sam-violet · 2 years
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danepopfrippery · 3 years
What we do in the shadows rewatch part 4
The farewell needed its own recap. So i love how the super slumber send off basically begins with Nandor whining ‘i thought this was going to be more about me but whatever’ when Colin revealed he was crying cuz be thought Nandor was just avoiding his party.
Someone pointed out the last two seasons he and Colin Robinson spent a lot of time together. Im not sure if that was more friendship than connivence but they did. Colin was with Nandor when he seen his ghost off with John which was a pretty big moment. So for his last words to him to be basically hey this is my attention whoring time (even after being told it was Colin’s bday and previously roasting him to death that he didnt know his name) and Colin’s to be telling Nandor to eat shit (while correct) was really sad.
I think it also says how little thought vampires give to consequence. Laszlo couldnt even remember Nandor’s name when hed been gone a month. Must be a Liza Minnelli style coping mechanism. We werent told when Nandor joined up with Laszlo and Nadja, but it has been at least 200 years as they came to America with Simon the devious. Colin Robinson was said to have come with the house, and assuming he had some pre adult form that would be at least 80 years ago. So when he really thinks Guillermo will be around in 100 years it shows they just have no concept of actual time.
I think it could be said the whole arch of season 3 comes down to this ep with Nandor being a depressed weepy baby, and Colin dying but the others minus Laszlo not knowing it.
I have a new theory of little consequence: u know how some of these vampires look like that star trek guy? David Cross’ character is one. Hes said to have burned the library of alexandria (with another guy). So hed be quite old, probably 1000 minimum with Nandor being 700-750. Maybe as they age they get more alien looking? The barren was about this guys age and he didnt look well pre burnt. Sire is the oldest and is mentioned as having aged into that sad dog gargoyle form.
Another thought of no note: i want that woman’s red cape. God damn thats a cape!
Im also 100% convinced on rewatch the supreme vampires heard Nandor’s whining ie the dick thing was just to mess with him. Also loved Donal moaning about eternal life when he cant have been a vampire for more than 30 years. And while i know shes dead i am so waiting for at least a throw away line that theda bara was a real vampire in this world…or nadja in disguise.
A lot was made of Guillermos face during the dick squeezing. That was some funny shit. But Nadja had the same look. The Guide, unaware hes not dead, just seems down for the show.
Also other fans have noted and i want to know why too: the gloves? Guillermo puts them on to board up the room only then removes them. Is this a handyman thing i dunno or wtf is that about?!
At the banquet there are about 5 vampires for Colin’s bday. They arent mentioned beyond that. One looks very 1910s woman. Id wonder if that was his apparently still living mother, but in guessing not given she doesnt appear at the bedside. It was said they got the house (with Colin in it) from an acquaintance who is never named. Wonder if its any of these people.
And sorry Nandor, now its no longer about you.
Ive mused on what Laszlo knew in my previous rants. I maintain he genuinely knows no way out of this for him. I think this was one of the best twists ever. Laszlo has always been pretty much as Nandor ranted: lazy with a silver dick in his mouth (well not silver now ouch). He gave no fucks just literal ones. Hes been a fun ride for the past 2 seasons but beyond loving his wife and pitying Sean, he hasnt had much depth. This to me is reminiscent of that tho given his reason for killing Jesk all those lives is he makes Nadja cry, not that he cares she wants to bang him. Sean goes from ur wife should strangle u with ur own asshole to my stinky cheese. He actually cares about people around him rather he wants to admit it or not.
Colin is dull, but he drains to live not live to drain. Laszlo even let him think he was hanging with him cuz he was lonely with Nadja busy, not cuz he felt bad for him. Season 1 they cared so little about the man that came with the house they didnt know where his room was. Now when told hes dying everyone but Nandor is immediately upset.
Before the news their all ‘fuck that guy’ but given that news yeaaah they cared. They just dont like to show it. Guillermo probably interacts more with him than shown given hes a daywalker. And i think even tho Colin Robinson was being a smart ass with that ‘we’re all family’ line in the Casino ep, Guillermo actually said it first in the season premiere. Maybe Colin wasnt being smart…he just wanted to fit in being smarmy too.
Seriously Matt Berry prbly wins this season, and Laszlo is a teddy bear sorry bro. But u know…given the resolution of the ep…i think there may be a lot of Nandor regretting his behavior in the finale. He was always a teddy bear too and made a horrible mistake before realizing nope he dead. That will prbly shock him out of his whininess for the finale. And prbly is also what sends him on his eat, prey, love journey. Or at least inspires him to.
That also leaves fertile area for ghost Colin, as Nandor not being there prbly hurt him, it is unresolved. Plus the obvious fact he never learned how or why he was an energy vampire. If his mother is a dif form he may know thats coming, but she could also be a full vampire. We have no idea the rules here.
