#My experience playing Fragile Dreams on the wii getting lost all the time especially in the subway and underground sections
keykidpilipili · 5 months
John and Arthur lost in a defunct subway station, for variety in his underground adventures enrichment. <3
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Did you know nine people died on the set of The Exorcist?: Yep. I like reading movie facts and I’ve stumbled upon The Exorcist trivia several times. Couple more facts for ya: The dude who played one of the hospital staff early in the movie turned out to be a convicted murderer, so there’s that. OH and in the scene where Regan vomits out the bile-like substance, it legitimately hit the actor playing the exorcist in the face when it wasn’t supposed to do that, so the reaction you see in the movie is all real. <<< OMG that’s crazy about the convicted murderer! :O How scary to have found that out afterward... yikes. I’m cold, how about you?: It’s been hot, but it’s finally cooled down. Do you wish you could be swimming in a pool of red jello?: No thank you. I don’t even like jello. Do you like cupcakes?: Yes. How about going to the movies?: Yep, especially if there’s a movie I’m really excited about then I gotta see it in theaters. 
What’s the last movie you went to see, and who was it with?: Toy Story 4 with my mom and brother. Should you be doing something else right now?: I’m about to eat, I’m just letting it cool down.  Do you like Seth Rogan?: Ehhh. If your house was on fire what are three things you would save?: Assuming my family, including my doggo, were all fine, I’d want to get my medicine, laptop, and phone. I’d really try and grab more than that, but those 3 things are important.  Do you love moshing? If not what’s wrong with you?: There’s nothing wrong with not loving to mosh. It’s not my thing. Ever broken a bone?: Yes. If so, how?: The bones in my legs are fragile.
Dinosaurs are cute right?: Cartoon ones. Do you have a hot tub?: Nope. Are you home by yourself?: No. Ok, you have friends right? No.
Best friend number one: How long have you known them?: 
Do you know just about everyone in their family?
Does this person know more about you than any other person?: Best friend number dos: Is this person a spiffy person?: What’s the best time you have had with this person?: On A More Serious Note:
Aren’t bunnies cute?: Yeah. What is your most important possession?: My laptop. Have you ever almost died? Twice. Geez you crazy person, how did you do that?: Both situations were out of my control. Ever been on a plane?: Yes. How about a train?: Nope. Thoughts on Chicago?: Never been, but I’d be down to go. How about snow?: Love it. I wish it snowed here. My dream is to experience snow on Christmas. Aren’t flying mattresses dangerous?: I would imagine so... What do you like best about yourself?: Uhh. Do you think you will go to heaven one day?: I pray that I will. I’m building my relationship and faith, but I have a lot of work to do with myself. Or are you more likely to go in the opposite direction?:
Are you more likely to take risks, or sit back and watch life pass you by?: My life is just passing me by. 
Any diagnosed health problems?: Yeah a few things. Are you on any medication?: Yes. That Last Section Wasn’t Really All That Serious, Was It? Nah. 
What are you looking forward to?: Lunchtime lol.
Any summer plans?: Summer is almost over, thankfully. Going to a different state for any reason this summer?: No. It’s snowing… in April. Any comments?: If it snowed here at all that’d be a miracle. The Wii Fit says I lost .5 pounds today. Do you have a Wii Fit?: Nope. Are you scared of motorcycles?: Yeah, you won’t find me on one. What about cars?: I’m scared to drive and the thought of being in accident is terrifying, but I’m not afraid to get in the car and travel. It’s a thought you can’t help but think about, but it’s not something I obsess over during a car ride.  Any reason?: ^
Do you wear glasses?: Yes. I bet they aren’t purple glasses.: You’re right. What is your favorite kind of fruit?: Bananas. 
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