#My biggest gripe is just how the diamonds and Rose are treated in the show tbh
birdinabowl · 1 month
Steven in SUF is so hit or miss for me. I genuinely do like his entire struggle of trying to figure out who he is outside of helping people. I love his struggle to connect with other humans, how alienated he feels from them compared to the gems. The first half of SUF was something i actually enjoyed because of this.
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birdmanreviews · 5 years
HEYO! We’ve hit the 50th post on Birdman Reviews! This is going to be a rather large post so I might not even get it out for Tuesday’s normal post slot! If that is the case then this post will override the Wednesday posting slot and the White Rose will be reviewed on Thursday instead.
As we begin this extravaganza, there are a handful of people I’d like to thank as without their help I probably wouldn’t even have this blog, let alone make it to fifty entries posted (semi) regularly. The first up is my editor who will go by the Question whenever I refer to him on these future postings. Thank you for all your help you sexy man beast, without whom I would have been horribly lost and without any sort of quality control (at least that’s what this note he handed me says (I think, his handwriting is utterly atrocious)). I mean you can’t blame him, he’s fairly dark and mysterious after all.
The Question! DC please don’t sue us.
I’d also like to thank Mary Delano for helping me set up this blog, to begin with. I’d also like to thank my friends and family for the encouragement to keep on keeping on. The final group I really have to thank is you, my readers. Those who comment on every post or like the posts I put out help keep me updating regularly. I’m just glad you all found value in a mediocre writer’s ramblings.
The show must move on!
From left to right: Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, Giorno Giovanna, Jolyne Cujoh, Johnny Joestar, JoJolion
I love anime, some people don’t particularly like it as much, and I get that. It’s freaking goofy at points and the one I’m about to discuss is up there in terms of sheer weird factor. However, it’s one of the most delightful, refreshing, and enjoyable animes that I’ve gotten a chance to watch in a long time. I am planning on reviewing each part individually, but I figured why not give my thoughts on what I’ve watched so far in the series?
Currently, I’m watching Diamond is Unbreakable, which is part four of the overall behemoth of this series. This one features the fourth Jojo, Josuke Higashikata-I need to stop now, because this is starting to sound like my reviews. Anyway, what I wanted to do is give a little blurb on certain things like favorite Jojo, favorite supporting character, favorite part, and so on and so forth.
Favorite Jojo: Josuke Higashikata
While I have a special love for all the Jojo’s that have appeared thus far, Josuke has stood the most. Before him my favorite was Jonathan (no he isn’t boring, he just had like nine or ten episodes versus everyone else had a much longer run time than him), but Josuke managed to dethrone him in what I’ve seen of Diamonds is Unbreakable. Josuke was the first Jojo since Jonathan that didn’t come off like a punk and was fairly likable from the get-go. While I warmed up to Joseph and Jotaro as their stories moved on, but I liked Josuke the second he popped onto the screen for us all to see. Not to mention his stand is actually really cool and didn’t feel one-dimensional like stands when we first found out about them (to be fair they were a new concept). Because of all of this Josuke stands out as my favorite Jojo.
Favorite Supporting Character: Caesar Zeppeli
Grandson of Baron Zepelli from Phantom Blood Caesar burst into Joseph’s life with some turmoil. The two simply couldn’t stand each other. Only starting to trust one another when they underwent training from hell from Lisa Lisa. Caesar proved to be a valuable ally and a complex character. He stands out the most out of the main supporting characters in Jojo because he was one of the few supporting characters that were strong enough to go head to head with the main character post training. Not to mention he stole the spotlight whenever he appeared through his flamboyant nature.
Favorite Mentor/Chewer of the Scenery: Robert EO Speedwagon
This one needs a smidge of explanation. Every Jojo gets someone in a mentor role who usually sits there and describes in detail whatever the camera is pointing at. The best one out of all of these is Robert EO Speedwagon. He is a man with a buzzsaw hat, and if you need much more than that you will not get far in this series. No one quite chewed the scenery like Speedwagon did and even now his influence is felt far into the future as his Speedwagon foundation continues to pop up with every Jojo thus far. His loyalty going far beyond his grave.
Favorite Villain: Dio Brando
The Pillar Men came in a CLOSE second, but there hasn’t been a villain as devious or deadly as Dio Brando. From his dubbed voice that sounds like pure silk to his over the top nature, Dio is a treat to watch whenever he shows up. His stand has one of the coolest powers and designs. Not to mention he’s also a nigh-immortal vampire on top of it. The most impressive part is that he blends all of this without coming off like a villain sue, but a complex and interesting character that has a supreme amount of layers to dissect.
Favorite OP: Crazy Noisy Bizzare Town
Originally, it was going to be Jonathan’s OP Sono Chi no Sadame. However, there’s something a lot more fun and upbeat with Crazy Noisy Bizarre town. I’m actually mad they swapped for a different theme after episode seventeen for an OP that was not NEARLY as fun or fitting for the tales of Josuke. This was an OP that got me hyped every time a new episode rolled onto my TV as I watched this while typing whatever entry I needed to write for the day.
