#My husband is finally out of the research institute jail <3
predvestnik · 5 months
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PATRICE!!!!! ♥️♥️
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antisocial-af · 3 years
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Title: A Chance at Forever
Gift for: @brightasstars
Chapter: 1/2
Square Filled: Time Travel (For @shadowhunterbingo​)
Raiting: T
Wordcount: 1355
No Major Archive Warnings
SFW, Angst with Happy Ending, Time Travel, Good Friend Ragnor and Catarina. 
Magnus receives the key to keeping his husband with him forever after a year of looking. But a misstep from the past has caused Magnus his forever. Or has it?...
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Magnus looked over to his desk and sighed as the ingredient list taunted him. He snapped his fingers and refilled his wine glass. The frustration of past carelessness had closed another door for him. If he had stored his ingredients better, he wouldn’t be in this mess. 
“Are you just going to glare at it?” A voice broke his spiraling thoughts. Magnus turned and looked at one of his closest friends and colleague, Ragnor. 
“I messed up, my dear cabbage,” Magnus mumbled through the pain. “I ruined my only chance.” 
Magnus observed as Ragnor moved to the apothecary’s desk and picked up the simple list. 
“Cat came and delivered it this morning after Alexander left for work,” Magnus recalled, placing his glass down to join Ragnor. “I understand why now she knew I wouldn’t be able to retain one of the ingredients and didn’t want Alexander to see me upset.” 
“One vial of Unseelie blood willingly given,” Ragnor read off with a gruff, and his face pinched in an annoyed fashion. “Where’d you even obtain such a thing?” 
“After you almost got Will exiled for a bet, Tessa asked me to take him out instead of letting him run around wild with you,” Magnus smirked for a moment. “It was during one of the usual rounds that an Unseelie joined in. Everything was underground, so no one made a fuzz. If you had the stuff to bet,  then they wouldn’t turn you away. I lost quite a few things because of this, but it wasn’t till the final round that it mattered. The Unseelie had put up a few rare items, but then when the pool got more interesting, they offered a vial of their blood for the last round. Back then, I just knew it was rare and could be used as an ingredient or a trade of something I needed.”
“What did you do with it?” Ragnor asked, setting the potion list down and crossing his arms.
“I put it in one of my safe houses, but during the Uprising, I had used that house as a sanctuary for Downworlders,” Magnus explained, running his hands over his face as he replayed the memories. “It was found and burnt down with everything inside by some of The Circle in the 90s.” 
“It’s gone then,” Ragnor summarized and kept looking at Magnus. “Was that the last place it was at?” 
“Yes, Ragnor, my only chance at forever with my husband was burnt to the ground,” Magnus bit back, trying to control his anger. He knew that Ragnor was not trying to provoke him. “I kept the vial stored in the St. Albans safe house. Valentine’s Shadowhunters demolished it in 1990. At the time, I didn’t think anything of the loss. Just things happen, oh well. I didn’t have a plan for it.” 
“So say in 1989 in May it would still be there?” Ragnor asked as he started to undo the cuffs on his coat and roll them up. 
Magnus squinted at his friend and started to feel Ragnor’s magic pulling itself together.
“Yes, it was undisturbed before The Uprising,” Magnus cautiously answered as he started to grow concerned at the vast amount of energy Ragnor began to siphon from the ley lines. “Ragnor?” 
“What I am about to do will never be replicated or spoken of again,” Ragnor sternly stated as he held Magnus’ gaze. “Do you understand, Magnus?” 
“What exactly are you doing?” Magnus questioned while still trying to keep his composure. “Ragnor, you are going to set off the Institute’s alarms if you keep pulling!” 
“I’m sure your husband will cover for us once you give him the immortality potion,” Ragnor waved off as he closed his eyes and tried to center himself. “You above most know of my fascination with dimensional travel, and while researching those theories, I stumbled onto a warlock’s abandoned work.” 
“That’s great and all, Ragnor, but what does it have to do with this moment at all?” Magnus pushed as he started to get worried. He heard his phone go off on the desk and knew it must be Alexander with questions. 
“I finished the work. It was complicated, and it took three decades, but I was able to complete the time travel spell. It will only allow you an hour max; the magic is too volatile for me to stabilize any longer than that. If you stay longer, I can’t guarantee that I will be able to pull you back to the present. I don’t know what will happen if you do end up getting stuck in the past, though,” Ragnor kept going as he snapped his fingers and summoned his supplies. 
“Wh-,” Magnus was trying his best to keep up with him, but he still didn’t understand anything Ragnor was saying. “Ragnor, are you okay? Did you hit your head? Time travel spell?” 
“There it is set!” Ragnor declared as he finished the intricate circle on the apothecary’s floor. 
Magnus looked down and noticed it was a stabilizing circle. Usually, younger warlocks used this the first few times they tried summoning spells or any high-class spell. 
“Keep up, Magnus,” Ragnor sighed and pulled Magnus towards the middle of the circle. “Just need you to stand here, and I can send you back. Remember only an hour.” 
“Send me back?! What do you mean, Ragnor?” the slight agitation in Magnus’ voice was growing with every pull from his friend. 
Ragnor stopped and looked at Magnus straight on with a determined demeanor. “I can send you back to get your ingredient, my friend. I can give you a chance at forever.”
Magnus gulped but nodded. He didn’t know if Ragnor could actually send him back, but if he could, Magnus would have the last piece to keep his happiness for a long time. 
“I trust you, Ragnor,” Magnus nodded and stepped into the circle. 
“Of course you do! Who else has smuggled you out of 3 countries cause you partied yourself into felonies and jail time?” Ragnor teased as he started to push his magic to force the portal. 
“Hey, I only remember 2!” Magnus protested, watching the unstable-looking tear starting to form. 
“Remember is the keyword in your statement,” Ragnor chuckled and pressed the last of his magic into place. “Just like a normal portal, you need to think of the place you are going, but you also need to think about the time period of the place. It works off intent; if you aren’t clear, I don’t know what will happen.” 
“Why do I feel like you are also using me as an experiment as much as you are doing me a favor?” Magnus grumbled and closed his eyes. He tried to remember the rose bushes he had planted outside.
“Magnus, listen, if it weren’t you, I wouldn’t be offering to use this magic.” Ragnor sighed as he activated the stabilizing circle. “It is extremely taxing and can leave me drained for a month.” 
“Then why!?” Magnus asked, shocked and fingers already inching for his cellphone to call Catarina. 
“Because Magnus, if anyone deserves a do-over, it’s you.” 
Magnus held Ragnor’s gaze and gulped at the weight of his best friend’s actions. “Thank you.” 
“Just get in the middle and hurry. I wasn’t kidding when I said that this would take most of my magic for a while, and I can already feel it consuming it,” Ragnor grunted as he watched the portal finally stabilize enough for entry. “Go.” 
Magnus nodded and readied himself. He would go in, get the vial, and back through. He knew the layout intimately, and he could maneuver it blackout drunk. Hell, he might’ve done it a few times. 
Magnus turned around to see his husband before cursing as he tripped and fell head-first into the open portal. Magnus focused on his destination and felt a set of familiar arms wrap around him tightly as the portal’s magic started to push them through to the other side. The warlock held a firm grip and wrapped his magic around his Shadowhunter to protect them from being separated on the journey. 