But man that fart laden death was hard. And a brilliant piece of writing to boot. Alright that concludes my recap…4 days to go!
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kraviolis · 3 years
i need to make a post abt this bcus 1) i dont want anyone to think im just ignoring kayvan and mark’s antiblackness & racism and 2) writing out my thoughts/feelings helps me to detangle them when theyre in a mess like this.
also please dont reblog this, it’s literally just my personal internal thoughts & feelings. this isnt an activism essay, im not arguing my opinions or trying to tell other people how to feel/act.
ive been trying very hard to process my thoughts/feelings & to carefully seperate actor from character in my head and like. i think im accidentally strangling my hyperfixation to death bcus im accidentally using my main coping skill which is “oh, im having emotions? well not anymore” and i dont know HOW to not do that!!!! that shit has killed my hyperfixations so quickly before and i dont want this one to die but i also dont want to just ignore the problem.
one might be able to tell but i’ve been focusing more on nadja & laszlo & guillermo than nandor & colin robinson and it was at first an entirely subconscious thing up until i thought “oh i should draw nandor from reference so i can get a better idea of his features” and then immediately dismissed it bcus then i’d have to look at kayvan’s face.
i didnt reblog the initial post about it because as important as it is to have visual evidence of kayvan’s antiblackness, if i as a white person could barely stomach seeing those pictures then i cant imagine how a black person would feel seeing them just randomly on their social media feed.
i cant even look at kayvan without seeing the picture of him in blackface. its fully affecting my ability to enjoy watching the show and i wish it wasnt but its just... so hard for me to cope in any other way than full disassociation and avoidance of the source of bad emotions. this is literally my trauma responses working against me again and i dont know how to make them stop.
it doesnt help that im dissociating half the time anyways. just makes it easier for me to turn off my emotions, but turning off my emotions is counter-productive!!!! i need to care about these things and feel anger/disgust/compassion/sympathy when i see racism or else im just going to end up even more complacent than i inherently am or worse. because its always so very easy for white people to let themselves be swept into participating in racism/antiblackness so we can reap the benefits.
i just need to find some way alternate way to cope that isnt anger (bcus i’ll burn out so fast) or full dissociation/avoidance. its killing me like actually bcus im deep in the avoidance mindset so if im feeling a negative emotion where the source of it is ME....... one can probably imagine my instinctual reactions to randomly remembering something embarrassing i did years ago. its not fun!!!
but i haven’t had a therapist in almost 2 years bcus i’m always fucking trapped in a cycle thats like “has problems, need to make appointment > must call on phone > gets intense anxiety about calling on phone > starts to avoid & ignore the source of anxiety including entire subject of why i must call on phone > forget about/normalize my problems > problems continue to get worse > need to make appointment > repeat.”
so like. if anyone has any links to articles or advice from their own therapists/psychiatrists to share with me about this kinda thing, i’d be forever grateful.
but even then it doesnt help with my current situation vis a vis kayvan and mark’s antiblackness. ive been able to consume/interact with stories & media made by racists before in a way that doesnt support them and doesnt ignore their racism but also is enjoyable. for example, i was hyperfixated on HP for months and half of the fun of that was being able to rip apart the really bad writing to expose the baked-in bigotry and then challenge myself to come up with better ideas.
but its very different with wwdits because while theres most definitely some bigotry which is bound to happen when you have a lot of different writers & also a shit ton of improv from the actors (not talking about the satire bcus its pretty obvious when theyre being satirical vs not), its not... to the same level. like fucking at all.
the show is great. it’s genuinely, actually progressive and funny and well-made and its so obvious every single person involved in it creatively has a great deal of passion for the show. there’s so much effort put into it to make sure any representations of minorities or oppressed groups are accurate and positive and not made into unoriginal & boring punch-down jokes while also still remaining a funny ass fucking show.
i guess my main issue is that the way this show is made makes it extremely difficult to separate character from actor. not just because they have the same faces/voices, but also just that they formed the characters around the actors themselves and the actors are encouraged to add onto their characters through improv and such. it wouldnt be the same show without those specific actors.
ive been talking to my mom about it and they suggested that i should watch other things kayvan has acted in just to help my brain separate nandor from him and tbh. that seems like a really good idea. maybe i could watch cruella finally, ive heard its not all that bad of a movie... hmmm....
thankfully mark has like no social media presence so its not all that hard to separate him from colin robinson. theyre two different people to me entirely.
i just hope when the fan pressure for accountability finally gets to kayvan that he doesnt double down again. like i really hope he’s privately realized how much harm he does and that he eventually publicly holds himself accountable.
sigh. yeah making this post was a good idea, i feel way better now that i have my thoughts written down instead of all jumbled together in my head. 
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