#My convos i did take part in were fun thi
cassandralexxx · 1 year
I woke up at 4 am did Full Hair and makeup to get to the place at 6:30 am. I have been there for over 12 hours now and I was only used for 1.5 rounds out of 11. I’ve genuinely just been sitting in the upper levels waiting to see if I’m on the list for the vast majority of today 😭. And after it ends in like 20 minutes we still can’t leave for at least another hour </3
0 notes
Mattie & Lulu
Mattie: [So my vibe for it, she just shows up without knowing because by this point it’s been like 2 years since attempted contact so you wouldn’t think to check like, where do they go to school, especially if Chloe swore the grandparents to secrecy vis-a-vis the teacher situation because she would, so you probably think they’re still in Switzerland, and then I think we should say that one of them is in her form and one of them has her as a teacher for either Physics or Computers and whoever we pick as the form one could see her first and if that was Dolly she could tell Lulu to try and get in with her]
Lulu: [That honestly feels the most legit to me too, I was gonna say maybe put Lulu in her form so they have to spend more time together lol but your idea makes the most sense in terms of like starting this convo, also love you not being the 1st to know since you spoke for them both in the last convo so]
Mattie: [And if you had her for both subjects, you’d still see her a lot so it’s fine, also lessons are longer than form time but you’re meant to like, talk to your form teacher if you need something so we can say that Dolly is without having to do it obvs, so then my vibe for today is she obviously took Dolly to one side and was like I don’t know how this happened but I’ll follow your lead like if you want to swap forms you can but also you can stay and we don’t have to make a big deal of it. Mattie would have to let the School know like they’re my half-sisters btw, didn’t know they were here, but we had kids who were taught by their literal mums so it’s not like she has to leave or they have to move classes, just as long as you aren’t hiding it ‘cos that’d be weird on her part, so maybe we can say Lulu didn’t have either lesson today so we can do this like Dolly has just told her but Mattie hasn’t had enough time or reason to come find her in person?]
Lulu: [That’s so clever boo, such an excellent way to get around having to RP with yourself and yeah she could totally be taught by her for both lessons so that is probably more time actually like you said]
Mattie: [Okay so our vibe for form is it’s about 30 mins at the start of the day, after breakfast for boarders and before lessons, and there are 4 girls from each year in the form (year 7-13) so the energy is very look after the little ones and go to the older kids for advice and help, as well as your form teacher being your go-to teacher for things you need that aren’t related to your subjects, you probably also have a matron-esque person for things related to boarding; Definitely doing houses also and you get points for good behaviour, academic achievement and clubs and sporting, can also be taken away for poor behaviour and performance, Dolly and Lulu are in the same house just not form. HOUSE TEA, after research it seems like forms and houses are separated by boarding and day students as well as sex, so only boarding girls in your form/house, you literally live with your house if you board, it’s about 60 girls, and there is the housemistress (and her whole fam and dog lmao) a matron, the tutors of the forms in said house and then head girl as well as 6th form girls being prefects, absolutely can think of what the housemistress, matron, head girl and other tutors who live in are like; MORE TEA, school starts 8:25, chapel, assembly or form time, four lessons before lunch, after lunch from about 4:00, 2 clubs a day, sports, drama, art etc until 6:00, final reg ‘til 6:15, then there’s the ‘cultural hour’ til 7:15, prep aka homework for AT LEAST an hour after dinner assumedly, Saturday is chapel, three lessons, lunch, then sports all afternoon depending how much sports you do, there are like 150 clubs so get at it]
Lulu: [NGL love this, I’d be fuming if my mum worked there and I had to live there too but like such a fun vibe for us and it makes sense that you’re gonna end up getting close to Mattie like it or not]
Lulu: [okay so Lulu studies Physics and Computer Science with Mattie and then Mathematics makes sense to go with that]
Mattie: [Dolly Drama & Theatre Studies, German & Religious Studies]
Lulu: [Okay so Lulu’s clubs cos you have to do a sport I’m gonna pick Tennis as a throwback to your old school, Drama as I’ve mentioned in this convo, Model UN likewise as a throwback, Chess cos we love it and that Curie Society thing where they just chat about scientific discoveries and D of E]
Mattie: [Dolly’s clubs are Drama, Archery, Running Club, Chapel Choir, Cross Country & Swimming, will do Creative & Literary Society when we are in a better place but not like right away]
Mattie: [I think we can start this convo now we have an idea]
Lulu: Dolly told me you’re her form tutor… that’s unexpected
Lulu: how long is your placement here?