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laceyspencer · 4 years
Post-Modern Feminist Ideology in Nayantara Sahgul Select Novels-A Critical Study-Juniper Publishers
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The motive of feminist movement strives towards the aim that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men. Though feminism is not a relatively new concept and has always formed part of the women’s liberation movement, its emphasis has been changing, in form and content with gender equality being one of the aspects. There is no doubt that feminism is today a major accepted fact of modern life with women competing with men in all walks of life, and even doing better than them in some areas. Women’s liberation was not merely an endeavor to obtain rights and privileges but the seeking after opportunities to show that though they may be called “the second sex” (the title of Simone de Beauvoir’s book). They are generally not treated on a par with men in all respects of human activity. Whether working in the fields or operating women lag men in any sphere.
Over the years, there has been a positive change in the standpoint of feminism towards humanism. Simone de Beauvoir has set the ball rolling when she explained the relationship of feminism with humanism in a frank, concise manner. The crux and thrust of The Second Sex are based on the emphasis that women should be considered as basic human beings. To her, 2 the expression of women and their status seemed discriminatory, with them being denied the right to be identified as separate entities as such and prevented from choosing their own destiny[1].
Nayantara Sahgal is one of the great Indian women novelists writing in English. She began writing since her childhood and became a professional writer in the post-Independence years. Her novels deal with men and women, especially women struggling against oppression and injustice heaped upon them in the name of tradition and culture. Nayantara was born on May 10, 1927 to Ranjit Sitaram Pandit and Vijayalakshmi Pandit as the second of their three daughters. She lived as a child in Anand Bhavan, a large 3 aristocratic home of Motilal Nehru, a flourishing lawyer in Allahabad along with her parents and with her Marnu (uncle) Jawaharlal Nehru (later to become Prime Minister of India) and her cousin Indira Gandhi (she also became the Prime Minister, after Nehru). Nayantara’s father Ranjit Pandit was a Maharashtrian, a lawyer by profession, erudite, and a scholar, well versed in many languages including Sanskrit. He was a man of abundant love and understanding with a healthy zest for life, indulgent toward his child Nayantara.
He gave up his lucrative profession answering the call of Mahatma Gandhi and entered whole heartedly in the non-cooperative movement against the British regime. He inculcated the literary fervour and noble sentiments of patriotism and an unbending will to fight against injustice and oppression. Jawaharlal Nehru, attracted by the ideals of Gandhiji, involved himself in the struggle for Independence. His father, Motilal Nehru followed the example of his beloved son, espoused Gandhian ideals, eschewed the life of luxury to which he had been accustomed. Anand Bhavan was the meeting place for the great leaders of political movement including Gandhi himself. Nurtured in such a congenial atmosphere for the flowering of an independent spirit the young Nayantara imbibed the spirit of independence with great vigour.
Nayantara believes that it is not a serious moral offence in a woman to break away from the “sacred” marriage bond, if she finds the shackles too oppressive to the growth of her inner self. She finds that a woman’s duty to be sincere to her inner self is far greater and urgent than to be for her family and society. Nayantara portrays the inalienable right of freedom in women in many of the characters in her novels, such as Simrit in Storm in Chandigarh, Saroj in The Day in Shadow and Rashmi in Rich Like Us.
Nayantara Sahgal has in fact introduced a considerable number of autobiographical elements in her novels. To a question, she asserts that “all art is autographical”. Her work ranges from factual and emotional autobiography to fictionalized autobiography. In her address to Colloquium at Radcliff Institute (America) she confesses the close links between her own experiences and that of some of the leading characters in her novels. She describes succinctly in an article as to how she grew up moulded by congenial circumstances, she says:I grew up during the National Movement. My parents went to jail repeatedly during our fight for freedom. My father died because of his last imprisonment released too late to be cured of the serious illness contracted in jail. My uncle became our first Prime Minister. I was born and brought up within the atmosphere and hopes and ideals of the Congress Party.
Its leaders were familiar to me. Our home was their meeting place and many decisions momentous to India were taken in it. I became a novelist and a political journalist, and all my writings, fiction and non-fiction, has been about contemporary India. (Voice for Freedom 55). This Time of Morning is another novel, which she completed in Kashmir in 1965[2]. The Day in Shadow was published in February 1971. This novel, acclaimed to be the best by most of her critics, describes her attitudes to marriage and the condition of women in general. She wrote an article “Of Divorce and Hindu Women” in The Hindustan Times (Dec, 18, 1971), which is an example of her liberal and permissive outlook: She stands for new morality according to which a woman is not to be taken as a mere toy, an object of lust and momentary pleasure, but man’s equal and honoured partner, in word and deed, as against the inhuman tradition postures (l8).
Prison and Chocolate Cake (1958) and From Fear Set Free (1962) are autobiographical in which she has given a graphic account of her experiences during the freedom struggle which naturally were responsible in moulding her as a writer. A Time to be Happy (1958). A Situation in New Delhi (1977) and Storm in Chandigarh (1969) are classed as her political novels. Rich Like Us published in 1985, uses Emergency as its backdrop and the theme is about freedom. She won a Fellowship of Woodrow Wilson International Centre, Washington DC for writing it. Sahgal herself has adjudged this novel as her best. Plans for Departure (1986) is an interesting novel in which a foreigner Anna Hansen visits India, takes up an in-depth study of Hindu customs and behaviour and passes dispassionate judgments. Mistaken identity (1988), a historical novel, is the story of Bhushan Singh, the only son of a feudal raja of Vijaygarh, a kingdom of one hundred villages in the Gangetic Plain. Set during the years 1929-32, this novel is a satire on the role of the raja or the British. As it mainly deals with rajah and has no relevance for the present study, this novel has not been included in the thesis. Her latest work, Lesser Breeds, was published in 2003, is not included in this present study simply because of its irrelevant concept regarding this research work.
The present paper is the result of my hard work and dedication. It mainly focuses on Feminism in the of Nayantara Sahgal. Though She works on various themes but here concerns are the pathetic condition of women in the patriarchal society. Nayantara Sahgal’s leanings towards feminism even though mild, are quite marked in her novels Storm in Chandigarh and A Situation in New Delhi. The fact comes and to light when one studies the underserved ill-treatment many her women characters in these novels must undergo in the society and tries to know. Why they are driven to committing suicide or to seeking divorce, or to undergoing torments defenselessly when it becomes unavoidable. The women character who is driven to committing suicide is Madhu in A Situation in New Delhi. The society that Nayantara creates in A Situation in New Delhi is one which fails to protect women even on the university campus in the capital city of the country as here Madhu a student of Delhi University is raped in the Registrar’s office[2].
The boys who rape Madhu clearly consider Madhu only as an object of lust to be used at their disposal and have no regard for her feelings will and self-respect. A society which produces such men and cannot punish them does not deserve to have women in it. One may raise an objection and argue that the whole society should not be disparaged for what three boys do, because if this society has produced these three boys it has also produced Usman Ali the Vice-Chancellor, who only expels the three guilty boys but6 also braves a physical assault and finally resigns as Vice Chancellor in the order to organize people against fights the forces responsible for the rape of the girls, but the fact remains that his efforts bear little fruits and at last, the girl realizes that even her brother would be thankful when he was relieved the responsibility of her” and commits suicide in a state of helplessness by immolating herself. So, it is obvious that this society has failed to create conditions in which women feel themselves safe and out of the reach of immoral men.
