solardistress · 11 months
YOU KNOW YOUR LITTLE SIBLING IS GROWING UP WHEN OUT IF NO WHERE YOU HEAR “im reading the goofiest thing ever” and a few minutes later they say “wattpad” LIKE. THE WAY I TURNED MY HEAD . IMMEDIATELY . AND GO . WWHAT. ???
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The fair
Team flash walked around, waiting for something to happen. 
Barry, who was already in his suit, waited for anything, just anything to come up because he was starting to sweat in all that leather. 
“Guys? think maybe it’s nothing bad happening today?” Iris asked. Barry nodded and gave it some thought. 
“Hell no, have you been in central city? everyday there is some sort of damn threat!” Cisco threw his hands up in the air and walked towards the computer.  “We just have to wait”
Wally and Iris both shared a familiar glance. “You know...maybe it’s no bad guys today! maybe the police can handle it” Wally smiled. 
“I agree with wally, Maybe we should just have a day off, we cant save the world“ Barry stated wrapping his hand around his now  wife’s waist. 
Iris smiled. “yeah”
Cisco stood up in utter shock. “Oh please, did Barry Allen just say we cant save the world? damn, wooow ,Okay, so if there is nothin to do, what do we do?”
“Yeah, what do we do?” Julian said. Suddenly the others looked. 
“I thought you were at work...” Barry told Julian. 
“Um...I was wondering the same thing about you but.. otherwise I am off today Allen”
Iris smiled. “Maybe we could go out! to a fair, or amusement park” She looked at Caitlin who also started to smile. 
“That would be really fun iris, I’d love to do that!”
The two girls looked at the others for approval. “Well..i suppose” Cisco said. 
-- 1 hour later ---
“WE HAVE TO GET ON IT!” Iris and Caitlin shouted. 
“HELL NAW I aint getting on that 300 foot drop!”
“Hey if anything goes wrong I could save you, or go back in time” Barry said. Iris and Caitlin gave barry a warningly look before they began to differ. 
“Although that is true I doubt the speed force has any more patience with you Barry” Caitlin walked to cisco and smiled. “Its gonna be fine”
Cisco took a deep breath and looked at iris. “Man, you gotta help bro”
“Fine, me and cisco will go to the haunted house while you guys  do the 300 foot-”
“Hell. No”
Barry moved to iris. “You are not going anywhere without me, you are my wife iris , we stick together !you never what type of crazies are out there iris” Barry suddenly placed a wrist band trapping his and iris hands together. 
“I love you too” Cisco, who was trying to hold his laugh moved away slightly. 
“HAUNTED HOUSE YALL” The others sighed as Julian, Wells, and Joe went along. 
As they slowly entered the haunted house Iris grew prefunded of the fact she was stuck to Barry, getting slightly nervous herself. 
“Um, guys” Caitlin pointed towards the drop, and the ‘bridge’ that barely had anything to step on. 
“This is lit” wally stated. 
Iris swallowed hard. “Um, barry, Caitlin something we can do or?”
“We got this” Cisco moved his hand up to make a portal when wells slapped him in the wrist. 
“I..Barr are you sure we can get across safely?” Joe asked. Julain nodded in agreement. 
“Come on guys! we are team ...you know, we can figure this out” Iris said. Beofre the others could agree a hugs clown came behind them with an aux. 
“OHHH HOLY SHIT” Barry and Iris held on to each other and literally ran so fast they were already on the other side.  breaking the wrist band. 
“FUCK” Caitlin used her ice powers and made a bridge while the others ran across. 
“what the hell is that?” Julian asked. Luckily the clown was fake, that way no one could know who they were. 
Meanwhile Barry and iris were in some dark corner clinging to each other for dear life. 
“What the hell was that mate?” Julian asked. 
“Barr, what the hell you went so fast net thing I knew yall were gone” Joe rubbed his forehead with his napkin. 
“ I-I am sorry, I just don't like...we don't like clowns” 
Barry and Iris , who still looked terrified finally sat up. “were okay”
“The hell? you left us out there to die” Wells stated. 
“I am sorry, I just got freaked out” Caitlin bowed her head down and looked towards the ice bridge she made. 
“Lets keep moving”
Soon enough they reached this part of the ‘haunted’ house that looked very confusing. Mirrors, haunted house with a house of mirrors...
“Oh shit” Cisco said. the lights were decreasing, and the amount of visibility decreased along with it. 
“ barry?! Barry I cant see!!” Iris panicked worrying she would get lost. ‘Okay, stay calm, its team flash right’ she thought. 
“Barry? where are you?”
“Iris? IRIS?”
Next thing iris knew she had bumped into something. “Oh barry I thought I-”
The thing she looked at was yet another clown with red glowing eyes. this time, IRIS FREAKED. 
“IRIS?” Barry quickly ran only to run into clear  walls. “Iris, are you okay?”
The others just said yellow lighting all over and started to get worried. 
“BARRY CALM DOWN” the others tried to move fast enough to find each other, then suddenly the lights came back on. 
“Iris?!” barry called. he looked around and did not see her. 
Iris sat down against one of the glass walls, and breathed. “Its not real” she told herself. She was not going to look back up, in the fear of seeing another damn clown. 
Iris?” barry sped over to iris and comforted her. “what happened”
“IT WAS A FUCKING CLOWN BARRY” she said. she laughed slightly at herself. 
“Gosh, I made myself look so stupid” she commented. 
“Iris, you are one of the strongest people I know, and trust me, being slightly scared of a freaky creepy ass clown is nothing” Barry pecked her on the lips while the other eventually caught up. 
“Ready?” Julian asked. 
The other finally made it of the last part, a  two deep dark slides.
“Um....” Joe said. Wells, and him shared a glance. 
“I love slides” Iris said Happily. 
Barry smiled and moved towards her with another kiss. 
“Alright, should not be bad right? who is going first?”
Everyone looked around. 
“I will” Iris and Caitlin both said. they two smiled and each went down the slides. 
The boys did not hear any screaming and figured it was fine. 
“Okay, lets go next”
Meanwhile iris and Caitlin were taking selfies and talking about how awesome and cool the-
“AHHHHHH” Barry and Wally screamed. 
They heard the others scream as well and laughed. Eventually them all coming out. 
“that was ...fun” Wells commented. 
a little later they saw two 10 year olds coming out saying ‘That was not scary at all’.
“So team, flash.. ready for another house to go in?” Caitlin asked. 
“lets go inside the house of mirrors.” Iris replied. 
The others liked this a bit better, if barry would just stop running into the damn thing. 
“So, that was really fun” Iris commented. Barry smiled as they all waved their goodbyes and went home from star labs. 
“Yea, that was fun, but I know something that is wayyy more fun” Barry moved slowly on top of iris.
“Really, like what?” she asked grinning. 
“Oh trust me, this will defiantly surprise you” He smirked and moved towards his wife, Concluding the best day ever, next to their honeymoon of course. 
Thanks for reading!! 
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