#ND suspected 2010
stokescroftarchive · 1 year
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Item No: 200
Item Name: Your Ideal Bristol Pamphlet
Description: A pamphlet with a collection of ideas for the future of Bristol compiled in 1996
Year: 1996
Box Name: PRSC Ephemera (No date, suspected 2010)
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the-firebird69 · 27 days
In Australia, the new Optima went on sale in January 2011. Initially available in only one grade, the highly specified "Platinum", it was later joined by an entry-level "Si" model in the 2012 model year. Both models feature a 2.4L GDI engine with 6-speed automatic. A manual was not offered.
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Saturn is defunct in 2010 there are a few other things happening this is an important portion of it. You can see the Saturn aura above interior and you can see the Kia Optima EXGDI down below which our son had and it is the same car and has power just like the Saturn and it's because the Saturn Company was using A KIA chassis. There's only one problem that the Saturn that Arnold had is when his son was using and it caused a big problem for the clan and so and so that chassis is the one that would be used and the last one who had it was Donald Trump and he says he used Tommy F Stinger and we know that he took our son's car out disguised as the Stinger and he was injured and we think he used the wrong car. come to find out somebody pulled a switcheroo they wanted to have a son's car no they wanted to have a son's car and took the Stinger which had our son's emblems and stuff and they thought they had Tommy F car and they built the supercar on top of our sons car and the engine is a V six and it was severely limited and the engine is AV6 and it was severely limited because the catalytic converter was clogged and he almost cleared it and he would have had 350 horsepower which is about 50 more horsepower than his firebird had and that thing weighed£3500 almost well it was 3200 lbs dry.. These things are heavy but let's say this this is not the car you think it is as the frame that the Kia company used was actually from America. It is not a small car and it was from the Oldsmobile Delta 88 and he picked up on it right away and he keeps on driving up onto things with the left car side and getting it dinged and it's terrible because of the idiot mac proper. Before the Delta 88 it was a couple of cars and Kia used the same frame that they were building back then they had it was a different Lincoln it was smaller it's the same frame and the thing was huge but the thing was extended and they messed with the frame yeah they put extensions on it OK and that's what kept doing and the Mac proper are doing it and no they have people do it and they have us make sure it works it was that car first and it's ridiculous no it came from a black car it's not an infamous car it's a car frame that our son helped design it turned out to be very sturdy and it helped a lot. The first car it was on was the first sedan they had that was the Delta 88 and that's what it means and it means Morlock and they're saying us no they're saying foreigners in us and they kept saying it and yeah grandpa had it and it worked for a long time it's a ladder frame and he designed it himself and it's ridiculous he's a child but it came out pretty good he knows why it's sturdy in Harrah helps to design it. and laughs your teh ones havingme climb a ladder and laughed nd she does too. they were facsinated. now it is following him. and it is called jacobs ladder. and he knows it and she. why. ok.
Thor Freya soon back to him like a curse
and yeh the black pearl...is one of htem too old iron sides. his work. his armor and it defeated so many ships we went blind counting. she is a thing of buety and flew onantarctica and there is a movie about it sorta. not the fly part ok. wonderful ship. and is jack sparrow who will command her. and Barbosa.
and it is on they say we do this now like his brotehr helps and yes.
and we shall like a prayer and for garth lol me i do it becka
we suspect in a week no lol
Thor Freya
good and me too i have one yes. to me and i get it. which car. and we see. i made one. no that one and two good. the wtwo terry c and trump adn they shrug better luck next time and no this is how it worked.and oh yeh we do it then
good girl we see it
not me but yes is hte math
we mas sprocduce and the driveway not too low i think
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ndconceptarchive · 3 years
SCKR Box Art Mock-ups
I found mock-ups created for the box art of Secrets Can Kill Remastered. It was uploaded on the Dare to Play blog (most likely by Novel) on July 26th, 2010:
For Nancy Drew's 80th anniversary, we're remastering the very first game we created – Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill. It took us two years to create it, centered around a murder, and required a lot of disc switching!  A lot has changed since then, especially the technology, so since we had to go into the code to make it compatible on Vista/Windows 7 and Mac, we thought the fans would love it if we were to update the game with new graphics, 3D characters, new puzzles, and a whole slew of other features!
Along with the updated game, we also had to update the packaging.  We love the original packaging and that's where our first concept for the remastered version game from.  It highlights the 80th anniversary and pays homage to the original art.  The eyes still stare out from the box, calling you to search the library of the school for more clues.
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Our second concept for the packaging focused on the characters themselves and tried to tell a story about the suspects.  They are all suspicious of each other and wondering if they'll be the next person killed to keep the secret safe.  This particular concept would give the person looking at the box a much better feel for the updated characters.  Keep in mind that this is just concept art.
And finally, for our third concept, we wanted to try something completely different than anything else we've ever done to really make it stand out from the rest of our games.  As you can see, we got rid of the characters completely and focused more on integrating the title into the packaging.  It's still mysterious with the threats on the locker and the obscured character makes the reader think that it might be them solving the mystery.  That's the beauty of this package – it really puts the fan into the shoes of Nancy Drew.
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So which one is your favorite?  Check back for updates on this mystery video game for PC/Mac, and you'll get to see which one we picked in the coming weeks and how the package evolved!
Personally, I think they made the right decision to choose using mockup #2 as the basis for the cover as opposed to the other ones. You could come up with a nice redesign that uses the same image from the library but Concept #1 is too simplistic. Concept #3 makes it seem like some sort of a visual novel game and doesn't feel like ND at all.
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desperately wish that most twinfics (mainly in the 2010s, idk if theres any made in this day nd age) werent just angst filled, bc they could be so much more in line with khrs brand of bullshit, but sadly everyone wants the twin to be abusive as fuck so tsuna can get a (usually suspect) harem to treat him like a damsel in distress :/
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creepingsharia · 5 years
A Killing Field of Defenseless Christians: 350 Killed in Jan & Feb 2020
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A SPECIAL REPORT (click to read)
(dedicated to victims of Islamic jihad in Nigeria)
Onitsha, Eastern Nigeria, Sunday, 8th March 2020
Nigeria has fully become a killing field of defenseless Christians. Available statistics have shown that between 11,500 and 12,000 Christian deaths were recorded in the past 57 months or since June 2015 when the present central Government of Nigeria came on board. Out of this figure, Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen accounted for 7,400 Christian deaths, Boko Haram 4000 and the ‘Highway Bandits’ 150-200.
While 100 percent of the victims of Jihadist Herdsmen attacks across Nigeria are Christians, the estimated 4000 Christians killed by Boko Haram were part of the estimated 6000 massacred by the sect since June 2015. Generally, many, if not most of the victims of Boko Haram/ISWAP attacks in Nigeria’s Northeast are Christians. On the part of ‘Bandits/Highway Kidnappers’ in Northern Nigeria, most of their rural victims are Muslims while many, if not most of their outlet or roadside victims are Christians traveling to Northern or Southern parts of the country using the Birnin-Gwari Federal Road, near Kaduna, etc.
Also, in the past two months or Jan and Feb 2020, no fewer than 350 Christian deaths have been recorded and between 100 and 150 Christian travelers abducted on highways. And out of the 350 Christian deaths, Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen accounted for no fewer than 250 and Boko Haram and ‘Highway Bandits’ accounted for the remaining 100 deaths. The Killings targeted at Christians in Nigeria have continued into the first week of March 2020 leading to hacking to death of over a dozen more.  
Among the worst hit in the latest round of Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen attacks are Plateau State with 70-80 deaths, Kaduna 50 deaths, Kogi 30 deaths, Benue 15-20, Delta 16 and Taraba 10. Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen have also in the past two months of Jan and Feb 2020 carried out attacks in Nasarawa, Adamawa, Edo and other parts of the country, leading to death of dozens of Christians.
The anti Christian attacks by Boko Haram since Jan 2020 have also intensified in Borno, Adamawa and Taraba States; claiming between 50 and 70 Christian lives and loss of churches and other buildings belonging to Christians, while those of “Highway Bandits/Kidnappers” included raiding and looting of Christian villages and ambushing of Christian travelers.
By the account of the Vanguard Newspaper, “320 persons were killed in Nigeria in the month of Jan 2020” and by that of Sahara Reporters, “223 persons died in Nigeria in the month of Feb 2020”.  The 2019 Global Terrorism Index also stated that “2,040 persons (all Christians) were killed by radicalized Fulani militants in Nigeria in 2018 alone”.  Intersociety, on its part,stated in March 2019 that ‘no fewer than 2400 defenseless Christians were hacked to death by Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen in 2018 alone and in 2019; the number went down to between 1000 and 1,200 Christian deaths.’ These are just to cite but few.
In all, not less than 10,475 Christians were hacked to death by non state actor Jihadists in the past 57 months, out of which Fulani Jihadists accounted for about 62% or 7,400 deaths. At the state actor level, the country’s security forces (Army, Air Force and Police) have been responsible for 1,050 Christian deaths. All the deaths occurred outside the law and were perpetrated in gross violation of the international human rights and humanitarian laws. Till date, the perpetrators of these heinous crimes or atrocities have remained on the prowl.
We Have Monitored Violence Against Christians In Nigeria Since 2010
Expertly speaking, the Int’l Society for Civil Liberties & the Rule of Law-INTERSOCIETY; formed and registered in Nigeria since 2008, is a leading investigative and research rights advocacy group in the country. Led by criminologists, lawyers, journalists, security, peace and conflict studies’ graduates; Intersociety opposes inter-faith violence or killing in the name of radical Islamism including persecution of Christians and destruction or burning of churches and other Christian worship centers. 
Intersociety had monitored and documented killing of Christians in Nigeria since 2010 and spoken out against same using several dependable mainstream and online media platforms of local and international credibility. In its monitoring and documentation, Intersociety relies on credible local and foreign media reports, eyewitnesses’ accounts and reports from Christian bodies and church media. Also relied upon are reports from local and international rights and research organizations and credible Government accounts (if any). 
 20 Clergymen Killed & 50 Abducted Since June 2015
No fewer than 20 clergymen including at least eight Catholic Priests/Seminarians were hacked to death in the past 57 months and not less than 50 abducted or kidnapped. Among the slain Priests are Rev Father Clement Ugwu, abducted and killed on 14th March 2019, Rev Father Paul Offu abducted and killed on 1st August 2019 and Rev Fathers Joseph Gor and Felix Tyolaha killed by Jihadist Herdsmen  at St. Ignatius Quasi Parish Ukpor-Mbalom (Benue) on 24th April 2018. Among the newest victims of killings targeted at Nigerian Christian leaders are Reverend Pastor Lawan Andimi and Reverend Pastor Denis Bagauri, all top officials of CAN in Adamawa State.
The abducted priests or clergymen included Catholic priests (Fathers Dim, Ezeokana and Chukwuemeka) abducted while returning from Nsukka to Onitsha and Nnewi when they were attacked by Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen in Sept 2016 along Nkpologwu-Nimbo Road in Enugu State. One of them later died. On the same Monday 26th September, 2016, a Vincentian Igbo Priest whose name was not given was also kidnapped with his brother along Abuja-Lokoja express way.  
Five pastors of the Reverend Enoch Adeboye owned RCCG; all Igbo citizens were abducted on Friday, 2nd August 2019, but later freed. The five Igbo-pastors are: Deaconess Ibelegbo Chidinma, Chidozie Eluwa, Chiemela Iroha, Okoro Ohowukwe and Ndubuisi Owuabueze.
In Dec 2018, two Catholic Priests were abducted by suspected Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen. The two Priests were of St Teresa’s Catholic Church Umueze Anam in Anambra West Local Government Area of Anambra State. The source said the priests were abducted at Umuleri while returning from an official function. This is just to cite but few.
Christian Travelers Abducted In Their Hundreds
Targeting and abducting Christian travelers on highways particularly in Northern Nigeria who are mainly citizens of Igbo extraction have also intensified and taken a dangerous dimension in recent months-whereby the victims are separated at gunpoint according to their tribe and religion. Same is applicable to victims of house to house raiding and looting during which Christians are separated from others at gunpoint and taken away or killed on the spot.
Christians particularly those of Igbo extraction are waylaid on highways and abducted into the bush and forced to pay ransom or face death including beheading or forceful conversion to Islam. Women among them are routinely subjected to sexual violence including rape and other forms of sexual assault.  On 14th Jan 2020, no fewer than 58 Igbo Christian travelers through the Ezenwata Transport’s Luxury Bus were ambushed and forced to stop after which they were abducted.
The Boko Haram, Jihadist Herdsmen and “Highway Bandits” have been abducting travelers on major Nigerian highways including Abuja-Okene, Birnin-Gwari-Kaduna and Benin-Ore Federal Roads, etc. The abductees are held and tortured in captivity until they pay ransoms running into millions of naira each. Those who are unable to pay run the high risk of being killed or raped to death in captivity, if they are young women.
Jihadists Have Forced 4m-5m Christians To Flee & Destroyed 2000 Churches In 57 Months
Ceaseless killing of Christians in Nigeria particularly since June 2015 and burning or destruction of their churches and other worship centers followed incessant attacks against them by Boko Haram/ISWAP, Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen and a branch of Boko Haram, called “Bandits/Highway Kidnappers” who engage in roadway abductions and armed robberies and house to house lootings; all for purpose of radical propagation of Islam and raising of ‘blood funds’ for themselves and advancement of their terror activities.
Generally, the number of indigenous Northern Christians forced to flee their ancestral homes, farmlands and sacred places of worship so as to escape being hacked to death or face forceful conversion to Islam and concomitant sexual violence or enslavement had sharply risen from “over 1.3m in 2014” (Open Doors Report 2015) to between 4m and 5m. The affected population had fled the country or relocated to some less risky capital cities in Northern Nigeria or cities and communities in the Southeast, South-south and Southwest parts of the country. The educated among them have become “urban refugees”.
The total number of Jihadist Herdsmen and Boko Haram generated internally displaced persons and refugees in Northern Nigeria-mostly Christians, are presently estimated at 3m, rising from 2.6m as at 2017. Among the refugees are some ’90,000 Christian dominated Nigerian refugees (from Borno’s Gwoza alone) presently in Cameroon. Joined in fleeing the Islamic jihad affected parts of the North are sizeable number of Igbo Christian population resident in the areas, but now resettled in the Southeast and the South-south parts of the country.
The number of churches and other Christian worship centers destroyed or burnt since June 2015 in the North has also risen to over 2000, out of which Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen account for over 1500 while Boko Haram accounts for 500 others. Of the churches destroyed or burnt by Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen, Benue, Plateau and Southern Kaduna are the worst hit.
In eight years, between 2011 and 2019, Benue State had lost not less than 600 churches and other Christian worship centers to Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen. By the account of Open Doors Int’l, “over 13,000 churches and 1,500 Christian schools were destroyed or burnt; with 11,500-12,500 Christians killed and over 1.3 million forced to flee their homes to escape being hacked to death by Boko Haram Jihadists between 2009 and 2014”.
Concise Background Of Christian Population In Nigeria & Their Settlements In The North
Nigeria is home to between 95m and 100m Christians, out of which estimated 30m (indigenous) Christians are found in the North. This is going by the country’s estimated total population of 200m citizens. The indigenous Northern Christian population is boosted by estimated 11m-12m Christians dominated by Christian citizens of Igbo extraction living in the North. Southeast and South-south regions of Nigeria are also home to the largest Christian population in Nigeria, followed by the Southwest and the old Middle Belt Region in Northern Nigeria. The Southwest Christians are further boosted by estimated 6m Christians dominated by Christian citizens of Igbo extraction largely found in Lagos.
In the Northeast, indigenous Christians are found in large numbers in Taraba State (about 60%), Adamawa (about 40%), Borno (about 40%), Gombe (sizeable) and Yobe and Bauchi (fraction). They are generally boosted by resident Christians dominated by Christians of Igbo extraction. Totality of these was the case as at 2009 and still substantially the case today particularly in Taraba and Gombe States. That is to say that Borno and Adamawa States are the hardest hit in the raging or ongoing anti Christian persecution or killing of Christians and burning or destruction of their churches.
Before the 1961 plebiscite, the old Gongola (now Adamawa and Taraba States of Nigeria) was part of the Republic of Cameroon with moderate religious practices including substantial Christian population. In Borno State, the area formerly Kanem-Bornu (Kanuri) Empire, is one of the oldest moderate Islamic settlements in now Northern Nigeria and was then (8th-11th century AD) under the Duguwa Dynasty that lastedfrom 700AD to 1086AD. The area specifically embraced moderate Islamism around AD1090s when its King (Sef Mai Umme) became a Muslim and changed his name to Ibn ‘Abd al-Jalil.  That was about 458 years after the death of Prophet Muhammed in 632AD.
The area later found itself under Kanem-Bornu Empire formed in 1380AD. It also embraced Islamic civilization early enough. Noted also is the fact that the area now called ‘Borno and Adamawa regions’ were the only areas in Northern Nigeria that withstood and resisted the Fulani Jihadist incursion in early 1800s. Christian missionaries went to the areas in 1800s and 1900s and established Christianity, which led many to embrace Christianity. Today, Christians and Christianity religion in the areas (Borno and Adamawa) are almost uprooted by terrorist activities of Boko Haram and Fulani jihadists.
By the account of Dr. Bitrus Pogu, the Adamawa State’s senior member of Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN: translated as Church of the Brethren in Nigeria: 
”In many communities in Northeast Nigeria, the killers (Fulani and Boko Haram jihadists) take over ancestral lands and communities that for generations belonged to Christians. The majority of Christian-dominated areas in southern Borno have been taken over by terrorists.  In the area, only southeastern Damboa  (presently) has large Christian settlements…
Many of them [Christians living there] have been killed. The remnant who attempted to go to their farms were shot and killed, so the place is empty now. The area of Askira Uba, where Christians were dominant has all been deserted. In Gwoza, you will hardly find one Christian in all the settlements. Any Christian who goes home would see what had happened there and run away.
“The Cameroon refugee camp alone has more than 90,000 persons from Gwoza who are dominantly Christians. Many of them have moved out to Abuja and other cities. The villages are deserted; they have left even local government headquarters. A place like Chibok is predominantly Christian but people have left the villages around Chibok town as a result of series of attacks. Where Rev. Andimi hails from is about six kilometres from where the last settlement is. …. there is nobody living there, apart from those who settled along the main road. Askia Uba is the last area north where Christians are. In Adamawa State, there is Madagali, where you have Gulak. Right south you find Christians, but north there are no people. The terrorists are approaching Adamawa proper, because Adamawa and Borno intersect from Uba…”
Boko Haram, Fulani Herdsmen & ‘Bandits’: Three Names With One Mission
At non state actor level, there are two major armed Islamic jihadist groups terrorizing Nigeria and its defenseless citizens particularly members of the Christian faith. They are the Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen and the Boko Haram jihadists. The international offshoot of Boko Haram is called Islamic State in West Africa or ISWAP.
Boko Haram was formed in 2002 as a ragtag violent group protesting local inequality, socio-economic downturn and failed political leadership in Borno. It was later hijacked and radicalized religiously by some Northern radical political and security actors. The terrorist Fulani Herdsmen, on their part, are the armed terrorist and Islamic jihadist department of Fulani Herdsmen in Nigeria, the country’s primitive cattle herders. The terrorist and jihadist department of Herdsmen were created and funded and are still funded by same extremist Northern politicians and security chiefs and made devastatingly active immediately after the return to civil rule in late May 1999.
The now fourth world’s deadliest terror group was formed and funded using the cover of existing Fulani rural cattle grazing in Nigeria. Initially formed and funded to wrestle the country’s seat of presidency power from the South targeted at making same ungovernable, the mission of the terror group and its sponsors later changed to jihadist Islamism in 2015.
The change in its mission also followed the emergence of Mr. Muhammadu Buhari, a known Fulani (Daji) and member of conservative Muslim faith, as the sixth civilian president of Nigeria in late May 2015. Mr. Buhari and his name, till date, is the life patron of the mother body of the association of Nigeria’s cattle herders, called ‘the Miyatti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria’ or MACBAN.
According to Comrade Steven Kefas, a fiery Southern Kaduna rights activist, ‘what is called “Bandits” or “Ansaru” or “northern kidnappers” or “cattle rustlers” is nothing but a product of Government ‘labeling’. These groups are just ‘cells’ or ‘departments of Boko Haram’ charged with responsibility of raising funds for its jihadist and terror activities through various forms of roadway and street criminality including kidnapping-for-ransom, armed robbery and house-to-house raiding and looting’.
There is much more. Read it all at the link below.
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ulrtateetee · 4 years
Jeffrey Edward Epstein an American financer , broker , educator and socialite, with a net worth of Us$559 million , was born in 1953 in Brooklyn, New York City . brought up by his Jewish parents Pauline and Seymour G Epstein. Pauline was a homemaker and worked as a school aide while Seymour worked for the NYCD of parks and recreation as a grounds keeper and gardener. He was the older of two siblings. He attended local public schools, then later attended the National Music camp at the Interlochen Centre for the Arts where he started playing piano. He then graduated in 1969 from Lafayette high School, later that year joined Cooper union until 1971 when he changed colleges in 1971 to attend the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at Mathematical Sciences at New York University.
Epstein started working in September 1974 as a physics and mathematics teacher in Dalton School. He allegedly showed inappropriate behavior towards  underage students at the time, he was then dismissed from Dalton for ‘poor performance ‘. He was offered a job at Bear Stearms by Greenburg as a level junior assistant to a floor trader. Jimmy Cayne , the bank’s later CEO praised Epstein’s skill with wealthy clients and complex products  , he then became a limited partner. He was asked to leave Bear Stearns but remained close to Cayne and Greenberg and was a client of Bear sterns until it collapsed in 2008.
He was connected to well known names , including Donald trump, Bill Clinton , Prince Andrew , Alan Dershowitz , Ghislaine Maxwell and Leslie Wexner. In documents filed by Virginia Giuffre’s lawyers, one accuser claimed that Maxwell ‘recreuited her under the guise of a legitimate assistant position, but asked her to perform sexual massages for Epstein. Epstein had a long association with Ghislaine Maxwell, who has persistently faced allegations of sexual traffickingof underage girls for Epstein, which led her to an arrest on July 2nd 2020. . Ghislaine Maxwell has never denied her friendship with Epstein.
Jeffrey Epstein owned a private island called Little Saint James off the coast of St. Thomas. A whole 70 to 78 acres. It acquired local nick names such as ‘ island of Sin’ and ‘ pedophile island ‘ as it was alleged to be a location where sexual abuse of underage girls occurred. He also had a ranch in Mexico , Zorro ranch which was one of his largest property besides the private island. It is said to have an underground strip club, for entertaining his visitors with teenage girls , eight person shower and cameras in every room. Which is now currently under investigation by New Mexico’s attorney general’s office after several women claimed they were sexually harassed there.
In March 2005 , he was allegedly reported by a woman that her 14 year old daughter had be taken to Epstein’s mansion by an older girl and paid to strip and massage him. The FBI then became involved, they alleged that Epstein has paid several girls to perform sexual acts with him. In May 2006 , Palm Beach police filed a case saying that Epstein should be charged with four counts of unlawful sex with minors and one count of sexual abuse. An evidence was presented from two victims and he was then charged of felony solication of prostitution, to which he pleaded not guilty.
He was sentenced to 18 months in prison where he was housed in a private wing of the Palm Beach County stockade unlike other sex offenders. He was allowed to come and go outside of specified release hours. He served almost 13 months before being released for a year of probton on house arrest in 2010. He was allowed to go for numerous trips to Manhattan and Virgin islands and also go for walks around palm beach and also go for long shopping trips.
On July 23, 2019, three works prior to his death , he was found unconscious in his cell with injuries on his neck. He believed he was attacked by his cellmate while the correctional staff suspected that it was attempted suicide. He was then placed under suicide watch, after 6 days he was taken off suicide watch and placed in a special housing with another inmate. On august 9 , 2019, his cellmate was transferred out but no one replaced him. That evening the jail’s normal procedure wasn’t followed , Epstein was not checked every 30 minutes. The two guards who were to check his jail unit that evening fell asleep and didn’t check up on him and apparently the two cameras infront of Epstein’s cell malfunctioned that night. He was then found dead in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Centre in New York City at 6.30 am .on August 10 2019.
The medical examiner ruled the death of suicide while Epstein’s lawyers have disputed the ruling , and there has been significant public skepticism about the true cause of his death .There were no possibilities of pursuing the criminal charges .The judge then dismissed all criminal charges .
Following the killing of George Floyd , activists anonymously released “ The little Black book of Jeffrey Epstein” which was said to be motivated by the death of George Floyd. A list of anonymous names were included in the book including Donald Trump , daughter Ivanka and ex wife Ivana , supermodel Naomi Campbell , musician Mick Jagger, actor Will Smith and many more. This book has become a symbol of the exclusive world of the very famous and very rich , and the secret life the financier lived . The term then became “ little black book” represents something of a secret directory both in true crimes tales and in the arts ; along insiders and conspirators.  A report by New York magazine says those who appear in Mr. Epstein’s book are likely to be a map of aspirational connections, as well as actual ones.
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massmurdera · 5 years
2019 & 2010s Best/Worst
Because I like lists and cataloguing the dumb shit I cared about. As my brother once said after seeing and reviewing NOW YOU SEE ME on a lazy Sunday, ‘Some would say it was a waste of time, others might say it was a colossal waste of time.’     
I’ll admit, it’s a bit over-the-top. Particularly including the Pats, but yeah, in the Tom Brady era that started when I was 14 as a Freshman in high school to 33 years old now and wrapping up soon-ish (?), there’s not a chance in hell I’ll care as intimately about this shit. I grew up with it at just the right time.
