The Silver Sliver Galaxy — more formally known as NGC 891 — is shown in this striking image from the Mosaic instrument on the 4-meter Nicholas U. Mayall Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory, a Program of NSF’s NOIRLab. NGC 891 is a spiral galaxy that lies almost perfectly edge-on to us, leading to its elongated appearance and its striking resemblance to our home galaxy, the Milky Way, as seen from the Earth. Since NGC 891 is oriented edge-on, it’s great for investigating the galactic fountain model. When stellar winds and supernovae from the disk of a galaxy eject gas into the surrounding medium, it can create condensation that rains back down onto the disk. 
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allyouknowisalie · 2 years
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NGC891 edge-on unbarred spiral galaxy from Backyard
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fumarinesthings · 3 years
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アンドロメダ座の尖った銀河( `ー´)ノ
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spinningblueball · 6 years
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Edge-On NGC 891
Large spiral galaxy NGC 891 spans about 100 thousand light-years and is seen almost exactly edge-on from our perspective. In fact, about 30 million light-years distant in the constellation Andromeda, NGC 891 looks a lot like our Milky Way. At first glance, it has a flat, thin, galactic disk of stars and a central bulge cut along the middle by regions of dark obscuring dust. But remarkably apparent in NGC 891's edge-on presentation are filaments of dust that extend hundreds of light-years above and below the center line. The dust has likely been blown out of the disk by supernova explosions or intense star formation activity. Fainter galaxies can also be seen near the edge-on disk in this deep portrait of NGC 891. (Editor's Note: The NGC 891 image used in today's APOD posting has been replaced and the credit corrected to indicate the author of the original work.)
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learn-astronomy · 4 years
NGC891 A GALAXY SIMILAR TO OURS Observing the starry sky, people often do not even think about the size of what they see. And they see very little, it can be freely said – they see almost nothing. Many know that all the stars they see belong to our Milky Way. Our galaxy is a very beautiful galaxy, but there is something that will surprise many. It is still unknown what the Milky Way really looks like. There are theor... You can read the rest of the text here: https://lastronomy.com/best-price-telescopes/ngc891-a-galaxy-similar-to-ours/
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xipteras · 3 years
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A galaxy in Andromeda constellation. Image by @xipteras #NGC891
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thomasbrisenio · 4 years
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NGC891 Silver Sliver Edge On Galaxy
Technische Karte
Teleskop oder Objektiv (Aufnahme): Meade LX200 12" f/10
Aufnahmekamera: Atik 383L+ mono
Montierung: iOptron CEM 120
Teleskop oder Objektiv (Nachführung): Meade LX200 12" f/10
Nachführkamera: Lodestar
Brennweitenreduzierung: Starizona SCT Corrector f/7.5
Software: Sequence Generator Pro  ·  PHD guiding  ·  PixInsight  ·  Dithering
Filter: Astronomik L 1.25" Type IIc  ·  Astronomik B 1.25" Type IIc  ·  Astronomik G 1.25" Type IIc  ·  Astronomik R 1.25" Type IIc
Zubehör: Hutech Mitsuboshi OAG5 Guider  ·  Atik EFW2 Filter Wheel  ·  Starizona MicroTouch Autofocuser
Datum:15. November 2020 ,  16. November 2020 ,  18. November 2020
Autor: niteman1996 Auf Astrobin
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hosihiroi · 5 years
アンドロメダ座 NGC891
この間にEdge HD800が加わり、レデューサーを付けて撮影していましたが、11月から2000mm直焦点+オフアキシスガイドに挑戦してみました。
秋でも撮れる系外銀河。アンドロメダ座のエッジオン 銀河。エッジオンというのは、銀河を横から見た状態をいいます(上から見下ろすのはフェイスオン)
アンドロメダ座 NGC891 銀河
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Optics; Celestron Edge HD 800 f2032mm(F10) Camera; Nikon810A+BAADER UHC-S Mount; Vixen SXP Guide; Off-Axis guide QHY5-Ⅲ174 PHD2guiding Exposure; ISO1600 360sec x16frame (total exposure 96minutes) Image Processing; Stellaimage 8, Photoshop CC Dark10fr Flat10fr, no triming Date: 2019/11/4 temperature 8.5℃ humidity 74% @shukuno
オリオン座 馬頭星雲
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Optics; Celestron Edge HD 800 f2032mm(F10) Camera; Nikon810A+BAADER UHC-S Mount; Vixen SXP Guide; Off-Axis guide QHY5-Ⅲ174 PHD2guiding Exposure; ISO1600 600sec x7frame (total exposure 70minutes) Image Processing; Stellaimage 8, Photoshop CC Dark10fr Flat10fr, no triming Date: 2019/11/4 temperature 8.5℃ humidity 74% @shukuno
逆に、直焦点だとEdge HD800+レデューサーの周辺減光に悩まされることがなく、ガイド自体もガイド鏡使用時の天頂あたりの架台のガタツキによるガイドエラーも減るように思います。
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oilofdog · 7 years
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#KrautrockClassic Tonight on #OILOFDOG with #GaryStorm on #LKCB streaming at www.lkcb.ca at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. #EdgarFroese #NGC891 #Aqua #ElectronicMusic #Pioneer #Progressive #ProgressiveClassic #Krautrock #ProgressiveRock #Music #Records #Radio #Vinyl #cat #kitty
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spacettf · 6 years
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NGC891 by cfaobam on Flickr.
