#like one round is 2 fifteen minute convos
cassandralexxx · 1 year
I woke up at 4 am did Full Hair and makeup to get to the place at 6:30 am. I have been there for over 12 hours now and I was only used for 1.5 rounds out of 11. I’ve genuinely just been sitting in the upper levels waiting to see if I’m on the list for the vast majority of today 😭. And after it ends in like 20 minutes we still can’t leave for at least another hour </3
0 notes
Title: Kismet {8}
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Henry Cavill x Famous OFC Aliya Taylor
Warning: Plot, Tiny Slow Burn, Mild Cursing, Dialogue Heavy, POV Changes, Small Time Jumps
Words: 6.6k
Summary: Aliya is a singer turned model turned actress. Since she was fifteen, she’s been creating her empire in the entertainment world. As the daughter of a famous fashion model/designer and Hollywood director, you’d think life is easy for her, but her past has been anything but easy. Due to past trauma, she’s forever changed and no longer trusts any man that is not in her family and a select few in her team. She’s sworn off love and serious relationships and has planned never to fall again, but love isn’t something that can be planned. It just happens when it’s meant to. Can Aliya outrun a love that seems hellbent on holding tight to her, a love that is Kismet?
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***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
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The minute he woke the next day and the alcohol had worn off; he instantly regretted his actions. His head was pounding and his nose stuffy, which was always what the morning after a drinking fest looked and felt like for him. the pain in his head made him painfully aware of everything he’d said to you. More than half of him wished he would have just held his peace and moved on, but the other side of him—the stubborn bull side felt nothing but satisfaction from what he’d done. It was time, especially seeing that you completely had the wrong idea about who he was and his character. He couldn’t help but wonder what you thought about your conversation, but instead of dwelling on it, he decided to push it to the side and do the logical thing. Move on.
 It was now five days since that conversation, and though it felt strange the first couple of days to not send you a message when you ran across his mind, he did it and adapted. He now was throwing himself into work because there wasn’t a shortage of it. Most days, he was in pre-production for Witcher two, and that in itself was a lot of work. Production decided to kick fight choreography up a notch because last season wasn’t badass enough. The choreography this season was definitely taking it up several notches, and it meant more long hours of training and even more potential for him to be hurt.
By week two post convo, he was steadily counting down to his vacation time. Training was kicking his ass, and the more and more days that passed, the more he thought of you. That wasn’t all though, the more the way he thought of you changed. In the beginning, he thought he was infatuated or possibly obsessed. When he was around you, he always felt as if he wasn’t in control. He felt like there were forces that were controlling your interactions and pulling a starry blanket over his feelings. He expected this time away to act as a purge, but it hadn’t, not in the way he’d anticipated.
 “Come on, her name is Becca, and she’s super cute,” Alisha said.
 “Why is it that all my brother’s wives want to set me up?”
 “Because we care. You’re too great of a guy to be alone,” Halley complimented.
 They all nodded, and his eldest brother painfully squeezed his cheek.
 “Plus, look at this face,” Nik teased, making all of them elate.
 It had been like this since they were kids. Nothing had changed.
 “I’m perfectly fine being alone,” he answered.
 “Doesn’t mean you should be,” Amee piped out.
 No matter what, he said it wouldn’t be good enough until he gave them what they wanted. He had no intention of doing it, though. He wasn’t sure if it was really his loathing of being set up or because he didn’t want to pretend to want anyone else. Whatever it was, it had him declining to their annoyance. He could stick it out for the next two weeks until he got out of London.
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“You fucked up, plain and simple,” Amaya blurted out as she flipped through a magazine.
 You rolled your eyes and tried to continue writing notes to the song you’d just wrote. As sure as you were that it was pitch black outside, you knew she wasn’t done—not by a long shot. A minute passed in silence, but as projected, Amaya began again.
 “Just explain to me why you don’t want to be happy.” Amaya tossed the magazine aside, giving you her full attention. Still, you ignored her and kept your eyes glued to the note pad.
 “Liya, come on. At some point in your life, you’re going to have to be honest with yourself.”
 She was right. For the last few weeks, you’d spent a lot of sleepless nights doing just that. Since Henry’s call, you’d been forced to look at your situation in a light you’d ignored. It wasn’t that you were doing it maliciously. It was just easier and neater to see the worst in every situation hence the worst in people. You’d been the girl who dug deep for the best in people and only focused on that and their potential for too long. It made more sense from a survivalist standpoint to be different.
 You’d went back and forth and round and round your situation, and perhaps you were too quick to jump to conclusions. The bottom line was the things he said had affected you, more than you liked and more than you could ignore. A few days after his call, you saw his picture in The Sun. He wasn’t alone. It looked like he’d had a long night of partying. You deduced it was probably the same night he called you. Though he was obviously drunk, he still looked so damn good. In the last few weeks, you’d thought about him a lot. On several occasions, you’d taken up your phone for the sole purpose to stalk his Instagram or even scroll through your gallery to gawk at his pictures. Never though, did you attempt to call.