Mattie: Yes, very
Mattie: I had zero idea you two weren’t still in Switzerland
Mattie: Believe me when I say if I planned to initiate contact between us again, I would have gone for a more direct, far less convoluted route to do so
Mattie: The placement is 8 weeks, I’ve had to let the head know and I was going to come find you to see how you wanted to proceed
Mattie: Dolly was happy enough to stay in my form and not make a big deal about it, her words, obviously this is a shock for us all and I’m not going to minimize that for my own gain
Mattie: But I am taking you for Physics and Computer Studies, so you would actually be seeing more of me than Dolly, so that’s… a thing
Mattie: There is another Computer Science class in your year but Physics is already a small class with just me… I could see if there’s a possibility for a Physics teacher from one of the other years to swap with me, if that’s what you would like
Lulu: Of course you wouldn’t be aware of our move, and of course Dolly doesn’t want to make a big deal of you being here now that we are, similarly I’m not going to make a fuss about you teaching me, that’s all you’re supposed to do, professionalism is also a… thing and 8 weeks is bound to absolutely fly by
Mattie: If you’re sure, Lulu, then that’s absolutely how I am happy to proceed too
Mattie: It really isn’t long, in the grand scheme of things
Mattie: You aren’t obligated to share any more than you would with any other teacher, but I have to ask why the move?
Mattie: You seemed to really love that place
Mattie: Even though it seems very impressive here too
Mattie: I just hope you’re okay, is really all I’m trying to say with that question
Lulu: There’s no big secret, it was just time for a change, which is how you jolly well may feel after you’ve spent 2 months here 😅
Mattie: Oh no, you aren’t enjoying it here? Or just a bit of a culture shock
Mattie: It was for me too, my last placement was an inner-city comp
Mattie: but it’s different being this side of the student-teacher divide regardless, that’s for sure
Lulu: I’m not a student you have to try to find common ground with, you aren’t my form tutor
Mattie: How are you getting on with yours? She’s the Drama teacher, right, funny how that worked out
Lulu: Marvellously, it’s been one of my extracurriculars since year 7
Mattie: That’s great, and you get to spend time with your sister, now you don’t have your lessons together
Lulu: Yeah, Religious Studies isn’t my thing
Mattie: I can’t say it’s mine either 😅
Mattie: Also the man who teaches that scares me a bit but 🤫 I’m sure he looks more off-putting than he actually is
Lulu: It’s his 🐛 brows but your first impression and instincts are spot on too, he’s v intense
Mattie: I’ll break the ice by asking him to come get them threaded, that’s a great idea
Lulu: I’m extremely clever and that was a elaborate ploy to prove every idea I have is A* to you as my new teacher and earn house points as I’m so devoted
Mattie: I sadly think I know how the head would feel about merit points for beauty reccs but admire the dedication, that’s definitely a core value they want to promote here so
Mattie: Not not worth some ++
Lulu: It’d be beastly not to pass the vibe check after all this time, the most relief ever that I’ve worked out this place’s core values
Mattie: I think I still have the introductory pamphlet, should you ever need a refresher
Mattie: Core values, Latin Motto, the lot…
Lulu: [Whatever the school Latin motto is cos I tried to make a sassy one up but was cockblocked] I’m fine, but thanks
Mattie: Impressive
Mattie: Okay, I will see you in class tomorrow
Mattie: Potentially around the house before then but I’ll do my best to give you both space
Lulu: It’s called making an effort, which you’ll see me do in class too
Lulu: okay but don’t give us a lot of space or everyone’ll think we’re in some huge bind over you and like Dolly and I have both said, it’s not that big of a deal
Mattie: Pleased to hear it
Mattie: Understood
Mattie: I more meant it as a warning that I too room there so you might see me around, but I won’t make a point of showing up in your dorm
Lulu: I don’t honestly know what makes you think I would need a warning but thanks again anyway
Mattie: I’m not trying to make your transition here any harder than it needs to be