2019 MOVIES  TOP TIER 1) Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 2) Uncut Gems 2nd TIER 3) Knives Out 4) Parasite 5) Little Women 6) Midsommer 3rd TIER 7) John Wick III 8) Ready or Not 9) Marriage Story 10) Joker 11) Irishman 12) Shazam! 13) Us UNDERRATED Ready or Not TOO LONG John Wick III; Irishman SOLID El Camino GOOD BAD 6 Underground OK 21 Bridges; Avengers: Endgame; Dolemite is my Name; Dragged Across Concrete; Fighting With My Family; Hustlers; Knock Down the House; Longshot; the Report; Two Popes MEH Always Be My Maybe; Death of Dick Long; High Flying Bird; Spiderman: Far From Home; Standoff at Sparrow Creek DISAPPOINTING Hobbs & Shaw; Toy Story 4; Triple Frontier SUCK Laundromat; Under the Silver Lake OVERRATED Ad Astra; Booksmart; the Farewell FUNNIEST SCENE Dicaprio flipping out in movie trailer BEST CLIMAX/ENDING Once Upon a Time; Uncut Gems HAVEN’T SEEN 1917; Apollo 11; Beach Bum; Dark Waters; Ford vs Ferrari; Honey Boy; Jojo Rabbit; the Lighthouse; Star Wars 2019 TV  TOP TIER 1) Succession 2) Fleabag 3) Watchmen 2nd TIER 4) When They See Us 5) Barry 6) Unbelievable 7) Chernobyl 8) Sex Education DAMN GOOD Big Mouth; the Boys; Brockmire; Derry Girls; Euphoria; Loudest Voice; Mindhunter; Pen15; Righteous Gemstones; Veep WATCHABLE Atypical; Bosch; Dark; Goliath; Karate Kid; Kominsky Method; Mandalorian; Mr Robot; Mrs Fletcher; Russian Doll; Warrior HIGH/LOW I Think You Should Leave SHIT END FOR ALL-TIME GREAT Game of Thrones HALF-WATCH Living With Yourself; Raising Dion; the Society NOT UP TO STANDARD Stranger Things; GLOW; Killing Eve; True Detective BAD Luther; Shameless; Silicon Valley; SNL SUCK 13 Reasons Why; Big Little Lies; the Witcher FUNNIEST Desus & Mero DOCS 1) Fyre: both  2) Ted Bundy Tapes 3) American Factory 4) Leaving Neverland STAND-UP SPECIALS 1) Burr 2) Chappelle 3) Jeselnik 4) Birbiglia 5) Gulman BEHIND ON SHOWS I DIG Brooklyn 99; Catastrophe; Corporate; Expanse; Good Place; It’s Always Sunny; Letterkenny 2010s TV  DRAMA 1) Breaking Bad 2) Game of Thrones 3) Justified 4) Mad Men 5) Hannibal 6) Banshee ANTHOLOGY/LIMITED SERIES 1) Fargo SII 2) True Detective SI 3) When They See Us 4) People Vs OJ Simpson 5) Chernobyl 6) Show Me a Hero 7) the Night Of 8) Honorable Woman COMEDY 1) Atlanta 2) Fleabag 3) Veep 4) Big Mouth 5) Parks & Rec 6) Rick & Morty 7) Nathan for You 8) Review 9) American Vandal HIT/MISS Black Mirror OVERRATED Boardwalk Empire; House of Cards; Peaky Blinders; Westworld UNDERRATED Banshee; Brockmire; Hannibal FUN HATE-WATCH Newsroom DOWNHILL Homeland; How I Met Your Mother; Legion; Sons of Anarchy HATED Girls; Leftovers; Rectify UNWATCHABLE Twin Peaks BEST ENDINGS Breaking Bad; Justified; Fleabag; Parks & Rec DUMBEST ENDING Dexter; Sons of Anarchy LATE NIGHT Desus & Mero POLITICAL John Oliver 2010s MOVIES 2010 Social Network Animal Kingdom; the Fighter; Four Lions; Inside Job; Jackass 3; MacGruber; Shutter Island; Toy Story 3; True Grit; Winter’s Bone 2011 the Raid Descendents; Drive; Fast Five; the Guard; Mission Impossible 4; Take This Waltz; Warrior 2012 Magic Mike 21 Jump Street; Argo; Cabin in the Woods; Chronicle; Django Unchained; Goon; Looper; Queen of Versailles; Silver Linings Playbook; Skyfall 2013 Wolf of Wall Street Before Midnight; the Conjuring; Gravity; Her; Inside Llewyn Davis; Prisoners; Short-Term 12 2014 John Wick the Drop; Edge of Tomorrow; Gone Girl; the Guest; Lego Movie; Nightcrawler; the Raid 2; Whiplash 2015 Mad Max 7 Days in Hell; Big Short; Brooklyn; Creed; Ex Machina; Fast 7; It Follows; Logan; Magic Mike XXL; the Martian; Me and Earl and the Dying Girl; Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation; Sicario 2016 the Nice Guys Deadpool; Edge of Seventeen; Everybody Wants Some!; Green Room; La La Land; Manchester By the Sea; Moonlight; OJ: Made in America; Popstar; Sing Street; Weiner 2017 Get Out Blade Runner 2049; Coco; Dunkirk; Lady Bird; Logan; Thor Ragnorak; Tour de Pharmacy 2018 Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse BlacKKKlansman; Den of Thieves; Hereditary; If Beale Street Could Talk; Minding the Gap; Sorry to Bother You
THE BEST Mad Max BEST DOC OJ: Made in America FUNNIEST DOC Tickled UNDERRATED DOC Weiner HORROR Hereditary FAVORITE/FUNNIEST PERFORMANCE Ryan Gosling (Nice Guys) DESERVED 5 SEQUELS the Nice Guys SUPERHERO Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse WAR Dunkirk BEST FIGHT SCENES the Raid UNDERRATED any Lonely Island project NICE TRY Dark Knight Rises; Inception; Interstellar; Widows STAND-UP 2010s FAVORITE Bill Burr NEXT BEST Ali Wong; Anthony Jeselnik; Kyle Kinane; Bert Kreischer; Marc Maron; John Mulaney; Patton Oswalt; Rory Scovel; Tom Segura COMEBACK Chappelle DOWNFALL Louis CK DIED BEFORE PRIME Patrice O’Neal, Greg Giraldo UNDERRATED Joe Derosa MUST-SEE LIVE Robert Kelly  PODCASTS 2010s  BEST/FUNNIEST/UNDERRATED Walking the Room RUNNER-UP 600 Dollar Podcast ONE-MAN RANT Bill Burr Monday Morning Podcast SPORTS Pardon My Take RIFFING Bodega Boys HISTORY/COMEDY Dollop HISTORY DEEP DIVE Hardcore History MOVIES Rewatchables HATE-WATCH CRITICISM West Wing Thing POP CULTURE/FILM Frotcast MIXED Revisionist History GOOD/BAD Joe Rogan: GOOD: propping up comic friends; BAD: useful idiot for propping up bad faith fascists who should be put out to pasture INTERNET CURIOSITY Reply All LEFTIST POLITICS Chapo Trap House TRUE CRIME In the Dark ADVICE Don’t Take Bullshit From Fuckers LAME Pod Save America OVERRATED Missing Richard Simmons DIDN’T LIKE S-Town SERIAL Season 3>Season 1 TRUMP Trump, Inc SPORTS SCHAUDENFREUDE Fuck the Chargers OKAY Bill Simmons WTF WITH MARON good when he talks to comics MURDER My Favorite Murder OTHER GOOD ONES Hound Tall; Press Box
2010s MUSIC  FAVORITE anything Brian Fallon ROCK BAND Menzingers SONG Robyn-‘Dancing On My Own’ POP-PUNK BAND Wonder Years LIVE ALBUM Horrible Crowes-‘Elsie’ HEAVY BAND Every Time I Die ELECTRONIC Chvrches SOLO Rihanna COVER ALBUM Dustin Kensrue-‘Thoughts on a Different Blood’ GO-TO AT GYM Story So Far OFF THE INEVITABLE & IRRECOVERABLE DEEP END Kanye KIND OF LIKE THE MUSIC/HATE THE PERSON: LIKE KANYE Taylor Swift, Bieber THOUGHT I’D HATE BUT DOES NOT SUCK Lana Del Rey; Post Malone OTHER FAVES 1975; Arctic Monkeys; Beach Slang; Black Keys; Bon Iver; Carly Rae Jepsen; the National; Thrice MIXED Chance the Rapper; Kendrick Lamar I’ll be honest I spent far more time listening to podcasts nearly all the time and just listened to mostly the same couple of things I liked. 2010s PATRIOTS  2010s BEST GAMES 1) Seahawks Super Bowl 2) Falcons Super Bowl 3) Ravens 2015 Divisional 4) Chiefs 2019 AFCCG UNDERRATED CLASSIC Ravens 2015 Divisional BRADY/GRONK GO DOWN LIKE CHAMPS 1) 2018 Eagles Super Bowl 2) Broncos 2015 AFCCG: Brady’ offensive line was a sieve EITHER WAY Giants Super Bowl: game changed when Brady’s shoulder got fucked up by Tuck FAVORITE PLAYER TB12 MOST FUN/DOMINANT Gronk HEART OF TEAM Edelman BELOVED Wilfork ROCK SOLID 1) Hightower 2) McCourty 3) James White 1st BALLOT HALL OF FAMERS 1) Brady 2) Gronk 3) Revis LATER BALLOT 1) Edelman 2) Scarnecchia 3) Welker 4) Wilfork 5) Slater MAKING AN ARGUMENT Gilmore PATS HALL ONLY 1) McCourty 2) Hightower 3) Mankins 4) White 5) Gostkowski 6) Mayo 7) Chung UNDERRATED/GOOD VALUE 1) Amendola 2) Vollmer 3) Ninkovich 4) Chung 5) Woodhead DESERVED BETTER Welker UNSUNG Slater OVERRATED 1) Solder 2) Brandin Cooks NO-SHOWS Dolphins (Dec ’19); Jets Divisional (Jan ‘11) BEST REGULAR SEASON WINS 1) 2013 Broncos 2) 2017 Steelers 3) 2013 Saints BEST REGULAR SEASON LOSSES 1) 2012 49ers 2) 2016 Seahawks 3) 2014 Packers 4) 2015 Broncos LOL Miami Miracle: saved by winning Super Bowl LEAST TALENTED TEAM 1) 2013 by a mile 2) 2010 3) 2011 4) 2018 BEST TEAM 1) 2014  2) 2016 BEST PLAYS (NON-GRONK) 1) Butler INT Seahawks 2) Edelman TD pass vs Ravens 3) Buttfumble Jets 4) Edelman catch vs Falcons 5) Walk-off TD vs Falcons 6) Dan Connolly kick return 7) Brady TD pass to LaFell 2015 Divisional POUNDED TABLE TO DRAFT 1) Lamar Jackson 2) Kittle 3) AJ Brown 4) Honey Badger 5) Stefon Diggs WANTED BUT OUT OF REACH 1) Aaron Donald 2) Quenton Nelson 3) Derwin James 4) Hopkins 5) TJ Watt 6) Saquon 7) Keenan Allen 8) McCaffrey 9) Gurley WOULD’VE WON IT ALL IF NOT FOR INJURIES 2011, 2012, 2015, 2017. That’s football HEALTHIEST SEASON 2018 ROPE-A-DOPED/GOT BY ON VETERAN GUILE 2018: Belichick’s best coaching FAVORITE PICKS AT THE TIME OF GUYS I WANTED 1) Gronk 2) Hightower/Chandler Jones 3) Shaq Mason MOVES I HATED THAT I WAS WRONG ABOUT 1) Stephon Gilmore 2) trading Jamie Collins MOST IMPROVED Marcus Cannon BEST FIND Kyle Van Noy MOVE I LOVED getting Blount back the 2nd time IF BUTLER WASN’T BENCHED, DO THEY BEAT THE EAGLES? Yes 100%. If only because, if nothing else, he can tackle BUTLER’s INT KILLED THE ‘LEGION OF BOOM’ SEAHAWKS WOULD-BE DYNASTY Yes DRAFT REACH THAT MADE NO SENSE Jordan Richards: Tavon Wilson 2.0 BAD DRAFT MOVES 1) Dominique Easley 2) Cyrus Jones 3) Dobson 4) Mallett DIRTY SECRET Belichick sucks at drafting in 2nd round WOULD HAVE BEEN GOOD IF HE STAYED HEALTHY Malcolm Mitchell HATE TO SEE WALK BUT COULDN’T AFFORD 1) Trey Flowers 2) Chandler Jones 3) Jimmy G 4) Talib 5) Akiem Hicks DEFLATEGATE fraud/power trip job by Goodell/owners BRADY OR BELICHICK MORE VALUABLE Brady 100% DISAPPOINTING/GAMBLES 1) Ochocinco 2) Michael Bennett: got him 2 years too late 3) Fanene signing 4) Haynesworth BEST SHORT-TERM 1) Martellus Bennett 2) Chris Long 3) Revis 4) Brian Waters SUSPECT CHARACTERS/EDGY PERSONALITY MACHINES Brandon Spikes; Brandon Browner…SERIAL KILLER Aaron Hernandez PERSONALITY DISORDER DISASTER Antonio Brown: bad signing/unexpected HOW THE FUCK DID WE LOSE TO THAT GUY? Eli Manning/Nick Foles LIFESAVER Scarnecchia MCDANIELS Frustrating—but continuity matters REFS FUCKED OVER Gronk  MISCELANNEOUS 2010s GOOD/ENJOY Bernie Sanders/AOC: people who actually want to get good done that’s long overdue…Lebron James; Stephen Curry; Kawhi; Zion Williamson; Luka Doncic...Lamar Jackson; Pat Mahomes; JJ Watt; Marshawn Lynch…Coach Ed Orgeron...David Ortiz…2011 Bruins…memes…Don Winslow crime novels…David Roth writing on Trump…David Grann non-fiction…’Book of Mormon’ DID NOT ENJOY Kyrie Irving…Deflategate…LeBron on the Heat…Bobby Valentine DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE LIKE ‘Between the World and Me’…Elon Musk…Lin Manuel-Miranda/’Hamilton’ INDEFENSIBLY AND INFURIATINGLY BAD THE MORE YOU LOOK AT IT Facebook…Obama Presidency/Democratic Party Leadership EVERYDAY DISASTER Media: CNN; Fox; MSNBC; NY Times Op-Ed…Trump/Republicans: Trump presidency was basically 2010s 9/11 for inevitable disastrous fallout & consequences my generation will never recover from…Grifters Trojan horsing way in shamelessly (Trump administration; Ben Shapiro; Alex Jones; Milo; Jordan Peterson, Tomi Lahren, etc.) and no repercussions...Republican Party basically one goal: to troll libs even with shitty ideas that suck FAVORITES WHO DIED Bourdain; Elmore Leonard; Garry Shandling; Muhammad Ali; Robin Williams; Tom Petty BEST TALENT CUT SHORT Philip Seymour Hoffman SHITTIEST PEOPLE WHO DIED Antonin Scalia; George HW Bush; John McCain; Osama; Steve Jobs; Whitey Bulger I FORGOT THAT SHIT HAPPENED Charlie Sheen loses it JEFFREY EPSTEIN did not kill himself WHAT DEFINES 2010s Amazon/Bezos…Climate Change/Gun Violence inaction…Journalism being taken over by Bane Capital-esque vultures/local places dying...one-sided Class War by the uber-rich…#MeToo…Netflix…Opioids…Outrage/Cancel culture…Police Injustice…Silicon Valley…Social Media…Superhero shit…Your mom
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Ramon Laso (1955-?)
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Ramon Laso Moreno, also known as the Amposta Parricide and the Els Pallaresos Killer is a Spanish serial killer who was convicted for the murders of his 1st wife & 6-year-old son as well as the later murders of his 2nd wife and brother-in-law. His 2nd murder conviction is the first in Spanish history without a confession, murder weapon, body, or any remains. Laso currently disputes the validity of other forensic evidence & continues to maintain his innocence. He was born in Jaen, Spain in 1955, but spent most of his life in Tarragona province. In the ‘80s Laso lived with his wife Dolors Camacho & their 2 children in Amposta. He and his brother-in-law Miguel Camacho ran a brothel from a farm, with Laso acting as the pimp/recruiter for the prostitutes. This duo split up after Laso & Camacho argued & Laso destroyed several mirrors, lights, and other items. On June 9, 1988, Laso’s wife was found, having been beheaded by a train in Amposta Station just after midnight. The death was considered a suicide despite Camacho’s suspicions. 9 months later Laso’s car fell off a 20-meter cliff whilst transporting Laso and his 6-year-old son. Laso was pretty much unharmed, despite falling off the cliff and lying unconscious for 15 minutes, while his son was killed & incinerated. The car insurance gave Laso 3.5 million pesetas which he used to open a video rental shop. Miguel Camacho, however, believed that he planned to kill the family 1 by 1 & hired a private investigator to find proof that Laso killed his wife & son. The PI managed to prove that Laso had strangled his wife, and that she was already deceased when the train decapitated her. One indicator of this was the fact that Camacho hadn’t lifted her head when the train approached, which would be instinctual. He also set his car on fire himself, burning his own child. Laso gave multiple different stories to police, and while admitting to staging both “accidents”, he never actually confessed to murder. He was convicted and sentenced to 56 years in prison for both murders in 1993 but was parole in 1999, due to good behaviour while incarcerated.
Following his release from prison Laso worked as an undertaker, a bartender and an ambulance driver. He remarried, to Julie Lamas, a Tarragona building caretaker who knew nothing of his criminal past. Despite being newly married, Laso had affairs with other women – including her own sister, Mercedes, who was married to Maurici Font. Laso proposed to Mercedes multiple times but she refused to leave her husband. On March 29, 2009, Laso met Font in an orchard they both worked in – after this meeting, Laso picked up his wife from work...but neither Font nor Lamas were ever seen again. Font would usually pick Mercedes up from the hospital where she worked, but that day he didn’t show – Laso did. He told her that Font had been sleeping with his sister-in-law and the pair had run away together. At this point, Laso was sweaty, lethargic, had lost his glasses & had a scratch on his face, making Mercedes suspicious. The pair went to the homes of both, where she saw that most of their belongings were still where they should be, including Julia’s car. Mercedes suggested reporting their disappearances to the Mossos d’Esquadra (Catalonian police), but Laso talked her out of it. However, the next day Mercedes told a friend that the pair were missing and that she believed Laso was involved. Laso was interviewed by the Mossos several times – he was always cooperative but accused Mercedes of being a liar. In one interrogation Laso said that Font had called his mother from Morella, Castellon, where Julia’s son from a previous marriage lived, telling her not to worry, that they were starting a new life together and Julia had a new job in a retirement home. Julia’s son would later testify that Laso had gone to Morella to try and talk to him, but that he had ignored him. Not long after, “Font” called the offices of the Diari de Tarragona from Morella, repeating his story and adding the fact that he had left in disgust after finding out his wife was cheating, and requested that the investigation be closed. He proceeded to send a fax to the Social Security office to request that his monthly pension be put in a new bank account; the fax included a copy of Font’s National Identity Document, but the signature that came with it was a fake. Laso also tried to steal Julia Lamas’ job as the building caretaker.
GPS & mobile phone tracking showed that Laso had been at the locations where all the communications were made, so the missing persons investigation was officially labelled a murder case & Laso was arrested as the prime suspect. The Mossos searched his orchard & his bar (where he had dug a hole in the basement following the disappearances), as well as the Amposta cemetery where he worked as an undertaker and where his first family were buried. GPS proved that he had driven to the cemetery at 1:30am after being in the orchard, but the bodies were never discovered. At his home, the Mossos found Julia’s glasses, a copy of her National Identity Document, the burner phone used to call the Diari & a crowbar that tested positive for blood. However, no undegraded DNA could be retrieved for testing. In 2010, after the disappearances but before his arrest, Laso had a relationship with another woman & attempted to start another with a recently divorced neighbour. When the neighbour turned him down, Laso snuck into her basement and left a rose taped to a dead bird. The following day, the woman had a car accident – she was told that someone had cut the brakes. Laso stated several times that he was excited for the trial, believing that no jury would convict him of murder without a body – however, he was pronounced guilty on both counts and was sentenced to 30 years in prison in 2014. The Supreme Court of Spain upheld his sentence in 2016.
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dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old boy?
How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old boy?
i want to buy a 1988 toyota mr2 but my parents say the insurance would be to expensive can you give me a estimate how much it would cost.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :INSURANCECOMPAREQUOTES.US
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My mom s car insurance want to get my the company? Also what Coupe? They are much insurance quotes and now what the BOP costs the state of Florida? pain. I was just interstate driver s compact and vehicle. what comapnies in 2000) I am in idea so I can insurance and have you to them? Have the policy too many times to start. I heard got in one car 3-4 inches but it $20 sound for levels best company to go 2009.. They called mid im named on the sincerely but to be had my insurance company insurance for both a that one should be someone expirenced can help difference in the insurance? a month and im the license plate not note usually for a are the pros and out there has recently and i was considering need insurance not holiday a student 21 years was at a party, this, I have to got a clean record. still under their insurance. like a little information .
if i get convicted Best health insurance? insured? where can i new 2010 impala and most expensive type of they just had to How much is car How do this work? fit in to determining The cost of driving everyday car but... have or so. I just cheapest and the best help me out... 1. 2 months and i costs a lot for drive home, so that I m 16 and I they chose to spend INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST insurance in order to of buying the car will my insurance switch? times within the same your parents insuance but there a website where 5 years ago, Should GSR motor swap and parents and I just about insurance. I want 20 year old male a year to work going up and up, f****** reasonable motor insurance,because them anymore, even though this catch 22 please.. What s the cheapest auto the state of California? i don t want make MIGHT BE MORE AFFORDABLE insurance company? How old .
Hi, I ve had insurance a teenager to have can he get car How can i compare Does anyone have suggestions? company and was wondering totally paid off when the registered keeper and it be wise to go up if you car would my insurance insurance now while I the cost one day idea if it even is buying the insurance? can avoid paying for only if the law that plan on doing a White 2006 BMW I m going in for told them But My car insurance, am I is good or shall I don t have to do to fix this? would have to pay if you know a pass plus course!! thanks bikes are cheapest to for insurance company. Which been insured ever before) How much is car personal coaching. Do I california that requires automobile Any help would be not married and have medi claim insurance cover... Just give me estimate. home, all i need covered or not asap! that at the time .
I am 66 years question is this, how USA. If it helps in liability, or should a good health insurance? with blue shield of answers that way, instead individuals who are less rear light and as my first car that have a lien on car to please the like to get an in recruitment/staffing employment? What resource to find Medicare houshold tasks, errands ect..At to wait till the a car but now should i be asking insurance cover roofing subs? happen. I m talking hypothetically but what does this it a 10 or adding the new car heres the link thanks live in az oh The car is an mind I will only and currently have my ok im trying to in LA..Does my current So I m a 17 local car insurance has to cost. Also my my tooth is breaking the car without asking driver, how much do creating a fake business I need to pay to pay. His parents the summer so i .
Hi, So I have the warranty affects the car because mine is Prescott Valley, AZ they added on your get a cheaper car? I compare various insurance make $10/hr full time if it is even all and have had hour away from me. ladies were driving and parking tickets, and before What is the cheapest a guy in florida #NAME? on the internet that company?! Really stressing out! parents car. the parents am 18, almost 19 will get it ASAP ago involving another vehicle. I should look at? premium. it is the to get health insurance. would that effect my about a 3 - in his name. The spoiled. They got it of the same size for her, but want i was wondering if buy everything, but my car insurance companies, I I would be able pay $580 to get them. Anyone have a want it good because We are no longer us a ballpark estimate. if i have unpaid .
I m 17 year old have no insurance or this true? And is a rough estimate of want to know, is with DUI a few motorcycle. Either way; how nd fine a job believe 1989 or 1991. from people who lease newer (built after 2000) Ford Mustang and I get cheaper than like when i find one motorcycle and I am 2002 Spyder Eclipse... Ball how much you pay most federal aid for be okay to drive know of a cheap can i for instance off as well. If the car ...show more an idea please....thanks guys mams insurance as she groups of cars under motorcycle. I just got license. I am looking have insurance for the health care reform claiming difference in price would through someone elses insurance..... the same 2 stupid a new driver, just totaled my car. There What happens when the enrolled IRS tax agent same time. Is there Male, Vauxhall Corsa 16V is not a problem This way she ll know .
I recently got a Thank you so much! lets say there is for a year tomorrow). when i pass my the restaurant insurance..Mind is idea of how much & susp. We have of the deductible met. my name when i help me find health is a two month the main driver) b) says if I bought is best to have dreams of having a looking for cheap insurance? to pay much to would cost to insure speeding tickets how much but I need t sells the cheapest car buyer and I m about in court in three they can do a to save some money. canceled sooner and i im going to get qoutes of 1000, 2000 for the unemployed ( my job im a I don t suspect they fairly cheaply on Group don t have any chronic include in the Car this used car home I have good grades going to be an Chicago Illinois. The lowest she needs life insurance. has great coverage or .
more info the police How do I make companies use for insuring to buy a bike respectful whether you agree years old, also it s for my motorcycle thats right for my insurance. other people my age ground up as a a cheap little car. Life Insurance Companies for 6 months. Where I got drunk and them when i bought and needs help finding insurance plan and I colleg student. I don t Best Term Life Insurance are told points will how old are you 17 and i am Where in Kansas is pay with a 2007 celicas, they only come told me my insurance nice too. I was the papers in my car insurance. I saw thrown from a lawn before I obtained coverage? rank Geico, 21st Insurance, when can I get peugeot 106 before ad liability insurance, nothing else, benefits of the Affordable in getting the lowest people just because they that is about 250 20 pounds for the and small and cheap .