 The main reason was that you hated being the one in the wrong. You hated feeling like the asshole and what was worse was that you also hated apologizing. So, you bit your tongue, pushed your thoughts and emotions aside, and just hoped time would make it all fade. It didn’t.
 Closing your notepad, you stood. “We’re going to miss the flight.”
 “Whatever! It’s a private jet. It’s your private jet.”
 You were already out of the room, which meant thankfully, you didn’t have to see her face. The drive to the private airfield was about forty-five minutes. For the entire ride, you could feel Amaya’s annoyance with you. she didn’t say one word. Instead, she kept her nose buried in her phone scrolling her life away. It was okay with you; you had plenty of work to do. Plus, you knew this wasn’t over, not by a long shot.
 Sure enough, twenty minutes into the flight to London, she was back at it. The difference between Amaya and Alicia was simple. Where Alicia liked to leave me be until she knew the perfect time to go in because she knew the perfect time would come when you would be more receptive to it, Amaya preferred to go in all the time. She was always on one hundred. You loved both your best friends dearly, and they both spoke to different sides of you, but sometimes you wished they were wrong a lot more often than they were right.
 When you got pulled into a phone meeting, you were grateful and even more so when it lasted for almost two hours. By the time you ended the call, Amaya was napping. Though you thought the silence was what you wanted, it was a blessing in disguise. It meant you now had peace and quiet to think, and your thoughts more often than not went right to Henry.
 When you landed in London and checked into the hotel, it was after midnight. Once you’d taken a shower and answered a few emails, you popped two sleep aids in hopes they would knock you out because you needed all your energy tomorrow.
  -The Next Day-
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Hectic was an understatement for how your morning and afternoon had been going. One of the great things about being you was that when you got bored with one career avenue, you had three more to distract yourself with. For the last several months, you’d been focusing on your acting career and had been able to complete two films and three guest appearances. In between acting gigs you were also able to do a few modeling events, including Fall and Spring fashion week.
 What had fallen to the wayside was your singing career. It was almost time for you to fulfill your contractual obligations by releasing another album. You’d been focusing on writing new material for the last few weeks, and tonight you were putting on one of the last stops on a mini-tour your team had planned months ago. The travel alone was killing you. You were exhausted, even more than usual. With every show, you felt your body telling you it would soon be time to slow down or stop for a few months. You needed a break.
 “I should have flown in days ago. I hate feeling like this isn’t perfect.”
 “Aliya, it’s fine,” Alicia countered.
 The perfectionist in you didn’t believe her.
 “I promise. I wouldn’t lie to you. You have to go anyway. The show is supposed to start at six; it’s already three.”
 She was right. Though you hated it, you would have to cross your fingers and hope things looked cohesive. After finishing up the last-minute wardrobe adjustments and a quick pep talk with your dancers, you made your way back to the hotel to get in a little bit of pampering before having to get back to the center for prep.
 As you laid on the table and enjoyed your deep tissue massage, you allowed the worries to float away. There was nothing you could do about it now anyway. You were also sure it was perfectly fine, and just your obsessive nature taking over. Tuning everything out, you focused on your meditative breathing. Before you knew it, it was time to get back to the center to get into wardrobe and put on a show worthy of the hundreds that were spent on tickets. You were determined to perform your ass off.
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He couldn’t have gotten out of tonight no matter what. He’d tried. When Charlie announced to everyone that Heather had made plans for their adults' date night, he rolled his eyes. Now that he thought of it, it was around the time that Amee tried to set him up with that woman. This was supposed to be a blind date, and since he’d declined, he was here alone while all his other brothers were snuggling up and whispering to their significant others.
 Here he was an hour and ten minutes into your show, and he’d never had more fluctuating thoughts and feelings. At first, it was surprise; then annoyance, then it transitioned into awe until it moved to arousal and admiration. Now he was stewing deep in all of them, and it was not a good look. Your voice was incredible. He’d always known how talented you were. Your stamina to dance and sing blew his mind. Then when he watched those dance moves closer, it was impossible to keep his thoughts pure. It also didn’t help that the outfits you were wearing only fueled his imagination more.
 “What’s wrong with you? You said you liked Aliya Taylor,” Amee shouted over the music.
 Plastering a smile on his face, he nodded. “Yeah, she’s great. I’m tired.” It wasn’t a complete lie.
 When you came out for the final song in a flowing low cut white gown and barefoot, he staggered backward when he envisioned you walking down a flower aisle.
 “Fucking hell!”