Lulu: You’d have to be a horrific teacher to make that sizeable of an impact, we’re both settled, the newbie here is you
Mattie: Well that remains to be seen
Mattie: QTS will either be achieved by the end of this or not
Mattie: It’s a lot bigger than your last, your house has as many pupils as the entirety of Surval did, that’s a big change
Lulu: So was co-ed and day students, note my past tense though
Mattie: Right, and your subjects at A-Level are, sadly, pretty boy heavy
Mattie: You’ve got it all worked out though, I’ll be sure to ask for help if I get stuck
Lulu: Not something I expected to have to deal with, pre-fresh start, but I don’t have to teach them, only get on with my own work
Lulu: yeah, I could give an A* tour
Mattie: I’d call you lucky if I didn’t know personally that the workload is going to be intense
Mattie: but I’ve seen your grades so I’m not worried for you, you’ve got this
Mattie: I might take you up on that offer, though if you can secure one of the cute dogs I see running about, that turns might into a definite
Lulu: 😊
Lulu: Oh, this is the moment to let you know Skipper loves me
Mattie: I think Skipper nearly ran me down this morning
Mattie: assuming he’s the GIANT one that rarely listens to his owner 🤭
Lulu: He is 🥰💖 but he doesn’t realise 😆
Mattie: The best kind of dog 😌 It’s so cute
Lulu: My biggest soft spot is for little dogs who think they’re VIP as in v important humans, but we have one of those at home, for the best of both worlds
Mattie: Okay, yes, that’s a mood too
Mattie: What’s his name?
Mattie: Being currently without any pet I need all the surrogates, obviously
Lulu: Monty
Lulu: [show her a picture of him obvs]
Mattie: Oh, he’s a doll 😍
Mattie: a definite plus for being in England is you can go visit him more often
Lulu: Not really, I’m still boarding
Mattie: The 6-day schedule is intense
Mattie: I can see the benefits though, as long as the child is here because they want to learn, and not because their parent paid for an extra intensive education just because it’s the ‘best’
Lulu: Both can be true and mostly seem like they are here
Mattie: By your age, if it wasn’t suiting, you wouldn’t have made it, I don’t think
Mattie: At least you have Sundays
Lulu: You’ve seen my grades, who could fake making it that hard?
Mattie: I wasn’t accusing you of not being capable, not at all, sorry that wasn’t clear, just musing aloud that the people who aren’t suited to this model won’t make it past IGCSEs to A-levels
Mattie: but that kind of thing would fall under unprofessional, I imagine so let’s pretend I didn’t say anything
Lulu: It’d only be unprofessional if you shared who you think shouldn’t be here, which I’ll totally pretend you didn’t say after 🤭
Mattie: 😅😶 I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that and slip the list under your door when I’ve made it
Lulu: 🤫 to not turn you against an absolutely ridiculously high percentage of both your classes before you’ve taught them
Mattie: Definitely not the aim of my placement 😰
Mattie: Although someone has to be the teacher nobody likes, right?
Lulu: You could try that approach, but unless this tête-à-tête happening is what’s faked, I can’t see you making it work for 8 weeks
Mattie: Thanks, that’s almost encouraging 😌😜
Mattie: Over the initial shock, it’s good to see you both doing well here
Mattie: And if you do happen to need anything, you can let me know
Lulu: You’re almost my teacher, calling you a bitch wouldn’t get us off on the right foot
Mattie: I don’t think I can downgrade you for that, but no, I see that
Mattie: Professionalism works both ways, as it were
Lulu: And I could need an extension at any time, my lab partner is a perfect dunce who should be on your reject list 😓 I’d be pretty gassed if you would actually re-assign us, do you have that much power? 🤔
Mattie: It’s a possibility
Mattie: I like to switch it up anyway, you’re such a small group, it stops it getting clique-y, so you can all work together and swap around whilst I’m your teacher
Mattie: When you get a permanent teacher after I leave, they might see it differently but they’ve all been enthusiastic about my ideas thus far, though I just got here
Lulu: After you leave is after you leave, I feel seedy now and look like 💀 if you want to do anything about it
Mattie: What’s the problem with him, beside the dunce thing we’ve already covered?