The women characters who have opted to move out of the conjugal walls to escape ill-treatment are Saroj in Storm in Chandigarh, and Lydia and Nell in A Situation in New Delhi. Saroj’s husband under ill-treats his wife chiefly for her having lost her virginity before her marriage as is evident from the following piece of conversation between him and his wife:“Well why did do it? That” I keep coming back to why did You do it?” “I was fond of him,” she said wearily “and I was curious. Is that a crime?” “Good God. Didn’t you have Any inhibitions, any Sense of modesty? Couldn’t your curiosity Wait till you got married” (23).Nayantara Sahgal has a central woman character that gradually moves towards an awareness of her emotional needs.
Nayantara Sahgal’s novel reads like commentaries on the political and social turmoil that India has been facing since independence. Mrs. Sahgal’s feelings for politics and her command over English are rather more impressive than her art as a novelist. She is a novelist as well as a successful political columnist for different newspapers. Her writing is generally characterized by simplicity and boldness. Her writing abounds the latest political ups and downs with a tinge of western liberalism. Her novels portray the contemporary incidents and political realities saturated with artistic and objectivity. All her major characters of the novel are drawn towards the vortex of politics [3]. Besides politics, her fiction also focuses attention on Indian woman’s search for sexual freedom and self-realization. As a women novelist, Sahgal recognizes that her primary obligation is that of advocating the emancipation of women. She has probed deep into the female psyche in her novels. She describes in her novel how women exploited even during the modern times by both the individuals and the society. She tried to Portray the sensibility of woman that how a woman looks at herself and her problems [4]. She considers her novels political in content and intention and in her view, each of the novels her contemporary reflects and political era.
The use of the fictional genre is one of the main aspects of her novels, wherein she can explore the problems of women in contemporary society. Though Sahgal has been hailed chiefly as a political novelist, her feminist concern is obvious and her fighter spirit quite vocal in her fiction. In all her works, there is juxtaposition of two worlds: the personal world of man-woman relationship and the impersonal world of politics. The portrayal of her memorable women characters and the feminist tone in her fictional discourse make Nayantara Sahgal one of the most outstanding feminist Indian novelists writing in English [5].
Nayantara Sahgal is not only a novelist of repute but also a journalist by profession. She confesses that fiction is her “abiding love” journalism her “conscience”. Talking to Ram Jha in 1987, Sahgal said that her two kinds of writing experiences-that of a novelist and that of a political journalist-though contrary to each other, are mutually sustained because, her central focus in both areas in the same-the concept of freedom in human beings, national and personal and her increasingly feminist concerns. Most of her characters belong to the affluent upper class, she does not caste-ridden middle class or the poor Indian village just to conform to the accepted image of India. Her range of characters simplifies her technique. She does not have to struggle to present Indian conversation in English as most of her characters are the kind of people who would talk and think in English in real life [6].
Storm in Chandigarh is Mrs. Sahgal’s third novel written after A Time to be Happy and This Time of Morning. It deals with complex human relationships in which love, friendship, honesty, freedom and equality play a vital role. The ‘Storm’ in the lives of three married couples, Inder and Saroj, Jit and Mara, Vishal and Leela is portrayed against the political backdrop of the storm or confrontation between the newly divided states of Punjab and Haryana over the issues of Chandigarh and Bakhra Nangal territory act…Gyan Singh, the ambitious Chief Minister of Punjab has announced a strike in the whole region for the selfish purpose of demonstrating his political strength. He is only concerned with his personal gains and does not even hesitate to use violence as a means for achieving his selfish ends. While Harpal Singh, the Chief Minister of Haryana acts as political counter oil of Gyan Singh as he is a behavior of Gandhi an ideology of non-violence. He has always given priority to the interests of people against his self-interest[7].
The union Home Minister is assigned the task of affecting a rapprochement between the two warring states of Vishal Dubey, an honest and promising central officer. Dubey goes to Chandigarh from Delhi to solve the political impasse but unwillingly involves himself in the private lives of the estranged husbands and wives especially those of Saroj and Inder [8,9].
Nayantara Sahgal’s contribution about treatment of themes is enormous and varied. She dwells upon contemporary events in her novels like Storm in Chandigarh, Rich Like us and A Situation in New Delhi. Her novels Plans for Departure and Mistaken Identity were a creative vision towards the happenings of India before Independence. The influence of Nehru and Gandhi on Sahgal is clear and she has offered a fresh insight into Gandhism, Nehruism and their impact on the evolution and progress of India. A.V. Krishna Rao [9] succinctly states:“Nayantara Sahgal has inherited and cherished a certain set of values and attitudes towards like which can be best described as a complex of political liberalism, social sophistication, economic moderation and cultural catholicity in continual interaction with the Gandhian idealism” (44).
Nayantara Sahgal’s Storm in Chandigarh depicts the suffering of marital friction apart from the political and social ups and downs. It narrates the life of Inder and Saroj. Sahgal pens the suffocating experience of marriage for both the partners. Most importantly, the writer highlights those wrong features in marriage which causes separation. Sahgal, in this novel, deals with marital as well as political crisis. Division in political front and friction in marital relationships are the main themes of the novel. Duality and deceptiveness are prevalent in politics and marriage. In this novel character come close to each other but without any emotional attachment and sincerity. There is no sensitiveness or loyalty in their relationship; It seems a temporary bond[10].
In the novel Storm in Chandigarh Sahgal narrates how the attitude of dictatorship destroys harmony of marital status. Marriage which strongly needs love and faith of both the partners, can breakdown also in presence of doubt and frustration. The main protagonist of the novel Saroj has committed mistake before marriage. She has her first sexual encounter with one of her friends before marriage. When Inder came to know that, he started tormenting his wife physically as well as mentally. However, Inder himself indulges in an extra marital affair with Mara.
Love and satisfactionare not much prevalent in this affair also. Basically, Inder is a character who always denies individuality of women. He considers woman as a parasite; who could survive only with the support of a male figure. Here the writer portraits the pathetic plight of Saroj who tries to show her love and affection towards her husband but in vain. Throughout their lives, Vishal and Leela remained strangers to each other. He is possessed by a deep sense of guilt for living with her without love and his relationship with Leela abruptly ends due to her death. Vishal’s marriage had been a failure[11,12].
Being a widower, he is deriving satisfaction in a connection with Gauri, a Bengali businessman’s wife who finds security in arranged marriage but who needs and establishes a relationship with Dubey which is based only on sex. Nayantara Sahgal is quite bold in her political approach. She dismantles the age-old notions of women being inferior. She is one novelist who is clear in her perception that man-woman relationship should be based on equality, understanding and love. Man-woman relationship without love is prostitution and nothing else[13].