 All eyes snapped to him, and the curious looks on their faces only had him needing air even more.
 “I—I’m gonna get a head start to the cars.”
 Not waiting for a response, he turned and walked through the crowd, not daring to look back at you.
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Amaya and Alicia laughed together at something on Amaya’s timeline. No doubt it was some picture of one of her boy toys. You sipped from your flower decorated porcelain teacup while staring out over London to the Eye. Just behind it, Big Ben stood tall and proud as it chimes for four o’clock echoed through the city. This was a city you’d spent a lot of time in thanks to your grandparents on your father’s side. Not as much time as they’d like, but there was only so much free time you had. Big Ben and the Eye were two of your favorite things about London.
 You should have been on cloud nine after another successful show and checking another thing off your extensive to-do list, but you weren’t. You felt almost as gloomy as the rolling clouds in the sky that threatened rain.
 “You seem depressed.”
 Alicia’s voice had you turning back to them you softly smiled. “I’m not.”
 “You look it,” Amaya slid home.
 Rolling your eyes, you finished your cup of tea and gently placed it on its matching saucer with a shrug. “I don’t know what to tell you then.”
 Amaya then gasped with a smile in her eyes. “I know what it is. You’re finally missing your grade A prime beef of a man.”
 Snorting, you shook your head. “Oh god. Try again.”
 “You might be right, Mya,” Leece started placed her elbows on the table to peer at you closer. “This all started the night we had dinner with him. What’s his name again?” Both of them pretended to wrack their brains to remember his name, but they knew damn well what it was.
 “Ah, Henry,” Amaya cooed, making you roll your eyes even harder.
 “Both of you stop. You’re not funny.”
 “We approve.”
 “I second that,” Alicia added.
 “What? Really?”
 “Are you kidding? Yeah. Not only is he gorgeous, like drop dead gorgeous, but he is also super nice. Throughout dinner he was very courteous and sincere. You know I’m a good people reader,” Amaya attested.
 “He’s funny, and he seemed to be genuine with his efforts to get to know Mya and me. He also was putting in effort into proving something to you.”
 Sighing, you took a few sips of your water.
 “Honestly, I couldn’t find anything wrong with him.”
 “Really? Perfection?”
 You couldn’t believe your ears. Yes, you’d suspected they liked him, but the perfect word was just uttered. It was never spoken of, not by them.
 “Pretty much,” Amaya doubled down.
 “Tell me about it. Move on that before some other chick does. He will not be single for long,” Amaya added.
 For some reason, this was the first time you’d thought about that, and you couldn’t believe it. She was right. He was gorgeous, among other things, and women already fawned over him. He wouldn’t be licking his wounds much longer. A knot formed in your gut, and a sour taste in your mouth followed. Glancing away from their penetrative gazes, you looked around the restaurant and nearly dropped the water glass when you saw Henry across the restaurant laughing. This was the first time you’d seen him in person since your breakfast in New York weeks and weeks ago, and he looked great.
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Your eyes drank him up, taking their time soaking up every detail of his face, the slight stubble that decorated his chiseled jaw, his perfectly imperfect smile, his hair that fell slightly longer than you remembered. When he spoke again, you watched his mouth move and quickly got lost. You didn’t have to hear his words. You knew how he spoke them. You knew the effect his voice had. At the thought of that effect, you peeled your eyes away and tried to keep them on either Alicia, Amaya, or the table. Of course, it was impossible. Your eyes continuously found him, and it was on him they remained until you forced yourself to look away.
 “What do you keep looking at?”
 Amaya glanced around the restaurant. You knew she’d found him because when she turned to face you again, her smile was as wide as a thief's.
 “Oh ho ho, looks like fate is on mine and Leece’s side.”
 “Stop. Be cool, act natural. Don’t make a scene,” you pleaded.
 “Look at that, same place, same time, just mere feet away.”
 From the tone of her voice, you knew she was tempted to fuck with you.
 “Stop, Amaya. Don’t.”
 Trying to keep your voice down and the panic from your face, you pleaded again. “Just don’t.”
 Amaya studied you for a few moments before she nodded in defeat. Relief flooded you. Though you tried, you couldn’t get your head back onto lunch and off of him no matter how you tried. The three of you left shortly after passing his table on the way out.
 Thanks to a little free time, you, Amaya, and Alicia were able to soak up some shopping in London and before getting back to the hotel for a quick change, then dinner. Even though you tried to stop thinking about Henry’s face earlier, you weren’t the least bit successful, but you played it off like everything was cool. You didn’t know if you fooled either of them, but you really didn’t care. You were so ready to get the hell out of London.