Lulu: Isn’t that enough bad luck? I’m doing everything by myself while he’s high fiving his friends for getting partnered with me, like some incel
Mattie: Right
Mattie: Let me see it for myself and then perhaps I can do something about it, if it is that blatant
Mattie: You don’t need the teacher’s pet rep any more than I need accusations of baseless favouritism just because we’re related
Mattie: I believe you, but I’ll deal with it in class and in my capacity as your teacher and his, not like this, yeah
Lulu: I’m letting you know what I need, which is what you just told me to do
Mattie: Okay, I’ve heard you, I just want to make sure you understand that if you come to me with things related to class, then they’ll be dealt with in the proper channels
Lulu: 😬 sorry if you got the impression I’d come to you with anything unrelated to class, we’re not there
Mattie: You didn’t, I simply offered
Lulu: Grandma will be buzzing
Mattie: I’m not doing it to score points, or make a statement
Mattie: and undoubtedly you won’t come to me but I’m going to offer in case you need to, and because that’s what feels right to me to do, that’s it
Mattie: No hidden agenda
Lulu: Offer it to Dolly, that’s your job
Mattie: I have, Lulu
Mattie: Don’t worry
Lulu: Meaning?
Lulu: my sister is fine, I don’t have to worry about her
Mattie: Meaning just that
Mattie: I have a pastoral role as well as an educational
Mattie: If any pupil in my form needs help, they’ll receive it
Lulu: She doesn’t
Mattie: Glad to hear it
Lulu: You’ll have an easy time of it from both of us
Mattie: As long as you’re having a good time of it too, that works perfectly for me
Lulu: Il n’y a pas le feu au lac, as my previous mistresses were devoted to saying
Mattie: My French is limited to being able to order dinner with minimal side-eye from the waiters
Mattie: but I’ll take your very pretty words for it
Lulu: Whoops, I shouldn't have assumed, what language did you do?
Mattie: Mandarin, which was a huge plus on my application, with the college in Malaysia and the Mandarin course they do here
Lulu: Wow, how difficult is it? I’d love to have learned
Mattie: It is challenging, but a fun one I’d say
Mattie: It’s a shame they only have the one teacher, so they can’t make it a club too, they’d be run ragged
Mattie: I could teach you the 101 basics, I’m confident enough to do that much
Lulu: You didn’t want to be accused of favouritism and I don’t want to make an ass of myself
Lulu: I’ll have to move there and hope it’s not yonks before the immersion and fluency, I’ve only ever learnt a language that way, I don’t know if even the basics are doable otherwise 😟
Mattie: Well that’s certainly the best way to learn but not the only
Mattie: I wish I was here longer so I could commit to starting a club for the pupils like you who are interested but it wasn’t viable to pick as an A-Level
Lulu: I’ll download an app or something, delete it if it’s too embarrassing
Mattie: I’ll check in to see how you’re finding it
Mattie: You do have a wealth of extra-curriculars, you have zero reason to be embarrassed
Lulu: Only one of those is new and I get to talk in English on subjects I’m never out of my depth with, so yeah, that’s a reason
Lulu: I don’t have time to pick up Chinese Chess either 😭 maybe I can if I do move there
Mattie: The world is seriously going to be your oyster, you can do whatever you want to do, wherever you want to be
Lulu: Is that, like, your teacher catchphrase? 😅 totes inspirational
Mattie: I’ll get a poster made ASAP then 😏
Lulu: Do you need me to draw you a map to art first?