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NGC891 by cfaobam on Flickr.
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astronomydavid · 2 years
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“The Outer Limits” Galaxy NGC891
On the night of September 20, 2022, from Snoqualmie Pass, WA, I imaged NGC891 through my 120 mm refractor at f/6 and -20C with my QSI 690 camera.  I collected 20 luminance frames (1x1 binning), 7 R (2x2), 6 G (2x2), 6 B (2x2), and 16 flat field frames (1x1) for the luminance channel, for a total of 3 hours and 15 minutes of subframes.  NGC891 is 27.3 million light years distant, and is approximately the same size, structure, and chemical composition as our Milky Way galaxy.  It is 13.5 x 2.5 arc minutes in size.  For those of you who remember, this galaxy appeared in the closing credits of the 1960’s television show ‘The Outer Limits’ and hence its nickname. In addition to the ‘large’ galaxy, several additional galaxies pepper the background of the image.
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puffinsplaces · 2 years
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fishstickmonkey · 6 years
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Spiral galaxy NGC891
credit line: C.Howk (JHU), B.Savage (U. Wisconsin), N.A.Sharp (NOAO)/WIYN/NOAO/NSF
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messier-caldwell marathon adding the available caldwell showpieces- many within a stone's throw of the messiers- is a rewarding way to keep the dso hunt momentum going while waiting for the sky to turn. here's a template for 40°n, but can easily vary as to when one wishes to jump on and off the messier track, and for latitude dependent target additions/omissions. this route adds 62 caldwells to the 110 messiers. some march caldwells not reaching at least 10° altitude are not included. M74, M77, M33 C28 (ngc752) C23 (ngc891) M31, M32, M110 C18 (ngc185) C17 (ngc147) M52 C11 (ngc7635) C13 (ngc457) M103 C8 (ngc559) C10 (ngc663) C5 (ic342) C14 (ngc869/884) M76, M34 C24 (ngc1275) M45 M79, M42, M43, M78, M50, M41 C64 (ngc2362) M93 C58 (ngc2360) M46, M47 C54 (ngc2506) M48 C50 (ngc2244) C49 (ngc2237-9) C46 (ngc2261) C41 (mel25) C39 (ngc2392) M35, M1, M37, M36, M38 C31 (ic405) C25 (ngc2419) M44, M67 C48 (ngc2775) M95, M96, M105, M65, M66 C40 (ngc3626) C53 (ngc3115) C59 (ngc3242) M81, M82 C7 (ngc2403) C3 (ngc4236) M97, M108, M109, M40, M106 C21 (ngc4449) C26 (ngc4244) C32 (ngc4631) C29 (ngc5005) M94, M63, M51, M101, M102 M98, M99, M100, M85, M84, M86 M87, M88, M91, M90, M89 M58, M59, M60, M49, M61 C38 (ngc4565) C36 (ngc4559) C35 (ngc4889) M64, M53, M3 C45 (ngc5248) C52 (ngc4697) M104 C60 (ngc4038) C61 (ngc4039) M68, M83 C66 (ngc5694) M5, M13, M92 C6 (ngc6543) C1 (ngc188) M57, M56 C15 (ngc6826) M39 C20 (ngc7000) M29 C27 (ngc6888) C33 (ngc6992/5) C34 (ngc6960) C37 (ngc6885) M27, M71 M12, M10, M14, M107, M9, M4 M80, M62, M19 M11, M26, M16, M17, M18, M24 M25, M23, M21, M20, M8, M28 M22 C75 (ngc6124) C76 (ngc6231) C69 (ngc6302) M6, M7, M69, M70, M54, M55, M75 C57 (ngc6822) C47 (ngc6934) C42 (ngc7006) M15, M2, M72, M73 C55 (ngc7009) C30 (ngc7331)* C19 (ic5146) C16 (ngc7243) C22 (ngc7662) C12 (ngc6946) C4 (ngc7023) C9 (sh2-155) C2 (ngc40) M30 *this pre-m30 target sequence is ordered to allow cepheus maximum altitude while moving away from the approaching morning twilight dome. ***** [c38/the needle galaxy courtesy of sdss] seds messier marathon homepage saber does the stars c14 is awesome! (sdts vol. 2: the index catalogue)
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apod · 8 years
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2017 January 12
Edge-On NGC 891 Image Credit & Copyright: Alessandro Falesiedi
Explanation: Large spiral galaxy NGC 891 spans about 100 thousand light-years and is seen almost exactly edge-on from our perspective. In fact, about 30 million light-years distant in the constellation Andromeda, NGC 891 looks a lot like our Milky Way. At first glance, it has a flat, thin, galactic disk of stars and a central bulge cut along the middle by regions of dark obscuring dust. But remarkably apparent in NGC 891's edge-on presentation are filaments of dust that extend hundreds of light-years above and below the center line. The dust has likely been blown out of the disk by supernova explosions or intense star formation activity. Fainter galaxies can also be seen near the edge-on disk in this deep portrait of NGC 891.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap170112.html
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