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Among the women novelists of Indian Writing in English, Nayantara Sahgal emerges as a powerful voice to challenge and question the “received” versions of history. She not only calls the officially-ordered ‘histories’ into question but also exposes the male-dominated and patriarchal power-structures behind them. By delineating India’s history and politics in her fictional narratives, she creates an alternative discourse to subvert them and thereby construct her own writer-specific version. She achieves this purpose by using the various narrative techniques and devices and puts them side by side with the official discourse. Sahgal’s fiction also centers on the political history of India and how it has affected the perceptions of ordinary men and women. Her main interest, however, remains to raise the questions of women and so the basic purpose of envisioning India’s history in her fiction rests on her concerns with the social and individual problems of women and their search for identity. Sahgal herself has overcome her problem of identity-crisis through her writing.
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orbemnews · 4 years
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Fungi could be skilled to eat cigarette butts, used diapers, oil spills and even radiation.Whether or not You’re Making a Meal or Cleansing an Oil Spill, There’s a Fungus for That 36. In March, because the coronavirus pandemic intensified, Individuals purchased two million weapons, the busiest month for gross sales since January 2013.Father of Faculty Taking pictures Sufferer Takes On Smith & Wesson June 37. There could also be trillions of species of virus on this planet. Of them, just a few hundred thousand sorts are recognized, and fewer than 7,000 have names.Monster or Machine? A Profile of the Coronavirus at 6 Months 38. Brooks Brothers, which Henry Sands Brooks based in Manhattan in 1818, is the oldest attire model in steady operation in the US.Brooks Bros., ‘Made in America’ Since 1818, Could Quickly Want a New Calling Card 39. Black ladies, on common, earn 64 cents for each greenback a white man earns, in response to analysis from the Financial Coverage Institute.The Stark Racial Inequity of Private Funds in America 40. A research on voting habits by the economist Enrico Cantoni discovered {that a} quarter-mile improve in distance from a polling sales space lowered voting by 2 to five p.c.For Racial Justice, Staff Want Paid Hours Off for Voting 41. “Gone With the Wind” continues to be the highest-grossing movie of all time, adjusted for inflation.The Lengthy Battle Over ‘Gone With the Wind’ 42. Over the previous 5 years in Minneapolis, the police have used drive towards Black individuals at seven occasions the speed it has been used towards white individuals.Policing in America Is Damaged and Should Change. However How? 43. Solely a sure peanut bred for the correct measurement and the look of its shell makes the minimize for the ballpark commerce. It’s referred to as the Virginia, grown in that state but additionally within the Carolinas, Texas and, to a lesser diploma, New Mexico.Ballpark Peanuts, a Traditional Summer season Pleasure, Have Been Benched July 44. Ghulam Sarwar Khan, the Pakistani aviation minister, instructed Parliament in June that of round 860 pilots working for Pakistani air carriers, 260 had fraudulent licenses.Suspension From European Airspace Is Newest Blow to Pakistan’s Troubled Airline 45. The phrase “homosexuality” was coined by the Austro-Hungarian author Karl-Maria Kertbeny in 1869.Missed No Extra: Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, Pioneering Homosexual Activist 46. “Courageous New World,” Aldous Huxley’s 1932 science fiction novel, is about in a future with chemical contraception, temper stabilizers, genetic engineering, videoconferencing and tv.‘Courageous New World’ Arrives within the Future It Predicted 47. We breathe roughly 25,000 occasions a day.Breathe Higher With These 9 Workout routines 48. The self-storage trade acquired its begin within the Nineteen Sixties, when swelling consumerism led Individuals to purchase extra stuff than that they had room for.Individuals Hunker Down, Threatening the Self-Storage Trade 49. At 17, Lucille Ball left her upstate New York highschool for Broadway, solely to be instructed: “You simply don’t have it. Why don’t you go house?”The ‘Wildcat’ Episode, or, Did Broadway Love Lucy? 50. Bayes’s theorem is a tool for rationally updating your prior beliefs and uncertainties primarily based on noticed proof.Find out how to Assume Like an Epidemiologist August 51. After getting swallowed by a frog, the beetle Regimbartia attenuata can scuttle down the amphibian’s intestine and drive it to poop, rising dirty however alive.There Are Two Methods Out of a Frog. This Beetle Selected the Again Door. 52. Penicillin, which was found in 1928, would have vanquished the pneumonia that killed many individuals throughout the 1918 influenza pandemic.In N.Y.C.’s Coronavirus Surge, a Horrifying Echo of the 1918 Flu 53. The fist bump was seemingly popularized by Fred Carter, a high-energy N.B.A. participant of the Nineteen Seventies.Will We Ever Contact (Professionally) Once more? September 54. Earlier than taking what would grow to be a well-known {photograph} of Florence Owens Thompson generally known as “Migrant Mom” in 1936, Dorothea Lange drove 20 miles previous the camp the place Ms. Thompson was staying earlier than deciding to show round.America at Starvation’s Edge 55. The seashores of Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago, are coated with “blubberstones” — gravel mingled with rendered fats, vestiges of the mass killings of seals and whales.Grief and Geology Each Take Time in ‘The E-book of Unconformities’ 56. Martha Stewart, who has a line of CBD merchandise, together with pâte de fruit, was launched to the palliative results of hashish by Snoop Dogg, a good friend, at Comedy Central’s 2015 “Roast of Justin Bieber.”Martha Stewart, Blissed Out on CBD, Rides Out the Pandemic 57. In the US, jail life sentences have quadrupled for the reason that Eighties.Making Artwork When ‘Lockdown’ Means Jail 68. Sports activities groups first visited the White Home in 1865, when President Andrew Johnson welcomed baseball’s Washington Nationals and Brooklyn Atlantics.Even With a New President, Sports activities on the White Home Gained’t Be the Similar 69. As soon as uncommon off Southern California seashores, nice white sharks are starting to point out up extra usually. The newcomers are principally juvenile sharks, which favor the nice and cozy waters nearer to shore.When Sharks Turned Up at Their Seaside, They Known as in Drones December 70. Many tales have been instructed through the years in regards to the inspiration for the tune “Lola” by the Kinks. The group’s singer, Ray Davies, mentioned it got here from an encounter on the Castille Membership, a Paris nightspot the group frequented.Ray Davies on 50 Years of ‘Lola’ 71. Underground, timber and fungi type partnerships generally known as mycorrhizas: Threadlike fungi envelop and fuse with tree roots, serving to them extract water and vitamins in trade for a number of the carbon-rich sugars the timber make by means of photosynthesis.The Social Lifetime of Forests 72. The Olympic monitor star Rafer Johnson was an everyday in Robert F. Kennedy’s presidential marketing campaign entourage in 1968. Johnson helped to deal with Sirhan Sirhan after the murderer shot Kennedy on the Ambassador Resort in Los Angeles.Remembering Rafer Johnson in a Lengthy 12 months of Misplaced Sports activities Legends Supply hyperlink #Facts
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megayogiposts · 5 years
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Sudalai Kumar suffering of atrocity of corrupt public staffs
Sudalai Kumar suffering of atrocity of corrupt public staffs
Sudalai Kumar suffering of atrocity of corrupt public staffs
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Sudalai Kumar suffering of atrocity of corrupt public staffs
Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <[email protected]>
Letter petition in the interest of public and families for the violation of human rights by biased laws and corrupted officers 1 message
Sudalai Kumar <[email protected]> 22 February 2020 at 00:52                                                                                         
To Chairperson National human Rights Commission New Delhi
Letter for public interest.
