#My little pony Grogar
MLP G4 S9 rewrite (kinda)
I honestly thought the whole Grogar fake-out was kinda dumb, especially since they did my boi discord dirty. So in my rewrite of season 9, Grogar actually returns.
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In the rewrite, cozy glow isn't imprisoned, and is sent to a more juvenile friendship detention, where she is more closely watched.
While in the library of the place, she finds the book of Gusty the Great and her friend Starswirl the Bearded. She takes notice of the part in the story where Gusty steals the Bewitching bell away from Grogar, and hides it on a mountain. Cozy, now interested in the artifact, plans to sneak out that night and make the journey to the mountain.
On her way there, she stumbled into Chrysalis, who was preoccupied with commanding her army of tree stumps. Chrysalis, after finding out about the bell, takes off towards the mountain as well to find it.
Once both Cozy and Chrysalis arrive, they realize that the bell is in fact there. It's just attached on a necklace, to Gusty herself, who is frozen in place, sealed away as a statue. Chrysalis has just enough magic to break the spell, and frees Gusty, hoping that she can just take the bell away, only to realize that Gusty refuses to give it up.
Cozy questions Gusty and finds out Gusty did not in fact destroy Grogar like the stories said, but sealed his soul inside of the bell itself. Yes, Gusty did steal the bell, but instead of hiding the bell away, decided to hold onto it at all times for safekeeping. Unbeknownst to her, the bell was cursed. Over time, the bell slowly corrupted her, making her magic as strong as Grogar's. The ponies in her kingdom were terrified of her, and shunned her, driving her out. Gusty wasn't in her right mind, and cast a curse on the kingdom, creating the windigos.
Starswirl, her friend, turned on her, chasing her down to the cave they were in right now, and sealed her in stone. Gusty, unaware of what has happened the last few thousands of years, is tricked by Chrysalis and Cozy glow that Starswirl and Twilight sparkle were the bad guys. Gusty, now on the side of Chrysalis and Cozy glow, decides to help by freeing the soul of Grogar, commanding him to assist them.
During the final battle, all of the ponies and their allies now fight Grogar, who after a while, regains his full strength, breaking free of Gusty's control. Grogar is defeated eventually, and resealed by Gusty, who now realizes she was in the wrong. Still wary of Starswirl after all this time, she decides to leave Equestria and wander the world, as the Bell's curse grants her immortality
( this is just a summarization of the events, I don't have everything exactly planned out, this is just me over explaining my ideas)
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(bonus baby Grogar and Post soul-sealed-in-bell Grogar)
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leavemebetosleep · 6 months
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Idk if I'll finish this, but here's a sketch of my "what if" if the main baddies were in Equestria Girls. Note I have only watched one EG movie. Working profiles under the cut, subject to change if I come up with something better.
Grogar: 42. Principal of the academy. Corrupt official. Former military. Big fan of the school to prison pipeline. Not interested in reforming his students, he wants more underground connections.
Discord: 17. Not much different from regular Discord, just without powers. Unless being annoying is a super power. Burned his last school down with a prank gone wrong. Aged out of foster care. Great test scores, but short attention span. Class clown. Desperate to be liked. Folds like a napkin whenever anyone is nice to him. Thinks Tirek is his BFF.
Tirek: 16. Committed armed robbery. Just barely managed to get tried as a minor. Was ratted out by his brother, and they no longer are on speaking terms. Daddy issues from parental favoritism. Absolutely planning to go back to crime as soon as he's out. Tolerates Discord because he lets Tirek cheat off his homework, but actually thinks he's annoying and clingy.
Cozy Glow: 8. Manipulative and a likely a child prodigy. Repeated instances being a danger to other students in her former school. Has been expelled multiple times. Tartarus was the last school that would take her. Has a baby crush on Tirek. Family never visits.
Chrysalis: 15. Disowned from her family. Committed crimes to survive homelessness, but has become more and more ruthless. No one can seem to get through to her anymore. Smart and calculating. Flirts with people and/or acts nice only when she wants things.
Sombra: 16. White collar crimes. Rich kid. Can't believe his parents couldn't buy off the judge. Only one who wears the uniform properly. Doesn't get along with any of the others, and wants to go back to his fancy private school already. Think he's above these weird poor people.
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doodlemark · 1 year
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Grogar-Tized Discord
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moon-latte88 · 2 months
A whole bunch of bad guys
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onebadpunspoilsabunch · 9 months
Another thing I hated from those last two seasons were the villains, especially cozy glow
I really should stop talking about mlp. It's embarrassing 😅 I'm kind of embarrassed. I apologize to all my followers. But...
But again, 100% right.
Funny thing is, I can see a world where Chancellor Neighsay's character is written better. The problem with his character is that the terrible writers wrote him as the most stereotypical, strawman-y racist villain that I've ever seen in any piece of children's media, ever. 