Mattie: Oh, absolutely
Lulu: [do draw her a little map of the key places in the school even though it’d obvs be really simple which might make it more confusing than the actual map cos we’re missing stuff out]
Mattie: [when you didn’t think she would and you’re lowkey touched lmao]
Mattie: That’s perfect, I should actually show up on time for our lesson tomorrow now, thanks for that
Lulu: I draw the line at teaching myself [a thing from both subjects she’s struggling with or doesn’t like lol] as well as Mandarin
Mattie: Now that we can 100% get down before my placement is up, that I can guarantee 😊
Lulu: so you’ve guaranteed yourself a thrilled student quote for the poster
Mattie: Everything’s coming up me 🙌🙌
Lulu: 🤞🏻 you keep that energy going tomorrow
Mattie: I’m not going to oversell it to you, but I do know what I’m doing, in terms of having me as your teacher, I don’t think you’re going to be disappointed
Lulu: They wouldn’t have you here as a teacher if that was your vibe, overselling is honestly closer to what they’re about, you must be worthy of 🙌🏻
Mattie: Bragging is never my vibe but I got the placement here for a reason, and I’m glad I did, so I won’t be wasting the opportunity
Mattie: I went to a good school, but the boarding lifestyle is something I’ve never experienced
Lulu: And I’ve never not, how odd, but you won’t have to experience it that hard as a teacher, they don’t even make you share or suffer through the indignity of inspections
Mattie: My room is a mess of notes and first-day outfits currently so that is definitely a good thing 😬😅
Lulu: The second-day outfit is much less pressure, especially in a class that’s v boy heavy
Mattie: Is that a promise you won’t judge me? 😏
Lulu: I’d come off worse, this uniform is not a mood, they never are
Mattie: At least there’s no boater, the full fantasy
Lulu: It’d add some interest, at least, to how plain everything has to be
Mattie: Thank Goodness for Sundays, you can express yourself then
Lulu: Are you promising not to judge me back? Awww! We’ve got a pact happening
Mattie: As long as there are no sacrifices or blood oaths I’d say that’s above board
Lulu: Sunday’s the chapel’s busiest day and without an altar what are we doing? 😬 Bad luck
Mattie: I do keep forgetting we’re CoE, I’ll have to carve that into the nearest tree or whatever so I don’t arouse suspicion with any 🔮ness
Lulu: Or 🤔 you could use the ⛪️🙏🏻 time to mentally outfit plan for the week if you’re for real awfully nervous, null and voiding the demand for the pact and witch vibes at all
Mattie: You’re very sensible
Mattie: though lesson planning is ultimately the best use of my time, if the big man upstairs is cool with that
Lulu: I use mine for [idk whatever maths or physics shit she could do in her head] and I’m blessed to have not been struck down yet
Mattie: 😅 Well I approve even if the jury is out with the 😇😇s
Lulu: Thanks
Lulu: did Grandpa teach you to play chess too? I need to practice
Mattie: He did, clearly very serious about passing on his chess knowledge 😌
Lulu: Relatable honestly if he just got sick of telling Grandma how the horse and castle move over and over for years 🙄 I tried to teach this boy once and never again
Mattie: Poor Grandma 🤭🤦‍♀️ Is that a boy from home?
Lulu: Golly, if that was how I spent my hols 🙈 No, his mother was a music mistress at our old school
Lulu: he tried but didn’t manage to teach me guitar either
Mattie: Oh, that makes a lot more sense
Mattie: I know the sort
Mattie: Everyone here seems to have little kids or grown-up kids right now, some of the little ones are super cute
Lulu: What sort?
