "It is I, the great Gyro Zeppeli!" As Gyro let out a boisterous laugh, Johnny let out a growl beside you. "I'm gonna kill you! Shut uuuuppp!" Johnny was shooting nail bullets at Gyro left and right while Gyro laughed and dodged every single one, showing off his spinning ball's abilities. Thunderstruck was starting to huff beneath you— whether it was because there was too much weight or because of Gyro moving around erratically, you didn't want to know.
Your head spun as Gyro and Johnny kept getting hit by the beams, almost subconsciously protecting you from getting hit. The only explanation you could come up with was that they were fighting whatever they were getting hit with. So far, Gyro and Johnny had gone from being angry, vain, jealous, greedy, lazy, and surprisingly hungry in the span of a few seconds. Currently, Gyro was biting your shoulder off and Johnny was talking about how much money he was going to make off the race.
"God, Gyro, quit it!" The arch was too close for comfort now and you weren't sure how much longer it would be until you were hit by whatever it was that Brother Love was shooting at you three. Hell, you didn't even know how it worked. At this rate, you'd be dead, especially if both Johnny and Gyro got struck by the red ray. Tears started falling from your eyes again but suddenly a rush of touches washed over your body.
There, floating in front of you, was a silver woman. Well, it wasn't obvious that it was a woman but a part of you was telling you that it was. Your jaw fell slack as you took in every silver feature: a silver breastplate, a silver placard, a silver fauld, and a silver helmet. Instead of a comb at the top of the helmet, a wisp of white fabric fluttered freely and at the gauntlets and under the placard, more of that fabric fluttered.
"Wh-Who are you?"
Gyro and Johnny had stopped their respective actions and stared at the woman as well, just as you all passed under the archway. Brother Love was rushing after you all, coming close to passing through when the woman did a strange pose, sending the rocks clamoring on top of the monster. But just as the rocks covered the monster, a beam of blue managed to slip through and hit you. The air from your lungs suddenly disappeared and a wave of heat rushed through your body.
Your throat felt dry as dark blue mist surrounded your body and you took sharp breaths, fiddling with the bottom of your bandana. Johnny and Gyro were calling your name but their voices sounded almost guttural as you palmed your way through the mist. You felt sweat encapsulate your body and you almost started drooling. When Gyro and Johnny came into view, you felt your body grow warmer and warmer until— "Speedwagon! You good?!"
You snapped out of it almost immediately, coughing as the rest of the blue mist fell away. "Yeah, yeah, sorry about that," you said with a half-smile, purposefully ignoring what you had felt seconds earlier. "Damn, that was close," mumbled Johnny, grimacing as he ran his fingers through the ends of his hair. "I hated every minute of that," Gyro groaned as he wiped furiously at his mouth, smudging his green lipstick. While Gyro moved over onto Valkyrie and Johnny started to let Slow Dancer slow down, you stared straight ahead.
What exactly had you been hit with? It wasn't until Gyro grabbed your reins that Thunder started to slow, making you snap out of your thoughts. "Cavolo! What's wrong with you?" spat Gyro as you all came to a stop. You still hadn't uttered a word but Gyro was too annoyed to ask why and got off Valkyrie. Johnny too had gotten off his horse and onto his wheelchair, leaving you as the only one still on your horse. As you stayed still, Johnny and Gyro started whispering to each other, one much louder than the other.
"What...was that beam?"
"Well, well, the man finally speaks-" Gyro had pulled his steel ball out as you grabbed his collar, staring him down beneath the rim of your hat. "Explain—" you looked over at Johnny with the same glare, "—both of you. Now." Gyro rolled his eyes and slowly put his steel ball back in its holster, resting his hands in his pockets after.
"Look even if we did know, we wouldn't tell you." Johnny hit him hard in the side with a frown. "Ow! Fine...I wouldn't tell you." Another hit in the side. "Mio Dio, Johnny!" Your hands shook and went limp as you let go of his collar, slowly turning away from them. Johnny gave Gyro a sharp look before shooing him off, quietly telling him to start readying the fire seeing as the sun had already started setting.
When Johnny had rolled over to her, you had been examining the rubble that remained of Brother Love, picking up a sign you had seen on it earlier. "'Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show', huh?" Johnny had read as you took a seat on the rocks. You grimaced and handed it to him, finding yourself absorbed in what your feet were doing instead. Every now and then, you heard Gyro pulling out some wood which he lit on fire a few feet away.
"About the guy and the supernatural stuff," began Johnny, catching your attention, "the most I- we know is that they're called stands and that they have to do with the Devil's Palm. And even then we barely know about that." Your lips remained in a frown and he sighed, fiddling with the edge of the sign. "You haven't ever been there, have you...?" You shook your head solemnly, "not that I can recall."
Johnny's brow furrowed and he rolled directly in front of you, willing you to look up at him from your spot on the rocks. You did so silently, holding back fear-ridden tears he wouldn't be able to see regardless. "If there's one thing I know, it's that they ain't there to hurt ya." Your lip trembled but just as the urge to hug him overcame you, you felt your face burn, making you sit straight up.
"T-Thank you, Johnny."
"Anytime, Speedy."
When you got up and started to walk away, you caught Johnny placing the sign carefully on the rubble, making sure it wouldn't topple over. While your heart swelled, you crashed directly into Gyro who stepped back with a grimace on his face. "Watch it, Speedwagon!" he barked as you rolled your eyes, replaying the events of what had gone down earlier in your mind.
"Don't you think you should be thanking me for saving you earlier?" you quipped, surprising yourself with your sudden confidence. Usually, you'd be terrified of angering Gyro. It felt...nice for a change. Gyro looked at you like you were crazy; "Me? Thank you? No way. If anything we're even after I defended your honor from that psycho." Whatever retort you had planned fell short as you stood there blankly.
Defended your honor? Sure, Gyro had stepped up after you had broken the figure and gotten scared shitless at the once-sweet man's outburst, but defended your honor? Your brain replayed the memories over and over until you were practically denying it. Maybe what he defended wasn't your 'honor' but if you had to admit it, he had...defended her. At the sight of your stiff figure, Gyro scoffed.
Johnny had rolled over just in time to snap you out of your state of denial and made his way to the fire, prompting you to do so as well. "So about Brother Love's stand," started Johnny as Gyro joined you both around the fire, adding some more wood to the flame, "it must have something to do with religion." Gyro's brow rose and he gave them a grin, "it was the Seven Deadly Sins." Johnny raised a brow and Gyro grinned even wider.
He stretched his limbs out before holding up a fist and one finger, "Wrath was the red beam." Another finger. "Greed was the yellow one." Another finger. "Envy was green." You were already getting nervous about the dark blue one. "Light blue was Sloth and purple was Pride." Gyro had only one finger left and you held back from cringing.
"But that's only six," stated Johnny while resting his chin in his palm, "what color is the other one." Gyro shot you a knowing look and you swore up and down that you'd kill him sooner or later. The one you really weren't thrilled with getting and the one Gyro had clearly seen was the blue beam. Thankfully, the Italian man spared your 'honor' and rose the last finger up without hinting at anything.
"Well, I didn't see the color of it but the last one would be Lust."
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