#My art 🦑
squidsqwag · 2 years
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twizzler hair ties = literally the best idea ever and also completely impractical
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squidbulborb · 2 years
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My art summary of 2021! (Isekai + regular)
2021 is ending, and I must say, this was a great year for me.
Not only my personal life went well, but I suddenly received alot of popularity! Now with 1.000+ followers and tons of notes in my posts I'm starting to think people enjoy the cringe I post... ;D (seriously, thank you all for the support this year.
My goal for next year is to keep providing some quality fanart to you all! Be it from the greatest isekai crossover or whatever thing I'm obsessed with at the time. I'm also thinking about finally profiting from my art, be it comissions, patron or whatever!
But until the the time comes for me to get paid, I'll be here, doing what I do best: Sending in the cringe!
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usami-ichigo · 3 years
Yo… it’s officially been one year since I made my first post.
So I’ve been on tumblr for a while but when I finally got the courage to make a few posts I 100% did not regret it. I’ve met so many cool people here and it’s been an even better experience than when I was just scrolling my feed. So here’s a couple thank you messages to my moots!
@frogb you were the first mutual I had! 😳 I still think it’s amazing that such a cool person deemed me friend-worthy. Your art is fantastic and I’m really inspired by you honestly. Thanks for being my friend 💕
@putmeinyourdeathnote BESTIE 😭 you’re literally so sweet I- HOW TF DO YOU PUT UP WITH ME WHAT?? Anyways I enjoy all our conversations. Sorry I take so long to respond sometimes 🤡🤡 Ily /p 😌💖
@rainecloud020604 HAHA IRL GO BRR- I could tell you all of this in person but I need to tell people how cool you are 😼 ANOTHER COOL ART PERSON!! Seriously swag. Ily law man kinnie 💕
@m1dnight-circu5 IRL PART 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO- And another art pog! Vibe check! I’m gonna look you right in the eyes enderman 👁👁Just fyi we are throwing hands on sight tomorrow. Just because 😼💕
@cepheus-a-lil-author HI!! We talk more on discord hehe. You are such a cool friend! One day we’ll commit that murder together 😌 Until then stay swag!! 💖
@tamire-idk Hi Cade I’m gonna ask you for like the bajillionth time but WHY DO YOU HATE YAMAGUCHI?? WHAT DID HE EVER DO TO YOU? 🤬😭 Anyway aside from being a yam hater ur really cool /lh /gen
Thank you to anyone else who genuinely thought my blog was good enough to follow!! I’ll be making more shitty posts in the future you can count on it 😌 ily all!! /p Thanks for hanging out 😼
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i don’t have a caption for this GHGHSGHSGGHS
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greenbeany · 3 years
Please do well please do well plea
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This is my Magnum Opus. I'm not drawing ever again if this does bad.
Emerald, dressed as Sinon from SAO. The outfit was meant for her.
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What the anime lacks in story and plot and good takes, it makes up for in cute outfits.
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sunshowersz · 4 years
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everyone look at my new favourite oc i love her so much i posted her icon the other day and i realized i hadn’t posted her ref yet please look at her 
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ligerbombz · 2 years
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finally made the DTIYS for this AU, tho a few of you have given me so e lovely art work already!
❗❗RULES ❗❗
🦑 PLEASE...tag me 💔
🦑 Must be Bruabba, but you can change the pose or the background or draw abbacchio individually (though adding OC is okay! Please add ocs if u want!) And you can change abbachios size if you want!!!
🦑 You can draw my Bucciarati, you can draw canon Bucciararati, you can draw your nterpretation of Bucciarati, just make sure its about squidbacchio
🦑 thats it have fun!! 😋 I'll probably do one with diavolo later!! There's no deadline btw!!
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deepseasecret · 3 years
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For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you might know I ended up taking over a Splatoon x Persona 5 crossover zine after the main organizer went AWOL on the project. Here’s my main piece + some promo art I did for it!
It’s been out for some time now but I haven’t had the chance to post about it here, and since the zine doesn’t have an official tumblr I thought I might as well take it upon myself to post about it here.
The zine is 39 pages and is free, pay-what-you-want, but will no longer be accepting payments after Sept. 19th, so if you’d like to support the zine’s artists and writers consider buying a copy if you can! The zine will still be publicly available to download regardless of whether you wish to pay or not, though!
🦑❤️🐙 Twitter https://twitter.com/BeneathInkZine
🦑🖤🐙 Gumroad https://beneathinkzine.gumroad.com/
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insideapollo · 3 years
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Pool Boy Will dramatically slipped off his stag floatie—-Baywatch Hannibal to the rescue! 🆘
More pool party art I’m sorry not sorry 🤣 Had to draw the bridal carry from Digestivo à la Summer!