If they wrote him more realistically, and actually gave the audience an explanation for why he feels that way about the other creatures...
For example, they could've showed that the reason he hated the other creatures is because of their past history with ponies:
The hippogriffs/seaponies refused to help when the Storm King attacked 
The Yaks were very picky when they came to visit for the first time
The dragons were usually very hostile towards ponies, to the point where ponies were afraid to approach them
The Changelings attacked Equestria twice
The griffins had a better relationship with ponies, but the majority of them were still very rude
Of course, the explanation for all of their behavior is the result of their environment, leadership, and upbringing. But it would still be an understandable reason.
And if they had him realistically realize the error of his ways, combined with writing him in a realistic way and giving an explanation for his mentality, then BOOM! Character fixed, problem solved :)
Now, as for Cozy Glow...
Idk what the writers were thinking when they came up with her character, but in terms of writing/character motivations she is 10,000 times worse than Neighsay. At least with him I understand what the writers were going for, and he can be more easily fixed.
But Cozy Glow…
She is a child. The same age as the CMC. Who is... inexplicable an evil sociopath who hates the other creatures, wants to get rid of magic, and... rule the world...
Absolutely no explanation given for how this child turned evil, racist, a sociopath, a master manipulator, and a megalomaniac. No backstory, no explanation. At all.
At least with Neighsay, you can logical see how he got there. But I have no idea what they were going for with Cozy Glow. 
The only thing I can figure out is this: Cozy Glow exists to prove one point that Neighsay made. He was afraid that the other creature students would use their friendship lessons and the school to secretly take over Equestria. He believed that they were sociopaths who were incapable of being changed, so instead of being improved by the school they would only learn how to better manipulate ponies. That's what sociopaths do in real life. 
But instead of it being the other creatures who did it, it was a pony. The point of Cozy Glow's character is to prove that ponies are capable of being the megalomaniac sociopaths that Neighsay thought the other creatures were. So in a way, I can see where the base concept for her character came from. 
The thing that makes it terrible is that there is absolutely no backstory or explanation given for why this child is evil, or how she got there. The writers just expected the audience to accept this incredibly bizarre, horribly written character. 
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Lol, shrug
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Grogar would've been a really cool villain, if he wasn't actually SPOILERS Discord in disguise the whole time.
The real Grogar does exist in their world. He could be dead, he could be alive. We don't know. But the writers lied to people, telling them that Grogar would be the final villain, hyping him up... only for it to be taken away with a terrible plot twist. That they (apparently) planned from the beginning:
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But when Discord was impersonating Grogar, he was still a better villain than Cozy Glow and Neighsay. The plot twist was the real problem, not Grogar himself. 
I actually feel kinda bad for Grogar's character. They did him dirty. They did my sheep dirty :(
Anyway, my final thoughts on the season 8/9 villains:
Chancellor Neighsay: Terribly written, but can be easily fixed.
Cozy Glow: They were high on BATH SALTS or something and were watching Cats Don't Dance (or the episode of Batman the animated series with Babydoll) when they came up with her character, and didn't give a shit about anything else.
Grogar: I feel bad for my poor sheep :( You deserve better, you could've been great 🐏
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faiirygrahamdevanily · 2 months
🔮🦄mlb reverse special & mlp frenemies being IDENTICAL – what the hay
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🦋the one playing leader meanwhile their the weakest of the trio:
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🐈‍⬛the silly unhinged one holding the group together with their friendship is magic spirit:
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🐞the smart bug leader girlboss doing her own thing:
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🔮🦄the silly one playing with dolls:
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🔮🦄tirek/hawkmoth acting like he's in charge & let's their 'assisants' do the work:
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🔮🦄they NEED to work as a team yet they only argue:
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🔮🦄bonding over the common enemy:
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🔮🦄zero trust they're not betraying each other at any given moment + betraying attempts at any given moment:
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🔮🦄mlb should have had a song like mlp did with 'better way to be bad':
🔮🦄clawnoir surprisingly has no rose scene though + even grogar matches the supreme with being the main villain giving orders around but staying hidden in their lair:
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🔮🦄highly recommend watching frenemies in a nutshell by roundtrip
🔮🦄if you LOVED the reverse special then mlp season 9 episode 8 'frenemies' is a must watch (no mlp lore context required):
🩰🦄funfact: queen chrysalis & tirek are the same voices as lydia & slyder from barbie and the diamond castle. did you know barbie movies & mlp g4 share 80+ voice actors? Here's a tumblr masterpost with EVERY name, pictures & trivia <3
🔮🦄end of post
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sud-scribbles · 3 months
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another fun round of expressions from the Abisalli Emotion Challenge, i didn't expect to like drawing Grogar so much!