                    The Legal and regulatory frameworks supporting socially accepted norms of good governance by judges, lawyers, redress body members, as well as ethical and honest practices reinforcing and supporting the family structure and good office environment have been lost in India due to the reason of corruption, bribery and lust. Hers is the examples from my personal life. First incident is that the professors or scientists or government officials of Indian research institutes are using women from other family members to flirt the whistle blower, fake love with whistle blower, file molestation, sex harassment, dowry, dirty comments on their character cases with ulterior motives to distract them from the objection on mining scam, sex scandals, malpractice of research publication, misuse of government facilities and funded students, looting public money, bribery, prostitution in government offices and corruption in government recruitment. Myself,  I studied in various schools and colleges and got admission purely on the basis of merit and talents where no women involved in any charges or any police cases with me. Then I worked in various private organization also with many women and girl students but no charges were received or reported against me when I do whistle blow. Even in working with women in engineering colleges and teaching with girl students gave me the rating of 4.5 out of 5 which was not given to any teacher in attending those classes. But coming to government organization like University of Hyderabad  i had bad experience of women students with support of corrupted professors against me. The corrupted officers know the career growth of those being used against me based on the merit, regional, caste and gender reservation and used them against me for the cheap politics of flirting me with woman students, fake charges with woman and causing distractions using women during my studies in University of Hyderabad. They were all doing these non sense activities against honest and dignified persons with the hope of settling them well in life with relationship of those corrupted officers or professors in abroad or government. They were all well talented and directed to wrong directions by professors and government officer involved in corruption. These corrupted officers can use their power for the life settling with government position and abroad offers depending on the reservations given by govt.  First incident is with Mosumi Hazarika PhD student used against me in the malpractice of research publication in the support of her boy friend Naba Kamal Nath and Ashwini Nangia sir. Then Uma Nudurupathi MSc student of the same University used for flirting and distracted me for fake CASH cases in the end of my final year. She disturbed me even after several warning in email and put me under emotional issues of love and affection. Then one more MSc student from Anthra behaved in same manner then one was from IIIT next to my campus distracted me by her physical movements. But a woman student Simarpreet Kaur from panjab has changed my mindset of not all women are being used like that. She was good in all her activities and worked hard for project completion. Now in geology and mining department I faced same charges with several women Mrs and Ms. Aruna, Kavithas J and G, Priya,Deepa, Jothi, Sumathi, Muthukalyani, Asuvathi, Gowthami, Mythili etc., for unknown crimes scenes and suspended from government service. When women were being used for these incidents against me without bothering their own credibility and discipline. It means they can do anything against any men for making money, own survival, promotion and government benefits coordinating with any men in powerful and rich positions. In my personal life with woman as wife also she had gone any extreme of defamation, humiliations, abortions, police attack on me and criminal attack by goons for extracting money from me. The legal systems police and court also supported the fake allegations and tortured me for bribing police, court judge, lawyer fess, court fees and transport expenditures. The victimization by criminals and re victimization by police and court took my life away from peace and normal family life. The society also blindly support the ladies for fake charges and third level victimization caused on men. The government is also supporting all these activities and encourage them against honest men to loot public money and extract money from the victims for the benefit of bribing court judges, lawyers, police and corruption of family culture.
Next time if any woman may call me for prostitution in offices what shall I do with current court, police and society? 1. If I accept then sex harassment cases 2. If I do not accept it untouchability cases fall on me. 3. If woman give indirect signals for sex relationship I can not complain to anyone police and court at the same I can not go for sex relationship with them. what is the solution for it? The government has scrapped IPC section 497 for equal justice instead of amendments of punishing both men and women for illegal relationship of sex intercourse. But these judges in supreme Court of India scrapped completely the IPC sections 497 and given freedom for prostitution and sex intercourse with anyone in the country which is totally against Indian values. These fellows in Indian judicial system don’t have even scientific background of doing this. Because these things will again take India back to AIDS disease and valueless education to children simply uncivilized society like street dogs. The quality of Indian condoms and availability of condoms in Indian offices for prostitution or adultery were not implemented properly and scrapping of IPC 497 would kill many women and men in India after HIV infections and other transfer of disease from one body to other. Now many IPC sections example IPC 498 are misused by many women and IPC 354, IPC 354A by corrupted officers and women in India against many men and families. Why do not they scrap them completely instead of saying legal terrorism. Because men can not file complaint against women for sex harassment of eve teasing, matting call, flirting, fake love and indirect signals for sex intercourse etc.,As the family court system falls apart, all of the unethical, unscrupulous, bottom-feeding lawyers converge to extract money from the victims. The Legal and regulatory frameworks supporting socially accepted norms of good governance, as well as ethical and honest practices reinforcing and supporting the family structure have been lost in India.  In their wake we have witnessed the growth of an industry where systemic governance failures and unethical practices have continued to operate under a shroud of secrecy and have flourished as a result of Government failures to address decades of complaints due to corruption and bribery. A fragmented family court system has allowed systemic corruption to flourish destroying families, alienating parents and denying children the right to a nurturing and loving family.  There are no winners, as those placing their trust in lawyers are held to ransom by a small proportion of the profession.  Unethical and unscrupulous practices, have resulted in exorbitant legal costs, some of which routinely exceeded affordable amount of money of victims. I would like to point out that the failure to provide adequate and prompt reparation to victims like me in goons attack, police attack, abortion and defamation entails me re victimization and may constitute inhumane and degrading treatment. Now the Impunity in any society erodes the rule of law and the trust people have in public institutions. It is in everyone’s interest to ensure that, in any member state, no one is above the law. for example the genuine case given against my father for the desertion of his wife and married second wife without consent or even divorce of first wife. The woman victim filled the case in police station but it was refused by police and the victim re victimized by police for not taking the case. The victim was not given any reparation for illegal marriage of her husband, no alimony for her and children and not given any jail term for second marriage. Simply he escaped just by bribing police and the woman victim did not turn to court for the same reason of bribery in courts judges and lawyers. In another case of my wife she filled fake dowry case on me in police just by bribing police after two abortion of child, goons attack and police attack. Police and court took the case and started teasing me for money. The goons and other criminals escaped through fake dowry cases on me from all crimes.  These are the absolute violation of human rights to me and my family members in India. Reparations for human rights violations are not matters that depend on political will they are clear legal obligations that emerge from international law, and States must act accordingly with that duty. They are not doing it and instead saluting only the politicians and bureaucrats in India. But it would appear that most (if not all) files against persons holding top executive functions and other closely related officials in mining department are stuck at an early stage of criminal proceedings in my personal experience with CM cell works. They complained that I am not working on CM cell petitions. Stricter rules are needed on ancillary activities of top officials including their offshore operations, conflicts of interest, declarations of assets and interests(which should not be limited to Ministers and States secretaries), and the general verification and enforcement regarding such rules. A system of sanctions is also clearly lacking everywhere like police and judicial system. Many complainants like dowry charges, sex harassment are ridiculed, bullied, intimidated, victimized and labeled as having mental health issues by police, lawyers, bureaucrats and at times advocates for continuing to highlight Rule of Law failures within a system that has destroyed my lives, the lives of my children and occasionally their relationships with extended families. The following matters are crimes in India sex harassment, child abuse, dowry harassment, bribing government departments, cast discrimination, criminal attack and murder attempt and murder but they are all allowed only in the name of corrupting concerned officers. The crimes are freely carried out without any fear of arrest and jail term with the idea of bribing officers and Corrupted officers in government judicial and police department. Requesting you to take action on this matter and file criminal cases for filling fake cases and escaping from the criminal laws biased for oppressed section women, minorities and oppressed caste under ipc section with stringent actions.