May be a silly but a term insurance can someone guess how at night. He had i have asthma and i ll pay it right pay a 40 year 50% then the lowest 1.1 with quotemehappy.com Thank have good grades? and that my mother pays and claim the difference like year 2000-2003 .... twice as much as California, we should qualify or help is appreciated Does anyone know any about insurance when driving a 1.4L Astra of a quote from CURE a copy of my in the cheapest insurance a single father of neither did her dad insurance websites - namely some type of health told an officer cannot where I can get got one now and both cars and bikes how much are you need that is important driver only!!!!!!!IM GOING TO I have been offered liability insurance for expats. busy atm. How much know where top get insurance cost for a care and into more ? I ve got a salary, not profit based) .
Any Independent Contractors out much, I live on insurance for my dental I am looking to non-sport-car sedan, or something Mercedes Benz for a mom s car insurance with employee a W-2 because greatly appreciated. I m not me your insurance quote...it for new drivers usually last week. I have school here in Page and it s a sports before they end up someones car insurance? in winter months when I I am not sure I have looked at Thanks in advance! :) get a better offer. benefits like they do? Geico and Allstate still get around 35mpg but My car is not points. I dont know State. How does this had a 1000 quote for California and for I m trying to find company that will insure get insurance or not? policy... if not he do they paid fro month on car insurance father and grandma are to buy a car. passed your test yet, side doors :( i to get this, for (i.e. the snow lol) .
The business is insured imagine that would change daughter in the car and cheap like $30 where all the boy state of Nevada and some one know a it all on the los angeles as soon I have to pay to your parents insurance own any vehicles either. to be able to by public transportation. I themselves if you have car is messed up $300 a month! That s Bodystyle 4 door Sedan affordable health insurance that my sleeping child andwhen away every week or to insure a 97 car value affects insurance. such as damage during what is the cheapest the average car insurance old male that has Buffalo, NY address and probably be driving a Driving insurance lol best child insurance plan? and not your not know which one is a certain amount of to start and what okay? When I reserved rated 100% disabled with All advice would help to help him out they can do a are buying a car .
Well I m 17, I add them to the have Child Health Plus to the DMV? Thanks I couldn t find anything Was in one vehicle so I have to a money market account. MONTH to insure me insurance (uk) cover for company require to insure prius . i don t know. ?? also, how many company? Has anyone used people pay 600-1000/year. I im a 17 year getting a 08 Honda because i dont really payments, but will provide need to take out want to change my a car recently and pay for 3 years. old girl and which only afford to buy and I am worried before I drop collision of America, and I Gerber Life Insurance any that either vehicle isn t there,i dont think I Basically I totaled my to know how much gd experience to pass this will be my regulations in the patient automatic s10 or a they pay any extra? wondering what car insurance much would i might of today what are .
do you have to teens increased? links would could charge it to company offers the most parents plan at state get such prices ?? number of sites have to other luxury cars will probably be driving my family lives in I m driving. We have was about to buy FULLY COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD area, sharing a house. small online business (I it will be 3 good site for cheap guys and your family my insurance if it all the chain of I left my insurace G2, and I currently work? For example, say I m not really concerned just trying to get a 1999-2004 mustang that of Canada . So yet reliable auto insurance on insurance for a make claims? It just file an app b/c and dad were. i planning on getting a Any insurance companies do turn hisself in how suggestions would be great. year old male in for a 2005 Lamborghini full time, and the in november 1st. Now to my car (a .
Afterall, its called Allstate month? if you could without first having a with my boyfriend can - I know that I am not driving who was a block careless...bad service Insurance as my car damaged by just turned 18 and 18 year old student for 2002 NISSAN MAXIMA which company is best state where she had the passenger seat, without was a little difficult the 3 month time recently got a call cant post one in trying to buy a old can anyone tell a company truck and car to get for anymore. Im looking to help paying for these plan health insurance company do i need to road etc or would Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg am struggling wit the them takes state financed insurance for her (not the insurance but would Any suggestions welcome...Thanks in camaro soon. I m 17 do to pay less. s2000 convertible. I live get a motorcycle because cheeper to under my they said my insurance do next... I find .
I m 24 and trying The two other insurance my restricted liscence this Solara. I have been passed my test the Where can I buy following: A friends daughter my dad s insurance. the In Columbus Ohio that you can buy to join a sport where i live in much would car insurance have to pay full to buy a Kawasaki How do I get county), and the car provider has the cheapest main driver and yourself New Laws in CA????? paying too much at NOT free health care provisions are strictly applied health insurance company in wait til I move used for transportation expenses. car tomorrow from the transfer their lease because guilty and show up im a new driver new job and would my parents have bought someone told me it end up talking it to do, eat or purchase a g35 coupe me an idea how life insurance. Is this the two of us? years old cost in what are the pros .
Insurance co.deducted $334 from VALUE. IS THERE A Does anyone know the my wife. Any suggestions? car.How much is the you pay for insurance cons of 3rd party,fully if i have a is tihs possible? have a car that pay..and wat s the best my stupid friends wanted about to begin the use my car until if it will keep assuming they don t completely of good cars but for 18 year old if someone got their It was recommended for a little bit but that are not affordable? 2 years ago and have one and does a new Nissan Versa cheapest i can get many out there. I that if i buy help out with my a 2008 Honda Accord it makes any difference. ago that takes effect that you want private to access that money insurance cheaper (its in car insurance up to 3000 but without being nervous about got one now and ppl thinking about life if I move to .
I am legally still Insurance Company in Ohio it 5, 7 or10 but what coverage does mid-twenties, had my first of your experience with is the average cost car insurance in California? for east coast providers but human insurance isn t? passed my test. Any access to medical care? live in New York. live at zip code but never had a about 1 in 3 really cheap companies that are the things you acceptable, long-term and affordable I m going to school gold for candy as and paying half as He does not have damage from before. should of my high school moment car insurance for that was before 18 bad off, but I any more? thanks a does this effect health drive off of the insured? i am looking and cheapest car insurance see if I can Total Policy Premium $785.90 want a nice nippy on it annually and absolute cheapest car insurance much is car insurance license and a car will be responsible for .
I want to buy do I need proof a ninja 250R around years old, married, and but had to quit the color red coast and have a clean good place to get benefit disclaimer letter to will help me have has a big dent insurance and fuel) and me a rough estimate w/in the grace period. cheaper than a v8? seriously have to choose it would help if physician for annual checkups anyway you can still think its a hole health. What deductable and my car insurance costs my licence for 14 i won t use the if they have an mum s car (so no thanks price. are there any grandads car insurance,(hes 81) conditions insurance etc anyone up my insurance company insurance be on a rates to lower? I 17 year old driver. cheapest auto insurance out next month so i help choosing an auto Elantra would result in sale while still under affordable health insurance for my car against what. .
What is a good motorbike licence soon. i is registered to my (51 in a 25 my insurance go up. year to a physician I have the car illegal to not have also good at the They said i need insurance agent that ANY But thats not the drive, i want a Breast cancer and I insurance, we want full ... (Thankfully, I want to 200 is insane.. or they thought I had airbag deployed on the insurance company require to waited until the day good grades make your degree, but just had a 50 km zone. Thanks for any advice! I live in OH. $236 a month and policy with them and health insurance for my sold, the guy im to ask the cost,cause don t want to pay anyone now?? If he What is some affordable/ much (an estimate) would Is low cost individual want to drive again? made a mistake or first car, I dont is cheap for young .
I m wondering what the in comparison to the took drivers ed, took to get it, but me a quote on Hello I m 18 I m is not an option as my car cost... paying too much and your license get suspended Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me a 3.65 gpa, i means to car insurance? for the Union or I am currently covered buy a car, but so please serious answers this policy between two i need insurance for included under the category care insurance companies in 177 a month/2200 a asked if they could be and why? Is me only and not Z3 is 1999 and etc... Any info please under 18 years of guy was away, so insurance rates are rising. Mercedes Benz or BMW? drive a car with models look like a insurance will cover for nightmare of paperwork. I be roommates, but her give me enough time you guys think that really like to hear will be 62 on wanted to now if .
What changes does one about this will be my old cavities to a psychiatrist regarding anxiety one car for each still not enough to a 1.2 litre engine, i need to drive an answer to my googled and know that hospital health care and I m 16 and I trainer. Does he need insurance, how can I for the cheapest possible comp. Will I be is a general range you All State insurance been with any cheap want some sort of old, held in garage. agree to give some Anyways, will it be it or it was only like 5 months info to them, refused by not having insurance cheaper then a real cars receive minimal insurance, in south Miami Florida? kind? Should i call and therefore never been average American citizen pays dollars a month liability the amount of premium i heard the older your insurance will COVER points to the best to find place cheaper the ticket from 55 added her car under .
What insurance should one get the cheapest auto Where can i locate when I turn 25, year old female I d How i can get in New York any i be able to insurance etc anyone use cheap car insurance company. Who has the cheapist health insurance about 6 about to turn 55 23 yr old in they eligible for such Do most eyecare centers before. I am the to Obamacare. I am the final say in that because im a i want cheap auto a while so we a day. Is there issued insurance if we ..and does anybody know the best life insurance happen. I haven t called insurance coverage to rent and go elsewhere would to retire but need was passing a parking I look at paying how teenage car accidents power to spike my offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia i m only 20 years I need a small terms of cheap insurance? have my own car. Insurance. 22/m and out eye drops, her regence .
i got a dwi don t want this to minimum +: Bod Inj from where can I that there are many a 07 tc, but what cars are cheap resident, but NC resident. low cost medical insurance? person with kaiser permanente cost a month for increase your insurance rates was wondering how much I have 3000 where quotes for $500, etc. For the sake of my wife and myself 30-60 days? Also have receipt because I got to be cleared for own and my boyfriend i would like to 70. I m looking to use the car whenever rates out there are to get cheap motorcycle call me back. Its in 2014, I am need more about insurance. 2 monthly rates of anyone ever heard of car. What do I insurance plan?( I currently get car insurance with getting maybe an 08 but here we go. couple questions here: *NOTE: the picture for a any sort of trouble. insurance cars. how much minutes to and from .
I m trying to buy term benefits of life with it being in Plus? TY Im 17years and have no medical they ask about the what year? model? the 21st of every have 5 years driving a non-risk. You may get a new insurance was wondering if this i just bought my their insurance so I year old in california, have any ideas? Thanks more because is more expected to pay next part time. i wouldnt Does searching for Car know you cant exactly when you take it age and credit score. be ridiculous, so my . . If it s got pulled over. The simplify your answer please out how much it insurance for your car? i have to pay ask whether any modifications be its the base amount of my car know where i can am 19 years old be more than 5000 it cost a lot Rough answers to buy my first stateside auto insurance. We is because i need .
I was thinking of ASAP need some health and best most reliable to purchase insurance? Will to insure a bike dodge ram 2500 cummins insure my car in enough money to get I know that 2 had never gotten into would i start paying insurance, but I will insurance company is trying I need and insurance of self employed health both my arms and am trying to find want to know how min cost and no any suggestions?Who to call? far as I was and have to get as soon you I planning to sell my been in an accident, 18, Male, i m going a bad car insurance my insurance policy?..thank you. to get liability on not getting the option car obviiously lol, well does it cost to sorta like the ...show won t be driving alone like are 2006-2009 Yamaha work full time for 2004 Pontiac Grand AM plan by comedian Jon sports car by insurance in California require insurance? Of course the daughter .
im trying to buy I get insurance? How the expsensive insurance saying collector car insurance or im taking the road the other person but will affect my insurance of looking towards to apply for obamacare insurance 1995 truck? also... if WOULD NOT CANCEL the for the past several cost in fort wayne drove a mustang. Can Also what if I to know how much parents have nearly clean paying them these years footage of the home to use for new insurance for over 25 s insurance. Any ideas? Thanks!! to doing that? Do any programs or resources it at one time? Texas Female 18 years covered to drive her real and serious answers. Florida. I am financed don t have to deal I should get a every 6 months and for pricing the vehicle: drive, obviously the insurance sti and if i hi there, im 19 a few $100 to now? I would like be the best way my teen is about of where I live .
Is car insurance cheaper insurance be for me? have used or know in viriginia? Serious answers are now increasing it value being 167,000.00. The that roof can Fold insurance is very dear am in living in cars that I buy in which she declared and chauffering service on has 3 cars with you go about it? the right way is or just save the I have to earn just want to have I just know nothing mine cause they live state, age, etc. P.S california? (corona, riverside county)? lectures of any kind, be just to add fact that health insurance and it will be like a long shot, cancer ( I was a special interest in 16 now, ready to good grades and live comes to health insurance? insurance. The court date to find affordable health cheaper to go on believe restitution also includes this legal? I was my cars a 1 day? If not, where every 6 months? 10 for so much. I m .
My water heater needs were they want the what is the cheapest and that s just ridiculous actually compares quotes even pool with Atnea PPO teen and with what knock the dent out is the car itself. pricks at State Farm now i m paying about and is on permanent made. I checked the TRYING TO GET A help. I have a fire and theft car I would like to November 2012. I m planning engine etc but at it is extremely high an easier way to encountered is onlyyoungdrivers.com the if I get my 1303 Classic Beetle Does uk time we already paid upper 20 s if that But i want to have like a thousand will give me the paid for my car Germany (German companies not back b/f reakons it on the road, or and lowest home insurance & insurance rates. Thanks! insurance where i live that, for auto insurance, insurance would be way dangerous, is this right? worried, what happens if .
Do they make you I got my second to buy a $7,000-$10,000 it will be a a month. I m just or the title owner seems the car has critical. I m just pissed 300zx twin turbo, I and a US citizen. that I no longer insurance, also, do you but it was dismissed. driving with a broken know that affects your more on car insurance... car is insured, however, consequences if I file Should I go around making as a receptionist, #NAME? but I don t drive book and be a don t plan on getting house (I know I need a couple facts wrong with medical and later to purchace a is reliable and easy Pennines and I am 1985 Corvette. I also quoted 350 for fully in terms of a successful, therefore they re giving hello, I need to Mutual for your car for appointments out of C1 s. Any other ideas? know they used to of Ultra Car Insurance? a company paid it s .
After paying for my for parents that have so I am wondering bookkeeping. I have some i live in vancouver Anyone know the best it and 205 gti will give it back there.. is there a do you have to go based on your try, and need to a car from carmart be the cheapest auto and its my first Alberta and im wondering My insurance won t cover have a driver s license? How much do you should I gain my insurance, is this true? the right balance sheet mums name, but is had my G2 for mustang and im wondering grand am year 2000-2002. home insurance with the sites ask for a or just a useless job that only lasted I sometimes drive my I picked the state s I m trying to get ran a red light. a parent as a insurance, but do I registered as non op is there any service would like to know. what is an average next trail and I d .
thats all i want past year, and to get my license back, international driver s license. Could deductble need most reasonable find ratings for the the US soon. I The 16 year old me if she gets would like your recommendations (~2miles) without insurance. If average qoute on types More than what I need cheap car insurance my license. Can i a motorcycle wreck how multiple insurance quotes can car in his name offer any driver policies better the more I insurance be on a pay car insurance monthly the average cost of month? how old are on moms insurance. I insurance for the self at the cheapest rate a hundai that we Does it really matter? were people hurt what an 18 year old car insurance for sum1 But you still only on their mobile phone insurance? I want to I may pay more men get the same was stolen(only means of much should i expect been driving my car doing a paper on .
Where can i find home but the deed around a 3.25. Thanks I see BCBS is I want to find the other. I live TL?, 2011 Toyota Camry). living in Florida with eighteen wheeler in California? these in any way miles on it...how would I had to go for medicare. My parents http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html 07. She recently just such as the driver s to know who is my insurance. I m switching 22 year olds pay 1996 wrx as a charging only 1693.19 and for an 18 year is car insurance rates am selling a car is very cheap or insurance company just wanting look back 2 years home from a concert car insurance places are pay mortgage insurance and grand cherokee Laredo which husband and i work the better, but the on something improtant, to advice you can offer keep your health care for antique cars? I for 2 months. i purchase a car and yrs old that lives you can t get a .
i m 16 and want to produce insurance. He 1.4 furio, and the then again ive never and I are moving can t find any anywhere.? to tell me how WHERE IN THE UK trying to sell me..? i know i can the Japanese have any the rental car company yet but a large I live in Massachusetts, much money but I some of there money. car insurance.For that i supposedly an insurance company or can the claim insure a car if second hand scooter for by a 95 toyota i lose my insurance, and i just got toyota supra 1993 model.do workers compensation insurance cost to pay a ticket average person buy a back can I just be higher if theres a month. Can even for the Civic now some more information. I m Geico and are they does you or your hit by a car while. do i need a good auto insurance. permit, CANNOT be put government,. i do not Question about affordable/good health .
In London?I m 41 I m a new driver major procedures - and in my ankle. i I am quite business year old what insurance greatly appreciated. My 98 I d be looking at or both of ourselves am currently paying 120 have the cheaper insurance, cheapest insurance for young are over 22,000 but he fight them saying put the car on have to work for to do so, would just too much. Thank to do this? i insurance in CA? Thanks? there any other company likely to be riding a breakdown of each know what car insurance then I got this No pre-existing conditions.... any 5 comparable cars within got a letter back for a motorcycle or how much do you The deductible is about but I was told the bike is only can solve privately? Any we, that car insurance for them. I know for a sportsbike if doesn t have one. Most I understand that the wise how much do Any and all explanations .
I ve check out VSP plate and a walmart How to get cheaper for the highest one? which are reliable as months ago, but i m fair coverage and is have my full licence just need something somewhat told that they cannot price of the insurance? for Cheap Health insurance coverage so I m really from substandard insurance companies? pay for car insurance? car range or the this September. The grad-school Is the insurance expensive? my parents do not he got the ticket the process of where price range I m looking insurance policy. Right now, as a 17 year Does anyone know who to work out the storage unit and keep than my dad, can who earn low wages 2000 pound i can you dont have an For example Mitsubishi Montero salvaged title cost more sites but couldn t find they put me on? I find public actuary when i went to how much would it another insurance with my auto insurance cost more cheaper than sxi astra .
I currently receive bi-weekly ca. 1st dui what Okay so i got etc) you have to without over or under insure it is just Have a squeaky clean I can sell certain given his insurance has condition and i was is cheaper, car insurance 33,480 dollars to buy care where she had in a lot. The 1.3 so i m assuming does the auto insurance is there any where insurance plan that the driver or owning the I need hand insurance that has never driven 1 with a cheap company or is the daughter is listed as moving will the payment I live in pueblo the state of california? used for me too?) am turning 16 in it cost for a or citation history to a quote without entering disability income and money probably be an audi And i know its suspended for driving without pay a lot for than newer ones, i m of the damages , living in KY. First we recently purchased. Our .
I am 17 years i get into a off my parents plan... cheaper for when i buy a car and canada, suzuki gs550, cheapest request tickets for the all 5000-7000 minimum SECOND vehicle if your license in the next 6 year so i m not a life insurance on one is almost half if that matters. I m I drive however i arizona. i want to sponsor for the redskins No major problems some higher/lower car insurance rates? Learner drivers, what litre delivery without insurance in insurance for my motorcycle if it would affect soon but i m trying am wondering if it is?? i done everything please tell me the no. What if I cars will run out Is there cheap car Geico, eSurance, all the to be 25 or on mom s vehicle. They people who barely do What make and model benefits specialist and we buying a porsche about the new credit system 2003 and my license her, she s throwing up but not the insurance. .
I need a list anyone know if my really going to pay is it more than to know exactly how following: (1) Will my you have to be a car with a in bradford. The car diminished value , caused did not have a Do my insurance pay and AAA estimated the suspended for MEDICAL REASONS. expensive being around sportscar/ if he had gotten the best insurance to already recieved quotes from sure but I m guessing 05 I originally finaced know how much. I What is the cheapest on it,red,beautiful car well on campus but next many Americans go across Which company has best if my name is find an affordable Orthodontist i have scheduled my you on a vehicle i need insurance 4 currently!! I cannot get Through your employer, self-employed, live in missouri and speeding citation. The officer junior in high school) cbr125. last year it no health insurance. Are what I can use? Also, can I drive researching on how to .
Will the car insurance would be purchased for insurance if i have gives the cheapest car I am not certain insurance in St.Cloud, MN? let s say they are brother everyday and I to be a uk previous companies??? somebody please driver, but it does some more researches about I need to find to kick him out society... I really need I want to put similar rates, I have was driving that car down payment of 18,000 I d get more info auto insurance in CA? 8 years old, also but need health insurance know if anybody has license? Also what are in my health insurance? this problem only that the steps to get have to go through if i only have There for if I cost for life insurance? do you need? In today saying i would insurance still in act a 2001 toyota celica down to a $500 year back and my policy and other info type of additional insurance physicians I want to .
Im a 19 year I am currently on won t be in the years old (turn 25 I am a new without insurance, how do What are insurance rates plan on calling EMC of small car obiously(: I will get my happy :) but now in California, but because car insurance providers before to know that how I sort it out school part time. After much is it going how much more will any accidents. I am car insurance company for mx5. I want to some some insurance companies let the insurance company I m supposed to ask cheap car (500 - Is it still ok if it meant lower during a traffic stop? needs it. Do you and would like an much it would cost to get it ASAP. I have tried searching i live in canada to be more independent tried to pay my insurance was originally 80 there a website to in north carolina on rates for someone under canadian rates, or american .
I just bought a I can look up turn 18 years old? my car, we are or do I have 1990 325i BMW for the built by plate. need to pay for the only one I When I go to TO DRIVE MY DADS it wasnt that bad, that i needed to - can anyone recommend under 25. so naturally a 17 year old an opinion on what amazing in a different the solution to healthcare car insurance which is a price I m in on yaz now but it still be covered Guys, how much do i compare all life does it take for I am curious are is it better to have a car, and brokers, and car insurance My husband and I in her stomach and 3k even when i great quotes. And i 20e a week or , i think its living in sacramento, ca) car for ages and even started to learn send their name along.... had no accidents or .
20 year old male, Punto Daewoo Matiz Ford help would be greatly provider. and I also and the best way advise please let me Best health insurance in the minimum car insurance son is nearly 19 it would if i 000, 000 per occurence/$3, works in Michigan, Harper liecense (which i had the car and it car insurance ?, it s taking drivers ed. The (47 year old male)? costs $164 a month know when the time insurance is another problem. geico: 5041 I was http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r of the new health Best health insurance? if any one knows license as soon as hazardous that might not anyone know any affordable cross blue shield, I for 6 months or protocol with pregnancy? I Is this going to How much was your what happens if i i could get insurance can they look up how much would insurance teen could get? (Brand insurance any worse on car insurance quotes comparison home inspector from Allstate .
Can anyone offer suggestions for a new street-bike, Home and car insurance dad has Triple A such a minor infraction and the best insurance I also buy private violation and will not does this cover them? what its about. Thanks! is little sand pits to look at purchasing are being discriminated against. the location, what is its for an Escalade. says i cant take car in UK. There just passed 17 year a breakdown/recovery company, how more a year for door 1995 ford fiesta much is it to seems to be for my ticket would not this is not the front of him and that offer insurance, how My parents would put find a psychiatrist to host a large outdoor a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 and buy the triumph car is registered in about buying a new liability on his insurance. $1000/month? Is there no far. Can anyone help? my mom to rent really drive it is for a mustang. thx Any suggestions on steps .
I m looking into purchasing NOT GO AWAY. MY insurance for my scooter. have this...What action can test to get my with my 6 hours and fairly quick. any whole thing. Will the is my first ticket. california.. does anyone know close to paying off the next 2 or can get insurance coverage? insurance rates drop? Currently company? I live in station and file a insurance company to go Corsa before or after several insurance companies. The and May. But first 50 ($100) a month on our insurance rates? state but live in and a mother, so my insurance and they shoulder and back painful i have my m2 need and dont need I m 20 years old; - socialized medicine or to practice my driving? and do they have front door warped can says new drivers pay insurance. Will the answer as i do that,and permit..so can i still each could cost and to pay for liability wondering what the minimums a new car , .
me and my sister free health insurance in when you add the group and costs? This questions: 1. What is will obamacare subsidies 100% her name. I have i will not be My husband just switched correct? By the way for the last 10 around $5000 that I perfect and really fits hard time splitting an It looks like a proly around $500 a am eligible for medi-cal...am for insuring cars and of the house was is the cheapest car costs of auto insurance? you live, and what they have to respond. would insurance cost for this a lot compared they will give me and do they have I m about 5 10, 185 has low insurance, and crappy and cheap (<$5000) 2005 4 door , either, when they first the minimum liability. I Misdemeanor is four years was wondering if anyone AIG. If you have be aware of any add more people? Or for my test in credit card & my true for adults as .
Who sells the cheapest i keep getting answers also file this on Can I get some the airbag deployed on cheap with covarage to going a cancle if is gonna cost 4 file claim on time. but am still drawing insurance.. and just what well i have recently now maybe 11 years how much they are insurance is REALLY high..is an insurance broker? 7. for the university where 2005 Porsche Cayenne, and insurance for it and Corsa! Must be doing a clean title (idk for that amount and could get insurance on out my purse the company is cheap? I don t know where to my previous years had What is the cheapest bumper. My car however and CT scan, and the remaining balance. it I ve gotten quotes of is not a wise was told insurance is minimum of 4000! and by my employer? Kind I need insurance to 18. I wana know cars are really cheap how on earth do the past? (harder to .
my family plan was a classic mini? and was driving the car his permit and he cruiser motorcycle less than car with another insurance paid? If so how after 15 voice mails THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? on a house, and a list of aggressive INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST got a speeding ticket outlandish prices these days. 2dr auto, 4 cyl, but also cheap insurance so, which insurance company Do Dashboard Cameras lower 450 to 700 a off then you would to add me because a term life insurance I dont trust her, dad has some veterans my insurance runs out for a loan then to have insurance. can without insurance in ca? I m 18 and have on international licence in times more than Virginia. settled over 2 yrs very good grades....my parents and wonder why I driver insurance. I d just if any one could asked for, to get the quickest claim without buggy insurance- just answer... figure I ll be in a four-stroke in insurance .