Flurry Heart took me a surprising amount of time, and not just because of the way i do gradients in this style, for some reason the baby face was a bit of a challenge for me
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ruffffffing · 5 months
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grogar redesign i made a while back
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lianatheowl · 4 months
Guys. Guys, hear me out.
What if my human!Grogar's footsteps sound like this(video)?:0
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wiccan-12 · 10 months
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🌸Infatuated with an unusual pink hybrid🍨
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quinnpines · 2 months
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Finish My little Pony Fusions 🥰
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heckyeahponyscans · 1 year
In the MLP ‘n Friends episode “Tambelon”, its established that Grogar’s dark city of Tambelon exists in a different dimension;  every 500 years it phases into the ponies’ dimension. Unicorns can get stuck in Tambelon before it even appears, as their winking (aka teleporting) briefly takes them through other planes. 
When Tambelon physically materialized into Ponyland, Grogar captured every pony, plus magic users like the Moochick.  But Megan and the ponies defeated Grogar, sending him and Tambelon back to their original dimension.
Then there’s the other G1 series, MLP Tales, which is a mundane world. The ponies drive cars and attend school, they’re all Earth ponies, and there’s no magic . . . or IS there?  
MLP Tales has two mystical occurrences: the ghost of Squire appears and the magical Glow ‘n Show ponies (three pegasi and one alicorn) rescue Patch.
So what if Grogar came back 500 years after Megan & friends defeated him?  And what if the new generation of ponies once again defeated him--but THIS time most ponies were unable to escape the city before it dematerialized.  Perhaps only a few Earth ponies remained in Ponyland, gradually repopulating it.  And as the years went by, unicorns, pegasi, flutter ponies, etc, became little more than myths.
So my theory is that another 500 years have passed and Bright Glow and her Glow ‘n Show friends have managed to escape from Tambelon before it fully materializes and are now scouting, looking for information and allies to free their trapped friends and defeat Grogar once and for all.
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mylittlestims · 3 months
Could you please do Grogar with black and gold lava amp stims please?
- 🦔
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Grogar (G4) Stimboard with black-ish & gold lava lamps for 🦔 Anon
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brainr0tx · 4 months
So, Fluttershy, I think I saw Grogar in the Everfree forest
Fluttershy: W-what..!? I thought Grogar was just a scary foals tale. Y-you mean to tell me that he..he is actually real!! eeeek! I should inform Twilight about your discovery.
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astralix13 · 10 months
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Dis-cember Day 7: Secret
Textless and prompt list below read more
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I really wished we got a backstory for Celestia and Luna before they were found by ponykind. Like, where did they come from, where are their parents, where do Alicorns come from in general, etc.
Other characters that needed a backstory but never got it: Spike, Zecora, Discord. Probably some others I'm forgetting.
I agree! Maybe they would've done it… if they didn't decide to create and focus on the School of Friendship and the Student Six…
What? You can't blame me for hating it so much. There were so many better things they could've written. So many things they should've written... but they chose that.
They actually did give Zecora a backstory, but it was in the season 10 comics:
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They wanted to do it in the actual show, but Ha$bro wouldn't let them… for some odd reason. 
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You know what? Actually… Who's to say Ha$bro wouldn't allow them to write those backstory for Celestia and Luna, or Spike, or Discord, etc too?
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I have a theory that Alicorns created the three pony races by magically splitting themselves up. Alicorns are made up of all three main pony types.
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Grogar is the one who created the various monsters seen throughout the show by magically fusing animals together. When those monsters had their magic taken away, they split apart and turned back into normal animals. 
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I think a similar thing happened with the Alicorns. Maybe all of the Alicorns (except the Royal Sisters), or just a good amount of them. 
Maybe Grogar created the draconequus (including Discord) in the same way, to continue to cause chaos to Equestria after he was gone. I don’t know. *shrug*
There's a popular theory that Scorpan (Tirek's brother) was the one to find Spike's egg and give it to Star Swirl the Bearded, or the Alicorn sisters. It's based on Generation 1, where Scorpan had found and took care of Spike until he let him live with the ponies. In G4 Scorpan was friends with Star Swirl and the Royal Sisters.
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It still wouldn't explain what happened to Spike's parents or how his egg got separated from them, but… it's something at least.
Maybe his father is Burnferno, the protagonist of a book he's shown reading in A Flurry of Emotions and Father Knows Beast. It's a reoccurring thing in this show that people who are considered fictional within the show's world turn out to be real (Nightmare Moon, Daring Do, Grogar and Gusty the Great, the Pony of Shadows, etc). Again, it doesn't explain everything, but at least its more than what the canon itself offered... which, just to be clear, is nadda, nothing.
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If Ha$bro really is the reason for these questions never getting a proper answer then… I'm really not surprised. Screw them.
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