I’m slowly working through my wips, this is the funnest thing ever. 🏖🌊🩳🍹🦑
Join the party by tagging your work with
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squidsqwag · 2 years
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close friends, besties, roommates, colleagues…
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connett · 2 years
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SEA FLOWERS ~ 2014  My last cephalopod post for awhile 🦑
#rsconnett #art #hifructose #surrealism #lowbrowpopsurrealism #visionaryart #juxtapoz #microorganisms #tattoo
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welcome 🦑💕🍊
what’s up my name’s Jenn (she/they/he) and i’m a massive lesbian that loves drawing girls in love. sometimes those girls are au rats. it’s the nature of jenn (turn everything im interested in into an au)
it is always okay to draw fanart of my ocs. i infact kind of encourage it i love fanart so much. similarly i love asks so if you have oc questions send em my way
please do not send asks about when i will draw (media) again, i like to draw what i feel like drawing! thanks in advance
anyway here are some links i guess
AO3 - all of my published writing is put here
Art Tag (though honestly i’m not good at actually tagging this one. the whole blog is my art tag more or less)
Commission Info - check this for prices!
Commission Queue - check if my comms are open
Directory - the tag where i put all of my masterposts!
Toyhouse - my OC archive
Update Status Tag - check this for news on Tea and Gladiolus
Writing Tag - includes drabbles and writing previews
Writing Spotlight - take a look at my fic recs 💖
NOTE: this is my art blog and i do not want to know anything about fandom drama, so please do not bring that here!! >︿<
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hollyand-writes · 2 years
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The final piece from the Dragon Age Smutquisition Exchange 2022 that I am sharing with all of you: the smutty art my husband drew for @potatowitch for his @dasmutquisition assignment! 🍵  
Here is a safe-for-Tumblr version of his Anders/Tentacles piece, “Self-saucing soup”, in which Anders eagerly sings for his supper as an accidentally-added ingredient causes his soup to thicken a little too much... before coming alive, and deciding that it needs more “cream”. 
Sorry about how late I’m posting this – my husband doesn’t have a Tumblr presence, and has only just sent me this SFW(ish) version of his artwork to upload onto this website. The full version can be viewed on AO3 here, minus the addition of a well-placed tentacle. 🦑 
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I illustrated this silly interaction I came up with between myself & Bob, Agent of Hydra last night fvhbvvbf
(click for best quality) reblogs > likes
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eggdrawsthings · 2 years
Egg, ur fantastic. I'm literally in love with ur drawing style. Thnx for existing and working hard on ur drawings so we can all bask in the glory of ur art 🐢🦑 :D u make my days happy
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greenbeany · 3 years
You asked for this. And by that I mean I asked and nudged you until you nodded.
I'm showing my way of shading hair, so the method may not be applicable to every scenario, but I hope this guide is at least usable for some of you. I'm putting the guide done on squiggles instead of a person in the comments once I'm done for easier use. But for now I'll show you on an OC of mine.
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This is Sepia. A new OC who I really need to draw more. I started by sketching her out, which there's no point in covering rn. Her eyes changed because I wanted to show off more hair in the demonstration. In hindsight, maybe I should have chosen someone with loose hair instead of moon buns.
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First is adding a new layer below the lineart. This is where we add colour. Use a dark airbrush to cover the hair roots, tips, and anywhere that light is less likely to hit, then switch to a lighter colour and use an airbrush to hit the places where light is likely to shine on the hair. You can then use a white pen to add the light reflections. I draw a squiggly line but I know a lot of people add splodge shapes or even curved lines instead.
Those are the basics, but I'm drawing Sepia so I'm going to add a little more here:
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Top right, I add her coffee highlights to her hair. For any new artists reading, anatomy tells you to curve the highlights so they look space bunnish. I did similar things on Eden's Beacon Ball redesign.
The top left is adding in cell shading. Because this is a full drawing, I used darkness and contrast feature to shade where shadows would hit her hair. This isn't always applicable remember, light changes.
The bottom right shows me adding strands to Sepia's hair. I don't actually do this with anyone but Sepia because I'm lazy, but I have done it before in a Weiss drawing and a Summer Rose from wayyyyyy back.
The bottom left is the complete head shot. If anyone wants one, I'll show off how I draw and shade faces next. Let the records show that that is not how I should draw freckles and I totally ruined this drawing.
For this drawing in 30 second video form, click here for the same drawing on my YouTube channel.
Anyway I hope this was remotely helpful for anyone looking for advice, and lmk if you want another :D
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