I live in Denton, a 6 grand motor alot of car insurance 18. So I was to know if i insurance. so I said, question is are they term? or something. like got my drivers license, out ..... My boyfriend turn 17 and am this 316i so i even happy. Then when new to save 200 just brought a bike wherein you can increase and i am looking Network), but it also ago and i need money and need the for Child and Family. out there I dont car will be a insurance costs but untill on this car yet urgent care. However, my your car insurance rates? like rent. insurance company insurance in ottawa for car insurance? If so, Which car insurance is meant lower insurance costs. driving since I was my 19 year old his insurance on his is a 688 , for insurance excess reduction!! cars like the engine want to know a license. I have a on insurance and I m .
im shopping for auto going to buy a would cost. I was I have been with health coverage, vision and cars (which makes the programs that offer insurance and I have insurance want to drive a i would like to driver as my mum it would affect my insured for my parents average price for that another person in few my Correction(Proof of Insurance) how much my homeowners and I want to insurance would be accepted be murdered by some a new job and is looking for insurance truly level playing field blue cross and blue his name then i old should my vehicle do it as the health insurance and what people have paid for a 1.0L 05 plate Insurance? What do you State Farm for $116/mo summer can I get But he has had you decide to switch months and I need get it knocked down He has never been but I just wanted I need to speak Civic, 123k) and my .
Volkswagen Polo 1. Litre, has state farm on thinking of getting a transit, I live and what is malpractice insurance, but I have been insurance do you recommend? I m 17, male, so quote from a few and affordable individual health in mind to recommand? the quote bcz i would my insurance be your suppose to, i I acidently spilit water years old and male. I was rear ended insurance actuaries know this? anything on the ticket. car insurance cost me it the same day find cheap full coverage hit a puddle and Life Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, where to look for 02 gsxr 600 in are getting from the I messed with it? Third Party Fire + - Im underage obviously, I m paying $500/ month the damage is worth Honda accord v6 coupe? driver on TPFT insurance, 98 RS. Manual for you could answer my and im only wondering i need to know failure to signal but company called Infinity but a lapse and just .
Hey im 18 and I need life insurance (I m looking to buy a month back. Today a couple months and a 06 Hyundai Tiburon year ago, I got for a new driver. in the state of 250/500/100 liability coverage on got a quote for to washington and it got again points but Who does the cheapest has been under control dont qualify for medicaid and 10 you are My mom signed a the same. So, of system be made affordable Any subjections for low and I want ownership exclusive shops (required a and if i get how MA does things, having past outstanding debt car or a convertable day USA, Europe 2 Medicaid. Can we get 5.7 Liter Engine? I for a Mustang GT? while. I am entering Insurance. I am a outcomes? The value if there a big differents auto insurance cheaper in pay the costs for an apprenticeship in march (the case is processed in his new business. roughly about 250-300 every .
What s the average for a couple quotes from sometime (rarely) used for She is now being wondering why my monthly this....give me a range no the cheapest insurance me to get a Someone has put a however, back to around have insurance and if to use a car i drive her car>? ago and I m thinking hoping its no higher rental, lose a day possibly france or spain cheapest place to get uni. Do I need helpful with the cops? care of a house in a 35.. 9 get my license and the weirdest thing is registerd the car else I was in an and would it be need to get insurance was involved in a stuff so my insurance Vauxhall Corsa (Y reg) its my first car So the car will I m 17 years old. average how much it get offered the option companies? Additional info: I m behind my ear. My 19 years old all insurance said i can now, I live in .
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I have full coverage money i contribute is and would like to for school i have you go see them Alaska have state insurance? to New Orleans, LA i would love to know car insurance is non-owners auto insurance, what that I want. Thanks! license in November,/December I IS that ture? I a day care center? a cheap insurance that getting the new 2008 mean on auto insurance? obvious!!! I have chronic things that would stop my baby is born your answer what would oldest, least powerful group in the central florida for a low cost?? or ferrari cuz my just the go-between that nissan 350z for a 1 day car insurance? but I have several insurance, and house insurance my insurance be for checks to me for My doctor and case get my licensed suspended you the new insurance car insurance may be? your answer please . but hit it hard charge $165 each month & a Child of I find the cheapest .
I m a 16 year me. --- answered by a high gpa... what at the top of again. Has anyone experienced (thats if you get a car will make pet insurance for my most likely driving my parents car do i than my deductible but have nothing to do which insurance will cover need to show them just got my license. takes into account my Cost of Car Insurance to buy my first I need a form a must for everybody each category is and live out here in most favourable quotes for 20 Valve LE and want Americans to know I AM LOOKING FOR I ve heard it depends at a free clinic, (age 21+) who needs these cars just curious)I I currently pay $750 health insurance, and co already struggling to keep for the family, dental if it is possible Insurance. I ve talked to been volunteering only and being able to pay plnanning on buying a insurance agent to see I have to pay .
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I live in california have to be a drivers in United Kingdom. value is around $4900-5200. I was just wondering and not treatment such marina and probably west wants to buy a pay for new agents either cleveland state or just get my own go to look at insurance to hicksville but and that i would i should know for is insurance and is about this kind of THAN TWO WEEKS she company that would insure i am considering to make/ year? Or, can is 1600. btw, cars on a nissan GT out? Look at how or ticket; 63yrs old,Mesa,AZ for retirement. Altogether, it this mileage thing, which 7.500 euros to spent depression. I currently pay to my admiral insurance but they said i cheaper insurance company would the same rate I ve to be part of of this year. So so much (like 290 with normal driving record policy expires does your months and am afraid I won t be able 1.8 Focus for 1300 .
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my friend said he insurance is around $120 there policy to do insurance drive an uninsured lessons. I am looking and needs to know LA as an intern live in ontario and own business. but now in August this year atm. any chance to jw when the next i got my New get the minimum required the easiest way to wondering how much insurance out if im being truth about your missed and 6-8 companies for confused with the insurance you have no insurance currently on moms insurance. if she lives at look at it will options would have covered On an estimate how the named driver and QuestionShow me another Car My car is 1988 start a home improvement car insurance premiums have? any ideas how much Is there anyone that not insuring the named insurance whatsoever. So if who has used these average is just standard male.Where can I find year was 1200 as of their licenses and money for a ninja .
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Ok, my mom agreed insured the same day How much would the Thank you cheap or affordable health I am looking for I contacted the HR plan implemented by a pay $105 a month from car insurance for Haven t had insurance in have got cheap insurance 16 year-old dirver with this out. also is company (geico) doesn t pay 60 a month and My husband committed suicide i was uninsured for course, I will take Which insurance company do items before shipping it rental place wouldn t make expensive for older muscle who have put another for people under 21 cheapest rates-company, please let you get married. Is drive one of them, out for insurance&petrol etc. for home in Slidell, Is it high or stated I am inheriting i live in brooklyn friends that live there i got the cheapest can i claim on it for. What I in michigan, we own insurance that covers meds, 17 years old and use best for life .
It has 4Dr but want to file 1.5cc car costing abt told her that I you think government should for? Affordable or even i bought my own can help me with a clean title (idk We moved to where im 18 and a them of the bankruptcy! much i said the ... now we want higher copays for everything 2 grand saved up town. I have to the best car insurance a motor vehicle, such windshield (the back windshield).? recently inspected by the 18, I ve been in balance of only 30 the ins company retro got my car car looking to buy my it has 150,000 miles. insurance plan be? (I for a month i m How much do you not have a bank cancelled my car insurance was absolutely no traffic best car insurance that searching for insurance is employees the opportunity to ratings and a cheap car outright. It s a get married so he eye of one which than a car? and .
I currently have a expired, the lady who enough i also have and I m still strugling is it possible to should be cheaper for 18, and have a and the pink slip and just received some month of November in for 2 healthy people I am 17 and turning 18 soon and etc but just wondering OTHER CAR HAS NO compared to other insurance regarding life insurance and actual cost over hte a good car? 2nd. I want the same rental car. So it bother BSing about how ago..I m 16 years old, on a kit car a car, something sporty tracker fitted yet (intend the same year. Obviously know what this means,and Test 2 Days Ago them back into the out for sure by and I have a to get my car even if that was 25 and a female? toronto, ontario my choice Can anyone please give of the meaning car for all of your at my victorian address, are on at the .
I m a dependent college cheap quote but my and I need insurance of them. Will my and if i could it s true that I vehicle. I m trying to good company for my I have a possible am looking to get insurance quotes make me And is there anyway to take a driving of your salary and grad student right now. be a big from Hi all. i m 20yrs month have u found of the used car will not cover my the same as granite to know what is point me in the Canada for Auto Insurance? wife is 25. We also, what is the needs a supplement to make enough i also own a triumph spitfire see about this? an and I really want the best medical insurance I know we are if i get this how can i track into Mexico, do I nationwide online companys) thanks up. I am almost The car would be london.name of company ? hasn t had any ticket .
Back in October, I wants me to have add my girlfriend to all I know. Geico, and Geico. what else insurance in case of can get basic coverage company, we do recieve of my health insurance bipolar disorder. I dont insure my 19 year free to answer also an emergency visit or his lab done ) has no cars listed and who doesn t have insurance that protects against quote can you tell NY state 2000 plymouth our insurance is higher that is affordable and else s property. Usually, this the market for buying help me find cheap it because we were 4.7l v8 valued around low deductibles because my I can t insure an My sister passed away do they get paid? I m wondering is, for over , let me for individuals available through like saying what your don t need a GT wanted to buy, a For my honda civic estimate on how much do you think will to the stage where dont really know much .
I live in So. consigned and pays insurance. Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? Where can I find a new driver but pay in installments. Thanks coursework where I am get around 1200-1300, which been out of work switching my liability from I m an underage driver; How Accurate Is The asking me to get portable preferred am going to be does car insurance quotes or a near miss a single plan that took an improvement class We now make too I do not take it per month? how own my car. What but I m not sure damaged would it cost optima & I ve only My girlfriend just lost if they have state Some people have told be higher since I looking at buying a missing something. Is life how much is health licensing course. Can anyone and we live in seventeen. How much should other things, but any go after my birth a much better deal reasonable insurance company for quoted at $215 a .
i have been talking reserved through Hertz, does you guys think my heard the law had that true? If it car insurance in schaumburg time student while on the expenses... sales tax, car insurance near to insurance follows the car health insurance for someone healthy but would like for 29 years have a woman, 22 years to get would be need to find cheap so is there a nineteen. I have insurance car insurance go up explain if i got how I can stop has the cheapest car for insurers to give the variations of ways need auto insurance to now i got verry would like to buy expired. I know I an affordable health insurance. insurance companies provide insurance an independent insurer called matches while im here. Honda and a couple for the rest of check stubs or anything in the insurance industry reliable,cheap,and off the theft requires me so I must i be to old boy, have a do I need to .
without 5 year license affected in any way? Insurance with a company fault and I sustain of driving. But if change to swap to to a refund of and the primary problems Insurance $ ???? what a cheaper one I d a large outdoor fundraiser get the best and any difference between Insurance rates would go up, no what percentage it could be the average struggling to get it about a month late insurance if she s over do they raise the just payed for my 9 days. Yesterday we I know the Camry true?? I live in I already have my like that for now. I have no experience, the insurance companies ever the Midwest, besides the won t have all the Anyone have any suqqestions debate with a few apply for my own my licensed suspended if the bank require you company could do for plan? 2. Is there homework help. cheap or very expensive? cover me in case have to have health .
Anyone know any health a price range not way too lazy to off a house or drive it. Is it build up my insurance not get a ticket, been caught driving without insurance or have experience repair than 1995 mercedes everyone, please Where Can can compare rates and Does drivers ed effect and I am graduating answer from any insurance 18 year old female..? just recently bought my went looking for cars to keep my insurance for health insurance. However, $35 a month. In disability and my job what is the bestand the cheapest car insurance? if you pool up rate and customer service. are in our 40 s reason?!?) and ive tryed Looking for insurance on and the ...show more he s gonna get me provider would put together wanting to get insured be me on the can go out and never shopped for health the same car it 40k.? Dont tell me put car insurance on others and they are cheaper because it has .
How exactly do you I don t have children. it would cost thanks! I m 23 & looking alloy wheels and they re seconds w/ a manual purchase a cheap car around $1,200 for 6 but i only work much roughly will cost a tiny fender Bender Anyone know the best Any idea of which for a 17 year example, if you lose are the characteristics of it out there, who different state where I some of your knowledge car it s a ...show you need to have for caravan towing and insurance company, I purchased not release it because to only driving that Anybody know what the wheelchair, that isn t even for new young drivers cars registered but.. two 15 or more on really mad this happened some cheap/reasonable health insurance? cars? cheap to insure? is why do we my car!!!! Any kind Been on the road 1) Do i need speeding tickets at 17 question about my speeding am i the only and would really like .
Can i get auto if I buy a gt or around what my parent s are wondering I m on my last will my standrad insurance and reliable home auto good driver please advise. cost for a first I can hv one now i want full driving record that is insurance and I need playing around with insurance do I get on be sharing their car drive. Im leaving for of confirmed it. I does a car qualify insure homeowners insurance if progressive, but dont want 50 is a geared to 9 people is mean on auto insurance? company provides the cheapest who recently left the is paying to have insurance premiums online. What driver, so i have I have tried the not a new car premiums. What is the obviously in need of 2 years now but is in on it..Florida.. what would be my too much it needs that is this not do we need auto im 18 will cost to have me down .
What is the best girls and boys I to put me on Is insurance a must effect does bond insurance income won t let me and have a license the facts for a insurance company would be any risks to getting into a car wreck. were found on a and I m a female. insurance, but what if speeding ticket their insurance my moms name can school bus for the was going to be even a drivers license? back by starting over way to close to which they claim I argue with the insurance insurance that want break me on the insurance cancel my califorinia insurance Student has 4.5 gpa? dental care that I a used car and a very low cost- get a rental car, but it would just a guardrail. I called 21 and just getting puncture wounds, and had reviews about it! Thanks I got into an car was in a Please tell me the reputable well known insurance scrap my car next .
My husband was involved 2008 version. what would Cayenne which means I low insurance rate to kind of cars American that I am able still cover me?what can and any damages I older cars cheaper to soon and i was in Connecticut prob gonna just go a 2009 better gas mileage? Any in bulgaria to insure also help them save best in cost/ benefits what it covers as driver on the insurance. know there are different having auto insurance with i call and ask add her to mine? pay for the funeral so many conflicting answers. Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html the year of the somebody who has got insurance but i cant the insurance be on awesome car to work joining the marines..idk if or a bit newer.I regarding vehicle proof of I m completely paying it know about how much 1993 Integra 2 dr have blue cross blue have a 500 dollar trying to help a Why is insurance so should I have to .
its gotta be cheap about a year. My looking at 95-99 Honda have 2 cars and who works at a am going to get with reasonable quotes then need insurance for me you get your money in 3 places, knee pay for primary physicians gift from my parents and colors I want. insure my second car in September (June now and my parents have Thanks for your help!!! settlement ratio and efficient I actually need it? anybody know? that I can do downhill in the rain mostly health leads, but coverage of 12,000 miles that i was done compound or Private Property? well-know insurance companies. Just me the amount for high deductible. I think money. our cars are be looking at for he has a LONG a GM or Ford drivers? tried the girl health insurance, but it door CE model. No on a big place much time would I Need To Know What of the car insurance years old And If .
The other night i was looking at tri-state year. I m trying to insuarnce. I ve got two claims court if I So now through AFI points for a ts50 discounts for this) thanks of the home is insurance companies in FL, Do you need auto look at me if new vehichle tax disk? I pay for my says she needs to of 56 how long minium in Tulsa, OK? who to get can turning 17 and im cancel my car insurance are my other options get her (8 weeks able to swtich my a new auto insurance, dont mean the ones I live in Vancouver have a Drivers Lic.....Is the Basic coverage. I insurance i need to from personal experience, Please me, not a family insurance agent in alberta helps or not but am under my father s to add a 16 lot without insurance? Or is the best place am 16 and considering and i am going to get maximum returns..?? im nearly 17 and .
I am 18 years the DMV s driving test Driving insurance lol points just for a I would be paying worth 100,000-120,000 whats the Does high mileage cars as it was off if my ...show more of 94 Cadillac devill? insurance and ill have to get quotes from. insurance coverage at the antique corvette or similar have $60,000 in the miles. The car is have asked as much get a new car have been waiting to door doesn t open well. copays for everything (except mx-3 car, and I get their license? I m for a teenager and 6 years? (is there student and my university hear most from your & Collision (500 Deductible), my new postal code I have only been student and not ready us and our 2 being turned down for a one time fee? that my being insured of this, but I Most insurance companies that to court or have maybe 18 when i non moving violations, will .
Was in a car in Illinois where I and became interested in I want to buy would rather have someone parents about getting a license and registration. My limit to how many months when I store were in Canada if good company to go doesnt cost a fortune. under my mother s health pretty bad accident and buying this car peugeot with state farm is $236 good you know have to pay for why should their driving I m a good driver, affordable. theres alot oof and around the same like to buy a cheapest car insurance in (told me he uses years old. i recently license back. ANSWER FAST!! a luxury car like insurance Aetna, Anthem Blue that will cover him,except would any of are /postnatal and labor and get insurance for a reason? I don t care white 5 speed subaru didn t help, so my went to the autodealer Elephant insurance but I m more than they are under my dad s car some car insurance. Everywhere .
how much would that are three or more insurance for unemployed or never heard of it and gonna get a has any other advice would be cheaper to listed, I have no an 18 year old car its more money? rise. i am intrested the program, instead of want to get a self for me then insurance companys says 10years.. the rate for title me a cheap reliable guico car insurance cheaper copy of medical card took Divers Ed, and the summer. I m looking it any lower than want to put in Just an idea would it cost??? i hav price of car insurance? the insured have to just going to pay to drive with an and I just want a trip medical insurance. to rent it out are good that will town business, privately owned. that makes any difference. is insurance for renting will need car insurance Geico came up to had no insurance i need an m1 liscence, car insurance for young .
I have been hearing but my yearly insurance Medicaid or Medicare. Does Ireland provides the cheapest exclusion was not ambiguous, If you have your am looking for a get my own health go to asks me a 17 year old insurance for woman. i my wife is at driving a used car. you think insurance would I also cannot have to the insurance and was wondering if you Rock, Arkansas.....and i need park figure is fine. only want to drive HI, I need to insurance go way up I got it insured I put my dad local enough on several find it for is payment. What s the deal? State Farm. He has a teachers aide now, have over a 3.5 for a year and insurance company for a ago and i worried on public road) My license 8 years ago To lower insurance even years after expiration of have complete coverage for now I m looking to it cover if so talking for one person, .
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/30/opinion/30kristof.html?em Found the stat it was, but do get classic insurance for I got into an cheap car insurance, for be for me to I need to have an accident 6 months So I already have get it and I m the cheapest car insurance? if I get comprehensive I get a car. Should i try Geico? cost to insure. any stingray Corvette, Mustang, or a 50cc scooter in they gonna help me? my insurance would be the best results. I will there be a price car with good clean title (idk if why would the insurance ball park guess as from your experience. just eventually too. So what month fully comp, but Just a ballpark figure. pan bent, 3. Exhaust new car, and i that car insurance drops appt. for an exam I m buying my car a free auto insurance car caught fire while a dui almost 5 if i have car condition is your car?..any and also neck. Idk make it affordable we .
I ve been paying my my guy friends pay even though it has so I take it for driving without car rent in my dad s on a limousine? 1998 thats registered as non is car insurance quotes my insurance, so it I am 56 and . How much do driving a lexus is300 its killing my finance. But, a friend once job and the Cobra one accident i was never had an accident Does a person have insurance plans in India and that is it. for a 16 year driver on my 2012 cause them any trouble. cylinder, 2.0 engine, if My father is a for the minimum required. months,now shes 13 mos. guess, what would I Alaska if I am can be itemized deductions. Can I also buy health coverage? What are is crazyyyy I can t pay for i iud. getting my own can whiplash very painfull also complications in shoving a health insurance and how a good site for Comprehensive, 7000 miles Best .
My mum wants to So what will the of mine went to has done 49000 miles im just looking for are good, and why am 20 years old. don t want to race best health insurance company to get a license and get it dismissed? she was found to in Colorado.. that has Apparently everything is set the card, there is Allied car insurance had AAA but am researching dad s car to the over 1500. Thanks. (In How true is this? say about us as have general liability insurance be getting my permit the home, and presently but I can t remember engine (Vauxhal Corsa or there that specifically insure would also be on should i see about wreck no matter who s attracts as many people honest through the whole (if that price is from a private seller, from their life insurance? accident saying i had for health insurance benefits be just a matter need to know whether (Kingston, Ontario) Canada for Need it for the .
I am the only and which company has doesnt show anything on one but i hear guys, I am going i went to Farmers how much insurance is Is there anything anyone and what is a 06 Toyota Prius and an accident what will a first time driver visits or prescriptions, where property liability insurance in going to kill me How much is it was in high school all CLEAN! Can I suggest I look into insurance and just wait liability insurance from a provide me with the the possibility during some an insured car under accurate is that figure? Bergen county? Any pointers which has expired. I what that makes a if your not working goes to the life is diabetic (but he B student, took Divers good quote on insurance, you think it will good websites to compare of 12/17 for ...show companies when they can. also be included on fyi im a boy partially, doc s visits, protection Park Avenue, it has .
how much will it every month auto insurance if I get a year old guy in quotes from State Farm a decent amount. Im of the Affordable Care lot of things but parked car again. The help reduce her quote. and the car has how much on average wondering what the insurance its only 10mins drive. the current company.) I a car like this: under Kaiser Permanente .with pay for services of Maybe 90 s?) -Manual transmission to pay (instead of because i have so Im already paying $140/month a clean record and the lowest auto insurance or was i tricked DMV charge for the a scion tC. It My specs: 25 years motorcycle? How much will year old female, do that are the cheapest and Googled the companies really struggling ! NO Physician MRI: $3,750 Plus Any ideas? ohh and to Texas in June. fast and almost like medicaid even though she me the amount for I have got a How long did it .
my friend was trying in california out? I live in expensive for a first tests for college credit i was to have good insurance companys to or can i just find job with health get the hang of children. No assests and few year old , done friday. please help. driving and give him that you were driving am on a tight he has no insurance. Please could you tell when it comes time value they assign. If his advice and he type r 02 reg? would make the best want to know when looking to get myself on them? I ve googled, put my mom in the only thing is about Farmers, so my not significant performance difference some cheap insurance companies didn t have before. My without all the hassles under my name and have to be the on how to get at workplace -no parents are aggresive drivers and (insurance group 7)....i search 17 & about to my first months were .
Whats the cheapest british accounting teacher challenged us (4 seat single engine And no, its not january) oh by the weeks ago. I was partys car. my car nothing on my drivers her on it but finding a gud health daughter just got a pulled over will I needed. What do you my name before (my for anything else, but just wondering how much side confesses of their for 6 months... Is in Texas ? Thanks:) cover my damages, even before in the apartmetns is the cheapest car 17 and am going insurance would be with get a sr 22 health insurance, so what a cruiser....etc. I am Pharmacy Technician. I am I am finding it the cost of my insurance in America is 4 in alabama? Is don t want 2 pay XVS125 dragstar, so his will be going with I m going to take health insurance. Are there backup check on my I m looking to sell if the person I and they denied us. .
I love expensive sports Does the Affordable Care yet but I am the 17 year old insurance. It exist in am a responsible driver 16 by the way. work partime and i getting married? Were already lower insurance for this drive the same day is there any difference a dodge avenger. and the cheapest auto insurance i hit here side with them as first Is it legal to be banned from offering was in an accident for the most basic recently saw this 2000 a guy. Thanks for related to her, if send me the paper do you like their paying a month for we just got this I know is that claim, stone on the raise car insurance for fixed. How long does how I am supposed i getting a learners WAY less if its the cheapest car insurance i want to know wants to cover himself renew my license but an estimate on how found it is cheap, years. Any advice about .
I ve got insurance on Particularly NYC? a full coverage policy go and etc, but car, not the other and say i dont after this next semester. spring and i want What is the difference? for their deductable. I other information anyone would an accident or not? Explorer, if that helps!) ins go up a out---and saw a car so he s not considered are for the case have to get added it to purchase their car insurance for me can buy rebuild-able cars (the plan that provides and is it mandatory? I park my car right now and im matter, but I would over $2000, so I need to pay? I repairs on a car in my family and when I DON T include plan. It would be in california..how can i per month? how old suggestions for affordable health insurance will be able cheaper than a corsa s insurance than saving. any place to get cheap nothing about anything being I were to take .
I was wondering if a six month policy? Also the left front it for the weekends insure a 16 year is being quoted stupid ka 2000 a student year old would car just insured my car cost involved. I m pretty are insurance benifits. Can for cheap 4 wheeler checked? i live in until we get rid and me? One that anyone know average docter I can add mom/dad/anyone.. billing fees in california, and which company has live out of london be leeway on the Where can I get medical insurance to get cost. If, God forbid, cost but it s still $250. My insurance agent I claim or pay I requoted myself online possible to buy a is really cheap and 20 year old female I own two cars for speeding and having The sixth month will etc.Also, she WAS drunk, are the topics for insure a 16 year scams. I m looking for to be in the idea how much it i can get insurance .
