stobin childhood friends au: Robin 100% goes through that little sibling phase where she wants to do absolutely everything that Steve does, but because Steve is so lonely at home he THRIVES on it instead of pulling the exasperated older sibling act.
Steve is playing soccer with some boys at recess and Robin wants to play? Hell yeah, Robs, you better get in on this.
Robin cries and screams until her parents sign her up for the same little league Steve is in? that's great, now they can have sleepovers after practice!
That one summer Robin absolutely insisted they wear matching outfits every day? Great idea, Robin, now if one of us gets lost, we can tell people to look for another kid in the same color. Foolproof plan!
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One of the booths here is blasting Music For The Masses on a boom box lmfaoooo I truly can't escape ever
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morticry · 1 year
I can't blame major television productions for repeatedly choosing never let me down again as their featured depeche mode song, it moves me too, incredibly, but it feels so... shallow in terms of exploring depeche mode's discography as we see it repeatedly in popular shows. I might be imagining TV producers as too-homogeneous of a vague entity, but idk. the streaming giants surely interact, or at least are aware of each other enough. the broader public could be being better [re]introduced to the breadth of depeche mode's range. yaknow?
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sibelin · 1 year
let's be hatekeepers together. forever. always! *takes your hand in mine*
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hatekeeping best friends forever !!!!
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synthwife · 1 day
the tsangarides mix of never let me down again by depeche mode got changed on Spotify, just *ever* so slightly... its not good 😭 slight key change, less vocal effects, less instruments in the back, it just sounds so empty now ☹️
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mftm1987 · 2 days
a remix could pulverize nlmda to shreds, i mean just really annihilate it of all flavor. and i would still eat it up like government sponsored sloop at the public trough
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zoopop80 · 2 months
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lepetitdragonvert · 6 months
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Source : @nlmda
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aliceinaliceindave · 6 months
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"We're flying high, we're watching the world pass us by" NLMDA LA 17.12.2023 😊
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adlamu · 10 months
fletch being depechay mode's number one fan, as often as it's stated, is not respected anywhere near enough imo. like, he wasn't just 'happy to be a member of the band'... he actually liked the music, he knew every lyric, he had favourite songs on each album, and he enjoyed being part of every little insignificant process that related to and represented dm. my mans would have had (very loud + proud) opinions on memento mori, he would have loved the response to it (+ the tour), he would have relished, basked, even, in the glory of NLMDA becoming a popular song online for that short period of time, and would've absolutely laughed his arse off at the use of jcge in cocaine bear. that man is, was, and always will be dm's number one fan and no one can ever take that title from him.
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theysherobinbuckley · 6 months
I wanna write more that I'm graduating soon and I would really love to actually write/finish this childhood friends au in 2024 so! help me decide how to share it :)
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agentorange87 · 1 month
Okay, not very original of me, but: Top 5 favourite Depeche live performances, go!
(Individual songs, e. g. "Never Let Me Down Again" from the 101, or entire concerts - whichever is more fun to answer!)
Hello and first of all, sorry for answering so late 🥺 What a great question because there are so many amazing live performances, it's gonna be hard to narrow it down to 5 but I'll try my best 🤭
Never Let Me Down Again from 101 [x] - any NLMDA performance is iconic, don't get me wrong but this one is a personal favourite! The moment that made history.
Higher Love from Devotional [x] - my very first introduction to this song was through Devotional, I remember buying the DVD and getting home to watch it and it started with this one. What an impression it left on me, I still think of it as the best concert opener. Magical!
Behind the Wheel from 101 [x] - that was the moment when I said I wanted to see them live and I love that moment at 1:49, he was nervous, understandably so but the confidence he exuded at that moment was so great to me, like, I got this!
Should Be Higher from Live in Berlin [x] - maybe unexpected choice but I adore this performance, it's my favourite track from Delta Machine and live it sounds amazing! And I never thought Dave could get to those high notes just... And of course the rain shots are just out of this world, thank you, Anton!
Behind the Wheel & Route 66 from World Violation Tour [x] - the moment when all stars aligned with the perfect album and the perfect tour. Yes, there are some imperfections but everything is just too good. I've replayed that Alan Wilder solo so many times! Especially when it goes into Route 66! Too bad we didn't get an official DVD from this.
Thank you for sending me this ask!
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music-for-them-asses · 6 months
I'm going to recount my night last night! Under a read more because it's a tad long :)
I've been to the venue several times, and it's a nice space. I shelled out $15 for a cocktail (which was good, but Jesus, this is why I don't drink often!!) The first band was two guys-- one on drums and one playing guitar and singing. They were good, just played a few songs. The next band was a Cyndi Lauper tribute band. The lead singer was fantastic!! She had a great voice and could hit all of those high notes! She also looked just like Cyndi, it was fun! They're called We Bop, and you should look them up if you like Cyndi Lauper :)
The next band was a Texan INXS tribute band called INTXS. I recognized a lot of songs from my time in retail hell lolol. The band itself was really good! Only knew a few songs, but the whole set was great. I also learned INXS is from Australia lmfao.
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Next was what I was there for--STRANGELOVE!! They were incredible!! Not only were they just really talented, but they had so much fun on stage! Dave was INSANE, I wish I had caught a video of him spinning because OMG!
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They played: A Question of Time, World In My Eyes, New Life, Master and Servant, People Are People, Get the Balance Right, Just Can't Get Enough, Stripped, A Question of Lust, Strangelove, It's No Good, Behind The Wheel, NLMDA, Enjoy the Silence, Personal Jesus, and their encore was BUT NOT TONIGHT!!! I love that they played their old stuff. The synth is so fun to dance to live!!
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Yes, Dave was a slut. I approve lmfao
I wish they were closer together. It was hard to get a photo of Alan! But he's on the very right:
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My feet hurt by the end, but my back surprisingly didn't! Thank you, Doctors Scholl and Marten! I only talked sparingly to other folks. But I still had a great time! Got a t-shirt and took a photo with the bands afterward!
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I really did kiss Dave, hehehe. I posed like this and he leaned over and I smooched him. Totally out of character for me, but I was ENTRANCED. Maybe I need to meet a Dave impersonator irl LOL.
Anyway!! Tribute bands are a lot of fun. I highly recommend supporting local acts in your area! You're supporting local and traveling musicians while enjoying good music. It's a win win!
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ukulelette · 1 year
saw the Depeche boys yesterday -
I was first row of Front Of Stage 2 because FOS 1 was too expensive 😅
No surprise on the setlist - but it still very much slaps though! My favorites live were I Feel You, Walking in My Shoes, Soul With Me, Wrong, John the Revelator, Everything Counts (I was never a big fan of that song but I absolutely love it live!!!), and the big 3 (ETS, NLMDA, Personal Jesus - jumped a lot on this one!)
Dave did his signature finger move on World in my Eyes - caught that on video and died a little 😵‍💫 I'd almost forgotten how incredible his stage presence is. I'm still feeling a bit rabid about him right now...
Marty was smiling a lot!!! He looked sincerely touched when everyone applauded after his songs. He's got a true angelic voice - as Dave said 💞
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thedevotionaltour · 5 months
not a new thought at all but nlmda really is so insanely matt and foggy. actually sick
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elektroblues · 2 years
ive talked abt this before but the emotional damage dealt by alan still being able to see the crowd do the nlmda wave like hes so proud of that song and he still gets to see the reaction it draws out of people even in a smaller scale . it makes me want to bite my arm off
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