  -That Night-
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Big Ben’s chime for one in the morning ringing out all around you. It was yet another night of sleeplessness. From your seat at the window, you could feel the nice breeze. It still smelled like rain, but for whatever reason, the rain was staying away. Finishing your glass of wine, you sighed out and nearly leaped out your skin when your phone rang in the quiet room.
 “What’s wrong?”
 You smiled from the unexpected sound of your gramaw’s voice. It was like the concrete gate you had around your heart that was constricting it to the point where it was challenging to breathe loosened.
 Sighing, you leaned back, reclining against the surface.
 “I think I fell in love,” you whispered.
 “In love?”
 Hearing the words said back to you made you close your eyes and shake your head.
 “Yeah, at least I think that’s what I’m feeling. I can’t sleep well, not that I could before. I feel a little depressed, and I can’t pinpoint why, but when I think about it, I feel this way when I think about him. Not to mention, I think about him all the time. Christ, I even dream about him.”
 Pausing, you glanced at your phone to find his picture there. It was the last thing you’d been looking at before tossing your phone away.
 “I truly feel like I did something wrong, like I was wrong,” you confessed.
 “Have you talked to him?”
 Hitting your head back, you groaned. “Not since he called me and told me I’m missing out on him and gave me all the reasons why I should realizing I’m missing out.”
 You couldn't help but smile at his words as you remembered them.
 “Do you feel like you’re missing out?”
 Your Gramaw always knew the right questions to ask. She was one of the few that did, one of the few that you’d even listen to. Bowing your head, you sighed again.
 “Maybe. Normally I’m sure about someone and sure that I don’t need or want them in my life, but with him—I have doubts with my snap judgment.”
 “Oh no, snap judgments are never a good thing, Aliya.”
 You groaned hearing the disappointment in her voice. “I know, jeez do I know.”
 “What do you feel like doing?”
 You scoffed, if you knew that you wouldn’t be going through this struggle.
 “I’ll be to you in a few days. I’ll see you soon.”
 “Your heart, Aliya, not your head,” she cautioned before you ended the call.
 For the next thirty or so minutes, you paced the balcony of your room as you debated with yourself over what you were going to do. After psyching yourself up as much as you could, you bit the bullet dialing Henry’s number before you talked yourself out of it. After one ring, you almost hung up but forced yourself to stick through the terror running through you. Two rings passed, then three. At the fourth you began to lower your hand to end the call and then his voice echoed through the speaker.
 You froze drawing a blank and forgetting for a moment you had a voice.
 “Hello,” you whispered.
 The rustling on his end was loud but brief.
 Swallowing the lump, you took a deep breath. “Yeah. Hi.”
 “It’s after one in the morning. Is everything all right? Are you hurt?”
 Your heart lurched, and a soft smile spread across your lips. “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m not hurt,” you assured.
 He sighed, then yawned.
 “I uh—I know it’s late or early. I know you, um, probably have something better to do than be up. I’m sorry if I woke you,” you half rushed and stuttered out.
 “You’re rambling, Aliya.” You stopped your pacing then and slapped your forehead.
 “Yes, I am. I do that when I’m nervous,” you blurted.
 “Why are you nervous?”
 Pausing, you gripped the rail on the balcony and used it to center yourself and get your nerves under control.
 “Well, I’m about to ask the man I told I wouldn’t be with to meet me somewhere at nearly two in the morning. I’m—sending major mixed signals.”
 Henry didn’t speak right away. Instead, he waited, making you chew your bottom lip as your anxiety increased.
 “Wh—why? Why what?”
 “Why should I?”
 Stunned, your jaw dropped. “Oh, wow, out with the hard questions. Okay. Um—well—you should meet me because uh—it’s not often that I realize I was wrong or did something wrong and when I realize that, I like to say so.”
 Again the silence over the phone stretched for long moments. After a full minute of it, your anxiety peaked.
 “Still there?”
 Henry sighed. “I’m here. I’m thinking.”
 His voice sounded so deliciously deep. Either you had woken him, and this was his sleepy voice, or he was purposely giving you that sexy baritone.
 “By all means. Think as long as you need to. Um—I’ll be at the eye until 2:30. I um—I hope you show. If you don’t, I understand, really I do and no hard feelings.”
 Quickly you ended the call and panted as if you’d been running a marathon all in an effort to calm yourself down. It had been years since you’d put yourself through something like that, and you had a feeling it was only the beginning of you making amends.
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Being Aliya Taylor afforded you some perks, and one was being able to have access to the eye well after closing. All it took was one call, well two to be exact, and voila, you were sitting in one of the cars anxiously waiting for Henry. You had no idea if he’d show, and the more and more time that passed with him not magically appearing, the more and more your brain worked overtime. The scenery helped a lot, but when you glanced at your watch and saw that it was almost 2:30, the scenery could do no more. Your nerves and anxiety had erupted like a volcano.