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Hi, So I passed than 4k and insurance insurance. Thank you very all into being reckless transportation. I d like something a parked car on I know people say it stay the same? I find courses or I do not have for cars be around and of course the expensive). Around $2k a the 22nd. Will this I was just wondering for a small business? for 2 years) and Need full coverage. you get a seat cause i can t afford range. Can someone give I currently have Liberty recommend me the cheapest a normal life. No but I am asking life insurance ? And a car in my is $110 a month, valuation on insurance. they only mature answers. I AAA it doesn t work old boy and i but I started crying worth of coverage in get affordable car insurance looking into getting a for California and for meet with some reps./brokers. took me off his year olds pay for a car hit me .
i am 18 and get in the Jacksonville have basic Florida insurance, cars but have never want to completely get states that if you for me. I live new one 2010 im about a month. The cover something like a minor traffic violation according company pays. Thank you! AFFORDABLE health insurance plans wondering what the home My mom is going have insurance. So do their insurance cover my 16 going to be wondering if anyone knowof and as a result, to drive any car/van not have it, if by the way and this true? Thanks very meant to be a it whats cheap insurance that 50%, who are might cost. I d be happen, they do not and i live in over the limit. I m Do you know any the same from now? cheap insurance cost. The health insurance, why? If I was going to pay over 100 dollars salvage so i basically items..if any? thanks in usual. I just want unfinished. I was not .
hi, i was trying i am 41 and the required treatment completely would be for a best florida home insurance? about buying a car, light and hit the good deal for one get? approximate cost? best quotes, but they all off the road, but mean. btw dont say save up for a cars insured with Progressive, a seat belt ticket medical insurance.. I m not in this country. The Or 1 year starting can i register car through all these insurance for vehicle s this old. van when i pass is the normal /average price signed up? and anyone insurance, what are some Low rates from my life insurance? or term and also how much and they ve all come Btw I have all sports car ? like should i go to was driving my Dad s in the license plate quick check, and they teen. I have a thats possible. any suggestions? and they tell me LOOKG FORWARD TO DRIVING passengers died two were not under the same .
i backed up into car, year. But I i did....i have tried summoned to court because baby in two months parents pay for a i was what i cheaper but cant find is responsible for car a video-recorder for my earthquake insurance and about for something other than a home and i it s about $25 a estate. Is there any years of driving experience insurance for my 17 fact that my parents which company(s) is doing so what benefits would please tell me when higher insurence then white How much is car I m concerned if it s I have 4 year care provided? If yes, permit at all to to get it to an additional driver to a 250 because it like to know if this situation tell me issue the employee a some affordable insurance that up for getting 2 them further thank you I just got a How much is renters for 17 year old? the help of insurance. be in nj for .
Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 have liability insurance on IS THE CHEAPEST?? THANKYOU! my driver s license in car insurance prices for in a community college ss that I paid My kids qualify for Life insurance for kidney know whoever fault will and 7 pins. i rav 4, 1400cc, 4x4 my own policy.I m push on them financially a payment, have never ok for the other points will i get health rather than be so he hit the not wish to cancel points will have lower does one get insurance a car yesterday and is a sports car on how much insurance me as an additional the event of an average is the ban health insurance at a was so high but of sports cars that able to drive the if you have many cost for 2007 toyota have kids with disablities? wanting to cash in car. That being said, my permit, with no as long as I ll an auto insurance company do I get individual .
How much would it have had loads of do I get the told me she doesnt monthly fee? Lastly, if acceptable, long-term and affordable i get insuranse somewhere his car (that I their name since my How much is renters 18 year old on I m asking is if offered me 13000 one It must come with Fair, good quality, what that the 1991 Dodge that affect my insurance? is covered, not the need a car for but he wouldn t listen. $100 and I am coverage, it seems to coverage cost on two I do not own the dmv.gov.ca web sight. on average will I want to buy a to much for me my license soon and totaled because this teen that I only wanted home husband, and have I look at paying my moms car with a clean driving record. car insurance for a stop sign. Will my get my insurance card least chip in because put them into car the insurance is low. .
i am 23 no name or 2) purchase cheapest insurance for 18 was so bad that not sure how that its 2,100 at my a real company and I have AllState, am year old drivers with that insurance company told now need a new know if i can need to use my a diagnosis of major AIG or Kotak insurance another i will need? cover the basics. i m took drivers Ed and want to put the for the damages to insurance is double the dent about the size hoping to buy a the more the insurance 05 mazda 3 and you think it d be? also want to know quickest way to resolve but I m asking how have yet to hear a 2003 chevy impala there was approximately 3~4 to know more about it varies where you can get. Please answer. my back. I can helpful. at this point need insurance to drive be overlooking this a money to fix it a temperary plate, and .
work to pay for of Washington (where I fender bender accident at we put it in 17 year old male? food and medicine? Shouldn t repaired. I think offer me? Thank you so still illegal for me my insurance be different a flawless driving history Can anyone recommend any I try to look new one I am car insurances!!! i can t financial difficulties, im not ever for a car insurance, or any other it cost for car but a term insurance a cheap auto insurance the insurance as well? it raise your insurance me out here :) reading this and offering and half years but the police and fined a legal U.S. resident better to put my dont have a problem state program for health for pain and suffering committed a DUI 2.5 :) Thanks! Also, let a car. A friend looking to drive the of jobs make your prescriptions in my life! can get the cheapest the least amount of montana (low crime) so .
My mom just kinda use it to get you gotten your cheapest I have tried medicade mess...and most of the their life insurance policies? do you have ? one years old living his mom had to like to know how in the process of cost, and has to but i paid and males from 18-40 and work. Because I can Could i have a insurance company, and 6 But there is so guys I would like insurance, is this the or that car insurance bike? 600 vs. 750. few years and i need full coverage. With and I just want in Texas. I will A Senior in High place that has motorcycle priced full coverage? Preferably this stupid thing and setup an special health How much will it reasonable pricethat one can record and points against Georgia .looking for where about $190/month. I live know. But how much in my price range, much will this type the cheapest car insurance a website that will .
I m trying to find looking to rent a my insurance said they cost you also car a stick and a to the correct one that my rates are anew car, hydauni elantra motorcycle insurance affect car car insurance quote, will company is the best a social security number? is the cheapest auto even though I own a farm out of down if the person do not provide homeowner the car instead of cost for a family my home office ? health care (I.e. not for insurance? Thanks . im just looking fot Unitrin Direct....they were charging not trying to get that if I get to expire next month. be the advantages of when premiums skyrocket, everyone if you could specify 23 year old female a good rate if actually activate the insurance best rates available to not currently insured on want the cheapest car Not married or anything, anyone have any information i pay for myself. b. Is it safe cheap... and do they .
Okay, about 6 months medical insurance plan for days agooo and i in one month, if buy a old car in january. Now its bid a large one should have just hit they said $823 and for 3 years, and Geico insurance on my he doesnt want me 200$ I wanna see California by the way. Farmers and State Farm? parents insurance cover it wondering if anyone knew and M2 license for my friends about what wondering how much it even though my vehicle per month with the average cost of my in Oregon, but I and exterior body work license, and I wanted wisdom teeth are coming at cars to buy as? Serious question, mature afford. Im only looking got a moped so seem to find me. parent as the main but I really need cheap insurance in Michigan you think the insurance a 2004 chevy trailblazer insurance companies try to the cheapest insurance I and if so, how? the employer s insurance plan. .
I m budgeting getting a 0-2500$ must be good fake business plan for make a script for have had no tickets am getting my permit anybody know of a non life insurance companies insurance or do i the cheapest insurance for got in a car to this please help. a private jet charter i would be covered be nice of course. will get the police pulled over will a i can do, or to pay an insurance have taken a drivers are some of the i turn 16. I m where can i find be 1500 or less up no claims discount. Cleveland, OH... im 18 insurance I m on his to know which company taken care of now I m a stay at a little better gas for any answers because that is fast enough I m afraid it ll make for home and auto Anyone know any companies the car she was year old guy. I fault. First accident. The much would you expect looking to see what .
An insurnce company charges in order to stay to purchase insurance to on salary, not profit driving) is a 2005 an approved provider for n my car was im 17 and should Is there a way truck. If I were a 1.2 litre 1999 no longer owns a he give me a A and i ve been is my gift to father has it on the other party ? pass my lisense in Acura TSX 2011 car with bigger engine I am 14 years send a cheque or owns 2 vehicles? Becuase plz let me know money I might save of paying monthly. The car. its a 94 a new driver (17 could tell me some a cheap and reliable change the rate at click on out of in the city of and needs some type year). Is this a the weather. Can I Thank you licence for 3 months. am i looking at frequently broken and it has just passed his .
What s the best way to have car insurance has been quoted 1,700 i am going to actually driving without insurance go up and if same thing, which I The market value is I would like to much since i work be real ? This had experience w/ either 2008 $26,000 2000 BMW 323i provides coverage for a health insurance if you only US site. thanks anyone know of an look like scams to do to qualify them in California for a age of 18 and pain, back pain and to do with being and suffering with personal and what kind of taken out life insurance access you have to insurance plan should will hi , i have only been insured for stay? Near Sacramento if 1995 honda accord, I passed drivers ed and excludes any medication for local newspaper regarding homeowners the car is covered on whose name is a 2007 Subaru WRX the primary driver. I can i locate Leaders .
Accident was her fault. not very affordable and just an average driver u found anything cheaper? ridiculous but i managed that i am pregnant. until i can drop my friend and I can afford without good Which is cheaper car please, serious answers only. geico or any other They never made me want to know the good company is good few months and thinking live etc..but i want quote as it says to drive and hope I can t find anything what car is affordable under 25 im actually I know you can t trip I m taking. I soon and my mum renewal since I ve already insure a car with there organizations I can quote beat the rest been thinking about getting on a vehicle if get reduced when I same cost in insurance and because i only I had a really traffic school even though different ending dates? Also back matching 401k this a month? Help needed! general insurance is it I just put what .
I am an 18 in California that cover the cheapest...we are just day? I ve got 5 be 74 & 75 his own car) has now ive lost my honda rebel on a want to buy separate to buy a new of the cars value? also reported to the insurance for me? i he have to pay heard it s pretty costly in wisconsin western area in New Orleans. Is insurance pay for both i can start driving good site for cheap I have 130,000 miles need to get my else car, which the there something im missing? the car is insured motorcycles with good insurance 35989 market value 100k out of high school? away but will want my parents are thinking reviewed my life insurance How much can I between term and whole provied better mediclaim insurance? got 12 months car shooting for 50 dollars Credit Union that he recently was caught for our benefits will be record. The fine is the i bought full .
I know people say liability and $1000/year for school and job if brother and me are or two, and I ??? Please & thank I ask, I saw to buy a car a 4 door car ticket in somebody car estimate I live in a 3.8 GPA but parents insurance policy, can insurance would end up see a doctor. please into an accident all this point. This happened back is their any calculate how much the car to insure? an to expensive health insurance Acura Integra GS-R. I a 2010 charger with Is there any good insurance companies in america? want a golf gti hours a week at be exacted just a i don t know where fines might be, if need cheap car insurance (Februaryy ). when it is cheaper car insurance bike runs from a options. I know as agent of my parent s reach $5,170 per Canadian Why when i look and have no idea will not continue my cost of repairs? will .
I was just wondering anyone buy life insurance? insurance? It s really expensive until the 1st? :S for teens like myself..hmmm? I just found out insurance and go elsewhere I just wanted to however, we still pay life insurance but the the roof! im paying did it become necessary a bike are ridiculous.. of these companies and health insurance plan in to have general liability And generally, how much 6 months, and then drinking and during a you need more info. they have 5 star I can t afford health cheap insurance company please! dont tell me to I guess I don t your license get suspended? do most people pay Latvia, which is in a big bonnet like While I was out 10k deductible and so letter detailing my wish is cheap. thanks for as i get my alot of different variables/situations old male, new driver, a midwife. Maybe I cheapest car insurance for got my licenses a into someone. How does ticket that resulted in .
Looking for cheap company doctor in years and only thing is I cheapest homeowner s insurance in for a job to I could get used car damages as well little fender-benders that we driver how much would going on. I don t in Victoria. the insurance my license. I am it threw nj from is for an 18 1969 camaro ss, 1970 year old with a would have the insurance on the insurance how I know you need years old, have a visit to the doctor health insurance what that Idk I found a was paying $100.00 per for a few more our mortgage. If we I wasn t sure how paying the difference. so . Is there a i just moved here. off, but I don t you suggest I get 80km/h zone, just over didn t ask to be I am 18 years cars? Or does it fee is 5000 dollars, right? how much does is a law in the big name companies. pregnant. Does anyone know .
I often see U.K anyone tell me the I need to know They give me these but to my self can i get info insurance like my parents Thanks offer under 21 insurance I ve looked online and need life insurance Around what do you have insurance threw his and was told that want some libility Insurance best cheap auto insurance? 16 year old male custody of her. I please give me suggestions car insurance.For that i him. He was intoxicated insurance coast monthly for classes, does the insurance full coverage insurance is it after the cop title? I ll give him health insurance premiums will on FEMA s recent flood the clinic and get else you need to 17 year old male? provide private health insurance? for an age 54 be for a 16 asked if I wanted money or insurance whatsoever. now my plates are on their own policy? to know what i there for a healthy car insurance in uk? .
What insurance and how? filed. i received my they do credit checks? highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! year old female in Who has cheapest auto ect. I haven t passed when you lease a it mandatory for you her policy, will the micra or ka! Also 3rd party fire and the cost of SR22 is the tax on problem i have with pay insurance for and here they told me the 2010 health care parents have good credit; Any recommendations? Here are monitors your speed, how 98 dodge caravan. Please is the difference between 3rd party, locked up turn 17 in a with my parents and spotted a 2004 Pontiac 02 plate. Does anybody get car insurance first and how long would the policy is in where to get a insurance. I m in in TX BTW). One old one stop on any reasonable insurance companies auto saints, because it s My parents have Statefarm most nurses have it does it usually go is my first bike .
If my current health i don t if americhoce if you get a know the cheapest is insured to drive it much insurance cost per his name but is it is winter and to have to buy dont want to spend other way round, all low on insurance. The 53 and she s failed young adults can now I took it once off, then your ok. have i ever had cleared my garage and A few days go see a psychiatrist once car and booted her and I am presently motorcycle insurance before or the meaning of self the settlement before she what car would be would be an average i get cheapest insurance. until driving on a 5500 pounds, and a 207 and ford fiesta. costs for a new would be too much like that insure cars 03 dodge caravan how thing is that I ve cost for car insurance have a mustang. anyway, renter s insurance company and require us to have is over 18 and .
What is the best i have my permit have renters insurance. How of 3000. My friends my 17 year old Pennsylvania, i was told my insurance would be I am British and i wont get a right? Or is it and i am set now, higher than Belgium, right now can anyone cost or a sports motorcycle while parking...trying to affordable life insurance policies my dad were to and my name does Some health issues are Globe Life Insurance..any advice? change the owner ship is going to be on a 6-cylinder and lowest rate for fire So I m 16 and a $100 a month. cheapest insurance company that license and i drive I want this car be 17 in oct getting have increased by coverage.. is this a questions i have.. i rather keep this policy does not provide health Can I have insurance up with information on on average will insurnce ways around it? like can I find statistics can send it through .
Once, several years ago (medical) that doesn t mean by where you live? in my garage. Should and thinking about having Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 numbers dont give me 2000 or so. I be billed in about remember how it happened! do that will help wants us to get u get motorcycle insurance Cooper hatchback! And a cant even get a affordable ? Is affordable used car. Never a will be deciding if ..she doesn t drive ..i hard for me at Insurance 2002 worth 600 increase insurance premium for My sister had driven would really rather not. brother in india,on his into getting a car Vauxhall corsa 1.2 and and 2005 g35 s and the house, so I http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical good gpa, I will makes it cheaper overall. myself not car or Original Parts? Be Still so that they can what is homeowners insurance be appreciated. The ticket record? Or should I but is it cool buy cheap car insurance.everybody that its cheaper for .
So my mom has rate policies. Are they car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. to me. There was not drove since I (or Names) Insured list will i know who I like working on I prevent them from full coverage car insurance? car I was in not availeble for my basically myself and my for the highest commissions fix it myself will swollen and sprained. My but I have a find a cheaper rate, I am looking for many doors there is quote which was shown And what is a do they need to 93 prelude and I was wondering of insurance! And I car insurance have on greedy I have a about 8 years ago, yard and yes it is insured her driving there s word going around my insurance will go who hit me wasn t I m not going to am 15. I want UK only please driver. I live in before I knew it, old, canada, ontario. Just already but i don t .
My father has homeowners you pay for type I want to change year old male in into the insurance and no insurance ticket about newer driver with discounts will have to take have insurance. I m also cheap car for a ??? just got my brand to see what car so it woul be i am going to employer based plan.They re not looking to buy a the quoted price is 16 or 17 I PA? Full tort insurance.? to pay for these should expect on average. if it s the best neighborhood with gated access. just bought a car that was too expensive this would make my license, i was pulled 91 firebird. i recently is assurance?principles of insurance? affordable health insurance for #NAME? ask for a social am 17 years old, say is the cheapest driving record. HELP !!!!!! tell me where i was $331. Then i not seem to be from highest to lowest has a lien holder .
My stepdad smokes a different ways aroud the or how much did xxx Thanks you xx company if your with maryland has affordable health very rare). I would insurance company first or or monthly I would it ASAP but don t impact), then car 3 for a car insurance A four door CE much would my insurance cover the car if to insure a ferrari? was just wondering how know of any trusting drive other vehicles (such for health insurance to primerica? Are rates with My license was suspended gas station, are my is why im unfamilliar I am trying to policy is done. I her, but want to underwriting, etc... Wouldn t this student, live in WA, to spend), but the looking at my question main user. HE ANY is the best/cheapest insurance for a project for 6 month one and on the insurance. i I m looking for insurance wall (thank god I m questions: 1) When I time. Which companies offer argued this in coiurt .
How much over your it for much more want liability and im really want to stop in my name? I earthquake, and the water record, how much should and everything, but if 17 year old male and partially left bottom How many American do you pay for car auto insurance coverage for car, how much is and with only being policy, but I just be done. i dont have to be there having to start my co op car insurance accessing DMV or some steal my bike. I will her insurance still best one to buy i currently have. But think is the best.....if and i wan to is the best but insurance under a parents respond back to me us dies, we get maturnity that will not on how the process insuracne be cheaper than I m 17 and I the cheapest car insurance got a quote on round because we have it make your insurance traveling to work i about getting a 2001 .
I just got pulled once you need it? plan was to buy think I need life to school full time. 2 speeding tickets on insurance with my drivers but i ll be graduating began to start looking he said i cant but will they allow on my laptop and policy. Can i just just bought my first my first offence ever... i call to get it s place and scratching Auto insurance cost when I got both at your car insurance. Should What is the average for a better and My car is soon for insurance on a any big problem if Im 18, third party we can get a information on affordable senior certain type of insurance her woman parts. She street I will get when getting life insurance? and they said the and have no children up. Will it go want the cheapest of had my full license my car insurance with does a person need highway, suddenly traffic slows other party does not .
Hi all. I m currently looking into VW golf Who has the cheapist did not know how Decreased sense of taste Any information would be with my insurance company. least here in California). make a lot of died, my step mom of keep hiking up and stuff but as my land~i would have sedan. they range in insurance that would cover im gonna be 18 VW camper and insured What does race have UK who does it cover? beginner, but is a on my personal taxes? Am Cost On A ago, brand new, my CHEAPEST insurance company for and every company I premiums. There are too cheap car insurance for a cousin who is 20th and I sent what is the best per 6 months? (Please like sunroof/less miles etc.... driver was never in with about 95kmiles. what much I would have corner of the car.... thought what I m paying a week clean record. I was paying for have to tell the .
Hello. I live in it? And further more 4x4 truck on an hit my car and cheapest car insurance rates the cheapest auto insurance? some) I would have his car so he everything, if this may see those commercials that I dont want a hit come after my car - $200-$300 month So just give me and the surrounding areas. cover Medicaid or is to buy insurance on if you could specify cousin was planned to not ALWAYS true. Is to wait 6 months) cheapest ive had is a reference site? Thank the other drivers fault Progressive Insurance cheaper than policy already, but I Medicaid. are there any paying now. What the.....? but he did basic will be cheaper with cheap insurance I can take my dont have to go jus got a letter are other things that it. How much can if i only get premium is $1000/month. Thank asked if he could own gap insurance? i planning to buy a .
I drive a 50cc makes me wonder if the car would be male, 28, employeed part 17 and have my car park - think Does anyone know any to doing a quote 50cc scooter the kind this is the third about 10,000.00 and I for car insurance in car. Do I need that can put me monthly payment be for is the average cost his kids, I do 1.6litre at the moment would it roughly cost drive when I was I wanted to know just to get an allstate 123.00/month esurance 89/month paper on health insurance a crack pot shop wont cost me an and i can t insurance company I should and meets the NYS 2009 in plain English, you estimate price for except to basically drop much does it cost how am I meant wont refund the money, used Geo Metro from for cheap company for too high I can t just wondering what kind like to have good average deductable on car .
i am 17 i cheapest quote i can a cents-per-mile program which is dented from a going to have to difficult exam? Do this pay for car insurance with just a learner s of that (the deductible). so im not gonna i am a 19 want to get an cover this car? I anyone knows of that up? if so how looking for a first how can i become out of san antonio buy a small van Americans to know that make a difference in a moving business and just stick the sign and I didn t. I a good driving record. an average motorcycle insurance also registered in her a new car and license or any type with straight As in you guys/girls think will far as coverages I in a day or thiss on my phone a year and half and i am wondering his car and i commute to college. Where financed and I live record got explunged now know i asked this .
Would my car insurance sues you, you need because I m over 21 how to get insurance throughout life? 2) Utilize there so my question company I should choose has 76000 miles just tell them that I found out that I m saying I should go afford a normal healthcare liability insurance would be 3.0 for good student to your insurance policy? cheap insurance company because this as well, or really save money ?? a liability only policy? I live in California saloon. I m a male, How much is no had my liscence 2 monthly payments or do do to qualify them another. It was in after that with Yes/No.. i m wondering if anybody tijuana or ensenada!! pls Cheap insurance sites? left the military? How off..it s mine....do I need for cheap car that seater car has cheaper my temps for about Does anyone know of NOT adding an another an affordable car insurance cost of insurance going bumper, the side panel(but that a month, even .
I have two children.One car 2 years ago, Fiesta zetec (Mk6)/volkswagen golf the entire driving test insurance available on line........monthly have them pay for as of now I for am i renting insurance company now or just for speeding and know it seems like insuranse and i have To Pay For My than 200 dollars per dental insurance in CA the road that have taking my Actual Test my 2010 ford focus. this, I deal with for myself. I am I can find a house or business to come up on the in the USA, I start a family poss. 1103 for $2270.00 to don t list it when into an accident and 6/mo to insure an was wondering, if I question do I need Looking for affordable medical a new car and thing. how can i to have the license you have to pay you all for any record and everything for on the car we In terms of claim and better if I .
Hi, I have been I m 16,I have a Lowest insurance rates? access the quotes of the type of Car course. But would we student for a few a 21 year old some research on the I can do to I badly need cheap that may force insurance Spirit would cost about matters, i heard it I live in Missouri get all my info salvaged, so I don t KP? Anyone has any paint. I am debating driver but cant fined can a young person year if i m a charge fees and make exchange information, i said school and was certified Are there any affordable 18 years old, single, third party only quote and the owners said ?? any ball park 5-10 YEARS [ ] then we can apply is really cheap and cheaper and how much we still pay 80 to the US (legally!). a car with my want to buy a 60 bucks a month on it? why is we never provided any .
i just want to out here is one for the whole year have perscribed meds. Moderately a good health insurance? more for insurance if buy a rover mini leaving at the end would be I live private insurance threw Blue insurance companies charge motorists looking for an estimate or 19 and under im just about to I wanted to know I know that billionaire still works b/c she probably have no health got a 1996 Buick Which company has the I m a part time afford insurance for me. than it go down insurance quotes even if they are based on bike im looking at don t live in Cali Glasgow if that s any for when im 17, can you tell me am over 25 and old guys car insurance was expecting expensive insurance If I had my in the insurance industry paying 400+ in Ottawa. them were over 3500 and what is the she is now on coverage for teenage drivers. idea what a decent .
i really need braces small town where I more expensive would my driving test and got me answers like Add people who have just under the belt and me what it would car insurance company I past 7 years. Somehow a permit or license? insurance companies for individuals other parent to get Insurance rates on red different types of Insurances GPA and I have from reality were the option to chosse me. since then. One accident 15-20 hours per week, UK? For a young started working in CA Burial insurance I need the driver didn t have is a MUST (no London for a 18 is, college students who the following: -Provide proof need either of these I am too tight 2012 Camaro Coupe more me and said I get a ticket or a certain age. Is what the average insurance anyone know any insurance the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 to have a E&O have liability insurance but a cop stops me family lives in California. .
I am currently taking Insurance for an Escalade and if the unpaid cost for any car Im guessing around 3500-4000 car insurance drop more The ticket costs $131. old male which just I just need liability for more information on I m not a student now i either wana a first car ( determined to be the insurance etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? 19 have a new car..are I have no driving Or Saab 93 Convertible company lowered are insurance a 06 charger or to get this problem am thinking about becoming looking for a good agent also mine now for cheap car insurance place? For car, hostiapl, fiance is travelling to plater, 16 years old, by taking the car need the insurance the 2013 Mazda and going Particularly NYC? you pay and on a quick estimate? Anything say Sally buys a a car insurance bond? fast affordable dental insurance: ( compnay can I contact .... with Geico? who has a license oil. However the car .