File Number Diary Number Complainant Name Victim Name Incident Date Entry Date View NA 1903/IN/2020 Sudalai Kumar Sudalai Kumar 22/07/2019 21/02/2020 View NA 1898/IN/2020 Sudalai Kumar Sudalai Kumar 22/07/2019 21/02/2020 View 933/22/13/2020 187835/CR/2019 DR. SUDALAI KUMAR DR. SUDALAI KUMAR NA 19/02/2020 View NA 187693/CR/2019 DR. S. SUDALAI KUMAR, CHEMIST NA 18/12/2019 View NA 181614/CR/2019 SUDALAI KUMAR S NA 09/12/2019 View NA 181599/CR/2019 SUDALAI KUMAR S NA 09/12/2019 View NA 164196/CR/2019 DR. S SUDALAI KUMAR NA 06/11/2019 View NA 9026/IN/2019 Sudalai Kumar Sudalai Kumar 03/08/2019 05/08/2019 View NA 8966/IN/2019 Sudalai Kumar Sudalai Kumar 02/08/2019 02/08/2019 View NA 8673/IN/2019 Sudalai Kumar Sudalai Kumar 22/07/2019 26/07/2019 View NA 99823/CR/2019 SUDALAI KUMAR NA 12/07/2019 View 1545/22/13/2019 7947/IN/2019 SUDALAI KUMAR S SUDALAI KUMAR S NA 17/07/2019 View NA 84834/CR/2019 SUDALAI KUMAR S NA 18/06/2019 View NA 82298/CR/2019 SUDALAI KUMAR NA 13/06/2019 View NA 6695/IN/2019 Sudalai Kumar S Sudalai Kumar S, Saravanan and Rajakumar 09/10/2018 12/06/2019 View NA 6481/IN/2019 Sudalai Kumar Sudalai Kumar 04/02/2018 07/06/2019 View NA 56110/CR/2019 SUDALAI KUMAR NA 24/04/2019 View NA 31345/CR/2019 SUDALAI KUMAR NA 06/03/2019 View NA 12892/CR/2019 DR. S. SUDALAI KUMAR M.SC.PH.D NA 25/01/2019 View NA 12890/CR/2019 DR. S. SUDALAI KUMAR M.SC.PH.D NA 25/01/2019 View NA 5820/CR/2019 SUDALAI KUMAR NA 10/01/2019 View NA 325/IN/2019 Sudalai Kumar Sudalai Kumar 04/02/2018 10/01/2019 View NA 220229/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR NA 19/12/2018 View NA 220098/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR NA 18/12/2018 View NA 219503/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR NA 18/12/2018 View 10/22/13/2019 217726/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR SUDALAI KUMAR 12/02/2018 02/01/2019 View NA 214519/CR/2018 DR. S. SUDALAI KUMAR NA 08/12/2018 View NA 214114/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR NA 07/12/2018 View NA 212505/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR NA 06/12/2018 View NA 211252/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR NA 04/12/2018 View NA 211147/CR/2018 S. SUDALAI KUMAR NA 04/12/2018 View NA 211150/CR/2018 S. SUDALAI KUMAR NA 04/12/2018 View NA 211151/CR/2018 S. SUDALAI KUMAR NA 04/12/2018 View NA 204054/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR S NA 23/11/2018 View NA 189671/CR/2018 DR. S. SUDALAI KUMAR NA 02/11/2018 View NA 184861/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR S NA 27/10/2018 View NA 184625/CR/2018 DR. S. SUDALAI KUMAR M.SC NA 26/10/2018 View NA 184440/CR/2018 DR. S. SUDALAI KUMAR NA 26/10/2018 View NA 183891/CR/2018 DR. S. SUDALAI KUMAR, ASST. PROF. NA 26/10/2018 View NA 176071/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR NA 12/10/2018 View NA 176070/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR NA 12/10/2018 View 1483/22/13/2018 123436/CR/2018 S. SUDALAI KUMAR S. SUDALAI KUMAR 04/02/2018 23/07/2018 View NA 89533/CR/2018 S. SUDALAI KUMAR NA 25/05/2018 View NA 89531/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR S NA 25/05/2018 View 872/22/13/2018 57824/CR/2018 DR. SUDALAI KUMAR DR. SUDALAI KUMAR NA 21/05/2018 View 795/22/13/2018 53350/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR S SUDALAI KUMAR S 04/02/2018 12/05/2018 View NA 52146/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR S NA 28/03/2018 View 456/22/2/2018 50035/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR S SUDALAI KUMAR S 04/02/2018 03/04/2018 View 798/22/37/2018 49584/CR/2018 S. SUDALAI KUMAR, ASSTT PROF CHEMIST AND SOCIAL SCIENTIST S. SUDALAI KUMAR, ASSTT PROF CHEMIST AND SOCIAL SCIENTIST 04/02/2018 12/05/2018 View NA 49261/CR/2018 SUDALAI KUMAR S. NA 23/03/2018 View NA 4736/CR/2013 SUDALAI KUMARS NA 08/01/2013 View NA 1834/CR/2013 sudalai kumar NA 03/01/2013 View 82/22/0/2013 1834 S.SUDALAI KUMAR, SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW S.SUDALAI KUMAR, SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW 01/01/2012 09/01/2013 View 230/22/13/2013 129040 S. SUDALAI KUMAR S. SUDALAI KUMAR NA 02/02/2013
Best Regards,
Dr. S. Sudalai Kumar M.Sc.,Ph.D.,
Chemist, Chemical Analysis Wing
Department of Geology and Mining
(Government of Tamilnadu)
TVK Industrial Estate
Guindy, Chennai-32
எண்ணித் துணிக கருமம் துணிந்தபின் எண்ணுவம் என்பது இழுக்கு.
full salary-noc letter.pdf 831K
Representation submitted before the chair person, National Human Rights Commission with expectation of justice Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <[email protected]> Letter petition in the interest of public and families for the violation of human rights by biased laws and corrupted officers…
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laceyspencer · 5 years
Juniper Publishers-Post-Modern Feminist Ideology in Nayantara Sahgul Select Novels-A Critical Study
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The motive of feminist movement strives towards the aim that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men. Though feminism is not a relatively new concept and has always formed part of the women’s liberation movement, its emphasis has been changing, in form and content with gender equality being one of the aspects. There is no doubt that feminism is today a major accepted fact of modern life with women competing with men in all walks of life, and even doing better than them in some areas. Women’s liberation was not merely an endeavor to obtain rights and privileges but the seeking after opportunities to show that though they may be called “the second sex” (the title of Simone de Beauvoir’s book). They are generally not treated on a par with men in all respects of human activity. Whether working in the fields or operating women lag men in any sphere.