Mattie: The walking-talking Netflix teen heartthrob type
Lulu: Yeah, no, you don’t know him, or me
Mattie: I didn’t mean anything by it
Lulu: And I meant what I said, I’m being welcoming and chill as it’s your first day, but you don’t know me like that
Mattie: Okay, I apologize
Lulu: It’s fine, I’ll see you tonight, not to ruin the surprise but there are other welcoming first day dorm traditions I have to be there for
Mattie: Oh, okay, cool
Mattie: When you want to practice Chess, let me know, we can do it after prep time
Lulu: Okay 👋🏻 for now
2 notes · View notes
sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt.19
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
so this is like...twice as long as a normal chapter. anyway i was in les mis the other week and i sent something and someone thought it was a les mis chapter of wanna chat. and @reyxa​ encouraged it so Here We Are
this chapter continues right off of the last one because i found a note with sick quotes on it. i kept the les mis as light and understandable as possible but just like..let me know if it makes 0 sense. i had to get this out of my system because ive been in a writing funk
(mari = cough cough, nino = space bro, alya = alys, adrien = glen coco)
3:12 in boo you whore
cough cough: gmoring i cant brethe out of mynose rn Im not goin g ot be in school today :( Bu ti cant sleep anymore because I cnat breath e iim gonna go watch youtube videos
space bro: my dude i hope youre feeling better when you wake up
glen coco: If you’re not turn on the shower really hot and sit in the bathroom with the steam
alys: or drown urself in cold medicine
glen coco: Don’t do that
space bro: never listen to alya
alys: dont listen to these traitors
PM between glen coco and cough cough
glen coco: I bet the akuma attack last night really didn’t help Don’t worry about anything today I can handle it unless it’s another akuma Just get some rest <3
10:03 in boo you whore
cough cough: Self care is chugging five cups of tea and astral projecting behind a mcdonalds to punch hawkmoth in the face
glen coco: Mari no
alys: mari yes
space bro: mari wtf
cough cough: Im dyin g
alys: tag urself im punching hm in the face
space bro: im astral projection
glen coco: Five c ups of tea
cough cough: Does that make me the mcdonalds
space bro: congrats mari
glen coco: I can’t believe Mari is the golden arches
alys has changed their name to punching hawkmoth in the face
punching hawkmoth in the face: im finally my True Self gang follwo suit
cough cough: Why shoul d I LISten to you
punching hawkmoth in the face: bc u love me and want me 2 b happy and also bc i still have ur jacket in my bedroom
cough cough: Fuck
cough cough has changed their name to mcdonalds
space bros: al youre ridic
punching hawkmoth in the face: just do it babe
space bros has changed their name to astral projection
astral projection: there ya go
glen coco: Rip Glen Coco
punching hawkmoth in the face: truly a her o of his generation :’(
mcdonalds: RIp
glen coco has changed their name to five cups of tea
five cups of tea: Rebirth
mcdonalds: I hate you all img oing ot bed
punching hawkmoth in the face: goodnight my darlign <3
astral projection: nap well bro hopefully you feel better when you wake up
punching hawkmoth in the face: remind me to throw my bag in the seine i dont wanna do hw :(
astral projection: i feel you
punching hawkmoth in the face: wanna get togheter and do hw
astral projection: do homework or “do homework”
punching hawkmoth in the face: have u ever met me “””””””do homework”””””””
astral projection: i need to figure out physics my dude
punching hawkmoth in the face: D’:
five cups of tea: I can help you when I get home tonight
punching hawkmoth in the face: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
astral projection: the real mvp i love you
five cups of tea: I love you too Have fun Use protection
astral projection: alya please kick him out of the chat
punching hawkmoth in the face: no i like him
astral projection: fuck
 18:57 mcdonalds: Screens hurt my head irhgt now Im gonna watch reruns and keep sleepng
punching hawkmoth in the face: feel better babe <3
five cups of tea: Ok so the other day instead of doing homework I started reading les mis ANd now instead of doing homework I’m reading les mis again I can’t believe this is how I’m procrastinating
astral projection: what
punching hawkmoth in the face: the musical????
five cups of tea: No the book Which the musical is based off of
astral projection: what a nerd
punching hawkmoth in the face: lmao how is it
five cups of tea: Old Long
punching hawkmoth in the face: how long?
five cups of tea: Uhhh 655,000 words
mcdonalds: jesus
astral projection: what the actual fuck
punching hawkmoth in the face: holllllly fuck
astral projection: you my dude are unreal
punching hawkmoth in the face: for fun???? r u sure this is for fun???????
five cups of tea: I think so? It’s kind of boring sometimes and hard to get through but other parts are really good Also if I’m reading I don’t have to practice chinese
punching hawkmoth in the face: touche
astral projection: have fun reading bro you are unbelievable
PM between five cups of tea and mcdonalds
five cups of tea: Hey why are you up? I thought you were heading off to bed a while ago?
mcdonalds: I didnt take nyquil tonight because I felt a little better and didnt want to pass the fuck out again but now Im awake and cant sleep because my head feels like its gonna explode And I regret So much
five cups of tea: Aw no poor bug
mcdonalds: Ugh
five cups of tea: Do you want anything?