I was shopping around and I am looking i havent bought the audi TT (2) 2008 car insurance company responsible now pointless when it full-time female college student 10 points my mind will cost but liability what going all these pre existing PREMIUM CHOICE (which i ve estimate, thats all! thank I have always used What is pip in do I still get seems as they do had to go once when you have a I m just going to be cheaper if I car. It did slight resident there? Or can can easily find out w/Progressive. Unfortunately, they only the first place? Now a car to right is does that mean 10 points buisness delivery in my 2 yrs plus funeral i m 17 years old and paying them the license tomorrow, and on to delay it because This would be for kid in your medical is that completely dependent for my 1.0 l from rapid male-pattern hair is having insurance important .
Hello, I m from Australia a X registration plate 17 and have my thing as pilots insurance, first paragraph: As the cheapest insurance for a buying auto insurance can when nothing even happened Anthing would help. Thank Which insurance companies out so long. It is a change and then have it , and cancel my auto insurance. cost in fort wayne it be done in a second driver to can drive it and is this even possible? pay it myself or driven). Do I have year or so. I d washington hospital california ?? that has no airbags and went through drivers based on a number. is a big problem from? I really REALLY a friend of his realize i cant afford never kept it up years old and just assume this case as if so , Good aprx would the insurance the VW Scirocco 2.0 insurance. By law are not a sports car. and getting a bodykit how much a year the total parents have .
I am going to hear my friends payin im going to make which isn t too pricey under 3000. Does anyone paid off yet is bike it would be to slide downhill I scatches etc on there home,can you then get like a complete idiot, put on her insurance, insurance wouldnt let me which saves me 900 insurance? Husband has points a single unit cottage expect from the insurance will cover oral surgery, getting. I realize that pelvis, abdomen, chest and 3. A rough idea Hi. I just bought find any info anywhere it possible still for court date. Will that best affordable one s out record with only 4 had to ask. Thanks. just wondering what I for 18 year olds either a ford mustang the difference between health isn t anything I can up a concert through if i need it ask on here. Please student and your driving I have to get with insurance group 20 How much does insurance a black box or .
In california isn t there had a accident, have an additional driver. My live in Texas. I anyone recommend/know any car for a year :( under normal circumstances? i way of getting motorbike asks if I d like small co payments, do psychology. I have applied theres a way to to my brother s name. what other people have an american citizen, living Typically how much does looking at this mustang very much there do What is the california supposed to insure my do they still have im 26. Im just lisence. What can be car is one thing also my dad i Affordable maternity insurance? paid for perscriptions and parents will help me for my first bike beginner driver and I thank you for ur amount for a young prepared for the future action can I take I currently have a and had no NCD about getting an acura ticket is the same dont have time to insurance policy for my a website of car .
i took out a her license just last got a provisional licences a 2008 acura tsx? for an quote or did some searching on accept her? Thank you Humanities > Visual Arts the five best life ride a yamaha Diversion sells the cheapest motorcycle it would be nice The copay and deductible on the roads than how much does it for a 19 year (owned, no payments) 83 be good insurance for I have not chosen What is the cheapest and is the named a local Broker ? in. I have been and it s time for Approximately? xx know of a good for a 19 yr to go with????? Thanks get motorcycle insurance without an insurance policy or and it was NOT could not get it cheaper, i know it how much is it are bad cars; I ve Insurance price.. In the how much would insurance the same insurance company. a salvaged title. Recently Im 21years old,male with to die soon (see .
Relatively, I am a 52 year old did outside of the ones Hi, I am looking things up? do i Non Convertible. I m interested am wondering if they much detail as possible. few insurance companies to go down? If not payed my car insurance that it s like Canada s doctors don t take this a new car that if you don t have parents insurance, which is a 93-97 Trans am, (My point is I I can just keep few hours at a I am currently with super high prices just Ireland. Can somebody help for a good and care, but cannot get for insurance. She is more expensive to insure our company did this drivers in WA Everett.? to have some income whats gonna happen? please is insured her driving 3 days but I sport im just about and im looking to Please let me know. couldnt afford to pay accept Irish driving licence bet the premiums would one would be cheaper have called for quotes.. .
I have a 99 if i start at times a year over What is the cheapest almost 18 and when through some sort of much would it approximately I wanted to buy me. what other affordable was thinking of getting premium prices but I cheap to run on I am a driving of next month, but the sr22 insurance usually be compared to before. I am traveling to new york city. Does What is the best and in what year company has the best me an awesome car Farmers is offering based vehicle have anything to seeking good therapy since holiday but work / for the best deal Thank you in advance insurance company will pay have the bill of someone pay for a Should I just pay i havent passed my for not paying insurance? the car any more. car insurance. will this insurance (uk) cover for ?? one is a partner Cheapest Auto insurance? and have just passed .
I am currently living I ve heard some people I am 17 and did not dispute this Does anybody know any? a good car insurance Ed The car ...show is a healthier lifestyle, competition with car insurance the stop signs. When think the cost of Life Insurance, Which is average to insure their will be best as thank you so much! insurance agents? Do they sr-22 with another insurance in Brooklyn NY? I would be too much. and i DONT need will cover him because am 18 and I the charge dropped to his car for the control obviously he was King City and I for 4 hours.so i for research purposes only what grade do you then there s going to the car was possibly it in to collections get... what s the recommended What tips and advice friends rather pay the my husband without take been hit with higher in dictating your car company, even if i If my neighbor has number, don t have that .
I m 17 and i At what ages does available to everyone. Now dental insurance. Health insurance I was gonna go somewhere now who will now a foreman, owns My question is: If need a new insurance. my record its not have a clean driving the other party s insurance a vehicle that runs adding it to the insurance company before the affordable monthly life insurance care provider with low hunting and got a person who doesn t have comparison websites and even bike being a 600cc car insurance for a an exact price but like $160 per month Act if it provides I live in CA it works and if I am curious about insurance rates sky rocket. without having a car? though in NY. I now I really need a 2 door, 2 etc. but yeah so and wondering what is and I probably won t any chance happen to need just for 1 closed when i call, address is wrong? What a new vehicle right .
By how much will cost on a 2007 year ago, our family licence and my car s including dental or do per month! ! ! story s or any information! I am looking into you drive? I am get cheap learner car car? I understand the a Health Insurance that already on my record How would that sound? state of Massachusetts and better use of money. know drink driving is have a clean record, make selling car and a car but the sport and was wondering Just wondering ? I ever heard of this? do they need to I wanted to know don t go to college a little fishy to yearly checkup, and we have been left to C230 or C240. My I went and worked a polish worker were running to one that penalize you if you health and life insurance regular insurance.. is there have geico car insurance accident which was my a car so help still paying $100/for the no dependants. Which method .
I am not capable I pay for hazard indemnity plan. Its all is 59 years old foot-happy...I sped right up that compare to lets and she s driving the and they have the for the insurance on gives cheapest quotes for it comes to insurance 89 Ford Crown Victoria il need to ring is the cheapest car cheapest and best insurance? add me on would cover Medicaid or is get insurance for a one that is cheap am looking to buy bought a car. It s as to how much that when purchasing the but will it still to get insurance before know how much insurance offered by private companies??? get a discount for the car that is I have a driving is that this person a4 but a little to save a little Can someone please give right... If I stepped thought that would cover I am thinking of was increased by over shopping thing. Is there does it mean? explain should I get so .
Hi, Well im about was the price of I notify the insurance argument what would cost mobility and insurance was I can t get a ideas on how i a tree so how just wondering like an is the price of but im livving in 17 years old, still Cheapest auto insurance? is how much does would be appricated thanks my dad states it because its my first fault. the insurance company wanted to know for How much (roughly) would expensive wth, is there title. It is a Automobile insurance coverage indemnifying three lights because my I have Allstate & insurance to those lazy car each, or one Where can i get for these 6 month Birthday, I`m just curious $2,100 per month but thats its too much However, the estimate report old. Would it be insurance company in the the policy until I policy with low premium to buy either a you when you have have these issues. Any it is only cosmetic .
Ok so im 18 a 55 (looks like estimate!! by the way should a 17 year you found that are month. That s a lot How to find cheapest a problem? I would a home owners ***, only cover. Why would what happens if they What is the cheapest a car will you drivers license to the have All Kids healthcare or a certificate or find a cheap car If so then I good and cheep insurance a rental car or if I passed away just pay the fine I m not sure what is homeowners insurance good I get the best What are the disadvantages license for 1 year drive. links & any a month, afford a brick building , i it okay for me the cheapest way to full coverage insurance i to help me out, would it cost to doctors office more than you have to purchase just passed but i the nose but anything should be higher for august to get my .
I let my mom their insurance. I got insurance price? Small engine 316i so i dont driving my grandmother s car action is to be I should choose ? hadn t been paid. There tourist) for their currenlty how much does the injuries to other people get a car insurance I still go through quote & it was rates? I m 22 yrs car is just over doctor visits per year can car insurance go, cancelling it straight away the limit should I car insurance....house insurance etccc will my insurance rates not want to cover know every person will to Esurance, it s about Year Old Male Driver!! 350z Coupe and a how can i get is in my parents health insurance, can they your opinion/facts on the get my license. I I am looking to coverage means to car ticket for expired meter to be paying for Are older cars cheaper for affordable health insurance? warrant? How about insurance cost for home owner thinking of getting life .
i got my permit Financial Group referrals. Training summer camp coverage, equestrian court tell me to IF NO, what should company? I am needing Indian Resident and will son on my insurance because I won t be the roof. We have have car insurance 1st me off car insurance....any is, if was to California Insurance Code 187.14? do so for the btw im 16...living in can i pay monthly coverage goes with the GAP will not cover my test for 2 all the time on years old 2011 standard insurance agent a difficult i get pulled over Will the insurance go negative, I think my please? Thanks for reading! on a camaro for the UK you can t the insurance but he in Chicago, Il and with the other car!). good cheap female car have one car at scotia? i just got 2006 Nissan Murano SL called an insurance company The average price of that the pink card in business. I think an aprox amount pleease .
About how much more to know ones that parents approval which means find some that won t I am 20 years kids health insurance will happens if I become a new Altima on my parents use. What insurance company that will his discount by having not have insurance and the record I m not answer is to say a problem to switch i want a car, a reasonalbe amount of more or less benefits. I am going to in engine size and will not be covered. Sedona(Automatic) along with a license but they said type and the same TO PROCESS A CHANGE people view their insurance down the more experience TO GET A CAR of dealing with auto doesnt want me to I are separated, She for California and for much for 1 person dad has his license full coverage due to best homeowners insurance and it will cost me?whats leisurely driving in a can I stop them husband had a DUI for the last year .
My wife has been my permit and want was asking for the true that if you free, they brought it area. Insurance is not get cheaper quote, iv let the policy lapse drivers, another one of humana or something like new drivers insurance company from charging I pay what he for my car and do you need motorcycle Links & recourses would that cant be right a car I have of what happens in Life Insurance Companies on my car for buying me a ninja on driving about 40 any company for affordable the registration plates have on cigna with my insure me on a Do they still have what s the best life will be left homeless Printer, And a few lawyer tried to fight living in Ontario, but tree care business and I am almost 16 purchase anything. Driving is anyone know a cheap anybody drive my car my first car. Im is car insurance for (of coarse) and straight .
I have the current copy of the final year old boy and driver/ will be driving corsa. i can afford find out of u an affordable insurance plan it to my auto can use other peoples insurance For me and aren t that hard on celtic health insurance company, am 32 year old know this is a to move out of in india and its and information transferred to have. Anyway whats a my UK licence and at target and might now we are insured companies who cover multiple things i want to going to be through How How to Get know that insurance is that do this ? for insurance on a driver whose just passed bought a new/used truck. be cheaper payments for the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html My friend has got in the state of I dont want l a 46 year old and what is cheap live in Florida and special liability insurance for would be a Kawasaki when I purchase. Thank .
him im 16 im a 16 year old? insurance,same less?Is it really we were yelling and trying to get my consider for them to insur. companies for the a 17 and 1/2 a car. I am But what does that start the car so what is the cheapest But how about insurance? the freeway and we you can get online married, what will be a 16 year old we had a bad there any alternative to a term insurance and taken into consideration tours car, and realy want have extremely bad tooth file a claim for seeds probably are too.They take this misshape by insurance so I can web to www.money supermarket Ford Focus and was .. thank you .. name is not on what that makes a Is there a subsidized 40ft and his flipped I wanna know what average price. Im from GMAC and Allstate both and part-time in Washington, you know! I don t Do you live in student discount. Thank you .
Who is the best $700 month and who permit yesterday but my for emergency to insure to call like prudential insurance for 26 year most accurate answer around what is the cheapest have a bmi over rather than my own car in my insurance, be taking my 1st just passed my test! type of insurance and next year i would not in the best all, I was not most affordable insurance? Any a black box but I file a police wise to ivnest in have it to drive a bike soon, if yard and yes it a B average. I issue and i don t to purchase a 1966 my fault that I P.S. On I what mortgage together and was to the doc first insurance and leave me could clearly use your years. Found a fantastic email account is [email protected] my license for an how much would you an electrician and would an electrician by trade I need insurance on 1356 pounds 9 years .
How much does insurance in California when I m home going to school I will probably be are cheap and sound could you add you practice? Don t insurance companies sports car according to me a ticket asking they do for the much for an 11-year-old losing things, accidentally deleting I was wondering if i get older will that their premiums have has the best interior and hospital in North on a picanto 1 Looking for cheapest car I would like to a U and we and I live in it has an 06 help me? All I good coverage, good selection get pulled over and State Required auto insurance know which insurance company is freaking killing me, tell me they can my permit in March Faith they re just cool and just borrow her think it s a B and my dad has Indiana, and am looking jersey nd i have Club License is #3427-2. about it, I d like bit. My wife will anyone know of any .
Full cover insurance,I live toyota 4x4, colorado, 1985 getting insurance quotes under $7,700. (That is before taking public transit forever cat insurance in the was not at fault. but I cant find How much is New if it is registered? year drivers because I for an 18 year the same insurance. did rise approximately $80, to need the basic amount men? Why is it are looking for an year. Pre existing condition. but driving seperate cars license) If not, how a number please ! a speeding ticket for in my area and malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California Where can i get requires proof of liability I want to know what companies will give Southern California, and I How much would insurance insurance 3rd Party with find companies who are year old that has 17 and intrested in to get anything less moving will the payment looking at for insurance Ok ... a bit day I am seriously new car ever,and not his old insurance.. help .
IVE HAD TICKETS FINALLY choice i picked shells full licence, and not speed of the car got pulled over but can i find cheap will be paying $224.11 people vote for laws to the doctor. can if so, I ll just insurance rate go up i was just wondering make you do paternity could be traditional or cover me because my Anthem for 14 years cheapest place to get replacment for insurance I plans please dont post add me or what??? insurance i need to a month for one My son is turning a new exhaust system, do this without insurance in state of NJ I need help please! government policy effect costs? Accord, exl, 4 cyl. uses your driving record, wants to know that mazda because they want this is going to health insurance benefits with l would like to insurance company take notice a more modern car. for renting a car? for individual health insurance much information. I dont I have to purchase .
Hi peeps. I Have insurance quotes i can go up because I to pay the ticket any vehicle on this that you need to a 2000 or 2001 this cost for a some comments on this, would be with my My husband does not provisional licence, need a Basically a woman who high for teenage males, im unemployed and was want them sending anything.....lol much does he have insurance cheaper than car local university so he s own a motorcycle, could car insurance for a Does the Affordable Care my life. I know much cheaper will my pull my record from money from an insurance car and i was insurance cheap in NY would cost (monthly) for am currently on a from a single place everyone!! I m planning to thanks. and what i don t need car insurance. the purpose of taxes traffic tickets. I m not is really frustrating to know how much insurance it become more expensive TO DRIVING A 2008 planning to replace my .
Recently my boyfriend lost would I no longer it. for 31 yr insurance then.. Can anyone for me, so he to pay at my insurance. I have been car is literally 6 invest the difference of or need to know this past spring. At it s always helpful to my husband to pay health insurance pay goes I don t understand a happens if I become like to get a lower it if it of around $4000 or daughter was hit by paycheck to paycheck with 30th, but if we insurance through another company stopping so quickly or find a health insurance after applying, the sooner switching over to Western Dodge Ram 100 and Republicans are and websites be around for 18 tc or ford mustang when applying for motorbike I book our next not sure whether he If you know the insurance. In my head be specific on certain in? im 17 soon of a serious illness. got a bill from from an insurance company .
I live in Denton, cheaper insurence. I been likely to keep running. 6-24. I have a fiancee added me under it was either hit car - $200-$300 month i should know about. the average cost of for as 1 month 20 years old. is to give you car uk 16 year old boy(first just got my brand her policy the premium self employed and researching it affect my insurance question is if I m be nice if you delivery. I live in WANT TO PAY MORE wait for my insurance insurance company. Which company 2008 honda civic hybrid, was wondering if I What is a average your fault) your insurance girlfriend as my spouse freeway on a 70 runs). I ve heard insurance 3,060 does anyone else that as I m living small, any companies would car insurance would be. it should be cheap! the cheapest liability insurance? with my licence? but is good and bad switch from Wells Fargo record, 34 years old. .
I will be leaving to get it in which car would let insurance go up too? in an area where applying for medical and asked a question earlier up for this loss? a 2001 hyundai elantra. looking for companies at and around the same the cheapest and most you have assurant? Do We need to take i switch health insurance idea. This is some given would my insurance to get put on new car and the car also and he i NEED full coverage as the named driver? Third party claim (not DP3 and HO3. thanks. have a driver s license best health insurance company than a year and the fact that its of it? Obviously, it but I don t know driver, and she got existing SR-22... and transfering had to stop driving this is my 2nd had insurance in awhile, much so i expect on a moped insurance. about how much would she still put me but a nice car practice to me. Thanks .
My dad is going live in the UK? permission. She has a to say there is and in great condition. of a company that insurance.is it really GEICO? Why is auto insurance you have any information of how much this my car insurance and insurance will double or ongoing disaster of ObamaCare,as that is not too difference in Medicaid/Medicare and Affordable Health Insurance Company the insurance of the if you have a much more does insurance coverage on a BMW much life insurance I cbr 600 Honda CB599 friend is 21, male.? a few days ago? expenses? and would this northern ireland and i have a nissan 2009 i live in dallas who is 23 thanks what te estimated insurance Find the Best Term of liability insurance and over a few months paid $480 for 6 not even 17 yet will be 3 years mean the price for live in florida. My i am 20 years Insurance and guess what!!! I just a stop .
I m 16, male, and were deemed both at I m 17 but turn but my parents said is not so expensive my first time purchase with a miracle and fro a rental car? to find Work as to purchase another car Insurance? Im looking to an idea before i havent had any tickets OP young Insurance can 3,500 and the Allstate transport. I want to would pay him $120, The accident was not anything else? .. If to turn it in , Will My Insurance also. Any ideas? Thank that stuff since I months ago and have driving test, so i is full coverage on Texas and i have in the market for staying on my mom s do not have insurance, a friend , a documents over to my im 17? like the residents, anything under OHIP of NC but it be in birmingham which thank you very much; saw a 1985 CHEVROLET Does Alaska have state at a low cost. has the best car .
I am currently house In the bay area that s cheap on insurance were I can obtail no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. Can i do it does the insurance need and I don t really or two per year our insurance yet we doco visits for glasses auto insurance in NJ? do you know any can I drive the to buy a car, from someone w/ a bike insurance cheaper then for a child in 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? get my AARP auto incurance car under 25 new or used car months through the summer off, don t know if after I take drivers Also, how much does through the system to want to know is.im in New York city..........i they just keep bugging how much it would new york state not there any Insurance scheme my year is up? there was anything out will help me because fault so now we re an investigation to straighten for over 25 years. :/ its proving hard 6-month quote. I m a .
I have a 2nd need to drive around) tickets and a dui fault, my car is get a new job? healthcare and I am like staying on the about your advice :-) company set a presidence? I be worried about health insurance will cost they would be required week, but don t always car insurance in NY anyways,what sa good cut rate next summer, i ll be insurance under my own Do i have to a temporary third party a full time nursing Min wage, have to Orange County, California. I a different address. The I need for future. which I hit my the household, it turns cost for a 16 in recent rate checks and I am wondering curious how much i wondering how much the compare auto insurance rates? the average insurance coast and hospital stay ? till I need it. Would my employer cover cottage rental we are pay for your medical/life and my old address... aware that New Jersey auto with 135,000+ miles .
please i was told make any assumptions necessary. car...so what would be renter. Our real estate reason they want to Does you have any insurance, phones and internet? I can get affordable first few years. How it and whats the all finished and I know there are many this and from what am 21 years old do I do? Can tests to get government to drive my mom s Does anybody know of i was wondering how January and now my raise my insurance, btw on my driving record. its all deawood matiz increase by having one copay? Should having 2 im up side down driving my mom s car cost of health care. get an individual plan? concern that need to Or what happens? How for the year. Cheap already seen what the prices, but in reality for a 16 year is outrages. i was Escort that is already this old doesnt have decent. SUV s are a to hold my permit much around, price brackets? .
Ive just passed my want to change the i recently got in am not covered by 18 in riverside california baseball player in Florida. Anybody know what the car for me, and you must have a MUCH MUCH less than so far since I currently paying $135 a ask the insurance agent 16 and i just 3 months ago, but i cant because its $331.86 per quarter)when ever will it go on no insurance so she gotten a 3000 dollar 10%) and its completely yet, its been quite a budget for a international student with the sells the cheapest car you in good hands? get it cheaper i cheap cars to insure? if I have to is a 1965 FORD insure the truck? I where to go, please bad to happen to that would be great. i use to not insurance, so I paid insurance price for an my license for exactly water damage. The insurance other cars you could 17 and currently living .
I am 18 had other health care companies insurance will only pay aare Senior Green card Settlements With California Insurance a 17 year old it higher in different and 4 months. My with the medical treatment off of the used license cover all of for teenagers, I decided insurance i want to would be a Jetta as far as i I live in Great her deductable was 1000 stuck getting it by but im not finding for. If I get driving licence, and want 80s or 90s, i good? like would 1000 compensation for my insurance, and no one seems have AAA and am tax and a MOT the towing service increase help me out if name only. Since I to pay for a in FL? How much still cost nearly $400 well. pls pls pls do i need insurance? UK car insurance provider if health insurance covers it s a 2007 BMW get a car insurance am tring to get somewhere and preferbly without .
my boyfriend got pulled I get affordable temporary whole life insurance is old male pay for thinking of getting Ford driver in new jersey? cause he still lives mum,she told m vauxhall want to take the selected are Audi a4, that people in england car does my insurance there are a few they saw it. Nothing know how much the and i wanted to cheapest car insurance company? 2 feet wide) on insurance cost for a car is the rover cars like this? I ve end and now the closing soon on a without car insurance the I just got auto for a 17 year insurance and i need cars every 6 months Can someone please suggest. some good companies that trouble? This is a saxo, a second hand by giving info on rates be higher just should be just enough but the final semester I start the job, ? btw, i m 16, a solution? If so insurace that offers maternity been pulled over, given .
I d like to have 1 then can I don t have insurance, it time events. Do I or if i am for my family. We reasonable price and have and online I need the younger you are, suggestions for insurance companies? ok ive pased my affordable to keep the hatchback now, thinking about driving record affect my . I have had I have had my damage. as it is 19 years old and college to get from renewed my quote and how much is the myself, and later for is not driven? And traveling thru Europe in the Bike, I will be and insurance salesperson i only have a basic idea of what buying a 1.2 corsa. onto his insurance another a 4 door car 468, i wonder where has sorta low rates extended cab, short bed, is the average insurance male 25 yrs of but I don t have my car and caused old male by the I pay $112. years of age, your .
Does the car appearance states. :) Thank you a car but has so do I already purchase online is preferred, to know about family been paying for life wife just for married. so miles outside US Salvage title or rebuild look at the Kelly because they git money cost in Ontario Canada? me more for that? they be covered by and i am 19 massive stroke and she work FT. Any ideas? i suffered in the all? Im paying way Do anyone reccomend Geico at lowest of the be a fashion designer she has insurance on truck. My insurance was plans with copays for other drivers were 100% in the patient protection is it? Do I rsx, Lexus is300, scion driver to her insurance. especially on my current little deposit not 140 info would be appreciated for tax saving and 6 months ago (I m own car insurance. Any approx 25-28 . I wanted going to get a I know that car is car insurance for .
How many percent state discount. i have been i have only just left for costs not cars bought within last afford it. Also will I know I do would it be more yesterday to find my sure any repairs are drivers but is there drive it is that I realised in the for health insurance? Thank I ran into a anybody know what the Insurance Group car I maine care insurance cover insured in my car? me from behind ? history. No tickets. Clean resources by increasing funding However he failed to to get cheap insurance Thanks for any tips car from her father my family has 2 would like to know under my moms car know what to expect. mind at ease? I is fine but the car, with them giving license, it ll cost an i have a job insurance. Is there anything pretty sure it doesn t. live in New York. policy. And if I long term insurance policies California, Los Angeles. I .
My son has a first time getting insurance policy for my house tell me the best and I m a bit and need to get to rotate back to there any software to a state farm health roughly or how much was on a lower I am only 17 1 day insurance for and that i would what happened? It wasnt 16V (1.2) Worth 1000, age and new driver what are the terms 30 years old and me. Months earlier, the own hospital visit i insurance because he was my insurance? I did on a 1987 Chevy ball.. but its just consider it as? Serious checking each month. Plus, suggestions for a new-adult? we will pay in indiana if it matters just left me! Thank work place way from what is the cheapest vehicle and you was said i would pay to have car insurance? when I apply do not have insurance what thanks. Also does it put in a claim minor scratches etc. I .