Over the years, there has been a positive change in the standpoint of feminism towards humanism. Simone de Beauvoir has set the ball rolling when she explained the relationship of feminism with humanism in a frank, concise manner. The crux and thrust of The Second Sex are based on the emphasis that women should be considered as basic human beings. To her, 2 the expression of women and their status seemed discriminatory, with them being denied the right to be identified as separate entities as such and prevented from choosing their own destiny[1].
Nayantara Sahgal is one of the great Indian women novelists writing in English. She began writing since her childhood and became a professional writer in the post-Independence years. Her novels deal with men and women, especially women struggling against oppression and injustice heaped upon them in the name of tradition and culture. Nayantara was born on May 10, 1927 to Ranjit Sitaram Pandit and Vijayalakshmi Pandit as the second of their three daughters. She lived as a child in Anand Bhavan, a large 3 aristocratic home of Motilal Nehru, a flourishing lawyer in Allahabad along with her parents and with her Marnu (uncle) Jawaharlal Nehru (later to become Prime Minister of India) and her cousin Indira Gandhi (she also became the Prime Minister, after Nehru). Nayantara’s father Ranjit Pandit was a Maharashtrian, a lawyer by profession, erudite, and a scholar, well versed in many languages including Sanskrit. He was a man of abundant love and understanding with a healthy zest for life, indulgent toward his child Nayantara.
He gave up his lucrative profession answering the call of Mahatma Gandhi and entered whole heartedly in the non-cooperative movement against the British regime. He inculcated the literary fervour and noble sentiments of patriotism and an unbending will to fight against injustice and oppression. Jawaharlal Nehru, attracted by the ideals of Gandhiji, involved himself in the struggle for Independence. His father, Motilal Nehru followed the example of his beloved son, espoused Gandhian ideals, eschewed the life of luxury to which he had been accustomed. Anand Bhavan was the meeting place for the great leaders of political movement including Gandhi himself. Nurtured in such a congenial atmosphere for the flowering of an independent spirit the young Nayantara imbibed the spirit of independence with great vigour.
Nayantara believes that it is not a serious moral offence in a woman to break away from the “sacred” marriage bond, if she finds the shackles too oppressive to the growth of her inner self. She finds that a woman’s duty to be sincere to her inner self is far greater and urgent than to be for her family and society. Nayantara portrays the inalienable right of freedom in women in many of the characters in her novels, such as Simrit in Storm in Chandigarh, Saroj in The Day in Shadow and Rashmi in Rich Like Us.
Nayantara Sahgal has in fact introduced a considerable number of autobiographical elements in her novels. To a question, she asserts that “all art is autographical”. Her work ranges from factual and emotional autobiography to fictionalized autobiography. In her address to Colloquium at Radcliff Institute (America) she confesses the close links between her own experiences and that of some of the leading characters in her novels. She describes succinctly in an article as to how she grew up moulded by congenial circumstances, she says:I grew up during the National Movement. My parents went to jail repeatedly during our fight for freedom. My father died because of his last imprisonment released too late to be cured of the serious illness contracted in jail. My uncle became our first Prime Minister. I was born and brought up within the atmosphere and hopes and ideals of the Congress Party.
Its leaders were familiar to me. Our home was their meeting place and many decisions momentous to India were taken in it. I became a novelist and a political journalist, and all my writings, fiction and non-fiction, has been about contemporary India. (Voice for Freedom 55). This Time of Morning is another novel, which she completed in Kashmir in 1965[2]. The Day in Shadow was published in February 1971. This novel, acclaimed to be the best by most of her critics, describes her attitudes to marriage and the condition of women in general. She wrote an article “Of Divorce and Hindu Women” in The Hindustan Times (Dec, 18, 1971), which is an example of her liberal and permissive outlook: She stands for new morality according to which a woman is not to be taken as a mere toy, an object of lust and momentary pleasure, but man’s equal and honoured partner, in word and deed, as against the inhuman tradition postures (l8).
Prison and Chocolate Cake (1958) and From Fear Set Free (1962) are autobiographical in which she has given a graphic account of her experiences during the freedom struggle which naturally were responsible in moulding her as a writer. A Time to be Happy (1958). A Situation in New Delhi (1977) and Storm in Chandigarh (1969) are classed as her political novels. Rich Like Us published in 1985, uses Emergency as its backdrop and the theme is about freedom. She won a Fellowship of Woodrow Wilson International Centre, Washington DC for writing it. Sahgal herself has adjudged this novel as her best. Plans for Departure (1986) is an interesting novel in which a foreigner Anna Hansen visits India, takes up an in-depth study of Hindu customs and behaviour and passes dispassionate judgments. Mistaken identity (1988), a historical novel, is the story of Bhushan Singh, the only son of a feudal raja of Vijaygarh, a kingdom of one hundred villages in the Gangetic Plain. Set during the years 1929-32, this novel is a satire on the role of the raja or the British. As it mainly deals with rajah and has no relevance for the present study, this novel has not been included in the thesis. Her latest work, Lesser Breeds, was published in 2003, is not included in this present study simply because of its irrelevant concept regarding this research work.
The present paper is the result of my hard work and dedication. It mainly focuses on Feminism in the of Nayantara Sahgal. Though She works on various themes but here concerns are the pathetic condition of women in the patriarchal society. Nayantara Sahgal’s leanings towards feminism even though mild, are quite marked in her novels Storm in Chandigarh and A Situation in New Delhi. The fact comes and to light when one studies the underserved ill-treatment many her women characters in these novels must undergo in the society and tries to know. Why they are driven to committing suicide or to seeking divorce, or to undergoing torments defenselessly when it becomes unavoidable. The women character who is driven to committing suicide is Madhu in A Situation in New Delhi. The society that Nayantara creates in A Situation in New Delhi is one which fails to protect women even on the university campus in the capital city of the country as here Madhu a student of Delhi University is raped in the Registrar’s office[2].
The boys who rape Madhu clearly consider Madhu only as an object of lust to be used at their disposal and have no regard for her feelings will and self-respect. A society which produces such men and cannot punish them does not deserve to have women in it. One may raise an objection and argue that the whole society should not be disparaged for what three boys do, because if this society has produced these three boys it has also produced Usman Ali the Vice-Chancellor, who only expels the three guilty boys but6 also braves a physical assault and finally resigns as Vice Chancellor in the order to organize people against fights the forces responsible for the rape of the girls, but the fact remains that his efforts bear little fruits and at last, the girl realizes that even her brother would be thankful when he was relieved the responsibility of her” and commits suicide in a state of helplessness by immolating herself. So, it is obvious that this society has failed to create conditions in which women feel themselves safe and out of the reach of immoral men.