 “You shouldn’t be out here alone.”
 Spinning, you saw Henry at the door still on the platform. You released a relieved sigh, realizing he hadn’t stood you up.
 “Good thing I’m not—anymore.”
 Henry stepped into the car and took a few steps to you but stopped when he was still a ways away.
 “London after two is not safe,” Henry informed.
 “I know.”
 The doors closed, and the contraption began moving.
 “How in the world did you get them to open this for you?”
 Smiling, you shrugged. “I may know people in high places,” you replied, which made him smile.
“This is one of my favorite places in London,” you announced as you walked around the car, taking care not to get too close. You didn’t know if you could handle it right away, and you had to feel him out to see what his coming really meant.
 “You can see all of greater London from here and out to the countryside if you really look once you’re up high.”
 Henry also walked around the car, mirroring your intentions. Neither of you came close enough to touch one another.
 “How often do you come to London?”
 “A lot. I have some family here, plus I prefer the countryside.”
 “So you have some British blood,” Henry inquired, half a question, half a statement.
 “I had to. Only the Bris would dare think to send their daughters off to finishing school,” you quipped.
 Henry’s laugh filled the car, making you smile widely. He walked to one of the many windows turning his back to you. Slowly you looked over his broad back, taking in every detail. Your fingers could still remember what the dance of his muscles felt like underneath them, and they itched to feel them dance again. Taking a deep breath, you fiddled your fingers.
 “Uh--I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important by asking you here. Like I hope I didn’t impose on—anyone.”
 You were fishing, it was obvious, and you felt no shame.
 “Eh, who needs sleep anyway. I can sleep when I’m dead,” Henry replied with a shrug of those magnificent shoulders still keeping his back to you.
 “Were um--were you uh—sleeping—alone?”
 Your heart was pounding so loudly you could swear he could hear it. He didn’t speak or turn around. He just stood there torturing you. You wondered if he knew it was sheer torture what he was doing. Did he even care? The longer he remained quiet, the more you freaked out until you decided to backtrack all the way back.
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“I’m sorry. Don’t answer that. It is absolutely none of my business. I don’t even know why I asked that,” you rushed out, rubbing your forehead from embarrassment before beginning to pace the car.
 That was when Henry chose to turn around.
 “I know a woman doesn’t say something she doesn’t mean, and usually when a woman asks a question, she wants to know the answer either to prove herself right or in hopes she’s wrong. What is it for you?”
 His voice made you stop in the midst of pacing to watch his mouth as he spoke. There was something poetic about how he spoke, and it always distracted you. Nibbling your bottom lip, you thought about how to respond. You were already tired of the verbal Olympics and talking around each other.
 Sighing, you rolled your eyes. “Henry--.”
 “You know that’s the first time you’ve said my name without the word goodbye in front of it.”
 That made you snap your mouth shut. Had it?
 “That’s not true,” you protested.
 “It actually is. I was beginning to think you like saying goodbye rather than hello.”
 You took a step to him. “That’s not true. I like saying hello way more than goodbye,” you defended.
 The neutral look on his face gave you no confidence to go on, so you rolled your eyes and continued to walk around the car. This would be harder than you expected, you thought.
 “I was sleeping alone. I’ve slept alone for quite some time now,” he informed just as you were looking out of the window to the city.
 “Look, Henry, I-,” you began again, but then henry cut you off.
 “That day in New York those weeks ago, I should have plain and simply laid it out for you. I should have told you everything. I was with Francesca--.”
 “Don’t, don’t, don’t. I honestly don’t want to know.”
 “But you need to know. There is no way you can begin to trust me or begin to let yourself gravitate to me the way you’re entire being wants until you know,” Henry slid out. Pressing your palm to your abdomen, you tried to slow the butterflies that began flitting.
 “I was with Francesca for about two years. The whole time I knew she wanted a family in life. She was always vocal about her wanting to get married young and have kids. I knew, but I never paid attention to it. I was away filming something for a while, and when I came home one weekend, I caught her with someone else.”
 Your eyes widened, hearing his words.
 “turns out she was beginning a relationship with someone else, someone who she thought would lead to marriage and kids,” Henry added. His voice held steady, but you could imagine the pain going through those memories again.
 “I’m sorry.”
 Henry shook his head, “It’s not necessary. After a few months of her trying to make amends, I thought we’d try again.” He scoffed then rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m a hopeless romantic. After months of trying, I knew it wouldn’t work, but I kept a relationship of sorts with her.”
 You understood. They were bed buddies.
 “I then met Abby, and what started as a fling developed into something more. Long story short, I got wind of a rumor she was using me for fame and money, so I distanced myself from her. after some time of her telling I had it all wrong, I decided it was easier keeping her around though my heart wasn’t in it. I wasn’t juggling them. I hadn’t slept with either of them in a long time. I just—I felt it was better to have someone who misses me and wants me than living the lonely actor life.”