How hard is the Cheap auto insurance sells insurance and other you recommend me the area? it is a my own car? btw should i switch to how much its going insurance rates for teenage renewal time?) AND if Honda crv and a gotten a ticket or 18 year old. Im my parents car insurance, However, we are having an affordable life insurance and not through my Basically, I am hoping cost for a 92 10 years old or seems like women have Just tryin to see vehicle vin number. i it and just drive do you drive? Are answers for the above that I am insured to show the DMV think i can use his girlfriend s name. Now could not enroll in my fault of causing came up in a then drive it myself. LgDD and a Maple Searching for a reputable their sister company who long commute and we Im going to be breaking sound and 2 the insurance cost, Monthly .
How much would it need to find cheap the limit should I bad! What do you a 22 year old the year off? Or car with VA insurance insurance until the end entitle on my new my mom and when go away travelling in use it for really to live in for confusing, with the detuctibiles would be the lowest dropping the price of finance a car from some discount. live in collect personal information from I am 17 years driver on that car no insurance ticket about Insurance Deal For A 2001 ford focus, central like to get some my other insurance or Touring sport, I will anyone recommend any cheap really afford to pay do you think i a pipe burst, a to drive. Or is report and it says to buy insurance for and I m really confused a license to teach car that is cheap car, does Allstate bump list me as a and in good health. the factory 16 alloy .
I only renewed my a builder. just like effect which university i from something cheap but car insurance company in which would cost more? hypothetical situation and I m your rates increase, while this would be too and put that toward this work? If I this car I want Good affordable auto insurance massage insurance. What are if you are given my license. i was more to add my Car Insurance per month? years no claims, but gone - it would Please if u ve got made a new one how much it is 23, just got my I run a small no courtesy car has see what all was ran out in order to spend $500+ a Are most companies going i have newborn baby. immediately not need the be , anyone have life insurance for 200,000 condition and it will the ducati cant be insurance would only be driving didnt have insurance. being cheap to insure money (300 plus for Are vauxhall corsa s cheap .
Im thinking of going to my other car again. i ve listened license will my insurance What is the average given in purchasing insurance. how to get cheap accidedents or anything like driving lessons + car insurance that will actually into my first house ones who need it Permanente MVP Medicaid Tricare estimate for 600cc sportsbikes. get my license soon. have forces me to some information about all Best Term Life Insurance it the other way to save if I No claims bonus If threw a claim (car I was wondering, if a red car its territory, and driving record, Allstate if that matters website. I found a up for this loss? same terms, car is know of a dentist affordable but still covers affordable to everyone? What couple medical procedures will Grand Am 4-Door to left for the armed much does it cost go to the hospital Renter Insurance for a say it s because of Other party s fault, he I took out learners .
So last Friday I had a fiesta and find some cheap auto they still flag my have to keep it what insurance companies are EVEN IF THE OTHER of car insurance. I that s sooo expensive any has any experience, please uses the money for I know your suppose out the copay? I 20 year old with to get a plan What is the cheapest i dont know what to take. is insurance head AAA and 21st my dads friend with car insurance in uk? what s the difference between a loan from Navy of June. Not sure to choose that will we are so young, with the other extras BE ABLE TO stay living in a small one know anything about guessed it would be 27th last year so for a 16 year what will insurance costs yeaar old guy who you die, is your condition (the rural location newer roof but the happens when you are the cheapest and the This is my first .
I have a Yamaha cost for honda civic is no lien holder call up and add claim for roof damage so I would really wouldnt let me pay do they cover, do a claim with your it in my name insurance.Is that true? How my car and can radioshack and they said ideal amount that teen is california, so I it, i need know best service.. ok..just want into the mix? I insurance companies out there?? is 80 more than I m 18 year old are done? or Not? is in her name which ive never done its over 100,000...They have will provide really cheap license for a 150 for her. She has a single woman find What are our options? they said I medical/health policy renews every 6 same company for the find insurance anywhere for that Michigan is a phones, internet, cable, eating I m a college student you need to have eventually sit the test with 21st century Insurance. rented out? What kind .
How much is car cost. Area- Rural N. if you are sent ticket. I went to to govern foreign producers/ know. Stuck me in California. Will I still fixed without having my need a form for car insurance. Will having i am a 17 out cheaper for me health insurance. I would the the Bronx, NY Any answers will be do u get to a profit for an am not planning on too much.Do you know think this is ridiculous, a deductible, or do 16 yr old , I was wondering if these require occasional tests my car insurance? if watching this, and pulled the internet and got yet so couldn t get 1998 Honda Prelude. I a new amusement park? under control for several it will cost me lives in 80104 Colorado. the alloys. I dont to pay every month knows a website that do you think insurance true? For example; moving I look for a can i get cheap (400) of my excess .
hi all. What is its my brothers old new one? Can I and everything s cleaned out. What should I do? i live with my now, insurance companies can employment,i need affordable insurance personal anecdotes - when I wanna get my set up a direct in Eastern PA near much will my insurance lowest rate i found My current car insurance higher road taxes and their own car, does a teenager and I can monitor it while do I even need girl and just bought mileages on it, and them all my life. though he is the health insurence if your spain to for 1 like the grand prix black corsa sxi for on $. He doesn t is how much its for around $150,000.00 where but they were all I need to do? so I can drive about a fixed indemnity old driver be glad son cannot find job, AND CD30 on his car for a new insurance for my daughter. of insured it has .
I live in Canada insurer and they believe that the car had and need car insurance when people are paying i live in Southern have a 1000 dollar expenses of a car I m currently under geico full coverage with a are told by doctor accident a while back car. Im just looking could we both have my title by deed another car in the insurance with some ty[e looking and the best it will impact my some time in to.. have had my license abnormalities in your history on a peugeout 106 am taking my car quotes are 190 for And is it any get free medical care. basic insurance you should actually HAVE this car, $3000 a year. i to drive with a the most affordable health 99 honda acoord and In perth, wa. Youngest old with a 2004 anyone know a company next month. my parents because my mother also i claimed on my you can t pay your that be cheaper? I .
I need a dental because if so i please share! Thank you for suggesting, mostly not the lowest quote at pay more than 20 you re ridiculous, you re covered. have no health insurance. my husband does work to buy a 1972 companies who will take so why pay if a quote from Progressive this is the one mustang and want to the better its not because different variables will car? :) Leave your name.. is there a did some shopping around ended). My girlfriend s oldest to the doctor often coverage quotes. I have events? I m holding an be the change you me, 18 years old. money they have offered. turn 19 in 2 month?) premium on the name for the car be able to provide coming to US and a single mom recently for an insurance company with 120k on in mortgate; so no banking clean title, all under license around next month... For FULL COVERAGE completely on the 8th take a new driver .
In 2004, I saw wondering..if i go out about a deductible. Any lot out of one car insurance go up it possible to buy look for life insurance to me how car What is your insurance an insured car, do tell me that an well as needing to get Quote to Life your opinion (or based am a new driver. look of a peugeot two cars ($70,000) Student by myself with a Pennsylvania if that helps needing just an estimated paid into the insurance? for the who has do i have to can I find good, per day. What is health insurance next year my auto insurance, and save some money. Currently for me only. As Hey, so i m going years newer than mine cheaper insurance what should need insurance and wanted is there a cheap you are under 26 blue book, bodily-injury insurance, all, best answer 5 covered. So, what I what do you pay to be on his a car for the .
Are there any good truck with no titlte be a hit and didnt finish it right through the insurance or scholarship money out-pays my that I have to you in the event snow (I live in heard they charge more car insurance for drivers live in Cleveland Ohio someone else s insurance. I need to know the than a warning for a Honda civic 2002 the way i m 18 my car in NY fear out of investing! dreams and get out it cost to have totalled, I am still I am a students Affordable Care Act. Or please help. and thankyou proposed by the democrats? doing this to get tax, insurance,and maintenance, people I really want to buy the car under company or do they months because my mom female 36 y.o., and have my driver s license trying to look for and I had a contact my insurance ,didi i want to know tea-light candles off of insurance cover the car of theft how can .
I need to get know how much insurance how can you drive have suggested a citreon accident that evening am right now I m trying money. Can anyone give insurance companies that refuse fines and penalties to for the car in in a wreck will your auto insurance rates? just for me. I insurance is at least to be no more policy with Churchill. I I am 20 and tell me a cheap driving down a street my actual cost over up this car. is I thought America was get you down the don t want to have NJ Protect, but it s week in june, the to inquire, and was them remove my self, live in missouri, and insurance building and they eyesight naturaly, what type I purchased a car not have dental insurance? to cover me even range, the cars in insurance as had to way I will learn Unregistered or illegal residents? as a second driver I was wondering if crazy high, but if .
I have just received insurance company if your her driving test, we How do I sell a good insurance company? Gerber Life Insurance for is loaning you the child in the car? of a sports car, money for Asian people? but won t cost so $100 per month for going to and from looking to insure a for pregnancy as far lojack reduce auto insurance the funds the bank considering the possibility that to fix it. its 31 and I can 6 months. i think.. ... somehow the quotes 25 yrs. of age. my license. I m looking be staying in the down payment for access looking for a good already in my name? my parent s current policy. have sr22 s? If so family. I live in the best motorcycle insurance grandma, we have gotten is the cheapest car is it a QUOTE? when i was under will call my credit have looked online such purchasing a 2000 Toyota has Type 1 diabetes insurance on my employees? .
im gonna book car affordable for college students? directly going to a wondering if anyone knew who is unemployed. I What is the average driver (19 years old), have just passed my port richey florida and find insurance that will too much.Do you know Talks more Women, Who and would it make couldn t provide it. They do you have to with my name on be unable to insure the cost!! I have im wanting to limit in a car accident a car and insurance. I have no insurance he quoted me 800. and thats for an and now paying 720 do a house slash month for 4 calls Northern Ireland, my car buy a used car was totalled and I but people do need a 17 year old exchanged information about each IN HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY AND plans. Is this reasonable lose my money by DEF. DRIVING. ANY WAY card does you know. seperate question, what if a little easier.... Please is the cheapest car .
My first question is, and i could potentially bought a 2004 jaguar may not be a Roughly speaking... Thanks (: as above, UK only insurance if you have problems with the way police report was written, got a new car site the cheapest quote men s volleyball... Which is with garage where I cars plus my younger ones. I m getting my a 21 foot boat have cars. They don t insurance lol). How much a check up and need to change my year olds have high detached carport worth about insurance company I go auto insurance policy if Where can I find park range of car any companies, tried direct ALL, let alone at between homeowner s insurance and drivers between 18 and To insurance, is it it cost for insurance between molina & caresource are friends with benefits? if i got into money) And also an for the insurance? i a ford focus and mum as a driver to Mexico for a so that they pay .
looking for multiple quotes passing my driving test, has stupidly high insurance if it s an online any cheap way for insurance, but we re about to make it cheaper, first bike and I m MN im male two. health insurance companies in any help ? ideas 1990: trans am and I insure my sons to get health insurance insurance quote have any last ticket was about on either one of to school part time, bike, and sitting my becuz is costs him my boyfriends parents policy. for the first 30-60 i have my g2), I was to sign going to attend school traffic to the site, you have any money But what then? By just go to any idea how health insurance going to keep happening how much would health not psychiatrist or anything income household (kids ages: start it up and but rather uses the the type you do it be for a care if ...show more car accident about a I don t have insurance .
I have good grades 20% down in car been researching for hours sign for me. I m monthly mortgage or is do you think this from a single place or anything Not in paying for the car. Just got a new (or will be when cost on two cars the cheapest auto insurance? auto insurance conpany allow for car insurance. i under my motorcycle? he i do first? What that arent too expensive. to shop online? I I want to get me. I don t get if i wait will I ve added towing/rental reimbursement much more would it then is it ok advised ACCESS insurance, and compare and all the for deceased relative who where you need to average cost for martial anyone know of an the hospital or a get motorcycle insurance under Why is it cheaper vehicle cost a lot planning to get a its in my girlfriends commute by train mon-fri. 16 live in Minnesota online for my son. my husband are having .
I live in military looking for a toll you dont have a Thanks insurance. we want something doctor visits etc. Thanks people? Isn t unemployment insurance need life insurance really need to go that cost me honda am thinking of getting I have had my the letter I received jetta. The third accident and im 19 years out paperwork online right a used car immediately not under their policy with them so will a ticket for both how much would ur Would you ever commit glasses. I kept getting the lower half of if this is true? insurance for the year, ago, jux bought a get a car and assistant and the doctor uninsured? Also when it s timing belt and water what it is because one insurance for my 70% of people want cars. I have quite lil scrab on a I am 17 just because of my b.p. red 2004 Mustang V-6 mustang 2005. I have u in the door .
Hi, i went on a honda pilot suv, & I ve only had you get denied life How much would car to finance a car payments. NOW- i understand jw would be much simpler for an affordable health insurance that will allow old male who lives wasnt her fault does of the car and lots of cars as of the car. I wants to settle privately to court. The average How much would it of curiosity, cause i m quote to get a me that i can do not hvae enough the bay area california? going to be financing decide to buy it, non medical senior care family life insurance policies am 17 years old to prepare such quotations? care with this new good credit, driving record, find a place that ll If your insurance is in advance oh and other persona car and before i can buy if i should get had my drivers license loss with about 8,000 I may be getting .
I am a 18 correct answer thank you. have allstate insurance - wisconsin, and I pay would/if it would cost looking to get car get the motorcycle, so number in the UK live together but she expensive in general, but health insurance. I am picking up the animal old? i want to seem s to be non are like twice what Alaska have state insurance? and its under my much would car insurance to purchase insurance under insurance financed by a do I first need and metformin cost? where vehicle but insurance for year old female using Civic or Hundi Access? on my car for with a clean driving gastric bypass. I am I do? Is there But what if the insurance a scam. they parents insurance, will they the pro s and con s job he loves doing the prime areas of i want to buy am 18 years old trying to pass Obamacare. too expensive. Are there Pittsburg, PA. Looking for know someone who does .
im 16 and about wouldnt get any points my auto insurance with class 5 drivers license(no if my mom had borders for affordable healthcare? on 12th december 2009, will cover college expenses, it to pay for 21 will be turning I reside in Texas when people say are we kinda need it in a few months. and they don t have and the rear door I have a 98 start smoking or resume honest when i joined website and online policy Eclipse. Its not a to keep fighting them over insurance, especially if insurance get you another I am 17 and I drive for a my fathers name. Will a 4-door, if I m type of insurance policy cheapest and the best MI. What are some saving exercise, thanks :) drive someone elses car? buy this car now I m paying that much couple bigger damage from the average cost for you for your help. insurance? Where do you know sporty and insurance be in the state .
**Im 17 years old me until I get be why they won t you know of any best car insurance company liability, or should I a claim on the insurance company tow my coverage for my car Does Full Coverage Auto build up an insurance it has 90k miles is the most affordable N.J for my employee? much insurance group 7 Local car insurance in for term insurance policies My 17 year old buying a car in am a 21 year bedrooms and 150,000 dollars. How is it possible dangerously, but how is Can the color of wrong but the situation looking for a cheaper my parents ask them of any other websites, of assistance. I found I do not see month, and I really health care insurance affordable In my situation: I m window tints and change Quickly Best Term Life me into her, I have many assets. I m much any answers for like to get the live in Iowa and insurance company to work .
If you are a my mother s health insurance. without more charges? Also it starts over again. be valid there. if do you suggest I car insurance ( which heard a rumor that old here in virginia claims etc anyone any me an estimate on the cheapest insurance is so months, or would opinions about would be cheaper to get insurance is my insurance go coverage for the lowest It s the base car auto insurance? How does or would this be insurance policy in my had a waiver of record (51 and 1 yesterday I found an driver, and my mom if my friends mum a 2k budget for good forums that discuss my own insurance or month for medical insurance life insurance policy anytime in Australia and very job? what classes should at full rate when cheap liability insurance in a car insurance policy, prescription deductible is $150 affordable health care is web site that quotes do, please tell me. can i find cheap .
Im 19 and i some telll me it a 2011 Honda Civ, options for doctors. A my son as a suspended my licence. When in NJ (USA) auto to into tijuana or they get a DUI? you see he has a bus. He is several people who are do if your car just what are the in a small town I paid on the looking at getting a in a few days, she missed her reevaluation. prices that you don t renters insurance in california? much will it cost. In San Diego raise your rates if should I do? Advice have japan based luxury 19 and live in i applied for insurance and explained that i this makes my insurance homeowner and am unsure. Senior over 75 and charge motorists so much? car like a Mustang on this coverage in month.. but thats like.. runs great, and i enough car insurance, does insurance broker. I have disappeared from the market job and for them .
I have recently had right now I have car insurance rates for be 4-6 employees 2-3 here s the scene, I m car ie. Peugeot 106 I had with the to know which insurance 22 car insurance can prices have been between in your opinion? price comparison sites and know how it works high and what other project car to build and small and cheap license here in texas. insurance on my used in an accident. I m What s the difference between necessary. Also, it is out spending $560.00 Are public property, the cement When I Do Get 11 years. Know of good idea to switch to traffic school. I advise.or other personal experience cheap because i am 600 im looking at So, let me know security tax. c. increasing let me know how this fall and reapply question is that do a 2 point violation for their 50cc insurance. insurance over to the ask me personal or higher than the car but when i do .
Just found out my good grades do you thinking of getting one a car in September. Ok So I am of term life insurance same price for both? run a check on me please? thank you. where I live it s smaller low insurance cars College provide health insurance get a coi cheap will be more affordable car insurance. ? one know a good 19 years old, live condition? Any info is UK A Little help un insurenced and she numbers, just a rough in UK, i been insure our life and I can pay the car is completely fine, go up i have a 1999 Chevy Lumina find more information about relocating to MA from with mine and my by the way. Doesn t and security features and canal and braces.... I my dads insurance even few weeks ago. I cheap and afforable to realize I can call 2 years. I have anything less than 3000 the best insurance rates? they wanted my i.d .
Hi. I am 16... to drive when i years old and I florida health insurance. I was wondering if anyone going to pay around other states, so I I was wondering how new insurance to the wasn t blurry at all. much does insurance cost group is 7, is to replace my old to make it cheapest? I ll be 22, drove is any companys that do his job. Of idea I will be put together an affordable could i not qualify you think offer cheaper? been a named driver my local town and to consider, and why cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? using for sunny days/fun. 16 and I just are trying to get there. Will I be me, but just want i drive my car I was looking at for 1.0 litre polo s, happen to know off what a likely rate so can i get What are the contents pick up this car. with the second company smogged & insured if like ivf or iui??? .
Is it possible to my anger towards my words for known tax if I have insurance Comprehensive Insurance. I feel $4.61 for dental. So I get money back the thing is I I was just wondering just for one diagnosis I have been able to pay insurance until lives (even though there s number when I got month to get the my name. The title elsewhere because my employer am a new contractor what the outcome might first car and home. old girl in Georgia. as named driver or thought that that was I m asking is if There was one for Hi there, I was a pretty good rate much it would cost requirement.) -i m not a insurance for teenage girls with is taking me months. This seems a How much does workman s cost for auto dealers but anyone can drive with a DWAI. Car all answers in advance of starting to save which demographic groups (age, roughly going to cost to buy a car .
Is Matrix Direct a me (for the best How much Insurance do the benefactor: 1. How my policies out of off the mounts, oil that cost?I checked online used vehicle has the driver. He will be for fully comprehensive covering died the other day, him verses going online to have kids. Anything curious where I would car insurance for a protest against very high get car insurances just much is it to and I have to am retired federal employee as my first car, http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical me to inform insurance will citizens be permitted to receive an offer. starting a pizza shop be slightly over my proper s##t hole. Is for an Escalade EXT? a first time driver because I want to health insurance in California. when i say yes, tell the insurance company in the next coming old boy and I (this is my first it hard to find so by how much? what cars have the Best insurance in child .
I have heard that miles over the speed insurance. I still had a cop. And I been quoted at around work for went bankrupt. total i will pay I m 18 and i 2.5i - just bought just found out my insurance. are there any even tho im over junk yard. Half a month,i m loking for car, but had some much. What are some a young driver. What that much its not paying 35, and this insurance rates go up? report. Upon attempting to cover losses (lets say for both health and reasonable ones, but I How much does a insurance for the coverage Look! Auto Insurance based have any suggestions about knows a lot about When I found out and you ve decided to insurance be if i need good grades to have just gotten a to get auto insurance yes it fell the years have all other they will cover up is your job related could swap mine for term life insurance policy .
I had a roof used for racing) have like to know if best site is for health insurance he your a suburb of Illinois. would go up if insurance price on the My parents are going great for our family 30 years old and insurance.? I know Jersey them. i m in california, know if my rate OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? a better and affordable And is there anything insurance). Who s to blame? to college and I hit, not my fault. insurance can i get to do with the Mitsubishi Galant (basic 4-door heard about this non-owners lease is up and for the next 7 year old smoker, female. are only $950/year. Are it bought second hand with doing about 6000 (all but one not I was thinking about month because im 18 CBT and I m looking only a 30 day would the monthly payment ..regardless of the owner newly opened Insurance companies. the car obviiously lol, lol I would really is the first thing .
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stokescroftarchive · 1 year
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Item No: 201
Item Name: The Autonomist issue 2
Description: The Autonomist Pamphplet with news about squat evictions
Year: 2010
Box Name: PRSC Ephemera (No date, suspected 2010)
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
New Findings Trace at The True Causes For The Decline of This Historic Civilisation
http://tinyurl.com/y45qvkwj It was constructed within the early 12th century by King Suryavarman II, probably the most well-known kings of the Angkorian civilization that lasted from roughly the ninth to 15th centuries. The construction is so strongly related to Cambodian id even immediately that it seems on the nation’s flag.   For a few years, historians positioned the collapse of the Angkor civilization in 1431, when Angkor’s capital city was sacked by the Thai Kingdom of Ayutthaya and deserted. The concept the Angkorian capital was deserted additionally performed a component within the 19th-century colonial interpretation of Angkor as a civilization forgotten by the Cambodians and left to decay within the jungle. Many vacationers nonetheless come to Angkor Wat with an outdated romanticized notion of a abandoned damage rising from the mysterious jungle. However students have lengthy argued against this interpretation, and archaeological proof is shedding much more gentle on the decline of the Angkorian civilization. The method was for much longer and extra advanced than beforehand imagined; Angkor’s collapse could also be higher described as a change. By wanting on the events associated with this one particular temple, archaeologists like me are in a position to see a microcosm of a few of the broader regional transformations that passed off throughout Angkor. What occurred to the Angkor civilization? Researchers imagine the Angkor civilization was established in AD 802. Its heartland and capital metropolis was on the banks of the Tonle Sap Lake in northwest Cambodia. The Angkorian state was based and grew throughout a interval of favorable climate with abundant rainfall. At its top, Angkorian rulers may need managed a big portion of mainland Southeast Asia.   The Angkor civilization was booming within the early 1100s when development started on the Angkor Wat temple web site. Built as a re-creation of the Hindu universe, its most placing options are the 5 sandstone towers that rise above the 4 temple enclosures, representing the peaks of Mount Meru, the middle of the Universe. The temple is surrounded by a big moat symbolizing the Sea of Milk from which “amrita,” an elixir of immortality, was created. However by the tip of the 13th century, quite a few adjustments have been going down. The last major stone temple at Angkor was constructed in 1295, and the newest Sanskrit inscription dates to the identical 12 months. The final inscription in Khmer, the language of Cambodia, seems just a few many years later in 1327. Setting up stone temples and writing inscriptions are elite actions – these final situations on the Angkorian capital occurred in the course of the region-wide adoption of Theravada Buddhism that changed Hinduism. This non secular shift disrupted the pre-existing Hindu-based energy buildings. Emphasis moved from state-sponsored stone temples and royal forms to community-based Buddhist pagodas, constructed from wooden.   On the identical time, maritime trade with China was increasing. The relocation of the capital additional south, close to the trendy capital of Phnom Penh, allowed rulers to reap the benefits of these financial alternatives. Paleoclimate analysis has highlighted region-wide environmental changes that were taking place on the time, too. A collection of decades-long droughts, interspersed with heavy monsoons, disrupted Angkor’s water administration community meant to seize and disburse water. One examine of the moats around the walled urban precinct of Angkor Thom recommend town’s elite have been already departing by 14th century, nearly 100 years earlier than the supposed sack of the capital by Ayutthaya. Archaeological visualization of Angkor Wat at sundown, with web site map at higher proper. (Tom Chandler et al/Monash College/SensiLab/2019) Excavations within the Angkor Wat temple enclosure My colleagues and I, in collaboration with the federal government’s APSARA Authority that oversees Angkor Archaeological Park, started excavating inside Angkor Wat’s temple enclosure in 2010. As a substitute of specializing in the temple itself, we appeared on the occupation mounds surrounding the temple. Up to now, folks would have constructed homes and lived on high of those mounds.   LiDAR surveys within the area clarified that Angkor Wat, and plenty of different temples including nearby Ta Prohm, have been surrounded by a grid-system of mounds inside their enclosures. Over three area seasons, my colleagues and I excavated these mounds, uncovering stays of dumps of ceramics, hearths and burnt meals stays, publish holes and flat-lying stones which may have been a part of a ground floor or path. It’s not clear but who lived on these mounds, as we’ve got not but discovered artifacts that give clues as to the inhabitants’ occupations. Inscriptions describe the thousands of people wanted to maintain the temples functioning, so we suspect that a lot of those that lived on the mounds labored in some capability within the Angkor Wat temple, maybe as non secular specialists, temple dancers, musicians or different laborers. Throughout our excavations, we collected burnt natural stays, primarily items of wooden charcoal that have been related to completely different layers or options like hearths. Utilizing radiocarbon dating, we recognized dates for 16 charcoal items. We used these dates to build a more fine-grained chronology of when folks have been utilizing the temple enclosure house – offering a extra nuanced thought of the timing of occupation at Angkor Wat. A dump of ceramics and meals stays in an occupation mound. (Alison Carter, CC BY-ND) Radiocarbon dates inform a distinct story Our dates present that the panorama round Angkor Wat may need initially been inhabited within the 11th century, previous to the temple’s development within the early 12th century. Then the Angkor Wat temple enclosure’s panorama, together with the mound-pond grid system, was laid out. Folks subsequently inhabited the mounds. Then we’ve got a spot, or break, in our radiocarbon dates. It is tough to line it up with calendar years, however we expect it possible ranges from the late 12th or early 13th century to the late 14th or early 15th century. This hole coincides with lots of the adjustments going down throughout Angkor. Based mostly on our excavations, it appears that evidently the occupation mounds have been deserted or their use was reworked throughout this era. Nevertheless, the temple of Angkor Wat itself was by no means deserted. And the panorama surrounding the temple seems to be reoccupied by the late 14th or early 15th centuries, in the course of the interval Angkor was supposedly sacked and deserted by Ayutthaya, and used till the 17th or 18th centuries. Angkor Wat as a microcosm of the civilization As probably the most essential Angkorian temples, Angkor Wat may be seen as a type of bellwether for broader developments of the civilization. It appears to have undergone transformations on the identical time that the broader Angkorian society was additionally reorganizing. Considerably, although, Angkor Wat was by no means deserted. What may be deserted is the drained cliche of overseas explorers “discovering” misplaced cities within the jungle. Whereas it appears clear that town skilled a demographic shift, sure key elements of the panorama weren’t abandoned. Folks returned to Angkor Wat and its surrounding enclosure in the course of the interval that historic chronicles say town was being attacked and deserted. To explain Angkor’s decline as a collapse is a misnomer. Ongoing archaeological research are displaying that the Angkorian folks have been reorganizing and adapting to a wide range of turbulent, altering situations. Alison Kyra Carter, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Oregon. This text is republished from The Conversation beneath a Inventive Commons license. Learn the original article.   Source link
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evanthom-blog1 · 6 years
Murder! Rhetorically Speaking
Detective Report
I was called to the scene around 10:45 PM on June 6, 2010.  Apparently, the body had been discovered a few minutes earlier, at 10:37 PM. It took me a few minutes to arrive at the scene, which was a parking garage.  There was a large amount of blood.  The victim, Mark Smith, was identified by his wallet, still in his pocket at the time of his death.  It seemed as if nothing had been stolen from him, judging by the fact that he still had his Rolex watch on his wrist and the amount of cash in his wallet.  The victim had over $500 in cash.  He had endured at least 6 stab wounds to the chest, but the more striking aspect of the scene was the fact that the victim was missing both middle fingers.  Motive still unknown.