mcdonalds: You dont have to
five cups of tea: Do you want anything? If you want soup I can get you some
mcdonalds: Its like???? Really late?????
five cups of tea: Mar its only 20:30
mcdonalds: Oh It feels like 1 But its still late
five cups of tea: Ok well Late night food is not a new thing Trust me
mcdonalds: … If you brought me soup Id love you forever
five cups of tea: I thought you already did
mcdonalds: Id love you even more
five cups of tea: I’ll be on my way soon
mcdonalds: I love you so much <3
23:35 in boo you whore
punching hawkmoth in the face: what if you took tea in shots like shot glasses
five cups of tea: Like with hot tea?
astral projection: i feel like thats a good way to burn your entire mouth
five cups of tea: *entire life
astral projection: ^^^
punching hawkmoth in the face: hmmm
five cups of tea: Alya no
astral projection: yeah bad idea
punching hawkmoth in the face: f i n e
mcdonalds: sos Im dying I constantly feel like Im about to sneeze If I dont feel that way its cause Im sneezing
astral projection: rip my dude guessing you cnat sleep while sneezing
mcdonalds: Nope :’( End my suffering please
astral projection: no can do i can offer virtual hugs
mcdonalds: I guess thatll work for now
astral projection: <3
PM between five cups of tea and mcdonalds
five cups of tea: Hey Hey Marinette Hey I have something to show you
mcdonalds: Adrien its 2 in the morning
five cups of tea: So? You’re up too
mcdonalds: I slept all day
mcdonalds: Yeah but you’re awake right now
mcdonalds: … Fine Hit me
five cups of tea: “When they had finished, when they had told each other everything, she laid her head on his shoulder and asked him: ‘What is your name?’” Us
mcdonalds: Oh my go d This is les mis right??? What youw ere talking about before??
five cups of tea: Yup
mcdonalds: Omg Why are you like this
five cups of tea: Ok but am I wrong????
mcdonalds: I cant say you are tbh
five cups of tea: Man I feel like Marius am I like Marius??
mcdonalds: Whats he like?
five cups of tea: Kind of oblivious, pretty romantic but sort of in a weird way, awkward, usually confused but can be scary if he needs to, handsome as hell and love of my life that I would honestly leave all three of you for
mcdonalds: Wow Are you sure you havent already
five cups of tea: :P Actually….
mcdonalds: Are you suddenly realizing youve left us for a fictional character
five cups of tea: No I was oging to say I might be more like Bossuet
mcdonalds: Youre just saying words I dont know who that is
five cups of tea: He always has bad luck Like always Ummmm hold on
mcdonalds: K Who would I be???
five cups of tea: “He was the constant victim of mischance, hence his merriment. He said, ‘I spend my life walking under ladders.’”
mcdonalds: Ok you mgiht be this Bossuet you bad luck magnet
five cups of tea: For you Hmmmm Enjolras?
mcdonalds: Not cosette??  Shes the love interest right
five cups of tea: As much as I love you Enjolras is the leader in red And I just can’t help myself
mcdonalds: Nerd Are you goind to do alya and nino too?
five cups of tea: D u h
mcdonalds: Adrien?? You ok? Youve been quiet for a while Or did you fall asleep on your computer again
five cups of tea: No I’m here I’m just Stuck This is haarrrrrdddddddddd Alya and Nino are just so deep and complex and awesome and I dont’ know how to place them???
mcdonalds: True But wow Slightly offended
five cups of tea: Hey yours is based on a pun I can pun easy
mcdonalds: G o to sleep kitten You can sort them in the mornign Later this morning
five cups of tea: Fine I hope you’re feeling better
mcdonalds: A little bit!! The soup definitely helped Night <3
five cups of tea: Night <3
10:25 in boo you whore
astral projection: saturdays are chill but my mom wants us to clean the entire apartment today and im not about that life
mcdonalds has changed their name to enjolras
enjolras: I have no idea who thi s is but I hope it makes Adrien happy
punching hawkmoth in the face: ???? wahts ahppenign
enjolras: Adrien said I was this charactera t like 2
astral projection: why the fuck do none of you people value sleep
punching hawkmoth in the face: how theh ell did that even come up in conversation
enjolras: He was saying he thinks hes like Marius
astral projection: huh
five cups of tea: I’m not sure yet
astral projection: bro!!!