Favorite Stand: TIE: Star Platinum & Crazy Diamond
    I honestly couldn’t decide between these two so I decided to pick both. I love the designs, the powers, and the users behind these two almost equally. Not to mention they both have a slight amount of quirky character to both of them. Plus, their attack noises are both equally laughter worthy. Diamond may have been the first stand from a character that I truly went, “oh, wait that’s awesome”, but Star Platinum was the stand that let me fall in love with the idea of stands (I hated them at first as I really liked hamon a ton better). So it ends in a tie between these two stands.
Those are some of my general thoughts over the series thus far. I will try to review the series in parts (Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency will be grouped together). Hopefully, I will get around to this before too long has passed, but I am excited to write over this at some point. Onto part two of this very blog!
Okay, if you haven’t seen the new Spider-Man trailer then I’m linking it right here. Go on, watch it, I’ll be right here when you get done.
Hokay, how awesome was that trailer in and of itself? We get to see Spidey out of his normal element of swinging around New York (that’s my big gripe with Marvel as it only ever seems to have bad guy plague New York City of all places), and there was so much goodness to unpack in this that makes me think that it’ll probably be my favorite superhero movie of the year (sorry Infinity Wars part 2).
First of all, for some people that are griping about showing Nick Fury coming back. We knew that he was anyway. In the Infinity Gauntlet comic, the same thing basically happens and the heroes come back. However, this time it’s going to be how Marvel shows what happens that’s going to make all the difference. I digress because I want to save this for a future Infinity Wars post. We are discussing Spider-Man now.
I like the fact that we get to see Spider-Man away from all the main heroes. He’s the kid brother of the group, but the actually competent kid brother. He’s inexperienced but smart enough to pull off some good moments or take down the baddies even if he stumbles a lot along the way. Now, we are seeing a more battle-hardened and smarter Spidey. To the point where it seems like Nick Fury could trust him alone to handle the bad guys without calling in the other superheroes to bail him out.
Another positive, Spider-Man tends to swap suits around throughout the comics. Not to the extent Iron Man does, but it is still fairly regularly. I love the fact that they are keeping the webs under his arms in (an old silver aged thing that gets brought in on and off through the comics). Plus, they look like they’re doing a version of the Spider-Man Noir suit, which I adore the aesthetic of so much.
On top of it, Mysterio, freaking Mysterio looks awesome! Mysterio is one of those villains that I was never sure how well he’d translate to a big screen. He’s one of my favorites, but he is so goofy looking in compared to some of the other villains that I wasn’t sure he’d hold up. Somehow, they made him look great, and they got Jake Gyllenhaal of all people to portray him. Even if this is a movie over my favorite superhero Mysterio alone might be my biggest selling point. I am curious as to how they will reveal his powers and what his big thing will end up being.
I personally and biasedly think that this is a Spider-Man movie that will be one to remember. Homecoming was already a very fun work that ended up propelling Tom Holland into my favorite Spider-Man, and I know that I am not alone in that regard either. He has been a wonderful Peter Parker and Spider-Man so far and managed to combine the two very different roles in a likable and entertaining way.
  So, I try to read a lot obviously, and I’m trying to take more and more suggestions. I’d like for you all to see what I am working with. Also why it pains me when I don’t get more read in a timely manner. Here is what I call my fire hazard, these are all books that sit on my dresser or nightstand that I still have to read.
    Yeah, I am in a bit of a pickle. Especially since some days, I don’t always feel like reading (I had four days off and didn’t read more than twenty pages). I do my best though I might have to slow down the number of reviews I do each week. Especially since some books are a trek to get through. I could read a ton more Warhammer books to catch up, but I don’t want this to be a Warhammer centric blog like I’ve stated.
I do have a fair amount of different stuff coming up through that I can’t wait to read and share with you all. Anne Rice, the spin-off First Law stuff, the Drizzt series, and Children of Blood and Bone are all some things that I am super excited to try out. I also am going to be starting the Malazan Book of the Fallen series, which I have mixed feeling on due to excessive hype, but also because a lot of people tell me to just get through book one. I know the struggle of having to just get through something to really start to appreciate or enjoy the series in question. I still want to give it a fair try, but I am still a little hesitant to get into the series as a whole.
I am curious now, what do your to read lists look like? Let me know in the comments below.
At only a little over two thousand words, I am a little disappointed at the length of this considering that I broached three different subjects. Alas, that’s life I supposed, Yet, this blog wouldn’t be without a bit of news, would it?
A bit of news, and then I’m out. I also saw that I hit twenty followers the same day I hit my fiftieth post on here. That’s quite something now isn’t it? I honestly thought this would be a blog where it was just me screaming into the void over and over again with every quickly passing blog post. Thank you all for following this post once again, and I hope to hit one hundred posts at the rate that I am going as of late.
Wednesday or Thursday, whenever this drops, will be my White Rose review, and will finish off the first trilogy of the Black Company. Friday will be something, I honestly hope to finish the Rook by then. I really am enjoying that book, but I haven’t been urged to pick it up as often as some of the other books that I’ve read. We will have to see how this week goes. I’m also due for more snow and what not this upcoming weekend. So, I might blog out of oppressing boredom. Until next time!
50th Post! Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Spider-Man Trailer, and a Picture of My Fire Hazard. HEYO! We've hit the 50th post on Birdman Reviews! This is going to be a rather large post so I might not even get it out for Tuesday's normal post slot!
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