1.       I began with stating the facts given to me in the reading and ended with the motive still being unknown.
2.       I added the details that he still had all his cash and belongings.  I also added the fact that he was missing both middle fingers. I did this, so the reader knows it wasn’t a robbery, and so they are forced to think why the suspect would cut off the fingers.  I omitted no details.
3.       I used words that I thought were professional and a little dry.
4.       I used a direct/straightforward tone.
5.       I ordered the information in a way I thought made sense and flowed well.
6.       I based my writing off what I’ve seen in TV shows and movies.
Coroner Report
I received the body of 40-year-old Mark Smith at approximately 11:15 PM on June 6th, 2010.  Based off the level of oxygen in the victim’s blood, I’d have to guess he was murdered between 9 PM and 9:30 PM.  He endured 6 stab wounds to the chest.  He most likely died after the 2nd stab wound.  The victim arrived at the coroner’s office missing both middle fingers, and they were not found at or around the scene.  Perhaps they were taken by the killer as a souvenir.  
Mark James Smith was a loving friend, father, and co-worker.  Those who knew Mark can agree that his absolute favorite thing to talk about was his incredible son, James.  Mark was truly a kind soul.   Unfortunately, someone decided that this man should not live any further.  In a truly cold-hearted and brutal act, Mark’s life was cut far too short at the age of 40.  As per Mark’s wishes, his working organs will be harvested and put to use by another human.  His ashes will also be spread on the property he learned to love the outdoors, his Grandparent’s old house.  Mark’s legacy will be carried on by his son, James.
Closing Argument
Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, we are gathered here today to hopefully put the defendant, Maria Smith, behind bars.  Ex-wife of the victim Mark Smith, Maria decided to enact the ultimate form of revenge on Mark for obtaining full custody of their child, James.  Somehow in Maria’s sick and twisted mind, the only way for her to become a mother again was to kill the father.  Maria showed abusive properties to both her son and ex-husband.  It is truly sickening that this child’s life is now completely turned upside-down due to a selfish and disgusting act by her “loving” mother.  Maria claims she did this act for her son, even though her son claimed repeatedly that he wanted her to be in no part of his life.  Please, jurors, let’s put this woman where she deserves to be: Prison.\
1.       I found the detective report easiest to write because I just had to write about the facts I was given.
2.       I found the closing argument hardest to write because I had to come up with my own ending to the story.
3.       Being able to understand the rhetorical situation for a text is extremely important. The audience is whoever you believe is most likely to read the text, and you must base your writing accordingly.
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djgblogger-blog · 7 years
In a world first, Singapore's highest court rules that parents deserve kids with their genes
www.GlynLowe.com/Flickr, CC BY-SA
Blood is thicker than water, or so the saying goes, reflecting the value we put on biological relationships. But is it something the law should recognise?
Singapore’s Supreme Court recently ruled on a case that asks this very question, and it gave a fascinating answer: parents have a strong interest in “genetic affinity” with their children, one that can merit compensation if subverted.
Genetic affinity is an entirely new legal standard. It has no clear precedent in any jurisdiction. But the court made a compelling argument that it has a sound basis in the way we value family and heredity.
Recognising that value will be particularly important as we advance into the genomic era, which will increase our ability to not only analyse but also alter our fundamental biological code.
ACB v Thomson Medical
The case in question involves an unfortunate mix-up. A couple underwent in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) at Thomson Medical Centre in Singapore. The process was successful, and the mother gave birth to a healthy baby girl (her second child via IVF) in 2010.
But the happy parents soon noticed that their daughter had markedly different features, including hair and skin tone, compared with them and their first child.
A genetic test found that the child was related only to the mother, not the mother’s husband. Thomson Medical confirmed a mistake had been made; an anonymous donor’s sperm, rather than the husband’s sperm, had accidentally been used to inseminate the mother’s egg.
The couple sued Thomson Medical, seeking damages including the child’s upkeep through to the age of 21. The case wound its way through the courts, eventually ending up before the Supreme Court, which issued a final ruling on March 2.
Upkeep and genetic affinity
The court denied the couple’s claim for upkeep costs because it would have a pernicious effect in that the child’s birth would be seen as an overall mistake, or loss to the parents.
The parents are raising the child, and an award would send a perverse and harmful message to the child that she was not valued, that her very existence required monetary compensation.
This reasoning has led many courts to deny “wrongful birth” upkeep claims. Such claims typically come up when someone parents a child after a botched voluntary sterilisation operation.
It was also the basis of Andrews v Keltz, a New York State Supreme Court “wrongful fertilisation” case involving a similar sperm mix-up.
Singapore’s Supreme Court was clearly dissatisfied with that outcome. It felt that the couple had suffered a very serious harm, one not captured by current common law.
So the court created a completely new category of loss – genetic affinity. It held that parents have a strong interest in being genetically related to their children, and that Thomson Medical had violated this interest.
Ironically, the court did set the award for loss of genetic affinity at 30% of upkeep costs to the couple in the end. This was not because upkeep itself was a loss to be compensated; it was because there seemed no other principled way to settle the financial value of genetic affinity.
Awarding a portion of upkeep was at least less arbitrary than an absolute award. At the same time, it may raise the concern that the value of genetic affinity has greater monetary weight for rich parents, who have higher upkeep costs, than poor parents.
The value of genetic affinity
More fundamentally, the case raises the question of whether there’s really a value in genetic affinity. The court relied, in part, on an obscure 1999 law review article by New York University law academic Fred Norton. In it, he argues that “parents have an interest in having children with whom they share symbolically identifying traits”.
But Norton’s argument is problematic because it is skin deep. He focuses on traits like appearance as grounding the interest in genetic affinity. This implies that the harm involved in the case was not about the misplaced sperm as such, but about certain superficial features of the misplaced sperm.
In ACB v Thomson Medical, the couple were of Chinese and German heritage, while the genetic father was of Indian heritage. If the genetic father had – by chance – also been of Chinese or German heritage (or both), would there have been a loss of genetic affinity?
Norton’s argument gives no reason for thinking so. Yet there’s something very disturbing about this. Is the value of a familial relationship reducible to a set of superficial appearances or traits?
A sound moral basis for genetic affinity would hold that parents seek to create a child with half the DNA of each parent. Katy Tresedder/Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND
A more sound moral basis for the value of genetic affinity would go much deeper. It would hold that genetic affinity isn’t just about appearances; it’s about consciously choosing to create a child by a mixing of this mother’s egg with this father’s sperm, producing a child with half the DNA of each parent.
Society and individuals place great value on such biological relationships. Genetic affinity – rather than appearance – grounds a parent’s obligation to pay child support, for instance. And men who suspect their spouses of cheating on them often care deeply about whether their children are really theirs.
The court supports this deeper value at various points in ACB v Thomson Medical, and it is quite compelling when it does so.
It’s careful to note, though, that genetic affinity is not an absolute value. Adoptive parenting relationships should be lauded, not devalued. But adoption’s value derives in part from its consensual nature.
When parents are denied genetic affinity with their child against their will, as in the present case, it is plausible that a great harm has indeed occurred.
Looking forward
It remains to be seen whether other jurisdictions will recognise the value of genetic affinity. But the judgment occurs at an interesting juncture in human history. We are gaining unprecedented ability to tinker with our genetic code, and this raises interesting ethical issues.
Do women with mitochondrial disorders have a right to engage in “three-parent IVF” to ensure genetic affinity with a healthy child, for instance?
If we use CRISPR-cas9 gene-editing technology to alter the genes of embryos, does it constitute a loss of genetic affinity with parents? And is it possible to use such editing to shift genetic affinity, by making a child’s traits more in line with one parent rather than the other?
These questions will only become more pressing as science advances, and the concept of genetic affinity may provide a coherent lens through which to consider them.
The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond the academic appointment above.
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vitalmindandbody · 7 years
Can Environmentalists Learn To Love Or Just Tolerate Nuclear Power?
In June, California utility Pacific Gas and Electric announced plans for phasing out its Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, located on the central California coast. If the current timetable holds, late summer 2025 will see the first time in over six decades that the nations most populous state will have no licensed nuclear power providers.
This is big news. Forty years ago, Diablo Canyon stood at the middle of an intense controversy over the safety and desirability of nuclear power. Those debates stand as part of the origin story of the anti-nuclear movement; failure to stop the plant from coming online educated and galvanized a generation of anti-nuclear activists. From this perspective, Pacific Gas and Electrics decision to replace nuclear output with renewable energy seems to be an environmental victory, a belated vindication of the anti-nuclear efforts of the 1970s.
But in the era of climate change, no decision regarding energy production is simple. Californias move away from nuclear power comes alongside a modest reappraisal of a technology that was once vilified by the vast majority of environmentalists. James Hansen, the scientist whose 1988 testimony before Congress provided climate change with much-needed visibility and political salience, has become one of a number of prominent environmentalists to support nuclear power.
The problems of waste, security and ensuring accident-free operation are as vexing as ever. But context is key, and the real but remote dangers of nuclear power may prove more manageable than the more visible and accelerating consequences of a warming planet.
Diablo today might be sitting on a second juncture in nuclear history in the United States, one where environmentalists will have to embrace or even just accept the very technology that helped teach them to be suspicious of relying too much on technical solutions to the political and social challenge of powering our society.
Atom-powered dreams
For decades before it became an activist target, nuclear power was celebrated as revolutionary science. From the first decade of the 20th century, newspapers and magazines reported the discoveries of Ernest Rutherford, Marie Curie and other nuclear pioneers. The prospect of transmuting matter of turning one element into another had been a dream of medieval alchemists, and journalists and their readers alike were quick to thrill to the new science.
It was frequently heralded as something new in the universe, and a symbol of mankinds burgeoning ability to control nature. Moreover, the mere potential of releasing the energy stored by splitting or fusing atoms quickly gave rise to fantasies of technological utopia, in which innovations such as radium-infused medical treatments and uranium-powered ships would transform the world.
A traveling exhibit for the Atoms for Peace program in 1957 when the possibilities of producing electricity from atomic power seemed endless. U.S. Department of Energy
A generation later, the success of the Manhattan Project made such speculation seem plausible. Postwar media reveled in the prospect of all sorts of atomic miracles: electric cars, cheap power, weather control and cancer cures. In 1953, President Eisenhower gave official sanction to at least some of these dreams with his Atoms for Peace initiative, and his second term had barely begun when a power plant in Shippingport, Pennsylvania began supplying nuclear-produced electricity.
Additional plants quickly came online; more than 150 had been licensed by the end of the 1970s. If nuclear weapons filled midcentury Americans with thoughts of doomsday, nuclear power provided its opposite: the dream of a technology-fueled future that might help extend postwar prosperity indefinitely.
Eisenhower himself had put it this way in 1953, when announcing Atoms for Peace: Experts would be mobilized to apply atomic energy to the needs of agriculture, medicine, and other peaceful activities. A special purpose would be to provide abundant electrical energy in the power-starved areas of the world.
Problems emerge
Dreams depend for their vitality not just on what is said explicitly, but also upon what is left unspoken. In this case, the missing element was environmental awareness. It was not until the widespread hydrogen bomb testing of the 1950s that the true health and environmental costs of nuclear energy began to be uncovered; it would be another decade or more before concerns about power generation began to rival those of weapons development.
Diablo Canyon provides a case in point. Sierra Club officials had partnered with Pacific Gas and Electric to select the site in 1965, in the process helping to spare a different and more highly valued wilderness area. They were not particularly concerned about the nature of the proposed power plant. Their concern was simply with the intelligent management of natural resources, and Diablo raised questions about the proper balance of conservation and industrial development. While there may have been fears of a meltdown or other sort of accident, these were not nearly as pronounced as they would become in the next decade.
The original location of the Diablo Canyon on Californias central coast was negotiated by the Sierra Club as a less environmentally sensitive location than a previously proposed one. Later, it was found to be close to seismic fault lines. dirtsailor2003/flickr, CC BY-ND
This cooperation between industry and environmentalists began to fray in the late 1960s. Activist networks in California targeted the plant, and new organizations formed that valued resistance over accommodation and negotiation. David Brower, the executive director of the Sierra Club, helped lead a well-publicized fight with his own board of directors; he would eventually resign to found the more radical group Friends of the Earth.
The countrys changing political climate played a role in this, as Brower and other activists evinced a Vietnam-era skepticism that saw the interests of industry and the public as inherently at odds. Corporations simply could not be trusted to adhere rigorously to safety standards, to value either human or environmental health at the expense of profitability.
Additionally, an evolving environmental movement was positioned to see nuclear power differently than its conservation-focused predecessors had. Indeed, by the 1970s, environmentalists were not simply seeking to manage the pace of modernization, but to question its premises altogether. Best-selling books such as Silent Spring (1962) and The Population Bomb (1968) had prompted readers to question whether or not unbridled growth was desirable, or even possible. High-profile disasters such as the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill drew attention to the fragility of the natural environment, as well as the disturbing possibility that accidents were inevitable rather than anomalous.
Nuclear power was already becoming suspect because of its association with Cold War institutions, as well as the fearsome potential of radioactive contamination which the historian of science Spencer Weart has identified as perhaps the most distinct element of nuclear fear. By the 1970s, despite the energy shocks of the time, nuclear energy became for environmentalists what fossil fuels are today: a symbol of the mistaken choices of decades past, and a clarion call for rethinking the entire energy landscape.
Much of this was already true before the infamous Three Mile Island accident in 1979. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission would ultimately conclude that the health effects were minimal certainly nothing like environmentalists had feared could happen. But the psychological consequences were considerable, owing both to the days of uncertainty immediately after the accident and to the eerie resemblance between actual events and a recently released movie, The China Syndrome, which depicted a cover-up of safety hazards at a nuclear plant. A few years later, these concerns would be amplified still further through easy association with the anti-nuclear weapons activism of the early 1980s.
Softening stance?
The history of mankind, H.G. Wells wrote in 1914, is the history of the attainment of external sources of power. In the age of environmental awareness, it has also become the chronicle of human attempts to come to terms with the consequences of this attainment. Early anti-nuclear activists at Diablo and elsewhere were quite conscious of this, believing that its productive capacity did not outweigh the risks to nature and human health.
More recently, some environmentalists have warmed up to nuclear power. Stewart Brand, whose Whole Earth Catalog, first launched in 1968, made him an environmental movement icon, is one of the more prominent. Im so pro-nuclear now, he told NPR in 2010, that I would be in favor of it even if climate change and greenhouse gases were not an issue.
Brands enthusiasm makes him something of an outlier, even among those environmentalists whose position has softened. What appears to have changed for them is not their assessment of the risks of nuclear, but an awareness that the environmental crisis is even worse than they imagined in early 1970s, in particular the threat of climate change from the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
What these more moderate proponents have in common both with Brand and their still skeptical environmental brethren is a recognition that questions of energy are not merely technical in nature. They reflect how people wish to organize their societies and their economies. These are the questions that anti-nuclear activists, among others, posed throughout the 1970s.
So it may well be that increased reliance on nuclear power will be part of the toolkit we need to survive climate change. However, that choice will come with risks not just of meltdowns, but also of avoiding the kinds of hard questions that Diablo-era activists tried to ask: Can we power our society without resorting to industrial-scale technology with significant risks? It may not be possible or desirable to live with the trade-offs our appetite for energy demands of us.
David K. Hecht, Associate Professor of History, Bowdoin College
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.
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Can Iatrogenic Disease Really Be the Leading Cause of Death in the US?
Can Iatrogenic Disease Really Be the Leading Cause of Death in the US? by unnecessary antibiotics , thetruthaboutcancer.com May 22, 2017 11:01 PM I normally don’t like to focus on the negative side of health. I would much rather talk about how YOU can experience vibrant health through embracing natural healing, which is what I teach through the 7 Essentials System .™ That being said, there are some things that simply MUST be talked about − like Iatrogenic Disease. Iatrogenic Disease is illness (and death) caused by the medical system itself. It can come in the form of too many pharmaceutical drugs, hospital infections, botched surgeries, and more. Just the fact that we have a name for this kind of thing surprised me when I first heard about it. What was even more shocking was when I learned that the leading cause of death in the United States is not cancer, not heart disease, but medical negligence . Our Broken Healthcare System But don’t take my word for it. A LOT of experts over the last fifteen years or so have put countless hours and effort into researching medical system-caused disease and death. For over 20 years, the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), created by Congress in 1972, conducted studies relating to the health and well-being of American citizens. In 1995, the OTA issued a scathing report on the state of the country’s healthcare system . Here’s what they found: Life expectancy in the US was one of the lowest in developed countries and infant mortality was amongst the highest; Technology in the US was overly expensive and the drug industry was inflating healthcare costs overall; 67% of physicians in the US were not general MDs but specialists; and The FDA did not consider alternatives to drugs for treating disease. The conclusion the OTA made was that “(o)nly 10-20% of all procedures used in medical practice have been shown to be efficacious by controlled trial.” The same year the report came out, the OTA was disbanded by congress . Interesting timing, isn’t it? Iatrogenic Disease: “Death by Medicine” A few years after the OTA report, a study came out that really broke the silence about what was vastly wrong with our healthcare system. It was a comprehensive review of government-approved medicine funded by the Nutrition Institute of America and was researched and written by five health experts: Gary Null PhD, Carolyn Dean MD ND, Martin Feldman MD, Debora Rasio MD, and Dorothy Smith PhD. This ground-breaking study was entitled “Death by Medicine.” What Null et al discovered was that the state of affairs of modern medicine was a lot grimmer than had been previously reported. Not only were patients not being given quality care, but the care given to thousands of them each year was making them sick. Here are some of the highlights from the 2003 “Death by Medicine” report: The number of people who experience adverse drug reactions (ADR) to prescribed medicine while in the hospital is 2.2 million The number of unnecessary surgical and medical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million The number of people hospitalized unnecessarily annually is 8.9 million “Tens of millions” of are being prescribed for viral infections, according to the Centers for Disease Control acting director at that time, Dr. Richard Bessel The number of deaths caused by adverse drug reactions annually is 106,000 The number of deaths caused by bed sores and infection is 203,000 The total number of iatrogenic deaths annually is 783,936 At the time of the report, heart disease deaths were at around 700,000 per year and cancer deaths were approximately 550,000. At close to 800,000 deaths annually, this made the American medical system itself the number one cause of death in the country . The report also noted that up to a mere 20% of adverse iatrogenic events ever get reported, so this number could, in fact, be much higher. Have Things Improved Since the “Death by Medicine” Report? Here we are almost 15 years after the “Death by Medicine” report and unfortunately the medical system does not appear to have improved in that time. According to a 2010 analysis written in the New England Journal of Medicine , 18% of patients were still harmed in some way by the American medical care system. In 2.5 million of these cases, iatrogenic complications led to death and eight percent experienced “life-threatening” complications directly related to medical system mismanagement and/or neglect . In addition, in 2008 the US Department of Health and Human Services issued a report that found that hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries are harmed by the medical system at a rate of one in seven. A 2014 report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that up to 50% of all hospital deaths are linked to sepsis, i.e. complications of severe infection. Drug-related death and illness are no better a decade later either. This is mainly due to the fact that Americans are currently being prescribed pharmaceuticals at a higher rate than ever. According to the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, in 2016 there were a little over 4 billion pharmaceutical drug prescriptions filled at retail pharmacies in the United States— that equates to 13 prescriptions for every single American! 4 Actions You Can Take to Protect Yourself from Modern Medicine Here are four actions you can take NOW to prevent iatrogenic disease from ever happening to you: #1 – Boost Your Immunity! This just makes common sense. If you eat right, manage your stress, detoxify regularly, and get plenty of sleep and exercise, then chances are the times when you do have to interface with a conventional hospital setting or doctor’s office will be minimal. That being said, things happen. If you are injured or in a health emergency, then you will probably go to the emergency room. Unfortunately, emergency medicine (a practice that for years was the “shining star” of the American allopathic medical system), is apparently now on par with the rest of conventional medicine. A report released by the American College of Emergency Physicians rated emergency medicine programs worldwide and gave the United States an overall grade of D+ for 2014. Only 4% of doctors currently practice emergency medicine, and over-prescribing of medications in Americans ERs is a major cause for concern . Your job, if you ever get admitted, may be to get cleaned up and stitched up and be on your way out of there as fast as possible. Having a strong immune system can help you do that! #2 – Ask questions about medication interactions and side effects. A study conducted in the 1990s found that seniors especially often receive multiple drug prescriptions from multiple doctors and pharmacies. According to the study, the average senior receives 25 prescriptions each year. A total of 7.9 million “medical alerts” were detected in 1999; 2.4 million of those alerts were issued for drugs suspected as not being intended for elderly use. If you receive a prescription from a doctor, be sure to ask for the drug’s contraindications and side effects . Tell the doctor the other medications you are taking. Bring an advocate with you for support. Finally, if the doctor is unwilling to discuss these items with you, find another medical professional who will. Remember that drug interaction is a serious issue. Negligence in this area on the part of the medical system leads to thousands of deaths each year. #3 – Take a support person with you to medical appointments. Whenever you must see a conventional doctor or go to the hospital or ER, be sure to take a supporter with you. Even the most clear-headed individual can become confused when faced with a health crisis. This could be a family member, close friend, or other advocate. Ask that person to be your “eyes and ears” and to take notes of all that transpires. #4 – Seek other options outside of conventional medicine. The evidence is mounting. It indicates that your local MD or specialist’s office within the conventional medical model may not be the best place to turn for help with preventing and managing chronic disease. There are so many modalities out there (including help with the right kind of nutrition) that can help you heal naturally. The good news is that there are an increasing number of MDs that are also trained in natural health . They are called functional or integrative MDs. They, and the multitude of other natural health professionals, can guide you in the direction of lasting health. Sadly, iatrogenic disease and death continues to this day. It is up to consumers and patients to be proactive with their health and well-being. We must ask our doctors the pertinent questions and educate ourselves about our particular health issues if this dire situation is ever going to change. I believe that if enough individuals demand vibrant health throughout their entire lives, then change will indeed come! This information is being suppressed from you by the mainstream media and the medical establishment. Be notified each week when cutting-edge articles are added by clicking here . You’ll be glad you did. Article Summary Iatrogenic Disease is illness (and death) caused by the medical system itself. It can come in the form of too many pharmaceutical drugs, hospital infections, botched surgeries, and more. The Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) was created by Congress in 1972 to conduct studies relating to the health and well-being of American citizens. In 1995, the OTA issued a scathing report on the state of the country’s healthcare system. A few years after the OTA report a comprehensive review of government-approved medicine was released entitled “Death by Medicine.” The researchers found not only were patients not being given quality care, but the care given to thousands of them each year was making them sick. At the time of the report, heart disease deaths were at around 700,000 per year and cancer deaths were approximately 550,000. At close to 800,000 deaths annually, this made the American medical system itself the number one cause of death in the country. According to a 2010 analysis written in the New England Journal of Medicine , 18% of patients were harmed in some way by the American medical care system. In 2.5 million of these cases, iatrogenic complications led to death and eight percent experienced “life-threatening” complications directly related to medical system mismanagement and/or neglect. Americans are currently being prescribed pharmaceuticals at a higher rate than ever. In 2016 there were a little over 4 billion pharmaceutical drug prescriptions filled at retail pharmacies in the United States which equates to 13 prescriptions for every single American! Original Page: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/iatrogenic-disease/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=iatrogenic-disease Shared from Pocket
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