five cups of tea: I'm thinking either Marius or bossuet for myself
punching hawkmoth in the face: r we supposed 2 know the second one
enjolras: Hes got bad luck Thats what I got from our convo when no one else was awake
punching hawkmoth in the face: change ur name i want u2b the hopeless romantic
astral projection: isnt he already??
punching hawkmoth in the face: lmao
five cups of tea has changed their name to marius
punching hawkmoth in the face: awesome were u gonna do nino and i??
marius: Yeah I’m just having some trouble
astral projection: yeah were just too unique to be put into little boxes
marius: Exactly
astral projection: that was sarcasm but i love you so much
marius: <3
punching hawkmoth in the face: hey question not that im doubting maris badassary but why enjolras
marius: Enjolras is incredibly passionate and would do anything for his friends and the people of Paris Reminds me of how Marinette is as class president
PM between marius and enjolras
enjolras: Nice save
marius: Thanks
in boo you whore
astral projection: I see it
marius: Alya could be eponine?
punching hawkmoth in the face: shes the one who cries about marius right
marius: Well I was actually thinking her cause Ponine she knows her way around And all that stuff But yes she cries about Marius she does have a song about that
PM between punching hawkmoth in the face and astral projection
punching hawkmoth in the face: lmao did he just give me the character hopelessly in love with marius
astral projection: rip
punching hawkmoth in the face: end my life
in boo you whore
punching hawkmoth in the face: i cna work with that
punching hawkmoth in the face has changed their nickname to eponine
astral projection: and then tehre was one
marius: I’m struggling
enjolras: Arent we all
eponine: Id help but I know literally nothing other than some of the lyrics RED THE BLOOD OF BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD
astral projection: theres no way that isnt right im 100% sure those are the actual words
enjolras: Period mood
eponine: general mood
enjolras: Ok same
eponine: mood: red and black but the only words are blood
enjolras renamed this conversation to “red the blood of blood blood blood”
eponine: yes exactly
astral projection: sometimes i wonder why im friends with you
eponine: because u love us and would be sad without us
astral projection: ok yes but also why
marius: I mean maybe Grantaire? He’s a jack of all trades? Nino you are…really hard to place But R might be the best bet
enjolras: Wait a minute R?
marius: Yes
enjolras: Get out of this chat
marius: </3
astral projection: that is amazing
astral projection has changed their nickname to grantaire
grantaire: in it for the puns
marius: So is Hugo
enjolras: Who
marius: The writer of les mis
eponine: tag yourself im les miserables all of them
grantaire: you cant be all the miserables
eponine: watch me try
marius: Sorry you must have no idea what’s going on
grantaire: not really we have nothing to contribute but keep going dude!!! i love to hear you ramble
eponine: oh oh i have something to contribute
enjolras: You do?
eponine: 24601? more like 246 so done with your shit
enjolras: Im leaving the country
grantaire: whos shit?
eponine: uh oh fuck whos the antagonist again
marius: Society
grantaire: deep
enjolras: Stop being fake deep
eponine: feep anyway no u butt the police dude
marius: The only evil in les mis IS society And the Thenardiers OH JAVERT
eponine: YES THANK YOU
marius: Javert: do not forget my name Alya: forgets his name
eponine: fuck you also 246 so done with your shit javert
grantaire: thank you for clarifying
eponine: no prob
enjolras: Ok so Im googling stuff to try and figure out whats happening And wow This is depressing ¾ of us die
marius has changed their nickname to bossuet
bossuet: Now all of us die
eponine: nope change back 2 lover boy ur not dying too
grantaire: um no one is dying my dudes
bossuet: We’re always dying But fine
bossuet has changed their nickname to marius
enjolras: Im pretty sure Im dying righ tnow I almost coughed up a lung
enjolras: You arent my mom!!!!!!!!!
enjolras: AHHHHH
eponine: AHHHHHH
grantaire: Ahhhhh?
marius: Ahhhhh
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