 His honesty had you frozen. When he began to explain, you hadn’t expected him to reveal so much. You expected a bare minimum explanation, but what you’d gotten revealed so much more about him. You felt bad.
 “I guess allowing the attentions and affections to remain is just as bad as juggling them. I was playing with their hearts. I’m not proud of it.”
 Henry dipped his head, showing he felt some shame for his actions.
 “When I met you, I realized although I had these two women sort of vying for me, I was still lonely, but those moments we were together, I didn’t feel alone. I felt--,” he paused as if trying to find the right word. His hesitation made you look down.
 You knew what you’d felt.
 “When I met you, I felt someone I’d never felt before, something I don’t fully understand. I don’t know what that means, but I know I want to find out—with you.”
 Finally, able to release the breath you held, you took another, then cleared your throat. “I’m not juggling two guys. I was dating two guys, but not sleeping with both. I was with Liam first, and we had an okay relationship. We were busy, never saw each other and when we did it wasn’t for long. He um—he got annoyed and broke up with me. He said I was impacting his work, and he needed to focus.”
 You remembered how he’d said it too. He’d said it like you were the one to blame for the roles he���d gotten or hadn’t gotten.
 “I was fine with it, and during those five months apart, I met Jesse. We worked together and had fun and began dating. It wasn't anything sexual. Then Liam comes back and wants to pick up where we left off. I told him about Jesse, and he was fine with it.”
 The shock on Henry’s face almost made you laugh. Alicia and Amaya were also surprised they’d chosen that unconventional path. Amaya, of course, thought you should have kept it secret from both of them.
 “One day, Jesse sees Liam and me out, and it pissed him off enough to end things. Three weeks later, I lay it out for both that I don’t want to choose, and I don’t want anything serious. They were both fine with it, and so it went on. Six months later, I decided I needed to be on my own to focus on work and me. They didn’t like the decision. They call and text me to try to—rekindle something.”
 Henry scoffed, and you watched a soft smile tickle his lips.
 “I haven’t physically seen either of them in weeks, now maybe months,” you finished.
 Henry was quiet for a few seconds before he snorted.
 “They were mad.”
 “No, mad, bonkers,” Henry clarified.
 “Oh, crazy.”
 “Yeah. To be okay to share you, be willing to do something like that. I couldn’t do that,” Henry informed, making you smile in the process.
 “Well, men do crazy things.”
 “I can attest to that, but I’d never do something that crazy. I can’t share what’s mine. I won’t.”
 Your eyes locked, and your body swayed toward his. It was like he was metal and you a magnet. Everything in you wanted to be close to him. The more you tried to fight the pull, the harder it became to breathe. The harder it was to breathe, the dizzier you became.
 “I—I—I—I,” you began before gulping the knot in your throat down that was making you speak in a raspy whisper. “I don’t—know what this is.”
 Henry nodded.
 “I am not used to not knowing and being out of control,” you continued.
 “You feel less controlled too?”
 You couldn't help but to nod. Once you did, Henry took a step to you. You took a step back.
 “Hold on. I like control. I like control a lot. Anything that threatens that control is not for me.”
 Henry’s eyes lowered but only for a moment before he was looking right back into yours.
 “But—I really want to find out why you make me less controlled,” you finally admitted.
 The uncertainty on his face spoke volumes.  “What does that mean? Where does that leave this—us?”
 You chewed your bottom lip; you realized how ill-prepared you’d been.
 “Honestly, I didn’t think this meeting out that far. I only planned up to when you showed up. I’ve um—I’ve been winging it this whole time.”
 His smile started small but spread wide in seconds; then, he laughed loudly.
 “So you won’t mind me making a plan?”
 Oh lord, you thought, feeling his alpha pop out. You bit your bottom lip again.
 “What kind of plan?”
 Henry closed the remaining space between you. Every step he took had you shaking even more.
 “A plan that I’ve envisioned every night since brunch.”
Stopped in front of you and held you captivated by his gaze and the sheer dominating energy rolling off of him. The way he stood there taller than you made your mouth run dry.
 “Jesus, you’re freakishly short,” Henry teased in his perfect Englishman voice.
 Smiling, you shook your head. “I know, I debated wearing heels but didn’t—I wanted you to see me normal for someone reason I don’t under--.”
 Henry’s sudden movement cut you off. He dipped down the entire foot he overshadowed you and lifted you into the air to hold you flush against his body. Then he lowered his lips to yours, taking and keeping control of an intensely passionate kiss. A kiss you hadn’t known you craved until it began, a kiss you were not prepared for. You moaned against his lips, and that moan triggered his. Wrapping your arm around his neck, you clung to him, and every sensation you were feeling and even new ones he was awakening within you.