The women characters who have opted to move out of the conjugal walls to escape ill-treatment are Saroj in Storm in Chandigarh, and Lydia and Nell in A Situation in New Delhi. Saroj’s husband under ill-treats his wife chiefly for her having lost her virginity before her marriage as is evident from the following piece of conversation between him and his wife:“Well why did do it? That” I keep coming back to why did You do it?” “I was fond of him,” she said wearily “and I was curious. Is that a crime?” “Good God. Didn’t you have Any inhibitions, any Sense of modesty? Couldn’t your curiosity Wait till you got married” (23).Nayantara Sahgal has a central woman character that gradually moves towards an awareness of her emotional needs.
Nayantara Sahgal’s novel reads like commentaries on the political and social turmoil that India has been facing since independence. Mrs. Sahgal’s feelings for politics and her command over English are rather more impressive than her art as a novelist. She is a novelist as well as a successful political columnist for different newspapers. Her writing is generally characterized by simplicity and boldness. Her writing abounds the latest political ups and downs with a tinge of western liberalism. Her novels portray the contemporary incidents and political realities saturated with artistic and objectivity. All her major characters of the novel are drawn towards the vortex of politics [3]. Besides politics, her fiction also focuses attention on Indian woman’s search for sexual freedom and self-realization. As a women novelist, Sahgal recognizes that her primary obligation is that of advocating the emancipation of women. She has probed deep into the female psyche in her novels. She describes in her novel how women exploited even during the modern times by both the individuals and the society. She tried to Portray the sensibility of woman that how a woman looks at herself and her problems [4]. She considers her novels political in content and intention and in her view, each of the novels her contemporary reflects and political era.
The use of the fictional genre is one of the main aspects of her novels, wherein she can explore the problems of women in contemporary society. Though Sahgal has been hailed chiefly as a political novelist, her feminist concern is obvious and her fighter spirit quite vocal in her fiction. In all her works, there is juxtaposition of two worlds: the personal world of man-woman relationship and the impersonal world of politics. The portrayal of her memorable women characters and the feminist tone in her fictional discourse make Nayantara Sahgal one of the most outstanding feminist Indian novelists writing in English [5].
Nayantara Sahgal is not only a novelist of repute but also a journalist by profession. She confesses that fiction is her “abiding love” journalism her “conscience”. Talking to Ram Jha in 1987, Sahgal said that her two kinds of writing experiences-that of a novelist and that of a political journalist-though contrary to each other, are mutually sustained because, her central focus in both areas in the same-the concept of freedom in human beings, national and personal and her increasingly feminist concerns. Most of her characters belong to the affluent upper class, she does not caste-ridden middle class or the poor Indian village just to conform to the accepted image of India. Her range of characters simplifies her technique. She does not have to struggle to present Indian conversation in English as most of her characters are the kind of people who would talk and think in English in real life [6].
Storm in Chandigarh is Mrs. Sahgal’s third novel written after A Time to be Happy and This Time of Morning. It deals with complex human relationships in which love, friendship, honesty, freedom and equality play a vital role. The ‘Storm’ in the lives of three married couples, Inder and Saroj, Jit and Mara, Vishal and Leela is portrayed against the political backdrop of the storm or confrontation between the newly divided states of Punjab and Haryana over the issues of Chandigarh and Bakhra Nangal territory act…Gyan Singh, the ambitious Chief Minister of Punjab has announced a strike in the whole region for the selfish purpose of demonstrating his political strength. He is only concerned with his personal gains and does not even hesitate to use violence as a means for achieving his selfish ends. While Harpal Singh, the Chief Minister of Haryana acts as political counter oil of Gyan Singh as he is a behavior of Gandhi an ideology of non-violence. He has always given priority to the interests of people against his self-interest[7].
The union Home Minister is assigned the task of affecting a rapprochement between the two warring states of Vishal Dubey, an honest and promising central officer. Dubey goes to Chandigarh from Delhi to solve the political impasse but unwillingly involves himself in the private lives of the estranged husbands and wives especially those of Saroj and Inder [8,9].
Nayantara Sahgal’s contribution about treatment of themes is enormous and varied. She dwells upon contemporary events in her novels like Storm in Chandigarh, Rich Like us and A Situation in New Delhi. Her novels Plans for Departure and Mistaken Identity were a creative vision towards the happenings of India before Independence. The influence of Nehru and Gandhi on Sahgal is clear and she has offered a fresh insight into Gandhism, Nehruism and their impact on the evolution and progress of India. A.V. Krishna Rao [9] succinctly states:“Nayantara Sahgal has inherited and cherished a certain set of values and attitudes towards like which can be best described as a complex of political liberalism, social sophistication, economic moderation and cultural catholicity in continual interaction with the Gandhian idealism” (44).
Nayantara Sahgal’s Storm in Chandigarh depicts the suffering of marital friction apart from the political and social ups and downs. It narrates the life of Inder and Saroj. Sahgal pens the suffocating experience of marriage for both the partners. Most importantly, the writer highlights those wrong features in marriage which causes separation. Sahgal, in this novel, deals with marital as well as political crisis. Division in political front and friction in marital relationships are the main themes of the novel. Duality and deceptiveness are prevalent in politics and marriage. In this novel character come close to each other but without any emotional attachment and sincerity. There is no sensitiveness or loyalty in their relationship; It seems a temporary bond[10].
In the novel Storm in Chandigarh Sahgal narrates how the attitude of dictatorship destroys harmony of marital status. Marriage which strongly needs love and faith of both the partners, can breakdown also in presence of doubt and frustration. The main protagonist of the novel Saroj has committed mistake before marriage. She has her first sexual encounter with one of her friends before marriage. When Inder came to know that, he started tormenting his wife physically as well as mentally. However, Inder himself indulges in an extra marital affair with Mara.
Love and satisfactionare not much prevalent in this affair also. Basically, Inder is a character who always denies individuality of women. He considers woman as a parasite; who could survive only with the support of a male figure. Here the writer portraits the pathetic plight of Saroj who tries to show her love and affection towards her husband but in vain. Throughout their lives, Vishal and Leela remained strangers to each other. He is possessed by a deep sense of guilt for living with her without love and his relationship with Leela abruptly ends due to her death. Vishal’s marriage had been a failure[11,12].
Being a widower, he is deriving satisfaction in a connection with Gauri, a Bengali businessman’s wife who finds security in arranged marriage but who needs and establishes a relationship with Dubey which is based only on sex. Nayantara Sahgal is quite bold in her political approach. She dismantles the age-old notions of women being inferior. She is one novelist who is clear in her perception that man-woman relationship should be based on equality, understanding and love. Man-woman relationship without love is prostitution and nothing else[13].
Among the women novelists of Indian Writing in English, Nayantara Sahgal emerges as a powerful voice to challenge and question the “received” versions of history. She not only calls the officially-ordered ‘histories’ into question but also exposes the male-dominated and patriarchal power-structures behind them. By delineating India’s history and politics in her fictional narratives, she creates an alternative discourse to subvert them and thereby construct her own writer-specific version. She achieves this purpose by using the various narrative techniques and devices and puts them side by side with the official discourse. Sahgal’s fiction also centers on the political history of India and how it has affected the perceptions of ordinary men and women. Her main interest, however, remains to raise the questions of women and so the basic purpose of envisioning India’s history in her fiction rests on her concerns with the social and individual problems of women and their search for identity. Sahgal herself has overcome her problem of identity-crisis through her writing.
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