 Slowly, Henry pulled his lips from your, but he kept your body to his. You kept your eyes closed, relishing the lingering effects.
 “You’re shaking,” Henry whispered.
 “So are you.”
 You opened your eyes and gazed into his as he slowly lowered you back to your feet.
 “What else is part of your plan?”
 Henry's smile spread across his face. “For me to carry out any other part of my plan would be completely rakish of  me.”
 His smile was adorable, but still intimidatingly sexy.
 “I take it you’re not a rake.”
 “Not in the least.”
 “All right. So, alternate plan?”
 He smiled again. “Still pretty rakish.”
 With that, he brought his lips back to yours, but this time he didn’t pull back for several long minutes.
 Though you knew people in high places, it didn’t mean you could keep the eye open all morning. After three trips around, the two of you got off then walked around London holding hands and eating ice cream. It was such a weird sensation allowing someone to hold your hand. It had been a long time since you’d ever wanted to. The entire time you laughed and talked about everything and nothing at the same time. One thing was clear; neither of you was in any rush for your time together to end.
 But end, it had to. When Henry walked you back to your hotel, it was almost time for the sun to come up.
 “Home safe and sound,” Henry joked.
 “Yes, thanks to Superman.”
 “No, no, I’m just the man. Henry Cavill.”
 He held his hand out to you. Smiling, you rolled your eyes.
 “Now is when we get to this?”
 His goofy smile and shrug had your head skip a beat.
 “Aliya Taylor,” you said, shaking his hand.
 “Nice to meet you. Mind if I call you Aliya or Liya, that's all a mouthful,” Henry teased.
 Your laugh was loud, and you had to clamp your hand over your mouth, remembering what time it was.
 “Yes, you can call me either. Can I call you Henners or Hank?”
 “No. My friends call me that.”
 “So, I’m not your friend?”
 “If I have anything to say about it, which I do, then no. I don’t want you as a friend.” Henry replied, making you smile like a little girl at Christmas.
 “Then what do you want me as?”
 Your eyes lingered for a few seconds before Henry was pulling you closer to brush the back of his hand against your cheek.
 “For now, I’ll settle for my girlfriend.”
 The man was an expert at charm. You bit into your bottom lip and tried to stop smiling. “Girlfriend, wow. That’s a loaded title. What does it entail?”
 “Well, for one, it entails being your true self with me, accepting my true self, being there for me when I need you, letting me be there for you when you need me or when I need you, allowing me to be your strength when you’re weak, your hope when you’re hopeless. Allowing me to grow with you, learn with you. Giving me your time and attention, enough of it so what we have can grow. Trusting me and letting me spoil you rotten.”
 If he weren’t holding you against him, you would have fallen back.
 “Is that all?”
 Henry leaned closer kisses your cheek. “To begin.”
 “And if I refused to be this girlfriend you speak of?”
 “Then I’d just have to convince you,” Henry cooed.
 Right on que, Henry dipped his lips to yours. The second they touched, you moaned and held him close. Why resist when you could enjoy it, you thought. His tongue swirled with yours before he nibbled then sucked your bottom lip. When he pulled back, your eyes remained closed.
 “I’m convinced.”
 Henry pecked your lips once, then twice. “Good. Girlfriend.”
 Your eyes locked again, and you forgot all common sense for what felt like an eternity.
 “Eh-em—I have to be on a set in the morning.”
 “Which is now,” Henry filled in.
 Still hazed in the brain, you stuttered and smiled like a fool.
 “Mm, did I stay out all night?”
 “You did. I hope it was worth it.”
 Smiling, you kissed his jaw. “We’ll see,” you whispered as you backed away from him, making your way to the door.
 “Good morning, Henry.”
 He smiled again, watching you disappear inside the hotel. As you walked to the elevator bank, you couldn’t stop smiling or stop the butterflies that had been flying all night in your stomach. As you stepped onto the elevator and watched the doors closed, you recognized the feeling you felt as happiness. It had been absent for a long time.
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ziracona · 4 years
Do you have a favorite round you played in dbd? everyone seems to have some exciting ones.
Ahhh that’s so hard! I don’t know if I have just one, hmm. I pulled off a really clutch victory as Dwight recently vs a Freddy where I saved al three of my teammates at least once & got a full team escape plus did a clutch last second BT rescue with NOED up that felt real good. Back when I was trying to get Evil Incarnate as Michael, I had one match where I only hit tier three right as gates went up, so they didn’t know I had mori add-on, and this one dude was tbagging me and so I snatched him through the barrier and killed him and he just sent me “...I did not enjoy that” & we had a really funny conversation after, and I remember it fondly.
Probably though, my most fondly remembered are these 3. I’ve talked about this first one on Tumblr before, but right when I first started DbD back like 2 something years ago, I had just started writing my fic & I played a match where there was a bunch of Claudette’s & one was really cute & I was in a loving mood and exclusively played Wraith as killer back then, so I decided to just be friendly and followed the nice Claudette around the whole time as a friend, and they were a Latin American player with English as a second language (before dedicated, there was a certain time of night where if I played killer I almost exclusively got Latin American players & I loved it bc they were way less toxic than the Americans lol). We were both baby players at the time, and she messaged me a really sweet note that I had been cute and she hoped we’d meet again someday. I’ve never memorized someone’s username before for any reason, or since, but she was so sweet I did, just in case something miraculously happened someday. Then, almost a year later to the day, I got her in a lobby again. I flipped out I couldn’t believe it. I swapped to Wraith as fast as I could and played hard/normal & did well, but whenever I saw her—now a Quentin main (ofc she was—they’re such sweet people)—I walked away. (I also didn’t kill any of the others, bc if you’re going to spare a survivor it’s only fair to spare all four, but I did down them & hook twice each. After, I just re-downed them in chases but wouldn’t hook). She figured it out after I followed her but didn’t ever attack a few times, and started running over to body shield her friends every time I downed one & it was adorable. Finally, they lit all 5 and left, her last, and I was watching her go when I saw the hatch in the house in Rin’s map so I called her over to try to get her to take it, but she wouldn’t, and she got killed by endgame collapse & I was horrified & messaged her to tell her who I was and she still remembered me!! It was so cute & I was really happy. I promised if I see her again in a year, I’ll make sure the Entity doesn’t get her this time. TuT it was kinda miracle the stars aligned like that for me & I really hope they do again. It meant a lot.
Other favorites hmm. One game I loaded in as Wraith, and saw a four stack of Pizza Dwight’s & was like “Hmmmmmm”. I couldn’t not play them, but I used my best addons & burned a mori as a safeguard just in case they were super toxic bc I’d gotten two nasty four stacks earlier and just wanted a chill good time (it was a bluff lol. I’ve never morid someone as Philip and do not ever plan to). So I load in, addon that shows me gen progress while cloaked, and I circuit the whole autohaven map. Nothing. It is silent as the grave. I see no one, I hear no one, no gen is even SNEEZED on. This goes on for a full irl 2 minutes of game time. I am at such a loss. Completely and utterly confused. Where are they? Why? What is happening?? It has never happened to me before. It occurs to me then I haven’t checked the Basement. Nothing to lose, I go there, and I catch a Dwight opening a chest. I uncloak and he freezes, terrified, and looks at me. Walks nervously in a circle. I stare at him. Then I look at the stairs, at him, nod, and move aside & let him walk. It sucks to be caught basement at start. He cautiously walks past me & then happily goes his merry way. I spend the next fifteen minutes giving these nice pizza boys hell. Run them ragged, down, hook, rinse repeat, across the map fast, start slugging after second hook, my basement pizza boy sees me when I find him on a gen early on and runs up excited to see me, but I recognize him too late bc they all look exactly the same, and hit him and break my own heart. Nonetheless, game is great. I push them hard and they work hard, save each other, run wild. V cute. Eventually, I quit slugging bc they run out of blood and just let them do stuff, show them totems, etc. they’ve earned it they worked hard as hell & I love them all. After they light the last gen, they form a weird crouching train of Dwights and follow me around and it’s crazy but I love it. Finally they go their merry way. Basement boy messages me “Marry me” and I send him My Heart Will Go On as consolation bc I know the Entity would never allow it & I want him to be safe.
There are others for sure too! One time a Laurie figured out I was playing hard but wasn’t about to kill her-kill her as Michael, and started bullying me when I’d down and lift other survivors, then messaged me, “Thanks Bro” after and gave me life. As survivor, I’ve had so many clutch games we pulled off insane last second wins I can’t possibly pick one fave. Did have a great match once where a rank 1 Rin mowed down my whole team & one DC’d & I was last man standing as Quentin, so instead of killing me, she ordered me around for a while and made me do stuff like get dragged out of lockers and do a gen. She killed me after a bit & I messaged her “Somedy I’ll win you over, Rin!” And the dude messaged back “I don’t speak weeb sorry” bc he was expecting hate & didn’t know her first name & thought it was some weird reference 😂 but I was like “W-which part? Her name? Does it echo a quote from something? Uh. ‘Somedy I will befriend you, The Spirit’ : )” and he was like “Oh. Ok.” And immediately loosened up & I had a nice convo w him & he said the Spirit agreed w him id deserved some BP for playing hard even when my team abounded me & it was sweet.
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